विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : चवर्ग
हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें
- च cha -- the first letter of the second pentad (i.e. चवर्ग) of the Devanagari alphabet; a click sound produced by the impact of the tongue on the hard palate as an expression of pity, disgust, etc., what a pity! How sad! How bad! etc.; also च् ..च्.
- चंग chāṅg -- (nf) a typical brand of paper kite; (nm) a musical instrument like a small timbrel.
- चंग पर चढ़ाना -- to instigate, to puff up; to inflate (so as to veer somebody round to a particular course of action).
- चंगा chāṅga: -- (a) healed, recovered; good, sound.
- चंगा भला -- hale and hearty, in good health.
- चंगा करना -- tocure, to restore to normal health.
- चंगा होना -- to recover; to be restored to normal health.
- चंगुल chāṅgul -- (nm) claw, clutch, talon; grasp.
- चंगुल में पड़ना/फँसना -- to fall into the clutches (of), to be in the cruel grasp (of).
- चंगुल से बचना -- to be spared from the clutches of, to get out of the clutches of.
- चंगे/र, चंगेरी chāṅg/er, ~eri: -- (nf) a small shallow basket; a small swinging cot (for babies).
- चंचरीक chāṇchari:k -- (nm) a buzzing bee.
- चंचल chāṇchal -- (a) unsteady, transient; inconstant; fickle; flickering; quivering, shaking; fidgety, restless; skittish; playful; coquettish; nimble.
- चंचलचित्त -- unsteady, fickle, fidgety, restless (person).
- चंचलता chāṇchalta: -- (nf) unsteadiness; inconstancy; transience; flckleness; flicker, shakiness; restlessness, fidgetiness; skittishness; playfulness, coquettishness; nimbleness.
- चंचला chāṇchala: -- (nf) an epithet of Lakshmi: (the goddess of wealth); lightning; (a) unsteady, fickle; transient.
- चंचु chāṇchu -- (nf) beak; bill.
- चंचुप्रवेश -- smattering knowledge (of a subject), mere elementary study.
- चँचोरना chāchornā: -- (v) see चिचोरना.
- चंट chāṉṭ -- (a) cunning, clever, wily.
- चंटपन -- cunningness, cleverness, wiliness.
- चंड chāṉḍ -- (a) fierce, furious; violent; powerful; hence चंडता (nf).
- चंडाल chāṉḍa:l -- (nm) a sub-caste amongst the shu:dras taken to bethe lowest in the traditional Hinducaste hierarchy; (a) low-born; wretched, wicked, depraved; cruel.
- चंडी chāṉḍi: -- (nf) the goddess दुर्गा; a quarrelsome defiant woman; awoman of violent nature.
- चंडु chāṉḍu: -- (nf) an intoxicating drug made of opium.
- चंडुख़ाना -- aplace of assembly for chanḍu:smokers; a rumour-manufacturingcentre.
- चंडुबाज़ -- a chanḍu:-addict; rumour-monger.
- चंडुख़ाने की गप -- anunfounded rumour/gossip, frivolous talk.
- चंडूल chāṉḍu:l -- (nm) a kind of lark; an ugly repulsive person.
- चंद chānd -- (nm) the moon; (a) a few, some.
- चंदरोज़ा -- lasting only afew days; transient.
- चंदन chāndān -- (nm) sandalwood, sanders.
- चंदनसार -- sandalwood paste.
- चंदनहार -- see चंद्रहार.
- चँदराना chādra:nā: -- (v) to make enquiry with a feigned air of ignorance; to feign ignorance.
- चंदरोज़ा chandroza: -- (a) short-lived, transient, transitory, perishable.
- चंदा chānda: -- (nm) the moon; subscription; contribution; donation.
- चंदा इकट्ठा करना -- to raise a fund by contribution/donation.
- चंदा करना -- tocontribute, to subscribe.
- चंदा देना -- tosubscribe, to contribute.
- चंदा मामा -- moon—the maternal uncle (saidto humour the children).
- चंदा सा -- asbeautiful as the moon (esp. usedfor face).
- चँदावल chāda:val -- (nm) rear guard.
- चँदिया chādiya: -- (nf) the cranium, the middle part of the skull; thelast small bread prepared from remaining dough (insufficient for afull-size bread).
- चँदोवा chādova: -- (nm) a small canopy.
- चंद्र chandr -- (nm) the moon; crescent.
- चंद्रकला -- lunar crescent; a digit of the moon (sixteenth part of thecircumference).
- चंद्रकांत -- moonstone.
- चंद्रग्रहण -- lunar eclipse.
- चंद्रबिंदु -- thenasal sign represented by a crescent with a dot over it (ँ), asdistinct from अनुस्वार represented bya dot above the top (ं).
- चंद्रबिंब -- the lunar disc.
- चंद्रमंडल -- the haloof the moon.
- चंद्रमुखी -- a woman blessed with a moon-like face.
- चंद्रलोक -- the sphere or heaven of the moon.
- चंद्रवंश -- the lunar race—one of thetwo major kshatriya dynasties thatflourished in ancient India.
- चंद्रवंशी -- belonging to the lunar dynasty( चन्द्रवंश).
- चंद्रवदन -- blessed with a.
- चंद्रमा chāndramā: -- (nm) the moon.
- चंद्रिका chāndrika: -- (nf) the moon-light, moonshine.
- चंद्रिकोत्सव chāndrikotsav -- (nm) the festival of the autumnal full moon.
- चंद्रोदय chāndroday -- (nm) rise of the moon.
- चंपई chāmpai: -- (a) having the tint of the champa: flower, having a yellowish white or light yellow tinge.
- चंपक chāmpak -- (nm) see चंपा.
- चंपत chāmpat -- (a) vanished, disappeared; absconded.
- चंपत बनना/होना -- to turn tails, to take to one's heels, to run away.
- चंपा chāmpa: -- (nm) the tree Michelia champaca and its pleasant fragrantlight yellow or yellowish whiteflower.
- चंपाकली -- buds of चंपा; anecklace studded with stonesresembling buds of the champa:.
- चंपी chāmpi: -- (nf) massage; shampoo.
- चंपी करना -- to massage; to shampoo; to try to propitiate.
- चंपु chāmpu: -- (nm) a literary composition with alternation of prose and verse.
- चँवर chāvar -- (nm) a whisk, a flapper made of the tale of a yak—Bos grunnieus (used for flappingaway flies, etc.).
- चँवर डुलाना -- to wavea चँवर to and fro (as a mark ofrespect to one who is attendedupon); to serve deferentially.
- चँवरढार -- one who wields a चँवर.
- चक chak -- (nm) a holding, plot of land; discus, a kind of a circulartoy played with a string.
- चकडोरी -- the string of the toy discus; thediscus and string.
- चकफेरी -- round, circumambulation.
- चकई chakai: -- (nf) a discus-shaped whirling toy; a female ruddygoose.
- चकती chakti: -- (nf) a patch; soapcake.
- चकत्ता chakatta: -- (nm) rash, a blotch on the skin, any round scar ormark (on the skin); used in BrajBhasha poetry to denote themoghul Emperor Aurangzeb—adescendant of चगताई, son ofChengiz Khan.
- चकनाचूर chaknā:chu:r -- (a) shattered (to pieces); broken into fragments; wearied; despirited.
- चकनाचूर करना -- toshatter, to dash to the ground(as अरमानचकनाचूर , सपनेचकनाचूर ).
- चकबंदी chakbāndi: -- (nf) consolidation of holdings.
- चकमक chakmāk -- (nm) flint.
- चकमा chakmā: -- (nm) hoodwinking, dodge; stunt; trick, trickery.
- चकमा खाना -- to suffer a dodge, to betricked/hoodwinked.
- चकमा देकर ऐंठ लेना -- to do one down/brown.
- चकमा देना -- tododge, to play a trick, to hoodwink.
- चकमे/बाज़ chakmēba:z -- (nm) a dodger, trickster, fraudulent person; hence चकमेबाज़ी (nf).
- चकरा/ना chakara:nā: -- (v) to feel dizzy; to whirl, to revolve; tolose one's head/wits, to be confounded/astounded.
- चकरा जाना -- to loseone's head/wits.
- चकला chakla: -- (nm) a brotnel; pastry-board, circular wooden or stonyboard for spreading dough intoa bread.
- चकलेदार -- the owner ofa brothel.
- चकला चलाना -- to run/own abrothel.
- चकल्लस chakallas -- (nm) fun, jocularity, drollery.
- चकल्लसबाज़ -- one who.
- चक/वा chakva: -- (nm) a ruddy goose.
- चकवी -- a female ruddy goose.
- चकामक chaka:chak -- (a) fully satisfied; (adv) to the full, to the fullest satisfaction; to the brim/full.
- चकामक घुटना -- to prepare/have a strong doze of भाँग; to have very intimate relationship.
- चकाचाँध chaka:chāūdh -- (nm) dazzle, dazzlement, dazzling effect; brilliance, brilliant display.
- चकित chakit -- (a) amazed, surprised, flabbergasted, wonder-struck.
- चकोतरा chakotra: -- (nm) a shaddock, a variety of lemon bigger than the usual size —Citrus decumana.
- चकोर chakor -- (nm) the Indian red-legged partridge (fabled to subsist upon moon-beams and to eat embers); hence चकोरी (nf).
- चक्कर chakkar -- (nm) circle; ring, whirl; twirl; spin; rotation; round; revolution; circumambulation; vertigo, giddiness; confusion; trick, fraud.
- चक्करदार -- circuitous; round about; spiral.
- चक्कर आना -- to suffer from vertigo, to feel giddy.
- चक्कर काटना/लगाना -- to take rounds, torevolve, to whirl; to swirl.
- चक्कर खाना -- to go round, to revolve; to take acircuitous route; to be non-plussed, to be confounded.
- चक्कर चलाना -- tolaunch a tricky move.
- चक्कर मारना -- towhirl round; to wander about.
- चक्कर में आना/पड़ना -- to be taken in (by); tobe in a mess; to suffer harassment; to be dodged.
- चक्कर में डालना -- to embroil/involve in a mess; to dodge.
- चक्का chakka: -- (nm) a wheel; sphere; an orderly heap (of bricks, stoneslabs, etc.); chunk.
- चक्की chakki: -- (nf) a quern; mill; grinding mill; kneepan; cake (e.g.soapcake).
- चक्की का पाट -- mill-stone.
- चक्की के पाटों के बीच पज़ना/पिसना -- to besandwiched between two afflictions.
- चक्की पीसना -- to grind; to put in rigorouswork; to be under imprisonment.
- चक्की में पिसना -- to be constantly inharness.
- चक्र chakkr -- (nm) a wheel; cycle; circle; disc, discus; discus-shapedmissile.
- चक्रगति -- circular motion.
- चक्रण -- spin(ning).
- चक्रधर -- armed with adiscus-shaped missile; an epithetof Lord Vishṉū.
- चक्रवर्ती -- universal; (an emperor) ruling over a vastempire.
- चक्रवात -- a whirlwind, cyclone.
- चक्रवृद्धि -- compound (interest).
- चक्रव्यूह -- a circular array oftroops; impregnable battle-array(as practised in ancient Indianmilitary strategy).
- चक्र चलाना -- see चक्कर (चक्र चलाना).
- चक्रवाक chakrava:k -- (nm) see चकवा.
- चक्राकार chakkra:ka:r -- (a) circular; wheel-shaped.
- चक्रीय chakkri:y -- (a) rotational, whirling, circular.
- चक्षु chakshu -- (nm) an eye.
- चक्षुगोचर -- visible, perceptible; tangible.
- चक्षुरिन्द्रिय -- the eye—organ of seeing.
- चक्षु विषय -- the object of vision, visibleobject.
- चक्षुश्रवा -- a snake.
- चख़ chaḳḥ -- (nf) altercation, noisy dispute.
- चख़चख -- verbal altercation; chatter, noisy exchanges, discordant discussion.
- चख़चख करना/मचाना -- tocreate a row/havoc, to cause analtercation, to enter into a heateddiscussion.
- चखना chakhnā: -- (v) to taste, to relish.
- चचा chacha: -- (nm) paternal uncle.
- चचाज़ाद -- born of paternal uncle.
- चचा होना -- to excel, to surpass (incleverness, tricks, etc.), to beahead of.
- चचिया chachiya: -- (a) pertaining to or related with paternal uncle (e.g. चचिया ससुर uncle-in-law.
- चचिया सास -- aunt-in-law).
- चचेरा chachera: -- (a) of, pertaining to, or related with, paternal uncle.
- चचेरा भाई -- first cousin (brother).
- चचेरा चचेरी बहन -- first cousin (sister).
- चचोड़ना chachoṛnā: -- (v) see चिचोरना.
- चट chaṭ -- (adv) instantly, instantaneously, at once; (nf) snap/snapping; crack, breaking or cracking sound.
- चटचट -- repeated cracking/snapping sounds.
- चटपट -- very promptly, immediately, with utmosturgency.
- चटशाला -- a nursery school.
- चटसार -- a nursery school.
- चट से -- instantly, instantaneously.
- चट कर जाना -- to polish off, to consume hurriedlyand entirely.
- चट मँगनी पट ब्याह -- topropose this moment, to marry thevery next; to implement a proposal without delay.
- चटक chaṭak -- (nf) glitter, splendour, brilliance; agility; crack; sprain; asparrow; (a) bright, brilliant, loud (colour).
- चटकदार -- brilliant; gaudy, loud.
- चटक मटक -- gaud/gaudiness; coquetry; ornamentation, glitter.
- चटकना chaṭaknā: -- (v) to crack, to crackle, to produce a snapping/cracking sound; to crack with areport; to burst or open (as a bud); to cause to snap.
- चटकना chaṭkanī: -- (nf) see चटखनी.
- चटकाना chaṭka:nā: -- (v) to snap; to cause to crack or crackle.
- चटकारा chaṭka:ra: -- (nm) see चटख़ारा.
- चटकीला chaṭki:la: -- (a) brilliant, bright; loud, glittering; gaudy; hence चटकीलापन (nm).
- चटखनी chaṭkhanī: -- (nf) a latch, bolt, tower bolt.
- चटखा/रा chaṭḳḥa:ra: -- (nm) a clack of the tongue with the palate (expressive of relishing experience).
- चटखारे भरना/लेना -- to express relishingof or desire for (delicious food ortalk etc.).
- चटचटाना chaṭchaṭa:nā: -- (v) to produce a cracking or snapping sound; to burn with a crackling noise.
- चटनी chaṭnī: -- (nf) sauce indigenous sauce.
- चटनी करना/बनाना -- to transforminto pulp, to beat up thoroughly.
- चटप/टा chaṭpaṭa: -- (a) pungent, spicy.
- चटपटापन -- pungency spiciness; hence चटपटी (fem. form).
- चटपटापन बातें -- spicytalk.
- चटाई chaṭa:i: -- (nf) a mat; the act or process of licking.
- चटाई नाप -- two-dimensional measurement.
- चटाक chaṭa:k -- (nm) a crackling sound (comparatively louder and morelasting than चट); smack.
- चटाक पटाक -- promptly, swiftly.
- चटाका chaṭa:ka: -- (nm) a smack, crackling report.
- चटाचट chaṭa:chaṭ -- (nf) a repeated crackle or smack; (adv) with arepeated crackling or smackingreport.
- चटाना chaṭa:nā: -- (v) to cause to lick; to bribe.
- चटाना , धूल -- to throw aground, to fell.
- चटाना , रुपया -- to bribe, to givemonetary gratification.
- चटियल chaṭiyal -- (a) bare, barren.
- चटुल chaṭul -- (a) fickle, unsteady; flippant, swift moving; hence चटुलता( nf).
- चटोर/चटोरा chaṭor/chaṭora: -- (a) gastroume, greedy of delicious dishes.
- चटोरपन -- gastroumy, greediness fordelicious dishes.
- चट्टान chaṭṭā:n -- (nf) a rock, cliff.
- चट्टान की तरह -- solid like a rock, firm and resolute.
- चट्टा-बट्टा chaṭṭa:-baṭṭa: -- (nm) a set of toys or other implements (in a.
- चट्टी chaṭṭi: -- (nf) slipper(s); loss, damage; a halting place (esp. on hilly-routes).
- चट्टी देना -- to inflict aloss/damage.
- चट्टी लगना -- to suffer aloss/damage.
- चड्डी chaḍḍi: -- (nf) a scanty under-wear (esp. for children); ride; back-ride.
- चड्डी गाँठना -- to have a back-ride.
- चड्डी लेना -- to have a ride; to ride onthe back (of).
- चढ़त chaṛḥat -- (nf) offering(s) to a deity, priest, etc.
- चढ़ता chaṛḥta: -- (a) rising; growing; increasing; blooming; hence चढ़ती( fem. form).
- चढ़ता चढ़ती जवानी में -- inthe flower of one's age, in theprime of youth.
- चढ़ता चढ़ते सूर्य कोनमस्कार/प्रणाम करना -- see चढ़ना.
- चढ़/ना chaṛḥnā: -- (v) to go up; to ascend; to be ascendant; to climb; to rise; to mount; to ride; to beoffered (to a deity etc.); to launchan attack, to charge; to be recorded; to take possession of (as by anevil spirit); to be placed on fire forcooking; to be in spate, to be ina tide; to increase, to be on theincrease; to be covered by something; (said of a man) to enterinto sexual union, to overpowerinto sexual act.
- चढ़ उतर कर बातकरना -- to make a harsh and unwelcome utterance, to talkarrogantly.
- चढ़ कर -- superior, excelling.
- चढ़ते सूर्य को नमस्कार/प्रणाम करना -- to climb on the bandwagon, tobow to the rising sun, to striveto be on the winning side.
- चढ़ दौड़ना -- to launch an invasion, tocharge.
- चढ़ बनना -- to have a run ofgood luck, to enjoy a lucky spell.
- चढ़ बैठना -- to ride on; to overpower; to trample down.
- चढ़ाई chaṛḥa:i: -- (nf) ascent, bank, climb; rise; invasion.
- चढ़ाई करना -- toinvade; to climb (an ascent).
- चढ़ा-उतरी chaṛḥa:utri: -- (nf) fluctuation, repeated ascents and descents.
- चढ़ा-उपरी chaṛḥa:u:pari: -- (nf) see चढ़ा-चढ़ी.
- चढ़ा-चढ़ी chaṛḥa:chaṛḥi: -- (nf) (spirit of) rivalry, competitive bid(ding).
- चढ़ाना chaṛḥa:nā: -- (v) to cause to go up or rise; to offer; to put on; tomount; to record; to place on firefor cooking; to cover; to load; tobrace; to tighten; to string (abow); to anoint, to apply a pasteor liquid (on the body); to fix (abayonet); to drink off/up; to provoke/incite; to puff up (throughexaggerated praise); to inject, toinfuse.
- चढ़ाव chaṛḥa:w -- (nm) ascent, acclivity; rise (in prices, etc.); ornamentalgift for the bride (from the bride-groom's side); upstream; swelling(of a river, etc.).
- चढ़ावा chaṛḥa:wa: -- (nm) oblation, offering (to a deity, etc.), ornamental gift presented to the bride(from the bridegroom's side).
- चतुर chatur -- (a) clever, shrewd; wise; skilful, skilled.
- चतुरता/पन -- cleverness, shrewdness; wisdom; skill.
- चतुराई chatura:i: -- (nf) cleverness; wisdom; skill, dexterity.
- चतु/र् chatur -- used as the first member of Sanskrit compoundwords being an allomorph of चतुः, meaning four.
- चतुरंग -- quadripartite, consisting of four members orparts.
- चतुरंगिणी -- quadripartite, comprised of four members or parts; (used esp. to denote an army comprised of four arms or departments, viz; elephants, cavalry.
- चतु/ष् chatush -- an allomorph of चतुः used as the first member of Sanskrit compound words meaning four.
- चतुष्कोण -- four-cornered; a quadrangle.
- चतुष्कोणीय -- quadrangular.
- चतुष्पथ -- a road-crossing.
- चतुष्पद/ष्पाद -- four-footed; a quadruped.
- चतुष्टय chatushṭay -- (nm) an aggregate of four (things, persons, etc.).
- चतु/स् chatus -- used as the first member of Sanskirt compoundwords being an allomorph of चतुः —meaning four.
- चतुस्सूत्री -- four-point(ed); four-stringed.
- चद्दर chaddar -- (nf) see चादर.
- चनकाटा chankaṭa: -- (nm) a slap.
- चना chanā: -- (nm) gram.
- चना-चबैना -- parched gram and allied grains; poor people's diet.
- चनार chana:r -- (nm) a kind of tall beautiful tree (generally found in the hills).
- चपकन chapkān -- (nm) a peculiar long tight coat.
- चपटा chapṭa: -- (a) flat.
- चपटापन -- flatness.
- चपटी chapṭi: -- (nf) homosexual act between two females.
- चपड़-चपड़ chapaṛ:chapaṛ -- (nf) lap, offensive sound made during chewing; tattle, unavailing and unending prattle.
- चपड़-चपड़ करना -- to continue to prattle.
- चपड़ा chapṛa: -- (nm) shellac.
- चपत chapat -- (nm) a slap; (nf) loss; damage.
- चपत झाड़ना -- to slap.
- चपत देना/लगाना -- to inflict a loss; to damage; to slap.
- चपत पड़ना/बैठना/लगना -- to beslapped; to sustain a loss/damage.
- चपत रसीद करना -- to (give a) slap.
- चपती chapti: -- (nf) a fillet.
- चपनी chapnī: -- (nf) a knee-cap.
- चपरकनाती chapārkana:ti: -- (a) stupid; foolish; of no consequence; (nm) a riff-raff.
- चपरगट्टू chaparagaṭṭu: -- (a and nm) (a) blockhead, duffer, nincompoop.
- चपरास chapra:s -- (nf) a breast plate; a plate worn on belt (as a mark of office) by peons etc.; (in wrestling) a violent stroke of the left foot on the right of the adversary and vice-versa.
- चपरासी chapra:si: -- (nm) a peon.
- चपरासीगीरी -- a peon's function or office.
- चपल chapal -- (a) unsteady; wavering.
- चपलता chapalta: -- (nf) unsteadiness; flippancy; tremulousness, restlessness; quickness; nimbleness.
- चपला chapla: -- (nf) the goddess of wealth—Lakshmi:; lightning; (a) feminine form of चपल (sec).
- चपाती chapa:ti: -- (nf) a thin bread of the Indian style.
- चपेट chapeṭ -- (nf) striking range; stroke (of misfortune etc.); involvement; a sudden involvingblow or accident.
- चपेट में आना -- to beembroiled in a blow or accident; to sustain injury/loss; to be struck.
- चपेट लगना -- to sustain injury or loss, to get embroiled in an accidentor a blow, to suffer a stroke.
- चपेटा chapeṭa: -- (nm) see चपेट.
- चप्पल chappal -- (nf) slipper(s) (open at the front), sandal.
- चप्पा chappa: -- (nm) a hand-breadth, a measure of four fingers; a span, small piece of land.
- चप्पा चप्पा -- everyspan of land, every inch of ground; every nook and corner.
- चप्पा छान मारना -- to make a thoroughsearch, to scan every inch of land, to search every nook and corner.
- चप्पू chappu: -- (nm) an oar.
- चबाई chaba:i: -- (nm) a backbiter.
- चबाना chaba:nā: -- (v) to chew; to munch; to masticate.
- चबा-चबाकर बोलना -- (to speak) haltingly and witha munching action.
- चबा/उ, चबाव chaba:u, ~w -- (nm) back-biting.
- चबा चिट्ठा -- systematic andfrequent backbiting, indulgencein the act of talking ill of others.
- चबूतरा chabu:tra: -- (nm) a raised platform; stoop.
- चबेबैना chabeainā: -- (nm) miscellaneous parched grains (mixed together).
- चमक chamāk -- (nf) flash; brilliance, lustre, shine; gloss; glare; radiance; a localised flash of pain.
- चमक दमक -- glitter; brilliance; pomp and show.
- चमकदार -- shining, brilliant, glittering, glossy.
- चमक उठना -- to shine forth; tocut a dash, to make a brilliantshow; to be provoked all of asudden, to flare up.
- चमकना chamāknā: -- (v) to shine, to glitter, to sparkle; to flash; to flare, to flare up, to get angry; to havea localised flash of pain.
- चमकीला chamki:la: -- (a) shining, glossy; radiant, brilliant, bright; lustrous, luminous; hence चमकीलापन (nm).
- चमगादड़ chamga:daṛ -- (nm) a bat; vampire; (fig.) one who managesto keep in two opposite camps.
- चमचमाना chamchamā:nā: -- (v) to shine, to glitter, to be glossy; tosparkle.
- चमचा chamcha: -- (nm) a large spoon; flunkey, flatterer.
- चमचागीरी -- cheapflattery, sycophancy.
- चमटी chamṭi: -- (nf) a guide stick.
- चम/ड़ा chamṛa: -- (nm) leather; hide; skin.
- चमड़ा कमाना -- to tan, to cure.
- चमड़े का सिक्का -- a false coin, worthless article.
- चमड़ी chamṛi: -- (nf) skin.
- चमड़ी उधेड़ना -- to beat bare; to flay, to skin.
- चमड़ी जायेपर दमड़ी न जाये -- to suffer a flaying, to save a penny; to be excessivelystingy.
- चमड़ी का, मोटी -- thick-skinned.
- चमड़ी , गोरी -- fair-complexioned.
- चमड़ी पर मरना -- to fall for external beauty.
- चमत्का/र chamatka:r -- (nm) a marvel, miracle; wonder; thaumaturgy; spectacle.
- चमत्कारिक -- thaumaturgic, marvellous, miraculous; spectacular; hence चमत्कारिकता.
- चमत्कारी -- miracuious; one who performs miracles, a thaumaturge.
- चमत्कृ/त chamatkrit -- (a) ast ounded.
- चमन chamān -- (nm) a small garden; parterre, bed of a garden; a placefull of life and luxury.
- चमरी chamri: -- (nf) a chumrey; a yak (mas. चमर); see चँवर.
- चमरौधा chamraudha: -- (nm) an indigenous type of sturdy shoe.
- चमाचम chamā:chām -- (adv) with a shine/gloss, brilliantly, brightly.
- चमा/र chamā:r -- (nm) a cobbler, shoe-maker; a scheduled casteamongst the Hindus traditionallyliving by shoe-making; a lowlyperson.
- चमारिन/री -- feminine form of चमार.
- चमु chamū: -- (nf) a division of an army.
- चमुनायक/पति -- an army-commander, a general.
- चमेली chameli: -- (nf) (a kind of) jasmine (plant and its flower).
- चमेली का तेल -- jasmine oil.
- चम्मच chammāch -- (nm) a spoon.
- चयन chayān -- (nm) selection; picking up; compiling.
- चयन समिति -- selectioncommittee.
- चयनिका chayanika: -- (nf) an anthology, a selection/collection of choicest or representative writings.
- चर char -- (nm) a spy, secret messenger, emissary; a variable; (a) moving; unsteady; variable; hence चरता see चरता.
- चरकटा charkaṭa: -- (nm) a chaff-cutter; riff-raff, an insignificant person.
- चरका charka: -- (nm) fraud, swindle, rigging.
- चरका खाना -- to be swindled/defrauded.
- चरका देना -- to defraud, toswindle.
- चरका लगना -- to be defrauded/swindled.
- चरख charakh -- (nm) a large revolving wheel.
- चरखा charkha: -- (nm) a spinning wheel; hyena.
- चरखी charkhi: -- (nf) a reel, spool; pulley; sheave; see चरख; tourbillion, revolving firework; a catherine wheel.
- चरचराना charchara:nā: -- (v) to crackle, to make a sputtering noise; toproduce a painful sensation as bythe drying up of a wound.
- चरचराहट charchara:haṭ -- (nf) crackle; sputtering noise; painful sensationas by the drying up of a wound.
- चरण charāṉ -- (nm) a foot (also of a verse); step; quarter; phase.
- चरण-कमल/पद्म -- lotus-like feet.
- चरण-चिन्ह -- footprint.
- चरणतल -- sole of the foot.
- चरणधूलि/चरणरज -- dust of the feet (of); to be nomatch to, to be too inferior forcomparison.
- चरण-सुश्रूषा/सेवा -- obsequiousattendance; reverential service.
- चरणसेवी -- an obsequious attendant; one who renders reverentialservice.
- चरण चाँपना/चूमना -- to press/lickthe feet of, to be extremely servile/submissive, to keep on flattering.
- चरण छूना -- to touch one's feet(as a traditional mark of respect).
- चरण धोकर पीना -- to be very reverentialand respectful.
- चरणों में अर्पितकरना/चढ़ाना -- to make a respectfuloffering to; to surrender withdeference.
- चरणामृत charṉā:mmrit -- (nm) foot ambrosia, the water in which theidol of a deity has been bathed orthe feet of a revered person havebeen washed (considered to be asacred drink).
- चरणोदक charṉodak -- (nm) see चरणामृत.
- चरता charta: -- (nf) variability; unsteadiness; mobility; (a) grazing.
- चरना charnā: -- (v) to graze.
- चरपरा charpara: -- (a) piquant; hot.
- चरबा charba: -- (nm) tracing paper; copy, sketch.
- चरबी charbi: -- (nf) fat, fats and oils; grease; tallow.
- चरबीदार -- greasy; fatty.
- चरबी चढ़ना -- to grow fat; to becomearrogant.
- चरबी छाना, आँखो में, -- to growmad with passion, to be neglectful(on account of arrogance, carelessness, etc.) of others.
- चरम charām -- (a) absolute; ultimate; last, final; extreme.
- चरम लक्ष्य -- ultimate aim.
- चरम सीमा -- extreme; extremelimit.
- चरमर charmar -- (nf) a creaking sound (as of new boots); squeak.
