विक्षनरी:सिन्धी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश ब से भ

विक्षनरी से

सिन्धी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश पर लौटें

  • -- ب -- The third consonant of the labial class. In some Sindhi words it has a peculiar sound, represented by ब॒ ٻه
  • ब॒ adj. -- ٻه -- two.
  • S बक s. f. -- بڪ -- Prattle, chat, foolish talk, garrulity.
  • S बकणु v. n. -- بڪڻ -- To prattle, chat, chatter, prate, gabble.
  • A बकमु s. m. -- بڪم -- Sappan wood (caeslpinic sappan).
  • बकर s. m. -- بڪر -- Vegetables and fruits.
  • ब॒करु s. m. -- ٻڪر -- A he-goat.
  • S बकवाद s. f. -- بڪواد -- Foolish talk.
  • S बकवादी s. m. -- بڪوادي -- A prater, chatterer, jabberer.
  • बकशक -- بڪشڪ -- Idem.
  • A बक़ाउ s. m. -- بقاء -- Lastingness, endurance, duration.
  • A बक़ाऊ adj. -- بقائو -- Eternal, continual.
  • A बक़ाया s. f. -- بقايا -- Balance, due, arrears, remainder.
  • बकारिणि s. f. -- بڪارڻ -- A woman who sells flowers.
  • बकारी s. m. -- بڪاري -- One who sells flowers, fruit, or vegetables.
  • S ब॒किरारु s. m. -- ٻڪرار -- A goatherd.
  • S ब॒किरी s. f. -- ٻڪري -- A she-goat, the name of the species.
  • ब॒किरो s. m. -- ٻڪرو -- A he-goat.
  • S बक्बकि s. f. -- بڪبڪي -- Prattle, chattering, foolish talk, gabble.
  • S बक्बक्यो s. m. -- بڪبڪيو -- A gabber, chatterer.
  • P बक्श s. f. बकशु s. m. -- بڪش يا بڪش -- Forgiveness, pardon.
  • बक्श करणु -- بڪش ڪرڻ -- To forgive.
  • बक्श थिअणु -- بڪش ٿيڻ -- To be forgiven.
  • P बक्शणु v. a. -- بڪشڻ -- To give, grant, forgive, pardon, bestow.
  • P बक्शींदड़ु s. m. -- بڪشيندڙ -- A pardoner.
  • P बक्शीश s. f. -- بڪشيش -- A gift grant, president, donation.
  • P बक्शीशनामो s. m. -- بڪشيش نامو -- A deed of gift.
  • P बक्शीशमो s. f. -- بڪشيشمو -- A gift, grant, present, donation.
  • बखणु v. n. -- بکڻ -- To shine, glow, show itself, be apparent or clear.
  • A बख़मलु or बख़्मल s. f. -- بخمل يا بخمل -- Velvet.
  • बखिरू s. m. -- بکرو -- The name of a plant with a prickly pod.
  • P बखिरो s. m. -- بکرو -- A share, portion, part.
  • A बख़ीली s. f. -- بخيلي -- Miserliness, stinginess. Disapprobation, dislike, envy, antipathy.
  • A बख़ीलु s. m. -- بخيل -- A miser.
  • S बखु s. m. -- بک -- A sacrifice or oblation of a goat grain etc. to the river deity.
  • A बख़ुमली or बख़्मली adj. -- بخملي يا بخملي -- Velvet, of velvet.
  • बखेड़ाई s. m. or adj. -- بکيڙائي -- Quarrelsome. A wrangler, brawler.
  • बखेड़ो s. m. -- بکيڙو -- Wrangling, a tumult, quarrel, disturbance, riot. Thing scattered about and in the way, confusion, fuss, pomp.
  • P बख़्तावरी s. f. -- بختاوري -- Good fortune.
  • P बख़्तावरु adj. -- بختاور -- Fortunate, lucky, of good disposition.
  • P बख़्तु s. m. -- بخت -- Fate, fortune, destiny.
  • P बख़्यो s. m. -- بخيو -- A kind of stitching, a strong quilting or double stitch.
  • बख़्श, बख़्शु, बख़्शणु, बख़्शींदड़ु, बख़्शीश, बख़्शीशनामो -- بخش، بخش، بخشڻ، بخشيندڙ، بخشيش، بخشيش نامو -- See बक्श بڪش, बक्शु بڪشُ, बक्शणु بڪشڻُ, बक्शींदड़ु بڪشِيندڙُ, बक्शीश بڪشِيش, बक्शीशनामो بڪشِيش نامو
  • ब॒गई s. f. -- ٻگئي -- Name of a fly that sticks to horses and dogs.
  • P बगलु s. m. -- بگل -- The arm-pit, the hair of the arm-pit.
  • बं॒गारी s. f. -- ٻنگاري -- A kind of metal plate or dish.
  • बगी adj. -- بگي -- White (an animal) s. m. A crane.
  • S बगु or बगुलो s. m. -- بگ يا بگلو -- A crane, heron.
  • बंगुलो s. m. -- بنگلو -- An open airy house with verandah to it and doors on all sides.
  • बगेड़ी s. f. -- بگيڙي -- Name of a small bird.
  • A बग़्दादी s. m. -- بغدادي -- a tyrant, an oppressor.
  • A बग़्दादु s. m. -- بغداد -- Oppression, injustice, tyranny.
  • बग़्दार s. m. -- بغدار -- A species of jawari.
  • बग्बगौतू s. m. -- بگبگوتو -- The cooing of pigeons.
  • P बग्ली s. f. -- بگلي -- A piece of cloth put into arm-pit of a dress. A bag carried under the arm-pit by fakirs.
  • ब॒घई or ब॒घी s. f. -- ٻگھئي يا ٻگھي -- A kind of fly that sticks on dogs, horse etc.
  • S बघड़ु s. m. -- بگھڙ -- A wolf.
  • बघयाड़ी s. f. -- بگھياڙي -- A stick forming part of the wheel of a water wheel.
  • ब॒घर बा॒रणु s. m. -- ٻگھر ٻارڻ -- To exite a quarrel between the inhabitants of two houses.
  • P S ब॒चड़्वालु s. m. -- ٻچڙوال -- One with a family.
  • बचणु v. n. -- بچڻ -- To be left, remain. To escape, survive, be preserved, be saved.
  • बचाइणहारु or बचाईंदड़ु s. m. -- بچائڻهار يا بچائيندڙ -- A preserver, savior.
  • बचाइणु v. a. -- بچائڻ -- To cause to escape, to preserve, or be left.
  • बचाउ s. m. -- بچاء -- Protection, defense, preservation.
  • P ब॒चिड़ो s. m. -- ٻچڙو -- A small infant, the young of any animal or cub.
  • ब॒ची s. f. -- ٻچي -- The cod piece in a pair of drawers, any piece let into a dress. A small kind of turband. An additional cut in a water course to deepen it. A supplement, a supplementary sheet, making up something wanting.
  • ब॒चो s. m. -- ٻچو -- Pith. The wrist, a part of a lock, a hardened lump in soft sugar. P An infant, a child, the young of any animal. The kernel of a cocoanut.
  • ब॒चो adj. -- ٻچو -- One who talks extravagantly and with exaggeration. Of the ocean, a title for the fine horse.
  • P बच्कानो s. m. -- بچڪانو -- A piece of cloth for wrapping round a child’s waist etc. a child’s sash.
  • बछ s. f. -- بڇ -- Causing to attack or fly at one, setting on any one, a dog etc. at another, exciting any one to strike or beat another. An attack, assault, outset.
  • बछणु v. a. -- بڇڻ -- To set on, cause any one, a dog etc. to attack another. To attack, rush on, assault, pursue.
  • बज s. f. -- بج -- Shaggy rough long hair.
  • बजरारु s. m. -- بجرار -- One who makes leather oil vessels, heads for drums etc.
  • बजरि s. f. -- بجر -- The second crop of tobacco from the same plants.
  • P बजाए adj. -- بجائي -- Right, correct, performed, executed.
  • बजाए आणणु v. a. -- بجائي آڻڻ -- To execute, perform.
  • S बजाजी s. f. -- بجاجي -- The business of a cloth merchant.
  • A बजाजु s. m. -- بجاج -- A cloth merchant, draper, mercer.
  • P बज़ारि s. f. -- بزار -- A bazaar, market place.
  • बजिरी s. m. -- بجري -- The low ridge round the flat roof of a house.
  • बजिरु adj. -- بجر -- Shaggy. s. m. A species of dog with long hair.
  • ब॒झणु v. n. -- ٻجھڻ -- (past part. ब॒धो ٻڌو) to be bound, tied, fastened, to be congealed, be coagulated (as milk), to be shut out (as water by an embankment) cease flowing, stagnate. To be completed (a line or sentence of writing etc.)
  • S ब॒झाइणु v. a. -- ٻجھائڻ -- To stop one’s mouth by any unanswerable argument, to put a dead stop to any thing which was being perfumed by another.
  • S ब॒झाउ s. m. -- ٻجھاء -- Bond, fastening, tie, stopping.
  • बटई or बटाई s. f. -- بٽئي يا بٽائي -- The assessment or division of the grain at harvest between government, the cultivators and others entitled to shares.
  • बटईदारु or बटाईदारु s. m. -- بٽئيدار يا بٽائيدار -- The officer who makes the बटई بٽِئي and takes the government share.
  • ब॒टाक s. f. -- ٻٽاڪ -- Idle tales, exaggeration, boasting, lying stories.
  • ब॒टाकी s. m. -- ٻٽاڪي -- A boaster, idle talker, teller of lying stories.
  • ब॒टीह adj. -- ٻٽيهه -- Thirty-two.
  • ब॒टीहो s. m. -- ٻٽيهو -- Name of a medicine in which are 32 ingredients given to a woman in parturition.
  • ब॒टीहो डा॒जो -- ٻٽيهو ڏاجو -- Thirty suits of apparel given with a girl on marriage.
  • ब॒टीहो लुचु -- ٻٽيهو لچ -- A thorough rascal.
  • S ब॒टुओ s. m. -- ٻٽئو -- A kind of purse or small bag closed by pulling a double string.
  • ब॒टुओं s. m. -- ٻٽئون -- The lock of hair smoothed over the corner of the forehead and temple on each side and brought behind the ear.
  • ब॒टूरु s. m. -- ٻٽور -- the side locks of hair left when the rest of head is shaven or cut.
  • S ब॒टेरो s. m. -- ٻٽيرو -- A kind of quail (Perdix Olivacea).
  • बठारो s. m. -- بٺارو -- A class who keeps donkeys, horses etc. for hire and who sells fire wood. One who sells food to travelers, a subtler. One who sells parched grain. A great eater, greedy person.
  • बठि पवणु -- بٺ پوڻ -- To fall into a fire, (used in cursing or wishing ill).
  • ब॒ठिड़ो s. m. -- ٻٺڙو -- A fawn. The young of several animals, a cub, fawn, whelp.
  • बठी s. f. -- بٺي -- A distillery, a great fire at which much cooking is going on. A large furnace.
  • S बठु s. m. -- بٺ -- A large fire place at which much cooking is going on, a large pot in which grain is parched or food cooked.
  • S ब॒ड़हु s. m. -- ٻڙهه -- The day following the festival of the diari, also commemorated.
  • ब॒ड़ी Inter. -- ٻڙي -- (Used in addressing females) O! Oh! Friend.
  • बड़ु s. m. -- بڙ -- The Indian fig tree (Ficus Indica).
  • S बडो s. m. -- بڊو -- Name of the sixth Hindu month, part August part September.
  • बड़्बड़ाइणु v. n. -- بڙبڙائڻ -- To prate, chatter nonsense, rave, gabble.
  • बड़्बड़ि s. f. -- بڙبڙ -- Muttering, raving, idle, chatter.
  • बड़्बड़्यो s. m. -- بڙبڙيو -- One who chatter nonsense, a prater.
  • बणणु v. n. -- بڻڻ -- To agree, accord, suit, fall in with, fit, be adjusted, be made, formed.
  • बणति s. f. or बणाउ s. m. -- بڻت يا بڻاء -- Agreement, harmony, concord.
  • बणाइणु v. a. -- بڻائڻ -- To make, form.
  • बणाणी s. f. -- بڻاڻي -- The expense of making or repairing any thing.
  • बण्छी s. f. -- بڻڇي -- A kind of spear or javelin.
  • बत s. f. -- بت -- A line of division or separation in writing.
  • बताउ s. m. -- بتاء -- The graceful movements of the limbs of a dancer, or the amorous rolling of the eyes.
  • बतानो s. m. -- بتانو -- An under turband or cloth.
  • बतेलो s. m. -- بتيلو -- A small kind of boat.
  • बथी s. f. -- بٿي -- A quiver.
  • P S बदक s. f. -- بدڪ -- A duck, goose.
  • P बंदगी s. f. -- بندگي -- Service, devotion, worship.
  • S बंदणु v. a. -- بندڻ -- To seize, captivate, to check, stop.
  • बदरि prep. -- بدر -- In exchange for, in lien of, instead. s. f. Partially, favoritism.
  • A बदरु s. m. -- بدر -- A substitute, representative.
  • बंदरु s. m. -- بندر -- The cords by which a boat’s sail is reefed, the reef of a sail. P A port, town, harbor, quay, landing place.
  • S बदलु s. m. -- بدل -- A cloud.
  • P बदि s. m. -- بد -- A cloud.
  • P S बंदि adj. -- بند -- Bound, fastened, in captivity, shut, closed, ceased, stopped.
  • P बदिकारु s. m. -- بدڪار -- An evil doer.
  • बंदिड़ाई s. m. -- بندڙائي -- A seller of the toe rings called बंदिड़ो بندِڙو.
  • P A बदिनसीबाई or बदिनसीबी s. f. -- بدنصيبائي يا بدنصيبي -- Ill luck, ill fortune.
  • P A बदिनसीबु or बदिनसीबो adj. -- بدنصيب يا بدنصيبو -- Unfortunate, unlucky, unprosperous.
  • बदिनो s. m. -- بدنو -- A kind of water vessel with a spout to it.
  • P बदिबख़्ती s. f. -- بدبختي -- Ill fortune.
  • P बदिबख़्तु or बदिबख़्तो adj. -- بدبخت يا بدبختو -- Unfortunate.
  • A बदिरां or बदिरों prep. -- بدران يا بدرون -- Instead of, in exchange for, in lieu of.
  • A बदिर्को s. m. -- بدرڪو -- An armed attendant on a journey, a safe convoy.
  • बदिली s. m. -- بدلي -- An oil-man, an oil seller. A A substitute. s. f. Exchange, lieu.
  • A बदिलो s. m. -- بدلو -- Revenge. Partiality.
  • P बदी s. f. -- بدي -- Badness, depravity, vice, finding fault, blaming, imputing evil.
  • P बंदी s. m. -- بندي -- A prisoner. A small account book, or a few leaves of paper put together for writing on. A silk cord tied round the neck of boys for good luck on the last Wednesday of the month Sufar.
  • P बंदीख़ानो s. m. -- بنديخانو -- A jail, prison.
  • P S बंदीवानु s. m. -- بنديوان -- A prisoner, a convict.
  • P S बंदु s. m. -- بند -- A fastening, bond, imprisonment, confinement, restraint, a band for fastening. A dike, mound, embankment. A bundle of straw etc. a sheaf. The leaf of an account book. The loop to which the strings of a sittara are fastened at top. The gross amount of an account, afterwards shown in detail. The centre knuckle of a finger. The half way spot between a town and the place of Hindu cremation.
  • A बदू s. m. -- بدو -- A Bedouin, a fool, a block head.
  • T बंदूक़ s. f. -- بندوق -- A gun, fire piece., musket.
  • T बंदूक़्ची s. f. -- بندوقچي -- A musqueteer.
  • P बंदो s. m. -- بندو -- A servant, a slave.
  • P बंदोबस्ति or बंदिबस्ति s. f. -- بندوبست يا بندبست -- Arrangement.
  • बद्नसीबाई, बद्नसीबी, बद्नसीबु, बद्नसीबो, बद्बख़्ती, बद्बख़्तु, बद्बख़तो -- بدنصيبائي، بدنصيبي، بدنصيب، بدنصيبو، بدبختي، بدبخت، بدبختو -- See बदिनसीबाई بدنصيبائي
  • P बद्नामी s. f. -- بدنامي -- Ill name, dishonor, infamy, ignominy, discredit.
  • P बद्नामु adj. -- بدنام -- One having an ill name, infamous.
  • P बद्हज़मी or बद्हज़्मी s. f. -- بدهضمي يا بدهضمي -- Indigestion.
  • P A बद्हज़मु, बद्हज़मो or बद्हाज़मो adj. -- بدهضم، بدهضمو يا بدهاضمو -- Indigestible.
  • S बं॒धणु v. a. -- ٻنڌڻ -- (imper. बं॒घु ٻنڌُ past part. बं॒घो ٻنڌو) to tie, bind, fasten, confine, to congeal, make coagulate, to shut our, check, to found, build, erect. s. m. A halter for tying up any thing with, a band.
  • S ब॒धलु adj. -- ٻڌل -- Still, motionless, standing (water).
  • S बं॒धाणी s. f. -- ٻنڌاڻي -- Expense of binding (books etc)
  • S बं॒धाणु s. m. -- ٻنڌاڻ -- A promise, engagement. A fixed allowance to a fakir etc.
  • S बं॒धि s. f. -- ٻنڌ -- A bridge, embankment, dike, mound, causeway.
  • S ब॒धी s. m. -- ٻڌي -- An embankment, dike.
  • ब॒धी s. m. -- ٻڌي -- A stump or long wood stuck, a floating, in the river, a snag.
  • S बं॒धेजु s. m. -- ٻنڌيج -- Retention of semen, holding in, as clouds do rain. A fixed rate or fee.
  • ब॒धो -- ٻڌو -- The past part. of (बं॒धणु ٻنڌڻُ or ब॒धणु ٻڌڻُ) Used adverbially. In a lump (things so purchased), by the gross.
  • ब॒धो s. m. -- ٻڌو -- A weir for catching fish in. the lump of earth which closes the passage for water into a bed in field.
  • S बं॒ध्यानु s. m. -- ٻنڌيان -- A fixed allowance to a fakir.
  • ब॒न or ब॒नो s. m. -- ٻن يا ٻنو -- A kind of sword with a broad back.
  • P बनप्शो or बनफ़्शो s. m. -- بنپشو يا بنفشو -- The leaves and flowers of the violet used in making a sherbet.
  • S ब॒नब॒धिड़ी or ब॒नब॒धी s. f. -- ٻنٻڌڙي يا ٻنٻڌي -- A Hindu fast occurring on the 12th of the 1st lunar fortnight of the month Badro.
  • बनाइणु v. a. -- بنائڻ -- To make, form.
  • बनात s. f. -- بنات -- Woolen cloth, broadcloth.
  • बनाती adj. -- بناتي -- Of woolen cloth.
  • बनारणु v. a. -- بنارڻ -- To cut up meat in pieces in preparing it for cooking.
  • ब॒नि पवणु -- ٻن پوڻ -- (used in cursing) to be lost in the wild woods.
  • ब॒नी s. f. -- ٻني -- A cultivated field, a farm, a crop.
  • ब॒नीबा॒री s. f. ब॒नीबा॒रो s. m. -- ٻني ٻاري يا ٻني ٻارو -- Cultivation, agriculture, husbandry, tillage.
  • S ब॒नु s. m. -- ٻن -- A forest, wood.
  • ब॒नो s. m. -- ٻنو -- The mark of a stripe, a weal.
  • ब॒नो or ब॒नोड़ो s. m. -- ٻنو يا ٻنوڙو -- A small bank or ridge to keep back water, mark boundaries etc, the ridge round the terraced roof of a house, a boundary.
  • बनोशो -- بنوشو -- Same as बनप्शो بنپشو
  • ब॒न्परु s. m. -- ٻنپر -- A farmer, husbandman, peasant, cultivator.
  • A बफा or वबा s. f. -- بڦا يا وبا -- An epidemic, chiefly spoken of the cholera.
  • ब॒फिरु adj. -- ٻڦر -- Scurfy (a person).
  • ब॒फो s. m. -- ٻڦو -- Scurf in hair, dandruff.
  • ब॒फ्यरो adj. -- ٻڦيرو -- Scurfy (the hair).
  • ब॒ब॒रु s. m. -- ٻٻر -- An angel or attendant of the river deity.
  • ब॒बु॒रु s. m. -- ٻٻر -- Name of a bird which builds nest suspended from branches. The name of a tree of the Mimosa kind (Acacia Arabica).
