मॉड्यूल:category tree/poscatboiler/data/modules
"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:category tree/poscatboiler/data/modules/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"
local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}
local raw_handlers = {}
-- --
-- LABELS --
-- --
labels["मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[विक्षनरी:मॉड्यूल|मॉड्यूल]], जिनमें लुआ कोड हैं जो प्रविष्टियों के निर्माण और प्रबंधन में सहायक हैं।",
umbrella = {
parents = {{name = "मॉड्यूल", sort = " "}},
breadcrumb = "भाषा अनुसार",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
labels["डेटा मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[विक्षनरी:मॉड्यूल|मॉड्यूल]] जिनमें अन्य मॉड्यूल द्वारा प्रयोग में लाया जाने वाला डेटा (आँकड़ें) रखे गये हैं।",
umbrella = {
parents = {{name = "डेटा मॉड्यूल", sort = " "}},
breadcrumb = "भाषा अनुसार",
parents = {"मॉड्यूल"},
labels["इन्फ्लेक्शन मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[इन्फ्लेक्शन]] [[विक्षनरी:मॉड्यूल|मॉड्यूल]], जिनमें लुआ कोड है जो रूप-संयोजन (conjugation) एवं रूप-परिवर्तन (declension) सारणियाँ बनाने में प्रयुक्त होता है।",
umbrella = {
parents = {{name = "इन्फ्लेक्शन मॉड्यूल", sort = " "}},
breadcrumb = "भाषा अनुसार",
parents = {"मॉड्यूल"},
-- --
-- --
raw_categories["मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "यह विक्षनरी के सभी लुआ मॉड्यूल रखने के लिये जनरल श्रेणी है, सभी मॉड्यूल इसकी उपश्रेणियों में रखे जाने चाहियें।",
additional = "For more information on what modules are and how they work, see [[Wiktionary:Scribunto]]. For a complete list of all modules, see [[Special:PrefixIndex/Module:|here]].",
parents = {"श्रेणी:विक्षनरी"},
raw_categories["अश्रेणीकृत मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "मॉड्यूल जिन्हें श्रेणियों की व्यवस्था में अभी विधिवत श्रेणीकृत नहीं किया गया है और अधिक सटीक श्रेणी में रखे जाने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।",
additional = "Modules are placed here by [[MediaWiki:Scribunto-doc-page-does-not-exist]]. The default documentation page, [[Template:documentation/preloadModule]], also adds this category.",
parents = { {name = "मॉड्यूल", sort = " "} },
raw_categories["मॉड्यूल यूनिट परीक्षण"] = {
description = "मॉड्यूलों के लिये यूनिट परीक्षण",
parents = { {name = "मॉड्यूल", sort = "1 परीक्षण मॉड्यूल"} },
raw_categories["परिशिष्ट मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules with functions that generate content for or extract information from pages in the Appendix namespace.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["बॉट सपोर्ट मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "किन्हीं एकल (individual) बॉट खातों को आधार प्रदान करने वाले मॉड्यूल।",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["श्रेणी मॉड्यूल"] = {
intro = "{{also|:श्रेणी:श्रेणी साँचे}}",
description = "Modules for adding categories to pages or generating the description and subcategories of category pages.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["डेटा मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "ऐसे मॉड्यूल जो फंक्शन नहीं रखते, बल्कि केवल आँकड़ों की सारणी निर्यातित करते हैं जो दूसरे मॉड्यूल द्वारा प्रयोग में लायी जाती हैं। इस श्रेणी में मौज़ूद मॉड्यूल आयात करने के लिये <code>mw.loadData</code> का प्रयोग होना चाहिए, न कि <code>require</code> का।",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["Character insertion data modules"] = {
description = "Modules containing data for use by {{temp|chars}}.",
parents = { "डेटा मॉड्यूल" },
breadcrumb = "character insertion",
raw_categories["डिबगिंग मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules used for debugging.",
additional = "Some should only be used in sandbox modules or when using the [[mw:Extension:TemplateSandbox|{{MediaWiki:Templatesandbox-editform-legend}}]] button in the edit page of modules and templates.",
parents = { "लुआ मेटामॉड्यूल", "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["परिभाषा मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that fuel templates that are used in [[Wiktionary:Glossary#definition line|definition lines]] of entries.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["विगतप्रयोग मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that should not be used, as their functions are performed by newer modules.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल", "श्रेणी:विक्षनरी रखरखाव" },
raw_categories["चर्चा मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "ऐसे मॉड्यूल जिनका संबंध चर्चा पृष्ठों से है।",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["प्रदर्शन पाठ-निर्माणक मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are used to generate display text.",
additional = "Display text determines what is shown to the reader. In some languages it must be normalized, due to common errors caused by confusable characters, or so as to ensure a consistent display format.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["दस्तावेज़ीकरण मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules for generating documentation pages.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["प्रविष्टि-निर्माणक मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules with functions that are used to generate new entries.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["प्रविष्टि नाम-निर्माणक मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are used to generate entry names.",
additional = "Entry names determine the page at which an entry is created, accounting for the removal of language-specified diacritics.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["व्युत्पत्ति मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that fuel templates that define the etymology of entries.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["का-रूप मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that generate the definition line of non-lemma forms, e.g. verb forms and noun forms.",
parents = { "परिभाषा मॉड्यूल", "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["साधारण उपयोगिता मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that serve some sort of utility purpose in various entries but are used by multiple languages. Modules only used by one language should be at [[:Category:Utility modules]].",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["शीर्षशब्द-पंक्ति मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that support [[:Category:Headword-line templates by language|headword-line templates]] for a specific language.",
