विक्षनरी:सिन्धी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश ठ से न
सिन्धी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश पर लौटें
- ठड़ही s. f. -- ٺڙهي -- A kind of wheat without awns.
- ठांठारिको adj. -- ٺانٺارڪو -- Of a copper-smith. ठांठारिकी बि॒ली ٺانٺارِڪِي ٻِلِي (A copper-smith’s cat) One who will not listen to reason, a shameless person.
- ठांठारो s. m. -- ٺانٺارو -- A copper-smith.
- L ठांठि s. f. -- ٺانٺ -- A metal plate or dish.
- S ठाणु s. m. -- ٺاڻ -- The place where horses and cattle are kept. A stall in a stable.
- ठारणु v. a. -- ٺارڻ -- To cool, make cold, chill, appease, quiet, allay, pacify.
- ठारु adj. -- ٺار -- Cold, chilled, what cools the blood, cooling. s. m. Ease of mind, tranquility, what causes such.
- ठालणु v. a. -- ٺالڻ -- To numb, make torpid.
- ठालिजणु v. n. -- ٺالجڻ -- To be benumbed from cold.
- ठासी adj. -- ٺاسي -- Displaying pomp, pompous, ostentatious.
- ठासु s. m. -- ٺاس -- Pomp, magnificence, grandeur, ostentation. A method of playing on the म्रदंगु مردنگُ.
- ठाह s. f. -- ٺاهه -- Inventing, arranging, assorting. ठाहठूह or ठाहठुक ٺاهه ٺُوهه يا ٺاهه ٺُهه Regulating, arranging. Foppery.
- ठाहणु v. a. -- ٺاهڻ -- To make agree or accord, harmonize, to make satisfied, reconcile, to put in order, regulate, trim, adjust, to appoint, resolve, to form, make, plan, to prepare, get ready.
- ठाहु s. m. -- ٺاهه -- Concord, agreement, forming, arranging, regulating, order, a plan, system, a project, scheme, invention, a remedy, a pretence. Pomp. Magnificence, ostentation, show.
- ठाहू adj. -- ٺاهو -- That which agrees, befitting, becoming, suitable, agreeable, pleasing, neat. s. m. An inventor, peacemaker, onw who makes a false show.
- ठाहूको adj. -- ٺاهوڪو -- Fitting, proper, befitting, suitable, agreeable, neat.
- ठिकरु adj. -- ٺڪر -- A potsherd. Earthen-ware. ठिकरु ठोब॒रु ٺڪرُ ٺوٻرُ Idem. ठिकरु भञणु ٺڪرُ ڀڃڻُ To cast the odium of anything upon another, to calumniate.
- ठिकिराठो s. m. -- ٺڪراٺو -- Small pieces of broken earthenware, a potsherd.
- ठिबि॒को s. m. -- ٺٻڪو -- A movement of the penis in copulation.
- ठीकु adj. or adv. -- ٺيڪ -- Correct, exact, true, accurate, right, proper, precise, really, correctly.
- ठींढी s. f. -- ٺينڍي -- A small hole in any water vessel, the thin stream issuing from such.
- ठुठ्यो s. m. -- ٺٺيو -- The thumb put out in scorn as the representation of the penis.
- ठुड़्काइणु v. a. -- ٺڙڪائڻ -- To make a noise by knocking or slapping, to rap.
- ठुड़्को s. m. -- ٺڙڪو -- The sound of a knock or rap, a pattering noise.
- ठुमिरी s. f. -- ٺمري -- A kind of verse sung to music.
- ठुर्ड़ु adj. -- ٺرڙ -- Leafless, unornamented, destitute, naked, empty, having a shaven head, penniless, miserly.
- ठुलु or ठुल्हु s. m. -- ٺل يا ٺلهه -- A tower.
- L ठूंगिड़ो s. m. -- ٺونگڙو -- A knock on the head with a knuckle. ठूंगिड़ो हणणु ٺُونگڙو هڻڻُ To pick lice from the head.
- ठूंठि s. f. -- ٺونٺ -- The elbow.
- ठूंठु s. m. -- ٺونٺ -- A bare dried up free.
- ठूंठो adj. -- ٺونٺو -- Handless, one who has lost a hand.
- ठूली s. f. -- ٺولي -- An earthenware dish carried in the hand by fakirs to receive alms in.
- ठेकिरी s. m. -- ٺيڪري -- One who sells earthenware vessels. A fakir who ges about begging with a dish of burning charcoal in his hand.
- ठेको s. m. -- ٺيڪو -- A certain beat on a drum or cymbal in playing such.
- ठेंगु s. m. -- ٺينگ -- A leap, spring, bound, jump, frisking.
- ठेंगेमड़्दी s. f. -- ٺينگيمڙدي -- Depending on ones’ self, independence, boldness.
- ठेड़्ही s. m. -- ٺيڙهي -- A small playing marble.
- ठेल्हणु v. a. -- ٺيلهڻ -- To push along.
- ठोक or ठोकर s. f. -- ٺوڪ يا ٺوڪر -- Beating, a blow, knock, stroke.
- ठोकणु v. a. -- ٺوڪڻ -- To strike, knock, hammer.
- ठोकिणो s. m. -- ٺوڪڻو -- A kind of mallet used by shoemakers &c.
- ठोंगिड़ो -- ٺونگڙو -- See ठूंगिड़ो ٺُونگِڙو.
- ठोगी॒ s. m. -- ٺوڳي -- A cheat, impostor, deceiver, hypocrite.
- ठोंगो s. m. -- ٺونگو -- The peck of a bird’s bill, a knock or rap with a knuckle or nail of the finger, a fillip, the point in the upper part of some kinds of paper kites.
- ठोठु s. m. -- ٺوٺ -- A dried up mass or body, anything hard from dryness.
- ठोठो adj. -- ٺوٺو -- Dried up, withered and without leaves, old and hard.
- ठोड़ी s. f. -- ٺوڙي -- The chin.
- ठोड़्हो adj. -- ٺوڙهو -- One whose head is entirely shaven, bald, hornless, leafless.
- ठोमिरो s. m. -- ٺومرو -- A kind of small pebble found at Hinglaj and worn in necklaces by those who have made a pilgrimage there.
- ठोमो s. m. -- ٺومو -- A shaven headed mullah.
- ठौंसो s. m. -- ٺونسو -- A below, knock, box.
- ढइजणु v. n. -- ڌئجڻ -- To be found, procured, obtained.
- ढउ s. m. -- ڍئه -- Filling, glutting, satiety.
- ढंउं s. m. -- ڍنئن -- Fashion, from, shape, manner, method, way, art, dexterity, tact, skill, contrivance, device, expedient, project, stratagem, manners.
- ढकरु s. m. -- ڍڪر -- A faint, swoon, a nod from drowsiness.
- ढकिणी s. f. -- ڍڪڻي -- A small cover for a pot &c. The knee-cap, knee-pan. The circular piece of metal at the top of a sword handle.
- ढकिर्जणु v. n. -- ڍڪرجڻ -- To faint. Swoon, to nod from drowsiness.
- ढकी s. f. -- ڍڪي -- The time from day-break to sunrise, early morning, dawn. Concealment, covering, the not being disclosed.
- ढंगणु v. a. -- ڍنگڻ -- To tie a cow &c. by the leg in milking. s. m. The rope by which a cow is so tied.
- ढंगरु s. m. -- ڍنگر -- A thorn bush or branch cut down. A lean emaciated beat, one like a bag of bones.
- ढंगाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڍنگائتو -- Having good manners or behavior, mannerly.
- ढगा॒ई s. f. -- ڍڳائي -- A bullock-man or driver.
- ढंगिरी s. f. -- ڍنگري -- A small thorn bush or branch cut down. A kind of small bird.
- ढंगु s. m. -- ڍنگ -- A rope for tying a cow by the foot when milking it. Manner, method, skill, contrivance, expedients, manners, behavior.
- ढगो॒ s. m. -- ڍڳو -- A bullock, bull, ox. A bullock’s load.
- ढंढ s. f. -- ڍنڍ -- A pond, lake, tank. A tune beaten on the drums at the ashura.
- ढढरु s. m. -- ڍڍر -- The body or belly of a vessel. A hollow in the trunk of a tree. the piece of metal &c. fixed on the handle of a sword to be grasped in the hand.
- ढबी॒ s. f. -- ڍٻي -- A kind of basket for trapping birds in. adj. One full of contrivance, accomplished, mannerly.
- ढरणु v. n. -- ڍرڻ -- To descent, alight, run down (as water), pour in. to place love on, have a regard for one. To shake, move (a fly-flapper &c.). To slacken, loosen. ढारो ढरणु ڍورو ڍرڻ To win, have good fortune.
- ढराई s. f. -- ڍرائي -- Looseness.
- ढरो adj. -- ڍرو -- Loose, lax.
- ढर्कणु v. n. -- ڍرڪڻ -- To roll or slide down, tumble down. To die, fall down dead.
- ढल s. f. -- ڍل -- Rent, tribute, the land tax.
- ढवाइणु v. a. -- ڍوائڻ -- To cause to be satiated or satisfied.
- ढंवाइतो adj. or adv. -- ڍنوائتو -- Of good form or figure, handsome, full of contrivances, accomplished, having good manners or behavior, in a good manner or style.
- ढाइजणु or ढाइणु v. n. -- ڍائجڻ يا ڍائڻ -- To be satiated, filled, cloyed, palled.
- ढाइणु v. a. -- ڍائڻ -- To satisfy, fill.
- ढाक s. f. -- ڍاڪ -- The hip.
- ढाकुंओं s. m. -- ڍاڪنئون -- A dish with its cover.
- ढाको s. m. -- ڍاڪو -- A kind of water wheel used for the spring crop.
- ढांगरो s. m. -- ڍانگرو -- A kind of fresh water fish.
- ढाढी s. m. -- ڍاڍي -- The name of a caste of Muslims, who play on instruments and go about begging.
- ढांढी s. f. -- ڍانڍي -- A kind of light hookah pipe.
- ढापणु s. f. -- ڍاپڻ -- To become satiated or satisfied.
- ढारणु v. a. -- ڍارڻ -- To cause to alight, bring down, to pour out. To let down, loosen, slacken. To use or shake a fly-flapper.
- ढारो s. m. -- ڍارو -- A die (for playing).
- ढाल s. f. -- ڍال -- A shield.
- ढिंगरु s. m. -- ڍنگر -- A thorn bush or branch cut down. A lean emaciated beast, one like a bag of bones.
- ढिगी॒ s. f. -- ڍڳي -- A small heap.
- ढिढिरु s. m. -- ڍڍر -- A potbellied person.
- ढिर s. f. -- ڍر -- Slackness, looseness, slowness.
- ढिरणु or ढिराइणु v. n. -- ڍرڻ يا ڍرائڻ -- To slacken, loosen, relax, become slow or tardy, to lessen, lose power.
- ढिराइतो adj. or adv. -- ڍرائتو -- Loose, loosely, slow, slowly.
- ढिराई or ढिराणि v. n. -- ڍرائي يا ڍراڻ -- Looseness, slackness, slowness, tardiness.
- ढिरो adj. or adv. -- ڍرو -- Slack, loose, lax, lazy, inactive, slow, tardy, dilatory, lessened, in power or force, humbled, allayed, appeased, dull as a fire or candle, trade &c., gently, soflty, feebly, slowly &c.
- ढिर्कणु v. n. -- ڍرڪاڻ -- To be weak from illness, be done up, to fall down insensible. To be very tired, to be slow or dilatory.
- ढिर्कू adj. -- ڍرڪو -- Done up, worn out, lazy, sluggish.
- ढिलो adj. -- ڍلو -- Sterile, barren, giving little milk (a cow &c.). slack, loose, same as ढिरो ڍرو.
- ढीकु s. m. -- ڍيڪ -- Ridicule, joking. ढीकु छड॒णु ڍِيڪُ ڇڏڻُ To ridicule.
- ढींगुलो s. m. -- ڍينگلو -- A small brass coin equal to two pice, now out of use. A machine for raising water by means of a long pole traversing midway a post.
- ढींगो s. m. -- ڍينگو -- A water wheel.
- ढीमेढीमे adv. -- ڍيمي ڍيمي -- Occasionally, seldom. Some few, some little, scattered thinly here and there.
- ढुआइणु v. a. -- ڍئائڻ -- To cause to convey, carry or remove.
- ढुआई or ढुआणी s. f. -- ڍئائي يا ڍئاڻي -- Expense of conveyance or carrying.
- ढुकल, ढुकलि, ढुकाई or ढुकी adj. -- ڍڪل، ڍڪل، ڍڪائي يا ڍڪي -- Pregnant, with young.
- ढुकाइणु v. a. -- ڍڪائڻ -- To cause to arrive. To impregnate, improlificate.
- ढुकिजणु v. n. -- ڍڪجڻ -- To be with young, to conceive in the womb, be pregnant.
- ढुकु s. m. -- ڍڪ -- A sup or mouthful of any liquid. ढुक भरणु ڍُڪ ڀرڻُ To sup or swallow by sups. To endure patiently.
- ढुक्याई s. f -- ڍڪيائي -- Pregnancy.
- ढुंगु s. m. -- ڍنگ -- A couple, brace.
- ढुङिणो s. m. -- ڍڱڻو -- Name of a fish.
- ढुटो adj. -- ڍٽو -- Knowing, sharp, clever (a thief).
- ढुढी s. f. -- ڍڍي -- The belly of a child.
- ढुरणु or ढुर्कणु v. n. -- ڍرڻ يا ڍرڪڻ -- To roll or slip down. To waste away, to fall down insensible.
- ढूंढ s. f. -- ڍونڍ -- Search, seeking.
- ढूंढणु v. a. -- ڍونڍڻ -- To look for, seek, search for.
- ढूंढु s. m. -- ڍونڍ -- The skeleton or bones of an animal. A carcass.
- ढूढुरी s. f. -- ڍوڍري -- A plant (sida humilis).
- ढेकु s. m. -- ڍيڪ -- A curve, crook, bend.
- ढेको s. m. -- ڍيڪو -- A movement in venery.
- ढेढु s. m. -- ڍيڍ -- Name of a caste who work in leather, a currier, shoemaker.
- ढेबि॒री s. m. -- ڍيٻري -- A kind of cake cooked by Hindus.
- ढेबो॒ s. m. -- ڍيٻو -- A hard foundation of earth on which a light earthenware millstone is worked to separate rice from the husk.
- ढेरु s. m. -- ڍير -- A heap.
- ढेरो s. m. -- ڍيرو -- A clew or ball of thread.
- ढेलणु v. a. -- ڍيلڻ -- To wander over.
- ढोइणु v. a. -- ڍوئڻ -- To carry, bear, convey from one place to another in repeated trips.
- ढोइणो s. m. -- ڍوئڻو -- A present or offering of fruit or any nice eatable.
- ढोउ s. m. -- ڍوء -- Signs of rain, bad weather, the cloud and rain bringing such, cloudy weather ढोउ खणणु ڍوءُ کڻڻ to clear up (the weather).
- ढोए s. f. -- ڍوئي -- The carrying or conveying goods.
- ढोकिरी s. f. -- ڍوڪري -- A kind of flour cake cooked in a pot with fish etc.
- ढोढो s. m. -- ڍوڍو -- A flour cake.
- ढोरणु v. a. -- ڍورڻ -- To separate dirt and tares from grain, to make separate, to spill.
- ढोरी s. f. -- ڍوري -- The hollow stripe in the blade of a sword. A hollow spot in which water lies, a pond.
- ढोरु s. m. -- ڍور -- A domestic horned animal, (in plu.) Cattle, kin.
- ढोरो s. m. -- ڍورو -- A hollow, a low spot in which water rests, a pond.
- ढोलक s. F. -- ڍولڪ -- A small kind of drum beaten from both sides with fingers.
- ढोलणु or ढोलिणो s. m. -- ڍولڻ يا ڍولڻو -- The name of an ornament suspended from the neck.
- ढोलणु or ढोलु s. m. -- ڍولڻ يا ڍول -- One dear or loved, darling, fondling, sweetheart, friend.
- ढोलो or ढोल्यो s. m. -- ڍولو يا ڍوليو -- A friend, lover, sweetheart, darling. Name of a ragini or musical mode.
- ढोल्क्यो adj. -- ڍولڪيو -- A coinage of the rupee which comes from marwar. s. m. One who plays on ढोलक ڍولڪ
- ढौंको s. m. -- ڍونڪو -- A nap, a brief sleep.
- त -- ت -- The first of the series of dentals, “T”.
- त conj. -- ته -- That, so that, then.
- S तइणु v. a. -- تئڻ -- To warm, heat.
- S तई s. f. -- تئي -- A flat vessel for cooking food in, a frying pan. Heat. Tyranny, oppression. adj. Dried up, parched (a crop).
- S तउ s. m. -- تئه -- Heat, warmth.
- तंउं prep. -- تنئنه -- From on, off, over, subsequent to.
- S तओ s. m. -- تئو -- A flat iron vessel for baking or frying food in. A pan.
- तक s. f. -- تڪ -- Conjecture, supposition, an estimate of expenses. Looking, staring, watching, and taking aim, aim, casting an evil eye.
- तकडि s. f. -- تڪڙ -- Hurry, haste, eagerness.
- तकणु v. a. -- تڪڻ -- To think on, ponder, consider, guess, conjecture, to estimate expenses. To look at, watch, take aim at, pry, spy, gaze, stare, to cast an evil eye.
- तकर conj. -- تڪر (ته ڪر) -- Then, in that case, (correlative to जेकर جيڪر)
- तकल्तूं s. f. -- تڪلتون -- An ornamented piece of cloth put under a saddle, a saddle cloth.
- तक़सीर s. f. -- تقصير -- A crime, fault, offence, transgression.
- तकाबी or तक़ावी s. f. -- تڪاوي يا تقاوي -- Money advanced for cultivation
- तकिओ s. m. -- تڪئو -- A pillow, cushion, the abode of a Muslim fakir. Support, the object of hope.
- तकिडो adj. Or adv. -- تڪڙو -- In a hurry, quick, hasty, eager.
- तकिरारु or तक्रार s. m. -- تڪرار يا تڪرار -- Disputing, arguing contention, debating, adj. (indeed), or adv. True, certain, positive, undoubtedly.
- तकु s. m. -- تڪ -- A share, portion, part allotted. A breadth of cloth, leaf of a table, a field, cultivated piece of land. Story of a house, amount, extent.
- तक्बीर s. f. -- تڪبير -- Repeating the Muslim creed or simply saying “God is great”.
- तक्बीर करणु or वहाइणु -- تڪبير ڪرڻ يا وهائڻ -- To slaughter (an animal) with the usual Muslim ceremonies.
- तखड़ु adj. -- تکڙ -- Smart, active.
- तख्तापोशु s. m. -- تختاپوش -- A boarded floor on ceiling, wainscoting.
- तख्तु s. m. -- تخت -- A board, plank, stone flag, slab. The raised walk in a garden.
- P तंख्वाह s. f. -- تنخواهه -- An assignment on the revenue given for pay.
- तग॒णु v. n. -- تڳڻ -- To last, endure, continue.
- तगरु s. m. -- تگر -- Asarabacca or a substitute for it.
- तगा॒उ s. m. -- تڳاء -- Endurance, lasting qualities, durability, continuance.
- तगा॒ऊ adj. -- تڳائو -- Durable, lasting.
- P तग़ारी s. f. -- تغاري -- An earthen vessel or dish for carrying plaster in.
- P तंगि adj. -- تنگ -- Tight, narrow, straight, confined, distressed, annoyed, in difficulties or want.
- P तंगी s. f. -- تنگي -- Straightness, tightness, narrowness, distress, poverty, want, indigence.
- P तंगु s. m. -- تنگ -- A small saddle girth.
- तंघ s. f. -- تنگهه -- Want, need.
- S तज s. f. -- تج -- The bark of bay-tree (saurus cassia), cassia lig.
- S तजणु v. n. -- تجڻ -- To abandon, give up, leave.
- तंजणु v. a. -- تنجڻ -- To wrap in swaddling clothes, to swaddle, swathe.
- तंजणु or तंजणो s. m. -- تنجڻ يا تنجڻو -- Swaddling clothes.
- A तजिलो s. m. -- تجلو -- Brightness, glittering.
- L तंजीफ़ो s. m. -- تنجيفو -- A kind of cotton cloth.
- A तज़्किरो s. m. -- تذڪرو -- The index or contents of a book
- A तज्वीज़ s. f. -- تجويز -- Considering, inquiring into, examining, investigation, a judicial trial. Contrivance, judgment, plan.
- S तठि s. f. -- لٺ -- A stick, club, cudgel, mace, staff, pole, walking stick.
- तड़ s. f. -- تڙ -- Driving away, turning out, expelling. A small piece of betel nut, sugar candy, meat etc.
- तड़डा॒डो॒ s. m. -- تڙ ڏاڏو -- A great great grand-father by the male line.
- S तड़डो॒हिटो s. m. -- تڙ ڏوهٽو -- The son of the son of a grandson by the female line
- तड़णु v. a. -- تڙڻ -- To turn out or away, drive off, expel, dismiss from service.
- S तड़नानो s. m. -- تڙ نانو -- A great great grand-father by the mother’s line.
- तड़फणु v. n. -- تڙڦڻ -- To writhe, flounce, wriggle, be convulsed, be agitated.
- तड़भीड़ s. f. -- تڙڀيڙ -- Dunning, importuning, distress, difficulty, want.
- S तड॒हीं, तडा॒हिं or तडीं॒ adv. -- تڏهين، تڏاهن يا تڏين -- Then, at that time (correlative to जड॒हों جون etc.(
- तडा॒ई s. m. -- تڏائي -- A maker or seller of the तडो॒ تڏو (a kind of mat).
- तडि॒हांकुरू or तडि॒हाको adv. -- تڏهانڪر يا تڏهانڪو -- From that time, after that (correlative to जडि॒हांकुरू (جڏهانڪر
- तड़ी s. f. -- تڙي -- A stake fixed in the bank, to which a boat is fastened.
- तड़ु s. m. -- تڙ -- Bathing, washing the body. A landing place, watering place, place for washing etc.
- तडो॒ s. m. -- تڏو -- A small kind of mat for sitting or lying on. The pit over which a water wheel is fixed.
- तण्यारो s. m -- تڻيارو -- The breast band of a camel’s saddle.
- ततवहंदो adv. -- تت وهندو -- Immediately, straightway.
- तति, तते or तथे adv. -- تت، تتي يا تٿي -- There, in that place (correlative of जति جت)
- S तती s. f. -- تتي -- Heat
- S ततु s. m. -- تت -- Essence, pitch, principle, one of the five elements (air or void space, wind, fire, water and earth).
- ततो -- تتو -- The past part. of तपणु تپڻ.
- A तत्किरो s. m. -- تتڪرو -- The contents or index of a book.
- S तंदु s. f. -- تند -- A thread of gold or silver, a wire, a fiber.
- S P तंदूंतारां or तंदूंतारूं adv. -- تندون تاران يا تندون تارون -- In threads, worn into threads.
- S तंदो s. m. -- تندو -- A cord, twine, the strand of a rope.
- तन s. m. -- تن -- Reproach, taunt, gibe, sneer, reproachful hints or insinuations.
- A तनाब s. f. -- طناب -- A line for measuring land or any kind of contract work with. A tent rope.
- A तनाबी s. m. -- طنابي -- One who measures land with a tanaba, or surveyor’s assistant.
- तनि or तनी -- تن يا تني -- The plu. Obl. of सो سو.
- तनूड़ो s. m. -- تنوڙو -- A kind of fear ornament.
- P तनूरु s. m. -- تنور -- An oven.
- S तपणु v. n. -- تپڻ -- (past. part. of ततो تتو) to heat, warm, be hot, to be inflamed, be angry.
- S तपति s. f. -- تپت -- Heat, warmth, a prevailing fever.
- S तपस्या s. f. -- تپسيا -- Devoutness, austerity, religious penance, devotion.
- S तपाइणु v. a. -- تپائڻ -- To warm, heat. To tease, irritate, anger.
- P तपाचो v. a. -- تپاچو -- A pistol.
