"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:affix/templates/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"
local export = {}
local m_affix = require("Module:affix")
local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
local pseudo_loan_module = "Module:affix/pseudo-loan"
local put -- initialized once, when needed, to require("Module:parse utilities")
local rsplit = mw.text.split
-- Per-param modifiers, which can be specified either as separate parameters (e.g. t2=, pos3=) or as inline modifiers
-- <t:...>, <pos:...>, etc. The key is the name fo the parameter (e.g. "t", "pos") and the value is a table with
-- elements as follows:
-- * `extra_specs`: An optional table of extra key-value pairs to add to the spec used for parsing the parameter
-- when specified as a separate parameter (e.g. {type = "boolean"} for a Boolean parameter, or
-- {alias_of = "t"} for the "gloss" parameter, which is aliased to "t"), on top of the default, which
-- is {list = true, allow_holes = true, require_index = true}.
-- * `convert`: An optional function to convert the raw argument into the form passed to [[Module:affix]].
-- This function takes four parameters: (1) `arg` (the raw argument); (2) `inline` (true if we're
-- processing an inline modifier, false otherwise); (3) `term_index` (the actual index of the first term);
-- (4) `i` (the logical index of the term being processed, starting from 1).
-- * `item_dest`: The name of the key used when storing the parameter's value into the processed `parts` list.
-- Normally the same as the parameter's name. Different in the case of "t", where we store the gloss in
-- "gloss", and "g", where we store the genders in "genders".
-- * `param_key`: The name of the key used in the `params` spec passed to [[Module:parameters]]. Normally the same as
-- the parameter's name. Different in the case of "lit", "sc", etc. where e.g. we distinguish per-term
-- parameters "lit1", "lit2", etc. from the overall parameter "lit".
local param_mods = {
t = {
-- We need to store the t1=/t2= param and the <t:...> inline modifier into the "gloss" key of the parsed part,
-- because that is what [[Module:affix]] expects.
item_dest = "gloss",
gloss = {
-- The `extra_specs` handles the fact that "gloss" is an alias of "t".
extra_specs = {alias_of = "t"},
tr = {},
ts = {},
g = {
-- We need to store the g1=/g2= param and the <g:...> inline modifier into the "genders" key of the parsed part,
-- because that is what [[Module:affix]] expects.
item_dest = "genders",
convert = function(arg, inline, term_index, i)
return rsplit(arg, ",")
id = {},
alt = {},
q = {},
qq = {},
lit = {
-- lit1=, lit2=, ... are different from lit=; the former describe the literal meaning of an individual argument
-- while the latter applies to the expression as a whole and appears after them at the end. To handle this in
-- separate parameters, we need to set the key in the `params` object passed to [[Module:parameters]] to
-- something else (in this case "partlit") and set `list = "lit"` in the value of the `params` object. This
-- causes [[Module:parameters]] to fetch parameters named lit1=, lit2= etc. but store them into "partlit", while
-- lit= is stored into "lit".
param_key = "partlit",
extra_specs = {list = "lit"},
pos = {
-- pos1=, pos2=, ... are different from pos=; the former indicate the part of speech of an individual argument
-- and appear in parens after the term (similar to the pos= argument to {{l}}), while the latter applies to the
-- expression as a whole and controls the names of various categories. We handle the distinction identically to
-- lit1= etc. vs. lit=; see above.
param_key = "partpos",
extra_specs = {list = "pos"},
lang = {
-- lang1=, lang2=, ... are different from 1=; the former set the language of individual arguments that are
-- different from the overall language specified in 1=. Note that the preferred way of specifying a different
-- language for a given individual argument is using a language-code prefix, e.g. 'la:minūtia' or
-- 'grc:[[σκῶρ|σκατός]]', instead of using langN=. Since for compatibility purposes we may support lang= as
-- a synonym of 1=, we can't store langN= in "lang". Instead we do the same as for lit1= etc. vs. lit= above.