- चरमराना charmara:nā: -- (v) to creak; to squeak.
- चरमराहट charmara:haṭ -- (nf) a creaking or squeaking sound; creak; squeak.
- चरवाहा charva:ha: -- (nm) a herdsman, grazier.
- चरस charas -- (nm) an intoxicating drug prepared from the flowersof hemp; a huge leather bucket.
- चरसा charsa: -- (nm) a huge leather bucket.
- चराई chara:i: -- (nf) grazing, pasturage; the rent or wages paid for grazing (one's cow, buffalo, etc).
- चरागाह chara:ga:h -- (nm) pasture, pasture land, meadow, graziery.
- चराचर chara:char -- (a) movable and immovable, animate and inanimate; (nm) the entire creation.
- चराना chara:nā: -- (v) to (cause to) graze; to befool, to hoodwink.
- चरित charit -- (nm) biography; doings, goings.
- चरितकर/चरित-लेखक -- a biographer.
- चरित-नायक -- the hero or the maincharacter (of a literary work).
- चरित-रुपक -- biographical feature.
- चरितार्थ charita:rth -- (a) validated/vindicated; proven correct; gratified.
- चरितार्थ होना -- to attain one's object or end; to prove valid, to bevindicated; to aquire a meaning.
- चरीतार्थता charita:rthata: -- (nf) significance, meaningfulness; fulfilment, success; validity.
- चरितावली charita:vali: -- (nf) a collection of biographies; biography.
- चरित्र charitr -- (nm) character.
- चरित्र-चित्रण/निर्माण -- characterisation, portrayal.
- चरित्र-दोष -- flaws of character.
- चरित्रवान -- (a man) of sound character.
- चरित्र-हत्या -- character assassination.
- चरित्रहीन -- profligate, deprave, characterless.
- चरित्रांकन charitrā:ṅkān -- (nm) characterisation; portrayal, delineation.
- चरी chari: -- (nf) green plants used for cattle-fodder; graziery.
- चर्ख charḳḥ -- (nm) see चरख.
- चर्ख़ा charḳḥa: -- (nm) see चरखा.
- चर्ख़ी charḳḥi: -- (nf) see चरखी.
- चर्च charch -- (nm) a church.
- चर्चक charchak -- (nm) one who mentions or discusses.
- चर्चा charcha: -- (nf) mention; discussion; rumour.
- चर्चा होना -- to take air, to be talked about.
- चर्चित charchit -- (a) discussed; mentioned; smeared, anointed.
- चर्बी charbi: -- (nf) see चरबी.
- चर्म charm -- (nm) leather; skin; hide.
- चर्मकार -- a cobbler; shoe-maker; tanner.
- चर्ममय -- leathery, coraceous.
- चर्या charya: -- (nf) routine; goings, conduct; performance (of ritesand ceremonies).
- चर्राना charra:nā: -- (v) to crack/creak/crackle; to make a cracking/creaking/crackling sound; to smart on account of tension (asof skin); to have an intense urge(esp. in शौकचर्राना ).
- चर्व/ण charvāṉ -- (nm) masticating, masticational chewing; relishing; also चर्वणा (nf).
- चर्वित charvit -- (a) masticated, chewed.
- चर्वित-चर्वण -- chewing the chewed; tedious reiteration.
- चल chal -- (a) unsteady; transient; inconstant; variable; movable, mobile (as पुस्तकालय).
- चल अर्थ -- currency.
- चल-चलाव -- the verge of departure/death.
- चलचित्त -- fickle-minded, unsteady.
- चलचित्र -- a movie; motion picture, cinema, cinematograph.
- चल-विचल -- unsteady, inconstant.
- चल संपत्ति -- movable property.
- चलता chalata: -- (nm) mobility; unsteadiness; (a) mobile, moving; current, in use; flourishing (as चलती दुकान); cursory (e.g. चलती निगाह); cunning, clever; workable; temporary; light (as चलती चीज़).
- चलता खाता -- current account.
- चलता पुरज़ा -- cunning; clever.
- चलता-फिरता -- mobile.
- चलता सिक्का -- a current coin.
- चलता करना -- todispose of; to tell off, to sendaway.
- चलता फिरना नज़र आना -- tobe making a move, to be moving off.
- चलता बनना -- to turn tails; to slipaway.
- चलती का नाम गाड़ी -- nothingsucceeds like success.
- चलती रक़म -- a clever/cunning fellow.
- चलती सीढ़ी -- excalator.
- चलते -- usage typicalto the Biharis—because of, dueto, owing to.
- चलते चलते -- incidentally, casually, in passing.
- चलते-चलाते -- by the way, without priordeliberation.
- चलताऊ chalta:u: -- (a) workable; serviceable; casual/temporary; about to go or depart; moribund.
- चलताऊ डेरा -- being on the verge of death ordeparture.
- चलतू chaltu: -- (a) workable, temporary.
- चलन chalān -- (nm) vogue; usage; custom; conduct.
- चलन कलन -- Differential Calculus.
- चलन समीकरण -- differential equation.
- चलनसार -- durable; current.
- चलना chalnā: -- (v) to walk; to move, to proceed; to be in vogue/use/currency; to last; to flow; to beinitiated/started (as बातचलना-), to bepressed into; used (as लाठीचलना ); toblow (as हवाचलना ); to be thrown (as तीरचलना ); to be effective; to go off (as बंदुकचलना ); to be operated (as मशीनचलना ); to be filed (as मुक़दमाचलना ); to pass(as सिक्काचलना ).
- चल निकलना -- to beconsolidated; to get going, tomake a progress; to flourish.
- चल पड़ना (काम आदि) -- to catch on.
- चल बसना -- to pass away, to expire.
- चलते घोड़े को एड़ लगाना -- to spur awilling horse.
- चलनी chalnī: -- (nf) a sieve; (a) durable.
- चलाऊ chala:u: -- (a) durable, lasting.
- चलाचल chala:chal -- (a) mobile and immobile; movable and immovable; transient.
- चलाचल संपत्ति -- movable andimmovable property.
- चलाचली chala:chali: -- (nf) (verge of) departure; time of departure; readiness for departure.
- चलाना chala:nā: -- (v) to cause to walk; to move; to drive; to guile, to pass (as सिक्काचलाना ); to operate(as मशीनचलाना ); to manipulate (as क्रेनचलाना ); to initiate (as चर्चाचलाना ); tothrow/fire (as गोला, गोलीचलाना ); to file(as मुक़दमाचलाना ).
- चलायमान chala:ymā:n -- (a) moving; fickle, wavering; unsteady.
- चलार्थ chala:rth -- (nm) currency.
- चलित chalit -- (a) moved, wavered, unsteady.
- चवन्नी chavannī: -- (nf) a twenty-five paisa (four anna) coin.
- चवन्नीवाले -- low-class prople.
- चवर्ग chavarg -- (nm) the 'cha' pentad.
- चवालीस chava:li:s -- (a) forty-four; (nm) the number forty-four.
- चश्म chashm -- (nf) an eye.
- चश्मदीद -- witnessed; seen.
- चश्मदीद गवाह -- an eye-witness.
- चश्मपोशी -- connivance.
- चश्म-ए-बद -- evil eye; malicious glance.
- चश्म-ए-बद दूर -- may not an evil glance be castupon you !, avaunt maliciousglances !.
- चश्मा chashmā: -- (nm) spectacles, glasses; fountain, spring.
- चश्मा धूप का/चश्मा , धूपी -- goggles.
- चश्मा , रंगीन -- coloured glasses.
- चसका chaska: -- (nm) proclivity, addiction; compelling habituation.
- चसका , पड़ना/लगना -- (used in denunciatory sense) to get addicted/habituated/used to (some degenerating habit), to develop an irresistible proclivity for.
- चस्पाँ chaspā: -- (a) affixed, stuck; fitting; applicable.
- चहक chehak -- (nf) chirping, warbling.
- चहकना chehaknā: -- (v) to chirp, to warble; to be merrily talkative.
- चहकार chehka:r -- (nf) see चहक.
- चहचहाना chehcheha:nā: -- (v) to chirp, to warble.
- चहबच्चा chahbachcha: -- (nm) a catch-pit; subterranean store-pit.
- चहलक़दमी chehalqadmī: -- (nf) stroll, leisurely walk, ramble.
- चहल-पहल chehalpehal -- (nf) hustle and bustle; commotion; gaiety, merriment.
- चहारदीवारी chaha:rdi:va:ri: -- (nf) the four-walls, boundary.
- चहेता chaheta: -- (a) beloved; favourite.
- चांचल्य chā:ṇchally -- (nm) see चंचलता.
- चाँटा chāṭa: -- (nm) a slap.
- चाँटा जड़ना/देना/लगाना/रसीद करना -- to (give a) slap.
- चांडाल chā:ṉḍa:l -- (nm) see चंडाल.
- चांडाल चौकड़ी -- a swindling/nuisance making quartet/foursome.
- चाँद chā:d -- (nm) the moon; the bull's eye; (nf) the crown (of); the head.
- चाँदतारा -- a kind of fine muslin; akite bearing the figures of thecrescent aud the star.
- चाँदमारी -- shooting practice; range.
- चाँदमारी का मैदान -- shooting range.
- चाँद का टुकड़ा -- abeauty.
- चाँद को गहन (ग्रहन) लगना -- tohave a blot in a beauty.
- चाँद गंजी करना -- to boot to baldness, tothrash bald.
- चाँद गंजी होना -- to becomebald-headed.
- चाँद पर थूकना/धूल उड़ाना -- to slander the unassailable (andhave one's own image sullied).
- चाँद में भी दाग़ है -- every bean has itsblack, no one is without hisfaults.
- चाँद-सा मुखड़ा -- a face as lovelyas the moon, lovely face.
- चाँदना chād:nā: -- (nm) light.
- चाँदना होना -- to have light, to be lighted; todawn, to have the day-break.
- चाँदनी chādnī: -- (nf) the moonlight; a large white sheet of cloth; bedsheet, canopy.
- चाँदनी खिलना/छिटकना -- moonlight to spread all over.
- चाँदा chāda: -- (nm) a protractor.
- चाँदी chādi: -- (nf) silver.
- चाँदी कटना -- to be minting money.
- चाँदी का जूता/की जूती -- monetary temptation; bribe.
- चाँदी के टुकड़े -- rupee coins; money ingeneral.
- चाँदी के दिन -- pleasant/delightfuldays.
- चाँदी बनाना -- to mint money, toearn fabulously.
- चाँदी होना -- to havefabulous earnings; to have allround gains.
- चांद्र cha:ndr -- (a) lunar, pertaining to the moon.
- चांद्र मास -- lunar month.
- चांद्र वत्सर/वर्ष -- lunar year.
- चांद्रायण cha:ndra:yaṉ -- (nm) a typical fast observed by the Hindus and related to the waning andwaxing of the moon.
- चाँपना chā:pnā: -- (v) to press.
- चाक cha:k -- (nm) chalk; the potter's wheel; (a) torn; split.
- चाक करना -- totear apart.
- चाक़-चौबंद cha:q-chaubānd -- (a) smart; alert and agile.
- चाकर cha:kar -- (nm) a servant; menial atten ant.
- चाकरी cha:kri: -- (nf) service, attendance.
- चाकरी करना -- to fetch and carry.
- चाकरी बजाना -- to be in servile attendace.
- चाक़ू cha:qu: -- (nm) a knife.
- चाक़ू घोंपना/भोंकना -- to stab with a knife.
- चाक्षुष cha:kshush -- (a) visual, pertaining to the eye.
- चाखना cha:khnā: -- (v) to taste, to relish.
- चा/चा cha:cha: -- (nm) paternal uncle.
- चाची -- paternal uncle's wife, aunt.
- चाट cha:ṭ -- (nf) a spicy preparation of cut fruits, vegetables, etc.; habit, compelling habituation, irresistibile proclivity.
- चाट पड़ना/लगना -- see चसका पड़ना/लगना.
- चाटना cha:ṭnā: -- (v) to lick.
- चाट जाना -- to consume the whole, to polish.off; to be inflicted by.
- चाट , धूप का -- tobe sun-struck.
- चाटु cha:ṭu -- (nm) flattery, adulation, false praise.
- चाटु/कार cha:tuka:r -- (a) a flatterer, sycophant; adulator.
- चाटुकारिता, चाटुकारी -- flattery, sycophancy, adulation.
- चाटूक्ति cha:ṭu:kti -- (nf) a flattering statement, flattery.
- चातक cha:tak -- (nm) an Indian bird —Cuculus melanoleucus.
- चातूरी cha:turi: -- (nf) cleverness, ingeniousness, tact; dexterity.
- चातुर्मा/स, चातुर्मासिक cha:turmā:s, ~sik -- (a and nm) pertaining to the rainyseason; the rainy season; comprised of four months; also चातुर्मास्य( nm).
- चातुर्य cha:tury -- (nm) cleverness, ingeniousness, tact; dexterity.
- चातुर्वण्र्य cha:turvarṉy -- (a) pertaining to the four castes as prescribedunder the ancient Indian socialsystem (viz. ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र).
- चातुर्वण्र्य व्यवस्था -- the (four) caste-system (aspractised in the Indian tradition.
- चादर cha:dar -- (nf) a sheet; plate; bedsheet, bed-cover; cover-let; anupper cover garment used bywomen.
- चादरबंदी -- sheeting.
- चादर उतारना -- to expose, to put to shame.
- चादर ओढ़ाना/डालना -- to have a widowas wife.
- चादर के बाहर (पाँव फैलाना) -- togo beyond one's means.
- चादर तानकर सोना -- to have a carefree sleep.
- चादर देखकर पाँव फैलाना -- to cut one'scoat according to the cloth.
- चादर फैलाना -- to send the cap/hat round.
- चादरा cha:dra: -- (nm) a coverlet, an overall clothes-covering sheet(used by women).
- चाप cha:p -- (nf) are; pressure; a bow; (foot) sound/blow.
- चापलूस cha:plu:s -- (a) flattering, sycophantic, adulatoring.
- चापलूसी cha:plu:si: -- (nf) flattery, sycophancy, adulation.
- चापलूसी करना -- to butter up.
- चापलूसी से काम निकालना -- tocoax thing out of a person, tocoax fire to light, to coax key into lock.
- चापल्य cha:pally -- (nm) see चपलता.
- चाबना cha:bnā: -- (v) see चबाना.
- चाबी cha:bi: -- (nf) a key; spline.
- चाबी घुमाना -- to tutor, to make some body dance to one's tune.
- चाबी देना -- to wind (a watch etc.).
- चाबी हाथ मेंहोना -- to be under the sway of, to bedominated by.
- चाबुक cha:buk -- (nm) a whip, flog, lash.
- चाबुकसवार -- an ace horse-rider; a horse-trainer.
- चाबुक घुमाना -- to threatto flog.
- चाभी cha:bhi: -- (nf) see चाबी.
- चाम chā:m -- (nm) skin; hide.
- चाम के दाम -- lit. a leather coin—meaning acoin having no worth; earningsthrough immoral traffic in women.
- चाय cha:y -- (nf) tea.
- चायघर -- a tea-house, canteen.
- चायदानी -- a tea-pot.
- चाय-पानी -- breakfast; tea; tea and snacks, light refreshment.
- चाय पर बुलाना -- toinvite for tea.
- चार cha:r -- (a) four; several, a few; (nm) the number four; spying.
- चारकर्म -- spying; intelligence work.
- चारख़ाना -- chequered cloth.
- चारदीवार -- fence walls, four walls.
- चारदीवारी -- boundary, four walls.
- चार धाम -- see चतुर्धाम under चतुर्.
- चार पदार्थ -- the fourachievements for which manaspires (viz. धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष).
- चार अक्षर पढ़ना -- to gain smattering Knowledge, to learn a modicum of (something).
- चार आँखें करना -- toexchange glances, to meet eyewith eye; to come face to face.
- चार आँखे होना -- to be face to face, tosee each other.
- चार आदमी -- people ingeneral; representatives of the community.
- चार क़दम -- a short distance.
- चार क़दम आगे होना -- to be superior to, to excel, to be more than amatch; to be ahead of.
- चार के कंध/कंधों पर चढ़ना -- to be taken in acoffin, to perform the last journey.
- चार के कान पड़ना -- to become public, to become known.
- चार चाँद लगना -- tohave a feather added to one'scap; to become more charmingthan ever.
- चार दिन का -- short-lived, transient.
- चार दिन का मेहमान -- having afleeting existence, faced withimminent death, destined to dieshortly.
- चार दिन की चाँदनी -- a fleetingexistence; a nine days' wonder, alimited period of merry-making.
- चार पैसे कमाना -- to make someearning.
- चारों ओर अँधेरा -- badto be the best.
- चारों ख़ाने चित्तगिरना -- lit. to fall at full stretch—to be beaten all ends up; tobe thoroughly vanquished; to be down and out; to set one'sfoot on the neck of; to lose one'swits.
- चारों चूल बराबर -- all square; fit all round.
- चारों फुटना -- to suffertotal blindness; to lose one'smental as well as physical vision.
- चारण cha:rāṉ -- (nm) a wandering minstrel, bard; grazing; a sub-casteof Ra:jastha:n Bra:hmaṉs.
- चारण काव्य -- bardic poetry.
- चारपाई cha:rpa:i: -- (nf) a bedstead, bed, cot.
- चारपाई पकड़ लेना -- to be bed-ridden, to be confined to bed.
- चारपाई पर पड़ना -- to be confined to bed, to betaken ill.
- चारपाई सेना -- to suffer a prolonged illness, to be bed-riddenfor long.
- चारपाई से लगना -- to be reducedto a skeleton.
- चार सौ बी/स cha:r sau bi:s -- (a) fraudulent; deceitful; (nm) a fraud, forgerer.
- चारसी -- fraud, forgery; criminal deception.
- चारा cha:ra: -- (nm) fodder, forage, feed; bait, lure; remedy; means.
- चारा और भूसा -- fodder and forage.
- चारा डालना/फेंकना -- to bait, to enticethrough temptation.
- चारा न होना, और कोई -- to have no other way out.
- चाराजोई cha:ra joi: -- (nf) measures, proceedings.
- चाराजोई , क़ानूनी -- legal measures/proceedings.
- चारित्र्य cha:rittry -- (nm) character.
- चारित्र्यहीन -- having no character, characterless, depraved; hence चारित्र्यहीनता( nf).
- चारी cha:ri: -- used as a suffix meaning 'faring', 'going' (e.g. समुद्रचारी seafaring); (nf) a dance posture, gesture.
- चारु cha:ru -- (a) beautiful, appealing.
- चार्ज cha:rj -- (nm) a charge.
- चार्जशीट -- a charge-sheet.
- चार्ज करना -- to charge (inelectricity).
- चार्ज देना -- to hand overcharge.
- चार्ज लेना -- to take charge.
- चार्ट cha:rṭ -- (nm) a chart.
- चार्टर cha:rṭar -- (nm) a charter.
- चाल cha:l -- (nf) gait; speed; march; motion; movement; move; trick; device; custom; a huge buildinginhabited by a large number oftenant families.
- चाल-चलन -- conduct.
- चाल-ढाल -- ways, bearing, demeanour.
- चालबाज़ -- crafty, cunning, tricky; atrickster.
- चालबाज़ी -- craftiness; cunningness; trickery.
- चाल चलना -- to playa trick; to make a (deft) move.
- चाल चूकना -- to miss the target, to makean unsuccessful move; a trick tomisfire.
- चाल में आना -- to fall into one'strap; to be a victim to one's trick.
- चालक cha:lak -- (a) a driver; conductor; hence चालकता (nf).
- चालन cha:lān -- (nm) operation, working; driving; conduction.
- चाला cha:la: -- (nm) departure; auspicious day or time (for commencing a journey).
- चाला न होना -- the occasion (time, day) to be inauspicious for undertaking a journey.
- चालाक cha:la:k -- (a) cunning, clever, crafty.
- चालाक कौआ -- (fig.) a crafty crow, cunning fellow.
- चालाकी cha:la:ki: -- (nf) cunningness, craftiness.
- चालान cha:lā:n -- (nm) a challan, invoice; prosecution.
- चालानदार -- an invoice-holder.
- चालान-बही -- an invoicebook.
- चालान करना -- to challan, to registera case (against).
- चाली/स cha:lī:s -- (a) forty; (nm) the number forty.
- चालीसवाँ -- fortieth; a ritual observed on the fortiethday after death.
- चालीसा -- an aggregateof forty (verses, etc.); a ritualobserved on the fortieth day afterdemise.
- चालू cha:lu: -- (a) current; running; prevalent; tenable; commonplace; moving, in motion; cunning, unscrupulous (e.g. चालू आदमी).
- चालू औरत -- a woman of easy virtue; unscrupulous woman.
- चालू करना -- to bringinto play; to bring into operation.
- चालू हालत में -- in running condition.
- चाव chā:v -- (nm) fondness, eagerness.
- चावल cha:val -- (nm) rice.
- चाशनी cha:shnī: -- (nf) treacle; a viscous state of syrup.
- चाशनी घुलना, (मन में) -- to be happy (within); to be sweetened.
- चाशनी देना -- to give atouch of, to reinforce with.
- चाशनी सी -- sweet like syrup.
- चाह cha:h -- (nf) liking, love, craving; desire; will; a well.
- चाह से राह बनती है -- where there is a will, there isa way.
- चाहत cha:hat -- (nf) liking, love, fondness.
- चाह/ना cha:hnā: -- (v) to wish, to want; to like, to love, to be fondof; to crave for, to desire; torequire.
- चाहने वाला -- a lover.
- चाहिए cha:hie -- the precative form of the aorist of चाहना, used as aphrase, meaning—is necessary, isneedful or requisite, is proper orright; it behoves; should or oughtor must (be).
- चाहे cha:he -- (ind) either...or; or...or; even though/though......yet/still.
- चाहे कितना (भी) -- however great/much.
- चाहे कुछ भी/चाहे कोई -- whichever, whoever.
- चाहे-जो हो -- for better for worse, comewhat may, whatever happens.
- चिंघाड़ chīṅgha:ṛ -- (nm) trumpet (of an elephant); a roar (in rage).
- चिंघाड़ना chīṅgha:ṛnā: -- (v) to trumpet (as an elephant); to roar.
- चिंतक chīntak -- (nm) thinker, contemplator; philosopher.
- चिंतन chīntān -- (nm) thinking: reflection, contemplation; musing.
- चिंतन-मनन -- contemplation and reflection; thinking and deliberating.
- चिंतनशील -- thoughtful, contemplative; hence चिंतनशीलता (nf).
- चिंतना chīntanā: -- (nf) thinking; thought; contemplation.
- चिंतनीय chīntanī:y -- (a) worth thinking of; contemplatable; thinkable; doubtful; causing anxiety/concern.
- चिंता chīnta: -- (nf) worry, concern; anxiety; care.
- चिंताजनक -- causinganxiety/concern.
- चिंताधारा -- ideology.
- चिंतामग्न -- engrossed in worry/anxiety; worried; musing.
- चिंतामुक्त -- free ofworry/anxiety.
- चिंतारहित -- carefree, having no worry.
- चिंताशील -- givento worrying, ever worried.
- चिंता खाये जाना/मारे डालना -- worry to be eating up, worry to be taking itstoll.
- चिंता में डूबना/चिंता उतराना -- to be engrossed in constant worry.
- चिंता चिता समान -- grief is the canker of heart, care killed the cat.
- चिंताकूल chīnta:kul -- (a) perturbed/disturbed by anxiety, worried, concerned; hence चिंताकूलता (nf).
- चिंतातूर chīnta:tur -- (a) see चिंताकूल.
- चिंतामणि chinta:māṉī -- (nf) a fabulous mythological gem supposed to grant all desires.
- चिंतित chīntit -- (a) perturbed, worried, anxious; concerned.
- चिंत्य chīnty -- (a) causing concern/anxiety/worry; doubtful; questionable.
- चिंदी chīndi: -- (nf) shred, scrap.
- चिंपाजी chīmpā:nzi: -- (nm) a chimpanzee.
- चिंया chīyā: -- (nm) see चिया.
- चिउड़ा chiuṛa: -- (nm) rice parched and beaten flat.
- चिक chik -- (nf) a screen of bamboo parings or reed, bamboo curtain.
- चिकन chikān -- (nm) embroidered fine muslin.
- चिकना chiknā: -- (a) smooth; glossy; oily or greasy; slippery.
- चिकना-चुपड़ा -- well made up; looking smart andattractive; full of flattery, flattering (as चिकनी-चुपड़ी बातें).
- चिकना घड़ा -- like water off duck's back; incorrigible, unabashing (person), shameless.
- चिकना देखकर फिसल पड़ना -- tofall for the slightest temptation.
- चिकनी मिट्टी -- marl, clay.
- चिकनी-चुपड़ी बातें करना -- to curry favour.
- चिकनाई chiknā:i: -- (nf) smoothness; greasiness; fat; lubricant.
- चिकनाना chiknā:nā: -- (v) to smoothen; to lubricate; to tallow; to put onfat.
- चिकनापन chiknā:pān -- (nm) smoothness; greasiness; glossiness.
- चिकनाहट chikna:haṭ -- (nf) greasiness; glossiness; smoothness; fattiness.
- चिकारा chika:ra: -- (nm) a kind of violin.
- चिकित्सक chikitsak -- (nm) a physician, medical practitioner.
- चिकित्सा chikitsa: -- (nf) treatment; remedy; medication, therapy; (a) medical therapeutic.
- चिकित्सा-पद्धति -- systemof medicine; line of treatment.
- चिकित्सा-व्यवसाय -- medical practice.
- चिकित्सा-व्यवसायी -- medical practitioner.
- चिकित्सा-शास्त्र -- medicine, medical science.
- चिकित्सालय chikitsa:lay -- (nm) a hospital, dispensary.
- चिकित्सीय chikitsi:y -- (a) therapeutic, medicinal, medical.
- चिकुर chikur -- (nm) the hair (on the head).
- चिकोटी chikoṭi: -- (nf) pinch; tweak; twitch.
- चिकोटी काटना/भरना -- to pinch.
- चिक्कण chikkāṉ -- (a) see चिकना; hence.
- चिक्कार chikka:r -- (nf) scream, trumpet (as of an elephant); hence चिक्कारना (v).
- चिचियाना chichiya:nā: -- (v) to scream, to shriek, to squeak.
- चिचोरना chichorṉa: -- (v) to suck (as bone etc.) by holding between theteeth.
- चिट chiṭ -- (nf) a chit.
- चिटकना chiṭaknā: -- (v) to crack; to crackle.
- चिट्टा chiṭṭa: -- (a) white, fair.
- चिट्ठा chiṭṭḥa: -- (nm) account book; day book; detailed list; musterroll; account of doings.
- चिट्ठी chiṭṭḥi: -- (nf) a letter.
- चिट्ठी-पत्री -- correspondence; letter, etc.
- चिट्ठीरसाँ/चिट्ठीरसा -- a postman.
- चिट्ठी डालना -- to posta letter.
- चिड़चिड़ा chiṛchiṛa: -- (a) grouch, irritable, irascible, petulant, peevish; hence चिड़चिड़ाना (v).
- चिड़चिड़ाहट -- see चिड़चिड़ापन.
- चिडचॢड़ापन chiṛchiṛa:pān -- (nm) irritability, irascibility, petulance; peevishness.
- चिड़िया chiṛiya: -- (nf) a bird; shuttle-cock (in the game of Badminton); the club (in a suite of cards).
- चिड़ियाख़ाना/घर -- a zoo; an aviary.
- चिड़िया कादूध -- a non-existent commodity; animpossibility.
- चिड़िया उड़ जाना -- the bird tofly off, the victim to get out ofreach.
- चिड़िया का पूत भी न होना -- none at allto be present.
- चिड़िया फँसाना -- to entrap abird (a beauty or a man of wealth).
- चिड़िया मरी राजा को स्वाद न आया -- it maybe death to one and not even funto another.
- चिड़िया हाथ से निकल जाना -- see चिड़िया उड़ जाना.
- चिड़ियों की मौंत गँवारों की हँसी -- it may be fun to you but itis death to frogs.
- चिड़ीमार chiṛi:mā:r -- (nm) a fowler, bird-catcher.
- चिढ़ chiṛḥ -- (nf) irritation, huff, strong aversion; a teasing nick-name.
- चिढ़ना chiṛḥnā: -- (v) to be irritated, to be teased; to (take) huff; to have a strong aversion.
- चिढ़ाना chiṛḥa:nā: -- (v) to tease, to cause irritation, to mock, to jeer (at), to huff.
- चित chit -- (a) supine; (lying) flat on the back; (nm) mind, heart; head(of a coin).
- चितचोर -- alluring, appealing (person); he who steals awayone's heart.
- चित करना -- to throw flaton the back; to overpower, tovanquish.
- चित कर देना -- to bowl over, to overpower, to vanquish.
- चित पटकरना -- to decide this way or that(by throw of a coin).
- चित भी मेरी पट भी मेरी (अंटा मेरे बाप का) -- headsI win, tails you lose.
- चित होना -- to beoverpowered, to be vanquished; to fall on the back.
- चितकबरा chitkabra: -- (a) variegated; spotted; piebald, mottled.
- चितकबरापन -- variegation; spottedness; piedness.
- चितला chitla: -- (a) see चितकबरा.
- चितवन chitvan -- (nf) (compelling) glance, (fascinating) look; ogle.
- चितवन , तिरछी -- oblique glance, ogling.
- चिता chita: -- (nf) funeral pyre.
- चिता पर चढ़ना -- to immolate oneself.
- चिति chiti: -- (nf) consciousness.
- चितेरा chitera: -- (nm) a painter.
- चित् chit -- (nm) consciousness; (a) conscious.
- चित्त chitt -- (nm) mind, heart; (a) supine, flat on the back.
