सामग्री पर जाएँ

विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : प

विक्षनरी से

हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें

  • प pa -- the first letter of the fifth and ultimate pentad (i.e. पवर्ग) of the Devanagari alphabet; a Sanskrit suffix meaning drinking/one who drinks (as मद्यप); guarding, protecting (as गोप); ruling (as नृप); (in music) the fifth note of the gamut.
  • पंक pāṅk -- (nm) mud, slush; mire, bog, quagmire.
  • पंकज paṅkaj -- (nm) a lotus (flower).
  • पंकिल paṅkil -- (a) muddy; slushy; boggy.
पंकिलता -- muddiness, bogginess; quagginess.
  • पंक्चर paṅkchar -- (nm) a puncture.
पंक्चर करना -- to puncture.
पंक्चर जोड़ना -- mend a puncture.
  • पंक्ति paṅkti -- (nf) a line; row; file; rank; queue.
पंक्तिबद्ध -- arranged in a line or row; queued up; hence पंक्तिबद्ध ता (nf).
पंक्ति बनाना -- to fall in.
  • पंक्तिका paṅktika: -- (nf) diminutive of पंक्ति (see).
  • पंख paṅkh -- (nm) wing; pinion, feather; blade.
पंख कतरना/काटना -- see पर(कतरना).
पंख जमना/निकलना -- lit. to grow wings—to take to risky ways; to give oneself airs.
पंख परेवा बना -- .
  • पंखड़ी paṅkhṛi: -- (nf) a petal; blade.
  • पंखा paṅkha: -- (nm) a fan.
पंखा करना/पंखा झलना -- to fan.
पंखा चलाना -- to switch on the fan.
  • पंखिका paṅkhi:ka: -- (nf) a finlet.
  • पंखी paṅkhi: -- (nf) a small fan; (nm) a bird.
  • पंखु/ड़ी, पंखुरी paṅkhuṛi:, ~ri: -- (nf) see पंखड़ी.
  • पंग/त, पंगति paṅgat, ~ti -- (nf) a row; a row of invitees taking meals en masse, community feast.
पंग बैठना -- to be seated in a row for community feasting.
पंग से बाहर करना -- to excommunicate.
  • पंगु paṅgu -- (a) lame (crippled by defect in a foot or leg).
पंगुता, पंगुत्व -- lameness.
पंगुल -- lame.
पंगु हो जाना -- to be incapacitated, to be rendered helpless.
  • पँच pach -- an allomorph of पंच (five) used in a number of compoundwords.
पँचमेल -- a mixture of five; amixture of five kinds of sweetmeat.
पँचरंगा -- five-coloured.
पँचलड़ा -- consisting of five strings.
पँचहरा -- quintuplicate.
  • पंच paṇch -- (a) five; (nm) the number five; an arbitrator or a body of arbiters or jury; the headmanof a caste or village.
पंचक -- a set oraggregate of five; in Astrology, a coincidence of five stars whereincommencement of an auspiciousceremony is prohibited.
पंचकर्म -- thefive actions of the body as propounded under the Indian medicinal system.
पंचकोण -- a pentagon.
पंचकोश -- according to the Veda:nt, the five covering shells of the soulviz. अन्नमय कोश, प्राणमय कोश, मनोमयकोश, विज्ञानमय कोश and आनंदमय कोश.
पंचखना -- five-storeyed.
पंचगव्य -- thefive products of the cow, viz.milk, curd (coagulated milk), butter and the liquid and solid excreta (गोबर and गोमूत्र).
पंचगुण -- five-times; the five attributes of sound( शब्द), touch (स्पर्श), form (रूप), taste( रस) and smell (गंध).
पंचतत्त्व -- the fiveessential elements viz, earth, water, fire, air and ether.
पंचत्व -- the transformation of the five elements ofthe body (पंचभूत) to their respective original forms; death.
पंचत्व को प्राप्तहोना -- lit. to be transformed into thefive original elements—to expire.
पंचदश -- fifteen.
पंचदेव -- the five majorgods of the Hindu:s—Vishṉū, Shiv, Gaṉēsh, Su:ry, Darga:.
पंचनद -- having five rivers; the province ofPunjab in pre-partition India.
पंचनामा -- the mutualy written agreement between the contendingparties; to appoint an arbitratoror a body of arbitrators.
पंचपात्र -- thefive vessels of adoration collectively; a vessel used for offering water to the idol.
पंचप्राण -- the five vital airs of the body.
पंच-फ़ैसला -- arbitration, the award of a court ofarbitration.
पंचभूत -- the five elements viz. earth, fire, water, airand ether.
पंचभूतात्मा -- a human being made up of the पंचभूत.
पंचमकार -- in religious rites of the Va:m-ma:rgi:s, the five essentials each beginning with the letter 'म' viz. मद्य( wine).
मांस -- (human flesh).
मत्स्य -- (fish).
मुद्रा -- (gesticulation) and मैथुन( copulation).
पंच महायज्ञ -- the five greatsacrifices specified for the Hindusviz. the worship of the spirits( भूतयज्ञ); the worship of progenitors( पितृयज्ञ); the worship of gods.
  • पंच/म pāṇchām -- (a) fifth; (nm) the fifth note of Indian musical scale; one of the musical modes.
पंचमांग -- fifth column.
पंचमांगी -- a fifth columnist.
पंचमाक्षर -- the fifth and nasalletter of each pentad viz. ङ, ञ, ण, न, म.
  • पंचमी pāṇchmī: -- (nf) the fifth day of each lunar fortnight.
  • पंचर panchar -- (nm) see पंक्चर.
  • पंचांग pāṇchā:ṅg -- (a) having five members/parts/sub-divisions; (nm) a calendar, analmanac, ephemeris.
  • पंचाग्नि pāṇcha:gnī -- (nf) a collection of five fires (one each of the east, west, north, and south, the sunoverhead being the fifth) amidstwhich Hindu devotees performpenance, five mystic fires supposedto be present in human body.
पंचाग्नि तपना -- to undertake the severestpenance.
  • पंचाट pāṇcha:ṭ -- (nm) an award, arbitral award.
  • पंचामृत pāṇcha:mrit -- (nm) a mixture of milk, curd, sugar, ghee andhoney.
  • पंचायत pāṇcha:yat -- (nf) a village assembly; arbitration or a body ofarbitrators; an assembly of electedrepresentatives; (a gathering for) gossip-mongering.
पंचायतघर -- the seat ofthe पंचायत.
पंचायत जोड़ना/बटोरना -- to causea gossip gathering, to assemblea team of gossip-mongers; toassemble a body of arbitrators.
पंचायत बैठाना -- to submit a dispute tothe पंचायत for settlement; toassemble a body of arbitrators.
  • पंचायती pāṇcha:yati: -- (a) pertaining or belonging to the community asa whole, common, public; runby elected representatives.
पंचायती राज्य -- rule by elected representatives; arepublic.
  • पंचेंद्रिय pāṇchēndriy -- (nf) the five organs of sense (the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin or of action(the hand, foot, larynx, anusand the genital organ).
  • पंछी pāṇchhi: -- (nm) a bird.
  • पं/ज pāṇj -- (a) five.
पंजाब -- the Paṇja:b —land of five rivers, a northern state of the Indian Union.
  • पंजर pāṇjar -- (nm) a skeleton, frame; cage.
पंजर बँधना -- to be reduced to askeleton.
  • पंजा pāṇja: -- (nm) a claw, paw, fore-foot; five fingers or toes; an aggregate of five; playing card havingfive pips.
पंजा फैलाना/बढ़ाना -- to extendone's hand for gaining control(over); to extend the scope of.
  • पंजा/ब pāṇja:b -- (nm) a northern state of the Indian Union; theerstwhile land of the five rivers(viz. सतलुज, व्यास, रावी, चनाब, जेहलम).
पंजाबी -- the language of thePaṇja:b; an inhabitant of thePaṇja:b; pertaining to thePāṇja:b.
  • पंजिका pāṇjika: -- (nf) a word by word commentary, detailed commentary; an almanac.
  • पंजी pāṇji: -- (nf) a register.
पंजीकरण/पंजीयन -- registration.
पंजीयित/पंजीकृत -- registered.
  • पँजीरी, पंजीरी pāji:ri:, pāṇji:ri: -- (nf) a typical preparation of wheatflour fried in ghee and sugarmixed with ground corianderseeds and dry ginger administeredto puerperal women or distributed as प्रसाद (see).
  • पंजुम pāṇjūm -- (a) the fifth.
  • पंडा pānḍa: -- (nm) a Hindu: priest helping devout pilgrims in theperformance of religious rites onholy river banks.
पंडागीरी -- thefunction or profession of a पंडा.
  • पंडाल pānḍa:l -- (nm) a huge pavilion, marquee.
  • पंडित pānḍit -- (nm) a Bra:hmāṉ (by caste); a scholar, learned person; one well-versed in scriptures andperformance of religious rites.
पंडित-मंडली/सभा -- an assembly of scholars; a learned assembly.
पंडितराज -- apre-eminent scholar, king of scholars.
पंडितवादी -- a pedant, pedagogue.
  • पंडितम्मन्य pāṉḍitmmānny -- (nm) a pedant, one who over-rates oneself as a scholar and is proud ofit.
पंडितम्मन्यता -- pedantry, pedantic conceit.
  • पंडिताई pāṉḍita:i: -- (nf) scholarship; erudition; the function or profession of a panḍit.
पंडिताई छाँटना -- to makea show of or to exhibit one'sscholarship/erudition.
  • पंडिताऊ pāṉḍita:u: -- (a) pedantic; bookish, academic; befitting apanḍit; hence पंडिताऊपन (nm).
  • पंथ pānth -- (nm) a path, road; creed, sect, cult; religious order (as कबीरपंथ, दादूपंथ); the sikh panth.
पंथ दिखाना -- to guide, to lead on correct lines.
पंथ देखना/निहारना -- to wait, to keepin wait for.
पंथ पर लाना/लगाना -- toveer round to the correct course, to lead to right lines.
  • पंथी pānthi: -- (nm) a traveller; an adherent or follower of a sect.
  • पंद्रह pāndreh -- (a) fifteen; (nm) the number fifteen.
  • पंप pāmp -- (nm) a pump; a kind of shoe.
  • पँवारा pāwa:ra: -- (nm) a saga of heroic deeds; boring detailednarrative.
पँवारा करना/गाना -- to renderinto wearying details.
  • पंसारी pānsa:ri: -- (nm) a grocer.
  • पँसेरी, पंसेरी pāseri:, panseri: -- (nf) a five-seer weight.
पँसेरी में पाँच सेर की भूल करना -- to make a total error.
  • पकड़ pakaṛ -- (nf) hold; grip; catch-up; seizure, grasp; understanding; ahug.
पकड़-धकड़ -- apprehensions, seizures, (round) of arrests.
पकड़ जाना -- to bearrested/apprehended.
पकड़ ढीली होना -- the grip to be loosened.
पकड़ मज़बूतहोना -- the grip to be tight(ened).
पकड़ मेंआना -- to be held; to fall into theclutches (of).
  • पक/ड़ना pakaṛnā: -- (v) to catch (hold of); to hold; to grasp, toseize apprehend.
पकड़ा-धकड़ी -- see पकड़-धकड़.
  • पकना paknā: -- (v) to ripen; to be cooked; to mature; to supporate.
  • पकवान pakwā:n -- (nm) dressed foods; a fried delicacy.
  • पकाई paka:i: -- (nf) seasoning; curing; maturity, ripening.
  • पकाना paka:nā: -- (v) to ripen; to cook; to bake; to season; to cure.
  • पकौ/ड़ा pakauṛa: -- (nm) a fried saltish vegetable-stuffed gram-flour preparation; hence पकौड़ी diminutive (nf).
  • पक्का pakka: -- (a) ripe; strong, lasting, permanent; firm; net; expert; confirmed; fried in ghee(as पक्का खाना); boiled.
पक्का गाना -- a classical song.
पक्का करना -- to ensure fully, to get final confirmation.
  • पक्व pakkv -- (a) ripe; boiled; mature; strong; hence पक्वता (nf).
  • पक्ष paksh -- (nm) side; party; flank; aspect; a fortnight; a wing.
पक्षक -- anaerofoil.
पक्षकार -- a party.
पक्षग्रहण -- taking a side.
पक्षधर -- a supporter; partisan, partial.
पक्षपोषण -- advocacy, championing of a cause.
पक्ष-विपक्ष -- pros and cons.
पक्षसार -- abrief.
पक्षहीन -- wingless.
पक्ष लेना, किसी का -- to side with.
  • पक्ष/पात pakshpa:t -- (nm) partiality; favouritism.
पक्षपातिता -- partisanship, partiality.
पक्षपाती -- partial, partisan.
  • पक्षांतर pakshā:ntar -- (nm) another fortnight; the other side/party; transposition.
  • पक्षांतरण pakshā:ntarāṉ -- (nm) transposition.
पक्षांतरण करना -- to transpose.
  • पक्षाघात paksha:gha:t -- (nm) hemiparesis, paralysis.
  • पक्षी pakshi: -- (nm) a bird; aves.
पक्षी पालन -- aviculture.
पक्षी-विज्ञान -- ornicology.
  • पक्षीय pakshi:y -- (a) pertaining to a side/party/wing; as a suffix itmeans related to a wing (as दक्षिण-पक्षीय right-winged).
  • पक्ष्म pakshm -- (nm) an eye-lash.
  • पख pakh -- (nm) a fin.
पखयुक्त -- having fins.
  • पख़ paḳḥ -- (nf) an obstacle, hindrance; condition; defect, flaw.
पख़ निकालना -- to point a flaw, to sight a defect.
पख़ लगाना -- to impose acondition; to create an obstacle.
  • पखवाड़ा रा pakhwa:ṛ r a: -- (nm) a fortnight.
  • पखारना pakha:rnā: -- (v) to cleanse, to wash clean.
  • पखाव/ज pakha:waj -- (nf) a kind of drum.
पखावजी -- one who plays a पखावज.
  • पखेरू pakheru: -- (nm) a bird.
  • पग pag -- (nm) a foot; step; pace.
पगचाप/पगध्वनि -- (sound of) foot-steps.
पगतल -- foot, sole of the foot.
पग-पग पर -- at every step.
  • पगडंडी pagḍanḍi: -- (nf) a footway, track.
  • पगड़ी pagṛi: -- (nf) a turban; gratification in cash for letting out a house or shop.
पगड़ी उछालना -- to heapinsults on; to humiliate.
पगड़ी उतारना -- to disgrace, to insult; to fleece.
पगड़ी बदलना -- to make friends.
पगड़ी पैरों पर रखना -- to beg for protection/mercy/help.
  • पगना pagnā: -- (v) to be impregnated with syrup; to be soaked in love/devotion.
  • पगला pagla: -- (a) mad, crazy, amuck; hence पगली (feminine form).
  • पगहा pagaha: -- (nm) a tether.
पगहा , आगे नाथ न पीछे -- to have neither homenor hearth, to be without anynear and dear ones.
  • पगार paga:r -- (nf) wages, salary.
  • पगुराना pagura:nā: -- (v) to ruminate, to chew the cud.
  • पगोडा pagoḍa: -- (nm) a pagoda.
  • पच pach -- —an allomorph of पाँच.
पचकल्यानी -- cunning; wicked.
पचखना -- five-storeyed.
पचगुना -- five times; five-fold.
पचमेल -- a mixture of fiveingredients; five different sweetmeats mixed together.
पचरंगा -- multi-coloured; five-coloured.
पचलड़ा -- a five-stringed necklace.
  • पच/ड़ा pachṛa: -- (nm) mess, muddle; trouble.
पचड़ा खड़ा करना -- to create amess/muddle, to cause unnecessary trouble.
पचड़ा ले बैठना -- to begina long drawn and monotonous narrative.
पचड़े में पड़ना -- to get embroiled/involved in a mess/muddle.
  • पचना pachnā: -- (v) to be digested; to be assimilated.
पच मरना -- to toilhard.
  • पचपन pachpān -- (a) fifty-five; (nm) the number fifty-five.
  • पचहत्तर pachattar -- (a) seventy-five; (nm) the number seventy-five.
  • पचहरा pachehra: -- (a) five-fold; having five layers.
  • पचास pacha:s -- (a) fifty; (nm) the number fifty.
  • पचासी pacha:si: -- (a) eighty-five; (nm) the number eighty-five.
  • पचीस pachi:si: -- (a) twenty-five; (nm) the number twenty-five.
  • पचीसी pachi:si: -- (nf) a collection or aggregate of twenty-five.
  • पच्चर ड़ pachchar ṛ -- (nm) a wedge; packing piece; quoin.
पच्चर अड़ाना -- tocreate an obstacle/impediment.
पच्चर ठोकना -- to wedge; to harass.
  • पच्ची/कार pachchi:ka:r -- (nm) mosaic work expert, inlay work specialist.
पच्चीकारी -- mosaic work; inlaywork.
पच्ची हो जाना, किसी में -- to bemerged (with), to be identified(with).
  • पच्चीस pachchi:s -- (a and nm) see पचीस.
  • पछताना pachhta:nā: -- (v) to repent; to rue, to be full of remorse, tobe penitent.
पछताये होत का जबचिड़िया चुग गई खेत, अब -- its nouse crying over spilt milk.
  • पछताव pachhta:v -- (nm) see पछतावा.
  • पछतावा pachhta:va: -- (nm) repentance, remorse; penitence.
  • पछत्तर pachhattar -- (a and nm) see पचहत्तर.
  • पछाड़ pachha:ṛ -- (nf) a dashdown, violent fall on the back, suddenfall, falling back in a swoon.
पछाड़ खाना -- to be dashed down; tofall back in a swoon, to fall ingrief.
पछाड़ देना -- see पछाड़ना.
  • पछाड़ना pachha:ṛnā: -- (v) to dash/knock down, to cause a fall, to throw down; to overcome, tooverpower.
  • पछिया pachhiya: -- (nf) the butt (of a gun).
  • पछीत pachhi:t -- (nf) the rear wall or part of a house.
  • पछुवा pachhuva: -- (a and nf) westerly (wind); west wind.
  • पछोरना pachhornā: -- (v) to winnow (with a सूप).
  • पजरना pajarnā: -- (v) to be scorched/charred, to be burnt; to blaze.
  • पजामा paja:mā: -- (nm) pyjamas.
  • पजावा paja:va: -- (nm) a brick kiln.
  • पटंगा paṭaṅga: -- (nm) a fall; dash-down, throw; set-back.
पटंगा खाना -- tosuffer a set-back.
पटंगा देना -- to throwdown, to fell, to dash down; tocause a serious set-back.
  • पट paṭ -- (nm) a garment, piece of cloth covering; screen; an allomorph of पट्ट meaning favourite, principal (as पटरानी); a door leaf; tail (of a coin); sound of fallingor breaking or beating; septa; groomed lock of hair; (a) lyingflat, upside down; ineffective.
  • पटक paṭak -- (nf) a throw, fall, dash(ing) down.
  • पटकना paṭaknā: -- (v) to dash down, to throw down, to enforce a violent fall.
पटकना , किसी के ऊपर/किसा केसिर पर -- to entrust to an unwillingperson, to thrust upon.
  • पटकनी paṭaknī: -- (nf) a knock/dash down, a fall; set-back.
पटकनी देना -- todash/knock down, to enforce aviolent fall, to throw down.
  • पटका paṭka: -- (nm) a cincture, girdle; cloth-belt.
पटका बाँधना -- to gird up theloins (for), to get ready for.
  • पटतर paṭtar -- (a) equal, bearing a similarity or an equivalence (to); matching; (nm) comparison, equivalence; match.
  • पटना paṭnā: -- (v) to be covered; to be filled (with); to be quits, to berepaid in full (as कर्ज़); to be takenin; to be veered round, to yield topersuasion; to live in harmony.
  • पटपर paṭpar -- (a) flat, plane (ground); hollow, grainless (as green pea).
  • पटरा paṭra: -- (nm) a plank; harrow.
पटरा कर देना -- to devastate, tospell ruination; to demolish; to raze to the ground.
पटरा फेरना -- to devastate, to raze to the ground.
पटरा बैठना -- (business etc.) to crash, to be undone/ruined.
पटरा होना -- to be ruined/undone.
  • पटरी paṭri: -- (nf) rail; trackway; pavement; a ruler, wooden strip.
पटरी खाना -- to have harmonious relationship, to carry on smoothly.
पटरी जमाना -- to establish a rapport(with); to have things goingsmooth.
पटरी न बैठना -- not to be able todraw horses together.
पटरी पर लाना -- toveer round, to bring round.
पटरी बैठना -- to have harmonious relations, tohave rapport; to have an identityof purpose, to pull together.
  • पट/ल paṭal -- (nm) a table; film; screen; board; layer.
पटलिका -- lamella.
  • पटवा paṭwa: -- (nm) one who strings beads, pearls, etc., a craftsmanengaged in the entwining of ornaments with silk; hence पटवागीरी (nf).
  • पटवारी paṭwa:ri: -- (nm) a patwari, the village official who maintainsland records.
पटवारीगीरी -- the office orfunction of a पटवारी.
  • पटसन paṭsan -- (nm) jute.
पटसन उद्योग -- jute industry.
पटसन मिल -- a jute mill.
  • प/टा paṭa: -- (nm) a scimitar; cudgel; seating plank or board.
पटेबाज़ -- a fencer, one who wields a foilor cudgel with skill.
पटेबाज़ी -- fencing, playing with foils/cudgels.
  • पटाक paṭa:k -- (nf) report of a cracking sound; (ind) forthwith, at once, without a moment's hesitation.
पटाक से -- instantaneously; forth-with.
  • पटाका paṭa:ka: -- (nm) a cracker; an explosive stuff; the report of acracker; explosion; the sound of'पट'.
  • पटाक्षेप paṭa:kshep -- (nm) ringing down of the curtain, curtain-fall; closing of an affair.
  • पटाख़ा paṭa:ḳḥā: -- (nm) a cracker, any explosive stuff, the report of acracker; explosion, the sound of पट.
  • पटाना paṭa:nā: -- (v) to settle; to conclude; to persuade; to cause to veer round, to bring round; torepay in full; to seduce.
  • पटापट paṭa:paṭ -- (nf) continuous sound of पट-पट; (adv) with successive sounds of पट-पट; briskly, swiftly.
  • पटाव paṭa:v -- (nm) the work of covering; covered place; covering, roofing.
  • पटिया paṭiya: -- (nf) a wooden or stone slab; flagstone; neighbouring area.
  • पटु paṭu -- (a) ingenious, skilled, dexterous; efficient; clever; hence पटुता (nf), पटुत्व (nm).
  • पटुआ paṭua: -- (nm) jute.
  • पटुली paṭuli: -- (nf) the frontage folds of a dhoti: or sa:ri: tucked in nearthe navel and flowing downwardstherefrom; a narrow board usedfor a seat on a swing.
  • पटेला paṭela: -- (nm) a flat boat; tablet, a land-levelling appliance.
  • पट्ट paṭṭ -- (nm) a plate; tablet; tail (of a coin); royal grant or order(written on a copper plate etc.); (a) face downwards.
पट्टमहिंषी/पट्टरानी -- the queen consort, theprincipal queen.
पट्ट शिष्य -- favourite/dovout student; staunch follower.
पट्ट स्वर -- dialtone.
  • पट्टन paṭṭān -- (nm) a city, town, port.
  • पट्टा paṭṭa: -- (nm) a title deed; lease, lease deed, tenure; dog-collar; aplank.
पट्टाकर्त्ता -- a lessor.
पट्टाकार -- ligulate.
पट्टादाता -- a lessor.
पट्टादेय -- leasable.
पट्टादार -- a lessee पट्टेदार alessee पट्टेदारी tenancy, tenure, lease-hold.
पट्टे पर -- on lease, onlease-hold.
पट्टा बाँधना -- to domesticate, to tame; enslave.
पट्टा लिखना -- to execute a bond.
  • पट्टिका paṭṭika: -- (nf) a plate.
  • पट्टी paṭṭi: -- (nf) a bandage; band, batten; strap; strip; belt, fillet; shelf; plate, wooden plate (forbeginners to write on); misguidance; co-share (in landed property).
पट्टीदार -- co-sharer, partner; banded.
पट्टीदारी -- co-share; partnership.
पट्टी पढ़ाना -- to tutor; to misguide; to persuade for selfishmotives; to give a lesson so as toveer round to one's own line.
पट्टी पुजना -- a ceremony marking thecommencement of one's education, to be initiated, to commence one'seducation.
पट्टी में आना -- to be takenin, to succumb to tricky words.
  • पट्टू paṭṭu: -- (nm) a variety of coarse woollen cloth.
  • पट्ठा paṭṭḥa: -- (nm) a robust young man; young one, offspring; nervesinew; wrestling apprentice/pupil.
  • पठन paṭḥān -- (nm) reading; study.
पठन-पाठन -- reading and studying.
पठनशील -- given to reading, studious.
  • पठनीय paṭḥnī:y -- (a) readable; worth reading; intelligible; hence पठनीयता( nf).
  • पठार paṭḥa:r -- (a) a plateau.
  • पठित paṭḥit -- (a) read, studied; scholarly.
  • पठौनी paṭḥaunī: -- (nf) presents sent on special occasions (to relatives, esp. sister, daughter, etc.).
  • पड़ र ता paṛ r ta: -- (nm) purchase or manufacturing cost; real value; (suitability of) price; rate; marginof profit.
पड़ आना -- the price tosuit/to be convenient.
पड़ खाना/पड़ पड़ना -- the price to be suitable/convenient, to have adequatemargin (of profit).
पड़ फैलाना/बैठाना -- to work out the cost; to fix the sale price after working out the cost.
  • पड़ताल paṛta:l -- (nf) checking up, testing.
  • पड़ना paṛnā: -- (v) to fall; to fall down; to drop; to lie (down); tooccur; to befall; to be involved; to be hit.
  • पड़वा paṛva: -- (nf) the first day of each lunar fortnight (also प्रतिपदा).
  • पड़ा paṛa: -- (nm) he-calf of a buffalo; hence पड़िया (nf).
पड़िया के ताऊ -- a fool, nincompoop.
  • पड़ाव paṛa:v -- (nm) a halt; halting place; bivouac; encampment, camp.
पड़ाव डालना -- to bivouac; tocamp; to make a halt.
  • पड़ो ड़ौ स paṛo ṛau s -- (nm) neighbourhood; vicinity, proximity.
  • पड़ो ड़ौ सी paṛo ṛau si: -- (nm) a neighbour.
  • पढ़त paṛḥat -- (nf) reading.
  • पढ़ना paṛḥnā: -- (v) to read; to study; to recite.
पढ़ना-लिखना -- to study, toread and write.
पढ़ा-लिखा -- learned, scholarly.
पढ़े न लिखे नाम विद्यासागर -- an ignorant man keeping greatfuss, a nincompoop bearing thename Plato.
  • पढ़ाई paṛḥa:i: -- (nf) study; education, learning.
पढ़ाई-लिखाई -- studies.
  • पढ़ाना paṛḥa:nā: -- (v) to teach, to instruct, to educate; to tutor.
  • पण pāṉ -- (nm) a bet.
पणन -- marketing, selling; traffic.
  • पण्य pāṉṉy -- (nm) a commodity; merchandise; (a) marketable.
पण्यता -- marketability.
पण्य-योग्यता -- marketability.
पण्यशाला -- an emporium.
  • पतंग patāṅg -- (nf) a paper kite; (nm) the sun.
पतंगबाज़ -- a kite-flier.
पतंगबाज़ी -- kite flying.
  • पतंगा patāṅga: -- (nm) a moth, an insect.
  • पत pat -- an allomorph of पत्ता used as the first member of compoundwords; (nf) honour, dignity.
पतझड़/झर -- the fall, autumn; defoliation.
पत उठ जाना -- to losecredit, to be trusted no more.
पत उतारना -- to disgrace; to compromise the honour of; to humiliate.
पत रखना -- to maintain the dignity of, to preserve the honour of.
  • पतन pataṉ -- (nm) fall, downfall; decline; degeneration.
पतनशील -- tending to fall, degenerating/falling, decaying; hence पतनशीलता (nf).
  • पतनोन्मुख patanōnmukh -- (a) falling, tending to fall, degenerating; hence पतनोन्मुखता (nf).
  • पतला patla: -- (a) thin, slender, tenuous; fine; flimsy, dilute(d); narrow.
पतलापन -- thinness; slenderness, tenuouness; fineness; flimsiness, dilution; narrowness.
पतला दुबला -- leanand thin; emaciated.
पतला पड़ना -- to bemellowed down; to be afflicted; to be diluted.
पतला मूतना -- to yield, toadmit being inferior.
पतली आवाज़ -- tanyphonia.
  • पतलून patlū:n -- (nf) a pantaloon; trousers.
पतलूननुमा -- resembling/looking like a pantaloon/trousers.
  • पतवार patwa:r -- (nf) rudder, helm; a large oar used for a rudder.
पतवार थामना -- to take the helm, to assume captaincy of the ship of, toguide the course of.
  • पता pata: -- (nm) an address; where-abouts; information, knowledge.
पते की कहना -- to put the axe in thehelve, to hit the right nail on thehead.
पते का बात -- a remarkable/revealing utterance.
  • पताका pata:ka: -- (nf) a flag, banner; pennant; streamer.
पताका फहराना -- tohoist one's banner; to make aconquest, to establish one's command; to achieve a distinction.
  • पति pati -- (nm) husband, master.
  • पतित patit -- (a) fallen, depraved; hence पतिता (fem. form).
पतितपावन -- a saviour of the fallen; hence पतितपावनी (fem. form).
  • पतियाना patiya:nā: -- (v) to trust, to believe, to have faith (in).
  • पतियारा patiya:ra: -- (nm) trust, belief, faith.
  • पतीला pati:la: -- (nm) a huge cooking brass-kettle.
  • पतीली pati:li: -- (nf) diminutive of पतीला.
  • पतुरिया paturia: -- (nf) a prostitute, concubine, a woman of easyvirtue.
  • पतोहू patohu: -- (nf) a daughter-in-law.
  • पत्तन pattān -- (nm) a town, city; port city.
  • पत्तल pattal -- (nf) a plate made up by tagging broad tree leavestogether (for serving food); foodserved on a pattal.
पत्तल के खाने वाले, एक -- lit. having meals in the sameplate—very intimate, in intimaterelationship.
पत्तल चाटना -- to surviveon leavings, to be humiliatinglyservile to.
पत्तल पड़ना -- the pattals to bearranged.
पत्तल परसना -- to serve meals(on a pattal).
पत्तल में खाना, किसी की -- to take meals together; to developintimate relationship.
पत्तल में खाना, उसी में छेद करना, जिस -- to blow offthe roof that provides shelter; tocut off the hand that feeds; to befoolishly ungrateful.
पत्तल लगना -- thefood to be served on the pattal.
  • पत्ता patta: -- (nm) a leaf; playing card.
पत्ता कटना -- to be told off, to bethrown out of, to be sacked, tobe fired; hence पत्ता काटना.
पत्ता खड़कना -- arustle of leaves to be producedsome apprehension to be caused.
पत्ता न हिलना -- everything around to bestill, to have not the slightestmovement of the air.
पत्ता पड़ना -- tohave a run of good cards.
पत्ता पत्ते कोदेखना, जड़ न देखना -- to care for theleaves and ignore the root.
पत्ते पर कुलाँच खाना -- to somersault, to makea sudden change of one's stand.
पत्ते फेंटना -- to reshuffle the cards.
पत्तेबाज़ -- a card-sharpner; a fraudulent man.
पत्तेबाज़ी -- card-sharpening; fraud.
पत्ते लगाना -- card-sharpening.
  • पत्ती patti: -- (nf) a small leaf; foliage; share; flats; a narrow metal-sheet paring; lamination.
पत्तीदार -- leafy; a share-holder, partner; laminated; hence पत्तीदारी (nf).
  • पत्थर patthar -- (nm) stone; (fig.) hard-hearted; heartless, unfeeling (person).
पत्थर की खान -- a quarry.
पत्थरचटा -- a kind of grass; a kind of snake; stingy (person).
पत्थरफोड़ा -- (said ironically) a stone-dresser.
पत्थरबाज़ -- one who pelts/throws stones (at).
पत्थरबाज़ी -- pelting of stones, stone-throwing.
पत्थर का कलेजा/दिल/हृदय -- stony heart, unfeeling heart.
पत्थर का छाती -- unmoving heart; unwavering will.
पत्थर की लकीर -- indeliblemark; unfading/invariable truth.
पत्थर पड़ना -- to be damned, to be ruined/undone; pouring down of hails.
पत्थर पड़े -- (an abusive term) be youdamned/doomed!.
पत्थर पर दूब जमना -- lit. emergence of grass on stony.
  • पत्नी patnī: -- (nf) wife; a man's spouse.
पत्नीव्रत -- (vow to be) loyal(to one's wife).
पत्नीत्व -- wifehood, the position or function of a wife.
पत्नी के रूप में ग्रहण करना -- to take as(one's) wife.
  • पत्र pattr -- (nm) a letter; paper; note; leaf.
पत्रक -- leaflet, handbill, plate.
पत्रदल -- lamina.
पत्र-पुष्य -- token honorarium; token of hospitality.
पत्रवाहक -- bearer of a letter.
पत्र-व्यवहार -- correspondence, exchange of letters, etc.
पत्र-संग्रह -- collection of letters.
  • पत्र/कार pattraka:r -- (nm) a journalist; pressman.
पत्र-शैली -- journalese, journalistic style.
पत्रकारिता -- journalism.
  • पत्रा pattra: -- (nm) an altmanac.
  • पत्राचार pattra:cha:r -- (nm) correspondence; exchange of letters, etc.
पत्राचार-पाठ्यक्रम -- correspondence courses.
  • पत्रिका pattrika: -- (nf) a magazine; journal; horoscope.
  • पत्री pattri: -- (nf) a horoscope; a letter (used in this sense generallyas the second memeber in thecompound चिट्ठी-पत्री).
  • पथ path -- (nm) a path, way, course, route.
पथ-कर -- toll.
पथगामी -- a traveller, wayfarer.
पथदर्शक/प्रदर्शक -- aguide; leader.
पथ-प्रदर्शन -- guidance.
  • पथर pathar -- an allomorph of पत्थर used as the first member in compound words (as पथरचटा see पत्थर पथरचटा).
  • पथराना pathra:nā: -- (v) to petrify; to deaden; to harden (into stone); to be rendered insensitive (as आँखेंपथराना).
  • पथराव pathra:v -- (nm) pelting with stones, stoning.
  • पथरी pathri: -- (nf) a whetstone; gallstone; calculi.
  • पथरीला pathri:la: -- (a) stony; littered with stones; lithic; hence पथरीलापन( nm).
  • पथि/क pathik -- (nm) a traveller, wayfarer.
पथिका -- siding.
  • पथी pathi: -- (nm) see पथिक.
  • पथ्य patthy -- (nf) diet, medically prescribed or salubrious diet (forone who is recuperating after illness); (a) salubrious, wholesome.
पथ्य मिलना -- to be given medically prescribed diet after recovery from anillness.
पथ्य लेना -- to take light andmedically prescribed food afteran illness.
पथ्य से रहना -- to avoid forbidden food; to take only prescribed diet.
  • पथ्यापथ्य patthya:patthy -- (a) wholesome and unwholesome (diet); (nf) diet-salubrious or otherwise(according to prescription).
  • पद pad -- (nm) an office, status; a rank; a versified composition (esp.eulogizing God or His sport); foot (of a measure or verse); (foot) step; expression; term, word inits particular context; articles(like an umbrella, shoes, clothes, utensils) given away for the gratification of the soul of a deceased.
पद-कंज/कमल -- lotus-like feet.
पदक्रम -- order of official precedence; word-order in a sentence.
पदगति -- gait.
  • पदक padak -- (nm) a medal, medallion; badge.
  • पदवी padvi: -- (nf) a title; status; rank; degree.
  • पदाक्रांत pada:kkrā:nt -- (a) trampled under foot, in complete subjugation.
  • पदाघात pada:gha:t -- (nm) a kick; stroke with one's foot.
  • पदाति pada:ti -- (nm) an infantryman; footman, pedestrian.
  • पदातिक pada:tik -- (nm) see पदाति.
  • पदातिका pada:tika: -- (nf) the infantry.
  • पदाधिकारी pada:dhika:ri: -- (nm) an office-bearer; official.
  • पदाना pada:nā: -- (v) to tire out, to cause to field for long spells (ingames); to harass, to cause tolabour hard.
  • पदान्वय pada:nvay -- (nm) paraphrase, paraphrasing.
  • पदारविंद pada:rvind -- (nm) lotus-like (tender and soft) feet.
  • पदार्थ pada:rth -- (nm) meaning of a term; matter, substance; an object; article.
  • पदार्पण pada:rpāṉ -- (nm) advent; arrival, stepping in.
  • पदावधि pada:vadhi -- (nf) term of office, tenure.
  • पदावनत pada:vanat -- (a) demoted, reverted, fallen in rank or status.
  • पदावनति pada:vanāti -- (nf) demotion, reversion, fall in rank or status.
  • पदावली pada:vali: -- (nf) expression; diction; a collection of padas(versified composition esp. eulogizing the Lord or His sport).
  • पदासीन pada:si:n -- (a) holding office, in office.
  • पदिक padik -- (nm) a foot-soldier, an infantryman.
  • पदी padi: -- (nf) a series of steps.
  • पदेन paden -- (a) ex-officio.
  • पदोदक padodak -- (nm) water collected after a foot-wash, water in which the feet of the idol of adeity or some revered personhave been washed (considered tobe sacred).
  • पदोन्नत padonnat -- (a) promoted, risen in rank or status.
  • पदोन्नति padonnati -- (nf) promotion, rise in rank or status.
  • पद्धति paddhati -- (nf) method, system; process; custom.
  • पद्म padm -- (nm) a lotus-flower and its plant.
पद्म-पत्र -- a lotus-leaf.
पद्म-कोश -- alotus-cell.
पद्मनाभि -- an epithet ofLord Vishṉū (from whose navelthe primordial lotus is said tohave shot forth. Mythologically, it was this lotus on which ब्रह्मा issupposed to have come into being).
  • पद्मासन padmā:san -- (nm) a sedentary Yogic posture wherein the practitioner sits upright with legs crossed over the thighs.
  • पद्मिनी padminī: -- (nf) an exceptionally charming woman (the first of the kinds specified by ancient Indian sexologists); a lotus.
  • पद्य paddy -- (nm) verse; poetry.
पद्यबद्ध -- versified.
पद्यमय -- abounding inverse; versified; hence पद्यबद्धता, पद्यमयता (nf).
  • पद्यकार paddyka:r -- (nm) a versifier; poetaster.
  • पद्यात्मक paddya:tmāk -- (a) poetic, composed in poetic form.
  • पधराना padhra:nā: -- (v) to be installed with honour; to seat reverentially.
  • पधारना padha:rna: -- (v) a deferential usage —to grace (a place oroccasion) by coming, to arrive(at); to depart.
  • पन pan -- a suffix added to common and attributive nouns to formabstract nouns (e.g. लड़कपन); avariant of पानी, पान, पण्य and पाँचin compound formations.
पनगाड़ी -- a water-cart.
पनघट -- the peripheryof a well etc. where water isdrawn.
पनचक्की -- a water-mill.
पनछन्ना -- a strip of wet cloth generally tied on a fresh cut.
पनडुब्बी -- a submarine.
पनधौंकनी -- water-bellows.
पनबदरा -- rain and sunshine.
पनबाड़ी -- a betel-enclosure, a betel-garden.
पनवाड़ी -- a betel-seller.
पनसारी -- one who sells commodities as spices, dry fruits, etc.
पनसाला -- a water-kiosk, standwhere water is stored and distributed to travellers; of five years.
पनसइया -- a small dinghy.
पनसेरी -- afive-seer weight.
पनहार/हारा -- awater-bearer.
