सामग्री पर जाएँ

मॉड्यूल:category tree/topic cat/data/Mathematics

विक्षनरी से

"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:category tree/topic cat/data/Mathematics/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"

local labels = {}

labels["formal sciences"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to the [[formal science]]s, the study of non-physical systems and abstractions.",
	parents = {"sciences"},

labels["mathematics"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"formal sciences"},

labels["algebra"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["algebraic geometry"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"geometry", "algebra"},

labels["algebraic topology"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"topology", "algebra"},

labels["analysis"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["applied mathematics"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["arithmetic"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics", "applied sciences"},

labels["calculus"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematical analysis"},

labels["category theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["cellular automata"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics", "theory of computing"},

labels["circle"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"curves", "list of topics"},

labels["coding theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"information theory"},

labels["combinatorics"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["complex analysis"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["curves"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"shapes", "list of topics"},

labels["differential geometry"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"geometry", "mathematical analysis"},

labels["functional analysis"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematical analysis"},

labels["functions"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"algebra", "calculus", "geometry", "mathematical analysis"},

labels["fuzzy logic"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"logic"},

labels["game theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["geometry"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["graph theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics", "visualization"},

labels["group theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"algebra"},

labels["higher-dimensional geometry"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"geometry"},

labels["hyperbolic functions"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"functions"},

labels["information theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"applied mathematics"},

labels["linear algebra"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"algebra"},

labels["logic"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"formal sciences", "philosophy"},

labels["mathematical analysis"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["measure theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["number theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["numerical analysis"] = {
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"mathematical analysis"},

labels["polygons"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"shapes"},

labels["polyhedra"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to [[polyhedron|polyhedra]], i.e. solid figures with straight edges and flat faces.",
	parents = {"shapes"},

labels["probability theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematical analysis"},

labels["ring theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"algebra"},

labels["set theory"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["shapes"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"geometry"},

labels["surfaces"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to geometric [[surface]]s.",
	parents = {"shapes"},

labels["topology"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["trigonometry"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mathematics"},

labels["trigonometric functions"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"functions", "trigonometry", "circle"},

return labels