- S तपावली s. f. -- تپاولي -- A fever epidemic.
- तपास s. f. -- تپاس -- Investigation, ascertaining, thought, consideration, reflection, measuring or comparing by reason.
- S तपासि s. f. -- تپاس -- Heat, warmth.
- S तपासी s. m. Or adj. -- تپاسي -- A devotee, ascetic, devout, practicing austere devotion.
- A तपासीरु s. m. -- تپاسير -- A substance of a siliceous nature produced from the bamboo used in medicine.
- L तपासो or तपास्यो -- تپاسو يا تپاسيو -- (same as पतासो پتاسو). A lump of purified sugar.
- S तपिजणु v. n. -- تپجڻ -- To be seized with fever, to become angry.
- S तपीसरू s. m. -- تپيسرو -- One who practices austere devotion or penance.
- S तपु s. f. -- تپ -- Fever, ague. Devout austerity, religious penance. (वारे जो तपु واري جو تپ) an intermittent fever.
- P तपेदारु s. m. -- تپيدار -- An officer placed in charge of a tapo or division of a district.
- P तपो s. m. -- تپو -- A portion or division of a district.
- तप्सा, तपेसी -- تپسا، تپيسي -- (see तपस्या, तपसीتپسيا، تپسِي ).
- A तफ़ातु or तफ़ावतु s. m. -- تفات يا تفاوت -- Difference, distinction, disparity, inaccuracy, distance.
- तबक़ु s. m. -- طبق -- A dish, plate. One thing following another consecutively, a layer, the story of a house.
- तंबणि s. f. -- تنبڻ -- The name of a bird of prey.
- तबर s. f. -- تبر -- An axe, a battle axe, a kind of hatchet carried by fakirs.
- तबलु s. m. -- طبل -- The cheek of a gun stock. A quick beat on a drum. Empty pride, foolish boastings.
- A तबह s. f. -- تبهه (طبع) -- Nature, disposition, temperament, humor, mode.
- A तबाक़ु or तबाखु s. m. -- طباق يا طباخ -- A dish, plate.
- A तबाशीरु s. m. -- طباشير -- A substance of a siliceous nature produced in the bamboo, used in medicine.
- A तबीबाई or तबीबी s. f. -- طبيبائي يا طبيبي -- The art of physic.
- A तबीबाणो or तबीबिको adj. -- طبيباڻو يا طبيبڪو -- Of a physician, medical.
- A तबीबु s. m. -- طبيب -- A physician, doctor.
- तंबू s. f. -- تنبو -- A tent, pavilion.
- P तंबूरो s. m. -- تنبورو -- A kind of guitar.
- तब्लीरंदो s. m. -- طبلي رندو -- A kind of carpenter’s plane with a round face.
- A तमा s. f. -- طمع -- Covetousness, desire, expectation
- A तमाई adj. -- طماعي -- Covetous, desirous, wishing for.
- तमाकी s. m. -- تماڪي -- A tobacco-seller, tobacconist.
- तमाकु s. m. -- تماڪ -- Tobacco.
- P तमाचो s. m. -- تماچو -- A slap, cuff.
- A तमामु adj. -- تمام -- Completed, finished, perfect. Adv. Thoroughly, wholly, completely, extremely, very, absolutely, entirely, exceedingly, quite.
- A तमाशाई or तमाशी s. m. -- تماشائي يا تماشي -- One who has passion for seeing shows, a fun merry person, a showman.
- A तमाशो or तमासो s. m. -- تماشو يا تماسو -- An amazing entertainment, show, spectacular amusement, gaiety, fun, merriment.
- A P तमाश्गीरू or तमाश्बीनु s. m. -- تماشگير يا تماشبين -- A spectator of a show, a looker on.
- A तयारी s. f. -- تياري -- Preparation, readiness.
- A तयारु adj. -- تيار -- Ready, prepared, finished, completed.
- तर s. f. -- تر -- A nostril.
- S तरंगु s. m. -- ترنگ -- A wave, a fancy, vagary.
- तरणु v. a. -- ترڻ -- To fry or cook in ghee. Rough-hew, hew the rough crook points off a felled tree. S v. n. Swim, float. To surpass, excel, be saved, escape, be preserved. (imper. तरू ترُو) to pass over, cross, ferried over, surmount.
- तरभाउ s. m. -- ترڀاء -- Rate of sale, price. Intelligence, information.
- A तरंहं s. f. -- ترنهن (طرح) -- Manner, way, sort.
- तरहट s. f. -- ترهٽ -- The lower cross stick of a yoke.
- तराई s. f. -- ترائي -- Low ground, ground in which water lies. s. m. One who dwells within the limits of the lands attached to a town or village.
- तराखिड़ो adj. -- تراکڙو -- Expense of frying food, or of rough hewing timber.
- तरारि s. f. -- ترار -- A sword, sabre.
- P तराश s. f. -- تراش -- Cutting, paring, shaping by cutting.
- P तराशणु v. a. -- تراشڻ -- To cut, pare, shape by cutting.
- तराशिड़ो or तराशो adj. -- تراشڙو يا تراشو -- Flat, shallow (as a dish).
- P तरि adj. -- تر -- Moist, juicy, oily, S s. f. A raft of pots crossing the river on a float.
- S तरिंहं adv. -- ترنهن -- On fourth day in advance of present.
- तरी s. f. -- تري -- The palm of hand, or sole of foot. Grounds, sediment.
- तरीज़ s. f. -- تريز -- A piece in a vestment cut transversely.
- तरीनाकु s. m. -- تريناڪ -- A knave, a sharp clever fellow, one experienced in the world, a full fledged bird that has molted two or three times.
- तरो s. m. -- ترو -- The sole of a shoe, one of the layers of leather in it. The bottom of something, the seat of honor of a man. Grounds, dregs.
- तरो (अखि जो) -- تارو (اک جو) -- The pupil of the eye.
- A तर्को s. m. -- ترڪو -- Effect left by a deceased person, a deceased estate.
- A तर्जिमानु s. m. -- ترجمان -- An interpreter.
- A तर्जिमो s. m. -- ترجمو -- Translation, interpretation
- तर्टिजणु v. n. -- ترٽجڻ -- To have sore feet from journeying.
- A तर्फ़ि prep. -- طرف -- In direction of, towards, on the side or part of. - A s. m. Side, direction, quarter.
- तर्याटु s. m. -- ترياٽ -- One of the beams used with the water wheel.
- तर्वारि s. f. -- تروار -- A sword, a saber.
- तर्सणु v. n. -- ترسڻ -- To wait, pause, to be in a state of expectation or desire.
- तर्साइणु v. a. -- ترسائڻ -- To cause to wait, to delay, stop, to cause to expect.
- A तर्सु s. m. -- ترس -- Fear, dread, kindness.
- A तलब s. f. -- طلب -- Desire, wish for, want, need, debt, due, pay.
- तलही s. m. -- تلهي -- A security, bailsman.
- S तलाउ s. m. -- تلاء -- A tank, pond, reservoir for water.
- A P तलाक़्नामो s. m. -- طلاق نامو -- A bill of divorce.
- तलु s. m. -- تل -- The soft cloth, or pad put underneath a horse’s saddle. Adj. Hidden, concealed.
- तलूणो s. m. -- تلوڻو -- चणो چڻو or मुङु مُڱُ fried in ghee.
- तलूरि s. f. -- تلور -- Name of a game bird, the jungle fowl.
- तलेबं॒धी s. f. -- تليٻنڌي -- Name of sweet meat made with chana
- तल्खाई or तल्काणि s. f. -- تلخائي يا تلخاڻ -- Bitterness, strength of liquor.
- P तल्खाई or तल्खाणु s. f. -- تلخائي يا تلخاڻ -- Bitterness, potency (of liquor etc).
- P तल्खु adj. -- تلخ -- Bitter, strong, (as liquor), potent.
- तल्बणु v. a. -- طلبڻ -- To wish for, want, desire.
- तल्वार s. f. -- تلوار -- A sword.
- तल्ही s. f. -- تلهي -- A cowry shell with the upper or round part broken.
- तल्हेरु or तल्हेरू adj. -- تلهير يا تلهيرو -- Subject to, under power of following after.
- तंवणि s. f. -- تنوڻ -- Means of living, maintenance, supply of food, support, subsistence.
- तवाई adv. Or adj. -- توائي -- At random, without aim or thought, at fault, out of scent (as dogs in hunting), missed, passed without effect, wandering uselessly, scattered here and there.
- तवार or तंवार s. f. -- توار يا تنوار -- The chirping or music of birds, warbling, the sound of voice, a gentle breeze, fanning.
- तंवारणु v. a. -- تنوارڻ -- To emit a sound warble, chirp, to call with a loud voice, to abuse, to fan ( a fire).
- तवारु s. m. -- توار -- Abuse, ill-language.
- तव्हीं -- توهين -- The nom. Plu. of तूं تون thou.
- तसरि s. f. -- تسر -- A kind of coarse silk the produce of a particular worm (bombyxpaphia).
- A तसलाई or तसली s. f. -- تسلائي يا تسلي -- Comfort, consolation, confidence, hope, encouragement.
- तसिरी s. m. -- تسري -- A kind of metal dish.
- तसिलो s. m. -- تسلو -- A metal vessel used by Hindus.
- तसु s. m. -- تس -- A kind of earthen vessel for keeping things in.
- P तसु s. m. -- تس -- An inch.
- तसो s. m. -- تسو -- Hunger and thirst, the gnawing of hunger.
- A तस्बी s. f. -- تسبي (تسبيح) -- A Mohammedan rosary.
- A तस्मई s. f. -- تسمئي -- Rice boiled in milk.
- A तस्वीर s. f. -- تصوير -- A picture.
- A तहक़ीक़ु adj. or adv. -- تحقيق -- Authentic, true, ascertained, certain, certainly, positively. तहक़ीक़ु करणु تحقِيقُ ڪرڻُ to ascertain, investigate carefully.
- तहतलबि adv. -- تهطلب -- Quickly, speedily, in haste.
- तहदिलि adj. Or adv. -- تهدل -- Certain, certainly, without doubt, sure, surely.
- P तहनालु s. m. -- تهنال -- The mounting at the lower end of a scabbard.
- A तहमुल s. f. -- تحمل -- Patience, endurance, forbearance.
- P तहमूरी s. f. -- تهموري -- A kind of silk cloth.
- तहरी s. f. -- تهري -- Rice cooked with sugar etc.
- तहसिबी or तासुबी s. m. -- تهسبي يا تعصبي -- Envy, rancor, spite.
- A तहसील s. f. -- تحصيل -- Collection (of revenues).
- A P तहसील्दारी s. f. -- تحصيلداري -- A collectorship, tax gathering.
- A P तहसील्दारु s. m. -- تحصيلدار -- A collector, tax gatherer.
- तंहिं or तंहीं -- تنهن يا تنهين -- The oblique form of सो سو.
- तंहिंपरिंह adv. -- تنهن پرنهن -- On the fourth day from the present.
- तहीं -- تهين -- The nom. plu. of तूं تون thou.
- P तहु s. m. -- تهه -- A fold, plait, ply, layer, stratum.
- तहोरु or तुहर s. m. -- طهور يا طهر -- Circumcision.
- तां prep. -- تان -- From on, down from, off. Adv. Then, that, the correlative of जां جان from such time as.
- A ताइणु s. f. -- تائڻ -- To heat, make hot, warm. To tease, vex, annoy.
- A ताइत s. f. -- طاعت -- Subjection, submission.
- ताइत मञाइणु -- طاعت مڃائڻ -- To bring under subjection.
- A P ताइत्पज़ीरु adj. -- طاعت پذير -- Subjected, submissive.
- ताइथु s. m. -- تائٿ -- An amulet, a written charm suspended from neck or tied round the arm. A kind of ornament for neck or arm.
- A ताइफ़ो s. m. -- طائفو -- A band of singers and dancers, a set of dancing girls with their musicians.
- तांई prep. -- تانئي -- Till, until, up to.
- S P ताउ s. m. -- تاء -- Heat, warmth, inflammation.
- ताउड़ी s. f. -- تائڙي -- Heat, a blaze of heat, a stroke of heat.
- A ताक़त s. f. -- طاقت -- Power, strength.
- ताकांओं adj. -- تاڪانئون -- Kept in a ताकु طاقُ or leather vessel (ghee etc).
- ताकिओ or ताको -- تاڪئو يا تاڪو -- A web of cloth. A recess in a wall, a niche.
- ताकी s. f. -- تاڪي -- A small leather vessel for ghee, oil etc. A playing card, a piece of stick used for leveling the top of a measure in measuring grain. Slips of wood put between the threads of the warp in a loom. An unclear spot left in canal clearing etc. To show depth of excavation. One side of a small double door or window, the lid of a box. A closed up place in a wall or in the ground for placing things in.
- तांकी adv. -- تانڪي -- So long, for such time as (correlative to जांकी جانڪِي).
- ताकु s. f. -- تاڪ -- A leather vessel for holding oil. A door or shutter, one leaf or piece of a double door or window. The lid of a chest. One of a pair of personal ornaments etc. A recess in a wall, niche, shelf. Adj. Knowing, clever.
- A ताख्तो s. m. -- تاختو -- A kind of silk cloth.
- ताग॒णु v. a. -- تاڳڻ -- To stitch.
- A तागीद s. f. Or तागीदु s. m. -- تاگيد يا تاگيد (تاڪيد) -- Injunction, warning, तागीदु करणु تاگيدُ ڪرڻ to enjoin.
- तांघ s. f. -- تانگهه -- Need, want, care for. A needful manner or business. Plumbing, sounding.
- तांघणु v. a. -- تانگھڻ -- To try the depth of water, plumb, sound, to draw out another’s secrets, to love, look for, expect, await, to keep constantly reverting to any subject.
- तांघाई s. f. -- تانگھائي -- Shallowness.
- तांघिड़ो or तांघो adj. -- تانگھڙو يا تانگھو -- Shallow.
- S ताजकु s. m. -- تاجڪ -- The science of prognosticating the events of a year.
- A ताजाई s. f. -- تاجائي -- Freshness.
- A ताजी adj. -- تاجي -- Arab (a horse or dog).
- P ताजु s. m. -- تاج -- A kind of pointed cap worn by fakirs. Name of a suit in cards.
- P ताजो or ताज़ो adj. -- تاجو يا تازو -- Fresh, new, green, renewed, cured, recover, well. ताज़ो तवानो تازو توانو well in health.
- ताञी s. f. -- تاڃي -- The warp of a web.
- ताड॒ईं, ताड॒उं, ताड॒ऊं, ताड॒ओं, ताडं॒हं, ताड॒हंउं, ताडं॒हीं, ताडा॒हुं, ताडा॒हों, ताडा॒हंउं, ताडां॒हीं, ताडां॒हूं or ताडां॒हों adj. -- تاڏئين، تاڏئن، تاڏئون، تاڏئون، تاڏنهن، تاڏنهئن، تاڏهين، تاڏاهن، تاڏاهون، تاڏانهنئن، تاڏانهين، تاڏانهون، تاڏانهون -- There, in that, thence, from that direction (correlative of जाड॒ईं جاڏئِين ).
- ताडि॒हंउं, ताडि॒हां, ताडि॒हीं, ताडि॒हूं or ताडि॒हों adv. -- تاڏهنئن، تاڏهان، تاڏهين، تاڏهون، يا تاڏهون -- There, in that direction, thence, from that direction.
- ताड़ी s. f. -- تاڙي -- A bar or bolt for a door. A stoppage in the ear. Slapping the hands, the sound of such, the plate of a gun lock, a stick forming a part of the wheel of a water wheel, strong desire, longing after, yearning, absorption of mind in devotion, S The juice of the palm tree.
- ताड़ू s. m. -- تاڙو -- One living or staying at a ताड़ु تاڙُ or watering place. A kind of beetle found in shallow water.
- ताडे॒ adv. -- تاڏي -- There, in that direction (correlative of जाडे॒ جاڏِي).
- S ताड़ो s. m. -- تاڙو -- The pestle with which a cotton carder strikes the sting of his carding bow.
- ताण s. f. -- تاڻ -- A pull, pulling, importunity, attraction, longing, yearning.
- ताणणु v. a. -- تاڻڻ -- To pull, drag, to advance, move forward.
- ताणो s. m. -- تاڻو -- The warp of a web.
- तातईं or तातहीं adv. -- تاتئين يا تاتهين -- There, in that place, thence, from that place.
- तातणु v. a. -- تاتڻ -- To take care of, guard, watch, cherish, tend, nourish, nurse.
- ताति or तातिना s. f. -- تات يا تاتنا -- Talk, chat, speech, discourse, improper or opprobrious talk regarding another, scandal, thinking of one or keeping one in remembrance, care, guarding, tending, nourishing, obeying orders, obedience, ताति मञाइणु تاتِ مڃائڻُ to subdue, reduce to obedience, तात मञणु تات مڃڻُ to submit.
- ताती adj. -- تاتي -- Submissive, obedient, a talker, talkative, a guardian, protector, nourisher.
- तातींदड़ु s. m. -- تاتيندڙ -- A guardian, protector,
- ताते or ताथे adv. -- تاتي يا تاٿي -- There, in that place.
- ताथईं, ताथहीं, ताथाईं or ताथाहीं adj. -- تاٿئين، تاٿهين، تاٿئين يا تاٿاهين. -- There, in or that place, thence, from that place.
- ताथंउं, ताथां, ताथांऊं, ताथाओं, ताथांहंउं, ताथांहूं, ताथांहों, ताथं or ताथों -- تاٿنؤن، تاٿان، تاٿانئون، تاٿانئون، تاٿانهنئن، تاٿانهون، تاٿاهون، تاٿون يا تاٿون. -- Thence, from that place.
- ताथे adv. -- تاٿي -- There, in or that place.
- A तादी s. f. -- تادي (تعدي) -- Oppression, violence, bullying, ill-treatment.
- तांदूड़ो s. m. -- تاندوڙو -- A feeler or shoot thrown by a parasitical plant, a string or thread drawn out from any thing, a fiber.
- A तानाइतो adj. or adv. -- تانائتو (طعانائتو) -- Sarcastically, tauntingly, sneeringly.
- तानिरु or तानी s. m. -- تانر يا تاني -- One full of blandishments or loving airs. A giber, taunter, up braider.
- तानु s. m. -- تان -- A tune, the key note in music. S. M. Blandishments, coquetry, loving airs or movements.
- A तानो s. m. -- طعنو -- Taunting, reproaching, gibe, scoff, sarcasm, sneer, तानो तुन्को تانو تُنڪو idem.
- S तापिजणु v. n. -- تاپجڻ -- To be seized with fever.
- S तापु s. m. -- تاپ -- Fever.
- तापेलो s. m. -- تاپيلو -- A kind of metal cooking vessel, a pot.
- ताफो s. m. -- تاڦو -- A stick forming part of the wheels of a water wheel.
- ताबीने or ताबे prep. -- تابيني يا طابع -- In subjection to, in dependence on.
- A ताबु s. m. -- تاب -- Dread, terror, threatening, menace.
- A ताबूतु s. m. -- تابوت -- The ornamental bier prepared during the ashura in commemoration of the imams, Hassan and Hussain.
- A P ताबेदारु adj. -- تابعدار -- Dependent, subject to.
- A तामिउ adj. -- طامع -- Filled with avidity or desire, covetous.
- P तामु s. m. -- طعام -- Food, victuals.
- P तार s. f. -- تار -- A wire, the string of a musical instrument, a chord, a string, thread.
- S तारणहारु s. m. -- تارڻهار -- A preserver, savior.
- S तारणु v. a. -- تارڻ -- To cause to swim, to save preserve, deliver, free. To shake up grain so that dirt may fall to the bottom.
- ताराज़ी s. f. -- تارازي -- A pair of scales.
- ताराज़ो s. m. -- تارازو -- The cords by which a scale is suspended, the triangular loop of string attached to a kite, to which the kite cord is fastened.
- तारीख़ s. f. -- تاريخ -- A date, day of a month. Memoirs, annals, a history.
- तारीफ़ s. f. -- تعريف -- Praise, applause.
- तारो s. m. -- تارو -- A star.
- S तास s. f. -- تاس -- Thirst.
- S तासिजणु v. a. -- تاسجڻ -- To thirst, be thirsty.
- तांसिरी s. f. -- تانسري -- A kind of metal dish.
- तांसिरो s. m. -- تانسرو -- A vessel used by catch Hindus to cook their food in.
- तासीं adv. -- تاسين -- Till that time, till then, so long (correlative of जासीं جاسِين ).
- तासु s. m. -- تاس -- Cloth of gold, brocade, tissue.
- तांहरी s. f. -- تانهري -- Rice cooked with sugar etc.
- ताहूत s. f. -- تاهوت -- Quickness, haste.
- तिंअ adv. -- تئن -- So, in that manner (correlative of जिअ جِئن ).
- तिआं adv. -- تئان -- In or to that place, from that place, thence.
- तिक s. f. -- تڪ -- A gulp in swallowing, a common weed (eclipta prostrata).
- तिको s. m. -- تڪو -- A piece of fish or meat.
- S तिख s. f. -- تک -- Speed, quickness, velocity, current, strength of stream, a rapid stream or current.
- S तिखाई or तिखाणि s. f. -- تکائي يا تکاڻ -- Swiftness, speed, velocity, vividness, sharpness, fierceness, strength (of liquors), pureness (of gold etc).
- S तिखो adj. -- تکو -- Speedy, fleet, active, quick, vivid, rapid, strong (a stream), sharp, keep, pure (as gold), fiery (as pepper, a fire etc.), passionate, s. m. A tumbler pigeon.
- तिगा॒इणु v. a. -- تڳائڻ -- To work anything out of one by persuasions, deceiving, to slip off with any thing secretly.
- तिज s. f. -- تج -- Name of a small bird.
- P तिजाबु s. m. -- تجاب -- Aquafortis.
- तिडि॒ or तिडी॒ s. f. -- تڏ يا تڏي -- The name of a class of insects like crickets or cockroaches.
- तिडो॒ s. m. -- تڏو -- A kind of cricket or cockroach.
- तितईं, तितहीं, तितांईं or तितांहीं adv. -- تتئين، تتهين، تتانئين يا تتانهين -- There, in that place, thence, from that place.
- तितंउं, तितओं, तितहंउं, तितहुं, तितहूं, तितहों, तितां, तिताऊं, तितांओं, तितांहंउं, तितांहूं, तितूं or तितों adv. -- تتنئن، تتئون، تتهنئن، تتهن، تتهون، تتهون، تتان، تتائون، تتائون، تتانهنئن، تتانهون، تتون يا تتون. -- Thence, from that place.
- तिति or तिते adv. -- تت يا تتي -- There, in or to that place.
- तितिरखर्डी s. f. -- تترکرڙي -- The light cloudy appearance that sometimes spreads over the sky.
- तितिरु s. f. -- تتر -- A partridge.
- तिथंउं, तिथऊं, तिथओं, तिथहुं, तिथां, तिथांऊं, तिथांओं, तिथांहंउं, तिथांहूं or तिथांहों adv. -- تٿئن، تٿئون، تٿئون، تٿهن، تٿان، تٿانئون، تٿانئون، تٿانهنئن، تٿانهون يا تٿانهون -- From that place, thence
- तिथांईं or तिथांहीं adv. -- تٿانئين يا تٿانهين -- There, in that place, thence, from that place.
- S तिथि s. f. -- تٿ -- The lunar date, reckoned up to each phase of the moon, new and full.
- तिथु s. f. -- تٿ -- Place of residence. End, extremity. A thin, article, goods, property,
- तिथूं or तिथों adv. -- تٿون يا تٿون -- Thence, from that place.
- तिथे adv. -- تٿي -- There, in or to that place.
- तिनि -- تن -- The inflected plural of सो سو.
- तिमिरु s. m. -- تمر -- A kind of tree that grows in the low ground at the mouths of the Indus (Avicennia tomentosa).
- तिरी s. f. -- تري -- The spleen, The palm of hand or sole of foot.
- S तिरु s. m. -- تر -- The seed of the sesame, or name of the plant. A mole or freckle on the face.