- चित्तवृत्ति -- mentality, mental disposition/attitude.
- चित्त-शुद्धि -- mental purification.
- चित्त उचटना -- to feel ennuied, to be outof spirits/sorts; to become averse/disinclined (to somebody, place orthing).
- चित्त करना/कर देना -- see चित करना/कर देना.
- चित्त चढ़ना -- to take to heart.
- चित्ताकर्षक chitta:karshak -- (a) attractive, charming, alluring, fascinating; hence चित्ताकर्षकता (nf).
- चित्ती chitti: -- (nf) a speck, spot.
- चित्तीदार -- spotted, specked.
- चित्र chittr -- (nm) picture; painting; illustration; figure; (still) film.
- चित्र-कर्म -- painting.
- चित्र-कला -- (art of) painting.
- चित्रकार -- a painter; anartist.
- चित्रकारिता -- painting.
- चित्रकारी -- (the profession or work of) painting.
- चित्रपट -- screen, cinema film.
- चित्रफलक -- canvas.
- चित्रलिपि -- pictograph, pictorial script.
- चित्रलेख -- pictograph; pictorial writing.
- चित्रलेखक -- a painter; an artist.
- चित्रलेखन -- painting.
- चित्र-विचित्र -- mottled; variegated; picturesque.
- चित्रशाला -- a picture-gallery.
- चित्र-संग्रह -- an album.
- चित्रसारी -- a picture-gallery.
- चित्रण chittrāṉ -- (nm) portrayal, delineation; painting, drawing.
- चित्रवल्लरी chittrvallari: -- (nf) a frieze.
- चित्रमय chittrmāy -- (a) pictorial; illustrated; hence चित्रमयता (nf).
- चित्रवत् chittrvat -- (a) still; picturelike.
- चित्रसारी chittrsa:ri: -- (nf) a picture gallery; an inner apartment foramorous enjoyment.
- चित्रांकन chitra:ṅkan -- (nm) delineation, portrayal.
- चित्राक्षर chittra:kshar -- (nm) an ideogram.
- चित्राक्षरी chittra:kshari: -- (nf) acrostic (poetry).
- चित्रात्मक chitra:tmak -- (a) pictorial, (stated or described) in pictures.
- चित्राधार chittra:dha:r -- (nm) a portrait-stand.
- चित्रालेख chittra:lekh -- (nm) the scenario (of a film etc.), screenplay.
- चित्रित chittrit -- (a) portrayed; painted, pictured; drawn.
- चिथड़ा chithṛa: -- (nm) a rag, shred, tatter.
- चिथड़ा लगाना -- to be in tatters.
- चिथड़े-चिथड़े हो जाना -- to be torn toshreds, to be tattered, to beturned into rags.
- चिनक chināk -- (nf) smarting pain; painful twitching sensation; hence चिनकना (v).
- चिनगारी chinga:ri: -- (nf) a spark.
- चिनगारी छोड़ना -- to make an incendiary remark; to emit/give out sparks.
- चिनाई china:i: -- (nf) brick-laying, bilge and cantline.
- चिनार chinā:r -- (nm) see चनार.
- चिन्मय chīnmay -- (a) conscious, pervaded or permeated by consciousness; (nm) All Consciousness, PureConsciousness; hence चिन्मयता (nf).
- चिन्ह chinh -- (nm) see चिन्ह.
- चिप/कना chipaknā: -- (v) to adhere; to stick, to cling; (a) adhesive; clinging/hanging (on).
- चिपके रहना -- tokeep on clinging.
- चिपकवाँ chipakvā: -- (a) applique; adhesive, sticky.
- चिपकाना chipka:nā: -- (v) to paste; to stick; to cause to cling; toembrace; to put into an employment.
- चिपकू chipku: -- (a and nm) hanger-on.
- चिपचिपा chipchipa: -- (a) sticky, greasy; adhesive; viscid.
- चिपचिपाना -- to be.
- चिपटना chipaṭnā: -- (v) to cling; to hang on; to embrace; to hold fast.
- चिप्पी chippi: -- (nf) label, paster.
- चिबुक chibuk -- (nm) the chin.
- चिमटना chimāṭnā: -- (v) to cling to, to hang on; to embrace; to hold fast.
- चिमटा chimṭa: -- (nm) tongs; pincers.
- चिमटा गाड़ना -- (for a mendicant) to bivouac, to make a halt.
- चिमटाना chimṭa:nā: -- (v) to embrace; to paste; to stick to.
- चिमटी chimṭi: -- (nf) forceps, tweezer, pincers.
- चिमनी chimnī: -- (nf) a chimney; flue-pipe.
- चिया chiya: -- (nm) the seed (stone) of tamarind fruit.
- चिरंजीव chirāṇji:v -- (a) (one) blessed with longevity; a benedictoryepithet prefixed with the namesof youngers; (int.) may you livelong !; (nm) son.
- चिरंजीवी chirāṇji:vi: -- (a) long-living; blessed with long life; immortal.
- चिरंतन chirāntan -- (a) lasting, everlasting, perpetual; hence चिरंतनता (nf).
- चिर chir -- (a) long-lasting; lasting; perpetual; (ind.) existing for a longtime, ever.
- चिरकांक्षित -- long-desired; long-cherished.
- चिरकाल -- long time.
- चिरकालिक -- long-existent; perpetual; old; chronic (as चिर रोग).
- चिरकुमार -- a chronic bachelor; celibate.
- चिरजीवी -- blessed with long life, long-living; immortal.
- चिरनवीन -- ever-new; ever-fresh; ever-green.
- चिरनिद्रा -- sleep thatknows no breaking, perpetualsleep; death.
- चिरनिद्रा मग्न -- dead.
- चिरनूतन -- see नवीन.
- चिरपरिचित -- long known.
- चिरपोषित -- long-cherished.
- चिरप्रचलित -- time-honoured; long-current; long-prevalent.
- चिरप्रतिक्षित -- long-awaited.
- चिरप्रसिद्ध -- long-reputed, famous for along time.
- चिररोगी -- a chronic patient.
- चिरवियोग -- long separation.
- चिरविस्मृत -- long-forgotten; long gone intooblivion.
- चिरशत्रु -- perpetual enemy.
- चिरशत्रु ता -- perpetual animosity.
- चिरशांति -- perpetual/enduring peace.
- चिरसंगी -- lifelong companion.
- चिरस्थ -- long-lasting; perpetual, permanent, enduring; quality or state of existing for/lasting long.
- चिरस्थायिता -- endurance, permanency.
- चिरस्थायी -- enduring; perpetual, permanent.
- चिरस्मरणीय -- memorable; worthremembering (for long).
- चिरकना chiraknā: -- (v) to have a (slight) outflow of loose faeces.
- चिरकुट chirkuṭ -- (nm) tattered cloth, rag.
- चिरना chirnā: -- (v) to be torn; to be split; to be sawed; to be dissected.
- चिरा-फटा -- lacerate.
- चिरवाई chirva:i: -- (nf) sawing; tearing, splitting; wages for sawing/splitting/tearing.
- चिराई chira:i: -- (nf) see चिरवाई.
- चिराग़ chira:g̣ -- (nm) a lamp; light.
- चिराग़ गुल करना -- to put out the lamp.
- चिराग़ गुल, पगड़ी ग़ायब -- twitch the eyelids, gone are your belongings.
- चिराग़ गुल होना -- a lamp to be put out; lightto be gone.
- चिराग़ जले -- at dusk, at thetime when lamps are lit.
- चिराग़ ठंडा करना -- see चिराग़ गुल करना.
- चिराग़ तले अँधेरा -- nearer the church, farther fromheaven.
- चिराग़ दिखाना -- to illuminateone's path.
- चिराग़ बढ़ाना -- to put out thelamp.
- चिराग़ लेकर ढूँढना -- to search everynook and corner; to make athorough search.
- चिराग़ से चिराग ज़लता है -- one lamp kindles another.
- चिरायँध chirā:yādh -- (nf) the smell emitted by burning leather, hair, etc.
- चिरायता chira:yta: -- (nm) chirata, wormwood चिरायता Gentiana charetta.
- चिरायु chira:yu -- (a) blessed with long life, long living.
- चिरायु हो ! -- mayyou live long !.
- चिराव chira:v -- (nm) splitting; sawing; tearing; dissecting, dissection; split fuel wood.
- चिरौंजी chirāūji: -- (nf) the tree Chironjia sapada and its edible nut.
- चिरौंरौटा chirāūauṭa: -- (nm) a young male sparrow.
- चिरौरी chirauri: -- (nf) an humble entreaty, supplication.
- चिरौरी करना -- tomake an humble entreaty, to supcate.
- चिलक chilak -- (nf) a painful twitching sensation, twitch; smarting pain.
- चिलकना chilaknā: -- (v) to make a twitching sensation, to twitch; tosmart.
- चिलगोज़ा chilgoza: -- (nm) the nut of the pine tree.
- चिलचिलाना chilchila:nā: -- (v) to shine scorchingly.
- चिलचिलाती धूप -- scorching sun/heat.
- चिलबिल्ला chilbilla: -- (a) naughty, mischievous.
- चिलम chilām -- (nf) an earthen or metallic vessel on the top of ahubble-bubble for containing fireand tobacco.
- चिलमबरदार -- a servantwho prepares the चिलम; a flunkey.
- चिलमबरदारी -- the act or office of a चिलमबरदार; flunkeyism; servitude.
- चिलम चढ़ाना/भरना -- to fill or prepare a चिलम, to dance attendance upon.
- चिलम पीना -- to smoke a चिलम.
- चिलम फूँकना -- to smoke a चिलम heavily.
- चिलमची chilāmchi: -- (nf) a (wash) basin.
- चिलमन chilmān -- (nf) a bamboo-curtain.
- चिल्लपों chillapō -- (nf) clamour, confused cries, hullabaloo.
- चिल्लर chillar -- (nm) change (small coins).
- चिल्ला chilla: -- (nm) a bow-string; (a) biting.
- चिल्ला जाड़ा -- biting cold; thecoldest part of the winter (saidto continue for 40 days).
- चिल्लाना chilla:nā: -- (v) to cry, to shout, to squeak.
- चिल्लाहट chilla:haṭ -- (nf) an outcry, shouting and screaming, clamorous cries.
- चिहुँकना chihūknā: -- (v) to start, to wince.
- चिन्ह chinh -- (nm) sign; mark, marking, brand; trait, trace.
- चिन्ह छोड़ना -- to leave traces behind.
- चिन्हित chinhit -- (a) signed; marked, branded.
- चीं chī: -- (nf) warbling; chirp(ing).
- चीं-चपड़ -- jabber; protest explicitly; (expression of) resentment.
- चीं-चीं -- chirping; warbling; chattering.
- चीं बोलना -- to cry 'enough'; to confesshelplessness; to concede victory, to own defeat.
- चींटा chī:ṭa: -- (nm) a big black ant.
- चींटी chī:ṭi: -- (nf) an ant.
- चींटी की चाल -- very slow movement.
- चींटी के पर निकलना -- to be heading for trouble/death; to outgrow oneself.
- चींथना chī:thnā: -- (v) to reduce to tatters, to tear to pieces; to spoilby scribbling.
- ची chi: -- ची a suffix which imparts the meaning of one who keepsor uses, e.g. तोपची, अफ़ीमची oract as diminutive e.g. संदूकची.
- चीकट chi:kaṭ -- (a) dirty; greasy and dirty; (dirty) residue (of greasysubstances).
- चीकू chi:ku: -- (nm) sapodilla.
- चीख़ chi:ḳḥ -- (nf) scream, shriek; screech, squeak.
- चीख़-पुकार -- shriekand scream, hubbub; loud supplication.
- चीख़ निकलना -- to let out asudden shriek/screech.
- चीख़ मारना -- to.
- चीख़ना chi:ḳḥnā: -- (v) to scream, to shriek, to squeak, to screech.
- चीज़ chi:z -- (nf) a thing, an article; item, object; a commodity; anornament; a wonderful or preciousthing.
- चीज़-बस्त -- belongings, articles, goods and chattles.
- चॣड़ chi:ṛ -- (nm) a pine tree.
- चॣड़-वन -- a pine forest.
- चीतल chi:tal -- (nm) a white-spotted antelope.
- चीता chi:ta: -- (nm) a leopard; panther; (a) liked, longed for (as मनचीता).
- चीत्कार chi:tka:r -- (nf) a sudden scream/screech, loud shriek.
- चीथ/ड़ा chi:thṛa: -- (nm) rag, tatters.
- चीथड़े लपेटना -- to be dressed in rags, to put on tattered clothes.
- चीथना chi:thnā: -- (v) to rend, to tear to pieces/tatters; to spoil by scribbling.
- चीना chi:nā: -- (nm) millet; a Chinese; (a) belonging to China.
- चीनी chi:nī: -- (nf) sugar; a Chinese; (a) Chinese; pertaining or belonging to China.
- चीनी मिट्टी -- clay.
- चीमड़ chi:maṛ -- (a) tough, hardy; stiff; tenacious.
- चीमड़पन/चीमड़पना -- toughness, hardness; stiffness; tenacity.
- चीर chi:r -- (nm) a strip of cloth, feminine mantle; (nf) slit, cut, cleavage.
- चीर-फाड़ -- surgical operation; dissection.
- चीरना chi:rnā: -- (v) to saw; to rend; to cleave; to tear; to dissect, tocut open; to incise.
- चीरा chi:ra: -- (nm) incision, a surgical operation.
- चीरा लगाना -- to incise, to cutopen; to perform an operation.
- चील chi:l -- (nf) a kite.
- चील झपट्टा -- a sudden (kite-like) swoop, a snap; a boy's game.
- चील के घोंसले में मांस कहाँ -- lit to look for meat in a kite'snest—to seek for something ina quarter where it is bound to beused up.
- चीवर chi:var -- (nm) a mendicant's tattered dress.
- चीस chi:s -- (nf) a smart, smarting/rankling pain (as in a wound, etc.).
- चुंगी chūngi: -- (nf) octroi, terminal tax.
- चुंगी की चोकी/चुंगीघर -- octroi-post.
- चुंधा chūndha: -- (a) possessing small half-shut eyes; purblind, dim-sighted.
- चुँधियाना chūdhiya:nā: -- (v) to be dazzled.
- चुंबक chūmbak -- (nm) a magnet.
- चुंबकत्व -- magnetism.
- चुंबकन -- magnetisation.
- चुंबकीय -- magnetic.
- चुंबन chūmban -- (nm) a kiss, kissing.
- चुंबित chūmbit -- (a) kissed; touched.
- चुंबी chūmbi: -- (a) a suffix meaning touching or kissing (e.g. गगनचुंबी).
- चुआना chua:nā: -- (v) to (cause to) drip; to percolate.
- चुकंदर chukāndar -- (nm) beet, sugar beet—Beta vulgaris.
- चुकटी chukṭi: -- (nf) handful, palmful.
- चुकटी भर -- handful, palmful.
- चुकता chukta: -- (a) settled; paid up, paid in full.
- चुकना chuknā: -- (v) to be finished/spent up/exhausted/completed; to be paid off in full; to be settled.
- चुकाई chuka:i: -- (nf) settlement; paying off.
- चुकाना chuka:nā: -- (v) to settle; to pay off, to defray.
- चुक्क chukk -- (a) extremely sour—often used as the second member in the compound खट्टा-चुक्क.
- चुखाना chukha:nā: -- (a) to suckle, to give suck to.
- चुग़द chug̣ad -- (nm) lit. an owl; a nit-wit; (a) slow-witted, stupid; hence चुग़दपन (nm).
- चुगना chugnā: -- (v) to pick; to peck.
- चुग़ल chug̣al -- (nm) a back-biter.
- चुग़लख़ोर -- a back-biter.
- चुग़लख़ोरी -- (the actor habit of) back-biting.
- चुग़ली chug̣li: -- (nf) back-biting, speaking ill of (somebody in his/her absence); complaint.
- चुग़ली करना/खाना/लगाना -- to backbite, to speakill of; to complain, to level anaccusation.
- चुग्गा chugga: -- (nm) pickings (of birds).
- चुचाना chucha:nā: -- (v) to drip, to trickle.
- चुचुवाना chuchuva:nā: -- (v) sec चुचाना.
- चुटकी chuṭki: -- (nf) a pinch, snapping with the finger.
- चुटकी काटना -- to pinch.
- चुटकी बजाते (में) -- in a trice; in a moment.
- चुटकी-बजाना -- to snap the fingers.
- चुटकी भर -- apinchful; very small quantity.
- चुटकी भरना -- to make a caustic remark.
- चुटकी लेना -- to make a sarcastic remark; to taunt.
- चुटकियों में -- in a trice.
- चुटकियों उड़ाना -- to accomplish (a work) inno time; to treat like a joke, tojoke away.
- चुटकु/ला chuṭkula: -- (nm) an anecdote; a joke, pleasantry.
- चुटकुला छोड़ना -- tolet off a squib; to utter a pleasantry.
- चुटकुलेबाज़ -- one who narrates toomany anecdotes.
- चुटकुलेबाज़ी -- adecdotage; narration of anecdotes, narration of incidents in a lighter vein.
- चुटिया chuṭiya: -- (nf) a lock of hair on the top of the head (kept by traditionalist Hindus); braid.
- चुटिया हाथ मेंहोना -- to be under one's thumb, tobe under complete control (of).
- चुटीला chuṭi:la: -- (a) wounded, hurt; incisive; penetrating, causing mental upheaval; three-stranded cottonor silken braid with tassels usedfor hair-do.
- चुड़ैल chuṛail -- (nf) a witch; shrew.
- चुदक्कड़ chudakkaṛ -- (a) addicted to venery; libidinous; (nm) a womanizer; a past-master in the sexual act.
- चुदना chudnā: -- (v) to be subject to sexual intercourse (by a male).
- चुदाई chuda:i: -- (nf) the act or process of copulation (by a male), performance of sexual act by man.
- चुनचुना chūnchunā: -- (a) causing a typical burning sensation (bytouch).
- चुनचुना/ना chūnchūnā:nā: -- (v) to cause a burning sensation.
- चुनचुनाहट -- a typicalburning sensation.
- चुनना chunnā: -- (v) to select, to choose; to pick; to elect.
- चुनरी chunri: -- (nf) a thin cloth with red ground and white or someother type of specks; a parti-coloured cloth sheet or sa:ri:.
- चुनाँचे chunāche -- (ind) thus, therefore, as a result.
- चुनाव chuna:v -- (nm) election; selection.
- चुनाव-क्षेत्र -- constituency.
- चुनाव-मंडल -- electorate.
- चुनाव लड़ना -- to fight/contestan election.
- चुनिंदा chunīnda: -- (a) selected, chosen; choicest.
- चुनौती chunauti: -- (nf) a challenge.
- चुनौती देना -- to throw a challenge.
- चुनौती स्वीकार करना -- to accept a challenge.
- चुन्नट chunnaṭ -- (nf) a rumple, crease.
- चुन्नटदार -- rumpled, creased.
- चुन्नी chunnī: -- (nf) a woman's small-sized upper covering or mantle.
- चुप chup -- (a) silent, quiet.
- चुप रहना -- to keep quiet, to keep breath tocool porridge.
- चुप साधना -- to assumesilence, not to utter a word.
- चुप/का chupka: -- (a) silent, quiet; still.
- चुपकी -- quietitude, silence.
- चुपके से -- silently, quietly; stealthily; without making a fuss.
- चुप/चाप chupcha:p -- (adv) silently, quietly; stealthily; clandestinely.
- चुपचुपाते -- quietly, silently.
- चुपड़ना chupaṛnā: -- (v) to besmear, to annoint, to apply a greasy substance.
- चुपड़ा chupṛa: -- (a) besmeared, anointed; greasy.
- चुपड़ी -- (feminine form).
- चुपड़ी और दो-दो -- you cannot eat your cake and have it too.
- चुप्पा chuppa -- (a) taciturn; secretive.
- चुप्पी chuppi: -- (nf) silence.
- चुप्पी छाना -- pin-drop silence to prevail.
- चुप्पी तोड़ना -- to break the ice.
- चुप्पी साधना -- to assumesilence, not to utter a word, tobe mute, to keep breath to coolone's porridge.
- चुभन chubhān -- (nf) pricking, pricking sensation, lingering or haunting pain (physical or mental).
- चुभना chubhnā: -- (v) to be pricked/pinched/punctured; to feel bad, to have a pricking sensation within.
- चुभती हुई बात -- a prickly/piercingremark.
- चुभाना chubha:nā: -- (v) to prick/pinch/puncture; to pierce slightly.
- चुभोना chubhona: -- (v) see चुभाना.
- चुमकारना chumka:rnā: -- (v) to produce a kissing sound; to fondle, to caress.
- चुम्मा chumma: -- (nm) a kiss.
- चुम्मा लेना -- to kiss, to plant a kiss.
- चुरकुट churkuṭ -- (a) pulverized, reduced to powder or pieces.
- चुरट churaṭ -- (nm) a cheroot.
- चुरमुर churmur -- (nf) the sound produced by the cracking of acrisp or brittle substance.
- चुरमुरा churmura: -- (a) crisp, brittle, fragile.
- चुराना chura:nā: -- (v) to steal, to pinch.
- चुल chul -- (nf) titillation, prurience; wantonness; sexual passion.
- चुल उठना -- to have a titillating sensation, tobe passionate, to have a sex urge.
- चुल मिटाना -- to satisfy one's passion orsexual urge.
- चुलबुला chulbula: -- (a) playful; fidgety, restless; frolicsome.
- चुलबुलापन -- playfulness; fidgetiness, restlessness; frolicsomeness; also चुलबुलाहट (nf).
- चुलबुलाना chulbula:nā: -- (v) to be playful/fidgety/restless/frolicsome.
- चुल्लू chullu: -- (nm) the hollow cup formed by joining the fringes ofthe two palms together; the upturned hollow palm (of a singlehand); a handful/palmful (ofliquid).
- चुल्लू भर -- a handful, meagrequantity.
- चुल्लू भर पानी में डूब मरना -- lit. tobe drowned in a palmful of water —to be ashamed beyond reprieve, to die through shame.
- चुल्लू भर में उल्लू हो जाना -- to lose self-control even on slight intoxication.
- चुसकी chuski: -- (nf) a sip, suck.
- चुस्त chust -- (a) active, smart, agile; tight; narrow.
- चुस्त-चालाक -- sharp andsmart.
- चुस्त-दुरुस्त -- agile and active.
- चुस्ती chusti: -- (nf) agility, alertness, smartness.
- चुहचुहाना chuhchuha:nā -- (v) see चहचहाना; to be full of juiciness.
- चुहचुहानाते -- juicy, provocative.
- चुहल chuhal -- (nf) jollity, joviality, jocundity.
- चुहलबाज़ -- jolly, jovial, jocund.
- चुहलबाज़ी -- jollity, joviality, jocundity.
- चुहिया chuhiya: -- (nf) a female mouse.
- चूँ chū: -- (nf) chirping, twitter; squeaking; creaking; a slight or low noise.
- चूँ-चूँ -- chirping, twitter.
- चूँ-चूँ कामुरब्बा -- an incoherent mass of heterogeneous stuff.
- चूँ न करना -- not tomake the slightest protest, to utterno sound.
- चूँकि chū:ki -- (ind.) because, as.
- चूक chu:k -- (nf) lapse, slip, omission; error; fault; default; (a) extremely sour (used in this senseas the second member of the compound.
- चूकना chu:knā: -- (v) to miss, to fail; to err; to make a lapse, to default.
- चूची chu:chi: -- (nf) a nipple, teat; female breast.
- चूचुक chu:chuk -- (nm) a nipple, teat.
- चूज़ा chu:za: -- (nm) a chicken.
- चूड़ांत chu:ṛā:nt -- (nm) extreme; (a) extreme; excessive.
- चूड़ा chu:ṛa: -- (nm) a lock of hair on on top of the head; alarge-sized broad bangle; (a) the best, most eminent.
- चूड़ाकर्म -- theceremony of tonsure.
- चूड़ामणि -- ajewel worn on top of the head; the best; most excellent (of).
- चूड़ी chu:ṛi: -- (nf) a bangle; ring; pucker.
- चूड़ीदार -- puckered.
- चूड़ियाँतोड़ना -- to break a woman's bangles —an act symbolizing widowhood; to be turned into a widow.
- चूड़ियाँ पहनना -- to don female attire; to become effeminate; (for awidow) to remarry.
- चूड़ियाँ पहनाना -- to marry a widow.
- चूत chu:t -- (nf) the female genital organ, vagina.
- चूतड़ chu:taṛ -- (nm) the buttock, rump, bum.
- चूतड़ दिखाना -- to turn tail.
- चूतड़ पीटना/बजाना -- to slap the rumpwith joy; to be overjoyed, toexpress extreme joy.
- चूतिया chu:tiya: -- (nm and a) dolt (ish), stupid, blockhead, nincompoop.
- चूतियाखाता/चूतियाचक्कर -- a doltish affair; stupid involvement.
- चूतियापन/चूतियापंती(चूतियापंथी) -- doltishness, stupidity.
- चून chū:n -- (nm) flour, wheat-meal.
- चूना chū:nā: -- (v) to leak; to drop; to ooze (as कोढ़); (nm) lime.
- चूनादानी -- a small lime-case; a watch thatdoes not record correct time.
- चूना लगाना, (के) -- to dupe, to bamboozle.
- चूमना chū:mnā: -- (v) to kiss, to lip.
- चूमना-चाटना -- to kiss and caress.
- चूमा chū:ma: -- (nm) kiss, kissing.
- चूमा-चाटी -- kissing and caressing.
- चूर chu:r -- (nm) filings, powder; (a) pulverized; steeped in (as नशे मेंचूर ); crushed; exhausted; besotted.
- चूर-चूर करना -- to pulverize; to crushthoroughly; to break into atoms.
- चूरन chu:rān -- (nm) a powder; digestive powder.
- चूरमा chu:rmā: -- (nm) a kind of sweetmeat made from crumbledbread or bread-crumbs mixedwith ghee and sugar.
- चूरा chu:ra: -- (nm) a powder; filings; small fragments; (saw) dust.
- चूर्ण churṉ -- (nm) powder, pulverized or powdered substance; digestivepowder.
- चूर्णित churṉīt -- (a) crushed, pulverized, reduced to powder.
- चूल chu:l -- (nf) tenon; pivot; mortise; joint.
- चूलदार -- pivoted, tenoned.
- चूल बैठना -- to fit in.
- चूल से चूल मिलना -- to have complete adjustment, tohave a harmonious relationship.
- चूलें ढीली होना -- lit. the joints to become loose or dislocated; to betired out, to be wearied, to beexhausted.
- चूल्हा chu:lha: -- (nm) a fire-place, hearth.
- चूल्हा-चक्की -- routine householdchores.
- चूल्हा न्यौंतना -- to invite the wholefamily.
- चूल्हा फूँकना -- to keep busy incooking work.
- चूल्हे में जाना/पड़ना -- to be damned, to go to hell, to goto pot.
- चूल्हे से निकलकर भट्टी में(पड़ना) -- from the frying pan intothe fire.
- चूषण chu:shāṉ -- (nm) suction, sucking.
- चूसना chu:snā: -- (v) to suck, to suck dry; to sip; to drink in; to exploit; to exhaust.
- चूहा chu:ha: -- (nm) a rat, mouse.
- चूहे/चूहा-दानी -- a rat-trap.
- चूहों का डंड पेलना, -- .
- चें chē -- (nf) chirping, twitter.
- चें चें -- chirrup; jabber, idle noisy talk.
- चें बोलना -- to utter a cry of helplessness; to concede victory, to owndefeat.
- चेंप chēp -- (nm) the acidic viscous substance ejaculated from themango fruit as its nipple is removed; stickiness, viscosity.
- चेंपदार -- containing चेंप, sticky.
- चेक chek -- (nm) a cheque; chequered cloth.
- चेक काटना -- to issue a cheque.
- चेचक chechak -- (nf) small-pox.
- चेत chet -- (nm) consciousness; senses.
- चेतन chetān -- (a) animate; conscious; (nm) the conscious (mind); theanimate (world).
- चेतनवाद -- animatism.
- चेतना chetnā: -- (nf) consciousness, awareness; animation; (v) to become conscious/animated; to become alert; to be provoked.
- चेतना-प्रवाह -- stream of consciousness.
- चेतावनी cheta:vanī: -- (nf) a warning; an alarm.
- चेतावनी , अंतिम -- an ultimatum, final warning.
- चेन chēn -- (nf) a chain.
- चेरी cheri: -- (nf) a female attendant, maid servant.
- चे/ला chela: -- (nf) a pupil, disciple; hence चेली (nf).
- चेष्टा cheshṭa: -- (nf) effort, endeavour; movement; demeanour; gesture.
- चेहरा chehra: -- (nm) face, countenance; mask; front.
- चेहरा-मोहरा -- lineament.
- चेहरा उतरना -- to be downcast, to be in low spirits.
- चेहरा खिंचा होना -- to appearin a tense mood, tension to bewrit on the face.
- चेहरा खिल उठना -- theface to glow up/to brighten up, to cheer up.
- चेहरा पीला पड़/हो जाना -- toturn pale, to lose lustre.
- चेहरा फक हो जाना -- to grow lustreless, to be put out ofcountenance.
- चेहरा सफेद हो जाना -- to growanaemic; to lose lustre.
- चेहरे का रंग उड़ जाना/का रंग फक हो जाना -- to getout of countenance, to lose faciallustre.
- चेहरे पर बारह बजना -- to havea face as long as a fiddle.
- चेहरे पर शिकन न आना -- to maintain complete composure, to show nofacial signs of tension, to be absolutely unruffled.
- चेहरे पर हवाइयाउड़ना -- to be struck with panic; tolose colour, to be despirited.