  • पनपना panapnā: -- (v) to be revived/recovered, to flourish, to thrive, to prosper.
पनपना-बढ़ना -- to be born andbred.
  • पनहाँ panahā: -- (nm) a shoe; breadth of a cloth piece; hence पनहींdiminutive (nf) of पनहाँ.
  • पना panā: -- —a suffix added to common nouns and adjectives to form abstract nouns e.g. बचपना, सुअरपना, हरामीपना; (nm) a typical beverageprepared from mango juice ormango flesh with the addition oftamarind and cumin seed etc.; breadth of a cloth piece.
  • पनारी ली pana:ri: li: -- (nf) diminutive of पनाला.
पनारीदार -- corrugated.
पनारीदार चादर -- a corrugated sheet.
  • पनाला pana:la: -- (nm) a gutter, drain.
  • पनाह pana:h -- (nf) shelter, refuge.
पनाहघर -- (place of) shelter, refuge.
पनाह देना -- to provide shelter, to takeunder one's care.
पनाह माँगना -- to seekshelter; to evade confrontation orassociation with; to concede victory and submit.
पनाह लेना -- to findshelter, to take refuge.
  • पनि panī -- an allomorph of पानी used as the first member in certaincompounds.
पनिहार -- a water-bearer.
पनिहारिन/हारी -- a female water-bearer.
  • पनिया panīyā: -- (a) aquatic, hydrous; (nm) water.
पनियाना -- to run withwater; to get wet, to be softened/priming.
  • पनिहा panihā: -- (a) aquatic, hydrous; (nm) a water-snake.
  • पनीर panī:r -- (nm) cheese.
  • पनीरी pani:ri: -- (nf) a sapling; (a) (of) cheese, pertaining to or made.
  • पनीला panī:la: -- (a) watery, sodden; hence पनीलापन (nm).
  • पन्न/ग pannag -- (nm) a snake.
पन्नगारि -- lit. enemy of snakes —Garuṛ, thedivine eagle, vehicle of Vishṉū.
  • पन्ना pannā: -- (nm) an emerald, leaf of a book, page, folio; see पना.
पन्ने उलटना/पलटना -- to skip over thepages (of a book); to glance through.
पन्ने रँगना -- to write page afterpage; to waste both ink andpaper.
  • पन्नी pannī: -- (nf) a fine metallic leaf; tin-foil, gold or silver platedmulti-coloured paper.
पन्नीसाज़ -- aprofessional manufacturer of पन्नी.
पन्नीसाज़ी -- the profession of manufacturing पन्नी.
  • पपड़ियाना papaṛiya:nā: -- (v) to encrustate, to form crusts on the surface, to be withered and dried up.
  • पपड़ी papṛi: -- (nf) a thin crust, incrustation/encrustation, scurf, scale, scab; flake; thin cakes ofwheat, gram, etc.
पपड़ीदार -- incrusted, encrusted; scurfy, scaled, scabby; flaky.
पपड़ीला -- see पपड़ीदार.
  • पपीता papi:ta: -- (nm) papaya.
  • पपीहरा papi:hara: -- (nm) see पपीहा.
  • पपीहा papi:ha: -- (nm) a typical species of Cuckoo (which finds usual mention in Indian love-songs asexemplifying the ideal of love-lorn beings)—Cucculus nelanoleucus.
  • पपोटा papoṭa: -- (nm) an eye-lid.
  • पब्लिक pablik -- (nf) public.
  • पय pay -- (nm) milk; water.
पयस्विनी -- a river, stream.
  • पया/म payā:m -- (nm) a message.
पयामी -- a messenger.
  • पयाल paya:l -- (nm) coarse straw (used as fodder).
  • पयो payo -- an allomorph of पयस् meaning milk/water.
पयोद -- a cloud.
पयोधर -- a cloud; female breasts.
पयोधि/निधि -- an ocean, a sea.
पयोव्रत -- fasting with only milk as diet.
  • परंतप parāntap -- (a) scaring or causing affliction to the enemy.
  • परंतु parāntu -- (ind) but; however.
परंतुक -- a proviso.
  • परंपरा parāmpara: -- (nf) tradition.
परंपरागत -- traditional; orthodox.
परंपरानिष्ठ -- traditional; orthodox.
परंपरानिष्ठता -- traditionalism; orthodoxy.
परंपरावाद -- traditionalism; orthodoxy.
परंपरावादिता -- traditionalism; orthodoxy.
परंपरावादी -- a traditionalist; traditional; orthodox.
  • परंपरित parāmparit -- (a) traditional; tradition-bound.
  • परंपरीण parāmpari:ṉ -- (a) traditional; inherited, communicated throughheredity.
  • परः parah -- an allomorph of परस् used as the first member in compound words, ultra.
परःपुरुष -- higherthan man; superman.
परःशत -- morethan a hundred.
परःश्व -- the dayafter tomorrow.
  • पर par -- (ind) but; yet; even so, even then; on; at; after; (a) opposite, inimical; other; alien; higher; (nm) a wing; feather; plume.
परकटा -- wing-clipped.
परकाज -- other'sjob, other's interest.
परकाजी -- serving others' interest; benevolent/benignant.
परकाय -- another's body/person.
परकाय प्रवेश -- entering into another's body through yoga.
परकृति -- another's performance/deed.
परक्राम्य -- negotiable.
परजन -- belonging to others; not cur own (people).
परजाति -- another caste, notour own caste.
परतंत्र -- see परतंत्र.
परतंत्रता -- see परतंत्रता.
परदार -- anotherman's wife.
परद्रोही/द्वेषी -- cynical, jealous of or hostile to all others.
  • परकार parka:r -- (nf) callipers; a compass.
  • परकाला parka:la: -- (nm) a staircase; threshold, (glass) piece; spark.
परकाला , आफ़त का -- calamity personified; trouble-maker, mischief-monger.
  • परकी/करण paraki:karāṉ -- (nm) alienation.
परकीकृत -- alienated.
  • परकीया paraki:ya: -- (nf) (in traditional Indian Poetics) one of the three types of heroines (viz.स्वकीया, परकीया, सामान्या)—an adulteress, a woman carrying on alove affair out of wedlock; (a) devoted to another (person), adulterous.
  • परकोटा parkoṭa: -- (nm) a rampart; precincts, boundary.
  • परख parakh -- (nf) test, examination; probation; judgment/judging; distinguishing faculty.
परख होना -- tohave an eye for, to have a duesense of.
  • परख/चा parkhacha: -- (nm) a shred, fragment, piece.
परखचे उड़ाना -- toreduce to pieces, to shred.
  • पर/खना parakhnā: -- (v) to test, to examine; to judge.
परखाई -- the jobof testing/judging (something orsomebody); the charges paid fortesting/judging (something).
परखाजाना -- to go through one's facings, to be tested.
  • परगना paraganā: -- (nm) an administrative sub-division comprising a number of villages.
परगना-हाकिम -- administrative head of a परगना.
  • परचना parachnā: -- (v) to get thick, to establish a rapport, to get toknow well; to get habituated.
  • परचा parcha: -- (nm) a piece of paper; question paper, a chit; introduction; a newspaper; proof; leaflet, a handbill.
परचा देना -- to give a proof, to introduce.
परचा माँगना -- to call foror seek a proof; to ask somebody to disclose his real identity.
  • परचू/न parchu:n -- (nm) provisions.
  • परछत्ती parchhatti: -- (nf) a large-sized plank fixed in a wall of a room for storing things over; asmall thatch over mud-walls.
  • परछाईं parchha:ī: -- (nf) a shadow; reflection.
परछाईं से डरना -- to be scared ofa shadow.
परछाईं से डरना, किसी की -- to beterribly scared of (somebody).
परछाईं पड़ना -- to fall within the range ofadverse influence of.
परछाईं से दूर रहना, किसी की -- to keep far away from, to keep out of the orbit of influence of, to maintain a safe distance.
  • पर/जीवी parji:vi: -- (nm) a parasite; (a) parasitic; heterotrophic.
परजीविता -- parasitism; heterotrophy.
  • परतंत्र partāntr -- (a) dependent; slave; subordinate(d), subjugated; heteronomous.
परतंत्रता -- dependence; slavery; subordination; subjugation; heteronomy.
  • परत parat -- (nf) a layer; fold; tuck; lagging; film; lamination.
परतदार -- layered; folded; laminated.
परतबंदी -- lamination, laminate.
  • परती parti: -- (nf) fallow land; uncultivated/waste land; (a) uncultivated, fallow.
  • परदा parda: -- (nm) a curtain; screen; veil; privacy; (ear) drum; surface(as दुनिया का परदा).
परदादार -- maintaining a veil (of secrecy); concealing(oneself) under a veil.
परदादारी -- concealment of a secret; concealment of one's failing.
परदानशीन -- veiled, maintaining a veil; hence परदानशीनी (nf).
परदा उठाना/खोलना -- toexpose (a secret); to uncover, tounearth, to reveal, to remove theveil of secrecy.
परदा करना -- to observea veil (said of a woman), to keep(oneself under) a veil.
परदा डालना -- toconceal; to veil; to ring down acurtain.
परदा पड़ना, आँख पर -- to beblinded, not to see the manifest.
परदा पड़ना, बुद्धि पर -- to act foolishly, to behave like a stupid fellow.
परदाफ़ाश करना -- to expose, to laybare, to unearth, to tear theveil of secrecy.
परदाफ़ाश होना -- to beexposed, to be laid bare, to beunearthed, the veil of secrecy tobe torn.
परदा रखना, किसी का -- to savethe honour of; not to let outsomebody's secret; to maintain aveil over somebody's failing.
परदा रखना -- to keep out of somebody'ssight; to keep on evading.
परदे केपीछे -- clandestine(ly), stealthily.
परदे में रखना -- to keep behind acurtain; to keep under a veil; (for women) not to move out ofthe house, not to mix freely.
  • पर/दादा parda:da: -- (nm) (paternal) great-grandfather.
परदादी -- (paternal) great-grandmother.
  • परदारा parda:ra: -- (nf) another's woman/wife.
  • पर/देश pardesh -- (nm) another country, a country other than one's native land, foreign country.
परदेशी -- an alien, foreigner, stranger.
  • पर/नाना parnā:nā: -- (nm) (maternal) great-grandfather.
परनानी -- (maternal) great-grandmother.
  • पर/नाला parna:la: -- (nm) a gutter, kennel, drain pipe.
परनाली -- (nf) diminutive of परनाला.
  • परपट parpaṭ -- (a) flat; (nm) level ground.
  • परपो/ता parpota: -- (nm) great-grand son; hence परपोती (nf).
  • परबल parbal -- (nm) see परवल.
  • परबी parbi: -- (nf) a festal day, festival.
  • परम parām -- (a) extreme; ultimate; absolute; supreme; best; utmost.
  • परमाणु parmā:ṉū -- (nm) an atom.
परमाणु-बम -- an atom-bomb.
परमाणु-भट्टी -- a nuclearreactor.
परमाणु-युद्ध -- atomic warfare.
परमाणुवाद -- atomism; atomic theory.
परमाणुवादी -- an atomist; atomistic.
परमाणु-सिद्धान्त -- atomic theory.
  • परमाण्विकी paramā:ṉviki: -- (nf) atomistics.
  • परमाण्वीय paramā:ṉvi:y -- (a) atomic.
परमाण्वीय सिद्धान्त -- atomic theory.
  • परमा/त्मा parmā:tmā: -- (nm) God, the Supreme Self/Being/Spirit.
परमात्मतत्त्व -- the Universal Soul, the Supreme Spirit/Being.
परमात्मा की कृपा से -- by the grace of God.
  • परमादेश paramā:desh -- (nm) mandamus.
  • परमाधिकार paramā:dhika:r -- (nm) prerogative.
  • परमानंद parama:nānd -- (nm) the beatitude, the ultimate pleasure/supreme bliss/blessedness; God.
  • परमार्थ paramā:rth -- (nm) the ultimate end, the highest good, summum bonum; universal good; spiritual knowledge, salvation.
परमार्थवाद -- belief in the attainment ofthe summum bonum, faith in theattainment of spiritual knowledge; hence परमार्थवादिता (nf).
परमार्थवादी -- (a, nm).
  • परमार्थी paramā:rthi: -- (a and nm) (one) devoted to universal good/ultimate salvation.
  • परमिट parmiṭ -- (nm) a permit.
  • परमुखापेक्षिता paramukha:pekshita: -- (nf) dependence, tendency/proneness to depend on others.
  • परमुखापेक्षी paramukha:pekshi: -- (a) dependent, prone to depend onothers.
  • परमेश्वर parmeshwar -- (nm) God, the Almighty.
  • परमेश्वरी parmeshwari: -- (nf) see दुर्गा; a shrew, quarrelsome woman.
  • परराष्ट्र parara:shṭr -- (nm) another country, foreign land.
परराष्ट्र मंत्रालय -- theMinistry of External/Foreign Affairs.
परराष्ट्र-मंत्री -- the Minister for External Affairs, Foreign Minister.
परराष्ट्रीय -- of, pertaining to orrelated with another nation, alien, foreign.
  • परला parla: -- (a) of the other side, of that side.
परला सिरा -- the other end.
परले दर्जे/सिरे का -- of blackest/deepest dye, of the first order (oftenin derogatory contexts, as परलेसिरे का बेईमान/बेवकूफ़ etc.); hence परली (fem. form).
  • परलोक parlok -- (nm) the other world, after world, next world; heavenlyparadise.
परलोकगमन -- death, dying, going to the next world; demise.
परलोकवासी -- late; dead.
परलोक की चिंता करना -- to care for the other world, to dosomething to brighten one's other-worldly prospects.
परलोक बनना/सुधरना -- the way to the next world to be.
  • परवर Parwar -- a Persian suffix meaning one who fosters/nurtures as बंदापरवर, ग़रीबपरवर.
  • परवरदिगार parvardiga:r -- (nm) the Almighty, He Who nurtures/fosters/protects the world.
  • परवरिश parvarish -- (nf) upbringing, fostering; nurture; patronising.
  • परवर्ती parvarti: -- (a) later, subsequent.
  • परवल parval -- (nm) a kind of vegetable—Trichosanthes dioeca.
  • परवल/य parvalay -- (nm) a parabola.
परवलयिक -- parabolic.
  • परवश parvash -- (a) dependent; subservient, under another's control.
परवशता -- dependence; subservience, under another's sway.
  • परवा parwa: -- (nf) see परवाह; the first day of each lunar fortnight.
  • परवाज़ parwa:z -- (nf) flight.
  • परवान parvā:n -- (nm) yard, foreyard; authentic; true.
परवान चढ़ना -- to achievefulfilment, to prosper, to flourish/thrive; to be married.
  • परवाना parwā:nā: -- (nm) a warrant, an order; a moth; (fig.) a dedicated lover.
परवाना-गिरफ़्तारी -- a warrant ofarrest.
परवाना-तलाशी -- a search-warrant.
परवाना-राहदारी -- a passport.
परवाना-होना, (किसी पर) -- to sacrifice oneself (for somebody); to be fascinated.
परवाना बनना, किसी का -- to fall passionately inlove with.
  • परवाह parva:h -- (nf) concern; care, heed.
  • परशु parashu -- (nm) a battle axe.
परशुधर -- one who wields a परशु; see परशुराम.
परशुराम -- the great son of theseer Jamdagni, and a sworn enemy of the kshatriyas, who annihilated the kshatriyas twenty-onetimes and ultimately suffered adefeat at the hands of राम.
  • परसना parasnā: -- (v) to serve food; to touch. to feel (by touch).
  • परसर्ग parsarg -- (nm) a postposition (i.e. ने, को, से, में, पर).
  • परसा parsa: -- (nm) see परशु.
  • परसों parsō -- (ind) the day after tomorrow; the day before yesterday.
  • परस्त parast -- a Persian substantive used as a suffix in word-formations, meaning a worshipper, anadorer; e.g. बुतपरस्त, वतनपरस्त; hence परस्ती (वतनपरस्ती).
  • परस्पर paraspar -- (ind) mutual; reciprocal.
परस्परता -- mutuality; reciprocity.
परस्पर-संबंध -- mutual relations.
  • परहित parahit -- (nm) benefaction, beneficence, benevolence.
परहित-निष्ठा -- altruism.
परहितवाद -- altruism; hence परहितवादिता (nf).
परहितवादी -- an altruist; altruistic.
  • परहे/ज़ parhez -- (nm) abstinence; avoidance; regimen; keeping aloof.
परहेज़गार -- abstinent, abstainer, onewho keeps aloof.
परहेज़गारी -- abstinency, keeping aloof.
परहेज़ी -- onewho practises' abstinence; pertaining to or related with abstinence.
परहेज़ करना -- to abstain from.
परहेज़ होना -- to be refraining from/abstaining from; not to be taking/using/consuming (a thing etc.) through abstinence.
  • पराँवठा parā:vṭḥa: -- (nm) a typical Indian pancake-like preparation from kneaded floor fried in ghee.
  • परा para: -- a Sanskrit prefix to nouns and verbs meaning away, off; aside; along; on; ultra; transcendental; (a) the best.
परामनोविज्ञान -- Parapsychology.
पराविद्या -- Spiritualism.
  • पराकाष्ठा para:ka:shṭḥa: -- (nf) climax; culminating point, extremity; extreme.
  • पराकोटि para:koṭi -- (nf) see पराकाष्ठा.
  • पराक्रम para:kkrām -- (nm) heroism, gallantry, valiance, bravery.
  • पराक्रमी para:kkramī: -- (a) heroic, gallant, valiant, brave; (nm) a hero, gallant/valiant/brave person.
  • पराग para:g -- (nm) the pollen (of a flower).
पराग-कण/केसर -- pollen grain, pollen containing fine filament (of a flower).
  • परङ्मुख para:ṅmukh -- (a) turning the back upon, averse from, hostile to, regardless of, shunning.
  • पराजय para:jay -- (nf) defeat.
पराजयवाद/पराजयवादिता -- defeatism.
पराजयवादी -- (a) defeatist.
पराजयवादी मनोवृत्ति -- defeatist mentality.
  • परजित para:jit -- (a) defeated, vanquished; overthrown.
  • पराठा para:ṭḥa: -- (nm) see पराँठा.
  • परात para:t -- (nf) a large shallow circular metallic vessel (often used for kneading flour).
  • परात्पर para:tpar -- (a) transcendental; beyond all; hence परात्परता (nf); (nm) the Almighty.
  • पराधीन para:dhi:n -- (a) dependent; subject; subjugated; in bondage.
पराधीनता -- dependence; bondage; subjection; subjugation.
पराधीन सपनेहुँ सुख नाहीं -- bondage is the very antithesisof happiness, those who are inbondage know no happiness.
  • परानुभू/ति para:nubhu:ti -- (nf) empathy; another's experience.
परानुभूत -- experienced by another.
  • परान्न para:nn -- (nm) another's food.
परान्नभोजी -- subsisting on food providedby somebody else; leading aparasitic life.
  • पराभव para:bhav -- (nm) defeat, overthrow; ruin; humiliation.
  • परा/भूत para:bhu:t -- (a) defeated, overthrown; ruined; humiliated.
पराभूति -- see पराभव.
  • परामर्श para:marsh -- (nm) counsel; advice; consultation.
परामर्शदाता -- anadviser, a counsel.
परामर्शदात्री समिति -- an advisory committee.
परामर्शीय -- advisory, consultative.
परामर्शीय मत -- advisory opinion.
परामर्श करना -- to lay/putheads together.
परामर्श देना -- to advise.
  • परायण para:yaṉ -- (a) attached to; devoted to; used as a suffix meaning attached/devoted/dedicated to(e.g. धर्मपरायण, नीतिपरायण, etc.); hence परायणता (nf).
  • परायत्त para:yatt -- (a) see पराधीन.
परायत्तता -- see पराधीनता.
  • पराया para:ya: -- (a) pertaining or belonging to another, not one's own, alien, foreign.
परायापन -- of orbelonging to another; the state orsense of being alien/foreign/notone's own; hence पराई (fem).
पराया पराया अपना अपना -- blood is thickerthan water; to resort to doublestandards.
पराई आग में हाथ तापना/सेकना -- to fish in troubled water.
  • परार्थ para:rth -- (nm) altruism, benevolence, beneficence.
परार्थपर/परायण -- benevolent, beneficent; altruistic.
परार्थपरता/परायणता -- altruism.
परार्थवाद -- altruism; hence परार्थवादिता (nf).
परार्थवादी -- an altruist; altruistic.
परार्थी -- an altruist, abenevolent man.
  • परावर्तक para:vartak -- (nm) a reflector; (a) reflecting, causing reflection.
परावर्तकता -- reflectance.
  • परवर्तन para:vartān -- (nm) reflection; regression; withdrawal; return.
परवर्तन , पूर्ण -- total reflection.
  • पराश्रय para:shshray -- (nm) dependence on another; subjugation, subjection.
  • पराश्रव्य para:shshravy -- (a) ultrasonic.
  • पराश्रित para:shshrit -- (a) dependent (on others), under subjugation/subjection; hence पराश्रितता (nf).
  • परास para:s -- (nf) range.
  • परास्त para:st -- (a) defeated, vanquished; overthrown.
परास्त भाव -- a sense of defeat.
  • पराहं para:hām -- (nm) the super-ego.
  • परिंदा parinda: -- (nm) a bird.
परिंदा पर न मार सके, (जहाँ) -- where even a birdwould have no access.
  • परि pari -- a Sanskrit suffix imparting the sense of round, around, about, round about; fully, abundantly, richly; against; in the directionof; beyond; more than; outsideof, etc.
  • परिकक्ष parikaksh -- (nm) a shell.
  • परिकथा parikatha: -- (nf) a tale, narrative.
  • परिकर parikar -- (nm) in traditional Rhetorics, a figure of speech; coterie, circle.
  • परिकर्म parikarm -- (nm) make-up.
  • परिकर्मी parikarmī: -- (nm) a make-up man; an attendant.
  • परि/कलन parikalān -- (nm) calculation.
परिकलित -- calculated.
  • परि/कल्पना parikalpanā: -- (nf) a hypothesis; fabrication.
परिकल्पित -- hypothetical; fabricated.
  • परि/क्रमण parikkramāṉ -- (nm) the act or process of revolving, revolution; going round; hence परिक्रांत( a).
  • परिक्रमा parikkramā: -- (nf) revolution; going round.
परिक्रमा करना -- to go roundthe idol of a deity or a holyplace etc.
  • परिक्रय parikkray -- (nm) a ransom; barter, exchange.
  • परिक्षा/लन pariksha:lān -- (nm) cleaning thoroughly, cleansing, washing; hence परिक्षालित (a).
  • परिखा parikha: -- (nf) a moat, trench or fosse around a town or fort.
  • परि/गणन parigaṉān -- (nm) (the act or process of) enumeration; calculating, assessing; hence परिगणनीय( a), परिगणित (a).
  • परिगणना parigaṉanā: -- (nf) enumeration, calculation, assessment.
  • परिग्रह pariggrah -- (nm) possessions; family, retinue; encircling; engulfing; seizing, apprehension.
  • परिग्रहण pariggrahāṉ -- (nm) seizing, engulfing.
  • परिचय parichay -- (nm) introduction; acquaintance, familiarity.
परिचय-पंक्ति -- a legend.
परिचय-पत्र -- a letter of introduction.
परिचय करना/देना -- to introduce; tofamiliarize.
  • परिचर parichar -- (nm) an attendant; a servant.
  • परिचर्चा paricharcha: -- (nf) a symposium.
  • परिचर्या paricharya: -- (nf) attendance, attending on a patient; nursing.
  • परिचायक paricha:yak -- (a) introductory, illustrative (of); (nm) one who or that which introduces/familiarizes.
  • परिचा/रक paricha:rak -- (nm) an attendant, a male nurse.
परिचारिका -- a female attendant, nurse.
  • परि/चालक paricha:lak -- (nm) an operator; a steersman, navigator, controller.
परिचालन -- operation/operating; steering, navigation.
परिचालित -- operated; steered, navigated, controlled.
  • परिचित parichit -- (a) introduced; acquainted; familiar; (nm) anacquaintance.
  • परिच्छद parichchhad -- (nm) a cover.
  • परिच्छेद parichchhed -- (nm) a chapter; section.
  • परिजन parijan -- (nm) body of dependents, kith and kin.
  • परिज्ञात pariggya:t -- (a) well-known, known thoroughly; ascertained.
  • परिज्ञा/न pariggya:n -- (nm) thorough knowledge, deep insight, mastery(over a subject); ascertainment.
परिज्ञात -- see परिज्ञात.
  • परिणत pāriṉat -- (a) changed, transformed; culminated; having reached the point of culmination.
  • परिणति pariṉati -- (nf) transformation, culmination; form.
  • परिणय pariṉay -- (nm) wedding, marriage.
परिणय-सूत्र -- wedlock, bonds of marriage.
परिणय-सूत्र में बँधना -- to enter intowedlock.
  • परिणाम pariṉā:m -- (nm) result, outcome; consequence; conclusion; effect; magnitude.
परिणामस्वरूप -- as aresult of, with the result; consequently.
परिणामदर्शी -- foresighted, onewho knows the ultimate result.
परिणामवाद -- the doctrine of evaluation, the doctrine which propoundsthat the effect is hidden in thecause and that, therefore, causeis nothing but non-manifest effect; hence परिणामवादिता (nf).
परिणामवादी -- anadherent of परिणामवाद.
परिणाम भुगतना/भोगना -- to suffer/face the consequences of.
  • परिणामी pariṉā:mī: -- (a) resultant; ever-transforming.
  • परिणी/त pariṉi:t -- (a) wedded, married.
परिणीता -- married (woman).
  • परितः paritah -- (ind) about; around.
  • परितप्त paritapt -- (a) hot; heated; afflicted; anguished, in deep anguish; see परिताप.
  • परिताप parita:p -- (nm) heat; affliction; anguish.
  • परि/तुष्ट paritushṭ -- (a) gratified, fulfilled; fully satisfied.
परितुष्टि -- gratification; fulfilment, satisfaction.
  • परि/तृप्त paritript -- (a) satiated; thoroughly satisfied; fulfilled, gratified.
परितृप्ति -- satiation; thorough satisfaction, fulfilment, gratification.
  • परितोष paritosh -- (nm) satisfaction; fulfilment, gratification; hence परितोषी (a).
  • परि/त्यक्त parittyakt -- (a) abandoned; given up; forsaken, renouncedsacrificed.
परित्यक्ता -- (an) abandoned(woman).
परित्यक्ती -- abandonee.
  • परि/त्याग parittya:g -- (nm) abandonment/abandon, giving up; sacrifice, renunciation.
परित्यागी -- an abandoner; one who makes a sacrifice, one who renounces.
  • परि/त्राण parittrā:ṉ -- (nm) protection; deliverance; salvation.
परित्राता -- aprotector; deliverer.
  • परिदर्शन paridarshān -- (nm) a panoramic view, an all-round view.
  • परिदृश्य pariddrishy -- (nm) a landscape; panorama.
  • परिधान paridhā:n -- (nm) clothes; clothing, cladding.
  • परि/धि paridhi -- (nf) circumference; periphery; boundary.
परिधिगत -- peripheral.
परिधीय -- peripheral, pertaining to or related with the circumference/periphery.
  • परिनिर्वाण parinirvā:ṉ -- (nm) final beatitude, complete liberation/salvation.
  • परिनिवृत्ति parinivritti -- (nf) liberation, salvation.
  • परिनिष्ठित parinishṭḥit -- (a) standard.
परिनिष्ठित प्रयोग -- standard usage.
परिनिष्ठित भाषा -- standard language.
  • परि/पक्व paripakv -- (a) ripe; mature; fully developed.
परिपक्वता -- ripeness; maturity; full development.
  • परिपत्र paripattr -- (nm) a circular; circular letter.
  • परिपथ paripath -- (nm) a circuit.
परिपथ-, विद्युत् -- electric circuit.
  • परिपाक paripa:k -- (nm) (achievement of) perfection; complete assimilation; maturity, maturing.
  • परिपाटी paripa:ṭi: -- (nf) a convention; tradition.
परिपाटीगत/बद्ध -- conventional; traditional, tradition-bound.
परिपाटी पर चलना -- to follow the convention/tradition.
  • परिपाश्र्व paripa:rshv -- (nm) perspective; flank; vicinity.
परिपाश्र्वगत -- of/in perspective.
परिपाश्र्व में -- around, in thevicinity.
परिपाश्र्ववर्ती -- existing in perspective, flanking.
  • परि/पालन paripa:lan -- (nm) execution, implementation; maintenance.
परिपालक -- one who executes/implements/maintains; hence परिपालनीय( a), परिपालित (a).
  • परि/पीड़न paripi:ṛān -- (nm) oppression, tyranny; atrocity.
परिपीड़क -- anoppressor, tyrant; atrocious.
  • परिपुष्ट paripushṭ -- (a) well-built, well-nourished, stout and sturdy; corroborated; confirmed.
  • परि/पूरक paripu:rak -- (a) supplementary; causing or helping in the attainment of completion/perfection.
  • परिपूरित paripu:rit -- (a) supplemented; fully accomplished/completed/perfected; full (of), infused or informed (by).
  • परिपूर्ण paripu:rṉ -- (a) perfect; complete; self-contained; full (of); infused by or imbued with.
  • परिपूर्ति paripu:rti -- (nf) perfection; completion; abundant supply; gratification, satisfaction.
  • परिपृच्छा pariprichchha: -- (nf) an enquiry, questioning.
  • परि/पोष pariposh -- (nm) (adequate) nourishment; nurture; corroboration; confirmation; hence परिपोषण( nm), परिपोषित (a).
  • परिपोषी pariposhi: -- (a) nourishing; corroborative, confirmative.
  • परिप्रश्न pariprashn -- (nm) a probing question; interrogation.
  • परिप्रेक्ष्य pariprekshy -- (nm) perspective.
परिप्रेक्ष्य में, इस (आदि) -- in this perspective.
  • परि/प्लावित paripla:vit -- (a) inundated (with), submerged, immersed; overwhelmed/swayed by.
  • परिप्लुत pariplut -- (a) see परिप्लावित.
  • परि/बंध paribāndh -- (nm) a bound; unrelenting grasp.
परिबंधन -- unrelenting grasp; hence परिबद्ध (a).
  • परि/बोध paribodh -- (nm) appreciation; warning.
परिबोधन -- act or processof appreciation/warning.
  • परि/भाषा paribha:sha: -- (nf) definition.
परिभाषागत/परिपरक -- definitional.
परिभाषित -- defined.
परि में बाँधना -- to define.
  • परिभू paribhu: -- (a and nm) all-embracing, permeating all-round; God, the Almighty.
  • परि/भ्रम paribbhrām -- (nm) wandering; rotating; confusion.
परिभ्रमण -- wandering; rotation; stroll; jaunt.
  • परिमंडल parimāṉḍal -- (nm) a circle, globe, orbit; halo.
  • परिमल parimal -- (nm) fragrance, aroma.
  • परिमा parimā: -- (nf) periphery; rim, magnitude.
  • परिमाण parimā:n -- (nm) quantity; volume.
परिमाणवाचक -- quantitative.
परिमाण की दृष्टि से -- quantitatively.
  • परिमाप parimā:p -- (nm) perimeter; dimension.
  • परि/मार्जन parima:rjān -- (nm) cleansing, purging; refinement; hence.
  • परिमार्जित parima:rjit -- (a) cleansed, purged; refined.
  • परिमित parimit -- (a) finite; measured; limited.
परिमितता -- limitation; finiteness.
  • परिमेय parimey -- (a) measurable; fit to be or worth being limited; rational; hence परिमेयता (nf).
  • परिरंभ parirāmbh -- (nm) embrace, embracing, hugging; hence परिरंभण( nm).
  • परि/रक्षण parirakshāṉ -- (nm) preservation; custody; shielding.
परिरक्षक -- preserving, shielding; a custodian; preserver, one who shields.
परिरक्षी -- preservative; shielding, custodial.
  • परि/वर्जन parivarjān -- (nm) abandonment, forsaking.
परिवर्जनीय -- abandonable, worth being and fit for forsaking.
  • परिवर्जना parivarjanā: -- (nf) an inhibition.
  • परिवर्जित parivarjit -- (a) abandoned; forsaken, given up.
  • परिवर्त parivart -- (nm) revolution; interchange; change.
  • परि/वर्तन parivartān -- (nm) change; alteration; variation; interchange.
परिवर्तनवादी -- radical, supportingconstant change.
परिवर्तनीय -- changeable; alterable; variable; inter-changeable.
परिवर्तित -- changed, altered; undergone variation; interchanged.
परिवर्तिता -- variability; changeability.
  • परिवर्ती parivarti: -- (a) changing, undergoing alteration; variable; unsteady.
  • परि/वर्धन parivardhan -- (nm) development, growth; enlargement.
परिवर्धनीय -- fit to grow/develop, fit to be enlarged, worth being enlarged; developable.
परिवर्धित -- developed; grown; enlarged.
  • परि/वहन parivahān -- (nm) transportation.
परिवहनीय -- transportable.
  • परि/वाद pariva:d -- (nm) complaint; scandal; calumny; hence परिवादक( nm).
  • परिवादी pariva:di: -- (nm) complainant; scandal-monger; calumniator; (a) complaining; calumnious; scandalous.
  • परिवार pariva:r -- (nm) a family; household.
परिवार चलाना -- to run afamily/household.
परिवार टूटना -- a familyto break-up.
  • परि/वीक्षण parivi:kshāṉ -- (nm) probation.
परिवीक्षा -- probation.
परिवीक्षाधीन -- a probationer; on probation.
  • परि/वृत parivrit -- (a) surrounded; enveloped.
परिवृति -- surrounding, enveloping.
  • परि/वृत्त parivritt -- (a) revolved; changed; hence परिवृत्ति (nf).
  • परिवेश parivesh -- (nm) environment; enclosure; precincts.
  • परि/वेष्टन pariveshṭān -- (nm) enclosing; wrapping; surrounding; a wrapper.
परिवेष्टित -- enclosed; wrapped; surrounded.
  • परिव्यय parivvyay -- (nm) expenditure; outlay; disbursement.
  • परिव्रज्या parivvrajya: -- (nf) wandering from place to place; leading thelife of a religious mendicant; abandonment of the world.
  • परिव्राजक parivvra:jak -- (nm) a wandering religious mendicant; an ascetic.
  • परिशिष्ट parishishṭ -- (nm) an addendum; a supplement; (a) remaining, left over.
  • परिशीलन parishi:lān -- (nm) study, critical study.
  • परि/शुद्ध parishuddh -- (a) accurate; precise; absolute; pure.
परिशुद्धता/परिशुद्धि -- accuracy; precision; absoluteness; purity.
  • परि/शोधन parishodhan -- (nm) revision; purification; rectification, rectifying.
परिशोधित -- revised; purified; rectified.
  • परि/श्रम parishshrām -- (nm) labour, industry, hard work, exertion, diligence.
परिश्रमशील -- tending tolabour/work hard, industrious, disposed to exert; hence परिश्रमशीलता (nf).
परिश्रमी -- laborious, industrious, painstaking; hardworking, diligent.
परि कभी व्यर्थ नहीं जाता -- industry must bring its reward, hardwork is never wasted.
  • परि/श्रान्त parishshra:nt -- (a) wearied, tired, fatigued; worn out; exhausted.
परिश्रान्ति -- weariness, fatigue; exhaustion.
  • परिष/द् parishad -- (nf) a council; an association; hence परिषदीय pertaining to or related with a council/an association.
  • परि/ष्कार parishka:r -- (nm) refinement; purification; finish; finesse.
परिष्कृत -- refined; purified.
परिष्कृति -- refinement; purification; finesse.
  • परिसंपत्ति parisāmpatti -- (nf) assets.
  • परिसंबंध parisambāndh -- (nm) articulation.
  • परिसंवाद parisamva:d -- (nm) a symposium.
  • परिसज्जा parisajja: -- (nf) finish; finishing touches; make-up; embellishment.
  • परिसमापन parisama:pan -- (nm) completion; conclusion.
  • परिसमा/प्त parisama:pt -- (a) completed; concluded.
परिसमाप्ति -- completion; conclusion.
  • परिसर parisar -- (nm) premises; enclave.
  • परि/सीमा parisi:mā: -- (nf) boundary, extreme limit; line of demarcation; precincts.
परिसीमन -- limitation; demarcation.
  • परिस्तान paristā:n -- (nm) a fairyland; a place where pretty damselshover all around; an enchantingworld of beauty.
  • परिस्थिति paristhiti -- (nf) circumstance(s).
परिस्थितिगत -- circumstantial.
परिस्थिति-विज्ञान -- ecology.
परिस्थितिसिद्ध -- circumstantial, accomplished throughcircumstances.
परिस्थिति का दास होना -- to bea slave of (one's) circumstances.
परिस्थिति का मारा हुआ -- struck by adversity, downed/afflicted by circumstances.
परिस्थिति से ऊपर उठना -- to rise abovethe circumstances.
परिस्थिति से जूझना -- tostruggle with adverse circumstances.
  • परिस्फुट parisphuṭ -- (a) manifest; defined; evident; hence परिस्फुटता (nf).
  • परिहार pariha:r -- (nm) avoidance; abstaining, refraining (from); forestalling; rectifying (a flaw, error).
  • परिहार्य pariha:ry -- (a) avoidable, that can be abstained/refrained(from); capable of being forestalled/rectified; hence परिहार्यता (nf).
  • परिहा/स pariha:s -- (nm) joke; humour.
परिहासप्रिय -- humour-loving, humorous.
परिहासात्मक -- jocular, humorous.
  • परिहित parihit -- (a) past participle form of परिधान—clad, clothed.
  • परी pari: -- (nf) a fairy, nymph; dream girl, beautiful damsel.
परीख़ाना -- an abode of fairies.
परीज़ाद -- born of a fairy.
परीलोक -- a fairy-land, an abode of pretty women.
  • परीक्षक pari:kshak -- (nm) an examiner.
परीक्षक-प्रतिवेदन -- examiner's report.
  • परीक्षण pari:kshāṉ -- (nm) act or process of examination, examining; test/testing; trial.
  • परीक्षा pari:ksha: -- (nf) an examination, test; trial.
परीक्षा-काल -- the hour of examination; examination days.
परीक्षा-पद्धति/प्रणाली -- examination system.
  • परीक्षार्थी pariksha:rthi:. -- (nm) an examinee.
  • परीक्षित pari:kshit -- (a) examined; tested; tried.
  • परीक्ष्य pari:kshy -- (a) fit to be or worth being examined/tested/tried.
  • परीशान pari:sha:n -- (a) see परेशान.
  • परूष parush -- (a) hard, harsh, severe; unpleasant; rough; unkind, cruel, pitiless; hard-hearted.
परूष वचन -- harsh/rough words, unpleasant utterance; hence परूषा (feminine form) see परूष a shrew.
  • परूष/ता, परूषत्व parushta:, ~atv -- (nf) hardness, harshness, severity; cruelty; pitilessness, hard-heartedness.
  • परूषोक्ति parushokti -- (nf) harsh/rough words, cruel/unpleasant utterance.
  • परे pare -- (ind) beyond; across; above; on the other side; afar; afterwards; outside.
परे करना -- to askto keep away; to ask for keepinga distance.
परे बिठाना -- to outwit; to outmanoeuvre, to defeat/vanquish.
  • परेड pareḍ -- (nf) parade.
परेड करना -- to be wearied out, to have to under-take a tiring job.
परेड कराना -- to entrusttiring jobs; to cause to run about.
परेड का मैदान -- parade ground.
  • परेवा pareva: -- (nm) a pigeon; fast-flying bird.
  • परेशान pareshā:n -- (a) bothered; worried; troubled; harassed.
परेशानहाल -- afflicted, in a troubled state; hence परेशानहाली (nf).
  • परेशानी paresha:nī: -- (nf) botheration; worry; trouble; harassment.
  • परोक्ष paroksh -- (a) indirect; implicit; invisible, imperceptible; latent; secret.