- तिरोखिड़ी s. f. -- تروکڙي -- Tattooing, Imprinting anything on skin by pricking and then rubbing in some dye, what is so imprinted.
- तिर्कण or तिर्किणि s. f. -- ترڪڻ يا ترڪڻ -- Slipperiness, a slippery place.
- तिर्कणु s. m. -- ترڪڻ -- To slip, to skulk or slip away, to miss seeing, To chirp (a partridge).
- तिर्काइणु v. n. -- ترڪائڻ -- To cause to slip, To slip away with or carry off secretly.
- तिर्किणाई s. f. -- ترڪڻائي -- Slipperiness.
- तिर्किणी s. f. -- ترڪڻي -- A slip, slipping.
- तिर्कितालु s. m. -- ترڪتال -- Feigning, making false pretences.
- तिर्को s. m. -- ترڪو -- A few days of sunshine passing through anything, the reflection of the sun’s rays off water, a glass etc.
- तिर्तिरि s. f. -- ترتر -- Restlessness, moving about, chattering.
- तिर्वारि s. f. -- تروار -- The dazzling or dimness from passing from great light into a dark place. Greasy spots floating on water.
- तिर्विरो s. m. -- ترورو -- Particles of dust as they appear floating in a sun beam. (in the plu.) a disease of the eye where things appear indistinct.
- S तिलंगु s. m. -- تلنگ -- Name of a ragini or a musical mode.
- P तिलानो s. m. -- تلانو -- The Hindu sectarial mark, made with colored earth or unguents upon the forehead.
- तिली s. .f. -- تلي -- The spleen. The palm of hand or sole of foot. Name of an ornament suspended round the neck.
- तिलु s. m. -- تل -- A feast given to Muslim fakirs at certain times.
- A P तिलेदारु adj. -- تليدار -- Cloth with an edging of brocade or tissue.
- A तिलो s. m. -- تلو -- A fringe of tissues or brocade.
- तिहड़ो adj. -- تهڙو -- In that manner, (correlative of जिहड़ो جھڙو).
- तिहां adv. -- تهان -- There, to that place, thence, from that place.
- तिहां or तिहों -- تهان يا تهون -- The ablative case of “That” सो سو).
- तिहाड़ो s. m. -- تهاڙو -- A season in which many weddings take place, a festival day.
- तिहें adv. -- تهين -- For that reason, At that very time.
- तिहो adj. -- تهو -- So, such like (correlative of जिहो جِهو).
- L तीं adv. -- تين -- In that manner.
- तीओ s. m. -- تيئو -- The old three above the reckoning by fours in the game of नका टूए نڪا ٽُوئي.
- तीक s. f. -- تيڪ -- Thin excrement.
- तीकणु v. n. -- تيڪڻ -- To have a thin stool. To be worn out with fruitless labor.
- तीजी s. f. -- تيجي -- Scotch-Hope (The game, or the piece of potsherd etc with which it is played).
- तीतालिरु or तीताली s. m. or adj. -- تيتالر يا تيتالي -- A simulator, feigner, malingerer, shammer, schemer.
- तीतालु s. m. -- تيتال -- Showing a false appearance or making false excuses, feigning, shamming.
- तीतो s. m. -- تيتو -- Pudendum muliebris.
- तीरणु v. n. -- تيرڻ -- To have a thin stool.
- P तीरंदाज़ी s. f. -- تيرندازي (تير اندازي) -- Archery
- P तीरंदाज़ु s. m. -- تيرنداز (تير انداز) -- An archer.
- तीरु s. m. -- تير -- An arrow, a bullet, Bank, shore.
- तीर्चो s. m. -- تيرچو -- A preparation applied to the hair of the bow with which stringed instruments are played, to render them harsh.
- S तीर्थु s. m. -- تيرٿ -- A holy spot, place of Hindu pilgrimage, a pilgrimage.
- तीली s. f. -- تيلي -- A stock or stroke of wheat, barely, grass etc, the stock of the Saccarum Munja, used for making baskets.
- तीलीदारु adj. -- تيليدار -- Formed by laying slips of painted sticks together in rows ( a ceiling).
- तीवणु s. m. -- تيوڻ -- Any thing eaten with bread or rice to give zest, seasoning.
- तीसिरु adj. -- تيسر -- Sulky, ill-tempered.
- तीसो s.m. -- تيسو -- English Not found
- तुक s. f. -- تڪ -- A line in writing or printing.
- तुकल s. f. -- تڪل -- A kind of small paper kite.
- तुकांतु s. m. -- تڪانت -- Rhyme of words.
- P तुकिमो s. m. -- تڪمو -- A button, a knot or knob at the end of anything for catching it by. Name of a plant whose flower is red and round like a button.
- तुकिली s. f. -- تڪلي -- A piece of paper applied with any sticky substance as a remedy for a pain.
- तुको s. m. -- تڪو -- The iron head of an arrow.
- P तुख़्मकाहू s. m. -- تخم ڪاهو -- The seed of lettuce (Lactuca Sative).
- P तुख़्मरिहाणि s. f. -- تخم رحاڻ -- The seed of the Ocymumpilosum (Basil).
- P तुख़्मु s. m. -- تخم -- Seeds, sperm, genitals, off-spring.
- P तुख़्मुकहू s. m. -- تخم ڪهو -- The fruit of the kahu or wild olive.
- P तुख़्मुबाला s. f. -- تخم بالا -- A seed of a cooling quality, seed of Dracocephalum Roy Leanum.
- A तुजारु adj. -- تجار -- Wealthy, a rich merchant.
- तुञणु v. a. -- تڃڻ -- To darn, fine-drawing.
- तुञु s. m. -- تڃ -- Darning, Fine-drawing.
- तुठो -- تٺو -- The past tense of तुसणु تُسڻُ)).
- तुड़ि s. f. -- تڙ -- A season, time of the year.
- तुड़िग॒णु v. n. -- تڙڳڻ -- To bath over much, play in water.
- P तुंदी s. f. -- تندي -- Fieriness, Fierceness.
- P तुंदु adj. -- تند -- Hot, Fiery, fierce, spirited.
- तुनणु v. a. -- تنڻ -- To darn.
- तुनि s. f. -- تن -- The spout of a vessel.
- P तुफ़ंगु s. m. -- تفنگ -- A musket, a little ball of silk thread with a needle stuck in it blown by boys through a tube.
- तुंबणु or तुंबाइणु s. a. -- تنبڻ يا تنبائڻ -- To tease or card cotton or wool by pulling it out with the fingers. To beat severely.
- S तुंबी s. f. -- تنبي -- A small hollowed guard used by fakirs for keeping water in.
- S तुंबेरु s. m. -- تنبير -- One who plays on a musical instrument made from the tumbo.
- S तुंबो s. m. -- تنبو -- A kind of gourd used for supporting swimmers and by fakirs for holding water, and informing musical instrument.
- P तुरंजिबी s. f. -- ترنجبي -- Manna (produced from the hedysarum alhagi).
- A तुरंजु s. m. -- ترنج -- A citron.
- तुरणु v. n. -- ترڻ -- To pain, be sour (the eye), to be weighed.
- तुरहो s. m. -- ترهو -- a raft of wood and reeds.
- तुराड़ो s. m. -- تراڙو -- A pair of scales, a balance.
- तुराबी s. f. -- ترابي -- A form of prayer used at particular times by the Muslims.
- तुरि s. f. -- تر -- A weaver’s beam
- तुरी adj. -- تري -- Certain kind of jawari that have sweet stalks, the stalks also are themselves so called. S. m. A kind of trumpet or horn, a jeweler’s scales, the bark of the almond tree used for putting round bows.
- तुरीबाज़ु s. m. -- تريباز -- One who sounds a turi, a trumpeter.
- तुरो s. m. -- ترو -- A cockade, plume, a nosegay, bouquet, the gold mohur tree.
- S तुर्तु adv. -- ترت -- Quickly, speedily, instantly, hastily.
- तुर्तु फुर्तु -- ترت ڦرت -- Idem.
- A तुर्बतु s. f. -- تربت -- A tomb, a sepulcher.
- तुर्मिची or तुर्मिती s. f. -- ترمچي يا ترمتي -- A kind of hunting hawk with black eye, it’s male is called चटुओ چٽُئو
- S तुला s. f. or तुलु s. m. -- تلا يا تل -- The sign Libra of the zodiac.
- S तुलादानु s. f. -- تلادان -- A gift of gold or another valuable substance equal to the weight of any piston.
- S तुलि or तुलु adj. -- تل يا تل -- Equal, alike, a match, similar. (तुलि تُلُ used prepositionally with जे جي). In equality with.
- S तुल्सी s. f. -- تلسي -- A small shrub held in veneration by the Hindus, holy basil (Ocymum sanctum). The 9th, 10th and 11th days of the new moon of the month Kati, kept as a fast by Hindus.
- S तुसणु s. m. -- تسڻ -- To be pleased, be gratified, (past part. of टुटो ٽُٽو or तुठो تٺو).
- S तुसाइणु v. a. -- تسائڻ -- To please, gratify.
- तुंहिंजो, तुंहुंजो or तुंह्जो pron. -- تنهنجو، تنهنجو يا تنهجو -- The genitive case of the pronoun तूं تون Thine, Thy.
- तुहिरणु v. a. -- طهرڻ -- To circumcise.
- तुहु s. m. -- تهه -- A husk of grain, a particle of barn.
- तूं prep. -- تون -- From on, over. S pron. Thou.
- तूतड़ु s. m. -- توتڙ -- A false tale told to frighten another into any act.
- तूतारी s. f. -- توتاري -- A kind of pipe or clarion.
- तूतिआहारुनी s. f. -- توتياهارني -- A root used in medicine.
- P S तूतिओ s. m. -- توتئو -- Futty, blue vitriol.
- A तूतु s. m. -- توت -- A Mulberry.
- तूतूरी s. f. -- توتوري -- A pipe or whistle made by boys, of straw etc. adj. Tight, confined (as clothes).
- P तूफाक s. f. -- توڦاڪ -- A gun, matchlock, musket.
- A तूफ़ानी s. m. -- طوفاني -- One who talks extravagantly, quarrelsome, slanderous, a slanderer, calumniator.
- A तूफ़ानु s. m. -- طوفان -- A storm of wind, hurricane, extravagance, exaggeration, calumny, defamation, slander.
- तूमानी adj. -- توماني -- Displaying pomp, pompous, ostentatious.
- तूमानु s. m. -- تومان -- Great retinue, much property, pomp.
- तूरि s. f. -- تور -- Name of a water bird.
- तूरी s. f. -- توري -- Name of a kind of a cucumber (Luffa aeutangula).
- तूरु s. m. -- تور -- The set of eggs laid by a bird at one season, a brood or hatch of birds. The keeping the fast called tulsi. A crop, spoken of such plants as spring up a second or third time.
- A तूलांओं adj. -- طولانئون -- Long, prolix, tedious.
- तूलानु s. m. -- طولان -- Great retinue, much property, pomp. A Prolixity.
- तूलि s. f. -- طول -- A mattress, Bedding.
- तूलु s. m. -- طول -- A large kind of cushion. A length, prolixity, many words, diffusiveness.
- ते prep. -- تي -- On, upon, against.
- ते with तांईं, तोंईं, तोड़ी or तोणी etc. adv. -- تي، تائين، تونئين، توڙي يا توڻي -- Affixed, so long, till that time (correlative of जेतांईं جيتائِين).
- तेओ adj. -- تيئو -- Broiled after a certain fashion (a fish).
- तेको s. m. -- تيڪو -- A wall sticks filled in with plaster.
- तेजवानु adj. -- تيجوان -- Splendid, glorious.
- तेजसी adj. -- تيجسي -- Bright, glittering, fiery, splendid, glorious, brightly etc.
- तेजी or तेज़ी s. f. -- تيجي يا تيزي -- Sharpness, fieriness, pungency, ardor, impetuosity, fleetness, vividness.
- S तेजु s. m. -- تيج -- Splendor, brightness, glory, swiftness. Adj. Sharp, keen, fiery, pungent, impetuous, active, swift, vivid.
- तेज्बलु s. m. -- تيجبل -- A kind of wood from which pestles are made.
- तेडं॒ईं, तेडं॒हं, तेडं॒हीं, तेडां॒, तेडां॒ईं, तेडां॒हीं or तेडे॒ adj. -- تيڏنئين، تيڏنهن، تيڏنهين، تيڏان، تيڏانئين، تيڏانهين يا تيڏي -- There, in that direction.
- तेडं॒उं, तेडं॒ऊं, तेडं॒ओं, तेडं॒हंउं, ते़डं॒हुं, तेडं॒हूं, तेडं॒हों, तेडा॒ऊं, तेडा॒ओं, तेडां॒हंउं, तेडां॒हूं, तेडां॒हों, तेडि॒हंउं, तेडि॒हां, ताडि॒हूं or ताडि॒हों. Adv. -- تيڏنئن، تيڏنئون، تيڏنئون، تيڏنهنئن، تيڏنهن، تيڏنهون، تيڏاهون، تيڏانئون، تيڏانئون، تيڏانهنئن، تيڏهان، تيڏهون يا تيڏهون. -- There, in that direction, thence, from that direction.
- तेडि॒ड़ो adj. -- تيڏڙو -- So small, (correlative of जेडि॒ड़ो جيڏِڙو).
- तेडो॒ adj. -- تيڏو -- So large, So great, (correlative of जेडो॒ جيڏو ).
- तेतिरो adj. -- تيترو -- So many, so much (correlative of जेतिरो جيتِرو).
- तेब्ची s. f. -- تيبچي -- A kind of fine quilting, as on Sindhi caps.
- S तेरंहं adj. -- تيرنهن -- Thirteen
- S तेरिसि s. f. -- تيرس -- The thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight.
- तेलांहीं adj. -- تيلانهين -- Therefore, for that reason.
- S तेली s. m. -- تيلي -- An oilman.
- S तेलीराजा s. m. -- تيلي راجا -- A kind of fakir, who goes about telling fortunes and by such tricks collects oil and money.
- S तेलु s. m. -- تيل -- Oil, A Hindu festival in which oil is used, kept in the ninth month of a woman’s pregnancy.
- तेल्हां adv. -- تيلهان -- A burnisher, furbisher.
- तेशो s. m. -- تيشو -- A brick layer’s tool, kind of adze or hammer for paring bricks in building.
- तेसीं, तेसींतांईं, तेसींतोडी, तेसींतोंणी, तेस्तांईं, तेस्तोड़ी or तेस्तोणी adv. -- تيسين، تيسين تائين، تيسين توڻي، تيستانئين، تيستوڙي يا تيستوڻي -- Till then, so long, to that time or place. (correlative of जेसीं جيسِين).
- तो -- تو -- The agent case of though तो تون).
- तों prep. -- تون -- From on, Down from, off, over.
- तोइ conj. -- توء -- Then, still.
- तोंईं conj. -- تونئين -- Till, up to, to, until.
- तोक़ु s. m. -- طوق -- A kind of gold or silver ornament for the neck.
- S तोड़णु v. a. -- توڙڻ -- To break.
- S तोडी॒ s. f. -- توڏي -- Name of a ragini or musical mode.
- तोड़ीं conj. -- توڙين -- Till, until.
- तोड़ु s. m. -- توڏ -- End, conclusion, termination.
- तोड़े or तोणे conj. -- توڙي يا توڻي -- Even if, although, not withstanding. Or, either.
- तोडो॒ s. m. -- توڏو -- A young camel for the first year or so. A camel generally.
- तोड़ो s. m. -- توڙو -- The match of a gun.
- तोणि s. f. -- توڻ -- Maintenance, means of support.
- तोणी conj. -- توڻي -- Till, up to, until.
- P तोतो s. m. -- طوطو -- A parrot.
- P तोफ s. f. -- توڦ -- A cannon.
- A तोफ़ीक़ s. f. -- توفيق -- Power, means, ability.
- A तोफ़ो s. m. -- توفو -- A curiosity, anything very fine or good.
- A तोबह s. f. -- توبهه -- Patience, repentance, contrition, inter. An exclamation of sorrow, or aversion for any evil deed.
- तोबिरो s. m. -- توبرو -- The nose bag from which horses eat their grain.
- तोबो s. m. -- توبو -- The teasing or carding raw cotton etc with the fingers.
- P तोब्ख़ानो or तोफ़्ख़ानो s. m. -- توبخانو يا توفخانو -- An artillery arsenal, the artillery department.
- T तोब्ची s. m. -- توبچي -- A gunner, artillery man, a marksman.
- S तोर s. f. -- تور -- Weighing, weight.
- S तोरणु v. a. -- تورڻ -- To weight.
- S तोरो s. m. -- تورو -- A weight for weighing with. A denomination of weight same as तोलो تولو. Human law in contradistinction to divine, justice, equity.
- तोलु s. m. -- تول -- A kind of flat rope made of goat’s hair etc.
- S तोलो s. m. -- تولو -- A denomination of weight. It contains 12 Massas and 90 Ratis.
- A P तोशाख़ानो s. m. -- توشاخانو -- A place where valuable clothes, armor, arms etc are kept, a wardrobe.
- तोशो s. m. -- توشو -- Name of a sweet meat made in small lumps, comfits. A Provisions for a journey, viaticum.
- A तोश्की s. m. -- توشڪي -- The keeper of the toshakhano, or wardrobe.
- तोहरु s. m. -- طهر -- Circumcision.
- तोहु s. m. -- توهه -- Kindness, compassion (spoken only of the Deity).
- A तौंकल s. f. -- تونڪل -- Trust in God, reliance, faith.
- A तौंकली adj. -- تونڪلي -- One who places his reliance on God.
- A तौक़ु s. m. -- طوق -- A collar or neck chain whether ornament or punishment.
- तौंरी s. f. -- تونري -- A kind of matting made of leaves and woven with a regular warp and woof. A form mourning after a death.
- तौंस s. f. -- تونس -- Heat of fever, a slight fever, thirst.
- S त्याग॒ s. m. -- تياڳ -- Abandoning, renouncing, relinquishment.
- S त्यागी॒ s. m. -- تياڳي -- An abandoner, foresaker (chiefly applied to the religious ascetic who abandons the world and it’s vanities), a devotee.
- S त्रास s. f. -- تراس -- Thirst.
- S त्रासिजणु v. n. -- تراسجڻ -- To be thirsty.
- थउड़ी s. m. -- ٿڙي -- The lower part of the stalk of a plant.
- S थकणु v. n. -- ٿڪڻ -- (Past part. थको ٿڪو), To tire, be weary, be tired, fatigued.
- S थकाइणु v. a. -- ٿڪائڻ -- To tire, fatigue, weary.
- S थकाइतो adj. or adv. -- ٿڪائتو -- Tiresome, tedious, fatiguing, wearisome, weary, tired.
- थकु भञणु or लाहिणु -- ٿڪ ڀڃڻ يا لاهڻ -- To rest or take rest.
- थको -- ٿڪو -- The past part. of थकणु ٿڪڻ.
- थगि॒ड़ी s. f. -- ٿڳڙي -- A rag, piece of old cloth.
- थडा॒रणु v. a. -- ٿڏارڻ -- To Transplant.
- थड़ी s. f. -- ٿڙي -- A stuffed pad put underneath a camel’s saddle. A small terrace.
- थडो॒ s. f. -- ٿڏو -- A plant taken up for transplanting.
- थड़ो s. m. -- ٿڙو -- The pad put underneath a horse’s saddle. A Terrace raised foundation for anything. A platform.
- थड़्किणी s. f. -- ٿڙڪڻي -- Shaking, trembling, shivering.
- थथिरणु v. n. -- ٿٿرڻ -- To wait, delay, be delayed, stop. To settle (as dirt in water).
- थथिराइणु v. a. -- ٿٿرائڻ -- To cause to wait, to delay, stop.
- थधाइणु v. n. -- ٿڌائڻ -- To be cold, to feel cold or chilly.
- थधाइतो or थधाऊ adj. -- ٿڌائتو يا ٿڌائو -- Cold, causing cold, chilly, frigid, and cooling.
- थधाई or थधाणि s. f. -- ٿڌائي يا ٿڌاڻ -- Coldness, chillness.
- थधाणु s. f. -- ٿڌاڻ -- A refrigerant medicine.
- थधिकार s. f. -- ٿڌڪار -- Cool air, a cool temperature.
- थधिड़ा कढणु -- ٿڌڙا ڪڍڻ -- To rub the limbs gently.
- थधिड़ी s. f. -- ٿڌڙي -- The 7th day of each lunar fortnight of the month Sawanu, kept by Hindus as a festival in honor of the goddess of small pox, on this day they eat only cold food of the day before.
- थधिड़ो s. m. -- ٿڌڙو -- The rubbing gently one’s limbs with the tops of fingers.
- थधी s. f. -- ٿڌي -- Cold, coldness.
- थधो adj. -- ٿڌو -- Cold, frigid, refrigerator, lazy, slow, indolent, dilatory, lax, dispassionate.
- थधो थिअणु -- ٿڌو ٿيڻ -- To cool, be calmed, appease, to lose virility.
- थधो रखणु or थधो करणु -- ٿڌو رکڻ يا ٿڌو ڪرڻ -- To keep a fast by eating cold food.
- थन्हणु v. a. -- ٿنهڻ -- To press down anything into a vessel so as to lessen it’s space, compress, cram, stuff.
- थप्थपि or थफ्थफि s. f. -- ٿپٿپ يا ٿڦٿڦ -- Patting, the sound of patting.
- थबो॒ s. f. -- ٿٻو -- A small bundle of straw or grass, a wisp, a bundle of reed pens, of sticks for cleaning teeth with etc.
- S थंभणु v. a. -- ٿنڀڻ -- To support, bear. To stick, paste, cause to adhere. S. m. Glue prepared for use. Isinglass.
- थंभणु v. n. -- ٿنڀڻ -- To stop, cease, be quiet, and subside. To conceal property.
- थंभाइणु v. a. -- ٿنڀائڻ -- To stop, cause to cease.
- थंभिड़ी or थंभिली s. f. -- ٿنڀڙي يا ٿنڀلي -- The inside peg or pin of a yoke.
- थंभु s. m. -- ٿنڀ -- A post, pillar.
- थमु s. m. -- ٿم -- Stopping, ceasing. A cover in which with animals lie hid.
- थमु करणु -- ٿم ڪرڻ -- To conceal property furtively.
- थरी s. f. -- ٿري -- Cream, the top or surface portion of sour milk. A set of arm ornaments turned out of a piece of ivory. The desert lying to the east of Sindh, any arid desert.
- S थरेलो adj. -- ٿريلو -- Of the Thar or desert.
- S थर्जणु v. n. -- ٿرجڻ -- To be filled with sand.
- थलु s. m. -- ٿل -- Deceit, allurement. Enticement, wheedling. Firm or dry ground, terra firma.
- थलो s. m. -- ٿلو -- A terrace, raised foundation for a house, any raised platform.
- A थहमुर s. f. -- ٿهمر -- Patience, endurance.
- थंहर s. f. -- ٿنهر -- Calmness, steadiness, quietness, tranquility, patience, endurance, serenity.
- थंहराइणु v. a. -- ٿنهرائڻ -- To compose, tranquillize, calm.
- थहाइतो adj. or adj. -- ٿهائتو -- Having a station or fixed abode, stationary, in proper place. One over another in succession, in layers.
- P थही s. f. -- ٿهي -- A small heap of things placed one above the other, a pile, a pad of several clothes doubled up and put on a sore.
- थहु s. m. -- ٿهه -- Station, place, fixed abode, foundation, bottom. Certainty, fold, plait, ply, layer.
- थहो s. m. -- ٿهو -- A heap of things place above another in succession. A pile.
- थांइको or थांईको adj. -- ٿانئڪو يا ٿانئيڪو -- One that has a fixed place or station, stationary, respectable, in a good or safe place.
- थांउ s. m. -- ٿانء -- A dish, vessel, utensil, place, station.
- थाजो s. m. -- ٿاجو -- A meeting, assembly, council.
- थाणु or थानु s. m. -- ٿاڻ يا ٿان -- A web of cloth.
- S थाणो s. m. -- ٿاڻو -- A place, station.
- थाथिराइणु v. a. -- ٿاٿرائڻ -- To cause to wait, to lay, stop.