  • ब॒बु॒रु विलाइती , ब॒बु॒रु काबिली -- ٻٻر ولايتي، ٻٻر ڪابلي -- Different kinds of acacias.
  • बमिरु s. m. or adj. -- بمر -- A wheedler, enticer.
  • बमु s. m. -- بم -- Enticement, allurement. A kind of drum with a deep bass sound.
  • बम्जणु v. n. -- بمجڻ -- To be swollen out with food or from flatulency.
  • A बयाजी adj. -- بياجي -- A species of binding where the cover is a single piece of leather.
  • A बयानो adj. -- بيانو -- Example, illustration, similar. A part payment given to close a bargain, earnest money.
  • ब॒रणु v. n. -- ٻرڻ -- To burn, blaze, be inflamed, to give light, light up, kindle.
  • ब॒रहो s f. -- ٻرهو -- Beestings after the first milking.
  • बरहोरी s. m. -- برهوري -- The inundation of the river.
  • बरात s. f. -- برات -- Name of one of the eight suits of Indian cards. P The fourteenth day of the month of Shabaan, which is appropriated to the commemoration of ancestors.
  • P बराबरि adj. and adv. -- برابر -- Even, level, plain, abreast, in a row, equal, alike, right, correct, complete, entire, straight, direct, entirely, continually, unintermitting.
  • P बराबरी s. f. -- برابري -- Equality, resemblance.
  • P बरावुर्द s. f. -- براورد -- Multiplication.
  • बरावुर्द भञणु -- براورد ڀڃڻ -- To multiply.
  • ब॒राही s. f. -- ٻراهي -- The name of an aquatic bird.
  • P बरि -- بر -- An affix to numbers the same as the English “uple” used in multiplying the stakes at the game. चौपड़ि बरिवञणु چَوپڙِ برِ وڃڻُ To be effected, accomplished.
  • बरु s. m. -- بر -- Breadth (of cloth and such like). A A barren plain, a desert, waste. Adj. one’s self on an equality with another.
  • ब॒रू s. m. -- ٻرو -- A species of grass.
  • बरो s. m. -- برو -- Added to numerals it means of so many breadths as टिबरो ٽِبرو of three breadths. P A kind of goat.
  • ब॒रो s. m. -- ٻرو -- Fever, ague.
  • ब॒रोचाणी s. f. -- ٻروچاڻي -- A female of Beluch.
  • ब॒रोचु s. m. -- ٻروچ -- A Beluch.
  • P बरोबरि or बरोबरी -- بروبر يا بروبري -- See बराबरि برابرِ or बराबरी برابرِي
  • बर्क s. f. -- برڪ -- A kind of cloth made of camel’s hair.
  • A बर्कत s. f. -- برڪت -- Blessing, prosperity, good fortune, copiousness, excellence.
  • बर्की adj. -- برڪي -- Made of बर्क برڪ.
  • A बर्खत or बर्खु adj. -- برکت يا برک -- One (used in commencing the counting of any series).
  • A बर्खु adj. -- برک -- Respectable, respected, honored.
  • ब॒र्जणु v. n. -- ٻرجڻ -- To become feverish, be seized with fever.
  • P बर्जाइ adj. -- برجائي -- Firm, fixed, correct, right, prepared, completed.
  • P बर्ज़िबान adv. -- برزبان -- By heart, by rote.
  • बर्टाओं adj. -- برٽائون -- Wicker, of open work, (a doer, gate).
  • ब॒र्टु s. m. -- ٻرٽ -- A door or gate of open frame work. A kind of tall coarse grass. The stalks and pods of certain oil plants.
  • बर्तणु s. m. -- برتڻ -- A vessel, utensil (for cooking, eating, drinking etc.)
  • बर्थो or बर्फो s. m. -- برٿو يا برفو -- Vegetables boiled or fried and then bruised up.
  • P बर्दिवानु s. m. -- بردوان -- A boat’s sail.
  • P बर्फ़ s. f. -- برف -- Snow, ice.
  • P बर्फ़ी s. f. -- برفي -- A kind of sweetmeat made of milk etc.
  • बर्मो s. m. -- برمو -- A drill for making holes, an auger.
  • S बर्साति s. f. -- برسات -- Rain, the rainy season.
  • S बर्साती adj. -- برساتي -- Of rain, rainy. s. f. The name of a disease in horses.
  • बर्सो s. m. -- برسو -- To treble the stakes in gambling.
  • ब॒र्हलि or ब॒र्हालि s. f. -- ٻرهل يا ٻرهال -- Disease from enlargement or inflammation of spleen.
  • P बर्हालु adj. -- برحال -- True, right, correct.
  • P ब॒र्हालु s. m. -- ٻرهال -- Sorrow, misfortune.
  • A बला or बलाइ s. f. -- بلا يا بلاء -- Calamity, misfortune, evil, disaster, a snake, an adept, a perfect master of any art, that from which terror or astonishment is produced, an awful thing, monster.
  • बलाख़ूनु or बलागूनु s. m. -- بلاخون يا بلاگون -- The rind of the fruit of the कवीटु ڪوِيٽُ dried and used as snuff box.
  • S ब॒लि s. f. -- ٻل -- Any thing offered in sacrifice, an oblation, sacrifice, a victim.
  • S ब॒लिहारु s. m. -- ٻلهار -- An offering, sacrifice.
  • S ब॒ली adj. -- ٻلي -- Strong, powerful.
  • S ब॒लु s. m. -- ٻل -- Strength, power, ability.
  • P बलें inter. -- بلين -- Well-done, fine, capital, wonderful!
  • ब॒लेदो s. m. -- ٻليدو -- A herd of cattle.
  • S ब॒ल्बी॒जु s. m. -- ٻلٻيج -- Name of a medicinal seed.
  • A बवा or वबा s. f. -- بوا يا وبا -- An epidemic, chiefly spoken of cholera.
  • A बवासीरु s. m. -- بواسير -- The piles, hemorrhoids.
  • ब॒वो s. m. -- ٻوو -- Name of a water fowl.
  • P बशीन s. f. -- بشين -- A kind of hunting hawk, it is a male bird and it’s female is called बाशो باشو. they have yellow eyes.
  • बश्क, बश्कणु, बश्कींदड़ु, बश्कु -- بشڪ، بشڪ، بشڪيندڙ، بشڪ، -- See बक्श بڪش, बक्शणु بڪشڻُ, बक्शींदड़ु بڪشِيندڙ, बक्शु بڪشُ
  • S बसंतपंचमी or बसंतपंजंइं s. f. -- بسنتپنچمي يا بسنتپنجئين -- Name of a Hindu festival occurring in the fifth day after new moon in the month Magh.
  • S बसंती adj. -- بسنتي -- Of a yellow color, yellow, vernal, of spring.
  • S बसंतु s. m. -- بسنت -- The spring, the first of the 6 seasons. The flowers of the sariha and other plants. Name of a Rag or musical mode.
  • बसरु s. m. -- بصر -- An onion,
  • P बसि adv. or adj. -- بس -- Enough, sufficient.
  • बसि करणु -- بس ڪرڻ -- To end, cease, bring to conclusion, discontinue.
  • बसि थिअणु -- بس ٿيڻ -- To come to an end, cease, to suffice, be silent.
  • P बसु s. m. -- بس -- A storm of abuse.
  • बस्तासुर्ख़ी s. f. -- بستاسرخي -- Dragon’s blood.
  • बंस्लोचनु s. m. -- بنسلوچن -- The manna or sugar of the bamboo.
  • ब॒हक s. f. -- ٻهڪ -- Glittering, shining.
  • ब॒हकणु v. n. -- ٻهڪڻ -- To shine, glitter.
  • ब॒हड़ो adj. -- ٻهڙو -- Brown or reddish colored (a dog).
  • बहणु v. n. -- بهڻ -- To bark as a dog. s. m. Name of a timber tree (Populus Euphratica).
  • ब॒हरंउं or ब॒हरां -- ٻهرنئن يا ٻهران -- From without.
  • ब॒हंरखी s. f. -- ٻهنرکي -- Name of an ornament worn on the upper arm.
  • ब॒हरतू adj. -- ٻهرتو -- Of the country (in opposition t0 the town).
  • ब॒हरपेरी s. f. -- ٻهرپيري -- A woman who gads about and intrigues.
  • ब॒हराड़ी s. f. -- ٻهراڙي -- The country in contradistinction to the town, out-parts.
  • ब॒हराणो or बजराणो s. m. -- ٻهراڻو يا بجراڻو -- A species of oblation of offering of flour etc. made to the river by Hindus.
  • ब॒हरांहों or ब॒हर्तांहों adv. -- ٻهرانهون يا ٻهرتانهون -- A little outside.
  • बहरि prep and adv. -- بحر -- Out, out-side, without.
  • बहरी s. f. -- بحري -- A kind of hawk used in hunting. It has black eyes and it is a female bird. It’s male is called बहरी بحرِي.
  • बहरी s. f. -- بهري -- A row, succession, series.
  • ब॒हरीं s. f. -- ٻهرين -- A method of tripling in wrestling.
  • बहरीफिदी s. f. -- بحري ڦدي -- Name of a small bird.
  • P बहरीब॒चो s. m. -- بحري ٻچو -- A species of hunting hawk with black eyes. It’s female is called बहरी بحرِي.
  • A ब॒हरु s. m. -- بحر -- The sea, ocean, the river Indus is also so called. Extravagant, or wonderful talk. A fleet.
  • S ब॒हरु s. m. -- ٻهر -- The outside, exterior.
  • बहरु फाड़णु -- بحر ڦاڙڻ -- To talk extravagantly or with exaggerations.
  • A ब॒हरू s. m. -- ٻهرو -- The river or water God, the river Indus. Water.
  • S ब॒हरूं or ब॒हरों -- ٻهرون يا ٻهرون -- From without.
  • S ब॒हर्यों adj. -- ٻهريون -- Outward, outer, exterior, external, ostensible.
  • A बहशाइतो or बहसाइतो adj. or adv. -- بهشائتو يا بهسائتو -- With arguing or caviling, obstinate, obstinately.
  • A बहशी, बहशीलो, बहस़ी or बहस़ीलो adj. -- بهشي، بهشيلو، بحثي يا بحثيلو -- One fond of caviling and disputing, stubborn, perverse.
  • A बहशु or बहसु s. m. -- بهش يا بحث -- Disputing, caviling, obstinacy, stubbornness.
  • बहा s. f. -- بها -- Price, rate.
  • P बहादुरी s. f. -- بهادري -- Bravery, heroism.
  • P बहादुरु s. m. -- بهادر -- A hero, champion. Adj. brave, valiant, courageous.
  • P बहानाई s. m. -- بهانائي -- A pretender, evader.
  • P बहानो s. m. -- بهانو -- Pretence, evasion.
  • P बहार or बहारी s. f. -- بهار يا بهاري -- The spring. Delight, enjoyment, diversion.
  • P बहारी adj. -- بهاري -- Of spring, vernal.
  • P बहारु s. m. -- بهار -- Name of a musical mode. Adj. like spring, fresh, green, joyous, joyful
  • P बहालु adj. -- بحال -- True, right, confirmed, ratified.
  • ब॒हिड़ि s. f. -- ٻهڙ -- A mixture of sour milk and butter taken as a medicine for the belly ache.
  • बहुक s. f. -- بهڪ -- The bark of a dog.
  • बहुकणु v. n. -- بهڪڻ -- To bark, as a dog.
  • ब॒हुगुणु, ब॒हुगुणो, ब॒हुगु॒णु or ब॒हुगु॒णो adj. -- ٻهگڻ، ٻهگڻو، ٻهڳڻ يا ٻهڳڻو -- Possessing many virtues or excellencies, skilled, talented. S. m. a kind of covered metal dish.
  • S ब॒हुवचनु s. m. -- ٻهوچن -- Plural.
  • S ब॒हूं adj. -- ٻهون -- Abundant, much.
  • P S ब॒होड़ो s. m. -- ٻهوڙو -- Name of the fruit of a tree, (Terminalia Belerica).
  • P बह्यणु s. m. -- بهيڻ -- The name of a medicine, of a two-fold nature, white and red, benalbum and rebrum (Centaurea Behen).
  • बां s. f. -- بان -- Relinquishing any work from weariness or disgust.
  • बा॒इड़ी s. f. -- ٻائڙي -- A young married girl.
  • बा॒इड़ु s. m. -- ٻائڙ -- The smaller sticks forming the wheels etc. of a water wheel.
  • बा॒ई s. f. -- ٻائي -- Mistress, lady, madam.
  • बांउठि s. f. -- بانئٺ -- Ravenousness, great hunger, voracity.
  • बाउरु s. m. -- بائر -- The Acacia Farnesiana, a kind of baboon.
  • बा॒एतालीह adj. -- ٻائيتاليهه -- Forty-two.
  • बा॒एतालु s. m. -- ٻائيتال -- Noise, outcry, quarrelling, wrangling. Adj. of forty-tow seers ( maund).
  • बा॒ओ s. m. -- ٻائو -- Sir, a respectful title for fakirs.
  • S बा॒ककुटो s. m. -- ٻاڪ ڪٽو -- Outcry, bawling, exclaiming.
  • S बा॒कणु v. n. -- ٻاڪڻ -- To shout, bawl.
  • बा॒कार s. f. -- ٻاڪار -- Baaing, as a sheep. Calling aloud, shouting, bawling.
  • बा॒कारणु v. n. -- ٻاڪارڻ -- To baa as a sheep. To shout, bawl, scream, exclaim.
  • बाकिरी s. m. -- ٻاڪري -- A seller of vegetables and fruit.
  • S बा॒किरो adj. -- ٻاڪرو -- Of a goat, goats.
  • A बाक़ी adj. -- باقي -- Remaining, left. s. f. remainder, balance, arrears, rest. Conj. But.
  • बांको adj. -- بانڪو -- brave, valiant, bold, smart. A fop, coxcomb.
  • बाख s. f. -- باک -- The first grey color of the sky showing the approach of dawn.
  • बाख कढणु or खणणु -- باک ڪڍڻ يا کڻڻ -- To become day-break
  • S बाखियो s. m. -- باکيو -- An oral engagement, words spoken in contradistinction to written.
  • बाखिरू adj. -- باکرو -- Of the city Bakhar.
  • P बां॒ग s. f. -- ٻانگ -- The crowing of a cock. The Mohamedan call to prayer.
  • P बाग़ाई s. m. -- باغائي -- The gardener.
  • P बाग़ीचो s. m. -- باغيچو -- A small garden.
  • P बाग़ु s. m. -- باغ -- A garden, orchard. A kind of firework.
  • बां॒गो s. f. -- ٻانگو -- The long bead ending a Muslim’s rosary and connecting its two ends. P The Moolla who calls to prayers.
  • बा॒च s. f. -- ٻاچ -- The fourth finger.
  • P बा॒चि s. f. -- ٻاچ -- The young of man or animals. (A collective term).
  • बा॒चू s. m. -- ٻاچو -- A span between the ends of the thumb and fore finger.
  • P बाछा or बाछाहु s. m. -- باڇا يا باڇاهه -- A king.
  • P बाछाई or बाछाही s. f. -- باڇائي يا باڇاهي -- The officer or duty of a king, Government, sovereignty reign, adj. Kingly, royal.
  • बाछाचंगि s. f. -- باڇاچنگ -- A game of cards.
  • P बाछाज़ादी s. f. -- باڇازادي -- The daughter of a king, king’s wife.
  • P बाछाज़ादो s. m. -- باڇازادو -- A king’s son.
  • P बाछाहिणि s. f. -- باڇاهڻ -- A queen. A kind of sugar candy.
  • P बाज़ s. f. -- باز -- A limb, a side, the wing of a bird.
  • P बाज़ अचणु v. n. -- باز اچڻ -- To attend to, be obedient.
  • P बाज़रि or बाज़ारि s. f. -- بازر يا بازار -- A market, market place.
  • P बाज़ारी adj. -- بازاري -- Of a market.
  • P बाज़ी s. f. -- بازي -- Play, sport, game, a wager, cheating, circumvention. To perform feats of activity, rope, dancing, tumbling, a summerset.
  • P बाज़ीगरी s. f. -- بازيگري -- Juggling, cheating.
  • P बाज़ीगरु s. m. -- بازيگر -- A tumbler, ropedancer, juggler, a cheat, deceiver, knave.
  • P बाज़ींदो s. m. -- بازيندو -- A tumbler, mountebank.
  • P बाज़ु s. m. -- باز -- A female falcon, hawk.
  • P बाज़ूबंदु s. m. -- بازوبند -- An ornament worn on the upper arm.
  • P बाज़्दारु s. m. -- بازدار -- One who has care of hawks, a falconer.
  • बा॒झ s. f. -- ٻاجھه -- Pity, compassion, mercy, clemency.
  • बा॒झइणु v. n. -- ٻاجھئڻ -- To covet, long for.
  • बा॒झंउं or बा॒झां prep. -- ٻاجھنئن يا ٻاجھان -- Without, except with, save.
  • बा॒झभर्यो adj. -- ٻاجھه ڀريو -- Clement, merciful, kind, compassionate. Good-natured.
  • बा॒झरी s. f. -- ٻاجھري -- A kind of grain (Holcus Spicatus).
  • बा॒झाइतो adj. or adv. -- ٻاجھائتو -- Kind, merciful, compassionate. Pitiful, piteous, pathetic.
  • बा॒झाणो or बा॒झारो adj. -- ٻاجھاڻو يا ٻاجھارو -- Merciful, compassionate. Pitiful, an object of compassion, piteous, pathetic. Covetous, one who longs for anything.
  • बा॒झिरी s. f. बा॒झिरो s. m. -- ٻاجھري يا ٻاجھرو -- Name of a grain (Holcus Spicatus).
  • बा॒झिरो adj. -- ٻاجھرو -- Of the grain बा॒झिरी ٻاجھري.
  • बा॒झूं or बा॒झों prep. -- ٻاجھون يا ٻاجھون -- Without, except with, save.
  • बा॒टी s. f. -- ٻاٽي -- Name of a brazen vessel or pan. Name of a plant. The buds of the flower of the किरिड़ु ڪِرِڙُ.
  • बा॒टु s. m. -- ٻاٽ -- Wheat, jawari etc. coarsely ground, and boiled into a mash of made up into a ball for food or given to cattle.
  • बा॒टेभरु s. m. -- ٻاٽيڀر -- Name of a bird, the rock grouse.
  • बांठ s. f. -- بانٺ -- A second crop after one cutting down, of sugar cane, tobacco, indigo. Cotton etc.
  • बांठि s. f. -- بانٺ -- Ravenousness, great hunger, voracity.
  • बांठी adj. -- بانٺي -- Coarse (silk thread).
  • बा॒ड़ s. f. -- ٻاڙ -- The longing desire or pain from not getting something (as a pipe or opium), to which one is accustomed.
  • बा॒ड़ाइणु v. n. -- ٻاڙائڻ -- To cry, lament, weep, wail.
  • बा॒ड़िजण v. n. -- ٻاڙجڻ -- To be in distress or having a longing desire from not obtaining anything (as opium) to which one is accustomed.
  • बा॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻاڙي -- A span between the end of the and little finger.
  • बां॒डी॒ s. f. -- ٻانڏي -- A stick carried down by a river, light and rotten by the water.
  • बाड़ींडो s. f. -- بوڙينڊو -- Name of a small bird. A kind of sweetmeat (तिर تر) cooked in sugar and made up in balls. Name of an ornament.
  • बां॒डु s. m. -- ٻانڊ -- A tree destroyed and rotten by the action of water.
  • बा॒ड़ो adj. -- ٻاڙو -- Saltish.
  • बां॒डो॒ s. m. -- ٻانڏو -- A blackguard, rascal. adj. Thin, emaciated.
  • S बा॒णी s. f. -- ٻاڻي -- Speech, language. Reading from the sacred books or speaking in praise of the Deity. Name of goddess Saraswati.
  • बा॒णु s. m. -- ٻاڻ -- An arrow, an opportunity.
  • बा॒ताइणु v. n. -- ٻاتائڻ -- To speak indistinctly, lisp.
  • बा॒ताड़ s. f. -- ٻاتاڙ -- Dejection, melancholy.
  • बा॒ताड़णु v. n. -- ٻاتاڙڻ -- To be cast down, be melancholy or dejected.
  • S बाति s. f. -- بات -- Speech, language, words.
  • S बातूनी s. m. or adj. -- باتوني -- A boaster, braggart.
  • बा॒तो adj. -- ٻاتو -- One who speaks indistinctly and drops or changes letters.
  • बा॒थूं खाइणु -- ٻاٿون کائڻ -- To endure pushes or suffer indignities (spoken of one going about vainly in search of bread).