परोक्षतः -- indirectly, in an indirect, implicit manner; hence परोक्षता( nf).
  • परोक्षार्थ paroksha:rth -- (nm) implication, indirect/implied meaning.
  • परोप/कार paropka:r -- (nm) beneficence, benevolence; charity; altruism.
परोपकारिता -- beneficence; altruism.
परोपकारी -- beneficent, benevolent; charitable; altruistic; an altruist.
  • परोपजी/वी paropji:vi: -- (a) parasitic; (nm) a parasite; hence परोपजीजीविता( nf).
  • परोपदेश paropdesh -- (nm) teaching imparted to others, precept meantfor others.
  • परोसना parosnā: -- (v) to serve food.
परोसी हुई थाली को लात मारना -- tokick the table when the meal hasbeen served.
  • परोसा parosa: -- (nm) (a) dish of food sent for an invitee who has failedto turn up to participate in abanquet/feast.
  • पर्चम parcham -- (nm) a banner, standard.
  • पर्चा parcha: -- (nm) see परचा.
  • पर्ची parchi: -- (nf) a slip/piece of paper.
पर्ची काटना -- to issue a slip/permit; to mark for a kill; toprepare the ground for eventualkill.
  • पर्जन्य parjanny -- (nm) a cloud.
  • पर्ण parn -- (nm) a leaf.
पर्ण-कुटी -- a bower, hut made up of leaves.
पर्ण-भोजन -- (an ascetic) subsistence onleaves.
पर्ण शब्द -- frou-frou (of leaves).
पर्णशाला -- a hut made up of leaves.
पर्णशैया -- bedding made up of leaves.
  • पर्दा parda: -- (nm) see परदा.
  • पर्यंक paryāṅk -- (nm) a bed, bedstead.
  • पर्यंत paryānt -- (ind) till; upto; until; unto.
  • पर्यटक paryaṭak -- (nm) a tourist.
पर्यटक दल -- .
  • पर्यटन paryaṭan -- (nm) touring; tourism.
पर्यटन-दल -- touring party/team.
  • पर्यवसान paryavasa:n -- (nm) culmination; conclusion, termination.
  • पर्यवसित paryavasit -- (a) culminated; concluded, terminated.
  • पर्यसन paryasan -- (nm) throwing out/off; expulsion; exclusion.
  • पर्यस्त paryast -- (a) thrown out/off; expelled, excluded.
  • पर्याप्त parya:pt -- (a) enough, sufficient; ample, adequate; hence पर्याप्तता (nf).
  • पर्याय parya:y -- (nm) a synonym, synonymous/equivalent word.
पर्याय-कोश -- a dictionary of synonyms.
पर्यायत्व -- synonymity.
पर्यायवाचक/वाची -- synonymous.
पर्यायवाचक शब्द -- a synonym, synonymous word.
पर्याय विज्ञान -- synonymy.
  • पर्या/लोचन, पर्यालोचना parya:lochān -- (nm), {~lochanā:} (nf) thorough review; critical study, investigation.
  • पर्युषण paryushān -- (nm) adoration, worship.
  • पर्व parv -- (nm) festival; festal day; a day or occasion for performanceof religious rites; a chapter.
पर्व-काल -- festal day/occasion.
  • पर्वत parvat -- (nm) a mountain; hill; high heap or dump.
पर्वत-देवी/परी -- anoread.
पर्वतमाला -- a mountain range.
पर्वतराज -- Himalayas, the king ofmountains.
पर्वतवासी -- inhabiting, orbelonging to, the hills.
पर्वत-विज्ञान -- orography; orology.
पर्वत-श्रेणी -- mountain range, sierra.
पर्वत-पृष्ठ -- a ridge.
  • पर्वतारोहण parvata:rohan -- (nm) mountaineering.
  • पर्वतारोही parvata:rohi: -- (nm) a mountaineer.
पर्वतारोही-दल -- a team ofmountaineers, mountaineeringteam.
  • पर्वतीय parvati:y -- (a) hilly; mountainous; pertaining or belonging to the hills/mountain.
  • पर्वरिश parvarish -- (nf) see परवरिश.
  • पर्वाना parva:nā: -- (nm) see परवाना.
  • पलँग/पलंग palāg, palāṅg -- (nm) a bed, bedstead.
पलँगतोड़ -- indolent, slothful; inert (person); sexuallystimulating.
पलँगपोश -- a bed-sheet.
पलँग को लात मारकर खड़ा होना -- to recoverfrom a long confinement; to riseafter a long spell of inactivity.
पलँग लगाना -- to spread the bedding; to get the bed ready.
  • पल pal -- (nm) a measure of time equivalent to twenty-four seconds.
पल भर (को) -- for a while, for a moment.
पल में -- in a moment, instantaneously.
पल में तोला पल में माशा -- tochop and change, to play fastand loose.
  • पलक palak -- (nf) an eyelid.
पलक झपकते/गिरते -- in a blink, in no time.
पलक न मारना -- not to sleep a wink, not to bat an eyelid.
पलक पसीजना -- tohave tearful eyes; to be movedby compassion.
पलक बिछाना -- to extenda respectful welcome.
पलक पाँवड़े बिछाना -- to extend a red carpet welcome, to give a deferential welcome.
पलक भाँजना -- to wink (at).
पलक मारना -- towink (at); to have a wink.
पलक मारते -- in a blink or within a moment, in no time.
पलक लगना -- to have a shortnap/sleep, to go asleep.
पलक से पलकन लगना -- to lie wide awake, to haveno sleep.
पलक से ज़मीन झाड़ना, पलक से तिनकेचुनना -- to serve reverentially.
पलकेंभारी होना -- the eyes to be heavythrough sleep, to feel sleepy.
पलकों पर बिठाना/रखना/लेना -- toaccord a most cordial welcome, to receive with immense cordiality.
  • पलटन palṭān -- (nf) a platoon; a force.
पलटन की पलटन -- large numbers; in force.
  • पलटना palaṭnā: -- (v) to turn back, to return; to alter; to overturn; tooverthrow; to convert; to upset; to reverse.
  • पलटनिया palṭaniyā: -- (a) belonging to the army; strong and sturdy.
  • पलटा palṭa: -- (nm) a turn; change; return; relapse (as after illness).
पलटा खाना -- to take a turn; to make asomersault; to suffer a relapse.
पलट में -- in return, in exchange.
  • पलड़ा palṛa: -- (nm) a balance-pan.
पलड़ा ऊँचा होना -- to have an upper hand; to be in an advantageous position.
पलड़ा भारी होना -- to have a strongercase, to be in a stronger position; to have an advantage over; togain an upper hand.
  • पलथी palthī: -- (nf) see पालथी.
  • पलना palnā: -- (nm) a cradle; (v) to be brought up, to be reared/fostered; to be nourished.
  • पलस्तर palastar -- (nm) plaster.
पलस्तर करना -- to plaster.
पलस्तर ढीला करना -- to thrash; to weary out of countenance.
पलस्तर ढीला होना -- to be thrashed, to bewearied out of countenance.
पलस्तर बिगड़ना -- see पलस्तर ढीला होना.
पलस्तर बिगाड़ना -- see पलस्तर ढीला करना.
  • पलायक pala:yak -- (nm) one who escapes; a fugitive.
  • पलायन pala:yān -- (nm) escape, fleeing.
पलायनवाद -- escapism; hence पलायनवादिता( nf).
पलायनवादि -- (an) escapist.
  • पलायमान pala:ymā:n -- (a) escaping, fleeing, on the run.
  • पलायित pala:it -- (a) escaped; fugitive; left abruptly.
  • पलाश pala:sh -- (nm) the tree Butea fondosa and its purple-colouredflower.
पलाश वन -- a forest of पलाश.
  • पलास pala:s -- (nm) see पलाश; (nf) pliers.
  • पलित palit -- (a) aged, old, grey-haired; greyed (hair).
  • पली/ता pali:ta: -- (nm) a wick; an ignitor; guncotton.
पलीता दिखाना/पलीता लगाना -- to ignite, to burn.
पलीते में आग लगाना -- the fat to be in fire.
  • पलीद pali:d -- (a) (rendered) impure, contaminated, unclean; vitiated, polluted.
पलीद करना -- to pollute.
पलीद करना, मिट्टी -- to cause disgrace to be heaped on, to subject to disgraceful embarrassment.
  • पलेट paleṭ -- (nf) a pleat; plat.
पलेटदार -- pleated.
  • पलेटन paleṭan -- (nf) a platten.
  • पलेथन palethan -- (nm) dry flour applied on both sides of dough while rolling it into a cake.
पलेथन पकाना -- to contrive the ruin (of).
पलेथन निकालना -- to thrash severely, to beat to a pulp or mash.
  • पलेनर palenar -- (nm) a planer, planing machine.
  • पल्लव pallav -- (nm) a new tender leaf.
पल्लवग्राहिता -- superficiality; smattering knowledge.
पल्लवग्राही -- a smatterer; smattering, superficial.
पल्लवग्राही ज्ञान/पांडित्य -- smattering knowledge, superficial scholarship; hence पल्लवन (nm).
  • पल्लवित pallavit -- (a) having/growing new leaves; flourishing; thriving; expanded; prospered.
पल्लवित-पुष्पित -- flourished and thrived; prospered all round.
  • पल्ला palla: -- (nm) the hem/border/extreme end of a cover garment; side; leaf; flap; facet; scale/panof a balance; see पटला.
परला -- .
पल्लेदार -- a porter, grain-porter.
पल्लेदारी -- portage, grain-porting; charges paid for carrying bags ofgrain.
पल्ला छुटना -- to be rid of; to.
  • पल्ली palli: -- (nf) a village; hamlet; see परली (under परला).
  • पल्लू pallu: -- (nm) extremity of a female garment (sa:ri:) used as ahead-cover.
  • पवन pavan -- (nm) air, breeze; wind.
पवन चक्की -- a wind-mill.
पवन संघात -- a jet blast of wind.
  • पवमान pawmā:n -- (nm) see पवन.
  • पवर्ग pavarg -- (nm) the fifth pentad of the Devna:gri: script beginningwith the letter प and ending with म.
  • पवाड़ा pava:ṛa: -- (nm) a long boring narrative, dry unending tale.
  • पवित्र pavittr -- (a) holy, sacred; pure.
पवित्रता -- holiness, sanctity, purity.
पवित्र करना, चर आदि को -- (said out ofreverence) to impart sanctity (bypaying a visit), to come (e.g. आजमेरे घर को पवित्र कीजिए).
  • पवित्रात्मा pavittra:tmā: -- (nm) (a) holy person; noble.
  • पवित्रित pavittrit -- (a) sanctified; purified.
  • पवित्रीकरण pavittri:karāṉ -- (nm) sanctification; purification.
  • पशम pashām -- (nm) pubes; very fine soft wool.
पशम उखाड़ना -- to be able tocause no injury/loss; to be able todo just nothing.
पशम न उखाड़ पाना -- tobe absolutely ineffective; to be ableto cause no harm/loss/injury.
पशम नसमझना -- to consider just insignificant, to consider as of absolutely no consequence; to attach noimportance at all.
पशम पर मारना -- tocare a fig (for); to take as absolutely inconsequential.
  • पशमीना pashmī:nā: -- (nm) very fine soft wool; superfine woollen clothmade of this wool.
  • पशु pashu -- (nm) an animal; beast; cattle; a savage brute.
पशुचर्या -- beastly/savage conduct; sensualgratification.
पशुपति(नाथ) -- an epithetof Lord Shiv.
पशुपाल/पालक -- acattle-breeder.
पशुपालन -- cattle-breeding.
पशुबल -- brute force, merephysical strength.
पशु-बलि -- animalsacrifice.
पशु-भाव -- beastliness, savagery.
पशुवत् -- beastly, savage, brutal; resembling an animal.
  • पशुता pashuta: -- (nf) beastliness; savagery, brutality, savageconduct.
  • पशुत्व pashuttv -- (nm) see पशुता.
  • पशेमा/न pashemā:n -- (a) ashamed; remorseful/repentant; hence पशेमानी( nf).
  • पश्च pashch -- (a) latter; later; following; back; western.
पश्च स्वर -- a back vowel.
  • पश्चात् pashcha:t -- (ind) after, afterwards; behind.
  • पश्चात्ता/प pashcha:tta:p -- (nm) remorse.
  • पश्चाद् pashcha:d -- an allomorph of पश्चात् (see).
पश्चाद्भाग -- the latterportion, the remaining part.
पश्चाद्वर्ती -- following; subsequent, situated/located behind.
  • पश्चार्द्ध pashcha:rddh -- (nm) the latter/later half.
  • पश्चि/म pashchim -- (nm) west; (a) western.
पश्चिमार्द्ध -- the latter/later/western half.
पश्चिमी -- western.
पश्चिमोत्तर -- west-northern.
  • पश्म pashm -- (nm) see पशम.
  • पश्मीना pashmī:nā: -- (nf) see पशमीना.
  • पसं/द pasānd -- (nf) liking; choice; taste.
पसंदगी -- liking, choice.
पसंदीदा -- liked, chosen.
  • पसर pasar -- (nm) see पसा.
  • पसरना pasarnā: -- (v) to stretch full; to lie dishevelled/stretched; to beinert.
  • पसली pasli: -- (nf) a rib.
पसली फड़क उठना -- to be thrilled, to throb with emotion.
पसलियाँ ढीली करना -- to beathollow, to give a severe thrashing.
  • पसा pasa: -- (nm) the two handfuls; as much as can be held in bothhands joined in a cup-like structure.
  • पसाना pasa:nā: -- (v) to pour off the watery content of boiled rice; topour off superfluous water.
  • पसार pasa:r -- (nm) expanse; diffusiveness/diffusion.
  • पसारना pasa:rnā: -- (v) to spread; to expand; to stretch; to diffuseall round.
  • पसावन pasa:vān -- (nm) the watery content of boiled rice.
  • पसिंजर pasiṇjar -- (nm) a passenger; (nf) passenger train.
  • पसीजना pasi:jnā: -- (v) to perspire; to ooze; to be moved by pity/compassion; to deliquesce.
  • पसीना pasi:nā: -- (nm) sweat, perspiration.
पसीना आना -- to perspire; to have cold feet.
पसीना छूटना -- to have cold feet.
पसीना निकालना -- to tire out, to cause tobe wearied.
पसीना बहाना -- to labourhard, to make strenuous effort.
पसीने की कमाई -- hard-earned money, money earned by the sweat ofone's brow.
पसीने की जगह खून बहाना, किसी के -- to be ready to makesacrifices for the sake of, to shedblood out of loyalty (to someone) पसीने-पसीने होना to perspire profusely.
  • पसोपेश pasopesh -- (nm) a dilemma; fix; hesitation.
पसोपेश में पड़ना -- to maketwo bites at a cherry, to be in afix, to be in a state of uncertainty; to hesitate.
  • पस्त past -- (adj) wearied, weary, worn out, defeated, dejected.
पस्तक़िस्मत -- luckless, unfortunate; having a wretched lot.
पस्तहिम्मत -- demoralised.
पस्तहिम्मती -- demoralisation.
पस्तहौसला -- demoralised; dejected.
पस्त करना -- to defeat; toweary (somebody) out; to demoralise.
पस्त होना -- to be vanquished, to be wearied out; to be demoralised.
  • पस्ती pasti: -- (nf) state of being wearied/worn out; demoralisation; sense of defeat/dejection.
  • पहचान pehchā:n -- (nf) acquaintance; familiarity; recognition; identification; identity; identificationmark.
पहचान-चिन्ह -- identification mark.
पहचान-पत्र -- identity card.
  • पहचानना pehchā:nnā: -- (v) to recognize; to distinguish, to discriminate; to identify.
  • पहनना pehnnā: -- (v) to wear (as clothes); to put on (as clothes, watch, ornaments, etc.).
पहनना-ओढ़ना -- to dress up decently; to live well.
  • पहनाना pehnā:nā: -- (v) to cause to wear/put on; to clothe.
  • पहनावा pehna:va: -- (nm) dress; clothing; manner of dressing up.
  • पहर pehar -- (nm) a measure of time equal to three hours.
पहर , आठों -- throughout the day, day in andday out.
दोपहर -- midday, noon.
तीसरेपहर -- afternoon.
  • पहरा pehra: -- (nm) a guard; watch.
पहरेदार -- guard, sentry, watchman.
पहरेदारी -- watchmanship, guarding.
पहरा देना -- to guard, to keep a watch.
पहरा बदलना -- to (have a) change (of) guard.
पहरा बैठाना -- to institute a guard, to deploy a guard.
पहरे पर होना -- to be on guard (duty), to be onwatch and ward duty.
पहरे में देना -- to entrust under a guard; toassign to the custody of.
पहरे मेंरखना -- to keep under watch; tokeep in custody.
पहरे में होना -- tobe under custody/watch.
  • पहरी pehri: -- (nm) a guard, watchman, sentry.
  • पहरुआ pehrua: -- (nm) a guard, watchman, sentry.
  • पहल pehal -- (nf) initiative.
पहलक़दमी -- initiative.
पहलक़दमी करना -- to take an initiative.
पहल करना -- to break ground, to take an initiative.
  • पहल/वान pehalva:n -- (nm) a wrestler; hefty-sturdy man.
पहलवानी -- wrestling; the job or profession ofwrestling; wrestling acumen.
  • पहला pehla: -- (a) first; foremost; most important; primary.
  • पहलू pehlu: -- (nm) side; aspect; flank, facet.
पहलूदार -- multi-faceted; havingmany sides/aspects.
पहलू आबाद होना -- to have the beloved by one'sside; to be in sweet company.
पहलू दबाना -- to exert pressure on theflank.
पहलू बचाना -- to avoid confrontation/clash, to steer clear of.
पहलू मेंबैठना -- to sit in close proximity; to be seated in a compromisingpose.
पहलू में रहना -- to be in close proximity, to be at close quarters.
  • पहले pehle -- (ind) first (of all); in the beginning; in olden times; originally; before; beforehand.
पहले-पहल -- first of all; for the first time.
पहले अपने पीछे पराये -- blood is thickerthan water, charity begins athome.
पहले आत्मा फिर परमात्मा -- self before service.
पहले स्वार्थ तब परमार्थ -- selfbefore service, to serve one's owninterests before serving others.
  • पहलौटा pehlauṭa: -- (a) first-born, the eldest of all (one's children).
  • पहलौटी pehlauṭi: -- (nf) first born (girl); the first delivery.
  • पहाड़ paha:ṛ -- (nm) a mountain, hill; a huge heap.
पहाड़ उठाना -- to performa very ardous task.
पहाड़ टल जाना -- the hump to be over the worst tobe over.
पहाड़ टालना -- (said ironically) to achieve a feat, to perform amiraculous task.
पहाड़ टूटना, पहाड़ टूट पड़ना -- to be hit by a calamity; to bein the throes of a crisis.
पहाड़-सा दिन -- (said when time hangs heavy onone's mind) a day that seems tohave no end, a long-long day.
पहाड़ से टक्कर लेना -- to kick against thepricks, to cross swords with agiant; to defy a colossus.
पहाड़ होना -- tobe agonising, to be too heavy, toseem to be unending.
  • पहाड़ा paha:ṛa: -- (nm) a multiplication table.
पहाड़ा याद करना -- to memorize a multiplication table.
  • पहाड़ी paha:ṛi: -- (a) mountainous; hilly; pertaining or belonging to.
  • पहि/या pahiya: -- (nm) a wheel.
पहियेदार -- wheeled, moving on wheels.
पहिये लगना, पाँव में -- to go/movevery fast (as if on wheels).
  • पहुँच pahūch -- (nf) reach; access; arrival, intimation of arrival; receipt.
  • पहुँचना pahūchnā: -- (v) to reach; to arrive.
पहुँचा हुआ -- accomplished; perfect; (one who has) attainedperfection; guileful/vile person.
  • पहुँचा pahūcha: -- (nm) the wrist.
पहुँचा पकड़ना -- to try to take undue advantage; to make advances; to hold back.
  • पहुँचाना pahūcha:nā: -- (v) to (cause to) reach; to carry; to transmit; to convey; to lead.
  • पहुँची pahūchi: -- (nf) a wrist-ornament (worn by women).
  • पहुनाई pahuna:i: -- (nf) guestship; the state of being a guest; entertainment, hospitality.
पहुनाई करना -- to goabout as a guest, stay as aguest (at a relative's house).
  • पहेली paheli: -- (nf) a riddle, puzzle.
पहेली बुझाना -- to talk in riddles, to make an enigmatical utterance.
पहेली बूझना -- to solve a riddle.
  • पाँख pā:kh -- (nf) see पख.
  • पाँखी pā:khi: -- (nf) a bird.
  • पाँखुरी pā:khuri: -- (nf) see पखुड़ी.
  • पाँच pā:ch -- (a) five; (nm) the number five.
पाँचों (उँगलियाँ) घी में होना -- to live on the fat of the land, to have one's bread buttered onboth sides; to attain the utmost/highest advantage, to thrive onall fronts.
पाँचों उँगलियाँ बराबर नहींहोतीं -- all are not equal, all of aclan are not alike.
पाँचों सवारों मेंनाम लिखाना -- to count/consider oneselfamongst the privileged few.
  • पाँचवाँ pā:chvā: -- (a) fifth.
  • पांडव pāṉḍav -- (nm) the five valiant sons of King Pa:ṉḍu, and the heroesof the Maha:bha:rat (युधिष्ठिर, भीम, अर्जुन, नकुल, सहदेव).
  • पांडित्य pa:ṉḍitty -- (nm) scholarship, learning; erudition.
पांडित्य-प्रदर्शन -- making a show/exhibition of scholarship.
  • पांडु pa:ṉḍu -- (a) yellow; yellowish white; pallid; hence पांडुता (nf); (nm) jaundice (a disease); anancient king of Hastinā:pur andthe father of the valiant heroesof the great war of Maha:bha:rat.
  • पांडु/लिपि pa:ṉḍulipi -- (nf) a manuscript; also.
पांडुलेख -- .
पांडुलिपिविज्ञान -- papynology.
  • पांडुर pa:ṉḍur -- (a) yellow; yellowish white; pallidus.
पांडुरता -- etiolation, pallor.
  • पाँडे, पांडे, पांडेय pā:ḍe, pā:ṉḍe, pā:ṉḍey -- (nm) a sub-caste of theBra:hmāṉs.
  • पाँत, पाँति pā:t, pā:ti -- (nf) a row; line; row of invitees in a feast.
पाँत से डालना -- to excommunicate.
  • पाँय pā:y -- (nm) see पाँव.
  • पाँयचा pā:ycha: -- (nm) a foot-rest.
  • पाँव pā:w -- (nm) foot; leg.
पाँवपोश -- a foot-rug.
पाँव अड़ाना -- to put one'sfoot; to hinder; to create hindrance.
पाँव उखड़ना -- to be swayed away/off, to be dislodged, to lose one'shold, to lose ground, to berouted.
उठना, की ओर -- to automatically proceed towards.
पाँव ऊँचे-नीचे पड़ना -- not to be able to balance oneselfout of intoxication); to go astray, to move in a wayward fashion; tobe infused with a sense of fear; to feel unsteady.
पाँव की जंज़ीर -- fetters, something that holds back.
पाँव की -- .
  • पाँवड़ा pā:wṛa: -- (nm) a foot-rug, red carpet.
  • पाँवड़ीरी pā:wṛi:ri: -- (nf) wooden sandals.
  • पाँसा pā:sa: -- (nm) a die, dice.
उलटना/पलटना -- a scheme to misfire; a chance/order or situation to betopsyturvied; to topsyturvy asituation/chance/order, etc.
पाँसा फेंकना -- to cast the die; to make astrategic move.
पाँसा सीधा पड़ना -- tosucceed in one's move, to befavoured by luck.
  • पाइका pa:ika: -- (nm) a special (printing) type which is 1/6th of an inch in breadth.
  • पाइप pa:ip -- (nm) a pipe.
  • पाई pa:i: -- (nf) a pie, the smallest Indian copper coin equivalent to one-third of the oldpaisa (now no longer in currency); a small vertical line used inwriting or printing the Devna:gri: characters; a full stop punctuation mark (।) used in Devna:gri:writing.
पाई-पाई चुकाना -- to repay/payoff every penny.
पाई-पाई वसूल करना -- to recover every penny.
  • पाउंड pa:unḍ -- (nm) pound; sterling pound.
  • पाउडर pa:uḍar -- (nm) powder; face; powder.
पाउडर पोतना -- to (put up a crude) make-up (said derisively).
  • पाएदार pa:eda:r -- (a) see पायदार.
  • पाएदान pa:eda:n -- (nm) see पायदान.
  • पाक pa:k -- (a) holy, sacred; pure; clean; (nm) Pakistan; cooking; maturation.
पाक-कला -- the art of cooking.
पाक-क्रिया -- cooking.
पाकदामन -- see पाकदामन.
पाकदिल -- clean-hearted, pure and simple.
पाकनीयत -- genuine, earnest, honest.
पाकविद्या/शास्त्र -- cookery, the science of cooking.
पाकशाला -- a kitchen.
पाक संबंधी -- culinary.
पाक-साफ़ -- clean; pure; upright; with noselfish motive.
पाक करना, झगड़ा -- to put.
  • पाकड़ pa:kaṛ -- (nm) the citron-leaved Indian fig tree.
  • पाकदाम/न pa:kda:mān -- (a) chaste; morally unassailable; virtuous; hence पाकदामनी (nf).
  • पाँकिट, पाकेट pokiṭ, pa:keṭ -- (nf) a pocket.
पाँकिटमार -- a pick-pocket.
पाँकिटमारी -- pick-pocketing.
पाँकिट गरम करना -- to bribe; to accept bribe.
पाँकिट मारना -- to pick-pocket.
  • पाक्षपातिक pa:kshapa:tik -- (a) partisan, partial; (nm) a partisan, one who takes sides.
  • पाक्षिक pa:kshik -- (a) fortnightly, biweekly.
  • पाखंड pa:khāṉḍ -- (nm) hypocrisy; pretence, pretension, sham, dissimulation.
पाखंड करना -- to be pretentious, to indulge in hypocritical conduct, to dissimulate.
पाखंड फैलाना -- to contrive plans for deception; toindulge in hypocritical intrigues, to put up a show, to prepare thestage for dissimulatory acts.
  • पाखंडी pa:khāṉḍi: -- (a) hypocritical, pretentious, sham, dissimulating; (nm) a hypocrite, dissimulator.
  • पाख़ाना pa:kḥa:nā: -- (nm) privy, latrine; faces; human excrement, stool.
  • पाग pa:g -- (nm) anything which is boiled in sugar-syrup; (nf) a long-winding narrow turban.
  • पागना pa:gnā: -- (v) to dip or boil in sugar-syrup; to sweeten (by beingpermeated with sugar-syrup).
  • पागल pa:gal -- (a) mad, insane; lunatic; deranged; crazy; bedlamite, rabid; (nm) a lunatic, maniac, mad person.
पागल कुत्ता -- a rabiddog.
पागलख़ाना -- a bedlam, lunaticasylum.
पागलपन/पागलपना -- lunacy; insanity, madness; craziness, mania.
पागल करना -- to madden, to turn crazy.
पागल होना -- to be crazy; to run amuck.
  • पागुर pa:gur -- (nm) (the act or process of) chewing the cud.
पागुर करना -- tochew the cud, to ruminate.
  • पाचक pa:chak -- (a) digestive; (nm) a digestive powder or medicine etc.
पाचकता -- (nf) digestive power/quality, digestiveness.
  • पाचन pa:chān -- (nm) digestion.
पाचन शक्ति -- digestion, digestive power.
  • पाचनीय pa:chanī:y -- (a) digestible, that can be digested; hence पाचनीयता( nf).
  • पाच्य pa:chchy -- (a) digestible; that can be easily digested; hence पाच्यता( nf).
  • पाजामा pa:ja:mā: -- (nm) see पायजामा.
  • पाजी pa:ji: -- (a) wicked, vile; depraved; mean; base; (nm) a rascal, scoundrel.
पाजीपन/पाजीपना -- wickedness, vileness, scoundrelism; rascality.
  • पाज़ेब pa:zeb -- (nm) an ornament worn round the ankles.
  • पाटंबर pa:ṭāmbar -- (nm) a silken cloth.
  • पाट pa:ṭ -- (nm) jute; span; width, breadth (as of a river, etc.); agrindstone, mill-stone; a tow; plank; a slab of stone on whicha washerman washes his clothes.
  • पाटन pa:ṭān -- (nf) city; roof, roofing over a building.
  • पाटना pa:tnā: -- (v) to dump; to roof; to cover with earth etc.; to fill; to heap, to pile up; to bridge, toconnect.
  • पाटल pa:ṭal -- (nm) a typical ochre-coloured flower and its tree; (a) rose-red, ochrous.
  • पाटव pa:ṭav -- (nm) see पटु (पाटवता).
  • पाटी pa:ṭi: -- (nf) a thin wooden board on which children are taught towrite the alphabet; each side.
  • पाठ pa:ṭḥ -- (nm) a lesson; text; recital/recitation; reading, study.
पाठचर्या -- syllabus.
पाठ-भेद -- differentreading, varying version, variant.
पाठविज्ञान -- textual criticism.
पाठ-शोधन -- emendation, correction/rectification (of the text).
पाठ-संशोधन -- emendation.
पाठ पढ़ाना -- to teach lesson; toinitiate; to instigate someone intovile ways.
पाठ पढ़ाना, उलटा -- to misinstruct, to instigate into vile ways.
पाठ सीखना -- to learn a lesson from.
  • पाठक pa:ṭḥak -- (nm) a reader; a sub-caste of the Bra:hmāṉs.
  • पाठन pa:ṭḥān -- (nm) reading; teaching.
  • पाठशा/ला pa:ṭḥsha:la: -- (nf) a school.
पाठशालीय -- pertaining to the school.
  • पाठान्तर pa:ṭḥā:ntar -- (nm) version; variant text, variation of text.
  • पाठा pa:ṭḥa: -- (nm) a strong young-man; a stout young animal.
  • पाठालोचन pa:ṭḥa:lochan -- (nm) textual criticism.
  • पाठी pa:ṭḥi: -- used as a suffix conveying the sense of a reader or scholar as वेदपाठी, मंत्रपाठी.
  • पाठ्य pa:ṭṭḥy -- (a) readable, worth reading; pertaining to a text/lesson, l egible.
पाठ्यक्रम -- curriculum; course, syllabus.
पाठ्यचर्या -- syllabus.
पाठ्य पुस्तक -- a text-book.
  • पाड़ pa:ṛ -- (nf) staging, builder's staging; the border of a dhoti:sa:ri:, etc; scaffold.
पाड़ बाँधना -- to putup a scaffold/staging.
  • पा/ड़ा pa:ṛa: -- (nm) a part or locality of a city or town; male young of abuffalo.
पाड़ी -- female young buffalo.
  • पाणि pa:ṉī -- (nm) a hand.
पाणिग्रहण -- marriage, wedding.
पाणिग्रहण संस्कार -- thewedding ritual/ceremony.
पाणिगृहीत -- married (man).
पाणिगृहीता -- married(woman).
पाणितल -- palm (of thehand).
  • पाणि/नि pa:ṉīnī -- (nm) the celebrated pioneering Grammarian of ancientIndia whose famous work is entitled अष्टाध्यायी.
पाणिनीय -- Pa:ṉīnian, pertaining to पाणिनि, his grammatical school or his technique oflinguistic analysis.
  • पात pa:t -- (nm) fall, falling; a leaf.
पात झरना -- shedding of (tree) leaves.
  • पात/क pa:tak -- (nm) a sin; misdeed.
पातकी -- a sinner; an evil-doer; sinful.
  • पाताल pa:ta:l -- (nm) the nether-most world.
पाताल लोक -- the nether-mostworld (as referred to in the Pura:ṉas), the farthest of the sevennether-worlds.
  • पातिव्रत pa:tivrat -- (nm) chastity (of a woman), (woman's) loyalty/fidelity (to the husband).
  • पाती pa:ti: -- (nf) a letter, leaf.
  • पात्र pa:ttr -- (nm) utensil; pot; vessel, container; character (in aplay, drama, etc.); a deservingperson; hence पात्री (nf).
पात्र , का -- worthy/deserving of; eligible (for).
पात्रता/त्व -- state of deserving; worthiness; eligibility.
पात्र-निर्धारण -- casting(in a play etc.).
पात्र-वर्ग/पात्र-सूची -- cast(in a play etc.).
पात्रीय -- pertainingto a पात्र.
  • पाथना pa:thnā: -- (v) to turn into cakes, to make cow-dung intocakes for fuel.
  • पाथर pa:thar -- (nm) see पत्थर.
  • पाथेय pa:they -- (nm) provisions for a journey.
  • पाद pa:d -- (nm) a foot; leg; foot of a meter; foul wind (discharged fromthe posterior opening); quadrant.
  • पादना pa:dnā: -- (v) to break wind, to discharge foul wind (through theposterior opening).
  • पादप pa:dap -- (nm) tree; plant.
  • पादरी pa:dri: -- (nm) a clergy, clergyman, christian priest; a missionary.
  • पादाक्रांत pa:da:kkrā:nt -- (a) crushed under the feet, trampled over; kicked.
  • पादाग्र pa:da:ggr -- (nm) the front of the foot.
  • पादाघात pa:da:gha:t -- (nm) kick/kicking.
  • पादाति, पादातिक pa:da:ti, ~k -- (nm) an infantryman, a foot-soldier; pedestrian.
  • पादुका pa:duka: -- (nf) a sandal, wooden sandal.
  • पादोदक pa:dodak -- (nm) the water with which the feet of a revered person or an idol of God have been washed.
  • पाधा pa:dha: -- (nm) a Hindu priest.
  • पान pa:n -- (nm) betel, betel-leaf; (the act or process of) drinking (wateror any other liquid).
पानदान -- ametallic box in which betel-leaves, lime, catechu, etc. arekept, betel-leaf receptacle.
पान पत्ता -- insignificant/meagre offering orpresents.
पान का बीड़ा -- seasoned andfolded betel-leaf.
पान फेरना -- to shuffleand reshuffle the betel-leaves.
पान लगाना -- to season a betel-leaf forchewing, to apply lime, catechu, etc. on a betel-leaf and fold it.
  • पाना pa:nā: -- (a) to get, to obtain; to acquire, to attain, to achieve; tobe able to reach; to regain; toeat; (nm) a spanner.
  • पानागार pa:nā:ga:r -- (nm) a bar, liquor-house; a tavern.
  • पानी pa:nī: -- (nm) water, aqua; rain; essence; liquid substance; valour; lustre, brightness; climate; breed; honour; sense of self-respect; thin coating/plating.
पानीदार -- respectable, honourable; lustrous; possessing a sense of self-respect; of a good breed (as घोड़ा).
पानीदेवा -- son or a near relative who is supposed to offer a libation of waterto a deceased; a son.
पानीपाँड़े/वाला -- a waterman.
पानी आना -- to startraining, rain to commence; to bewatery.
पानी आना, मुँह में -- the mouthto water.
पानी उतरना -- to developcataract (in the eye); to sufferfrom hydrocele; to be disgraced, to be dishonoured.
पानी उतरना -- todisgrace, to dishonour, to humiliate.
पानी कर देना -- to appease to thefullest satisfaction; to soften, tomove.
पानी का बताशा -- see गोल (पानीगप्पा).
पानी का बुलबुला -- (as uncertain as) awater-bubble, transitory, havinga momentary existence.
पानी की तरहबहाना -- to make/play ducks anddrakes of/with, to squander away.
पानी के मोल -- damn/extremely cheap; almost free.
पानी को भी न पूछना -- tocompletely neglect a visitor, totreat a visitor with contempt.
पानी जाना -- to be disgraced, to sufferhumiliation; to water.
पानी जाना, आँखों का -- to become shameless; tobe lost to shame.
पानी टूटना -- to runshort of water (as a well etc.); to have the level of water muchtoo reduced.
पानी दिखाना -- to (show).
  • पानेवाला pa:newa:la: -- (nm) a payee; recipient.
  • पाप pa:p -- (nm) a sin, vice; evil; evil deed.
पाप कर्म -- sin, sinful deed.
पापकर्मा -- a sinner.
पापघ्न/नाशक/नाशी -- countering a sin, destroying (theeffect of) a sin.
पापदृष्टि -- sinful eye; greedy eye.
पापबुद्धि -- sinful, villainous, depraved; sinning mentality.
पापमय -- abounding in sins, sinful; sinning.
पापमुक्त -- free from sins, liberated from sins; unsinning.
पापमोचन -- liberation/riddance fromsins.
पाप उदय होना -- committed sins, to bring forth their evil results; to get the return for accumulatedsins.
पाप कटना -- to get rid of sins/evil or unwarranted man or jobetc; a botheration to come to anend.
पाप कमाना/बटोरना -- to commitsinful acts, to accumulate sins(which are bound to have theirrepercussions in due course).
पाप काघड़ा भरना -- (one's) sinful deeds toreach the extremity, the vessel ofsins to be full to the brim, hethat swims in sins sinks insorrow.
पाप की गठरी -- the burden ofone's sins.
पाप मोल लेना -- to knowingly own a botheration or commit sinful acts.
पाप लगना -- to earnsins, to load oneself with thecommission of sinful acts.
  • पापड़ pa:paṛ -- (nm) salted (spiced).
  • पापड़ी pa:pṛi: -- (nf) a kind of sweet; small round thin salted and crispcakes made of ground flour ormaida:.
  • पापलीन pa:plī:n -- (nm) poplin (cloth); (a) immersed in sinful acts.
  • पापा pa:pa: -- (nm) papa, father.
  • पापाचा/र pa:pa:cha:r -- (nm) sinful conduct/living.
पापाचारी -- a sinner; sinning (person); hence पापाचारिणी( nf).
  • पापात्मा pa:pa:tmā: -- (a) sinful, unholy; (nm) a sinner, an evil doer.
  • पापिष्ठ pa:pishṭḥ -- (a) sinning, committing sinful acts; (nm) a sinner; great sinner.
  • पापी pa:pi: -- (a) sinning, sinful; immoral; (nm) a sinner.
पापी से घृणामत करो, पाप से डरो -- Hate the sinand not the sinner.
  • पाबंद pa:bānd -- (a) bound, obliged; restricted; under control.
पाबंद , वक्तका -- punctual.
पाबंद होना -- to be bound/obliged by.
  • पाबंदी pa:bāndi: -- (nf) binding, obligation; restriction, control, ban.
पाबंदी , वक्त की -- punctuality.
पाबंदी लगाना -- to impose a restriction.
  • पामर pa:mār -- (a) low, wicked, mean, base; sinful; hence पामरता( nf).
  • पामा pa:mā: -- (nm) eczema.
  • पामा/ल pa:mā:l -- (a) trampled, trodden over; hence पामाली (nf).
  • पायें pā:y -- (nm) foot.
पायेंचा -- one of the two legs of pyjamas or pants.
पायेंता -- the lower part of a bedstead.
  • पाँयत pā:yat -- (nm) symbol of the person going to commence ajourney kept at a place in thedirection of the projected journeyat an auspicious moment andrestored to the person concernedwhen he actually starts; see पायँता( under पायँ).
  • पायंदाज pa:yānda:z -- (nm) a foot-rug, a thick mat for dusting the feet.
  • पायजामा pa:yja:mā: -- (nm) pyjamas, trousers.
  • पायज़ेब pa:yzeb -- (nm) an ornament for ankles, an anklet.
  • पायताबा pa:yta:ba: -- (nm) a thin leather cut-piece inserted into the shoe etc. for the foot to comfortably rest on; stocking.
  • पायदान pa:ydā:n -- (nm) a foot-rest; foot-board.
  • पायदा/र pa:yda:r -- (a) lasting, durable; firm, strong.
पायदारी -- durability, lastingness; firmness.
  • पायइरिया pa:yiriya: -- (nm) pyorrhoea.
  • पायल pa:yal -- (nm) an anklet.
