सामग्री पर जाएँ

विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : य-र-ल

विक्षनरी से

हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें

  • य ya—the -- first of the य, र, ल, व series of the Devanagari alphabet, traditionally called अंतःस्थ (semi-vowels). Modern Phoneticians, however, regard only य and व as semi-vowels.
  • यंत्र yāntr -- (nm) a machine; an instrument; amulet, talisman; mystical diagram.
यंत्रकार -- a machine-maker.
यंत्रचालित -- mechanized; machine-operated.
यंत्रनिर्मित -- machine-made, mechanical.
यंत्र-मंत्र -- conjuring, witchcraft.
यंत्रमानव -- a robot.
यंत्र-युग -- machine age.
यंत्रवत् -- like a machine.
यंत्रवाद -- mechanistic theory; mechanism.
यंत्रवादी -- mechanistic.
यंत्रविद् -- a mechanician; machinist.
यंत्र-विद्या -- the art of manufacturing or handling/working machines.
यंत्र-विधान -- mechanism.
यंत्रशाला -- machine-room.
यंत्र-सज्जित -- mechanized.
  • यंत्रणा yāntraṉā: -- (nf) torture, torment.
  • यंत्रालय yāntra:lay -- (nm) a printing press; machine-room.
  • यंत्रित yāntrit -- (a) mechanized.
  • यंत्रीकरण yāntri:karāṉ -- (nm) mechanization.
  • यक yak -- (a) one; alone; for other compound words like यकजान, यकतरफ़ा, यक-ब-यक, यकबारगी, यकमंजिला, यकरंगा, यकसर, यकसार see 'एक' [andsubsequent entries].
  • यकलख़्त yaklaḳḥt -- (adv) suddenly, all of a sudden; quite.
  • यका/र yaka:r -- (nm) the letter य and its sound.
यकारांत -- (word) ending in य्.
  • यक़ीन yaqī:n -- (nm) trust, faith, confidence; certainty; assurance.
यक़ीनन -- certainly, surely; withoutfail.
यक़ीन आना -- to feel assured/confident, to have trust (in).
यक़ीन करना -- to trust/believe.
यक़ीन दिलाना -- to assure.
यक़ीन लाना -- to believe, to trust, to havefaith in.
यक़ीन होना -- to be or feel confident, to have faith (in).
  • यक़ीनी yaqi:nī: -- (a) see यक़ीनन.
यक़ीनी तौर पर -- surely, certainly, undoubtedly.
  • यकृत yakkrit -- (nm) the liver.
यकृत विषयक/संबंधी -- hepatic.
यकृत-शोथ/यकृत-की सूजन -- hepatitis.
यकृतीय -- hepatic.
  • यक्ष yaksh -- (nm) a class of mythological demi-gods.
यक्षनायक/पति -- Kuber—the chief of yakshas andthe god of wealth.
  • यक्षिणी yakshiṉī: -- (nf) fem form of यक्ष (see).
यक्षिणी सिद्ध करना -- to tame a यक्षिणी to acquire supernaturalpowers.
  • यक्ष्मा yakshmā: -- (nm) tuberculosis.
यक्ष्माग्रस्त -- tubercular; suffering fromtuberculosis.
  • यखनी yaḳḥnī: -- (nf) gravy, the strew extracted from meat.
  • यजन yajan -- (nm) the act or process of performing a sacrifice (यज्ञ).
  • यजमान yajmā:n -- (nm) one who performs a यज्ञ; client of a priest or of attendants (who do theirchores on auspicious occasions orrituals. They are offered gratification, in cash or kind, for performance of rituals, sacrificeetc.).
  • यजमानी yajmā:nī: -- (nf) the work.
  • यजुर्वे/द yajurved -- (nm) the third of the four vedas.
यजुर्वेदी -- an adherent/scholar of the यजुर्वेद.
  • यज्ञ yaggy -- (nm) sacrifice, an ancient Hindu institution of religioussacrifice and oblation.
यज्ञ-कुंड -- firepit for performance of a यज्ञ.
यज्ञ-क्रिया -- the process of performing a यज्ञ.
यज्ञ-दक्षिणा -- the gratification—in cashor kind—for the priest who performs a 'यज्ञ.
यज्ञ-पशु -- the animal tobe sacrificed in a 'यज्ञ'.
यज्ञ-भूमि -- theplace of performance of a 'यज्ञ'.
यज्ञ-मंडप -- the pavilion wherein a यज्ञis performed.
यज्ञ-वेदिका/वेदी -- thealtar on which a 'यज्ञ' is performed.
यज्ञशाला -- the enclosure withinwhich a 'यज्ञ' is performed.
यज्ञसूत्र -- see यज्ञोपवीत.
यज्ञ-स्थाणु -- the pillarwith which the 'यज्ञ.
यज्ञ-पशु' -- is tethered.
  • यज्ञीय yaggi:y -- (a) pertaining or belonging to or related with a 'यज्ञ'.
  • यज्ञोपवीत yaggyopavi:t -- (nm) the sacred thread traditionally worn by caste Hindus; one of the sixteenmajor संस्कारs (also called यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार) wherein a young lad isgiven a sacred thread to wear forthe first time.
  • यति yati -- (nf) a pause, check, caesura (in metre); (nm) an ascetic, anchoret (who has subduedhis passions).
यति-गति -- (in metricalwriting) pausing and pacing.
यति-धर्म -- asceticism; renunciation.
यति-भंग -- ametric flaw when caesura doesnot appear at its proper position.
यति-भ्रष्ट -- (a metre) having यति-भंग (pausaldefect).
  • यतीम yati:m -- (nm and a) (an) orphan.
यतीमखाना -- an orphange.
  • यतीमी yati:mi: -- (nf) orphanage, the state of being an orphan.
  • यत्किंचित yatkīṇchit -- (adv) somewhat, a little, to a slight degree.
  • यत्न yatn -- (nm) effort, endeavour; attempt; care.
यत्नपूर्वक -- with effort/attempt; with care.
यत्नवती -- feminine form of यत्नवान.
यत्नवान/शील -- making effort, effortive.
  • यत्र yatr -- (adv) where.
यत्र-यत्र -- wherever; in whatever place.
यत्र-तत्र -- here and there, hither and thither.
यत्र-तत्र सर्वत्र -- here, there and every-where.
  • यथांश yathā:nsh -- (a) according to one's portion/quota; (nm) quota.
  • यथा yatha: -- (adv) as per; thus; for example, for instance; in what-ever manner.
यथाकथित -- as mentioned before.
यथाकर्त्तव्य -- accordingto one's duty, as one's dutydemands.
यथाकर्म -- according toone's deeds.
यथाकाम -- as one likes/wishes.
यथाक्रम -- in order, systematically; successively, respectively; methodical, systematic, regular.
यथातथ्य -- as it is, intact; exact, accurate; hence यथातथ्यता (nf).
यथादृष्ट -- as seen.
यथानियम -- as per rule.
यथानिर्दिष्ट -- as mentioned; as directed.
यथानुक्रम -- in order, according tothe order laid down.
यथानुपान -- prorata.
यथानुपूर्व -- according to tradition, conventional.
यथापूर्व -- asbefore, status quo.
यथापूर्व स्थिति -- status quo ante.
यथापेक्ष -- adequately; as expected.
यथाप्रयोग -- as per usage/experiment.
यथाबुद्धि/मति -- accordingto (one's) understanding.
यथाभिप्रेत -- .
  • यथार्थ yatha:rth -- (a) real, actual; accurate.
यथार्थतः -- de facto, really, actually; factually.
यथार्थता -- reality; accuracy.
यथार्थवाद -- realism.
यथार्थवादिता -- realism; reality.
यथार्थवादी -- a realist; realistic.
  • यथेच्छ yathechchh -- (a and adv) as one likes, according to one's wish/desire; arbitrary.
यथेच्छ क्षेत्र -- arbitraryarea.
  • यथेच्छाचा/र yathechchha:cha:r -- (nm) licentious/arbitrary conduct; licentiousness; absolutism.
यथेच्छाचारी -- licentious; one who acts or behavesas he pleases/in an arbitrary fashion.
  • यथेष्ट yatheshṭ -- (a) sufficient, enough; adequate.
यथेष्टता -- sufficiency; adequacy.
  • यथोक्त yathokt -- (a) as stated, as mentioned, as said earlier.
  • यथोचित yathochit -- (a) due; proper, appropriate, reasonable; rightful; (adv) duly; properly, reasonably; rightfully.
  • यथोपरि yathopari -- (ind) ditto, as above.
  • यदा yada: -- (ind) when; where.
यदा-कदा -- occasionally, sometimes.
  • यदि yadi -- (ind) if, in case, provided that.
  • यदु/नंदन, यदुनाथ, यदुपति, यदुराज yadunandan, ~na:th, ~pati, ~ra:j -- (nm) Lord Krishṉā—the leadingluminary of the Yadu clan.
  • यदृच्छ yadrichchh -- (a) arbitrary; random.
यदृच्छया -- arbitrarily; at random.
  • यदृच्छा yaddrichchha: -- (nf) arbitrariness; randomness.
  • यद्यपि yaddyapi -- (ind) though, although, even though.
  • यम yam -- (nm) the god of death; restraint of passions; two.
यमज/जात -- twins.
यमजित् -- one who conquersdeath, immortal.
यमदंड -- the punishment inflicted by यम—the god ofdeath (for evil deeds).
यमदुतिया/द्वितीया -- the second day of thebright half of the month of कार्तिक( same as भैयादूज).
यमदूत -- a messenger of the god of death.
यमपुर/पुरी/लोक -- afterworld; the world of thegod of death; the infernal world, the world where sinners aresupposed to be lodged after.
  • यमक yamāk -- (nm) a particular word-based figure of speech, akind of pun.
  • यमुना yamunā: -- (nf) one of the most important Indian rivers(considered to be sacred by theHindus).
  • यव yav -- (nm) barley.
यवक्षार -- nitrate of potash.
  • यवन yavan -- (nm) a Greek; a Mohammedan; hence यवनी (nf).
  • यवनिका yavanika: -- (nf) a curtain; drop-scene.
यवनिका-पतन -- drop curtain.
  • यश, ~yashahka:y -- (a) who lives through his glory, living throughglorious deeds.
  • यशःशरीर yashahshari:r -- (a) see यशःकाय.
  • यशःशेष yashahshesh -- (a) dead; one who is survived by his nameand fame.
  • यश yash -- (nm) fame, reputation, renown, glory.
यश कमाना -- to earnname and fame.
यश गाना -- to sing thepraises of; to eulogize, to extol.
यश लूटना -- to usurp fame, to acquireglory.
  • यश/स्वी yashassvi: -- (a) celebrated; reputed, renowned; glorious; hence यशस्विनी feminine form.
  • यशोगाथा yashoga:tha: -- (nf) a tale/narrative of glory or great deeds.
  • यशोगान yashoga:n -- (nm) encomium, eulogy, singing the praises (of).
  • यष्टि yashṭi -- (nf) a stick; rod.
  • यष्टिका yashṭika: -- (nf) see यष्टि.
  • यह yeh -- (pro) this; it.
यह मुँह और मसूर की दाल -- like lip, like lettuce.
  • यहाँ yahā: -- (adv) here, hither, in/at this place.
  • यहीं yahī: -- (adv) at this very place, here itself.
  • यही yahi: -- (a) this very.
  • यहू/दी yahu:di: -- (nm) a Jew.
यहूदिन -- (nf) a Jewish woman.
  • यांचा ya:ncha: -- (nf) a prayer, solicitation.
  • यांत्रि/क ya:ntrik -- (a) mechanical; (nm) a mechanist.
यांत्रिक आवतरणा -- deusex machina.
यांत्रिकता -- mechanism, mechanicality.
यांत्रिकी -- mechanics; mechanism.
यांत्रिकीकरण -- mechanization.
यांत्रिकीकृत -- mechanized.
  • या ya: -- (conj) or, either.
या इलाही/खुदा -- Oh God!; My God!.
या क़िस्मत -- whata luck/lot !.
  • याचक ya:chak -- (nm) a beggar; suppliant.
याचकता -- begging, the job of a beggar.
  • याचन ya:chan -- (nm) begging.
  • याचना ya:chanā: -- (nf) begging, entreaty; asking for something.
  • याचिका ya:chika: -- (nf) a petition; feminine form of याचक.
  • याचित ya:chit -- (a) begged (for), solicited, asked for, prayed for.
  • याजक ya:jak -- (nm) one who performs a 'यज्ञ'.
  • याज्ञिक yaggik -- (nm) one who performs a 'यज्ञ' (a) pertaining to a sacrifice.
  • यातना ya:tnā: -- (nf) torture, torment.
  • यातायात ya:ta:ya:t -- (nm) traffic, coming and going.
यातायात जाम होना -- traffic to be jammed.
  • यात्रा ya:ttra: -- (nf) a journey, travel; wayfaring; trip; tour; pilgrimage; march; a kind of popular playprevalent in Bengal.
यात्रा-चित्र -- travelogue film.
यात्रा-वृत्त -- a travelogue.
  • यात्रिक ya:ttrik -- (nm) a traveller, wayfarer; passenger; pilgrim.
  • यात्री ya:ttri: -- (nm) a traveller, wayfarer; passenger; pilgrim.
  • याथातथ्य ya:tha:tatthy -- (nm) exactness, accuracy.
  • याद ya:d -- (nf) memory, recollection, remembrance.
याद आना -- to be haunted by the memory (of), to remember.
याद करना -- to memorise; to recall/remember.
याद दिलाना -- to remind.
याद फ़रमाना -- to (be gracious to) remember.
  • यादगा/र ya:dga:r -- (nf) a monument; memorial; memento; also यादगारी (nf).
  • याददाश्त ya:dda:sht -- (nf) memory.
  • याददेहानी ya:ddeha:nī: -- (nf) recollection, remembrance; reminding.
  • यादी ya:di: -- (nf) a memo.
  • यादृच्छि/क ya:ddrichchhik -- (a) random; arbitrary.
यादृच्छिकता -- arbitrariness; randomness.
यादृच्छिकीकरण -- randomization; making arbitrary.
  • यान yā:n -- (nm) a van; vehicle.
  • या/नी, याने yā:nī:, ~nē -- (ind) that is, that is to say.
  • यापन ya:pan -- (nm) spending, passing away (it generally appears as thesecond member in compoundwords, as जीवनयापन).
  • याफ़्ता ya:fta: -- a suffix used to denote one who has been awarded/given (as सज़ायाफ़्ता.
सनदयापफ़्ता). -- .
  • याम ya:m -- (nm) three hours' time.
  • यामिनी ya:mīnī: -- (nf) the night.
  • याम्योत्तर ya:myottar -- (a) meridian.
याम्योत्तर रेखा -- meridian line; equatorial line.
  • यायाव/र ya:ya:var -- (nm) a nomad; wanderer.
यायावरी-वृत्ति -- wanderingspirit, instinct to go round.
  • यार ya:r -- (nm) a friend, companion; paramour, lover.
यारबाश -- a friendof friends, good companion; hence यारबाशी (nf).
  • याराना ya:ra:nā: -- (a) friendly; (nm) friendship; illicit relationship/intimacy; alliance.
याराना गाँठना -- to developfriendship, to have an alliance.
  • यारी ya:ri: -- (nf) friendship; romantic intimacy; illicit love; alliance.
  • यावत् ya:vat -- (a) as much; (adv) until, as long as, as far as.
  • यीशु i:shu -- (nm) Jesus Christ.
यीशुमसीह -- Jesus Christ.
  • युक्त yukt -- (a) united, combined; joined with; fitted with; befitting, suitable; proper, right.
युक्तक -- jointer.
युक्ततम -- optimum.
युक्तता -- fittingness, suitable; propriety.
  • युक्ति yukti -- (nf) device; means; tactics, artifice, manoeuvre; skill; argument, plea.
युक्तिकरण -- rationalisation.
युक्तिपूर्ण -- rational; tactful; sound.
युक्तिनिपुण -- tactician, havingmanoeuvring skill; advancingsound arguments.
युक्तियुक्त -- befitting; rational, reasonable; proper, suitable.
युक्तिसंगत -- reasonable, rational.
~ -- hence युक्तिसंगतता/संगति (nf).
युक्तिसंगतन -- rationalisation.
युक्तिहीन -- tactless; hence युक्तिहीनता (nf).
  • युग yug -- (nm) an age, epoch; era; period; times; one of the fourages-viz सतयुग, त्रेता, द्वापर, कलियुग-of the world according to Indiantradition; a pair, couple.
युग-चेतना -- contemporary consciousness.
युग-चेतना संपन्न -- conscious of the times.
युगधर्म -- contemporaniety, conformation to thetimes.
युगपत् -- simultaneous(ly).
युगपुरुष -- man of the age.
युग युग -- (for) ages, (for) all times.
युगल -- a pair, couple; both, the two.
युगल-गान/युगल-गीत/युगलबंदी -- duet.
युग बीत जाना -- ages to be past, a long time to roll by.
  • युगांत yuga:nt -- (nm) the end of an age, cosmic destruction.
  • युगांतर yuga:ntar -- (nm) another/new era, advent of a new epoch.
युगांतरकारी -- revolutionary, epoch-making.
युगांतर उपस्थित करना -- to bring in a.
  • युगावतार yuga:wata:r -- (nm) representative of the age, man of the age.
  • युग्म yugm -- (nm) pair; couple; (a) two.
युग्मक -- pair, couple.
युग्मज -- twins.
  • युत yut -- a suffix denoting the sense: endowed with, possessed of or possessing (as श्रीयुत).
  • युति yuti -- (nf) conjunction; fusion, merger.
  • युद्ध yuddh -- (nm) war/warfare; battle; fight/fighting; combat, hostilities.
युद्धकारी -- fighting/fighter; combating/combatant.
युद्ध-काल -- war-time; period of fighting.
युद्ध-क्षेत्र -- battle-field, theatre of war.
युद्ध-नीति -- strategy.
युद्ध-पोत -- warship, man ofwar.
युद्धप्रवण -- bellicose, pugnacious, martial, militant.
युद्धप्रवणता -- bellicosity, pugnacity.
युद्धप्रवीण -- expert/skilled in warfare.
युद्धप्रिय -- a war-monger; bellicose, pugnacious, militant, martial.
युद्धप्रिय ता -- war-mongering; bellicosity, pugnaciousness.
युद्धबंदी -- a prisoner of war; cesssation of hostilities.
युद्ध-भूमि -- the battle-field.
युद्ध-मंत्री -- minister for war.
युद्धरत -- belligerant.
युद्ध-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- science of warfare; military science.
युद्ध-विद्या -- art of warfare.
युद्ध-विराम -- cease-fire.
युद्ध-विराम संधि -- cease-fire pact, cease-fire; agreement.
युद्ध-शक्ति -- fighting potential, power/capacity towage a war.
युद्ध-संबंधी -- military; pertaining to war/battle/fighting.
युद्ध-स्थगन -- cessation of hostilities.
  • युद्धोन्मत्त yuddhonmatt -- (a) war-crazy; war-mongering; hence युद्धोन्मत्तता (nf).
  • युद्धोन्मा/द yuddhonma:d -- (nm) war-craze; war-hysteria; hence युद्धोन्मादी (a).
  • युद्धोपकरण yuddhopkarāṉ -- (nm) armament; fighting apparatus.
  • युयुत्सा yuyutsa: -- (nf) pugnacity, bellicosity, belligerence.
  • युयुत्सु yuyutsu -- (a) pugnacious, bellicose, belligerent.
  • युरोप yurop -- (nm) Europe.
  • युरोपियन yuropiyan -- (a) European.
  • युरोपीय yuropi:y -- (a) European.
  • युवक yuwak -- (nm) a youth; young-man.
युवक-युवती -- young men and women.
  • युवती yuwati: -- (nf) a young woman youthful woman.
  • युवराज yuwra:j -- (nm) a prince.
  • युवराज्ञी yuwraggi: -- (nf) a princess.
  • युवा yuwa: -- (a) youthful; (nm) youth.
  • यूँ yū: -- (adv) in this way, in this manner; like this, thus.
यूँ तो -- while, whereas; although.
यूँ ही -- exactlyin this way; for nothing; casually; accidentally, by chance.
  • यूक yu:k -- (nm) a louse.
  • युथ yu:th -- (nm) a group, company, band.
युथचारी -- gregarious, movingin groups.
युथ-वृत्ति -- gregarious instinct.
युथपति -- leader of a herd/group.
युथभ्रष्ट -- gone astray (from the group).
  • यूनानी yu:na:nī: -- (a) of or belonging to यूनान (Greece); (nm) a Greek.
यूनानी चिकित्सा-पद्धति -- Yunani system of medicine.
  • यूनिफ़ार्म yu:nīfa:rm -- (nf) uniform (dress).
  • यूनियन yu:niyān -- (nf) a union.
  • यूनिवर्सिटी yu:nīwarsiṭi: -- (nf) a university.
  • यू/प yu:p -- (nm) the post with which the sacrificial animal in a 'यज्ञ' istied.
यूपिका -- a toggle.
  • यूरेनियम yu:renīyām -- (nm) uranium.
  • यूरो/प yu:rop -- (nm) Europe.
यूरोपियन -- European.
यूरोपीय -- European.
  • ये ye -- (pro) these.
  • येन-केन-प्रकारेण yēnkēnpraka:rēṉ -- (ind) catch as catch can, somehow, somehow or the other, by fair.
  • यों yō -- (adv) like this; in this way/manner.
यों तो -- while, whereas, though, although.
यों ही -- exactly inthis way; for nothing; casually; accidentally, by chance.
  • योग yog -- (nm) total, sum total; recipe; combination; addition; joining together; conjugation; mixture; contribution; a systemof concentration and meditation, concentrational exercise; means ofsalvation, union with the Universal Soul by means of contemplation; one of the six schools ofIndian philosophy; an auspiciousor opportune moment; opportunity; device.
योग-क्षेम -- welfare, well-being.
योग-दर्शन -- Yogic philosophy.
योगदान -- contribution.
योग-निद्रा -- LordVishnū's long-lasting sleep afterthe annihilation of the world.
योगफल -- total, the sum total, sum.
योग-बल -- power of योग moral powerderived through continuousmeditation, concentration andcontemplation.
योगभ्रष्ट -- one whohas aberrated/astrayed/deviatedfrom योग.
योगरूढ़ि -- a compoundword used in a much more restricted sense as compared with thedirect meaning of its components.
योगविद् -- well-versed in योग (meditative contemplation, etc.).
योग शक्ति -- see योग-बल.
शास्त्र -- the famous treatise on योग by the sage Patāṇjali; one of the six schools of Indianphilosophy.
योगशास्त्री -- well-versedin योगशास्त्र.
सूत्र -- the collection; of Su:tras on योग composed by thesage Patāṇjali.
योगस्थ -- absorbed in योग or meditative contemplation.
  • योगाचार yoga:cha:r -- (nm) yoga practices.
  • योगाभ्या/स yoga:bbhya:s -- (nm) the practice of योग.
सी -- one whopractises योग.
स करना -- to practise योग.
  • योगासन yoga:sān -- (nm) the योग-posture; the posture adopted in contemplative meditation.
  • योगिराज yogira:j -- (nm) an ascetic or योगी of the highest order.
  • योगी yogi: -- (nm) one who practises योग, an ascetic; hence योगीनी feminine form.
  • योगी/श, योगीश्वर yogi:sh, ~shwar -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Krishnā-the most outstanding of theYogi:s.
  • योग्य yoggy -- (a) qualified; able; deserving; capable; competent; worthy; eligible; suitable; meritorious; no files on him.
