मॉड्यूल:category tree/topic cat/data/Animals
"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:category tree/topic cat/data/Animals/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"
local labels = {}
labels["animals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[animal]]s.",
parents = {"lifeforms", "list of sets"},
labels["acanthuroid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[surgeonfish]], [[light-horseman]], [[louvar]]s, [[scat]]s, [[rabbitfish]], [[Moorish idol]]s and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Acanthuroidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["accentors"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[family]] [[Prunellidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["accipiters"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms relating to [[besra]]s, [[Cooper's hawk]]s, [[goshawk]]s, [[sharp-shinned hawk]]s, [[shikra]]s, [[sparrowhawk]]s, and other [[hawk]]s in the [[genus]] ''[[Accipiter]]''.",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["Acipenseriform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[paddlefish]], [[sturgeon]]s and other fish in the [[order]] [[Acipenseriformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["adephagan beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[diving beetle]]s, [[ground beetle]]s (including [[bombardier beetle]]s and [[tiger beetle]]s), [[whirligig beetle]]s and other [[beetle]]s in the [[suborder]] [[Adephaga]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["African insectivores"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[aardvark]]s, [[elephant shrew]]s, [[golden mole]]s, [[otter shrew]]s, [[tenrec]]s, and other [[mammal]]s in the [[clade]] [[Afroinsectiphilia]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["agamid lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[agama]]s, [[bearded dragon]]s, [[flying dragon]]s, [[frilled lizard]]s, [[moloch]]s, [[spiny-tailed lizard]]s, [[stellion]]s and other [[lizard]]s in the [[family]] [[Agamidae]].",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["alcelaphine antelopes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blesbuck]]s, [[bontebok]]s, [[bubal]]s, [[gnu]]s or [[wildebeest]], [[hartebeest]]s, [[hirola]], [[sassaby]]s, [[topi]]s, [[tetel]]s, and other [[antelopes]] in the [[subfamily]] [[Alcelaphinae]].",
parents = {"antelopes", "list of sets"},
labels["ammonites"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[extinct]] [[cephalopod]]s in the [[subclass]] [[Ammonoidea]]",
parents = {"cephalopods", "list of sets"},
labels["amphibians"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"vertebrates", "list of sets"},
labels["amphipods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[beach flea]]s, [[lawn shrimp]], [[scud]]s, [[side swimmer]]s, [[skeleton shrimp]], [[whale louse|whale lice]], and other [[crustacean]]s in the [[order]] [[Amphipoda]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["anatids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anatid]]s: ([[duck]]s, [[goose|geese]] and [[swan]]s).",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["annelids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[earthworm]]s, [[leech]]es, [[ragworm]]s and many other [[segment]]ed [[worm]]s in the [[phylum]] [[Annelida]].",
parents = {"worms", "list of sets"},
labels["anglerfish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the [[order]] [[Lophiiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["anguimorph lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[alligator lizard]]s, [[beaded lizard]]s, [[blindworm]]s, [[crocodile monitor]]s, [[galliwasp]]s, [[Gila monster]]s, [[glass lizard]]s, [[goanna]]s, [[Komodo dragon]]s, [[legless lizard]]s, [[nile monitor]]s, [[perentie]]s, [[sheltopusik]]s, [[water monitor]]s, and other [[lizards]] in the [[suborder]] [[Anguimorpha]].",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["anomurans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for crablike [[crustacean]]s in the [[decapod]] [[infraorder]] [[Anomura]], which are closely related to the true [[crab]]s in the infraorder [[Brachyura]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "decapods", "list of sets"},
labels["anteaters and sloths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Pilosa]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["antelopes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[antelope]]s.",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["antilopine antelopes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blackbuck]]s, [[chinkara]]s, [[dibatag]]s, [[dik-dik]]s, [[gazelle]]s, [[gerenuk]]s, [[grysbok]]s, [[klipspringer]]s, [[oribi]]s, [[royal antelope]]s, [[saiga]]s, [[springbok]]s, [[steenbok]]s, [[zeren]], and other [[antelope]]s in the [[bovid]] [[subfamily]] [[Antilopinae]].",
parents = {"antelopes", "list of sets"},
labels["ants"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"hymenopterans", "list of sets"},
labels["antshrikes"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"suboscines", "perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["anurans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[amphibian]]s in the [[order]] [[Anura]], which are short-bodied and without tails, having long hind legs adapted for leaping that are typically folded at rest. Anurans are mostly known as [[frog]]s or [[toad]]s",
parents = {"amphibians", "list of sets"},
labels["aphids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Aphidoidea]].",
parents = {"hemipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["apodiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hummingbird]]s, [[needletail]]s, [[spinetail]]s, [[swift]]s, [[swiftlet]]s, [[treeswift]]s, and other [[bird]]s in the [[order]] [[Apodiformes]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["arachnids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[arachnid]]s.",
parents = {"arthropods", "list of sets"},
labels["araneoid spiders"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bird dropping spider]]s, [[cobweb spiders]] (including [[black widow]]s and [[redback]]s), [[orbweaver]]s (including [[cross spider]]s and [[writing spider]]s), [[long-jawed spider]]s, [[money spider]]s, [[nesticid]]s, [[pimoid]], [[pirate spider]]s, [[tetragnathid]]s and other [[spider]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Araneoidea]].",
parents = {"spiders", "list of sets"},
labels["argentiniform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[argentine]]s, [[barreleye]]s, [[blacksmelt]]s, [[smoothtongue]]s and other fish in the [[order]] [[Argentiniformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["armadillos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[armadillo]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["arthropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[arthropod]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["aschizan flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fly|flies]] in the [[dipteran]] [[section]] [[Aschiza]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["asilomorph flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bee fly|bee flies]], [[dance fly|dance flies]], [[Mydas fly|Mydas flies]], [[robber fly|robber flies]], [[stiletto fly|stiletto flies]], [[window fly|window flies]] and other [[fly|flies]] in the [[dipteran]] [[infraorder]] [[Asilomorpha]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["assassin bugs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ambush bug]]s, [[assassin bug]]s, [[corsair]]s, [[feather-legged bug]]s, [[kissing bug]]s or [[conenose bug]]s, [[masked hunter]]s, [[wheel bug]]s, and other [[true bug]]s in the [[family]] [[Reduviidae]].",
parents = {"true bugs", "list of sets"},
labels["astacideans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crustacean]]s in the [[decapod]] [[infraorder]] [[Astacidea]], including the original [[species]] known as [[crayfish]] and [[lobster]]s, and their relatives.",
parents = {"crustaceans", "decapods", "list of sets"},
labels["atheriniform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blue-eye]]s, [[hardyhead]]s, [[grunion]], [[jacksmelt]], [[rainbowfish]], [[silverside]]s, [[zona]], and other fish in the [[order]] [[Atheriniformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["auks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[auk]]s, [[guillemot]]s, [[murre]]s, [[puffin]]s, [[razorbill]]s, and other [[seabird]]s in the family [[Alcidae]].",
parents = {"seabirds", "list of sets"},
labels["aulopiform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[daggertooth]]s, [[lancetfish]], [[sergeant baker]]s, [[greeneye]]s, [[telescopefish]], [[lizardfish]] and other fish in the [[order]] [[Aulopiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["baby animals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[baby]] [[animal]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["barklice"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for non-[[parasitic]] [[insect]]s in the [[order]] [[Psocodea]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["barnacles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crustacean]]s in the [[infraclass]] [[Cirripedia]], including the parasitic [[rhizocephalan]]s.",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["bats"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bat]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["bees"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bee]]s.",
parents = {"insects", "hymenopterans", "beekeeping", "list of sets"},
labels["beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[beetle]]s.",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["beloniform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ballyhoo]], [[flying fish]], [[garfish]], [[halfbeak]]s, [[houndfish]], [[mackerel pike]]s, [[medaka]]s, [[needlefish]], [[ricefish]], [[saury|sauries]], [[silver gar]], and other fish in the [[order]] [[Beloniformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["bibionomorphs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[March fly|March flies]], [[cecidomyiid]] [[gall midge]]s, [[keroplatid]] [[fungus gnat]]s, [[mycetophilid]]s, [[sciarid]]s and other [[fly|flies]], [[gnat]]s and [[midge]]s in the [[dipteran]] [[infraorder]] [[Bibionomorpha]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bird]]s.",
parents = {"vertebrates", "list of sets"},
labels["birds of prey"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms relating to birds that live by [[predatory]] hunting, and from [[carrion]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["bivalves"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms relating to [[clam]]s, [[cockle]]s, [[mussel]]s, [[oyster]]s, [[scallop]]s and other [[mollusk]]s in the [[class]] [[Bivalvia]].",