  • बा॒थूहरीड़ s. f. -- ٻاٿوهريڙ -- A species of myrolaban.
  • S बांदरु s. m. -- باندر -- A monkey.
  • S बादलु s. m. -- بادل -- A cloud.
  • P बादामी s. f. -- بادامي -- An almond. adj. Of the almond tree, almond colored, a reddish yellow. Slightly rounded like the side of an almond.
  • बादिओ s. m. -- باديو -- A spavin.
  • P बादिरंगु s. m. -- بادرنگ -- A sort of cucumber.
  • P बादिरंज्बोइ s. f. -- بادرنجبوء -- Name of a small seed used in medicine.
  • S बांदिरो adj. -- باندرو -- Mad, insane, an idiot.
  • P बादी adj. -- بادي -- Flatulent, what causes flatulency. s. f. Flatulency, windiness.
  • P बादु s. m. -- باد -- Windiness, flatulence.
  • P बाद्गीरु s. m. -- بادگير -- A hole in a roof with a screen on three sides by which to catch and admit wind.
  • P बाद्फ़िरंगु s. m. -- بادفرنگ -- The pox, secondary symptoms
  • P बाद्शाहज़ादी s. f. -- بادشاهزادي -- A king’s daughter, a king’s wife.
  • P बाद्शाहज़ादो s. m. -- بادشاهزادو -- A king’s son.
  • P बाद्शाहिणि s. f. -- بادشاهڻ -- A queen, a kind of sugar candy.
  • P बाद्शाही s. f. -- بادشاهي -- Royalty, empire, reign, kingdom. Adj. royal, imperial, regal, kingly.
  • P बां॒धिणो s. m. -- ٻانڌڻو -- Cloth dyed after tying it in different places to prevent the parts tied from receiving the dye.
  • बानारणु v. a. -- بانارڻ -- To cut up meat into pieces in preparing it for cooking.
  • A P बानीकारु s. m. or adj. -- بانيڪار -- A contriver, planner, a clever person.
  • बानो s. m. -- بانو -- The dress or appearance of a fakir.
  • बा॒न्हिपणु, बा॒न्हिपो s. m. बा॒न्हिपाई s. f. -- ٻانهپڻ، ٻانهپو، ٻانهپائي -- Slavery, bondage.
  • बा॒न्हो s. m. -- ٻانهو -- A slave.
  • बा॒न्हो छेन्हो -- ٻانهو ڇينهو -- Idem.
  • बा॒न्होटि s. f. -- ٻانهوٽ -- Slaves.
  • बा॒न्होटी s. f. -- ٻانهوٽي -- A female slave, slave’s slave.
  • S बा॒फ s. f. -- ٻاڦ -- Steam, vapor, fume.
  • S बा॒फणु v. a. -- ٻاڦڻ -- To steam, cook by steam.
  • P बाफ़्तो s. m. -- بافتو -- A kind of cotton cloth, long cloth.
  • A बाबति s. f. -- بابات -- Account, matter, business, regard, concern, respect.
  • बांबिड़ो adj. -- بانبڙو -- Stooped down on hands and feet (as in crawling).
  • बा॒बी॒हो s. m. -- ٻاٻيهو -- Name of a bird.
  • बाबु adj. -- باب -- Fit, suitable. A s. m. A chapter, section. Article, thing, item, subject, matter, head, cause, affair, perquisite, dues.
  • बा॒बु॒रो adj. -- ٻاٻرو -- Of the babool (Baburu) tree.
  • बा॒बु॒र्यूं s. f. (plu.) -- ٻاٻريون -- The tufts of tangled hair worn by fakirs.
  • P बाबो s. m. -- بابو -- Father, also an affectionate appellative, for a child.
  • P बा॒बो॒ s. m. -- ٻاٻو -- A father’s brother.
  • बां॒भ s. f. -- ٻانڀ -- The ghost of a woman, a female demon, a hag, fury.
  • S बां॒भणाई s. f. -- ٻانڀڻائي -- The duty or office of Brahman.
  • S बां॒भणु s. m. -- ٻانڀڻ -- A Brahman
  • बां॒भणु सिर्वणु -- ٻانڀڻ سروڻ -- Brahmans.
  • S बां॒भण्को adj. -- ٻانڀڻڪو -- Of a Brahman.
  • बां॒भिण्भाणी or बां॒भिणी s. f. -- ٻانڀڻڀاڻي يا ٻانڀڻي -- The wife of a Brahman, a female of the Brahman caste.
  • बां॒भो s. m. -- ٻانڀو -- One with an evil eye, a wizard.
  • बा॒रणु v. a. -- ٻارڻ -- To light, kindle, cause to burn, to excite, rouse.
  • बा॒रणु or बू॒टो बा॒रणु -- ٻارڻ يا ٻوٽو ٻارڻ -- To show spirit, evince courage.
  • S बा॒रपणो s. m. -- ٻارپڻو -- Infancy, childhood, childishness.
  • बा॒रंहं adj. -- ٻارنهن -- Twelve.
  • बा॒रंहंमारी s. f. -- ٻارنهن ماري -- The first anniversary of the death of any one.
  • बा॒रंहंमांहों adj. -- ٻارنهن مانهون -- Annual, that comes once a year. Constant, unceasing. s. m. yearly pay or salary.
  • S बा॒राई s. f. -- ٻارائي -- Infancy, childhood, childishness.
  • S बा॒राणो adj. -- ٻاراڻو -- Of a child, childish. s. m. A present of clothes to a child made by the mother’s relations.
  • P बारानी adj. -- باراني -- Cultivated by rain water (land or a crop).
  • P बारानो s. m. -- بارانو -- A great weight.
  • बा॒रि s. f. -- ٻار -- One of the heaps of grain, as collected at harvest. A spot in the river where the water is deep and rushed round.
  • बा॒रिसि s. f. -- ٻارس -- The twelfth day of the lunar fortnight.
  • P बारी adj. -- باري -- (A camel etc). that carries a load. Reserved, deep, grave.
  • बा॒री s. f. -- ٻاري -- The bed of a garden or division of a field as separated for flooding. The reservoir for water round a plant. A set of men holding certain opinions, a sect. a kind of boy’s play, in which the ground on which they play is divided into places for parties, these dividing lines are also called. An island. A small window or lattice.
  • P बारु s. m. -- بار -- A load, burden, bale.
  • S बा॒रु s. m. -- ٻار -- An infant, child, baby.
  • T बारूदु or बारूदु s. m. -- بارود يا بارود -- Gunpowder.
  • P बारो s. m. -- بارو -- The weight of obligation or gratitude, a burden of sin.
  • बा॒रो s. m. -- ٻارو -- A piece of land embanked or laid off for flooding, the reservoir for water round a tree.
  • बा॒रोचो adj. -- ٻاروچو -- Of or belonging to a Beluch.
  • S बा॒रोतो s. m. -- ٻاروتو -- The clothes of an infant.
  • P बार्कशु s. m. -- بارڪش -- A rope for tying a load with, a thick strong kind of rope.
  • बार्दानो s. m. -- باردانو -- The male hemp plant from which a kind of bhang is prepared. P The case or covering in which a package of merchandise is put up, a pack cloth. Fare (in commerce).
  • बा॒र्हो s. m. -- ٻارهو -- The figure or number 12. the twelfth day after a death when certain ceremonies are performed by Hindus. Obsequies performed by Muslims six or twelve months after a death. The king at cards which counts 12, twelve at a game चौपणि چَوپڻِ adv. Always, ever, continually.
  • बा॒र्हों adj. -- ٻارهون -- Twelfth.
  • बा॒र्होई adv. -- ٻارهوئي -- Always, ever, continually.
  • S बा॒लकु s. m. -- ٻالڪ -- An infant, child, baby.
  • P बालंगा s. f. -- بالنگا -- Name of a seed of a cooling quality (Dracocephalum Royleanum).
  • A बालगी or बालग़ी s. f. -- بالگي يا بالغي -- The age of puberty, an adult.
  • बालमु adj. or adv. -- بالم -- Indifferent, fearless, without care or anxiety. s. m. A lover, sweetheart.
  • P बालातंगु s. m. -- بالاتنگ -- The strap coming over a saddle to which the girth is attached. A surcingle.
  • S बा॒लिको s. m. -- ٻالڪو -- A disciple.
  • बा॒लू s. m. -- ٻالو -- A span between the thumb and fore finger.
  • बा॒लेशाही s. m. -- ٻاليشاهي -- The caste who perform the menial offices of sweetpers, a scavenger.
  • बालो s. m. -- بالو -- An upper room. The impression or stamp with which coins are struck.
  • बा॒लो s. m. -- ٻالو -- A kind of bracelet worn by Hindu women.
  • S बा॒लोभोलो adj. -- ٻالو ڀولو -- Simple, artless, innocent, credulous.
  • बा॒वंजाह adj. -- ٻاونجاهه -- Fifty-two
  • बा॒वंजाही adj. -- ٻاونجاهي -- About fifty two, more or less.
  • बा॒वंजिरो adj. or adv. -- ٻاونجرو -- Not in straight line, oblique, not perpendicular, bent down.
  • P बांवरु s. m. -- بانور -- Trust, faith.
  • बांवली s. f. -- بانولي -- To drag (thing or animal) with which hawks, dogs etc. are taught to hunt, an incitement, temptation. Circling, going round, wandering about, giddiness.
  • बा॒वीह adj. -- ٻاويهه -- Twenty-two.
  • P बाशो s. m. -- باشو -- A kind of hawk used for hunting. It is a female bird and has yellow eyes. its male is called बाशीन باشِين.
  • बास s. f. -- باس -- Agreeing, consenting.
  • बास or बांस s. f. -- باس يا بانس -- Smell, odor, scent. Presentiment.
  • बासणु v. a. -- باسڻ -- To acknowledge, admit, confess, agree, consent. s. m. A vessel, utensil, plate, dish.
  • S बासारो adj. -- باسارو -- Scented, stinking.
  • बासिरी adj. -- باسري -- Of a pertaining to an onion. s. m. An onion seller.
  • S बासी adj. -- باسي -- Stale, long kept (food).
  • S बांसु s. m. -- بانس -- A bamboo.
  • S बांसुरी s. f. -- بانسري -- A kind of pipe or flute.
  • बास्कारी s. f. -- باسڪاري -- A cross stick in a loom which works up and down with the treddle.
  • बा॒ह s. f. -- ٻاهه -- Slimy thin excrement passed when the bowels are out of order. The pains of purging.
  • बां॒ह s. f. -- ٻانهه -- The arm, a sleeve. A person, body, individual, a wife. One of the sticks connected with a water wheel.
  • बां॒ह डि॒अणु -- ٻانهه ڏيڻ -- To give ad. To give a wife in marriage. To work round with the arm (any liquid in a vat etc).
  • बा॒हठि adj. -- ٻاهٺ -- Sixty-two.
  • बा॒हतरि adj. -- ٻاهتر -- Seventy-two.
  • बा॒हतर्याई or बा॒हतिरी s. f. -- ٻاهتريائي يا ٻاهتري -- Dotage.
  • बा॒हतर्यो s. m. -- ٻاهتريو -- A dotard.
  • बा॒हरंउं, बा॒हरां, बा॒हरूं or बा॒हरों prep. -- ٻاهرنئن، ٻاهران، ٻاهرون، ٻاهرون -- From without.
  • S बा॒हरि prep. or adv. -- ٻاهر -- Outside, out, out of abroad.
  • S बा॒हरु s. m. -- ٻاهر -- The outer part, the outside.
  • बाहि s. f. -- باهه -- Fire.
  • S बा॒हिर्यों adj. -- ٻاهريون -- Outer, outward, exterior.
  • S बां॒हीं s. f. -- ٻانهين -- A set of ivory ring ornaments for the arm. A piece or side of a fort wall, flank of an army etc. the upright posts of a door or window frame, the side sticks of a bed etc.
  • बाहुड़णु v. n. -- باهڙڻ -- To rise (an assembly etc.) to return. To trip, stumble.
  • बाहुड़ाइणु v. a. -- باهڙائڻ -- To cause to rise (an assembly etc.) to cause to return. To cause to stumble.
  • S बां॒हूटो s. m. -- ٻانهوٽو -- A kind of armlet or arm ornament.
  • बि adv. -- به -- Also, too.
  • बि॒ -- ٻه -- Affixed to noun to express duplication, as बि॒मुहों ٻِمُنهون two headed, बि॒मणो ٻِمڻو containing two maunds.
  • बि॒आई s. f. -- ٻئائي -- To be two or separate. Dissimulation, double dealing, duplicity, hypocrisy.
  • बि॒आनवे adj. -- ٻئانوي -- Ninety-two.
  • बि॒आनी s. f. -- ٻئاني -- A forked stick used for removing thorny bushes when cut down, a forked post. A two anna piece. The amount of two annas.
  • बि॒आरी s. f. -- ٻئاري -- The long vowel “I”.
  • बि॒आसी adj. -- ٻئاسي -- Eighty-two.
  • बि॒ओ adj. fem. बी॒ -- ٻئو يا ٻي -- Second, another, different.
  • बि॒को s. m. -- ٻڪو -- Name of the number two. The deuce at cards.
  • S बिख्या s. f. -- بکيا -- Begging, alms.
  • P A बिगरि prep. -- بگر -- Without, except.
  • बिगाड़णु v. a. -- بگاڙڻ -- To spoil, injure, destroy, ruin. To cause to become a muslum. To pervert.
  • बिगाड़ु s. m. -- بگاڙ -- Difference, quarrelling, discord, misunderstanding.
  • बिगिड़णु v. n. -- بگڙڻ -- To spoil, become damaged or depraved. Te become a muslim, to apostatize.
  • बि॒चापिड़ाई s. f. -- ٻچاپڙائي -- To produce a quarrel between people by telling each stories of the other, a mischief-making.
  • बि॒चापिड़ो s. m. -- ٻچاپڙو -- One who causes differences between friends by telling each stories of the other. A mischief-maker.
  • बि॒चिताई s. f. -- ٻچتائي -- To be perplexed with doubt or uncertainty, indecision, irresolution.
  • बि॒चितो adj. -- ٻچتو -- One in a state of uncertainty, perplexed, wavering, irresolute.
  • S बिछा s. f. -- بڇا -- Begging alms.
  • S बि॒जाइतो adj. or adv. -- ٻجائتو -- Seedy, containing seed, for seed, kept for seed.
  • बि॒जारणु s. m. -- ٻجارڻ -- The first sowing of rice etc for after-transplanting, the plants grown and transplanted.
  • बिजारी s. f. -- بجاري -- Assistance given to carry through any expense as a marriage etc.
  • बि॒जि॒भो adj. -- ٻڄڀو -- Double or forked-tongued.
  • S बि॒जिरो adj. -- ٻجرو -- Seedy, containing seed.
  • S बि॒जु s. m. -- ٻج -- Seed.
  • बि॒ट करणु -- ٻٽ ڪرڻ -- To couple.
  • बि॒टबु॒ही s. f. -- ٻٽٻهي -- Ill cleaned grain, or heads with small grains still left in them after winnowing.
  • बि॒टिड़ी s. f. -- ٻٽڙي -- A species of jawari in which there are two seeds in each sheaf.
  • बि॒टिणि s. f. -- ٻٽڻ -- A certain favorable position in the game of नवटिणि نوٽِڻِ,
  • बि॒टिणि मचाइणु -- ٻٽڻ مچائڻ -- To have profits coming in at once from two sources.
  • बि॒टो adj. -- ٻٽو -- Coupled, joined, paired, double. s. m. A double cake of bread.
  • बि॒ड॒ s. f. -- ٻڏ -- The root of the plant पनि پن used as food.
  • बि॒डी॒ s. f. -- ٻڏي -- A vessel for baling out water from a boat. A pad put around the hump of a bullock to prevent the yoke hurting it. The straddle or dorsal pad laid on the back of a sumpter beast. S A dot or spot. A nipple.
  • बि॒ड़ो adj. -- ٻڙو -- With two or and two (prefixed to hundreds, thousands etc. as बि॒ड़ा ब॒ सव ٻڙا ٻه سؤ 202).
  • बिड़्बांडु adj. -- بڙبانڙ -- Desolate, waste.
  • बिद s. f. -- بد -- A package or bale of merchant’s goods etc.
  • बिदिड़ी s. f. -- بدڙي -- A package, a bundle.
  • बिंदिरो adj. -- بندرو -- Short, dwarfish, low, .little, diminutive
  • S बिं॒दु s. f. -- بند -- Semen virile.
  • S बिना prep. -- بنا -- Without, except.
  • बि॒नाब॒हड़ी or बि॒नाबी॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻناٻاهڙي يا ٻناٻيڙي -- A method of tripping in wrestling.
  • बि॒नारो s. m. -- ٻنارو -- Two water wheels working together.
  • A बिनाह s. f. -- بناهه -- Foundation, origin.
  • बि॒नि -- ٻن -- The oblique plural of ब॒ ٻه
  • बिनिह adv. -- بنهه -- Completely, wholly, at all, in the least,
  • बिनिह न -- بنهه نه -- Never at all.
  • बि॒नी s. f. -- ٻني -- A pad laid on the back of a beast of burden.
  • S बिनु or बिनूं prep. -- بن يا بنون -- Without, except.
  • बि॒न्हिनि, बि॒न्हिनी or बि॒न्ही -- ٻنهن، ٻنهني يا ٻنهي -- The oblique plural of ब॒ ٻه with the emphatic ई ئِي affixed.
  • बि॒पहरी s. f. -- ٻپهري -- Noon, midday.
  • बिबऊंदाहि s. f. -- بب اونداهه -- Deep darkness.
  • बि॒मुहों adj. -- ٻمنهون -- Having two mouths or faces, double faced, one who makes contrary statements at different times, having two entrances or outlets, two-edged.
  • बिरह s. f. -- برهه -- Kind, species.
  • बि॒रांघ s. f. -- برانگهه -- A stride.
  • बि॒रांघ पाइणु or भरणु -- ٻرانگهه پائڻ يا ڀرڻ -- To stride.
  • S बि॒राड़ी s. f. -- ٻراڙي -- A kind of ulcer or cancer that attacks the back.
  • P बिरादरी s. f. -- برادري -- Brotherhood, brethren, kinsmen.
  • S बिरिहु s. m. -- برهه -- The separation of friends or the pain arising there from.
  • बिरु adj. -- بر -- Wearied, vexed, harassed.
  • S बि॒रु s. m. -- ٻر -- The hole or burrow of an animal.
  • बि॒रूं s. m. -- ٻرون -- A porpoise.
  • बि॒रोतर् adj. -- ٻروتر -- And two or with two (prefixed to hundreds, thousands etc. to form 102 etc.)
  • बि॒रोतिरो adj. -- ٻروترو -- Two percent.
  • बि॒र्घलु s. m. -- ٻرگھل -- A large hole, one larger than ordinary or than is required.
  • S बि॒र्थो adj. or adv. -- ٻرٿو -- Vain, useless, uselessly, without profit or effect, insignificant.
  • बि॒र्बि॒टी s. f. -- ٻرٻٽي -- A small insect whose back is red and soft like velvet, the scarlet fly or lady bird.
  • बि॒र्हांग s. f. -- ٻرهانگ -- A fork, bifurcation, a stride.
  • बि॒र्हांगो adj. -- ٻرهانگو -- Forked.
  • S बिर्ही adj. -- برهي -- One separated from his friends or mistress.
  • बिलाइतो adj. or adv. -- بلائتو -- Respectable, respectably, safe, safely.
  • बिलावलु s. m. -- بلاول -- Name of a ragini or musical mode.
  • S बिलासी adj. -- بلاسي -- Happy, joyful.
  • S बिलासु s. m. -- بلاس -- Pleasure, delight, joy.
  • बि॒लिड़ो s. m. -- ٻلڙو -- Name of an ear ornament. S A small cat.
  • S बि॒ली s. f. -- ٻلي -- A cat. An anchor or grapnel. A kind of ulcer or cancer that attacks the back.
  • बिले -- بلي -- In charge of, to the account of.
  • बिले लाइणु -- بلي لائڻ -- To bring into use, make of use.
  • बिलो s. m. -- بلو -- Remedy ,redress, expedient, arrangement, provision, charge, account.
  • बि॒लो s. m. -- ٻلو -- A male cat.
  • P बिलोरु s. m. -- بلور -- A kind of stone, crystal.
  • A बिल्कुलु adv. -- بلڪل -- Entirely, wholly, absolutely, altogether, quite, on any account, in the least.
  • बिल्मुक्तो adj. or adv. -- بلمڪتو -- In a lump, in the gross, for the job, by contract.