  • पाया pa:ya: -- (nm) leg (of a furniture etc); post, pillar; prop, support.
पाया बुलंद होना -- to be up-posted/upgraded; to thrive/prosper.
पायेदार -- see पायदार.
पाये का आदमी -- a steady dependable man, a manof strength of character.
  • पायी pa:i: -- —a suffix used to denote one who or that which drinks/absorbs/sucks, e.g. स्तनपायी, विषपायी.
  • पारंग/त pa:rāṅgat -- (a) adept, expert; well-versed, well-conversant; learned (in a subject); hence पारंगतता, पारंगति (nf).
  • पारंपरिक pa:rāmparik -- (a) traditional; hereditary.
पारंपरिकता -- traditionality; hereditariness.
  • पारंपरीण pa:rampari:ṉ -- (a) traditional.
  • पारंपरीय pa:rāmpari:y -- (a) traditional, hereditary.
  • पार pa:r -- (nm) the other coast/bank/side, extremity; limit; conclusion; end; (adv) across, on the otherside/bank/coast; (adj.) past, last; next.
पारगमन -- transmission.
पारगमनीयता -- transmissibility.
पारगम्य -- pervious.
पारगम्य ता -- perviousness.
पारगामी -- going through; pervading, pervasive.
पारसाल -- last year; next year.
पार उतरना -- to cross over (a river ordifficulty etc.), to ferry over, tofinish; to accomplish; to get ridof some dilemma, etc.
पार करना -- topinch; to kidnap; to seduce; tocross through/over; to (cause to) cross; to salvage; to pass by; toovertake.
पार पड़ना -- to contendwith successfully, to see thingsthrough.
पार पाना -- to be able tomeasure the depth or expanse of; to reach the end (of); to equal(in struggle etc.) or to defeat.
पार लगना, बेड़ा -- see पार उतरना, पार होनाsee पार उतरना.
  • पारखी pa:rkhi: -- (nm) a connoisseur; one who can well appreciatemerits (of); taster; hence पारखीपन( nm).
  • पारण pa:rāṉ -- (nm) the first meal taken after a fast; passage.
पारण करना -- to take the first mealafter a fast; to pass.
  • पारतंत्र्य pa:rtāntry -- (nm) see परतंत्रता.
  • पारद pa:rad -- (nm) mercury.
  • पार/दर्शक pa:rdarshak -- (a) transparent.
पारदर्शकता -- transparency, transparence.
पारदर्शिता -- transparency.
पारदर्शितामापी -- diaphano-meter.
पारदर्शी -- transparent.
  • पारपत्र pa:rpattr -- (nm) a passport.
  • पार/भासक, ~pa:rbha:sak, ~bha:si: -- (a) translucent.
पारभासकता -- translucence.
  • पारमार्थिक pa:rma:rthik -- (a) transcendental, ultra-mundane; pertaining to spiritual objects; benevolent, beneficent; hence पारमार्थिकता (nf).
  • पारलौकिक pa:rlaukik -- (a) ultra-mundane, transcendental, relating to the other/next world; hence पारलौकिकता( nf).
  • पारश्वसन pa:rshwasān -- (nm) transpiration.
  • पारस pa:ras -- (nm) the mythical (philosopher's) stone which issaid to convert iron into gold bymere touch; an object of unusualmerits; also पारस पत्थर (nm), पारसमणि (nf).
  • पारसा pa:rsa: -- (a) chaste (woman), of moral purity, of unimpeachable character; hence पारसाई (nf).
  • पारसी pa:rsi: -- (a and nm) a member of the Parsi community; Zoroastrian.
पारसी धर्म -- Zoroastrianism.
  • पारस्परिक pa:rasparik -- (a) reciprocal, mutual.
पारस्परिकता -- mutuality, reciprocity.
  • पारांध pa:rā:ndh -- (a) opaque.
पारांधता -- opacity.
  • पारा pa:ra: -- (nm) mercury.
पारा उतरना -- to be pacified, to calm/cool down.
पारा गरम होना/चढ़ना -- to get infuriated, to fly into a rage.
पारा पिलाना -- tofill a thing with mercury so as tomake it very heavy.
  • पारायण pa:ra:yāṉ -- (nm) thorough reading, reading a book from beginning to end.
  • पारावत pa:ra:wat -- (nm) a pigeon.
  • पारावार pa:ra:wa:r -- (nm) an ocean, a sea; limit; (both) shores.
पारावार न होना -- knowing no end, to be limitless (as खुशी कापारावार ).
  • पारिजात pa:rija:t -- (nm) the coral tree—Erythrina Indica; the name.
  • पारित pa:rit -- (a) passed.
पारित करना -- to pass (a bill, resolution, etc.).
  • पारितोषिक pa:ritoshik -- (nm) a reward, prize.
पारितोषिक वितरण -- prize distribution.
  • पारिपाश्र्विक pa:ripa:rshwik -- (a) horizontal.
पारिपाश्र्विक विकास -- horizontal development.
  • पारिभाषिक pa:ribha:shik -- (a) technical; definitional, pertaining to definition; hence पारिभाषिकता (nf).
पारिभाषिक शब्द -- a technical term.
पारिभाषिक शब्दावली -- technical terminology.
  • पारिवारिक pa:riva:rik -- (a) familial; pertaining to a family; hence पारिवारिकता (nf).
पारिवारिक वर्गीकरण -- genealogical classification (of the languagesof the world).
  • पारिश्रमिक pa:rishsramik -- (nm) remuneration.
  • पारिषद pa:rishad -- (nm) a councillor, senator; (a) pertaining to परिषद्.
  • पारिस्थिति/की pa:risthitiki: -- (nf) ecology.
पारिस्थितिकीय -- ecological.
  • पारी pa:ri: -- (nf) shift; turn.
पारी पारी -- by turns.
पारी से -- alternatively; turnby turn.
पारी का बुखार -- alternatingfever, fever attacking every alternate day.
  • पारेन्द्रिय pa:rendriy -- (a) extra-sensual.
पारेन्द्रिय ज्ञान -- telepathy.
  • पारेष/ण pa:reshāṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) transmission.
पारेषक -- transmitter.
  • पार्क pa:rk -- (nm) a park.
पार्क करना -- to park (a vehicle, etc.).
  • पार्टी parṭi: -- (nf) a party.
  • पार्थक्य pa:rthakky -- (nm) separation; distinction, differentiation; secession.
पार्थक्यवाद -- separatism.
पार्थक्यवादी -- separatist(ic); secessionist(ic).
  • पार्थि/व pa:rthiv -- (a) terrestrial, earthly; material; worldly, mundane; hence पार्थिवता (nf).
पार्थिवेतर -- ultra-mundane, other-worldly.
पार्थिवशरीर -- material frame, mundanebeing.
  • पार्लियामेंट pa:rlia:meṉṭ -- (nf) parliament.
  • पार्वतिक pa:rvatik -- (a) orographic, mountainous, hilly; pertaining/belonging to पर्वत (see).
  • पार्वती pa:rvati: -- (nf) the spouse of Lord Shiv, an epithet of Goddess दुर्गा.
पार्वतीकुमार/नंदन -- Gaṉesh and Ka:rtikey —the two sons of पार्वती.
  • पार्वतीय pa:rvati:y -- (a) mountainous, hilly, orographic; pertaining tothe mountains/hills.
  • पार्वतेय pa:rvatey -- (a) born of a mountain/hill; mountainous, hilly.
  • पार्वत्य pa:rvatty -- (a) mountainous, hilly, of or belonging tomountains or hills.
  • पाश्र्व pa:rshv -- (nm) side; flank; facet; armpit; vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood.
पाश्र्वगायक -- playback singer; hence पाश्र्वगायिका (nf).
पाश्र्वचित्र -- a profile.
पाश्र्व छवि -- a profile.
पाश्र्ववर्ती -- lateral; proximate, situated in thevicinity/neighbourhood.
पाश्र्व संगीत -- background/side music, play-back.
  • पार्श्विक pa:rshvik -- (a) lateral; pertaining to a पाश्र्व.
पार्श्विक विकृति -- lateral strain.
पार्श्विक व्यंजन -- lateral consonant.
पार्श्विका -- a profile.
  • पार्षद pa:rshad -- (nm) a councillor, senator; courtier; an attendant.
  • पार्ष्णि pa:rshṉī -- (nf) a rear guard (of an army).
  • पार्सल pa:rsal -- (nf) a parcel.
  • पाल pa:l -- (nf) a sail; the layers of straw, leaves, etc, between whichunripe mangoes (and some otherfruits) are ripened within doors; a suffix denoting a protector, maintainer, manager administrator.
  • पालक pa:lak -- (nm) a protector; one who or that which keeps/maintains/sustains/nourishes; spinach, spinage.
  • पालकी pa:lki: -- (nf) a palanquin; sedan chair.
  • पालतू pa:ltu: -- (a) tame/tamed; domestic/domesticated.
पालतू बना लेना -- to tame, to domesticate.
  • पालथी pa:lthi: -- (nf) a cross-legged sitting posture.
पालथी मारकर बैठना/लगाना -- to sit with legs crossed over eachother.
  • पालन pa:lān -- (nm) abiding by; observance; upbringing; nourishing, fostering; tending; maintenance.
पालन-पोषण -- upbringing; nourishing/providing nourishment, fostering; nurture/nurturing; mothering, bringing up, cherishing.
पालनहार -- one who tends/rears/fosters/brings up; God.
पालन करना -- to abideby; to observe; to nurture, tomother, to foster, to bring up.
  • पालना pa:lnā: -- (v) to bring up, to rear; to nurture; to foster; to feed, to mother; to tame, to domesticate; (nm) a (swinging) cradle/crib.
पाला-पोसा -- brought up, nourished, reared.
  • पाला pa:la: -- (nm) frost; side; concern; (a) reared, nurtured, brought up, fostered, tended; cherished.
पाला पड़ना -- to be frost-hit; to be devastated, to suffer destruction.
पाला पड़ना, किसी से -- to have to contend with; to beconfronted with (a difficult personetc.); to face a difficult person inhostility and defiance.
पाला मारना -- tobe frost-hit, to be frost-bitten.
  • पालागन pa:la:gān -- (nm) deferential salutation; touching the feet ofsomebody out of reverence.
  • पालि pa:li -- (nf) a middle Indo-Aryan language used by the Buddha for his teachings andby his followers in subsequentBuddhist scriptures.
  • पालित pa:lit -- (a) brought up, nourished, nurtured, fostered; cherished; observed; adhered to; maintained, sustained; hence पालिता (nf).
पालित पोषित -- reared andtended, fostered, cherished andnourished.
  • पाॉलिश pa:olish -- (nf) polish.
पाॉलिश करना -- to polish.
  • पाॉलिसी pa:olisi: -- (nf) policy; an insurance policy.
पाॉलिसीबाज़ -- cunning, shrewd(person); diplomatic.
पाॉलिसीबाज़ी -- cunningness, shrewdness; shrewd diplomacy.
  • पाली pa:li: -- (nf) turn; shift; see पालि.
  • पाले pa:le -- .
पाले पड़ना, किसी के -- to fall in the cruel clutches of, to be underthe control of (somebody).
  • पाव pa:w -- (nm) one-fourth of a seer; (a) one-fourth; quarter; foot.
पावदान -- a pedal; footstep; tradle of machine.
पावरोटी -- a bread.
  • पावक pa:vak -- (nm) the fire.
  • पावती pa:vti: -- (nf) a receipt.
पावती देना -- to acknowledge receipt.
  • पावन pa:vān -- (a) holy, sacred; immaculate; pure; a suffix denoting one who or that which purifies(as पतितपावन).
पावनता -- holiness, sanctity; immaculation; purification, purity.
  • पावना pā:vnā: -- (nm) money due to be realised (as देनापावना-); (a) due.
  • पावनी pa:vanī: -- (a) that which.
  • पावर pa:war -- (nm) power (as हार्सपावर); electric power (as पावरलूम).
पावर स्टेशन -- a power station.
पावर हाउस -- a power house.
  • पावस pa:vas -- (nf) the rainy season.
  • पावा pa:wa: -- (nm) foot (of a chair etc.).
  • पाश pa:sh -- (nm) a bond, tie; noose; snare, trap; fetter; chain; mass; lock (as केशपाश); an instrumentused for sprinkling/spraying(as गुलाबपाश).
पाशबंध -- a bond; snare.
पाशबद्ध -- in bond, snared, in fetters.
  • पाशक pa:shak -- (nm) a dice/die; as a suffix it means a bond, snare.
  • पाशव pa:shav -- (a) beastly, beast-like; brutal, savage, belonging/pertaining to beasts/animals.
  • पाशविक pa:shvik -- (a) brutal, beastly, beast-like, savage; hence पाशविकता (nf).
  • पाश्चात्य pa:shcha:tty -- (a) western, belonging to the west.
  • पाषंड pa:shāṉḍ -- (nm) see पाखंड.
  • पाषाण pa:shā:n -- (nm) stone.
पाषाण युग -- the stone age.
पाषाणहृदय -- hard-hearted, stone-hearted, cruel, merciless, ruthless; unfeeling; hence पाषाणहृदयता (nf).
  • पासंग pa:sāṅg -- (nm) a counter-weight, make-weight, something placedon one pan of a scale to counter-balance the other.
पासंग न होना -- to bea fool to, to be nothing incomparison with.
  • पास pa:s -- (nm) a pass; (adv) near by, in the neighbourhood of; (a) passed, not failed.
पास-का -- near; closeby, proximal, located in thevicinity/neighbourhood.
पास पास -- near, side by side; close by.
पासवान -- aneighbour; an attendant; a watchman/guard; hence पासवानी (nf).
पास जाना -- to go near; to be intimate; to cohabit with.
पास तक न फटकना -- notto go anywhere near, to keepabsolutely aloof, to keep at anarm's length (from).
पास होना -- to getthrough; to pass.
  • पासपोर्ट pa:sporṭ -- (nm) a passport.
  • पास/बाँ pa:sbā: -- (nm) a protector; guard, watchman.
पासबानी -- protection, guarding, keeping a watch.
  • पासा pa:sa: -- (nm) a dice; die.
पासा पड़ना -- the die to be cast favourably, tobe favoured by luck, to have aspell of good luck.
पासा पलटना -- the tideto be turned, to have a changedrun of luck.
पासा फेंकना -- to cast thedie; to try one's luck.
पासा सीधा पड़ना -- the die to be cast favourably, one's effort to succeed.
  • पासी pa:si: -- (nm) a low caste amongst the Hindus.
  • पाहन pa:hān -- (nm) a stone.
  • पाहि pa:hi -- (int) save me ! protect me !; also पाहिमाम, पाहिमाम !.
  • पाही pa:hi: -- (nf) a far-flung place, remote location.
  • पाहुन pa:hun -- (nm) a guest.
  • पाहुना pahunā: -- (nm) a guest.
पाहुना-पाहुने आना -- to come as a guest.
  • पाहुर pa:hur -- (nm) a present, offering (to relatives).
  • पिंग pīṅg -- (a) reddish brown.
  • पिंगल piṅgal -- (nm) prosody; (a) yellow, tawny.
पिंगलशास्त्र -- (thescience of) prosody.
पिंगलशास्त्री -- aprosodist.
पिंगलशास्त्रीय -- prosodical.
  • पिंगला pīṅgala: -- (nf) one of the three main canals of the body (theother two being इडा and सुषुम्ना) as described by the Haṭḥyogī:s); an exceptionally pretty damsel.
  • पिंज/ड़ा, पिंजरा pījṛa:, ~ra: -- (nm) a cage, trap.
पिंजरापोल -- a cow-pan.
पिंजरे का पंछी -- a caged bird; a.
  • पिंजर pīnjar -- (nm) a cage; skeleton, physical frame.
  • पिंड pīṉḍ -- (nm) a body/the body; lump (of anything); a ball, roundmass; chunk.
पिंडज -- viviparous.
पिंडदान -- oblation of cooked rice tothe manes.
पिंड छूटना -- to get rid of.
पिंड देना -- to offer oblation to themanes.
पिंड पड़ना -- to pester, to goon pestering; to cause continuousharassment.
  • पिंडली pīḍli: -- (nf) the calf (of a leg); back of the shank.
  • पिंडा piṉḍa: -- (nf) a body; lump of cooked rice for oblation to themanes; a rounded mass; ball.
  • पिंडाकार pīnḍa:ka:r -- (a) nodular, round; resembling a roundedmass.
  • पिंडारी pīṉḍa:ri: -- (nf) an ancient tribe inhabiting the southern partof India.
  • पिंडी pīnḍi: -- (nf) a small lump; small round mass of anything; round skein of thread; a crook.
  • पि/क pik -- (nm) (the Indian) cuckoo; hence पिकी (nf).
  • पिघलना pighalnā: -- (v) to melt, to be liquefied; to thaw; to fuse; toflow; to be moved by passion/emotion; to become compassionate (towards somebody); tosoften.
  • पिघलाव pighla:w -- (nm) melting, liquefying; (lit. and fig.) softening.
  • पिचक pichak -- (nf) a dent; contraction, deflation.
  • पिचकना pichaknā: -- (v) to be dented; to be contracted/deflated.
  • पिचकारी pichka:ri: -- (nf) a syringe; flit gun.
  • पिचपिचा pichpicha: -- (a) sticky; adhesively watery.
  • पिच्छल pichchhal -- (a) slippery, slipperily smooth.
  • पिछ pichh -- an allomorph of पीछा used as the first member in severalcompound words.
पिछलगा/लगू/लग्गू -- ahanger-on, lackey; satellite.
पिछलगा होना, का -- to play second fiddle (to).
पिछलगी -- hanging on, lackeying, dancing attendance on.
  • पिछड़ना pichhaṛnā: -- (v) to lag, to lag behind, to be left behind, tobe defeated, to be vanquished.
  • पिछड़ा pichhṛa: -- (a) backward; defeated, vanquished.
पिछड़ापन -- backwardness.
पिछड़ा हुआ -- backward; defeated.
  • पिछला pichhla: -- (a) hind, rear, hinder; back, back portion/part; latter; past; last.
  • पिछवा/ड़ा pichhwa:ṛa: -- (nm) a back-yard, rear or hinder part.
पिछवाड़े -- in the backyard, at the rear.
  • पिछाड़ी pichha:ṛi: -- (nf) a tether, a tethering rope; rear portion; hindpart.
पिछाड़ी दबाना -- to follow closely onthe heel of, to go on chasing.
  • पिटक piṭak -- (nm) a small box/basket; collection of Buddhist scriptures [त्रिपिटक].
  • पिटना piṭnā: -- (v) to be beaten, to be thrashed; to flop (as a फ़िल्म).
  • पिटाई piṭa:i: -- (nf) beāting; thrashing; defeat; work or wages for beating/thrashing.
  • पिटा/रा piṭa:ra: -- (nm) a large basket; wickerwork pannier; big box/chest; hence diminutive पिटारी( nf).
  • पिट्ठू piṭṭḥu: -- (a and nm) a lackey; toady, sycophant; a playmate; a turn played in lieu of an imaginary playmate in games.
पिट्ठूपन -- lackeying, acting servilely.
  • पिठौरी piṭḥauri: -- (nf) a salty dish prepared by boiling flour-balls in.
  • पिढ़ई pirḥai: -- (nf) diminutive of पीढ़ा (see).
  • पितर pitar -- (nm) manes, deceased ancestors.
  • पितराइँध pitrā:īdh -- (nf) acrid taste caused by the reaction (on cooked vegetables etc.) of brassware, brassiness of taste.
  • पितराना pitra:nā: -- (v) to acquire a brassiness of taste, to get anacrid taste through reaction (oncooked vegetables etc.) of brassware.
  • पिता pita: -- (nm) father, procreator, progenitor.
  • पिताम/ह pita:mah -- (nm) grandfather.
पितामही -- grandmother.
  • पितिया pitiya: -- (nm) uncle.
पितिया ससुर -- brother of father-in-law; hence सास.
  • पितृ pittri -- (nm) the base Sanskrit noun meaning father; paternalancestor (in Hindi, this uninflectedform is used only in compounds).
पितृऋण -- one of the three debts ona man (the other two being देवऋण and ऋषिऋण) from whichhe is freed when he begets a son.
पितृकल्प/तुल्य -- like a father; a father-figure; respected, revered.
पितृकुल -- paternal family, people of father'sor ancestor's family.
पितृगण -- manes, deceased forefathers.
पितृघात -- patricide.
पितृघाती -- a patricide.
पितृतंत्र -- patriarchy; patriarchal system.
पितृत्व -- fatherhood; paternity.
पितृदान -- oblation to the manes/deceasedforefathers.
पितृपक्ष -- the dark fortnight of the month of आश्विनwhen oblations are offered tothe manes for their spiritualgratification; paternal side.
पितृ-परंपरा -- ancestry, paternal tradition.
पितृभक्त -- devoted to one's father; loyal to one's father.
पितृभक्ति -- filialdevotion.
पितृभूमि -- fatherland.
पितृलोक -- the world of manes or deceasedancestors.
पितृवंश -- paternal family.
पितृ विसर्जन -- the rites performed onthe fifteenth day of the darkfortnight of the month of आश्विनwhich marks farewell to themanes.
पितृश्राद्ध -- the श्राद्ध (see) performed for the gratification of themanes.
पितृसत्तात्मक -- patriarchal.
पितृसत्तात्मक युग -- patriarchal age.
पितृहंता -- a patricide.
पितृहत्या -- patricide.
  • पितृव्य pittrivvy -- (nm) an uncle.
  • पित्त pitt -- (nm) bile, gall; bilious humour.
पित्तकर -- bilious.
पित्त ज्वर -- biliousfever.
पित्तदाह -- bilious fever.
पित्तनाशक -- antibilious.
पित्त प्रकृति -- of bilioustemperament, petulant.
पित्त प्रकोप -- thebilious humour to be in a disturbed state.
पित्तहर -- antibilious.
पित्त उबलना/खौलना -- to be bilious/fretful.
  • पित्ता pitta: -- (nm) the gall bladder.
पित्तामार -- dry and full of drudgery.
उबालना/खौलना -- to be bilious/enraged.
पित्ता पानी करना -- to drudge; towork very hard.
पित्ता मारना -- to subside one's wrath.
  • पित्ताशय pitta:shay -- (nm) the gall bladder.
  • पित्ती pitti: -- (nf) urticaria, skin rash.
  • पिदर pidar -- (nm) father.
पिदरं सुल्तान बूद -- lit. '(my) father was a monarch'—to harp on one's royal past, to go on talking of gloriousheritage.
  • पिद्दी piddi: -- (nf) a kind of tiny bird —Thamnobia cambagensis; an insignificant creature.
क्या पिद्दी क्यापिद्दी का शोरबा -- of no consequencewhatever, too tiny to be reckoned.
  • पिधान pidhā:n -- (nm) a lid; cover, covering.
  • पिनक pinak -- (nf) lethargy reinforced by drowsiness caused by opiumintoxication.
पिनक में आना -- to be drowsydue to opium intoxication.
पिनक सवार होना -- to stagger like a drunkenman, to behave like an opiumintoxicated person.
  • पिन pin -- (nf) a pin.
  • पिनकना pinaknā: -- (v) to be drowsily lethargic (owing to opium intoxication); to lament irritatedly.
  • पिनकी pinki: -- (a) irritative; (nm) an opium-addict.
  • पिनपिन pinpin -- (nf) child-like crying in nasalized tones.
  • पिनपिना/ना pinpinā:nā: -- (v) to lament like a peevish child in a nasalizedmanner; hence पिनपिनाहट (nf).
  • पिनहाँ pinhā: -- (a) latent, inherent.
  • पिनाक pinā:k -- (nm) the mighty mythological bow of Lord Shiv.
  • पिनाकी pinā:ki: -- (nm) the wielder of the Pinā:k—an epithet of LordShiv.
  • पिन्नी pinnī: -- (nm) a kind of sweetmeat.
  • पिन्हाना pinha:nā: -- (v) to clothe, to dress; to cause to wear/put on.
  • पिपरमिंमेंट piparmīeṉṭ -- (nm) peppermint.
  • पिपासा pipa:sa: -- (nf) thirst; yearning, craving.
  • पिपासित pipa:sit -- (a) thirsty; a yearning/craving.
  • पिपासु pipa:su -- (a) thirsty; possessed of an yearning/a craving.
  • पिपीलिका pipi:lika: -- (nf) an ant.
  • पिय piy -- (nm) (darling) husband.
  • पियक्कड़ piyakkaṛ -- (nm and a) a drunkard, inebriate, boozy.
  • पियराई piyarā:i: -- (nf) yellowness; pallour.
  • पियराना piyara:nā: -- (v) to turn yellow; to get pallid to lose lustre.
  • पिया piya: -- (nm) (darling) husband.
  • पियानो piya:nō -- (nm) a piano.
पियानोवादक -- a pianist.
पियानोवादन -- playing on apiano.
  • पिराना pira:nā: -- (v) to ache, to have pain.
  • पिरोना pironā: -- (v) to thread; to string; to needle.
  • पिलना pilnā: -- (v) to make a sudden rush; to make a long-lastingattack; to enter into; to fall upon; to be pressed/crushed; to concentrate with full vigour (on a job).
  • पिलपिल, पिलपिलला pilpil, ~a: -- (a) flaccidly soft; dehardened; flabby, flaccid; softened because of over-riping (asa fruit).
पिलपिललाहट -- flaccid softness; flabbiness, flaccidness; softnessthrough over-riping.
पिलपिललाना -- torender flaccidly soft; to deharden; to get soft through overriping.
  • पिलाना pila:nā: -- (v) to make to drink, to cause to drink (a liquidetc.); to administer (as डाँटपिलाना-).
  • पिल्ला pilla: -- (nm) a pup, puppy; hence पिल्ली (nf).
  • पिशा/च pisha:ch -- (nm) a devil, hell-hound, demon, evil spirit.
पिशाचवाद -- demonism.
पिशाचविद्या -- necromancy; hence पिशाचिका (nf), पिशाची (nf).
  • पिशुन pishun -- (a) a back-biter; one who speaks ill of others; slanderer; hence पिशुनता (nf), पिशुनत्व (nm).
  • पिष्ट pishṭ -- (a) powdered, ground.
पिष्टपेषण -- hackneyed repetition.
  • पिष्टोक्ति pishṭokti -- (nf) a cliche.
  • पिसनहारी pisanha:ri: -- (nf) a woman who grinds corn.
  • पिसना pisnā: -- (v) to be ground/powdered; to be pressed; to labour hard; to be engaged (in arduous work); to be tortured, tobe trampled (over); to be afflicted.
  • पिसाई pisa:i: -- (nf) the work of or.
  • पिसाना pisa:n -- (nm) flour.
  • पिसौनी pisaunī: -- (nf) see पिसाई.
  • पिस्ता pista: -- (nm) pistachio-nut.
  • पिस्तौल pistaul -- (nf) a pistol, revolver.
  • पिस्सू pissu: -- (nm) a flea.
  • पिहित pihit -- (a) covered; concealed, hidden, latent.
  • पींजरा pī:jra: -- (nm) see पिंजड़ा.
  • पी pi. -- (nf) the melodious note of a cuckoo, singing of a cuckoo; (nm) husband.
पी कहाँ -- singing/noteof a पपीहा (see).
  • पीक pi:k -- (nf) spittle of chewed betel leaf, salivary secretionmixed with chewed betel.
पीकदान -- a spittoon, cuspidor.
  • पीकना pi:knā: -- (v) (a cuckoo) to sing, to sing like a cuckoo (esp.used for birds).
  • पीछा pi:chha: -- (nm) the back/hinder part; rear; pursuit, chase.
पीछा करना -- to chase; to track, to hunt; to follow; to run after.
पीछा छुड़ाना -- toget rid of.
पीछा छूटना -- to be rid of; toget riddance.
पीछा छोड़ना -- to leave off, to let go, to abandon.
  • पीछे pi:chhe -- (adv) behind, on the back side of; after; afterwards; backwards; in the absence of.
पीछे , के -- for, for the sake of.
पीछे चलना -- toimitate/emulate; to follow; tofollow in the footprints of; toaccept the lead of.
पीछे छूटना -- to belagging behind, to be outstripped; to be outdone.
पीछे छोड़ना; -- to leavebehind, to outstrip.
पीछे , किसी के -- todeploy somebody for keeping awatch on.
पीछे पड़ना -- to dog, to chase, to pursue; to tease, to torment, to harass continuously.
पीछे फिरना -- tokeep on following, to go behind.
पीछे लगना -- to chase; to follow closely; to accompany as an unwantedperson.
पीछे लगे फिरना -- to hang on; tokeep on following.
पीछे हटना -- to giveground, to withdraw/retreat; toretrogress.
पीछे होना -- to be inferior/lesser; to be at the back of.
  • पीटना pi:ṭnā: -- (v) to beat, to thrash; to strike; to punish; to defeat; toknock, to dash, to bang; tothump; to finish, to completesomehow; to earn somehow (as दिन भर में पाँच-छह रूपये पीट ही लेताहूँ).
  • पीठ pi:ṭḥ -- (nf) the back; spine; (nm) a seat; an institute.
पीठ का/पीठ-पर का -- born next in succession.
पीठ चारपाईसे लगना -- to be bedridden; tobe confined to bed; to bereduced to skeleton.
पीठ ठोकना -- topat on the back appreciatively; to praise; to give encouragement.
पीठ दिखाना -- to show the white feather, to turn tails, to flee from thebattlefield.
पीठ देना -- to turn tails, to flee, to part company (in aventure).
पीठ पर हाथ फेरना -- to partappreciatively, to give encouragement.
पीठ पर हाथ रखना -- to support.
पीठ पर होना -- to be at the back of.
पीठ पीछे, के -- in the absence of.
पीठ फेरना -- to turn one's back upon.
पीठ में छुराघोंपना/भोंकना -- to stab in the back, to play (one) foul.
पीठ में छूल/मिट्टी मिलना -- to be felled, to sufferdefeat.
पीठ मोड़ना -- to turn to go, toleave the scene.
पीठ लगना, किसी की -- to be defeated (in Indian stylewrestling); to be thrown flat onthe back.
पीठ सहलाना -- to soothe.
  • पीठिका pi:ṭḥika: -- (nf) background (as पूर्वपीठिका); stroma; seat, base.
  • पीठी pi:ṭḥi: -- (nf) ground pulse.
  • पीड़क pi:ṛak -- (nm) a tormenter, an.
  • पीड़न pi:ṛān -- (nm) tormentation, oppression; pressing, harassing, troubling.
  • पीड़ा pi:ṛa: -- (nf) pain, ache, aching; anguish; agony, suffering.
पीड़ाकर -- painsgiving, tormenting, troublesome; causing agony/anguish.
पीड़ानाशक/हर -- pain-relieving, paregoric.
  • पीड़ित pi:ṛit -- (a) oppressed, tortured; afflicted, distressed.
  • पीढ़ा pi:ṛḥa: -- (nm) a low wooden chair-like structure without back-rest; hence पीढ़ी (nf).
  • पीढ़ी pi:ṛḥi: -- (nf) a generation; see पीढ़ा.
पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी -- from generationto generation.
पीढ़ी , आने वाली -- cominggeneration.
पीढ़ी , उठती हुई -- rising generation.
पीढ़ी का अंतराल/की खाई -- generation gap.
पीढ़ी , नई -- the new generation, the rising generation.
पीढ़ी , वर्तमान -- present generation.
पीढ़ी ह्रासमान -- decaying/dying generation.
  • पीत pi:t -- (a) yellow, pallid; drunk.
पीतता -- yellowness; pallour.
पीतमणि -- an emerald.
पीतरक्त -- yellowish red.
पीतहरित -- yellowish green.
  • पीतम pi:tām -- (nm) the most beloved, (darling) husband.
  • पीतल pi:tal -- (nm) brass.
पीतल युग -- the brass age.
  • पीतांबर pi:tā:mbar -- (nm) yellow silk cloth; yellow silken धोती wornby men during worship; Krishṉā.
  • पीताभ pi:ta:bh -- (a) yellowish; having a yellow tinge.
  • पीतारूण pita:rūṉ -- (a) reddish yellow, yellowish red.
  • पीन pī:n -- (a) fat, fatty; corpulent; heavy, hence पीनता (nf).
  • पीनक pi:nak -- (nf) see पिनक.
  • पीना pi:nā: -- (v) to drink; to swill, to sip; to smoke (as सिगरेटपीना ); to conceal a secret, to absorb, tosuppress (as गुस्सापीना ).
  • पीप pi:p -- (nm) pus.
  • पीपल pi:pal -- (nm) the pipal tree.
  • पी/पा pi:pa: -- (nm) a cask, barrel; float, drum; pontoon; buoy, keg, can, canister; tin.
पीपे का पुल -- pontoon bridge.
  • पीब pi:b -- (nm) see पीप.
  • पीयूष pi:yu:sh -- (nm) nectar, ambrosia.
  • पीर pi:r -- (nf) pain, ache, affliction; compassion; (nm) a muslim saint; muslim religious preceptor.
पीरज़ादा -- son of a पीर.
पीर-मुरशिद -- areligious preceptor.
पीर मौला -- see फ़क़ीर.
पीर बवर्ची भिश्ती खर -- one whocan perform a variety of dailychores, numerous roles all rolledinto one person.
  • पील pi:l -- (nm) an elephant; the castle in the game of chess.
पीलपाँव -- elephantiasis.
पीलपाया -- abutment.
पीलवान -- an elephant-driver; hence पीलवानी (nf).
  • पीला pi:la: -- (a) yellow, pale, pallid; anaemic.
पीलापन -- yellowness; pallor; etiolation.
पीला पड़ना/होना -- to growpale/pallid, to become anaemic; to lose (facial/corporeal) lustre.
  • पीलिमा pi:limā: -- (nf) yellowness, pallor, etiolation.
  • पीलिया pi:liya: -- (nm) jaundice, chlorosis; icterus.
  • पीलू pi:lu: -- (nm) a kind of thorny tree; a typical राग in classicalIndian music.
  • पीवर pi:var -- (a) fat, fatty, corpulent, fleshy; heavy.
  • पीस/ना pi:snā: -- (v) to grind, to pound, to powder; to mill; tognash (the teeth); to cause tolabour hard, to exploit.
पीस कर पी जाना -- to swallow, to devour.
  • पीहर pi:har -- (nm) a woman's parental house/family/kinsfolk.
  • पुंगव pūṅgav -- (a) great, best, foremost, outstanding amongst (as नरपुंगव).
  • पुंगीफल pūṅgi:phal -- (nm) a betel-nut.
  • पुँछल्ला pūchhalla: -- (nm) see पुछल्ला.
  • पुंज pūṇj -- (nm) a heap, mass; cluster; collection, multitude.
  • पुंजीभूत pūṅji:bhu:t -- (a) heaped together, massed together; accumulated; clustered; collected.
  • पुंडरी/क pūṉḍri:k -- (nm) lotus; white lotus.
पुंडरीकाक्ष -- having lotus-like eyes, an epithet of LordVishṉū.
  • पुंश्चली pūnshchali: -- (nf) lit. 'running after men'—a harlot, an adulteress, a woman of easyvirtue.
  • पुंसवन pūnsawan -- (nm) a ceremony which is performed during thethird month of conception.
  • पुंस्त्व pūnstw -- (nm) manhood, masculineness; virility.
पुंस्त्वकरण -- masculinisation.
पुंस्त्वहरण -- emasculation.
  • पुआ pua: -- (nm) a kind of sweet flour-cake.
  • पुआल pua:l -- (nf) paddy-straw.
  • पुकार pukā:r -- (nf) a call; roll.
पुकार पड़ना/लगना/होना -- to be called out by name, to be asked to show up.
  • पुकारना puk:rnā: -- (v) to call; to cry out; to call for help; to exclaim, to proclaim.
  • पुखराज pukhra:j -- (nm) a topaz.
  • पु/ख़्ता puḳḥta: -- (a) strong; lasting, durable; firm; mature.
पुख़्तगी -- durability, the quality of beingstrong/lasting; firmness; maturity.
  • पुचकार puchka:r -- (nf) fondle, caress.
  • पुरकारना puchka:rnā: -- (v) to fondle, to caress; to make love.
  • पुचारा pucha:ra: -- (nm) laying a thin coat, plaster-brush, cloth usedfor smearing/coating etc; flattery; encouraging words.
  • पुच्छ puchchh -- (nm) a tail, tail-like structure; rear, hind part.
  • पुच्छल puchchhal -- (a) tailed, having a tail.
पुच्छल तारा -- a comet.
  • पुछल्ला puchhalla: -- (nm) a long tail, tail piece; any tail-like structure; tag; one who always tailsafter; a stooge, hanger-on, sycophant.
  • पुछवैया puchhwaiya: -- (nm) one who looks after, helps or cares for; aquestioner/interrogator/enquirer; one who asks/enquires/interrogates.
  • पुछैया puchhaiya: -- (nm) see पुछवैया.
  • पुजाई puja:i: -- (nf) (the process or act of) worshipping; the remuneration paid therefor.
  • पुजापा puja:pa: -- (nm) long-winding worship, articles used in worship; a show of worship.
पुजापा फैलाना -- toenact a show of worship.
  • पुजारी puja:ri: -- (nm) a worshipper, adorer; Hindu priest; hence पुजारीपन (nm).
  • पुजैया pujaiya: -- (nm) a worshipper, adorer; priest.
  • पुट puṭ -- (nm) seasoning; slight admixture; light touch; a little mixing; a hollow space (as अंजलिपुट), concavity; fold, cavity (as कर्णपुट).
पुटपाक -- a typical method of preparing drugs (the various substances being wrapped up inleaves, covered with clay andheated in fire).
  • पुटास puṭa:s -- (nf) potash.
  • पुटी puṭi: -- (nf) a vesicle.
  • पुटीन puṭi:n -- (nf) putty.
  • पुट्ठा puṭṭḥa: -- (nm) haunch, hip; spine (of a book).
  • पुड़ा puṛa: -- (nm) a large paper-packet.
  • पुड़िया puṛiya: -- (nf) a small paper-packet.
  • पुण्य pūṉṉy -- (nm) good; virtue; right; good deed, righteous action, (a) sacred, holy (as पुण्य भूमि), virtuous, righteous (as पुण्य कार्य).
पुण्यकर्म -- sacred/good deed, virtuous/righteousact.
पुण्य काल -- auspicious moment.
पुण्यकीर्ति -- celebrated, bearing agood name.
पुण्य क्षेत्र -- a holy/sacredplace, a place of pilgrimage:पुण्यतम the purest, the most sacred.
पुण्यतर -- purer, more sacred.
पुण्य तीर्थ -- sacred pilgrimage, one whosevery sight is as good as a visitto a holy place of pilgrimage.
पुण्यदर्शन -- (of) auspicious/propitious(appearance).
पुण्य प्रताप -- celebrityacquired through good deeds, thebounty of good deed, efficacy ofvirtue or religious merit.
पुण्यफल -- the fruit or reward of virtue orrighteous deed.
पुण्यबल -- forceacquired through good deeds, strength of virtue.
पुण्यभूमि -- holyland/place.
पुण्यम्मन्य -- thinking oneself to be virtuous/meritorious.
पुण्ययोग -- the effect of virtuousactions.
पुण्यलोक -- paradise, virtuous/righteous world.
पुण्यश्लोक -- saintly, pious, celebrated, of good fameor reputation.
  • पुण्यात्मा pūṉṉyā:tmā: -- (a) good, virtuous righteous, saintly, holy, of noble soul.
  • पुण्यार्थ pūṉṉya:rth -- (a) charitable.
पुण्यार्थ औषधालय -- charitable dispensary.
  • पुण्योदय pūṉṉyoday -- (nm) advent of good fortune (as a result of holy/righteous/good deeds).
  • पुतला putla: -- (nm) an effigy, a dummy, an image, mannequin, a toy, scarecrow.
पुतला जलाना, किसी का -- to burn the effigy of.
पुतला , पाप का -- anembodiment of sins.