parents = {"mollusks", "list of sets"},
labels["blennies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blenny|blennies]], [[chaenopsid]]s, [[clinid]]s, [[dactyloscopid]]s, [[klipfish]], [[labrisomid]]s, [[triplefin]]s, [[weedfish]] and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Blennioidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["boas"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[snake]]s in the family [[Boidae]].",
parents = {"snakes", "list of sets"},
labels["bostrichiform beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[carpet beetle]]s, [[deathwatch beetle]]s, [[drugstore beetle]]s, [[museum beetle]]s, [[powder-post beetle]]s, and other [[anobiid]]s/[[ptinid]]s, [[bostrichid]]s, [[dermestid]]s, [[derodontid]]s, [[jacobsoniid]]s and [[nosodendrid]]s in the [[coleopteran]] [[infraorder]] [[Bostrichiformia]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["bovines"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["brachiopods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[animal]]s in the [[phylum]] [[Brachiopoda]]. <u>Note</u>: not to be confused with [[branchiopod]]s, which are [[crustacean]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["branchiopods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[[brine shrimp]], [[clam shrimp]], [[fairy shrimp]], [[tadpole shrimp]], [[water flea]]s, and other [[crustacean]]s in the [[class]] [[Branchiopoda]]. <u>Note</u>: not to be confused with [[brachiopod]]s, which are a separate [[phylum]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["bryozoans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[animal]]s in the [[phylum]] [[Bryozoa]], also known as [[Ectoprocta]].",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["bulbuls"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bulbul]]s, [[greenbul]]s, [[brownbul]]s, [[leaflove]]s, [[bristlebill]]s, and other birds in the [[passerine]] [[family]] [[Pycnonotidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["buteos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms relating to [[hawk]]s in the [[genus]] ''[[Buteo]]'', known as [[buzzard]]s in Europe.",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[butterfly|butterflies]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["caddis flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for insects in the order [[Trichoptera]], which are closely related to the [[butterfly|butterflies]] and [[moth]]s but with hairs on their wings instead of scales, and which have [[aquatic]] [[larvae]] that live in cases that they build around themselves.",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["camelids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[camelid]]s ([[camel]]s, [[llama]]s, [[alpaca]]s, etc.).",
parents = {"mammals", "even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["canids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[canid]]s.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["caprines"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sheep]], [[goat]]s, [[goat antelope]]s, [[chamois]], [[muskox]]en, [[bharal]], [[goral]], [[ibex]], [[mouflon]], [[serow]], [[tahr]], [[tur]], [[takin]] and other animals in the [[bovid]] [[subfamily]] [[Caprinae]], formerly known as the [[family]] [[Capridae]].",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["caprimulgiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[caprimulgiform]]s: birds in the taxonomic order [[Caprimulgiformes]]- the [[nightjar]]s, [[oilbird]]s, [[frogmouth]]s, [[potoo]]s, etc.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["carcharhiniform sharks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bull shark]]s, [[catshark]]s, [[gummy shark]]s, [[hammerhead]]s, [[leopard shark]]s, [[morgay]]s, [[requiem shark]]s, [[tiger shark]]s, [[tope]]s, [[whaler]]s, [[whitetip]]s and other sharks in the [[order]] [[Carcharhiniformes]].",
parents = {"sharks", "list of sets"},
labels["cardinalids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cardinal]]s, [[dickcissel]]s, [[indigo bunting]]s, [[pyrrhuloxia]]s, [[rose-breasted grosbeak]]s, [[scarlet tanager]]s, and other birds in the [[family]] [[Cardinalidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["caridean shrimp"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crustacean]]s in the [[decapod]] [[infraorder]] [[Caridea]], mostly known as [[shrimp]] or [[prawn]]s.",
parents = {"crustaceans", "decapods", "list of sets"},
labels["carnivores"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bear]]s, [[cat]]s, [[civet]]s, [[dog]]s, [[fossa]]s, [[hyaena]]s, [[mongoose]]s, [[panda]]s, [[raccoon]]s, [[seal]]s, [[skunk]]s, [[weasel]]s and various other [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Carnivora]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["carps"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the [[subfamily]] [[Cyprininae]], the [[carps]] and [[goldfish]].",
parents = {"cyprinids", "list of sets"},
labels["catfish"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["cats"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cat]]s in the sense of members of the genus ''[[Felis]]''.",
parents = {"felids", "list of sets"},
labels["cattle"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"bovines", "livestock", "list of sets"},
labels["caviomorphs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[agouti]]s, [[capybara]]s, [[chinchilla]]s, [[guinea pig]]s, [[New World porcupine]]s, [[nutria]]s, [[tuco-tuco]]s and other [[rodent]]s in the parvorder [[Caviomorpha]].",
parents = {"rodents", "list of sets"},
labels["cephalopods"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"mollusks", "list of sets"},
labels["cercopithecin monkeys"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blue monkey]]s, [[Diana monkey]]s, [[guenon]]s, [[lesula]]s, [[malbrouck]]s,[[patas monkey]]s, [[talapoin]]s, [[vervet]]s, and other [[Old World monkey]]s in the [[cercopithecine]] [[tribe]] [[Cercopithecini]].",
parents = {"Old World monkeys", "list of sets"},
labels["certhioid birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[passerine]] [[superfamily]] [[Certhioidea]], the [[treecreeper]]s, [[nuthatch]]es, [[gnatcatcher]]s and [[wren]]s.",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["cervids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cervid]]s.",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["cetaceans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cetacean]]s ([[dolphin]]s, [[whale]]s and [[porpoise]]s).",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["chalcidoid wasps"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[chalcidid]]s, [[encyrtid]]s, [[fig wasp]]s, [[jointworm]]s, [[mymarid]] [[fairyfly|fairyflies]], [[perilampid]]s, [[torymid]]s, [[trichogramma]]s, and other [[wasp]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Chalcidoidea]].",
parents = {"hymenopterans", "list of sets"},
labels["characins"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the order [[Characiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["chickens"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"poultry", "fowls", "list of sets"},
labels["chimaeras (fish)"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cartilaginous]] fish in the [[Chimaeriformes]], the only surviving [[order]] of the [[subclass]] [[Holocephali]], and separate from the [[shark]]s, [[ray]]s, [[skate]]s and [[sawfish]] of the subclass [[Elasmobranchii]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["chordates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for animals in the [[phylum]] [[Chordata]].",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["chrysomeloid beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cerambycid]]s or [[longhorn beetle]]s such as [[apple borer]]s, [[huhu beetle]]s, [[locust borer]]s and [[thunderbolt beetle]]s, as well as [[chrysomelid]]s or [[leaf beetle]]s such as [[asparagus beetle]]s, [[bean weevil]]s, [[Colorado beetle]]s, [[cucumber beetle]]s, [[flea beetle]]s, [[potato beetle]]s, and other [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Chrysomeloidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["cicadas"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Cicadoidea]].",
parents = {"hemipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["cichlids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Cichlidae]].",
parents = {"labroid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["clinids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Clinidae]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["cnidarians"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[coral]]s, [[gorgonian]]s, [[hydra]]s, [[myxozoan]]s, [[Portuguese man-of-war]], [[sea anemone]]s, [[sea fir]]s, [[sea wasp]]s, and other animals in the in the [[phylum]] [[Cnidaria]].",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["cockatoos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crested]] [[parrot]]s in the [[family]] [[Cacatuidae]].",
parents = {"parrots", "list of sets"},
labels["cockroaches"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["colobine monkeys"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[colobus]]es, [[douc]]s, [[langur]]s, [[guereza]]s, [[hanuman]]s,[[leaf monkey]]s, [[lutung]]s, [[proboscis monkey]]s, and other [[Old World monkey]]s in the [[subfamily]] [[Colobinae]].",
parents = {"Old World monkeys", "list of sets"},
labels["colubrid snakes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[snake]]s in the family [[Colubridae]].",
parents = {"snakes", "list of sets"},
labels["colugos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for the [[primate]]-like [[gliding]] [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Dermoptera]], also known as [[flying lemur]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["columbids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[columbid]]s, i.e. [[pigeon]]s and [[dove]]s.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["copepods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crustacean]]s in the [[subclass]] [[Copepoda]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["coraciiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bee-eater]]s, [[ground rollers]], [[kingfisher]]s, [[motmot]]s, [[roller]]s, [[tody|todies]] and other birds in the taxonomic order [[Coraciiformes]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["corvids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[corvid]]s.",
parents = {"perching birds", "corvoid birds", "list of sets"},