योग्यता -- ability; qualification; capability; competence; worthiness; eligibility; suitability, fitness; merit.
योग्यता प्राप्त -- qualified.
  • योजक yojak -- (a) uniting, joining; (nm) one who or that which unites/joins.
योजक-चिन्ह -- a hyphen.
  • योजन yojan -- (nm) joining, uniting; union; junction, a measure ofdistance (roughly equal to eightmiles).
  • योजना yojnā: -- (nf) a plan/planning, scheme; disposition, arrangement(as शब्द योजना).
योजना आयोग -- PlanningCommission.
योजनाकार -- a planner.
योजना-चित्र -- a plan.
  • योजित yojit -- (a) planned; arranged; joined, united.
  • योद्धा yoddha: -- (nm) a warrior, fighter, combatant.
  • योधन yodhan -- (nm) fighting, combating.
योधन-शक्ति -- fighting potential.
योधन-संभार -- armament; fighting equipment.
  • योनि yonī -- (nf) vagina, female organ of generation; the form of existence or station fixed by birth (according to Hindu traditional belief these forms number eighty four lacs).
योनिव्दार/मुख -- the orifice of the womb.
योनिभ्रंश -- a disease in which uterus is displaced—prolapsus uteri.
योनि-मार्ग -- vagina.
योनि-विषयक/संबंधी -- vaginal, sexual.
  • योरोप yorop -- (nm) see यूरोप.
  • योरोपियन yoropiyān -- (a) see under यूरोप.
  • योषा yosha: -- (nf) a woman.
  • यौं yāū -- (adv) see यों.
  • यौगिक yaugik -- (a) pertaining to योग.
; -- compound; conjunctive, derivative.
यौगिक शब्द -- a compound word.
  • यौतुक yautuk -- (nm) dowry, nuptial gift.
  • यौद्धिक yauddhik -- (a) combative, of or pertaining to war/battle/fighting.
  • यौन yaun -- (a) sexual; vaginal.
यौन-ग्रंथि -- sex complex.
यौन तृप्ति -- sexual gratification.
यौन मनोविज्ञान -- sex psychology.
यौनरोग -- venereal disease.
यौन वर्जना -- sexual inhibition.
यौन विकृति -- sexualperversion.
यौन विज्ञान -- sexology.
यौनवैज्ञानिक -- sexologist; sexological.
यौन संबंध -- sexual relations.
  • यौम yaum -- (nm) day.
यौम-ए-आज़ादी -- independence day.
  • यौवन yauwan -- (nm) youth, youthfulness.
यौवन-काल -- period of youth.
यौवन-दर्प -- pride of youth.
यौवन-प्राप्त -- one whohas attained puberty/youth.
  • र ra -- the second amongst the series य, र, ल, व of the Devna:gri: alphabet, (traditionally) designated as semi-vowels र अंतःस्थ.
; -- see य रंक.
  • रंक rāṅk -- (a) poor, indigent, pauper: (nm) a beggar, penniless person.
  • रंग rāṅg -- (nm) colour; dye; complexion; paint; a suit, trump (in playing cards); grandeur; beauty; ways; influence; whim; kind, category; gaiety; stage.
रंग-आमेज़ -- a painter; one who applies colour.
रंग-आमेज़ी -- painting; colouring.
रंगकर्म -- stagecraft.
रंगकर्मी -- a stage-man; (one) applying colour.
रंगकार -- a painter.
रंग-क्षेत्र -- a stage.
रंग गृह -- a theatricalpavilion, theatre.
रंग-ढंग -- ways, manners, demeanour, conduct.
रंगदार -- coloured.
रंगपीठ -- a theatre.
रंग-बिरंगा -- variegated, multi-coloured.
रंग-भवन -- see रंगमहल.
भूमि -- theatre, stage; arena.
रंगमंच -- stage.
रंगमंडप -- theatre, theatrical pavilion.
रंगमहल -- the apartment meant foramorous sport, private apartment.
रंग-मेल -- matching of colours.
रंग-रँगीला -- variegated, colourful.
रंगरली -- see रंगरेली.
रूप -- physical appearance, looks.
रंगवर्धक -- mordant.
रंगवाट -- an amphitheatre.
रंगशाला -- theatrum, theatre.
रंगसाज़ -- apainter.
रंगसाज़ी -- painting.
रंगस्थापक -- a mordant.
रंगहीन -- colourless.
रंग आना -- to assume fullness; to assume true colours; to become colourful; to achieve youthful grace and grandeur; toenjoy thoroughly.
रंग उखड़ना -- to.
  • रंगत rāṅgat -- (nf) colour; complexion; plight, condition; relish; delight.
रंगत आना -- to be enjoying tothe full, to relish; to be in adelightful state.
रंगत उड़ना -- to loselustre; to lose countenance; toget pallid.
  • रँगना rāgnā: -- (v) to colour; to dye; to paint.
  • रँगरूट rāgru:ṭ -- (nm) a recruit; novice.
  • रँगरे/ज़ rāgrez -- (nm) a dyer; hence रँगरेज़िन (nf).
रँगरेज़ी -- the act, processor job of dyeing.
  • रँगरे/ली rāgreli: -- (nf) usually used in plural form.
रँगरेलियाँ -- rejoicing; merry-making / merriment, dalliance.
रँगरेलियाँ मनाना -- to live fast, to gogay, to have full rejoicing, tomake merry, to enjoy with a gayabandon.
  • रँगा rāga: -- (a) coloured.
रँगा सियार -- a wolf in lamb's guise, a hoax.
  • रँगाई rāga:i: -- (nf) dyeing; dyeing charges.
  • रंगजीवी rāṅgji:vi: -- (nm) a painter; dyer; a stage-artist.
  • रंगामेज़ी rāṅga:mezi: -- (nf) applying colour, colouration.
  • रँगारँग, रंगारंग rāga:rāg, ranga:rang -- (a) full of colours, of many colours, colourful; having a variety.
रँगारँग कार्यक्रम -- variety programme.
  • रँगावट rāga:vaṭ -- (nf) dyeing (pattern).
  • रंगीन rāṅgi:n -- (a) coloured; colourful, gay, luxury-loving; jovial.
रंगीनतबियत -- see रंगीनमिज़ाज.
मिज़ाज -- gay, colourful, sportive; mirthful; luxury-loving.
रंगीनमिज़ाजी -- see रंगीनी.
  • रंगीनी rāṅgi:nī: -- (nf) colourfulness; gaiety, sportiveness, mirthfulness.
  • रँगीला rāgi:la: -- (a) colourful, gay, sportive, mirthful.
रँगीलापन -- colourfulness, gaiety, sportiveness, mirthfulness.
  • रंच, रंचक rāṇch, ~ak -- (a) slight, somewhat, a little.
  • रंज rāṇj -- (nm) sorrow, grief, sadness, gloominess.
रंज-ओ-ग़म -- sorrows and sufferings.
  • रंजक rāṇjak -- (nm) a pigment; dye-stuff, dye; dyer; (a) recreative, entertaining; hence रंजकता (nf).
  • रंजन rāṇjān -- (nm) dyeing; entertainment, recreation.
  • रंजित rāṇjit -- (a) coloured, dyed; delighted.
  • रंजिश rāṇjish -- (nf) animus, animosity, ill-feeling; estrangement.
  • रंजी/दा rāṇji:da: -- (a) grieved, sorry, sad, gloomy.
रंजीदगी -- state of beinggrieved/sorry, sadness, gloominess.
  • रँडाड़ापा rāḍa:ṛa:pa: -- (nm) widowhood.
  • रंडी rāṉḍi: -- (nf) a prostitute, harlot, woman of easy virtue.
रंडीबाज़ -- onewho wenches with prostitutes.
रंडीबाज़ी -- wenching with prostitutes.
  • रँडुड़ुआ rāḍuṛua: -- (nm) a widower.
रँडुड़ुआ-भँडुआ -- cheap and worthless person, riff-raff.
  • रंदा rānda: -- (nm) a carpenter's plane, planer.
  • रं/ध्र rāndhr -- (nm) foramen, hole, an orifice, aperture; stomata; pore.
रंध्रक -- foramen.
रंध्रिल -- faveolate, foraminate, stomate, having holes; porous.
रंध्री -- stomatal, foramenal, pertaining to a hole/orifice/aperture.
  • रँभाना rābha:nā: -- (v) to bellow (said of a cow).
  • रअय्यत raayyat -- (nf) see रैयत.
  • रका/र raka:r -- (nm) the letter 'र' (ra) and its sound.
रकारांत -- (a word) ending in र्.
  • रई rai: -- (nf) a churn-staff.
  • रईस rai:s -- (nm) a nobleman; rich man, grandee; (a) rich, wealthy.
रईसज़ादा -- son of a रईस; hence रईसज़ादी (nf).
  • रईसी raī:sī: -- (nf) nobility; grandiosity; wealthiness, richness.
  • रक़बा raqba: -- (nm) area.
  • रक़म raqam -- (nf) a sum, an amount; cunning, crafty (person).
रक़म उड़ाना -- to squander away a big amount.
रक़म खाना/डकारना/मारना -- to misappropriate.
रक़म-, चलती -- mischievous/scheming person.
  • रकाब raka:b -- (nm) a stirrup.
रकाबदार -- an attendant to help a groom ridethe horse.
रकाब-में पाँव रखना -- to ride ahorse.
रकाब में पाँव रहना -- to be alwayson the move, to be ever on.
  • रक़ाबत raqa:bat -- (nf) rivalry (in love).
  • रक़ाबी raka:bi: -- (nf) a plate, dish.
रक़ाबी चेहरा -- flat face.
रक़ाबीमज़हब -- a sycophant, flunkey.
  • रक़ीब raqi:b -- (nm) a rival (in love).
  • रकेबी rakebi: -- (nf) see रकाबी.
  • रक़क़्क़ासा raqqa:sa: -- (nf) a dancing-girl, a danseuse.
  • रक्त rakt -- (nm) blood; (a) red; saffron; attached.
रक्तक्षीणता -- anaemia.
रक्तचाप -- blood pressure.
रक्तज -- born of blood.
रक्तता -- redness; ruddiness.
रक्त-निर्माण -- sanguification.
रक्तपात -- bloodshed; shedding ofblood.
रक्तपात पूर्ण -- sanguinary; accompanied with blood-shed.
रक्तपायी -- blood-sucker; blood-sucking.
रक्त-पिपासा -- blood-thirst.
रक्त-पिपासु -- blood-thirsty, sanguinary.
रक्तपूर्ण -- full of blood, bloody.
रक्तरंजित -- bloody; sanguinary; causingblood-shed.
रक्तवर्ण -- red.
रक्तवसन -- saffron-robed; an ascetic.
रक्त-संबंध -- consanguinity; blood relation.
रक्तस्राव -- haemorrhage, flow ofblood.
रक्त की नदी बहाना -- to shed astream of blood.
रक्त में होना -- to bein the blood.
  • रक्तांबर raktā:mbar -- (a) red-robed, donning red robes; (nm) an ascetic.
  • रक्ताभ rakta:bh -- (a) having a red tinge, red-tinged, sanguine, ruddy.
  • रक्तिम raktīm -- (a) red-tinged, sanguine, ruddy; hence रक्तिमता (nf).
  • रक्तोत्पल raktotpal -- (nm) red lotus.
  • रक्षक rakshak -- (a and nm) protectant/protector; saviour/defender; guard; keeper; custodian.
रक्षक-दल -- guard.
  • रक्षण rakshān -- (nm) protection, guarding; reservation, custody; maintaining/safe-keeping.
रक्षणकर्ता -- see रक्षक; hence रक्षणीय (a).
  • कक्षा raksha: -- (nf) defence; protection; guarding; safe-keeping; custody.
कवच -- an armlet reinforced by a charm/spell and meant todefend somebody against likelyaffliction/calamity.
कक्षा-कार्य -- defencework.
कक्षा-गृह -- a defence-post.
कक्षाबंधन -- a festival (also called सलूनो) heldon the full-moon day of themonth of श्रावण when sisters tiea sacramental thread on the wristof their brothers and are guaranteed life-long protection.
कक्षा-पक्ति -- line of defence.
कक्षा-मंत्रालय -- the ministry of defence.
कक्षा-मंत्री -- DefenceMinister.
कक्षा-सेना -- defence force.
  • रक्षात्मक raksha:tmāk -- (a) defensive; safeguarding; ensuring protection/custody.
रक्षात्मक-नीति -- defensive policy.
  • रक्षित rakshit -- (a) defended; protected; maintained; safeguarded; (nm) a protege.
रक्षित-राज्य -- a protectorate; hence रक्षिता feminine form.
  • रक्षी rakshi: -- (nm) a guard.
रक्षी-दल -- guard, guarding force.
  • रक्ष्य rakkshy -- (a) protectable, defendable; to be defended.
  • रक़्स raqs -- (nm) dance, dancing; dance performance.
  • रखना rakhnā: -- (v) to put; to place; to keep; to possess; to have; toemploy, to appoint; to keep aswife/husband.
रख रखाव -- maintenance/safe keeping/upkeep.
  • रखवाला rakhwa:la: -- (nm) a guard, watchman.
  • रखवाली rakhwa:li: -- (nf) guarding, watch/watchmanship, safe-keeping, safeguarding, care.
  • रखाई rakha:i: -- (nf) the process of guarding / maintaining/ safe-keeping or upkeep or the charges.
  • रखाना rakha:nā: -- (v) to guard, to watch; to care; to maintain.
  • रखैया rakhaiya: -- (nm) a protector, guard; custodian.
  • रखैल rakhail -- (nf) a concubine, mistress, woman who lives witha man without being his wife.
  • रखौना rakhāūnā: -- (nm) a pasture land, pasturage.
  • रग rag -- (nf) a vein; a fibre.
रगदार -- fibrous; veinous.
रग-पट्ठा -- veins andmuscles.
रग-पट्ठा पहचानना -- to be thoroughly familiar, to know throughand through.
रग-रेशा -- veins andfibres, structural details; everyparticle.
रग उतरना -- to have a rupture; to recover from a fit of obstinacy.
रग दबना -- to be under somebody's sway; to be under subjugation.
रग पहचानना -- to know thoroughly well; to know the innersecret.
रग पाना -- to know the truth/secret.
रग फड़कना -- a nerve to vibrate/throb; to have an ill foreboding.
रग फूलना -- a nerve to be swollen.
रग में दौड़ जाना -- to have a profoundeffect, to infuse each and everynerve.
रग-रग फड़कना -- each and everynerve to throb in excitement, to be exhilarated, to be enthusedall over.
रग-रग में -- all over, in eachand every nerve.
रग-रग से वाकिफ़होना -- to know through andthrough.
रगें निकल आना -- to be emaciated; to be anaemic.
रगें ढीली पड़ना/मरना -- to lose virility andvitality; to become impotent.
रगो में ख़ून/बिजली दौड़ना -- to be inhigh spirits; to be excited.
  • रगड़ ragaṛ -- (nf) rub, friction; bruise; abrasion.
रगड़ खाना -- to bebruised, to get rough rubbing.
रगड़ देना -- to bruise; to crush thoroughly; to harass.
रगड़ लगना -- to get abruise; to face rough treatment.
  • रगड़ना ragaṛnā: -- (v) to rub, to scrub; to grate; to bruise; to causeharassment; to toil withoutprogress.
  • रगड़ा ragṛa: -- (nm) a rub, rubbing; friction; bruise; toil.
रगड़ा-झगड़ा -- quarrel, disputation; wrangling.
रगड़ा देना -- to rub, to give a rub/bruise.
  • रगेदना ragednā: -- (v) to rout, to chase away.
  • रघुकुल raghukul -- (nm) the solar dynasty of ancient India, one ofwhose great rulers was रघु.
गौरवचंन्द्र/तिलक/नाथ/पति/मणि/राज/वीर -- Rā:m—the greatest of the rulersof the solar dynasty.
  • रचना rachnā: -- (nf) composition, artistic creation; structure; (v) tocreate, to compose; to make; toform, to construct.
रचनाकार -- author, writer, creator.
रचना-तंत्र -- structure, set-up; system.
  • रचयिता rachaita: -- (nm) creator, composer; author.
  • रचाना racha:nā: -- (v) to organise (as रासरचाना-); to stain (as मेहंदीरचाना-).
  • रचित rachit -- (a) constructed; created; composed; stained (with).
  • रज raj -- (nf) menstruation; dust; (nm) the second of the three गुणcharacterising human nature (see रजोगुण); an allomorph of राज( i.e. रजवाड़ा).
रजकण -- dust particle.
  • रजत rajat -- (nm) silver; (a) silvery; white; bright.
रजत जयंती -- silver jubilee.
रजतपट -- silver screen, cinemascreen.
रजत-पात्र -- a utensil.
रजतमय -- silvery, made of silver.
  • रजनी rajnī: -- (nm) night.
रजनीकर/पति -- the moon.
रजनीचर -- a demon, noctural being.
  • रजनीश rajnī:sh -- (nf) the moon.
  • रजपूती rajpu:ti: -- (nf) the characteristic attributes of a Ra:jpu:t रजपूती chivalry, valour; (a) characteristic of or like a राजपूत (as रजपूती शान).
  • रजवहा rajvaha: -- (nf) a distributory.
  • रजवाड़ा rajva:ṛa: -- (nm) native state, a former princely state of India.
  • रजस्वला rajaswala: -- (a) menstruous, in menstruation.
रजस्वला होना -- to menstruate.
  • रज़ा raza: -- (nf) will, wish; consent, permission.
  • रज़ामं/द raza:mānd -- (a) willing; consenting, agreeing.
रज़ामंदी -- will; consent, agreement.
  • रज़ाई raza:i -- (nf) a quilt.
  • रजिस्टर rajisṭar -- (nm) a register.
  • रजिस्ट्रार rajisṭra:r -- (nm) registrar.
  • रजिस्ट्री rajisṭri: -- (nf) registration; registered post.
रजिस्ट्रीशुदा -- registered.
  • रजोगुण rajogūṉ -- (nm) one of the three attributes of nature whichmanifests itself in luxuriousness, merry-making, exhibitionism andsuch other attitudes.
  • रजो/दर्शन, धर्म rajodarshān, ~dharm -- (nm) monthly course, menstruation.
  • रज्जु rajju -- (nf) a rope, cord.
रज्जु-मार्ग -- ropeway.
  • रटंत raṭānt -- (nf) cramming, memorizing, commission to memory.
  • रट raṭ -- (nf) constant reception/reiteration.
  • र/टना raṭnā: -- (v) to repeat/reiterate constantly; to cram, to committo memory, to memorize.
रट्टू -- acrammer.
रट्टू पीर -- an adept in cramming, a master crammer.
  • रण rān -- (nm) war, battle, fighting, combat.
रणकर्म -- fighting; combating.
रणकामी -- war-mongering; bellicose.
रणकारी -- fighting, combatingbelligerent.
रण-कोष -- war-fund.
रणक्षेत्र -- the battlefield, theatre of war.
रणचंडी -- Bellona; the war-goddess.
रणतूर्य/भेरी -- bugles of war, war-trumpets.
रण-नीति -- strategy.
रण-बाँकुरा -- valorous; a great fighter.
रणभूमि -- the battlefield.
रण-रंग -- the battlefield, theatre of war; fighting spirit.
रण-शिषा -- training in the art of fighting.
रण-संकुल -- fierce fighting.
रण-सज्जा -- war-preparation; battle equipment; armament.
रणसिंहा -- see रणतूर्य.
रणस्थल -- the battlefield.
  • रणांगण rāṉā:ṅgāṉ -- (nm) the battlefield, battle zone.
  • रत rat -- (a) attached, loving; used as a suffix to mean engaged in, occupied with (as कार्यरत); (nm) anallomorph of 'रात' used as thefirst member in certain compoundwords.
रतजगा -- keeping awake thewhole night (to celebrate a happyoccasion through singing devotional songs or otherwise).
  • रतना/रा ratnā:ra: -- (a) reddish, ruddy; hence रतनारी feminine form.
  • रतालू rata:lu: -- (nm) yam.
  • रति rati -- (nf) love, enjoyment of love; sexual passion; oestrus; copulation; name of the wife of कामदेव (Cupid) रति hence a verypretty woman.
रति उन्माद -- erotomania.
रतिक्रिया -- copulation, sexualintercourse.
रतिजन्य -- venereal; born of sexual intercourse.
रतिदान -- sexual intercourse, copulation.
रतिनाथ -- Cupid—the god of love.
रतिप्रिय -- sexy; erotic.
रतिबंध -- copulatory postures.
रतिबाँकुरा -- chivalrous.
रति-भाव -- amorous sentiment, sentiment of love.
रति-रस -- the sexualrelish.
रति-रोग -- a venereal disease.
रतिशास्त्र -- science of love-making; erotic; sexology.
  • रतुआ ratua: -- (nm) rust.
  • रतौंधी ratāūdhi: -- (nf) nyctalopia, night-blindness.
रतौंधी आना -- to sufferfrom nyctalopia.
  • रत्ती ratti: -- (nf) seed of Abrus precatorius; weight approximately equivalent to 2 1/4 grains.
रत्ती भर उम्मीद न होना -- not a dog'schance.
रत्ती-भर परवाह न करना -- notto care a brass farthing.
  • रत्न ratn -- (nm) a gem, precious stone; the most outstanding individual of a class.
रत्नकार -- a jeweller.
रत्नगर्भा -- the earth.
रत्न-पारखी -- aconnoisseur of precious stones; valuer of gems.
रत्नमाला -- a necklace of gems.
  • रत्ना/कर ratnā:kar -- (nm) the sea, ocean.
रत्नाभूषण -- begemmed ornaments; gems and ornaments.
  • रत्यात्मक ratya:tmāk -- (a) erotic; amatorial, amorous.
रत्यात्मकता -- eroticism; amorousness.
  • रथ rath -- (nm) a chariot.
रथकार -- chariot-maker.
रथ-यात्रा -- a celebration organized on the secondday of the bright fortnight of आषाढ़ when the devotees takeout the idols of the deities in ahuge procession.
रथवान् -- a charioteer, one who rides a chariot.
  • रथी rathi: -- (a) riding a chariot; (nm) a fighter, warrior.
  • रथोत्सव rathotsav -- (nm) see रथ-यात्रा.
  • रथ्या ratthya: -- (nf) course of a chariot; a highway.
  • रद rad -- (nm) a tooth.
रदच्छद -- the lips.
रद-छद -- teeth-marks (esp. onthe cheeks, left in amatorialsport).
रदन -- a tooth.
  • रद्द radd -- (a) rejected; cancelled; annulled.
रद्दगी -- rejection, cancellation; annulment.
रद्द करना -- to reject; to cancel; to annul.
रद्द होना -- to berejected; to be cancelled; to beannulled.
  • रद्दा radda: -- (nm) stratum; a layer (of bricks or mud etc.).
रद्दा चढ़ाना/जमाना -- to instigate; to provoke; to utter (another) instigatoryremark; to accuse, to castanother aspersion.
रद्दा रखना -- to fixanother layer; to level anotheraccusation.
  • रद्दी raddi: -- (a) worthless; inferior, of inferior quality; rough; (nf) waste paper; spoilage.
रद्दी माल -- waste, dead metal.
  • रद्दोबदल raddo-badal -- (nf) change, alteration; modification.
  • रन ran -- (nm) a run (in cricket); a reclaimed part of the sea (e.g.कच्छ का रन).
  • रनिवास raniva:s -- (nm) the seraglio, the female apartment (in apalace).
  • रपट rapaṭ -- (nf) a report; slipping, sliding/slipperiness.
रपट करना/दर्जकरना/लिखाना -- to lodge a report.