  • बि॒ल्ह adj. -- ٻلهه -- Giving milk from two teats (a cow etc.)
  • बि॒ल्हड़ि adv. -- ٻلهڙ -- In pairs or couples, two together.
  • बि॒ल्हांगो adj. -- ٻلهانگو -- Forked.
  • S बि॒ल्हाड़ी s. f. -- ٻلهاڙي -- A kind of ulcer or cancer that attacks the back. A carbuncle.
  • बि॒ल्हाड़ी रांदि s. f. -- ٻلهاڙي راند -- The name of a game played by boys, a kind of prisoner’s base.
  • बि॒वर्ह्यो adj. -- ٻه ورهيو -- Of or for two years, biennial.
  • P बिश्ती adj. -- بشتي -- Of heaven, heavenly, s. m. A water carrier.
  • P बिश्तु s. m. -- بشت -- Heaven, paradise.
  • S बिसिरामु s. m. -- بسرام -- A pause, rest, relaxation.
  • बि॒सुर्ख़ो adj. -- ٻه سرخو -- Two poled (a tent).
  • बि॒सो adj. -- ٻسو -- Of two hundred, a kind of cloth with 200 threads in the woof.
  • बिस्ती बिस्तु -- بستي بست -- Same as बिश्ती बिस्तु بِشتِي بِستُ
  • बिहक s. f. -- بهڪ -- Standing, continuance, permanence. Form, fashion.
  • बि॒हड़ि s. f. -- ٻهڙ -- A pair of water wheels, one of which from below supplies water to the other.
  • बिहणु v. n. -- بهڻ -- (past part. बीठो بِيٺو) To stand up become upright, to stand, stop, halt, wait. To settle down, subside.
  • L बि॒हंदो s. m. -- ٻهندو -- To bring the bride home after she had visited the friends on the conclusion of the honey moon.
  • बि॒हफ़्तो s. m. -- ٻهفتو -- A fortnight.
  • बि॒हर or बि॒हार adv. -- ٻهر يا ٻهار -- A second time, twice, again.
  • बि॒हाड़ु s. m. -- ٻهاڙ -- A second crop raised from the same plants.
  • बि॒हाणु s. m. -- ٻهاڻ -- A foal.
  • बिहारणु v. a. -- بهارڻ -- To cause to stand, to stop, to erect, place upright, set up, to appoint (to an office), engage, entertain (a servant).
  • बिहार्णी s. f. -- بهارڻي -- The putting up. The expense of fixing any thing.
  • बिहु s. m. -- بهه -- The roots of a kind of lotus (पबु॒णि پٻُڻِ) used for food.
  • बी adv. -- بي -- Also, too.
  • बी॒ -- ٻي -- The fem of बि॒ओ ٻِيو second
  • बी॒ or बीं॒ -- ٻي يا ٻين -- The elliptic form of the plural oblique of ब॒ ٻه two.
  • S बीख s. f. -- بيک -- Begging, alms.
  • बी॒ज s. f. -- ٻيج -- The second day of the lunar fortnight.
  • बी॒जकु s. m. -- ٻيجڪ -- A list or memorandum.
  • L बी॒टणु v. a. -- ٻيٽڻ -- To close, shut, stop with a stopple. s. m. a catamite.
  • बीठड़ु or बीठलु s. m. -- بيٺڙ يا بيٺل -- One fixed in any good appointment or situation, a man of substance.
  • बीठो -- بيٺو -- The past part. of बिहणु بِهڻُ.
  • बी॒ड़ s. f. -- ٻيڙ -- The closing of a letter with gum, etc. to close up a wattle wall, roof etc. with plaster.
  • बी॒ड़णु v. a. -- ٻيڙڻ -- To close a letter with gum etc. to close up an aperture.
  • बी॒ड़ब॒नो s. m. -- ٻيڙٻنو -- The ridge round the flat roof of a house.
  • बी॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻيڙي -- A button.
  • बी॒ड़ो s. m. -- ٻيڙو -- A large button. A leaf of बानु بانُ wrapped up for eating with betel nut etc. inside. A pod of musk.
  • बी॒ड़्णी s. f. -- ٻيڙڻي -- The closing or gumming up a letter. Gum prepared for closing letters.
  • बी॒णाइणु v. a. -- ٻيڻائڻ -- To double.
  • बी॒णाई s. f. -- ٻيڻائي -- Doubling.
  • बी॒णि s. f. -- ٻيڻ -- The doubling.
  • बी॒णो adj. -- ٻيڻو -- Double.
  • P बीनिरु s. m. -- بينر -- A kind of pigeon with a thick bill.
  • P बीनी s. f. -- بيني -- The slip of wood running down one leaf of a door and lapping over the other when closed.
  • बीबी s. f. -- بيبي -- A lady, madam.
  • बीसी s. f. or adj. -- بيسي -- Land flooded in autumn for cultivation in spring, the crop so raised. The thin excrement of a horse.
  • बीहणु -- بيهڻ -- Same as बिहणु بِهڻُ
  • बी॒हणु s. m. -- ٻيهڻ -- Seed.
  • बी॒हर adv. -- ٻيهر -- A second time, twice.
  • बु॒आरि s. f. -- ٻئار -- A rash or efflorescence on the skin.
  • बुई s. f. -- بئي -- The sister of one’s father.
  • बु॒कनु s. m. -- ٻڪن -- Name of a plant used in medicine etc. (Zapania Nodiflora).
  • बुकाउ s. m. -- بڪاء -- Crying, weeping, lamenting.
  • बुकी s. f. -- بڪي -- The calf of the leg. A kidney.
  • बु॒की s. f. -- ٻڪي -- A handful of grain put into a hand-mill etc. a powder or any pulverized medicine. A customer.
  • बुको s. f. or बुकु s. m. -- بڪو يا بڪ -- Name of a set of ivory rings for the arm.
  • S बुख s. f. -- بک -- Hunger, starvation, greediness.
  • बुख मरणु -- بک مرڻ -- To starve, famish.
  • S बुख मुओ adj. -- بک مئو -- A ravenous person, voracious.
  • S बुखाइजणु v. n. -- بکائجڻ -- To become hungry.
  • A बुख़ारी s. f. -- بخاري -- Chimney.
  • A बुख़ारु s. m. -- بخار -- Vapor, the glowing heat of fever, of the ground etc.
  • S बुख्यतु adj. -- بکيت -- Greedy, ravenous.
  • S बुख्यो adj. -- بکيو -- Hungry, greedy, avaricious.
  • बुगो s. m. -- بگو -- A blow with joined hands given by boys in play. The rub or push given up to the teat of a cow etc in milking it.
  • P बुग्दी adj. -- بگدي -- Strong, powerful (camel).
  • बुची s. f. -- بچي -- A scanty beard consisting of only few hairs on the chin.
  • बुची मञणु -- بچي مڃڻ -- To yield, give to another’s authority.
  • बु॒चो adj. -- ٻچو -- One with a small beard, or only a tuft of hair on the chin, scanty (a beard).
  • बु॒च्कार s. f. -- ٻچڪار -- The sound caused by drawing in the air between closed lips, as done in playing with infants, calling or stopping cattle etc.
  • बु॒च्कारणु v. a. -- ٻچڪارڻ -- To amuse a child or call or stop an animal by बु॒च्कार ٻچڪار.
  • बुछां s. f. -- بڇان -- Disgust, offensiveness, loathsomeness. adv. Unpleasantly, with disgust or offensiveness.
  • बुछां भाइणु -- بڇان ڀائڻ -- To detest, abominate, loathe.
  • बुछिड़ाई s. f. -- بڇڙائي -- Badness, evil, ugliness.
  • बुछिड़ो or बुछो adj. -- بڇڙو يا بڇو -- Bad, wicked, evil, ill, pernicious, ugly, ashamed.
  • P बुजिरु adj. -- بجر -- Having dirty tangled hair.
  • बुं॒जी s. f. -- ٻنجي -- A cork, plug, stopper. The knob or button in wooden sandals fixed on the toes.
  • P बुजु s. m. -- بج -- Matted tangled hair.
  • P बुजु or बुजू s. m. -- بج يا بجو -- A blockhead, fool.
  • बुजो s. m. -- بجو -- A slap. Name of a kind of bird.
  • बुं॒जो s. m. -- ٻنجو -- A large cork, plug.
  • P बुज्काई s. f. -- بجڪائي -- A hawker of cloth.
  • P बुज्को s. m. -- بجڪو -- A bundle or pack of cloth or clothes, the cloth for wrapping up a bundle in a wrapper.
  • S बु॒झणु v. a. -- ٻجھڻ -- (imper. बु॒झु ٻُجھهُ) to understand, comprehend, to think on, ponder on. v. n. (past part. बु॒झो ٻُجھو) to be heard or known.
  • P बु॒झारत s. f. -- ٻجھارت -- A riddle, enigma.
  • बु॒ट बं॒धणु -- ٻٽ ٻنڌڻ -- To tie a cloth round, head and ears, to keep out cold etc.
  • बु॒टिजणु v. n. -- ٻٽجڻ -- To be stuffed (nose in a cold), to be closed and silent (the mouth).
  • बु॒टो adj. -- ٻٽو -- Without ornaments or jewels unornamented. Earcropt, without ears, wanting horns or tail. Incomplete, short.
  • बुठी s. f. -- بٺي -- A grave, tomb.
  • बु॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻڙي -- A cipher, a dot.
  • बुं॒डी s. f. -- ٻنڊي -- A fagot, a thick stick, stump.
  • बुं॒डु s. m. -- ٻنڊ -- A large fagot, a log.
  • बु॒ड़ो s. m. -- ٻڙو -- A drop. A piece of cotton scented with attar of roses. A turquoise, any pebble set in jewelry.
  • बुं॒डो or बुंडो adj. -- ٻنڊو يا بنڊو -- Blunt (not sharp), stupid slow of understanding.
  • बुड़्कणु v. n. -- بڙڪڻ -- To bubble, to sound from bubbling (as a hookah).
  • बुड़्को s. m. -- بڙڪو -- The sound of bubbling water.
  • बुड़्टु adj. -- بڙٽ -- (indec.) A term used at chess when on one side the king only, remains on the board. Destroyed, ruined. s. m. The sounding line or lead used at sea.
  • बुड़्बुड़ि s. f. -- بڙبڙ -- Bubbling, the noise of bubbling.
  • बुं॒ढणु v. n. -- ٻنڍڻ -- A buttock, hip, rump.
  • S बु॒ढाइणु v. n. -- ٻڍائڻ -- To become old, appear old.
  • S बु॒ढाइतो adj. or adv. -- ٻڍائتو -- Senile, of old age, like an old man.
  • S बु॒ढाई s. f. -- ٻڍائي -- Old age.
  • S बु॒ढाणो adj. -- ٻڍاڻو -- Senile, of old age.
  • S बु॒ढापणु, बु॒ढापो, बु॒ढेपो, बु॒ढपणु s. m. or बु॒ढपाई, बु॒ढेपी s. f. -- ٻڍاپڻ، ٻڍاپو، ٻڍيپو، ٻڍپڻ، ٻڍپائي يا ٻڍيپي -- Old age.
  • S बु॒ढो adj. -- ٻڍو -- Old, not young.
  • A बुणाइतो adj. -- بڻائتو -- Of a good stock, or lineage.
  • A बुणु s. m. -- بڻ -- Stock, lineage, pedigree, descendents, offspring.
  • बुती s. f. -- بتي -- A glass bottle.
  • बुतु s. m. -- بت -- The body. P An idol, image.
  • P बुत्ख़ानो s. m. -- بتخانو -- An idol temple.
  • बु॒थी s. f. बु॒थु s. m. -- ٻٿي يا ٻٿ -- The lower part of the stem of a plant.
  • बुदिकी s. f. -- بدڪي -- A Venetian (the coin).
  • बुदिड़ो s. m. -- بدڙو -- A kind of earring.
  • S बुदिबुदो s. m. -- بدبدو -- A bubble, a fancy whim.
  • बुदी s. f. -- بدي -- Pudendum Mulieris.
  • बुं॒दी s. m. -- ٻندي -- The mouth or muzzle of a gun barrel. A small spike on the point of a staff. An ear ornament for children.
  • बुं॒दु s. m. -- ٻند -- A piece of wood used as a post in a wall or as a rafter.
  • बुं॒दो s. m. -- ٻندو -- The name of an ear ornament.
  • बुं॒धणु or ब॒धणु v. a. -- ٻنڌڻ يا ٻڌڻ -- (imper. बुं॒धु ٻُنڌُ past part. बु॒धो ٻُڌو). To hear, listen, to attend to, obey.
  • S बु॒धरु s. m. -- ٻڌر -- Wednesday. The planet mercury.
  • बुं॒धाइणु v. a. -- ٻنڌائڻ -- To cause to hear, to tell, mention.
  • S बु॒धिमानु or बु॒धिवानु adj. -- ٻڌمان يا ٻڌوان -- Talented, wise.
  • बु॒धो -- ٻڌو -- The past part. of बु॒धणु ٻُڌڻُ or बु॒झणु ٻُجھڻُ.
  • A बुनिआदी or बुनिआदो adj. -- بنيادي يا بنيادو -- Of good stock or lineage, of good quality, origin. Stock, lineage.
  • बुबिरि adj. -- ببر -- Having large dugs.
  • बुबी s. f. -- ببي -- The pap of a man or of a girl.
  • बुबो s. m. -- ببو -- A breast, dug, teat.
  • बुं॒भु or बुं॒भो s. m. -- ٻنڀ يا ٻنڀو -- A passage, entrance, doorway.
  • बु॒र s. f. -- ٻر -- The nap of cloth. The soft hair on the limbs. The name of a horse and other animals. A slight application of ghee on the surface of a cake before cooking.
  • बु॒रणु v. n. -- ٻرڻ -- To ring or emit a ringing sound (as by a metal dish when struck). To shout, yell.
  • बु॒रिणो s. m. -- ٻرڻو -- Name of a large aquatic bird.
  • बु॒री or बू॒री s. f. -- ٻري يا ٻوري -- The husk or chaff, of jawari and bajhari.
  • बु॒रुड़ि s. f. -- ٻرڙ -- A rash or efflorescence on the skin.
  • बुरो adj. -- برو -- Bad, wicked. Noseless. s. m. evil, injury.
  • बु॒र्क s. f. -- ٻرڪ -- To scatter any powder (as sugar or salt) over any thing through the fingers.
  • बु॒र्कणु or बु॒र्काइणु v. a. -- ٻرڪڻ يا ٻرڪائڻ -- To scatter or let fall through the fingers (as salt on meal). To sprinkle pepper.
  • बुर्को s. m. -- ٻرڪو -- The borer with which a gun barrel is bored. A dress or kind of veil covering the entire body with eye holes in it. A dress worn by some fakirs.
  • A बुर्जु s. m. -- برج -- A bastion, tower, spire, pinnacle.
  • बु॒र्ड़िबु॒र्ड़ि s. f. -- برڙ برڙ -- Pimples, efflorescence on the skin.
  • P बुर्बिलो s. m. or adj. -- بربلو -- An idle rambler, a truant, disobedient.
  • बु॒र्बु॒रि s. f. -- ٻرٻر -- Spots or pimples on the skin, a rash, efflorescence. A quantity of lice or grubs.
  • P बुर्बुल or बुर्बुली s. f. -- بربل يا بربلي -- A nightingale.
  • बुर्स s. f. -- برس -- An excess requiring to be out of in dressing hari, making up clothes etc.
  • बुल खाइणु -- بل کائڻ -- To be tossed about or be uneasy from sickness.
  • बु॒लणि s. f. -- ٻلڻ -- A porpoise.
  • बुलु s. m. -- بل -- Throwing up a kite, throwing a ball etc, to be struck at in play. A joint or space between two joints of the sugar cane etc.
  • बुल्गारी adj. -- بلگاري -- A kind of hookah with a long snake to it.
  • बुल्गारु s. m. -- بلگار -- The snake of a hookah.
  • P बुल्बुल्चिश्मु s. m. -- بلبلچشم -- A kind of cloth with silk spots on it.
  • P बुल्बुल्बोस्तां s. f. -- بلبلبوستان -- A kind of nightingale, which mimics the cries of other birds.
  • बु॒ल्ह s. f. -- ٻلهه -- Inflating the urinal passage of a cow etc. to make it let down it’s milk. Punishment, beating.
  • बु॒ल्हणि s. f. -- ٻلهڻ -- A porpoise.
  • बुश्क s. f. -- بشڪ -- A tuft of the mane of a horse (in plu.) a horse’s name.
  • बुसिजणु v. a. -- بسجڻ -- To become stale or musty, to be fusty.
  • बुसिड़ि s. f. -- بسڙ -- Dust.
  • बुसिरी s. f. -- بسري -- The name of a kind of wheaten cake.
  • बु॒सी s. f. -- ٻسي -- A kind of cloth dyed red.
  • बु॒सो adj. -- ٻسو -- Earcropt, having small ears, a shaven head, or short dress. Destitute of ornament, unornamented.
  • बु॒हार or बु॒हारु s. m. -- ٻهار يا ٻهار -- Refuse, sweepings, dirt.
  • बु॒हारणु v. a. -- ٻهارڻ -- To sweep.
  • बु॒हारिणी s. f. -- ٻهارڻي -- The act of sweeping, the pay for sweeping.
  • बु॒हारी s. f. -- ٻهاري -- A broom, besom.
  • बु॒हारीदारु s. m. -- ٻهاريدار -- A sweeper.
  • बु॒ही s. f. -- ٻهي -- The husks or chaff or jawari or bajhari. The hem of a garment.
  • बुहु s. m. -- بهه -- The chaff and broken up stalks of wheat.
  • बुहुणी s. f. -- بهڻي -- The first receipts of money in the morning after opening a shop, handsel.
  • बुहुरो s. m. -- بهرو -- A cellar or room dung out of the earth. An inside room, well closed up for protection.
  • बु॒हो s. m. -- ٻهو -- The chaff or husk of jawari or bajahri.
  • बूंआइतो adj. -- بونئائتو -- Scented, giving scent.
  • बूंइ s. f. -- بونء -- Scent, smell.
  • बूओ s. m. -- بوئو -- The person who operates in the ceremony of circumcision.
  • बूंगरि s. f. -- بونگر -- The bud or tender shoots of any plant or tree.
  • बूजरु s. m. -- بوجر -- The unraveled threads of cloth, irregular tangled hairs.
  • बू॒टणु v. a. -- ٻوٽڻ -- To close, shut.
  • बू॒टी s. f. -- ٻوٽي -- A shrub, a plant. A flower or sprig in embroidery. A small piece of flesh etc. a lump of bhang.
  • बू॒टु s. m. -- ٻوٽ -- A piece of flesh.
  • बू॒टो s. m. -- ٻوٽو -- A bush, shrub.
  • बू॒टो बा॒रणु -- ٻوٽو ٻارڻ -- To show courage. A flower worked or printed on cloth.
  • बूंडि s. f. -- بونڊ -- The stock attaching the fruit to a branch, a vegetable root to it’s upper leaves etc.
  • बू॒थाड़ी s. f. -- ٻوٿاڙي -- A halter tied round the mouth of a horse etc. when difficult to manage.
  • बू॒थाड़ो or बू॒थी s. f. -- ٻوٿاڙو يا ٻوٿي -- The lower part of the face (spoken in contempt).
  • बू॒थु s. m. -- ٻوٿ -- The mouth.
  • बूंद s. f. -- بوند -- A drop. A kind of spotted cloth.
  • बूदिकी s. f. -- بودڪي -- A fancy, idea, whim (in plural). The age of a horse after attaining it’s sixth year.
  • S बूंदी s. f. -- بوندي -- Name of a small sweetmeat. Comfits.
  • बूदु s. m. -- بود -- The belly.
  • बूफाड़ s. f. -- بوڦاڙ -- The name of a fish. S A wild plant used as vegetable.
  • बूंबु s. m. -- بونب -- The round ornament at the top of a dome. The handle or knob at the top of a round dish cover etc. A steam-boat.
  • P बूमु s. m. -- بوم -- An owl.
  • बू॒रणु v. n. -- ٻورڻ -- To bud (a tree), to become, formed (fruit from the flower), v. a. To wear away or reduce to powder by filing etc.
  • बू॒राणी s. f. -- ٻوراڻي -- A dish made from the pollen of पनि پن plant.
  • बू॒री s. f. -- ٻوري -- The feathery excrescences on the heads of jawari before ripening.
  • बू॒रु s. m. -- ٻور -- The buds or blossoms of fruit trees, the young heads of grain, plants before the grain forms.