- चेहरे से बदमाशी टपकना -- to have the gallowsin one's face.
- चेहरे से मनहूसियत टपकना -- to have a sinister appearance.
- चेहल्लुम chehallum -- (nf) (among Muslims) the rites observed onthe fortieth day after death; themourning observed on the fortiethday of the death of the martyrsof Karbala:.
- चैत chait -- (nm) the opening month of the year according to theHindu calendar.
- चैतन्य chaitanny -- (a) conscious; sensitive; alert and awake; (nm) consciousness; spirit.
- चैती chaiti: -- (a) pertaining to, or related with.
- चैत -- (see); (nf) theChait-harvest.
- चैत्य chaitty -- (nm) a monastery, (esp. Buddhist) shrine.
- चैत्र chaittr -- (nm) see चैत.
- चैन chāīn -- (nm) relief; rest; tranquillity, calm and quiet.
- चैन की छानना/बंसी बजाना -- to be in clover, to be in absolute ease and luxury, toenjoy oneself thoroughly.
- चैन पड़ना -- to feel relieved; to feel a sense ofrelief.
- चैन से कटना/से गुज़रना -- to liveeasefully, to have an easy time.
- चोंगा chōga: -- (nm) a (telephone) receiver; cylindrical tinpot.
- चोंच chōch -- (nf) beak; bill; dolt.
- चोंचे होना, (दो-दो) -- to have a wordyduel, to exchange word volleys.
- चोंच/ला chōchla: -- (nm) affectation, airs; coquetry, dalliance.
- चोंचलेबाज़ -- a coquette; coquettish.
- चोंचलेबाज़ी -- coquettishness, indulgence incoquetry.
- चोंचले सहना -- to put upwith somebody's affected/coquettish conduct.
- चोंप chōp -- (nm) see चेंप.
- चोआ choa: -- (nm) a mixture of four perfumes (viz. sandal, agallochum, saffron and musk).
- चोकर chokar -- (nm) bran.
- चोखा chokha: -- (a) fine, good; genuine; (nm) mash made of boiled orroasted vegetables.
- चोखा दाम, चोखा काम -- good wages, good work.
- चोग़ा chog̣a: -- (nm) a gown, toga.
- चोट choṭ -- (nf) an injury; blow; stroke; hurt.
- चोट-चपेट/फेंट -- wound, injury, bruise.
- चोट उभरना -- resurgence of aninjury.
- चोट करना -- to strike a blow; tolaunch an attack.
- चोट खाना -- to recievea blow; to be wounded.
- चोट पर चोटपड़ना -- to suffer one blow after another.
- चोटें चलना -- to measureswords, to exchange blows.
- चोटिल choṭil -- (a) wounded, struck.
- चोटी choṭi: -- (nf) an apex; crown; braid; a lock of hair on topof the head (kept by traditionalistHindus).
- चोटीदार/वाला -- possessing a चोटी.
- चोटी करना -- to braid, to arrangehair in braids.
- चोटी का -- superb, of thehighest order.
- चोटी का पसीना एड़ी तकआना -- to labour hard, to work toperspiration.
- चोटी दबना -- or हाथ में होनाto be under one's thumb, to bein the clutches (of), to be undercomplete control (of).
- चोट्टा choṭṭa: -- (nm) a petty thief, pilferer; hence चोट्टी (feminine form).
- चोट्टी कुतिया जलेबियों की रखवाली -- to set a fox to keep thegeese.
- चोथ choth -- (nm) a lump of human/animal faeces/stool; extremely inert and inactive person.
- चोदना chodnā: -- (v) to copulate(with), (for a man) to have sexual intercourse.
- चोदू chodu: -- (nm) an adept in the art of copulation (with woman), one addicted to venery; one whoindulges in excessive sexual intercourse.
- चोप chop -- (nm) see चेंप; zest, aspiration.
- चोब chob -- (nm) a tent-pin; gold or silver-plated club; drum-stick.
- चोबदार -- a gatekeeper/watchman.
- चोबा choba: -- (nm) a nail; see चोब.
- चोर -- (nf) theft, burglary, pilferage.
- चोर का काम/चोर की बात -- anunderhand affair/a secret information.
- चोर-चोरी -- clandestinely, stealthily.
- चोर-छिपे -- stealthily, surreptitiously.
- चोर से -- stealthily, clandestinely.
- चोर कागुड़ मीठ?ा -- forbidden fruits aresweet.
- चोर का माल कुछ धर्मखाते बाकी हलाल -- cheating the devil and sharinga part of ill-begotten gains withthe church.
- चोर का माल पचाना -- to whipthe devil round the stump; to enjoythe fruits of evil doing.
- चोर का माल लेनेवाला भी चोर -- the receiver of stolengoods is as bad as a thief, abetment of a crime is as bad as itscommission.
- चोला chola: -- (nm) a long robe, gown; appearance; physical frame, body.
- चोला बदलना -- to effect a metamorphosis, to change one's appearance; tochange the physical frame; to bereborn.
- चोली choli: -- (nf) brassieres; bodice.
- चोली-दामन का साथ -- close by jowl, aperpetual association, an everlasting bond.
- चौंक/ना chāūknā: -- (v) to be startled/started; to be alarmed.
- चौंक उठना -- to jump out of one's skin.
- चौंतीस chāūti:s -- (a) thirty-four; (nm) the number thirty-four.
- चौंध chāūdh -- (nf) dazzling effect, dazzlement; blink.
- चौंधियाना chaudhiya:nā: -- (v) to be dazzled, to suffer a dazzling effect.
- चौंसठ chāūsaṭḥ -- (a) sixty-four; (nm) the number sixty-four.
- चौ chau -- an allomorph of चतुः (चार) used as the first member in compound Hindi words.
- चौआई (वाई) -- from all the four directions, blowing all round (as हवा).
- चौकड़ी -- aquartet; bound, leap.
- चौकड़ी भरना -- tobounce, to proceed by leaps andbounds, to be buoyant.
- चौकड़ी भुलना -- to have one's senses benumbed; to be put out of countenance, tobe non-plussed/bewildered.
- चौकस -- cautious, alert, watchful; in order, intact.
- चौकसी -- cautiousness, vigilance.
- चौकोन -- quadrangular, quadrilateral, four-sided.
- चौकोना -- quadrangular; four-sided.
- चौकोर -- quadrilateral, quadrangular, four-sided.
- चौखंड -- four-storeyed.
- चौखट -- threshold; door-frame, door-sill.
- चौखट न झाँकना -- never to cross oversomebody's threshold, never tovisit somebody's house.
- चौखटा -- frame, framework.
- चौखना -- four-storeyed.
- चौख़ाना -- chequered cloth.
- चौखूँट -- the four quarters; all round.
- चौखूँटा -- quadrangular; four-cornered.
- चौगड्डा -- quartet, foursome, aset of four.
- चौगिर्द -- all round.
- चौगुना -- fourfold, four times.
- चौतरफ़ा -- allround, from all the four quarters.
- चौताल -- a typical musical mode.
- चौदस -- the fourteenth day of thelunar fortnight.
- चौपट -- razed, ruined, undone.
- चौपट चरण -- a personwhose presence casts an ominousspell causing ruination.
- चौपाई -- atypical Hindi poetic metre.
- चौपाया -- a quadruped; livestock.
- चौपाल -- arural meeting place; a verandahused as drawing room in villagehouses.
- चौपेजी -- quarto.
- चौबारा -- anassembly room with a numberof doors and windows.
- चौमंज़िला -- four-storeyed.
- चौमासा -- the rainyseason; four months comprisingthe rainy season extending from आषाढ़ to क्वार.
- चौमुहाँ/मुखा -- four-faced; all round.
- चौमुखी -- all round.
- चौक chauk -- (nm) a crossing; square; market place; see सीमंत (चौक-संस्कार).
- चौकन्ना chaukannā: -- (a) alert, vigilant.
- चौकन्ना होना -- to prick up/cockone's ears.
- चौका chauka: -- (nm) the sanctified space in the kitchen where tradition-loving Hindus take theirmeals; kitchen; a rectangular slabof stone; a set of four.
- चौका-बरतन -- cleansing of the kitchen utensils.
- चौका अलग करना -- to establish a separatehousehold.
- चौका उठाना -- to wind up thelunching/dining activity (forthe day).
- चौकी chauki: -- (nf) a post, check post; low square or rectangular seat.
- चौकिदा/र chauki:da:r -- (nm) a watchman, guard.
- चौकिदारी -- watch, guard; the office or function of a watchman or the wages paid therefor.
- चौगान chaugā:n -- (nm) a game akin to polo; the field where this gameis played.
- चौड़ा chauṛa: -- (a) broad, wide.
- चौड़ाई -- breadth, width.
- चौड़ा-चकला -- expansive; weighty and well-built.
- चौतरा chautra: -- (nm) see चबूतरा.
- चौथ chauth -- (nf) the fourth day of the lunar fortnight; a cess (leviedby the Mara:ṭḥa:s on other neighbouring states).
- चौथ-का चाँद -- lit. themoon of the fourth—an object tobe shunned (as it is said to resultin slanderous accusations beinglevelled against one who happensto see it).
- चौथा chautha: -- (a) the fourth (in succession); (nm) (the ritualsobserved on) the fourth day of(somebody's) death.
- चौथापन -- the oldage, the last phase of life (thatof a संन्यासी—an anchorite).
- चौथाई chautha:i: -- (a) one-fourth.
- चौथी chauthi: -- (nf) the formal function observed on the fourth day of the marriage celebrations; (a) see चौथा.
- चौदह chaudeh -- (a) fourteen; (nm) the number fourteen.
- चौधरी chaudhri: -- (nm) the headman of a clan or community, chief, chieftain.
- चौधरीपन/चौधरीपना -- supremacy; leadership.
- चौपड़ chaupaṛ -- (nf) a game played with oblong dice (3 in number) or with kauṛi:s (on a cloth orboard having two transverse barsin the form of a cross); the boardor the cloth (as mentioned above).
- चौपन्ना chaupannā: -- (nm) a pamphlet.
- चौपहिया chaupahi:ya: -- (a) four-wheeled; (nm) a four-wheeler; railway wagon.
- चौबच्चा chaubachcha: -- (nm) a catchpit.
- चौबीस chaubi:s -- (a) twenty-four; (nm) the number twenty-four.
- चौरा chaura: -- (nm) an altar; a raised platform forming part of a religious or ritualistic installation.
- चौरानवे chaurā:nve -- (a) ninety-four; (nm) the number ninety-four.
- चौरासी chaura:si: -- (a) eighty-four; (nm) the number eighty-four.
- चौर्य chaury -- (nm) theft, stealing.
- चौर्य-कर्म/चौर्य-वृत्ति -- theft, stealing, pilferage.
- चौवन chau:ān -- (a) fifty-four; (nm) the number fifty-four.
- चौवालीस chauva:li:s -- (a and nm) see चवालीस.
- चौसर chausar -- (nf) see चौपड़.
- चौहत्तर chauhattar -- (a) seventy-four.
- चौहरा chauhra: -- (a) fourfold; quadruplicate.
- चौहराना -- to make fourfold.
- च्यु/त chyut -- (a) fallen (from), deprived (of), banished; deviated (from); strayed.
- च्युति -- lapse, default; eclipsis, banishment; fall.
- छ chha -- the second letter of the second pentad (i.e. चवर्ग) of theDevna:gri: alphabet; an allomorphof छह used as the first member in a number of Hindi compound words.
- छकड़ी -- a group or set of six.
- छगुना -- six times; six-fold.
- छमाही -- six-monthly, half-yearly.
- छंगा chhāṅga: -- (a) having six fingers (in one or each of the palms or toes).
- छँगु/नी, छँगुली chhāgunī:, ~li: -- (nf) the little finger.
- छँटना chhāṭnā: -- (v) to be sorted; to be thinned (as भीड़) or diffused (as बादल); to be trimmed or reduced (as मुटापा, बादी).
- छँटा हुआ -- (it carries a derogatory sense) out and out, of the first order; a rascal, rogue, of blackest/deepest dye.
- छँटनी chhāṭnī: -- (nf) retrenchment; weeding out.
- छँटाई chhāṭa:i: -- (nf) the work or wages for sorting/pruning/trimming; assortment; reduction, retrenchment.
- छंद chhānd -- (nm) metre, measure.
- छंद-बंद -- scheming, manoeuvering; trickery.
- छंद-बंध -- the bonds of metre(in a poetic composition).
- छंदबद्ध -- see छंदोबद्ध.
- छंदशास्त्र -- prosody.
- छंदोबद्ध chhāndobaddh -- (a) metrical, cast in a metrical form; hence छंदोबद्धता (nf).
- छंदोभंग chhāndobhaṅg -- (nm) metrical flaw, breach of metrical arrangement.
- छः chh/ai -- ~e, ~ah (a and nm) see छह.
- छकड़ा chhakṛa: -- (nm) a carrier bullock cart; a worn out vehicle.
- छकड़ा हो जाना -- (a vehicle etc.) to be worn out, to become unserviceable.
- छकना chhaknā: -- (v) to be gratified, to be full to be cloyed; to be teased/harassed; to be outwitted.
- छकाना chaka:nā: -- (v) to gratify, to cloy; to tease/harass; to outwit.
- छक्का chhakka: -- (nm) a set of six; sixer (in cricket); the sixth in a pack ofcards; the six (at dice, etc.).
- छक्का-पंजा -- manoeuvrings, tactical moves.
- छक्के छूटना -- to lose the six senses, tobe at one's wit's end; to be demoralised.
- छक्के छुड़ाना -- to give one hisgruel, to smite hip and thigh, toout-manoeuvre, to demoralise, toforce out of gear.
- छछूँदर chhachhū:dar -- (nf) a mole, shrew.
- छछूँदर छोड़ना -- to let off a squib.
- छज्जा chhajja: -- (nm) a balcony; terrace; drip stone; hood.
- छज्जेदार -- having a terrace or a balcony.
- छटपटा/ना chhaṭpaṭa:nā: -- (v) to writhe in pain, to be restless, to toss andtumble about; to long/yearn impatiently; hence छटपटाहट (nf).
- छटाँक chhaṭā:k -- (nf) one-sixteenth of a seer (सेर).
- छटा chhaṭa: -- (nf) refulgence, splendour, lustre; beauty.
- छठ chhaṭḥ -- (nf) the sixth day of the lunar fortnight.
- छठा chhaṭḥa: -- (a) the sixth (in order).
- छठे कान में पड़ना -- to be passed onto a third person, to be likely tobecome public.
- छठे-छमासे -- once ina blue moon, rarely.
- छठी chhaṭḥi: -- (nf) the ceremony performed on the sixth day ofchild-birth.
- छठी का दूध याद आना -- to beput/forced in a very tight corner, to be in a terrible predicament.
- छड़ chhaṛ -- (nf) a rod, bar.
- छड़ा chhaṛa: -- (a) unmarried; with no encumbrance; all by oneself, alone.
- छड़ी chhaṛi: -- (nf) a stick, cane.
- छड़ीदार -- striped.
- छड़ीबरदार -- a watchman, guard.
- छत chhat -- (nf) the ceiling; roof.
- छतनार chhatna:r -- (a) (said of tree, plants, etc.) diffused, giving diffused shade; sparse.
- छतरी chhatri: -- (nf) an umbrella; a pigeon-umbrella; parachute; kiosk; pavilion; turret; a cenotaph inhonour of a Hindu national or religious leader or (in olden days) abig feudal lord, etc.
- छतरीदार -- fittedwith an umbrella, canopied, covered.
- छतरीधारी -- carrying an umbrella; equipped with a parachute.
- छतरीधारी सैनिक -- a parachuter.
- छत्ता chhatta: -- (nm) a beehive; archway, corridor.
- छत्ताधानी -- beehive.
- छत्ती/स chhatti:s -- (a) thirty-six; (nm) the number thirty-six.
- छत्तीसा -- ashrewd/crafty person.
- छत्तीसी -- shrewdness/craftiness.
- छत्तीस होना -- to beestranged.
- छत्र chattr -- (nm) an umbrella; a cenotaph in honour of some outstanding personality.
- छत्रच्छाया -- patronage, protection.
- छत्रधर/धारी -- anumbrella-bearer; one over whosehead an umbrella is borne as amark of dignity and authority.
- छत्रपति -- a king, ruler.
- छत्राकार -- peltate.
- छदाम chhadā:m -- (nm) one-fourth of a pice, a very small coin (of oldentimes).
- छद्म chhadm -- (a) pseudo छद्म-, disguised, deceptive; hypocritical; (nm) dissimulation; hypocrisy; stratagem.
- छद्मनाम -- pseudonym.
- छद्मरुपी -- pseudomorph.
- छद्मवेश -- disguise.
- छद्मवेशी -- disguised, in disguise.
- छन chhān -- (nm) a moment, an instant; (nf) the hissing sound productedwhen a drop of water falls on ahot plate; tinkling/jingling sound(as of a घुँघरु).
- छन-छन -- jingling; tinkling or hissing sound.
- छन भर -- a moment, an instant.
- छन भर भी न लगाना -- not to take a moment's time.
- छनक chhanāk -- (nf) jingling, tinkling or hissing sound.
- छनक-मनक -- jingle (ofornaments); ornamental make-up, foppishness.
- छनकना chhanaknā: -- (v) to jingle/tinkle; to evaporate instantly with a hissing sound; to be reduced inquantity by being heated.
- छनना chhannā: -- (v) intransitive verbal form of छानना (see).
- छनना , खूब/गहरी/गाढ़ी -- to be in intimate relationship.
- छनना , गहरी/गाढ़ी -- to have astrong dose of भंग.
- छनाछन chhanā:chhan -- (adv) with a jingling-tinkling sound.
- छन्ना chhannā: -- (nm) a filter; a piece.
- छप chhap -- (nf) a splashing sound, splash.
- छप-छप -- splatter; (with) arecurrent splashing sound; also छपाछप.
- छपकना chhapaknā -- (v) to splash, to splatter.
- छपछपा/ना chhapchhapa:nā: -- (v) to splash, to splatter; hence छपछपाहट (nf).
- छपना chhapnā: -- (v) to be printed or stamped.
- छपते-छपते -- stop press.
- छपर chhapar -- a variant of छप्पर used as the first member in someHindi compounds.
- छपरखट -- a bedsteadfitted with mosquito-net bars.
- छपरबंदी -- thatching; wages paid for thatching work.
- छपाई chhapa:i: -- (nf) printing; cost of printing.
- छपाका chhapa:ka: -- (nm) a (violent) splash (produced by the impact ofsomething on water).
- छप्पन chhappān -- (a) fifty-six; (nm) the number fifty-six.
- छप्पनछुरी -- a smartdashing sharp woman.
- छप्पन प्रकार केव्यंजन -- (fifty-six, i.e.) numerousdishes of delicacies.
- छप्पय chhappay -- (nm) an important Hindi poetic metre running intosix lines, a hexametre.
- छप्पर chhappar -- (nm) a thatch, thatched roof.
- छप्परबंदी -- see छप्परबंदी.
- छप्पर पर फूस न होना -- not to have even a thatched roof to live under; to beextremely poverty-stricken.
- छप्पर फाड़कर देना -- to bestow an unexpectedlylarge fortune, to give as a hugewindfall.
- छबीला chhabi:la: -- (a) spruce; foppish; dandy; hence छबीलापन (nm).
- छबीली -- (fem. form).
- छब्बीस chhabbi:s -- (a) twenty-six; (nm) the number twenty-six.
- छमछम chhamchhām -- (nf) tinkling (sound), tinkle.
- छमकना chhamāknā: -- (v) to make a clinking sound; to show off.
- छमछमाना chhamchhamā:nā: -- (v) to move with a succession of clinking sounds.
- छमाछम chhamā:chhām -- (nf) the sound of incessant downpour etc.
- छरहरा chharehra: -- (a) slim and smart; of spare frame; hence छरहरापन (nm).
- छरीदा chhari:da: -- (a) with no encumbrances, all by oneself; without bag or baggage.
- छर्रा chharra: -- (nm) a buck shot.
- छल chhal -- (nm) guile, deception; trick, ruse; sham.
- छल-कपट -- dodge andduplicity.
- छलघात -- assassination.
- छलघाती -- an assassin.
- छल-छंद -- guileand wile.
- छलछंदी -- fraudulent, deceitful.
- छल-छिद्र -- guile and wile.
- छल-बल से -- by hook or crook, by fair meansor foul; fraudulently.
- छलकना chhalaknā: -- (v) to overflow; to spill out from a full vessel(during movement).
- छलछलाना chhalchhala:nā: -- (v) to have the eyes filled with tears; tobe on the verge of flowing out/dripping.
- छलना chhalnā: -- (v) to cheat, to deceive; to delude, to dodge; to wile/beguile; (nf) sham, will-o-th'-wisp, illusion.
- छलनी chhalnī: -- (nf) a sieve; strainer.
- छलनी कर देना -- to batter, to riddle.
- छलनी हो जाना -- to be battered/riddled.
- छलनी में पानी भरना -- to square the circle; toattempt to do the impossible.
- छलाँग chhalā:g -- (nf) a leap, bound.
- छलाँग , अंधी -- a leap in the dark.
- छलाँग मारना -- to leap, to bound.
- छलावा chhala:va: -- (nm) an illusion; apparition, Will-o-th'-wisp, jack-o'-lantern.
- छलिया chhaliya: -- (a and nm) (a) cheat, fraudulent; deceitful (person).
- छली chhali: -- (a) cheat, fraudulent, deceitful.
- छल्ला chhalla: -- (nm) a ring, ringlet, stirrup; washer; eye-curl.
- छल्लेदार -- ringed; curly.
- छवि chhavi -- (nf) pretty features; features; splendour, beauty; winsomeness; photograph.
- छविकार -- aphotographer.
- छह chhai, chhe, chhah -- (a) six; (nm) the number six.
- छह और तीन का संबंध होना -- to be mutually estranged, tohave mutually opposed stances.
- छहराना chhehra:nā: -- (v) to sprinkle; to spray, to shed all round.
- छाँट chhā:ṭ -- (nf) selection; (mode of) cutting.
- छाँटन chhā:ṭān -- (nf) parings, cuttings; prunings.
- छाँटना chhā:ṭna: -- (v) to select, to sort out; to cut, to trim/prune; to castout, to knock off; to reduce; toretrench; to chop; to boast(knowledge of); to talk in high-flown terms (e.g. छाँटना , क़ानून).
- छाँव chhā:v -- (nf) shade; shadow.
- छाँह chhā:h -- (nf) shade; shadow.
- छाँहदार -- shady; shadowy.
- छाँह तक नछू पाना -- to be much less in excellence, to be no match at all to.
- छाँह देना -- to provide shelter/patronage to.
- छाँह न छूने देना -- to allow no proximity, to keep at a distance.
- छाँह में बैठना -- to enjoy the patronage of, to beunder the protection of.
- छाँह से बचना -- to keep away from, to evadeeven the shadow of.
- छाक chha:k -- (nf) mid-day meals (for outdoor workers).
- छागल chha:gal -- (nm) a hircine; (nf) a canvas water-bag; silver anklet.
- छाछ chha:chh -- (nf) butter-milk.
- छाजन chha:jan -- (nf) a covering, thatching; eczema.
- छाता chha:ta: -- (nm) an umbrella.
- छाताधारी -- parachute (troop); a parachutist.
- छाती chha:ti: -- (nf) breast; chest; bosom; spirit.
- छाती उठना/उभरना -- (saidof female breasts) to protrude, youthful curves to be formed.
- छाती उमगना -- to be affected by an emotional upsurge.
- छाती उमड़ना -- to beoverwhelmed by affectionate/tragic feelings.
- छाती कठोर होना -- to beunfeeling, to be heartless.
- छाती कड़ी करना -- to acquire control over feelings; to restrain oneself.
- छाती कूटना -- see छाती पीटना.
- छाती गज भर की होना -- tohave a heart of steel; to be puffedup with joy.
- छाती छलनी होना -- the heartto be battered.
- छाती जलना -- to have aheart-sore, to be under the spell ofgrief; to be in the grip of aterrible jealousy.
- छाती जुड़ाना -- see छाती ठंड़ी करना.
- छाती ठंड़ी करना -- to relieve oneself of one's heart-burning, toassuage one's feelings.
- छाती ठंड़ी होना -- to be relieved of heart-burning; to be assuaged.
- छाती ठुकना -- to feelassured.
- छाती ठोक कर कहना -- to makean utterance with complete assurance; to take a pledge.
- छाती तानना -- to confront without fear/with complete self-assurance.
- छाती धकधक करना/छाती धड़कना -- to have one's heart inone's mouth.
- छाती धुकुर-पुकुर होना -- theheart to palpitate through apprehension.
- छाती निकालकर चलना -- tostalk, to strut.
- छाती पकना -- to feel verysore, to be fed up.
- छाती पत्थर की करना -- to mould one's heart to face theworst.
- छाती पर चढ़ना -- to overpower; tonag, to keep on pestering.
- छाती पर धर/लाद कर ले जाना -- to carry along(one's belongings) in one's post-mortem journey; to care toomuch for worldly belongings.
- छाती पर पत्थर रखना -- to endure patiently; tostill the heaving of the heart.
- छाती पर बाल होना -- .
- छात्र chha:tr -- (nm) a student.
- छात्र-अनुशासन -- student discipline.
- छात्र-अनुशासनहीनता -- student indiscipline.
- छात्र-आंदोलन -- student agitation; student movement.
- छात्रत्व -- studentship.
- छात्र-नेता -- a studentleader.
- छात्रवृति -- scholarship.
- छत्रालय chha:ttra:lay -- (nm) see छात्रावास.
- छात्रावास chha:ttra:va:s -- (nm) a (student) hostel, boarding house.
- छादन chha:dān -- (nf) a covering, shed.
- छान/ना chhā:nnā: -- (v) to filter; to strain; to percolate; to sieve; todrink bhaṅg; to screen.
- छान-फटक -- investigation; enquiry, sorting andsifting.
- छानबीन chhā:nbi:n -- (nf) screening, investigation, scrutiny, probe.
- छानबे chhā:nbe -- (a and nm) see छियानबे.
- छाना chha:nā: -- (v) to cover, to thatch; to overwhelm, to shadow; to overspread.
- छा जाना -- to over-whelm, to dominate.
- छाप chha:p -- (nf) a print, an imprint; impression; stamp; mark; trade-mark; brand.
- छाप छोड़ना -- to leave amark, to impress.
- छापना chha:pnā: -- (v) to print; to publish; to mark.
- छापा chha:pa: -- (nm) an imprint; a stamp; raid.
- छापामार -- guerilla; a raider.
- छापामार युध्द -- guerilla warfare.
- छापा मारना -- to (conduct a) raid.
- छापखाना chha:pa:ḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a printing press.
- छायांकन chha:ya:ṅkan -- (nm) photography.
- छाया chha:ya: -- (nf) a shadow; shade; image; reflection; influence; resemblance; protection; phantom; adumbration.
- छाया और प्रकाश -- light andshade.
- छायाकार -- photographer.
- छाया-चित्र -- a silhouette.
- छायादेह -- intangibleform.
- छायानुवाद -- shadow translation, a translation carrying onlyan overall impression of the original.
- छायालोक -- abstract/unreal/intangible world.
- छायावाद -- a romanticmovement in early modern Hindipoetry.
- छाया छूना -- to pursue the unreal.
- छाया की तरह साथ रहना -- to shadowconstantly.
- छाया न छू पाना -- to be no-where near, to be far behind inexcellence.
- छाया से दूर रहना -- to keepaway (from), to evade the shadow(of).
- छायामय chha:ya:may -- (a) shadowy; shady.
- छार chha:r -- (nf) ash; dust, powder; small fragments.
- छार-छार होना -- to bereduced to small fragments.
- छार होना -- to be reduced to ashes; to be.
- छाल chha:l -- (nf) bark.
- छाला chha:la: -- (nm) a blister, burn.
- छाले पड़ना/होना -- to have blisters.
- छलिया chha:liya: -- (nf) betelnut, betelnut parings.
- छाली chha:li: -- (nf) cream of boiled milk; betelnut or its parings.
- छावनी chha:vnī: -- (nf) cantonment, temporary or permanent trooplodging.
- छिंगुनी chhīgunī: -- (nf) see छँगुनी.
- छिः-छिः chhih-chhih -- (int) fie !, pish !, tut ! (nf) infantile faeces.
- छिछड़ा chhichhṛa: -- (nm) waste meat fragments, waste fibrous; fragmentsin a soup.
- छिछला chhichhla: -- (a) shallow.
- छिछलापन -- shallowness.
- छिछोर/पन, छिछोरपना chhichhorpān, ~panā: -- (nm) frivolity, triviality, pettiness.
- छिछोरा chhichhora: -- (a) frivolous, trivial, petty.
- छिछोरापन -- see छिछोरपन.
- छिटकना chhiṭaknā: -- (v) to be scattered; to be spread; to be diffused all round.
- छिड़कना chhiṛaknā: -- (v) to sprinkle or spray; to water (by sprinkling); to asperse (with).
- छिड़काव chhiṛka:v -- (nm) sprinkling or spraying; watering (by sprinkling); aspersing.
- छिड़ना chhiṛnā: -- (v) to be commenced, to begin, to start; to break out(as युध्द); to be teased/harassed.
- छितराना chhitra:nā: -- (v) to disperse, to scatter; to be dispersed/scattered.
- छितराव chhitra:v -- (nm) sparseness, diffusedness.
- छिदना chhidnā: -- (v) to be pierced; to be perforated; to be bored.
- छिदरा chhidra: -- (a) bored, perforated; thinned.
- छिदराना -- to be thinned; to beperforated.
- छिद्र chhiddr -- (nm) pore; bore; slot, aperture, opening; defect, flaw.