पुतला बाँधना, किसी का -- to defame/slander, to cause infamy.
  • पुतली putli: -- (nf) a puppet, doll, marionettes, a pupil of theeye.
पुतली का तमाशा -- a puppet show.
पुतलीघर -- cloth-mill.
पुतली फिर जाना -- eyesto be upturned (as in death), thepupils to become still.
  • पुताई puta:i -- :(nf) the act or process of white-washing/mud-plasteringor the remuneration paid therefor, white-wash; whitening, mud-plastering.
  • पुत्त/लिका, पुत्तली puttalika, ~li: -- (nf) see पुतली.
  • पुत्र puttr -- (nm) a son.
पुत्रतुल्य -- just like a son.
पुत्र-पौत्र -- sons and grandsons.
पुत्रलाभ -- begetting a son.
पुत्रवती -- a woman blessed with ason or sons.
पुत्रवत् -- just like a son.
पुत्रवधू -- son's wife, daughter-in-law.
पुत्रहीन -- sonless, without a son.
पुत्रहीना -- (a woman) without a son, sonless.
  • पुत्रार्थी puttra:rthi: -- (a) desirous of a son, hankering after a son.
  • पुत्रिका putrika: -- (nf) a daughter; puppet, doll.
  • पुत्रिणी puttrīṉī: -- (nf) a woman blessed with a son or sons.
  • पुत्री puttri: -- (nf) a daughter.
  • पुत्रेष्टि puttreshṭi -- (nm) a sacrifice (यज्ञ) performed in olden daysfor the sake of begetting a son; also पुत्रेष्टि यज्ञ.
  • पुदीना pudi:nā: -- (nm) mint, garden-mint.
  • पुनः punah -- (adv) again, once more, anew, re पुनः.
पुनःकथन -- repetition, reutterance, reiteration.
पुनः पुनः -- againand again, time and again.
पुनःप्राप्ति -- reacquisition, reprocuration.
पुनःसमंजन -- re-adjustment.
करना -- to re-adjust.
पुनःस्थापन -- reinstatement.
  • पुनरपि punarapi -- (ind) even so, even then, nevertheless; again and again, time and again.
  • पुनरवलोकन punaravlokān -- (nm) revision, viewing/seeing/looking at again; reperusal; retrospection.
  • पुनरस्त्रीकरण punarstri:karāṉ -- (nm) rearmament.
  • पुनरागत punara:gat -- (a) returned, come back, recurred.
  • पुनरागमन punara:gamān -- (nm) return, coming again; recurrence.
  • पुनरावर्ती punara:varti: -- (a) recurrent, returning, coming again.
  • पुनरा/वृत्ति punara:vritti -- (nf) repetition, recurrence.
पुनरावृत्त -- repeated; recurred.
  • पुनरास्था/पन punara:sthā:pān -- (nm) restitution.
पुनरास्थापित -- restituted.
  • पुनराह्वान punara:hvā:n -- (nm) resummon/resummoning, call/calling again.
  • पुनरी/क्षण punari:kshāṉ -- (nm) vetting; revision, reconsideration.
पुनरीक्षित -- vetted; revised, reconsidered.
  • पुनरुक्त punarukt -- (a) repeated, retold, reiterated.
  • पुनरुक्ति punarukti -- (nf) repetition, tautology, reiteration.
  • पुनरुत्तर punaruttar -- (nm) rejoinder, counter-reply.
  • पुनरुत्थान punaruttha:n -- (nm) resurrection, resuscitation.
  • पुनरु/त्पादन punarutpa:dān -- (nm) reproduction, regeneration.
पुनरुत्पादित/त्पन्न -- reproduced, regenerated.
  • पुनर् punar -- an allomorph of पुनः used as the first member in numerous compound words.
  • पुनर्गठन punargaṭḥān -- (nm) reorganisation, recasting.
  • पुनर्जनन punarjanān -- (nm) regeneration, reproduction.
  • पुनर्जन्म punarjanm -- (nm) rebirth, palingenesis, metempsychosis.
पुनर्जन्मवाद -- transmigrationism, the doctrine of rebirth.
  • पुनर्जागरण punarja:garāṉ -- (nm) renaissance; restoration.
  • पुनर्जीवन punarji:vān -- (nm) resurrection, resuscitation; resurgence; second birth.
  • पुनर्निर्माण punarnirmā:ṉ -- (nm) reconstruction, recreation, reproduction.
  • पुनर्मु/द्रण punarmudrāṉ -- (nm) reprinting/reprint.
पुनर्मुद्रित -- reprinted.
  • पुनर्मेल punarmel -- (nm) reconciliation, rapprochement, re-establishment of harmonious relations.
  • पुनर्वचन punārvachān -- (nm) repetition (of a word, sentence or thing); reiteration.
  • पुनर्वर्गीकरण punarvargi:karāṉ -- (nm) regrouping; reclassification.
  • पुनर्वास punarva:s -- (nm) rehabilitation.
  • पुनर्विचार punarvicha:r -- (nm) revision; re-deliberation, reconsideration.
  • पुनर्विनियो/ग, पुनर्विनियोजन punarviniyog, ~jan -- (nm) reappropriation.
  • पुनर्विन्यास punarvinnyā:s -- (nm) re-orientation; rearrangement.
  • पुनर्विलोकन punarvilokān -- (nm) review, reperusal; reconsideration.
  • पुनर्विवाह punarviva:h -- (nm) remarriage.
पुनर्विवाह , विधवा -- widow remarriage.
  • पुनश्चर्या punashcharya: -- (nm) refresher course; also पुनश्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम.
  • पुनीत puni:t -- (a) holy, pious; sacred.
  • पुरंजय purāṇjay -- (nm) conqueror of a city.
  • पुरंदर purāndar -- (nm) one of the numerous names of इंद्र—the chiefof gods.
  • पुर pur -- (nm) a town, city; large leather pot for drawing hugequantity of water out of a well; chamber, room (as अतःपुर); (a) filled with, full of.
पुरजन -- townfolk; inhabitants of a city/town.
पुरदेवता -- the protecting deity of a town.
पुरद्वार -- main gate of a city/the mainentrance to a city/town.
पुरनारी -- a prostitute, harlot.
पुरवधू -- see पुरनारी.
पुरवासी; -- see पुरजन.
  • पुरअमन pur-amān -- (a) peaceful; quiet.
  • पुरइन purain -- (nf) a lotus; lotus leaf.
  • पुरखा purkha: -- (nm) an ancestor; ancestors, forefathers.
  • पुरज़ा purza: -- (nm) a chit; piece of paper, bill; slip; part (of amachine).
पुरज़ा , चलता -- a cunning/guileful man.
पुरज़े -- parts.
पुरज़े-पुरज़े करना -- to break to pieces; to dismantle(a machine etc.); to shatter.
पुरज़े-पुरज़े होना/उड़ना -- to be shattered topieces.
  • पुरज़ी purzi: -- (nf) a chit, slip (of a paper); a small letter.
  • पुरज़ोर purzor -- (a) vigorous; powerful, forceful; hearty, warm, cordial.
पुरज़ोर अपील -- a forceful appeal.
  • पुरजोश purjosh -- (a) full of enthusiasm/zeal, zealous, enthusiastic.
  • पुरतः purtah -- (adv) in front of, before, ahead.
  • पुरबिया purbiya: -- (a) eastern; belonging to the east; (nm) an inhabitant of the eastern part of the country; one belonging to theeastern part of Uttar Pradesh; hence पुरबियापन (nm).
  • पुरबिहा purbiha: -- (a) see पुरबिया.
  • पुरवइया purwaiya: -- (nm) see पुरवाई.
  • पुरवा purwa: -- (nm) a hamlet, small village; a small earthen pot; (nf) easterly wind.
  • पुरवाई purwa:i: -- (nf) east wind, easterly (wind); (a) originating/emanating from the east.
  • पुरवैया purvaiya: -- (nf) see पुरवाई.
  • पुरश्चरण purasharān -- (nm) performing a हवन or यज्ञ or repeating the name of a deity with a definite aim; also पुरश्चर्या (nf).
  • पुरसाँ सा हाल pursā:sa:ha:l -- (nm) who is solicitous (of), enquirerafter somebody's well-being; onewho cares (for) and is concerned(about).
  • पुरसा pursa: -- (nm) a measure of five cubits (equal to the length of aman with hands stretched over-head), a fathom.
  • पुरस्कार puraska:r -- (nm) a reward, prize.
पुरस्कार वितरण -- prize distribution.
  • पुरस्कृत puraskrit -- (a) rewarded, awarded a prize.
  • पुरस्तात् purasta:t -- (ind) in front of, before, ahead.
  • पुरस्सर purassar -- (a) forerunning; foremost; (nm) a leader, pioneer.
  • पुरांतक purā:ntak -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Shiv—killer of the demon( त्रि) पुर.
  • पुरा pura: -- (adv) in the past, in olden times; (nm) a small village, hamlet.
पुराकथा -- ancient story; oldnarrative.
पुराकल्प -- olden times, ancient age.
  • पुराण purā:ṉ -- (nm) ancient Hindu mythological scriptures, eighteenin number, viz. विष्णु, पद्म, ब्रह्म, शिव, भागवत, नारद, मार्कंडेय, अग्नि, ब्रह्मवैवर्त, लिंग, वराह, स्कंद, वामन, कूर्म, मत्स्य, गरूड़, ब्रह्मांड, and भविष्य; (a) ancient, old.
  • पुरा/तत्त्व pura:tattv -- (nm) archaeology, antiquity.
पुरातत्त्वज्ञ -- an archaeologist, antiquitist.
पुरातत्त्वविद/वेत्ता -- an archaeologist.
पुरातत्त्व-शास्त्र -- (thescience) of archaeology.
पुरातत्त्व-शास्त्री -- an archaeologist.
पुरातात्त्विक -- archaeological.
  • पुरातन pura:tan -- (a) ancient, old, age-old, of antiquity, archaic.
पुरातनता -- archaism.
पुरातनतावाद -- see पुरातनवाद.
पुरातनतावादी -- a lover of archaism; archaic.
पुरातन प्रयोग -- archaic usage; archaism.
पुरातनवाद -- antiquarianism; archaism; hence पुरातनवादी (a and nm).
  • पुराना pura:nā: -- (a) old, olden, ancient; of the past, of bygone ages; old-fashioned, outdated, antiquated; obsolete; seasoned; experienced; (as पुराना डाक्टर); dilapidated, decrepit; expert; masterly (as पुराना हाथ).
पुरानापन -- outdatedness, obsoleteness; antiquity; the state ofbeing old/archaic/ancient/decrepit/dilapidated/stale.
पुराना खुर्राट/घाघ -- very cunning/shrewd (person); anold scoundrel.
पुराना पापी -- old Adam.
पुराना रोना-रोना -- to chew the red.
पुरानी लीक पीटना -- to tread the oft-trodden path.
पुराने चावल -- a seasoned man; an old hardy man.
  • पुराभिलेख pura:bhilekh -- (nm) archives/epigraph.
पुराभिलेखपाल -- an archivist; epigraphist.
पुराभिलेख शास्त्र -- epigraphy.
शास्त्री -- an epigraphist.
  • पुरामनोविज्ञान purā:manovigya:n -- (nm) palaeopsychology.
पुरामनोविज्ञानविद्/वेत्ता -- palaeopsychologist.
  • पुरारि pura:ri -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Shiv—the enemy of the demon (त्रि) पुर.
  • पुरालिपि pura:lipi -- (nf) palaeography; also पुरालिपिविज्ञान/शास्त्र.
पुरालिपिविद्/शास्त्री -- a palaeographist.
  • पुरालेख pura:lekh -- (nm) epigraph.
पुरालेख विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- epigraphy.
पुरालेखवैज्ञानिक/शास्त्री -- an epigraphist.
  • पुरावशेष pura:vshesh -- (nm) ancient traces, ruins, remnants.
  • पुरावृत्त pura:vritt -- (nm) chronicle, annals.
  • पुरावेत्ता pura:vetta: -- (nm) an archaelogist, antiquitist, antiquarian.
  • पुरी puri: -- (nf) a big city; the city of the deity Jagannā:th (in Orissa).
  • पुरीष puri:sh -- (nm) excrement, faeces, stool; ordure; dung.
  • पुरुष purush -- (nm) a man; virile man; person (in Grammar.
उत्तम पुरूष -- first person.
मध्यम पुरूष -- secondperson.
अन्य पुरूष -- third person); husband; (a) male.
पुरुषकेशरी/केसरी/शार्दूल/सिंह -- a lion-like man; virileand valorous man; the most valorous amongst man.
पुरुषता/त्व -- manhood, manliness, virility masculinity, potency.
पुरुष पुरातन -- the ancient, old man —Lord Vishṉū.
पुरुष मैथुन -- sodomy.
पुरुषवत् -- manliness; virile, masculine.
पुरुषवाचक -- personal.
पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम -- personal pronoun.
पुरुष सूक्त -- a famous सूक्त of the ऋग्वेद.
  • पुरूषाधम purusha:dhām -- (nm) a mean/lowly/base person.
  • पुरुषार्थ purusha:rth -- (nm) an object of human pursuit; the four basic aims of human existence (viz. धर्म discharge of duty.
अर्थ -- acquirement of wealth.
काम -- gratification.
मोक्ष -- final emancipation); human effort or exertion; valour; industry.
पुरुषार्थहीन -- efforsless, having no tendency to exert/work hard, invalour:.
  • पुरूषार्थी purusha:rthi: -- (a) diligent, industrious; valorous, heroic.
  • पुरूषोत्तम purushottām -- (nm) an epithet of राम—the best amongst men.
  • पुरोगति purogati -- (nf) progress, going ahead.
पुरोगतिशील -- progressive.
पुरोगतिशीलता -- progressivism.
  • पुरोगा/मी puroga:mī: -- (a) progressive; pioneering.
पुरोगामिता -- progressism, progressive quality.
  • पुरोजन्मा purojanmā: -- (a and nm) born earlier; an elder brother.
  • पुरोडाश puroḍa:sh -- (nm) sacrificial oblation offered to the gods.
  • पुरोधा purodha: -- (nm) see पुरोहित.
  • पुरोभाग purobha:g -- (nm) frontage; front.
  • पुरोव/र्ती purovarti: -- (a) precursive, heraldic; (nm) a predecessor; herald; forerunner; hence पुरोवर्तिता (nf).
  • पुरोहि/त purohit -- (nm) a Hindu priest; priest; patrico.
पुरोहित-तंत्र -- priestly hierarchy.
पुरोहिताई/ती -- priesthood, priestdom; office and function of a priest.
पुरोहितानी -- wife of a पुरोहित; a female पुरोहित.
  • पुर्ज़ा purza: -- (nm) see पुरज़ा.
  • पुर्ज़ी purzi: -- (nf) see पुरज़ी.
  • पुल pul -- (nm) a bridge.
पुल , झूला -- hanging bridge.
पुल बाँधना, किसी की प्रशंसा में -- to eulogize no end, to pay tributes in superlatives.
  • पुल/क pulak -- (nm) thrill, erection or bristling of the hairs of the body(through delight or rapture).
पुलकना -- to be thrilled, to have thehairs of the body erected or bristling (through delight or rapture).
पुलकावली -- row of hairs erected orbristling (through delight or rapture).
पुलकित -- thrilled, in rapture, having the hairs of the bodyerected or bristled (through rapture or delight).
  • पुलटिस pulṭis -- (nf) poultice.
पुलटिस बाँधना -- to apply poultice (on a boil etc.).
  • पुलाक pula:k -- (nm) boiled rice.
  • पुलाव pula:w -- (nm) a preparation of boiled rice mixed with vegetables (or meat) and seasonedwith spices.
  • पुलिंदा pulīnda: -- (nm) a bundle; sheaf.
  • पुलिन pulin -- (nm) a bank, sandy bank; alluvium.
  • पुलिया puliya: -- (nf) a culvert.
  • पुलिस pulis -- (nm) the police (force).
पुलिस कार्यवाही -- police action.
पुलिसमैन -- a policeman, constable.
पुलिस राज -- policerule; tyrannous/oppressive rule.
  • पुश्त pusht -- (nf) the back; back portion; generation; ancestry.
पुश्त दर-पुश्त -- from generation to generation; hereditarily.
  • पुश्ता pushta: -- (nm) an embankment; buttress; the back of the bindingof a book etc.
पुश्ताबंदी -- strutting; embankment.
  • पुश्तैनी pushtainī: -- (a) hereditary, ancestral.
पुश्तैनी कारबार -- ancestral business.
पुश्तैनी जायदाद -- ancestral/hereditary property.
  • पुष्कर pushkar -- (nm) a lake, pond, tank; lotus.
  • पुष्करिणी pushkariṉī: -- (nf) a lake, pond; pond full of lotus flowers.
  • पुष्कल pushkal -- (a) plenty, abundant, in abundance; hence पुष्कलता (nf).
  • पुष्ट pushṭ -- (a) strong, robust, sturdy; stiff; well-built; shapely, nourished; mature; confirmed (as पुष्ट सलाचार); seasoned (with); hence पुष्टता( uf)/त्व (nm).
  • पुष्टई pushṭai: -- (nf) a nutritious medicine, tonic; an elixir.
  • पुष्टि pushṭi -- (nf) confirmation; nourishment; strengthening.
पुष्टिकर/कारी -- confirmatory; nutritious, nourishing, nutrient; invigorating.
पुष्टि मार्ग -- a mediaval vaishnav sectwho believed in identity withGod through the acquirement ofHis grace; hence पुष्टिमार्गी (a).
  • पुष्प pushp -- (nm) a flower; menses.
पुष्प काल -- period of menses.
पुष्प केसर -- stamen.
पुष्पगर्भ -- calix, calyx.
पुष्प पत्र -- petal of a flower.
पुष्पबाण/धन्वा/शर/सायक -- an epithet of Cupid (कामदेव).
पुष्पमय -- flowery.
पुष्प माल/पुष्प माला -- awreath; flower garland.
पुष्प रज -- stamen (of flowers).
पुष्प राग -- pollen.
पुष्प रेणु -- pollen (of flowers).
पुष्पवती -- awoman in menses.
पुष्प-वृष्टि -- a showerof flowers or flower petals.
पुष्प-वेणी -- a flower garland; braid studdedwith flowers.
पुष्प शैया -- a bed offlowers.
पुष्प संबंधी -- floral.
पुष्पहीन -- devoid of flowers; flowerless.
पुष्पहीना -- a barren woman.
  • पुष्पक pushpak -- (nm) the name of the mythological aircraft of कुबेर( the god of wealth); also पुष्पक विमान.
  • पुष्पांजलि pushpā:ṇjali -- (nf) a floral tribute, a floral offering offeringof a wreath.
  • पुष्पाकर pushpa:kar -- (nm) the spring season.
  • पुष्पिका pushpika: -- (nf) the colophon.
  • पुष्पित pushpit -- (a) blossomed, flowering; thriving, prospering.
  • पुष्पोद्यान pushpoddya:n -- (nm) a flower garden.
पुष्पोद्यानविद्/वेत्ता -- a floriculturist.
पुष्पोद्यान विद्या -- floriculture.
  • पुष्य pushy -- (nm) the eighth lunar asterism.
  • पुस्त pust -- (nf) see पुश्त; a book.
पुस्तकार -- the writer of a book, author.
  • पुस्त/क pustak -- (nf) a book.
पुस्तककार -- writer/author of a book.
पुस्तकीयज्ञान -- bookish knowledge.
  • पुस्तकाकार pustaka:ka:r -- (a) in the form of a book, in book-form.
  • पुस्तकागार pustaka:ga:r -- (nm) a library, collection of books; a book-depot.
  • पुस्तकाध्यक्ष pustaka:ddhyaksh -- (nm) a librarian.
  • पुस्तकालय pustaka:lay -- (nm) a library.
पुस्तकालय विज्ञान -- library science.
  • पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष pustaka:laya:ddhyaksh -- (nm) a librarian.
  • पुस्तकीय pustaki:y -- (a) bookish; relating to books; academic.
पुस्तकीयज्ञान -- bookish knowledge.
  • पुस्तिका pustika: -- (nf) a booklet; pamphlet.
  • पुहुप puhup -- (nm) a flower.
  • पुहुमी puhumī: -- (nf) the earth.
  • पूँछ pū:chh -- (nf) the tail (of a beast); rear part (of an object); a hanger-on.
पूँछदार -- howing a tail.
पूँछ पकड़ कर चलना -- to follow somebody blindly; to be solely dependent (on).
पूँछ होना -- .
किसी की -- to be a hanger-on.
  • पूँजी pū:ji: -- (nf) capital; investment.
पूँजी , साझे की -- joint-stock.
पूँजी कर -- capital levy.
पूँजीकरण -- capitalisation.
पूँजीकृत -- capitalised.
पूँजीगत परिव्यय -- capital outlay.
पूँजीगत माल -- capitalgoods.
पूँजीगत लागत -- capital cost.
पूँजीदार -- having capital or wealth; acapitalist.
पूँजी निवेश -- investment.
पूँजीपति -- a capitalist.
पूँजी परिसंपत्ति -- capital assets.
पूँजीमूलक -- capitalistic.
पूँजीवाद -- capitalism.
पूँजीवादी -- capitalistic; acapitalist.
पूँजी संचय -- capital assets.
पूँजी साम्राज्यवाद -- capitalistic imperialism.
पूँजीहीन -- with no capital; hence पूँजीहीनता (nf).
  • पूगता pu:gnā: -- (v) to be accomplished/attained; to be completed.
  • पूछ pu:chh -- (nf) (commanding of) respect, enquiry.
पूछ गछ, पूछताछ, पूछपाछ -- enquiry; investigation.
  • पूछना pu:chhnā: -- (v) to enquire, to ask; to investigate; to interrogate, to question.
पूछना ताछना -- to make enquiries; to interrogate, to question.
  • पूछा/ताछी, पूछापाछी pu:chha:ta:chhi, ~pa:chhi: -- (nf) enquiring, investigation; interrogation, questioning.
  • पूजक pu:jak -- (nm) a worshipper, adorer, devotee, votary.
  • पूजन pu:jān -- (nm) worship, adoring.
पूजन-पद्धति/पूजन-विधि -- liturgy; cult.
  • पूजना pu:jnā: -- (v) to worship, to adore; to revere, to respect; (awish etc.) to be fulfilled/gratified.
  • पूजनीय pujanī:y -- (a) worthy of worship, venerable, adorable.
  • पूजा pu:ja: -- (nf) worship, adoration; veneration.
पूजा करना -- to worship, to adore; to respect; to punish.
  • पूजार्ह pu:ja:rh -- (a) adorable; venerable, worth being worshipped, reverend.
  • पूजित pu:jit -- (a) worshipped, adored; revered, venerated, respected.
  • पूज्य pu:jy -- (a) adorable, reverent, venerable; hence पूज्यता (nf).
  • पूज्यमान pu:jymā:n -- (a) one who is being worshipped/adored/revered; see पूज्य.
  • पूड़ा pu:ṛa: -- (nm) a kind of largesized sweet and fried cake; bundle.
  • पूड़ी pu:ṛi: -- (nf) a kind of bread/cake fried in ghee or oil.
  • पूत pu:t -- (nm) a son; (a) pious, holy, sacred; cleaned, purified.
पूत के पाँव/पैर पालने में दिखाई देते हैं/पहचाने जातेहैं -- the child is the father to theman.
  • पूतना pu:tnā: -- (nf) a demonic woman who was commissioned by कंस, the king of Mathura:, to killLord Krishṉ by making himsuck at her poisoned breasts.
पूतना कादूध -- Greek gift, Trojan horse, treacherous gift.
  • पूतात्मा pu:ta:tmā: -- (nm) a sacred/pious soul.
  • पूति pu:ti -- (nf) purity; sanctity.
  • पूनी pu:nī: -- (nf) a cotton-roll prepared for spinning on the चरखा or तकली etc.
  • पूनो pu:nō -- (nf) see पूर्णिमा.
  • पूय pu:y -- (nm) pus, purulent matter.
  • पूर pu:r -- (nm) stuffing in a sweet delicacy; spate; irrigation bydrawing water from a well by aleathern bag; sufficiency, adequacy.
पूर डालना -- to satisfy the requirements/needs.
पूर पड़ना -- to suffice, to be sufficient, to cause to begratified/satisfied.
  • पूरक pu:rak -- (nm) a supplement; filler; (a) supplementary; reinforc:ing; hence पूरकता (nf).
  • पूरणीय pu:raṉi:y -- (a) worth supplementing; worth being filled up; replaceable/repairable (loss etc); hence पूरणीयता (nf).
  • पूरन pu:rān -- (nm) anything which is to be filled in a cake or pastryetc.
पूरन की पूड़ी -- a kind of stuffedbread or cake.
  • पूरना pu:rnā: -- (v) to fill; to complete, to supplement; to work a designon the floor with coloured chalk, flour or rice, etc.
  • पूर/ब pu:rab -- (nm) the east.
पूरबी -- eastern (language, land or people).
  • पूरबेला pu:rbela: -- (nm) the high tide.
  • पूरयिता pu:rayita: -- (nm) one who fills/satisfies/completes/supplements.
  • पूरा pu:ra: -- (a) complete; all, whole, entire; full; gross; total; thorough; adequate; (nm) sufficiency, adequacy.
पूरा उतरना -- to deliver thegoods, to come upto the expectations; to pass a test successfully.
पूरा उतरना (कोई काम) -- to be duly.
  • पूरित pu:rit -- (a) completed, attained, achieved; fulfilled.
  • पूरी pu:ri: -- (nf) see पूड़ी; see पूरा.
  • पूर्ण pu:rṉ -- (a) complete, whole, entire; full; perfect; absolute; sufficient; finished, accomplished; plenary.
पूर्णकाम -- fulfilled/gratified.
पूर्णकालिक -- whole-time.
पूर्णचंद्र -- fullmoon.
पूर्णप्रज्ञ -- perfect in wisdom, having thorough knowledge.
पूर्ण मानदंड -- absolute standard.
पूर्ण विराम -- full stop.
पूर्ण विवेक -- absolute discretion; perfect reason.
पूर्ण शक्तिमत्ता -- totipotence.
पूर्ण शक्तिमान -- totipotent.
पूर्ण संख्या -- integral number.
  • पूर्णतः pu:rṉātah -- (adv) completely, fully, wholly, entirely.
  • पूर्ण/ता, पूर्णत्व pu:rṉāta: -- (nf), पूर्ण{ttv} (nm) perfection; completeness, wholeness, totality.
पूर्णतावाद -- perfectionism.
पूर्णतावादी -- a perfectionist; perfectionistic.
  • पूर्णमासी pu:rṉmā:si: -- (nf) full-moon day, fifteenth day of the brighthalf of a lunar month.
  • पूर्णांक pu:rṉā:ṅk -- (nm) an integer; maximum marks; non-fractionalnumber.
  • पूर्णायु pu:rṉā:yu -- (nf) fully ripe age; complete age.
  • पूर्णावतार pu; rṉā:vta:r -- (nm) the perfect incarnation.
  • पूर्णाश pu:rṉā:sh -- (a) fulfilled, gratified; (one who has) achieved fulfilment of all hopes.
  • पूर्णाहुति pu:rṉā:huti -- (nf) final oblation/offering; finishing touch.
पूर्णाहुति देना -- to give the final/concluding touch.
  • पूर्णिमा pu:rṉīmā: -- (nf) the last day of the bright fortnight of a lunarmonth, the full-moon day.
  • पूर्णेदु pu:rṉēṉdu -- (nm) the full moon.
  • पूर्ति pu:rti -- (nf) fulfilment, completion, filling up; satisfaction; supply.
पूर्तिकारी -- supplementary; suppletive; that which satisfies/supplies/completes.
  • पूर्व pu:rv -- (nm) the east; (a) former; previous, preceding, prior; anterior; fore पूर्व.
पूर्वकथन -- prediction.
पूर्व कथा -- tie-in, the earlier story.
पूर्व कर्म -- previous deeds/actions.
पूर्वकल्पना -- preconception.
पूर्वकल्पित -- preconceived; anticipated.
पूर्वकल्पी -- anticpative.
पूर्वकांस्य युग -- early bronzeage.
पूर्वकाल -- past, former times, olden days.
पूर्वकालिक -- past, belonging to former times, ancient.
पूर्वकालिक क्रिया -- absolutive verb.
पूर्वकालिक कृदंत -- absolutive participle.
पूर्वकालीन -- past, of the past, of previoustimes/days/age.
पूर्वकृत -- done orcommitted previously.
पूर्वगत -- preceding, prior, former.
पूर्वगामिता -- backwardness.
पूर्वगामी -- preceding, prior, former.
पूर्वगृहीत -- presupposed; biassed, prejudiced.
पूर्वग्रह -- bias, prejudice.
पूर्वचिंतन -- premeditation; prior comprehension.
पूर्वचेतन -- preconscious, preconscious mind.
पूर्वज -- ancestor(s).
पूर्वजन्म -- previous birth.
पूर्व जीवन -- pre-existence; former life.
पूर्व ज्ञान -- anticipation; foresight, foreknowledge; inkling.
पूर्वता -- precedence; priority.
पूर्वदत्त -- given previously.
पूर्वदर्शन -- preview.
पूर्वधारणा -- presumption; concept; notion.
पूर्वनियत -- predestined; appointedearlier.
पूर्वनियति -- destiny.
पूर्वनिर्णय -- prejudgment; predetermination.
  • पूर्वक pu:rvak -- a suffix denoting the sense of with or accompanied by(as सुखपूर्वक, कृपापूर्वक, etc.).
  • पूर्वाकांक्षित pu:rva:kā:ṅkshit -- (a) pre-requisite, pre-desired.
  • पूर्वानुमान pu:rva:numā:n -- (nm) forecast; estimate.
  • पूर्वानुराग pu:rva:nura:g -- (nm) previous love/affection, courtship.
  • पूर्वापर pu:rva:par -- (ind) the previous and the next, the preceding and the following.
पूर्वापर क्रम -- sequence, succession.
पूर्वापरता -- sequence, succession.
  • पूर्वाभास pu:rva:bha:s -- (nm) premonition, foreboding inkling.
  • पूर्वाभ्या/स pu:rva:bbhya:s -- (nm) rehearsal.
पूर्वाभ्यासित -- rehearsed.
  • पूर्वार्जित pu:rva:rjit -- (a) pre-earned, acquired earlier.
  • पूर्वार्द्ध र्ध pu:rva:rdh -- (a) the first/former half.
  • पूर्वावस्था pu:rva:vastha: -- (nf) pre-phase, pre-stage, earlier stage; initial stage.
  • पूर्वान्ह pu:rva:nh -- (nm) forenoon, antemeridian; hence पूर्वान्हन्हिक (a).
  • पूर्वी pu:rvi: -- (a) eastern; also पूर्वीय.
पूर्वी द्वीपसमूह -- the islands of the east-Ja:wa:, Suma:tra:, etc.
  • पूर्वोक्त pu:rvokt -- (a) aforesaid, mentioned before/above.
पूर्वोक्त कृति -- op. cit. (opere citato).
  • पूर्वोत्तर pu:rvottar -- (a) north-east; (nm) the north-east quarter.
  • पूर्वोपाय pu:rvopa:y -- (nm) precaution, precautionary measure(s).
  • पूला pu:la -- (nm) a bundle of straws, crops, etc.
  • पूली pu:li: -- (nf) a sheaf.
  • पूस pu:s -- (nm) the tenth month of the Hindu (lunar) calendar; also पौष.
  • पृक्त prikt -- (a) mixed; touched, contacted (used in Hindi only with prefixes, as संपृक्त).
  • पृथक् prithak -- (a) separate, isolated; peculiar; different, distinct; (adv) aloof, apart.
पृथक्करण -- separation.
पृथक्क्रिया -- separation, process ofseparating.
पृथक्कृत -- separated; isolated.
  • पृथिवी prithivi: -- (nf) see पृथ्वी.
  • पृथु prithu -- (a) wide, large; expensive; spacious, copious.
  • पृथ्वी prithvi: -- (nf) the earth, ground, terrestrial globe.
पृथ्वीनाथ/पति/पाल -- aking.
पृथ्वी-पुत्र -- the Mars.
पृथ्वी-पूजा -- geolatory.
पृथ्वी-संबंधी -- terrestrial, earthly, tellurian.
  • पृष्ट prisṭ -- (a) asked; enquired (not in general use).
  • पृष्ठ prishṭḥ -- (nm) a page; the back; rear, hind part of anything; (a) dorsal.
पृष्ठतः -- from behind, quietly; dorsally.
पृष्ठपोषक -- one who backs, helper, supporter.
पृष्ठ-फल -- the areaof the upper surface of a solid.
पृष्ठ भाग -- the back or rear portion/part.
  • पृष्ठास्थि prishṭḥa:sthi -- (nf) the back-bone.
  • पग pēg -- (nf) a swing, oscillation of a swing.
पग बढ़ाना -- to take largerstrides; to swing farther andfarther.
पग मारना -- to swing, to tossa swing.
  • पेंच pēch -- (nm) see पेच.
  • पेंट pēṉṭ -- (nm) paint.
पेंटर -- a painter.
  • पेंडल pēṉḍal -- (nm) a pendant.
  • पेंडुकी pēḍuki: -- (nf) a dove.
  • पेंडुलम pēṉḍulām -- (nm) pendulum (of a clock etc.).
  • पेंडुली pēḍuli: -- (nf) see पिंडली.
  • पेंदा pēda: -- (nm) the bottom; base; buttocks.
पेंदी -- diminutive andfeminine form of पेंदा.
पेंदे का लौटा, बिना -- an unprincipled man, a rolling stone.
  • पेंशन pēnshān -- (nf) pension.
पेंशनभोगी -- a pensioner.
पेंशनयाफ़्ता -- a pensioner.
पेंशन वाली जगह -- a pensionable post.
  • पेंस pēns -- (nm) a British coin of small denomination equivalent to1/12th of a shilling.
  • पेंसिल pēnsil -- (nf) a pencil.
  • पेच pech -- (nm) a screw; complication, intricacy; part of a machine; the entwining of the threads oftwo flying (paper) kites for a mutual trial of skill; trick; a trick inwrestling, artifice; a kind of ornaments for the head.
पेचकश/कस -- ascrew-driver; cork-screw.
पेचदार -- intricate; complex, tricky; twisted.
पेचवान -- the long pipe attached toa hubble bubble (for smokingfrom a distance).
पेच श्रो-ख़म -- tricksand twists, intricacies and complexities.
पेच डालना -- to have a boutof (paper) kites.
पेच पड़ना -- a bout ofpaper kites to take place to getcomplicated, to become more intricate.
  • पेचक pechak -- (nf) a reel (of thread).
  • पेचिश pechish -- (nf) dysentery.
  • पेचीदगी pechi:dgi: -- (nf) intricacy; complication: complexity.
  • पेची/दा, पेचीला pechi:da:, ~la: -- (a) intricate; complicated; complex.
पेचीदापन -- see पेचीदगी.
  • पेज pej -- (nm) a page.
पेज प्रूफ़ -- page-proof.
  • पेट peṭ -- (nm) the belly, abdomen, stomach; womb; mind; the frontside of a thing as opposed to theback (as रोटी का पेट); (fig.) livelihood.
पेटपोंछना -- the last of awoman's children (as पेटपोंछना बेटा thelast and the youngest son).
पेटवाली -- a pregnant woman.
पेट ऐंठना -- to haveabdominal convulsions; to havean itch for disclosing a secret.
पेट का -- born of.
पेट का गहरा -- one who doesnot talk out secrets; who cancontain secrets.
पेट काटना -- tosave money by imposing self-restraint.
पेट का चक्कर/धंधा -- businessof earning a livelihood.
पेट का पानी न पचना -- not to be able to keep/contain secrets.
पेट का पानी न हिलना -- .
  • पेटा peṭa: -- (nm) a sub-entry; abdomen, middle part of a thing; hull (of a ship).
  • पेटिका peṭika: -- (nf) a small पेटी (see).
  • पेटी peṭi: -- (nf) a casket; small box, chest, belt; girdle.
  • पेटीकोट peṭi:koṭ -- (nm) a petticoat.
पेटीकोट सरकार -- petticoat government.
  • पेटू peṭu: -- (a) gluttonous, voracious; (nm) a glutton; gourmand.
पेटूपन/पना -- gluttony, voraciousness.
  • पेटेंट peṭēṉt -- (a) patent.
  • पेट्रोल peṭṭrol -- (nm) petrol.
पेट्रोल पंप -- a petrol pump.
  • पेठा peṭḥa: -- (nm) a species of gourd; a sweetmeat preparation ofgourd.
  • पेड़ per -- (nm) a tree.
पेड़ पौधे -- vegetation; trees and plants.
पेड़ काटना, पत्ते सींचना -- to water the leaves andcut the root.
  • पेडल peḍal -- (nm) a pedal (in bi-cycle etc.).
  • पेड़ा peṛa: -- (nm) sweetmeat prepared from milk; a globular mass ofkneaded flour.
  • पेड़ू peṛu: -- (nm) the part of the body lying between the navaland the public region.
  • पेन pēn -- (nm) a pen.
  • पेनी penī: -- (nf) penny—a British coin.
  • पेन्हाना penhā:nā -- (v) milk to flow-down into the udders of a cow, buffalo, etc.
  • पेपर pepar -- (nm) paper; news-paper; question paper.
पेपरमिल -- a paper mill/factory.
पेपरवेट -- apaper weight.
  • पेय pey -- (nm) a beverage; (a) drinkable; potable; hence पेयता (nf).
पेय पदार्थ -- a beverage.
  • पेरना pernā: -- (v) to crush (as sugar-cane, linseed, etc.); to press hard; to torment; to cause to labourhard; to exploit (a person).
  • पेलना pelnā: -- (v) to thrust in; to penetrate; to crush; to press; toperform hurriedly.
पेलना , अपनी -- to goon blowing one's own trumpet.
पेलना , डंड -- to go on labouring withoutany worthwhile achievement.
  • पेलव pelav -- (a) soft, delicate; hence पेलवता (nf).
  • पेवन pevān -- (nm) a patch.
पेवन लगाना -- to patch.
  • पेश pesh -- (adv) in front of, before.
पेशकश -- an offer; a present, keep-sake; memento; presenting; offering; putting forth; introducing.
पेशकश करना -- to introduce; to offer, topresent; to put forth.
पेशकार -- acourt official/clerk; an agent.
पेशकारी -- the work or office ofa पेशकार.
पेशबंदी -- hedging operation; forestalling.
पेशबंदी करना -- toforestall; to take precautionarysteps in advance.
पेश आना -- to treat; to behave; to happen; to be confronted with.
पेश करना -- to present, to put forth; to introduce.
पेश चलना -- see वश चलना.
  • पेशगी peshgi: -- (nf) an advance, advance money.
पेशगी देना -- to advance, to give an advance.
  • पेशतर peshtar -- (ind) before; prior to.
  • पेशल peshal -- (a) soft, delicate, tender.
पेशलता -- softness, delicacy, tenderness.
  • पेशवा peshwa: -- (nm) the title of the Mara:ṭḥa: chief ministerduring the mediaeval period; leader, chief.
  • पेशवाई peshwa:i: -- (nf) reception (of a guest).
  • पेशवाज़ peshwa:z -- (nm) the gown or dress worn by a dancing girlduring her performance.
  • पेशा pesha: -- (nm) a profession, vocation, an occupation.
पेशा करना -- (said of a woman) to take up prostitution (as a profession); hence पेशा कराना.
पेशा बनाना -- to turn into a profession.
पेशेवर -- professional.
  • पेशानी pesha:nī: -- (nf) the forehead; lot, fate.
पेशानी पर बल आना/पड़ना -- lit.wrinkles to appear on the forehead-a sense of anger to be aroused; to have anger writ large onthe face, to frown, to scowl.
  • पेशाब pesha:b -- (nf) urine.
पेशाब खाना/घर -- urinal.
पेशाबदान -- urinal-stall.