  • रपट/ना rapaṭnā: -- (v) to slip; to slide; to skid; (a) slippery.
रपटवौं -- slippery; sliding.
रपटवौं दरवाजा -- slidingdoor.
  • रपटीला rapṭi:la: -- (a) slippery.
  • रपट्टा rapaṭṭa: -- (nm) slipping; pounce, swoop.
  • रफ़ raf -- (a) rough.
रफ़ काम -- rough work.
  • रफल raphal -- (nf) a woollen wrapper, shawl.
  • रफ़ा rafa: -- (a) settled; finished.
रफ़ा-दफ़ा -- settled finished.
रफ़ा करना, दफ़ा करना, झगड़ा -- to settle; tobring about a rapprochement; to dispose off.
  • रफ़ू rafu: -- (nm) darning.
रफ़ूगर -- a darner.
रफ़ूगरी -- darning.
  • रफ़ूचक्कर rafu:chakkar -- .
रफ़ूचक्कर होना -- to do a guy, to show a clean pair of.
  • रफ़्तार rafta:r -- (nf) speed, pace.
रफ़्तार-ए-ज़माना -- ways of the world; whirligig of the times.
रफ़्तार पकड़ना -- togain speed.
  • रफ़्ता-रफ़्ता rafta:-rafta: -- (adv) slowly, gradually, by degrees.
  • रब rab -- (nm) God, Master.
रब-, या -- oh, God !.
  • रब/ड़ rabaṛ -- (nf) rubber; an eraser.
रबड़ की चीज़े -- rubber goods.
रबड़-छंद -- elastic metre.
  • रबड़ी rabṛi: -- (nf) a typical sweetmeat prepared from boiled milk and sugar.
  • रबर rabar -- (nf) see रबड़.
  • रबी rabi: -- (nm) spring; crop reaped in the spring season.
रबी-की फ़सल -- the rabi crop.
  • रब्त rabt -- (nm) practice; association, intercourse, mixing.
रब्त-जब्त -- association, social intercourse; relations.
रब्त-छूटना -- to be out of practice.
रब्त डालना -- to gain practice.
  • रम/क ramak -- (nf) whim, caprice; swing.
रमकी -- whimsical, capricious.
  • रमकना ramaknā: -- (v) to take a swing; to be in a caprice.
  • रमज़ा/न ramzā:n -- (nm) Ramadan रमज़ा the ninth month of the muslimyear which is traditionally amonth of day-long fasts.
रमज़ानी -- pertaining to ramzan.
  • रमण ramāṉ -- (nm) sporting, amorous dalliance, erotic playfulness, merriment; (a) sportive, playful; as an adjectival suffix it meansdear (to), as 'उमारमण'.
  • रमणी ramaṉī: -- (nf) a pretty woman, young woman.
  • रमणीक ramaṉī:k -- (a) beautiful, pretty, charming, winsome; attractive; hence रमणीकता (nf).
  • रमणीय ramaṉī:y -- (a) beautiful, pretty, charming, winsome, attractive; enjoyable.
रमणीयता -- beauty, prettiness, charm, winsomeness, attraction; enjoyability.
  • रमता ramta: -- (a) wandering, vagrant; roving, roaming, goingabout.
रमता-जोगी -- a wandering mendicant.
रमता जोगी, बहता पानी -- a wandering mendicant and flowingwater do not stay at one place.
  • रमना ramnā: -- (v) to enjoy, to make merry; to roam/rove, to wanderabout.
  • रमल ramal -- (nm) a mode of fortune-telling (borrowed from the Arabs) with the help of dice.
रमल लगाना -- to speculate.
  • रमा ramā: -- (nf) Lakshmī: —the goddess of wealth.
रमाकांत/रमण -- Lord Vishṉū.
  • रमी ramī: -- (nf) rummy—a game of playing cards.
  • रमे/श, श्वर ramesh, ~shwar -- (nm) Lord Vishṉū.
  • रमैया ramaiya: -- (nm) Ram —the Lord Almighty.
  • रम्माल ramma:l -- (nm) a fortune-teller (who casts a dice for the purpose).
  • रम्य rammy -- (a) beautiful, pretty, winsome; charming, attractive; hence रम्यता (nf).
  • ररड़क rarṛak -- (nf) smarting, painful sensation (as when analien matter falls into the eye).
  • ररड़कना rarṛaknā: -- (v) to smart, to produce painful sensation (as by a coal particle fallinginto the eye).
  • रलना ralnā: -- (v) to get mixed/mingled up, to be intermixed/intermingled.
रलना-मिलना -- to get.
  • रव rav -- (nm) noise, tumult.
  • रवन्ना ravannā: -- (nm) an invoice; a paper containing the details ofgoods despatched; passagepermit.
  • रवाँ ravā: -- (a) trained; practised; well-versed; fluent.
  • रवा rava: -- (nm) a particle, grain; crystal; filings; semolina.
रवादार -- granular; crystalline; considerate.
रवादारी -- granularity; considerateness.
रवा भर -- a very small quantity; equal to a grain.
  • रवानगी ravā:ngi: -- (nf) departure; setting out.
  • रवाना rava:nā: -- (a) departed, set out; despatched.
रवाना-करना -- to despatch; to cause to depart.
रवाना होना -- to depart, to set out.
  • रवानी rava:nī: -- (nf) flow; fluency.
  • रवि ravi -- (nm) the sun.
रविकर -- a sun-ray.
रविदिन -- sunday.
रविमंडल -- the halo round the sun.
रविवार/वासर -- sunday.
  • रविश ravish -- (nf) walking passage between flower beds; movement, speed; ways, conduct.
  • रवैया ravaiya: -- (nm) attitude; behaviour; practice.
  • रश्क rashk -- (nm) envy.
  • रश्मि rashmī -- (nf) a ray.
रश्मिमाली -- the sun.
  • रस ras -- (nm) juice; (aesthetic) relish; sentiment; pleasure, enjoyment; taste, flavour.
रसगुल्ला -- atypical round and spongyBengali sweet.
रसदार -- juicy, luscious; tasty, relishing.
रसग्रहण -- appreciation.
रसज्ञ -- one who hascapability to relish, blessed withaesthetic sense; who has profoundunderstanding of poetic sentiments; a connoisseur; hence ज्ञाता (nf).
रस-भंग -- interruption/interceptionof aesthetic relish.
रसभरी -- raspberry.
रसभीना -- full of flavour, well-steeped in sentiment.
राज़ -- the king of all sentiments; theerotic sentiment.
रसवाद -- pleasant/erotic talk; wrangle; takinginterest in erotic talks; talkativeness.
रसवादी -- one who takesinterest in erotic talks/quarrels; talkative.
रस-विरोध -- discordance of रस.
रसशास्त्र -- alchemy.
रससिद्ध -- anexpert in manifestation of रस.
रस आना -- to enjoy, to relish.
रस बरसना -- to cause a constant flowof (aesthetic) pleasure.
रस-लुटना -- all relish to be gone, source ofpleasure to be exhausted.
रस-लेना -- to enjoy, to relish.
  • रसद rasad -- (nf) supply/ supplies, provision(s).
  • रसना rasnā: -- (nf) the tongue.
रसना खोलना -- to speak out.
रसना तालू से लगना -- to become mute, to bequiet.
  • रसनीय rasnī:y -- (a) delicious, tasty, worth relishing.
  • रसनेंद्रिय rasanēndriy -- (nf) the tongue.
  • रसरी rasri: -- (nf) a rope, cord.
  • रसवं/त rasvānt -- (a) full of relish; juicy; having aesthetic sense; (nm) one who has enjoyedlove-making/aesthetic relish; hence रसवंती (fem. form).
  • रसवती rasvati: -- (a) full of रस i.e. aesthetic relish; juicy.
  • रसवत्ता rasvatta: -- (nf) juiciness, relish, enjoyability.
  • रसवान rasvā:n -- (a) filled with or possessing रस.
  • रसाँ rasā: -- (a) an adjectival suffix meaning one who reaches/goesfar away (as चिट्ठीरसाँ).
  • र/सा rasa: -- (nf) the earth; soup, broth; juice.
रसेदार -- soupy, having broth; juicy.
  • रसाई rasa:i: -- (nf) approach; association, contacts.
  • रसातल rasa:tal -- (nm) the nether-world; hell.
रसातल को पहुँचना -- to go tothe bottom; to be devastated/ruined.
रसातल को पहुँचाना -- to destroy, todevastate, to ruin completely.
  • रसात्मक rasa:tmak -- (a) full of रस; juicy; aesthetic, beautiful; hence रसात्मकता (nf).
  • रसाभास rasa:bha:s -- (nm) a mere semblance of रस.
  • रसायन rasa:yan -- (nm) Chemistry; (a) chemical.
रसायनज्ञ -- well-versed inChemistry.
रसायन-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- Chemistry.
रसायनवेत्ता -- a chemist, a scholarof Chemistry.
  • रसायनिक rasa:yanīk -- (nm) an alchemist; (a) see रासायनिक.
  • रसाल rasa:l -- (a) juicy; delicious, tasty; (nm) a mango.
  • रसास्वा/द rasa:sva:d -- (nm) aesthetic relish, emotive relish.
रसास्वादन -- theact or process of aesthetic enjoyment/relish.
रसास्वादी -- one who relishes रस.
  • रसिआउर rasia:ur -- (nf) a typical preparation of rice in sugarcanejuice.
  • रसिक rasik -- (a and nm) a man of taste, one having aesthetic sense, one who appreciates beauty orexcellence; an amorist; dilettante; hence रसिकता (nf).
  • रसिया rasiya: -- (nm) having aesthetic relish; liking juicy talks; frivolous; a class of typical folk songssung during the month of फागुनin parts of U.P.
  • रसीद rasi:d -- (nf) a receipt.
रसीद करना -- to give, to implant (as थप्पड़, घूँसा).
रसीद काटना -- to issue a receipt.
  • रसीदी rasi:di: -- (a) regarding or pertaining to a receipt; fixed on a receipt.
रसीदी टिकट -- a revenue stamp.
  • रसीला rasi:la: -- (a) juicy; tasteful, delicious; loving juicy talks; amorous; frivolous; hence रसीली-feminine form, रसीलापन (nm).
  • रसूल rasu:l -- (nm) a prophet, divine messenger.
  • रसे-रसे rase-rase -- (adv) slowly, gradually, by degrees.
  • रसोइया rasoiya: -- (nm) a cook.
  • रसोई rasoi: -- (nf) cooked food; kitchen.
रसोईखाना/घर -- a kitchen.
रसोईदार -- a cook.
रसोईदारी -- cooking.
  • रसौला rasauli: -- (nf) a tumour; a disease attended with tumour-formation over the eyebrows.
  • रस्म rasm -- (nf) a ceremony, ritual; formality; custom; practice.
रस्म-ओ-रिवाज -- customs and practices.
रस्मन -- as a matter of custom/convention/formality.
  • रस्मी rasmī: -- (a) formal, ceremonial; related with or conforming to aritual.
रस्मी ताल्लुकात -- formal relations.
रस्मी-तौर पर -- formally, formally speaking.
  • रस्सा rassa: -- (nm) a stout thick rope.
रस्साकशी -- a tug-of-war.
  • रस्सी rassi: -- (nf) a rope, cord.
रस्सी जल गई पर बल न गया -- to be full of airs though vanquished.
रस्सी हाथ में रखना -- to exercise controlover.
  • रहँट rehāṭ -- (nf) a Persian wheel (for drawing water out of awell).
  • रह reh -- an allomorph of राह used in several compound words.
रहगुज़र -- a highway.
रहज़न -- a highway-man, brigand.
रहज़नी -- waylaying, brigandage.
रहनुमा -- a guide.
  • रहन rehān -- (nm) a pawn, pledge, mortgage; (mode of) living.
रहन-सहन -- living; ways.
रहन-सहन का स्तर -- standardof living.
  • रहना rehnā: -- (v) to live; to stay; to reside; to remain; to continue.
रह-रहकर -- intermittently, spasmodically.
  • रहम rehām -- (nm) pity, mercy, compassion.
रहमदिल -- compassionate, kind, merciful.
रहमदिली -- compassionateness, kindness, mercifulness.
रहम पर छोड़ देना, किसी के, -- toleave at the mercy of.
  • रहमत rehmāt -- (nf) kindness, mercy, compassion.
  • रहस्य rahasy -- (nm) a secret; mystery; secrecy.
रहस्यपूर्ण/मय -- mysterious; secretive.
रहस्यमयता -- mysteriousness.
रहस्यवाद -- a poetic movement of thethird and fourth decades in Hindithat stressed the identity ofthe Universal and the Individualand addressed itself to the Non-Manifest.
रहस्यवादिता -- mysteriousness, the attribute or approach ofa रहस्यवादी.
रहस्यवादी -- an adherentof रहस्यवाद; pertaining to रहस्यवाद.
  • रहस्योद्घाटन rahasyodgha:ṭān -- (nm) revelation.
  • रहा raha: -- (a) past tense of 'रहना'.
रहा-सहा -- remaining, residual, left over.
  • रहित rahit -- (a) without, devoid of, bereft of.
  • रहीम rahi:m -- (a and nm) kindly, kind-hearted, compassionate; theLord.
  • राँ/ग, राँगा rā:g, ~a: -- (nm) tin; solder.
  • राँचना rā:chnā: -- (v) to be in love, to be attracted; to be coloured.
  • रड़ि rā:ṛ -- (nf) a widow; a term of abuse.
  • राँधना rā:dhnā: -- (v) to cook (food).
  • राँभना rā:bhnā: -- (v) to bellow (as a cow).
  • रा ra: -- a genitive suffix used in the first and second person pronouns(as तुम्हारा/हमारा).
  • राइफ़ल ra:ifal -- (nf) a rifle.
  • राई ra:i: -- (nf) mustard; black mustard.
राई-काई करना -- to shatter to pieces; to split into pieces.
राई-कापर्वत/पहाड़ करना/बनाना -- to make amountain of a mole hill.
राई-नोन उतारना -- countering the effect of anevil glance (by moving mustardand salt round one's head andconsigning it to flames).
राई भर -- verysmall particle; very small quantity.
राई-रत्ती करके -- in the minutestdetails.
राई-रत्ती जानना -- to know eachand every thing, to know theminutest details, to know everydetail.
  • राका ra:ka: -- (nf) the night of the full moon.
राकापति -- the moon.
  • राकेट ra:keṭ -- (nm) a rocket.
राकेट-युद्ध -- rocket warfare.
राकेट-विद्या -- rocketry.
  • राकेश ra:kesh -- (nm) the moon.
  • राक्षस ra:kshas -- (nm) a demon, monster; (a) ruthless, demonic.
राक्षसराज -- the king of demons.
राक्षस-विवाह -- one of the various types of marriages, referred to in ancientIndian literature, wherein thegroom fought his way to thebride's hand.
  • राक्षसी ra:kshasi: -- (nf) an ogress; monstress; (a) monstrous, demonic.
राक्षसी साया -- demonic conjuration.
  • राख ra:kh -- (nf) ash(es).
राखदान -- ash-pan.
राखदानी -- ash-tray.
राख डालना -- tohush up, to try to conceal.
राख मेंमिला देना -- to devastate, to reduceto ashes.
राख होना -- to be turned to.
  • राखी ra:khi: -- (nf) a sacred thread tied by a sister on the wrist ofher brother as a mark of affection that binds the brother toprotect her in times of crisis.
राखीबंद -- on whose hand a राखी hasbeen tied.
राखीबंद भाई -- adopted (by awoman) as a brother (by tying a राखी around his wrist).
  • राग ra:g -- (nm) a melodic mode or structure with a fixed sequenceof notes, melody; tune; attraction, attachment; passion, emotion, love.
राग-द्वेष -- attachment andmalevolence; love and hatred/rancour.
राग-रागिनी -- musical modesand notes.
राग-विराग -- attraction andrepulsion, attachment and detachment.
राग-अलापना -- to go on harpingone's own tune.
  • रागान्वित ra:ga:nvit -- (a) filled with emotion/affection; fallen in love.
  • रागाभाव ra:ga:bha:v -- (nm) acatheris, absence of attachment/affection/love.
  • रागिनी ra:ginī: -- (nf) a musical mode or a variation/modification thereof.
  • रागी ra:gi: -- (a and nm) filled with or full of love, a lover; finger millet.
  • राघव ra:ghav -- (nm) Ra:m (see)—an outstanding personage of theRaghu or Solar dynasty of ancient India.
  • राज ra:j -- (nm) a kingdom, realm; state; reign; an allomorph of 'राजा'which when prefixed or suffixed tonumerous other words denotes ofthe king/state or excellence, supremacy, etc.; a builder, mason.
राजकथा -- the tale of a king's exploits.
राजकन्या -- a princess.
राज-कर -- statetax.
राजकाज -- public affairs, affairs ofthe state; governance.
राजकार्य -- see राजकाज.
राजकुमार -- a prince.
राजकुमारी -- a princess.
राजकुल -- a dynasty, regalfamily.
राजकोष -- fisc; public/stateexchequer; treasury.
राजकोषीय -- fiscal.
राजक्षमा -- amnesty.
राजगद्दी -- royalthrone.
राजगीर -- a mason.
राजगीरी -- masonry.
राजगृह -- a palace, regalmansion.
राजचिन्ह -- regalia, royalinsignia; state emblem.
राजतंत्र -- monarchy, monarchical system ofgovernment.
राजतंत्रवादी -- royalist(ic).
राजतंत्रीय -- monarchical.
राजतिलक -- coronation; annointing at thetime of coronation.
राजदंड -- regalcommand; royal sceptre; punishment prescribed by law.
राजदूत -- an ambassador.
राजदूत, असाधारण -- ambassador extraordinary.
राजदूतावास -- an embassy.
राजद्रोह -- lese-majesty, sedition, treason.
राजद्रोह, घोर -- high treason.
राजद्रोहपूर्ण -- seditious.
राजद्रोहात्मक -- seditious.
राजद्रोही -- aseditionist.
राजधर्म -- state religion; royal duty.
राजपथ -- a highway.
राज-पद्धति -- royal system; polity; royalpolicy.
राजपाट -- reign, royal throne.
राजपाट सौंपना -- to hand over the reins ofkingdom/governance.
राजपाल -- a governor.
राजपुत्र -- a prince.
राजपुत्री -- aprincess.
राजपुरुष -- a state employee/official.
राजपूत -- a class of kshatriyasknown for their valour and bravery.
राजपूताना -- the land of theRa:jpu:ts, Ra:jastha:n.
राजप्रासाद -- apalace.
राजबाहा -- a big canal.
राजभक्त -- a loyalist; loyal to the ruler/state.
राजभक्ति -- loyalism, loyaltyor allegiance to the ruler/state.
राजभत्ता -- privy purse.
राजमंडल -- satellite states; chamber of princes.
राज-मंत्री -- a minister of a king.
राजमर्मज्ञ -- astatesman.
राजमर्मज्ञता -- statesmanship.
राजमहल -- a palace.
राजमहिषी -- a queen.
  • राज़ ra:z -- (nm) a secret.
राज़दाँ/दार -- one who knows the secret; onewho shares (somebody's) secret, confidant.
राज़ खोल देना/राज़-फ़ाश करना -- tolet the cat out of the bag, toblow the gaff.
  • राजकीय ra:jki:y -- (a) royal; public, official; pertaining to the state.
  • राजधानी ra:jdha:nī: -- (nf) a capital, metropolis.
राजधानी परिषद् -- metropolitan council.
  • राजन/य ra:jnāy -- (nm) diplomacy.
राजनयज्ञ -- a diplomatist.
राजनयिक -- adiplomat; diplomatic.
राजनयिक प्रतिनिधि -- diplomatic representative.
  • राजनीति ra:jnī:ti -- (nf) politics.
राजनीतिक -- political.
राजनीतिक सत्ता -- political authority/power.
राजनीतिज्ञ -- a politician.
राजनीति-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- politics; political science.
  • राजन्य ra:janny -- (nm) a king, prince.
राजन्य वर्ग -- princely class.
  • राजप ra:jap -- (nm) a regent.
राजपता -- regency.
  • राजप/त्र ra:jpattr -- (nm) gazette.
राजपत्रित -- gazetted.
राजपत्रित अधिकारी -- agazetted officer.
  • राजभवन ra:jbhawān -- (nm) governor's house; palace.
  • राजभाषा ra:jbha:sha: -- (nf) official language.
राजभाषा आयोग -- official languagecommission.
  • राजर्षि ra:jarshi -- (nm) a princely sage, seer born in a kshatriya family.
  • राजवि/त्त ra:jvitt -- (nm) fisc, public finance.
राजवित्तीय -- fiscal.
  • राजशाही ra:jsha:hi: -- (a) royal, regal, kingly.
  • राजस ra:jas -- (a) born of or appropriate to रजोगुण; passionate; see राजसी (nm) arrogance; rage; excitement.
  • राजसात्करण ra:jsa:tkarāṉ -- (nm).
  • राजसिक ra:jsik -- (a) born of or appropriate to रजोगुण; see राजसी.
  • राजसी ra:jsi: -- (a) royal, regal, kingly, princely, befitting or becoming a king or prince.
राजसी ठाट-बाट -- royal prank, regal grandeur and splendour.
  • राजस्था/न ra:jastha:n -- (nm) one of the many Hindi-speaking states ofthe Indian Union, traditionallyknown for its chivalry and valour.
राजस्थानी -- a sub-language of Hindicomprised of many dialectsspoken in Ra:jastha:n; pertainingor belonging to Ra:jastha:n.
  • राजस्व ra:jassv -- (nm) revenue.
राजस्व अधिकारी -- a revenue officer.
राजस्व लेखा -- revenue account.
  • राजा ra:ja: -- (nm) a king, monarch, prince; darling.
राजा बेटा -- good boy.
राजा के घर मोतियों का क्या काल ? -- thereis as good fish in the sea as evercame out of it.
  • राजाज्ञा ra:ja:ggya: -- (nf) royal command, imperial decree.
  • राजाधिराज ra:ja:dhira:j -- (nm) a king of kings, an emperor.
  • राजाधिष्ठान ra:ja:dhishṭḥa:n -- (nm) royal headquarter; seat of a king.
  • राजाभिषेक ra:ja:bhishek -- (nm) coronation, a king's installation on the throne.
  • राजासन ra:ja:sān -- (nm) royal throne/seat.
  • राजि ra:ji -- (nf) a row, line.
  • राजित ra:jit -- (a) to be resplendent, to shine, to be illuminated; tobe (present) in all glory.
  • राज़ा ra:zi: -- (a) willing, agreeable; (nf) willingness; well-being.
राज़ा-ख़ुशी -- welfare, well-being.
राज़ानामा -- anagreement; compromise.
  • राजीव ra:ji:v -- (nm) a lotus flower.
राजीवनयन/लोचन -- lotus-eyed.
  • राजेश्वर ra:jeshshwar -- (nm) a monarch, an emperor.
  • राज्ञी ra:gyi: -- (nf) a queen.
  • राज्य ra:jjy -- (nm) the state; kingdom; polity, rule, reign.
राज्यकर्त्ता -- a ruler.
राज्य-काल -- reign; rule.
राज्य-क्षमा -- clemency; amnesty.
क्षेत्र -- (state) territory; expanse of the state.
राज्यच्युत -- dethroned, deposed.
राज्यच्युति -- dethronement, deposition.
राज्य-तंत्र -- polity.
राज्य-त्याग -- abdication.
राज्यत्व -- statehood.
राज्य-द्रोह -- sedition.
राज्यद्रोही -- a seditionist.
राज्य-पद -- statehood.