labels["corvoid birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[apostlebird]]s, [[bird of paradise|birds of paradise]], [[crow]]s, [[drongo]]s, [[fantail]]s, [[grinder]]s, [[jackdaw]]s, [[jay]]s, [[magpie]]s, [[magpie-lark]]s, [[manucode]]s, [[monarchid]]s, [[nutcracker]]s, [[piwakawaka]]s, [[raven]]s, [[restless flycatcher]]s, [[riflebird]]s, [[shrike]]s, [[standard-wing]]s, and other birds in the [[superfamily]] [[Corvoidea]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["cotingas"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[suboscine]] [[family]] [[Cotingidae]].",
parents = {"suboscines", "list of sets"},
labels["crabs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crab]]s, [[decapod]] [[crustacean]]s in the [[infraorder]] [[Brachyura]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "decapods", "list of sets"},
labels["cranes (birds)"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crane]]s.",
parents = {"gruiforms", "list of sets"},
labels["cricetids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cotton rat]]s, [[deer mouse|deer mice]], [[hamster]]s, [[harvest mouse|harvest mice]], [[lemming]]s, [[vole]]s, [[woodrat]]s, and other [[rodent]]s in the [[family]] [[Cricetidae]].",
parents = {"rodents", "list of sets"},
labels["crickets and grasshoppers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cricket]]s, [[grasshopper]]s, [[katydid]]s, [[weta]]s and other [[insect]]s in the order [[Orthoptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["croakers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[croaker]]s, [[drum]]s, [[weakfish]]s and other fish in the family [[Sciaenidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["crocodilians"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crocodile]]s, [[alligator]]s, [[caymans]], and other [[reptile]]s in the order [[Crocodilia]].",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["crustaceans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crustacean]]s.",
parents = {"arthropods", "list of sets"},
labels["cuckoos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cuckoo]]s and other birds in the [[family]] [[Cuculidae]].",
parents = {"otidimorph birds", "list of sets"},
labels["cuckooshrikes and minivets"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[family]] [[Campephagidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["cucujoid beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[flower beetle]]s, [[fungus beetle]]s, [[grain beetle]]s, [[lady beetle]]s, [[lizard beetle]]s, [[Mexican bean beetle]]s, and other [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Cucujoidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["ctenophores"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for animals in the [[phylum]] [[Ctenophora]], the [[comb jelly|comb jellies]].",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["culicomorphs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[biting midge]]s, [[blackfly|blackflies]], [[blood worm]]s, [[glassworm]]s, [[meniscus midge]]s, [[mosquito]]s, [[no-see-um]]s, [[non-biting midge]]s, [[phantom midge]]s and other [[insect]]s in the [[dipteran]] [[infraorder]] [[Culicomorpha]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["cyprinids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[carp]], [[minnow]]s, [[chub]]s and other fish in the [[family]] [[Cyprinidae]]. In some classifications, this group is known as the [[superfamily]] [[Cyprinoidea]] or [[suborder]] [[Cyprinoidei]], with the [[cyprinid]] [[subfamily|subfamilies]] considered to be families.",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["dabbling ducks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gadwall]]s [[garganey]]s, [[mallard]]s, [[mottled duck]]s, [[pintail]]s, [[shoveler]]s, [[teal]]s, [[wigeon]]s and other ducks in either the [[anatid]] [[tribe]] [[Anatini]] or [[subfamily]] [[Anatinae]], depending on the classification.",
parents = {"ducks", "list of sets"},
labels["damselflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bluestreak]]s, [[bluetail]]s, [[demoiselle]]s, [[flatwing]]s, [[redtail]]s, [[riverdamsel]]s, [[rubyspot]]s, [[spreadwing]]s, [[threadtail]]s, [[whitetip]]s, and other insects in the [[odonate]] [[suborder]] [[Zygoptera]].",
parents = {"dragonflies and damselflies", "list of sets"},
labels["decapods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crabs]], [[crayfish]], [[lobster]]s, [[prawn]]s, ([[caridean]]) [[shrimp]], and many other [[crustacean]]s in the [[order]] [[Decapoda]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["delphinids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for (oceanic) [[dolphin]]s, [[grampus]]es, [[killer whale]]s/[[orca]]s, [[pilot whale]]s, and other [[cetacean]]s in the [[family]] [[Delphinidae]].",
additional = "Note: [[river dolphin]]s and [[porpoise]]s are in other families.",
parents = {"cetaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["designer dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[designer dog]]s.",
parents = {"dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["dinosaurs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[dinosaur]]s.",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["dionychan spiders"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crab spider]]s, [[flattie]]s, [[ground spider]]s, [[huntsman spider]]s, [[jumping spider]], [[scorpion spider]]s, and other [[spiders]] in the [[entelegyne]] [[clade]] [[Dionycha]].",
parents = {"spiders", "list of sets"},
labels["dipterans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fly|flies]], [[gnat]]s, [[midge]]s, [[mosquito]]s and other [[insect]]s in the order [[Diptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"canids", "list of sets"},
labels["domestic cats"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[domestic]] [[cat]]s.",
parents = {"cats", "list of sets"},
labels["doves"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"columbids", "list of sets"},
labels["dragonflies and damselflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for insects in the order [[Odonata]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["ducks"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"anatids", "poultry", "list of sets"},
labels["dugongs and manatees"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the order [[Sirenia]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["eagles"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["earthworms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for worms in the [[annelid]] [[suborder]] [[Lumbricina]].",
parents = {"annelids", "list of sets"},
labels["earwigs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for insects in the order [[Dermaptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["echinoderms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[echinoderm]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["eels"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[eel]]s, elongated, snakelike fish in the order [[Anguilliformes]].",
parents = {"elopomorph fish", "list of sets"},
labels["elapid snakes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cobra]]s, [[coral snake]]s, [[krait]]s, [[mamba]]s, [[sea snake]]s, and other [[venomous]] snakes in the family [[Elapidae]].",
parents = {"snakes", "list of sets"},
labels["elateroid beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[click beetle]]s/[[elaterid]]s, [[fire beetle]]s, [[firefly|fireflies]]/[[lampyrid]]s, [[glowworm]]s, [[net-winged beetle]]s/[[lycid]]s, [[railroad worm]]s/[[phengodid]]s, [[soldier beetle]]s/[[cantharid]]s, [[throscid]]s, [[wireworm]]s and other [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Elateroidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["elephants"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[elephant]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["elopomorph fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bonefish]], [[eel]]s, [[gulper eel]]s, [[halosaur]]s, [[ladyfish]], [[tarpon]] and other fish in the [[superorder]] [[Elopomorpha]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["emberizids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bunting]]s, [[yellowhammer]]s and related birds in the [[passerine]] family [[Emberizidae]].",
additional = "<u>Note</u>: for New World species that were formerly classified in this family, see [[:Category:{{{langcode}}}:New World sparrows]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["emydid turtles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for (North American) [[box turtle]]s, [[chicken turtle]]s, [[cooter]]s, [[ellachick]]s, [[pond turtle]]s, [[slider]]s, [[terrapin]]s, and other [[turtle]]s in the [[family]] [[Emydidae]].",
parents = {"turtles", "list of sets"},
labels["equids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[equid]]s.",
parents = {"odd-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["erinaceids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[erinaceid]]s-hedgehogs and relatives.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["euplerids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[euplerid]]s — mongoose-like mammals found in Madagascar.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["even-toed ungulates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Artiodactyla]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["falconids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[caracara]]s, [[falcon]]s, [[hobby|hobbies]], [[kestrel]]s, [[lanner]]s, [[merlin]]s, [[saker]]s, and other birds in the [[family]] [[Falconidae]].",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["felids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[felid]]s.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["female animals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[female]] [[animal]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "female", "list of sets"},
labels["fish"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"vertebrates", "list of sets"},
labels["flamingos"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["flatfish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sole]]s, [[flounder]]s, [[halibut]]s and other fish in the order [[Pleuronectiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["flatworms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fluke]]s, [[monogenean]]s, [[planarian]]s, [[polyclad]]s, [[tapeworm]]s, and other animals in the [[phylum]] [[Platyhelminthes]]. (For terms relating to the study of [[parasitic]] [[worm#Noun|worms]], see [[:Category:Helminthology]] and its subcategories.)",
parents = {"worms", "list of sets"},
labels["fleas"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["fowls"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fowl]]s: land birds in the [[order]] [[Galliformes]].",
parents = {"birds","poultry", "list of sets"},