  • बू॒रो s. m. -- ٻورو -- Sawdust, filing, powder, a middle cartilage between the nostrils.
  • बूसणु v. a. -- بوسڻ -- To overfill, press or squeeze in. s. m. A cake of bread unnecessarily thick or out of shape.
  • बू॒साट s. f. -- ٻوساٽ -- The closing of mouth and nostrils by force, suffocation, smothering.
  • बू॒साटणु v. a. -- ٻوساٽڻ -- To close the mouth and nostrils by force, to choke, suffocate, smother, to prevent one from speaking.
  • बू॒हु s. m. -- ٻوهه -- Name of a jungle plant, used for applications to sores, snake bites etc.
  • P बे -- بي -- A negative prefix. After the manner of our de, im, in etc. prep. (prefixed) without.
  • P A बेअक़ुली s. f. -- بي عقلي -- Folly, foolishness, stupidity.
  • P A बेअक़ुलु s. m. or adj. -- بي عقل -- Stupid, foolish, a blockhead.
  • P S बेअंतु adj. -- بي انت -- Endless, unlimited.
  • P A बेअदबी s. f. -- بي ادبي -- Disrespect, impudence, rudeness.
  • P A बेअदबु or बेअदबो adj. or adv. -- بي ادب يا بي ادبو -- Impudent, disrespectful, rude, rudely.
  • P S बेअनो adj. -- بي انو -- Grain less.
  • P S बेआदिरो adj. or adv. -- بي آدرو -- Disreputable.
  • P S बेआधरु ro बेआधरो adj. -- بي آڌر يا بي آڌرو -- Unsupported, without prop.
  • P बेआबी s. f. -- بي آبي -- Dishonor, disgrace.
  • P बेआबो adj. or adv. -- بي آبو -- Without luster or dignity, disrespectable, disgraceful.
  • P बेआब्रूई s. f. -- بي آبروئي -- Dishonor, disrespectable.
  • P बेआरामी s. f. -- بي آرامي -- Uncomfortableness, discomfort.
  • P बेआरामु or बेआरामो adj. or adv. -- بي آرام يا بي آرامو -- Uneasy, restless, uncomfortable.
  • P A बेइज़ती s. f. -- بيعزتي -- Disrespect, dishonoring.
  • P A बेइज़तु or बेइज़तो adj. or adv. -- بيعزت يا بيعزتو -- Dishonored, dishonorable.
  • P A बेइलाजु or बेइलाजो adj. -- بي علاج يا بي علاجو -- Irremediable, incurable, remediless.
  • बे॒ई adj. -- ٻيئي -- Both.
  • P A बेईमानी s. f. -- بي ايماني -- Want of religion or honor, faithlessness, treachery, perfidy, dishonesty.
  • P A बेईमानु adj. -- بي ايمان -- Without religion or feeling of honor, faithless, treacherous, perfidious, dishonest.
  • P A बेएतिबारी s. f. -- بي اعتباري -- Untrustworthiness, untrustiness. adj. Untrusty.
  • P A बेएतिबारु or बेएतिबारो adj. or adv. -- بي اعتبار يا بي اعتبارو -- Untrusty, untrustworthy.
  • P A बेऐबाई s. f. -- بي عيبائي -- Spotlessness, purity.
  • P A बेऐबु or बेऐबो adj. or adv. -- بي عيب يا بي عيبو -- Faultless, free from defect or blemish, sound, spotless, stainless.
  • बें॒ओं s. m. -- ٻينئون -- The tertian fever or ague.
  • बे॒कणु v. n. -- ٻيڪڻ -- To baa (as a goat).
  • P A बेक़दुराई s. f. -- بيقدرائي -- To be without value or dignity. Ingratitude.
  • P A बेक़दुरु or बेक़दुरो adj. -- بيقدر يا بيقدرو -- Valueless, worthless. One who does not recognize or acknowledge another’s value, ungrateful.
  • P S बेकमाई s. f. -- بي ڪمائي -- Unserviceableness, uselessness.
  • बेकमु adj. -- بي ڪم -- Guiltless. P Protectorless, helpless.
  • बे॒कह s. f. -- ٻيڪهه -- A kind of fine grass.
  • P A बेक़ाइदो adj. or adv. -- بيقائدو -- Contrary to rule, irregular, illegal.
  • बेकाण्यो adj. or adv. -- بيڪاڻيو -- Independent.
  • बेकाथो adj. or adv. -- بي ڪاٿو -- Uncertain, undetermined, unfixed, doubtful, indefinite, irregular, precarious.
  • P S बेकामु or बेकामो adj. or adv. -- بي ڪام يا بيڪامو -- Useless.
  • P बेकाराई or बेकारी s. f. -- بيڪارائي يا بيڪاري -- Uselessness, idleness, leisure.
  • P बेकारु or बेकारो adj. or adv. -- بيڪار يا بيڪارو -- Useless, unemployed, at leisure.
  • P बेकार्यो adj. or adv. -- بيڪاريو -- Idle, disengaged.
  • P A बेकिआसु or बेकिआसो adj. or adv. -- بي قياس يا بي قياسو -- Inconsiderate, unreasonable.
  • बे॒किड़णु v. a. -- ٻوڪڙڻ -- To close, shut (a door).
  • P A बेक़ुअताई or बेक़ुअती s. f. -- بي قوتائي يا بي قوتي -- Weakness, feebleness.
  • P A बेक़ुअतु or बेक़ुअतो adj. or adv. -- بي قوت يا بي قوتو -- Wanting power or strength, impotent, weak.
  • P S बेकुड़्मो adj. -- بي ڪڙمو -- Of low family, relationless.
  • बेकैताई or बेकैती s. f. -- بي ڪيتائي يا بي ڪيتي -- Unsettledness, unfixedness, irresolution.
  • बेकैतु or बेकैतो adj. or adv. -- بي ڪيت يا بي ڪيتو -- Uncertain, indefinite, irresolute, irregular, undetermined, unsettled.
  • P A बेक़ैदु or बेक़ैदो adj. -- بي قيد يا بي قيدو -- Unchecked, unbridled.
  • P बेख s. f. -- بيک -- Root, origin, foundation.
  • S बेखधारी s. m. -- بيکڌاري -- One wearing the dress or appearance of a fakir.
  • बेख़बरु or बेख़बिरो adj. or adv. -- بيخبر يا بيخبرو -- Unacquainted with, unconscious, ignorant, unknowing, unknown, unwary.
  • बेखंभो adj. -- بي کنڀو -- Unfledged, featherless.
  • P A बेख़मीरो adj. -- بي خميرو -- Unleavened.
  • S बेखारी s. m. -- بيکاري -- One who wears a fakir’s habit, a beggar.
  • P A बेख़िआलु or बेख़िआलो adj. or adv. -- بيخيال يا بيخيالو -- Thoughtless, inconsiderate.
  • S बेखु s. m. -- بيک -- The dress, or appearance of a fakir. A disguise. A sect, religious system.
  • P बेख़ुदि adj. or adv. -- بيخود -- With self-abandonment, leaving aside self-regard, consideration.
  • P S बेग॒ण्त्यो adj. -- بي ڳڻتيو -- Thoughtless, regardless, inconsiderate.
  • P S बेगत्यो adj. -- بي گتيو -- One who has dies without the performance of the settled religious ordinances, or whose spirit has not been absorbed into the diety. One who is flighty or not to be depended on in his conversation.
  • P A बेग़मु or बेग़मो adj. or adv. -- بي غم يا بي غمو -- Sorrowless, without care or grief.
  • बेगरि s. f. -- بيگر -- Pressing, foreign to work.
  • P A बेग़र्ज़ु or बेग़र्ज़ो adj. -- بي غرض يا بي غرضو -- Disinterested, uninterested, regardless, unconcerned.
  • P बेगानो adj. -- بيگانو -- Strange, another’s.
  • बेगारी s. m. or adj. -- بيگاري -- A pressed laborer, beast etc.
  • P बेगाहि adv. -- بيگاهه -- At an improper or unusual hour of the night, late.
  • P S बेगुणाई s. f. -- بيگڻائي -- Want of excellence of merit. Ingratitude.
  • P S बेगुणी, बेगुणो, बेगुनी or बेगुनो adj. -- بي گڻي، بي گڻو، بي گني يا بي گنو -- Ineffectual, unskilled, wanting merit or excellence.
  • P बेगुनही, बेगुनहु, बेगुनहो, बेगुनाही, बेगुनाहु or बेगुनगाहो adj. -- بيگنهي، بيگنهه، بيگنهو، بيگناهي، بيگناهه يا بيگناهو -- Innocent, faultless, blameless, guiltless, sinless.
  • बेगुनाहि adv. -- بيگناهه -- Without fault, causelessly, faultlessly.
  • बेगूंदिराई s. f. -- بي گوندرائي -- Heedlessness, unconcern.
  • बेगूंदिरो adj. -- بي گوندرو -- Heedless, regardless, unconcerned.
  • बे॒घी s. f. -- ٻيگھي -- Gains coming in from two quarter.
  • बे॒घी मचणु -- ٻيگھي مچڻ -- To gain on both sides with little labor.
  • बेचयो adj. -- بي چيو -- Intractable, unmanageable, unruly, unbidden.
  • P S बेछांओं adj. -- بي ڇانئون -- Unsheltered.
  • बेजड़ि adv. -- بيجڙ -- In couples, coupled.
  • P S बेजसो adj. or adv. -- بيجسو -- Inglorious.
  • P बेजाइ adj. or adv. -- بيجائي -- Improper, improperly.
  • बेजाइको adj. or adv. -- بيذائقو -- Not having a fixed place or station, not in proper place.
  • P S बेज़ात्यो s. m. or adj. -- بي ذاتيو -- An outcast, one of low caste.
  • P बेजानो adj. -- بيجانو -- Lifeless, inanimal.
  • S बे॒जारणु or बे॒जारो s. m. -- ٻيجارڻ يا ٻيجارو -- The first sowing of rice etc. for after transplanting, the plants so grown and transplanted.
  • बे॒जारी s. f. -- ٻيجاري -- Deceit, fraud.
  • P बेज़ारी s. f. -- بيزاري -- Weariness, vexation, distraction.
  • P बेज़ारु adj. -- بيزار -- Bothered, wearied, distracted.
  • P बेज़िआनो adj. or adv. -- بي زيانو -- Innocuous, harmless. Uninjured, scathless.
  • S बे॒जी adj. -- ٻيجي -- For seed, kept for seed.
  • P S बे॒जीउ adj. -- ٻيجيء -- Lifeless, inanimate.
  • बे॒जीसु or बे॒जीसो adj. -- ٻيجيس يا ٻيجيسو -- Matchless, unequalled.
  • बे॒जो s. m. -- ٻيجو -- The first sowing of rice etc. for future transplanting. The crop or sown.
  • बेजोखो adj. or adv. -- بي جوکو -- Free from danger or hurt, safe, safely, unhurt.
  • S बेजोड़ाई s. f. -- بي جوڙائي -- Inconsistency, incongruity. Indisposition, illness.
  • बेजोड़ु or बेजोड़ोadj. or adv. -- بي جوڙ يا بيجوڙو -- Inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous. Matchless, unequalled. Indispose, unwell.
  • बेज़ोराई or बेज़ोरो s. f. -- بي زورائي يا بي زورو -- Weakness, impotent, powerless, weakening.
  • बेटी s. f. -- بيٽي -- A daughter.
  • बे॒टी s. f. बे॒टु s. m. -- ٻيٽي يا ٻيٽ -- An island.
  • बेटो s. m. -- بيٽو -- A son.
  • बेठि s. f. -- بيٺ -- The waist.
  • बेठि ब॒धणु -- بيٺ ٻڌڻ -- To grid loins, tie on girdle.
  • बेठीको adj. or adv. -- بيٺيڪو -- Uncertain, with uncertainty, indefinite, irregular, irregularly.
  • P S बेडं॒दो adj. -- بي ڏندو -- Toothless.
  • P S बेडिं॒हें or बेडिं॒हों adj. or adv. -- بيڏنهين يا بيڏنهون -- Untimely, on an irregular day.
  • बे॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻيڙي -- A boat.
  • बेडो॒लाई, बेडो॒लु, बेडो॒लो -- بيڏولائي، بيڏول، بيڏولو -- Same as बेडौलाई بيڊولائِي, बेडौलु بيڊولُ, बेडौलो بيڊولو.
  • P S बेडो॒हाई s. f. -- بيڏوهائي -- Guilelessness, inoffensiveness.
  • P S बेडो॒हि adv. -- بيڏوهه -- Without fault, without crime.
  • P S बेडो॒ही s. f. -- بيڏوهي -- Freedom from guilt, innocence.
  • P S बेडो॒हु or बेडो॒हो adj. or adv. -- بيڏوهه يا بيڏوهو -- Innocent, faultless, blameless, guiltless, sinless.
  • P S बेडो॒हो adj. -- بيڏوهو -- Guileless, inoffensive.
  • बेडौलाई s. f. -- بيڊولائي -- Shapelessness, irregularity, ungracefulness.
  • बेडौलु or बैडोलो adj. -- بيڊول يا بيڊولو -- Ill-shaped, formless, miss-shaped, deformed, improper, out of order, irregular, ungraceful, ungainly.
  • बे॒ड़्कमु v. a. -- ٻيڙڪم -- To close, shut (a door or window).
  • बेढओ adj. -- بي ڍئو -- Insatiable.
  • बेढंओ adj. -- بيڍنئو -- Misshapen, shapless, unmannerly, stupid (as regards shifts ro expedients).
  • बेढको adj. -- بي ڍڪو -- Unsheltered, uncovered.
  • बेढंगाई or बेढबा॒ई s. f. -- بي ڍنگائي يا بي ڍٻائي -- Shapelessness. Unmanerliness.
  • बेढंगो or बेढबो॒ adj. or adv. -- بي ڍنگو يا بي ڍٻو -- Misshapen, shapeless, improper, improperly. Unmannerly, ill-mannered.
  • बेढबा॒ई s. f. -- بي ڍٻائي -- Shapelessness. Want of sharpness or ingenuity.
  • बेढलो adj. -- بي ڍلو -- Tax-free, untaxed.
  • बेतगा॒ई s. f. -- بي تڳائي -- Instability, want of endurance.
  • बेथहो, बेथाईंको, बेथाणीको, बेथाणो, बेथानीको or बेथाहो adj. or adv. -- بي ٿهو، بي ٿائينڪو، بي ٿاڻيڪو، بي ٿاڻو، بي ٿانيڪو يا بي ٿاهو -- Not having a fixed place or station, stationless, unfixed, vagrant, not in the proper place.
  • P बेदर्दाई s. f. -- بي دردائي -- Disregard, thoughtlessness.
  • P बेदर्दु or बेदर्दो adj. or adv. -- بي درد يا بي دردو -- Free from pain. Regardless, unconcerned, thoughtless.
  • P बेदस्तूरि, बेदस्तूरी or बेदस्तूरो adj. or adv. -- بيدستور، بيدستوري يا بيدستورو -- Contrary to custom, unusual, irregular.
  • P बेदाग़ाई s. f. -- بيداغائي -- Spotlessness.
  • P बेदाग़ी or बेदाग़ो adj. -- بيداغي يا بيداغو -- Spotless, immaculate, stainless, unblemished.
  • P बेदाणो adj. -- بيداڻو -- Seedless, without seeds.
  • P A बेदावतो adj. -- بي دعوتو -- Uninvited.
  • P बेदिलि or बेदिल्यो adj. or adv. -- بيدل يا بيدليو -- Dejected, sad, dispirited, displeased, dissatisfied, reluctant.
  • P बेदिली s. f. -- بيدلي -- Sadness, dejection, reluctance, unwillingness.
  • P बेदीदु or बेदीदो adj. -- بي ديد يا بي ديدو -- One who does not take sufficient account of another’s friendship. Shameless, shamefaced.
  • P A बेदीनाई or बेदीनी s. f. -- بي دينائي يا بي ديني -- Irreligion, impiety, unbelief, ungodliness, unrighteousness.
  • P A बेदीनु or बेदीनो adj. or adv. -- بي دين يا بي دينو -- Impious, irreligious, ungodly, unrighteous.
  • बेदु s. m. -- بيد -- A disease in a horse’s foot. P A rattan. S A veda, or Hindu sacred book, of which there are four.
  • बेद्मालु s. m. -- بيدمال -- A wooden instrument used in polishing swords etc.
  • P S बेधर्माई or बेधर्मो s. f. -- بي ڌرمائي يا بي ڌرمو -- Irreligious, impiety, unbelief, infidelity, unrighteousness.
  • P S बेधर्मी, बेधर्मु or बेधर्मो adj. -- بي ڌرمي، بي ڌرم يا بي ڌرمو -- Irreligious, impious, unrighteous.
  • बेधुरो adj. -- بي ڌرو -- Without support, defenseless, helpless. Without place or station, a vagabond.
  • P S बेध्यानु or बेध्यानो adj. -- بي ڌيان يا بي ڌيانو -- Thoughtless, inconsiderate, headstrong.
  • P S बेनको adj. -- بي نڪو -- Shameless, wanting all of sense of honor.
  • P बेनंगाई s. f. -- بي ننگائي -- Shamelessness.
  • P बेनंगो adj. -- بي ننگو -- Shameless, regardless of the opinions of others.
  • P A बेनज़ीरु adj. -- بي نظير -- Unexampled, unequalled.
  • P A बेनसीबाई s. f. -- بي نصيبائي -- Misfortune.
  • P A बेनसीबु or बेनसीबो adj. -- بي نصيب يا بي نصيبي -- Unfortunate.
  • P A बेनालो adj. -- بي نالو -- Unshod.
  • P S बेनिंडाई adj. or adv. -- بي ننڊائي -- Sleepless, sleeplessly, wakeful.
  • P S बेनेमो adj. or adv. -- بي نيمو -- Uncertain, doubtful, doubtfully, unfixed, indefinite, irregular, irregularly.
  • P S बेनेहो adj. -- بي نيهو -- Unfriendly.
  • P बेनोकिरो adj. or adv. -- بي نوڪرو -- Unattended, without servants.
  • P S बेपछो -- بيپڇو -- Unbiased, impartial.
  • बेपत्याई s. f. -- بي پتيائي -- Untrustworthiness. Indignity.
  • बेपत्यो adj. -- بي پتيو -- Not trustworthy, dishonest, faithless. Insulting, contumelious.
  • P बेपर्वाही s. f. -- بي پرواهي -- Carelessness, thoughtlessness, inattention, indifference, unconcern, independence, disregard, fearlessness.
  • P बेपर्वाहु or बेपर्वाहो adj. or adv. -- بي پرواهه يا بي پرواهي -- Careless, thoughtless, unconcerned, independent, indifferent, bold, regardless, fearless.
  • P S बेपाण्यो adj. -- بي پاڻيو -- Wanting water, dry from want of water, waterless. Untempered, spiritless.
  • P बेपीरु or बेपीरो adj. -- بي پير يا بي پيرو -- Not having a pir or spiritual instructor.
  • P S बेपुठ्यो adj. or adv. -- بي پٺيو -- Unsupported, unassisted.
  • बेपेरो adj. -- بي پيرو -- Untrod, untrodden.
  • P S बेप्रीत्यो adj. -- بي پريتيو -- Unfriendly.
  • P S बेफरो adj. -- بيڦرو -- Fruitless, barren, unfruitful.
  • P A बेफ़ाइदो adj. or adv. -- بي فائدو -- Useless, profitless, ineffectual, vain.
  • P A बेफ़िकिरु adj. or adv. -- بي فڪر -- Regardless, unconcerned.
  • P A बेफ़ैज़ो adj. -- بي فيضو -- Profitless. Disobliging.
  • P A बेबक़ाई s. f. -- بي بقائي -- Instability, want of endurance.
  • P A बेबक़ाउ adj. -- بي بقاء -- Unstable, fleeting.
  • P A बेबयानु or बेबयानो adj. -- بي بيان يا بي بيانو -- Inexpressible, unexplainable, unspeakable, unexampled.
  • P बेबाकु adj. -- بيباڪ -- Without fear, boldly.
  • बेबाकु करणु -- بيباڪ ڪرڻ -- To settle, close (an account etc.)
  • बेबा॒झाई s. f. -- بي ٻاجھائي -- Unkindness.
  • बेबा॒झु or बेबा॒झो adj. or adv. -- بي ٻاجھه يا بي ٻاجھو -- Unkind, unmerciful
  • P S बेबि॒जो adj. -- بي ٻجو -- Seedless, grainless.
  • बेबिलो adj. -- بي بلو -- Remediless.