- थाधलु s. f. -- ٿاڌل -- A refrigerant or cooling medicine.
- S थानाई or थानी s. m. -- ٿانائي يا ٿاني -- A Brahman who possesses certain rights and recovers certain dues in any locality. s. f. the rights and perquisites of the above.
- S थानीको or थाणीको -- ٿانيڪو يا ٿاڻيڪو -- Same as थाइको ٿائڪو.
- थानु s. m. -- ٿان -- A web o clothes. The residence of a Brahman, the rights or perquisites of a resident Brahman, a temple to the river god, the place of residence of certain fakirs.
- S थान्सुधि s. f. -- ٿانسڌ -- An entertainment or festival to Brahmans.
- S थापणु v. a. -- ٿاپڻ -- To place an idol in it’s temple to enthrone or invest with authority, to appoint to any duty. To fix, ordain (a law etc.), to stick flat pieces of cow-dung against a wall. To dry, to pat the back in giving a benediction.
- S थापना or थाफना s. f. -- ٿاپنا يا ٿاڦنا -- Consecration of a temple when the idol is placed in it, the consecrating a little rice, as a god for temporary worship. Appointing to any place or duty.
- थापी s. f. -- ٿاپي -- Patting or placing the hand on the head, back etc. in giving a benediction.
- थाफ s. f. -- ٿاڦ -- A large lump of cow’s dung, a cake of cow-dung prepared for burning. Adj. large (like a थाफ ٿاڦ).
- थाफणु v. a. -- ٿاڦڻ -- To pat and flatten cakes.
- थाफी s. f. -- ٿاڦي -- A large cake of cow-dung.
- थाफो s. m. -- ٿاڦو -- The cross sticks in the wheel of a waterwheel.
- थाफोड़ो s. m. -- ٿاڦوڙو -- The slapping the water with the hands, the striking, patting or pawing water.
- थाब॒ड़ थूब॒ड़ि -- ٿاٻڙ ٿوٻڙ -- Idem.
- थाब॒ड़ि s. f. -- ٿاٻڙ -- Rough ground, in which one trips.
- थाब॒रु s. m. or adj. -- ٿاٻر -- A trip, stumble.
- थाबा॒ थूबा॒ -- ٿاٻا ٿوٻا -- Trips and stumbles, ups and downs, rough spots.
- थाबि॒ड़जणु v. n. -- ٿاٻڙجڻ -- To trip, stumble.
- थामुर s. f. -- ٿامر -- Patience, endurance.
- थारी, थारु -- ٿاري، ٿار -- See थाली ٿالِي, थालु ٿالُ.
- थांरु s. m. -- ٿانر -- Friday.
- थारेलो adj. -- ٿاريلو -- Of that, or desert to the east of Sindh.
- थाली s. f. -- ٿالي -- A kind of flat dish, a salver, platter, plate.
- थालु s. m. -- ٿال -- A large dish or tray.
- थाल्यों लाहणु -- ٿاليون لاهڻ -- To declare impure, remove from caste.
- थांवरु s. m. -- ٿانور -- Friday. Adj. Inanimate.
- थाहरु s. f. -- ٿاهر -- The bottom (as of the sea).
- थिअणो -- ٿئڻو (ٿيڻو) -- About to or happen, possible. (Gerund of थिअणु ٿِيڻُ).
- थियणी s. f. -- ٿيڻي -- Fate, the supreme will.
- थियणु v. n. -- ٿيڻ -- To be, become, get, grow, occur, be affected, and be produced.
- S थिरि adj. -- ٿر -- Steady, firm, fixed, motionless, durable, permanent.
- थिर्ड़ाइणु v. n. -- ٿرڙائڻ -- To be constantly winking, to blink. To walk unsteadily or with a slight limp, to wobble.
- थिर्ड़ो adj. -- ٿرڙو -- One whose eyes are constantly winking, one who staggers in walking, a wobbler.
- थुक थंभणु -- ٿڪ ٿنڀڻ -- Stinginess, niggardliness.
- S थुकिथुकि or थुक्थुकि s. f. -- ٿڪ ٿڪ يا ٿڪٿڪ -- Spitting.
- थुडो॒ s. m. -- ٿڏو -- A kick with the toe, the knocking the toes against any thing stumble, trip.
- थुबो॒ or थुब॒ s. m. -- ٿٻو يا ٿٻ -- A tuft of grass.
- S थुल्हड़ adj. -- ٿلهڙ -- Corpulent.
- S थुल्हड़ो, थुल्हिड़ो, थुल्हीरिड़ो or थुल्हेरो adj. -- ٿلهو، ٿلهڙو، ٿلهيرڙو يا ٿلهيرو -- Somewhat thick or corpulent, thickish.
- S थुल्हाई or थुल्हाणि s. f. -- ٿلهائي يا ٿلهاڻ -- Thickness, grossness, corpulence, fatness, plumpness.
- S थुल्हो adj. -- ٿلهو -- Thick, gross, fat, corpulent, coarse (as cloth).
- थू inter. -- ٿو -- Fie!
- थूका inter. -- ٿوڪا -- In boys play the cry for safety from being caught, meaning “I am tired”, or “I cry quarter”.
- थूणी s. f. -- ٿوڻي -- The bridge of the nose. A thing post or pillar, a stake.
- थूथू s. f. -- ٿو ٿو -- Much spitting.
- थूनो s. m. -- ٿونو -- The knocking the head against anything, butting with the horns.
- थूफ s. f. -- ٿوڦ -- A kind of embroidered edging in clothes.
- थूंम s. f. -- ٿوم -- Garlic, virility, manliness.
- थूमार s. f. -- ٿومار -- The Crotularia Burhia, of whose twigs rough ropes are made by twisting them together.
- थूमारो s. m. -- ٿومارو -- A seasoning for food made of garlic.
- थूहर s. m. -- ٿوهر -- Name of a plant of which there are different kinds, like (थूहर कंडरु ٿوهر ڪنڊرُ, नागफणी थूहर ناگ ڦڻِي ٿوهر).
- S थेति s. f. -- ٿيت -- The supplying or dealing with anyone regularly, giving or receiving a certain quantity of anything daily or at fixed periods.
- L थेती s. f. -- ٿيتي -- A fixed customer, one who supplies one’s house regularly with a fixed quantity of anything.
- L थेप s. f. -- ٿيپ -- a kind of sweetmeat.
- थेली s. f. -- ٿيلي -- A purse. The name of a fish, the sole.
- थेलो s. m. -- ٿيلو -- The bag in which a kasid carries his papers, a post bag.
- थेल्ह s. f. -- ٿيلهه -- Shoving, pushing.
- थेल्हणु v. a. -- ٿيلهڻ -- To push, shove, jostle.
- थेल्हा थेल्ही -- ٿيلها ٿيلهي -- Pushing and Shoving.
- थेल्हो s. m. -- ٿيلهو -- A push, shove, jostle.
- थोकु s. m. -- ٿوڪ -- An article, thing, an ornament for the person.
- थोथरि s. f. -- ٿوٿر -- A swelling.
- थोथिरणु or थोथिर्जणु v. n. -- ٿوٿرڻ يا ٿوٿرجڻ -- To swell.
- थोथो adj. -- ٿوٿو -- Useless, profitless.
- थोथो खाइणु -- ٿوٿو کائڻ -- To fail in search.
- थोबी॒ s. f. -- ٿوٻي -- A flag placed over fire for baking bread on.
- थोरअखिरो or थोरअछिरो adj. or adv. -- ٿوراکرو يا ٿوراڇرو -- Brief, briefly, succinct, succinctly.
- थोरखाऊ s. m. -- ٿورکائو -- One who eats little.
- थोरगा॒ल्हाओ adj. -- ٿورڳالهائو -- Not loquacious, one who speaks little.
- थोरवेरमो adj. -- ٿورويرمو -- One who does not make delay, quick, smart.
- थोरवेसाहो adj. -- ٿورويساهو -- One who trusts not others, suspicious.
- थोराइतो adj. or adv. -- ٿورائتو -- Of or with kindness, kindly, obliging, grateful, thankful
- थोरी s. m. -- ٿوري -- Name of a caste that hunt, and eat meat and carrion of all kinds.
- थोरो adj. or adv. -- ٿورو -- Small, a little, few, short, seldom, a short time or distance. s. m. obligation, debt of gratitude, favor, kindness.
- थोरो लाइणु -- ٿورو لائڻ -- To oblige, bring under obligation
- S थोल्हि s. f. -- ٿولهه -- Thickness, fatness, corpulence.
- द d, -- د -- The first of the dental class of consonants.
- A दईमुदई s. m. -- دعي مدعي -- The plaintiff and defendant, both parties in a suit.
- S दउड़णु v. n. -- دئڙڻ -- To run, race.
- दउरी s. f. -- دئري -- Name of a bird of prey. s. m. A fellow class-boy at school.
- A दउरु s. m. -- دئر (دؤر) -- An age, period of time. The reading a lesson over a second time. S a fence, idea, and whim.
- दओ s. m. -- دئو -- The strong light of the sun, a fire etc, glare, the reflection of light.
- दकलु s. m. -- دڪل -- A kind of glass.
- S दख़लु s. m. -- دخل -- Entering on, interfering with, meddling in.
- दखी s. f. -- دکي -- Name of a small vessel for putting things into.
- दग॒ s. m. -- دڳ -- A high road, highway.
- P दग़ल्बाज़ी or दग़ाबाज़ी s. f. -- دغلبازي يا دغابازي -- Deceitfulness, cheating, fraud.
- P दग़ल्बाज़ु or दग़ाबाज़ु adj. -- دغلباز يا دغاباز -- Deceitful, fraudulent.
- P दग़ा s. f. -- دغا -- Deceit, fraud.
- दंगी s. f. -- دنگي -- A kind of sea boat, a trading vessel.
- दंगु s. m. -- دنگ -- A boundary, limit.
- दज़ s. f. -- دز -- Dust.
- दड़णु v. n. -- دڙڻ -- To quarrel, argue vehemently.
- दड़ही s. f. -- دڙهي -- The cleaning grain from dirt by fanning with a sheet.
- दड़हो s. m. -- دڙهو -- A stroke or stamp with the foot, the pawing of a horse.
- दड़ो s. m. -- دڙو -- A heap, lump, mass bank, mound.
- दड़्को s. m. -- دڙڪو -- Threat, menace, intimidation.
- दड़्को दबा॒चो -- دڙڪو دٻاچو -- Idem.
- दतु s. m. -- دت -- A lazy fellow who attends not to orders, a stupid intractable person.
- P दंदागीरी हल्वो s. m. -- دنداگيري حلوو -- A kind of Halwa that sticks in the teeth.
- दधिड़ो s. m. -- دڌڙو -- The stone of the Beru jujube fruit.
- दनि s. f. -- دن -- A stack or heap of straw, grass, grain etc.
- A दफ़उ s. m. -- دفع -- Repulsion, warding off.
- दफ़उ, दफ़ै, दफ़ै करणु -- دفع، دفعي، دفعي ڪرڻ -- To repel avert.
- A दफ़नणु v. a. -- دفنڻ -- To burry, inter.
- A दफनु s. m. -- دفن -- Burial.
- P दफ़ाई s. m. -- دفائي -- A tambourine player.
- दफु s. m. -- دڦ -- The clothes covering one in bed. P A kind of tambourine.
- दफ़े दफ़े -- دفعي دفعي -- Constantly, frequently.
- A दफ़ो s. m. -- دفعو -- A time, turn. A party, body of men, troop, detachment, a batch, set, class.
- P दफ़्तरबंदु or दफ़्तरी s. m. -- دفتربند يا دفتري -- One who has charge of office registers or public archives.
- P दफ़्तरी s. f. -- دفتري -- Pasteboard.
- दफ़्तरु s. m. -- دفتر -- Office records, documents, account books, the place where such are kept, archives.
- दब॒ s. f. -- دٻ -- Pressing down, pressure.
- दब॒कु s. m. -- دٻڪ -- A kind of open basket.
- S P दब॒गरु s. m. -- دٻگر -- One who makes leathern oil vessels, heads for drums etc.
- दब॒णु or दबा॒इणु v. a. -- دٻڻ يا دٻائڻ -- To press down, push, squeeze, cram, to keep down, keep in subjection, bully, browbeat. To conceal, bury.
- A दब॒दबो॒ s. m. -- دٻدٻو -- Dignity, state, authority.
- दब॒ली s. m. -- دٻلي -- a small box, a jewel box, a set of jewels.
- दब॒लो s. m. -- دٻلو -- A box for keeping valuables in.
- दब॒सिड़ो s. m. -- دٻسڙو -- A slight kind of small pox.
- दब॒सु s. m. -- دٻس -- The handle by which a spinning wheel is turned.
- दबा॒उ s. m. -- دٻاء -- Threatening, menacing, intimidation.
- दबा॒लटु s. m. -- دٻالٽ -- The filling in earth over a body in the grave.
- दबि॒जणु v. n. -- دٻجڻ -- To be pressed down, to be bullied or browbeaten. To be concealed, to be buried.
- A दबी॒ s. f. -- دٻي -- A leathern vessel for oil, ghee etc.
- दंबुक s. f. -- دنبڪ -- A gun, musket.
- दंबूरो s. m. -- دنبورو -- A kind of guitar with five strings.
- दबो॒ s. m. -- دٻو -- A leathern vessel for keeping oil or ghee in. the hopper of a mill.
- दमणु v. a. -- دمڻ -- To stew over a slow fire.
- P दमपुख़्तु s. m. -- دم پخت -- A stew. A kind of Pulau.
- दमरु s. m. -- دمر -- A kind of drum or tambourine.
- दमामो s. m. -- دمامو -- A kind of kettle drum.
- दमिड़ी s. f. -- دمڙي -- Sixteen cowries, the eighth part of a Pice, the eighth part of a Tola.
- P दमिरु s. m. -- دمر -- A boaster, braggart.
- P दमु s. m. -- دم -- Breathe, life. Boasting, price. A moment, instant. The stewing any thing over a slow fire. Asthma.
- दमु हणणु v. n. -- دم هڻڻ -- To boast.
- दम्जीन s. f. -- دم جين -- Boasting, bragging.
- A दम्दमो s. m. -- دمدمو -- A bridge, a built out landing place or causeway, a quay.
- S दया s. f. -- ديا -- Mercy, kindness, favor, pity, compassion.
- दयालु s. m. -- ديال -- The mist tree, (Uvaria Longifolia). S adj. Merciful, Compassionate, kind.
- दराजो s. m. -- دراجو -- A kind of molding plane.
- P दरिआउ or दरिआहु s. m. -- درياء يا درياهه -- A river, the sea, the river Indus, the river god, Neptune.
- P दरिआफ़ or दरिआफ़्त s. f. -- درياف يا دريافت -- Investigation, enquiry, search.
- दरी s. f. -- دري -- A kind of wooden bowl, P A window, lattice a small door, trapdoor, a postern, wicket, sally-port. A shutter, a closed up place or pressing in a wall or sunk in the ground for placing things in, a cupboard.
- दरु s. m. -- در -- Price, rate. The place where a Sati has been performed, or where there is a temple consecrated to a demon. P A door, gate, a doorway, gateway, entrance.
- P दरूदु s. m. -- درود -- A prayer for health, blessing, benediction.
- P दरेदवंदी s. f. -- درد وندي -- The feeling for another’s pain, sympathy. Adj. pained, sorrowful.
- दरो s. m. -- درو -- Name of a small fish. P A pass through a mountain, defiles.
- P दरोगा॒ई s. f. -- دروڳائي -- The office or duty of a Darogo.
- P दरोगो॒ s. m. -- دروڳو (داروغو) -- An overseer, superintendent, manager, director, foremen.
- A दर्कु s. m. -- درڪ -- Experience, practice.
- P दर्गाहु or दर्गाह s. m. -- درگاهه يا درگاهه -- A palace, a Shrine.
- P दर्जो s. m. -- درجو -- A tailor.
- A दर्द s. m. -- درد -- To use anything constantly and so injuring it, much labor.
- P दर्दवंदु s. m. or adj. -- درد وند -- Pained, sorrowful. One who feels for another’s pain, a sympathizer.
- P दर्दु s. m. -- درد -- Pain, ache, affliction, care, concern, regard.
- P दर्बानु s. m. -- دروبان -- A porter, doorkeeper.
- P दर्बा॒र s. f. -- درٻار -- A court, hall of audience, a levee.
- P दर्बा॒री s. m. -- درٻاري -- A courtier, adj. Of a court, courtly.
- P दर्मांदो adj. -- درماندو -- Helpless, distressed, in miser y.
- P दर्माहो s. m. -- درماهو -- Monthly pay.
- दर्याहलालु s. m. -- درياهه لال -- The deity of the river.
- P दर्याही adj. -- درياهي -- Of the sea, or river, marine. s. m. A kind of silk cloth.
- दर्याही नाइरु or नारेलु -- درياهي نائر يا ناريل -- The poisonous cocoanut, the double cocoanut of Seychelles (Lodoicea Sechellarum).
- P दर्वाज़ो s. m. -- دروازو -- A door, door way, gate.
- P दर्वेशु s. m. -- درويش -- A dervish, a kind of religious mendicant.
- दर्सनी adj. -- درسني -- Payable at sight (a bill of exchange), slightly, handsome, s. f. A looking glass.
- S दर्सनु adj. -- درسن -- An interview, visiting an idol, Guru, a distinctive name for the six chief kinds of fakirs.
- दल adj. -- دل -- Much, very much, abundant, Plentiful
- दलक़ु s. m. -- دلق -- A kind of pointed cap worn by Oodasi Fakirs.
- दलाली s. f. -- دلالي -- The business or pay of a broker, brokerage.
- A दलालु s. m. -- دلال -- A broker, salesman.
- A दलील s. f. -- دليل -- Argument, reasoning, demonstration.
- S दलु s. m. -- دل -- A multitude, host, a large army, a body of living creatures. (There are said to be two and a half dats in the world, one of locusts, one of ants and the remaining half of all other living creatures), a large of clouds, a leaf or flower of the Tulsi or holy basil.
- S P दलेबादले adv. -- دلي بادلي -- Openly, publicly, notoriously.
- दल्बो s. m. -- دلبو -- Deceit, imposition, circumvention, roguery.
- A दवा s. f. -- دوا -- Medicine, a remedy, drug.
- दवाणि s. f. -- دواڻ -- A kind of fish.
- दवादर्मल -- دوا درمل -- Idem
- A दवारु s. m. -- دوار -- A clime, country.
- दसणु v. a. -- دسڻ -- To overthrow, tumble over, (a living thing).
- S दसहड़ो s. m. -- دسهڙو -- The 10th day of Asu, Shukl paksh, on which the Hindus worship the Kandi tree, and at night throw up fireworks.
- दसु s. m. -- دس -- A roll on a drum, volley of musketry. The crow of cock, a trip tour, turn.
- P दस्तर्ख़ानो s. m. -- دسترخانو -- A cloth in which one’s victuals are tied up, a table cloth.
- P दस्तानो s. m. -- دستانو -- A glove.
- P दस्तार s. f. -- دستار -- A turbaned.
- P दस्तावेज़ु s. m. -- دستاويز -- A written voucher, a note of hand, bond, title-deed, certificate.
- P दस्ती s. f. -- دستي -- A kind of small hookah held in hand when smoking. A kind of bracelet, the piece of cloth, leather etc. covering the hand, on which a hawk stands. A sword knot, a bundle of papers tied up in a cloth, the place in a spear where it is held in the hand.
- P दस्तु s. m. -- دست -- A hand, a hand in cards. The fore quarters or fore feet of an animal. Stool, evacuation, purge.
- P दस्तूरु s. m. -- دستور -- Manners, mode, custom, fashion.
- P दस्तो s. m. -- دستو -- A handle, a pestle, a handful, a nosegay, a quire of paper, a division of an army, a body of men.
- दस्मरु s. m. -- دسمر -- A kind of poultice of flour and ghee rubbed up in the hands, used to put on a boil etc.
- दहकणु v. n. -- دهڪڻ -- To throb, palpitate.
- दहमड़दो s. m. -- دهمڙدو -- Sa stake fixed in the bank for tying a boat to.
- दहरी s. m. -- دري -- An atheist.
- दहलु s. m. -- دهل -- A heap of cotton pods.
- दहल्जणु v. n. -- دهلجڻ -- To become alarmed or frightened.
- दहो s. m. -- دهو -- The strong light of the sun & glare,
- P दाइको adj. -- دائڪو (دايڪو) -- Of a midwife or nurse.
- P दाइपाई s. f. दाइपो s. f. -- دائپائي يا دائپو -- Midwifery, nursing, the wages for such.
- दाइरु or दाउ s. m. -- دائر يا داء -- A kind of large cowries partly flat.
- A दाइरो or दाइर्यो s. m. -- دائرو يا دائريو -- The abode of Muslim fakir, a monastery, a circle, ring, orbit. A kind of tambourine. A species of magic in which objects are seen in ink spread on the nail of a boy’s finger. A mariner’s compass.
- P दाई s. f. -- دائي -- A midwife, wet-nurse, nurse, maid-servant.
- दाउ s. m. -- داء -- Opportunity, a wager, stake, the doubling the stakes at the play of Chowpari, One’s turn to play in cards. A kind of red earth or ochre.
- A दाख़िला s. f. -- داخلا -- The registered entry of any writing, a register. A permit or certificate of duties paid.
- A दाख़िलि adj. -- داخل -- Entered (in a book or account), registered.
- P दाग॒ or दाग़ु -- داڳ يا داغ -- A spot, stain, mark, scar, brand, cicatrix, blemish, taint. Anything put into food to give it a strong pungent flavor, seasoning. A marking iron.
- P दाग॒णु v. a. -- داڳڻ -- To brand, cauterize, to blot, spot, and stain.
- P दागी॒ adj. -- داڳي (داغي) -- Spotted, stained.
- दांगी s. f. -- دانگي -- An earthen pan for cooking in.
- P दाग़्दोज़ी s. f. -- داغدوزي -- Patching up or repairing a building, clothes etc.
- P दाणो s. m. -- داڻو -- A grain, berry, bead, one among pearls, or of any kind of jewel. The mark of small pox, a speckle, pustule. A little of salt, flour etc (In plu.) grain.
- दाणो पड़ही हणणु -- داڻو پڙهي هڻڻ -- To charm or perform spells with grain after a certain fashion.
- दाणो पाणी -- داڻو پاڻي -- Food and drink, victuals
- S दाता or दातो adj. -- داتا يا داتو -- Liberal, generous.
- दादी s. f. -- دادي -- A sister (term of affection or respect).
- P दादु s. m. -- داد -- Justice, equity, redress.
- दादुरु s. m. -- دادر -- The right hand string of a Sitara.
- दादुलो s. m. or adj. -- دادلو -- Darling, fondling, a favorite or much loved child.
- दादुलो करणु -- دادلو ڪرڻ -- To spoil, pamper.
- P दादेनइस्तादे adv. -- دادي نه استادي -- Without cause, causelessly.
- दादो s. m. -- دادو -- An elder brother (term of affection or respect).
- दाधराई s. m. -- داڌرائي -- A wheedler, cajoler.
- S दाधरि s. f. -- داڌر -- Wheedling, cajoling, coaxing.
- S दानउ s. m. -- دانهء -- A demon, titan, giant.
- P दानबंदी s. f. -- دانبندي -- A form of land tax levied by a fixed assessment on the standing crop.
- दानरु s. m. -- دانر -- Name of a small flat fish.
- P दानहु, दानाउ or दानाहु adj. -- دانهه، داناء يا داناهه -- Wise, sensible, talented.
- P दानाई or दानाही s. f. -- دانائي يا داناهي -- Wisdom.
- दानिड़ो s. m. -- دامڙو -- A kind of brass pot.
- S दानु s. m. -- دان -- A gift, grant, charity, alms.
- दाफोड़ो s. m. -- داڦوڙو -- The slapping water with one’s hands, striking out with hands and feet in swimming.
- दाब॒ s. m. -- داٻ -- A threat, bullying, menaces.
- दाबि॒ड़ो s. m. -- داٻڙو -- A block or lump of stick on which clothes are beaten in washing.