-- In addition, we need a conversion function to convert from language codes to language objects, which needs
-- to conditionalize the `param` parameter of `getByCode` of [[Module:languages]] on whether the param is
-- inline. (This only affects the error message.)
param_key = "partlang",
extra_specs = {list = "lang"},
convert = function(arg, inline, term_index, i)
-- term_index + i - 1 because we want to reference the actual term param name, which offsets from
-- `term_index` (the index of the first term); subtract 1 since i is one-based.
return m_languages.getByCode(arg, inline and "" .. (term_index + i - 1) .. ":lang" or "lang" .. i, "allow etym")
sc = {
-- sc1=, sc2=, ... are different from sc=; the former apply to individual arguments when lang1=, lang2=, ...
-- is specified, while the latter applies to all arguments where langN=... isn't specified. We handle the
-- distinction identically to lit1= etc. vs. lit=; see above. In addition, we need a conversion function to
-- convert from script codes to script objects, which needs to conditionalize the `param` parameter of
-- `getByCode` of [[Module:scripts]] on whether the param is inline. (This only affects the error message.)
param_key = "partsc",
extra_specs = {list = "sc"},
convert = function(arg, inline, term_index, i)
-- term_index + i - 1 same as above for "lang".
return require("Module:scripts").getByCode(arg, inline and "" .. (term_index + i - 1) .. ":sc" or "sc" .. i)
local function get_valid_prefixes()
local valid_prefixes = {}
for param_mod, _ in pairs(param_mods) do
table.insert(valid_prefixes, param_mod)
return valid_prefixes
local function fetch_script(sc, param)
return sc and require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc, param) or nil
-- Parse raw arguments in `args`. If `extra_params` is specified, it should be a one-argument function that is called
-- on the `params` structure before parsing; its purpose is to specify additional allowed parameters or possibly disable
-- parameters. If `has_source` is given, there is a source-language parameter following 1= (which becomes the
-- "destination" language parameter) and preceding the terms. This is currently used for {{pseudo-loan}}. The
-- source-language parameter is allowed to be an etymology-only language while the language in 1= is currently not so
-- allowed (FIXME: should we change this?). Returns five values ARGS, TERM_INDEX, LANG_OBJ, SCRIPT_OBJ, SOURCE_LANG_OBJ
-- where ARGS is a table of the parsed arguments; TERM_INDEX is the argument containing all the terms; LANG_OBJ is the
-- language object corresponding to the language code specified in 1=; SCRIPT_OBJ is the script object corresponding to
-- sc= (if given, otherwise nil); and SOURCE_LANG_OBJ is the language object corresponding to the source-language code
-- specified in 2= if `has_source` is specified (otherwise nil).
local function parse_args(args, extra_params, has_source, ilangcode)
if args.lang then
error("The |lang= parameter is not used by this template. Place the language code in parameter 1 instead.")
local term_index = (ilangcode and 1 or 2) + (has_source and 1 or 0)
local params = {
[term_index] = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
["lit"] = {},
["sc"] = {},
["pos"] = {},
["sort"] = {},
if not ilangcode then
params[1] = {required = true, default = "und"}
local source_index
if has_source then
source_index = term_index - 1
params[source_index] = {required = true, default = "und"}
local default_param_spec = {list = true, allow_holes = true, require_index = true}
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
local param_key = param_mod_spec.param_key or param_mod
if not param_mod_spec.extra_specs then
params[param_key] = default_param_spec
local param_spec = mw.clone(default_param_spec)
for k, v in pairs(param_mod_spec.extra_specs) do
param_spec[k] = v
params[param_key] = param_spec
if extra_params then
args = require("Module:parameters").process(args, params)
local lang
if ilangcode then
lang = m_languages.getByCode(ilangcode, true)
lang = m_languages.getByCode(args[1], 1)
local source
if has_source then
source = m_languages.getByCode(args[source_index], source_index, "allow etym")
return args, term_index, lang, fetch_script(args["sc"], "sc"), source
-- Return an object containing all the properties of the `i`th term. `template` is the name of the calling template
-- (used only in the debug-tracking mechanism). `args` is the arguments as returned by parse_args(). `term_index` is
-- the argument containing all the terms. This handles all the complexities of fetching all the properties associated
-- with a term either out of separate parameters (e.g. pos3=, g2=) or from inline modifiers (e.g.
-- 'term<pos:noun><g:m-p>'). It also handles parsing off a separate language code attached to the beginning of a term or
-- specified using langN= or <lang:CODE>.
local function get_parsed_part(template, args, term_index, i)
local part = {}
local term = args[term_index][i]
if not (term or args["alt"][i] or args["tr"][i] or args["ts"][i]) then
require("Module:debug/track")(template .. "/no term or alt or tr")
return nil
-- Parse all the term-specific parameters and store in `part`.