  • P S बेबुणो adj. -- بي بڻو -- Of a bad stock or lineage.
  • P A बेबुनिआदी or बेबुनिआदो adj. -- بي بنيادي يا بي بنيادو -- Without foundation, unfounded, groundless, a novas homo, an upstart.
  • P बेबोयो adj. -- بي بويو -- Scentless, inodorous.
  • P S बेभउ or बेभओ adj. or adv. -- بي ڀئه يا بي ڀئو -- Fearless, intrepid, bold, undaunted.
  • P S बेभवाई s. f. -- بيڀوائي -- Fearlessness, courage, intrepidity.
  • P बेमग़्ज़ु or बेमग़्ज़ो adj. -- بيمغز يا بيمغزو -- Brainless, marrowless, without kernel, meaningless, unmeaning.
  • बेमज़ाई or बेमज़्काई s. f. -- بي مزائي يا بيمزڪائي -- Illness, sickness, indisposition.
  • P बेमज़ो adj. or adv. -- بي مزو -- Unwell, indisposed, sick.
  • P A बेमत्बलो, बेमत्लबो adj. or adv. -- بي مطبلو، بي مطلبو -- Unmeaning, senseless, without cause.
  • P A बेमरूअतो adj. -- بي مروتو -- Wanting mercy or pity, cruel, merciless, unmerciful.
  • P A बेमहलो adj. or adv. -- بي مهلو -- Inopportune, inopportunely, unseasonable, unseasonably.
  • बेमागो॒ adj. or adv. -- بي ماڳو -- Not having a fixed place or station, stationless, unfixed, vagabond, not in the proper place.
  • बेमाड़ो adj. -- بي ماڙو -- Helpless, pretectorless.
  • P S बेमानो adj. -- بي معنو -- Dishonorable, disreputable, disgraceful, ignominious, disgraced.
  • P A बेमालूमु adj. -- بي معلوم -- Not to be known, unascertainable.
  • P A बेमिहिराई or बेमिहिरी s. f. -- بي مهرائي يا بي مهري -- Unkindness.
  • P A बेमिहिरु or बेमिहिरो adj. or adv. -- بي مهر يا بي مهرو -- Unkind, unkindly.
  • बेमुंढो adj. -- بي منڍو -- Without origin or foundation, baseless.
  • P A बेमुनासिबु or बेमुनासिबो adj. or adv. -- بي مناسب يا بي مناسبو -- Improper, improperly.
  • P A बेमुरादु or बेमुरादो adj. -- بي مراد يا بي مرادو -- Unsuccessful, unfortunate, wretched.
  • बेमुंहांई, बेमुहाबाई or बेमुहाबी s. f. -- بي منهائي، بي مهابائي يا بي مهابي -- Not favoring one’s friends, or showing the natural partiality expected from a relation.
  • P A बेमुहाबो adj. -- بي مهابو -- One who favors not his friends, or shows not the favor and partiality expected from him.
  • P A बेमोह्ताजी s. f. -- بي محتاجي -- Independence.
  • P A बेमोह्ताजु adj. -- بي محتاج -- Independent.
  • बेयों s. f. -- بييون -- The tertian fever or ague.
  • P बेरक़ s. f. -- بيرق -- A banner, streamer, ensign.
  • बेरणु s. m. -- بيرڻ -- A species of grass.
  • P S बेरसो adj. -- بي رسو -- Sapless, juiceless, tasteless, insipid.
  • बेरहमाई or बेरहमी s. f. -- بي رحمائي يا بي رحمي -- Cruelty, inhumanity, unmercifulness.
  • P A बेरहमु or बेरहमो adj. -- بي رحم يا بي رحمو -- Merciless, cruel, unfeeling, unmerciful.
  • P A बेरहि adj. -- بي رهه -- Cumbrous from size, corpulent.
  • P बेराउको adj. -- بي رائڪو -- Tax free, untaxed.
  • P S बे॒रागोरी s. f. -- ٻيراگوري -- A festival among Hindus kept on 11th day after the new moon of Phagunn in which the बे॒रु ٻيرُ fruit and carrots (गजर گجر) are much eaten.
  • P A बेराज़िपो adj. -- بي راضپو -- Dissatisfaction, displeasure.
  • P A बेराज़ी adj. -- بيراضي -- Discontented, dissatisfied.
  • P S बे॒रि s. f. -- ٻير -- The name of a tree (Ziziphus Vulgaris and jujube). There are three kinds of बे॒रि ٻيرِ in Sindh, the सिंधी سنڌِي, सूफ़ी صوفِي, and छापिरू ڇاپِرُ.
  • P A बेरिआओ adj. -- بيريائو -- Impartial.
  • बे॒रिड़ो adj. -- ٻيرڙو -- Plaited or twisted double (of string, thread etc.)
  • P S बेरीती s. f. -- بي ريتي -- Irregularity.
  • P S बेरीतो adj. or adv. -- بي ريتو -- Unusual, irregular, one who acts contrary to custom.
  • S बे॒रु s. m. -- ٻير -- Name of a fruit. (Ziziphus Vulgaris and jujube).
  • बेरूं adj. -- بيرون -- Distressed, distracted.
  • बेरेजो adj. -- بيريجو -- Unwanted, not irrigated.
  • बे॒रो s. m. -- ٻيرو -- A piece of fish or flesh meat.
  • P बेरोज़्गारी s. f. -- بيروزگاري -- Want of service or employment.
  • P बेरोज़्गारु adj. -- بيروزگار -- Unemployed, without service.
  • बे॒र्चू s. m. -- ٻيرچو -- The soft olibanum brought from Marwar.
  • बेल s. f. -- بيل -- A kind of pattern stamped or embroidered on cloth. P An instrument for cleaning out wells with.
  • बे॒ल or बे॒ल्ह adv. -- ٻيل يا ٻيلهه -- In pairs, two together. s. f. A second ploughing.
  • P बेलग़ामो adj. -- بي لغامي -- Unbridled, unmanageable, unruly.
  • P S बेलछिणो adj. -- بي لڇڻو -- Unamiable, illdispositioned.
  • P A बेलज़ताई or बेलज़तो s. f. -- بي لذتائي يا بي لذتو -- Tastelessness, insipidity, unsavouriness.
  • P A बेलज़तु or बेलज़तो adj. or adv. -- بي لذت يا بي لذتو -- Insipid. Tasteless.
  • P S बेलजा॒ई s. f. -- بي لڄائي -- Shamelessness, immodesty.
  • P S बेलजो॒ adj. or adv. -- بي لڄو -- Immodest, shameless, indecent.
  • बे॒लणु v. a. -- ٻيلڻ -- To plough over ground a second time.
  • बे॒लप s. f. -- ٻيلپ -- Companionship. Service.
  • बेललाई adj. -- بي للائي -- Ill-mannered.
  • बे॒लाई or बे॒लारी s. m. or adj. -- ٻيلائي يا ٻيلاري -- An inhabitant of a forest, a forester, woodman, what lives in a forest.
  • बेलांओं adj. -- بيلانئون -- stamped on embroidered after a certain pattern (cloth).
  • बे॒लारो s. f. -- ٻيلارو -- An island, a field situated between two others.
  • बे॒लास adj. or adv. -- ٻيلاس -- In couples, double, in pairs.
  • बे॒लिपणु, बे॒लिपणो, बे॒लिपो, बे॒लीपणु, बे॒लीपणी s. m. बे॒लिपाई s. f. -- ٻيلپڻ، ٻيلپڻو، ٻيلپو، ٻيليپڻ، ٻيليپڻي يا ٻيلپائي -- Companionship, service.
  • बे॒ली s. m. -- ٻيلي -- A companion, associate, comrade, assistant, a servant.
  • बे॒ली s. m. -- ٻيلي -- A forest, wood.
  • बेलीहो adj. or adv. -- بيليهو -- Shameless, immodest.
  • बे॒ल्ह s. f. -- ٻيلهه -- A second ploughing.
  • बे॒ल्ह or बे॒ल्हड़ि s. f. -- ٻيلهه يا ٻيلهڙ -- In pairs, two together.
  • बे॒ल्हणु v. a. -- ٻيلهڻ -- To plough land a second time.
  • बे॒ल्हाड़े रांदि s. f. -- ٻيلهاڙي راند -- Name of a game played by boys, a kind of prisoners base.
  • P A बेवक़ूफ़ाई or बेवक़ूफी s. f. -- بيوقوفائي يا بيوقوفي -- Ignorance, stupidity, folly.
  • P A बेवक़ूफ़ाणो or बेवक़ूफ़ो adj. -- بيوقوفاڻو يا بيوقوفو -- Of a foolish person, unwise.
  • P A बेवक़ूफ़ु s. m. or adj. -- بيوقوف -- Ignorant, foolish, stupid, senseless.
  • P A बेवक़्तु or बेवक़्तो adj. or adv. -- بي وقت يا بي وقتو -- Unseasonable, unseasonably.
  • बेवड़ाई s. f. -- بي وڙائي -- Impropriety, disobligingness.
  • बेवड़ो adj. -- بي وڙو -- Unbecoming, unseemly, improper. Disobliging.
  • P A बेवफ़ा adj. -- بيوفا -- Faithless, inconstant.
  • P A बेवसि or बेवसो adj. or adv. -- بيوس يا بيوسو -- Helpless, powerless, resourceless, without choice.
  • P S बेवसी s. f. -- بيوسي -- Helplessness, inability.
  • P S बेवाटो adj. or adv. -- بيواٽو -- Pathless, trackless, contrary to or out of the usual road or course.
  • P A बेवारिसु or बेवारिसो adj. -- بي وارث يا بي وارثو -- Heirless, without owner or protector.
  • P S बेवासो adj. -- بي واسو -- Scentless.
  • बेवाह, बेवाहु or बेवाहो adj. or adv. -- بيواهه، بيواهه يا بيواهو -- Destitute, helpless, resourceless, unprotected.
  • बेवाहरु or बेवाहुरु adj. -- بيواهر يا بيواهر -- Protectorless, unprotected.
  • बेवीको adj. -- بيواهي -- Stainless, unblemished, unsullied, one who does not find fault to notice other’s failings.
  • बेवेरमु or बेवेरमो adj. -- بي ويرم يا بي ويرمو -- One who does not make delay in executing any business.
  • P S बेवेसही or बेवेसाही s. f. -- بي ويسهي يا بي ويساهي -- Distrust, mistrust, unbelief. Untrustworthiness.
  • P S बेवेसहु, बेवेसहो, बेवेसाहु or बेवेसाहो adj. -- بي ويسهه، بي ويسهو، بي ويساهه يا بي ويساهو -- Suspicious, distrustful, incredulous, unbelieving. Untrustworthy.
  • P A बेशकि adv. -- بيشڪ -- Surely, certainly, undoubtedly.
  • P A बेशकी or बेशको adj. -- بيشڪي يا بيشڪو -- Sure, undoubted, indubitable, unsuspected, unsuspicious.
  • बेशयो adj. -- بي شيو -- Disobliging, unkind.
  • P A बेशर्तो adj. -- بي شرطو -- unconditional. One who does not tell lying stories, a sensible and truthful person.
  • P बेशर्माई or बेशर्मी s. f. -- بي شرمائي يا بي شرمو -- Shamelessness.
  • P बेशर्मु adj. or adv. -- بي شرم -- Shameless, immodest.
  • P A बेशहूराई or बेशहूरी s. f. -- بي شهورائي يا بي شهوري -- Ignorance, stupidity.
  • P A बेशहूरु adj. -- بي شهور -- Ignorant, stupid, not knowing how to conduct oneself.
  • P A बेशुभो adj. or adv. -- بي شڀو -- Undoubted, certain, unsuspicious, unsuspiciously.
  • P बेशुमारु adj. -- بيشمار -- Incalculable, innumerable.
  • P S बेसग॒ताई (बेसघताई) or बेसग॒ती (बेसघती) s. f. -- بيسڳتائي (بيسگھتائي) يا بيسڳتي (بيسڳتي) -- Weakness, powerlessness.
  • P S बेसग॒तो (बेसघतो) adj. -- بيسڳتو (بيسگھتو) -- Weak, powerless.
  • P S बेसंगो adj. -- بيسنگو -- Companionless, one who associates not with others. Regardless, careless.
  • बेसघाई s. f. -- بيسگھائي -- Weakness, feebleness.
  • बेसघो adj. -- بيسگھو -- Weak, feeble, impotent.
  • बेसञाही or बेसाञाही s. f. -- بي سڃاهي يا بي ساڃاهي -- Want of discretion or discrimination.
  • बेसणु s. f. -- بيسڻ -- Flour or meal of pulse grain.
  • बेसंधो adj. -- بيسنڌو -- Unlimited, boundless, one who draws no distinction between good and bad, indiscriminating.
  • बेसबुराई or बेसबुरी s. f. -- بي صبرائي يا بي صبري -- Impatience.
  • P A बेसबुरु or बेसबुरो s. f. -- بي صبر يا بي صبرو -- Impatient.
  • बेस़मरी s. f. -- بي ثمري -- The want of provisions or means of a journey.
  • बेस़मरु or बेस़मरो adj. -- بي ثمر يا بي ثمرو -- One in want of the provisions or means for a journey unprovided.
  • बेसमुझु adj. -- بي سمجھه -- Unintelligible, one who can not understand, stupid.
  • P A बेसलाहो adj. or adv. -- بيصالحو -- Unadvised, indiscreet, injudicious, injudiciously, without asking advice or paying attention to others.
  • P S बेसवाडा॒ई or बेसवादाई s. f. -- بي سواڏائي يا بي سوادائي -- Insipidity.
  • P S बेसवाडी॒, बेसवाडो॒, बेसवादी or बेसवादो adj. or adv. -- بي سواڏي، بي سواڏو، بي سوادي يا بي سوادو -- Insipid, tasteless, unsavory.
  • बेसाङही or बेसाङाही s. f. -- بي ساڱهي يا بيساڱاهي -- Want of prudence or circumspection, carelessness, imprudence.
  • बेसाङहु, बेसाङहो, बेसाङाहु or बेसाङाहो adj. or adv. -- بي ساڱهه، بي ساڱهو، بي ساڱاهه يا بي ساڱاهو -- Indiscreet, indiscreetly, imprudent, incautious, improvident.
  • बेसाञहु, बेसाञहो, बेसाञाहु or बेसाञाहो adj. or adv. -- بي ساڃهه، بي ساڃهو، بي ساڃاهه يا بي ساڃاهو -- Without discrimination or discretion, imprudent, careless.
  • बेसिजिलाई s. f. -- بي سجلائي -- Want of arrangement, mismanagement, untidiness.
  • बेसिजिलो adj. or adv. -- بي سجلو -- Void of arrangement, disarranged, out of place, slovenly, untidy.
  • बेसिणी adj. -- بيسڻي -- Of pulse meal. S. f. name of a sweetmeat.
  • P A बेसिदिक़ाई or बेसिदिक़ी s. f. -- بي صدقائي، بي صدقي -- Unbelief,
  • P बेसिरो adj. or adv. -- بيسرو -- Heedless, without care or concern, willful, willfully.
  • P S बेसुखाई s. f. -- بي سکائي -- Restlessness, uncomfortableness.
  • P S बेसुखो adj. or adv. -- بي سکو -- Restless, ill at ease, unsettled, uncomfortable.
  • P A बेसुञतो adj. -- بي سڃتو -- Uncircumcised.
  • P S बेसुधि adj. -- بي سڌ -- Senseless, insensible.
  • P S बेसुभो or बेसोभो adj. or adv. -- بي سڀو يا بي سوڀو -- Profitless, vainly.
  • बेसेंधो or बेसेंध्यो adj. -- بي سينڌو يا بي سينڌيو -- Unfriendly, companionless.
  • P S बेहथीकाई s. f. -- بي هٿيڪائي -- Insecurity.
  • P S बेहथीको adj. or adv. -- بي هٿيڪو -- Insecure, insecurely, unsafe.
  • P S बेहथ्यारो adj. -- بي هٿيارو -- Unarmed, unprovided with tools.
  • P S बेहदि adj. or adv. -- بيحد -- Boundless, endless.
  • बेहंधो adj. -- بي هنڌو -- Without place or station, stationless, not in it’s proper place, a vagabond, vagrant.
  • P बेहम्राह or बेहम्राहो adj. -- بيهمراهه يا بيهمراهو -- Unassisted.
  • P A बेहया adj. -- بي حيا -- Imprudent, shameless, immodest.
  • P A बेहयाई s. f. -- بي حيائي -- Shamelessness, immodesty.
  • P A बेहालु adj. -- بي حال -- (indec.) Miserable, wretched.
  • बेही adj. -- بيهي -- Of or prepared with बिहु بِههُ.
  • P बेहीदाणो s. m. -- بيهيداڻو -- quince-seed.
  • P A बेहुकुमो adj. or adv. -- بيحڪمو -- Unauthorized, unordered.
  • P A बेहुजतो adj. or adv. -- بي حجتو -- Indisputable, undisputed. One who does not argue or cavil.
  • बेहूं s. m. -- بيهون -- The piece of wood at the mouth of a pair of bellows.
  • P बेहोशी s. f. -- بيهوشي -- Senselessness, delirium, stupefaction, stupidity.
  • P बेहोशु adj. -- بيهوش -- Senseless, stupefied, delirious, dull, insensible.
  • A बैतु s. m. -- بيت -- A couplet, distich, stanza, verse, poetry.
  • बैनो s. m. -- بينو -- An ornament for the forehead, suspended from the hair.
  • P बैरक s. f. -- بيرڪ -- Banner, ensign, flag, standard.
  • S बैरागि॒णि s. f. -- بيراڳڻ -- A crooked stick or crutch on which a fakir etc leans as he sits. A female member of a byragi’s family.
  • S बैरागी॒ s. m. -- بيراڳي -- The religious ascetic, or he who abandons terrestrial objects thoughts and passions. A kind of wandering fakir.
  • S बैरागी॒पणो s. m. -- بيراڳيپڻو -- The office or life of a byragi.
  • S बैरागु॒ s. m. -- بيراڳ -- Ascetism, the abandoning of pleasures of the world. Dejection, sadness, low spirits.
  • बैंसिरी or बैंसुरी s. f. -- بينسري يا بينسري -- The male of बैंसिरो بَينسِرو
  • बैंसिरो or बैंसुरो s. m. -- بينسرو يا بينسرو -- The name of a female hunting hawk, said to be produced by a cross between the chipaki and basho.
  • S बैंसुरी s. f. -- بينسري -- A flute, fife, pipe.
  • P बोउ s. f. -- بوء -- Smell, odor, scent.
  • बो॒क s. f. -- ٻوڪ -- The cry of a goat.
  • बो॒कणु v. n. -- ٻوڪڻ -- To be with young (a goat).
  • बो॒किरु s. m. -- ٻوڪر -- A loud gabbler, a prater.
  • बो॒की s. f. -- ٻوڪي -- A method of tying shawl or cloth round one’s waist and shoulders.
  • बो॒को s. m. -- ٻوڪو -- A leathern bucket for raising water.
  • बोगो s. m. -- بوگو -- The mucus or running from the nose.
  • बोछणु s. m. -- بوڇڻ -- A long piece of cloth worn over the shoulders or round the waist, a griddle.
  • बोछिणी s. f. -- بوڇڻي -- A shawl or kind of embroidered cloth worn over head and shoulders by women.
  • बोजिजणु v. n. -- بوزجڻ -- To become sour or unpalatable (grain etc) from dampness or wet, to get fusty.
  • P बोजो s. m. -- بوجو -- Name of a strong drink formed from rice or wheat fermented.
  • बोझो s. m. -- بوجھو -- A large load. A large sack.
  • बो॒टी s. f. -- ٻوٽي -- A piece of flesh meat.
  • बोठि s. f. -- بوٺ -- Feverishness.
  • बो॒ड़ s. f. -- ٻوڙ -- Inundation, flooding, immersion.
  • बो॒ड़णु v. n. -- ٻوڙڻ -- to cause to sink, dip, fill by dipping, immerse, to drown, inundate, flood.
  • बोडा s. m. -- بوڊا -- The mucus from the nose. A tangled lump of thread pulled out in unwinding a skein.
  • बो॒ड़ाई s. f. -- ٻوڙائي -- Deafness.
  • बो॒ड़ाणी s. f. -- ٻوڙاڻي -- The charge for dipping or dying cloths.
  • बो॒डि॒ s. f. -- ٻوڏ -- A flood, flooding, immersion.
  • बोडिरु adj. -- بوڊر -- Having a running from the nose, snotty-nosed.
  • बो॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٻوڙي -- Name of a small bird, which comes in flocks and attacks spring crop.