- छिद्रदर्शी -- a fault-finder; fault-finding.
- छिद्रान्वे/वण chhiddra:nnveshāṉ -- (nm) fault-finding.
- छिद्रान्वेषी -- a fault-finder; fault-finding.
- छिद्रान्वेषण करना -- to pickholes in, to find fault with.
- छिद्रित chhiddrit -- (a) bored; perforated.
- छिद्रिल chhiddril -- (a) having bores/perforation, perforated.
- छिनकना chhinaknā: -- (v) to blow out the nose, to spurt mucus out ofthe nose.
- छिनना chhinanā: -- (v) to be seized (from), to be wrested/snatchedaway.
- छिनाल chhina:l -- (a and nf) sluttish; dissolute; a woman of easy virtue, trollop; hence छिनालपन (nm).
- छिनाला chhina:la: -- (nm) sluttishness, dissoluteness; immoral sex-indulgence.
- छिन्न chhinn -- (a) incised; rent; cut off; chopped off.
- छिन्न-भिन्न -- cut; broken; scattered, shattered.
- छिन्नमूल -- cut up from the root, uprooted.
- छिपकली chhipkali: -- (nf) a lizard; a hateful creature.
- छिपना chhipnā: -- (v) to hide, to lurk; to set; to be covered.
- छिपा रुस्तम -- adark horse; pseudo-gentleman.
- छिपे-छॢपे -- stealthily, clandestinely.
- छिपाना chhipa:nā: -- (v) to hide, to conceal; to cover/screen; to disguise.
- छिपाव chhipa:v -- (nm) concealment; secrecy; hiding; reservation.
- छियानबेवे chhiyā:nbe -- (ve) (a) ninety-six; (nm) the number ninety-six.
- छियालीस chhiya:li:s -- (a) forty-six; (nm) the number forty-six.
- छियासी chhiya:si: -- (a) eighty-six; (nm) the number eighty-six.
- छिलका chhilka: -- (nm) the peel, skin; husk; bark; shell.
- छिलना chhilnā: -- (v) to be bruised or scratched; to be excoriated; to bepeeled; the skin to be taken off.
- छिलाई chhila:i: -- (nf) the act or process of excoriating/peeling/taking off the skin; the chargespaid therefor.
- छिहयत्तर chhihayattar -- (a) seventy-six; (nm) the number seventy-six.
- छिंक chhī:k -- (nf) a sneeze, sternutation.
- छिंक होना -- occurrence of a sneeze (portending evil).
- छींकना chhī:knā: -- (v) to sneeze, to sternutate.
- छिंकते नाक कटना -- to beover-penalised for a petty fault.
- छिंका chhī:ka: -- (nm) a hanging pot-rest.
- छिंका टूटना -- to have a windfall, to have an unexpected fortune.
- छींट chhī:ṭ -- (nf) chintz.
- छींटा chhī:ṭa: -- (nm) a sprinkle; splash; bespattering; slight shower (ofrain); aspersion, ironical remark.
- छींटाकशी -- (casting of) aspersion, ironical utterance.
- छींटा फेंकना -- to castaspersion, to ridicule.
- छॣ chhi: -- (int) fie !, pish!; tut!; (nf) infantile faeces.
- छॣ-छी करना -- tocondemn; to express disgust orcontempt; to discharge faeces (asby a child).
- छीछालेददार chhi:chha:ledada:r -- (nf) humiliation; embarrasment; disgrace; muck; mess.
- छीज chhi:j -- (nf) decay, wearing away; wastage; loss.
- छीजन chhi:jān -- (nf) decay, wearing away; wastage; leakage, reduction; loss.
- छीजना chhi:jnā: -- (v) to decay; to wear away; to dwindle, to reduce; to be wasted.
- छीनना chhi:nnā: -- (v) to snatch, to grab, to seize.
- छीना-झपटी -- grabbingand scrambling, scramble.
- छीलन chhi:lān -- (nm) scrappings; shavings; chippings.
- छीलना chhi:lnā: -- (v) to scrap; to scratch; to shave; to chip; to peel; to take off the skin; to bruise.
- छुआछूत chhua:chhu:t -- (nf) untouchability; consideration of touchability and untouchability.
- छुईमुई chhui:mui: -- (nf) touch-me-not—Mimosa pudica; a kid-glove, an over-sensitive/over-dainty/over-delicate person.
- छुट chhuṭ -- an allomorph of छोटा used as the first member in severalcompound words.
- छुटपन (छुटपना) -- smallness, pettiness; boyhood, childhood; young age.
- छुटपुट -- stray; minor.
- छुटभैया -- a petty person, jackstraw.
- छुटकारा chhuṭka:ra: -- (nm) riddance; acquittal, release, liberation.
- छुटाई chhuṭa:i: -- (nf) see छोटाई.
- छुटौती chhuṭauti: -- (nf) a ransom.
- छुट्टा chhuṭṭa: -- (a) loose, not tied, not in a lump or group or companyetc.; free; in small denomination(change etc); (nm) small change.
- छुट्टी chhuṭṭi: -- (nf) leave; holiday; release; permission to leave.
- छुट्टी करना -- to call it a day; to dismiss(from service etc); to destroy.
- छुट्टी मनाना -- to celebrate a holiday.
- छुड़ाई chhuṛa:i: -- (nf) release; a ransom.
- छुड़ाना chhuṛa:nā: -- (v) to get released; to cause to set free; to cause togive up; to take delivery; to discharge; to remove.
- छुतहा chhutaha: -- (a) contagious, carrying contagion.
- छुतहा अस्पताल -- contagious diseases hospital.
- छुतहा रोग -- a contagious disease.
- छुरा chhura: -- (nm) a razor; dagger.
- छुरेबाज़ी -- infliction or exchange ofdagger-blow(s).
- छुरी chhuri: -- (nf) a knife; small.
- छुहारा chhuha:ra: -- (nm) a date-palm.
- छँछा chhū:chha: -- (a) empty; unsubstantial.
- छँछा पड़ना -- to prove ineffective; to grow ineffectual.
- छू chhu: -- (nf) sudden outblow of a gush of air from the mouth (asduring incantation, conjuration, enchantment, magic, etc).
- छूमंतर -- an incantation; a charm; heypresto !.
- छू करना -- to exorcise, topronounce an incantation andblow upon; to cause to disappear, to vanish.
- छू बनना -- to disappear, tovanish (said of animate objects).
- छूमंतर होना -- (said of person, pain, etc.) to disappear forthwith, tovanish.
- छूट chhu:ṭ -- (nf) rebate, discount; allowance; concession; riddance; release; remission; exemption; relaxation; liberty.
- छूटना chhu:ṭnā: -- (v) to be left behind or out; to lag; to be dismissed/discharged or released; to get ridof; to be abandoned.
- छूटा (हुआ) साँड़ -- lit. a freely moving bull—arobust carefree man without encumbrances.
- छूत chhu:t -- (nf) contagion: contamination.
- छूत की बीमारी -- contagious disease.
- छूना chhu:nā: -- (v) to touch; to feel.
- छेकना chheknā: -- (v) to discriminate against; to leave out; to obstruct.
- छेकानुप्रास chheka:nuppra:s -- (nm) compound alliteration.
- छेड़ chheṛ -- (nf) teasing, offending; pricks, pranks.
- छेड़खानी chheṛḳḥa:nī: -- (nf) act of teasing or provoking; offensiveactivity; raillery; pranks.
- छेड़छाड़ chheṛchha:ṛ -- (nf) provocation; molestation; teasing; pricks and pranks.
- छेड़ना chheṛnā: -- (v) to tease, to irritate; to meddle; to disturb, to stir up; to commence (a work).
- छेद chhed -- (nm) a hole, bore; perforation; opening; incision, puncture.
- छेददार -- perforated; bored; having hole(s)/opening(s).
- छेदना chhednā: -- (v) to bore, to make a hole; to perforate, to pierce; toincise.
- छेना chhenā: -- (nm) a kind of cheese.
- छेनी chhenī: -- (nm) a chisel.
- छेल chhail -- an allomorph of छैला (see).
- छैला chhaila: -- (nm) a dandy, foppish person; (a) dandical, foppish; also छैल-चिकनिया.
- छैल-छबीला; -- hence छैलापन (nm).
- छोकरा chhokra: -- (nm) a lad, boy.
- छोटा chhoṭa: -- (a) small; little; short; young(er); petty; subordinate; junior; insignificant.
- छोटा आदमी -- asmall man, petty person; commonman.
- छोटापन -- smallness, pettiness.
- छोटा-बड़ा -- young and old; rich and poor.
- छोटा-मोटा -- petty, minor, insignificant, ordinary.
- छोटा गिनना -- to consider asinsignificant, to consider to be ofno consequence.
- छोटा बनाना -- to humiliate, to debase.
- छोटा मुँह बड़ी बात -- proud words from a week stomach.
- छोटे से ही सब बड़े होते है -- lads will bemen.
- छोटाई chhoṭa:i: -- (nf) smallness, pettiness; shortness; juniority.
- छोटी chhoṭi: -- (a) feminine form of छोटा.
- छोटी जाति -- low(er) cast.
- छोटी बात -- petty utterance; petty matter.
- छोटी हाजिरी -- breakfast.
- छोड़ना chhoṛnā: -- (v) to leave; to abandon.
- छोर chhor -- (nm) the end, fag end; extremity; edge.
- छोरा chhora: -- (nm) a lad.
- छोलदारी chholda:ri: -- (nf) a small tent.
- छोह chhoh -- (nf) affection; compassion.
- छौंक chhāūk -- (nf) seasoning (pulse, vegetable, etc.) with boiled ghee/oil and spices.
- छौंक भी न होना -- to beutterly insufficient/inadequate.
- छौंकना chhāūknā: -- (v) to season (see छौंक).
- छौना chhaunā: -- (nm) a young one.
- ज ja -- the third letter of the second pentad (i.e. चवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a suffix denoting thesense of born of (as जलज, अंडज, वातज, etc.).
- जंकशन jaṅkshān -- (nm) a (railway) junction.
- जंग jaṅg -- (nf) a war, battle, fight.
- जंगबाज़ -- a war-monger.
- जंगबाज़ी -- war-mongering.
- जंग zaṅg -- (nm) rust.
- जंगदार -- rusted, rust-eaten.
- जंग लगना -- to get rusted, to be eaten up by rust; to turn ineffective (by disuse).
- जंगम jaṅgām -- (a) moving; movable.
- जंगम संपत्ति -- movable property.
- जंगल jaṅgal -- (nm) a forest, wood; wilderness.
- जंगल में मंगल -- a paradise inwilderness.
- जंगल में मोर नाचा किसने देखा -- wood in a wilderness, moss in amountain and wit in a poorman's breast are little thought of.
- जंजँगला jaṅjāgla: -- (nm) grating; railing; fence/fencing; balustrade; a grille or bar-fitted window.
- जंगली jaṅgli: -- (a) savage; wild; beastly.
- जंगली जानवर -- a wild beast; savage.
- जंगी jaṅgi: -- (a) martial, relating to war; huge, large.
- जंगी जवान -- a giganticyoungman.
- जंगी जहाज़ -- a man of war, battleship.
- जंगी बेड़ा -- a naval fleet.
- जंगी लाट -- commander-in-chief (underBritish rule).
- जंघा jaṅgha: -- (nf) a thigh.
- जँचना jāchnā: -- (v) to be examined; to be valued; to appeal; to look attractive/befitting.
- जंजाल jaṇja:l -- (nm) botheration; entanglement; embarrassment; cares, trouble; fuss; (nf) a small cannon.
- जंजाली jaṇja:li: -- (a) fussy; troublesome, occasioning botheration.
- ज़ंजीर zanji:r -- (nf) a chain; shackle.
- जंतर jantar -- (nm) an amulet, philter.
- जंतर-मंतर -- an observatory; witchcraft, conjuring.
- जंतरी jantri: -- (nf) an almanac.
- जंतु jantu -- (nm) a creature, an animal.
- जंबुद्वीप jambudwi:p -- (nm) the name of one of the seven ancient continental divisions of the world; thecentral part of the above divisionsincluding India. [According tosome it is an ancient name for.
- जंबूर jambu:r -- (nm) pliers.
- जँबूरा jambu:ra: -- (nm) claw bar, pliers.
- जँभाई jābha:i: -- (nf) yawning, a yawn.
- जँभाई लेना -- to yawn.
- जँभाना jābha:nā: -- (v) to yawn.
- जई jai: -- (nf) oat; new shoots of barley.
- जई/फ़ zai:f -- (a) old; weak, infirm.
- जईफ़ी -- senility; weakness; infirmity.
- जक jak -- (nf) obstinacy; mania, incessant insistence.
- जकड़ jakaṛ -- (nf) grip, tight grasp, firm hold.
- जकड़न -- inflexibility, immobility.
- जकड़बंदी -- firm hold.
- जकड़ना jakaṛnā: -- (v) to grasp, to hold firmly; to tighten.
- जकात jaka:t -- (nf) octroi, octroi-duty.
- जकातघर -- octroi post.
- जकाती -- octroi collector.
- जका/र jaka:r -- (nm) the letter ज (ja) and its sound.
- जकारांत -- (a word) ending in ज् (j).
- ज़ख़ी/रा zaḳḥi:ra: -- (nm) stock, store; hoard.
- ज़ख़ीरेबाज़ -- a hoarder.
- ज़ख़ीरेबाज़ी -- hoarding.
- जख़्म zaḳḥm -- (nm) a wound, cut, injury; ulcer.
- जख़्म-ए-जिगर -- an emotional wound.
- जख़्म ताज़ा/हरा होना -- an oldwound to be revived.
- जख़्म पर नमकछिड़कना -- to afflict the afflicted; toadd insult to injury.
- ज़ख्मी zaḳḥmī: -- (a) wounded, hurt, injured.
- जग jag -- (nm) the world, universe; people.
- जगप्रसिद्ध -- world renowned:जगबीती others' tales/experiences.
- जगहँसाई -- popular ridicule/mockery; open calumny.
- जगजगाना jagjaga:nā: -- (v) see जगमगाना.
- जगत jagat -- (nm) the world, universe; (nf) a raised circular curb (arounda well).
- जगतगुरु (जगद्गुरु) -- a title ofcertain Hindu scholarly priests (4in number); preceptor of theuniverse.
- जगतपति -- master of the universe—God.
- जगतपिता -- Creator of the universe.
- जगतप्रसिद्ध -- world renowned, of world fame.
- जगती jagti: -- (nf) the world; earth; mankind.
- जगदीश jagdi:sh -- (nm) the Lord of the World, Lord Vishṉū.
- जगदीश्वर jagdi:shvar -- (nm) see जगदीश.
- जगना jagnā: -- (v) to wake up, to awaken; to be aroused.
- जगन्नियंता jagānnīyānta: -- (nm) the Almighty, the Controller of the world.
- जगमग jagmag -- (a) refulgent, shining, glittering, glimmering; also जगजग.
- जगमगाना jagmaga:nā: -- (v) to be refulgent, to glitter, to shine, to gleam.
- जगमगाहट jagmaga:haṭ -- (nf) refulgence, glitter, shine, gleam, glimmer.
- जगर-मगर jagar-magar -- (a) see जगमग.
- जगराता jagra:ta: -- (nm) see रत(जगराताजगा).
- जगह jageh -- (nf) place; space, quarter; post.
- जगह-जगह -- everywhere.
- जगात jaga:t -- (nf) see जकात.
- जगाना jaga:nā: -- (v) to wake up, to awaken; to arouse.
- जगार jaga:r -- (nf) wake; state of being or keeping awake.
- जघन्य jaghānny -- (a) low; detestable, abominable; heinous; hence जघन्यता (nf).
- ज़च्चा zachcha: -- (nf) a woman in post-delivery confinement.
- ज़च्चाख़ाना/घर -- maternity home.
- ज़च्चा-बच्चा -- the new-born and the mother in confinement.
- ज/ज jaj -- (nm) a judge.
- जजी -- a judge's court; judgeship; the post or function of a judge.
- जजमा/न jajmā:n -- (nm) see यजमान.
- जजमानी -- see यजमानी.
- जज़िया jaziya: -- (nm) a levy imposed.
- जज़ीरा jazi:ra: -- (nm) an island.
- जज़्ब jazb -- (a) absorbed; assimilated.
- जज़्बा jazba: -- (nm) an emotion, feeling; passion; (जज़्बात plural).
- जज़्बाती -- emotional.
- जज़्बात को भड़काना -- to fanthe flame of passion, to blow thecoals.
- जटा jaṭa: -- (nf) mated or tangled hair; fibrous root.
- जटाजूट -- mattedhair rolled up over the head.
- जटाधारी -- wearing matted hair rolledup; an ascetic.
- जटित jaṭit -- (a) studded, imbedded with.
- जटिल jaṭil -- (a) intricate, complicated; inaccessible.
- जटिलता -- intricacy, complication.
- जठ/र jaṭḥar -- (nm) the stomach.
- जठराग्नि -- digestive fire of thestomach.
- जठरानल -- same as जठराग्नि.
- जड़ jaṛ -- (nf) root; (a) inanimate, immovable, inert; idiot, stupid.
- जड़-चेतन -- the animate and the inanimate.
- जड़ जगत -- the inanimate world.
- जड़ पदार्थ -- matter.
- जड़बुद्धि/मति -- idiot; stupid.
- जड़बुद्धिता -- idiocy.
- जड़वाद/जड़वादिता -- materialism.
- जड़वादी -- amaterialist; materialistic.
- जड़ उखाड़ना -- to root out, to strike at the root; to destroy completely.
- जड़ काट कर तने को पानी देना -- to cut the rootand water the leaves.
- जड़ काटना/खोदना -- to undermine, to eat intothe vitals of; to inflict heavy damage.
- जड़ जमना/पकड़ना -- to strike deeproots; to establish; to consolidate(oneself).
- जड़-पेड़/मूल से -- root and branch; thoroughly.
- जड़ हिला देना -- tocause a thorough shake-up, toshake the foundation (of).
- जड़त jaṛat -- (nf) inlay, insetting.
- जड़ता jaṛta: -- (nf) inertia, torpor; insensibility; idiocy, stupidity; stupefaction.
- जड़त्व jaṛattv -- (nm) see जड़ता.
- जड़ना jaṛnā: -- (v) to stud; to inlay; to fix, to set; to mount (as a तसवीर); to put in; to lay on (as तमाचा).
- जड़ाई jaṛa:i: -- (nf) the act or process of setting/inlaying; the wages orcharges paid for setting/inlaying.
- जड़ाऊ jaṛa:u: -- (a) studded or inset with jewels.
- जड़ात्मवा/द jaṛa:tmva:d -- (nm) animism.
- जड़ात्मवादी -- an animist; animistic.
- जड़ावर jaṛa:war -- (nf) warm clothings.
- जड़िमा jaṛimā: -- (nf) stupor, torpor; insensibility; stupidity.
- जड़िया jaṛiya: -- (nm) a setter (of jewels etc.); an expert in insetting.
- जड़ी jaṛi: -- (nf) a simple, medicinal root.
- जड़ी-बूटी -- medicinal herbs, simples.
- जड़ीभूत jaṛi:bhu:t -- (a) stupefied, rendered inert and inactive.
- जताना jata:nā: -- (v) to apprise, to make known; to warn.
- जत्था jattha: -- (nm) a band; gang; flock.
- जत्थाबंदी -- formation into groupsor bands.
- जत्थेदार -- a group-leader(amongst sikhs).
- ज़द zad -- (nf) striking range, range.
- ज़दा zada: -- —a suffix used to mean afflicted by (as ग़मज़दा, मुसीबतज़दा).
- जद्दोजहद jaddojehad -- (nf) struggle, hard endeavour.
- जन jān -- (nm) people; public; folk.
- जन-आंदोलन -- popular movement.
- जनगणना -- census.
- जन-जन -- each andevery person.
- जन-जागरण -- renaissance, popular awakening.
- जनजीवन -- publiclife; public living.
- जनतंत्र -- democracy.
- जनतंत्रवाद -- democracy.
- जनतंत्रीय -- democratic(al).
- जनतांत्रिक -- democratic(al).
- जन-धन -- men andmoney.
- जनपद -- rural region.
- जनपदीय -- regional.
- जन-प्रवाद -- popular/publicrumour.
- जनप्रिय -- popular.
- जनमत -- .
- ज़न zan -- (nf) a woman; a suffix meaning one or that which inflictsor strikes (as राहज़न ज़न one whostrikes on the way i.e. one whowaylays).
- जनक janāk -- (nm) father; procreator, originator; used as a suffix tomean causing or bringing forth(as खेदजनक, निराशाजनक).
- ज़नख़ा zanḳḥa: -- (nm) a eunuch, womanly man.
- जन/जाति janja:ti -- (nf) a tribe.
- जनजातीय -- tribal.
- जनता janta: -- (nm) the public, people, masses.
- जनता-जनार्दन -- the people symbolising God.
- जनन janān -- (nm) procreation, procreating; generation, generating; production, producing.
- जनन-क्षमता -- potency, generating/productive/procreative power.
- जनना jannā: -- (v) to (re) produce; to give birth (to), to bear.
- जननायक janna:yak -- (nm) a popular hero, leader of the people.
- जननी janni: -- (nf) mother, progenitrix.
- जननेंद्रिय jananēndriy -- (nf) sex organ, genitals.
- जनवरी janwari: -- (nf) (the month of January.
- जनांतिक janā:ntik -- (nm) aside (in a drama).
- जना jana: -- (a) produced; procreated: (nm) person, individual (as कितनेजने आयेंगे ?).
- जनाकीर्ण jana:ki:rṉ -- (a) crowded; thickly populated; hence जनाकीर्णता (nf).
- जनाज़ा jana:za: -- (nm) the corpse wrapped in a coffin-cloth; bier(With the corpse laid on it).
- ज़नानख़ाना zanā:nḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) the harem, seraglio; zenana, femaleapartment.
- ज़नाना zana:nā: -- (a) female, feminine; impotent; (nm) female apartment; a eunuch.
- ज़नानापन -- effeminacy; impotence; hence ज़नानी ज़नाना राज petticoat rule/government.
- जनाब jana:b -- (a) and nm) mister; (int) Sir !, Your Excellency !.
- जनाब आली -- Sir, Your Honour !, Your Excellency !.
- जनाबे मन, -- Sir, respected Sir!.
- जनित janit -- (a) produced/generated (by); caused (by), procreated (by).
- जनेऊ janeu: -- (nm) the sacred or sacrificial thread worn by theHindu:s.
- जनोपयोगी janopyogi: -- (a) of public utility.
- जनोपयोगी सेवाएँ -- public utility services.
- जन्नत jannāt -- (nf) paradise, heaven.
- जन्नत की हूर -- a celestial damsel/beauty.
- जन्म janm -- (nm) birth; origin; genesis.
- जन्मकुंडली -- a short horoscope.
- जन्मगत -- by or relating to birth; innate; inborn.
- जन्मतिथि -- date of birth.
- जन्मदाता -- progenitor; father; originator.
- जन्म-दर -- birth-rate.
- जन्म-दिन/दिवस -- birth-day.
- जन्मनाम -- christian name.
- जन्मपत्र/पत्रिका/पत्री -- a horoscope.
- जन्मभूमि -- motherland.
- जन्म-मरण -- birthand death.
- जन्मस्थान -- birth-place.
- जन्म गँवाना -- to waste one's life.
- जन्मजात janmāja:t -- (a) congenital; inherent, innate.
- जन्ना janmanā: -- (ind) by birth; (v) to be born.
- जन्मांतर janmā:ntar -- (nm) another birth.
- जन्मांतरवाद -- doctrine of rebirth; hence जन्मांतरवादी (a and nm).
- जन्मांध janmā:ndh -- (a) blind since birth, born blind; hence जन्मांधता (nf).
- जन्माष्टमी janmā:shṭmī: -- (nf) the eighth day of the dark half of themonth of भादों when LordKrinhṉā is supposed to have beenborn.
- जन्मोत्तर janmottar -- (a) post-natal, after birth.
- जन्मोत्सव janmotsav -- (nm) birth-day celebration.
- जन्य janny -- (a) born, produced/generated; used as a suffix meaning —generated by or born of (as युध्दजन्य, परीस्थितिजन्य).
- जप jap -- (nm) adoration by way of repeating passages from scriptures, sacred formulae or a deity's name, etc.
- जप-तप -- worship, adoration; devotion.
- जपमाला -- a rosary.
- जप/ना japnā: -- (v) to murmur or to utter quiet prayers; to repeat reverentially (God's name as a sacredformula).
- जपनीय -- worth repeatingby way of adoration.
- जपित japit -- (a) whispered (sound).
- जफ़ा jafa: -- (nf) excess; tyranny.
- जब jab -- (adv) when.
- जब कभी -- whenever; sometimes.
- जबकि -- when; whenever, at whatever time.
- जब-तब -- sometime; at times; imminent.
- जब अपनी उतरी तो दूसरे की उतारते क्यादेर ? -- beware of him who regardsnot his reputation.
- जब उतर गई लोईतो क्या करेगा कोई -- the shamelessdread no society.
- जब तक गंगा (जमना) की धारा बहती है -- as long as theGanges (and the Jamuna) flows(flow), for all times to come.
- जब तक ज़हरमुहरा आएगा, साँप का काटामर जाएगा -- the steed will die tillthe grass grows.
- जब तक साँस तब तकआस -- as long as there is life thereis hope.
- जबड़ा jabṛa: -- (nm) a jaw.
- जबड़ातोड़ -- jaw-breaking; a jaw-breaker (said of a word difficult to pronounce).
- ज़बर zabar -- (a) strong; huge.
- ज़बर मारे और रोने न दे -- the mighty hits andpermits no bewailing.
- ज़बरद/स्त zabardast -- (a) strong, powerful; vigorous, violent; high-handed.
- ज़बरदस्ती -- high-handedness; injustice; by force, forcibly.
- ज़बरन zabrān -- (adv) by force, forcibly.
- ज़बह zabeh -- (nm) slaughtering, slaughter.
- ज़बह करना -- to slaughter.
- ज़बान zabā:n -- (nf) tongue; language.
- ज़बानदराज़ -- loquacious, sharp-tongued.
- ज़बानदराज़ी -- loquaciousness, waggingof one's tongue.
- ज़बानदाँ -- expert of alanguage.
- ज़बानदानी -- linguistic expertise.
- ज़बान का कड्डआ(वा) -- bitter-tongued.
- ज़बान का तेज़ -- sharp-tongued.
- ज़बान का मीठा -- honey-tongued; sweet-tongued.
- ज़बान का शेर -- bold only in speech.
- ज़बान केनीचे ज़बान होना -- to be double-tongued.
- ज़बान काँटा होना -- the tongue tobecome senseless through thirst, tobe very thirsty.
- ज़बान काटना -- to expressa sense of surprise/repentance(through holding the tongue between the teeth); to render mute/speechless.
- ज़बान कैची-सी चलना -- the tongue to run on wheels; to tailnineteen to the dozen.
- ज़बान को लगामज़रुरी है -- a bridle for the tongue isa necessary piece of furniture.
- ज़बान कोलगाम देना -- to stop one's gab, tohold one's tongue.
- ज़बान ख़ल्क नक़्क़ाराख़ुदा -- public voice is God's voice.
- ज़बान खींचना -- to pull out somebody's.
- ज़बानी zaba:nī: -- (a) oral, verbal; unwritten; (adv) orally, verbally.
- ज़बानी जमा-खर्च -- sweet nothings, superficial utterances; tall talk.
- ज़ब्त zabt -- (a) forfeited, confiscated, impounded; (nm) forbearance, restraint.
- ज़ब्तशुदा -- forfeited, confiscated.
- ज़ब्ती -- confiscation, forfeiture.
- ज़ब्त करना -- to exercise restraint; toconfiscate.
- जमघट jamghaṭ -- (nm) crowded assembly; multitude.
- जमना jamnā: -- (v) to freeze; to solidify, to become firm or hard; to clot; to be established/settled; tosettle; to have a prolonged sitting, to sit for long; to be fixed; totake root; to be effective; (nf) the river यमुना.
- जमे रहना -- to nailcolours to mast, to refuse toclimb down, to stick to one'sguns.
- जमा jamā: -- (a) collected, deposited; (nm) deposit; credit; accumulation; sum-total.
- जमा-ख़र्च -- debit and credit; receipts and disbursements.
- जमाख़ातीर -- reassurance.
- जमाख़ातीर रखना -- to rest assured.
- जमा-जथा -- accumulations, accumulatedwealth.
- जमा-पूँजी -- total accumulation.
- जमामार -- one who misappropriates; abad debtor; dishonest.
- जमा-ख़र्च करना -- to account for debts and credits; to prepare the accounts.
- जमा मारना -- to misappropriate.
- जमाई jama:i: -- (nm) a son-in-law.
- जमाई राजा -- .
- जमात jamā:t -- (nf) a class (in a school), assembly; group.
- जमादा/र jamā:da:r -- (nm) a jamadar, head of a group; sweeper.
- जमादारी -- profession of a jamadar; actingas head of a group.
- ज़मानत zamā:nāt -- (nf) surety; bail; security; guarantee.
- ज़मानतदार -- a guarantor, surety.
- ज़मानतनामा -- surety-bond.
- ज़मानती zamā:nati: -- (a) bailable; guaranteeing; (nm) a surety, guarantor.
- जमाना jamā:nā: -- (v) transitive verbal form of जमना (see).
- ज़माना zamā:na: -- (nm) time(s), age, period; present-day world; fortunate times.
- ज़मानासाज़ -- a temporizer; time-server.
- ज़मानासाज़ी -- temporization; time-serving mentality.
- ज़माना उलटना -- times to turn radically, a pervertedera to dawn.