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
local dest = param_mod_spec.item_dest or param_mod
local param_key = param_mod_spec.param_key or param_mod
local arg = args[param_key][i]
if arg then
if param_mod_spec.convert then
arg = param_mod_spec.convert(arg, false, term_index, i)
part[dest] = arg
-- Remove and remember an initial exclamation point from the term, and parse off an initial language code (e.g.
-- 'la:minūtia' or 'grc:[[σκῶρ|σκατός]]').
if term then
local termlang, actual_term = term:match("^([A-Za-z0-9._-]+):(.*)$")
if termlang and termlang ~= "w" then -- special handling for w:... links to Wikipedia
-- -1 since i is one-based
termlang = m_languages.getByCode(termlang, term_index + i - 1, "allow etym")
term = actual_term
termlang = nil
if part.lang and termlang then
error(("Both lang%s= and a language in %s= given; specify one or the other"):format(i, i + 1))
part.lang = part.lang or termlang
part.term = term
-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>, <br/> or
-- similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{af|...}} or similar. Basically, all tags of
-- the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if
-- we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't try to parse it. The restriction to the
-- outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g. qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
if term and term:find("<") and not term:find("^[^<]*<[a-z]*[^a-z:]") then
if not put then
put = require("Module:parse utilities")
local run = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(term, "<", ">")
local function parse_err(msg)
error(msg .. ": " .. (i + 1) .. "=" .. table.concat(run))
part.term = run[1]
for j = 2, #run - 1, 2 do
if run[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. run[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = run[j]:match("^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Modifier '" .. modtext .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = modtext:match("^([a-z]+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err(("Modifier %s lacks a prefix, should begin with one of %s followed by a colon"):format(
run[j], table.concat(get_valid_prefixes(), ",")))
if not param_mods[prefix] then
parse_err(("Unrecognized prefix '%s' in modifier %s, should be one of %s"):format(
prefix, run[j], table.concat(get_valid_prefixes(), ",")))
local dest = param_mods[prefix].item_dest or prefix
if part[dest] then
parse_err("Modifier '" .. prefix .. "' occurs twice, second occurrence " .. run[j])
if param_mods[prefix].convert then
arg = param_mods[prefix].convert(arg, true, term_index, i)
part[dest] = arg
return part
-- Return an array of objects describing all the terms specified by the user. The meat of the work is done by
-- get_parsed_part(). `template`, `args` and `term_index` are as in get_parsed_part() and are required. Optional
-- `max_terms_allowed` restricts the number of terms that can be specified, and optional `start_index` specifies the
-- first index in the user-specified terms under the `term_index` argument to pull terms out of, defaulting to 1.
-- Currently only suffix() specifies a value for `start_index`, because the first term is handled differently by
-- suffix() compared with all the remaining terms.
local function get_parsed_parts(template, args, term_index, max_terms_allowed, start_index)
local parts = {}
start_index = start_index or 1
-- Find the maximum index among any of the list parameters.
local maxmaxindex = 0
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if type(v) == "table" and v.maxindex and v.maxindex > maxmaxindex then
if max_terms_allowed and v.maxindex > max_terms_allowed then
-- Try to determine the original parameter name associated with v.maxindex.
if type(k) == "number" then
-- Subtract one because e.g. if terms start at 2, the 4th term is in 5=.
arg = k + v.maxindex - 1
arg = k .. v.maxindex
error(("In [[Template:%s|%s]], at most %s terms can be specified but argument %s specified, corresponding to term #%s")
:format(template, template, max_terms_allowed, arg, v.maxindex))
maxmaxindex = v.maxindex
for index = start_index, maxmaxindex do
local part = get_parsed_part(template, args, term_index, index)
parts[index - start_index + 1] = part
return parts
function export.affix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["type"] = {}
params["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["notext"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
if args["type"] and not m_affix.compound_types[args["type"]] then
error("Unrecognized compound type: '" .. args["type"] .. "'")
local parts = get_parsed_parts("affix", args, term_index)
-- There must be at least one part to display. If there are gaps, a term
-- request will be shown.