राज्यपाल -- a governor.
राज्य-प्रमुख -- head of a/thestate.
राज्य-भंग -- breakdown of law, anarchy.
राज्य-विप्लव -- coup d'etat.
राज्य व्यवस्था -- polity, state system.
राज्य सभा -- Upper House of the Indian Parliament, council of states.
  • राज्याधिकार ra:jjya:dhika:r -- (nm) jura regia; power of the state.
  • राज्याध्यक्ष ra:jjya:ddhyaksh -- (nm) head of a/the state.
  • राज्याभि/षक ra:jjya:bhishek -- (nm) coronation, installation or accession to the throne.
राज्याभिषिक्त -- installed on/acceded to the throne.
  • राज्यारोहण ra:jjya:rohāṉ -- (nm) accession to the throne.
  • राणा rā:ṉā: -- (nm) a title of Ra:jpu:t kings of certain Ra:jpu:ta:nā:states and Nepal.
  • रात ra:t -- (nf) (the) night.
रात का राजा -- an owl.
रात-दिन -- day and night; ever, always, at all times.
रातरानी -- atypical fragrant flower that bloomsduring the night, also calledrajani:gandha:.
रात आँखों में काटना -- tokeep wide awake the wholenight, not to have a wink throughthe night.
रात को रात दिन को दिन न समझना -- lit. to make no distinctionbetween day and night, towork day and night.
रात गहराना -- .
  • रातिब ra:tib -- (nm) food for cattle, concentrates.
  • रात्रि ra:ttri -- (nf) (the) night.
कर -- the moon.
रात्रिचर/चारी -- a demon; noctural.
रात्रि-जागरण -- keeping awakethrough the night.
रात्रि-पाठशाला -- anight school.
  • रा/धा ra:dha: -- (nf) the legendary favourite beloved of Lord Krishṉā.
राधिका -- see राधा.
  • रान ra:n -- (nf) thigh.
रान में ज़ोर होना -- to have virility/masculine vitality.
  • रानी ra:nī: -- (nf) a queen; beloved.
रानी बिटिया -- good daughter.
रानी रूठेंगी अपना सुहाग लेंगी -- the worst one could dois to do what one can.
  • राब ra:b -- (nf) molasses, treacle.
  • राम rā:m -- (nm) Ramchandra-the greatest of the ancient Indiankings of Solar dynasty and thehero of the great Indian epic—Ra:ma:yāṉ; God, an incarnationof Vishṉū.
रामकहानी -- a tale of woe; long narration of events of one'sown life.
रामधाम -- the abode ofRa:m—Ayodhya:; the paradise.
रामनवमी -- the birthday of Ra:m—theninth day of the bright fortnightof चैत.
रामनामी -- an overall covercloth with the name of Ra:mwritten all over.
रामबाण -- a panacea, an unfailing remedy, sure cure.
रामरज -- yellow ochre.
रामरस -- salt.
रामराज्य -- the rule of Ra:m—goldenrule; just, equitable and ideal, rule; Utopia.
राम-राम -- a form ofmutual salutation; Good God!, an interjectional utterance expressive of hate, surprise, indignation, etc.
राम-राम करके/राम-राम कहकर -- somehow, with great difficulty.
रामलीला -- acelebration involving enactmentof the exploits and adventuresof Ra:m.
राम-का नाम लो -- Think ofHeavens ! What do you talk ! It'sjust absurd.
राम-जाने -- God (alone) knows.
राम-नाम सत्य है -- lit. the nameof God alone is true—a sayingrepeatedly chanted during aHindu funeral procession.
राम भरोसे छोड़ना -- to let things go as theymay, a hostage to fortune.
राम भरोसे जो रहे मार सके ना कोय -- what Godwill, no frost can kill.
राम राम जपना पराया माल अपना -- a robber in asaint's garb.
  • राय ra:y -- (nf) opinion, view; advice; (nm) a king.
राय क़ायम करना -- to forman opinion.
राय माँगना -- to seek theadvice of.
राय मिलना -- to see eye toeye.
राय मिलाना -- to compare notes, toexchange views.
  • रायता ra:yta: -- (nm) a dish prepared by mixing minced vegetable etc.in salted curd.
  • रार ra:r -- (nf) a quarrel, wrangling, dispute, alteration.
रार बढ़ाना -- toaggravate a quarrel.
रार मचाना -- toraise one quarrel after another; to kick up a row.
रार मोल लेना -- toseek/ask for a quarrel.
  • राल ra:l -- (nf) resin.
रालदार -- resinous.
राल टपकना -- to be greedy of, to want something forthwith.
  • राव ra:v -- (nm) a prince, title of the princes of certain former statesof India.
  • रावटी ra:vṭi: -- (nf) a tented apartment.
  • रावण ra:vāṉ -- (nm) the king of.
  • रावल ra:val -- (nm) a title of certain Indian princes.
  • राशन ra:shān -- (nm) ration/rationing.
  • राशि ra:shi -- (nf) a sum, amount; quantity; heap; sign of the zodiac.
राशिचक्र -- zodiac.
राशिनाम -- the namegiven according to the relevantsign of the zodiac.
राशि आना -- to provefavourable, to be beneficial.
राशि मिलना -- to be agreeably inclined to eachother by temperament; to beborn in mutually concordantsigns of the zodiac.
  • राष्ट्र ra:shṭr -- (nm) a nation.
राष्ट्र-कवि -- a poet of the nation.
राष्ट्र-गान/गीत -- the national anthem.
राष्ट्र-चिन्ह -- thenational emblem.
राष्ट्र-तंत्र -- polity, system of governance.
राष्ट्रत्व -- nationhood.
राष्ट्रध्वज -- the nationalflag.
राष्ट्र-नीति -- national policy.
राष्ट्र-पताका -- see राष्ट्रध्वज.
राष्ट्रपति -- President (of acountry/nation).
राष्ट्रभाषा -- thenational language.
राष्ट्रमंडल -- theCommonwealth.
राष्ट्रमंडलीय -- of orbelonging to the Commonwealth.
राष्ट्रवाद/वादिता -- nationalism.
राष्ट्रवादी -- anationalist; nationalistic.
राष्ट्रवासी -- anational.
राष्ट्र-विप्लव -- insurrection, revolt against the nation.
राष्ट्र-संध -- theLeague of Nations.
राष्ट्र-समाज -- comity of nations.
राष्ट्रहीन -- stateless.
राष्ट्रहीनता -- statelessness, the stateof being stateless.
  • राष्ट्रिक ra:shṭrik -- (a and nm) (a) national.
राष्ट्रिकता -- nationality.
राष्ट्रिकता-श्रर्जन -- acquisition of nationality.
  • राष्ट्रीय ra:shṭri:y -- (a) national.
राष्ट्रीयकरण -- nationalisation.
राष्ट्रीयकृत -- nationalised.
  • राष्ट्रीयता ra:shṭri:yata: -- (a) nationality; nationalism.
  • रास ra:s -- (nm) a circular dance performance associated with the legend of Krishṉā and the gopi:s; reins (of a horse etc.); (a) favourable, befitting.
रासधारी -- a performerwho enacts the exploits ofKrishṉā and represents episodesfrom his life on the stage.
रासमंडली -- the ring of performersof रास.
रासलीला -- the sport ofKrishṉā and gopi:s, the enactment on the stage of the exploitsof Krishṉā and episodes fromhis life.
रास आना -- to prove favourable/good/beneficial.
रास रचाना -- toorganise a रास; to have a posseof damsels around, to enjoy inthe company of pretty women.
रास लेना -- to adopt (a child).
  • रासायनिक ra:sa:ynīk -- (a) chemical.
रासायनिक खाद -- chemical fertiliser.
  • रासो ra:so -- (nm) a class of early Hindi poetic compositions whichwere written in डिंगल and abounded in accounts of amorousexploits of, and battles wagedby, kings.
  • रास्त ra:st -- (a) proper, befitting.
रास्त-, राहे -- proper course.
  • रास्ता ra:sta: -- (nm) way, path; route, course; passage; an approach.
रास्ता कटना -- distance (to the destination) to be covered.
रास्ता काटना -- to intercept one's course (considered an ill foreboding).
रास्ता खुलना -- an avenue to open up; hurdlesin the way to be cleared.
रास्ता चलता -- wayfaring; a stranger.
रास्ता देखना -- towait (for).
रास्ता देना -- to allow topass, to give passage to.
रास्ता नापना -- to go one's own way, not tomeddle with others' affairs.
  • रास्ती ra:sti: -- (nf) patience; straight-forwardness.
रास्ती से काम लो -- havepatience.
  • राह ra:h -- (nf) a way, path; route, course; passage.
राह-खर्च -- travel expences.
राहगीर -- a traveller; wayfarer; pedestrian.
राहदारी -- a passport; octroi, toll.
राह चलता -- wayfaring; a stranger; hence राह आदमी.
राह-चाह -- manners, ways.
राह-ज़न -- a high-wayman; brigand.
राह-ज़नी -- way-laying; brigandage.
राह देखना, अपनी -- to mind one's own business, togo one's way.
राहबर -- a guide.
राहबरी -- guidance.
राह रस्म/रीति -- mutual relations, give and take; contacts.
राह में, ख़ुदा की -- in the name of God, for God's sake.
राह ताकना/देखना -- towait, to keep waiting (for).
राह पर लाना -- to bring round; to winover.
राह पूछना -- to seek informationregarding the way; to seek guidance.
राह लगना -- to go one's way; tomind one's own business; seealso रास्ता.
  • राहत ra:hat -- (nf) comfort; relief.
राहत-कार्य -- relief operations.
राहत देना -- togive comfort; to relieve.
राहत मिलना -- to get comfort; to get relief.
  • राहित्य ra:hitty -- (nm) want; absence, the state or condition of beingdevoid/bereft of.
  • राही ra:hi: -- (nm) a traveller, wayfarer; pedestrian.
  • राहु ra:hu -- (nm) one of the nine principal planets; the ascendingnode of moon.
राहु-केतु -- traditionalfoes.
राहु-केतु लगना -- to fall into adversity; to be in a crisis, to be surrounded by sworn enemies.
  • रिंग rīṅg -- (nf) a ring.
रिंग मास्टर -- a ring-master.
  • रिंग/ण, रिंगन rīṅgāṉ, ~n -- (nm) the act or process of crawling.
  • रिंच riṇch -- (nm) a wrench.
  • रिंद rīnd -- (nm) a libertine, one who does not believe in religious ties.
  • रिआय/त ria:yat -- (nf) concession; favour.
रिआयती -- on concession, concessional.
रिआयती दर -- concessionalrate.
  • रिआया ria:ya: -- (nf) subjects.
  • रिकवँछ rikwāchh -- (nf) an eatable prepared with बेसन and arum-leaves.
  • रिकशा riksha: -- (nm) see रिक्शा.
  • रिकाब rika:b -- (nf) see रकाब.
  • रिकाबी rika:bi: -- (nf) रकाबी.
  • रिकार्ड rika:rḍ -- (nm) a record; gramophone record.
रिकार्ड-रूम -- record-room.
रिकार्ड क़ायम करना -- to establish a record.
रिकार्ड तोड़ना -- to break a record.
रिकार्ड रखना -- to maintain a record.
  • रिक्त rikt -- (a) empty, void; evacuated.
रिक्तक -- vacuum.
रिक्तता -- vacancy; vacuum, void; emptiness.
रिक्तहस्त -- penniless, destitute, indigent; empty-handed; hence रिक्तहस्तता( nf).
रिक्त करना -- to evacuate; to empty.
  • रिक्ति rikti -- (nf) a vacancy; vacuum, void.
  • रिक्थ rikth -- (nm) legacy.
रिक्थग्राही/भागी -- a legatee.
रिक्थ-पत्र -- will, testament.
  • रिक्शा riksha: -- (nm) a rickshaw.
रिक्शावाला -- a rickshav-puller.
  • रिज़र्व rizarv -- (a) reserve(d).
रिज़र्व पुलिस -- reserve police.
रिज़र्व करना -- to reserve.
  • रिज़र्वेशन rizarveshān -- (nm) reservation.
रिज़र्वेशन करना -- to get reserved, to reserve.
  • रिझाना rijha:nā: -- (v) to captivate, to fascinate, to charm.
  • रिटायर riṭa:yar -- (a) retired.
रिटायर होना -- to be retired.
  • रिपु ripu -- (nm) an enemy, a foe.
रिपुघाती/घ्न/दमन/सूदन -- a destroyerof the enemy.
रिपुता -- enmity, hostility.
  • रिपोर्ट riporṭ -- (nf) a report.
रिपोर्टर -- a reporter.
रिपोर्ट करना -- to lodge a report.
रिपोर्ट देना -- to (submit a) report.
  • रिबन riban -- (nm) a ribbon.
  • रिमझिम rimjhīm -- (nf) drizzling (of rain).
रिमझिम बरसना/होना -- to drizzle.
  • रिमार्क rima:rk -- (nm) a remark.
रिमार्क कसना -- to pass a remark.
  • रियाज़ riya:z -- (nm) practice; exercise.
रियाज़ करना -- to practise; to practise for long hours; to keep one'shand in.
रियाज़ टूटना -- to be out of practice.
  • रियाज़ी riya:zi: -- (a) industrious; who undertakes long practice, in constant practice.
  • रियाय/त riya:yat -- (nf) see रिआयत.
रियायती -- see रिआयती (under रिआयत).
  • रियास/त riya:sat -- (nf) a state; a former princely state of India; an estate.
रियासती -- pertaining/belongingto a रियासत; princely; stately.
  • रिरिया/ना ririya:nā: -- (v) to beslaver, to supplicate meekly, to talk ina very submissive manner; hence रिरियाहट (nf).
  • रिवाज riwa:j -- (nm) custom; vogue, practice.
  • रिवायत riva:yat -- (nf) tradition, custom.
रिवायतन -- traditionally, as amatter of custom.
  • रिवाल्वर riva:lvar -- (nm) a revolver.
  • रिश्ता rishta: -- (nm) relation, relationship; affinity; connection.
रिश्ते-नाते -- relations and connections.
  • रिश्ते/दार rishteda:r -- (nm) a relative, relation; kinsman; kith and kin.
रिश्तेदारी -- relationship, kinsmanship; kinsfolk, body of relations.
  • रिश्वत rishwat -- (nf) a bribe, illegal gratification.
रिश्वतख़ोर -- a brjbee, onewho takes bribe.
रिश्वतख़ोरी -- bribery.
रिश्वत खाना/लेना -- to accept/take bribe.
रिश्वत देना -- to bribe.
रिश्वत देने वाला -- a briber.
रिश्वत का बाज़ार गर्म/ का बोलबाला होना -- bribery to be too rampant.
  • रिस ris -- (nf) anger, wrath.
रिस करना -- to be angry/enraged.
रिस मारना -- tosubdue anger.
  • रिसना risnā: -- (v) to leak; to ooze; to percolate.
  • रिसाना risa:nā: -- (v) to get angry/infuriated/enraged.
  • रिसालदा/र risa:lda:r -- (nm) a Risaldar—a non-commissioned officer of the cavalry; hence रिसालदारी (nf).
  • रिसाला risa:la: -- (nm) cavalry; a journal, magazine.
  • रिस्टवाच risṭwa:ch -- (nf) a wrist-watch.
  • रिहर्सल riharsal -- (nm) rehearsal.
रिहर्सल करना -- to rehearse.
  • रिहल rihal -- (nm) a satchel, wooden stand to place an open bookupon while reading.
  • रिहा riha: -- (a) released, set free; discharged.
रिहाई -- release; settingfree; discharge.
  • रिहाइय/श riha:iyash -- (nf) lodging; residence.
रिहाइयशी -- residential.
रिहाइयशी इलाक़ा -- residential area.
  • रॣंधना rī:dhnā: -- (v) to cook; to boil.
  • री ri: -- (ind) a non-honorofic vocative particle used in addressing afemale (as क्यों री!); a genetivefeminine suffix (see रा).
  • रीछ ri:chh -- (nm) a bear.
  • रीझना rijhnā: -- (v) to be fascinated/charmed/infatuated/attracted.
  • री/ठा ri:ṭḥa: -- (nm) soapnut, soap-wart; also रीठी (nf).
  • रीडर ri:ḍar -- (nm) a reader.
  • रीढ़ ri:ṛḥ -- (nf) back-bone, spine; also रीढ़ की हड्डी.
रीढ़दार -- spiny.
रीढ़हीन -- spineless; unsteady, wavering(person).
रीढ़ टूटना -- to become incapacitated, to lose all one's strength.
  • रीत ri:t -- (nf) see रीति.
  • रीतना ri:tnā: -- (v) to become empty, to be emptied; a vacuum/voidto be created.
  • रीता ri:ta: -- (a) empty; vacant, void.
रीतापन -- emptiness, vacancy, voidness.
  • रीति ri:ti: -- (nf) method, manner, mode; custom, way, practice, vogue; tradition; style.
रीति-ग्रंथ -- one of aclass of books defining variousclassifications of heroes, heroines, figures of speech, etc. and settingforth illustrations thereof.
रीतिबद्ध -- stylised; traditionalised.
रीतिमुक्त -- de-stylised, free from traditionality.
रीति-रिवाज -- customs; traditions.
रीतिविधान -- methodology.
  • रीम rī:m -- (nm) ream (of paper); rim (as of a wheel).
  • रील ri:l -- (nf) a reel (of thread, film, etc).
  • रुंड rūṉḍ -- (nm) atorso; (headless) trunk.
रुंड-मुंड -- torso and head.
  • रुँधना rūdhnā: -- (v) to be choked; to be obstructed.
रुँधना , गला -- the throat tobe choked (with emotion).
  • रुआँ rūā: -- (nm) fuzz; wool.
रुआँ(ए)दार/वाला -- fuzzy.
  • रुआब rua:b -- (nm) see) रोब.
  • रुई rui: -- (nf) cotton.
रुईदार -- cotton-stuffed.
रुई का गाला -- flake of cotton.
रुई की तरह धुनना -- to card like cotton.
रुई-सा -- soft, soft and white.
  • रुकना ruknā: -- (v) to stop; to halt; to stay; to stagnate; to stand.
रुक-रुककर -- haltingly, by fits and starts, spasmodically.
  • रुकावट ruka:vaṭ -- (nf) hurdle, obstacle, hindrance; barricade; blockade; bar; resistance.
रुकावट डालना -- to create a hurdle, to obstruct; tobarricade, to blockade; to resist.
  • रुक़्का ruqqa: -- (nm) a chit, slip; note; promissory note; a brieflyscribbled letter.
  • रुक्ष ruksh -- (a) arid, hard; harsh, curt, blunt; dry; uneven; rough, rugged.
रुक्षता -- aridity; curtness; bluntness; dryness.
  • रुख़ ruḳḥ -- (nm) attitude, direction; trend; aspect; the castle (inchess); forepart, face; favourableeye; (a) in the direction.
रुख़ करना, की ओर -- to turn towards.
रुख़ देखना -- to watch the attitude of.
रुख़ पाना -- to find favourable attitude of, getting the connivance of.
रुख़ बदलना -- to change one's attitude; to turnone's face from one direction toanother; to change the direction.
रुख़ मिलना -- to see eye to eye.
रुख़ मिलाना -- to turn towards, to look into theeyes of.
  • रुख़सत ruḳḥsat -- (nf) permission; departure; leave; leisure.
रुख़सत करना -- to give a farewell.
रुख़सत होना -- to takeleave.
  • रुख़सती ruḳḥsati: -- (nf) farewell, departure (esp. of bride); (a) concerning leave/departure.
  • रुख़सर ruḳḥsa:r -- (nm) cheek.
  • रुखाई rukha:i: -- (nf) curtness; harshness.
  • रुखानी rukha:ni: -- (nf) a chisel.
  • रुग्ण rugṉ -- (a) ill, sick; unwell, indisposed; diseased, morbid.
रुग्णता -- illness, sickness; indisposition, morbidity.
रुग्ण मनोवृत्ति -- morbidmentality.
रुग्ण मिल -- a sick mill.
  • रुचना ruchnā: -- (a) to be agreeable; to be of interest, to be interesting; to be to one's liking/taste; to be liked.
  • रुचि ruchi -- (nf) interest; liking; taste; relish; fancy.
रुचिकर -- interesting, to one's liking/taste/relish, tasteful, relishing.
रुचिकर्म -- a hobby.
रुचिकारक/कारी -- see रुचिकर.
  • रुचिर ruchir -- (a) winsome; pleasing, agreeable, beautiful, sweet; hence रुचिरता (nf).
  • रुझान rujhā:n -- (nm) inclination; aptitude, proclivity, propensity; trend, flair; tendency; bias.
  • रुत/बा rutba: -- (nm) status; rank; position; overwhelming influence.
रुतबेदार/रुतबे वाला -- of high rank, occupying high position.
  • रुदंती rudānti: -- (nf) a medicinal plant.
  • रुदन rudan -- (nm) weeping crying, lamentation; hence रुदित (a).
  • रुद्ध ruddh -- (a) hindered, obstructed, stopped; choked.
रुद्धकंठ -- havinga choked throat.
  • रुद्र ruddr -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Shiv and inferior manifestationsof the Lord; hence रुद्रानी —Pa:rvati: —the spouse of Lord Shiv.
  • रुद्रक्ष ruddra:ksh -- (nm) the seeds of the tree Eleocarpus ganitrus usedfor making rosaries.
  • रुधिर rudhir -- (nm) blood.
रुधिरन्यूनता -- anaemia.
रुधिरपायी -- blood-sucker/blood-sucking.
रुधिरमय -- bloody, full ofblood.
रुधिर-विकार -- impurity of blood.
रुधिर-विज्ञान -- haematology.
रुधिरवैज्ञानिक -- haematologist; haematological.
रुधिरस्राव -- haemorrhage.
  • रुधिराक्त rudhira:kt -- (a) blood-stained, blood-soaked.
  • रुनझुन runjhūn -- (nf) tinkling (of small bells).
रुनझुन करना -- to tinkle.
  • रुपया rupya: -- (nm) a rupee; money, wealth.
रुपया-पैसा -- money; wealth.
रुपयेवाला -- opulent, rich, wealthy, moneyed.
रुपया उडाना -- to squander, tospend extravagantly.
रुपया ऐंठना -- tofleece/extort money.
रुपया खरा होना -- to have earned a sum, money tobe good as in hand.
रुपया जोड़ना -- toaccumulate money/wealth.
रुपया ठीकरी करना -- to squander away one'swealth.
रुपया डूबना -- money to becomeirrecoverable, money to be lost.
रुपया तूड़वाना / तोड़वाना -- to change (intosmaller coins).
रुपया पानी की तरहबहाना/रुपया-पानी में फेंकना -- to squanderaway one's money; to make themoney fly.
रुपया बनाना -- to makemoney like hay, to mint money, to earn a fortune.
रुपया भूनाना -- tochange (into smaller coins).
रुपया मारना -- to embezzle; to misappropriate; not to repay one's money.
रुपये की गर्मी होना -- to be purse proud, to have a swollen head on accountof fat purse.
रुपये के पाँव होना -- moneyis round and roll away; yourmoney burns a hole in your pocket.
  • रुपहला rupehla: -- (a) silvery.
रुपहला पर्दा -- silver screen.
  • रुबाई ruba:i: -- (nf) a quatrain, four-foot persian metre used in Urdu(and also Hindi) poetry.
रुबाईयात -- plural form of रुबाई.
  • रुमाल ruma:l -- (nm) see रूमाल.
  • रुलाई rula:i: -- (nf) a feeling like crying; weeping, crying, wailing.