labels["foxes"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"canids", "list of sets"},
labels["freshwater birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds that live mainly in [[freshwater]] areas, including [[estuaries]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["freshwater whitefish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cisco]]s, [[houting]]s, [[inconnu]]s, [[lavaret]]s, [[marena]]s, [[omul]]s, [[Otsego bass]], [[peled]]s, [[pollan]]s, [[roundfish]], [[tullibee]]s, [[vendace]]s, [[whitefish]] and other fish in the [[salmonid]] [[subfamily]] [[Coregoninae]].",
parents = {"salmonids", "list of sets"},
labels["frogs"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"anurans", "amphibians", "list of sets"},
labels["gadiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cod]], [[haddock]], [[hake]] and other fish in the [[order]] [[Gadiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["gasterosteiform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[stickleback]]s, [[hypoptychid]] [[sand eel]]s, [[tubesnout]]s and other fish in the [[order]] [[Gasterosteiformes]].",
additional = "Note: See [[:Category:Syngnathiform fish]] for a group formerly included within this order.",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["gastropods"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"mollusks", "list of sets"},
labels["geckos"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[lizard]]s in the [[infraorder]] [[Gekkota]], except for the [[legless lizards]] or [[pygopod]]s.",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["geese"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"anatids", "poultry", "list of sets"},
labels["geometrid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[carpet]]s, [[engrailed]]s, [[heath]]s, [[pug]]s, [[peppered moth]]s, [[streak]]s, [[wave]]s and other [[moth]]s in the [[family]] [[Geometridae]], most of which have [[caterpillar]]s known as [[inchworm]]s, [[looper]]s, [[measuring worm]]s or [[spanworm]]s.",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["goats"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[goat]]s.",
parents = {"caprines", "livestock", "list of sets"},
labels["gobies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[goby|gobies]], [[dartfish]], [[mudskipper]]s, [[sea gudgeon]]s, [[sleeper]]s, [[wormfish]], and other [[fish]] in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Gobioidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["gossamer-winged butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blue]]s, [[copper]]s, [[elfin]]s, [[harvester]]s, [[hairstreak]]s, [[sunbeam]]s and other [[butterfly|butterflies]] in the [[family]] [[Lycaenidae]].",
parents = {"butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["grebes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[grebe]]s.",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["grouse"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blackcock]]s, [[capercaillie]]s, [[grouse]], [[moorcock]]s, [[prairie chicken]]s, [[ptarmigan]]s, [[sagehen]]s, and other birds in the [[phasianid]] [[subfamily]] [[Tetraoninae]].",
parents = {"fowls", "list of sets"},
labels["gruiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[coot]]s, [[crake]]s, [[crane]]s, [[finfoot]]s, [[flufftail]]s, [[gallinule]]s, [[limpkin]]s, [[rail]]s, [[sungrebe]]s, [[trumpeter]]s, and other birds in the [[order]] [[Gruiformes]].",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["gulls"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gull]]s, [[seabird]]s in the [[family]] [[Laridae]].",
parents = {"seabirds", "list of sets"},
labels["gun dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gun]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"hunting dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["hares"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"lagomorphs", "list of sets"},
labels["hemipterans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[aphid]]s, [[leafhopper]]s, [[scale insect]]s, [[true bug]]s, [[whitefly|whiteflies]], and other [[insect]]s in the order [[Hemiptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["herding dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[herding]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"pastoral dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["herons"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[heron]]s, [[bittern]]s and [[egret]]s.",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["herpestids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[herpestid]]s- mongooses, meerkats, and relatives.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["herrings"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[herring]]s, [[shad]]s, [[sardine]]s and other fish in the family [[Clupeidae]].",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["holostean fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gar]]s and [[bowfin]]s, primitive fish in the [[infraclass]] [[Holostei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["hominids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hominid]]s.",
parents = {"primates", "list of sets"},
labels["honeyeaters"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for Australian [[chat]]s, [[bellbird]]s, [[friarbird]]s, [[gibberbird]]s, [[honeyeater]]s, [[miner]]s, [[spinebill]]s, [[wattlebird]]s, and other birds in the [[family]] [[Meliphagidae]].",
parents = {"meliphagoid birds", "list of sets"},
labels["horseflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blind-fly|blind-flies]], [[breezefly|breezeflies]], [[cleg]]s, [[deerfly|deerflies]], [[forest fly|forest flies]], [[gadfly|gadflies]], [[horsefly|horseflies]], [[oxfly|oxflies]], [[zimb]]s, and other biting flies in the [[family]] [[Tabanidae]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["horses"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[horse]]s.",
parents = {"equids", "livestock", "list of sets"},
labels["hummingbirds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hummingbird]]s.",
parents = {"apodiforms", "list of sets"},
labels["hunting dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hunting]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["hyaenids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hyaenid]]s.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["hydrozoans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bluebottle]]s, [[calycophoran]]s, [[filiferan]]s, [[hydra]]s, [[hydractinian]]s, [[leptothecate]]s, [[narcomedusa]]s, [[pandeid]]s, [[physonect]]s, [[plumularian]]s, [[Portuguese man-of-war]]s, [[siphonophore]]s, [[stylaster]]s, [[sea fir]]s, [[sea ginger]], [[trachylid]]s, [[trachymedusa]]s, amd other animals in the [[cnidarian]] [[class]] [[Hydrozoa]].",
parents = {"cnidarians", "list of sets"},
labels["hymenopterans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ant]]s, [[bee]]s, [[ichneumon wasp]]s, [[sawfly|sawflies]], [[wasp]]s and other [[insect]]s in the order [[Hymenoptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["hyraxes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hyrax]]es.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["ibises and spoonbills"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ibis]]es and [[spoonbill]]s.",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["icterids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[New World]] [[passerine]] family [[Icteridae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["iguanoid lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anole]]s, [[basilisk]]s, [[collared lizard]]s, [[chuckwalla]]s, [[fence lizard]]s, [[fringe-toed lizard]]s, [[horned lizard]]s, [[iguana]]s, [[leopard lizard]]s, [[side-blotched lizard]]s, [[zebra-tailed lizard]]s and other [[lizard]]s formerly included in the [[family]] [[Iguanidae]], and now mostly treated as comprising either the [[infraorder]] [[Pleurodonta]] or the [[superfamily]] [[Iguanoidea]].",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["insects"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s.",
parents = {"arthropods", "list of sets"},
labels["isopods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gribble]]s, [[pillbug]]s, [[salve bug]]s, [[slater]]s, [[sea slater]]s, [[sowbug]]s, [[woodlouse|woodlice]], and other [[crustacean]]s in the [[order]] [[Isopoda]].",
parents = {"crustaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["jackfish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[jack]]s, [[pompano]]s, [[jack mackerel]]s, [[scad]]s and other fish in the family [[Carangidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["jawless fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[lamprey]]s and [[hagfish]]: primitive eel-like fishes that have no jaws.",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["kingfishers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[kingfisher]]s.",
parents = {"coraciiforms", "list of sets"},
labels["kites (birds)"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms relating to [[hawk]]s in the [[accipitrid]] [[subfamily|subfamilies]] [[Milvinae]] and [[Elaninae]], as well as some in the subfamily [[Perninae]].",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["kyphosid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blackfish]], [[drummer]]s, [[footballer]]s, [[greenfish]], [[halfmoon]]s, [[luderick]]s, [[mado]]s, [[moonlighter]]s, [[nibbler]]s, [[opaleye]]s, [[sea chub]]s, [[stripey]]s, [[sweep]]s and other fish in the [[percoid]] [[family]] [[Kyphosidae]].",
parents = {"Percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["labroid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anemonefish]], [[cale]]s, [[cichlid]]s, [[clownfish]], [[damselfish]], [[parrotfish]], [[surfperch]], [[wrasse]]s, and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Labroidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["labyrinth fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[climbing perch]], [[gourami]]s, [[paradisefish]], [[Siamese fighting fish]] and other fish in the [[suborder]] [[Anabantoidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["lacertoid lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[amphisbaena]]s, [[caiman lizard]]s, [[green lizard]]s, [[ocellated lizard]]s, [[racerunner]]s, [[rock lizard]]s, [[tegu]]s, [[teiid]]s, [[thunderworm]]s, [[viviparous lizard]]s, [[wall lizard]]s, [[whiptail]]s, and other [[lizard]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Lacertoidea]].",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["lagomorphs"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["lamniform sharks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[basking shark]]s, [[goblin shark]]s, [[great white shark]]s, [[mako shark]]s, [[megamouth shark]]s, [[porbeagle]]s, [[sand shark]]s, [[thresher shark]]s, and other [[shark]]s in the [[order]] [[Lamniformes]].",
