विक्षनरी:हिन्दू शिशु नाम (पुलिंग)
(हिन्दू शिशु नाम (पुलिंग) से अनुप्रेषित)
इस लेख में विक्षनरी के गुणवत्ता मानकों पर खरा उतरने हेतु अन्य लेखों की कड़ियों की आवश्यकता है। आप इस लेख में प्रासंगिक एवं उपयुक्त कड़ियाँ जोड़कर इसे बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं। (अप्रैल २०१४) |
यह लेख एकाकी है, क्योंकि इससे बहुत कम अथवा शून्य लेख जुड़ते हैं। कृपया सम्बन्धित लेखों में इस लेख की कड़ियाँ जोड़ें। (अप्रैल २०१४) |
आचार्य | Ācarya | teacher |
आदर्श | Ādarš | ideal one |
आदेश | Ādeš | command |
आदित | Ādit | from the beginning |
आदि | Ādi | first |
आह्लाद | Āhlād | delight |
आकाश | Ākaš | sky |
आलाप | Ālāp | musical prelude |
आलाप | Ālap | musical prelude |
आमोद | Āmod | pleasure |
अभय | Abʰay | fearless; a son of Dharma |
अभीक | Abʰīk | fearless |
अभिभव | Abʰibʰava | experience |
अभिभव | Abʰibʰav | experience |
अभिहित | Abʰihita | expressed |
अभिहित | Abʰihit | expressed |
अभिजात | Abʰijāt | wise, noble |
अभिजय | Abʰijay | conquest |
अभिजित | Abʰijit | victorious |
अभीक | Abʰik | fearless |
अभिलाष | Abʰilaš | desire |
अभिमानी | Abʰimani | proud; name for Agni - son of Brahma |
अभिमन्यु | Abʰimanyu | son of Arjun |
अभिनन्दन | Abʰinandan | felicitation, congratulations |
अभिनव | Abʰinava | fresh, new |
अभिषेक | Abʰišek | anointing bath for a diety |
अभिशोक | Abʰišoka | warm, loving, intense grief |
अभ्र | Abʰra | cloud, atmosphere, talc, camphor |
अभ्युदय | Abʰyudaya | rise, beginning, accomplishment |
अभ्युदित | Abʰyudita | risen, elevated, celebrated |
अचल | Acal | unchanging, constant |
अचिन्त्य | Acintya | inconceivable, beyond comprehension; a name for Lord Shiva |
अच्युत | Acyuta | Lord Krishna; indestructible |
अच्युत | Acyut | Lord Krishna; indestructible |
आदर्श | Adarš | ideal one |
आदेश | Ādeš | command |
अधिकार | Adʰikar | right, prerogative; superintendence |
अधिक | Adʰik | more, greater |
आधुनिक | Adʰunik | modern |
आदिल | Adil | just, sincere |
आदिनाथ | Adinatʰ | the first lord - Lord Vishnu |
आदितेय | Āditeya | the sun |
आदित्य | Āditya | the sun |
आदित | Ādit | from the beginning |
आदि | Ādi | first |
अद्वैत | Advɛta | incomparable, non-duality |
अद्वैत | Advɛtʰa | incomparable, non-duality |
अद्वय | Advaya | singular, united, indivisible |
अद्वितीय | Adwiditīya | incomparable |
अग्रिम | Agrim | first, elder, prior, further |
अग्रीय | Agriya | elder brother, foremost |
आह्लाद | Āhlād | delight |
आह्लाद | Āhlad | delight |
अजातशत्रु | Ajatašatru | without enemies; a name of Vishnu |
अजय | Ajay | invincible, unconquerable |
अजित | Ajīt | invincible, unconquerable |
आकाश | Ākāš | sky |
आकांक्ष | Akankš | desire |
आकाश | Ākāsh | sky |
अखिलेश | Akʰileš | lord of All |
अखिल | Akʰil | with no gaps, complete, cultivated |
अक्षर | Akšar | unerodable, imperishable; infallible; letter |
अक्षय | Akšaya | eternal, indestructible, unlimited |
आलाप | Ālāp | musical prelude |
आलोक | Ālok | light, lamp; sight |
अमल | Amal | bright, clean, pure, unblemished |