- ज़माना छानना -- to make athorough search.
- ज़माना देखना -- to acquirewide experience.
- ज़माना देखे होना -- to bewidely experienced; to have under-gone all sorts of experiences.
- ज़माना पलटना/बदलना -- the tide to take aturn.
- ज़माना बीत जाना/लद जाना -- good olddays to be over, the golden timesto be past.
- ज़माने का मारा हुआ -- beaten in the struggle of life, done for.
- ज़माने का रुख़ देखना -- tohave/keep an ear to the ground, to watch which way the windblows.
- ज़माने की गर्दिश -- temporalvicissitudes.
- ज़माने की हवा लगना -- to be affected by the (changing) times, to adopt (oneself) according to the wind of times.
- ज़माना के साथ क़दम मिलाकर चलना -- to gowith the tide/times.
- जमाल jama:l -- (nm) glory; elegance, prettiness.
- जमालगोटा jama:lgoṭa: -- (nm) a purgative nut—Croten tiglium.
- जमाव jama:v -- (nm) assembly, gathering; setting up, concentration; accumulation.
- जमावड़ा jama:vṛa: -- (nm) assembly, gathering; concentration; accumulation.
- ज़मीं zamī: -- (nf) see ज़मीन.
- ज़मींकंद zamī:kānd -- (nm) a vegetable—elephant's foot.
- ज़मींदार zamī:da:r: -- (nm) a landlord; cultivator.
- ज़मींदारी jamī:da:ri: -- (nf) zamindari, landlordism; landed estate; cultivation.
- ज़मींदोज़ zami:doz -- (a) subterranean, subearthen.
- ज़मीन zamī:n -- (nf) the earth; land, ground; ground work; background.
- ज़मीन-आसमान एक करना -- to leave nostone unturned, to make allpossible efforts.
- ज़मीन-आसमान का फ़र्क -- as wide asunder as heaven andearth, world of/fundamental difference.
- ज़मीन-आसमान के कुलाबे मिलाना -- tospeak of heaven and earth in onebreath; to speak in hyperboles; totry one's level best.
- ज़मीन का पाँव तले सेखिसक जाना -- to be stunned out ofwits.
- ज़मीन चटाना/दिखाना -- to fell/throwflat.
- ज़मीन चूमना -- to lie prostrate; to befelled by face.
- ज़मीन तैयार करना -- toprepare the ground (for).
- ज़मीन नापना -- to wander in search of employment.
- ज़मीन पर पाँव/पैर न पड़ना -- to feelinflated, to be puffed up withpride.
- ज़मीन में गड़ जाना -- to be bashfullyembarrassed, to be deeply ashamed/sheepish.
- ज़मीर zami:r -- (nm) the conscience; inner self.
- ज़मीरफ़रोश -- conscience-seller; hence ज़मीरफ़रोशी (nf).
- जमुना jamunā: -- (nf) the river yamuna:.
- जम्हाई jamha:i: -- (nf) yawning.
- जम्हाई लेना -- to yawn.
- जम्हाना jamhā:nā: -- (v) to yawn.
- जयंती jayānti: -- (nf) (birth) anniversary; jubilee.
- जय jay -- (nf) conquest, victory; triumph; (a) used as a suffix in compound words meaning, one who has achieved a victory or hastriumphed over (e.g. मृत्युंजय, धनंजय, etc). (int) bravo ! hurrah !.
- जयघोष -- applause, applausive shouts, cheering approbation.
- जयध्वज -- bannerof victory.
- जयध्वनि -- see जयघोष.
- जय-पराजय -- victory and defeat.
- जयमाल/माला -- a bay, garland symbolic oftriumph; garland put by thebride round the neck of the bride-groom.
- जयलक्ष्मी/श्री -- victory.
- जयकार jayka:r -- (nm) applause, applausive shouts, cheers hailing victory.
- जयजयकार jayjayka:r -- (nf) triumphal cheers, applausive shouts, applausehailing a victory.
- जयिष्णु jayishṉū -- (a) one who conquers/achieves victory, ever-victorious.
- जयी jayi: -- (a) winner, victorious; (nm) a conqueror.
- ज़र zar -- (nm) wealth, riches, gold.
- ज़रख़रीद -- purchased, bought.
- ज़रख़ेज़ -- fertile.
- ज़रख़ेज़ी -- fertility.
- ज़रदोज़ -- embroidered (with gold).
- ज़रदोज़ी -- (golden) embroidery.
- ज़रदा zarda: -- (nm) scented and specially prepared tobacoo; a special dish of rice treated with saffron.
- ज़रदुश्त zardusht -- (nm) the founder of the fire-worshipping 'Pa:rasi:'religion and author of the scripture 'Zend Avesta'.
- जरनैल jarnail -- (nm) a generla.
- ज़रब zarab -- (nm) trauma; blow; stroke; crack; multiplication.
- ज़रब-तकसीम -- multiplication and division.
- ज़रब आना -- to develop a crack, to beinjured.
- ज़रब देना -- to inflict a blow/stroke; to multiply.
- जरसी jarsi: -- (nf) a jersey.
- जरा jara: -- (nf) old age, senility.
- जराग्रस्त -- aged, decrepit.
- जराजीर्ण -- age-worn, decrepit.
- ज़रा zara: -- (a) a little, a bit, slight; (adv) for a while; slightly; just (as ज़रा ठहरो just wait); please, kindly(as ज़रा मेरे साथ चलो).
- ज़रा-ज़रा -- in bits; petty, trivial.
- ज़रा-ज़रा-सी बात पर तुनक उठने वाला -- like a hen with onechicken, absurdly fussy.
- ज़रा-सा -- some; small, a small quantity.
- जरायमपेशा jara:yāmpesha: -- (a) criminal, of criminal profession.
- जरायमपेशा कबीला -- a criminal tribe.
- जरायु jara:yu -- (nm) placenta.
- जरायुज -- placental.
- जरासीम jara:si:m -- (nm) germs.
- ज़रि/या zariya: -- (nm) means; medium, instrument.
- ज़रिये, के -- through, through the agency of.
- ज़रिया zari:ya: -- (nm) see ज़रिया.
- ज़री zari: -- (nf) gold brocade, gold lace.
- जरीब jari:b -- (nm) a land-measuring chain.
- ज़रुर zaru:r -- (adv) certainly, undoubtedly, positively; without fail.
- ज़रुर-ज़रुर -- positively; without fail.
- ज़रुरत zaru:rat -- (nf) necessity, importance; need, requirement.
- ज़रुरतन -- because of a need.
- ज़रुरतमंद -- needy.
- ज़रुरियात zaru:riya:t -- (nf) necessities; requirements, needs.
- ज़रुरी zaru:ri: -- (a) important; necessary, needful; compulsory; indispensable.
- ज़र्क-बर्क़ zark-barq -- (a) brilliant, gaudy, gaudily made-up; (nf) brilliance, gaudiness.
- जर्ज/र jarjar -- (a) decrepit, worn out; crushed, senescent.
- जर्जरता -- senescence, decrepitude.
- जर्जरित -- worn out; decrepit crushed, decayed.
- ज़र्द zard -- (a) pale, yellow.
- ज़र्द पड़ना -- to turn pale, to be off colour; tobecome anaemic.
- ज़र्दा zarda: -- (nm) see ज़रदा.
- ज़र्दी zardi: -- (nf) paleness, yellowness; the yellow (part).
- जर्मन सिल्वर jarmān silvar -- (nm) an alloy used for making utensils.
- ज़र्रा zarra: -- (nm) an atom; a particle.
- ज़र्रा-ज़र्रा -- each and every particle.
- ज़र्रा भर -- a minute particle; a verysmall quantity; insignificantlysmall.
- जर्रा/ह jarra:h -- (nm) a (traditionally trained) surgeon, one who dresseswounds.
- जर्राही -- surgery, dressingof wounds.
- जल jal -- (nm) water, aqua; hydro जल-.
- जल-अपघटन -- hydrolysis.
- जलकपाट -- sluice.
- जलकर -- water-tax.
- जलकल -- a waterpipe.
- जलकल विभाग -- waterworks.
- जलकुंभी -- atypical water plant.
- जलकुक्कुट -- awater-fowl.
- जलकूप -- a water-well.
- जलकृषि -- water-culture.
- जलकेलि -- water-gambol, aquatic sport.
- जलघड़ी -- awater-clock.
- जलचर/चारी -- aquatic(animal, etc.).
- जल-चादर -- a sheet ofwater.
- जल-जंतु -- aquatic creatures.
- जलज/जात -- aqueous; lotus.
- जलडमरुमध्य -- a strait.
- जल-त्रास -- hydrophobia.
- जल-थल -- water and land.
- जल-थल एक होना -- a delugeto set in, water to submerge allvisible land.
- जलद -- a cloud.
- जलदस्यु -- apirate.
- जलधर -- a cloud.
- जलधारा -- awater current.
- जलधि -- an ocean.
- जलपत्ती -- a water-cress.
- जलपथ -- water-ways.
- जल-परी -- a siren, mermaid.
- जल-प्रपात -- a waterfall, cataract.
- जल-प्रलय -- cataclysm, deluge.
- जल-प्रवाह -- a torrent/current of water.
- जल-प्लावन -- inundation.
- जल-भीति -- hydrophobia.
- जल-मंडल -- hydrosphere.
- जलमग्न -- submerged by or immersed underwater.
- जलमय -- submerged in water; watery, hydrous.
- जलमार्ग -- channel, waterways; water-course.
- जल-यात्रा -- a voyage.
- जलयान -- a ship, vessel; boat.
- जल-युद्ध -- naval war.
- जलराशि -- bodyor accumulation of water.
- जललेख -- hydrography.
- जल-विज्ञान/विद्या -- hydrology.
- जलविद्युत -- hydro-electric.
- जल-संत्रास -- hydrophobia.
- जल-संधि -- astrait.
- जल-समाधि -- watery grave, togo deep into water for ending upone's life.
- जलसर्वेक्षण -- hydrography.
- जलसह -- waterproof.
- जल-सेना -- the navy, naval force.
- जल-स्तंभ -- a column ofwater; lighthouse.
- जल-स्तंभन -- the skillof keeping under water for prolonged spells.
- जल-स्तर -- water level.
- जलस्थल -- land and water.
- जलस्थलीय -- amphibious.
- जल-स्रोत -- source of water; water current.
- जलहीन -- water-free; without water.
- जलाक्रांत -- waterlogged.
- जलागार -- a reservoir.
- जल बिनु मीन -- a fish out of water.
- ज़लज़ला zalzala: -- (nm) an earthquake.
- जलन jalān -- (nf) a burning sensation; jealousy.
- जल/ना jalnā: -- (v) to burn; to be inflamed/kindled; to be scorched; to feel jealous, to envy.
- जल कर -- outof jealousy, inspired by jealousy.
- जल-भुनकर कबाब/कोयला/ख़ाक/राख होना -- to burn with rage or envy.
- जल मरना -- to burn oneself out of jealousy; to immolate oneself.
- जलती आग मेंकूदना -- to knowingly burn one'sfingers.
- जलती आग में घी/तेल डालना -- to add fuel to the fire, to fan theflame.
- जला कर राख कर देना -- to layto the ashes.
- जला-जलाकर मारना -- toinflict a slow painful death, totease to death.
- जला-भुना -- frettingand fuming.
- जली-कटी सुनाना -- tomake caustic and stinging remarks.
- जले को जलाना -- to insult the alreadyafflicted.
- जले पर नमक छिड़कना -- toadd insult to injury.
- जले फफोले -- .
- जलपान jalpā:n -- (nm) light refreshment; breakfast; at home.
- जलपान-गृह -- a refreshment room.
- जलवायु jalva:yu -- (nf) climate.
- जलवायुविज्ञान -- climatology.
- जलवायुवैज्ञानिक -- a climatologist.
- जलसा jalsa: -- (nm) a meeting, function; festivity; social gathering.
- जलसा , आम -- a public meeting.
- जलाना jala:nā: -- (v) to light, to kindle; to burn, to scorch; to excite envy, to provoke jealousy.
- जलार्णव jala:rṉav -- (nm) an ocean.
- जलाल jala:l -- (nm) glory, splendour; pre-eminence; awe, awefulness.
- ज़लालत zala:lat -- (nf) meanness, wretchedness; disgrace.
- जलावत/न jala:vatān -- (nm) exile; (a) exiled.
- जलावतनी -- exile.
- जलावन jala:van -- (nm) fuel.
- जलावर्त jala:vartt -- (nm) a whirlpool.
- जलाशय jala:shay -- (nm) a reservoir; a body of water.
- ज़लील zali:l -- (a) mean, wretched, contemptible; disgraced, insulted.
- ज़लील करना -- to crop one's feathers, tohumiliate.
- जलूस jalu:s -- (nm) a procession.
- जलूस निकालना -- to take out (in) a procession.
- जलेबी jalebi: -- (nf) a kind of sweetmeat; a kind of firework that shoots up like spiral.
- जलोढ़ jaloṛḥ -- (a) alluvial.
- जलोढ़ मिट्टी -- alluvial soil.
- जलोढ़क jaloṛḥak -- (nm) alluvium.
- जलोदर jalodar -- (nm) dropsy, ascites.
- जलौका jalauka: -- (nf) see जौंक.
- जल्द jald -- (adv) quickly; swiftly; hurriedly; instantly.
- जल्दबाज़ -- hasty, impetuous; rash; a tear-away.
- जल्दबाज़ी -- hastiness, impetuousity, rashness.
- जल्द में सौदा करना -- to clap upa bargain.
- जल्दी jaldi: -- (nf) hurry, haste; (adv) quickly, urgently, immediately.
- जल्दी का काम शैतान का -- haste makeswaste.
- जल्प jalp -- (nm) sophistry.
- जल्लाद jalla:d -- (nm) a slaughterer; butcher; (a) cruel or merciless(person).
- जवाँ javā: -- (a) young, youthful; an allomorph of जवान used as thefirst member in some compoundwords.
- जवाँमर्द -- heroic; gallant; manly.
- जवाँमर्दी -- heroism, bravery; manliness, gallantry.
- जवान jawā:n -- (a) young/youthful; (nm) a youth; soldier.
- जवानी java:nī: -- (nf) youth, young age, youthfulness.
- जवानी उतरना/ढलना -- youth to be on the decline; to age.
- जवानी का आलम -- the time of youthfulfrolic or adventure.
- जवानी की नींद -- uninterrupted carefree sleep.
- जवानी चढ़ना -- youth to make appearance, youth to be on the ascendance; to be affected by youthful lust.
- जवानी दीवानी है -- youth knows no bounds.
- जवानी फट पड़ना -- youthfulness to makeappearance all over, youth to bein its fullest bloom.
- जवानी में माँझा ढीला -- young age, old ways; what isyouth but its vitality andvigour.
- जवाब java:b -- (nm) reply, answer; response; counter-move.
- जवाबतलबकरना -- to call for an explanation, tobring to book.
- जवाबतलबी -- (seekingof) an explanation.
- जवाबदार -- responsible, accountable; hence जवाबदारी( nf).
- जवाबदावा -- written statement filedby the defendant: counter-statment.
- जवाबदेह -- responsible, answerable, accountable.
- जवाबदेही -- responsibility, accountability; obligation.
- जवाबी java:bi: -- (a) counter; (in the nature of or requiring a) reply.
- जवाबी कार्ड -- a reply card.
- जवाबी तार -- a reply-paid telegram.
- जवा/हर jawa:har -- (nm) a jewel.
- जवाहिरात -- jewellery.
- जश्न jashn -- (nm) festivity, merriment, festive celebration.
- जस्त, जस्ता jast, jasta: -- (nm) zinc.
- जहन्नुम jehnnūm -- (nm) the hell, inferno.
- जहन्नुमरसीद -- consigned to hell.
- जहन्नुम में जाना -- or जहन्नुम रसीद होना to go to hell, to be damned.
- ज़हमत zehmāt -- (nf) trouble, botheration.
- ज़हमत मोल लेना -- to own a botheration, to create trouble for oneself, to invite trouble.
- ज़हर zehar -- (nm) poison, venom; anything bitter or disagreeable; (a) disagreeable, unpalatable.
- ज़हरदार -- poisonous, venomous.
- ज़हरबाद -- a carbuncle; septic.
- ज़हरमोहरा -- bezoar.
- ज़हर उगलना -- to make venomous utterances; to speak spitefully.
- ज़हर उगलना, कलम से -- to dip one's penin gall.
- ज़हर कर देना -- to make (aneatable) unpalatably bitter.
- ज़हर काघूँट -- a bitter disagreeable phenomenon, a mouthful of poison.
- ज़हर पीकर रह जाना -- to stand/suppressunbearable rage, to tolerate insult/humiliation.
- ज़हर की पुड़िया -- one whoincites quarrels or factions, astormy petrel.
- ज़हर चढ़ना -- poison tospread within the system.
- ज़हर मेंबुझाना -- to treat with poison; toimpart a poisonous sting (towords).
- ज़हर लगना -- to be most unwelcome.
- ज़हरी, ज़हरीला zehri:, ~la: -- (a) full of venom; venomous, poisonous.
- जहाँ jahā: -- an allomorph of 'जहान' (see) used as the first member inseveral compound words.
- जहाँदीदा -- one who has seen the world, experienced (person).
- जहाँपनाह -- the protector of the world; an honorofic used for kings and emperors, (adv) where, wherever.
- जहाँ तक -- as far as.
- जहाँ-तहाँ -- here and there; everywhere, all round.
- जहाँ का तहाँ -- at the original place.
- जहाँ चाह वहाँ राह -- where there is a will there isway, he who has a mind to beata dog will easily find a stick.
- जहाँ धुआँ वहाँ आग -- no smoke withoutfire.
- जहाँ सौ वहाँ सवा सौ -- over shoesover boots.
- जहाँ सत्यानाश वहाँ सवासत्यानाश -- as well risk much aslittle.
- जहाज़ jaha:z -- (nm) a vessel, ship.
- जहाज़रानी -- shipping, navigation.
- जहाज़ काजहाज़ -- quite a ship, a ship itself.
- जहाज़ का पंछी -- one who has but onehabitat; forlorn.
- जहाज़ी jaha:zi: -- (a) naval, nautical; (nm) a mariner, sailor.
- जहाज़ी डाकू -- apirate.
- जहान jahā:n -- (nm) the world; the people.
- जहालत jaha:lat -- (nf) illiteracy, incivility, boorishness.
- ज़हीन zahi:n -- (a) sharp, intelligent.
- ज़हे किस्मत zahe kismat -- its my fortune, fortunate am I !.
- जहेज़ jahez -- (nm) dowry.
- जहेज़-प्रथा -- the dowry system.
- जाँ jā: -- an allomorph of जान used as the first member in compoundwords.
- जाँनिसार -- one who can sacrifice one's life, devoted.
- जाँबाज़ -- venturesome, one who can risk one'slife.
- जाँबाज़ी -- the quality that distinguishes a जाँबाज़, venturesomeness.
- जाँगलू jā:glu: -- (a) incivil; boorish, rustic; wild.
- जाँघ jā:gh -- (nf) a thigh.
- जाँघिया jā:ghiya: -- (nm) a lower under-wear, short drawers.
- जाँच jā:ch -- (nf) an investigation, examination; test; scanning; enquiry.
- जाँच-पड़ताल -- investigation, enquiry.
- जाँच-परख -- test, scanning, examination.
- जाँचना jā:chnā: -- (v) to investigate; to verify; to test; to evaluate.
- जांतव jā:ntav -- (a) pertaining/relating to or born of a जंतु (see).
- जाँता jā:ta: -- (nm) a quern, stone handmill.
- जाकड़ ja:kaṛ -- (nm) on approval (purchases).
- जाकड़ का माल -- goods/articles on approval.
- जाकेट jakeṭ -- (nf) a jacket.
- जाको ja:ko -- (pro) in Braj Bhasha, the counterpart of जिसको (whom).
- जाको राखे साइयाँ मार सकै ना कोय -- everybullet has its billet.
- जागतिक ja:gtik -- (a) worldly, earthly, mundane.
- जागना ja:gnā: -- (v) to rise, to wake up; to be alert; to be on theascendance (as नसीबजागना ); to brightenup (as लौजागना ).
- जागते को कौन जगाये -- anod is as good as a wink to ablind horse.
- जागरण ja:grāṉ -- (nm) awakening, wakefulness, vigil; sitting throughthe night in religious or festivecollective singing.
- जागरित ja:grit -- (a) awakened, risen, woken up.
- जागरुक ja:gru:k -- (a) alert, vigilant, wakeful.
- जागरुकता -- wakefulness, vigilance, alertness.
- जागीर ja:gi:r -- (nf) property, landed property, land etc. given by thegovernment as a reward, jaghir.
- जागीरदार -- the holder of a जागीर, afief, jaghirdar.
- जागीरदारी -- feudalism; jaghirdari.
- जागीरी ja:gi:ri: -- (nf) pertaining to or related with landed property.
- जागृति ja:ggriti -- (nf) an awakening.
- जाजम ja:jam -- (nf) see जाज़िम.
- जाज़िम ja:zim -- (nf) a multi-coloured floor sheet.
- जाज्वल्यमान jajvallymā:n -- (a) shining; resplendent; refulgent, luminous.
- जाट ja:ṭ -- (nm) a sub-caste of the Hindu community mostly inhabiting western Uttar Pradesh, thePunjab, Rajasthan and HaryanaStates of the Indian Union.
- जाट मरा तब जानिए जब तेरहवीं/सत्रहवीं हो जाये -- do not halloo till you areout of the wood.
- जाड़ा ja:ṛa: -- (nf) cold; winter.
- जाड़ा खाना -- to be struck by cold.
- जाड़ा लगना -- tofeel cold.
- जात ja:t -- (a) born; manifest; (nf) caste.
- जातकर्म/क्रिया -- the fourth of thesixteen major संस्कारs of theHindus performed after the child-birth.
- जात-पाँत -- caste, caste and community.
- जातमृत -- still-born.
- ज़ात za:t -- (nf) self; person; individual, individuality; breed; characteristic quality.
- ज़ात-पाँत -- caste and community.
- जातक ja:tak -- (nm) the new-born; (astrological calculation of) nativity; see जातकर्म; the collectionof the tales of Lord Buddha'sprevious births.
- जाति ja:ti -- (nf) caste; community; race; sect; genus; type; kind; breed.
- जातिगत -- racial; communal, sectarian.
- जातिच्युत -- expelled from the community.
- जातितत्त्व -- ethnological content.
- जातितत्त्व विज्ञान -- ethnology.
- जातिधर्म -- generic property; caste-characteristic; conduct peculiar to a caste/community.
- जाति-पाँति -- caste andcommunity.
- जाति-बहिष्कार -- ex-communication.
- जाति-बहिष्कृत -- ex-communicated.
- ज़ाती za:ti: -- (a) personal, individual.
- ज़ाती तौर पर -- personally, personally speaking.
- जातीय ja:ti:y -- (a) racial; communal; generic.
- जातीय अल्पसंख्यांक -- racial minority.
- जातीय एकता -- racial unity.
- जातीय घृणा -- racialhatred.
- जातीय पृथग्वासन -- apartheid.
- जातीय भेद-भाव -- racial discrimination.
- जातीयता ja:ti:yta: -- (nf) raciality; communality/communalism.
- जादू ja:du: -- (nm) magic, juggling; charm; spell.
- जादू-टोना -- sorcery, witchcraft; voodooism.
- जादू उतरना -- the charm to be dispelled, to bedisenchanted.
- जादू करना -- to cast aspell on, to practise magic; tobewitch; to conjure.
- जादू चलना -- tocome under the spell (of), to bespell-bound.
- जादू वह जो सिर पर चढ़कर बोले -- magic manifests itself inprocuring quiet obeisance; themeans that achieve the end arethe best means.
- जादूग/र ja:du:gar -- (nm) a magician; juggler; sorcerer, conjurer, जादूगरनी (nf).
- जादूगरी -- magic, sorcery; jugglery, witchcraft.
- जान jā:n -- (nf) life, animation; stamina, vitality; energy; essence; spirit; sweetheart; darling.
- जान-ए-मन -- darling!, sweetheart!.
- जान-जोखिम -- risk of life.
- जानदार -- having vitality; lively, animate.
- जान-बीमा -- life-insurance.
- जानलेवा -- deadly; mortal.
- जान व-माल -- life and property/belongings.
- जान आना -- to be revived; to havea lease of life.
- जान आफ़त में होना -- tobe at a dead lift.
- जान आँखों में आ जाना -- to be on the verge of death.
- जान ओठोंपर आना -- to have life hanging bya feeble thread; to be in amortal agony.
- जान का गाहक/ग्राहक -- benton causing one's end.
- जान का नुकसान -- loss of life.
- जान की अमान -- guaranteeof life.
- जान की ख़ैर -- surety of life.
- जान की ख़ैर मनाना -- to endeavour orpray for the safety of life.
- जान की पड़ना -- to be worried about the security of one's life.
- जान की बाज़ी लगाना(।) -- would give my ears, to stakeone's life, to be ready to makeany sacrifice.
- जान के लाले पड़ना -- to be under the shadow of death, to be in an irretrievably risky position.
- जान खपाना -- to put in arduouswork, to labour hard.
- जान खाना -- topester constantly.
- जान चुराना -- see जी चुराना.
- जान छिड़कना -- to be deeply inlove (with), to be ready to stakelife for.
- जान छुड़ाना -- to get rid of, toskulk from.
- जान छूटना -- to get rid of.
- जान देना -- to sacrifice; to be in passionate love (with).
- जान निकलना -- tobecome lifeless, to be in greatagony.
- जान पर आना -- .
- जान पर आ बनना -- tobe exposed to imminent danger, to be exposed to imminent riskof life.
- जान पर खेलना -- to stake one'slife, to put one's life in peril.
- जान पर नौबत आना -- see जान पर आ बनना.
- जान बचाना -- to save the life of; toshirk/skulk/funk; to save one'scarcass.
- जान बची लाखों पाए -- security oflife represents the greatest achievement; Dutch comfort.
- जान भारी होना -- to be weary of life, to feel lifeto be a burden.
- जान मुट्ठी में होना -- tohave a person cold, to have himat one's mercy.
- जान में जान आना -- tofeel relieved, to feel comforted.
- जान लड़ाना -- to exert to the utmost, tostrain every nerve.
- जान लेना -- to kill.
- जानका/र ja:nka:r -- (a) knowing, knowledgeable, conversant; (nm) one who knows.
- जानकारी -- knowledge, acquaintance; brief.
- जानना ja:nnā: -- (v) to know, to become aware of; to perceive.
- जानकर -- knowingly, deliberately, wilfully.
- अनजान बनना -- to feign ignorance.
- जानने वाले -- acquaintance.
- जान-बूझकर -- knowingly, deliberately, wilfully.
- जान-बूझकर आग में कूदना/कुएँ में पड़ना -- to deliberately jump into fireto deliberately risk a hazard tolife.
- जान-बूझकर मक्खी निग़लना -- to connive at.
- जाने-अनजाने -- wittingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly.
- जानपद ja:npad -- (a) pertaining, belonging to, or related with, a जनपद.
- जान-पहचान ja:n-pehchā:n -- (nf) acquaintance.
- जान-पहचान वाले -- acquaintances.
- जानवर ja:nwar -- (nm) an animal, beast.
- जानशी/न ja:nashī:n -- (nm) successor, heir.
- जानशीनी -- succession, inheritance.
- जाना ja:nā: -- (v) to go, to depart; to lose (as मेरा क्या जाता है ?); toflow (as खून जा रहा है).
- जाते रहना -- to pass away; to continue to go.
- जा धमकना -- to appear on the sceneall of a sudden.
- जा निकलना -- toarrive by chance.
- जाने देना -- to letgo; to pardon.
- जा लेना -- to catchup, to overtake.
- जानिब ja:nib -- (nf) side, direction.
- जानिबदार -- a partisan, supporter.
- जानिबदारी -- taking of sides, adoption of apartisan attitude.
- जानी ja:nī: -- (a) pertaining to, or aiming at, life; beloved, darling.
- जानी दुश्मन -- a deadly enemy, sworn enemy.
- जाप ja:p -- (nm) see जप.
- जापा ja:pa: -- (nm) delivery, child birth.
- जापाघर -- maternity home.
- ज़ाफ़रा/न zā:frā:n -- (nm) saffron.
- ज़ाफ़रानी -- saffron (coloured).
- जा-बेजा ja:beja: -- (a) indiscriminate; proper and improper, good andbad; (adv) at the opportune orinopportune moment/time/placeetc., indiscriminately.
- ज़ाब्ता za:bta: -- (nm) rule, regulation.
- ज़ाब्ता दीवानी -- code of civil procedure.
- ज़ाब्ता फ़ौजदारी -- code of criminal procedure.
- जाम ja:m -- (a) jammed; (nm) jam; a peg.
- जाम कर देना -- to jam, to jam up.
- जाम चलना -- to have a drinking spree.
- जाम पर जाम चलना -- to take peg afterpeg, to have a drinking spree.
- जामदानी ja:mdā:nī: -- (nf) a kind of flower-woven fine cloth.
- जामन ja:mān -- (nm) rennet जामन the small quantity of curd used for coagulating milk.
- जा/मा ja:mā: -- (nm) attire, clothing; a long gown worn by the bride-groom.
- जामे में फूले न समाना -- to bepuffed up/swollen with joy.
- जामे सेबाहर होना -- to be unable to containoneself (out of joy or rage); totranscend one's limits.
- जामाता ja:mā:ta: -- (nm) a son-in-law.
- ज़ामिन za:min -- (nm) a surety, guarantor.
- जामु/न ja:mun -- (nf) jambo, a black plum (the tree and its fruit).
- जामुनी -- of the colour of जामुन, bluish.