parents = {"sharks", "list of sets"},
labels["lampriform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[crestfish]], [[oarfish]], [[opah]]s, [[ribbonfish]], [[velifer]]s and other fish in the [[order]] [[Lampridiformes]] (not to be confused with the unrelated [[lamprey]]s).",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["larks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[lark]]s.",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["laughingthrushes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[family]] [[Leiothrichidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["leaf warblers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the family [[Phylloscopidae]].",
parents = {"warblers", "list of sets"},
labels["lesser apes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[gibbon]]s (including [[hoolock]]s, [[lar gibbon]]s [[wow-wow]]s, etc.) and [[siamang]]s, comprising the [[family]] [[Hylobatidae]], which is closely related to the [[hominid]]s.",
parents = {"primates", "list of sets"},
labels["leuciscine fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bream]]s, [[chub]]s, [[dace]]s, [[ide]]s, many [[minnow]]s, [[nase]]s, [[roach]]es, [[shiner]]s, [[ziege]]s, and other fish in the [[cyprinid]] [[subfamily]] [[Leuciscinae]], sometimes treated as the [[family]] [[Leuciscidae]], or as the [[tribe]] [[Leuciscini]] within the [[subfamily]] [[Cyprininae]].",
parents = {"cyprinids", "list of sets"},
labels["libellulid dragonflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[amberwing]]s, [[basker]]s, [[darter]]s, [[dropwing]]s, [[duskhawk]]s, [[flutterer]]s, [[glider]]s, [[meadowhawk]]s, [[pennant]]s, [[percher]]s, [[skimmer]]s, [[slimwing]]s, [[swampdragon]]s, [[twister]]s, and other [[dragonfly|dragonflies]] in the [[family]] [[Libellulidae]].",
parents = {"dragonflies and damselflies", "list of sets"},
labels["lice"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[parasitic]] insects in the [[order]] [[Psocodea]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["limenitidine butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[admiral]]s, [[clipper]]s, [[count]]s, [[duke]]s, [[purple]]s, [[sister]]s, and other [[butterfly|butterflies]] in the [[nymphalid]] [[subfamily]] [[Limenitidinae]].",
parents = {"nymphalid butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["littorinimorphs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[boat shell]]s, [[carrier shell]]s, [[conch]]s, [[cowry|cowries]], [[flamingo tongue]]s, [[helmet shell]]s, [[moon snail]]s, [[pebblesnail]]s, [[trumpet shell]]s, [[velutinid]]s, [[winkle]]s, [[worm-shell]]s, and other [[gastropod]]s in the [[order]] [[Littorinimorpha]]",
parents = {"gastropods", "list of sets"},
labels["livestock guardian dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[livestock]] [[guardian]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"pastoral dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[lizard]]s.",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["loaches"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the [[cypriniform]] [[superfamily]] [[Cobitoidea]].",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["lobe-finned fishes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[coelacanth]]s, [[lungfish]] and other fishes in the [[subclass]] [[Sarcopterygii]] of the [[bony fish]]es.",
additional = "<u>Please note</u>: although the [[tetrapod]]s (including all [[reptile]]s, [[amphibian]]s, [[bird]]s and [[mammal]]s) are descended from within this group, they are excluded from this category by not being fish.",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["loons"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[loon]]s, birds known as [[diver]]s outside the US.",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["macaques"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[Barbary ape]]s, [[bonnet monkey]]s, [[crab-eating macaque]]s, [[Japanese macaque]]s, [[moor macaque]]s, [[pigtail macaque]]s, [[rhesus monkey]]s, [[toque]]s, and other [[Old World monkey]]s in the [[genus]] ''[[Macaca]]''.",
parents = {"Old World monkeys", "list of sets"},
labels["macropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bettong]]s, [[kangaroo]]s, [[pademelon]]s, [[potoroo]]s, [[quokka]]s, [[wallaby]]s, and other [[marsupial]]s in the [[diprotodont]] [[suborder]] [[Macropodiformes]].",
parents = {"marsupials", "list of sets"},
labels["malaconotoid birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[Australian magpie]]s, [[bushshrike]]s, [[butcherbird]]s, [[boubou]]s, [[brubru]]s, [[currawong]]s, [[gonolek]]s, [[squeaker]]s, [[vanga]]s, and other birds in the [[passerine]] [[superfamily]] [[Malaconotoidea]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["male animals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[male]] [[animal]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "male", "list of sets"},
labels["mammals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s.",
parents = {"vertebrates", "list of sets"},
labels["marsupials"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[marsupial]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["mayflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for insects in the [[order]] [[Ephemeroptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["megalopterans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[alderfly|alderflies]], [[dobsonfly|dobsonflies]], [[fishfly|fishflies]] and other insects in the [[order]] [[Megaloptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["meliphagoid birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blue wren]]s, [[bristlebird]]s, [[emu-wren]]s, [[fairywren]]s, [[gerygone]]s, [[grasswren]]s, [[honeyeater]]s, [[pardalote]]s, [[pilotbird]]s, [[redthroat]]s, [[scrubwren]]s, [[thornbill]]s, [[weebill]]s, [[whiteface]]s, and other birds in the [[passerine]] [[superfamily]] [[Meliphagoidea]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["mephitids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mephitid]]s: skunks and stink badgers.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["mergansers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[diving]] [[duck]]s in the [[genus]] ''[[Mergus]]'' and a few similar species.",
parents = {"ducks", "list of sets"},
labels["mimids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[catbird]]s, [[mockingbird]]s, [[thrasher]]s and other birds in the [[passerine]] family [[Mimidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["mites and ticks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[arachnid]]s in the [[subclass]] [[Acari]].",
parents = {"arachnids", "list of sets"},
labels["mollusks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mollusk]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["monkeys"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for monkeys.",
parents = {"primates", "list of sets"},
labels["monotremes"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["mosquitoes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s in the [[dipteran]] [[family]] [[Culicidae]].",
parents = {"culicomorphs", "list of sets"},
labels["moths"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["murids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for a number of [[rats]], [[mice]], and other [[rodent]]s in the [[Old World]] [[family]] [[Muridae]].",
parents = {"rodents", "list of sets"},
labels["muscicapids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[passerine]] family [[Muscicapidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["muscoid flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anthomyiid]]s such as [[root fly|root flies]], [[cabbage fly|cabbage flies]] and [[onion fly|onion flies]]; [[fanniid]]s; [[muscid]]s such as [[housefly|houseflies]], [[face fly|face flies]] and [[stable fly|stable flies]]; [[scathophagid]]s such as [[dungfly|dungflies]]; and other [[fly|flies]] in the [[dipteran]] [[superfamily]] [[Muscoidea]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["mustelids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mustelid]]s.",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["mygalomorph spiders"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[baboon spider]]s, [[barking spider]]s, [[bird spider]]s, [[purseweb spider]]s, [[tarantula]]s, [[trapdoor spider]]s, and other [[spider]]s in the [[infraorder]] [[Mygalomorphae]].",
parents = {"spiders", "list of sets"},
labels["myriapods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[centipede]]s, [[millipede]]s, [[pauropod]]s, [[symphylan]]s, and other [[arthropod]]s in the [[subphylum]] [[Myriapoda]].",
parents = {"arthropods", "list of sets"},
labels["nematodes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[filaria]], [[gapeworm]]s, [[lungworm]]s, [[pinworm]]s, [[threadworm]]s, [[wheatworm]]s, [[whipworm]]s and other [[worm]]s in the [[phylum]] [[Nematoda]].",
parents = {"worms", "list of sets"},
labels["neogastropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[admiral shell]]s, [[cone snail]]s, [[harp shell]]s, [[murex]]es, [[olive]]s, [[rhombus]]es, [[spindle]]s, [[tulip shell]]s, [[turnip shell]]s, [[volute]]s, [[whelk]]s, [[winkle]]s and other [[gastropod]]s in the [[clade]] [[Neogastropoda]] (treated as an [[order]] in some classifications).",
parents = {"gastropods", "list of sets"},
labels["New World monkeys"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[capuchin]]s, [[howler monkey]]s, [[marmoset]]s, [[night monkey]]s, [[saki]]s, [[spider monkey]]s, [[squirrel monkey]]s, [[tamarin]]s, [[titi]]s, [[uakari]]s, [[woolly monkey]]s, and other [[monkey]]s in the [[parvorder]] [[Platyrrhini]].",
parents = {"monkeys", "list of sets"},
labels["New World sparrows"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sparrow]]- and [[finch]]-like birds in the [[passerine]] [[family]] [[Passerellidae]], until recently considered part of the family [[Emberizidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["New World warblers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the family [[Parulidae]].",
parents = {"warblers", "list of sets"},
labels["neuropterans"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[antlion]]s, [[lacewing]]s, [[mantisfly|mantisflies]], [[owlfly|owlflies]] and other insects in the [[order]] [[Neuroptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["newts"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[terrestrial]] [[salamander]]s in the [[subfamily]] [[Pleurodelinae]].",
parents = {"salamanders", "list of sets"},