पेशाब करना -- to make water, to pass urine; tourinate.
पेशाब-करना, (किसी चीज़ पर) -- totreat with utter disdain, to damncare.
पेशाब से चिराग़/दिया दलाना -- towield overbearing influence.
  • पेशी peshi: -- (nf) a muscle; presentation, being presented; hearing (of a law-suit.).
  • पेशीनगोई peshi:ngoi: -- (nf) a forecast.
  • पेश्तर peshtar -- (ind) see पेशतर.
  • पेषण peshāṉ -- (nm) (the process or work of) crushing/milling/grinding.
पेषण, पिष्ट -- see पिष्ट.
  • पेस्टल pesṭal -- (nm) pastel.
पेस्टल कलर/रंग -- pastel colour.
पेस्टल ड्राइंग -- pastel drawing.
  • पेहँ/टा pēhaṭa: -- (nm) a typical edible fruit of a creeper (usually growing in maize fields) which is usedfor vegetables etc.; also पेहँटी( nf), पेहँटुल (nm).
  • पैंग pāig -- (nf) a swing.
पैंग बढ़ाना -- to take bigger swings; to make rapidstrides.
पैंग मारना -- to take a swing.
  • पैंट pāiṉt -- (nf) pants, pantaloon.
  • पैंठ pāiṭḥ -- (nf) a temporarily improvised market place.
पैंठ का दिन -- a marketing day.
पैंठ आठवें दिन लगती है, उठी -- golden chances are but rare; one gets an opportunity only oncein a while.
  • पैंड़ pāīṛ -- (nf) a way, path; system.
  • पैंड़ा pāīṛa: -- (nm) a piece; fragment.
  • पैंत/रा pāītra: -- (nm) see पैतरा.
पैंतरेबाज़ी -- see पैतरेबाज़ी (under पैतरा).
  • पैंता/न, पैंताना pāīta:n, ~nā: -- (nm) the lower end of a bedstead/cot.
  • पैंतालीस pāīta:li:s -- (a) forty-five; (nm) the number forty-five.
  • पैंतीस pāīti:s -- (a) thirty-five; (nm) the number thirty-five.
  • पैंसठ pāīsaṭḥ -- (a) sixty-five; (nm) the number sixty-five.
  • पैकेकिट paikeiṭ -- (nm) a packet.
  • पैग़म्ब/र paig̣āmbar -- (nm) a prophet, divine messenger.
पैग़म्बरी -- the function or position of a prophet; of, related with or pertaining to aprophet, prophetic.
  • पैग़ाम paig̣ā:m -- (nm) a message.
पैग़ाम देना -- to deliver a message.
पैग़ाम लाना -- to bring a message.
  • पैजनिया paijaniyā: -- (nf) see पैजनी.
  • पैजनी paijnī: -- (nf) ankle-bells, twinking ankle-ornament.
  • पैज़ार paiza:r -- (nm) a shoe (used only as the last member in thecompound word जूतमपैज़ार).
  • पैठ paiṭḥ -- (nf) access to; reach; admission; ingress; penetration.
पैठ होना -- to have an eye for; to haveaccess to; to have a good knowledge of (e.g. उसकी रीतिकाव्य मेंपैठ है).
  • पैठना paiṭḥnā: -- (v) to have access, to enter, to go into; to delvedeep; to ingress, to penetrate.
  • पैड paiḍ -- (nm) a pad, writing pad.
  • पैडल paiḍal -- (nm) pedal (of a bicycle etc.).
  • पैड़ी paiṛi: -- (nf) a step, stair; stair-case.
  • पैत/रा paitra: -- (nm) an offensive or defensive move in a wrestlingbout; strategic move, counter-move, stratagem.
पैतरेबाज़ -- a strategist, dodger; see चालबाज़.
पैतरेबाज़ी -- strategy, dodge; see चालबाज़ी.
पैतरा काटना -- to make a defensive more; to change one's strategicposition.
पैतरा दिखाना -- to showone's strategic move, to counter-move in defence; to take shrewdsteps.
पैतरा बदलना -- to play topeep, to change one's strategy; (inwrestling etc) to change the frontposture, to change one's stance; to assume a different posture.
  • पैताना paita:nā: -- (nm) the lower end of a cot/bedstead.
  • पैतृक paittrik -- (a) paternal, patronymic; hereditary, ancestral.
पैतृक गुण -- paternal/hereditary characteristics or quality.
पैतृक जायदाद -- see संपत्ति.
पैतृक धन -- patrimony, paternalwealth.
पैतृक भूमि -- ancestral land; fatherland.
पैतृक व्यवसाय -- hereditaryprofession.
पैतृक संपत्ति -- paternal/ancestral/hereditary property.
  • पैत्तिक paittik -- (a) bilious, biliary.
  • पैदल paidal -- (a) pedestrian, walking on foot (as सिपाही); (nm) a foot-man, an infantryman; a pedestrian; a piece in chess; (adv) on.
  • पैदा paida: -- (a) born; created; begotten; produced; earned; (nf) income; gain; production.
पैदा करना -- to produce; to earn; to generate; to beget, to reproduce; to manufacture.
पैदा होना -- to be produced/earned/generated/begotten/reproduced/manufactured.
  • पैदाइ/श paida:ish -- (nf) birth, coming into existence; creation.
पैदाइशी -- natural, innate, inborn, birth.
पैदाइशी हक़ -- birthright.
  • पैदावा/र paida:va:r -- (nf) produce, product, production; harvest; yield; also पैदावारी (nf).
  • पैना painā: -- (a) sharp; acute; pointed; (nm) the goad of aploughman.
पैनापन -- sharpness; acuteness; pointedness; hence पैनीfeminine form.
  • पैबंद paibānd -- (nm) a patch.
पैबंद लगाना -- to patch.
  • पैबस्त paibast -- (a) see पैवस्त.
  • पैमाइ/श paimā:ish -- (nf) measurement/surveying (of land), पैमाइशी (a).
  • पैमाना paimā:nā: -- (nm) a scale, meter; any measuring device; apeg (for drinking liquor).
पैमाना भर जाना/भरना -- one's cup to be full.
  • पैर pair -- (nm) a foot, leg; footing, footprint.
पैरगाड़ी -- a bicycle; velocipede.
पैर अड़ाना -- to intermeddle; tointerrupt.
पैर उखड़ना -- to be swept offone's feet, to be routed.
पैर ऊँचे-निचेपड़ना -- to go astray; to wobble, tototter.
पैर की जूती -- utterly contemptuous, of no significance.
पैर की धूल समझना -- to hold cheap; to treat asunconsequential.
पैर छूना -- to touchsomebody' feet out of respect; tosubmit; to yield completely; toimplore humbly.
पैर जमना -- to findone's feet, to be well entrenched, to consolidate one's position.
पैर डालना -- to interfere, to inter-meddle (with).
पैर तोड़कर बैठना -- notto move out at all, to keep indoors; to be absolutely idle; tosit in a leg-twisting posture.
पैर देना -- to set foot on.
पैर न रखना, धरती पर -- to assume airs, to think no endof oneself.
पैर पकड़ना -- to implorehumbly, to beseech.
पैर पर पैर रखना -- to intermeddle, to defy (somebody).
पैर पीछे न रखना -- not to withdraw in any case.
पैर बढ़ाना -- to stepahead, to pace ahead; to accelerate one's pace.
पैर भर जाना -- to betired out, the feet to be over-strained, to be wearied by walking.
पैर भारी होना -- (said of a woman) to be pregnant, to be in thefamily way.
पैर में मेंहदी लगे होना -- towalk too slow; to avoid walkingon some pretext.
पैर में सनीचर होना -- never to be at rest, to be alwayson the move.
पैर रखने की जगह न होना -- to be crowded full, not to haveroom even to stand.
पैर सोना -- one'sfoot/feet to go dead/to be temporarily lost to sensation.
पैरों के नीचेसे ज़मीन खिसक जाना -- to developcold feet, to be funky, to bedumbfounded.
पैरो तले कुचलना/रौंदना -- to trample over, to crush.
पैरों पर खड़े होना -- to stand onone's own legs; (किसी के) पैरों पर चलना to follow in the footprintsof.
पैरों में बेड़ियाँ डाल देना -- to putfetters around one's feet, to putin bondage.
  • पैरना pairnā: -- (v) to swim; to cross over.
पैरा हुआ -- well-experienced.
  • पैरवी pairvi: -- (nf) advocacy, pleading, championing.
पैरवीकार -- an advocate, a pleader; champion.
पैरवी करना, (किसी की) -- to advocate; to champion (the cause of).
  • पैरा paira: -- (nm) a paragraph, para.
  • पैराई paira:i: -- (nf) (the act or process of) swimming.
  • पैराग्राफ़ paira:gra:f -- (nm) a paragraph.
  • पैराशूट paira:shu:ṭ -- (nm) a parachute.
  • पैरोका/र pairoka:r -- (nm) a pleader, an advocate; a champion; hence पैरोकारी (nf).
  • पैरोल pairol -- (nm) parole.
पैरोल पर छूटना -- to be released on parole.
  • पैवंद paivānd -- (nm) see पैबंद.
  • पैवस्त paivast -- (a) permeated, informed, infused (by); hence पैवस्तगी (nf).
  • पैशाच paisha:ch -- (a) see पैशाचिक.
  • पैशाचीक paisha:chik -- (a) satanic, demonic(al), in the fashion of orpertaining to a hell-hound, inhuman; horrible; hence पैशाचीकता (nf).
  • पैसना paisnā: -- (v) to enter (into), to penetrate.
  • पैसा paisa: -- (nm) a pice; wealth, money.
पैसा उगाहना -- to recover/procure money.
पैसा उड़ना/लुटना -- to squander away; to spend (money) extravagantly.
पैसा कमाना मुश्किल नहींउसे रखना मुश्किल है -- he who getsdoth much but he who keepsdoth more; gear is easier gainedthan guided.
पैसा खा जाना -- to misappropriate; not to repay a debt; to embezzle; to accept monetarygratification, to take bribes.
पैसा चटाना -- to give bribe, to enticewith monetary gratification.
पैसा ठीकरी कर देना -- to get eggs for money. पैसा डूबना one's money/capitalto be irretrievably lost.
पैसा फूँकना -- tosquander money.
पैसा बनाना -- to mintmoney, to earn enormousmoney.
पैसा मारना -- to misappropriateother's money; not to repay adebt.
पैसा लगाना -- to invest money/capital.
पैसे की गर्मी -- vanity/conceitedness born of money, a fatpurse, a swollen mind.
पैसे की दाँत से पकड़ना -- to be too stingy/niggardly.
पैसे-पैसे को मोहताज होना/को तरसना -- to pine for each penny, to be too tight.
पैसे वाला -- a wealthy/moneyed (person).
  • पैसार paisa:r -- (nm) entry, infiltration; admission; entrance, access.
  • पैसेंजर paiseṇjar -- (nm) a passenger.
पैसेंजर गाड़ी/ट्रेन -- a passenger train.
  • पों pō -- (nf) the sound of a horn.
पों-पों -- recurrent sound as producedby a horn.
  • पोंगा pōga: -- (a) nincompoop, stupid; (nm) a simpleton; metallic orbamboo pipe.
पोंगापन/पोंगापंथी -- stupidity, foolishness.
  • पोंछन pōchhan -- (nf) wipings, sweepings.
  • पोंछना pōchhnā: -- (v) to wipe; to clean/cleanse; to rub, to efface; (nm) a cloth used for wiping/cleaning etc.
  • पोंटा pōṭa: -- (nm) mucus (blown out of the nose).
  • पोआ poa: -- (nm) a young one of a serpent.
  • पोख/र, पोखरा pokh/ar -- (nf) {~ra:} (nm) a pond, puddle.
  • पोखरी pokhri: -- (nf) a small pond, puddle.
  • पोगंड pogānḍ -- (nm) a lad.
  • पोच poch -- (a) timid, cowardly; meek.
पोचपन(ा) -- timidity, cowardice; meekness.
  • पोटली poṭli: -- (nf) a small bundle.
  • पोटाश poṭa:sh -- (nm) potash, potassium permanganate.
  • पोढ़ poṛḥ -- (a) mature, seasoned; sound, profound.
पोढ़ असामी -- a sound.
  • पोत pot -- (nm) a ship; a tiny artificial pearl; (nf) time(s); number of times; rent of land paid by atenant; young one of an animal.
पोतदार -- a treasurer.
पोतधारी -- a ship-owner.
पोतध्वज -- flagstaff.
पोतभंग -- smashing up of a ship, a shiprunning aground.
पोतवाह -- a sailor, steerer.
पोतविहार -- cruise.
  • पोतक potak -- (nm) young one of an animal.
  • पोत/ड़ा potṛa: -- (nm) a baby clout.
पोतड़ों का अमीर/रईस -- of blue blood, born with a silver spoon in one'smouth, belonging (by birth) toaristocracy.
  • पोतना potnā: -- (v) to besmear; to whitewash.
  • पोतनायक potna:yak -- (nm) the captain of a ship, master of a vessel.
  • पोता pota: -- (nm) a grandson, a son's son; a testicle; a cleansingclout.
पोता फेरना -- to whitewash; tospell ruination.
  • पोताई pota:i: -- (nf) see पुताई.
  • पोताध्यक्ष pota:dhyaksh -- (nm) see पोतनायक.
  • पोती poti: -- (nf) a grand-daughter, son's daughter.
  • पोथा potha: -- (nm) a voluminous book, a big volume.
  • पोथी pothi: -- (nf) a book.
  • पोदीना podi:nā: -- (nm) see पुदीना.
  • पोना ponā: -- (v) to spread doughed flour into bread; to thread, tostring together.
पोना , रोटी -- to spreaddoughed flour into a bread (inorder to bake it); to thread/string/needle/(pearls/beads etc.).
  • पोप pop -- (nm) the Pope.
पोप पद -- papacy.
पोप सम्बन्घी -- papal.
पोपलीला -- hypocrisy, sham religious activity.
पोपवाद -- papalism; papal.
  • पोपला popla: -- (a) toothless; hollow.
पोपलाना -- (for a person) to becometoothless.
पोपलापन -- hollowness; toothlessness.
  • पोया poya: -- (nm) see पोआ.
  • पोर por -- (nm) a knuckle; the space between any two joints of a finger; finger-tip.
पोर पोर में दर्द होना/पिराना -- every inch/joint of thebody to ache.
  • पोर्टर porṭar -- (nm) a porter, a coolie.
  • पोल pol -- (nf) empty/hollow space, hollowness; (nm) a gate, an entrance (of a palace etc.).
पोलदार -- hollow, empty.
पोल, ढोल की -- high-sounding without, hollow within.
पोल खुलना -- to be exposed; an adversefact (about somebody) to be revealed.
पोल खोलना -- to expose, to reveal a secret, to disclose an adversefact (about somebody).
  • पोला pola: -- (a) hollow, empty.
पोलापन -- hollowness, emptiness.
  • पोलाव pola:w -- (nm) see पुलाव.
  • पोलियो poliyo -- (nm) polio (myelitis), infantile paralysis (that incapacitates the legs).
  • पोलो polo -- (nf) polo.
पोलोस्टिक -- a polo-stick.
  • पोश posh -- a Persian word used in Hindi compounds as thesecond member—meaning thatwhich clothes or conceals (as नक़ाबपोश, पलँगपोश).
  • पोशाक posha:k -- (nf) clothes, dress, attire, raiment; accoutrements.
  • पोशीदगी poshi:dgi: -- (nf) privity; secrecy; concealment.
  • पोशीदा poshi:da: -- (a) privy; secret; concealed, hidden.
  • पोषक poshak -- (nm) fosterer, one who rears/brings up, nourisher.
  • पोषण poshāṉ -- (nm) fostering, rearing, bringing up; nourishment; nutriment, nutrition; protection; support.
  • पोषाहार posha:ha:r -- (nm) nourishment, nutritious diet.
  • पोषित poshit -- (a) nourished, reared, nurtured, fostered.
  • पोष्य poshy -- (a) fit to be nourished/nurtured/fostered.
पोष्य पुत्र -- a foster child; an adopted son.
  • पोसना posnā: -- (v) to rear; to bring up; to foster, to nourish; to pet; to domesticate.
  • पोस्ट posṭ -- (nm) post.
पोस्ट आफ़िस -- a post-office.
पोस्ट कार्ड -- a post-card.
पोस्ट बाँक्स -- post-box.
पोस्टमास्टर -- a postmaster.
पोस्टमैन -- a postman.
  • पोस्टमार्टम posṭma:rṭām -- (nm) post-mortem, autopsy.
  • पोस्टर posṭar -- (nm) a poster.
पोस्टर युद्ध -- poster war.
  • पोस्टल posṭal -- (a) postal.
पोस्टल आर्डर -- a postal order.
  • पोस्त post -- (nm) a poppy plant, poppy seed.
  • पोस्ता posta: -- (nm) a poppy plant.
  • पोस्ती posti: -- (nm) an opium-addict; a slothful drowsy person.
  • पोस्तीन posti:n -- (nf) a garment of leather covered with fine wool/hair on it.
  • पोहना pohnā: -- (v) to string, to thread together.
पोहना , बात -- to lodge complaints (against somebody) withdistortion of facts.
  • पौंड pāūṉḍ -- (nm) a pound (weight); sterling pound.
  • पौंड़ा, पौंड़ाढ़ा paūṛa:, ~a: -- (nm) a variety of (juicy) sugarcane.
  • पौंस/रा, पौंसला pāūsra:, ~la: -- (nm) see पौंसरा.
  • पौ pau -- (nf) a ray of light; early dawn; one pip (in a dice).
पौ फटना -- the day to break.
पौबारह होना -- tobe crowned with success (in someenterprise etc.); to have a run ofextremely good luck; to comeout with bright colours.
  • पौआ paua: -- (nm) quarter of a seer; a weight equivalent to one-fourthof a seer; a pot which can contain quarter seer of liquid (asmilk, oil, etc.); a bottle ofliquor; backing, support.
  • पौढ़ना pauṛḥnā: -- (v) to lie, to repose.
  • पौत्र pauttr -- (nm) a grandson, son's son.
  • पौत्री pauttri: -- (nf) a grand-daughter, a son's daughter.
  • पौद paud -- (nf) a seedling, sapling; young plant; (fig.) generation.
पौद , नयी -- new generation, growinggeneration.
  • पौदा pauda: -- (nm) a plant, young plant; sapling.
  • पौध paudh -- (nf) see पौद.
  • पौधा paudha: -- (nm) see पौदा.
  • पौनःपुनिक pāūnāhpunik -- (a) recurrent, repeated again and again.
  • पौनःपुन्य pāūnāhpunny -- (nm) recurrence, repetition.
  • पौन pāūn -- (nm) see पवन; three-fourth, three quarters.
  • पौनरूक्त pāūnrukt -- (nm) repeated, reiterated.
  • पौना pāūnā: -- (nm) a ladle with a long handle; a multiplicationtable in which the multiples ofthree-fourth (3/4) are recorded; (a) three quarter; three-fourth.
पौने -- quarter to (as पौने चार बजे atquarter to four).
पौने, औने पौना- -- at adiscount, at a lower rate.
  • पौनी pāūnī: -- (nf) people belonging to the servicing class (like the.
  • पौर paur -- (a) urban, municipal, civic, pertaining to the city; outer verandah in a house; (nm) a municipal councillor.
पौर, महा -- major.
पौर सदन -- the town hall.
  • पौरस्त्य paurasty -- (a) eastern.
  • पौरांगना paurā:ṅgnā: -- (nf) an urban woman.
  • पौराणिक paurā:ṉik -- (a) mythological; pertaining/belonging to the Pura:nas (see); (nm) one who is conversant with the Pura:ṉas.
पौराणिक कथा -- mythological tale, legend.
पौराणिकता -- mythological character.
  • पौरी pauri: -- (nf) a door; portico.
  • पौरूष paurush -- (nm) manhood, manliness, masculinity; virility.
पौरूषहीन -- unmanly, impotent.
पौरूष थकना -- one'svirility to be on the decline, tobe no more as much of a vigorousman.
  • पौरूषेय paurushey -- (a) manly, vigorous; man-made; hence पौरूषेयता (nf).
  • पौरोहित्य paurohity -- (nm) priesthood.
  • पौर्णमासिक paurṉāmā:sik -- (a) pertaining to the full-moon day.
  • पौर्णमासी paurṉāmā:si: -- (nf) the full-moon day.
  • पौली pauli: -- (nf) a door, threshold.
पौलीबंद -- independent (as a house), having a separate entry and exit.
पौलीबंद मकान -- an independent house.
  • पौवा pauva: -- (nm) see पौआ.
  • पौष paush -- (nm) the tenth month of the Hindu (lunar) calendar.
  • पौष्टिक paushṭik -- (a) nutritive, nutritious; tonic.
पौष्टिक आहार -- nutritive diet, nourishment; hence पौष्टिकता( nf).
  • पौस/रा, पौसला pausra:, ~la: -- (nm) a water-kiosk, booth where wateris provided free of charge (specially in summers).
  • पौहारी pauha:ri: -- (nm) one who subsists on milk alone.
  • प्याऊ pya:u: -- (nf) a water-booth, free water-kiosk.
प्याऊ बैठाना/लगाना -- tocause a water-kiosk to be run, to set up a water-booth.
  • प्या/ज़ pya:z -- (nm) onion.
प्याज़ी/जू -- onion-coloured, light pink.
  • प्यादा pya:da: -- (nm) a footman, an infantryman; pedestrian; a pawn(in chess).
प्यादा से फरजी भयौ टेढ़ो-टोढ़ोजात -- risen from the ranks, mustturn into cranks.
  • प्यार pya:r -- (nm) love; affection; amour, amorous relationship.
प्यार मोहब्बत -- love and affection.
प्यार भरी नज़रों से देखना -- to give the gladeye, to cast an amorous/festiveglance.
  • प्यारा pya:ra: -- (a) dear, beloved, loved; pleasing, lovely; pretty; (nm) a dear one, beloved.
  • प्याला pya:la: -- (nm) a cup.
प्याला भरना/लबरेज़ होना/लबालब होना -- the cup (e.g. of life) to be full.
  • प्यास pya:s -- (nf) thirst; longing/lust.
प्यास बुझाना -- to quench one's thirst; to satisfy one's lust.
  • प्यासा pya:sa: -- (a) thirsty.
  • प्र pra -- a Sanskrit prefix imparting the meanings of before; forward; in front; on; forth; away; excessively, eminently, excellently, very much.
  • प्रकंप prakāmp -- (nm) vibration; quivering; trembling.
  • प्रकं/पन prakāmpān -- (nm) see प्रकंप.
प्रकंपित -- vibrated; quivered, shivered, trembled.
  • प्रकट prakaṭ -- (a) manifest; revealed; apparent; obvious, evident, ostensible; overt.
प्रकटन -- manifestation, becoming visible; fade in.
प्रकट-प्रच्छन्न -- overt and covert; directand indirect.
प्रकट करना -- to manifest; to make apparent/obvious/evident; to reveal; to cause toappear.
  • प्रकटतः prakaṭtah -- (adv) manifestly; apparently; obviously; evidently.
  • प्रकटित prakaṭit -- (a) manifested; revealed, disclosed, made apparent/obvious/evident.
  • प्रकटीकरण prakaṭi:karāṉ -- (nm) manifestation; revelation, disclosure; (the act or process of) makingapparent/obvious/evident.
  • प्रक/थन prakathān -- (nm) averment; assertion; hence प्रकथित (a).
  • प्रकरprakar -- (nm) a circle (as of friends, associates, etc.); assembly.
  • प्रकरण prakarāṉ -- (nm) context; a division of a book-section, topic, chapter.
प्रकरण सापेक्ष -- contextual.
  • प्रक/र्ष prakarsh -- (nm) (rising to) eminence/excellence; exaltation, elevation; hence प्रकर्षी (a).
  • प्रक/ल्पना prakalpanā: -- (nf) presumption taking for granted.
प्रकल्पित -- presumptive, presumed.
  • प्रकांड prakā:ṉḍ -- (a) outstanding, eminent; foremost, leading.
प्रकांड विद्वान -- outstanding/foremostscholar; hence प्रकांडता (nf).
  • प्रकार praka:r -- (nm) kind; quality; mode, manner; way, method; type; pattern.
प्रकार-भेद -- difference inkind/quality/type.
प्रकार-विद्या -- typology.
  • प्रकारांतर praka:rā:ntar -- (nm) a different/another method or manner.
प्रकारांतर से -- in another or in a different method/manner/way.
  • प्रकारात्मक praka:ra:tmāk -- (a) pertaining to type/manner/pattern/quality; qualitative.
  • प्रकाश praka:sh -- (nm) light; sunshine; lustre; chapter of a book.
प्रकाशक्षेपी -- a reflector.
प्रकाशमापी -- light-meter.
प्रकाश-विश्लेषण -- photolysis.
प्रकाश डालना -- to throw light on, to elucidate.
प्रकाश में आना -- to come intolime-light; to come to light; toacquire renown.
  • प्रकाश/क praka:shak -- (nm) a publisher; one who or that which illuminates, an illuminator.
प्रकाशकीय -- of, related with or pertaining to a/the publisher.
  • प्रकाशन praka:shān -- (nm) a publication; publishing; (the act or process of) bringing to light; release.
प्रकाशन अधिकार -- publication-rights.
प्रकाशन संस्था -- a publishing concern.
प्रकाशन उद्घाटन (प्रकाशनोद्घाटन) -- release (of a new publication).
  • प्रकाशमान praka:shmā:n -- (a) glowing, shining; lustrous, resplendent, radiant.
  • प्रकाशिकी praka:shiki: -- (nf) optics.
प्रकाशिकीय -- optical.
  • प्रकाशित praka:shit -- (a) published; brought to light, manifest, obvious; resplendent.
  • प्रकाशीय praka:shi:y -- (n) optical.
  • प्रकाश्य praka:shy -- (a) publication-worthy; fit to be brought to light.
  • प्रकीर्ण praki:rṉ -- (a) diffused, scattered, dishevelled; miscellaneous.
प्रकीर्णक -- miscellaneous (assembly).
प्रकीर्णकेश -- having dishevelled hair; hence प्रकीर्णता (nf).
  • प्रकुपित prakupit -- (a) infuriated enraged, wrathful; gone into disequilibrium or out of control.
  • प्रकृत prakrit -- (a) natural; spontaneous; unsophisticated; habitual; genuine; normal.
प्रकृतवाद -- naturalism.
प्रकृतवादी -- a naturalist; naturalistic.
  • प्रकृतार्थ prakrita:rth -- (nm) real import, true meaning.
  • प्रकृति prakriti -- (nf) the nature; temperament, disposition; habit; genius (as of a language).
प्रकृतिज -- spontaneous, natural.
प्रकृति-भेद -- difference of nature; temperamental, difference.
प्रकृतिवाद -- naturalism; naturism.
प्रकृतिवादी -- anatur(al) ist; natur(al) istic.
प्रकृति विज्ञान -- natural history.
प्रकृति शास्त्र -- naturism.
प्रकृतिशास्त्री -- a naturist.
प्रकृतिशास्त्रीय -- naturistic.
प्रकृतिसिद्ध -- natural, spontaneous.
प्रकृतिस्थ -- composed, cooland composed; poised, sane.
प्रकृतिस्थता -- composure; sanity.
  • प्रकृत्या prakrittya: -- (ind) by temperament, by disposition, by nature.
  • प्रकृष्ट prakrishṭ -- (a) excellent; supreme, best; hence प्रकृष्टता (nf).
  • प्र/कोप prakop -- (nm) wrath, rage, fury.
प्रकोपित -- see प्रकुपित.
  • प्रकोष्ठ prakoshṭḥ -- (nm) wrist; courtyard; chamber.
  • प्रक्रम prakkrām -- (nm) a process; sequence; series.
  • प्रक्रिया prakkriya: -- (nf) a process, procedure; technique, method.
प्रक्रियात्मक -- procedural.
प्रक्रियाविज्ञ/विद् -- a methodologist.
प्रक्रिया-विज्ञान -- methodology; hence प्रक्रियाविज्ञानी (nm).
  • प्रक्षा/लन praksha:lān -- (nm) washing, cleansing.
प्रक्षालित -- washed, cleansed.
  • प्रक्षि/प्त prakshipt -- (a) projected; thrown; cast forth; interpolated.
प्रक्षिप्तांश -- interpolation.
  • प्रक्षेप prakkshep -- (nm) projection; throw, casting forth; interpolation.
प्रक्षेपक -- a projector.
प्रक्षेपण -- projection; projecting, throwing.
  • प्रखर prakhar -- (a) sharp; keen, acute; radical; fierce.
प्रखरता -- sharpness; keenness, acuteness; radicalism; fierceness.
  • प्रख्या/त prakkhya:t -- (a) well-known, renowned, reputed; hence प्रख्याति( nf).
  • प्रख्या/पन prakkhya:pān -- (nm) promulgation.
प्रख्यापित -- promulgated.
  • प्रगट pragaṭ -- (a) see प्रकट.
  • प्रगटना pragaṭnā: -- (v) to become manifest/obvious; to be born/incarnated.
  • प्रगति pragati -- (nf) progress; development.
प्रगतिवाद, प्रगतिवादिता -- progressivism.
प्रगतिवादी -- progressive; a progressivist.
प्रगति विरोधी -- anti-progressive, reactionary.
प्रगति तत्त्व -- reactionary elements.
प्रगतिशील -- progressive.
प्रगतिशीलता -- progressivism; progress.
  • प्रगल्भ pragalbh -- (a) mature; insolent, impertinent, cheeky; outspoken; venturesome.
प्रगल्भता -- maturity; insolence, impertinence, cheekiness; outspokenness; venturesomeness.
  • प्रगल्भा pragalbha: -- (nf) a matured heroine/woman, according totraditional Indian Poetics aheroine well conversant with theart of love/erotic affairs.
  • प्रगाढ़ praga:ṛḥ -- (a) profound, deep; dense; exceeding, abundant; hence प्रगाढ़ता (nf).
  • प्रगी/त pragi:t -- (nm) a song; lyric.
प्रगीति -- a lyric; lyrical.
प्रगीति काव्य -- lyrical poetry.
प्रगीतिप्रगी- तत्त्व -- lyrical element.
  • प्रगु/णन pragūṉān -- (nm) multiplication, raising the prepotence.
प्रगुणता -- prepotency, prepotence.
  • प्रघात pragha:t -- (nm) thrust; impact.
  • प्रचंड prachāṉḍ -- (a) excessively violent, impetuous, furious, fierce; passionate; virulent; terrible, direful; mighty, powerful.
प्रचंडता -- violence; impetuousness, furiousness, fierceness; passionateness; virulence; mightiness; power.
प्रचंड महासागर -- the Atlantic Ocean.
  • प्रचलन prachalān -- (nm) currency, prevalence; custom; usage; movement.
  • प्रचलि/त prachalit -- (a) current, prevalent, in vogue, in usage; common; customary; moved.
प्रचलितार्थ -- current or prevalent meaning/acceptation.
  • प्रचार pracha:r -- (nm) propaganda; publicity; currency; prevalence.
प्रचारक/प्रचारकर्त्ता -- propagator; propagandist; publicist.
प्रचार जवाबी -- counter-propaganda; hence प्रचारण (nm).
प्रचार युग -- age of publicity/propaganda.
प्रचार लेख -- write-up.
प्रचार संख्या -- circulation.
  • प्रचारित pracha:rit -- (a) propagated; publicised; circulated; made current/prevalent, given currency.
  • प्रचाल/न pracha:lan -- (nm) operation.
प्रचालक -- an operator.
  • प्रचुर prachur -- (a) plentiful, copious, abundant; ample.
प्रचुरता -- plenty, copiousness, abundance; ampleness.
  • प्रच्छद prachchhad -- (nm) a lid, cover; covering.
  • प्रच्छन्न prachchhann -- (a) covered; concealed, hidden, latent, stealthy; implicit; secret; indirect.
प्रच्छन्नचारी -- secretive.
प्रच्छन्न रूप से -- secretly/stealthily; indirectly.
  • प्रच्छन्नता prachchhannāta: -- (nf) concealment; latency; stealthiness, secrecy.
  • प्रच्छा/दन prachchha:dan -- (nm) covering; concealment, concealing, hiding; a cover, wrapper; hence प्रच्छादित (a).
  • प्रज/नन prajanān -- (nm) reproduction, (multiplying by) generation, breeding; hence प्रजनित (a).
  • प्रज/ल्पना prajalpanā: -- (nf) talk; chatting; talkativeness, gossiping; hence प्रजल्पित (a).
  • प्रजा praja: -- (nf) subjects; public.
प्रजातंत्र -- democracy.
प्रजातंत्रात्मक -- democratic.
प्रजातांत्रिक -- democratic.
प्रजापति -- the Creator-Lord Brahma:; a pot-maker.
प्रजापालक -- protectorof the subjects; a benevolentking.
प्रजापालन -- protecting/providing subsistence to the subjects.
प्रजापीड़क -- a tyrant; tyrannical.
प्रजापीड़न -- tyranny.
प्रजा सत्ता -- democracy.
प्रजासत्तात्मक -- democratic.
प्रजा हित -- well-being of the subjects/public.
  • प्रजाति praja:ti -- (nf) species.
  • प्रजारना praja:rnā: -- (v) to char, to burn completely.
  • प्रज्ञा praggya: -- (nf) prudence, intellect.
प्रज्ञाचक्षु -- blind.
प्रज्ञावान् -- prudent, intelligent.
प्रज्ञाहीन -- stupid, nincompoop.
  • प्र/ज्ञान praggyā:n -- (nm) wisdom; noesis.
प्रज्ञात -- well-known; famous; reputed; defined.
प्रज्ञेय -- neo-mata.
  • प्रज्ञा/पन pragya:pān -- (nm) notification, notice; making known; hence प्रज्ञापित (a).
  • प्रज्व/लन prajjwalān -- (nm) ignition, burning, setting on fire/settingaglow.
प्रज्वलित -- ignited, burnt, seton fire; set aglow.
  • प्रण prāṉ -- (nm) a vow, pledge.
प्रण करना -- .
  • प्रणत prāṉat -- (a) bowed (down), bent, obeisant, humble, modest.
प्रणतपाल -- a protector of shelter-seekers.
  • प्रणति prāṉati -- (nf) (the act or process of) bowing, reverential salutation; obeisance.
  • प्रणम्य prāṉammy -- (a) reverend, worthy of respect/bowing to withreverence, deserving salutation.
  • प्रणय prāṉay -- (nm) love; affection, attachment.
प्रणय-कलह -- amatorial disputation, dispute between lovers.
  • प्रणयन prāṉayān -- (nm) writing, composition.
  • प्रण/यी prāṉayi: -- (nm) a lover; (a) having affection; amatorial; hence प्रणयिनी (nf).
  • प्रणव prāṉav -- (nm) the sacred and mystical syllable Om, GodAlmighty.
  • प्रणा/म prāṉā:m -- (nm) reverential salutation; bowing with respect; a term used in greeting elders; abandoning, giving up, biddinggood-bye to (as ऐसी प्रथा को प्रणाम).
प्रणामी -- one who bows reverentially; saluting respectfully.
प्रणाम करना, दूर से -- to say good-byeto; to maintain a safe distance.
  • प्रणाली prāṉa:li: -- (nf) a system; method.
प्रणालीबद्ध -- methodical.
  • प्रणिधान prāṉidhā:n -- (nm) respectful conduct; profound religious meditation; abstract contemplation; prayer.
  • प्रणिधि prāṉidhi -- (nm) an emissary.
  • प्रणित praṉī:t -- (a) written, composed.
  • प्रणेता praṉēta: -- (nm) a writer, author; composer.
  • प्रतप्त pratapt -- (a) well-heated; red hot; oppressed; harassed.
  • प्रता/ड़ना prata:ṛnā: -- (nf) admonition, reproof; affliction.
प्रताड़ित -- afflicted.
  • प्रताप prata:p -- (nm) glorious grace, glory, dignity; glorious renown; overwhelming, influence.
प्रतापवान -- see प्रतापी.
प्रताप से, किसी के -- through theglorious grace of.
  • प्रतापी prata:pi: -- (a) glorious, dignified possessing glory and renown/overwhelming influence.
  • प्रति prati -- (nf) a copy; print; a Sanskrit prefix imparting themeanings of towards, near to; against, in opposition to; back, again, in return; down upon; andalso of likeness or comparison; anti; per.
प्रतिप्रचार -- counter-propaganda.
प्रति मास -- per mensem.
  • प्रतिकर pratikar -- (nm) return; compensation.
  • प्रतिकरणीय pratikarṉīy -- (a) deserving of return/revenge/retaliation; worth countering, counterable.
  • प्रतिकर्ष pratikarsh -- (nm) anti-climax; repulsion.
  • प्रति/कर्षण pratikarshāṉ -- (nm) repulsion; back pull.
प्रतिकर्षित -- repulsed, thrown back.
प्रतिकर्षी -- repulsive.
प्रतिकर्षी शक्ति -- force of repulsion.
कृष्ट -- repulsed, thrust backwards.
  • प्रतिकाय pratika:y -- (nm) a prototype; counterpart.
  • प्रति/कार pratiḳa:r -- (nm) revenge, retaliation; return.
प्रतिकारक -- anti-dote, counter.
प्रतिकारात्मक -- retaliatory, born of a sense of revenge.
प्रतिकारी -- retaliator; one who takesrevenge.
प्रतिकार्यता -- reactance/counterability/retaliativity.
  • प्रतिकाष्ठा pratika:shṭḥa: -- (nf) anti-climax.
  • प्रतिकूल pratiku:l -- (a) adverse, unfavourable; contrary; opposite; hostile.
प्रतिकूलकारी -- opponent, adversary.
प्रतिकूलदर्शन -- repulsive; ominous, inauspicious.
प्रतिकूलवाद -- contradiction.
  • प्रतिकूलता pratiku:lta: -- (nf) an adversity, unfavourableness; contrariety; opposition; hostility; contra-vention.
  • प्रतिकृति pratikkriti -- (nf) a prototype, facsimile, replica; an image.
  • प्रतिक्रांति pratikkrā:nti -- (nf) counter-revolution; copy, facsimile.
प्रतिक्रांतिक/प्रतिक्रांतिकारी -- counter-revolutionary.
  • प्रति/क्रिया pratikkriya: -- (nf) reaction.
प्रतिक्रिया-कलाप -- retroactivity.
प्रतिक्रियात्मक -- reactionary.
प्रतिक्रियावाद -- reaction(ism).
प्रतिक्रियावादी -- reactionary; a reactionist.
  • प्रति/क्षेप pratikkshep -- (nm) recoil, rebound; regurgitation; hence प्रतिक्षेपण.
प्रतिक्षिप्त -- recoiled, rebounded; regurgitated.
  • प्रति/गमन pratigamān -- (nm) return; regression, retrogression.
प्रतिगत -- returned; regressed, retrogressed.
प्रतिगामी -- retrogressive.
प्रतिगामी तत्त्व -- retrogressive elements.
प्रतिगामी शक्ति -- retrogressive force.
  • प्रति/घात pratigha:t -- (nm) counter-attack, counter-offensive, counter-stroke; hence प्रतिघाती (nm and a).
  • प्रतिचय/न pratichay -- ~an (nm) sampling.
प्रतिचयन-पद्धति/विधि -- sampling technique.
  • प्रतिचर pratichar -- (nm) a contra-variant.
  • प्रतिचार praticha:r -- (nm) make-up.
  • प्रतिचित्रण pratichitraṉ -- (nm) adumbration, counter-delineation.
  • प्रतिच्छाया pratichchha:ya: -- (nf) a shadow; image; copy, facsimile; replica.
  • प्रतिच्छिन्न pratichchhinn -- (a) intersected.
  • प्रति/च्छेद pratichchhed -- (nm) intersection; hence प्रतिच्छेदन (nm).
  • प्रतिजैविकी pratijaiviki: -- (nf) antibiotics.