- ज़ाय/क़ा za:yqa: -- (nm) taste, relish.
- ज़ायक़ेदार -- delicious, tasty.
- ज़ायक़ा बिगड़ना -- to have one's (sense of) tasteimpaired.
- जायज़ ja:yaz -- (a) suitable; proper; befitting; legitimate.
- जायज़ा ja:yza: -- (nm) a scrutiny; survey.
- ज़ायद za:yad -- (a) extra; additional.
- जायदाद ja:yda:d -- (nf) property.
- जायदाद ग़ैर-मनक़ूला -- immovable property.
- जायदाद मनक़ूला -- movable property.
- जाफ़री ja:fri: -- (nf) a trellis.
- जायफल ja:yphal -- (nm) a nutmeg —Myristica moschata.
- जाया ja:ya: -- (nf) spouse, wife; (a) born (of).
- ज़ाया za:ya: -- (a) waste, ruined.
- ज़ाया करना -- to waste, to ruin.
- ज़ाया जाना -- to bewasted/ruined.
- जार ja:r -- (nm) an adulterer, a paramour.
- जार कर्म -- adultery, adulterous activity.
- जारज संतान -- a bastard, adulterine, illegitimate; born onthe wrong side of the blanket.
- जारजता -- illegitimacy.
- जारिणी -- anadulteress.
- ज़ार za:r -- (a).
- ज़ार-ज़ार रोना -- to weep bitterly.
- जारी ja:ri: -- (a) continued; current, running; issued; in force.
- जारी करना -- to issue, to enforce; to commence.
- जारी रखना -- to continue, to keep up.
- जाल ja:l -- (nm) a net, network; mesh; snare; plot.
- जालसाज़ -- a conspirer; forgerer, deceitful.
- जालसाज़ी -- plotting; conspiracy; forgery.
- जाल डालना/फेंकना -- to cast a net.
- जाल फैलना -- to lay atrap.
- जाल में फँसना -- to be caught in atrap, to be trapped.
- जालक ja:lak -- (nm) a ploxus; lattice.
- जाला ja:la: -- (nm) a cobweb; net; flake; cataract.
- जाले साफ़ करना -- to blowaway the cobwebs.
- जालिका ja:lika: -- (nf) a plexus.
- ज़ालिम za:lim -- (a) cruel, atrocious, tyrannical; (nm) a tyrant.
- ज़ालिमाना za:limā:nā: -- (a) atrocious, tyrannical.
- जालिया ja:liya: -- (a) see जाल (जालियासाज़).
- जाली ja:li: -- (a) forged, counterfeit; (nm) mesh; hammock; muzzle; grating.
- जालीदार -- meshed, fitted withgrating.
- जावित्री ja:vittri: -- (nf) mace.
- जासू/स jasu:s -- (nm) a spy, detective.
- जासूसी -- espionage, spying, intelligencework; detective.
- ज़ाहि/र za:hir -- (a) apparent; obvious; evident.
- ज़ाहिरा -- apparently.
- ज़ाहिरा तौर पर -- apparently; obviously; evidently.
- जाहिल ja:hil -- (a) illiterate; uncivil, boorish.
- ज़िंदगानी zindga:nī: -- (nf) life.
- ज़िंदगी zindagi: -- (nf) life; liveliness.
- ज़िंदगी भर -- all one's life, throughout life.
- ज़िंदगी के आखिरी दिन गिनना/ज़िंदगी के दिनपूरे करना -- to pass time somehow, to count the last days of life.
- ज़िंदगी बसर करना -- to spend life; to carryon anyhow.
- ज़िंदगी भारी होना -- life tohang heavy.
- ज़िंदगी में मौत का मज़ाचखना -- to know death in life, toundergo tremendous hardships inlife.
- ज़िंदगी से बेज़ार होना -- to be fedup/tired of life.
- ज़िंदा zīnda: -- (a) alive, living; not dead.
- ज़िंदादिल -- sprightly, lively, cheerful.
- ज़िंदादिली -- sprightliness, liveliness, cheerfulness.
- ज़िंदाबाद ! -- longlive !.
- ज़िंदा लाश -- spiritless, dead alive.
- जिंस jīns -- (nf) commodity; cereals.
- जिंसवार -- commoditywise.
- जिंसवारी -- commoditywise classification.
- ज़िक्र zikkr -- (nm) mention, reference.
- जिगर jigar -- (nm) the liver; heart; courage.
- जिगर का टुकड़ा -- a son; verydear one.
- जिगर के टुकड़े होना -- lit. theliver to be torn asunder—to beshattered by a grave shock.
- जिगर थाम -- .
- जिगरा jigra: -- (nm) courage.
- जिगरी jigri: -- (a) pertaining to the liver; beloved, dear; very intimate.
- जिगरी दोस्त -- bosom friend, very intimate friend.
- ज़िच zich -- (nf) checkmate; stalemate.
- ज़िच करना -- to checkmate; to be placed in a stalemate.
- ज़िच होना -- to be checkmated; to be in a stalemate.
- जिजीवि/षा jiji:visha: -- (nf) the life instinct, will to live.
- जिजीविषु -- willingto live, having the will to live.
- जिज्ञासा jiggya:sa: -- (nf) curiosity, inquisitiveness; spirit of learning.
- जिज्ञासु jiggya:su -- (a) curious, inquisitive; willing to learn; (nm) a learner.
- जिठानी jiṭḥa:nī: -- (nf) husband's elder brother's wife.
- जित jit -- an adjectival suffix/prefix used in Sanskrit words meaning'one who has conquered' (e.g.जितकोप, इन्द्रजित).
- जितकोप/क्रोध -- onewho has conquered or subduedthe feeling of anger/wrath.
- जितशत्रु -- a conqueror of enemies.
- जितश्रम -- tireless, one who has conqueredthe sense of fatigue.
- जित/ना jitna: -- (a) as much as.
- जितने -- as many (as).
- जिततना गुड़ डालोगे उतनाही मीठा होगा -- the more the sugar, the sweeter the beverage.
- जितनी लंबी चादर हो उतने पैर फैलाओ -- cutyour coat according to your size.
- जितात्मा jita:tmā: -- (a and nm) (one) in full control of oneself; a self-conqueror.
- जिताना jita:nā: -- (v) to cause to win to achieve victory.
- जितेंद्रिय jitendriy -- (a and nm) (one) in full control of one's senses; aconqueror of senses, an ascetic; hence जितेंद्रियता (nf).
- ज़िद zid -- (nf) obstinacy, stubbornness; insistence.
- ज़िद करना -- to insist.
- ज़िद पर आना -- to adopt an inflexible attitude, to strike a stubbornposture.
- ज़िद्दी ziddi: -- (a) obstinate, stubborn, inflexible; insistent; hence ज़िद्दीपना( nm).
- जिधर jidhar -- (adv) wherever, in whichever direction.
- जिधर-जिधर -- inwhatever directions.
- जिन jin -- (nm) lord Buddha; the Jain Ti:rthaṅkars (see); (pro) the pluralform of जिस.
- ज़िना zinā: -- (nm) adultery.
- ज़िनाकार -- an adulterer; adulterous.
- ज़िनाकारी -- adultery.
- ज़िना बिल-ज़ब्र -- rape.
- जिन्न jinn -- (nm) a jinnee, according to Mohammedan demonology oneof the lower type of spirits.
- जिन्न सवार होना -- to be possessed by a jinnee, to be under a satanic influence.
- ज़ि/म्मा zimmā: -- (nm) responsibility, charge, obligation.
- ज़िम्मेदार, ज़िम्मेवार -- responsible, answerable.
- ज़िम्मेदारी, ज़िम्मेवारी -- responsibility, obligation.
- निभाना -- to deliver thegoods.
- ज़िम्मा लेना -- to take or ownthe responsibility (of), to under-take.
- ज़ियाफत ziya:fat -- (nf) a feast.
- ज़ियार/त ziya:rat -- (nf) a pilgrimage.
- ज़ियारती -- a pilgrim; pertaining to pilgrimage.
- जिरगा jirga: -- (nm) an assembly; a representative body of the frontierPaṭḥa:ns.
- जिरह jireh -- (nf) cross-examination, cross-questioning.
- जिरह करना -- to cross-examine, to cross-question.
- ज़िरहबक्तर zirahbaktar -- (nm) armour.
- जिराफ़ jira:f -- (nm) a giraffe.
- ज़िला zila: -- (nm) a district.
- ज़िला अदालत -- the district court.
- ज़िला अफ़सर -- a.
- ज़िलाधीश zila:dhi:sh -- (nm) the district magistrate.
- जिलाना jila:nā: -- (v) to (cause to) revive, to restore to life; to cause to live.
- जिल्द jild -- (nf) binding (of a book); cover; skin.
- जिल्ददार -- bound.
- जिल्दबंद -- bound (book).
- जिल्दबंदी -- book-bindingwork.
- जिल्द , बिना -- unbound.
- जिल्दसाज़ -- abookbinder.
- जिल्दसाज़ी -- book-binding.
- ज़िल्लत zillat -- (nf) humiliation, insult.
- ज़िल्लत उठाना -- to suffer humiliation, to put up with insult.
- जिस jis -- (pro) an oblique form of जो (see).
- जिस कल बैठाये बैठना -- to danceto the tune of.
- जिसका पल्ला भारी उसी से कर यारी -- to come down onthe right side of the fence.
- जिसकी खाना उसी की बजाना -- he that pays thepiper calls the tune.
- जिस गाँव जाना नहींउसका रास्ता क्या पूछ?ना ? -- to evinceno interest in the course onedoes not have to follow.
- जिसने दर्ददिया उसी से दवा लेना -- to take hairof the dog that bit you.
- जिस पत्तल में खाना उसी में छेद करना -- to fell thetree that gives you shelter, tocut the hand that feeds.
- जिस्म jism -- (nm) body; physique.
- जिस्मानी jismā:nī: -- (a) physical, bodily.
- जिस्मानी ताक़त -- physical force.
- जिहाद jiha:d: -- (nm) crusade.
- जिहाद बोलना -- to launch a crusade.
- जिहादी jiha:di: -- (nm) a crusader; (a) crusading.
- जिव्हा jivha: -- (nf) the tongue, lingua.
- जिव्हामूल -- the root of the tongue.
- जिव्हाग्र -- the front of the tongue.
- जिव्हा-नोक -- the tip of the tongue.
- जिव्हामध्य -- themiddle of the tongue.
- जिव्हालोलुप -- see चटोरा.
- जिव्हा पर होना; -- to be on the tipof the tongue.
- जी ji: -- (nm) mind; heart; (ind) an honorofic suffix; yes !, yes, sir !.
- जी आ जाना, (किसी पर) -- the heart to beset on (somebody or something); to fall in love with, to be fascinated by.
- जी उकताना -- to be fed up(of), to be weary (of), to getdisgusted (with).
- जी उचटना -- to beennuied, to get disinterested; notto be able to concentrate (on).
- जी उड़ा जाना -- to feel nervously restless.
- जी ऊबना/ऊब जाना -- to be fed up, to be browned off.
- जी कड़ा करना -- tomuster courage, to prepare oneself for any eventuality.
- जी करना -- to set heart on, to long (for).
- जी काँपना -- to feel scared.
- जी का बोझहलका होना -- to be relieved of aworry or apprehension; to feelsoothed.
- जी की अमान माँगना -- to seekor requested pardon; to preface adiscourse with excuses.
- जी की जी मेंरहना -- (a wish or longing) not tohave a chance for expression ormaterialisation.
- जी को मारना -- torepress a longing; to practise self-denial.
- जी खट्टा होना -- to be disenchanted/disgusted; to set (person's) teeth on the edge.
- जी खोलकर -- freely, without any restraint or stint; toone's heart's content.
- जी घबराना -- to feel nervous, to be uneasy.
- जी चाहना -- to desire, to long (for).
- जी चाहे -- if you feel like, if you sodesire.
- जी चुराना -- to shirk (work); tocast a spell (upon), to charm, tocaptivate.
- जी छोटा करना -- to loseheart, to be discouraged.
- जी जलना -- to be grieved, to have a sore heart.
- जी जलाना -- to get in one's hair, towound/grieve, to plague.
- जी जान से -- heart and soul, passionately; whole-heartedly.
- जी जान से कोशिशकरना -- to knuckle down to it.
- जीजा ji:ja: -- (nm) elder sister's husband.
- जीजी ji:ji: -- (nf) an elder sister.
- ज़ीट zi:ṭ -- (nf) boasting, bragging.
- ज़ीट मारना -- to brag, to boast.
- जीत ji:t -- (nf) victory, success.
- जीत-हार -- victory and defeat, success andfailure.
- जीत मुट्ठी में होना -- to have thegame in one's hands.
- जीतना ji:tnā: -- (v) to win, to conquer; to prevail upon; to master.
- जीता ji:ta: -- (a) living, alive; won.
- जीता-जागता -- living, lively; up and kicking.
- जीती बाज़ी -- a battle alreadywon.
- जीती मक्खी निगलना -- to wilfullycommit or connive in a wrong.
- जीते जी -- during the life-time of; as long as one is living or is inexistence.
- जीते मर जाना -- to suffer deathin life, to endure extreme miseryor anguish.
- जीते रहो ! -- may youlive long !.
- ज़ीन zi:n -- (nf) a saddle; a kind of thick suiting (cloth).
- ज़ीनसाज़ -- a saddle maker.
- ज़ीनसाज़ी -- saddle-making.
- जीना ji:nā: -- (v) to live, to be alive.
- जी उठना -- to be revived, to be infused with new life.
- जीना दूभर करना -- tomake it too hot for, to make lifehell.
- जीना दूभर या भारी हो जाना -- the lifeto become a burden or an impossibility.
- ज़ीना zi:nā: -- (nm) a staircase, ladder.
- जीभ ji:bh -- (nf) tongue, lingua.
- जीभ ऐंठ जाना -- the tongue to be twisted; tobe on the verge of death.
- जीभ का कडुआ मन का उजला -- one's bark tobe worse than one's bite.
- जीभ का चटख़ारे लेना -- to have an inkling fordainties.
- जीभ काटना -- see ज़बान काटना.
- जीभ के तले जीभ होना -- to be double-tongued.
- जीभ खींच लेना -- see जीभ निकालना.
- जीभ चलना -- to talk too much, to begabby; to talk grandly or largely.
- जीभ निकालना -- lit. to pull out the tongue—to inflict heavy punishment; to quieten for ever.
- जीभ हिलाना -- tospeak out.
- जीभ पर सरस्वती बसना/विराजना/होना -- .
- जीभ पर सरस्वती का वास होना -- to have the gift of the gab, to make utterances that eventuallyprove true.
- जीभी ji:bhi: -- (nf) a tongue-cleaner.
- जीमना ji:mnā: -- (v) to feast, to fare sumptuously.
- ज़ीरा zi:ra: -- (nm) cumin seed; chipping.
- जीर्ण ji:rṉ -- (a) time-worn, decayed, decrepit; old, chronic.
- जीर्ण ज्वर -- chronic fever; hence जीर्णता (nf).
- जीर्ण वस्त्र -- worn-out/tattered cloth.
- जीर्ण-शीर्ण -- tattered, worn and torn.
- जीर्णोध्दार ji:rṉoddha:r -- (nm) resurrection, resuscitation.
- जीवंत ji:vānt -- (a) lively, living, animated, life-like; hence जीवंतता (nf).
- जीव ji:v -- (nm) a creature, living being; life; soul.
- जीवघाती -- destroyer of life, killer; murderous.
- जीव-जंतु -- creatures; tiny creatures.
- जीव-जगत -- theanimate world.
- जीवदान -- sacrificeof life.
- जीवधारी -- living being, organism.
- जीवभौतिकी -- biophysics.
- जीवरसायन -- biochemistry.
- जीवलोक -- mortal world.
- जीववाद -- vitalism, animism.
- जीववासिकी -- bionomics, bionomy.
- जीवविज्ञान -- biology.
- जीवविष -- toxin.
- जीववैज्ञानिक -- a biologist; biological.
- जीव-हत्या/हिंसा -- destruction oflife.
- जीवहीन -- lifeless.
- जीवट ji:vaṭ -- (nm) courage; spirit, adventure; endurance; hence जीवटदार, जीवट का आदमी having the heart of oak.
- जीवन ji:vān -- (nm) life; animation; existence.
- जीवन-क्रम -- the journey oflife; living.
- जीवनचरित -- biography.
- जीवनचरितकार -- a biographer.
- जीवनचर्या -- living; routine of life.
- जीवन-दान -- sacrifice of life; (commitment) to sparesomebody's life.
- जीवनधन -- the basicwealth of life; a woman's husband.
- जीवन-नैया/नौका -- the ship of life.
- जीवन-मरण -- life and death.
- जीवन-मरण चक्र -- the life anddeath-cycle.
- जीवन-वृत्त/वृत्तांत -- biography, bio-data.
- जीवन-शक्ति -- elan vital, vitality.
- जीवन-संघर्ष -- struggle for life; strugglefor existence.
- जीवन-संध्या -- the eveningof one's life—the last phase oflife.
- जीवन-स्तर -- standard of living.
- जीवनहीन -- lifeless; insipid.
- जीवनहेतु -- livelihood; the basis of existence.
- जीवन भार होना -- life to become a burden.
- जीवनी ji:vnī: -- (nf) biography.
- जीवनीकार -- a biographer.
- जीवन्मु/क्त ji:vānmukt -- (a) freed from worldly bonds in life, liberated.
- जीवन्मुक्ति -- freedom from worldlybonds in life, liberation.
- जीवन्मृत ji:vānmrit -- (a) living dead, experiencing death in life.
- जीवांकिकी ji:vā:ṅkiki: -- (nf) Biometry.
- जीवाणु ji:vā:ṉū -- (nm) bacteria; microbe.
- जीवाधार jiva:dha:r -- (nm) vitals; basis of life.
- जीविका ji:vika: -- (nf) livelihood; subsistence.
- जीविका चलाना -- to earn one'slivelihood, to make both endsmeet.
- जीवित ji:vit -- (a) alive, living; (nm).
- जीवी ji:vi: -- (nm) a living organism; a suffix meaning living or subsisting by or for, e.g. चिरजीवी, श्रमजीवी, बुद्धिजीवी.
- जीवोपयोगितावा/द jivopyogita:va:d -- (nm) biologism; hence जीवोपयोगितावादी (nm and a).
- जीव्यता ji:vyta: -- (nf) viability.
- जुंबिश jumbish -- (nf) activity, movement.
- जुआ jua: -- (nm) gambling; yoke.
- जुआखाना/घर -- a gambling den, gambling house.
- जुआ कंधे से उतार फेंकना -- to throw off the yoke, to free/liberate oneself from.
- जुआ रखना/धरना -- to put yoke upon; to cause towork hard.
- ज़ुआरी jua:ri: -- (nm) a gambler.
- ज़ुकाम zuka:m -- (nm) cold, catarrh.
- ज़ुकाम बिगड़ना -- the rheum to become thick and clotted, the defluxionfrom the head to be suddenlystopped.
- जुग jug -- (nm) see युग.
- जुग-जुग -- for ages, for ever.
- जुग-जुग जियो ! -- (a benedictionfrom an elderly person) May youlive for ages !.
- जुगत jugat -- (nf) a skilful device/measure, contrivance.
- जुगत भिड़ाना/लड़ाना -- to manipulate, to contrive.
- जुगनू jugnū: -- (nm) a fire-fly, glow-worm.
- जुगल jugal -- (nm and a) pair, couple, the two, duet.
- जुगल जोड़ी -- a matchingpair.
- जुगलबंदी jugalbandi: -- (nf) a duet (of two musical instruments).
- जुगाड़ juga:ṛ -- (nf) way, device, measure, manoeuvre.
- जुगाड़ करना -- to manage, to manoeuvre, to find a way (toachieve).
- जुगाड़ बैठाना/भिड़ाना/लगानालड़ाना -- to manage, to manoevure, to find a way out.
- जुगाल juga:l -- (nm) a cud.
- जुगाली juga:li: -- (nf) rumination.
- जुगाली करना -- to ruminate.
- जुगुप्सा jugupsa: -- (nf) disgust, intense aversion; hence जुगुप्साजनक, जुगुप्सामूलक (a).
- जुज़ juz -- (nm) a part, portion; forme of a book; (ind) without.
- जुज़बंदी -- the sewing of the individualformes of a book, putting theparts together.
- जुझा/र, जुझारु jujha:r, ~ru: -- (a and nm) (a) combatant; warrior.
- जुट juṭ -- (nm) pair; batch.
- जुटना juṭnā: -- (v) to be engaged (in a work) in full force; to unite; toassemble, to flock.
- जुटाना juṭa:nā: -- (v) to gather; to procure; to cause to work in full force.
- जुठारना juṭḥa:rnā: -- (v) to defile by tasting a little (of victuals etc.) orby using (clothes etc.); to havethe first relish; to render second-hand.
- जुड़ना juṛnā: -- (v) to be attached/added/jointed/linked; to be procured or collected.
- जुड़नार juṛna:r -- (nf) fittings.
- जुड़वाँ juṛwā: -- (a and nm) twin/twins.
- जुतना jutnā: -- (v) to be tilled/ploughed; to be yoked, to be harnessed to work.
- जुताई juta:i: -- (nf) (the act or process of) ploughing; tillage.
- जुतियाना jutiya:nā: -- (v) to strike with a shoe; to humiliate.
- जुदा juda: -- (a) separate; disunited.
- जुदा-जुदा -- different; severally.
- जुदाई juda:i: -- (nf) separation.
- जुनून junū:n -- (nm) craziness, madness, insanity; mania.
- जुन्हाई junha:i: -- (nf) the moonlight.
- जुमला jumla: -- (nm) a sentence; (a) all, total.
- जुमा jumā: -- (nm) Friday.
- जुमा जुमा आठ दिन -- a very limited span of time, only a few days.
- जुमेरात -- Thursday.
- जुर्म jurm -- (nm) crime; offence.
- जुर्म साबित करना -- to bring charge home to a person.
- जुर्माना jurmā:nā: -- (nm) a fine, penalty.
- जुर्रत jurrat -- (nf) courage; audacity, effrontery, cheek.
- जुर्रत होना -- to havethe cheek.
- जुर्राब jurra:b -- (nf) socks, stocking.
- जुल jul -- (nm) duplicity, trickery, guile.
- जुलबाज़ -- a cheat, trickster.
- जुलबाज़ी -- duplicity, cheating, knavery.
- जुल देना -- to cheat, to deceive, to practise fraud.
- जुलाई jula:i: -- (nf) (the month of) July.
- जुलाब jula:b -- (nm) a purgative.
- जुलाहा jula:ha: -- (nm) a weaver.
- जुलूस julu:s -- (nm) a procession.
- जुल्फ़ zulf -- (nm) (curled) lock of hair.
- जुल्म zulm -- (nm) oppression, tyranny, outrage.
- जुल्मपसंद -- a tyrant; tyrannical; oppressive.
- ज़ुल्मो-सितम -- oppression and repression.
- जुल्म ढाना -- tocommit outrage, to oppress; toindulge in oppressive measures.
- ज़ुल्मी zulmī: -- (a) tyrant, tyrannical; oppressive.
- जुहार juha:r -- (nf) a typical term of salutation (usually prevalent in Ra:jastha:n).
- जुही juhi: -- (nf) a kind of Jasmine—Jasminum anriculatum.
- जूँ jū: -- (nf) a louse.
- जूँ न रेंगना, कान पर -- see कान पर जूँ न रेंगना.
- जूझना ju:jhnā: -- (v) to fight hard, to struggle; to combat.
- जूझ जाना -- to die fighting.
- जूट ju:ṭ -- (nm) jute; matted hair.
- जूठन ju:ṭḥān -- (nf) leavings (of food, drink, etc.).
- जूठा ju:ṭḥa: -- (a) defiled by eating, drinking or using otherwise.
- जूड़ा juṛa: -- (nm) a bun-shaped hair-do.
- जूड़ी ju:ṛi: -- (nf) ague, malarial fever.
- जूतमपैज़ार ju:tampaiza:r -- (nf) a shoe-fight, exchange of shoe-blows, mutual application of shoe strokes in a quarrel; general scuffle.
- जूता ju:ta: -- (nf) a shoe, footwear.
- जूता उठाना -- to raise a shoe in order to beat, to be ready to give a shoeblow.
- 0, (किसी का) -- to do menialchores.
- जूता चलना -- exchange of shoe-blows, mutual hitting by shoes.
- जूता चलवाना -- to set people together bythe ears.
- जूते की नोक पर रखना -- tocare a fig/tuppence for.
- जूते चाटना -- to lick somebody's shoe; to beservilely flattering.
- जूते पड़ना/बरसना -- to be beaten by shoes, to be hitor struck repeatedly by shoes.
- जूते खाना -- to be beaten by shoes.
- जूते मारना/लगाना -- to give a shoe-beating; to humiliate; to retaliatein an insulting manner.
- जूते सेखबर लेना -- to apply the shoe, toinflict a shoe-beating.
- जूते से पूजाकरना -- to resort to shoe-beating, to beat with shoes.
- जूते से बातकरना -- to apply the shoe, tostraightaway resort to the application of shoe force.
- जूते की नोक पर मारना -- to treat (somebody) withcontempt, to consider (somebody) as absolutely of no significance; to care a fig (for).
- जूती ju:ti: -- (nf) a typical light shoe; ladies footwear.
- जूती की नोक पर -- carea fig for.
- जूती के बराबर समझना -- to treatwith utter contempt, to consideras absolutely of no value.
- जूतियाँउठाना -- to dance attendance upon, todo menial chores for.
- जूतियाँ चटकाते फिरना -- to roam about aimlessly.
- जूतियाँ बगल में दबाना -- to slink awayor slip off quietly.
- जूतियाँ सीधी करना -- to perform menial chores; tocringe to, to behave obsequiously.
- जूतियाँ सिर पर रखना -- lit. to carrysomebody's shoes over the head—to.
- जून jū:n -- (nm) (the month of) June; time (as दो जून की रोटी); half a day.
- जूरी ju:ri: -- (nf) the jury.
- जूरी-अदालत -- the court of the jury.
- जूही ju:hi: -- (nf) see जूही.
- जेठ jeṭḥ -- (nm) the third month of the Hindu lunar calendar; elder brother of a woman's husband.
- जेठा jeṭḥa: -- (a) elder; senior.
- जेठानी jeṭḥa:nī: -- (nf) see जिठानी.
- जेब jeb -- (nf) a pocket.
- जेबकट/कतरा -- a pickpocket.
- जेबख़र्च -- pocket-expenses, pocket money.
- जेबघड़ी -- pocket watch.
- जेब कटना -- pocket to be picked.
- जेब कतरना -- to pick pocket.
- जेब ख़ाली होना -- to have no money in one's pocket, to be penniless.
- जेब गरम होना -- tohave a full pocket; to receive abribe.
- जेब भारी होना -- to have plentyof money.
- जेब में रहना -- to be farahead in excellence, to be veryvery superior.
- जेबी jebi: -- (a) pertaining to, or fit for keeping in, a pocket, pocket जेबी ; (nf) a pouch.
- ज़ेब्रा zebra: -- (nm) a zebbra.
- ज़ेर zer -- (ind) under; below; (a) subdued, subjugated.
- ज़ेर-तजवीज़ -- under consideration.
- ज़ेरबार -- under a heavyburden, indebted.
- ज़ेर-साया -- underthe protection (of).
- ज़ेर हिरासत -- in/under custody.
- ज़ेर करना -- to subdue, to subjugate.
- ज़ेर होना -- to be subdued/subjugated.
- ज़ेरे-ग़ौर -- under consideration.
- जेल jel -- (nf) a prison, jail/gaol.
- जेल काटना -- to suffer imprisonment, to be put behind the bars.
- जेल की रोटीयाँतोड़ना -- to suffer imprisonment; tobe in jail.
- जेल की हवा खाना -- to sufferimprisonment, to go behind thebars.
- जेलख़ाना jelḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a prison-house, jail/gaol.
- जेलर jelar -- (nm) a jailor/gaoler.
- जेली jeli: -- (nm) a prisoner; (nf) jelly.
- जेवनार jevna:r -- (nf) a feast.
- ज़ेवर zevar -- (nm) an ornament; (pl.) jewellery.
- ज़ेवरात zevra:t -- (nm) plural of ज़ेवर.
- ज़ेहन zehan -- (nf) intellect; memory, mind.
- ज़ेहनदार -- intelligent, sharp.
- ज़ेहन में आना -- to occur (in the mind).
- ज़ेहन में बैठना -- to follow/understand; totake to one's heart.
- ज़ेहनियत -- mentality, nature.
- जै jai -- (nf) see जय.
- ज़ैतून zaitu:n -- (nm) olive (tree and its fruit).
- जैन jāīn -- (nm) a follower of Jainism—a religious order; a Jain.
- जैनेरल jaineral -- (nm) a general (of an army).
- जैव jaiv -- (a) biological.
- जैवविज्ञान -- Biology.
- जैववैज्ञानिक -- a biologist, biological.
- जैसा jaisa: -- (a) similar to, like, resembling; (adv) as, like, such as.
- जैसा करोगे वैसा भरोगे -- as you sow so shall you reap.
- जैसा पिता वैसा पूत/जैसा-बाप वैसा बेटा -- like father like son.
- जैसा पेड़वैसा फल -- like wood, like arrows.
- जैसी -- (feminine form).
- जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी -- to lie in the bed one hasmade, to drink as one has brewed.
- जैसे का तैसा -- as it was, the self-same; intact.
- जैसे को तैसा -- tit for tat, topay one in his own coin; aRowland for an Oliver, measurefor measure.
- जैसे jaise -- (adv) as, as if; according as; (ind) for example; for instance; as.