if not next(parts) and not args["type"] then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
parts = { {term = "prefix-"}, {term = "base"}, {term = "-suffix"} }
error("You must provide at least one part.")
return m_affix.show_affix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, parts = parts, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"], type = args["type"],
nocap = args["nocap"], notext = args["notext"], nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"],
force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.compound(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["type"] = {}
params["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["notext"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
if args["type"] and not m_affix.compound_types[args["type"]] then
error("Unrecognized compound type: '" .. args["type"] .. "'")
local parts = get_parsed_parts("compound", args, term_index)
-- There must be at least one part to display. If there are gaps, a term
-- request will be shown.
if not next(parts) and not args["type"] then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
parts = { {term = "first"}, {term = "second"} }
error("You must provide at least one part of a compound.")
return m_affix.show_compound {
lang = lang, sc = sc, parts = parts, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"], type = args["type"],
nocap = args["nocap"], notext = args["notext"], nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"],
force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.compound_like(frame)
local iparams = {
["lang"] = {},
["template"] = {},
["text"] = {},
["oftext"] = {},
["cat"] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams, nil, "affix/templates", "compound_like")
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local function extra_params(params)
params["pos"] = nil
params["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["notext"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(parent_args, extra_params, nil, iargs.lang)
local template = iargs["template"]
local nocat = args["nocat"]
local notext = args["notext"]
local text = not notext and iargs["text"]
local oftext = not notext and (iargs["oftext"] or text and "of")
local cat = not nocat and iargs["cat"]
local parts = get_parsed_parts(template, args, term_index)
if not next(parts) then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
parts = { {term = "first"}, {term = "second"} }
return m_affix.show_compound_like {
lang = lang, sc = sc, parts = parts, sort_key = args["sort"], text = text, oftext = oftext, cat = cat,
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.surface_analysis(frame)
local function ine(arg)
-- Since we're operating before calling [[Module:parameters]], we need to imitate how that module processes arguments,
-- including trimming since numbered arguments don't have automatic whitespace trimming.
if not arg then
return arg
arg = mw.text.trim(arg)
if arg == "" then
arg = nil
return arg
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local etymtext
local arg1 = ine(parent_args[1])
if not arg1 then
-- Allow omitted first argument to just display "By surface analysis".
etymtext = ""
elseif arg1:find("^%+") then
-- If the first argument (normally a language code) is prefixed with a +, it's a template name.
local template_name = arg1:sub(2)
local new_args = {}
for i, v in pairs(parent_args) do
if type(i) == "number" then
if i > 1 then
new_args[i - 1] = v
new_args[i] = v
new_args.nocap = true
etymtext = ", " .. frame:expandTemplate { title = template_name, args = new_args }
if etymtext then
return (ine(parent_args.nocap) and "b" or "B") .. "y [[Appendix:Glossary#surface analysis|surface analysis]]" .. etymtext
local function extra_params(params)
params["type"] = {}
params["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["notext"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(parent_args, extra_params)
if args["type"] and not m_affix.compound_types[args["type"]] then
error("Unrecognized compound type: '" .. args["type"] .. "'")
local parts = get_parsed_parts("surface analysis", args, term_index)
-- There must be at least one part to display. If there are gaps, a term
-- request will be shown.
if not next(parts) then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
parts = { {term = "first"}, {term = "second"} }
error("You must provide at least one part.")
return m_affix.show_surface_analysis {
lang = lang, sc = sc, parts = parts, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"], type = args["type"],
nocap = args["nocap"], notext = args["notext"], nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"],
force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.circumfix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
local parts = get_parsed_parts("circumfix", args, term_index, 3)
local prefix = parts[1]
local base = parts[2]
local suffix = parts[3]
-- Just to make sure someone didn't use the template in a silly way
if not (prefix and base and suffix) then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
prefix = {term = "circumfix", alt = "prefix"}
base = {term = "base"}
suffix = {term = "circumfix", alt = "suffix"}
error("You must specify a prefix part, a base term and a suffix part.")