प्रतिजैविकीय -- antibiotic.
  • प्रतिज्ञा pratiggya: -- (nf) a pledge, vow; promise; enunciation.
प्रतिज्ञाकर्ता -- a promiser, one who makes a pledge or takes a vow.
प्रतिज्ञाती -- a promisee; one to whom a pledge is made.
प्रतिज्ञा-पत्र -- a covenant, written pledge; bond.
प्रतिज्ञा-पालन -- carrying out of a pledge, implementation of/adherence to a vow.
प्रतिज्ञा-भंग -- violation of a pledge, going back on one's vow; breach of a promise.
  • प्रतिज्ञा/न pratiggyā:n -- (nm) an affirmance; a pledge, vow; hence प्रतिज्ञात (a).
  • प्रतिदर्श pratidarsh -- (nm) a specimen; sample.
प्रतिदर्शन -- representation; sampling.
  • प्रतिदान pratidā:n -- (nm) requital, return, recompense; repayment.
  • प्रतिदिन pratidin -- (ind) every day, daily.
  • प्रतिदी/प्त pratidi:pt -- (a) fluorescent.
प्रतिदीप्ति -- fluorescence.
  • प्रतिदेय pratidey -- (nm) that which can be given in return, worth givingin return; requital; (a) repayable, refundable; returnable; hence प्रतिदेयता (nf).
  • प्रतिद्वंद्व pratidvāndv -- (nm) conflict, mutual struggle, clash, contest.
  • प्रतिद्वंद्विता pratidvāndvita: -- (nf) rivalry, mutual conflict, contest.
  • प्रतिद्वंद्वी pratidvāndvi: -- (nm) a rival, contestant; an antagonist.
  • प्रतिध्वनि pratiddhvanī -- (nf) echo, re-echo, reverberation; resonance.
  • प्रतिनमस्कार pratināmaska:r -- (nm) responsive salutation, saying'hello' in response to greetings.
  • प्रति/नाद pratina:d -- (nm) see प्रतिध्वनि.
प्रतिनादित -- see प्रतिध्वनित.
  • प्रतिना/यक pratina:yak -- (nm) hero's rival/competitor; a villain.
प्रतिनायिका -- a vamp.
  • प्रतिनिधि pratinidhi -- (nm) a delegate; representative; deputy.
प्रतिनिधिक -- representative.
प्रतिनिधित्व -- representation; deputation; delegacy.
प्रतिनिधिमंडल -- a delegation, a body of representatives; deputation.
प्रतिनिधि-सभा -- house ofrepresentatives.
  • प्रति/नियुक्त pratiniyukt -- (nm) a deputy; (a) deputed.
प्रतिनियुक्ति -- deputation.
  • प्रतिनिर्देश pratinirdesh -- (nm) cross-reference; cross-referencing; hence प्रतिनिर्देशर्दिष्ट (a).
  • प्रतिनिविष्ट pratinivishṭ -- (a) confirmed, rigid.
प्रतिनिविष्ट मूर्ख -- a confirmed fool, anincorrigible fool.
  • प्रतिपक्ष pratipaksh -- (nm) opposition, rival side, hostile camp, contesting party.
प्रतिपक्षता -- opposition, rivalry, contest, hostility.
  • प्रतिपक्षी pratipakshi: -- (nm) an opponent, rival, contestant; contralateral.
  • प्रतिपत्ति pratipatti -- (nf) acquisition, acquirement, accomplishment.
  • प्रतिपत्र pratipattar -- (nf) proxy.
  • प्रतिपदा pratipada: -- (nf) the first day of the lunar fortnight.
  • प्रति/पादन pratipa:dān -- (nm) exposition; treatment; enunciation.
प्रतिपादक -- an exponent, interpreter, one who sets forth or enunciates.
प्रतिपादित -- set forth, interpreted; treated; enunciated.
  • प्रतिपाद्य pratipa:dy -- (a and nm) treated of, enunciated; the theme, the subject matter, subject treatedof; to be enunciated; hence प्रतिपाद्यता( nf).
प्रतिपाद्य विषय -- the subject/theme(treated of).
  • प्रति/पाल pratipa:l -- (nm) a protector, one who sustains, one who provides subsistence; also प्रतिपालक( nm).
  • प्रति/पालन pratipa:lān -- (um) protection, giving sustenance, providing subsistence; maintenance; observance; implementation.
प्रतिपाल्य -- one who is under protection.
प्रतिपालन करना -- to protect, to givesustenance, to provide subsistence; to maintain; to observe; to implement.
  • प्रतिपालना pratipa:lnā: -- (v) see प्रतिपालन (करना).
  • प्रतिपालित pratipa:lit -- (a) protected; sustained, given subsistence; maintained; observed; implemented.
  • प्रतिपुरुष pratipurush -- (nm) an effigy; a substitute; replacement.
  • प्रतिपूरक pratipu:rak -- (a) complementary; hence प्रतिपूरकता (nf).
  • प्रतिपूर्ति pratipu:rti -- (nf) compensation, recompense; reimbursement.
  • प्रतिप्रहार pratipraha:r -- (nm) counter-attack, counter-assault, counter-offensive.
  • प्रतिफल pratiphal -- (nm) requital, consideration; return.
  • प्रति/फलन pratiphalān -- (nm) dulmination, conclusion; reflection.
प्रतिफलित -- culminated (in); concluded; reflected.
  • प्रति/बंध pratibāndh -- (nm) restriction; ban; proviso; condition.
प्रतिबंधित -- restricted, banned; conditioned.
प्रतिबद्ध -- restricted; banned.
  • प्रतिबल pratibal -- (nm) counter-force; counter-strength; possessingmatching strength.
  • प्रति/बाधा pratiba:dha: -- (nf) reactance; obstruction; harassment.
प्रतिबाधित -- obstructed; harassed.
  • प्रति/बिंब pratibimb -- (nm) reflection; image, shadow.
प्रतिबिंबवाद -- reflectionism, the philosophical doctrine which asserts that the individual is but the reflection of hisCreator.
प्रतिबिंबित -- reflected.
  • प्रतिबुद्धि/वाद pratibuddhiva:d -- (nm) anti-intellectualism.
प्रतिबुद्धिवादी -- ananti-intellectual; anti-intellectualist; anti-intellectualistic.
  • प्रति/बोध pratibodh -- (nm) awakening; rousing; also प्रतिबोधक; hence प्रतिबोधन (nm).
  • प्रतिभट pratibhat -- (nm) a rival, rival warrior.
  • प्रतिभा pratibha: -- (nf) genius; brilliance.
प्रतिभावान -- a genius; brilliant.
प्रतिभाशाली -- genius; brilliant.
प्रतिभा-संपन्न -- see प्रतिभाशाली.
  • प्रतिभावी pratibha:vi: -- (a) antagonistic.
  • प्रति/भास pratibha:s -- (nm) illusion; apparent likeness, appearance.
प्रतिभासित -- appeared.
  • प्रतिभू pratibhu: -- (nm) a surety; guarantee.
  • प्रतिभूति pratibhu:ti -- (nf) bail; security; guarantee.
  • प्रतिमंडल pratimāṉḍal -- (nm) a halo.
  • प्रतिमा pratimā: -- (nf) an image, icon, a statue; effigy.
प्रतिमा-पूजा -- idolatory; iconolatory.
प्रतिमाविज्ञान -- iconoscope; iconography.
प्रतिमा-भंजन -- iconoclasm.
प्रतिमा-भंजक -- an iconoclast; iconoclastic.
  • प्रतिमान pratimā:n -- (um) a pattern, specimen; prototype; standard.
  • प्रतिमूर्ति pratimu:rti -- (nf) an image, icon, idol; prototype.
  • प्रति/योग pratiyog -- (nm) a competition, rivalry, contest, match.
प्रतियोगात्मक -- competitive; contesting.
  • प्रतियोगिता pratiyogita: -- (nf) competition, rivalry; match; tournament; contest.
प्रतियोगिता-परीक्षा -- competitive examination.
  • प्रतियोगी pratiyogi: -- (nm and a) a competitor; contestant, rival, matching.
  • प्रतियोद्धा pratiyoddha: -- (nm) a rival warrior, a contesting fighter/combatant.
  • प्रति/रक्षा pratiraksha: -- (nf) defence.
प्रतिरक्षात्मक -- defensive.
प्रतिरक्षा-सेनाएँ -- defence forces.
  • प्रति/रुप pratiru:p -- (nm) a pattern; model, prototype; specimen; simulacum; counterpart; (a) enantiomorphic; type.
प्रतिरुपी -- typical; counterpart; prototype; specimen; enantiomorphic.
  • प्रति/रोध pratirodh -- (nm) resistance; contest; obstruction; counter-action.
प्रतिरुद्ध -- resisted: contested; obstructed.
प्रतिरोधक -- resistor; resistant, contestant; antagonistic; causing obstruction.
प्रतिरोधित -- see प्रतिरुद्ध.
प्रतिरोधी -- resistant, obstructive; contesting; counteractive; an antagonist.
  • प्रतिलाभ pratila:bh -- (nm) return.
  • प्रति/लिपि pratilipi -- (nf) a copy, duplicate copy; facsimile.
प्रतिलिपिक/कार -- copyist.
प्रतिलिप्याधिकार -- copyright.
प्रतिलिप्याधिकारी -- copyright holder.
  • प्रतिलेख pratilekh -- (nm) a transcription; anti-graph.
प्रतिलेखन -- transcription; anti-graphing.
प्रतिलेखन, सूक्ष्म -- narrow transcription.
प्रतिलेखन, स्थूल -- .
  • प्रतिलोम pratilom -- (a) inverse; reverse; resupinate; unwarranted; adverse; vile.
प्रतिलोम अनुपात -- inverse proportion.
प्रतिलोम विवाह -- the marriage of a man of a lower caste with awoman of a higher caste.
  • प्रति/वर्तन prativartān -- (nm) reversion; recurve; obversion; reflex.
प्रतिवर्ती -- reversible; reflexive, reversed; re-curved.
प्रतिवर्त्य -- reversible.
  • प्रतिवाद prativa:d -- (nm) a controversy; refutation, contradiction, counter-statement; responsive argument.
प्रतिवाद पक्ष -- the defence (side).
  • प्रतिवादी prativa:di: -- (nm) a defendant; respondent.
प्रतिवादी पक्ष -- defence, respondent's side; hence प्रतिवादिता( nf).
  • प्रतिवासर prativa:sar -- (ind) everyday, daily.
  • प्रति/वेदन prativedan -- (nm) report, representation.
प्रतिवेदक/वेदी -- a reporter; one who makes a representation.
  • प्रति/वेश prativesh -- (nm) neighbourhood, vicinity.
प्रतिवेशी -- a neighbour.
  • प्रतिशत pratishat -- (ind) per cent.
प्रतिशत अनुपात -- percentage.
प्रतिशत , शत -- cent percent.
प्रतिशतता -- percentage.
  • प्रतिशब्द partishabd -- (nm) a synonym, equivalent word, synonymous word.
  • प्रतिशिष्ट pratishishṭ -- (nm) a page; (a) deployed, sent on an errand.
  • प्रति/शोध pratishodh -- (nm) revenge, vendetta, vangeance; reprisal.
प्रतिशोधात्मक -- revengeful, inspiredby vendetta.
प्रतिशोधी -- one whoavenges/seeks vendetta.
  • प्रतिश्रवण pratishshravaṉ -- (nm) play-back.
  • प्रतिश्रुत pratishshrut -- (a) committed, bound, sworn, pledged.
  • प्रतिश्रुति pratishshruti -- (nf) commitment, binding, swearing, vow, pledge.
  • प्रति/षेध pratishedh -- (nm) prohibition, forbiddance; taboo.
प्रतिषिद्ध -- prohibited, forbidden; tabooed.
  • प्रतिष्ठा pratishṭḥa: -- (nf) prestige, dignity; status; establishment; installation, consecration of anidol in a temple.
प्रतिष्ठावान -- enjoyingprestige/status, dignified.
प्रतिष्ठा करना -- to instal/establish/consecrate.
प्रतिष्ठा काप्रश्न -- a prestige issue.
प्रतिष्ठा भंग होना -- one's dignity to be violated.
  • प्रतिष्ठान pratishṭḥā:n -- (nm) an establishment; installation.
  • प्रतिष्ठा/पन pratishṭḥa:pān -- (nm) establishment; installation; consecration of the image of a deity; hence प्रतिष्ठापित (a).
  • प्रतिष्ठित pratishṭḥit -- (a) honourable, respectable; established; installed; consecrated; dignified; enjoying a prestige/status.
  • प्रतिसं/हरण pratisānharāṉ -- (nm) revocation; hence प्रतिसंहार (nm).
  • प्रतिस्था/पन pratistha:pān -- (nm) replacement, replacing; substitution.
प्रतिस्थापित -- replaced, substituted.
  • प्रति/स्पर्धा pratispardha: -- (nf) rivalry, contest; competition.
प्रतिस्पर्धी -- rival, contestant; competitor.
  • प्रतिस्फीति pratisphi:ti -- (nf) anti-inflation.
प्रतिस्फीतिपरक -- anti-inflationary.
  • प्रतिहत pratihat -- (a) restrained, obstructed, hampered; defeated.
  • प्रतिहस्त pratihast -- (nm) representative, deputy.
  • प्रतिहस्ताक्षर pratihasta:kshar -- (nm) counter-signature.
  • प्रतिहार pratiha:r -- (nm) a gate-keeper; watchman.
  • प्रतिहारी pratiha:ri: -- (nm) see प्रतिहार.
  • प्रति/हिंसा pratihinsa: -- (nf) vengeance, revenge; retaliation, counter-violence.
प्रतिहिंसक -- one who takes revenge, retaliator/retaliatory; violent in reaction.
प्रतिहिंसात्मक -- revengeful, retaliatory; inspiredby counter-violence/vengeance.
  • प्रतीक prati:k -- (nm) a symbol; fetish.
प्रतीक-प्रयोग -- symbology; symbolism; symbolization.
प्रतीकवाद/प्रतीकवादिता -- symbolism.
प्रतीकवादी -- a symbolist; symbolical.
प्रतीक-विद्या -- symbolics; symbology.
प्रतीक-विधान -- symbology, symbolization.
  • प्रतीकात्मक prati:ka:tmak -- (a) symbolic, allegorical.
प्रतीकात्मकता -- symbolism; fetishism.
  • प्रतीकोपास/ना prati:kopa:snā: -- (nf) symbolatory.
प्रतीकोपासक -- a symbolater.
  • प्रती/क्षा prati:ksha: -- (nf) waiting (for); wait; expectation.
प्रतीक्षित -- awaited.
  • प्रतीक्षालय prati:ksha:lay -- (nm) a waiting room.
  • प्रती/ची prati:chi: -- (nf) the west.
प्रतीचीन/च्य -- western, pertaining tothe west.
  • प्रतीत prati:t -- (a) appeared; known, acquainted.
  • प्रतीति prati:ti -- (nf) conviction, assurance, confidence; appearance.
  • प्रतीप prati:p -- (a) contrary; adverse; repugnant.
प्रतीप गति/गमन -- retrogradation, retrogression, going backwards.
प्रतीपगामी -- retrograde, retrogressive.
प्रतीप-तरण -- rowing upstream.
  • प्रतीयमान prati:yamā:n -- (a) virtual; apparent; hence प्रतीयमानता (nf).
  • प्रत्यं/कन pratyaṅkan -- (nm) transcription.
प्रत्यंकित -- transcribed.
  • प्रत्यंग pratyāṅg -- (nm) minor parts (of the body); (ind) each andevery part.
  • प्रत्यंचा pratyāṇcha: -- (nf) a bow-string.
प्रत्यंचा चढ़ाना -- to string the bow; to get ready to fight.
  • प्रत्यक्ष pratyaksh -- (a) visible, tangible, evident; apparent, obvious; direct.
प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान -- direct comprehension; sensual perception; hence प्रत्यक्षता (nf).
प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन -- witnessing directly (with one's own eyes); first-hand view.
प्रत्यक्षदर्शी -- an eye-witness.
प्रत्यक्ष दृश्य -- tangible, directly perceivable.
प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण -- direct evidence; eye-witness evidence.
प्रत्यक्षवाद -- direct view.
प्रत्यक्षवादिता -- positivism.
प्रत्यक्षवादी -- a positivist; positivistic.
प्रत्यक्ष विहित -- explicitly prescribed.
प्रत्यक्ष साक्षी -- an eye-witness; bearing directtestimony.
प्रत्यक्ष साक्ष्य -- direct testimony; eye-witness evidence.
प्रत्यक्षसिद्ध -- proved by direct evidence.
  • प्रत्यक्षीकरण pratyakshi:karāṉ -- (nm) (the act or process) of comingface to face, seeing throughone's own eyes; direct perception.
प्रत्यक्षीकरण , बंदी -- habeas corpus.
प्रत्यक्षीकरण याचिका -- habeas corpus petition.
प्रत्यक्षीकरणकृत -- come face to face, seenthrough one's own eyes; directlyperceived.
  • प्रत्यपका/र pratyapka:r -- (nm) reprisal; retaliation; hence प्रत्यपकारी (nm).
  • प्रत्यभिज्ञा pratyabhigya: -- (nf) recognition, identification.
प्रत्यभिज्ञा दर्शन -- a philosophical school which recognises Lord Shiv as the Supreme Power i.e. Brahm.
  • प्रत्यभिज्ञान pratyabhiggyā:n -- (nm) recognition, identification; anidentification mark.
  • प्रत्यभिवादन pratybhiva:dān -- (nm) responsive salutation; saying'hello' in reply.
  • प्रत्यय pratyay -- (nm) an idea, concept.
  • प्रत्ययन pratyaān -- (nm) ideation.
  • प्रत्या/यन pratya:yān -- (nm) accreditation.
प्रत्यायक -- an accreditor; accrediting.
प्रत्यायित -- accredited.
प्रत्यायित दूत -- accredited envoy.
प्रत्यायित राजदूत -- accredited ambassador.
  • प्रत्यर्थी pratyarthi: -- (nm) a respondent.
  • प्रत्य/र्पण pratyarpāṉ -- (nm) extradition; return, refund.
प्रत्यर्पणीय -- extraditable; returnable/refundable; hence प्रत्यर्पित (a).
  • प्रत्यवहार pratyavha:r -- (nm) destruction; annihilation.
  • प्रत्यवेक्षण pratyavekshāṉ -- (nm) deliberation, consideration of the pros and cons (of a matter).
  • प्रत्या/ख्यान pratya:kkhyā:n -- (nm) repudiation, refutation, rebuttal.
प्रत्याख्यात -- repudiated, refuted, rebutted.
  • प्रत्यागत pratyā:gat -- (a) returned, come back.
  • प्रत्यागमन pratya:gamāṉ -- (nm) return, coming back.
  • प्रत्याघात pratya:gha:t -- (nm) counter-impact; counter-stroke, counter-blow.
  • प्रत्या/नयन pratya:nayān -- (nm) restitution.
प्रत्यानीत -- restituted.
  • प्रत्याभूति pratya:bhu:ti -- (nf) a guaranted.
  • प्रत्या/युक्त pratya:yukt -- (nm) a delegate.
प्रत्यायोग -- delegation.
  • प्रत्याव/र्तन pratya:vartān -- (nm) return; reversion; recurrence; restoration.
प्रत्यावर्तित -- returned; reversed; recurred; restored.
प्रत्यावर्तित्र -- aṉ alternator.
प्रत्यावर्ती -- a reversioner.
प्रत्यावर्ती धारा -- alternating current (A.C.).
प्रत्यावर्तनप्रत्याव नियम -- alternation law.
  • प्रत्या/शा pratya:sha: -- (nf) expectation; anticipation.
  • प्रत्याशित pratya:shit -- (a) expected; anticipated/anticipatory.
  • प्रत्या/शी pratya:shi: -- (nm) a candidate.
प्रत्याशिता -- candidature.
  • प्रत्या/श्रय pratya:shshray -- (nm) a coverture; refuge, shelter; hence प्रत्याश्रित (a).
  • प्रत्या/स्मरण pratya:smarāṉ -- (nm) recall/recalling.
प्रत्यास्मृत -- recalled.
  • प्रत्याहार pratya:ha:r -- (nm) retreat, withdrawal (esp. of the sensesfrom external objects); obstruction; (in Gram.) the compreheṉsion of a series of letters orroots etc. into one syllable.
  • प्रत्या/ह्वान pratya:hva:n -- (nm) recall, calling back.
प्रत्याहूत -- recalled, called back.
  • प्रत्युक्ति pratyukti -- (nf) reply; counter-pleam counter-argument.
  • प्रत्युत pratyut -- (ind) on the other hand, contrary to, but.
  • प्रत्युत्तर pratyuttar -- (nm) reply; replication.
  • प्रत्युत्पन्न pratyutpānn -- (a) ready; prompt; born/emerged there andthen.
प्रत्युत्पन्नमति -- witty, quick-wittedperson, (blessed with) ready wit.
प्रत्युत्पन्नमतित्व -- wit, ready wit.
  • प्रत्युदाहरण pratyuda:harāṉ -- (nm) counter-example, an instancecountering the one cited by theopponent.
  • प्रत्युप/कार pratyupka:r -- (nm) a good turn in return for another; responsive benevolence/beneficence.
प्रत्युपकारी -- one who returns an obligation; one who does a good turnin return, responsively benevolent/beneficent.
  • प्रत्युपाय pratyupa:y -- (nm) a counter-measure, counter-step.
  • प्रत्यूष pratyu:sh -- (nm) the dawn, day-break.
  • प्रत्येक pratyek -- (a) each, every one, each and every one.
  • प्रथम prathām -- (a) the first; foremost; prima.
प्रथम अक्षर (प्रथमाक्षर) -- initial letter.
प्रथम दर्शन -- first sight, firstmeeting.
प्रथम पुरुष -- the third person(in Gram.).
प्रथम प्रदर्शन -- premiere.
प्रथम यौवन -- the prime of youth.
प्रथमक -- the first; primary.
प्रथमतः -- firstly, first of all, in the first place.
  • प्रथमा prathamā: -- (nf) the nominative case (in Gram.).
  • प्रथमार्द्ध prathamā:rddh -- (nm) the first half.
  • प्रथा pratha: -- (nf) custom; practice, usage.
प्रथागत -- customary.
  • प्रदक्षिणा pradakshiṉā: -- (nf) circum-ambulation, to go round (adeity's idol) so as to always keepit to the right.
  • प्रदत्त pradatt -- (a) given, gifted, granted (by), bestowed.
  • प्रदर pradar -- (nm) moenorrhagia (a disease of women).
  • प्रदर्श/न pradarshān -- (nm) a show; an exhibition, a display; performance; demonstration.
प्रदर्शक -- a performer, showman, one whoshows/exhibits/displays/demonstrates.
प्रदर्शनप्रिय -- an exhibitionist.
प्रदर्शनप्रियता -- exhibitionism.
  • प्रदर्शनी pradarshanī: -- (nf) an exhibition.
  • प्रदर्शित pradarshit -- (a) showed; exhibited, displayed; performed; demonstrated.
  • प्रदाता prada:ta: -- (nm) a giver; donor.
  • प्रदान prada:n -- (nm) giving; donating; bestowing, granting; delivery.
प्रदान करना -- to give; to donate; tobestow, to grant; to deliver.
  • प्रदाय prada:y -- (nm) supply; present, gift.
  • प्रदाह prada:h -- (nm) burning, ignition; inflammation; combustion.
प्रदाहकर -- causing burn/inflammation; scorching; igniting.
  • प्रदीप pradi:p -- (nm) a lamp; an instrument of illumination (as काव्य प्रदीप); one who achieves distinction/reputation for (as कुल-प्रदीप).
प्रदीपन -- illumination; causinglight/glow, illuminating.
  • प्रदी/प्त pradi:pt -- (a) illuminated, lit/lighted, glowing; awakened; roused.
प्रदीप्ति -- light, glow; illumination.
  • प्रदेश pradesh -- (nm) a region; territory; zone; district.
प्रदेशगत -- regional.
प्रदेश निष्ठा -- regional loyalty.
प्रदेशपरक -- regional.
प्रदेशपरकता -- regionalism.
प्रदेशपरायण -- regional(ist).
प्रदेशपरा. यणता -- regionalism.
प्रदेश भाषा -- regionallanguage.
  • प्रदेशीय pradeshi:y -- (a) regional; belonging or pertaining to a region.
  • प्रदोष pradosh -- (nm) (the fast under-taken on) the thirteenth day ofeach lunar fortnight; also प्रदोष व्रत.
  • प्रधान pradhā:n -- (nm) the president, chairman; pradhan; (a) chief, head, principal, main.
प्रधानता/त्व -- presidentship; chairmanship dominance, supremacy; pre-eminence.
प्रधान कार्यालय -- headquarter.
प्रधान मंत्री -- Prime Minister, Premier.
  • प्रधानतः pradha:ntah -- (adv) mainly, chiefly; primarily, first of all.
  • प्रधानांग pradha:nā:ṅg -- (nm) essential part; major portion; chief organ.
  • प्रधानाचार्य pradha:nā:cha:ry -- (nm) Principal (of a college).
  • प्रधानाध्यापक pradha:nā:dhya:pak -- (nm) the Headmaster, Principal(of a school).
  • प्रधानामत्य pradha:nā:mā:tty -- (nm) the Prime Minister, Premier.
  • प्रधानी pradha:nī: -- (nf) the office or function of a pradhan.
  • प्रनामी pranā:mī: -- (nf) present or offering made to the mentor/preceptor while making a salutation.
  • प्रपंच prapāṇch -- (nm) illusory creation, manifestation, delusion; mundane affairs; artifice, manipulation.
प्रपंचबुद्धि -- manipulating, artful.
प्रपंच रचना -- to work out a conspiracy, to manipulate.
  • प्रपंची prapāṇchi: -- (nm) a manipulator, cunning person; one who talks sweet nothings; (a) scheming; creating an illusory worldby one's talk, too talkative.
  • प्रपत्ति prapatti -- (nf) exclusive devotion, single-mindedness.
  • प्रपत्र prapattr -- (nm) a charter; form.
  • प्रपन्न prapann -- (a and nm) admitted under protection, granted patronage; given shelter, seeking protection/shelter.
  • प्रपलाय/न prapala:yān -- (nm) (the act or process of) absconding.
प्रपलायक -- anabsconder.
  • प्रपात prapa:t -- (nm) a fall, water-fall, cataract.
  • प्रपानक prapa:nāk -- (nm) see पना.
  • प्रपिताम/ह prapita:mah -- (nm) paternal great-grandfather.
प्रपितामही -- paternal great-grandmother.
  • प्रपीड़/न prapi:ṛān -- (nm) torture/torturning; oppression/oppressing; harassmeṉt/harassing; hence प्रपीड़क( nm).
  • प्रपौ/त्र prapauttr -- (nm) great-grandson.
प्रपौत्री -- great grand-daughter.
  • प्रफुल्ल praphull -- (a) blooming, blossomed; cheerful, gay, delighted; hence प्रफुल्लता (nf).
प्रफुल्लनयन/नेत्र -- gleaming/beaming eyes; gay-eyed.
प्रफुल्लमुख/वदन -- gay-looking; cheerful/beaming face.
  • प्रफुल्लित praphullit -- (a) see प्रफुल्ल.
  • प्रबंध prabandh -- (nm) management, arrangement; administration; adissertation; a comprehensiveconnected narrative.
प्रबंधक/कर्ता -- amanager; organiser; an executive.
प्रबंध कल्पना -- epic imagination, comprehensive imagination, imagination of vast epic proportions.
प्रबंधकारिणी समिति -- executive committee; governing body.
प्रबंधकारी -- executive, managing.
प्रबंध-काव्य -- anepic poem.
प्रबंध-निदेशक -- managingdirector.
प्रबंध-व्यवस्था -- management.
प्रबंध संचालक -- managing director.
प्रबंध-संपादक -- managing editor.
प्रबंध-समिति -- managing committee.
  • प्रबंधक prabhandhak -- (nm) a manager; an organiser; executive.
  • प्रबल prabal -- (a) strong, mighty; forceful; powerful; violent, vigorous; predominant, dominant.
प्रबलता -- strength, force, power; vigorousness, predominance, dominance, loudness.
  • प्रबुद्ध prabuddh -- (a) awakened, aroused (from slumber); conscious; enlightened; hence प्रबुद्धता (nf).
  • प्रबोध, प्रबोधन prabodh, ~an -- (nm) awakening, rousing (from slumber); consciousness; enlightenment.
  • प्रबोधक prabodhak -- (nm) one who (or that which) rouses (from slumber), one who (or that which) enlightens; a mentor, preceptor.
  • प्रभंजन prabhānjan -- (nm) a hurricane.
  • प्रभव prabhav -- (nm) birth, creation; origin, source.
  • प्रभविष्णु prabhvishṉu -- (a) influential; efficacious, effective; impressive.
प्रभविष्णुता -- capacity to influence; efficacy, effectiveness; impressiveness.
  • प्रभा prabha: -- (nf) lustre, radiance, refulgence.
प्रभाकर -- the sun.
प्रभामंडल -- a halo.
  • प्रभाग prabha:g -- (nm) a division (of an organisation); section.
  • प्रभात prabha:t -- (nm) the morning; dawn.
प्रभात-काल/समय -- the morningtime.
फेरी -- singing or slogan-raising groups going round in themorning (to celebrate an important event or for propaganda purposes).
  • प्रभाती prabha:ti: -- (nf) a typical morning song.
  • प्रभाव prabha:v -- (nm) influence; effect; impact; impression.
प्रभावकर/प्रभावकारी -- influential; impressive; effective (act, deed, etc.).
प्रभावकार -- effectsman.
प्रभाववश्य -- susceptible.
प्रभाववश्यता -- susceptibility.
प्रभावशालिता -- effectiveness, impressiveness.
प्रभावशाली -- influential; impressive; effective (person).
प्रभावहीन -- unimpressive, devoid of any influence, creating no impact; void.
प्रभावहीनता -- unimpressiveness; voidness; thefact or state of having no influence, creating no impression; ṉeutralisation.
प्रभाव-डालना -- to impress; to influence.
प्रभाव-से ऊपर उठना -- to rise above somebody's influence.
  • प्रभावक prabha:vak -- (a) influential impressive; effective.
  • प्रभावान्वि/त prabha:va:nvit -- (a) influenced, impressed, having an impact.
प्रभावान्विति -- unity of impact/impression; pointedness of influence/impression.
  • प्रभावित prabha:vit -- (a) influenced; impressed, receiving an impact.
  • प्रभा/वी prabha:vi: -- (a) effective, efficacious; dominant, predominant.
प्रभाविता -- effectiveness, efficacy; dominance, predominance.
  • प्रभीत prabhi:t -- (a) terrorized, horrified; panicky.
  • प्रभु prabhu -- (a) sovereign; hegemonic; all-powerful; (nm) a sovereign; the Master.
प्रभु-भक्त -- a loyal devotee; loyal to the Master.
प्रभु राज्य -- a sovereign state.
प्रभु शक्ति -- a sovereign power; sovereignty.
प्रभु शासन -- sovereign rule.
प्रभु सत्ता -- sovereignty; sovereign authority.
प्रभुसत्तात्मक -- sovereign.
प्रभुसत्ता-संपन्न -- sovereign.
प्रभु को प्यारा होना -- to kick thebucket, to leave for one's heavenly abode.
  • प्रभु/ता, प्रभुत्व prabhuta: -- (nf), प्रभु{tv} (nm) sovereignty; hegemony; power; authority, predominance, dominance; Mastery.
प्रभु पाइ काहिमद नाही -- power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; power begets arrogance.
  • प्रभूत prabhu:t -- (a) plenty, abundant; ample.
  • प्रभृति prabhriti -- (ind) etcetera, etc. etc.
  • प्रभेद prabhed -- (nm) variety; types, kinds.
  • प्रमत्त pramatt -- (a) intoxicated, dead drunk; hence प्रमत्तता (nf).
  • प्रमा pramā: -- (nf) understanding; correct notion, accurate perception.
प्रमात्व -- accuracy of perception.
  • प्रणाम pramā:ṉ -- (nm) evidence, proof; testimony; authority; (inlogical jargon) a means of acquiring prama: (which are six according to the veda:nt, viz. प्रत्यक्ष( perception by the senses).
श्रनुमान -- (inference).
उपमान -- (analogy orcomparison).
शब्द -- or आप्त वचन( verbal authority).
अनुपलब्धि -- or अभाव-प्रत्यक्ष (non-perception ornegative proof).
अर्थापत्ति -- (inferencefrom circumstances).
प्रणामकुशल -- skilful in arguing, skilled inargumentation.
प्रणामत्व -- correctness, authority.
प्रणाम-पत्र -- a certificate.
प्रणामपुरुष -- an arbitrator; mediator; an umpire.
प्रणामभूत -- authoritative.
प्रणाम वचन/वाक्य -- authoritative statement; authoritative version.
प्रणामशास्त्र -- logic.
प्रणामशास्त्री -- a logician.
प्रणामशास्त्रीय -- logical.
  • प्रमाणकर्ता pramā:ṉkarta: -- (nm) a certifier, one who proves/testifies.
  • प्रणामतः pramā:ṉtah -- (adv) according to the evidence/proof, as a proof/an evidence.
  • प्रमाणित pramā:ṉit -- (a) proved; testified; certified; authenticated.
प्रमाणित-करना -- to prove; to testify; to certify; toauthenticate.
  • प्रमाणी/करण pramā:ṉī:karaṉ -- (nm) attestation; act or process ofproving/certifying/testifying/authenticating.
प्रमाणीकृत -- attested; proved; testified; certified; authenticated.
  • प्रमाता pramā:ta: -- (nm) one who can appreciate, one who understands a subject, one who hascorrect notion or idea (of something).
  • प्रमाता/मह pramā:ta:mah -- (nm) maternal great-grandfather.
प्रमातामही -- maternal great-grandmother.
  • प्रमात्रा pramā:ttra: -- (nf) quantum, amount.
  • प्रमाद pramā:d -- (nm) negligence; carelessness.
प्रमादपूर्ण -- negligent; careless.
प्रमादवश -- through negligence.
  • प्रमादी pramā:di: -- (a) negligent: careless (person).
  • प्रमाप prama:p -- (nm) measurement, scanning, gauge.
  • प्रमापी prama:pi: -- (nm) a gauge, an instrument for measuring.
  • प्रमु/क्त pramukt -- (a) unfettered; freed; liberated, delivered; hence प्रमुक्ति (nf).
  • प्रमुख pramukh -- (a) chief; foremost; leading, outstanding, principal.
प्रमुखता -- dominance, eminence, stateof being foremost/outstanding, supremacy.
  • प्रमुदित pramudit -- (a) delighted, pleased, glad, full of joy.
प्रमुदितहृदय -- full of joy, delighted in heart; glad.
  • प्रमेय pramey -- (nm) a theorem, probandum.
  • प्रमे/ह prameh -- (nm) any urinary disease.
प्रमेही -- suffering fromsome urinary disease.
  • प्रमोद pramod -- (nm) entertainment, mirth; joy, delight, gladness.
  • प्रयत्न prayatn -- (nm) effort, endeavour; attempt; (in Phonetics) manner of articulation.
प्रयत्न-लाघव -- economy of effort.
प्रयत्नवान्/शील -- assiduous, diligent, one whomakes efforts; hence प्रयत्नशीलता( nf).
प्रयत्न करना -- to try, to make aneffort; to attempt/endeavour.
  • प्रयाण prayā:ṉ -- (nm) departure, setting out; march; death.
प्रयाण काल/समय -- departure time; the end.
  • प्रयास praya:s -- (nm) an effort, endeavour, attempt.
  • प्रयुक्त prayukt -- (a) used; employed; applied; practical.
प्रयुक्त बल -- appliedforce.
प्रयुक्त विज्ञान -- applied science.
  • प्रयोक्ता pryokta: -- (nm) user, one who employes/applies; an experimenter.
  • प्रयोग prayog -- (nm) an experiment; use, employment; application; exercise.
प्रयोगकर्ता -- an experimenter; one who uses/employs/applies.
प्रयोगधर्मा -- an experimenter.
प्रयोगनिपुण -- skilled through practice, one whohas achieved perfection throughexperiments/practice.
प्रयोगवाद/प्रयोगवादिता -- experimentalism.
प्रयोगवादी -- an experimentalist; experimentalistic.
प्रयोगशील -- prone to makeexperiments; given to experimenting hence प्रयोगशीलता (nf).
  • प्रयोगतः prayogtah -- (adv) through experimentation; practically.
  • प्रयोगशाला prayogsha:la: -- (nf) a laboratory.
प्रयोगशाला-उपकरण -- laboratoryequipment.
प्रयोगशाला-सुविधाएँ -- laboratoryfacilities.
  • प्रयोजन prayojān -- (nm) purpose; motive, intention; cause; use.
प्रयोजनवाद / प्रयोजनवादिता -- purposivism.
प्रयोजनवादी -- a purposivist; purposivistic.
प्रयोजन सिद्धि -- achievement/fulfilment of a purpose.
  • प्रयोजनीय prayojanī:y -- (a) usable; applicable; that can be employed/applied/used; hence प्रयोजनीयता (nf).
  • प्रयोज्य prayojjy -- (a) to be or worth being used or employed or practised; hence प्रयोज्यत्व (nm).
  • प्रलं/ब pralāmb -- (a) pendulous; suspended; prolonged; lengthened; also प्रलंबित (a).
  • प्रलयं/कर pralayāṅkar -- (a) catastrophic; devastating, causing destruction or ruin, spelling disaster; hence प्रलयंकरी (a).
  • प्रलय pralay -- (nf) universal destruction, annihilation, destruction of the whole world; catastrophe.
प्रलयकर/कारी -- see प्रलयंकर.
प्रलय काल -- thetime for universal destruction, the moment of annihilation.
प्रलयवाद -- catastrophism.
प्रलयवादी -- acatastrophist; catastrophic.
प्रलय केबादल छाना/मँडराना -- clouds of catastrophe to gather thick.
प्रलय मचाना -- towork havoc, to raise a tumult.
  • प्रला/प prala:p -- (nm) logorthoea; prate, prattle, babble; disjointed/meaningless utterance; hence प्रलापी (a and nm).
  • प्रलुब्ध pralubdh -- (a) allured, tempted, induced; seduced.
  • प्रलेख pralekh -- (nm) a document.
प्रलेखन -- documentation.
प्रलेखबद्ध -- documented.
  • प्रलेप pralep -- (nm) an unguent, ointment, a salve; hence प्रलेपन (nm.).
  • प्रलोभन pralobhan -- (nm) allurement, temptation, inducement; seduction.
  • प्रवंचना pravāṇchanā: -- (nf) deprivation; circumvention; deceipt.
  • प्रवंचित pravāṇchit -- (a) deprived; circumvented; deceived.
  • प्रवक्ता pravakta: -- (nm) a spokesman.
  • प्रवचन pravachān -- (nm) a (religious) discourse; sermon.
  • प्रवण pravāṉ -- (a) inclined or disposed or prone (to); devoted (to); intent (upon); full (of).
प्रवणता -- inclination, disposition, devotedness; propensity, proneness; agradient.
  • प्रवर pravar -- (a) senior; superior; select(ed); eminent; as a suffix itmeans the best, most excellent(as प्रवरपंडितप्रवर).
प्रवर-समिति -- a select.
  • प्रवरता pravarta: -- (nf) seniority; superiority; selectness; eminence.
प्रवरतानुसार -- on the basis of/according to seniority or superiority.
  • प्रवर्त्तक pravartak -- (nm) a pioneer, innovator; one who introduces (something new); one who persuades; an operator.
  • प्रवर्त्तन pravartān -- (nm) pioneering, introducing something new; operation; persuasion.
प्रवर्त्तनशील -- pioneering; operative; hence प्रवर्त्तनशीलता (nf).
  • प्रवर्त्तित pravartit -- (a) pioneered; introduced; put into operation/practice.
