"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:blt-pron/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"
local export = {}
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local find = mw.ustring.find
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local rhyme
local pre = {
[1] = {"([ꪀ-ꪯ]ꪫ?)ꪚꪾ", "%1ꪰꪚ"}, -- no tone mark
[2] = {"([ꪀ-ꪯ]ꪫ?)ꪾꪚ", "%1ꪰꪚ"}, -- no tone mark
[3] = {"ꫛ", "ꪶꪁꪙ"},
[4] = {"ꫜ", "ꪙꪳ꪿ꪉ"},
[5] = {"([ꪵꪶꪹꪻꪼ])([ꪀ-ꪯ]ꪫ?)", "%2%1"}, -- for easier processing
[6] = {"(.*)([꪿꫁])(.*)", "%1%3%2"}, -- for easier processing
local initials = {
["ꪀ"] = "k", ["ꪁ"] = "k", ["ꪂ"] = "kʰ", ["ꪃ"] = "kʰ",
["ꪄ"] = "x", ["ꪅ"] = "x", ["ꪆ"] = "ɡ", ["ꪇ"] = "ɡ", ["ꪈ"] = "ŋ", ["ꪉ"] = "ŋ",
["ꪊ"] = "t͡ɕ", ["ꪋ"] = "t͡ɕ", ["ꪌ"] = "t͡ɕʰ", ["ꪍ"] = "t͡ɕʰ",
["ꪎ"] = "s", ["ꪏ"] = "s", ["ꪐ"] = "ɲ", ["ꪑ"] = "ɲ",
["ꪒ"] = "d", ["ꪓ"] = "d", ["ꪔ"] = "t", ["ꪕ"] = "t",
["ꪖ"] = "tʰ", ["ꪗ"] = "tʰ", ["ꪘ"] = "n", ["ꪙ"] = "n",
["ꪚ"] = "b", ["ꪛ"] = "b", ["ꪜ"] = "p", ["ꪝ"] = "p",
["ꪞ"] = "pʰ", ["ꪟ"] = "pʰ", ["ꪠ"] = "f", ["ꪡ"] = "f", ["ꪢ"] = "m", ["ꪣ"] = "m",
["ꪤ"] = "j", ["ꪥ"] = "j", ["ꪦ"] = "r", ["ꪧ"] = "r", ["ꪨ"] = "l", ["ꪩ"] = "l",
["ꪪ"] = "v", ["ꪫ"] = "v", ["ꪬ"] = "h", ["ꪭ"] = "h", ["ꪮ"] = "ʔ", ["ꪯ"] = "ʔ",
["ꪀꪫ"] = "kʷ", ["ꪁꪫ"] = "kʷ", ["ꪂꪫ"] = "kʷʰ", ["ꪃꪫ"] = "kʷʰ",
["ꪄꪫ"] = "xʷ", ["ꪅꪫ"] = "xʷ", ["ꪆꪫ"] = "ɡʷ", ["ꪇꪫ"] = "ɡʷ", ["ꪈꪫ"] = "ŋʷ", ["ꪉꪫ"] = "ŋʷ",
local vowels = {
["ꪰ"] = "a", ["ꪱ"] = "aː", ["ꪲ"] = "i", ["ꪳ"] = "ɨ", ["ꪴ"] = "u",
["ꪵ"] = "ɛ", ["ꪶ"] = "o", ["ꪮ"] = "ɔ", ["ꪷ"] = "ɔ",
["ꪸ"] = "iə̯", ["ꪹ"] = "ɨə̯", ["ꪺ"] = "uə̯",
["ꪻ"] = "aɰ", ["ꪼ"] = "aj", ["ꪽ"] = "an", ["ꪾ"] = "am",
["ꪹꪱ"] = "aw", ["ꪹꪷ"] = "ə", ["ꪹꪸ"] = "e", [""] = "#",
--/aɰ/ comes from Gedney's description of Tai Dam in Hudak's (2008) book (p. 12) (William J. Gedney’s comparative Tai source book) and also from Burusphat, S. (2017). Changes in Tai Dam vowels. JSEALS, 10(2). 10-22.
local finals = {
[""] = "", ["ꪀ"] = "ʔ", ["ꪒ"] = "t̚", ["ꪚ"] = "p̚",
["ꪉ"] = "ŋ", ["ꪙ"] = "n", ["ꪣ"] = "m", ["ꪥ"] = "j", ["ꪫ"] = "w",
["+ꪀ"] = "k̚", ["+ꪫ"] = "w", --force final -k and -w
-- Checked syllables have no tone mark
-- and they already sound like "mai ek"
-- per [http://www.amritas.com/141122.htm#11212354]
-- The tone letters including the glottalization ultimately come from Gedney's description of Tai Dam in Hudak's (2008) book (p. 12) (William J. Gedney’s comparative Tai source book).
local tones = {
[""] = {"˨", "˥"}, -- L 22, H 55
["꪿"] = {"˦˥", "˦"}, -- L 45, H 44
["꫁"] = {"˨˩ˀ", "˧˩ˀ"}, -- L 21, H 31
["ꫀ"] = {"˦˥", "˦"},
["ꫂ"] = {"˨˩ˀ", "˧˩ˀ"},
function export.show(frame)
local output = {}
table.insert(output, toIPA(frame))
-- reduced hyphenetion
table.insert(output, "* Hyphenation: <span class='Tavt blt-reading' lang='blt'>" .. (frame:getParent().args[1] or PAGENAME) .. "</span>")
-- global var trick
table.insert(output, "* " .. frame:expandTemplate{title = "rhymes", args = {"blt", rhyme}})
return table.concat(output, "\n")
function toIPA(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
local text = args[1] or PAGENAME -- supports only one pronunciation
local debug = args["d"] or nil
local ipa = {}
for syl in mw.text.gsplit(text, "[ %.%-]") do
for _, v in ipairs(pre) do
syl = gsub(syl, v[1], v[2])
local i, v, f, t = mw.ustring.match(syl, "^([ꪀ-ꪯ]ꪫ?)([ꪰ-ꪾꪮ]*)(%+?[ꪀꪒꪚꪉꪙꪣꪥꪫ]?)([꪿ꫀ꫁ꫂ]?)$")
if find(i, "^([ꪀꪂꪄꪆꪈꪊꪌꪎꪐꪒꪔꪖꪘꪚꪜꪞꪠꪢꪤꪦꪨꪪꪬꪮ]ꪫ?)$") then --low class
tn = 1
else --high class
tn = 2
if find(f, "^(%+?[ꪀꪒꪚ])$") then --checked final
t = "ꫀ"
longer = (f == "" and find(vowels[v], "^([iɨuɛoɔəe])$")) -- if no final, make it longer
if debug then
table.insert(ipa, "["..(i or "-").."]["..(v or "-").."]["..(f or "-").."]["..(t or "-").."]")
table.insert(ipa, initials[i] .. vowels[v] .. (longer and "ː" or "") .. finals[f] .. tones[t][tn])
rhyme = vowels[v] .. (longer and "ː" or "") .. finals[f] -- It becomes rhyme after the last iteration
local ipa_final = table.concat(ipa, ".")
ipa_final = "[" .. ipa_final .. "]"
return "* " .. frame:expandTemplate{title = "IPA", args = {"blt", ipa_final}} .. (#ipa > 0 and "[[Category:Tai Dam " .. #ipa .. "-syllable words]]" or "")
return export