  • रुलाना rula:nā: -- (v) to cause to.
  • रुष्ट rushṭ -- (a) displeased, angry.
रुष्टता -- anger, displeasure.
  • रुसवा rusva: -- (a) infamous; disgraced, dishonoured.
रुसवाई -- infamy; disgrace.
  • रुस्तम rustām -- (nm) a famous Persian warrior and wrestler; (hence) a very strong man.
रुस्तम-, छिपा -- a darkhorse, a man of unexpectedtraits.
रुस्तम-ए-ज़माँ -- world championwrestler.
रुस्तम-ए-हिंद -- champion wrestler of India.
  • रुहेला ruhela: -- (nm) a sub class of Paṭḥā:ns.
  • रूँ/क, रूँगा rū:k, ~ga: -- (nm) a small quantity of a thing given as aconsideration over and abovethat purchased.
रूँ मैं दैना -- to giveextra quantity as a matter of gracealong with the purchase.
  • रूँधना rū:dhnā: -- (v) to obstruct; to block; to surround.
  • रू ru: -- (nm) face, countenance, frontage.
रूपोश -- veiled; an absconder.
रूपोशी -- veiling one's face; absconding.
रू-ब-रू -- face to face; in the presence of.
रू-रियायत -- consideration; concession; leniency.
  • रूई ru:i: -- (nf) see रुई.
  • रूक्ष ru:ksh -- (a) see रुक्ष.
रूक्षता -- see रुक्षता.
  • रूखा ru:kha: -- (a) dry; rough; harsh, curt, blunt; unsympathetic, inconsiderate; without ghee, to whichghee has not been added (as रूखाखाना); dry as a chip, flavourless; uninteresting.
रूखापन -- dryness; roughness; curtness, bluntness; absenceof sympathy, inconsiderateness.
रूखा-सुखा -- plain and simple (esp.used for food); without ghee; dry.
रूखा जवाब देना -- to give a curt/blunt reply.
रूखा पड़ना -- to becomecurt; to get rough/dry/hard.
रूखी हँसी -- a superficial laugh.
  • रूज ru:j -- (nm) rouge.
  • रूठना ru:ṭḥnā: -- (v) to sulk/to be sulky, to be displeased.
  • रूढ़ ru:ṛḥ -- (a) established; current, popular; traditional, conventional; stereotyped; indivisible (as anumber); hence रूढ़ता (nf).
रूढ़ शब्द -- conventional/popular word, aword that has acquired a meaningnot directly connected with itseltymology.
  • रूढ़ाचा/र ru:ṛḥa:cha:r -- (nm) convention, custom, traditional conduct; hence रूढ़ाचारी (a).
  • रूढ़ार्थ ru:ṛḥa:rth -- (nm) acceptation; conventional/established/popularmeaning, meaning establishedthrough usage.
  • रूढ़ि ru:ṛḥi -- (nf) convention/conventionalism; usage.
रूढ़िगत -- conventional, stereotyped.
रूढ़िगस्त -- convention-bound, conventionalistic; conservative; hence रूढ़िगस्तता (nf).
रूढ़िबद्ध -- conventionalised; conservative.
रूढ़िवाद -- conventionalism; conservatism.
रूढ़िवादिता -- conventionality; conservatism.
रूढ़िवादी -- aconventionalist; conventionalistic; conservative; o.
अति ~ -- ultraconservative; too conventional.
  • रूप ru:p -- (nm) form, shape, appearance; beauty; (good) looks, aspect; image; mould; type.
रूपकार -- make-upman.
रूपगत -- normal.
रूपगर्विता -- (a maiden) proud of (her) beauty.
रूपचित्र -- a portrait.
रूप-तत्त्व -- formal element.
रूपधारी -- see बहुरूपिया.
रूपपरक -- morphological; formal.
रूपमय -- beautiful; hence रूपमयी (feminine form).
रूपवाद/रूपवादिता -- formalism.
रूपवादी -- a formalist; formalistic.
रूपविज्ञान -- morphology.
रूप-विधान -- form, formal.
  • रूपक ru:pak -- (nm) a metaphor; an allegory; a play, feature.
रूपक अलंकार -- a metaphor.
रूपक विषयक/संबंधी -- metaphorical; allegorical.
रूपक , सांग -- sustained metaphor.
रूपकात्मक -- allegorical; metaphorical; hence रूपकात्मकता (nf).
  • रूपरेखा ru:prekha: -- (nm) an outline, a synopsis; blueprint; contour.
  • रूपलेख ru:plekh -- (nm) a feature.
  • रूपवंत ru:pwānt -- (a) beautiful, handsome, good-looking.
  • रूप/वान ru:pwa:n -- (a) handsome, good-looking; hence रूपवतीfeminine form.
  • रूपसी ru:psi: -- (nf) a beautiful damsel, a beauty.
  • रूपांतर ru:pā:ntar -- (nm) metamorphosis, transformation; variation; adaptation; modification.
रूपांतरकार -- adaptor, one who adopts.
रूपांतरण -- undergoing a metamorphosis, transforming; adaptation; modification.
रूपांतरण व्याकरण -- transformationalgrammar.
  • रूपा ru:pa: -- (nm) silver.
रूपाजीवा -- a prostitute.
  • रूपात्मक ru:pa:tmak -- (a) formal, characteristic of or belonging tothe form; hence रूपात्मकता (nf).
  • रूपादर्श ru:pa:darsh -- (nm) a type, specimen; model.
  • रूपा/यन ru:pa:yan -- (nm) act or process of casting into a form, giving a form, formation; hence रूपायित (a).
  • रूपी ru:pi: -- (a) a suffix used in the sense of having the form of, or ofthe shape of; similar to (as समुद्र-रूपी संसार).
  • रूबरू ru:baru: -- (a) see under रू.
  • रूमा/नी ru:mā:nī: -- (a) romantic.
रूमानियत -- romantic temperament/spirit, romanticism.
रूमानीरंग चढ़ाना -- to romanticize.
  • रूमाल ru:ma:l -- (nm) handkerchief.
रूमाल पर रूमाल भिगोना -- to shed a stream of tears, to go on weeping.
  • रूमाली ru:ma:li: -- (nf) a triangular privy cover.
  • रूल ru:l -- (nm) a scale; ruler; line; rule.
रूल खींचना -- to draw a line.
  • रूलना ru:lnā: -- (v) to draw lines (with the help of a scale).
  • रूसना ru:sna: -- (v) to get displeased/angry; to sulk.
  • रूसी ru:si: -- (a) Russian; (nm) a Russian; (nf) Russian language; dandruff.
  • रूह ru:h -- (nf) soul; spirit; essence.
रूहअफ़ज़ा -- refreshing.
रूह कब्ज़ होना -- tobe frightened out of wits.
रूह काँपना -- to shudder, to be mortallyscared.
रूह फ़ना होना -- to be mortallyscared, to shudder.
  • रूहा/नी ru:ha:nī: -- (a) spiritual.
रूहानियत -- spiritualism.
  • रेंकना rēknā: -- (v) to bray; to sing/shout hoarsely.
  • रेंगटा rēgṭa: -- (nm) young one of an ass.
  • रेंगना rēgnā: -- (v) to creep; to crawl.
  • रेंड़ rēṛ -- (nm) see) एरंड; see रेंड़-रेढ़.
रेंड़-करना/मारना -- see रेढ़ करना/मारना.
  • रें/डी, रेंडी reḍi, ~i: -- (nf) castor seed.
रें का तेल -- castor oil.
  • रे re -- (ind) a vocative particle used out of indifference, contempt ordisrespect (क्यों रे !); (nm) thesecond note in the Indian musicalscale; a genetive suffix (see रा).
  • रेख rekh -- (nf) a line; mark; just-grown whiskers in early youth.
रेख-, पत्थर की -- bound to be.
  • रेखनी rekhnī: -- (nf) a ruler.
  • रेखां/कन rekhā:ṅkān -- (nm) lining, lineation, underlining; demarcation.
रेखांकित -- lined, underlined; striated; demarcated.
रेखांकित करना -- to underline; to demarcate.
  • रेखांश rekhā:nsh -- (nm) terrestrial longitude.
  • रेखा rekha: -- (nf) a line; lineament; mark; furrow; (रेखाएँ -pl.) lines onthe palm of the hand—fate; destiny.
रेखाकार -- one who draws a lineor demarcates; linear.
रेखाकृति -- aplan; sketch; liniature line-drawing.
रेखागणित -- geometry.
रेखागणितीय -- geometrical.
रेखाचित्र -- a sketch; figure; line-drawing.
रेखाचित्रण -- sketching; drawing a figure.
रेखाच्छादन -- hachure.
रेखालेख -- a diagram.
  • रेखित rekhit -- (a) lined, lineate, line-marked; demarcated.
  • रेखीय rekhi:y -- (a) linear.
  • रे/ख़्ता reḳḥta: -- (nf) an earlier form of Urdu with a characteristicmixed vocabulary.
रेख़्ती -- a typicalform of रेख़्ता used by muslimwomen in particular (hence thenomenclature).
  • रेगमाल, रेगमालर regma:l, ~r -- (nm) sandpaper, emery paper.
  • रेगिस्ता/न regista:n -- (nm) a desert.
रेगिस्तानी -- sandy; of, pertaining orbelonging to a desert.
रेगिस्तानी जहाज़ -- acamel.
  • रे/चक rechak -- (a) purgative; (nm) a purgative, jalap; a stage in प्राणायाम when deeply inhaled air isexpelled through the nose.
रेचन -- the evacuation of the bowels; expulsion of deeply inhaled airthrough the nose in प्राणायाम.
रेचित -- evacuated; purged out; (inhaled air) expelled (throughthe nose).
  • रेज़/गारी, रेज़कारी rezga:ri:, ~ka:ri: -- (nf) change (of currency), smallercoins.
  • रेज़गी rezgi: -- (nf) see रेज़गारी.
  • रेज़ा reza: -- (nm) a fragment; a small piece.
  • रेज़र rezar -- (nm) a razor.
  • रेजिमेंट rejimēṉṭ -- (nm) a regiment.
  • रेट reṭ -- (nf) rate.
  • रेडार reḍa:r -- (nm) a radar.
  • रेडियम reḍiām -- (nm) radium.
  • रेडियो reḍio -- (nm) radio.
रेडियोधर्मिता -- radioactivity.
  • रेढ़ reṛḥ -- (nf) ruination, destruction, devastation.
रेढ़ी -- one who ruins/destructs/devastates.
रेढ़ करना/पीटना/मारना -- to ruin, to destroy, todavastate.
  • रेणु reṉu -- (nf) dust, soil; sand; a small particle, an atom.
  • रेणुका reṉuka: -- (nf) see रेणु.
  • रेत ret -- (nf) sand.
रेत-, मोटी -- gritty sand.
रेत की दीवार -- house of cards.
रेत पर नाव चलाना -- to ply a vehicle on water.
रेत से तेल निकालना -- to milk the bull.
  • रेतन retan -- (nf) filings.
  • रेतना retnā: -- (v) to file, to rasp; to polish by filing/rasping.
  • रेता reta: -- (nm) sand.
  • रेताई reta:i: -- (nf) work/process of filing or the remuneration paidtherefor.
  • रेती reti: -- (nf) a file; sand.
  • रेतीला reti:la: -- (a) sandy; gritty.
रेतीलापन -- sandiness; grittiness.
रेतीला मैदान -- sandyplain.
  • रेफ reph -- (nm) the letter र or its.
  • ऱेफरी refri: -- (nm) a referee.
  • रेल rel -- (nf) rail, railway; railway line; railway train; a flow; current; abundance.
रेल-कामगार -- railwayman.
रेल-की पटरी -- the railway.
रेलगाड़ी -- a railway train.
रेल-दुर्घटना -- a railway accident.
रेल-पुल -- a railwaybridge.
रेल-बिल्टी -- a railway receipt.
रेल मंत्री -- Railway Minister.
रेल-मार्ग -- therailways.
रेल-लाइन -- railway (line).
  • रेलना relnā: -- (v) to rush; to thrust; to push forward.
  • रेलपेल relpel -- (nf) abundance; plenty; overcrowding; immense influx; rush, throng, jostle.
रेलपेल करना -- tothrong, to overcrowd; to causeor create immense influx/abundance.
  • रेलवे relwe -- (nf) railway.
रेलवे-पुल -- rail-way bridge.
रेलवे-लाइन -- railway line.
  • रेला rela: -- (nm) a rush, push; thrust; a huge wave, influx, flood.
  • रेलिंग reliṅg -- (nf) railing.
  • रेवड़ rewaṛ -- (nm) a flock (of sheep or goats etc.), herd.
  • रेवड़ा rewṛa -- (nm) large-sized रेवड़ी (see).
  • रेवड़ी rewṛi: -- (nf) a kind of crisp sweetmeat (prepared from solidified sugar covered with sesamumseeds).
  • रेशम reshām -- (nm) silk.
रेशम का कीड़ा -- a silk-worm.
रेशम-का कोया -- a cocoon.
रेशम की गाँठ -- a gordian knot; knot in asilk-thread which is difficult tounknot; arduous task.
रेशम-ग्रंथि -- silk-gland.
रेशम की लच्छी -- a ball of silk-thread.
रेशम-सा -- as soft as silk.
  • रेशमी reshmī: -- (a) silken; silk; soft like silk.
रेशमी कपड़ा/वस्त्र -- silken cloth, silk fibre.
रेशमी-धागा -- silk thread.
  • रेशा resha: -- (nm) a fibre, crude fibre; grain; staple.
रेशा-, महीन -- fibrill.
रेशेदार -- fibrous.
  • रेस्टोरेंट, रेस्ट्राँ, रेस्तोराँ, रेस्त्राँ resṭorēṉṭ, resṭrā:, restorā:, restrā: -- (nm) arestaurant.
रेस्टोरेंट-का मालिक, रेस्टोरेंटवाला -- arestaurant owner.
  • रेह reh -- (nf) saline or brackish soil, fossil alkali, fuller's earth (thatabounds in certain soils as anefflorescence and renders thembarren).
  • रेहन rehān -- (nm) mortgage, pawn.
रेहनदार -- mortgagee.
रेहननामा -- mortgage-deed.
  • रेहल rehal -- (nf) see रिहल.
  • रैअत raiat -- (nf) रैयत.
  • रैकेकिट raikekiṭ -- (nm) a racket.
  • रैड़ी raiṛi -- (nf) a handcart.
रैड़ीवाला -- a handcart-owner.
  • रैन rain -- (nf) the night.
रैनबसेरा -- nightshelter, a roost.
  • रैयत raiyat -- (nf) subject; tenant.
रैयतदारी -- tenancy.
  • रैयाराव raiya:ra:w -- (nm) a feudal lord.
  • रैय्यत raiyyat -- (nf) see रैयत.
  • रोंग/टा rōgṭa: -- (nm) small and soft hairs on the body.
रोंगटे खड़े होना -- togive one the creeps, to make one'sflesh creep, to make one's hairstand on end, to horripitate, tobe horrified.
  • रोंवाँ rowā: -- (nm) see रोआँ.
  • रो/आँ rōā: -- (nm) small and soft hair on the body.
रोआँरो-रोआँ कर्ज़ में बिंधाहोना -- one's whole being to be underdebt, to be under very heavydebts; see also रोयाँ.
रोएँरो-रोएँ से आशीर्वाद देना -- to spell out whole-hearted blessings, to bless fromthe core of the heart.
  • रोएँदार rōēda:r -- (a) hairy, woolly.
  • रोक rok -- (nf) a ban, restriction, check; prevention; stay, scotch, hedge; hindrance; barrier.
रोक-टोक -- .
  • रोकड़ rokaṛ -- (nf) cash, ready money; cash book.
रोकड़ जमा -- openingbalance.
रोकड़ बही -- a cash-book.
रोकड़ बाक़ी -- cash balance in hand.
रोकड़ मिलाना -- totally the balance.
  • रोकड़ा rokṛa: -- (a) cash.
रोकड़ा बाकी -- cash balance in hand.
रोकड़ा बिक्री -- cash sale.
  • रोकड़िया rokaṛiya: -- (nm) a cashier, treasurer.
  • रोकना roknā: -- (v) to stop; to detain; to prevent, to check; to ban; towithhold; to cease; to stay; todiscontinue; to forbid; to impede; to suppress, to repress, to curb; (nm) engagement, a ceremony forconfirmation of engagement.
रोकनेवाला -- preventive/restrictive; checker; one who checks/prevents etc.
रोके रखना -- to hold at bay.
  • रोग rog -- (nm) a disease; illness, ailment, sickness; malady; affliction.
रोगकर/कारक/कारी -- infectious, causingillness, sickening.
रोगग्रस्त -- ailing; diseased, ill, sick.
रोगनाशक/हर/हारी -- curative; cure.
रोग-निदान -- diagnosis, pathogenesis.
रोगनिरोधी -- prophylactic.
रोगभ्रम -- hypochondria.
रोगभ्रमी -- hypochondriac.
रोगमुक्ति -- cure.
रोग-लक्षण -- symptom (of disease).
रोगवाहक -- disease-carrier.
रोग की जड़खाँसी लड़ाई की जड़ हाँसी -- jokes lie atthe root of all conflicts as cough atthe root of all physical ailments.
रोग पालना -- to knowingly own amalady; to develop an unhealthyhabit.
  • रोग़न rog̣ān -- (nm) varnish, paint; polish; grease.
रोग़नदार -- varnished; polished; greasy.
  • रोग़नी rog̣nī: -- (a) oily, smeared with varnish or oil.
  • रोगार्त्त roga:rt -- (a) diseased, sick, ailing.
  • रोगिल rogil -- (a) diseased, ailing.
  • रोगी rogi: -- (nm) a patient, diseased; valetudinarian; (a) ailing.
रोगी कक्ष -- award; hence रोगिणी (nf).
  • रोचक rochak -- (a) interesting, pleasing, entertaining; hence रोचकता (nf).
  • रोज़ roz -- (nm) day; (adv) everyday, daily.
रोज़ ब-रोज़ -- everyday; daily; day-by-day.
रोज़मर्रा -- everyday, daily.
रोज़ रोज़ -- everyday, daily.
रोज़ काचक्कर/धंधा -- the daily grind.
रोज़ कुआँखोदना रोज़ पानी पीना -- to labour forthe day's two meals.
रोज़ के टपके पत्थर भी पिघल जाता है -- constant droppingwears the stone away.
  • रोज़गार rozga:r -- (nm) a business, trade; employment; profession, occupation.
रोज़गार का दफ़्तर, रोज़गार-कार्यालय -- employment exchange.
रोज़गार चमकना -- business to brighten up, to havea run of good luck in business.
  • रोज़नदा/र rozanda:r -- (nm) a labourer (working) on daily wage, dailywage labour.
रोज़नदारी -- daily wages.
रोज़नदारी पर -- on daily wages.
  • रोज़नामचा roznā:mcha: -- (nm) a dairy; daily account book; daily report book.
  • रोज़नामा rozna:mā: -- (nm) daily paper.
  • रोज़ा roza: -- (nm) a fast (observed by muslims during the month ofRamja:n).
रोज़ादार -- fasting, observingfast.
रोज़ा खोलना -- to break one's रोज़ा( fast).
रोज़ा तोड़ना -- to violate a रोज़ा( fast).
रोज़ा रखना -- to observe a रोज़ा( fast).
रोज़ा बख़्शाते नमाज़ गले पड़ना -- towork for deliverance, to add to the bonds.
  • रोज़ाना roza:nā: -- (adv) daily, everyday.
  • रोज़ी rozi: -- (nf) livelihood; living, means of subsistence.
रोज़ी-रोटी -- livelihood, means of subsistence.
रोज़ी-रोटी कमाना -- to earn one's livelihood.
रोज़ी लेना -- to deprive somebody ofhis means of livelihood.
  • रोज़ीना rozi:nā: -- (adv) daily, every-day.
रोज़ीनादार, रोज़नदार -- see रोज़नदारी.
  • रोट roṭ -- (nm) a large and thick bread; sweet thick loaf.
  • रोटी roṭi: -- (nf) a bread; meals; food; lunch; livelihood.
रोटी-कपड़ा -- foodand clothing, means of subsistence.
रोटी कमाना -- to earn one's livelihood.
रोटी का पेट -- the front of a bread(which is baked first).
रोटी का सवाल -- a matter of daily bread.
रोटी की पीठ -- the back of bread.
रोटी-दाल -- lit. breadand pulse—plain and simple food, the barest minimum in respect ofdiet.
रोटी-दाल चलाना -- to make twoends meet, to manage one's livelihood somehow or other.
रोटी-दाल समझना -- (a job assignment, work, etc.) totake as a routine, to take asusual, to take as simple andstraight.
रोटीवाला -- a baker; bread-seller.
रोटी-बेटी का संबंध -- (said of different groups) mutual relationthrough socially sanctioned collective eating and marriagesamongst one another, collectivemessing and mutual marrying relations.
रोटियों के मोहताज़ होना/लालेपड़ना -- to be too tight even for twosquare meals.
रोटियाँ तोड़ना -- to eatthe bread of idleness.
  • रोडवेज roḍwez -- (nm) roadways.
  • रोड़ा roṛa: -- (nm) pebbles, fragments of stones or bricks; obstruction, hindrance; impediment.
रोड़ा होना -- tobe an impediment/obstruction/a hindrance.
रोड़े अटकाना/डालना -- toobstruct, to create an obstacle/impediment; to pave the waywith obstructions.
  • रोड़ी roṛi: -- (nf) rubble.
  • रोदन rodan -- (nm) weeping, crying.
  • रोध rodh -- (nm) a bar; obstruction, hindrance.
  • रोना ronā: -- (v) to weep, to cry: to bewail, to lament; (nm) weeping, crying; bewailing, lamenting; tale of woe (as अपना रोना ले बैठना).
रोना-, फूट-फूटकर -- to weep bitterly, tobewail.
रोते गये मरे की ख़बर लाये -- he that asks faintly begets adenial.
रोना आना -- to feel like crying.
रोना-गाना -- to express sorrow or joy; to weep and wail; sorrows andjoys.
धोना/पीटना -- to weep andwail; weeping and wailing; to lament/lamenting.
रोनी सूरत -- gloomy/sad countenance, sombre appearance/face.
रोनी बनाना -- to pull/wear/draw a long face.
रोने वाला नरहना, कोई -- to have none to mournone's end.
  • रोप rop -- (nf) seedling.
  • रोपण ropaṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) planting, plantation, implanting; sowing.
  • रोपना ropnā: -- (v) to plant; to implant; to establish firmly; to transplant; to sow.
रोपना-, पाँव -- to entrench oneself firmly; to staydeterminedly in one's position; tointermeddle.
  • रोपनी ropnī: -- (nf) transplantation of a seedling (esp. of paddy).
  • रोपित ropit -- (a) transplanted/implanted, planted.
  • रोब rob -- (nm) overbearing influence, sway; commanding/imposingquality.
रोब-दाब -- awe, overbearing.
  • रोबीला robi:la: -- (a) see रोबदार (under रोब); hence रोबीलापन (nm).
  • रोमंथ romanth -- (nm) rumination.
रोमंथन -- rumination.
  • रोम rom -- (nm) (small and soft) hair (on the body).
रोमकूप -- the poreson the surface of the skin.
रोमगुच्छ -- cirri.
रोमपूर्ण -- hairy, lanate.
रोमराजी -- see रोमाली.
रोमहर्षक -- thrilling; awful, dreadful, terrible.
रोमहर्षण -- horripilation.
रोम-रोम में -- in the whole being, throughout the body.
रोम-रोम बसना -- topervade through the whole being.