additional = "See also [[:Category:Headword-line templates]].",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["इन्फ्लेक्शन मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules used to support [[:श्रेणी:Inflection-table templates by language|inflection templates]] for a specific language.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["आतंरिक कड़ी मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are used in [[:श्रेणी:आतंरिक कड़ी साँचे|internal link templates]].",
parents = { "साधारण उपयोगिता मॉड्यूल", "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["JSON-निर्माणक मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules with functions that generate data in JSON format.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["भाषा एवं लिपि मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that process language and script codes and return data on them.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["सूची मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that generate lists and tables of entries.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["लुआ मेटामॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that have exported functions that are only used by other modules: that is, cannot be called using {{temp|#invoke:}}.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["रखरखाव मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that fuel templates used for maintaining entries, such as cleanup templates (e.g. {{temp|attention}}), deletion templates (e.g. {{temp|rfd}}) and verification templates (e.g. {{temp|rfv}}).",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["उच्चारण मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that fuel templates that are used to create the language-specific pronunciation of entries.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["Quotation and usage example modules"] = {
description = "Modules that fuel templates that are used to format quotations and usage examples.",
parents = { "परिभाषा मॉड्यूल", "मॉड्यूल" },
breadcrumb = "quotation and usage example",
raw_categories["संदर्भ मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are used for [[:श्रेणी:संदर्भ साँचे|reference templates]].",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["प्रयोगस्थल मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Test versions of modules intended for production use.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["सॉर्टकुंजी-निर्माणक मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are used to generate sortkeys.",
additional = "Sortkeys determine the order of entry names in categories.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["Swadesh modules"] = {
description = "Modules containing [[Swadesh list]]s.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["साँचा इंटरफ़ेस मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules whose purpose is to provide an interface between templates and the functions of a module.",
additional = "They are usually named <code>.../templates</code>, and the functions present within them usually all have only a \"frame\" parameter.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["निगरानी मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that add tracking templates.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["लिप्यंतरण मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that automatically convert text in one script to another.",
additional = "Most of them convert non-Latin scripts to Latin (romanisation/romanization), and are used by templates or modules to generate transliteration of text that is tagged with a particular language. Each language's transliteration module is specified in its data table (for which, see the category {{catlink|Language data modules}}).",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["अप्रयुक्त मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "ऐसे मॉड्यूल जो वर्तमान में इस्तेमाल नहीं हो रहे।",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["सदस्य प्रयोगस्थल मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that are for personal use and testing by individual editors.",
additional = "These should all begin with <code>User:</code> followed by the user's name. If several sandbox modules are needed by a single user, subpages can be created. These modules should not be used in real Wiktionary content pages, as all content on those pages should be editable by anyone and, if necessary, edit protected.",
parents = { "प्रयोगस्थल मॉड्यूल", "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["उपयोगिता मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that deal with several utilities needed by a certain language.",
additional = "Usually their names end with -utilities or -common (preceded by the language code), although more specific utility modules that one language uses may reside here as well. If a utility is used by many languages, it should be in [[:Category:General utility modules]].",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["सहमति चर्चा मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "[[विक्षनरी:सहमति|सहमति चार्चओं]] में सहयोगी मॉड्यूल।",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
raw_categories["विकिपाठ पार्सिंग मॉड्यूल"] = {
description = "Modules that contain functions that grab the wikitext of a page and get information from it by performing string operations on it.",
parents = { "मॉड्यूल" },
-- --
-- --
for _, mod_type in ipairs { "Entry name-generating", "Sortkey-generating", "Transliteration" } do
table.insert(raw_handlers, function(data)
local count, languages = data.category:match(("^%s modules used by ([0-9]+) (languages?)$"):format(
-- need to escape the hyphen in 'Entry name-generating' and 'Sortkey-generating'
require("Module:pattern utilities").pattern_escape(mod_type)))
if count then
return {
description = data.category .. "।",
breadcrumb = "" .. count .. " " .. languages .. "द्वारा प्रयोग में लिया जा रहा",
parents = {
{ name = mod_type .. " मॉड्यूल", sort = count },
return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories, RAW_HANDLERS = raw_handlers}