- दाम s. f. -- دام -- A kind of large net.
- दामणु s. m. -- دامڻ -- The stay rope of the sail of a boat.
- दामु s. m. -- دام -- Price.
- दायो s. m. -- دايو -- A class of Muslims, who are workmen and also keep animals on hire. P a male nurse, a nurse’s husband.
- दारूं s. m. -- دارون -- Spirituous liquor, Gunpowder. P Medicine, a remedy, expedient.
- P दालानु or दालो s. m. -- دالان يا دالو -- A hall, portico, verandah.
- S दालि s. f. -- دال -- Pulse, vetches.
- P दाल्चीनी s. f. -- دالچيني -- Cinnamon.
- P दांवणि s. f. -- دانوڻ -- A skirt.
- A दावत s. f. -- دعوت -- Invitation.
- A दावा s. f. -- داوا (دعويٰ) -- A claim, a plaint, accusation, demand, lawsuit.
- A P दावादारु s. m. -- دعوادار -- A plentiful, claimant,
- S दासु s. m. -- داس -- A slave, servant.
- दासो s. m. -- داسو -- A piece of stick used as a lever, a prop, and for other diverse purposes.
- P दास्तानो s. m. -- داستانو -- A story, tale.
- दांह s. f. -- دانهه -- An outcry, calling out with a loud voice, crying, roaring, lamentation, exclaiming, a scream, shout. A complaint.
- दांहिरु s. m. -- دانهر -- One who makes an outcry, one who roars, bawler, and screamer.
- दांही s. m. -- دانهي -- A complaint, plaintiff, suitor.
- दाहु s. m. -- داهه -- The burning of a dead body.
- दाहों दांह लाइणु -- دانهون دانهه لائڻ -- To crying out incessantly.
- A दिक़त -- دقت -- Trouble, annoyance, pain.
- दिकी s. f. -- دڪي -- A raised platform, a mound, low terrace, a vender’s stall or raised platform used as a shop board.
- A दिकु adj. -- دڪ (دق) -- Troubled, annoyed. s. m. the fullness and pain from surfeit and indigestion.
- दिग॒ s. m. -- دڳ -- A lump of coagulated milk or curds. A slump of viscid phlegm discharged from the chest.
- दिगो s. m. -- دگو -- Force, violence, compulsion.
- दिड़ो s. m. -- دڙو -- A heap of earth.
- A दिमाग़ी adj. -- دماغي -- Haughty, proud, supercilious.
- A दिमाग़ु s. m. -- دماغ -- Haughtiness, cogence, vanity.
- दिमी s. f. -- دمي -- Any small round full body, a short round fat fellow.
- दियारु s. m. -- ديار -- A species of pine (Pinus Devadaru)
- दिलरुबाई s. m. -- دلربائي -- One who deceives imposes on another, rouge.
- P दिलासो s. m. -- دلاسو -- Comfort, encouragement, consolation.
- P दिलि s. f. -- دل -- The mind, soul, heart, liking, regard for, affection, design, intention, purpose.
- दिलि खुल्यलु adj. -- دل کليل -- Open hearted, generous.
- P दिलु s. m. -- دل -- The heart.
- P दिलेरी s. f. -- دليري -- Fortitude, courage.
- P दिलो s. m. -- دلو -- A kind of earthen pot or vessel.
- P दिल्गीराई or दिल्गीरी s. f. -- دلگيرائي يا دلگيري -- Sadness, melancholy.
- दिल्गीरु adj. -- دلگير -- Sorrowful, melancholy.
- दिल्जाइ s. f. -- دل جاء -- Ease of mind, confidence, encouragement, consolation.
- P दिल्दारी s. f. -- دلداري -- Blandishment, soothing, consolation.
- दिल्दारु s. m. or adj. -- دلدار -- Charming, attractive, a lover, sweetheart.
- P दिल्बरु s. m. or adj. -- دلبر -- Heart-ravishing, lovely, attractive, charming. A sweetheart.
- P दिल्यां or दिल्यों adv. -- دليان يا دليون -- With the heart, willingly, jealously.
- दिल्यों जान्यों -- دليون جانيون -- Idem.
- P दिवान्ख़ानो s. m. -- ديوان خانو -- A hall or court, the place where the males of a family sit.
- दीख s. f. -- ديک -- Looking intensely, injuring the eyes by over-use.
- P दीदारु s. m. -- ديدار -- Appearance, form, seeing, meeting.
- P दीदु s. m. -- ديد -- Modesty, consideration for others.
- S दीनदयालु adj. -- دين ديال -- Merciful, tender hearted, compassionate to the poor.
- A दीनाइतो adj. or adv. -- دينائتو -- Religious, religiously, in a pious manner, pious.
- A दीनाई or दीनी s. m. -- دينائي يا ديني -- One of the same sects of belief as another.
- P दीनादास्ती adv. -- ديناداستي -- Deliberately, publicly, openly.
- A दीनी adj. -- ديني -- Pious, religious.
- A दीनु s. m. -- دين -- Faith, religion. S. adj. poor, humble.
- A P दीन्दारी s. f. -- دينداري -- Piety, religiousness.
- A P दीन्दारु adj. -- ديندار -- Religious, pious, righteous.
- S दीपु s. m. -- ديپ -- An island, a religion or clime. (There are said to be seven such on this earth.)
- P दीवानु s. m. -- ديوان -- The head of an office, one who superintends the carrying on public business.
- A दुआ s. f. -- دعا -- A prayer, benediction, blessing.
- दुआकु s. m. -- دئاڪ -- A camel about 5 years of age. A horse of 2 or 3 years of age.
- A P दुआगू s. m. -- دعاگو -- One who prays for another’s welfare, a well wisher.
- दुआरु s. m. -- دئار -- A flock of nightingales.
- S दुआरो s. m. -- دئارو -- An idol temple, fakir’s abode.
- P दुआलु s. m. -- دئال -- A stirrup leather, a strap fixed round the foot of a hunting hawk.
- P दुआस्तो adj. -- دئاستو -- Double distilled (liquor).
- P दुकानी s. f. -- دڪاني -- A small shop. s. m. A shopkeeper.
- P दुकानु s. m. -- دڪان -- A shop, a workshop.
- P दुकान्दारु s. m. -- دڪاندار -- A shopkeeper.
- दुको s. m. -- دڪو -- A denomination of weight equal to that of a rupee.
- दुखणु v. n. -- دکڻ -- To smoke or give out smoke, to light, kindle, to be excited, roused.
- दुखाइणु v. a. -- دکائڻ -- To kindle, to rouse, excite, foment.
- P दुखाणी s. f. -- دکاڻي -- A small shop, a raised seat outside the door of a house, a terrace, the place where a helmsman sits in a boat.
- दुखानु -- دکان -- Same as दुकानु دُڪان
- दुगामु s. m. -- دگام -- The rough trotting of a horse.
- दुगामो adj. -- دگامو -- A trotting horse.
- दुंगिड़ी s. f. -- دونگڙي -- A small copper vessel for putting liquor in.
- दुंगु s. m. -- دنگ -- A large copper vessel for keeping liquor in.
- दुग्जो s. m. -- دگجو -- A kind of net fixed on poles for catching birds.
- दुग्दुगी s. f. -- دگدگي -- Name of a gold or silver ornament suspended from the neck.
- P दुञवी adj. -- دڃوي -- Worldly, mundane. s. f. worldliness.
- P दुञा s. f. -- دڃا -- The world, earth, wealth, riches.
- P दुञाई adj. -- دڃائي -- Worldly, earthly, terrestrial.
- P दुञादारी s. f. -- دڃاداري -- The world, the ways or rules or worldly guidance, worldly usage. The being rich, opulence.
- दुञादारु adj. -- دڃادار (دنيادار) -- Rich, wealthy, opulent.
- दुडि॒ s. f. -- دڏ -- The hip.
- दुडो॒ s. m. -- دڏو -- A buttock.
- दुतालो s. m. -- دتالو -- A mode in music.
- दुत्तु s. m. -- دت -- A double-letter, consonants joined together.
- दुनिआ, दुन्यवी, दुन्याई, दुन्यादारी, दुन्यादारु -- دنيا، دنيوي، دنيائي، دنياداري، دنيادار -- See दुञा دُڃا, दुञवी دُڃوِي, दुञाई دُڃائِي, दुञादारी دُڃادارِي, दुञादारु دُڃادارُ.
- दुनिरु adj. -- دنر -- One with large navel, a vessel the centre of whose bottom is raised up inside.
- दुनु s. m. -- دن -- The navel, raised knob in the center of the bottom of a vessel, the centre or middle part of anything.
- दुंबु s. m. -- دنب -- A tail.
- दुबो॒ s. f. -- دٻو -- A pond, pool. A drop of link fallen on anything, a spot.
- दुंबो s. m. -- دنبو -- A breed of sheep with large tails. Adj. fat, corpulent.
- P दुंब्ची s. f. -- دنبچي -- A crupper.
- दुराकत adv. -- دراڪت -- Two, twice, doubly.
- P दुराहो s. m. -- دراهو -- A verse bearing a double meaning, an enigmatical verse, riddle.
- दुरी s. f. -- دري -- A kind of double necklace of gold beads.
- दुरु adj. -- در -- Desolate, ruined, wasted, expended.
- दुरु s. m. -- در -- A kind of earning.
- P दुरुसु or दुरुस्तु adj. or adv. -- درس يا درست -- Right, correct, fit, proper, just, rightly, correctly.
- A दुल्दुलि s. f. -- دلدل -- The name of the mule of Muhammad or his son-in-law Ali.
- दुवरि adv. -- دور -- Twice, on two occasions.
- दुवार s. f. -- دوار -- The going over cotton, rice, a second time in cleaning, beating severely.
- दुवारणु v. a. -- دوارڻ -- To go over or perform a second time (the cleaning rice, cotton, etc), to beat severely.
- दुविरी s. f. -- دوري -- A bile or boil.
- दुविरु s. f. -- دور -- A fat tail or one with a large rump.
- S दुशालो s. m. -- دشالو -- A double shawl, two shawls as worn together by the natives.
- P दुश्मणाणो or दुश्मण्को adj. -- دشمڻاڻو يا دشمڻڪو -- Of an enemy, hostile.
- P दुश्मणी or दुश्मनी s. f. -- دشمڻي يا دشمني -- Enmity, hostility.
- P दुश्मणु or दुश्मनु s. m. -- دشمڻ يا دشمن -- An enemy, adversary, foe.
- दुहुरु s. m. -- دهر -- A double sheet used for wrapping round one in cold weather.
- दुहुरो adj. -- دهرو -- Double.
- दुहुलारी s. m. -- دهلاري -- A drummer.
- दुहुलिड़ी s. f. -- دهلڙي -- A kind of earthen ware drum shaped like an hour glass.
- दुहुलु s. m. -- دهل -- A large drum.
- दूइ s. m. -- دوء -- A kind of small fish.
- दूओ s. m. -- دوئو -- The two or deuce in cards or dice. The odd two above the reckoning by four in the game of नका टूए نڪا ٽُوئي.
- S दूधफली s. f. -- دوڌ ڦلي -- An herb. Oxystelma esculentum.
- A दूफानु s. m. -- دوڦان -- A storm of wind, a hurricane. Calumny, a slanderously exaggerated statement.
- P दूर्बीनी s. f. -- دوربيني -- A telescope, spyglass.
- दूलहु s. m. -- دولهه -- A fine, manly, generous person. The river God, Neptune.
- S दूंहाइजणु or दूंहाटिजणु v. n. -- دونهائجڻ يا دونهاٽجڻ -- To be smoke or affected by smoke.
- S दूंहांइणु v. n. -- دونهائڻ -- To smoke, give forth smoke.
- S दूंहाट s. f. -- دونهاٽ -- Smoke, or smokiness affecting cooked food, vapor from a well.
- S दूंहाटणु v. a. -- دونهاٽڻ -- To smoke, fill with smoke, affect with smoke, color or scent with smoke.
- S दूंहारो or दूंहेरो adj. -- دونهارو يا دونهيرو -- Smokey, giving forth smoke.
- S दूंहीं s. f. -- دونهين -- A slight smoke fire, the place where such is kept up.
- S दूंहो s. m. -- دونهون -- Smoke, fume, vapor. A smoking fire.
- S देउ s. m. -- ديئه (ديهه) -- A demon, devil.
- P देग॒ची s. f. -- ديڳچي -- A kind of small cooking vessel.
- देग॒चीनी s. f. -- ديڳچيني -- Old piece of iron.
- P देगि॒ s. f. -- ديڳ -- A caldron, a metal vessel for boiling things in, a boiler. A little boiled rice given as an offering or oblation to the river god.
- P देगि॒ड़ो s. m. -- ديڳڙو -- A kind of metal cooking pot.
- देड़ो s. m. -- ديڙو -- A full plump bird (generally spoken of the bulbul).
- P देबाचो s. m. -- ديباچو -- The preface to a book.
- देमि s. f. -- ديم -- An immense crowd, multitude.
- P देरदारी s. f. -- ديرداري -- The lands attached to dero or settlement of a chieftain, and under his authority.
- P देरि s. f. -- دير -- Delay, tardiness.
- P देरो s. m. -- ديرو -- A house, habitation, encampment, the residence of a government officer, the place where a chieftain settles with his followers. The city of Hydrabad, as being the metropolis of Sindh. The woman’s apartments, a zenana, the females of a family.
- S देवगंघार or देवगंघारी s. f. -- ديوگنڌار يا ديوگنڌاري -- Name of a ragini or musical mode.
- S देवता s. m. -- ديوتا -- A divinity, deity.
- P देवानो adj. -- ديوانو -- Mad, frantic.
- S देविली s. f. -- ديولي -- A little temple or an imitation of such.
- S देवी s. f. -- ديوي -- A goddess, a female deity.
- S देसी adj. -- ديسي -- Of one’s country, native, and indigenous. Name of a ragini.
- S देसु s. m. -- ديس -- A country.
- S देहि s. f. -- ديهه -- The body.
- S देहिधारी adj. -- ديهه ڌاري -- Carpal, material.
- दोकी s. f. -- دوڪي -- The reaching the age expressed by दोकु دوڪُ q. v.
- दोग॒णु v. a. -- دوڳڻ -- To gild, to cover with paths.
- दोगी॒ s. m. -- دوڳي -- A thick lump of a stick.
- P दोगु s. m. -- دوگ -- Camel’s milk coagulated.
- P दोजकी or दोज़ख़ी adj. -- دوجڪي يا دوزخي -- Hellish, infernal
- P दोजकु or दोज़ख़ु s. f. -- دوجڪ يا دوزخ -- Hell, the infernal regions.
- दोडो॒ s. m. -- دوڏو -- A sty or thick excrescence growing on the pupil of the eye. A large round baked cowries shell.
- दोथरु s. m. -- دوٿر -- Name of a salt water fish.
- दोबो॒ s. m. -- دوٻو -- A sup or small quantity taken in palm of hand, of ground opium mixed with water. A drop of ink.
- दोम्सोमि adv. -- دومسوم -- In the lump, taking all together.
- P दोलाबी adj. -- دولابي -- Deceitful, cheating
- P दोलाबु s. m. -- دولاب -- Deceit, fraud.
- S दोशी or दोसी s. m. -- دوشي يا دوسي -- A crime, fault.
- दोसी s. m. -- دوسي -- The juice extracted from the date fruit.
- P दोसु s. m. -- دوس -- A friend, lover.
- P दोस्ताणो adj. -- دوستاڻو -- Of a friend, friendly.
- P दोस्ती s. f. -- دوستي -- Friendship.
- P दोस्तु or दोस्दारु s. m. -- دوست يا دوسدار -- A friend, lover.
- दौकु adj. -- دوڪ -- A camel after it changes first pair of teeth in its fifth year. A horse in the third year of its age.
- दौड़ s. f. -- دوڙ -- A slave girl.
- A दौरी s. m. -- دوري -- A fellow class boy at school.
- A दौरु s. m. -- دور -- An age, period of time. The reading over a lesson a second time. S. a fancy, idea, and whim.
- A दौलत s. f. -- دولت -- Wealth, riches.
- A दौलत्मंदु adj. -- دولتمند -- Wealthy, rich.
- दौली s. f. -- دولي -- The getting of the number 24 in a hand of a kind of cards with which a game is played.
- दौंसाई s. f. -- دونسائي -- Stoutness, lustiness, sturdiness.
- S दौंसो adj. -- دونسو -- Stout, fat, lusty.
- S द्रिष्टांगु or द्रिष्टांतु s. m. -- درشٽانگ يا درشٽانت -- A simile, exemplification, illustration.
- S द्वापुरि s. f. -- دواپر -- The third or brazen Hindu age, comprising 864,000 years.
- धकाउ s. m. -- ڌڪاء -- The sound from the fall of a heavy body, the report of a cannon, the sound of violent stamping or thumping. Fright, fear.
- धकाणो adj. -- ڌڪاڻو -- Broken, injured by a blow. Reduced in circumstances.
- धकिड़ा s. f. -- ڌڪڙا -- Copper and jist (i.e. tutenague) mixed, to form a solder for brass and copper.
- धक्धकि or धक्धकी s. f. -- ڌڪ ڌڪ يا ڌڪ ڌڪي -- A patting or stamping noise as of one running, palpitation, throbbing.
- धचिड़ो adj. -- ڌچڙو -- One who curses or wishes ill to others.
- S धञाणी s. f. -- ڌڃاڻي -- A mistress, owner.
- धड़ी s. m. -- ڌڙي -- Colored edge to cloth, list, welt. A weight for weighing with, amount in weight, a weight of five seers.
- धड़ो s. m. -- ڌڙو -- A weight for weighing with, amount in weight, one turn of the full scales in weighing.
- धड़्की s. f. or धड़्को s. m. -- ڌڙڪي يا ڌڙڪو -- Palpitation, trembling, a pattering or thumping noise.
- धड़्वाई s. m. -- ڌڙوائي -- A weigher, measurer (of grain and goods of merchandize).
- धणारु -- ڌڻار -- See धनारु ڌنارُ
- S धणी s. m. -- ڌڻي -- A master, owner, proprietor, a little for deity, lord.
- S धण्याणी s. f. -- ڌڻياڻي -- A mistress.
- धंधो s. m. -- ڌنڌو -- Business, employment, work, occupation, a perplexing affair.
- धध्कारु or धध्को s. m. -- ڌڌڪار يا ڌڌڪو -- The report of cannon, a peal of thunder, the gurgling of a water vessel.
- S धनपात्रु or धनवानु adj. -- ڌن پاتر يا ڌنوان -- Rich, wealthy.
- S धनारु s. m. -- ڌنار -- A herdsman, cowherd, goatherd.
- S धनासिरी s. f. -- ڌناسري -- Name of a ragini or musical mode.
- धनिक s. f. -- ڌنڪ -- Gold or silver lace. Blandishments, coquetry.
- S धनु s. m. -- ڌن -- Property, riches, wealth. The sign Sagittarius. Adj. Fortune of good fame. Inter. Well-done.
- धपाइजणु or धपिजणु v. n. -- ڌپائجڻ يا ڌپجڻ -- To be on the trail (hunting).
- धपाई s. m. -- ڌپائي -- A cheat, rogue.
- धपो s. m. -- ڌپو -- Deceit, cheating, knavery.
- धमक s. f. -- ڌمڪ -- Smell, scent, odor.
- धमाधूम s. f. -- ڌماڌوم -- Pomp, retinue. A great crowd.
- S धमाल s. f. -- ڌمال -- Name of a tune played and sung during the Holi. A round or peal beat on a drum.
- धम्कणु v. n. -- ڌمڪڻ -- To fear, take fright.
- धम्चरु s. m. -- ڌمچر -- Noise, tumult, outcry.
- धम्तालु adj. -- ڌمتال -- Stout, thick, of large body.
- S धंयाणी s. f. -- ڌنياڻي -- A mistress.
- S धर s. f. -- ڌر -- Support, prop.
- S धरणु v. a. -- ڌرڻ -- To place, keep, lay, put.
- S धरनि s. f. -- ڌرن -- The earth, ground.
- S धराणी s. f. -- ڌراڻي -- The expense of keeping or taking care of anything.
- S धरारखथूरी s. f. -- ڌرار کٿوري -- A sweet smelling plant (cleome vahliana Fres).
- S धरारु s. m. -- ڌرار -- A herdsman, cowherd, goatherd.
- धरावत s. f. -- ڌراوت -- A deposit, thing given in charge.
- S धर्णो s. m. -- ڌرڻو -- The sitting fasting at one’s door demanding payment of, or compliance with, some demand.
- S धर्ती s. f. -- ڌرتي -- The earth, ground land, soil.
- धर्ती धुड॒णु or धुब॒णु -- ڌرتي ڌڏڻ يا ڌٻڻ -- To occur, an earth quake.
- S धर्माइतो adj. -- ڌرمائتو -- Religious, religiously, in a pious manner, pious.
- S धर्माऊ adj. -- ڌرمائو -- Given in charity.
- S धर्मात्मा or धर्मिष्टु adj. -- ڌرماتما يا ڌرمشٽم -- Pious, religious.
- S धर्मिसालि s. f. -- ڌرمسال -- A place built for charitable purposes, as for travelers to put up in, the place where Nanokshahee fakirs reside.
- S धर्मी adj. -- ڌرمي -- Virtuous, religious, just charitable.
- S धर्मु s. m. -- ڌرم -- Justice, piety, virtue, faith, religious duty, Usage, practice, the customary observances of case, sect, a peculiar quality or property, charity, alms.
- धंवणि s. f. -- ڌنوڻ -- A pair of bellows.
- धंवणु v. a. -- ڌنوڻ -- (imper. धउं or धंउं ڌئنُ يا ڌنئُن) to below with, v. n. to beat ( as the pulse).
- धाइणु v. a. -- ڌائڻ -- (past part. धायो or धातो ڌايو يا ڌاتو) to suck
- धांइणु v. n. -- ڌانئڻ -- To bathe, perform ablution, wash.
- धांइफूल s. m. -- ڌانئڦول -- Name of the buds or flowers of a plant used in dyeing (Grisleatomentosn).
- धाएरांदि s. f. -- ڌائي راند -- Name of a play played by boys in the water.
- धाक s. f. or धाको s. m. -- ڌاڪ يا ڌاڪو -- Fame, renowned, great name, awe.
- धागो॒ s. m. -- ڌاڳو -- A thread, twine. A cord or thread tied on the body as a charms or wound round the head by certain fakirs as a sectarian mark.
- धाज़ो adj. -- ڌازو -- Dyed with geru or yellow ochre.
- धाञु s. m. -- ڌاڃ -- Grain.
- धाञूरो s. m. -- ڌاڃورو -- The root tubers of the कलु ڪلُ (a kind of grass), which are eaten.
- धाड़ s. f. -- ڌاڙ -- A band or gang of robbers, the attack of such.
- धाड़ाई, धाड़ेलु, धाड़ेलो -- ڌاڙائي، ڌاڙيل، ڌاڙيلو -- One of a gang of thieves, a bandit, a knave cheat.
- धाड़ो s. m. -- ڌاڙو -- An attack by robbers, a gang robbery.
- धाणो s. m. -- ڌاڻو -- Coriander seed (Coraindran Sativum).
- धाण्यूं s. f. (plu.) -- ڌاڻيون -- grain boiled, dried and afterwards parched.
- धातु s. f. -- ڌات -- An ore, metal, mineral. Semen virile. A grammatical root.
- धातु खिसणु -- ڌات کسڻ -- Emitter semen.
- धातूरो s. m. -- ڌاتورو -- Name of a plant (Daturafastuosa), the thorn apple.
- धातो -- ڌاتو -- The past part. Of धाइणु ڌائڻُ.
- धाधलि s. f. -- ڌاڌل -- Noise, tumult.
- धाधां s. f. -- ڌاڌان -- Drumming.
- धाधोल s. f. -- ڌاڌول -- A shaking, shaking about.
- धाधोलणु v. a. -- ڌاڌولڻ -- To shake backwards and forewords, to give a shaking, pull about.
- धापणु or धापिजणु v. n. -- ڌاپڻ يا ڌاپجڻ -- To issue (milk from the breast), to give milk.