अमर | Amar | immortal, forever |
अम्बर | Ambar | sky |
अम्बुज | Ambuj | water-born, lotus |
अमिताभ | Amitabʰa | of unmeasurable splendour |
अमित | Amit | infinite, endless |
आमोद | Amod | pleasure |
अमोल | Amol | priceless |
अमृत | Amrit | nectar, ambrosia, potion for immortality |
अमूल्य | Amulya | priceless |
अनघ | Anagha | O Sinless One! |
आनंद,आनन्द | Ānaṅd | bliss |
अनन्त | Ananta | unending, infinite, everything; a name of Vishnu |
अनर्घ | Anargʰa | priceless |
अनर्घ्य | Anargʰya | priceless |
अंगद | Angada | ornament, bracelet; brother of Bali and Sugrib |
अनिल | Anil | wind, air |
अनिमेष | Animeš | unblinking (?) |
अनिरूद्ध | Aniruddʰa | unobstructed, unconfined, free |
अनिर्वाण | Anirvan | earthly, undying |
अनीश | Aniš | supreme being (?); Lord Vishnu |
अन्कित | Ankita | drawn, a work of art |
अन्कुर | Ankur | seedling |
अंकुश | Aṅkuš | metal pointed stick to control elephants |
अनमोल | Anmol | priceless |
अनूप | Anūp | incomparable, the best |
अंशुल | Aṅšul | radiant, luminous |
अंशुमाली | Aṅšumālī | the sun |
अंशुमान | Aṅšumān | radiant, the sun |
अंशुमत | Aṅšumāt | radiant, luminous |
अनुज | Anuj | younger brother |
अनुपम | Anupam | peerless, unequalled, unparalled |
अनुप | Anup | peerless, unequalled, unparalled |
अनुराग | Anurāg | devotion, love |
अनुत्तम | Anuttam | unsurpassable |
अन्वित | Anvit | mixed, accompanied |
अपराजित | Aparājita | undefeated; a name of a flower |
अपराजितो | Aparajito | undefeated; a name of a flower |
अपूर्व | Apūrva | never before, unique; beautiful |
अपूर्व | Apurva | never before, unique; beautiful |
अर्घ | Argʰa | value |
अर्जुन | Arjuna | one of the Pandavas |
अर्जुन | Arjun | one of the Pandavas |
अर्क | Arka | essence; the Sun |
अरुण | Arun | dawn, charioteer of the Sun, Kashyap-muni's son; the planet Uranus |
अरविन्द | Arvind | lotus |
आर्य | Ārya | wise man, honoured, of noble lineage |
असीम | Asīm | limitless |
आशीष | Āśīṣa | blessing |
अशोक | Ašoka | without grief; a tree; Mauryan emperor |
अशोक | Ašok | without grief; a tree; Mauryan emperor |
आशुतोष | Āšutoš | Lord Shiva |
अस्विनी | Ašvinī | horse rider; the Ashwini Kumars (Nasatya and Dasra) are physicians to the gods |
अश्वत्थामा | Aśvat'thāmā | son of Drona |
अश्विनी | Aśvinī | horse rider; the Ashwini Kumars (Nasatya and Dasra) are physicians to the gods |
अश्विन,अस्विन | Ašwin | a yoga mudra; a month in the Hindu calendar |
--- | Asija | a great sage, brother of Brihaspati |
असिता | Asita | a planet |
--- | Asit | a planet |
अशोक | Asoka | without grief; a tree; Mauryan emperor |
अशोक | Asok | without grief; a tree; Mauryan emperor |
--- | Asuman | lord of vital breaths (?) |
आशुतोष | Asutoš | Lord Shiva |
अश्विन,अस्विन | Asvin | a yoga mudra; a month in the Hindu calendar |
अटल | Atal | immovable |
--- | Atanu | Cupid |
आत्मज्योति | Ātmajyōti | light of the soul |
आत्मानंद | Ātmānanda | happiness of the soul |
आत्मन् | Atman | soul, self |
आत्मा | Ātmā | soul, self |