रोम-रोम से -- with heart and soul, withone's whole being.
  • रोमक romak -- (nm) cilia.
  • रोमां/च romā:ṇch -- (nm) horripilation, titillation, thrill, standing of the hairs on end.
रोमांचित -- thrilled, in rapture; horripilated/horripilant, titillated.
रोमांचित करना -- to horripilate, to titillate; to thrill.
रोमांचित होना -- to be thrilled; to behorripilated; to be in a rapture.
  • रोमांतिका roma:ntika: -- (nf) measles.
  • रोमा/नी romā:nī: -- (a) romantic.
रोमानियत -- romanticism, romanticcharacter.
  • रोमा/ली रोमावलि, रोमावली roma:li:, ~wali, ~wali: -- (nf) the line of hairs over the body (esp. extending above the navel).
  • रोमिका romika: -- (nf) cilia.
  • रोमिल romil -- (a) hairy, lanate; pubescent.
रोमिलता -- hairiness.
  • रोयाँ royā: -- (nm) see रोम.
रोयेंदार -- hairy, woolly.
रोयें खड़े होना -- tohorripilate; to be thrilled.
रोयाँ टेढ़ा न होना -- to be put to no harm what-ever, to emerge unscathed.
रोयाँ पसीजना -- to be moved by compassion.
रोयाँ-रोयाँ आशीर्वाद देना -- see रोएँरोयाँ-रोएँका आशीर्वाद देना under रोआँ.
  • रोर ror -- (nm) noise, clamour, outcry.
  • रोरी rori: -- (nf) see रोली.
  • रोलर rolar -- (nm) a roller.
रोलर फेरना -- to level (with the ground); to devastate.
  • रोला rola: -- (nm) an important Hindi poetic metre consisting of24 ma:tra:s in one line; see रौला.
  • रोली roli: -- (nf) a mixture of turmeric and lime powder (used for applying तिलक on the foreheadon auspicious occasions).
  • रोवनहार rowanha:r -- (nm) a mourner; one who laments.
  • रोवाँ rowā: -- (nm) see रोआँ, रोयाँ.
  • रोशन roshan -- (a) lighted, lit; shining, bright; famous; manifest.
रोशनदान -- a ventilator.
रोशन करना -- to bring tolight; to make known; hence रोशन होना.
  • रोशनाई roshnā:i: -- (nf) ink.
  • रोशनी roshnī: -- (nf) light, illumination; eye-sight.
रोशनी डालना -- to throw light on.
  • रोष rosh -- (nm) anger, rage, wrath; resentment.
रोष प्रकट करना -- to expressanger/resentment.
रोष में आना -- to flyinto a rage, to be in a temper.
  • रोहण rohāṉ -- (nm) climbing, ascending, mounting.
  • रोहा roha: -- (nm) see रोहे.
  • रोही rohi: -- —a suffix used in the sense of one who climbs/mounts.
  • रोहू rohu: -- (nf) a kind of large fish.
  • रोहे rohe -- (nm) trachoma.
  • रौंद rāūnd -- (nm) trampling (over), crushing under the feet; round.
रौंद पर जाना -- to go on a round.
  • रौंदना rāūdnā: -- (v) to trample down, to tread over, to crushdown.
  • रौ rau -- (nf) motion, flow; impulsive mood.
रौ में होना -- to be under animpulse, to be on the crest of awave of impulse.
  • रौग़न raug̣ān -- (nm) see रोग़न.
  • रौग़नी raug̣nī: -- (a) see रोग़नी.
  • रौज़ा rauza: -- (nm) a tomb.
  • रौद्र rauddr -- (a) terrible, fearful, furious.
रौद्र रस -- the sentiment ofwrath or furiousness in Indianpoetics.
रौद्र रूप धारण करना -- to showone's furious form, to be in a fierce rage.
  • रौनक़ raunāq -- (nf) gaiety, splendour, brightness and brilliance.
रौनक़अफ़्जा/अफ्रोज़ होना -- to grace anoccasion.
रौनक़अफ़्जाई/अफ्रोज़ी -- gracingof an occasion.
रौनक़दार -- gay, splendid, bright and brilliant.
  • रौप्य rauppy -- (a) silvery, made of silver; (nm) silver.
  • रौरव raurav -- (nm) the name of the worst of hells according to Hindu mythology.
  • रौला raula: -- (nm) noise, clamour.
रौला डालना -- to create a noise.
  • रौशन raushān -- (a) see रोशन.
  • रौशनी raushnī: -- (nf) see रोशनी.
  • ल la -- traditionally, the third of the semi-vowel series य, र, ल, वof the Devna:gri: alphabet.Modern phoneticians do not, however, recognise the letter asa semi-vowel in Hindi but as aconsonant.
  • लंक lāṅk -- (nf) the waist, loins; see लंका.
  • लंका lāṅka: -- (nf) Ceylon—the island in the Indian ocean where Ra:wāṉ, the demon king and villain of theancient epic Ra:mā:yāṉ, ruled.
लंकानाथ/पति -- the ruler of लंका —anepithet of Ra:wāṉ.
लंकाकांड -- arson, aburning episode.
लंका-में सब बावन गज़/हाथ के -- where every hand fleeceth, the sheep go naked; all as blackas the devil.
  • लंकिनी lāṅkinī: -- (nf) a witch.
  • लंके/श, लंकेश्वर lāṅkesh, ~shwar -- (nm) see लंकानाथ (under लंका).
  • लंग lāṅg -- (nf) lameness, limp/limping.
लंग करना/खाना -- to limp (said of a horse etc.).
  • लंगड़ lāngaṛ -- (a) see लँगड़ा (nm) a piece of stone/pebble tied to kite-flying thread (used by children for catching hold of kites etc.).
लंगड़दीन -- a limping fellow.
  • लँगड़ा lāgṛa: -- (a) lame, limp; (nm) a lame person.
लँगड़ापन -- lameness, limpness.
लँगड़ा बुखार -- dengue (fever).
लँगड़ा-लूला -- cripple/crippled.
लँगड़ाहट -- see लँगड़ापन.
  • लँगड़ाना lāgṛa:nā: -- (v) to limp.
  • लँगड़ी lāgṛi: -- (nf) a leg-trick; (a) see लँगड़ा.
लँगड़ी मारना/लँगड़ी लगाना -- to apply a leg-trick, to fell somebody.
  • लंगर lāṅgar -- (nm) an anchor; a public kitchen, an alms-house; a heavy wooden piece/block tied toa cattle's neck (to check it fromrunning far); pendulum; tentative stitches made at long distances in a cloth; a privy coverworn by wrestlers; a piece ofstone tied at the end of a longthread; (a) mischievous, naughty; vile.
लंगरखाना -- a public kitchen, an alms-house.
लंगर उठाना -- to set sail, to take off anchor.
लंगर करना/डालना -- to come to an anchor, to castanchor.
लंगर खोलना -- to start a publickitchen.
  • लंगूर, लँगूर lāṅgu:r, lāgu:r -- (nm) a kind of black-faced monkey witha stiff long tail, an ape.
लंगूरमुँहा -- having an ape-like face, ape-faced.
  • लँगो/ट, लँगोटा lāgoṭ, ~a: -- (nm) a strip of cloth tucked round the waistto cover privities.
लँगोट का कच्चा/ढीला -- lewd, lustful, of loose character; one who has a weaknessfor sex indulgence.
लँगोट कासच्चा -- sexually righteous, one whohas no sex-weakness, incorruptibleon the sexual plane.
लँगोट फाड़डालना -- to give up wrestling.
लँगोटबंद -- a celibate; sexually righteous/incorruptible.
लँगोटिया यार -- achum, bosom friend.
लँगोटी -- a comparatively smaller लँगोट.
लँगोटीबँधवाना -- to render penniless/indigent.
लँगोटी बिकवाना -- to cause to bedeprived of the barest minimum, to render absolutely indigent.
लँगोटी में मस्त -- happy and carefree in utmost adversity.
लँगोटी लगाये घूमना -- to be extremely indigent, to havenothing even to clothe oneselfdecently.
  • लंघन laṅghan -- (nm) going without meals, forcible or imposed fast/fasting; transgressing, crossing.
  • लंघनीय laṅghnī:y -- (a) transgressible, fit to be crossed; also लंघ्य; hence लंघनीयता (nf).
  • लंच laṇch -- (nm) lunch.
  • लंठ laṉṭḥ -- (a) stupid; boorish, uncivil.
लंठराज -- an extremely stupid and boorish fellow, the greatestof fools.
  • लंड laṉḍ -- (nm) penis.
  • लंतरानी lantara:nī: -- (nf) braggadocio, boasting; self-praise.
  • लंप lamp -- (nm) a lamp.
  • लंपट lampaṭ -- (a) lewd, wanton, lascivious (person); unchaste.
लंपटता -- lewdness, wantonness, lasciviousness.
  • लंब lamb -- (nm) a perpendicular; (a) long; an allomorph of लंबा.
लंबकर्ण -- having long ears.
लंबकेश -- having long hair.
लंबतः -- perpendicularly.
लंब-तड़ंग -- strapping, tall andtough.
लंबता -- perpendicularity.
लंबन -- lengthening; prolonging, pending.
लंबमान -- prolonged; perpendicular; pendent.
  • लंबर/दार lambarda:r -- (nm) headman (of a community, village, etc.).
लंबरदारी -- headmanship.
  • लंबलेट lambleṭ -- (a) fallen flat.
लंबलेट होना -- to fall flat.
  • लंबा lamba: -- (a) long, lengthy; tall.
लंबा-चौड़ा -- vast, spacious, extensive; tall and well-built.
लंबा-तड़ंगा -- strapping, tall and tough.
लंबा करना -- totell off, to compel to move off.
लंबा-बनना/होना -- to slip away, to showa clean pair of heels.
लंबा हाथ मारना -- to grab a sizable fortune, to havea big windfall.
लंबे डग भरना -- to.
  • लंबाई lamba:i: -- (nf) length; height.
लंबाई-चौड़ाई -- length and breadth/width; dimensions.
  • लंबान lambā:n -- (nm) see लंबाई.
लंबान-/चौड़ान -- see लंबाई-चौड़ाई (under लंबाई).
  • लंबायमान lamba:ymā:n -- (a) lengthened, lying flat; prolonged, pendent.
  • लंबित lambit -- (a) penduline; prolonged; lengthened; pending.
  • लंबी lambi: -- (a) long; tall.
लंबी-चौड़ी हाँकना -- to boast/brag, to talk tall; to talk through one's hat.
लंबी तनख्‍वाह -- fat salary.
लंबी-तानकर सोना -- to enjoy a carefree sleep.
लंबी-तानना -- to sleep carefreely.
लंबी-साँस खींचना/भरना/लेना -- to heave a sigh, to drawa deep sigh; to be remorseful.
लंबी-साँस छोड़ना -- to heave a sigh ofhelplessness/despair.
  • लंबू lambu: -- (nm) a lankey; (a) tall (and thin man).
लंबूदास -- a lankyfellow.
  • लंबोतरा lambotra: -- (a) longish, somewhat long.
  • लंबोदर lambodar -- (a) pot-bellied; long-bellied, paunchy; gluttunous; (nm) an epithet of Gaṉēsh; a glutton.
  • लंबोष्ठ lamboshṭḥ -- (a) long-lipped.
  • लकड़ lakar -- an allomorph of लकड़ी used as the first member inmany compound words, e.g.लकड़हारा, लकड़फोड़ा etc.; used toconvey vertical relationship withone's forefathers/great great-grand (as लकड़दादा great greatgrandfather).
  • लकड़फोड़ा lakaṛphoṛa: -- (nm) a wood-pecker.
  • लकड़बग्घा lakaṛbaggha: -- (nm) a hyena.
  • लकड़हारा lakaṛha:rā: -- (nm) a wood-cutter, woodman.
  • लकड़ाना lakaṛa:nā: -- (v) to become wooden/lifeless; to be lanky.
  • लकड़ी lakṛi: -- (nf) wood; fuel, fire-wood; timber; a stick; a support (as अंधे की लकड़ी).
लकड़ी-का -- wooden.
लकड़ी की मेख -- dowel.
लकड़ी-सा -- leanand thin.
लकड़ी होना -- to be very leanand thin, to be lanky.
लकड़ी के बल बंदर नाचे -- lit. the rod makes themonkey dance, it is somesort of support/instigation thatmakes one venture beyond one'stether.
  • लक़दक़ laqdaq -- (a) shining, brilliant, spotlessly white, neat and clean.
  • लक़ब laqab -- (nm) a title; designation.
  • लक़लक़ laqlaq -- (a) lanky, lean and thin (man).
  • लक़वा laqwa: -- (nm) paralysis, palsy.
लक़वा मारना/लगना -- to be paralysed/palsied, to suffer an attack of paralysis.
  • लका/र laka:r -- (nm) the letter ल and its sound.
लकारांत -- wordending in ल्.
  • लकीर laki:r -- (nf) a line; trail, streak; track; stride.
लकीर-का फ़कीर -- aconventionalist/traditionalist, onewedded irrevocably to convention/tradition.
लकीर-पर चलना -- to follow one'sconventions/traditions, to treada beaten track.
लकीर-पीटना -- to followthe traditions; to repent, to beremorseful.
  • लकुटी lakuṭi: -- (nf) a small stick.
  • लक्कड़ lakkaṛ -- (nm) a log; wood.
  • लक्का कबूतर lakka: kabu:tar -- (nm) a fan-tailed species of pigeon.
  • लक्ष laksh -- (a and nm) a lac; the number one hundred thousand; a mark, target.
लक्षपति -- a millionaire.
  • लक्षण lakshāṉ -- (nm) a symptom; indication; trait, characteristicfeature, characteristic mark.
लक्षणविज्ञान -- semiology.
लक्षणविज्ञानी -- semiologist.
लक्षणवैज्ञानिक -- semiological.
लक्षण दिखाई पड़ना -- to be on thehorizon.
  • लक्षणा lakshaṉā: -- (nf) indirect, implied or figurative sense of a word.
लक्षणामूलक -- arising out of लक्षणा; hence लक्षणामूलकता (nf).
लक्षणा शक्ति -- the word-power of indirect or implied orfigurative expression.
  • लक्षणात्मक lakshaṉā:tmak -- (a) symptomatic; indicative of; characteristic; figurative; indirect; implied.
लक्षणात्मकता -- the state of beingimplied/figurative/indirect; indicativeness, figurative/symptomaticquality.
  • लक्षणी lakshaṉī: -- (a) having some typical लक्षण (feminine form).
  • लक्षित lakshit -- (a) implied, hinted, indicated; marked; observed; reflected.
  • लक्षितार्थ lakshita:rth -- (nm) a meaning based on लक्षणा, , indirect/implied or figurative meaning of a word.
  • लक्ष्मण lakshmāṉ -- (nm) a younger brother of Ra:m in the ancientIndian epic of Ra:mā:yāṉ.
लक्ष्मण-रेखा -- in the epic Ra:ma:yāṉ, the linedrawn by Lakshmāṉ biddingSi:ta: rot to cross it for her ownsecurity.
  • लक्ष्मी lakshmī: -- (nf) the goddess of wealth and spouse of LordVishṉū; prosperity, fortune; useddeferentially for a woman assymbolising prosperity.
लक्ष्मीकांत/नाथ/पति/रमण/वल्लभ -- an epithet ofLord Vishṉū.
लक्ष्मीपूजा -- the worshipof लक्ष्मी on the day of दीपावली.
लक्ष्मीवान -- wealthy; prosperous.
लक्ष्मी कावाहन -- lit. vehicle of Lakhsmi, viz.the owl—in India a symbol offoolishness, a fool.
  • लक्ष्य lakkshy -- (nm) the aim, object/objective, target, goal; (a) indicated, implied.
लक्ष्य-पूर्ति -- fulfilment of the target.
लक्ष्य-बेध -- hitting the target.
लक्ष्य-सिद्धि -- attainment of one's aim/object/goal.
  • लक्ष्यार्थ lakkshya:rth -- (nm) indicated, implied or figurative meaning (of a word).
  • लखप/ती lakhpati: -- (nm) a millionaire, very wealthy person.
लखपतराय -- derisively said of a man whomakes a show of wealthiness.
  • लखराँव lakhrā:w -- (nm) a vista.
  • लख़लख़ा laḳḥlaḳḥa: -- (nm) a strongly scented medicine used to restoreconsciousness.
  • लगन lagān -- (nf) devotion; perseverence; inclination; attachment; an auspicious moment (for performing a ceremony).
लगन-पत्र/लगन-पत्री -- a letterintimating fixation of marriage(sent by bride's side to that ofthe bridegroom's).
लगन धरना -- to fixthe date of marriage.
लगन सोधना -- tocalculate astrologically an auspicious moment (for performinga marriage ritual).
  • लगना lagnā: -- (v) to seem, to appear; to be engaged (in); to be employed; to be united/attached/connected; to strike roots (as पौदालगना ); to be grafted; to be related (as वह मेरा साला लगता है); to be applied(as मलहमलगना ); to have a painfulsensation, to cause pain (as आँखोंमें दवा लग रही है); to be affixed to; to be struck, to be hit (as डंडालगना ).
  • लगभग lagbhag -- (ind) approximately, almost, about; roughly, nearly.
  • लगलग laglag -- (a) weak, lanky, lean and thin.
  • लगाऊ laga:u: -- (a and nm) back-biting; a back-biter; having rift-creating designs; an instigator; also लगाऊ-बुझाऊ (see लगाना-बुझाना).
  • लगातार laga:ta:r -- (adv) continuously; incessantly, constantly; (a) continuous, continual, sustained.
  • लगान lagā:n -- (nm) land revenue/rent.
  • लगाना laga:nā: -- (v) to engage; to employ; to attach, to join, to connect; to plant (as पौदालगाना ); to apply (as मलहमलगाना ); to affix (as टिकटलगाना ); tomake someone hang around (as पीछेलगाना ); to levy (as टैक्सलगाना ); to touch(as हाथलगाना ); to invest (as पैसालगाना ); topaste, to stick (as इश्तहारलगाना ); toset, to fix; to shut, to close (as दरवाज़ालगाना ); to keep; to backbite; to inflame; to add.
लगाना बुझाना -- tobackbite, to distort facts so asto instigate, to indulge in instigatory talks.
  • लगाम lagā:m -- (nf) reins, bridle, hackmore.
लगाम कड़ी करना/कसना -- torestrain; to be strict; to keep incheck.
लगाम चढ़ाना -- to bridle.
लगाम ढीली करना -- to give one his head, to give freerein; to give/allow latitude/freeplay; to withdraw restraint; toallow to go as one wishes.
लगाम देना -- tokeep under restraint; to withhold.
लगाम हाथ में लेना -- to take the reins inone's hand, to undertake thecontrol of.
  • लगालगी laga:lagi: -- (nf) involvement, attachment, love; intimatecontact.
  • लगाव laga:w -- (nm) attachment, love, affection.
लगाव होना -- to be attached(to/with).
  • लगी lagi: -- (nf) longing, ardent desire, what has been taken toheart.
लगी बुझना -- one's longing to befulfilled.
लगी बुरी होती है -- the flame oflove once ignited must have itstoll, love leaves none unscathed.
लगी छूटती नहॣं -- the inefection of lovepersists; the heart once lost cannever be retrieved.
  • लगुन lagun -- (nf) see लग्न-पत्र (under लग्न).
  • लग्गा lagga: -- (nm) a thick long pole; commencement, start.
लग्गा लगाना -- tostart/commence.
लग्गे से पानी पिलाना -- to render only nominal help.
  • लग्गी laggi: -- (nf) a thin long pole; a large pole (used to propel a boat); a fishing rod.
  • लग्गू laggu: -- (a and nm) who sticks to a man/work; who dogs/follows; ahanger-on; a paramour.
लग्गू-बज्झू/भग्गू -- a hanger-on, riff-raff.
  • लग्न lagn -- (nf) an auspicious moment for performance of a ceremony or commencement of a work; an appointed day/time of marriageetc; (a) attached, connected.
लग्नपत्र/पत्रिका -- a formal letter ordocument in which the date andtime etc. of the marriage ceremony are formally intimated; see लगन.
  • लग्नक lagnak -- (nm) a surety, guarantor.
  • लघिमा laghimā: -- (nf) smallness, littleness; lightness; one of theeight siddhis which enables aman to assume as tiny a form ashe likes.
  • लघु laghu -- (a) tiny, small, little, short; light; acute (as कोण); insignificant; low, mean; reduced.
लघुकरण -- reduction; abridgement.
लघुकाय -- tiny, of tiny form.
लघुकोण -- acuteangle.
लघुगणक -- logarithm.
लघुचित्र -- miniature.
लघुचेता -- low-minded, mean, parochial.
लघु-तंत्रिका -- nervule.
लघुतम -- minimum, lowest; smallest.
लघुतम समापवर्त्य -- least common multiple(l.c.m.).
लघुतर -- smaller; lower.
लघुता/त्व -- insignificance; smallness; meanness; humiliation.
लघुता की भावना -- inferiority complex.
लघुपेशी -- afollicle.
लघुमति -- fool, foolish; blockheaded.
लघुरूप/रूपी लघुरूपचित्र -- miniature.
लघु-रूपक -- a skit.
लघुशंका -- urine; making water, urinating.
लघुशंका करना -- to piss, to urinate.
लघु-संस्कारण -- abridged edition, miniform.
लघु-सप्तर्षि -- ursa minor.
  • लघ्वाहार lagghwa:ha:r -- (nm) light refreshment.
  • लच lach -- (nf) see लचक.
  • लचक lachak -- (nf) elasticity, flexibility, resilience; springiness.
लचकदार -- flexible, elastic, resilient/resiling.
लचकन -- see लचक.
लचकना -- to resile, tospring; to bend.
  • लचकीला lachki:la: -- (a) see लचीला.
  • लचना lachnā: -- (v) to bend; to mellow down; to assume flexibility.
  • लचर lachar -- (a) untenable; weak; ineffective; unstable.
लचर दलील -- anuntenable argument; hence लचरपन (nm).
  • लचलचा lachlacha: -- (a) see लचीला.
लचलचापन -- see लचीलापन (under लचीला).
  • लचीला lachi:la: -- (a) flexible, elastic, resilient, pliable; springy, willowy.
लचीलापन -- flexibility, resilience, elasticity, pliability.
  • लच्छा lachchha: -- (nm) skein (of thread/yarn etc.), hank; circularsilver ornament for the feet; akind of sweetmeat.
  • लच्छी lachchhi: -- (nf) skein (of thread/yarn), hank.
  • लच्छेदार lachchheda:r -- (a) having fine shreds; interesting, fascinating.
लच्छेदार बात -- fascinating talk, pleasant/amusing nothings.
लच्छेदार भाषा -- fascinating language.
लच्छेदार शैली -- fascinatingstyle.
  • लजाना laja:nā: -- (v) to blush, to feel shy; to be ashamed.
  • लज़ीज़ lazi:z -- (a) tasteful, tasty, delicious.
  • लज़ीला laji:la: -- (a) shy, bashful; hence लज़ीलापन (nm).
  • लजौहाँ lajāūhā: -- (a) feeling somewhat shy/blushed, reflecting some shyness.
  • लज़्ज़त lazzat -- (nf) taste, relish; deliciousness; tastefulness.
लज़्ज़तदार -- tasty, delicious, tasteful.
  • लज्जा lajja: -- (nf) shame; modesty; shyness, bashfulness.
लज्जाकर/कारी/जनक/प्रद -- shameful.
लज्जालु -- bashful, shy; hence लज्जालता (nf).
लज्जावती -- bashful/shy (woman).