  • बो॒ड़ीघलि -- ٻوڙيگھل -- Totally dull.
  • बोडु॒ inter. -- بوڏ -- A contemptuous exclamation in reply. (jee chawan jo zid)
  • बो॒ड़ु s. m. -- ٻوڙ -- Meat, fish, vegetables etc. eaten with bread or rice, any seasoning with food.
  • बो॒ड़ो adj. -- ٻوڙو -- Deaf. s. m. A dip, a penful of ink.
  • बो॒ड़्बो॒ड़ां s. f. -- ٻوڙٻوڙان -- A deluge, a general inundation.
  • P बोतो s. m. -- بوتو -- A camel. A large crucible.
  • बोदि अचणु v. n. -- بود اچڻ -- To recover from a faint, recover from a sickness, to be elated with joy etc.
  • बोदिलाई s. f. -- بودلائي -- Artlessness, simplicity. The pettishness of a spoiled child.
  • बोदिलो adj. -- بودلو -- Simple, artless, ingenuous, petted, spoiled (a child).
  • बोफिली s. f. -- بوڦلي -- A cloth cover or case for a book etc. a soft pad attached to a shield handle.
  • बोफिलो adj. -- بوڦلو -- Handsome, good-looking.
  • बो॒र s. f. -- ٻور -- Slimy thin excrement tinged with blood.
  • बोराओ s. m. -- بورائو -- An armed attendant in traveling, a safe convoy.
  • बोराकी s. f. -- بوراڪي -- A turner’s instrument with which he hollows, a turner’s point. Pubescence, approaching the age of puberty.
  • बोराकु adj. -- بوراڪ -- A boy nearly arrived at the age of puberty, an adult, pubescent. A s. m. A horse, a steed, courser.
  • बोराकु करणु -- بوراڪ ڪرڻ -- To cut the throat (of a horse).
  • बो॒री s. f. -- ٻوري -- Name of a kind of cloth. A kind of sack. The entrails of a fish.
  • बो॒रु adj. -- ٻور -- Chestnut (horse), आर्बी बोरु آربِي بورُ of a dark chestnut or dun,
  • बो॒रो s. m. -- ٻورو -- A kind of cloth of goat’s hair, a bag or sack made of the same.
  • T बोर्ची s. m. -- بورچي -- A man cook.
  • T बोर्चीख़ानो s. m. -- بورچيخانو -- A cook house, kitchen.
  • बो॒ल s. f. -- ٻول -- A promise, engagement, contract.
  • बो॒लणु v. a. -- ٻولڻ -- To speak, talk. To enter into an engagement or agreement, promise, contract. To sing, chirp (a bird).
  • बोलाचाली s. f. -- بولچالي -- Talking, altercation, disputing.
  • बोलांडो s. m. -- بولانڊو -- A tangled tuft of thread. Dirty tangled tufts of the hair of a goat.
  • बो॒लाही s. f -- ٻولاهي -- Name of an aquatic bird.
  • बो॒लाहो adj. or s. m. -- ٻولاهو -- A white star or spot on the forehead of a beast. Adj. Having a star on it’s forehead (a horse etc.)
  • बो॒ली s. f. -- ٻولي -- Language, speech, account, dialect. The singing of birds, warbling.
  • बो॒लु s. m. -- ٻول -- Promise, engagement.
  • बो॒ल्ड्यो s. m. -- ٻولڙيو -- A follower or companion of a fakir.
  • बो॒ल्णो s. m. -- ٻولڻو -- Talking, chattering, altercation.
  • बोसणु v. a. -- بوسڻ -- To flood land in autumn for the spring crop.
  • बोसो s. m. -- بوسو -- A lump of excrement of cows or buffalos.
  • S ब्रह्मणी, ब्राह्मणी or ब्राह्मण्याणी s. f. -- برهمڻي، براهمڻي يا براهمڻياڻي -- The wife of a Brahman, a female of the Brahman caste.
  • S ब्रह्मणु or ब्राह्मणु s. m. -- براهمڻ يا براهمڻ -- A Brahman.
  • ब्रह्माणिको or ब्रह्मणिको adj. -- برهماڻڪو يا برهمڻڪو -- Of a Brahman.
  • भइ s. f. -- ڀئه -- Fear, terror, dread, consequence, import.
  • भइ कान्हे or भइई कान्हे -- ڀئه ڪانهي، ڀئئي ڪانهي -- It is of no consequence, it does not signify.
  • S भउ s. m. -- ڀئه -- Fear, dread, terror, fright, danger. Import, consequence.
  • भउणी or भउणु s. m. -- ڀئڻي يا ڀئڻ -- The roller running between two posts fixed upon the edge of a well, over which the rope runs for drawing water.
  • भकुओ s. m. or adj. -- ڀڪئو -- Stupid, a blockhead. s. m. a pip, pander.
  • भकू s. m. or adj. -- ڀڪو -- Stupid. A blockhead.
  • S भंग s. f. -- ڀنگ -- A kind of hemp (cannabis sativa) of which an intoxicating drink is made, the name of a dung.
  • S भग॒ति s. f. -- ڀڳت -- Worship, adoration.
  • S भग॒तु s. m. -- ڀڳت -- A worshiper, a devout or pious person. A kind of religious devotee.
  • S भगं॒दरु s. m. -- ڀڳندر -- A fistula in anon.
  • S भग॒वंतु or भग॒वानु s. m. -- ڀڳونت يا ڀڳوان -- The deity (among Hindus), God.
  • भग॒सिर्यो s. m. -- ڀڳسريو -- A class of Hindus who were employed by the Ameers as watchmen and messengers from their zenanas.
  • भंगारी adj. -- ڀنگاري -- Made of भंगारु ڀنگارُ.
  • भंगारु s. m. -- ڀنگار -- A mixed metal composed of copper, lead etc.
  • S भंगिरो s. m. -- ڀنگرو -- Name of a herb (Eclipta Prostrata). The male bhang (hemp) plant.
  • S भगी॒ s. f. -- ڀڳي -- Interruption, hindrance.
  • S भंगी s. m. -- ڀنگي -- One who is addicted to the use of भंग ڀنگ.
  • S भंगु s. m. -- ڀنگ -- Interrupting or spoiling an arrangement, an obstacle, interruption. Adj. Having a dislike or disapproval.
  • S भगु॒ओ adj. -- ڀڳئو -- Dyed with geru or yellow ochre.
  • भगो॒ -- ڀڳو -- The past part. of भज॒णु ڀڄڻ or भञणु ڀڃڻ.
  • भचटी s. m. -- ڀچٽي -- Name of a plant (Desmochaeta Lappaea).
  • भचरभटूं s. m. -- ڀچرڀٽون -- Name of a seed used in medicine etc.
  • भचरु or भचिरु s. m. -- ڀچر يا ڀچر -- A species of dog with long hair and ears.
  • S भज॒णु -- ڀڄڻ -- (past part. भगो॒ ڀڳو) to run away, flee, run, gallop. S To break split. S v. a. (past part. भज॒यो ڀڄيو) to worship, adore.
  • S भज॒नीकु s. m. -- ڀڄنيڪ -- A worshiper.
  • S भज॒नु v. n. -- ڀڄن -- Adoration, worship.
  • भजा॒इणु v. a. -- ڀڄائڻ -- To cause to flee or run away, to cause to gallop.
  • भजि॒ or भजु॒ s. f. -- ڀڄ يا ڀڄ -- A running off, rout, flight.
  • भजि॒णो adj. -- ڀڄڻو -- One who runs away, a run away (horse). S Easily broken, brittle, fragile.
  • भंजू s. m. -- ڀنجو -- Clay used for making mud plaster.
  • भञकिड़ी विझणु or पाइणु -- ڀڃڪڙي وجھڻ يا پائڻ -- To cause an interruption or frustration.
  • भञणु v. a. -- ڀڃڻ -- (imper. भञु ڀڃُ past part. भगो॒ ڀڳو). To break, split, crack, to infringe, to frustrate. To turn down (as a corner of a book).
  • S भञांकड़ी s. f. -- ڀڃانڪڙي -- Interruption, hindrance, obstacle, frustration.
  • भटुंअड़ी s. f. -- ڀٽنئڙي -- A small scorpion.
  • भटूं s. m. -- ڀٽون -- A scorpion.
  • भड़ाई s. f. -- ڀڙائي -- Cleverness, dexterity, skill, expertness, proficiency.
  • भड़ाणो adj. -- ڀڙاڻو -- Of a skilful person, masterly.
  • भंडारी s. m. -- ڀنڊاري -- One who cooks for fakirs. A house steward.
  • भंडारु s. m. -- ڀنڊار -- A store house, go down.
  • भंडारो s. m. -- ڀنڊارو -- A cook house, kitchen, a feast, among fakirs.
  • भंड़िणि s. f. -- ڀنڙڻ -- A female in the family of a भंडु ڀنڙُ.
  • भंडी s. f. -- ڀنڊي -- Clamoring for alms etc. publicly and so bringing an ill name on the person asked. Disgracing another by revealing anything to one’s detriment, calumniating.
  • S भंडु s. m. -- ڀنڊ -- The name of a caste who go about acting and playing. One who gives another a bad name, by making him out sordid etc. a calumniator.
  • भड़ुआई, भड़ुवत or भड़वाई s. f. -- ڀڙئائي، ڀڙوت يا ڀڙوائي -- Pimping.
  • भड़ुओ s. m. -- ڀڙئو -- A pimp, bawd, procurer.
  • भड़्कणि or भड़्किणी s. f. -- ڀڙڪڻ يا ڀڙڪڻي -- A kind of kite played with by boys.
  • भड़्की s. f. -- ڀڙڪي -- Splendor, flash, glare, brightness, glitter. Zeal, ardor. Chiding smartly, giving a rebuff.
  • भड़्को s. m. -- ڀڙڪو -- Blaze, flame, the sound of blazing. The fluttering of any thing in the wind.
  • भतर s. f. -- ڀتر -- Name of a plant used in medicine (Microrhynchus Rudicaulis).
  • भताड़ी s. f. -- ڀتاڙي -- A leathern vessel for keeping oil, ghee etc. in.
  • S भतारु s. m. -- ڀتار -- A husband.
  • भति s. f. -- ڀت -- Ways, manner, habit.
  • भतु s. m. -- ڀت -- Boiled rice. Rice, wheat, jawari etc. boiled with water to form gruel, water gruel.
  • भनणु s. m. -- ڀنڻ -- Beating the head and breast in grief, making an outcry, quarreling.
  • भनु s. m. -- ڀن -- A large kind of fish net.
  • भभकी -- ڀڀڪي -- Same as भभ्की ڀڀڪي.
  • भभटु or भभड़ु s. m. -- ڀڀٽ يا ڀڀڙ -- A great flame or blaze.
  • भभरु s. m. -- ڀڀر -- The belly or round body of a pot etc.
  • भभिरु s. m. -- ڀڀر -- A pot-bellied person.
  • भभुई s. f. -- ڀڀئي -- A kind of earthen flagon which is broad and flat.
  • भंभुल्जणु v. n. -- ڀنڀلجڻ -- To become confused or distracted, to be filled with pride or self conceit.
  • भंभू adj. -- ڀنڀو -- Wonder-stricken, stupefied.
  • S भभूति s. f. -- ڀڀوت -- Ashes (used to rub on the body). Wealth, property.
  • S भभूतिजणु v. n. -- ڀڀوتجڻ -- To be covered with dirt and dust.
  • भंभो s. m. -- ڀنڀو -- Hair laid down in locks over the forehead.
  • भंभोल्जणु -- ڀنڀولجڻ -- Same as भंभुल्जणु ڀنڀُولجڻ.
  • भभ्की s. f. -- ڀڀڪي -- Flying out in a rage, an ebullition of passion.
  • भभ्को s. m. -- ڀڀڪو -- The noise of flame. Gaggling, the noise from the boiling of water. The flying at one in a rage.
  • S भमणु v. n. -- ڀمڻ -- To wander about uselessly.
  • S भर prep. -- ڀر -- On, upon, with such a part downwards. Against, supported from.
  • S भरणु v. a. -- ڀرڻ -- To fill, to infuse, saturate, cover with, to load (a gun) to lade (a boat). To pay re-imbrues, to embroider. To draw in or up (as a sigh. Mouthful etc.), to heave. To repeat, take (an oath). To use one’s name lightly on in abuse. To measure.
  • S भरपूरि adj. or adv. -- ڀرپور -- Full to the top, brimful.
  • भरमु s. m. -- ڀرم -- Honor, good name. s Illusion, deception, doubt, apprehension.
  • S भराउ s. m. -- ڀراء -- Stuff of any kind with which a pit etc. is filled.
  • S भरि s. f. -- ڀر -- Brink, bank, shore, neighborhood, vicinity, the space, immediately, adjacent. prep. On, upon, with such a part downwards. Against, supported by.
  • भरिणो s. m. -- ڀرڻو -- Place where one seized by a demon gives forth prophecies etc. s Embroidering, embroidery.
  • S भरिप s. f. -- ڀرپ -- Measuring.
  • S भरी s. f. -- ڀري -- A man’s load of one and a half mounds.
  • S भरु s. m. -- ڀر -- Prop, rest, support.
  • भरो -- ڀرو -- An affix to adverbs of position implying nearness in th eobject referred to, as अग॒ भरो اڳ ڀرو a little in fron, पर भरो پر ڀرو a little way off.
  • S भरोसो s. m. -- ڀروسو -- Hope, confidence.
  • भर्किणी s. f. -- ڀرڪڻي -- A kind of paper kite.
  • S भर्जणु v. n. -- ڀرجڻ -- (or passive of भरणु ڀرڻ) to be seized with a demon, possessed by a devil
  • S भर्णी s. f. -- ڀرڻي -- Fitting, embroidering.
  • S भर्थाणु s. m. -- ڀرٿاڻ -- Extension, taking up much space or time.
  • S भर्थु s. m. -- ڀرٿ -- Embroidering, embroidery.
  • S भर्थू adj. -- ڀرٿو -- Filled, full, laden, loaded. Worked with embroidery.
  • S भर्थो s. f. -- ڀرٿو -- Filling, loading. Aid, assistance.
  • S भर्मणु or भर्मिजणु v. n. -- ڀرمڻ يا ڀرمجڻ -- To wander, roam stray, to be suspicious, be apprehensive. To be deceived.
  • S भर्माइजणु v. a. -- ڀرمائجڻ -- To cause to wander or go astray, to deceive, tempt, entice, allure, delude, to perplex, alarm.
  • S भर्मी adj. -- ڀرمي -- Suspicious, a septic.
  • भर्मु s. m. -- ڀرم -- Honor, good name. S Illusion, delusion, doubt, apprehension.
  • S भर्यतु s. m. -- ڀريت -- A porter, carrier of burdens.
  • भर्र s. f. -- ڀرر -- A whirr.
  • भर्राइणु v. n. -- ڀررائڻ -- To whirr.
  • S भर्वसो s. m. -- ڀروسو -- Hope, confidence.
  • भलाई or भली s. f. -- ڀلائي يا ڀلي -- Goddness, kindness, benevolence, advantage.
  • भलावणी s. f. -- ڀلاوڻي -- The correspondence of a baker with another firm.
  • भलावण्यो or भलाव्ण्यो s. m. -- ڀلاوڻيو يا ڀلاوڻيو -- A baker’s correspondent on whom he draws bills.
  • भली or भलीं adv. -- ڀلي يا ڀلين -- Well, good.
  • भलीं करे आयें -- ڀلين ڪري آئين -- You are welcome.
  • भलु s. m. -- ڀل -- A kind of water lily. Goodness, excellence.
  • भलें आयो -- ڀلين آيو -- He is welcome.
  • भलो adj. -- ڀلو -- Good, excellent, kind, benevolent. s. m. advantatge, profit.
  • S भंवणु v. n. -- ڀنوڻ -- To wander, stray. To go round, in a circle.
  • S भवहथीको or भवाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڀوهٿيڪو يا ڀوائتو -- That in which there is risk or danger, dangerous, that in which care is requisite, with fear or care, carefully.
  • S भवानी s. f. -- ڀواني -- Name of a Hindu goddess, wife of Siva or Mahadeo. A little barely sown in a house on the 1st day of the festival of Nowrat, in honor of Bhawani, the plants of which are pulled upon the last day of the festival, and distributed.
  • भंवांरहूं adj. -- ڀنوانرهون -- Unfortunate, evil, dreadful, terrible.
  • S भविष्यति s. f. -- ڀوشيت -- The future, the future tense.
  • भाइ पवणु -- ڀاء پوڻ -- To suit, please, agree with, be approved of.
  • S भाइचारी s. f. -- ڀائچاري -- Relationship, brotherhood.
  • S भाइचारो s. m. -- ڀائچارو -- Relationship, kindred, relations.
  • भांइजणु v. n. -- ڀانئجڻ -- To be thought, imagined.
  • S भाइट्यो s. m. -- ڀائٽيو -- A brother’s son, nephew.
  • भाइणु v. a. -- ڀائڻ -- To hire or take on hire. v. n. to lay trust on, look for aid from.
  • भांइणु v. a. -- ڀانئڻ -- To think, imagine. To like, have a liking for, regard, esteem.
  • S भाइतो adj. -- ڀائتو -- Having a brother.
  • S भाइपी s. f. or भाइपो s. m. -- ڀائپي يا ڀائپو -- Relationship, partnership.
  • S भाई s. m. -- ڀائي -- A brother, a comrade, partner. A title of respect. Name of a hill tree.
  • S भाईटो adj. -- ڀائيٽو -- That in which different people have shares. s. m. a partner, sharer.
  • S भाईबंदी s. f. -- ڀائيبندي -- Brotherhood, fraternity.
  • S भाईबंदु s. m. -- ڀائيبند -- One of a community of Hindus.
  • S भाईवारी s. f. -- ڀائيواري -- Partnership.
  • S भाईवारु s. m. -- ڀائيوار -- A partner, sharer.
  • S भाउ s. m. -- ڀاء -- Love, affection, regard. Courtesy, politeness. Meaning, purport, import. Rate of prices. Tariff, market price. (in plu. भाउर ڀائُر or भाइरु ڀائِر) a brother.
  • S भांउटी s. f. -- ڀانئٽي -- Turning, whirling, resolving. Giddiness, vertigo.
  • S भाउराई or भाउरी s. f. -- ڀائرائي يا ڀائري -- Brotherhood, relationship.
  • S भाएठी s. f. -- ڀائيٺي -- Partnership.
  • भाकुरु s. m. -- ڀاڪر -- An embrace, embracing. The armful, the quantity embraced in one’s arms.
  • S भाग॒भर्यो adj. -- ڀاڳڀريو -- Fortunate, of good disposition, gentle, amiable.
  • भाग॒यो s. m. -- ڀاڳيو -- A small kind of earthen ware vessel. S adj. Fortunate, lucky, wealthy, opulent.
  • S भागु॒ s. m. -- ڀاڳ -- Fate, fortune, destiny.
  • भांगो s. m. -- ڀانگو -- A dry bit of a branch for lighting a fire with.
  • S भाङाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڀاڱائتو -- Shared, in shares, proportionately, proportionate.
  • S भाङेरो s. m. -- ڀاڱيرو -- A partner, sharer, adj. or adv. Agreeable to shares., in shares, proportionately.
  • S भाङो s. m. -- ڀاڱو -- A share, portion.
  • भाजा॒ई s. f. -- ڀاڄائي -- A brother’s wife, sister-in-law.
  • भाजि॒ s. f. -- ڀاڄ -- A running away, flight, rout.
  • S भाजी॒ s. f. -- ڀاڄي -- Vegetables. Anything eaten with rice or bread. A position or share in the distribution of food.
  • भाजू॒ or भाजू॒कड़ु s. m. -- ڀاڄو يا ڀاڄوڪڙ -- A fugitive, deserter, coward, truant.
  • S भाञू or भाञूकड़ु s. m. -- ڀاڃو يا ڀاڃوڪڙ -- A breaker, that which causes breakage.
  • S भाञोs. m. -- ڀاڃو -- An interruption, obstacle, stoppage.
  • भाठो s. m. -- ڀاٺو -- The ebb tide. A stick carried to beat cattle with. Adj. Having long horns (a deer etc.)
  • भाड़ि s. f. -- ڀاڙ -- The price of fornication, the wages of a pimp, earnings from letting out for prostitution.
  • भाड़ी s. m. -- ڀاڙي -- One who lives by letting out women for prostitution, a pimp.
  • S भाडो॒ s. m. -- ڀاڏو -- A store house, garner, granary, the punch, belly. A utensil, vessel. The wheel or Persian wheel, on which the pots work.