अतुल्य | Atulya | incomparable |
अतुल | Atul | incomparable |
अवतार | Avatar | incarnation |
अविनाश | Avinash | indestructible one |
बादल | Bādal | cloud |
बद्रीनाथ | Badrīnātha | Lord Vishnu |
बद्री | Badrī | Lord Vishnu |
बजरंग | Bajrang | Lord Hanuman |
बलराम | Balarāma | Lord Krishna's brother |
बलवान | Balavān | strong, powerful |
--- | Balik | adult (?) |
--- | Balram | Lord Krishna's brother |
--- | Balvir | strong, powerful |
--- | Balwant | strong, powerful |
बलवान | Balwān | strong, powerful |
बंधु | Bandhu | friend |
भानु | Bʰanu | the sun |
भरत | Bʰarat | brother of Rama (bharat); son of Shakuntala (bhaarat) |
भास्कर | Bʰaskar | the sun |
भौमिक | Bʰɔmik | earth-bound |
भीम | Bʰīma | one of the Pandavas, strong, gigantic, tremendous |
भीष्म | Bhīṣma | one who has taken a terrible vow |
भूषण | Bhūṣaṇa | decoration, ornament |
भूषित | Bʰūšit | decorated |
भृगु | Bʰrigu | a Prajapati |
भूदेव | Bʰudev | lord of the earth |
भूपेन्द्र | Bʰupendra | king of kings |
भूपेन | Bʰupen | king |
भुवन | Bʰuvan | earth |
ब्रज | Braja | Place Lord Krishna belongs to |
बुद्ध | Buddʰa | wise one |
चक्षु | Cakṣu | eye |
चंचल | Can̄cala | restless, energetic |
चंदन | Candana | sandalwood |
चन्द्र | Candra | moon |
चपल | Capala | agile, fickle, active |
चरण | Caran | foot |
चिन्मय | Cinmaya | full of consciousness, blissful |
चिरंजीव | Ciran̄jīva | immortal |
चिरायु | Cirāyu | immortal |
चित्रकार | Citrakāra | artist, painter |
चित्त | Citta | mind |
दहन | Dahana | a Rudra (?) |
दमन | Daman | control |
दामोदर | Damodar | Lord Krishna |
--- | Dattatreya | a son of Atri, a god |
--- | Dīpak | lamp |
--- | Devarsi | sage of the Devas |
देवेश | Deveš | Lord of all Lords |
धनंजय | Dʰanaṅjay | Arjuna; the winner of all wealth |
धर्म | Dʰarma | religion; way of good living; duty |
धर्मेन्द्र | Dʰarmendra | king of religion |
--- | Dʰaruna | a rishi |
ध्रुव | Dʰruva | fact, certainty |
--- | Dilip | a king, ancestor of Rama |
दिनेश | Dineš | the sun; lord of the day |
दिनकर | Dinkar | the sun |
दिवाकर | Divākar | the sun |
--- | Divyeš | --- |
--- | Duranjaya | a heroic son |
--- | Durjaya | difficult to conquer |
दुर्लभ | Durlabʰa | impossible to get |
द्विजोत्तम | Dvijottam | best of the brahmanas |
द्विजोत्तम | Dwijottam | best of the brahmanas |
--- | Ekacakra | son of Kashyapa |
एकलव्य | Ekalavya | ideal pupil in Mahabharatha, renowned for devotion to his teacher |
एकल | Ekal | incomparable |
एकलव्य | Eklavya | ideal pupil in Mahabharatha, renowned for devotion to his teacher |
--- | Eknatʰ | poet, saint |
--- | Gagan | sky; heaven |
--- | Gajendra | elephant king |
गौरव | Gɔrav | glory; respect |
गौतम | Gɔtam | the Buddha |
--- | Gīt | song, music |
घनश्याम | Gʰanašyām | Lord Krishna |
गिरिधर | Giridʰar | Lord Krishna |
गिरीश | Girīš | giri + iš = lord of the mountains; Shiva; Kailash |
गोपाल | Gopāl | Lord Krishna; cowherd |
गुल | Gul | flower |
--- | Hariš | Vishnu; lord of the Gods |