- S धामु s. m. -- ڌام -- A house, residence, place. The four great Hindu places of pilgrimage, Jagnnath, Badrinath, Ramnath and Dwarkanath, are so called.
- धामो s. m. -- ڌامو -- An invitation. The share in a feast of one person.
- धार adj. -- ڌار -- Apart, separated, distinct, different. s. f. A stream, flow of water.
- धारंउं, धारां, धारूं, धारें or धारों prep. -- ڌارنئن، ڌاران، ڌارون، ڌارين يا ڌارون -- Without, in the absence of. Near adjoining, round, on all sides of.
- S धारणु v. a. -- ڌارڻ -- To have, keep, possess, to rear, support, to engage (a servant).
- धार्यो adj. -- ڌاريو -- Strange, foreign, of another. s. m. a stranger.
- धांवणु v. n. -- ڌانوڻ -- To bathe, wash the body.
- धिआणो adj. -- ڌياڻو -- Of or belonging to a daughter.
- धिउ, or धिअ s. f. -- ڌيء يا ڌيء -- A daughter. (plu. धिअरु ڌيرُ, धिअरूं ڌيئرون or धिऊं ڌييُون)
- धिएतो adj. -- ڌئتو -- Having a daughter.
- धिक मुठि s. f. -- ڌڪ مٺ -- A scuffle.
- S धिकारु s. m. -- ڌڪار -- Reproach, imprecation, reviling.
- धिकारु करणु -- ڌڪار ڪرڻ -- To spurn.
- धिको s. m. -- ڌڪو -- A shove, push, jostle. A stroke of ill fortune, loss.
- धिङाई s. m. -- ڌڱائي -- A manufacturer of saltpeter or gunpowder.
- धिड़्को s. m. -- ڌڙڪو -- A shake, jolt.
- S धीर s. f. or धीर्जु s. m. -- ڌير يا ڌيرج -- Fortitude, resolution, firmness, patience, calmness, consolation.
- S धीराइतो adj. or adv. -- ڌيرائتو -- With firmness or resolution, patient, patiently.
- S धीरु or धीरो adj. -- ڌير يا ڌيرو -- Resolute, firm, sedate, gentle, patient.
- S धीरे adv. -- ڌيري -- Softly, gently, quietly, leisurely.
- S धुअणी or धुअप s. f. -- ڌئڻي يا ڌئپ -- Washing, a wash.
- धुअणु v. a. -- ڌئڻ -- (imper. धोउ ڌوءُ, past part. धोयो ڌويو or धोतो ڌوتو), to wash.
- S धुआणी or धुआणों s. f. -- ڌئاڻي يا ڌئاڻون -- The cost of washing.
- S धुआरणु v. a. -- ڌئارڻ -- To cause to wash.
- धुकाई s. m. -- ڌڪائي -- One who carries a club. One who speaks without consideration and interruptingly.
- धुको s. m. -- ڌڪو -- A club.
- धुचो s. m. -- ڌچو -- To strike an adversary’s marble a second time in a game of marbles.
- धुड़ो s. m. -- ڌڙو -- A chief, a leader, a nobleman.
- धुड़्काइणु v. a. -- ڌڙڪائڻ -- To shake, cause to shake.
- धुड़्को s. m. -- ڌڙڪو -- A shake, jolt.
- धुणो s. m. -- ڌڻو -- A picker, chooser.
- धुत or धुतार s. f. -- ڌت يا ڌتار -- Seduction, enticing wheedling, alluring.
- धुतणु or धुतारणु v. a. -- ڌتڻ يا ڌتارڻ -- To entice, allure, seduce, tempt, swindle.
- धुतारू or धुतिरू s. m. or adj. -- ڌتارو يا ڌترو -- An enticer, tempter, seducer, seductive.
- धुतिणि s. f. -- ڌتڻ -- A superior kind of jawari. A procuress.
- धुंधारो s. m. -- ڌنڌارو -- A mist, fog, a dust storm.
- धुधिड़ी s. f. -- ڌڌڙي -- A duty taken on the sale of grain according to it’s measurement.
- धुंधु s. m. -- ڌنڌ -- Dimness of sight, darkness, gloom, a fog, mist.
- धुंधूकारु s. m. -- ڌنڌوڪار -- Deep darkness, darkness from a dust storm.
- धुंध्कारु s. m. -- ڌنڌڪار -- Dimness of sight, darkness from a dust storm.
- धुनि s. f. -- ڌن -- Contemplation, thought, diligence, ardor, assiduity, zeal. Sound (generally used in speaking of singing), a sweet voice.
- धुराइतो adj. or adv. -- ڌرائتو -- Original, originally, primitive. Adj. one who has a powerful person as his supporter or defender.
- धुरि s. f. or धुरु s. m. -- ڌر يا ڌر -- Origin, foundation, source, the original, or exact spot, thing or person itself as distinguished from something else.
- धुरि pron. (indec.) -- ڌر -- Self, in person, in proprietor persona, that exact person or place. s. f. Side, party, what gives assistance, a defender, supporter. A person, individual. A prodigy, monster.
- धुरो s. m. -- ڌرو -- The side sticks of a lathe by which the article turned is held.
- धुसो s. m. -- ڌسو -- A kind of woolen cloth work as a mantle over shoulders.
- धू adv. -- ڌو -- Exactly, in the exact spot.
- S धूंओं s. m. -- ڌونئون -- A sect (among fakirs)
- S धूड़ि s. f. -- ڌوڙ -- Dust.
- S धूड़िधुओ s. m. -- ڌوڙڌئو -- A class who wash the dust of a goldsmith’s workshop in search of particles of gold.
- धूड़्कपूरु s. m. -- ڌوڙڪپور -- Gauze.
- S धूड़्यालो or धूड़्यो s. m. -- ڌوڙيالو يا ڌوڙيو -- A dust storm. The last day of the Holi festival.
- S धूण s. f. -- ڌوڻ -- A shaking, a shake.
- S धूणणु v. a. -- ڌوڻڻ -- To shake.
- धूणी s. f. -- ڌوڻي -- Sa smoking fire (chiefly that of fakirs).
- L धूणु -- ڌوڻ -- For धूअणु ڌُوئڻُ to wash.
- धूणो s. m. -- ڌوڻو -- A chooser.
- S धूताई s. f. -- ڌوتائي -- Pimping.
- S धूती s. f. -- ڌوتي -- A procuress, bawd.
- S धूतो s. m. -- ڌوتو -- A pimp.
- धूंधाड़ s. f. -- ڌونڌاڙ -- A rough shake.
- धूंधाड़णु v. a. -- ڌونڌاڙڻ -- To shake roughly, give a shaking, pull about.
- धूधू s. m. -- ڌو ڌو -- A sound in music.
- S धूपु s. m. -- ڌوپ -- Some kind of perfume burnt in worshiping, incense. A preparation of rising, used to fill in the hollow parts of jeweler’s work.
- S धूम s. m. -- ڌوم -- Noise, tumult, the loud cry of fame.
- धूस s. f. or धूसु s. m. -- ڌوس يا ڌوس -- Precipitation, headlong speed.
- S धोइजणु v. n. -- ڌوئجڻ -- To be washed.
- धोक s. f. -- ڌوڪ -- Ramming, cramming in, driving in.
- धोकणु v. a. -- ڌوڪڻ -- To ram down or in, to drive in by blows, to work a bellows.
- धोंकणु v. n. -- ڌونڪڻ -- To smoke or burn lightly, to light, kindle, to twinkle.
- धोकिड़ी s. m. -- ڌوڪڙي -- One who beats a dhukaru or kind of tambourine.
- धोड॒ s. f or धोडो॒ s. m. -- ڌوڏ يا ڌوڏو -- A shaking, jolt.
- धोड॒णु v. a. -- ڌوڏڻ -- To shake, jolt.
- धोडि॒ s. f. -- ڌوڏ -- Obstinacy, perverseness.
- धोडि॒ बं॒धणु or लाइणु -- ڌوڏ ٻنڌڻ يا لائڻ -- To show obstinacy.
- धोड़ी s. m. -- ڌوڙي -- A match, equal.
- S धोती or धोत्यो s. f. -- ڌوتي يا ڌوتيو -- A cloth worn round the waist passing between the legs and fastened behind.
- धोतो -- ڌوتو -- (The past part. of धुअणु ڌُئڻُ) to wash.
- धोधो s. m. -- ڌوڌو -- Fraud, cheating, lies.
- S धोप s. f. or धोपु s. m. -- ڌوپ يا ڌوپ -- A wash.
- S धोपणु v. n. -- ڌوپڻ -- To be at the wash, be being washed.
- S धोपो v. n. -- ڌوپو -- Cheating, flattering and defrauding, wheedling.
- S धोबि॒को adj. -- ڌوٻڪو -- Of a washerman.
- S धोबि॒णि or धोबि॒याणी s. f. -- ڌوٻڻ يا ڌوٻياڻي -- A female of the family of a Dhobi, a washer-woman.
- S धोबी॒ s. m. -- ڌوٻي -- A washerman.
- धौंरसरु adj. -- ڌونرسر -- Somewhat grey (hair). Having feet only partly painted and the rest plain (a bedstead).
- धौंरसिरो adj. -- ڌونرسرو -- Grey-headed. Having feet partly painted (a bedstead).
- धौंराइणु v. n. -- ڌونرائڻ -- To become white or have a whitish appearance.
- धौंरो s. m. -- ڌونرو -- Thick coagulated milk, curds. Adj. white.
- S ध्यांइणु v. a. -- ڌيانئڻ -- To ponder on, contemplate meditate.
- S ध्याउ s. m. -- ڌياء -- A chapter, section.
- S ध्यानी adj. -- ڌياني -- Given to mediation, devout.
- S ध्यानु s. m. -- ڌيان -- Meditation, devotion, contemplation, reflection, thought, understanding.
- S ध्रिति s. f. -- ڌرت -- Habit, custom, Name of a mode in music.
- S ध्रुपदु s. m. -- ڌرپد -- Name of a mode in music, a kind of song.
- न -- ن -- The nasal of the fourth or dental class of consonants.
- S न adv. -- نه -- No, not, the particle of negative action.
- नइं s. f. -- نئن -- A mountain torrent, a temporary stream of water from a fall of rain, a rivulet. L The hollow stick through which a hookah is smoked.
- नंउं s. m. -- نئن -- The earth thrown up or deposited by the river.
- S नऊंणाई or नऊंणि s. f. -- نئونڻائي يا نئوڻ -- The multiplying by the nine, the nine fold.
- S नऊंणूं or नऊंणो adj. -- نئونڻون يا نئونڻون -- Nine fold, nine foldable.
- S नओं adj. or adv. -- نئون -- New, young, modern, strange, recent, newly. s. m. the first eating of new grain.
- नंओंनिकोरु or नंओंनिकोरो -- نئون نڪور يا نئون نڪورو -- New.
- S नकगीसी s. f. -- نڪ گيسي -- The rubbing the nose on the ground as a sign of repentance.
- S नकचिणो s. m. -- نڪ چڻو -- A pair of tweezers for pulling out hairs from the nose.
- नकछिकिणी s. f. -- نڪڇڪڻي -- Sneezewort, an ermine (Artemisia Sternutatoria).
- नकहीर or नकहीरी s. f. -- نڪهير يا نڪهيري -- A bleeding at the nose.
- नका or नकी s. f. -- نڪا يا نڪي -- The mark or number one in the game. नकादूए نڪادُوئي
- S नकादूए s. f. -- نڪادوئي -- Name of a game, a kind of forfeits played with cowries.
- S नकारणु v. a. -- نڪارڻ -- To deny, refuse, to dishonor (a bill).
- S नकिरु adj. -- نڪر -- Large¬-nosed, nosey.
- S नकु s. m. -- نڪ -- The nose. Shame.
- नकु मोड़णु -- نڪ موڙڻ -- To turn up the nose at anything, to sneer.
- नकु वढणु -- نڪ وڍڻ -- To bring to shame, to dishonor.
- A नक़ुली s. m. -- نقلي -- An imitator, mimic. A story teller.
- A नक़ुलु s. m. -- نقل -- A copy, transcript, copying, mimicry, imitation. A tale, story. Name of a sweetmeat.
- नकुल्बां s. f. -- نڪلبان -- Name of a game bird.
- S नकेरी s. f. -- نڪيري -- A bleeding at the nose.
- नको s. m. -- نڪو -- The piece of cord in the eyehole of the balance of a scale, also the hole itself at each end of the balance. The hard or thick end of a needle. Adj. or adv. (न نه not and को ڪو any).
- S नखटु, नखत्रु or नखय्त्रु s. m. -- نکٽ، نکتر يا نکيتر -- A lunar mansion or constellation in the moon’s path, of which 27 are reckoned, a star or asterism.
- नखटू adj. -- نکٽو -- Unproductive, profitless.
- नख़िरेली, नखिरेलु or नखिरेलो s. m. -- نخريلي، نخريل يا نخريلو -- One full of tricks and wiggeries, a deceiver, trickish.
- नखिरो s. m. -- نخرو -- Tricks, artifices, jokes, wiggeries, coquetry, blandishments.
- A नगदु s. m. -- نگد (نقد) -- Cash, ready money.
- S नगरु s. m. -- نگر -- A city.
- P नंगाइतो adj. -- ننگائتو -- Honorable, high principled, one who takes on himself another’s shame.
- S नंगाई s. f. -- ننگائي -- Nakedness.
- P नगारो s. m. -- نگارو -- A kettle drum.
- P नगार्ची s. m. -- نگارچي -- One who beats a kettle drum.
- P नंगी adj. -- ننگي -- Having a high sense of honor.
- P नंगु s. m. -- ننگ -- Used in counting articles as we, speaking of cattle, use “head”, thus, ड॒ह नंग ڏهه ننگ Ten articles. P Honor, sense of honor, high feeling. adj. Naked
- S नंगो adj. -- ننگو -- Naked, uncovered.
- A नग्दी or नक़्दी s. f. -- نگدي يا نقدي -- Cash, ready money. Adv. For cash, by giving cash.
- S नचणु v. n. -- نچڻ -- To dance.
- S नचाइणु v. a. -- نچائڻ -- To cause to dance, to dandle (an infant).
- S नच्किणो s. m. -- نچڪڻو -- A pair of tweezers for extracting hairs from the nose.
- नछडु or नछडू adj. -- نڇڏ يا نڇڏو -- That does not give up or abandon, steadfast.
- S नछत्रु -- نڇتر -- Same as नखटु نکٽُ.
- S नज़र s. f. -- نظر -- Sight, vision, look, glance, observation, notice.
- A S नज़रडं॒भाणी s. f. -- نظرڏنڀاڻي -- A portion of anything given another to avert his evil or covetous eye cast on it.
- A P नज़रबंदि adj. -- نظربند -- One placed in arrest.
- A P नज़रबंदी s. f. -- نظربندي -- Arrest, placing a restraint one one’s person. Fascination.
- A नज़राइणु or नज़िराइणु v. a. -- نظرائڻ يا نظرائڻ -- To cast an evil eye.
- A नज़राणो or नज़ुरु s. m. -- نذراڻو يا نذر -- An offering.
- A नज़ीरु s. m. -- نظير -- An example, instance. A false tale, story.
- नटाइणु v. a. -- نٽائڻ -- To disregard, not to heed, procrastinate, evade, put off, shirk.
- नटाउ s. m. -- نٽاء -- Putting off, evading, shirking.
- नटाऊ s. m. -- نٽائو -- A procrastinator, evader, shirker.
- S नटु s. m. -- نٽ -- Name of a tribe who are jugglers, rope drawers, & a mimic. A cheat, knave, rogue. Jokes, wiles, knavery, cheating. Name of a ragini or musical mode.
- नटुंओं s. m. -- نٽنئون -- A cockscomb, dandy, fop. Full of tricks, a joker.
- नड़ांडी॒ s. f. -- نڙانڌي -- A bobbin, a weaver’s spool. A musical pipe.
- नड़ु s. m. -- نڙ -- A kind of cane. The snake or hollow stick through which the smoke of a hookah is drawn. A kind of reed (arundo tibialis or karka).
- S नड़ो s. m. -- نڙو -- A pipe, tube, a long hollow case for keeping pens etc. in. shuttle.
- S नड़ो or नड़ोतर् adj. -- نڙو يا نڙوتر -- And nine, or with nine (prefixed to सउ سؤ etc in expressing 109 etc.)
- S नड़ोतिरो adj. -- نڙوترو -- Nine percent.
- नंढदिल्यो adj. -- ننڍ دليو -- Narrow minded, illiberal.
- नंढपणु s. m. or नंढपाई s. f. -- ننڍپڻ يا ننڍپائي -- Youth, the time of youth.
- नंढबेरो adj. -- ننڍبيرو -- Narrow (cloth).
- नंढवडा॒ई s. f. -- ننڍ وڏائي -- Inequality, difference in size or station.
- नंढाई s. f. -- ننڍائي -- Littleness, smallness, shortness. Youth.
- नंढिड़ो or नंढेरिड़ो adj. -- ننڍڙو يا ننڍيرڙو -- Very small, wee.
- नंढेपाई s. f. or नंढेपो s. m. -- ننڍيپائي يا ننڍيپو -- The early part of life, youth.
- नंढो adj. -- ننڍو -- Small, little, short, low, unimportant, junior.
- S नत adv. -- نت -- If not, otherwise, else. A s. f. The leather covering for a camel or horse’s saddle.
- S नथ s. f. -- نٿ -- A kind of nose ring fixed in left nostril. A piece of rope passed through the cartilage of the nose of a draughts of ox or camel. A small transit duty taken by chieftains on property passing through their villages.
- S नथणु v. a. -- نٿڻ -- To pierce the nostril of an ox.
- नथिअणी s. f. -- نٿئڻي -- Impossibility.
- नथिअणो adj. -- نٿئڻو -- Impossible.
- नंदु s. m. or adj. -- نند -- Sordid, miserly, niggardly, a miser.
- नफ जो तेलु s. m. -- نڦ جو تيل -- A kind of oil (naptha or rock-oil)
- नफरु s. m. -- نڦر -- A man cook or house servant (among Hindus).
- नफाइतो adj. or adv. -- نڦائتو -- Gainful, profitable, productive, salutary.
- नफाऊ adj. -- نڦائو -- Profitable, productive.
- नफिरी s. f. -- نڦري -- The service or duty of a नफरु نڦرُ).
- नफिर्याणी s. f. -- نڦرياڻي -- A woman servant, servant maid (among Hindus).
- नफ़िलु s. m. -- نفل -- A voluntary act of devotion, the observation of which is not prescribed.
- A नफ़ील s. f. -- نفيل -- A horn or trumpet.
- नफ़ो s. m. -- نفو -- Gain, advantage, profit.
- A नबाबी, नबाबु -- نبابي، نباب -- See नवाबी نوابِي, नवाबु نوابُ
- नबी s. m. -- نبي -- A prophet, apostle.
- नब्ज़ s. f. -- نبض -- The pulse, a vein.
- S नमणु v. a. -- نمڻ -- To salute one by bowing, to bow, bend, incline.
- नमंदु s. m. -- نمند -- Felt or a kind of coarse wool seen cloth formed without weaving.
- S नमस्कारु s. m. -- نمسڪار -- Salutation, reverential address, adoration.
- P नमूनो s. m. -- نمونو -- A pattern, sample, model, spice men.
- नयों -- نيون -- The past part. of नंवंणु نوَنڻُ
- S नरकी or नरगी adj. -- نرڪي يا نرگي -- Hellish, infernal
- S नरकु, नरगु or नरग़ु s. m. -- نرڪ، نرگ يا نرغ -- Hell, Hades. Adj. Stinking, foul, filthy.
- P S नरनांउ adj. -- نرنانء -- Masculine, male. S. m. A title of respect.
- नरा खणणु -- نرا کڻڻ -- To rear up on hind legs.
- नरी s. f. -- نري -- The bone of the leg or arm, the tibia, any long hollow pipe or tube, a gun barrel. A cubit measure. Kind of firework. A circular hard lump of the dregs of oil seeds as thrown out by the pressing machine.
- S P नरु s. m. -- نر -- A male, man, a title of respect. Adj. Masculine, male. In a pair of kettle drums that which gives the bass or deep sound.
- नरुफोटो s. m. -- نرڦوٽو -- A large kind of Cardamom (cardamomum Majus).
- S P नरुमाद, नरुमादक or नरुमादी s. f. -- نرماد، نرمادڪ يا نرمادي -- A kind of hinge.
- S नरेलो s. m. -- نريلو -- A hookah made of coconut shell.
- S नरो s. m. -- نرو -- The groin, the urinary ducts. A testicle. A tile for roofing. A kind of firework.
- S नर्की, नर्गी, नर्कु, नर्गु -- نرڪي، نرگي، نرڪ، نرگ -- See नरकी نرڪِي, नरगी نرگِي, नरकु نرڪُ , नरगु نرگُ
- P नर्गिसि s. f. -- نرگس -- The narcissus flower.
- P नर्माई or नर्मी s. f. -- نرمائي يا نرمي -- Softness, mildness, leniency, tenderness.
- P नर्मु adj. -- نرم -- Soft, tender, mild, lenient, gentle, ductile.
- P नर्मो s. m. -- نرمو -- A kind of soft cotton.
- नर्संइंन or नर्सेंइंन adv. -- نرسنئن يا نرسينئن -- Not at all, if not, no matter.
- S नर्सिंगो s. m. -- نرسنگو -- A kind of horn or bugle, a trumpet.
- S नंवं adj. -- نون -- Nine.
- S नंवंग्रही s. f. -- نونگرهي -- The worshipping of the nine planets.
- S नंवंणु v. n. -- نونڻ -- (imper. नंउं نئون, past part. नयों نئون).
- S नवति s. f. -- نوت -- Bowing, bending down, humility.
- नवलु adj. -- نول -- New, inexperienced, untrained, shy. s. m. A trio, novice.
- S नवांइणु v. a. -- نوانئڻ -- To cause to bow or bend down, to humble.
- S नवाई s. f. -- نوائي -- Newness, novelty.
- P नवाज़ s. f. -- نواز -- Favoring, cherishing, showing kindness or liberality.
- P नवाज़णु v. a. -- نوازڻ -- To favor, caress, patronize, cherish, to exalt.
- नवाड़ s. f. -- نواڙ -- A kind of coarse tape.
- नवाड़बाफ़ु s. m. -- نواڙباف -- A weaver of nawara or coarse tape.
- P S नवाड़ो s. m. -- نواڙو -- A fleet of boats.
- S नवानवे adj. -- نوانوي -- Ninety-nine.
- A नवाबी adj. -- نوابي -- Relating to a nabob. s. f. Deputyship, a governorship. A kind of thin silk cloth.
- A नवाबु s. m. -- نواب -- A nabob, a deputy governor lieutenant.
- नवार s. f. -- نوار -- A kind of coarse tape.
- S नविओं adj. -- نوئون -- Ninetieth.
- S नविड़ो s. m. -- نوڙو -- A dowry of nine suits of clothes given with a bride.
- S नविलो adj. -- نولو -- New, fresh, inexperienced. s. m. A trio, novice. The nine at cards.
- S नवे s. f. -- نوي -- Ninety.
- S नवेऊंणि s. f. -- نويئوڻ -- Ninety fold.
- S नवेओं adj. -- نويئون -- Ninetieth.
- S नवोतर् -- نووتر -- And or with nine (prefixed to hundreds etc. to form 109).
- S नव्हर -- نوهر -- Same as नहवर نهور
- A नव्हार s. f. -- نوهار -- A kind of coarse tape.
- A नशई adj. -- نشئي -- Drunk, intoxicated.
- A नशो s. m. -- نشو -- Intoxication, drunkenness, intoxicating liquors or drugs.
- A नस s. f. -- نس -- A vein, a sinew, muscle, tendon,
- A नसर s. f. -- نثر -- Prose.
- A नसिअत or नसीहत s. f. -- نصئت يا نصيحت -- Counsel, advice, precept.
- A नसिरु adj. -- نسر -- Veiny, sinewy.
- A नसीबु s. m. -- نصيب -- Fate, destiny, luck, fortune.