labels["noctuoid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[armyworm]]s, [[cinnabar]]s, [[corn earworm]]s, [[cutworm]]s, [[gypsy moth]]s, [[owlet moth]]s, [[processionary|processionaries]], [[tiger moth]]s, [[underwing]]s, [[wainscot]]s, [[wooly bear]]s, and many other [[moth]]s (and [[caterpillar]]s) in the [[superfamily]] [[Noctuoidea]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["nudibranchs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sea slug]]s in the [[gastropod]] [[order]] [[Nudibranchia]].",
parents = {"gastropods", "list of sets"},
labels["nymphalid butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[admiral]]s, [[brown]]s, [[buckeye]]s, [[checkerspot]]s, [[emperor]]s, [[fritillary|fritillaries]], [[leafwing]]s, [[longwing]]s, [[monarch]]s, [[morpho]]s, [[painted lady|painted ladies]], [[ringlet]]s, [[satyr]]s, [[sister]]s, [[snout]]s, [[tortoiseshell]]s, and other butterflies in the [[family]] [[Nymphalidae]].",
parents = {"butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["octopuses"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"cephalopods", "list of sets"},
labels["odd-toed ungulates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Perissodactyla]], including the [[equid]]s, [[tapir]]s and [[rhinoceros]]es.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["oestroid flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blowfly|blowflies]], [[bluebottle]]s, [[botfly|botflies]], [[flesh fly|flesh fles]], [[greenbottle]]s, [[mango fly|mango flies]], [[screwworm]]s, [[tachinid]]s, [[torsalo]]s, [[tumbu fly|tumbu flies]], [[warble fly|warble flies]], and other flies in the [[superfamily]] [[Oestroidea]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["Old World monkeys"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[baboon]]s, [[colobus]], [[douc]]s, [[gelada]]s, [[green monkey]]s, [[grivet]]s, [[langur]]s, [[malbrouck]]s, [[mandrill]]s, [[mangabey]]s, [[patas monkey]]s, [[proboscis monkey]]s, [[talapoin]]s, [[vervet]]s, and other [[monkeys]] in the [[family]] [[Cercopithecidae]], the only [[members]] of the [[parvorder]] [[Catarrhini]] aside from the greater/lesser apes and humans.",
parents = {"monkeys", "list of sets"},
labels["ornithopods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[camptosaurid]]s, [[hadrosaur]]s, [[iguanodontid]]s, [[lambeosaurid]]s, [[rhabdodontid]]s, [[saurolophid]]s, [[thescelosaurid]]s, [[trachodontid]]s, and other [[dinosaur]]s in the [[ornithischian]] [[clade]] [[Ornithopoda]].",
parents = {"dinosaurs", "list of sets"},
labels["osteoglossomorph fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[aba]]s, [[arapaima]]s, [[arowana]]s, [[butterfly fish]], [[elephantfish]], [[featherback]]s, [[mooneye]]s and other fish in the [[superorder]] [[Osteoglossomorpha]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["otariid seals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[family]] [[Otariidae]], including the [[fur seal]]s and [[sea lion]]s.",
parents = {"pinnipeds", "list of sets"},
labels["otidimorph birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bustard]]s in the [[family]] [[Otididae]] and [[order]] [[Otidiformes]]; [[turaco]]s or [[lourie]]s, [[go-away bird]]s, [[plantain-eater]]s, etc., in the [[family]] [[Musophagidae]] and [[order]] [[Musophagiformes]]; and [[cuckoo]]s in the [[family]] [[Cuculidae]] and [[order]] [[Cuculiformes]]; all in the [[clade]] [[Otidimorphae]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["otocephalan fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anchovy|anchovies]], [[beaked salmon]], [[carp]], [[catfish]], [[characin]]s, [[electric eel]]s, [[ghost knifefish]], [[herring]]s, [[loach]]es, [[milkfish]], [[minnow]]s, [[mousefish]], [[slickhead]]s, [[sucker]]s, [[tubeshoulder]]s, and other fish in the [[clade]] [[Otocephala]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["ovenbirds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[suboscine]] family [[Furnariidae]], including the former family Dendrocolaptidae (now the [[subfamily]] [[Dendrocolaptinae]]).",
parents = {"suboscines", "list of sets"},
labels["owls"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[owl]]s.",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["pangolins"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Pholidota]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["panthers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[panther]]s in the sense of members of the genus ''[[Panthera]]''.",
parents = {"felids", "list of sets"},
labels["parrots"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[parrot]]s.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["pastoral dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[pastoral]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["penguins"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[penguin]]s.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["pentatomoid bugs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[acanthosomatid]]s, [[burrowing bug]]s, [[jewel bug]]s, [[shield bug]]s, [[stinkbug]]s, [[thyreocorid]]s, and other [[true bug]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Pentatomoidea]].",
parents = {"true bugs", "list of sets"},
labels["perch and darters"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Percidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["perching birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[passerine]]s or perching birds: members of the order [[Passeriformes]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["percoid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[archerfish]], [[bass]], [[bigeye]]s, [[bluefish]], [[butterflyfish]], [[cardinalfish]], [[cobia]], [[croaker]]s, [[flagtail]]s, [[goatfish]], [[grouper]]s, [[grunt]]s, [[horse mackerel]], [[jack]]s, [[jawfish]], [[leaffish]], [[mahi-mahi]], [[mojarra]], [[perch]], [[pomfret]]s, [[pompano]], [[ponyfish]], [[porgy|porgies]], [[remora]]s, [[roosterfish]], [[sea bass]], [[sea bream]], [[snapper]], [[sunfish]], [[sweeper]]s, [[threadfin]], [[tilefish]], [[wreckfish]], and other [[perciform]] fish in the [[superfamily]] [[Percoidea]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["phocid seals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mammal]]s in the [[family]] [[Phocidae]], including the [[earless seal]]s (also known as [[true seal]]s).",
parents = {"pinnipeds", "list of sets"},
labels["piciforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[woodpecker]]s, [[aracari]]s, [[coppersmith]]s, [[honeyguide]]s, [[jacamar]]s, [[nunlet]]s, [[puffbird]]s, [[toucan]]s, and other birds in the [[order]] [[Piciformes]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["pierid butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[brimstone]]s, [[orange tip]]s, [[sulfur]]s, [[white]]s and other [[butterfly|butterflies]] in the [[family]] [[Pieridae]].",
parents = {"butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["pigeons"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[pigeon]]s.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["pigs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[pig]]s.",
parents = {"even-toed ungulates", "livestock", "list of sets"},
labels["pikes (fish)"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Esocidae]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["pinnipeds"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["pipits and wagtails"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[passerine]] family [[Motacillidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["placoderms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[extinct]] armored fish of the [[class]] [[Placodermi]] from the [[Silurian]] and [[Devonian]] [[geologic]] [[period]]s.",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["plovers and lapwings"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for birds in the [[charadriiform]] [[family]] [[Charadriidae]].",
parents = {"shorebirds", "list of sets"},
labels["pomfrets"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Bramidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["primates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[primate]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["procyonids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[procyonid]]s: ([[raccoon]]s, [[coati]]s, [[kinkajou]]s, [[olingo]]s, [[ringtail]]s and [[cacomistle]]s).",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["prosimians"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"primates", "list of sets"},
labels["pterosaurs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[pterosaur]]s.",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["pyraloid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bee moth]]s, [[flour moth]]s, [[leaf crumpler]]s, [[magpie moth]]s, [[melonworm]]s, [[mint moth]]s, [[orangeworm]]s, [[pantry moth]]s, [[pickleworm]]s, [[snout moth]]s, [[veneer moth]]s, [[wax moth]]s and other [[crambid]] and [[pyralid]] [[moths]] in the [[superfamily]] [[Pyraloidea]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["rabbits"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"lagomorphs", "list of sets"},
labels["rallids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[rallid]]s: [[rail]]s and other birds in the family [[Rallidae]].",
parents = {"gruiforms", "list of sets"},
labels["ratites"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ratite]]s: birds in the superorder [[Palaeognathae]], including large flightless birds such as [[ostrich]]es, and [[emu]]s, as well as the smaller [[kiwi]]s and [[flighted]] [[tinamous]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["rays and skates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fish]] in the superorder [[Batoidea]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["reindeers"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"cervids"},
labels["reptiles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[reptile]]s.",
parents = {"vertebrates", "list of sets"},
labels["retrievers"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"gun dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["rhinoceroses"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[rhinoceros]]es, [[mammal]]s in the [[perissodactylic]] [[family]] [[Rhinocerotidae]].",
parents = {"odd-toed ungulates", "list of sets"},
labels["rodents"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[rodent]]s.",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["salamanders"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[amphiuma]]s, [[axolotl]]s, [[hellbender]]s, [[mud puppy|mud puppies]], [[olm]]s, [[newt]]s, [[salamander]]s, [[siren]]s, and other [[amphibian]]s in the [[order]] [[Caudata]].",
parents = {"amphibians", "list of sets"},