हर्ष,हर्श | Harš | joy |
हेमन्त,हेमंत | Hemaṅt | winter |
हितेन्द्र | Hitendra | hit + indra = king of benefactors |
हितेश | Hiteš | hit + iš = god of benefactors |
--- | Iravan | son of Arjuna/Uloopi; (interestingly, an alternative spelling for Yerevan, Armenia) |
जयदेव | Jaidev | --- |
--- | Jatin | --- |
जयन्त | Jayant | victorious; Indra's son |
जयंत, जयन्त | Jayaṅt | son of Lord Indra, brother of Jayanti |
जीवन | Jīvan | life, existence |
जितेन्द्र | Jitendra | ascetic; conqueror of the senses |
जीवन | Jivan | life, existence |
ज्योत | Jyot | light |
--- | Kalidas | the poet, musician |
कामदेव | Kamadev | god of love |
कालकृत | Kālkrit | one who created time, manifestation of death |
कमल | Kamal | lotus flower |
कनक | Kanak | gold, wheat |
कनक | Kanak | gold |
कन्हैया | Kanhɛyā | Lord Krishna |
कान्हा | Kānhā | Lord Krishna |
--- | Kapil | name of a rishi |
कार्तिकेय | Kārtikeya | son of Shiva and Parvati, Subramanyam, Skanda |
कार्तिक | Kārtik | son of Shiva and Parvati, Subramanyam, Skanda |
कवि | Kavi | poet |
कैलाश | Kɛlaš | Shiva's residence — a mountain in the Himalayas |
केशव | Kešav | Lord Krishna |
--- | Ketan | --- |
कीर्ति | Kīrti | fame |
किशोर | Kišor | young boy (12–16 years old) |
कृपा | Kṝpā | compassion |
कृष्ण | Kṝšna | Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu; Yadu-vanshi Vasudeva's son |
कुलवीर | Kulvīr | kul + vir = family + valor |
--- | Kunal | lotus |
--- | Kusagra | a king |
कुश | Kuš | a grass; Lav-Kush are sons of Rama |
लक्ष्मण | Lakšmaṇ | Rama's brother |
ललित | Lalit | graceful, beautiful |
लोकेश | Lokeš | lok + iš = lord of the world |
मदन | Madan | god of love, Cupid |
माधव | Mādʰav | Lord Krishna |
मधुसूदन | Madʰusūdʰana | Lord Krishna |
--- | Mahabala | strength |
महादेव | Mahādeva | Lord Shiva |
महादेव | Mahādev | Lord Shiva |
महावीर | Mahāvīra | very brave; son of Priyavrata |
महेश | Maheš | Lord Shiva |
--- | Maitreya | disciple of sage Parasara |
--- | Manavendra | --- |
--- | Mandʰatri | prince |
माणिक,मानिक | Māṇik | ruby |
मनीष | Manīš | wish |
मनोहर | Manohar | stealer of hearts — beautiful, handsome; Lord Krishna |
मनोज | Manoj | God of love, Kamadev |
मनु | Manu | Progenitor of the human race, Lord Brahma's grandchild |
--- | Markandeya | a sage |
मारूति | Māruti | Lord Hanuman, son of the wind Marut |
--- | Matanga | sage, advisor to Devi Lalita |
--- | Mehul | A derivative of Mukul |
मिहिर | Mihir | the sun |
--- | Milind | --- |
मोहन | Mohan | Lord Krishna, charming |
मोहित | Mohit | infatuated |
मुकुल | Mukul | bud |
मुकुन्द | Mukunda | Lord Krishna |
मुकुर | Mukur | bud |
--- | Nabendu | --- |
--- | Naciketa | --- |
--- | Nacik | A short form of Naciketa |
--- | Nakul | a Pandava |
--- | Namdev | poet, saint |
नन्दन | Nandan | child, son |
नन्द | Nanda | foster-father of Lord Krishna, husband of Yashoda |
--- | Nandin | the delightful, follower of Shiva |
--- | Narayana | Vishnu |
--- | Nareš | --- |