- नसुनि वढ्यो -- نسن وڍيو -- Indolent, sluggish.
- P नस्तर s. f. -- نستر -- A lancet, a flam.
- नस्बी s. f. -- نسبي -- Name of an ornament for the ear.
- नहकारु s. m. -- نهڪار -- Refusal, denial.
- नंहंड s. f. or नंहंडो s. m. -- ننهنڊ يا ننهنڊو -- Scratch with the nails, a scratch.
- नंहंडणु v. a. -- ننهنڊڻ -- To scratch with the nail claw.
- नंहंथरु s. f. -- نهنٿر -- A whitlow.
- A नहरि s. f. -- نهر -- A water-course, a stream.
- नहरी s. f. -- نهري -- Name of a month, part November and part December. The working out the hair of the head with the nails.
- नहरीवारु s. m. -- نهريوار -- A butcher.
- नहलो s. m. -- نهلو -- The nine at cards.
- नहवर s. f. -- نهور -- Fresh land, virgin soil, lea ground, land fit for tillage but not yet broken up.
- A नहसाई s. f. -- نهسائي -- Inauspiciousness, unpropitiousness, disobedience.
- A नहसु adj. -- نحس -- Unlucky, inauspicious, bad, one who will not listen to advice, disobedient, untraceable.
- नंहंसोसिड़ाई s. f. -- ننهن سوسڙائي -- Tepidness, tepidity.
- नंहंसोसिड़ो adj. -- ننهن سوسڙو -- Luke warm, tepid.
- नंहिड़्यो s. m. -- ننهڙيو -- A kind of finger ring.
- नंहुं s. m. -- ننهن -- A nail of the finger or tow, a claw.
- नहेरणि s. f. -- نهيرڻ -- An instrument for cutting nails with.
- नंहो s. m. -- ننهو -- A gong.
- P S ना adv. -- نا -- Not, nor.
- S नांइं s. f. -- نانئن -- The ninth day of the lunar fortnight. Adv. In name of, by name.
- नांइं चड़्ह्यो -- نائين چڙهيو -- Well know, famous, notorious.
- S नांइणु v. a. -- نانئڻ -- To cause to bend, stoop down or bow.
- A नाइबु s. m. -- نائب -- A deputy.
- L नाइरु s. m. -- نائر -- A cocoanut.
- S नाई s. m. -- نائي -- A barber. s. f. felt woolen cloth made without weaving.
- नांउं s. m. -- نانء -- Name, appellation, fame, reputation, character, renown, a noun.
- नांउं ग॒न्हणु or वठणु -- نانء ڳنهڻ يا وٺڻ -- To mention by name.
- नाउक s. f. -- نائڪ -- An instrument for rounding sticks or arrows with. S a species of boat in use up on the river Indus.
- नाउको s. m. -- نائڪو -- A water-course covering water through a field from a water wheel.
- नाउड़ी s. f. -- نائڙي -- A roll of spun thread as taken off the spindle.
- P नाउमेदी s. f. -- نااميدي -- Hopelessness, disappointment, despair.
- P नाउमेदु s. f. -- نااميد -- Disappointed, despairing, hopeless.
- नांऊंणि s. f. -- نانئوڻ -- The multiplying by nine, nine-fold.
- S नांऊंणो adj. -- نائونڻو -- Nine-fold.
- नाओ s. m. -- نائو -- Shreds of cloth, thread etc. put into an inkhorn with ink. A piece of cloth for wiping a hand-mill with and rubbing off the flour. Felt, woolen cloth made without weaving.
- S नांओं adj. -- نانئون -- Ninth. s. m. Name of the figure nine.
- S नांकफणी s. f. -- نانگ ڦڻي -- A nail with head to one side. A kind of थूहरु ٿُوهرُ, the prickly Pear.
- S नाकर् or नाकार् s. f. -- ناڪر يا ناڪار -- Denying, refusal, objection.
- नाकाई s. m. -- ناڪائي -- One who sits at the entrance to a town etc. to collect taxes.
- S नाकामु or नाकामो adj. -- ناڪام يا ناڪامو -- Useless.
- S नाकारणु v. n. -- ناڪارڻ -- To deny, refuse, to disown ( a bill).
- P नाकाराई or नाकारी s. f. -- ناڪارائي يا ناڪاري -- Uselessness, inutility.
- P नाकारु or नाकारो adj. -- ناڪار يا ناڪارو -- Useless.
- S नाकारो s. m. -- ناڪارو -- To dishonor a bill of exchange.
- S नाकार्यो adj. -- ناڪاريو -- Negative, implying denial, what has been denied.
- S नाकी adj. -- ناڪي -- Nasal. s. f. same as नाकेलि ناڪيلِ.
- S नाकेरी s. f. -- ناڪيري -- A bleeding at the nose.
- S नाकेलि or नाकेली s. f. -- ناڪيل يا ناڪيلي -- A piece of stick placed through the hole in one side of a camel’s nostril, by which he is led.
- नाको s. m. -- ناڪو -- The entrance or passage into a town, or across a mountain, frontier etc. a watch house. The eye of a needle.
- S नाकोटी or नाकोटो s. m. -- ناڪوٽي يا ناڪوٽو -- A nostril.
- P नाखुओं s. m. -- ناکئون -- A shipmaster, a seaman,
- P नाख़ुशि adj. -- ناخوش -- Displeased, disgusted, unhappy, indisposed.
- P नाख़ुशी s. f. -- ناخوشي -- Want of enjoyment, unhappiness, unwillingness, reluctance.
- S नांगकेसरि s. f. -- نانگ ڪيسر -- Sweet basil, Cassia buds.
- S नांगिणि s. f. -- نانگڻ -- A kind of paper kite. A female snake.
- S नांगु s. m. -- نانگ -- A snake, serpent.
- नांगुली s. f. -- نانگلي -- Name of a grain (Eleusine Coracana).
- नागेलि s. f. -- ناگيل -- A aristolochia Bracteata supposed to be specific for snake bites. A kind of flowering in embroidery.
- नागेलि or नागलिफूसेलि s. f. -- ناگيل يا ناگيل ڦوسيل -- A kind of boy’s play in which stones are placed one on another and a ball thrown at them to knock them down.
- S नांगो s. m. -- نانگو -- A caste of Hindu fakirs who go about almost naked and covered with dust.
- नाचङाई s. f. -- ناچڱائي -- Indisposition, sickness, illness, ill-health.
- नाचङो adj. -- ناچڱو -- Unwell, ill, sick, indisposed.
- P नाचाक़ी s. f. -- ناچاقي -- Sickness, illness.
- P नाचाकु adj. -- ناچاق -- Sick, indisposed, ill
- S नाचु s. m. -- ناچ -- A dance, dancing.
- S नाचू s. m. -- ناچو -- A male dancer.
- A नाज़िरु s. m. -- ناظر -- An eunuch.
- P नाज़ु s. m. -- ناز -- Blandishments, coquetry, amorous, playfulness.
- P नाज़ुकु adj. -- نازڪ -- Delicate, tender, brittle, fragile.
- A नाज़ुलु adj. -- نازل -- Fallen on one (as a misfortune).
- P नाज़्बूइ s. f. -- نازبوء -- Name of a herb, sweet basil, (ocimum pilosum. Roxb).
- S नाटकु s. m. -- ناٽڪ -- Sorcery, bewitching. Feigning, malingering, making false excuses, tricks.
- नाटकु चेटकु -- ناٽڪ چيٽڪ -- Idem.
- S नाटाऊ s. m. or adj. -- ناٽائو -- An evader, shirker, evasive.
- S नाटार s. f. -- ناٽار -- Evasion, putting off, shirking.
- S नाटारणु v. n. -- ناٽارڻ -- To make evasions, putt off, shirk.
- S नाटु s. m. -- ناٽ -- A trick, juggle, antic, buffoonery, cheating, deceiving, glancing of the eyes, coquetry.
- नाठी s. m. -- ناٺي -- The husband of one’s daughter, son-in-law.
- नाड़ाछोड़ु s. m. -- ناڙا ڇوڙ -- The making water.
- नाड़ांडी -- ناڙانڊي -- Same as नाड़ाणी ناڙاڻِي.
- S नाड़ि s. f. -- ناڙ -- The pulse.
- नाड़ी s. f. -- ناڙي -- The roll of spun threads as taken off the spindle. S the pulse, a vein, and artery. Stubble left in a field. A tube fixed in a drilling-plough through which the seed is left fall into the furrow.
- नाड़ी छड॒णु -- ناڙي ڇڏڻ -- To sow again with a drill-plough.
- नाड़ु s. m. -- ناڙ -- Stubble, a stubble field.
- नाड़ो s. m. -- ناڙو -- The waist string of a pair of drawers. The rope by which the yoke is fastened to the plough. s. m. The navel string, umbilical cord. A water plant the leaves of which are used as food.
- S नाणाटु s. m. -- ناڻاٽ -- The son of the sister of one’s husband.
- नाणाडी s. f. -- ناڻاڊي -- A bobbin or spool fixed on the shuttle.
- नाणो s. m. -- ناڻو -- Money.
- नातरि s. f. -- ناتر -- A female slave.
- P नाताज़ो adj. -- ناتازو -- Unwell, sick, indisposed.
- नातारी s. f. -- ناتاري -- A small anchor or grapnel.
- A नातिक़ु s. m. -- ناطق -- Genuine.
- S नातो s. m. -- ناتو -- Relationship, alliance.
- S नाथु s. m. -- ناٿ -- A master, lord, often used as an affix to the names of jogis.
- नादी s. f. -- نادي -- A large kind of water vessel. Adj. a fakir’s adopted son is so called from nadu the sound of incantations repeated in his ear on his adoption.
- नादु s. m. -- ناد -- A large kind of water vessel, a buffalo horn used as a trumpet. S sound. A conch-shell
- S P नानकशाही adj. -- نانڪ شاهي -- A kind of rupee that comes from the Punjab. A fakir who is a follower of Nanaksha’s dotrines.
- नानाणा (plu.) -- ناناڻا -- One’s mother’s relations.
- S नानाणिको or नानाणो adj. -- ناناڻڪو يا ناناڻو -- Of one’s mother’s family.
- S नानी s. f. -- ناني -- A mother’s mother.
- P नानु s. m. -- نان -- Bread raised with yeast.
- P नानुखताई s. f. -- نان کتائي -- Name of a sweetmeat.
- S नानो s. m. -- نانو -- A mother’s father.
- नानोई s. f. -- نانوئي -- The seed of a grass which is eaten by Hindus on fast days.
- P नान्वाई s. m. -- نانوائي -- A baker.
- नापसंदि adj. -- ناپسند -- Not approved of, rejected, unsatisfactory.
- नापसंदी s. f. -- ناپسندي -- Disapproval, rejection.
- नापाकाई or नापाकी s. f. -- ناپاڪائي يا ناپاڪي -- Impurity, uncleanness, defilement.
- नापाकु adj. -- ناپاڪ -- Impure, defiled, polluted.
- नापैदु adj. -- ناپيد -- Not to be found, rare, unequalled.
- नापो s. m. -- ناپو -- The seed of the kimi (a kind of lotus) used as food.
- P नाफो s. m. -- ناڦو -- A pod of musk.
- नाबिरी s. f. -- نابري -- Denial, refusal, opposition.
- नाबिरु adj. -- نابر -- Denying, opposing, adverse.
- नाभ s. f. -- ناڀ -- The grey streaks on the sky from day dawning. The talons claws of a bird etc. a root.
- नामकठो, नानकिठो or नामकिठ्यो adj. -- نام ڪٺو، نام ڪٺو يا نام ڪٺيو -- Famous, celebrated, notorious.
- P नामड़दाणो adj. -- نامڙداڻو -- Unmanly, cowardly, pusillanimous.
- P नामड़दी s. f. -- نامڙدي -- Want of manliness, cowardice, impotence.
- P नामड़्दु or नामर्दु s. m. or adj. -- نامڙد يا نامرد -- A coward, unmanly, impotent.
- S नाममाला s. f. -- نام مالا -- A dictionary, vocabulary.
- नामाचारी s. f. नामाचारु s. m. -- ناماچاري يا ناماچار -- Fame, reputation, renown.
- P नामी adj. -- نامي -- Famed, of high repute, illustrious, celebrated.
- P नामु s. m. -- نام -- Name, fame, reputation. A noun.
- P नामुरादु adj. -- نامراد -- Unfortunate, accursed, execrable, a wretch.
- A नामूस s. f. or नामूसु s. m. -- ناموس يا ناموس -- Fame, reputation, renown.
- S नामो s. m. -- نامو -- The share of one person in any distribution.
- P नाम्दारी s. f. -- نامداري -- Fame, renown.
- P नाम्दारु adj. -- نامدار -- Renowned, illustrious, famous, celebrated.
- S नाम्वरी s. f. -- ناموري -- Renown, fame, reputation.
- S नाम्वरु adj. -- نامور -- Illustrious, famous.
- S नारंगी s. m. -- نارنگي -- A sweet lime.
- P नाराज़ी adj. -- ناراضي -- Unwilling, reluctant, dissatisfied.
- S नारायणु s. m. -- نارايڻ -- A name of Vishnu, but especially considered as the deity who was before all worlds.
- नारि s. f. -- نار -- The quantity of oil seeds put into a pressing mill at one time, the pressed circular lump of remnants that issue from the machine. Catgut. S A Woman.
- नारी adj. -- ناري -- A camel or bullock that works in a water wheel.
- नारु adj. -- نار -- The large water wheel worked by two bullocks, or one camel. The spring or fountain through which water issues into a well. Catgut, a bowstring.
- P नारेलु s. m. -- ناريل -- A coconut.
- नारो s. m. -- نارو -- The spout for conveying rain water down from the roof of a house. The pipe of a pair of bellows. A creek, firth, backwater. A A cry, shout.
- P नार्मी adj. -- نارمي -- Woven from or embroidered with नर्मो نرمو (a soft kind of cotton).
- A नालत s. f. -- نالت (لعنت) -- An imprecation, expression of scorn or contempt, reviling.
- A नालती adj. -- نالتي (لعنتي) -- Execrable, accursed.
- P नालाइक़ी s. f. -- نالائقي -- Unfitness, impropriety, unworthiness.
- P नालाइक़ु or नालाइको adj. -- نالائق يا نالائقو -- Improper, unworthy, unfit, undeserving, unbecoming.
- नालु s. m. -- نال -- A stick placed across the top of a post to assist in supporting whatever is laid on it. A tube used by goldsmiths etc. for blowing their furnace with. A horse shoe, a piece of iron put on the heels of shoes.
- नालेरो adj. -- ناليرو -- Famed, notorious, well-known.
- नालो s. m. -- نالو -- A name, appellation. A noun.
- नालो गि॒न्हणु or वठणु -- نالو ڳنهڻ يا وٺڻ -- To mention by name.
- A P नाल्बंदी s. f. -- نالبندي -- The shoeing of horses.
- A P नाल्बंदु s. m. -- نالبند -- A furrier, a horse shoe.
- P नाशास्तो adj. -- ناشاستو -- Improper, unbecoming.
- S नास s. f. -- ناس -- Snuff. A nostril. Shame, a sense of honor. A medicine taken in by the nose. (In plu.), The grey streaks showing first appearance of day break.
- नास डि॒अणु -- ناس ڏيڻ -- To take snuff.
- S नासवंतु adj. -- ناسونت -- Destructible, perishable.
- नासिजणु v. n. -- ناسجڻ -- To throw out it’s first grey flickering light before rising, (the sun or moon).
- S नासु adj. -- ناس -- Destroyed, extinct, extinguished, exterminated. s. m. destruction, ruin.
- नासूरु s. m. -- ناسور -- Fistula, ulcer, any sore from which pus issues.
- S नास्तिकाई or नास्तिकी s. f. -- ناستڪائي يا ناستڪي -- Atheism.
- S नास्तिकु adj. -- ناستڪ -- An atheist.
- S नास्ती s. m. -- ناستي -- San atheist. Adj. One bringing ill fortune, unlucky.
- P नास्पाती s. f. -- ناسپاتي -- A pear.
- P नाहक़ी adj. or adv. -- ناحقي -- Unjust, undeserved, unlawful, unjustly.
- P नाहक़ु adv. -- ناحق -- Uselessly, vainly, causelessly, needlessly, undeservedly. S. m. injustice, a wrong, tyranny.
- नाहरी s. f. -- ناهري -- Name of a month, part November and part December.
- नाहरु s. m. -- ناهر -- A wolf.
- S नांहि s. f. -- نانهه -- Refusal, denial, nothing, unwanted.
- नांहीं s. f. -- ناهين -- The nave of a wheel. A contraction of न आंहीं نه آهِين is not.
- S नि -- نه -- A negative affix, answering to im, dis, etc.
- निअड़ो s. m. -- نيڙو -- The decked part of a boat fore or aft.
- निअणु v. a. -- نيڻ -- (imper. नें نين past part. निओं نِئون, present part नींदो نيندو ) To cut away, carry off.
- निअणु v. n. -- نيڻ -- (past part. of लिओ نِيو, present part निबो نِبو) to be carried away.
- A निअत s. f. -- نيت -- Intention, design, will, wish, aim, purpose. Faith, trust. Prep. On account of, for (speaking of pious offerings).
- A निअतणु v. a. -- نيتڻ -- To do, perform.
- निअरु s. m. -- نئر -- Shackles fro the feet, irons.
- S निआई adj. -- نيائي -- Just, equitable.
- S निआउ s. m. -- نياء -- Justice, equity.
- P निआज़ु s. m. -- نياز -- Supplication, petition, Humility. A thing dedicated an offering, oblation.
- निआणी s. f. -- نياڻي -- A girl, daughter.
- निआणी सिआणी s. m. -- نياڻي سياڻي -- The daughters of a family.
- निआणो s. m. -- نياڻو -- One who is married into one’s family, a son-in-law.
- निआति s. f. -- نيات -- A tribe, family.
- निआपाई s. m. -- نياپائي -- A messenger.
- निआपो s. m. -- نياپو -- A message
- S निआरो adj. -- نيارو -- A part, aloof, separate, distinct, neutral.
- निउड़णु v. n. -- نئڙڻ -- To bow, bend down, stoop, incline.
- निउड़त s. f. -- نئڙت -- Bowing, bending down, humility, meekness.
- L निओ s. m. -- نئو -- A washer man.
- निक adj. -- نڪ -- Very dirty, filthy.
- S निकमाई s. f. -- نڪمائي -- Inutility, uselessness.
- S निकमो adj. -- نڪمو -- Useless, good for nothing, unemployed, disengaged.
- निकारणु, निकिराइणु or निकेरणु v. a. -- نڪارڻ، نڪرائڻ يا نڪيرڻ -- To cause to issue, to turn out, expel, to discover, invent, to extract, deduce.
- P निकाराई s. f. -- نڪارائي -- Uselessness, inutility.
- निकारु or निकारो adj. -- نڪار يا نڪارو -- Useless, good for nothing.
- निकाहितो adj. -- نڪاحتو -- Nuptial, wedding, of marriage.
- A निकाहु s. m. -- نڪاح -- Matrimony, marriage, a wedding.
- निकिरणु v. n. -- نڪرڻ -- (past part. निकिर्यो نِڪِريو, निक्तो نِڪتو, or निख्तो نِکتو) To issue, go forth or out, be extracted, derived, produced, to set out, depart, to rise, spring, result.
- S निकिर्तो adj. -- نڪرتو -- A filthy person, one who performs not ablutions etc. laid by the Hindu religion.
- निकूंजु s. m. -- نڪونج -- A whirlpool.
- निक्तो -- نڪتو -- The past part. of निकिरणु نِڪِرڻ.
- A निख़ालिसु adj. -- نخالص -- Uncompounded, pure, simple.
- निखिण्माई or निख्मिणो s. f. -- نکڻمائي يا نکمڻو -- Want of work or employment, idleness, leisure.
- निखेड़णु v. a. -- نکيڙڻ -- To settle, conclude, finish, to purify (sugar etc.)
- S निखेदणु v. a. -- نکيدڻ -- To disgrace, bring disgrace on.
- S निखेदु adj. -- نکيد -- Disgraceful, vile, mean.
- निख्तो -- نکتو -- The past part. of निकिरणु نِڪِرڻ
- S निगमु s. m. -- نگم -- The Vedas or Hindu scriptures.
- P निगह or निगाह s. f. -- نگهه يا نگاهه -- A look, glance, sight, view, Observation, watching, looking after. Lustre Splendour.
- P निगहबानी s. f. -- نگهباني -- Watching, guarding.
- P निगहबानु s. m. -- نگهبان -- A guard, watchman.
- S निगिर्तो -- نگرتو -- See निकिर्तो نِڪِرتو
- S निगुरो adj. -- نگرو -- Destitute of a guru or spiritual teacher.
- निगू॒णो adj. -- نڳوڻو -- Solely, entirely, wholly, even, also.
- निंघ s. f. -- ننگهه -- A trough or hole in the ground for pounding rice etc. in, to remove the husk.
- निघारणु v. a. -- نگھارڻ -- To make pure or clean.
- निघूसारु adj. -- نگھوسار -- Totally lost, completely destroyed.
- निङुणो -- نڱڻو -- Same as निगू॒णो نِڱُوڻو
- निचु adv. -- نچ -- Switch a welcome, well.
- निचु आंयें -- نچ آئين -- You are welcome.
- निचु चवणु -- نچ چوڻ -- To welcome.
- निचोइणु v. a. -- نچوئڻ -- To strain, drain off, or extract water from food etc.
- निचोड़णु v. a. -- نچوڙڻ -- To squeeze out the juice from anything, to wring clothes.
- निछ s. f. -- نڇ -- A sneeze.
- निछड़णु v. a. -- نڇڙڻ -- To be settled, arranged, brought to a conclusion. To become separate, be disjoined.
- निछेड़, निछोड़, s. f. निछेड़ो or निछोड़ो s. m. -- نڇيڙ، نڇوڙ، نڇيڙو يا نڇوڙو -- Decision, settlement, arrangement, conclusion, termination
- निछेड़णु or निछोड़णु v. a. -- نڇيڙڻ يا نڇوڙڻ -- To settle, arrange, bring to a conclusion, complete. To explain, to separate, make distinct.
- S निजसु s. m. or adj. -- نجس -- Disobedient, willful, a wretch.
- S निजातु adj. -- نجات -- (indec.) Pure, unadulterated, simple.
- A निज़ारो s. m. -- نظارو -- Viewing, looking, prospect, an open view, a place which affords an extensive prospect, splendor, beauty.
- S निजु adj. or adv. -- نج -- (indec.) pure, unadulterated, unmixed, peculiar, particular. Regularly, entirely.
- निजुपिजु -- نج پج -- Idem.
- A निजुलो s. m. -- نجلو -- Sa defluxion of humors rheum, a catarrh.
- A निजूम s. f. -- نجوم -- Astrology, astronomy.
- A निजूमी s. m. -- نجومي -- An astrologer, astronomer.
- A निजो adj. or adv. -- نجو -- Pre, unadulterated, peculiar, particular, distinct, apart.
- निझुरणु v. n. -- نجھرڻ -- To nod from drowsiness
- निझुरो s. m. -- نجھرو -- A hut, cottage.
- S निञाणा adv. -- نڃاڻا -- I know not, perhaps.
- S निठराई s. f. -- نٺرائي --
- S निठरु adj. -- نٺر -- Obstinate, stubborn, willful
- S निडरु adj. or adv. -- نڊر -- Fearless, fearlessly.
- निंडाकुड़ो, निंडाखिड़ो, निंडाखुड़ो, निंडिरु s. m. or adj. -- ننڊاڪڙو، ننڊاکڙو، ننڊاکڙو، ننڊر -- A drowsy person, a sleeper.
- निड़िअलेसु s. m. -- نڙيء ليس -- A cold in the throat or chest.
- निड़ी s. f. -- نڙي -- The wind-pipe, throat, gullet.
- निड़ी करणु -- نڙي ڪرڻ -- To slaughter (an animal).
- निणुन s. f. -- نڻن -- A husband’s sister.
- नितु adj. -- نت -- (Indec). Eternal. Adv. Always, continually, eternally, constantly.