  • प्रवर्त्ती pravarti: -- (a) pioneering; operative.
  • प्रव/र्धन pravardhān -- (nm) amplification; magnification; development; progress, increase.
प्रवर्धक -- amplifier, magnifier; hence प्रवर्धित (a).
  • प्रवहमान pravahmā:n -- (a) flowing; fluent; hence प्रवहमानता (nf).
  • प्रवाचक prava:chak -- (nm) a reader; sermonizer, one who delivers religious discourses.
  • प्रवात prava:t -- (nm) a storm.
  • प्रवा/द prava:d -- (nm) a rumour; slander, calumny.
प्रवादी -- a rumour-monger; a slanderer, calumniator.
  • प्रवारण prava:rāṉ -- (nm) warding off; countering.
  • प्रवा/स prava:s -- (nm) dwelling abroad; foreign residence; migration; hence प्रवासन.
प्रवासित -- sent abroad, exiled.
  • प्रवासी prava:si: -- (nm) a migrant; one who stays abroad; (a) migratory.
  • प्रवा/ह prava:h -- (nm) flow; fluency; an unbroken sequence.
प्रवाहमय -- fluent, having a flow.
प्रवाहित -- flowed, consigned to a flow of water, etc.
  • प्रविधि pravidhi -- (nf) a technique.
प्रविधिज्ञ -- a technician.
प्रविधिज्ञता -- technical expertise.
  • प्रवि/ष्ट pravishṭ -- (a) entered; admitted.
प्रविष्टि -- an entry.
  • प्रवीण pravī:ṉ -- (a) proficieṉt, adept, expert.
प्रवीणता -- proficiency, expertness.
  • प्रवृत्त pravritt -- (a) engaged (in); inclined towards; tending to; actively employed (in); active.
  • प्रवृत्ति pravritti -- (nf) mentality; trend, tendency; (mental) inclination/disposition; instinct; activity.
प्रवृत्तिगत -- pertainiṉg to or on the basis of trends/tendencies.
प्रवृत्ति मार्ग -- (the path of) active association with and interest in mundane affairs.
प्रवृत्तिवाद -- the philosophy of active association with mundane existence; hence प्रवृत्तिवादी (a and nm).
  • प्रवेश pravesh -- (nm) entry, admission, access, inlet; gate, entrance.
प्रवेश द्वार -- entrance, inlet; gate; threshold.
प्रवेश-पत्र -- a ticket, an admission ticket; visa.
प्रवेश-शुल्क -- admissioṉ fee; hence प्रवेशक (nm), प्रवेशन (nm).
  • प्रवेशिका praveshika: -- (nf) a propaedeutic, an elementary study on a subject, introductory study.
  • प्रवेश्य praveshy -- (a) accessible, where one can get admission/entry; worth entering into; hence प्रवेश्यता (nf).
  • प्रव/जन pravrajān -- (nm) renunciation; migration.
प्रवजित -- (one who has) renounced the world; migrated.
प्रवज्या -- renunciation, asceticism; migration.
  • प्रवाजक pravra:jak -- (nm) an ascetic, a wandering mendicant; a migrant.
  • प्रवाजी pravra:ji: -- (nm) an ascetic; a migrant; (a) renunciatory, ascetic; migratory.
  • प्रशंसक prashānsak -- (nm) an admier, eulogist, one who praises; a fan.
  • प्रशं/सा prashānsa: -- (nf) praise, admiration; eulogy.
प्रशंसनीय -- praiseworthy, admirable; laudable, commendable.
प्रशंसित -- praised, admired, eulogized.
प्रशंस्य -- see प्रशंसनीय.
प्रशंसा करते न थकना -- topraise no end, to go on singingpraises of.
प्रशंसा के पुल बाँधना -- topraise in hyperboles.
  • प्रश/मन prashamān -- (nm) pacification, soothing, mitigation; subdual; subsidence; hence प्रशमित (a).
  • प्रशस्त prashant -- (a) vast; wide, broad (as प्रशस्त ललाट); extensive, expansive.
  • प्रशस्ति prashasti -- (nf) praise, admiration; eulogy.
प्रशस्ति-गाथा -- eulogical narrative, singing the praise (of).
  • प्रशांत prashā:nt -- (a) pacific, pacified; tranquil, quiet, calm.
प्रशांतचित्त -- tranquil, quiet (person).
प्रशांतता -- calmness, quiet; peace, tranquillity.
प्रशांत महासागर -- the PacificOcean.
  • प्रशांति prashā:nti -- (nf) peace, tranquillity; quiet, calmness.
  • प्रशाखा prasha:kha: -- (nf) an off-shoot; a twing.
  • प्रशास/क prasha:sak -- (nm) an administrator; ruler.
प्रशासकीय -- administrative.
प्रशासकाय दायित्व -- administrative responsibility.
  • प्रशास/न prasha:san -- (nm) administration; rule.
प्रशासन-कार्य -- administrative work/affairs.
प्रशासनिक -- administrative.
  • प्रशासित prasha:sit -- (a) administered; ruled.
  • प्रशि/क्षण prashikshāṉ -- (nm) training.
प्रशिक्षण-क्रम -- training course.
प्रशिक्षण-शिविर -- a training-camp.
प्रशिक्षक -- aninstructor.
प्रशिक्षा -- training.
प्रशिक्षार्थी -- a trainee.
प्रशिक्षित -- trained.
प्रशिक्षु -- atrainee.
  • प्रश्न prashn -- (nm) a question, query; interrogation; interpellation; problem.
प्रश्नकर्ता -- a questioner, an interrogator; interpellant.
प्रश्न-पत्र -- a question-paper.
प्रश्नमाला -- questionnaire; interrogatives.
प्रश्नवाचक -- interrogative.
प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह -- markof interrogation.
प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम -- interrogative pronoun.
प्रश्न उठाना/ खड़ा करना -- to raise/pose a question.
प्रश्न गेहूँ उत्तर जौ -- the answer tobe beside the question.
प्रश्नों की झड़ी लगाना -- to fire a volley ofquestions.
  • प्रश्नावली prashnā:vali: -- (nf) a questionnaire; (a set of) exercises.
  • प्रश्नोत्तर prashnottar -- (nm) question and answer.
  • प्रश्नोत्तरी prashnottari: -- (nf) a questionnaire; catechism; interrogatories; quiz.
  • प्रश्रय prashshray -- (nm) patronage; protection; shelter; support; backing.
प्रश्रयदाता -- a patron, protector; supporter.
  • प्रश्वास prashshwa:s -- (nm) exhalation.
  • प्रसंग prasāṅg -- (nm) context; occasion; sexual intercourse, coition.
प्रसंग-भेद -- difference of the context, contexual difference.
प्रसंगतः -- incidentally.
प्रसंगवश/प्रसंगवशात् -- incidentally; as demanded by the context.
  • प्रसंवा/दी prasāmva:di: -- (a) harmonic.
  • प्रसंविदा prasāmvida: -- (nm) a covenant.
  • प्रसन्न prasann -- (a) pleased; happy, cheerful, delighted, glad.
प्रसन्नचित्त -- cheerful, happy, delighted; hence प्रसन्नचित्तता (nf).
प्रसन्न नयन -- cheerfuleyes, beaming/gleaming eyes.
प्रसन्नमुख/वदन -- cheerful, looking cheerful.
प्रसन्न शैली -- lucid style.
  • प्रसन्नता prasannāta: -- (nf) happiness; cheerfulness, delight: pleasure; gladness.
प्रसन्नतापूवक -- happily, cheerfully, with pleasure.
  • प्रस/रण prasarāṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) expansion; dispersion; scattering.
प्रसरित -- expanded; dispersed; scattered.
  • प्रस/र्पण prasarpāṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) creeping.
प्रसर्पित -- creeping, creepy.
  • प्रसव prasav -- (nm) delivery, child-birth, labour; (a) natal.
प्रसव-कक्ष -- labour room.
प्रसव-काल -- time of delivery/child-birth.
प्रसवगृह -- see प्रसवशाला प्रसव-पीड़ा/वेदना/व्यथा labour pains, pangs of child-birth.
प्रसववती -- awoman who has delivered achild, a woman in confinement.
प्रसवशाला -- a maternity home.
  • प्रसविनी prasavinī: -- (nf) a progenitress, woman who gives birth to a child; (a woman) begetting achild.
  • प्रसाद prasa:d -- (nm) blessing, boon; grace; offerings made to an idol(and later distributed amongstthe devotees); leavings of foodof a pre-eminent religious person; lucidity (of the style of writingetc.).
प्रसाद गुण -- lucidity (of style).
प्रसाद संपन्न -- lucid.
प्रसाद-पात्र -- favourite, onewho is in good books.
  • प्रसादत्व prasa:dattv -- (nm) lucidity (of the style of writing).
  • प्रसादन prasa:dān -- (nm) cheering up, pleasing; gratification.
  • प्रसादी prasa:di: -- (nf) offering made to a deity (and later partaken ofby the devotees as leavings).
  • प्रसाधन prasa:dhān -- (nm) make-up; make-up aids, beauty aids; cosmetics; adornment.
प्रसाधन-गृह -- abeauty saloon.
प्रसाधन-सामग्री -- beautyaids, make-up aids; cosmetics.
  • प्रसामान्य prasa:mā:nny -- (a) normal.
प्रसामान्यक -- a norm.
  • प्रसार prasa:r -- (nm) expansion, dispersion; scattering, extensity; spread; propagation; circulation.
  • प्रसारण prasa:rāṉ -- (nm) a broadcast/broadcasting; (the act or process of) expanding/dispersing/scattering/extending/spreading/propagating.
प्रसारण-सेवा -- broadcasting service.
  • प्रसारित prasa:rit -- (a) broadcast; expanded; extended; propagated.
  • प्रसि/द्ध prasiddh -- (a) famous, reputed, well-known, renowned.
प्रसिद्धि -- fame, repute, renown.
  • प्रसु/प्त prasupt -- (a) dormant; asleep; in abeyance.
प्रसुप्तावस्था -- dormant state, in sleep/slumber; abeyance.
प्रसुप्ति -- dormancy, slumber; abeyance.
  • प्रसू prasu: -- (nf) a mother, progenitress; one who bears/delivers (a child).
  • प्रसू/त prasu:t -- (a) born, brought forth, delivered.
प्रसूता -- a womanafter child-birth/in confinement.
  • प्रसूति prasu:ti -- (nf) child-birth, delivery; maternity; labour; offspring.
प्रसूति-अवकाश -- maternity leave.
प्रसूति-कक्ष -- labour-room.
प्रसूति-गृह -- maternity home.
प्रसूतिज -- labour pains, pangs of child-birth.
प्रसूति-ज्वर -- post-delivery fever.
प्रसूतिशाला -- maternity home.
  • प्रसून prasū:n -- (nm) a flower.
प्रसून-वर्षा -- shower of flowers.
  • प्रसृत prasrit -- (a) expanded, extended; spread; propagated.
  • प्रस्तर prastar -- (nm) stone; rock; entablature.
प्रस्तर-प्रतिमा -- a stone-statue.
प्रस्तर-युग -- stone age.
  • प्रस्ताव prasta:v -- (nm) resolution, motion; proposal.
प्रस्ताव पारित करना -- topass a resolution.
  • प्रस्तावना prasta:vnā: -- (nf) a preamble; prologue; preface.
  • प्रस्तावित prasta:vit -- (a) proposed; projected.
  • प्रस्तुत prastut -- (a) present(ed); submitted; produced; ready; (subject etc.) under study or discussion; (nm) anything that is in sight orof immediate concern.
प्रस्तुतकर्ता -- producer, one who presents/ submits; impresario.
प्रस्तुत विषय -- the subject under consideration/study.
  • प्रस्तुति prastuti -- (nf) presentation; submission; production; recital; readiness; eulogium, eulogy.
  • प्रस्तुतीकरण prastuti:karaṉ -- (nm) presentation; production (as of a programme).
  • प्रस्तोता prastota: -- (nm) one who presents; producer (as of a Radioprogramme).
  • प्र/स्थान prastha:n -- (nm) departure, setting out (on a journey); march; articles placed in advance at theauspicious moment in the direction in which one is to journey(in case one's departure is delayed due to some reason); hence प्रस्थित (a).
  • प्रस्थाप/न, प्रस्थापना prastha:pān -- (nm), प्रस्थाप{nā:} (nf) establishment, establishing well; installation.
  • प्रस्थापित prastha:pit -- (a) well-established, installed.
  • प्रस्फुट prasphuṭ -- (a) manifest; distinct, clear.
  • प्रस्फु/टन prasphuṭān -- (nm) efflorescence; manifestation; opening up, blooming; becoming distinct.
प्रस्फुटित -- effloresced; manifested; opened; bloomed; distinct.
  • प्रस्फु/रण prasphurāṉ -- (nm) emergence, emanation; manifestation; coming up; thrill; hence प्रस्फुरित( a).
  • प्रस्फोटन prasphoṭān -- (nm) explosion, bursting up; manifestation.
  • प्रस्वे/द prasved -- (nm) sweat, perspiration.
प्रस्वेदी -- sweating, perspiring.
प्रस्वेदित -- sweating, perspiring.
  • प्रहत prahat -- (a) afflicted; beaten; overwhelmed.
  • प्रहर prahar -- (nm) a measure of time equivalent to three hours; periodof three hours.
  • प्रहरी prahari: -- (nm) a watchman, guard, sentinel.
  • प्रहर्ष, प्रहर्षण praharsh, āṉ -- (nm) thrill, merriment, hilarity.
  • प्रहर्षित praharshit -- (a) thrilled, merry, hilarious.
  • प्रहस/न prahasān -- (nm) a comedy.
प्रहसनात्मक -- comical.
  • प्रहार praha:r -- (nm) an assault; a blow, stroke.
प्रहारक/कर्त्ता -- one whomakes an assault or strikes ablow.
  • प्रहेलिका prahelika: -- (nf) a riddle; an enclave.
  • प्रांगण pra:ṅgāṉ -- (nm) a courtyard; an enclave.
  • प्रांजल prā:ṇjal -- (a) lucid, clear; refined.
प्रांजलता -- lucidity, clarity; refinement.
  • प्रांत prā:nt -- (nm) a province; territory; country; district.
प्रांतपति -- governor of a province.
  • प्रांतर prā:ntar -- (nm) a territory; district.
  • प्रांतीय prā:nti:y -- (a) provincial; territorial.
प्रांतीयता -- provinciality; provincialism.
  • प्राइमरी pra:imari: -- (a) primary (only in the context of a school).
प्राइमरी स्कूल -- primary school.
  • प्राइवेट pra:iveṭ -- (a) private, personal; secret.
प्राइवेट सेक्रेटरी -- a private secretary.
  • प्राकट्य pra:kaṭy -- (nm) appearance; advent; manifestation.
  • प्राकार pra:ka:r -- (nm) a parapet; rampart.
  • प्राकाशिक pra:ka:shik -- (a) optical, pertaining to light.
  • प्राकृत pra:kkrit -- (a) natural; unsophisticated, unprocessed; inherent, innate; common.
प्राकृत जन -- commonman.
प्राकृतवाद/ प्राकृतवादिता -- naturalism.
प्राकृतवादी -- a naturalist; naturalistic.
  • प्राकृतिक pra:kkritik -- (a) natural, nature-made; physical; unsophisticated; unrefined.
प्राकृतिक अध्ययन -- astudy of nature.
प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा -- naturo-pathy.
प्राकृतिक भूगोल -- physical geography.
प्राकृतिक विज्ञान -- natural science, physicalscience.
  • प्राक् pra:k -- —an allomorph of प्राच् occurring as a prefix in a numberof words and imparting themeaning of before, prior to, former, etc.; east.
प्राक्काल -- formertimes, olden times.
प्राक्कालिक/कालीन -- former; olden.
प्राक्कृत -- performedearlier (as deeds) etc.
प्राक्पक्व -- premature.
  • प्राक्कथन pra:kkathan -- (nm) a foreword.
प्राक्कथन-लेखक -- foreword-writer, author of the foreword.
  • प्राक्तन pra:ktāṉ -- (a) former; olden, ancient.
  • प्राक्क/लन pra:kkalān -- (nm) estimate.
प्राक्कलित -- estimated.
प्राक्कलन-सार -- abstract of estimate.
  • प्राक्क/ल्पना pra:kkalpanā: -- (nf) hypothesis.
प्राक्कल्पिक, प्राक्कल्पित -- hypothetical.
  • प्राक्षेपि/क pra:kshepik -- (a) ballistic.
प्राक्षेपिकी -- ballistics.
  • प्रागल्भ्य pra:galbhy -- (nm) see प्रगल्भता under प्रगल्भ.
  • प्रागैतिहासिक pra:gaitiha:sik -- (a) pre-historic(al).
प्रागैतिहासिक काल/युग -- prehistorictimes/age; hence प्रागैतिहासिकता (nf).
  • प्राग् pra:g -- —an allomorph of प्राच् which occurs in a number ofwords and imparts the meaningof before, prior to, former etc.; east.
प्राग्अनुराग (प्रागनुराग) -- wooing, courtship.
प्राग्अभिहित (प्रागभिहित) -- afore-mentioned; stated earlier.
प्राग्उक्ति (प्रागुक्ति) -- prediction, forecast; earlier statement.
प्राग्उत्तर(प्रागुत्तर) -- east-northern.
प्राग्रुप -- archetype.
प्राग्वृत्त/वृत्तांत -- antecedents; earlier happenings.
  • प्राङ् pra:ṅ -- —an allomorph of प्राच् occurring in a number of wordsand imparting the meaning ofbefore, prior to, former, etc.; east.
प्राङ्न्याय -- res judicata.
प्राङ्मुख -- facingthe east; east-directed.
  • प्राचार्य pra:cha:ry -- (nm) principal (of a college); hence प्राचार्यत्व (nm).
  • प्राची pra:chi: -- (nf) the east; the eastern quarter; the orient.
प्राची प्रतीची -- the orient and the occident.
  • प्राचीन pra:chī:n -- (a) ancient; old; outdated; antique.
प्राचीन कथा -- an ancient tale/story.
प्राचीनतर -- older; more ancient; earlier.
प्राचीनतम -- oldest, most ancient; earliest.
प्राचीनता -- antiquity, ancientness.
प्राचीनता प्राचीन-प्रेम -- loveof antiquity; archaism; primitivism.
प्राचीनता-प्रेमी -- a lover of antiquity; archaist; primitivist.
  • प्राचीर pra:chi:r -- (nf) a parapet, rampart, surrounding wall (of acity, fort, etc.).
  • प्राचुर्य pra:chury -- (nm) abundance, plenty.
  • प्राच्य pra:chy -- (a) east, eastern; oriental; belonging or pertainingto the east.
प्राच्य भाषा -- an orientallanguage.
प्राच्यविद्/वेत्ता -- an orientalist.
प्राच्यविद्या -- oriental learning, orientology.
  • प्राज्ञ pra:ggy -- (a) prudent; intelligent, sharp, brilliant.
प्राज्ञम्मन्य -- considering oneself to be too prudent; prudence-proud.
प्राज्ञम्मन्यता -- thinking oneself to be veryprudent; prudence-pride.
  • प्राण prā:ṉ -- (nf) life; vital breath, vital air; vitality; soul, spirit; sweetheart; (in Gram.) aspiration in the articulation of letters.
प्राण-आधार -- sweetheart; life-breath; source of sustenance.
प्राणकर -- animating, life-giving, that whichinfuses life or inspires.
प्राणकष्ट -- mortal agony; pain of death.
प्राणघात -- killing; assassination; murder.
प्राणघातक -- fatal; causingdestruction of life; killing.
प्राण-त्याग -- abandonment of life; resigningof life; expiry, death.
प्राण-दंड -- capital punishment, punishment ofdeath.
प्राणद/दायी -- infusing/injectinglife, animating, enlivening.
प्राणदाता -- life-giver; one who saves somebody's life.
प्राणदान -- a gift of life; saving/sparing somebody's life.
प्राणधन -- as dear as life; beloved.
प्राणधारी -- a living being/organism, a creature.
प्राणनाथ -- lord/master oflife; husband.
प्राणनाश -- destruction of life; killing.
प्राणनाशक -- destroyer of life; mortal, deadly.
प्राणपति -- see प्राणनाथ.
प्राणप्यारा -- dear(to soul), beloved, sweetheart; hence प्राणप्यारी (nf).
प्राणप्रतिष्ठा -- infusion/injectment of life; ceremonyof consecrating an idol.
प्राणप्रद -- life-giving, infusing or imparting life.
प्राणप्रिय -- see प्राणप्यारा.
प्राण-भय -- fear of life; risk of life.
प्राणमय -- full of vitality; endowedwith breath of life; a living being.
कोशकोश -- the vital or organiccase.
प्राणमूलक -- vital; essential toor concerned with life.
प्राणमूलकता-वाद -- vitalism; vital part of thebody.
प्राणवायु -- vital breath.
प्राणशक्ति -- vitality.
प्राण-संशय -- risk of life, fear oflife.
प्राणसम -- as dear as life; beloved.
प्राणहर/हारी -- mortal, deadly; causing the end of life.
प्राणहानि -- loss of life.
प्राणहीन -- lifeless, inanimate.
प्राण आना -- to feel relievedof a scare/fear.
प्राण उड़ जाना -- to bemortally scared/frightened; to getterribly panicky.
प्राण ओठों तक आना -- see प्राण मूँह को आना.
प्राण कंठ में आना -- to bemortally afflicted; to be on theverge of death; to be in a frightful suspense.
प्राण का गाहक -- a seekerafter one's life, destroyer of life; mortally oppressive person.
प्राण गले तक आना -- to be on the vergeof death; death to be imminent; to be in a terrible suspense.
प्राण छूटना/जाना/निकलना -- the breath toflit or leave the system; to expire, to die; the life to come to anend.
प्राण छोड़ना/त्यागना -- to abandonlife; to expire, to die.
प्राण डालना -- toinfuse/inject life, to animate.
प्राण देना -- to die, to give up life; tolove more dearly than life.
प्राण निकलना -- to die, life to cease toexist.
प्राण-पखेरू उड़ जाना -- to kick thebucket, to expire.
प्राण फूँकना -- to injectlife into, to cause to revive.
प्राण बचाना -- to save somebody's life; to get rid of, to evade persecution/painful confrontation.
प्राण मुँह को -- .
  • प्राणवता prā:ṉvatta: -- (nf) vitality; animatedness, spiritedness; thestate of being full of life/spirit.
  • प्राणवान् prā:ṉvā:n -- (a) full of vitality, spirited, animated; strong, powerful, vigorous.
  • प्राणांत pra:ṉā:nt -- (nm) the end of life, expiry, death.
प्राणांतक -- fatal, mortal, causing the end of life.
  • प्राणाधार prā:ṉā:dha:r -- (nm) see प्राण प्राणाधार (आधार).
  • प्राणाधिक prā:ṉā:dhik -- (a) dearer than life; all in all, beloved.
  • प्राणा/याम prā:ṉā:ya:m -- (nm) exercising control over the process of breathing, restraining or suspending the breath during themental recitation of the name ofa deity or as a religious or yogicexercise.
प्राणायामी -- one who practises प्राणायाम.
  • प्राणाहुति prā:ṉā:huti -- (nf) sacrifice of life; martyrdom.
  • प्राणि prā:ṉī -- an allomorph of प्राणी.
प्राणिजगत -- the animal world/kingdom; the world of living beings; animal life.
प्राणिविज्ञान -- Zoology.
प्राणिवैज्ञानिक -- a zoologist; zoological.
प्राणि हिंसा -- killing of or violence towardsliving beings.
  • प्राणी prā:ṉī: -- (nm) a living being, living organism, a creature; ananimal.
  • प्राणे/श prā:ṉēsh -- प्राणेश्वर war (nm) lord/master of life; beloved, darling.
  • प्राणोत्सर्ग prā:ṉōtsarg -- (nm) sacrifice of life; martyrdom.
  • प्रातः pra:tah -- (nm and ind) early (in the) morning, (at) dawn.
प्रातःकर्म/कृत्य -- morning chores, essentialchores performed in the morning.
प्रातःकाल -- early (in the) morning.
प्रातःकालिक/कालीन -- pertaining to, orperformed in, the morning, ofearly morning.
प्रातःस्मरण -- remembering, or reciting the name of Godin the morning prayer.
प्रातःस्मरणीय -- worthy of being rememberedevery morning; revered.
  • प्रातराश pra:tara:sh -- (nm) breākfast.
  • प्रातिनिधिक pra:tinidhik -- (a and nm) representative.
प्रातिनिधिक शासन/सरकार -- representative government.
  • प्रातिपदिक pra:tipadik -- (nm) the crude form of base of a noun, anoun in its uninflicted state.
  • प्रातिभ pra:tibh -- (a) intuitive.
प्रातिभ ज्ञान -- intuitive knowledge, intuition.
  • प्रातिभासिक pra:tibha:sik -- (a) virtual, illusory, existing only in appearance.
  • प्रातिरूपिक pra:tiru:pik -- (a) counterfeit, spurious, having formal resemblance.
  • प्रातिवेशिक pra:tiveshik -- (nm) a neighbour.
  • प्रातीतिक pra:ti:tik -- (a) illusory; imaginary.
  • प्राथमिक pra:thamik -- (a) primary; elementary; having precedence.
प्राथमिक उपचार/चिकित्सा -- first aid.
प्राथमिक शिक्षा -- primary education.
  • प्राथमिकता pra:thamikta: -- (nf) priority; precedence.
प्राथमिकता-क्रम -- order of priority; order of precedence.
  • प्रादर्श pra:darsh -- (nm) a specimen.
  • प्रादु/र्भाव pra:durbha:v -- (nm) appearance, manifestation; becoming visible, coming into light/existence.
प्रादुर्भूत -- appeared, manifested; become visible, come intolight/existence.
  • प्रादेश pra:desh -- (nm) a mandate.
प्रादेश-अधीन -- mandated.
प्रादेश-अधीन क्षेत्र -- mandated territory.
प्रादेशात्मक -- mandatory.
  • प्रादेशिक pra:deshik -- (a) regional; territorial.
प्रादेशिकता -- regionalism.
प्रादेशिक सेना -- territorial army.
  • प्राधान्य pra:dhā:nny -- (nm) predominance, dominance, superiority; supremacy, hegemony.
  • प्राधि/कार pra:dhika:r -- (nm) authority.
प्राधिकारिवर्ग -- authorities.
प्राधिकारी -- (person in) authority; one whowields authority.
प्राधिक्कृत -- authorized, authoritative.
प्राधिकार देना -- toauthorize.
  • प्राध्यापक pra:ddhya:pak -- (nm) a lecturer (in a College/University) प्राध्यापकता lecturership.
  • प्राप्त pra:pt -- (a) got, obtained; procured, acquired.
प्राप्तकाल -- appropriate time.
प्राप्तजीवन -- restored to life.
प्राप्तमनोरथ -- fulfilled, gratified.
प्राप्तयौवन -- who has attained pubertyor acquired the bloom of youth, youthful.
  • प्राप्तव्य pra:ptavvy -- (nm) due; to be got/obtained/procured/acquired.
  • प्रा/प्ति pra:pti -- (nf) receipt; procuration; acquisition; income; profit.
प्राप्त्याशा -- the stage in the action ofa drama when the achievemeṉtof the desired end seems to belikely.
  • प्राप्य pra:py -- (a) due; available; attainable, acquirable, procurable.
  • प्राबल्य pra:baly -- (nm) dominance, predominance; intensity, force.
  • प्रामाणिक pra:mā:ṉik -- (a) authentic, genuine; authoritative.
प्रामाणिकता -- authenticity, genuineness; authoritativeness.
  • प्रामाण्य pra:mā:ṉṉy -- (nm) authenticity, genuineness; validity; credibility.
  • प्रायः pra:yah -- (adv) often; usually, generally; almost, more or less; approximately, ṉearly.
  • प्राय/द्वीप pra:ydwi:p -- (nm) a peninsula.
प्रायद्वीपीय -- peninsular.
  • प्रायशः pra:yashah -- (ind) most often, mostly; generally, usually.
  • प्रायश्चित pra:yashchitt -- (nm) atonement, penance, expiation.
प्रायश्चित करना -- to sack cloth and ashes, to atonefor.
  • प्रायिक pra:ik -- (a) probable.
~ -- le probability.
~ सिद्धांत -- probabilitytheory.
  • प्रायोगिक pra:yogik -- (a) experimental; practical; pilot (scheme, etc.)प्रायोगिकता (nf).
  • प्रायोजना pra:yojanā: -- (nf) a project.
  • प्रायोपवेश, प्रायोपवेशन pra:yopvesh, ~n -- (nm) a fast unto death.
प्रायोपवेशक -- onewho undertakes a fast untodeath.
  • प्रारंभ pra:rāmbh -- (nm) beginning, commencement; inception; initiation; the starting point.
  • प्रारंभिक pra:rāmbhik -- (a) starting; preliminary; elementary; original; initial.
प्रारंभिक अवस्था -- elementary/preliminary stage.
प्रारंभिक ज्ञान -- elementaryknowledge.
  • प्रारब्ध pra:rabdh -- (nm) destiny, fate, lot.
प्रारब्ध-लेख -- the writ of destiny/fate.
  • प्रारूप pra:ru:p -- (nm) a draft.
प्रारूपकार -- a draftsman, one who prepares adraft.
प्रारूप बनाना -- to prepare a draft.
  • प्रारूपिक pra:ru:pik -- (a) typical.
प्रारूपिकतः -- typically.
  • प्रार्थना pra:rthanā: -- (nf) a prayer; request, solicitation; petition.
प्रार्थनात्मक -- precatory, containing aprayer/request.
प्रार्थना-पत्र -- an application; a petition.
प्रार्थना समाज -- a socio-religious reformist movement launched in late sixties of the 19thcentury and influenced by themediaeval Maharashtrian saints.
  • प्रार्थनीय pra:rthanī:y -- (a) worth making a request/prayer for, worth petitioning/soliciting for.
  • प्रार्थित pra:rthit -- (a) prayed/requested/applied/petitioned/solicited (for).
  • प्रार्थी pra:rthi: -- (nm) an applicant; a petitioner; one who submits arequest; one who prays.
  • प्रावस्था pra:vastha: -- (nf) a phase.
प्रावस्थाबद्ध -- phased.
  • प्राविधान pra:vidha:n -- (nm) a provision.
  • प्रावेदन pra:vedān -- (nm) a motion.
  • प्राशन pra:shān -- (nm) feeding; the first feeding of a child.
  • प्राश्निक pra:shnik -- (nm) a questioner; an interrogator; (a) pertaining to, concerned with or containinga question or questions.
  • प्रासंगिक pra:sāṅgik -- (a) relevant; contingent, incidental; contextual.
प्रासंगिकता -- relevance; contingency, incidental nature or character; contextuality.
  • प्रासाद pra:sa:d -- (nm) a palace; a palatial mansion.
  • प्रासूतिक pra:su:tik -- (a) pertaining to or concerned with प्रसूति (see).
  • प्रास्तविक pra:sta:vik -- (nm) preliminary matter, prelims; (a) introductory; of, pertaining to or related with, a प्रस्ताव; by a motion/resolution/proposal.
  • प्रिंट priṉṭ -- (nm) a print; printed design.
प्रिंट आर्डर -- print order.
  • प्रिंटिंग priṉṭīng -- (nf) printing.
प्रिंटिंग प्रेस -- a printing press.
प्रिंटिंग मशीन -- a printing machine.
  • प्रिंसिप/ल prīnsipal -- (nm) principal (of a school or college).
प्रिंसिपली -- principalship.
  • प्रियं/वद priyāmvad -- (a) sweet-spoken; hence प्रियंवदा (fem. form).
  • प्रिय priy -- (a) dear, darling, beloved; lovable, lovely; pleasing; pleasant; favourite, liked; (nm) alover; husband.
प्रियजन -- a belovedone, dear one; near and dearones.
प्रियतर -- dearer.
प्रियतम -- dearest; most beloved; husband.
प्रियदर्शन -- pleasing, of charming demeanour.
प्रियदर्शी -- affectionate to all, lookingtowards all with compassion andkindness.
प्रियभाषी -- sweet-spoken.
प्रियवचन -- sweet words; sweet-spoken.
प्रियवादी -- sweet-spoken; a flatterer; sycophant.
प्रिय सत्य -- pleasant truth.
प्रिय सुहृद -- dear friend.
  • प्रिय/ता priyata: -- (nf).
प्रियत्व, { -- ttv} (nm) lovability, the state of being dear/loved, being fond of; used as asuffix to denote fondness or attachment for (e.g. सत्ताप्रियता, कलहप्रियता etc.).
  • प्रिया priya: -- (a and nf) beloved, darling; sweetheart; wife.
  • प्रियाप्रिय priya:priy -- (nm) the pleasant and the unpleasant; the good and the bad; (a) good andbad.
  • प्रीत pri:t -- (nf) see प्रीति.
  • प्रीतम pri:tam -- (nm) a lover; beloved.
  • प्रीति pri:ti -- (nf) love; affection.
प्रीतिकर /कारक -- arousiṉg or inspiriṉglove/affection; pleasing, lovely.
प्रीतिदान -- gift of love.
प्रीति-पात्र -- beloved, dear; a toast (for thehealth of, etc.).
प्रीतिभोज -- a love-feast, banquet.
प्रीति-रीति -- affectionate conduct, amiable behaviour; practice / customs followed inmatter of love.
प्रीति-विवाह -- love-marriage.
  • प्रूफ़ pru:f -- (nm) proof.
प्रूफ़रीडर -- a proof reader.
प्रूफ़-शोधन -- proof-reading, proof-correction.
  • प्रेक्षक prekshak -- (nm) an observer; a viewer; spectator; one who sees.
प्रेक्षक-वर्ग/समाज -- audience, spectators.
  • प्रे/क्षण prekshāṉ -- (nm) observing; viewing, seeing; witnessing.
प्रेक्षित -- observed, viewed, seen.
  • प्रेक्षणीय prekshaṉī:y -- (a) worth being seen or to be seen/observed/viewed/witnessed.
  • प्रेक्षागार preksha:ga:r -- (nm) an auditorium; a theatre.
  • प्रेक्षागृह preksha:grih -- (nm) see प्रेक्षागार.
  • प्रेत pret -- (nm) a ghost, goblin, lemures; an evil spirit; a frightful person.
प्रेत-कर्म -- post-mortemrites performed for the deliverance of the deceased.
प्रेतलोक -- theworld of the dead.
प्रेतविद्या -- necromancy.
प्रेतसिद्धि -- necromancy.
  • प्रेतोन्माद pretonma:d -- (nm) insanity caused due to obsession (by anevil spirit).
  • प्रेम prem -- (nm) love; affection; attachment.
प्रेम-कथा/प्रेम-कहानी -- a love story; tale of love.
प्रेम-गीत -- a love-song.
प्रेम-पगा -- soaked in love, full of feelings of love.
प्रेम-पत्र -- a love-letter.
प्रेम-पात्र -- dear, beloved.
प्रेम-पाश -- bond of love.
प्रेम-बंधन -- bond of love.
प्रेम-भक्ति -- love-inspired or affection-based devotion.
प्रेम-भाव -- love, emotion of love.
प्रेममय -- loving, affectionate.
प्रेम-विहार -- love-making.
प्रेम-विह्वल -- love-sick.
प्रेम-व्यापार -- love-affair.
प्रेमशून्य -- loveless.
  • प्रेमातुर premā:tur -- (a) love-lorn, love-sick; hence प्रेमातुरता (nf).
  • प्रेमालाप premā:la:p -- (nm) love-talk; cordial talk.
  • प्रेमालिंगन premā:liṅgān -- (nm) a loving embrace; an affectionate hug.
  • प्रेमाश्रु premā:shshru -- (nm) love-tears, tears that trickle down when moved by love.
  • प्रेमिका premika: -- (nf) a beloved, darling, sweetheart.
  • प्रेमी premī: -- (nm) a lover.
प्रेमी-प्रेमिका -- the lover and the beloved.
  • प्रेय prey -- (nm) mundane achievement, worldly pleasure/acquirement.
प्रेयवाद -- hedonism.
प्रेयवादी -- a hedonist; hedonistic.
  • प्रेयसी preyasi: -- (nf) a beloved; darling, sweetheart.
  • प्रेरक prerak -- (a) inductive, that which inspires/prompts/motivates; (nm) an inspirer; promptor; a motive; hence प्रेरकता.
प्रेरक-हेतु -- a motive.
  • प्रेर/ण preraṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) inspiring / prompting/motivating; induction; hence प्रेरणीय (a), प्रेरणीयता (nf).
  • प्रेरणा preraṉā: -- (nf) inspiration; urge, drive; motive; induction.
प्रेरणात्मक -- inspirational.
प्रेरणाप्रद -- inspiring.
प्रेरणामय -- full of inspiration, inspiring. प्रेरणा-शक्ति motive force; inspiration; urge.
प्रेरणा-हेतु -- motive; inspiration.
  • प्ररणार्थक preraṉā:rthak -- (a) causal; inspiring; causing inspiration.
  • प्रेरित prerit -- (a) inspired; prompted; motivated; induced.
  • प्रेषक preshak -- (nm) a despatcher; consigner.
  • प्रेषण preshāṉ -- (nm) a despatch; consignment; transmission.
  • प्रेषित preshit -- (a) despatched, consigned, transmitted.
  • प्रेषित्र preshitr -- (nm) a transmitter; transmission instrument.
  • प्रेषी preshi: -- (nm) a transmitter, one who transmits/despatches.
  • प्रेष्य preshy -- (a) to be or worth being despatched / consigned/transmitted.
  • प्रेस pres -- (nm) a printing press; the newspapers (in general).
प्रेस एक्ट -- the press act.
प्रेस में होना, किसी चीज़ का -- to be under print.
  • प्रेसिडेंट presideṉṭ -- (nm) a president.
  • प्रैक्टिस praikṭis -- (nf) practice.
प्रैक्टिस करना -- to practise.
  • प्रोग्राम progrā:m -- (nm) a programme.
  • प्रोत prot -- (a) permeated (used in Hindi only as the second member in the compound ओत-प्रोत.).
  • प्रोत्सा/हन protsa:han -- (nm) encouragement, boosting up; incentive; hence प्रोत्साहित encouraged, given incentive.
  • प्रोनोट pronoṭ -- (nm) a pronote.
  • प्रोफ़ेसर profesar -- (nm) a professor.
  • प्रोषित proshit -- (a) migrated, gone out.
प्रोषितपतिका/भर्तृका -- a womanwhose husband is away.
  • प्रौढ़ prauṛḥ -- (a) mature, full-grown; adult.
प्रौढ़-मताधिकार -- adult franchise.
प्रौढ़-शिक्षा -- adult education.
  • प्रौढ़/ता, प्रौढ़त्व prauṛḥta: -- (nf), प्रौढ़{ttv} (nm) maturity, full growth; adulthood.
  • प्रौढ़ि prauṛḥi -- (nf) see प्रौढ़ता.
  • प्लवन plavan -- (nm) floating; swimming.
प्लवनशील -- floating; hence प्लवनशीलता (nf).
  • प्लांचेट pla:ṇcheṭ -- (nm) a planchet.
  • प्लांट -- (nm) inundation, flood; deluge; plunging.
  • प्लावित pla:vit -- (a) inundated, flooded, submerged.
  • प्लास्टर pla:sṭar -- (nm) plaster.
प्लास्टर किया हुआ -- plastered.
  • प्लीहा pli:ha: -- (nm) the spleen; enlargement of the spleen.
  • प्लुत plut -- (a) drenched, soaked; protracted sound of a vowel(esp. while calling out somebodyby name from afar).
  • प्लेग pleg -- (nf) plague.
  • प्लेट pleṭ -- (nf) a plate.
  • प्लेटफ़ार्म pleṭfa:rm -- (nm) a platform; platform ticket.
  • प्लैटिनम plaiṭinām -- (nm) platinum.
प्लैटिनम तार -- a platinum wire.