--- | Narsi | poet, saint |
--- | Nartana | makes others dance |
--- | Navīn | new |
--- | Navin | new |
--- | Nīlkamal | the blue-eyed one --- Lord Rama |
--- | Nīl | blue |
--- | Nīraj | --- |
--- | Nihar | mist, fog, dew |
--- | Nikʰil | --- |
--- | Nimai | Chaitanya |
--- | Niraj | lotus flower |
--- | Niramitra | son of pandava Sahadeva |
--- | Niranjan | --- |
निर्गुन | Nirguna | without any form (nirguna brahman) |
निर्मल | Nirmal | bright, clean, pure, unblemished |
निरुपम | Nirupam | peerless, unequalled, unparalled |
--- | Niteš | --- |
--- | Nitya-Sundara | good-looking |
--- | Omarjīt | --- |
पल्लव | Pallav | new leaf |
--- | Pandya | --- |
पंकज | Paṅkaj | lotus flower |
--- | Paramartʰa | great entity |
परितोष | Paritoṣ | satisfaction, joy |
परितुष्ट | Parituṣta | satiated, happy |
पार्थसारथी | Pārtʰasārtʰī | Arjuna's charioteer — Lord Krishna |
पार्थ | Pārtʰa | Arjuna |
--- | Pʰalgun | A month in Hindu Calander |
पिनाकी | Pinākī | Lord Shiva |
पीयूष | Pīyūš | ambrosia, nectar, amrit |
प्रभाकर | Prabʰākar | the sun |
प्रदीप | Pradīp | lamp |
प्रफुल्ल | Prafulla | joyful |
प्रफुल | Praful | joyful |
प्रकाश | Prakāš | light |
--- | Pramatʰ | --- |
--- | Pramsu | A scholar |
प्रणव | Praṇav | another name for "AUM" |
--- | Prasantʰ | --- |
--- | Prasata | father of Draupad |
--- | Prašant | --- |
--- | Prasūn | --- |
प्रसन्न | Prasanna | cheerful |
--- | Pravīn | same as Pravin |
--- | Prayag | --- |
--- | Prītiš | --- |
--- | Prem | love |
--- | Pritʰu | first Ksatriya, son of Vena |
--- | Privrata | son of Satarupa |
--- | Pulkit | --- |
--- | Pundarik | white in colour |
--- | Puranjay | --- |
--- | Purujit | conqueror of many |
--- | Pusan | a sage |
पुष्कर | Puṣkar | the sun, lotus flower, arrow, water, lake, battle |
पुष्कर | Puṣkara | the sun, lotus flower, arrow, water, lake, battle |
--- | Rahul | --- |
--- | Raivata | a Manu |
--- | Rajan | --- |
राजीव | Rājīv | lotus flower |
--- | Raješ | --- |
राजीव | Rājīv | lotus flower |
रजनीश | Rajnīš | moon |
रजनीश | Rajnīš | moon |
--- | Raj | --- |
राकेश | Rākeš | moon |
--- | Ramanuja | a saint |
--- | Raman | --- |
राम | Rāma | Lord Rama, the seventh avataar of Lord Vishnu |
राम | Rām | Lord Rama, the seventh avataar of Lord Vishnu |
--- | Ranjan | --- |
--- | Rantidev | devotee of Narayana |
--- | Ravindra | --- |
रवि | Ravi | the sun |
--- | Riši | --- |
--- | Rohit | red color |
--- | Rošan | --- |
--- | Rucir | --- |
--- | Rupeš | --- |
--- | Sacin | --- |
--- | Sagar | king |
--- | Sahadev | prince |
--- | Samir | wind |
--- | Sampatʰ | --- |
सम्राट | Samrat | king |
--- | Samudra | lord of the Ocean |
--- | Sanat | --- |
--- | Sandīp | --- |
--- | Sandī | --- |
--- | Sanjay | --- |
--- | Sanjīv | --- |
--- | Sanjiv | --- |
--- | Sanjog | --- |
--- | Sankara | --- |
--- | Santoš | --- |
--- | Sapan | --- |
--- | Sarasvan | --- |
--- | Sarat | --- |
सरोज | Saroj | lotus flower |
शशांक | Šašāṅk | moon |