labels["salmonids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[salmon]]s, [[trout]], and other fish in the family [[Salmonidae]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["saturniid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[Atlas moth]]s, [[cecropia]]s, [[hickory horned devil]]s, [[io moth]]s, [[luna moth]]s, [[polyphemus moth]]s, and other [[moth]]s (and [[caterpillar]]s) in the [[family]] [[Saturniidae]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["satyrine butterflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[brown]]s, [[forester]]s, [[grayling]]s, [[heath]]s, [[palmfly|palmflies]], [[ringlet]]s, [[satyr]]s, and other [[butterfly|butterflies]] in the [[nymphalid]] [[subfamily]] [[Satyrinae]].",
parents = {"nymphalid butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["sauropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[apatosaur]]s, [[brachiosaur]]s, [[brontosaur]]s, [[camarasaur]]s, [[cetiosaur]]s, [[diplodocus]]es, [[saltasaurid]]s, [[titanosaurian]]s, [[turiasaur]]s, [[vulcanodontid]]s, and other [[dinosaurs]] in the [[saurischian]] [[infraorder]] [[Sauropoda]].",
parents = {"dinosaurs", "list of sets"},
labels["sawflies and wood wasps"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[horntail]]s, [[pigeon tremex]], [[rose slug]]s, [[sawfly|sawflies]], [[wood wasp]]s, and other primitive [[hymenopteran]]s in the [[suborder]] [[Symphyta]].",
parents = {"hymenopterans", "list of sets"},
labels["scale insects"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Coccoidea]].",
parents = {"hemipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["scarabaeoids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cockchafer]]s, [[dor]]s, [[dung beetle]]s, [[June beetle]]s, [[rain beetle]]s, [[rose chafer]]s, [[scarab]]s, [[stag beetle]]s, and other beetles in the [[superfamily]] [[Scarabaeoidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["scenthounds"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"hunting dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["scincomorph lizards"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[blue-tongue lizard]]s, [[night lizard]]s, [[sandfish]], [[skink]]s, [[sungazer]]s, and other [[lizard]]s in the [[infraorder]] [[Scincomorpha]].",
parents = {"lizards", "list of sets"},
labels["scolopacids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[curlew]]s, [[dunlin]]s, [[godwit]]s, [[knot]]s, [[redshank]]s, [[ruff]]s, [[sandpiper]]s, [[snipe]]s, [[stint]]s, [[turnstone]]s, [[tattler]]s, [[whimbrel]]s, [[woodcock]]s, [[yellowleg]]s, and other birds in the [[charadriiform]] [[family]] [[Scolopacidae]].",
parents = {"shorebirds", "list of sets"},
labels["scombroids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[mackerel]]s, [[tuna]]s, [[barracuda]]s, [[swordfish]], and other fish in the suborder [[Scombroidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["scorpaeniform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bullhead]]s, [[cabezon]], [[golomyanka]], [[greenling]]s, [[gurnard]]s, [[Irish lord]], [[lionfish]], [[lumpsucker]]s, [[pigfish]], [[poacher]]s, [[sablefish]], [[scorpionfish]], [[sculpin]]s, [[sea raven]]s, [[sea toad]]s, [[skilfish]], [[snailfish]], [[stonefish]], [[wingfish]], and other fish in the [[order]] [[Scorpaeniformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["scorpions"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for true [[scorpion]]s: [[arachnid]]s in the [[order]] [[Scorpiones]].",
parents = {"arachnids", "list of sets"},
labels["screamers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[screamer]]s: birds in the family [[Anhimidae]], related to [[duck]]s and [[geese]].",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["seabirds"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["sea anemones"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cnidarian]]s in the [[order]] [[Actiniaria]].",
parents = {"cnidarians", "list of sets"},
labels["sea cucumbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[echinoderm]]s in the [[class]] [[Holothuroidea]].",
parents = {"echinoderms", "list of sets"},
labels["sea urchins"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[echinoderm]]s in the [[class]] [[Echinoidea]], including the [[sand dollar]]s.",
parents = {"echinoderms", "list of sets"},
labels["sea turtles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[flatback]]s, [[green turtle]]s, [[hawksbill]]s, [[leatherback]]s, [[loggerhead]]s, [[ridley]]s, and other [[turtle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Chelonioidea]].",
parents = {"turtles", "list of sets"},
labels["sebastids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Sebastidae]].",
parents = {"scorpaeniform fish", "list of sets"},
labels["serranids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sea bass]], [[grouper]]s, [[rockcod]]s, [[comber]]s and other fish in the family [[Serranidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["sharks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[shark]]s.",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["sheep"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"caprines", "livestock", "list of sets"},
labels["shorebirds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[shorebird]]s.",
parents = {"birds", "list of sets"},
labels["shrikes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[shrike]]s.",
parents = {"perching birds", "corvoid birds", "list of sets"},
labels["sighthounds"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"hunting dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["skippers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for insects in the family [[Hesperiidae]].",
parents = {"butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["smelts"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the [[order]] [[Osmeriformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["snails"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"gastropods", "list of sets"},
labels["snakes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[snake]]s.",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["snappers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the [[family]] [[Lutjanidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["soft corals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[calcaxonian]]s, [[dead man's fingers]], [[fan coral]]s, [[gorgonian]]s, [[holaxonian]]s, [[scleraxonian]]s, [[sea feather]]s, [[sea willow]]s, [[stoloniferan]]s, [[whip coral]]s, and other marine animals in the [[cnidarian]] order [[Alcyonacea]].",
parents = {"cnidarians", "list of sets"},
labels["soricomorphs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[shrew]]s, [[mole]]s, [[solenodon]]s, and other [[mammal]]s in the [[order]] [[Soricomorpha]].",
parents = {"mammals", "list of sets"},
labels["spaniels"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"gun dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["sparids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[sea breams]], [[porgie]]s, [[scup]]s and other fish in the family [[Sparidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["sphinx moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hawkmoth]]s, [[hornworm]]s, [[hummingbird moth]]s, [[sphinx moth]]s,[[tomato worm]]s, and other [[moth]]s (and [[caterpillar]]s) in the [[family]] [[Sphingidae]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["spiders"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[spider]]s.",
parents = {"arachnids", "list of sets"},
labels["sponges"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[aquatic]] [[animal]]s in the [[phylum]] [[Porifera]].",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["squid"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"cephalopods", "list of sets"},
labels["squirrels"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[squirrel]]s, [[chipmunk]]s, [[marmot]]s, [[prairie dog]]s, [[woodchuck]]s and other [[rodent]]s in the family [[Sciuridae]].",
parents = {"rodents", "list of sets"},
labels["staphylinoid beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Staphylinoidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["starlings"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[starling]]s, [[mynah]]s, and other birds in the [[passerine]] family [[Sturnidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["stick insects"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s (including the [[leaf insect]]s) in the [[order]] known as either [[Phasmida]] or [[Phasmatodea]], which are noted for their extreme adaptations in form and color to look like parts of the plants they feed on.",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["stoneflies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[freshwater]] [[aquatic]] [[insect]]s in the [[order]] [[Plecoptera]].",
parents = {"insects", "list of sets"},
labels["stony corals"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for marine animals in the [[cnidarian]] order [[Scleractinia]].",
parents = {"cnidarians", "list of sets"},
labels["storks"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"freshwater birds", "list of sets"},
labels["stromateoid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[barrelfish]], [[blue eye cod]], [[dollarfish]], [[driftfish]], [[lafayette]], [[medusafish]], [[rudderfish]], [[squaretail]], [[warehou]], and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Stromateoidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["sturgeons"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Acipenseridae]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["suboscines"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[antpitta]]s, [[antshrike]]s, [[antthrush]]es, [[asity|asities]], [[broadbill]]s, [[cotinga]]s, [[crescentchest]]s, [[gnateater]]s, [[manakin]]s, [[ovenbird]]s, [[pitta]]s, [[sharpbill]]s, [[spadebill]]s, [[tapaculo]]s, [[tityra]]s, [[tyrant flycatcher]]s, [[woodcreeper]]s, and other birds in the [[passerine]] [[suborder]] [[Tyranni]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["suckers (fish)"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[buffalo fish]], [[cuiui]], [[jumprock]]s, [[quillback]], [[redhorse]], [[sucker]]s, and other freshwater fish in the family [[Catostomidae]].",
parents = {"fish", "otocephalan fish", "list of sets"},
labels["suliform birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[anhinga]]s, [[booby|boobies]], [[cormorant]]s, [[frigatebird]]s, [[gannet]]s, and other [[seabirds]] in the [[order]] [[Suliformes]].",
parents = {"seabirds", "list of sets"},
labels["sunfish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for freshwater fish in the family [[Centrarchidae]].",