- जैसे-तैसे -- somehow; somehow or other; catch as catch can.
- जोंक jōk -- (nf) a leech; (fig) a blood-sucker, parasite.
- जोंक की तरह चिपकाना -- to hang on irresistibly.
- जो jo -- (pro) who; which; what; that; (ind) if.
- जो गरजते है वे बरसते नहीं -- barking dogs seldom bite.
- जो जागतहै सो पावत है -- it is the early birdthat catches the worm.
- जो पीछे रहजाये जहन्नुम जाये -- devil take thehindmost.
- जो भी हो -- however; at anyrate.
- जो मिले सो हलाल -- all is gristthat comes to his mill.
- जो होगा सोदेखा जायेगा -- to go bald-headed.
- जो हो सो हो -- come what may.
- जोख jokh -- (nf) lit. it means weighing, used only in the compound नाप-जोख (see).
- जोखिम jokhim -- (nm) risk, danger; enterprise.
- जोखिम का काम -- a risky orhazardous job.
- जोखिम उठाना/लेना -- to takea risk, to run a hazard.
- जोखिम में -- onthin ice, on dangerous ground.
- जोखिम मेंडटे रहना -- to stand in the breach.
- जोखिम मोल लेना -- to go (in) off the deepend, to take risks.
- जोखों jokhō -- (nm) see जोखिम.
- जोगिन jogin -- (nf) a female ascetic/mendicant.
- जोगिनी jogini: -- (nf) see जोगी.
- जोगिया jogiya: -- (a) saffron, saffron-coloured.
- जोगिया कपड़े/बाना/वस्त्र -- saffron robes—as donned by a mendicant.
- जोगिया बाना धारण करना -- to take tomendicancy/asceticism.
- जोगी jogi: -- (nm) an ascetic, a mendicant.
- जोगी बनना -- to renounce the world.
- जोड़ joṛ -- (nm) sum, total; addition, union; joint; articulation; splice; seam; a patch; match.
- जोड़-जोड़ -- eachand every joint.
- जोड़-तोड़ -- ad libitum; manipulation, machination, contrivance.
- जोड़दार -- jointed, havingjoints.
- जोड़पट्टी -- fish plate.
- जोड़ का -- matching, equal to.
- जोड़ का तोड़ -- amatch, counter.
- जोड़ बदना -- to fix aa bout.
- जोड़-बाक़ी -- debit and credit; addition and subtraction.
- जोड़-बाक़ी बराबर होना -- to be quits, to have nodebit and no credit.
- जोड़ मिलना -- to beequal/matching; to tally.
- जोड़ना joṛnā: -- (v) to add, to sum up; to link; to unite; to connect; toattach; to collect, to accumulate; to weld; to bind; to cement; to set(a bone etc.); to assemble; to saveup.
- जोड़-जोड़कर धरना -- to save uplittle by little.
- जोड़-बटोरकर -- bycollecting together.
- जोड़ा joṛa: -- (nm) a pair, couple; suit.
- जोड़ी joṛi: -- (nf) a pair, couple; a pair of clubs.
- जोड़ी का -- matching, ofequal status.
- जोड़ीदार -- a match; comrade; matching.
- जोत jot -- (nf) tillage, holding; flame.
- जोतदार -- a land-holder, tiller.
- जोत सेजोत जले -- one flame kindles another.
- जोतना jotnā: -- (v) to plough, to till; to yoke; to harness to work.
- जोबन jobān -- (nm) blooming youth; youthful charm; full bloom; puberty; youthful breasts.
- जोबन ढलना -- to take the bloom off.
- जोबन पर आना/होना -- to be in full bloom.
- जोबन लूटना -- toenjoy the youthful charm of awoman; to commit outrage.
- ज़ोम zom -- (nm) fervour; vigour; zeal; pride.
- ज़ोम में होना -- to be in full vigour.
- ज़ोर zor -- (nm) strength, force, power; stress, strain: emphasis; support; influence.
- ज़ोर-आज़माई -- trial of strength.
- ज़ोरावर zora:var -- (a) powerful, strong.
- जोरु joru: -- (nf) wife.
- जोरु-जाँता -- household, household effects.
- जोरु का ग़ुलाम -- an uxorious husband, obedient; hen-pecked husband.
- जोरु होना -- tolive under the cat's foot, to beunder petticoat government.
- जोरु न जाँता अल्ला मियाँ से नाता -- no household, no worldly cares.
- जोश josh -- (nm) enthusiasm; excitement, fervour, passion; zeal.
- जोश-वजोश- ख़रोश -- fervour and frenzy.
- जोश खाना -- to boil; to be excited; to be agitated.
- जोश ठंडा पड़ना -- passion/excitement to subside, all fervour/zealto disappear.
- जोश मारना -- to be agitated; to be in a passion.
- जोश में आना -- tobe provoked/excited.
- जोशे जाम -- Dutch courage (courage inducedby drinking), pot-valour.
- जोशाँदा joshā:da: -- (nm) a medicinal decoction (used as a remedy forcough and cold).
- जोशीला joshila: -- (v) spirited, enthusiastic, zealous; vigorous; hence जोशीलापन (nm).
- जोहना johnā: -- (v) to await; to look for.
- जौ jau -- (nm) barley.
- जौ भर -- a grain/particle.
- जौहर jauhar -- (nm) valour; skill or skilful manipulation; a mediaevalRajput custom wherein the womenperformed self-immolation to savetheir honour.
- जौहर दिखाना -- to proveone's mettle/valour.
- जौहरी jauhari: -- (nm) a jeweller; a connoisseur.
- ज्ञ gya -- a Sanskrit suffix meaning 'one who knows or realises' as गुणज्ञ, बहुज्ञ, कृतज्ञ.
- ज्ञात gya:t -- (a) known; comprehended.
- ज्ञातयौवना -- traditionally, a heroine conscious of her bloomingyouth.
- ज्ञातव्य gya:tavvy -- (a) knowable, worth knowing.
- ज्ञाता gya:ta: -- (nm and a) (one) who knows; a scholar; learned (person).
- ज्ञान gya:n -- (nm) knowable, learning; sense.
- ज्ञानगम्य -- knowable, perceptible; intelligible.
- ज्ञानगोचर -- knowable, perceptible.
- ज्ञानचक्षु -- theinner vision; one who is blessedwith intellect.
- ज्ञानदाता -- a preceptor, giver of knowledge.
- ज्ञानपिपासा -- thirstfor knowledge; hence ज्ञानपिपासु (nm).
- ज्ञानमीमांसा -- epistemology.
- ज्ञानवान -- learned, scholarly.
- ज्ञान-साधन -- medium ormeans of perception or acquisition of knowledge.
- ज्ञान-साधना -- pursuitof knowledge.
- ज्ञानमय gya:nmay -- (a) full of knowledge; knowledge incarnate.
- ज्ञानी gya:nī: -- (a) wise; learned, knowledgeable, well-informed; one who has attained self-realisation.
- ज्ञानी-ध्यानी -- devoted to meditation/spiritual pursuits.
- ज्ञानेंद्रिय gya:nēndriy -- (nf) the (five) senses of perception, viz. the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue andthe skin.
- ज्ञानोदय gya:noday -- (nm) the advent/emergence of knowledge.
- ज्ञापक gya:pak -- (nm) memo; informant; (a) informative; indicative.
- ज्ञापन gya:pān -- (nm) memorandum; proclaiming, making known; hence ज्ञापित (a).
- ज्ञेय gyey -- (a) knowable; worth knowing; hence ज्ञेयता (nf).
- ज्या jya: -- (nf) a bow-string.
- ज़्यादती zya:dati: -- (nf) excess, high-handedness, injustice.
- ज़्यादा zya:da: -- (a) more; many; much; plenty.
- ज़्यादातर -- mostly, in most cases.
- ज्यामि/ति jya:miti -- (nf) Geometry.
- ज्यामितीय -- geometrical.
- ज्येष्ठ jyeshṭḥ -- (a) the eldest (brother, son, etc.), the senior-most; senior, elder; hence ज्येष्ठता (nf); (nm) thethird month of the Hindu calendar.
- ज्यों jyō -- (ind) as, as if.
- ज्यों-ज्यों - -- as.
- ज्यों त्यों -- somehow, by manipulation.
- ज्यों हीं -- as soon as.
- ज्यों का त्यों -- as it was(before), intact.
- ज्योति jyoti -- (nf) light; flame; lustre; vision.
- ज्योतिमंडल -- the planetarysystem.
- ज्योतिर्मिति -- photometery.
- ज्योतिर्विद्या/ज्योतिःशास्त्र -- Astronomy; astronomical science; uranography.
- ज्योतिर्विद -- an astronomer; uranographer.
- ज्योतिर्मय jyotirmay -- (a) resplendent luminous, bright.
- ज्योतिर्मयता -- resplendence, luminosity, brightness.
- ज्योतिष jyotish -- (nf) Astrology.
- ज्योतिष-विद्या/शास्त्र -- Astrology.
- ज्योतिषी jyotishi: -- (nm) an astrologer.
- ज्योति/ष्मान jyotishmā:n -- (a) luminous, lustrous; radiant, resplendent; hence ज्योतिष्मती (fem).
- ज्योत्स्ना jyotsnā: -- (nf) the moonlight.
- ज्यौंनार jyāūna:r -- (nm) see जेवनार.
- ज्वर jvar -- (nm) fever, pyrexia.
- ज्वरग्रस्त -- down with fever.
- ज्वर चढ़ना -- to runtemperature; to feel uneasy.
- ज्वलंत jvalānt -- (a) blazing, burning; conspicuous; striking; hence ज्वलंतता( nf).
- ज्वलन jvalān -- (nm) inflammation; combustion, burning.
- ज्वलनशील -- inflammable, combustible.
- ज्वलित jvalit -- (a) inflamed, burnt; set ablaze.
- ज्वार jva:r -- (nm) flood tide; (great) millet.
- ज्वार-भाटा -- flood tide and ebbtide; vicissitudes.
- ज्वाला jva:la: -- (nf) flame, blaze.
- ज्वालामुखी jva:la:mukhi: -- (nm) a volcano; (a) volcanic.
- ज्वालामुखी पर्वत -- volcanic mountain, a volcano.
- झ jha -- the fourth letter of the second pentad (i.e. चवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
- झंकार jhāṅka:r -- (nf) tinkling, jingling; clinking sound; chirr.
- झंकारना jhāṅka:rnā: -- (v) to produce tinkling/jingling/clinking sound, to tinkle/jingle/clink; to chirr.
- झंकृत jhāṅkrit -- (a) tinkled, jingled, clinked; chirred; set tinkling/jingling.
- झंखाड़ jhāṇkha:ṛ -- (nm) leafless thick thorny bush; a cluster of thorny bushes.
- झंझ/ट jhāṇjhaṭ -- (nm) botheration; mess, trouble, imbroglio.
- झंझटी -- quarrelsome; trouble-maker.
- झंझट मोल लेना -- to ask for/wilfully owna botheration, to embroil oneself in a mess.
- झँझरी jhājhri: -- (nf) lattice.
- झँझरीदार -- latticed.
- झँझरीनुमा -- like lattice, ofthe shape of lattice.
- झंझा jhāṇjha: -- (nm) a gale, storm.
- झंझावात -- (nm) see झंझा.
- झँझोड़ना jhājhoṛnā: -- (v) to jerk violently; to hold with the teeth and give a jerk.
- झंडा jhāṉḍa: -- (nm) a flag, banner, standard; ensign.
- झंडा जहाज़ -- a flagship.
- झंडाबरदार -- a standard-bearer.
- झंडा उठाना -- to hold a banner aloft; totake up a cause.
- झंडा के नीचे -- underthe banner of, under the leadership of.
- झंडा खड़ा करना -- to invokepeople to fight for a cause; toestablish a record.
- झंडा गाड़ना -- tocome off with flying colours; toachieve a victory; to set up a flag, to plant a standard.
- झंडा झुकाना -- tolower a flag; to be in mourning.
- झंडा फहराना -- to hoist a flag; to comeout with flying colours.
- झंडे तलेजमा होना, एकझंडा -- to gather underone banner, to fight under thesame leadership or for one cause.
- झंडी jhāṉḍi: -- (nf) a bunting, small flag.
- झंडीदार -- fitted with buntings orsmall flags.
- झंडी दिखाना -- to give aslip; to give a signal.
- झँपना jhāpnā: -- (v) to be closed (as (आँखें); to cover; to conceal.
- झक jhak -- (nf) a whim; craze; (a) clean, tidy.
- झकमक -- clean, neat andtidy.
- झकझक jhakjhak -- (nf) wrangling, higgling; altercation, wordy quarrel.
- झकझोरना jhakjhornā: -- (v) to shake or jerk violently, to shake off.
- झकझोरा jhakjhora: -- (nm) a violent jerk.
- झकाझक jhaka:jhak -- (a) spotlessly clean, shiningly tidy, clean andtidy.
- झका/र jhaka:r -- (nm) the letter झ (jha) and its sound.
- झकारांत -- (word) ending in झ् (jh).
- झकोर jhakor -- (nm) see झकोरा.
- झकोरना jhakornā: -- (v) (the air) to flow gustily (through the trees); to blast through.
- झकोरा jhakora: -- (nm) a blast, gust, whiff.
- झक्कड़ jhakkaṛ -- (nm) a storm, hurricane.
- झक्की jhakki: -- (a) crazy, whimsical; whacky; given to prattling (out ofindignation/discontentment); hence झक्कीपन (nm).
- झख jhakh -- (nf) a fish; craze, whim.
- झख मार कर -- left with no alternative, under compulsion.
- झख मारना -- to bea fool for one's pains, to beengaged in a fruitless work.
- झगड़ना jhagaṛnā: -- (a) to quarrel, to altercate, to scramble.
- झगड़ा jhagṛa: -- (nm) a quarrel, dispute; altercation; scramble; fray.
- झगड़ा-झंटा/झगड़ा-टंटा -- argumentation and altercation, dispute, quarrel.
- झगड़ा खड़ा करना -- to kick up a row/dust.
- झगड़ा ख़त्म करना -- to bury the hatchet, to be donewith it.
- झगड़ा छेड़ना -- to assume theaggressive.
- झगड़ा मोल लेना -- to trail one'scoat tails; to get embroiled in aquarrel/dispute; to fasten quarrelupon; to pick a quarrel/altercation.
- झगड़े की जड़ -- apple of discord.
- झगड़ालू jhagṛa:lu: -- (a) quarrelsome, disputatious, pugnacious; hence झगड़ालूपन (nm).
- झट jhaṭ -- (adv) instantly, at once.
- झटकना jhaṭaknā: -- (v) to jerk off, to twitch; to wrest, to snatch; toextort; to obtain by force or fraud.
- झटका jhaṭka: -- (nm) a jerk, jolt, shock; lurch; beheading (an animal) with one stroke; the meat of ananimal so beheaded.
- झटकारना jhaṭka:rnā: -- (a) to twitch; to shake or knock off (as dust orcrumples from a bedsheet, etc.); to clean.
- झटपट jhaṭpaṭ -- (adv) instantaneously, quickly, promptly.
- झड़ना jhaṛnā: -- (v) to be shed off; to drop or fall; to be discharged (assemen).
- झड़प jhaṛap -- (nf) a skirmish, snap fight; altercation.
- झड़पा-झड़पी jhaṛpa:jhaṛpi: -- (nf) an altercation; a brawl.
- झड़ी jhaṛi -- (nf) incessānt downpour; non-stop shower.
- झड़ी लगना -- to havean incessant downpour.
- झनक jhanāk -- (nf) tinkling, clinking, clink-clank; hence झनकना (v).
- झनकार jhanka:r -- (nf) (see) झंकार.
- झनकारना jhanka:rnā: -- (v) see झंकारना.
- झनझनाना jhanjhana:nā: -- (v) to be benumbed or cramped; to be infused with a sharp benumbing sensation; to clang, to tinkle, to jingle.
- झनझनाहट jhanjhana:haṭ -- (nf) a sharp sensation of numbness; tinnitus; disaesthesia; tinkling/jingling/clinking clanking sound.
- झन्नाना jhannā:nā: -- (v) to be benumbed; to make torpid/insensible.
- झन्नाहट jhanna:haṭ -- (nf) see झन्नाना.
- झप jhap -- .
- झप होना -- to be suddenly closed (eyes); to be rendered visionlessall of a sudden; also झपना.
- झपकना jhapaknā: -- (v) to blink, to wink; to twinkle.
- झपकी jhapki: -- (nf) a nap, short sleep; blink.
- झपकी लेना -- to have a nap.
- झपटना jhapaṭnā: -- (v) to make a sudden swoop, to pounce (upon), to dash; to snatch, to grab.
- झपट्टा jhapaṭṭa: -- (nm) a swoop, pounce.
- झपट्टा मारना -- to swoop, to (makea) pounce.
- झपेट jhapeṭ -- (nf) (striking) range; stroke; swoop.
- झपेट में आना -- to comeinto the striking range of; to bestruck (by).
- झपेटा jhapeṭa: -- (nm) see झपेट.
- झबरा jhabra: -- (a) shaggy, having wildly abundant hair all over.
- झबरीला jhabri:la: -- (a) see झबरा.
- झब्बा jhabba: -- (nm) a tassel.
- झब्बेदार -- tasselled, fitted with tassel(s).
- झमकना jhamaknā: -- (v) to flounce, to make an agitated, coyous or violent motion.
- झमझमाना jnamjhamā:nā: -- (v) to produce a tinkling sound; to glisten; to (impart a) shine.
- झमेला jhamela: -- (nm) a mess; botheration; imbroglio.
- झरना jharnā: -- (nm) a spring, cascade, fall: (v) to flow forth, to spring: tofall; to trickle.
- झरोखा jharokha: -- (nm) an oriel, oriel window, network of airholes/apertures; mesh.
- झलक jhalak -- (nf) a glimpse; semblance; adumbration.
- झलक दिखाना -- to show a glimpse.
- झलक मारना -- to have asemblance of.
- झलकना jhalaknā: -- (v) to show up faintly or imperfectly; to be reflected; to carry a semblance of.
- झलमल jhalmal -- (nf) glitter, gleam, bright tremulous light, twinkle.
- झलमलाना jhalmala:nā: -- (v) to gleam.
- झलाई jhala:i: -- (nm) welding; welding charges.
- झलाईगर -- a welder.
- झलाई करना -- toto weld.
- झल्लरी jhallari: -- (nf) fimbria.
- झल्लाना jhalla:nā: -- (v) to shout peevishly; to be irritated, to fretand fume; hence झल्लाहट (nf) tantrums.
- झाँईं jhā:ī: -- (nf) a shadow; reflection; darkness; a dark facial freckle.
- झाँईं आना -- to be dazed; to be stupefied.
- झाँईं मारना -- to show a semblance of.
- झाँकना jhā:knā: -- (v) to peep in or out, to peer.
- झाँकना भी नहीं, किसी के यहाँ -- to have absolutely nothing to do, to have no contact at all.
- झाँकी jhā:ki: -- (nf) a glimpse; tableau; scene.
- झाँझ jhā:jh -- (nf) a sistrum; hollow tinkling anklet.
- झाँट jhā:ṭ -- (nf) pubes, the hairy growth around the genitals.
- झाँप jhā:p -- (nf) a weather-shed; shade, covering.
- झाँपना jhā:pnā: -- (v) to cover; to shade.
- झाँय-झाँय jhā:yjhā:y -- (nf) sound produced by violent flow of air in a desolate tract of land.
- झाँय-झाँय करना -- (air) to produce a frightful sound in itsflow through desolateness; to altercate, to enter into a heated argument, altercation, wordy quarrel.
- झाँवाँ jhā:vā: -- (nm) pumic (stone), strigil.
- झाँसा jhā:sa: -- (nm) wheedling; hoodwinking, dodge.
- झाँसा-पट्टी -- wheedling, trickery; pettifogging.
- झाँसेबाज़ -- a wheedler, pettifogger.
- झाँसेबाज़ी -- wheedling trickery, habitual pettifogging.
- झाँसा देना -- to dodge, to play atrick on.
- झाँसे में आना (आसानी से) -- tobe caught with chaff, to rise tothe fly, to be taken in by a hoax.
- झाऊ jha:u: -- (nm) a tamarisk tree झाऊ Tamarix Indica.
- झाग jha:g -- (nm) foam; lather; scum; froth.
- झागदार -- foamy; frothy; lathery; scummy.
- झाड़ jha:ṛ -- (nm) a bush, shrub; small tree; chandelier; (nf) reprimand, scolding.
- झाड़खंड -- a forest track; brambles.
- झाड़-झंखाड़ -- bushes andshrubs, abatis.
- झाड़दार -- bushy, shrubby.
- झाड़-फ़ानूस -- chandelier.
- झाड़बंध -- abatis.
- झाड़ पिलाना -- to administer a reprimand, to scold severely.
- झाड़न jha:ṛān -- (nf) a duster; whisk; sweepings.
- झाड़/ना jha:ṛnā: -- (v) to sweep, to brush, to clean; to chide, to reprimand; to extort; to grab; to shakeor knock off; to hocus-pocus.
- झाड़-पोंछ -- brushing and cleaning; cleansing.
- झाड़-फूंक -- hocus-pocus.
- झाड़-बुहार -- sweeping and cleaning.
- झाड़ी jha:ṛi: -- (nf) a bush, thicket.
- झाड़ू jha:ṛu: -- (nm) a broom, besom.
- झाड़ूकश/झाड़ूबरदार -- a sweeper.
- झाड़ू फिरना -- to be swept off; to be clean-swept; everything to be ruined/undone.
- झाड़ू मारना -- to damn a thing, to bedone with it.
- झापड़ jha:paṛ -- (nm) a full-blooded slap.
- झापड़ रसीद करना -- to slap violently.
- झाबर jha:bar -- (nm) a moor.
- झाबा jha:ba: -- (nm) a pannier.
- झाम jhā:m -- (nm) a dredger, grabbing crane.
- झामक jha:māk -- (nm) see झाँवाँ.
- झारी jha:ri: -- (nf) a ewer with a slender neck and a spout fittedinto it.
- झाल jha:l -- (nm) a solder; soldering/welding.
- झालना jha:lnā: -- (v) to solder, to weld.
- झालर jha:lar -- (nf) festoon; frill, fringe.
- झालरदार -- fimbriate, frilled, fitted with festoons.
- झाला jha:la: -- (nm) a rhythmic pattern of instrumental music.
- झिंझरी jhījhri: -- (nf) a lattice, grating.
- झिझक jhijhak -- (nf) hesitation, hitch; shyness.
- झिझक खोलना -- to break the ice, to shed off one's hesitation/shyness.
- झिझकना jhijhaknā: -- (v) to hesitate; to feel shy.
- झिड़कना jhiṛaknā: -- (v) to tick off, to snap, to snub.
- झिड़की jhiṛki: -- (nf) ticking off, snap, a snub.
- झिड़की देना -- to tick off, to snub.
- झिपना jhipnā: -- (v) to be shut/closed (as आँखें) per force.
- झिरझिरा jhirjhira: -- (a) thinned/thin; threadbare; hence झिरझिरापन (nm).
- झिरी jhiri: -- (nf) slit, recess; fissure, cleft; chink.
- झिलमिल jhilmil -- (nf) twinkle/twinkling; shimmer/shimmering; flicker/flickering.
- झिलमिलाना jhilmila:nā: -- (v) to twinkle; to shimmer; to flicker.
- झिलमिलाहट jhilmila:haṭ -- (nf) twinkle; to shimmer; to flicker.
- झिलमिली jhilmili: -- (nf) venetian shutters, persiennes.
- झिल्ली jhilli: -- (nf) a membrane; film; pellicle; a kind of cricket.
- झिल्लीदार -- membranous; covered with a film/pellicle.
- झींकना jhī:knā: -- (v) to repine; to fret; to grumble/grouse.
- झींखना jhī:khnā: -- (v) see झींकना.
- झींगा jhī:ga: -- (nf) a prawn.
- झींगुर jhī:gur -- (nm) (an insect) cricket.
- झीना jhī:nā: -- (a) thinned/thin, threadbare; hence झीनापन (nm).
- झील jhi:l -- (nf) a lake.
- झुँझना jhūjhnā: -- (nm) see झुनझुना.
- झुँझला/ना jhūjhla:nā: -- (v) to get irritated/petulant/peeved/annoyed; to be peeved, to fret.
- झुँझला कर बोलना -- tosnap/bite one's nose off.
- झुँझलाहट jhūjhla:haṭ -- (nf) irritation, irascibility, peevishness, petulance; annoyance.
- झुंड jhūṉḍ -- (nm) a flock, herd; clump, cluster.
- झुंड के झुंड -- swarms, hordes.
- झुकना jhuknā: -- (v) to bow; to droop; to stoop; to bend; to yield; to lean(towards); to be tilted.
- झुकाना jhuka:nā: -- (v) to bend; to cause to stoop, to force to yield; to cause to lean (towards); to tilt.
- झुकाव jhuka:v -- (nm) inclination, bent, bias; leaning; curvature; flexion; trend; tilt.
- झुटपुटा jhuṭpuṭa: -- (nm) twilight, the morning or evening hour whenthe sunlight is very faint.
- झुठलाना jhuṭḥla:nā: -- (v) to belie, to falsify; to give a lie to.
- झुठाई jhuṭḥa:i: -- (nf) falsehood, untruth.
- झुनझुना jhuṇjhunā: -- (nm) a child's rattle, rattling toy.
- झुनझुनाना jhuṇjhunā:nā: -- (v) to produce a rattle/rattling sound.
- झुमका jhumka: -- (nm) pendant (of an ear-ring etc.).
- झुरझुरी jhurjhuri: -- (nf) a shivering sensation, shivering.
- झुरमुट jhurmūṭ -- (nm) an abatis, a cluster of shrubs, grove.
- झुरमुटदार -- fullof shrubs, shrubby.
- झुर्री jhurri: -- (nf) wrinkle, crinkle, fold.
- झुर्रीदार -- wrinkled, crinkled, rugose.
- झुलना jhulnā: -- (v) see झूला.
- झुलसन jhulsān -- (nf) a sensation of burning; a slight burn, scorch, singe; charring.
- झुलसना jhulasnā: -- (v) to be scorched, to be singed; to be effected witha burning sensation; to be charred.
- झुलाना jhula:nā: -- (v) to swing, to rock; to keep in suspense/uncertainty.
- झूँझल jhū:jhal -- (nf) see झुँझलाहट.
- झूठ jhu:ṭḥ -- (a) false, untrue, incorrect; (nm) falsehood, lie, untruth.
- झूठमूठ -- falsely; without any rhymeor reason; just for fun.
- झूठमूठ का -- sham, false.
- झूठ-सच -- partly true and partlyfalse, a mixture of fact and fiction.
- झूठ का पुतला -- falsehood personified, ahabitual liar.
- झूठ का पुल बाँधना -- lit. tobuild a bridge of lies—to tell onelie after another.
- झूठ सच जोंड़ना/लगाना -- to add fabrication to fact; to make false complaints.
- झूठन jhu:ṭḥan -- (nf) see जूठन.
- झूठा jhu:ṭḥa: -- (a) false; fictitious; untrue; sham; mock; feigned; (nm) a liar.
- झूठा पड़ना -- to prove false; to berendered ineffective.
- झूठे का मुहँकाला -- a liar is damned to ultimateexposure.
- झूठे को घर/क़ब्र तक पहुँचाना -- to expose a lie and humiliate theliar; to call off one's bluff, toprick a bubble.
- झूठे पर ख़ुदा की लानत -- the liar be damned.
- झूठों का बादशाह/सरदार -- a king of liars, a liar parexcellence.
- झूमना jhu:mnā: -- (v) to swing in a gay mood or intoxication; to swayto and fro.
- झूल jhu:l -- (nm) a long loose over-cover (for a horse, an elephant, etc.).
- झूलना jhu:lnā: -- (v) to swing; to oscillate; to dangle; to linger in suspense; (nm) see झूला.
- झूला jhu:la: -- (nm) a swing; suspended scaffold; cradle.
- झेंपना jhēpnā: -- (v) to blush; to feel abashed/shy; to be put out ofcountenance.
- झेंपू jhēpu: -- (a) bashful, temperamentally shy, prone to feel abashed; hence झेंपूपन (nm).
- झेलना jhelnā: -- (v) to bear, to endure, to suffer.
- झोंक jhōk -- (nf) impulse, impulsive sway; swing; craze; tantrums.
- झोंक में -- in a mood of craze, in an impulsive sway.
- झोंकना jhōknā: -- (v) to throw in; to thrust in; to pour in.
- झों/का jhōka: -- (nm) a blast, puff, whiff, gust, jet.
- झोंकेदार -- gusty, whiffy, puffy.
- झोंटा jhōṭa: -- (nm) a thick lock of dishevelled hair; a push (given to a swing).
- झोंपड़ा jhōpṛa: -- (nm) a shanty, hut.
- झोंपड़ी jhōpṛi: -- (nf) a hut, small cottage.
- झोंपड़ी में रहकर महलों के ख़्वाब देखना -- to live in a shanty anddream of plenty, to live on earthand dream of heaven.
- झोल jhol -- (nm) bagginess; sagging looseness; rumple, pucker; soup; broth; a fine coating of a metal.
- झोलदार -- baggy; sagging; loose; rumpled, puckered; soupy.
- झोला jhola: -- (nm) a bag, kit, haversack, knapsack.
- झोली jholi: -- (nf) a small bag; any cloth stretched out to collectsomething; begging bag.
- झोली फैलाना -- to beg; to seek a favour.
- झोली में डालना -- to give away, to donate.
- झौंरा jhāūra: -- (nm) a foliage, cluster (of leaves, etc.).
- ञ ṇa -- the fifth and final (nasal) letter of the second pentad (i.e. चवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.