लज्जावान -- bashful/shy (man).
लज्जा घोलकर पी जाना -- to be absolutely brazen/shameless, to be completely lost toshame; see लाज.
  • लज्जावंती lajja:wānti: -- (nf) a typical sensitive plant; (a) bashful/shy/blushing (woman).
  • लज्जित lajjit -- (a) ashamed; blushed.
लज्जित करना -- to put to the blush, to put to shame.
  • लट laṭ -- (nf) a tress, lock of hair, tangled hair; ringlet.
लट छिटकाना -- toscatter tresses/tangled or lockedhair, to have dishevelled locks ofhair.
  • लटक laṭak -- (nf) a bend, coquetry, blandishment; affected movement.
  • लटकन laṭkān -- (nm) a hanging pendant, pendulum; nose-drop; anything hanging.
  • लटकाना laṭaknā: -- (v) to hang, to over-hang; to hang in the balance; to swing, to lop; to suspend; tobe in a suspense, to keep in astate of indecision; to be delayed.
  • लट/का laṭka: -- (nm) a formula, tip; nostrum; device, trick; affectedmovement; ways; mannerism.
लटकेबाज़ -- one who shows off typicalmannerism, one who tries toimpress through typical devices.
लटकेबाज़ी -- display of typicalmannerism, an effort to impressthrough typical devices.
  • लटकाना laṭka:nā: -- (v) to hang, to overhang; to suspend, to keepwaiting, to keep in suspense; todelay.
  • लटकौआ laṭkaua: -- (a) hanging.
  • लटना laṭnā: -- (a) to thin, to become lean and thin.
  • लटपटा laṭpaṭa: -- (a) loose; faltering, stumbling.
  • लटपटाना laṭpaṭa:nā: -- (v) to stumble, to stagger, to falter.
लटपटाना -- .
जीभ -- tomispronounce, the tongue to slip/falter.
  • लटा laṭa: -- (a) lean and thin, weakened; also लटा-दुबला.
  • लटापोट laṭa:poṭ -- (a) bursting with laughter; fascinated, bewitched.
  • लटियाना laṭiya:nā: -- (a) to form into tresses, hair to be tangled in locks.
  • लट्टू laṭṭu: -- (nm) a (spinning) top; bulb; knob.
लट्टूदार -- fitted with abulb/knob.
लट्टू होना -- to be fascinated/enamoured/bewitched; to fall inlove.
  • लट्ठ laṭṭh -- (nm) a cudgel; long heavy staff; (a) blockhead, stupid.
लट्ठ गँवार -- stupid and boorish.
लट्ठबंद -- equippedwith a लट्ठ; a cudgel-wielder; onewho is equipped with a लट्ठ.
लट्ठबाज़ -- skilled in wielding or brandishinga लट्ठ.
लट्ठबाजी -- cudgel fighting; skillin wielding a लट्ठ.
लट्ठमार -- uncivil; harshly forthright.
लट्ठ लिए फिरना -- tobe always out to fight, inclinedto pick up a fight; to be hostileto.
लट्ठ-लिए फिरना, अक़्ल के पीछे -- to goout demanding tribute of thedead.
  • लट्ठा laṭṭhā: -- (nm) a log, raft; a five and half hand-span long bambooused for land-measurement; longcloth, a kind of white cloth.
  • लठियल laṭḥiyal -- (v) see लठैत.
  • लठैत laṭḥait -- (a and nm) skilled in wielding/brandishing लाठी, anexpert in brandishing a cudgel, cudgel fighter.
  • लड़ laṛ -- (nf) a string; row.
  • लड़क laṛak -- an allomorph of लड़का.
  • लड़क/पन, लड़कपना laṛakpan, ~panā: -- (nm) childhood; boyhood; childishness, puerility.
  • लड़का laṛka: -- (nm) a boy, lad; male child; son; bridegroom; aninexperienced person.
लड़केवाला -- thebridegroom's father/guardian.
लड़के-वाले -- progeny; members ofbridegoom's party/side.
लड़कोँ काखेल -- child's play, non-seriousaffair; an easy job.
  • लड़की laṛki: -- (nf) a girl; daughter; bride.
लड़कीवाला -- the bride's father/guardian.
लड़कीवाले -- members of thebride's side/party.
  • लड़खड़ा/ना laṛkhaṛa:nā: -- (v) to stagger, to stumble; to falter, tototter, to wobble, to titubate.
लड़खड़ाहट -- stagger/staggering, titubation; totter/tottering; stumbling.
  • लड़ना laṛnā: -- (v) to quarrel; to fight; to struggle; to collide, to clash; tocontend; to wrestle; to combat.
लड़ना-झगड़ना/भिड़ना -- to pick up quarrels; to have altercation; quarrelling/altercation.
लड़ मरना -- to fight likekilkenny cats, ṭo fight to mutualdestruction.
लड़ते-झगड़ते/भिड़ते रहना -- to lead cat and dog life.
लड़नेवाला -- a fighter, wrestler; combatant; quarrelsome.
  • लड़ाई laṛa:i: -- (nf) fight; war, battle; quarrel; encounter, clash; enmity.
लड़ाई-झगड़ा/लड़ाई -- broil, altercation, quarrel.
लड़ाई के बीज बोना -- to sowdragon's teeth.
लड़ाई में लिहाज़ कैसा -- allis fair in love and war.
लड़ाई मोल लेना -- to get embroiled in a fight, toown up a fight.
  • लड़ा/का, लड़ाकू laṛa:ka:, ~ku: -- (a) quarrelsome; pugnacious; warlike, militant, bellicose.
लड़ाकापन/लड़ाकूपन -- quarrelsomeness, pugnacity; militant spirit, bellicosity.
  • लड़ाना laṛa:na: -- (v) see लड़ना to caress, to fondle (as लाड़लड़ाना ).
  • लड़ी laṛi: -- (nf) a string; chain; row.
लड़ी बाँधना/लगाना -- to cause a row to be constituted, to have a continuousseries.
  • लड़ुआ laṛua: -- (nm) see लड्‍डू.
  • लड़ैत laṛait -- (a and nm) a fighter, combatant; skilled in fighting.
  • लड़ैता laṛaita: -- (a) darling, beloved.
  • लड्डू laḍḍu: -- (nm) a typical ball-like Indian sweetmeat.
लड्डू खाना, मन के -- tobuild castles in the air.
लड्डूफोड़ना, मन ही मन -- to revel within, to bevery happy at heart.
लड्डू बँटना -- tohave festivities; to have an easygain.
  • लढ़ा laṛḥa: -- (nm) a bullock-cart.
  • लढ़िया laṛḥiya: -- (nf) a small bullock-cart.
  • लत lat -- (nf) an addiction, a bad habit; an allomorph of लात usedas the first member in some compound words.
लतखोर/खोरा -- who isused to kicks; an object ofcontempt, self-debased.
लतमर्दन -- trampling under foot.
लतहा -- (saidof a horse, bullock, etc.) in thehabit of kicking.
  • लतर latar -- (nf) a creeper.
  • लतरा latra: -- (nm) a kind of bean used as a vegetable.
  • लतरी latri: -- (nf) a kind of vetchling.
  • लता lata: -- (nf) a creeper; vine.
लताकुंज/गृह/भवन/मंडप -- a bower, arbour.
लतावेष्टित -- covered withcreepers, enveloped by creepers.
  • लताड़ lata:ṛ -- (nf) scolding, rebuke.
लताड़ पिलाना/बताना -- to rebuke/scold roundly.
  • लताड़ना lata:ṛnā: -- (v) to scold roundly, to rebuke.
  • लताफ़त lata:fat -- (nf) delicacy, tenderness, grace.
  • लतिका latika: -- (nf) a creeper, vine.
  • लतियल latiyal -- (a) used to kicking (as a cow etc).
  • लतियाना latiya:nā: -- (v) to kick, to spurn; to humiliate, to insult.
  • लती/फ़ा lati:fa: -- (nm) an anecdote, a witticism.
लतीफ़ागो/लतीफ़ेबाज़ -- ananecdotist, a witticist; one whosetalk is replete with anecdotes.
लतीफ़ागोही/लतीफ़ेबाज -- anecdotage, witticism, abundance of anecdotes in talk.
  • लत्ता latta: -- (nm) a rag, tatter, a tattered piece of cloth.
लत्ते उड़ जाना -- to be shattered to pieces, to be tattered.
लत्ते ले डालना -- to rebuke/reprovesharply, to scold roundly.
  • लथपथ lathpath -- (a) soaked, drenched (in), besmeared (with).
  • लथेड़ना latheṛnā: -- (v) to drag, to draggle; to cause to trail behindon the ground; to rebuke roundly.
  • लदना ladnā: -- (v) to be loaded/laden/burdened; to be apprehended; gone/past (as वे दिन लद गये gone/past are the days when...).
लदा-फँदा -- over-laden, too burdened.
  • लदाऊ lada:u: -- (a) (meant) for loading.
  • लदाव lada:w -- (nm) loading; load, cargo.
  • ल/दुआ, लद्दू ladua:, ~ddu: -- (nm and a) (a) beast of burden; pack-horse; used to carrying loads.
  • लद्धड़ laddhaṛ -- (a) lethargic, slothful, slow (moving).
लद्धड़पन -- slothfulness; lethargy, slowness.
  • लप lap -- (nf) elasicity; a sound produced by moving a stick forcefully in the air or by a dog etc.while drinking water; palmful ofanything.
लपझप -- unsteady, fidgety; agility.
लपलप करना -- to produce लप-लप sound by moving a stickforcefully in the air or by a dogetc. while drinking water.
लप से -- atonce, quickly.
  • लपक lapak -- (nf) addiction (to grab advantage); flash, flame; gusto, swiftness.
लपक पड़ना -- to get addicted(to group advantages).
  • लपकना lapaknā: -- (v) to catch (as गेंदलपकना-); to rush forth; to pounceupon, to go out with a gusto.
  • लपट lapaṭ -- (nf) a flame; blaze; heat wave; a blast of fragrance.
  • लपना lapnā: -- (v) to be bent, to resile; to bend and resile in quick succession (as a cane).
  • लपलपा/ना laplapa:nā: -- (v) to be resiliently flexible (as a cane); tobe bent repeatedly; to brandish(as a sword); to show out thetongue (as in quick breathing); hence लपलपाहट (nf).
  • लपसी lapsi: -- (nf) a glutinous substance; porridge, a kind of हलुआ comparatively less thickenedand containing lesser amount ofghee.
  • लपेट lapeṭ -- (nf) a fold, twist; winding, turn; ambiguity; involvement, embroilment; striking range.
लपेटदार -- ambiguous; involved; folded, twisted, having windings/turns.
  • लपेटन lapeṭān -- (nf) folding, winding; a wrapper, cover.
  • लपेट/ना lapeṭnā: -- (v) to roll up, to fold; to reel; to wind; to cover; to unfurl; to involve; to entangle/implicate/embroil.
लपेटवाँ -- folding; wrapping.
  • लपेटा lapeṭa: -- (nm) fold, twist; winding, turn.
  • लप्पड़ lappaṛ -- (nm) a slap, blow of the palm.
  • लफ़ं/गा lafāṅga: -- (nm and a) a loafer/rogue; roguish, of loose character; hence लफ़ंगापन.
लफ़ंगेबाज़ी -- roguery, swindling.
  • ल/फ़्ज़ lafz -- (nm) a word.
ल-ब-लफ़्ज -- word by word.
लफ़्जी -- wordy, ofwords.
लफ़्जी मानी -- word meaning, direct meaning.
  • लफ़्फ़ा/ज़ laffa:z -- (a) verbose; using high-sounding phraseology; talkative.
लफ़्फ़ाजी -- verbosity, talkativeness; use of high-sounding phraseology.
  • लब lab -- (nm) lip; brim; rim; edge; bank (of a river etc.).
लबरेज़ -- fullto the brim.
लब-ए-दरिया -- on thebank of a river.
लब-ए-सड़क -- by/beside the road, on the road-side.
लब-ओ-लहजा -- delivery, manner ofspeaking.
लब ख़ुश्क होना -- the lips toget dried up; to be scared mute.
लब खोलना -- to speak out.
लब पर आना -- to find expression; to be on theverge of being expressed.
लब सीना -- to be tongue-tied, to keep quiet.
लबों पर दम आना -- to be on the vergeof death.
  • लबड़धोंधों labaṛdhōdhō -- (nf) clamour and confusion, row, mess; mismanagement; (a) slothful andstupid, inefficient.
  • लबदा labda: -- (nm) a small heavy stick.
  • लबाड़िया laba:ṛiya: -- (a) liar; tattler, babbler; hence लबाड़ियापन (nm).
  • लबादा laba:da: -- (nm) a cloak, gown; a heavy overall.
लबादा पहनना -- to don aheavy overall.
  • लबाब laba:b -- (nm) gist, essence.
  • लबार laba:r -- (a) see लबाड़िया.
  • लबालब laba:lab -- (adv and a) full to the brim; brimful.
लबालब भरा होना -- tobe full to the brim.
  • लबेद labed -- (nm) a custom, convention.
  • लब्ध labdh -- (a) obtained, got, acquired; (nm) a quotient.
लब्धकाम -- fulfilled, gratified, one whose wish has been fulfilled.
लब्धकीर्ति/नाम/प्रतिष्ठ -- renowned, who has acquiredfame.
लब्धचेत/संज्ञ -- restored toconsciousness.
  • लब्धांक labdhā:ṅk -- (nm) a quotient.
  • लब्धि labdhi -- (nf) acquirement, achievement; quotient.
  • लभ्य labbhy -- (a) available, attainable, accessible, within reach.
  • लम/गोड़ा, लमछड़, लमटंगा lamgoṛa:, ~chhaṛ, लमṭāṅga: -- (a) gangling, gangly.
  • लम/हा lamha: -- (nm) a moment.
लमहे भर में -- in a moment.
  • लय lay, lai -- (nf) rhythm; concord; cadence, melody, tune; fusion, merging; disappearance; destruction, annihilation (of the world).
लयबद्ध -- rhythmic, attuned.
लय में -- in arhythmic fashion; measured intune.
लयहीन -- rhythmless.
लयहीन करना -- toattune; to mould in a rhythm.
लय होना -- to be merged; to disappear; to be annihilated.
  • लयकारी layka:ri: -- (nf) attunement; moulding into a rhythm; (a) thatwhich attunes/moulds into arhythm.
  • लयात्मक laya:tmak -- (a) rhythmic(al), attuned.
  • लरज laraj -- (nf) vibration, quivering, shuddering.
  • लरजना larajnā: -- (v) to vibrate; to quiver; to shudder.
  • लरज़िश larzish -- (nf) vibration, quivering, shuddering.
  • ललक lalak -- (nf) craving, yearning, longing.
  • ललकना lalaknā: -- (v) to crave, to have a longing.
  • ललकार lalka:r -- (nf) a challenge, gage.
  • ललकारना lalka:rnā: -- (v) to (issue/hold out) a challenge, to halloo, to throw/fling down the gauntlet/glove.
  • ललचना lalachnā: -- (v) to be tempted, to be allured, to feel greedy.
  • ललचाना lalcha:nā: -- (v) to tempt, to allure, to wheedle, to entice; tocovet.
ललचाना , जी -- to feel tempted, to beallured; to covet.
  • ललचौहाँ lalchāūhā: -- (a) wistful, full of greed.
  • ललछौहाँ lalchhāūhā: -- (a) reddish; having a reddish tinge.
  • ललना lalnā: -- (nf) a woman.
ललनाप्रिय -- a women's man; one who loveswomen.
  • लला lala: -- (nm) a word of address or a vocative word for a child/boy.
  • ललाई lala:i: -- (nf) redness, ruddiness.
  • ललाट lala:ṭ -- (nm) forehead; destiny, fortune.
ललाट-रेखा, ललाट-का लिखा -- writ of(individual) destiny.
ललाट-रेखा अमिट है -- what is lotted cannot be blotted.
ललाट में होना -- to be the writ of destiny, to be one's fate.
  • ललाम lalā:m -- (a) beautiful, lovely, handsome.
  • ललित lalit -- (a) pretty, comely, sweet; elegant, graceful.
ललित कला -- fine arts.
ललित अकादमी -- academy of fine arts.
ललित-शैली -- elegant style.
ललित साहित्य -- belleslettres.
  • ललौहाँ lalāūhā: -- (a) reddish, slightly red.
  • लल्ला lalla: -- (nm) an affectionate term (of address) for a child/boy.
लल्ला जानना, दद्दा न जानना -- to havelearnt only taking, not giving; tobelieve in only one way trafficof intake.
  • लल्लो-चप्पो, लल्लो-पत्तो lallo chappo, lallo patto -- (nf) huggery, wheedling, adulation.
लल्लो-चप्पो-करना -- to curryfavour, to ingratiate oneself byofficiousness.
  • लवंग lawāṅg -- (nm) a clove.
लवंग-पुष्प -- clove flower.
लवंगलता -- clove-creeper; a kind of sweetment.
  • लव lav -- (nm) a very small division of time; whit, particle; see लौ.
लवलीन -- absorbed, engrossed(as in thought).
  • लवण lavāṉ -- (nm) salt.
लवण कच्छ -- salt marsh.
लवण-काच -- salt glaze.
लवण-क्षार -- d kind of salt.
लवण-जल -- saline water, sea water.
लवणता -- salinity; beauty.
लवण-पटल -- salt-pan.
लवण-भास्कर -- a kind ofmedicinal powder (mixture ofmany kinds of salts and otherthings) used for curing stomachdisorders.
लवण-समुद्र -- sea of salt.
  • लवणित lavāṉīt -- (a) salted.
  • लवणिमा lavāṉmā: -- (nf) saltness, beauty.
  • लवणीय lavāṉi:y -- (a) saline.
  • लवणोदक lavaṉōdak -- (nm) saline water, sea (of salt water).
  • लवन lavān -- (nm) reaping, harvesting.
  • लवनी lavnī: -- (nf) butter.
  • लवनीय lavnī:y -- (a) reapable, harvestable.
  • लवलेश lavlesh -- (nm) a whit, very small quantity.
  • लवा lava: -- (nm) a kind of bird, lark; parched rice.
  • लवाज़ज़िमा lawa:zzimā: -- (nm) accoutrement, paraphernalia; necessities; hence लवाज़ज़िमात (plural).
  • लशकश्क/र lashkar -- (nm) cantonment, encampment (of army); host, irregular army.
लशकश्करी -- pertaining.
  • लस las -- (nm) pastiness, stickiness, adhesiveness.
लसदार -- glutinous, sticky, adhesive.
  • लसलसा laslasa: -- (a) glutinous, sticky, adhesive.
लसलसाना -- to be viscous; to be sicky; to stick.
लसलसाहट -- adhesiveness, stickiness.
  • लसित lasit -- (a) adorned.
  • लसीका lasi:ka: -- (nm) lymph.
  • लसीला lasi:la: -- (a) glutinous, sticky, adhesive.
लसीलापन -- glutinousness, adhesiveness, stickiness.
  • लसो/ड़ा, लसोढ़ा lasoṛa:, ~a: -- (nm) Cordia myxa—a tree and its fruit (used as vegetable etc.).
  • लस्टम-पस्टम lasṭām-pasṭām -- (ind) somehow or the other; slowlyand slothfully, in a disorderly orill-arranged manner.
  • लस्त last -- (a) exhausted, weary, worn out.
लस्त-पस्त -- wearied, exhausted.
  • लस्तगा lastaga: -- (nm) start, beginning; relation; series.
  • लस्सी lassi: -- (nf) a typical cold beverage (made of churned curd or milk mixed with sugar, ice and sometimes scent or essence etc.).
  • लहँगा lēhga: -- (nm) a long loose skirt worn round the loins flowingdown to the ankles.
  • लहक lehak -- (nf) flame, flash; blaze, glitter, glare.
  • लहकना lehaknā: -- (v) to rise up into flames, to blaze; to glitter, toglare.
  • लहकाना lehka:nā: -- (a) to cause to get excited; to incite to violence; to instigate (as a dog) to attack.
  • लहकारना lehka:rnā: -- (v) to excite; to incite to violence, to instigate tomake an attack.
  • लहजा lehja: -- (nm) tone, accent; intonation; manner of speech.
  • लहना lehnā: -- (nm) due amount; outstanding debt.
लहना-पावना -- credit and debit, dues payable and amountrecoverable.
  • लहर lehar -- (nf) a wave, ripple; surge; undulation; caprice, whim; a wavy pattern; vertigo causedby the poisonous effect of snake-bite; impulse.
लहरदार -- wavy; undulatory, sinuous/sinuate.
लहर आ जाना -- to be under an impulse; to be ina capricious mood.
लहरें लेना -- toundulate, waves to surge (in thesea/river).
लहरें गिनना -- to do aworthless job; to undertake anunproductive assignment.
  • लहराना lehra:nā: -- (v) to undulate, to wave; to shimmy; to fluctuate; to waver.
  • लहरिया lehriya: -- (nm) the total effect of wavy lines, wavy design orpattern of lines.
लहरियादार -- wavy, meandering, zigzag; having awavy or zigzag design/pattern.
  • लहरी lehri: -- (nf) a ripple, small wave; (a) capricious, whimsical.
  • लहरीला lehri:la: -- (a) see लहरदार (under लहर).
लहरीलापन -- sinuosity.
  • लहलह lehleh, lahlah -- (a) verdant, green; flourishing; blooming.
  • लहलहा lehleha: -- (a) verdant, green; flourishing, delighted, rapturous.
  • लहलहाना lehlaha:nā: -- (v) to flourish, to bloom; to be green; to be verdant; to wave.
  • लहसुन lehsun -- (nm) garlic.
  • लहसुनिया lehsunīyā: -- (nm) cat's eye, a precious grey-coloured stone.
  • लहालह laha:lah -- (a) verdant, green; delighted, blooming.
  • लहालोट laha:loṭ -- (a) bursting with laughter, extremely delighted.
  • लहीम lahi:m -- (a) flabby.
लहीमशहीम -- huge and tall.
  • लहुरा lahura: -- (a) younger, junior.
  • लहू lahu: -- (nm) blood.
लहूलु(लो)हान -- blood-smeared, drenched inblood; blood-stained.
लहू उबलना/खौलना -- blood to boil through rage; to simmer; to be red-hot in rage.
लहू औंटना -- to simmer, the blood toboil.
लहू का घूँट पीकर रह जाना -- to suppress one's rage; to endure somebody's excesses.
लहू का प्यासा -- blood-thirsty, after one's blood.
लहू खुश्ककर देना -- to be terribly scared; tobe stunned still.
लहू चूसना -- to suckthe blood (of), to exploit thoroughly.
लहू पिलाकर पालना -- to feed withblood; to rear with great difficulty.
लहू पीना -- to harass/pester noend, to trouble constantly.
लहू बोलना -- the secret of murder to manifestitself, the murder mystery to beout.
लहू में नहाना -- to be smeared withblood; to be drenched in bloodall over.
लहू में हाथ रँगना -- to stain one'shands with the blood of.
लहू लगाकर शहीद होना -- to be a sham martyr, topose as a martyr.
लहू सफ़ेद हो जाना -- to be lost to human emotions, tobecome inhumane.
  • लाँग lā:g -- (nf) the part of लाँग धोती that is tucked up at the rear.
लाँग खुलना -- tobecome nervous, to yield tamely.
  • लाँघना lā:ghnā: -- (v) to cross, to jump over; to transgress.
  • लांछन lā:ṇchhān -- (nm) a stigma, blemish; slander.
  • लांछना lā:ṇchhanā: -- (nf) stigma; blamed; slander.