शशि | Šaši | moon |
--- | Saswata | --- |
--- | Satayu | brother of Amavasu and Vivasu |
--- | Satrujit | a son of Vatsa |
--- | Satyavrat | king |
--- | Satyen | --- |
--- | Sɔnak | boy sage |
--- | Sɔrabʰ | --- |
--- | Senajit | --- |
--- | Šɛleš | --- |
--- | Šɛleš | --- |
--- | Šalabʰ | --- |
शंकर | Šaṅkar | Lord Shiva |
--- | Šantanu | --- |
--- | Šarad | --- |
--- | Šašwat | ever lasting |
--- | Šišir | ---
शन्कर |
शिव | Šiva | Lord Shiva |
शिव | Šiv | Lord Shiva |
श्रेष्ठ | Šreṣṭʰa | excellent |
--- | Švetank | --- |
श्याम | Šyām | Lord Krishna |
--- | Siddʰartʰ | --- |
शिव | Šiva | Lord Shiva |
सोना | Sonā | gold |
--- | Sridʰar | --- |
--- | Srikant | --- |
--- | Srinatʰ | --- |
--- | Srinivas | --- |
--- | Sriram | --- |
--- | Subodʰ | --- |
सुदर्शन | Sudaršan | handsome, beautiful; Lord Vishnu's chakra |
--- | Sudeša | a son of Krishna |
--- | Sudeva | good Deva |
सुधाकर | Sudʰākar | moon |
--- | Sudʰansu | --- |
--- | Sudʰir | --- |
--- | Sugriva | --- |
--- | Sukarman | reciter of 1000 Samhitas |
सुकुमार | Sukumār | tender-bodied |
--- | Sumantu | Atharva Veda was assigned to him |
--- | Sumit | --- |
सुंदर,सुन्दर | Suṅdara | beautiful, handsome |
सुंदर,सुन्दर | Suṅdar | beautiful, handsome |
--- | Sunil | --- |
सूरज | Sūraj | the sun |
--- | Sureš | --- |
सूर्य | Sūrya | the sun |
--- | Suvrata | --- |
सुयश | Suyaš | good fame / famous |
--- | Swagat | --- |
--- | Taksa | a son of Bharata |
--- | Tapan | --- |
--- | Tapeš | --- |
--- | Tarang | --- |
--- | Tarun | --- |
--- | Tej | --- |
--- | Tilak | --- |
--- | Trisanu | --- |
तुषार | Tuṣār | snow |
उदय | Uday | rise |
उदित | Udit | risen |
उपमारहित | Upamārahit | incomparable |
--- | Upendra | an element |
--- | Urjavaha | of the Nimi dynasty |
उत्तम | Uttam | very good |
--- | Uttanka | --- |
--- | Vairaja | son of Virat |
--- | Vaninadʰ | Husband of Saraswati (the goddess of knowledge) |
--- | Variya | excellent one |
--- | Varun | lord of the waters |
--- | Vasant | --- |
--- | Vasava | Indra |
--- | Vasudev | --- |
--- | Vasuman | born of fire |
--- | Vasu | good |
--- | Vedanga | vedas |
--- | Vīr | --- |
--- | Vidvan | scholar |
--- | Vijay | victor |
--- | Vikas | --- |
--- | Vikram | glorious king |
--- | Vikrant | --- |
विमल | Vimal | bright, clean, pure, unblemished |
विनय | Vinay | humility, prayer |
विनीत | Vinīt | softness, humility |
--- | Vinod | --- |
--- | Vipin | --- |
--- | Vipul | --- |
--- | Viraj | --- |
--- | Virasana | --- |
--- | Virat | supreme being |
--- | Visvajit | one who conquers the universe |
--- | Visvakarman | architect, son of Yogasiddha |
--- | Visvayu | brother of Amavasu and Satayu |
विश्वनाथ | Viswanātʰ | Lord Shiva |
--- | Vivatma | universal soul |
विवेक | Vivek | intelligence |
--- | Waman | --- |
--- | Yašodʰara | --- |
--- | Yašovarman | --- |
--- | Yašpal | --- |
यश | Yaš | fame |
योगेंद्र | Yogendra | --- |
--- | Yudʰajit | --- |
--- | Zahin | --- |
--- | Zev | --- |