- नितुप्रतु -- نت پرت -- Idem.
- निथांओं adj. -- نٿانئون -- Without place of residence.
- निंदकु s. m. -- نندڪ -- A scorner, reviler, defamer, scoffer.
- S निंदणु v. a. -- نندڻ -- To revile, defame, scoff, scoff at, malign, slander.
- S निंदा s. f. -- نندا -- Defamation, reviling, infame.
- निदानु -- ندان -- See निधानु نِڌانُ
- निंदो s. m. -- نندو -- A kind of creeper, the pods of which are used as food (Oxystelnia Esculentum).
- निदोरो adj. -- ندورو -- Wretched, miserable, ill-fortuned.
- S निंधकु adj. -- ننڌڪ -- Wretched, despicable, suffering or causing ill name and reviling.
- निंधड़ाई or निंधड़्काई s. f. -- ننڌڙائي يا ننڌڙڪائي -- Boldness, intrepidity.
- निंधड़ु or निंधड़्कु adj. -- ننڌڙ يا ننڌڙڪ -- Bold, daring, fearless and intrepid.
- S निंधण्काई s. f. -- ننڌڻڪائي -- The not having an owner or protector, helplessness, forlorn state, destitution.
- निंधण्काई, निंधण्को -- ننڌڻڪائي، ننڌڻڪو -- See निंधड़काई نِنڌڙڪائِي, निंधड़को نِنڌڙڪو
- S निंधण्को adj. -- ننڌڻڪو -- Ownerless, without master or guardian, destitute, helpless, protectorless.
- S निंधराई s. f. -- ننڌرائي -- Helplessness.
- S निधरु or निधरो adj. -- نڌر يا نڌرو -- Helpless, weak, wretched
- निधानु s. m. -- نڌان -- The end, extremity. Adv. At last, in the end, eventually.
- निंधो -- ننڌو -- See निंदो نِندو
- निनिणु or निनुणु s. m. -- ننڻ يا ننڻ -- The name of a tree (Thespesia Populnea).
- S निन्ड s. f. -- ننڊ -- Sleep, drowsiness.
- निन्डाइतो or निन्डारो adj. adv. -- ننڊائتو يا ننڊارو -- Sleepy, sleepily, soporiferous, narcotic.
- निपजणु -- نپجڻ -- (Past part. निपनो نِپنو), to be cherished, be nourished, brought up, reared.
- निपटु adv. -- نپٽ -- Very exceedingly, thoroughly wholly.
- निपनो -- نپنو -- The past part. of निपजणु نِپجڻُ
- निपाइणहार s. m. -- نپائڻهار -- A nourisher, cherisher.
- निपाइणु v. a. -- نپائڻ -- To rear, bring up, foster, nourish, support.
- निपाजु s. m. -- نپاج -- Nourishing, cherishing, nurture, nourishment, aliment, nutriment, sustenance.
- निपुटो s. m. -- نپٽو -- Sonless.
- निपुंसकु adj. -- نپنسڪ -- Neuter, neither masculine nor feminine.
- निपूट s. f. -- نپوٽ -- Bruising, pressing.
- निपूड़णु v. a. -- نپوڙڻ -- To press or squeeze, generally in extracting water etc. from anything, to wring (clothes).
- निपूसकु adj. -- نپوسڪ -- Neuter.
- निफ s. f. -- نڦ -- A blister on hands or feet from abrasion.
- निफरो or निफलो adj. or adv. -- نرو يا نڦلو -- Fruitless, fruitlessly, vainly, uselessly, vain, unfruitful.
- निफूसकु -- نڦوسڪ -- See निपूसकु نِپُوسڪُ
- S निब॒लाई s. f. -- نٻلائي -- Weakness, feebleness.
- S निब॒लु or निब॒लो adj. -- نٻل يا نٻلو -- Weak, feeble.
- निब॒हणु v. n. -- نٻهڻ -- To get through time, live, exist, get on. To be ended, accomplished, perfected, performed, managed.
- P निबात s. f. -- نبات -- A kind of sugar made up in three cornered pieces.
- निबाहणु v. a. -- نباهڻ -- To pass, get through time, to get through, accomplish, achieve, perfect, perform, transact.
- निबाहु or निबारो s. m. -- نباهه يا نباهو -- Living, getting on. Completion, settlement.
- निबिरणु v. n. -- نبرڻ -- To end, be concluded, finished, completed, settled.
- निबेर s. f. -- نبير -- Settlement, completion.
- निबेर निछेड़ -- نبيرنڇيڙ -- Idem.
- निबेरणु v. a. -- نبيرڻ -- To end, conclude, terminate, finish, perfect, perform, settle, decide.
- निबेरो s. m. -- نبيرو -- The end, finishing, accomplishment, settlement, decision.
- निभाइणु v. a. -- نڀائڻ -- To perform, accomplish, bring to conclusion, carry through, manage, run through. v. n. To get on.
- S निभाग॒ s. m. -- نڀاڳ -- Misfortune, ill luck.
- S निभागा॒ई s. f. -- نڀاڳائي -- Ill-fortune, ill-luck. To have an ill disposition, to be evil or corrupt.
- S निभागो॒ adj. -- نڀاڳو -- Unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, that which brings ill luck, inauspicious, ill-disposed, disobedient.
- S निभायो adj. -- نڀايو -- Having no brother (as offensive term).
- निंभो s. m. -- ننڀو -- The leaves of a plant used in washing.
- P निमकहरामी s. f. -- نمڪ حرامي -- Perfidy, treachery, ingratitude.
- P निमकहरामु adj. -- نمڪ حرام -- Disloyal, perfidious, ungrateful, treacherous.
- P निमकहलाली s. f. -- نمڪ حلالي -- Fidelity, loyalty, gratitude.
- P निमकहलालु adj. -- نمڪ حلال -- Loyal, faithful, grateful
- P निमकु s. m. -- نمڪ -- Salt, flavor, savor, piquancy.
- A निमाज़ s. f. -- نماز -- Prayer.
- A निमाज़ी adj. -- نمازي -- Devout, one who performs his prayers regularly. Pure, fit for praying in, (clothes).
- S निमाणो adj. -- نماڻو -- One who does not make a show or is little regarded by others, humble, lowly.
- P निमांशांम s. f. -- نمانشانم (نما شام) -- The time of evening.
- S निमिति prep. -- نمت -- On account of, for the sake of (used only in speaking of pious offerings).
- L निमिराई s. f. -- نمرائي -- Recovery from sickness, restoration to health, health.
- L निमिरो adj. -- نمرو -- Recovered, well.
- S निमु s. f. -- نم -- Name of a tree (Melia Azedirach).
- S निमूरी s. f. -- نموري -- The berry of the Nimu tree.
- नियाणु s. m. -- نياڻ -- A tank, reservoir for water.
- निराड़ी s. f. लिराड़ु s. m. -- نراڙي يا نراڙ -- The forehead.
- S निरादारी s. f. निरादारु s. m. -- نراداري يا نرادار -- Disrespect, contumely, indignity.
- S निरासाई adj. -- نراسائي -- Hopelessness, despair, disappointment.
- S निरासु adj. -- نراس -- Hopeless, despairing, disappointed.
- निरो adj. or adv. -- نرو -- Pure, unalloyed, mere, only.
- S निरोआई s. f. -- نرويائي -- Health, freedom from sickness, healthfulness, healthiness, wholesomeness.
- S निरोयो adj. -- نرويو -- In good health, well, healthy, salubrious, wholesome.
- P निर्खु or निर्ख़ु s. m. -- نرک يا نرخ -- Price-current, tariff, market rate.
- निर्घटु s. m. -- نرگھٽ -- The wind-pipe, throat, gullet.
- निर्जाई s. f. -- نرجائي -- Shamelessness, incorrigibleness.
- S निर्जाउ adj. -- نرجاء -- Inanimate, lifeless.
- निर्जो adj. -- نرجو -- Shameless, incorrigible.
- निर्ड़ु s. m. -- نرڙ -- The forehead.
- निर्ति s. f. -- نرت -- Sight, looking, eye-sight. Thought, mind.
- S निर्दई adj. -- نردئي -- Unfeeling, cruel, unmerciful.
- S निर्दयाई s. f. -- نرديائي -- Unmercifulness, cruelty, inhumanity.
- S निर्भउ adj. -- نرڀئه -- Fearless, undaunted, bold
- S निर्मलाई s. f. -- نرملائي -- Clearness, purity.
- S निर्मलु adj. -- نرمل -- Clean, clear, pure, frank, ingenuous.
- निर्वारु adj. -- نروار -- Clear, distinct.
- निर्वारु करणु -- نروار ڪرڻ -- To point out, explain.
- S निर्वेरु or निर्वेरो adj. -- نروير يا نرويرو -- One who does not bear enmity or malice.
- निर्साई s. f. -- نرسائي -- Inferiority.
- निर्सु or निर्सो adj. -- نرس يا نرسو -- Of inferior quality, beauty, weight, measure, etc. deficiencies.
- Pro. निलामु s. m. -- نلام -- An auction, sale of goods by outcry.
- निलो adj. -- نلو -- Pure, unadulterated, mere, only, alone.
- S निवणु v. n. -- نوڻ -- (imper. निउं نِئُن or नुवुं نُوُن) to bow, bend down, stoop.
- S निवति s. f. -- نوت -- Bowing, humility, meekness.
- S निवाइणु v. a. -- نوائڻ -- To cause to bow or bend down, to humble, humiliate.
- S निवाई s. f. -- نوائي -- Want of wind, calmness, quiet, stillness.
- S निवाओ adj. -- نوايو -- Windless, calm. Still.
- P निवाज़ s. f. -- نواز -- Favoring, cherishing, showing kindness or liberality.
- P निवाज़णु v. a. -- نوازڻ -- To favor, patronize, exalt, to give presents.
- S निवारणु v. a. -- نوارڻ -- To prevent, stop, to cancel, supersede.
- निवेकिलाई s. f. -- نويڪلائي -- Privacy, retirement, solitude, freedom from employment, leisure.
- निवेकिलो adj. or adv. -- نويڪلو -- Alone, private, retired, solitary, empty, disengaged, unemployed.
- P निशानी s. f. -- نشاني -- A token, sign, mark.
- P निशानु s. m. -- نشان -- A flag, insigne, banner.
- P निशानु or निशानो s. m. -- نشان يا نشانو -- A target, mark.
- निशांबरु adj. -- نشانبر -- Public, evident, conspicuous, known, manifest.
- P निशास्तो s. m. -- نشاستو -- Wheaten starch used for cakes and sweetmeats.
- S निश्चे adj. or adv. -- نشچي -- Certain, positive, positively, undoubtedly.
- निश्चो s. m. -- نشچو -- Confidence, assurance, certainty.
- निसंगु adj. -- نسنگ -- Fearless, regardless, unconcerned.
- निसताई s. f. -- نستائي -- Weakness, feebleness.
- निसतु or निसतो adj. -- نست يا نستو -- Feeble, weak, wanting power or strength.
- निसारु s. m. -- نثار -- A sacrifice.
- S निसिरणु v. n. -- نسرڻ -- To be coming to a head, shoot out to ear (the grain in a crap), to shoot up.
- निसोरो adj. -- نسورو -- Pure, unalloyed, mere, only.
- P निस्तूकु or निस्तूंगु adj. -- نستوڪ يا نستونگ -- Ascertained, certain or plain, clear, evident.
- निस्पिसि or निस्पिसु adv. -- نس پس يا نس پس -- Wholly, entirely, in all respects.
- S निहकपटु adj. -- نهڪپٽ -- Guileless, frank, ingenuousness.
- S निहठाई or निहठी s. f. -- نهٺائي يا نهٺي -- Humility.
- S निहठी or निहठो adj. -- نهٺي يا نهٺو -- Humble, meek.
- L निहणु v. a. -- نهڻ -- To take away, remove.
- निहांईं s. f. -- نهانئين -- A potter’s kiln. The lower part of the belly, the pelvis.
- निहार s. f. -- نهار -- Looking at, looking for viewing, staring, watching.
- निहारणु v. a. -- نهارڻ -- To look at, look for, watch for, look after, spy, gaze, stare.
- निहारी s. f. -- نهاري -- A mash for horses etc. L Breakfast.
- निहारो s. m. -- نهارو -- A searcher, seeker.
- निहालु adj. -- نهال -- Exalted, pleased, happy, delighted, glad.
- S निहिचे adj. or adv. -- نهچي -- Certain, positive, positively, undoubtedly.
- S निहिचो s. m. -- نهچو -- Confidence, assurance, certainty.
- निहुरणु v. a. -- نهرڻ -- To bury (a corpse).
- निहुराई s. f. -- نهرائي -- Solidity, solidness.
- निहुरो adj. -- نهرو -- Solid, compact, substantial.
- निहोड़णु v. a. -- نهوڙڻ -- To seize one with force, press down, grind down, prostrate, stun.
- नी -- ني -- A redundant particle, sometimes signifying then.
- नींगरि or नींगिरी s. f. -- نينگر يا نينگري -- A girl, lass.
- नींगरु s. m. -- نينگر -- A boy, lad.
- नींगिराणो adj. -- نينگراڻو -- Of a boy, boyish.
- नींगिर्याणो adj. -- نينگرياڻو -- Of a girl, girlish.
- L नींघो s. m. -- نينگهو -- A boy, lad.
- S नीचाई s. f. -- نيچائي -- Lowness, meanness, abjectness.
- S नीचु adj. -- نيچ -- Low, mean, abject, paltry, base, despicable, ignoble.
- नीज़ारी s. f. -- نيزاري -- Supplication, entreaty, prayer.
- नीटु s. m. -- نيٽ -- A rattan.
- S नीताइतो adj. or adv. -- نيتائتو -- According to law or custom, customary, moral, morally.
- S नीति s. f. -- نيت -- Conduct, custom, morality, ethics.
- P नीम्चो s. m. -- نيمچو -- A kind of small sword.
- S P नीराइणु v. n. -- نيرائڻ -- To have a tendency to blue, to appear blue.
- S P नीरांओं adj. -- نيرانئون -- Of indigo.
- S P नीरु s. m. -- نير -- Indigo, a blue color, water.
- S P नीरेरिड़ो or नोरेरो adj. -- نيريرڙو يا نوريرو -- Somewhat blue.
- S P नीरो adj. -- نيرو -- Blue. White or light grey (a horse).
- S P नीरोटी or नीरोली s. m. -- نيروٽي يا نيرولي -- A blue dyer.
- नील s. f. -- نيل -- A pinnacle or small spire, placed on the corners of a musjid & generally of glazed earthenware.
- S नीलमु s. m. -- نيلم -- A gem of blue color, a sapphire.
- नीलु s. m. -- نيل -- Ten nonillions
- P नीलोफ़रु s. m. -- نيلوفر -- The flowers of the water lily (Nelumbium Speciosum).
- नील्गी s. f. -- نيلگي -- Name of an aquatic bird, a kind of wild duck.
- नीवजु s. m. -- نيوج -- Same as नेवजु نيوجُ
- P नीशानी s. f. -- نيشاني -- A token, mark, sign.
- P नीशानु s. m. -- نيشان -- A flag, ensign, banner, standard. A target, butt.
- नींहु s. m. -- نينهه -- Love, affection, desire, fondness.
- नुइणु v. n. -- نئڻ -- To bow, bend down, stoop.
- A नुक़्सानु or नुख्शानु s. m. -- نقصان يا نکشان -- Injury, detriment, loss, damage, harm.
- नुख s. f. -- نک -- A kind of large mat, matting, a family, a subdivision of a tribe.
- नुखाई s. m. -- نکائي -- A maker of date mats. One of the same family with another.
- नुख्ती s. f. -- نکتي -- Name of a sweetmeat.
- नुख्तो s. m. -- نکتو -- The fore-stall of a bridle. A point or dot in writing. A little.
- नुञणु s. m. -- نڃڻ -- A rope by which a cow’s head and foot is tied in milking.
- नुरो s. m. -- نرو -- An odoriferous composites plant, called also Kolmiru and Jang Kathuir.
- नुर्ख़ु s. m. -- نرخ -- Tariff, bazaar rate, price-current.
- नुस्ख़ो s. m. -- نسخو -- A recipe, receipt, prescription.
- नुहं or नुहुं s. f. -- نهن يا نهن -- (plu. नुहरु نُهر, नुहरूंنُهرون or नुहूं نُهون) a daughter-in-law.
- नुहुंडणु v. a. -- نهنڊڻ -- To scratch with the nails, to claw.
- नुहुंडो s. m. -- نهنڊو -- A scratch with nails.
- नूंणि s. f. -- نونڻ -- Stooping, bowing, lowness, low land, humility.
- नूणु -- نوڻ -- For नवणुं نوَڻُ
- नूंदणु or नूंधणु v. a. -- نوندڻ يا نونڌڻ -- To copy, enter an item in an account.
- नूंधु s. m. -- نونڌ -- A kind of wooden farm with an image of a bird in the middle, which the Lars Hindu’s place over their house doors on wedding and other festive days.
- नूनरु or नूनारु s. m. -- نونر يا نونار -- A salt pit, place where salt is made, a salt pan.
- नूनारी s. m. -- نوناري -- A salt manufacturer, one who sells salt.
- A नूरु s. m. -- نور -- Slight, luster, eye sight.
- S नूरो s. m. -- نورو -- A hollowed ring worn on the ankle, in which small pieces of metal rattle when the wearer moves. Depilatory.
- A नूलु -- نول -- Freight, hire of a boat.
- नूसणु v. n. -- نوسڻ -- To search for by smelling, go scenting about in search of anything.
- नूस्नूसि s. f. -- نوس نوس -- Scenting out, or smelling about for anything.
- नेकाली s. f. -- نيڪالي -- Expulsion, banishment.
- नेकालु or नेकासु s. m. -- نيڪال يا نيڪاس -- Export, exportation, a passage or vent for water.
- P नेकी s. f. -- نيڪي -- Goodness, probity, kindness, benevolence, virtue, good name.
- P नेकु adj. -- نيڪ -- Good, benevolent, virtuous.
- नेखति or नेग॒ति s. f. -- نيکت يا نيڳت -- Export, exportation.
- नेखेटी s. f. -- نيکيٽي -- The visit paid by a bride and her husband to her parents after their honey moon.
- P नेचाई s. m. -- نيچائي -- A maker of nechas or huka snakes
- P नेचेदारु adj. -- نيچيدار -- Ornamented with silk and Gold thread (a hookah snake).
- P नेचो s. m. -- نيچو -- A hookah snake ornamented with silk and gold thread. The silk and gold work so fixed on the snake.
- नेजु s. m. -- نيج -- Same as नेवजु نيوجُ
- P नेजो or नेज़ो -- نيجو يا نيزو -- A spear, lance. A flag staff with an iron point at top. A kind of pistachio nut. The seed of a pine brought from Afghanistan. (pinus neoga or Pinus Gerardiana).
- नेठांनेठि -- نيٺان نيٺ -- Last of all, ultimately.
- नेठि adv. -- نيٺ -- Finally, at last, in conclusion.
- नेंड or नेंडो s. m. -- نينڊ يا نينڊو -- The messenger who conveys invitations to wedding feasts etc.
- S नेणु s. m. -- نيڻ -- The eye. L For निअणु نِيَڻُ
- नेपाज॒ s. m. -- نيپاڄ -- Nurture, nourishmen, nutriment, food.
- नेबह, नेबाही or नेभउ adj. -- نيبهه، نيباهي يا نيڀئه -- Durable, stable, constant.
- नेबाही or नेबाहो s. f. -- نيباهي يا نيباهو -- Stability, durability.
- नेबाहु or नेबाहो s. f. -- نيباهه يا نيباهو -- living, getting on.
- नेभाइणु v. a. -- نيڀائڻ -- To get on with, work out, carry through.
- नेभाइतो adj. or adv. -- نيڀائتو -- Regular, regularly, methodical.
- S नेमी adj. -- نيمي -- Regular.
- S नेमु -- نيم -- Rule, law, regulation, regularity, certainty, any settled continual custom or engagement.
- नेरनि s. f. -- نيرن -- Breakfast.
- नेराने adv. -- نيراني -- Without eating, fasting.
- नेरानो adj. -- نيرانو -- Fasting, not having eaten.
- नेरी adj. -- نيري -- The first crop of a field of sugar cane, cotton etc. a first marriage, a bridegroom also is so called on a first marriage.
- नेरु or नेलु s. m. -- نير يا نيل -- Fetters for the feet, shackles for the forefeet of animals.
- नेवजु s. m. -- نيوج -- A kind of cake of wheaten flour etc. eaten cold by Hindus on the 7th day of the warring moon in the month Sawanu.
- P नेवालो s. m. -- نيوالو -- A nice cake.
- नेशु s. m. -- نيش -- A camel when it gets its full number of teeth, and arrives at full strength, between 10 and 14 years of age. A sturdy active young man. A Branch from the river. The fang or tusk of a camel, snake etc.
- नेसरि s. f. -- نيسر -- The second trough into which the water runs from a water wheel.
- S नेसरु s. m. -- نيسر -- A stage in the growth of grain where the ear is shooting out.
- नेसारो s. m. -- نيسارو -- The spout projecting from the roof of a house to throw the rain water off clear of the wall.
- नेसिराओ s. m. -- نيسرائو -- An offering of wheat and ghee given to fakirs.
- P नेस्ती s. f. -- نيستي -- Indolence, laziness, sluggishness.
- S नेही adj. -- نيهي -- Affectionate, loving, fond, zealous.
- S नेहु s. m. -- نيهه -- Love, affection, fondness.
- नैन्सुखी s. f. नैन्सुखु s. m. -- نين سکي يا نين سک -- A kind of fine cotton cloth, cambric.
- S नैमी s. f. -- نومي -- The ninth day of the lunar fortnight. Any one of the three days of a Hindu fast continuing during the 9th, 10th and 11th of the first lunar fortnight in the month Kati, the fast so kept.
- नैलु s. m. -- نيل -- Fetters, shackles for the legs. A horse shoe.
- L नोइ adj. -- نوء (نوي) -- ninety
- P नोक s. f. -- نوڪ -- A point, nib.
- P नोकरु s. m. -- نوڪر -- A servant.
- नोकर्को or नोकिराणो adj. -- نوڪرڪو يا نوڪراڻو -- Of a servant.
- P नोकर्पो s. m. नोकिरी s. f. -- نوڪرپو يا نوڪري -- Service.
- नोड़ी s. m. -- نوڙي -- a rope, cord.
- S नोड़ु s. m. -- نوڙ -- A cable, rope
- S नोणि s. f. -- نوڻ -- Stooping, bowing, lowness, low land, humility.
- S नोतिरो s. m. -- نوترو -- An invitation to a feast.
- नोतेरहीं s. f. -- نوتيرهين -- Name of a game of dice.
- S नोरातो s. m. -- نوراتو -- A Hindu festival occurring twice a year for nine nights in the month of Asu and Chetru.
- नोरिअड़ो s. m. -- نورئڙو -- A squirrel
- नोरु s. m. -- نور -- A weasel, ferret, mongoose, ichneumon.
- नोलो adj. -- نولو -- New, strange, a tyro.
- S नोशादरु or नोसादरु s. m. -- نوشادر يا نوسادر -- Sal-ammoniac.
- नौंटिणि s. f. -- نونٽڻ -- Name of a game played with pieces on a marked board.
- P नौदाई s. m. -- نودائي -- One who makes or sells नौदु نَودُ.
- P नौदी s. m. -- نودي -- Same as नौदाई نَودائِي. adj. Stupid as are the intellects of one who remembers not what he hears or learns (as a needle stuck in felt and with drawn leaves no hole).
- P नौदु s. m. -- نود -- Felt, coarse cloth made by gluing the wool in flat pieces not by weaving. A blockhead, a dunce.
- A नौबत s. f. -- نوبت -- Ascertain tune or set of notes played on a kettle drum or trumpet, at the gates of great men’s houses or at temples at fixed intervals. A time turn, tour.
- S नौंसो adj. -- نونسو -- Of 900 threads, a kind of cloths with 900 threads in warp.
- S न्याउ s. m. -- نياء -- Justice, equity.