return m_affix.show_circumfix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, prefix = prefix, base = base, suffix = suffix, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"],
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.confix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
local parts = get_parsed_parts("confix", args, term_index, 3)
local prefix = parts[1]
local base = #parts >= 3 and parts[2] or nil
local suffix = #parts >= 3 and parts[3] or parts[2]
-- Just to make sure someone didn't use the template in a silly way
if not (prefix and suffix) then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
prefix = {term = "prefix"}
suffix = {term = "suffix"}
error("You must specify a prefix part, an optional base term and a suffix part.")
return m_affix.show_confix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, prefix = prefix, base = base, suffix = suffix, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"],
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.pseudo_loan(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["pos"] = nil
params["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["notext"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc, source = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params, "has source")
local parts = get_parsed_parts("pseudo-loan", args, term_index)
return require(pseudo_loan_module).show_pseudo_loan {
lang = lang, source = source, sc = sc, parts = parts, sort_key = args["sort"], nocap = args["nocap"],
notext = args["notext"], nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.infix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
local parts = get_parsed_parts("infix", args, term_index, 2)
local base = parts[1]
local infix = parts[2]
-- Just to make sure someone didn't use the template in a silly way
if not (base and infix) then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
base = {term = "base"}
infix = {term = "infix"}
error("You must provide a base term and an infix.")
return m_affix.show_infix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, base = base, infix = infix, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"],
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.prefix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
local prefixes = get_parsed_parts("prefix", args, term_index)
local base = nil
if #prefixes >= 2 then
base = prefixes[#prefixes]
prefixes[#prefixes] = nil
-- Just to make sure someone didn't use the template in a silly way
if #prefixes == 0 then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
base = {term = "base"}
prefixes = { {term = "prefix"} }
error("You must provide at least one prefix.")
return m_affix.show_prefix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, prefixes = prefixes, base = base, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"],
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.suffix(frame)
local function extra_params(params)
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["force_cat"] = {type = "boolean"}
local args, term_index, lang, sc = parse_args(frame:getParent().args, extra_params)
local base = get_parsed_part("suffix", args, term_index, 1)
local suffixes = get_parsed_parts("suffix", args, term_index, nil, 2)
-- Just to make sure someone didn't use the template in a silly way
if #suffixes == 0 then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "साँचा" then
base = {term = "base"}
suffixes = { {term = "suffix"} }
error("You must provide at least one suffix.")
return m_affix.show_suffix {
lang = lang, sc = sc, base = base, suffixes = suffixes, pos = args["pos"], sort_key = args["sort"],
nocat = args["nocat"], lit = args["lit"], force_cat = args["force_cat"]
function export.derivsee(frame)
local iargs = frame.args
local iparams = {
["derivtype"] = {},
["mode"] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
local params = {
["head"] = {},
["id"] = {},
["sc"] = {},
["pos"] = {},
local derivtype = iargs.derivtype
if derivtype == "PIE root" then
params[1] = {}
params[1] = {required = "true", default = "und"}
params[2] = {}
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local lang
local term
if derivtype == "PIE root" then
lang = m_languages.getByCode("ine-pro")
term = args[1] or args["head"]
if term then
term = "*" .. term .. "-"
lang = m_languages.getByCode(args[1], 1)
term = args[2] or args["head"]
local id = args.id
local sc = fetch_script(args.sc, "sc")
local pos = require("Module:string utilities").pluralize(args.pos or "term")
if not term then
local SUBPAGE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
if lang:hasType("reconstructed") or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction" then
term = "*" .. SUBPAGE
elseif lang:hasType("appendix-constructed") then
term = SUBPAGE
term = SUBPAGE
if derivtype == "PIE root" then
return frame:callParserFunction{
name = "#categorytree",
args = {
"Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root " .. term .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or ""),
depth = 0,
class = "\"derivedterms\"",
mode = iargs.mode,
local category = nil
local langname = lang:getCanonicalName()
if (derivtype == "compound" and pos == nil) then
category = langname .. " compounds with " .. term
elseif derivtype == "compound" then
category = langname .. " compound " .. pos .. " with " .. term
category = langname .. " " .. pos .. " " .. derivtype .. "ed with " .. term .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or "")
return frame:callParserFunction{
name = "#categorytree",
args = {
depth = 0,
class = "\"derivedterms" .. (sc and " " .. sc:getCode() or "") .. "\"",
namespaces = "-" .. (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction" and " Reconstruction" or ""),
return export