  • भांड़ो s. m. -- ڀانڙو -- Here, fare, rent, freight.
  • भाडो॒ड़ि s. f. -- ڀاڏوڙ -- A running away, flight, rout
  • भाड़्यतु adj. -- ڀاڙيت -- (in fem. भाड़्यत ڀاڙِيت) hired, taken on hire. That has lost its calf but gives milk on being given food to eat (a cow etc.).
  • भाड़्यो s. m. -- ڀاڙيو -- Same as भाड़ी ڀاڙي
  • भाणि s. f. -- ڀاڻ -- A swimming or giddiness in the head, vertigo.
  • भाणिजु, भाणिरो or भाणेजो s. m. -- ڀاڻج، ڀاڻرو يا ڀاڻيجو -- A sister’s son.
  • S भाणी s. f. -- ڀاڻي -- The will of God.
  • भाणु s. m. -- ڀاڻ -- The place where cattle are kept or manure is collected, a cowpen. A dung hill. The excrement of cows or buffaloes used as manure etc.
  • भाणो s. m. -- ڀاڻو -- The enclosure in which cattle are kept, a pen, a fold. S The will of God.
  • भांति s. f. -- ڀانت -- Kind, sort, manner, species.
  • भाती s. f. -- ڀاتي -- A fellow-resident in a house, a chum, messmate.
  • भानी s. f. -- ڀاني -- A barber’s pack or case in which he keeps his razors etc. the gatherer’s share of the cotton, plucked by him during the day and given out after work.
  • भानु s. m. -- ڀان -- A begging musician, arrogance, pride.
  • S भान्साली s. m. -- ڀانسالي -- A seller of metal pots and vessels.
  • भांभां करणु s. m. -- ڀان ڀان ڪرڻ -- To be empty or desolate.
  • भाभी s. f. -- ڀاڀي -- A brother’s wife.
  • S भायपाई, भायोटी s. f. or भायपो s. m. -- ڀائپائي، ڀايوٽي يا ڀائپو -- Partnership.
  • S भायाठो or भायोठो adj. -- ڀاياٺو يا ڀايوٺو -- That in which different people have shares. A partner, sharer, shareholder.
  • S भायाणो adj. -- ڀاياڻو -- Of or belonging to a partner.
  • भारूनी s. f. -- ڀاروني -- The lower cross sticks confining the upright beam or axle of a water wheel by forming a socket for it.
  • भालु s. m. -- ڀال -- Goodness, kindness, favor.
  • S भालो s. m. -- ڀالو -- A spear, lance.
  • S भावना s. f. -- ڀاونا -- Faith, trust. Fondness, affection.
  • S भावभर्यो or भाववारो adj. -- ڀاو ڀريو يا ڀاو وارو -- Polite, courteous, respectful.
  • भावाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڀاوائتو -- Polite, politely, respectful, sentimental.
  • भावी s. f. -- ڀاوي -- Courtesy, treating with respect. Fondness, regard. Fate, destiny.
  • S भांवें adv. -- ڀانوين -- As you wish, either, or.
  • S भाषा s. f. -- ڀاشا -- A language (referring to any except Sanskrit).
  • भास s. f. भासु s. m. -- ڀاس يا ڀاس -- Knowledge, perception, consciousness, an inkling, presentiment, seeing.
  • S भासणु v. n. -- ڀاسڻ -- To appear, seem, to be perceived, be seen.
  • भिज॒णु v. n. -- ڀڄڻ -- (past part. भितो ڀِتو) To get wet.
  • भिजा॒इणु v. a -- ڀڄائڻ -- To wet, make wet.
  • भिंजिरि भाउ -- ڀنجري ڀاء -- An abusive term.
  • भिंजिरु adv. -- ڀنجر -- In the least, in the smallest degree.
  • L भिटाओ s. m. -- ڀٽائو -- Property, goods and chattels.
  • भिटारो adj. -- ڀٽارو -- In good condition. (a beast). Filled with rain.
  • भिंड s. f. -- ڀنڊ -- A kind of raw sugar made up in balls.
  • L भिड़णु v. n. -- ڀنڊڻ -- To meet, to mingle, mix.
  • भिंडा or भिंडिड़ा s. m. (plu). -- ڀنڊا يا ڀنڊڙا -- Short hair of the head.
  • L भिड़ाइणु v. a. -- ڀڙائڻ -- To cause to meet, to mix, mingle.
  • भितरु s. m. -- ڀتر -- A dry clod of earth.
  • भिति s. f. -- ڀت -- A wall.
  • भिति खणणु -- ڀت کڻڻ -- To build a wall.
  • भिनो -- ڀنو -- The past part. of भिज॒णु ڀِڄڻ.
  • भिंभ or भिंभऊंदाहि s. f. -- ڀنڀ يا ڀنڀ اونداهه -- Deep darkness.
  • भिभास s. f. -- ڀڀاس -- The day-break, early morning. The name of a ragini sung in the morning.
  • भिंभ् s. f. -- ڀنڀ -- Jumping, frisking.
  • S भिरगु॒ s. m. -- ڀرڳ -- Pedundum mulieris.
  • S भिरांति s. f. -- ڀرانت -- A breakage of friendship, ill-will following such a break.
  • भिरिणो s. m. -- ڀرڻو -- The pommel of a saddle.
  • B भिरी s. f. -- ڀري -- A female infant.
  • S भिरूं s. m. -- ڀرون -- An eyebrow.
  • B भिरो s. m. -- ڀرو -- An infant.
  • भिर्को s. m. -- ڀرڪو -- A time, succession of times.
  • S भिर्मु s. m. -- ڀرم -- Doubt, fear, apprehension. Delusion, illusion.
  • S भिर्मो adj. -- ڀرمو -- Suspicious, a septic.
  • भी conj. -- ڀي -- Also.
  • S भीखमु s. m. -- ڀيکم -- A Hindu fast kept during the 11th and four following days of the lunar fortnight in kati.
  • भींग s. f. -- ڀينگ -- Waste, desolate.
  • भीचणु v. n. -- ڀيچڻ -- (past part. भीतो ڀيتو) to be paid up, discharged (a debt) repaid. To be done up, worn out, spent, expended.
  • भीचाइणु v. a. -- ڀيچائڻ -- To discharge, repay, (a debt). To wear out, to extract all the power and strength from anything.
  • S भीड़ s. f. -- ڀيڙ -- A crowd, multitude. Trouble, difficulty, pressure. Squeezing with the fingers the limbs in shampooing.
  • भींड s. f. -- ڀينڊ -- A kind of beetle, with bright wings. A lump or clod of hardened dung of cows etc. as dug out of a dung-hill.
  • भीड़णु v. a. -- ڀيڙڻ -- To close, contract, (as the hand or an opened ring, etc). माशो भीड़णु ماشو ڀِيڙڻ To pull trigger.
  • भींडी s. f. -- ڀينڊي -- A piece of cloth with certain ingredients tied up, applied to sore eyes.
  • भींडी छोड़णु -- ڀينڊي ڇوڙڻ -- To take a maiden head.
  • भींडी पाइणु -- ڀينڊي پائڻ -- To apply or administer such. The knots tied by dyers in arranging cloth for dying it different colors. A cloth tied over the head by women. The name of a vegetable (Hibiscus Esculentus). A maiden head.
  • भीति s. f. -- ڀيت -- Custom, habits, ways.
  • भीती s. f. -- ڀيتي -- Meat given to entice nightingale etc. anything held out with which to entice or tempt.
  • भीतो -- ڀيتو -- The past part. of भीचणु ڀِيچڻ.
  • भींभिर्को s. m. -- ڀينڀرڪو -- Day-break, dawn.
  • भींभु s. m. -- ڀينڀ -- A large black fly.
  • S भीषमु -- ڀيشم -- Same as भीखमु ڀيخمُ.
  • S भुंई s. f. -- ڀنئي -- Earth, ground, soil, land, a country.
  • भुकखंघि s. f. -- ڀڪکنگهه -- A heavy dry caught.
  • भुगि॒ड़ो s. m. -- ڀڳڙو -- The grain चणो چُڻو roasted or parched.
  • S भुगि॒ति s. f. -- ڀڳت -- Food sent daily from the house of any one to a fakir. Food, victuals.
  • S भुगी॒ s. f. -- ڀڳي -- A piece of fried meat.
  • भुंगी s. f. -- ڀنگي -- A hut, hovel, cottage.
  • भुगो॒ -- ڀڳو -- The past part. of भुज॒णु ڀُڄڻ or भुञणु ڀُڄڻُ.
  • भुगो s. m. -- ڀگو -- A house.
  • भुचणु v. n. -- ڀچڻ -- (Past part. भुतो ڀُتو) to be digested. To be embezzled.
  • भुचाइणु v. a. -- ڀچائڻ -- To digest. To embezzle.
  • S भुज॒णु v. n. -- ڀڃڻ -- (past part. भुगो॒ ڀُڳو) To fry, be fried, be parched (as a grain on fire).
  • S भुञणु v. a. -- ڀڃڻ -- (imper. भुञु ڀُڃُ Past part. भुगो ڀُگو). To fry, parch.
  • S भुञाणी s. f. -- ڀڃاڻي -- The cost of parching grain.
  • S भुञिणी s. f. -- ڀڃڻي -- Frying, a fry. The turning round with a ladle the meat in a pot or when frying it.
  • भुटापुरीगु॒ड़ु s. f. -- ڀٽاپري ڳڙ -- A kind of गु॒ड़ु ڳڙ or raw sugar made up into balls.
  • भुडो॒ adj. -- ڀڏو -- Toothless.
  • भुणणु v. n. -- ڀڻڻ -- To wander about, roam. The past part. is often used intensively, thus सजो॒ डीं॒हु भुणो लिखे سڄو ڏِينهُن ڀُڻو لِکي He writes away all day.
  • भुणिक, भुण्कार s. f. or भुण्काटु or भुण्को s. m. -- ڀڻڪ، ڀڻڪار يا ڀڻڪاٽ يا ڀڻڪو -- A low sound, muttering, a buzzing sound.
  • भुण्काउ or भुण्काटु s. m. -- ڀڻڪاء يا ڀڻڪاٽ -- Buzzing, humming.
  • भुण्भुण्यो s. m. -- ڀڻڀڻيو -- A mutterer, whisperer.
  • भुतो -- ڀتو -- The past part. of भुचणु ڀُچڻ.
  • A भुनु s. m. -- ڀن -- Coffee.
  • भुंयों adj. -- ڀنيون -- Acquainted with, having knowledge of.
  • भुरणु v. n. -- ڀرڻ -- To become reduced to powder, be pulverized, crumble.
  • भुरिणो adj. -- ڀرڻو -- Pulverable, easily reduced to powder.
  • भुर्टु s. m. -- ڀرٽ -- A name given to the weed Desinochoeta Lappacea or (less commonly) to the Tribulus Lanuginosus.
  • भुल s. f. -- ڀل -- A mistake, error, blunder, fault, omission, forgetfulness.
  • भुलचुक -- ڀل چڪ -- Idem.
  • भुलणु v. n. -- ڀلڻ -- To err, mistake, blunder, be misled. v. a. To forget, omit.
  • भुलाइणु v. a. -- ڀلائڻ -- To cause to err, deceive, mislead, seduce. To forget, omit.
  • भुलाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڀلائتو -- Erring, mistaken, in a wrong manner.
  • भुलाओ s. m. -- ڀلائو -- An enticement, something given to tempt or deceive, a feint.
  • भुल्जणु v. n. -- ڀلجڻ -- To be forgotten, be omitted, to mistake, err.
  • भूं or भूंइ s. f. -- ڀون يا ڀونء -- The earth, ground.
  • भूकडा॒ड़्ही s. m. -- ڀوڪڏاڙهي -- A blockhead, fool.
  • भूकु s. m. -- ڀوڪ -- The center stalk of an onion plant, which when ripe bears the seed. A blockhead, fool.
  • भूचु adj. -- ڀوچ -- Having long straggling hair or beard, covered with long hair. s. m. long straggling hairs. A blockhead, clown.
  • भूडि॒णि s. f. -- ڀوڏڻ -- A female pig. Sow.
  • भूंडो s. m. -- ڀونڊو -- To put out the open spread palm of the hand or foot opposite an other’s face, a mark of great disrespect or contempt.
  • भूंणु -- ڀونڻ -- for भुवणु ڀُوڻُ.
  • भूताइजणु v. n. -- ڀتائجڻ -- To be seized of a devil
  • भूतिनी s. f. -- ڀوتني -- A female bhut, a women ghost.
  • भूतु s. m. -- ڀوت -- A demon, fiend, ghost, specter. An element. The past tense in grammar.
  • भूंफाड़ु s. m. -- ڀونڦاڙ -- A kind of mushroom.
  • भूंभूं s. f -- ڀون ڀون -- Buzzing, humming.
  • भूंभूरी s. f. -- ڀونڀوري -- Name of a large kind of fly with four wings. A whirl gig, a plaything for spinning with the fingers.
  • भूराइणु v. n. -- ڀورائڻ -- To grow fair or white in complexion, or have a tendency to fairness.
  • भूराई or भूराणि s. f. -- ڀورائي يا ڀوراڻ -- Brownness of hair or complexion.
  • भूरो adj. -- ڀورو -- Brownish (hair) or brown, of fair complexion. Of a whitish color, (cow etc.). Having brown hair, or brown complexion, brown (hair). White (a color among kin).
  • भेची s. m. -- ڀيچي -- A partner in a game or play.
  • भेज॒भिनी s. f. -- ڀيڄڀني -- The dawn, day break.
  • भेट s. f. -- ڀيٽ -- Comparing, comparison.
  • भेट or भेटा s. f. -- ڀيٽ يا ڀيٽا -- A present or offering to a deity, priest or superior, an oblation.
  • भेटणु v. a. -- ڀيٽڻ -- To compare, examine by comparing. To complete or perform.
  • भेटी s. f. -- ڀيٽي -- Any vessel in which liquor is measured.
  • भेडी॒ s. f. -- ڀيڏي -- The knuckle or projecting joint bone on the outside of the wrist. Name of a game played with the knuckle bones of a sheep, or of the bones with which it is played.
  • भेड़ो adj. or adv. -- ڀيڙو -- In company, together, joined, simultaneous, simultaneously.
  • भेण s. f. -- ڀيڻ -- (Plu. भेनरुڀينر , भेणूं ڀيڻُون or भेनरूं ڀينرُون) A sister.
  • भेणिको adj. -- ڀيڻڪو -- Of a sister, sisterly.
  • भेणी s. f. -- ڀيڻي -- Place, station. Root, foundation. End, conclusion, support, means of support, choice, power.
  • भेणी भज॒णु -- ڀيڻي ڀڃڻ -- To be destroyed from the root.
  • भेणीविओ s. m. -- ڀيڻيوئو -- A sister’s husband.
  • भेणु s. f. -- ڀيڻ -- Same as भेण ڀيڻ.
  • भेण्पाई s. m. or भेण्पणो or भेण्पो s. f. -- ڀيڻپائي يا ڀيڻپڻو يا ڀيڻپو -- Sisterhood, the state or office of a sister.
  • भेति s. f. -- ڀيت -- Disposition, habits.
  • S भेती or भेदी adj. -- ڀيتي يا ڀيدي -- One acquainted with one’s secrets.
  • S भेतु or भेदु s. m. -- ڀيت يا ڀيد -- A secret, a mystery, a knowledge of any secret matter. Difference, distinction.
  • भेरउं or भेरनु s. m. -- ڀيرئن يا ڀيرن -- A kind of cotton cloth. A stick fixed crossways at the bottom of anything to give it support. S A name of Siva. The name of rag or musical mode.
  • भेरणु v. a. -- ڀيرڻ -- To make turn round or revolve. To set going, work on.
  • भेरि s. f. -- ڀير -- A high point on a bank of the river such as breaks down into the stream. A huge monster. A large kettle drum.
  • भेरी -- ڀيري -- Used as well as भेरे ڀيري as the oblique case of भेरो ڀيرو.
  • भेरु s. m. -- ڀير -- Twists and turns crookedness. A whirlpool. Dress, disguise.
  • भेरेभेरे adv. -- ڀيري ڀيري -- Constantly, continually, repeatedly.
  • भेरो s. m. -- ڀيرو -- A tour, time, succession of time, a revolution, turn.
  • भेल s. f. -- ڀيل -- The trespassing of an animal in a field.
  • भेलणु v. a. -- ڀيلڻ -- To injure by trespass, (an animal in a field), to trample under foot.
  • S भेलाओ s. m. -- ڀيلائو -- A nut (Semicarpus Anacardium).
  • भेलाड़ि s. f. -- ڀيلاڙ -- A stubble field, or one where the plants have dried up, in which cattle are let loose for grazing.
  • भेलाड़ु s. m. -- ڀيلاڙ -- The trampling on or eating up one’s crops (as done by stray cattle). Adj. given to cattle for grazing (a cut or dried up field of grain).
  • भेली s. f. -- ڀيلي -- A test or ordeal of veracity by placing a hot izon on the open hands, which have previously been covered with certain leaves etc. and making the person so walk some spaces.
  • भैरंउं s. m. -- ڀيرنء -- A name of Siva, but more especially of an inferior form or manifestation of that deity. Name of a musical mode.
  • भैरवी s. f. -- ڀيروي -- Name of a ragini or musical mode.
  • भोंक s. f. -- ڀونڪ -- Barking, a bark.
  • भोंकणु v. n. -- ڀونڪڻ -- To bark.
  • भोग॒णु v. a. -- ڀوڳڻ -- To suffer, bear, enjoy, feel the delights of.
  • भोगि॒ड़ी s. m. -- ڀوڳڙي -- One who fires or parches चणा چڻا etc.
  • भोगी॒ adj. -- ڀوڳي -- One given to sensual pleasure, concupiscent.
  • भोगु॒ s. m. -- ڀوڳ -- Enduring, suffering, enjoyment, luxury, enjoying sensual pleasures, venery. An offering of food of a deity.
  • भोगु॒ पवणु -- ڀوڳ پوڻ -- To end, conclude (reading a book etc.)
  • S भोजपत्रु s. m. -- ڀوج پتر -- The bark of a birch tree used in making huka snakes etc (Betula Bhoojputra).
  • भोणणु v. a. -- ڀوڻڻ -- To wander about, looking for anything.
  • भोणो s. m. -- ڀوڻو -- A wanderer, vagabond.
  • भोदू s. m. -- ڀود -- A fool, blockhead.
  • भोदूआई s. f. -- ڀودويائي -- Folly, foolishness, stupidity.
  • भोनाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڀونائتو -- Being wrong, mistaken, with error, wrongly.
  • भोपो s. m. -- ڀوپو -- One with an evil eye, a magician.
  • भोरणु v. a. -- ڀورڻ -- To reduce to powder, pulverize, crumble.
  • भोराई or भोरिड़ाई s. f. -- ڀورائي يا ڀورڙائي -- Innocence, artlessness, simplicity, silliness.
  • भोरि s. f. -- ڀور -- Crumbs, atoms.
  • भोरिड़ो adj. -- ڀورڙو -- Artless, innocent, simple, silly.
  • भोरींडो s. m. -- ڀرورينڊو -- A sweetmeat made up of तिर تِر sugar etc in balls.
  • भोरु s. m. -- ڀور -- A crumb.
  • भोरू adj. -- ڀورو -- What easily wears to atoms or crumbles, pulverizable.
  • भोरो adj. -- ڀورو -- Artless, innocent, simple. S. m. a small bit of bread. A nightingale.
  • भोंर्कली s. f. -- ڀونرڪلي -- A swivel.
  • भोल or भोलि s. f. -- ڀول يا ڀول -- An error, mistake, inaccuracy.
  • भोलिड़ो s. m. -- ڀولڙو -- A monkey.
  • भोली adj. -- ڀولي -- Artless, simple, innocent. s. m. a monkey. An error, mistake, blunder, inaccuracy, incorrectness. भोलो कोन्हे ڀولو ڪونهي it is of no importance, it matters not.
  • भोलू adj. -- ڀولو -- Simple-minded, artless, foolish, silly. s. m. a monkey.
  • भौंरी s. f. -- ڀينري -- A natural twist in the hair considered lucky or unlucky according to where it is found. The pulley or roller over which water is drawn by a rope from a well.
  • भौंरु s. m. -- ڀونر -- A large black bee.
  • भ्रांति s. f. -- ڀرانت -- A breakage of friendship, ill will follow such a break. Doubt, uncertainty.
  • भ्रिकुटी s. f. -- ڀرڪٽي -- The space between the eyebrows.