parents = {"percoid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["swallows"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[swallow]]s.",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["swallowtails"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[apollo]]s, [[batwing]]s, [[birdwing]]s, [[clubtail]]s, [[festoon]]s, [[flying handkerchief]]s, [[Helen]]s, [[jay]]s, [[mime]]s, [[parnassian]]s, [[rose]]s, [[swallowtail]]s, [[swordtail]]s, [[triangle]]s, [[turnus]]es, [[windmill]]s, [[zebra]]s, and other [[butterfly|butterflies]] in the [[family]] [[Papilionidae]], notable for (mostly) having tail-like extensions on their [[hindwing]]s.",
parents = {"butterflies", "list of sets"},
labels["swans"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"anatids", "list of sets"},
labels["syngnathiform fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bellowsfish]], [[cornetfish]], [[pipefish]], [[razorfish]], [[sea dragon]]s, [[sea horse]]s, [[snipefish]], [[trumpetfish]], and other fish in the [[order]] [[Syngnathiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["tanagers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bananaquit]]s, [[conebill]]s, [[dacnis]]es, [[Darwin's finch]]es, [[grassquit]]s, [[ground finch]]es, [[honeycreeper]]s, [[pardusco]]s, [[tanager]]s, and other [[passerine]] birds in the family [[Thraupidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["tenebrionoid beetles"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[aderid]]s, [[anthicid]]s, [[blister beetle]]s, [[borid]]s, [[ciid]]s, [[flour beetle]]s, [[darkling beetle]]s, [[mealworm]]s, [[melandryid]]s, [[mordellid]]s, [[mycetophagid]]s, [[oedemerid]]s, [[pinacate beetle]]s, [[pyrochroid]]s, [[pythid]]s, [[ripiphorid]]s, [[salpingid]]s, [[toktokkie]]s, [[ulodid]]s, [[wharf borer]]s, [[zopherid]]s and other [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Tenebrionoidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["tephritoid flies"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cheese fly|cheese flies]], [[tephritid]] [[fruit fly|fruit flies]], [[picture-winged fly|picture-winged flies]] and other [[fly|flies]] in the [[dipteran]] [[superfamily]] [[Tephritoidea]].",
parents = {"dipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["termites"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[termite]]s, [[insect]]s in the former [[order]] [[Isoptera]], which is now considered a [[suborder]] or other group within the [[cockroach]]es in the order [[Blattodea]].",
parents = {"insects", "cockroaches", "list of sets"},
labels["terns"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[tern]]s, [[seabirds]] in the [[family]] [[Sternidae]].",
parents = {"seabirds", "list of sets"},
labels["tetraodontiforms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[pufferfish]], [[triggerfish]], [[boxfish]], [[ocean sunfish]] and other fish in the order [[Tetraodontiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["terriers"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"hunting dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["theropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[dinosaur]]s in the [[clade]] [[Theropoda]].",
parents = {"dinosaurs", "list of sets"},
labels["thrushes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[thrush]]es.",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["ticks"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bloodsucking]] [[arachnids]] in the [[order]] [[Ixodida]] (also known as [[Metastigmata]]).",
parents = {"mites and ticks", "list of sets"},
labels["tinamous"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[tinamou]]s.",
parents = {"ratites", "list of sets"},
labels["tits"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[tit]]s, birds known as [[chickadee]]s in the US.",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["toothcarps"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[four-eyed fish]], [[guppy|guppies]], [[killifish]], [[molly|mollies]], [[mummichog]]s, [[platy|platies]], [[swordtail]]s, [[topminnow]]s and other fish in the [[order]] [[Cyprinodontiformes]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["tortricid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[moth]]s (and [[caterpillar]]s) in the [[family]] [[Tortricidae]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
labels["trachinoid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[black swallower]]s, [[blue cod]], [[duckbill]]s, [[gaper]]s, [[sand eel]]s, [[torrentfish]], [[weeverfish]] and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Trachinoidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["toy dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[toy]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["trilobites"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[trilobite]]s.",
parents = {"arthropods", "list of sets"},
labels["true bugs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[insect]]s in the [[hemipteran]] suborder [[Heteroptera]].",
parents = {"hemipterans", "list of sets"},
labels["true finches"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[finch]]es in the [[passerine]] family [[Fringillidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["true jellyfish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[cnidarian]]s in the [[class]] [[Scyphozoa]].",
parents = {"cnidarians", "list of sets"},
labels["true sparrows"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[passerine]] birds in the family [[Passeridae]] (for other birds called sparrows, see the [[emberizid]]s).",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["tubenose birds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[albatross]]es, [[fulmar]]s, [[petrel]]s, [[prion]]s, [[shearwater]]s, and other [[seabird]]s in the [[order]] [[Procellariiformes]].",
parents = {"seabirds", "list of sets"},
labels["tunicates"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["turtles"] = {
description = "default-set",
parents = {"reptiles", "list of sets"},
labels["tyrant flycatchers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[passerine]] birds in the family [[Tyrannidae]].",
parents = {"suboscines", "list of sets"},
labels["ursids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[ursid]]s ([[bear]]s).",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["Venerida order mollusks"] = {
description = "[[basket clam]]s, [[bean clam]]s, [[boring clam]]s, [[cockle]]s, [[duck clam]]s, [[giant clam]]s, [[hard clam]]s, [[lentil shell]]s, [[pipi]]s, [[pooquaw]]s, [[quahog]]s, [[surf clam]]s, [[trough-shell]]s, [[ugari]]s, [[Venus clam]]s, [[zebra mussel]]s, and other [[bivalve]]s in the [[order]] [[Venerida]].",
parents = {"bivalves", "list of sets"},
labels["vertebrates"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[vertebrate]]s.",
parents = {"chordates", "list of sets"},
labels["vespids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[hornet]]s, [[paper wasp]]s, [[pollen wasp]]s, [[potter wasp]]s, [[yellow jacket]]s, and other [[wasp]]s in the [[family]] [[Vespidae]].",
parents = {"hymenopterans", "list of sets"},
labels["vetigastropods"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[abalone]]s or [[ear shell]]s, [[duck's-bill limpet]]s, [[keyhole limpet]]s, [[rosary shell]]s, [[slit-shell]]s, [[topshell]]s, [[turban shell]]s, and other [[gastropod]]s in the [[clade]] [[Vetigastropoda]] (treated in some classifications as an [[order]], in others as [[subclass]]).",
parents = {"gastropods", "list of sets"},
labels["vipers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[adder]]s, [[asp]]s, [[rattlesnake]]s, [[viper]]s, [[water moccasin]]s and other [[venomous]] snakes in the [[Viperidae]].",
parents = {"snakes", "list of sets"},
labels["viverrids"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[viverrid]]s ([[civet]]s, [[genet]]s and relatives).",
parents = {"carnivores", "list of sets"},
labels["vultures"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[vulture]]s (both Old World and New World).",
parents = {"birds of prey", "list of sets"},
labels["warblers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[warbler]]s, various small [[passerine]] songbirds, especially of the families Sylviidae (Old World warblers) and Parulidae (New World warblers).",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["warren hounds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[warren]] [[hound]]s.",
parents = {"hunting dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["water dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[water]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"retrievers", "list of sets"},
labels["weaver finches"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[finch]]es in the family [[Estrildidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["weaverbirds"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[baya]]s, [[bishop]]s, [[fody|fodies]], [[malimbe]]s, [[quelea]]s, [[sakabula]]s, [[taha]]s, [[weaver]]s, and other birds in the [[family]] [[Ploceidae]].",
parents = {"perching birds", "list of sets"},
labels["weevils"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bill-beetle]]s, [[curculio]]s, [[grugru worm]]s, [[snout beetle]]s, and other [[beetle]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Curculionoidea]].",
parents = {"beetles", "list of sets"},
labels["whales"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[whale]]s.",
parents = {"cetaceans", "list of sets"},
labels["wolves"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[wolves]].",
parents = {"canids", "list of sets"},
labels["woodpeckers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[flicker]]s, [[sapsucker]]s, [[wryneck]]s, and other birds in the [[family]] [[Picidae]].",
parents = {"piciforms", "list of sets"},
labels["working dogs"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[working]] [[dog]]s.",
parents = {"dogs", "list of sets"},
labels["worms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[worm]]s.",
parents = {"animals", "list of sets"},
labels["wrasses"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for fish in the family [[Labridae]].",
parents = {"labroid fish", "list of sets"},
labels["wrens"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[wren]]s.",
parents = {"certhioid birds", "list of sets"},
labels["zoarcoid fish"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[butterfish]], [[eelpout]]s, [[guffer]]s, [[gunnel]]s, [[lumper]]s, [[prickleback]]s, [[prowfish]], [[wolf eel]]s and other fish in the [[perciform]] [[suborder]] [[Zoarcoidei]].",
parents = {"fish", "list of sets"},
labels["zygaenoid moths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[burnet moth]]s, [[forester]]s, [[hag moth]]s, [[limacodid]]s, [[megalopygid]]s, [[monkey slug]]s, [[puss moth]]s, [[saddleback caterpillar]]s, [[zygaenid]]s, and other [[moth]]s in the [[superfamily]] [[Zygaenoidea]].",
parents = {"moths", "list of sets"},
return labels