  • लांछित lā:ṇchhit -- (a) stigmatised, blamed; slandered.
  • लांपट्य lā:mpaṭṭy -- (nm) see लंपटता (under लंपट).
  • ला la: -- an Arabic prefix used to express negation, or the sense ofbeing without and beyond etc. (as लाइलाज, लावारिस); (v) imperativesecond person singular form ofthe verb लाना.
  • लाइट la:iṭ -- (nf) light.
लाइटहाउस -- a light-house.
  • लाइन la:in -- (nf) a line.
लाइनक्लीयर -- line-clear (a signal given on railwaystations).
लाइन साफ़ होना -- to have noobstruction/obstacle, the line tobe clear.
  • लाइफ़ la:if -- (nf) life.
लाइफ़बॉय -- lifebuoy.
लाइफ़बेल्ट -- a life-belt.
लाइफ़बोट -- a life-boat.
  • लाइब्रेरियन la:ibrarian -- (nm) a librarian.
  • लाइब्रेरी la:ibreri: -- (nf) a library.
  • लाइलाज la:ila:j -- (a) incurable, irremediable.
  • लाइल्म la:ilm -- (a) illiterate, uneducated.
  • लाइसेंस la:isēns -- (nm) a licence.
लाइसेंसदार -- licensed; a licensee.
  • लाइ la:i: -- (nf) parched rice; back-biting.
लाइ-लुतरी -- back-biting.
लाइ लगाना -- to back-bite.
  • लाक़लाम la:qala:m -- (a) speechless, silent.
  • लाकिकेट la:kikeṭ -- (nm) a locket.
  • लाक्षण la:kshāṉ -- (a) pertaining to or related with a लक्षण.
  • लाक्षणिक la:kshāṉīḳ -- (a) metaphorical; symbolic; allegorical; pertaining or belonging to the meaning conveyed through लक्षणा; hence लाक्षणिकता (nf).
  • लाक्षा la:ksha: -- (nf) lac; shellac.
लाक्षागृह/भवन -- a house made of lac; an inflammable house.
लाक्षावृक्ष -- see पलाश.
  • लाख la:kh -- (nf) lac; sealing lac; shellac; (nm) the number one lac.
  • लाखा la:kha: -- (nm) colour made from lac.
लाखागृह -- a house made oflac; an inflammable house.
लाखा रंग -- lac-colour.
  • लाखी la:khi: -- (a) of the colour of lac, lac-coloured.
  • लाग la:g -- (nf) hostility, rancour; competition; skill in performinga job; something tagged/embroiled/involved.
लाग-डाट -- rancour, rivalry; competition.
लाग-लपेट की बात -- something said in a round aboutmanner.
लाग-लपेट न रखना -- to call aspade a spade.
  • लागत la:gat -- (nf) cost, cost price, expenditure; outlay.
लागत-, कुल -- totaloutlay; total expenditure.
लागत-के दाम -- cost price.
  • लाग/र la:gar -- (a) lean and thin, weak, feeble.
लागरी -- weakness, feebleness.
  • लागू la:gu: -- (a) applicable; enforceable; in force.
लागू करना -- to apply; to enforce; to implement.
लागू होना -- to be applicable/enforceable; to be implemented.
  • लाघव la:ghav -- (nm) skill, dexterity, smartness; littleness; minuteness.
  • लाचार la:cha:r -- (a) helpless; compelled; obliged, constrained; (adv) being helpless/constrained.
लाचार करना -- to compel, to force.
लाचार होना -- to beobliged, to be constrained.
  • लाचारी la:cha:ri: -- (nf) helplessness; compulsion.
  • लाज la:j -- (nf) shame; shyness, bashfulness; modesty; honour.
लाजवंत -- shamefaced; modest; shy, bashful.
लाजवंती/वती -- a very sensitiveplant called touch-me-not; feminine form of लाजवंत.
लाज-के मारे -- dueto shame/shyness; out of modesty.
लाज रखना -- to save one's face, protect (one's) honour.
लाज-से गड़जाना -- to be very much embarrassed, to hang the head through shame.
  • लाज़मी la:zmī: -- (a) essential, inevitable, obligatory, compulsory; incumbent (on).
  • लाजवर्द la:jward -- (nm) an amethyst -a kind of precious stone; ultra-marine.
  • लाजवाब la:jawa:b -- (a) unique, matchless, peerless; speechless, unable to reply back.
  • लाजा la:ja: -- (nm) puffed paddy, parched rice.
  • लाज़िम la:zim -- (a) see लाज़िमी.
  • लाज़िमी la:zimī: -- (a) essential, inevitable, obligatory, compulsory; incumbent (on).
लाज़िमी-तौर पर -- essentially; compulsorily.
  • लाट la:ṭ -- (nm) a lord; governor; pillar, lofty pillar.
लाट-, बड़ा -- governor-general, Viceroy (in pre-independence India).
लाट साहब -- a lordlyperson; a big gun/guy; V.I.P.
लाट समझना -- to take as a V.I.P., toregard a big gun.
  • लाटरी la:ṭri: -- (nf) lottery.
लाटरी निकलना -- to win a lottery.
  • लाठालाठी la:ṭḥa:la:ṭḥi: -- (nf) hitting one another with lathis; exchanging cudgel blows.
  • लाठी la:ṭḥi: -- (nf) a big staff; cudgel; lathi.
लाठीचार्ज -- lathi-charge.
लाठीचलना -- .
  • लाड़ la:ṛ -- (nm) affection, fondness, endearment; caressing.
लाड़ चाव/प्यार -- see लाड़.
लाड़ करना/लड़ना -- to fondle, to caress.
लाड़-लड़ैता -- fonded, dear/darling.
  • लाड़ला la:ṛla: -- (a) dear, darling (child, baby, son, etc.).
  • लात la:t -- (nf) a leg; kick.
लात के देवता/भूत बात से नहीं मानते -- rod is the logic of fools; a nod for the wise anda rod for the fool; well ! well!honey is not for the ass's mouth.
लात खाना -- to be kicked, to endurekicks.
लात चलना -- to kick.
लात मारना -- tokick; to spurn, to abandon withcontempt.
  • लातादाद la:ta:da:d -- (a) innumerable, numberless.
  • लातीनी la:ti:nī: -- (a and nf) Latin.
  • लाद la:d -- (nf) belly; entails, bowels; burden, loading.
लाद निकलना -- tummyto bulge out.
  • लादना la:dnā: -- (v) to load, to burden; to cumber; to heap one upon the other.
  • लादवा la:dawa: -- (a) see लाइलाज.
  • लादिया la:diya: -- (nm) a porter, one whose profession is loading.
  • लादी ladi: -- (nf) the load placed on the back (of a beast of burden); abundle of dirty clothes meant forwashing.
लादी की लादी धोना -- to wash alarge number of clothes.
  • लॉन lon -- (nm) a lawn.
लॉन टेनिस -- lawn-tennis.
लॉन प्रतियोगिता -- lawn-tennis championship.
  • लानत la:nāt -- (nf) condemnation, reproach, reproof; rebuke, censure.
लानत-मलामत -- reproach, reproof; curse.
लानत-मलामत करना -- to curse, to reprove, to reproach. लानत का तौक़ गले में पड़नाto be condemned, to be infamized.
लानत भेजना -- to damn (it), to let go tohell.
  • लानती la:nati: -- (a) reproachable; cursable, damned; reproached, cursed.
  • लाना la:nā: -- (v) to bring, to bring along, to fetch; to introduce.
  • लापता la:pata: -- (a) missing; disappeared, gone underground; untraceable.
लापता होना -- to be missing; to go underground, to disappear; to be untraceable.
  • लापरवाह la:parwa:h -- (a) careless, negligent; heedless, inattentive.
  • लापरवाही la:parwa:hi: -- (nf) carelessness, inattention.
  • लापिका la:pika: -- (nf) a riddle.
  • लाभ la:bh -- (nm) profit; gain; advantage; benefit; dividend.
लाभकर/कारक/कारी/दायक/दायी -- profitable; gainful; advantageous; beneficial.
लाभकर होना -- tobring grist to the mill.
लाभहीन -- unprofitable; inadvantageous; thankless; hence लाभहीनता (nf).
  • लाभांश la:bha:nsh -- (nm) dividend; bonus.
  • लाभालाभ la:bha:la:bh -- (nm) profit and loss; advantage and disadvantage.
  • लाम la:m -- (nm) war-front; army.
लाम-काफ़ कहना -- to reproach and reprove लाम तोड़ना to demobilise.
लाम पर जाना -- to go to the war-front.
लामबंदी -- mobilisation.
लामबंदी करना/लाम बाँधना -- tomobilise.
  • लामकान la:makā:n -- (a) homeless, destitute.
  • लामज़ह/ब, लामज़हबी la:mazhab, ~bi: -- (a) having no religion, one who doesnot believe in any religionreligionless.
  • लामा la:mā: -- (nm) a Buddhist monk.
  • लामिसाल la:misa:l -- (a) unparalleled, peerless, matchless; unique.
  • लामुहाला la:muha:la: -- (ind) being constrained/forced/obliged, having no other way out.
  • लाय/क़ la:yaq -- (a) able, capable, competent; worthy, fit; proper.
लायक़ीयत, लायक़ी -- ability, capability; competence; worthiness.
  • लार la:r -- (nf) drivel, saliva.
लारपुर्ण/लार-भरा -- slobbery.
लार-विषयकय/संबंधी -- to drivel, the mouth to water, to have eagerdesire to eat/obtain a thing.
लार टपकना, मुँह से -- to lick one's chaps/chops, to beslobber, to drivel, one's mouth to be salivated, tohave an intense desire to obtain/eat a thing.
  • लारी la:ri: -- (nf) a lorry.
  • लार्ड la:rḍ -- (nm) a lord.
  • लाल la:l -- (a) red, ruddy; angry, infuriated; communist (as लाल चीन); (nm) beloved/dear child/boy/son; beloved person; a kind of smallbird; ruby.
लाल अंगारा/भभूका -- extremely red, red hot; red hot due toanger, terribly infuriated.
लाल चंदन -- red sandalwood.
लाल पगड़ी -- the police(man).
लाल परी -- wine, liquor.
लाल पानी -- wine, liquor.
लालफ़ीता -- red tape.
लालफ़ीता शाही -- red-tapism.
लाल बुझक्कड़ -- villagewisecare, an ignorant fool whothinks very highly of himself andfeels competent to answer anyquestion.
लाल बूझिहै और न बूझै कोय -- theass waggeth his ears.
लाल मिर्च -- chilly.
लाल शक्कर -- unrefined/crude sugar.
लाल सागर -- red sea.
लाल सेना -- communistarmy.
लाल आँखें दिखाना/निकालना -- tolook angrily, to frown.
लाल-पीला होना -- to be black in the face, to bepurple with passion; to fret andfume, to be red hot with rage.
  • लाल/च la:lach -- (nm) greed/greediness, covetousness, avarice; allurement, temptation.
लालची -- greedy; covetous; avaricious.
लालच बुरी बला है -- no vice like avarice.
  • लालटेन la:lṭen -- (nf) a lantern.
  • लालन la:lān -- (nm) caressing, fondling.
लालन-पालन -- rearing; nurturing.
लालन-पालन करना -- to rear; to nurture, tonourish.
  • लालसा la:lsa: -- (nf) craving, longing, yearning.
  • लाला la:la: -- (nm) a word of respect prefixed to the names of certainHindu castes like बनिया and कायस्थetc. (as लाला लाजपतराय); a term ofaddress used for both elders andyoungers; a kind of flower or itsplant.
  • लालायित la:la:it -- (a) eager; tempted, enamoured.
  • लालित la:lit -- (a) reared, nourished, cherished; also लालित-पालित.
  • लालित्य la:litty -- (nm) grace, gracefulness, delicacy.
  • लालिम la:limā: -- (nf) redness, reddishness, ruddiness.
  • लाली la:li: -- (nf) redness, ruddiness; lipstick; rouge.
  • लाले la:le -- .
लाले पड़ना -- to become rare/inaccessible/beyond reach.
लाले पड़ना, जान के -- life to be in danger; to become difficult to protect life.
लाले पड़ना, दाने-दाने के -- to have to lookeagerly for each grain, each andevery grain to be difficult to get.
  • लाव la:w -- (nm).
लाव-लश्कर -- an array of followers/companions, large paraphernalia, goods and chattels.
  • लावण्य la:vāṉṉy -- (nm) charm, beauty, loveliness, comeliness.
  • लावनी la:wnī: -- (nf) a kind of popular folk-song.
लावनीबाज़ -- an adept in.
  • लावल्द la:vald -- (a) issueless, childless.
  • लावा la:va: -- (nm) lava; puffed paddy, parched rice.
  • लावारसी la:va:rsi: -- (a) see लावारिसी (under लावारिस).
  • लावारि/स la:va:ris -- (a) (used both for men and things) unclaimed, unowned; heirless; also लावारिसी( used only for things).
लावारिस बच्चे -- gutter snipes/children.
लावारिस/लावारिसी माल -- unclaimed property.
  • लाश la:sh -- (nf) corpse, dead boby; carcass.
लाशघर -- mortuary.
लाश गलियों मेंखिंचवाना -- to cause to be draggedin streets to insult after death.
लाश पर लाश गिरना -- fighting men to fallone after another, a heap ofcorpses to be piled up.
लाशों से पटजाना -- to be strewn all over withcorpses.
  • लासा la:sa: -- (nm) a glutinous/adhesive substance; bird-line; a bait; lure.
लासा देना -- to lure, to bait.
लासा लगाकर चिड़िया फँसाना -- to lure abird into captivity.
लासा लगाना -- toinvolve into a trap; to cause aquarrel.
  • लासानी la:sa:nī: -- (a) matchess, peerless, incomparable; unique.
  • लास्य la:ssy -- (nm) a kind of graceful female dance.
  • लाह la:h -- (nf) lac, sealing lac; shellac.
  • लाही la:hi: -- (nf) a typical insect that destroys (wheat and barley) crops; parched rice.
  • लाहूत la:hu:t -- (nm) this world, mortal world; the state of identity withGod.
  • लाहौल वला कूवत la:haul vala:ku:vat -- an Arabic phrase used to express disgust, indignation, hatred, regret, etc; be it damned!, damn it!.
  • लिंग līṅg -- (nm) male genital organ, penis, phallus; the phallus deityrepresenting Lord Shiv; gender(in Grammar); sex.
लिंग-उपासना -- phallus worship; phallicism.
लिंग और वचन -- gender and number (inGrammar).
लिंग-देह/शरीर -- the etherealform of corporeal body (that issupposed to accompany the soulto face the consequences of one'sworldly deeds).
लिंगपूजक -- a phallus-worshipper; phallicist.
लिंगपूजा -- phallus-worship, phallicism.
लिंग-दोष -- a mistake of gender.
लिंग प्रतिष्ठा -- installation of the phallus-deity.
  • लिंगायत līṅga:yat -- (nm) a sect of Shaivites.
  • लिंगिता līṅgita: -- (nf) sexuality.
  • लिंगेंद्रिय līṅgēndriy -- (nm) phallus, penis.
  • लिंगोपास/ना līṅgopa:snā: -- (nf) phallus-worship, phallicism.
लिंगोपासक -- phallus-worshipper.
  • लिंटर līṉṭar -- (nm) a lintel.
  • लिए lie -- (ind) for, with a view to, for the sake of, on account of; (a) taking, carrying, bearing; (v) past participle masculine pluralform of लेना.
  • लिक्खाड़ likkha:ṛ -- (nm) a prolific writer (used sarcastically).
  • लिखत likhat -- (nf) writing; document.
लिखत-पढ़त -- document, documentation; written deed.
लिखत-पढ़त करना -- to reduce (an agreement etc.) towriting.
  • लिखना likhnā: -- (v) to write, to note down, to record, to inscribe; toenter (in a book).
लिखना-पढ़ना -- to study; writing and reading, studying.
लिखना , किसी के नाम -- to debit to theaccount of; to address (a letter.
  • लखनी likhnī: -- (nf) the process/act of writing; fate, lot.
लखनी टलती नहीं -- what is lotted cannot be blotted.
  • लिखवाई likhwa:i: -- (nf) remuneration for writing.
  • लिखा likha: -- (a) written, what is written; lotted, destined.
लिखा न मेटसकना -- what is lotted cannot be blotted.
  • लिखाई likha:i: -- (nf) writing, the act/process of writing or the remuneration paid therefor.
लिखाई-पढ़ाई -- study, education.
  • लिखापढ़ी likha:paṛḥi: -- (nf) written agreement; correspondence; documentation (of conditions etc.).
  • लिखावट likha:waṭ -- (nf) hand, hand-writing; writing.
  • लिखित likhit -- (a) written, recorded, reduced to black and white.
  • लिखितव्य likhitavvy -- (a) to be written; writable, worth writing.
  • लिजलिजा lijlija: -- (a) abominable, physically loathsome, repulsive; spineless, lifeless; impotent; hence लिजलिजापन (nm).
  • लिटाना liṭa:nā: -- (v) to make somebody lie down; to (cause to) lay.
  • लिटर liṭar -- (nm) a litre.
  • लिट्ट liṭṭ -- (nm) a thick and large bread, pancake.
  • लिट्टी liṭṭi: -- (nf) a small-sized लिट्ट.
  • लिपटना lipaṭnā: -- (v) to embrace; to cling, to coil around; to besmeared; to concentrate on awork.
  • लिपाई lipa:i: -- (nf) the process of or wages paid for pargetting/plastering.
लिपाई पुताई -- plastering and whitewashing; cleaning and tidying; giving a face lift.
  • लिपा-पुता lipa:puta: -- (a) clean and tidy: pargetted and whitewashed(used for mud houses).
  • लिपि lipi -- (nf) a script; writing.
लिपिकर/कार -- a scribe; clerk; copy.
लिपि काल -- the date of copying/scribing.
लिपिग्राम -- grapheme.
लिपिग्राम विज्ञान -- graphemics.
लिपिवद्ध -- recorded, written, reduced to black andwhite; hence लिपिबद्धता.
लिपिविज्ञानशास्त्र -- science of writing.
  • लिपिक lipik -- (nm) a clerk, scribe.
  • लिप्त lipt -- (a) engrossed, absorbed; deeply attached, involved; hence लिप्तता (nf).
  • लिप्यंतरण lippyāntarān -- (nm) transcription; transliteration.
  • लिप्सा lipsa: -- (nf) lure, greed, ardent desire.
  • लिप्सु lipsu -- (a) greedy, overpowered by lure, ardently desirous.
  • लिफ़ाफ़ा lifa:fa: -- (nm) an envelope; wrapper, cover.
लिफ़ाफ़ा खुल जाना -- thesecret to be out; to be exposed.
लिफ़ाफ़ा बदलना -- to be dressed anew; tohave a fresh make-up.
  • लिफ़ाफ़िया lifa:fiya: -- (a) showy; delicate, weak, feeble; not durable.
लिफ़ाफ़िया पहलवान -- a weak and delicate person.
  • लिबड़ना libaṛnā: -- (v) to be smeared.
  • लिबरी libri: -- (nf) liveries.
लिबरी-बारदाना -- ration and clothes, householdeffects.
  • लिबलिबा libliba: -- (a) gummy; tame, spineless, unassertive (man).
  • लिबलिबी liblibi: -- (nf) trigger.
लिबलिबी दबाना -- to fire.
  • लिबास liba:s -- (nm) dress, attire.
लिबास रस्मी -- formal dress.
  • लिया liya: -- (v) masculine singular past participle form of the verb लेना.
लिया-बेची -- purchase and sale, buying and selling.
  • लियाक़त liya:qat -- (nf) ability, merit; qualification.
  • लिलार lila:r -- (nm) see ललाट.
  • लिली lili: -- (nf) lily.
  • लिवर livar -- (nm) liver.
लिवर बढ़ना -- the liver to be enlarged.
  • लिसलिसा lislisa: -- (a) gummy, sticky; adhesive; hence लिसलिसापन (nm).
  • लिसोड़ा lisoṛa: -- (nm) see लसोड़ा.
  • लिस्ट lisṭ -- (nf) a list.
लिस्ट बनाना -- to draw up a list.
  • लिहाज़ liha:z -- (nm) considerateness; deference, respect; point of view.
लिहाज़ करना -- to be considerate (to), tobe deferential.
लिहाज़ से, हस -- from thispoint of view, in this respect.
  • लिहाज़ा liha:za: -- (ind) thus, therefore; on this account, accordingly.
  • लिहाफ़ liha:f -- (nm) a quilt.
  • लीं li: -- (v) past participle feminine plural form of the verb लेना (मैंने किताबें लीं).
  • ली li: -- (v) past participle feminine singular form of the verb लेना.
  • लीक li:k -- (uf) track, trackway; rut; trace.
लीक चाल -- tracking; followingestablished track; to go by tradition.
लीक खींचना -- to resolve; to announce a resolution.
लीक पकड़ना -- tofollow the track.
लीक पर चलना -- tofollow a trodden path/the tradition.
लीक पीटना -- to follow the tradition; to blindly, follow the beaten path; to stick to worn-outtraditions.
लीक लीक चलना -- to followan established course; to followthe tradition.
लीक से बेलीक होना -- to goastray, to violate the traditionalcourse.
  • लीख li:kh -- (nf) a tiny louse.
  • ली/ग li:g -- (nf) a league.
लीगी -- a leaguer, member of a league.
  • लीचड़, लीचड़र li:chaṛ, ~r -- (a) lethargic, sluggish, slow; stingy, clumsy in one's dealings.
लीचड़पन/पना -- sluggishness, lethargy; stinginess; clumsiness in dealings.
  • लीची li:chi: -- (nf) lichi (a kind of fruit).
  • लीजिए li:jie -- (v) deferential imperative form of the verb लेना (signifying immediate future).
  • लीजिएगा li:jiyega: -- (v) deferential imperative form of the verb लेनाsignifying immediate or distantfuture (cf. लीजिए) as also deferential interrogation conveyingthe sense 'would you like to takeit ?' (क्या लिजिएगा ? what wouldyou like to have ?).
  • लीड/र li:ḍar -- (nm) a leader.
लीडरी -- leadership.
लीडरी करना -- to be a professional leader.
लीडरी जमाना -- toestablish oneself as a leader, toestablish one's leadership.
  • लीडराना li:ḍra:nā: -- (a) befitting a leader, leader-like, in the natureof a leader.
लीडराना अंदाज़ -- (the) fashion/manner of a leader.
  • लीथो li:tho -- (nm) lithograph.
  • लीद li:d -- (nf) dung (of a horse/ass/elephant etc.).
लीद करना -- to yield tamely; to be scared.
  • लीन lī:n -- (a) absorbed, engrossed; merged; vanished, disappeared; hence लीनता (nf).
  • लीपना li:pnā: -- (v) to plaster; to coat; to smear.
लीपना-पोतना -- to cleanand tidy up; to whitewash andplaster.
लीप-पोतकर बराबर करना -- tomar irreparably, to ruin completely.
लीपा-पोती -- plastering andwhitewashing; patching up; marring/impairing/spoiling completely.
  • लीलना li:lnā: -- (v) to swallow, to gulp.
  • लीला li:la: -- (nf) sport, play.
  • लीवर li:var -- (nm) lever (of a lock).
  • लुंगी lūṅgi: -- (nf) a sarong, a strip of cloth tucked round the waist.
  • लुंचन lūṇchan -- (nm) plucking (hair etc.).
  • लुंचित lūṇchit -- (a) plucked.
लुंचितकेश -- one whose hair has been plucked, a Jain ascetic.
  • लुं/ज, लुंजा lūṇj, ~ja: -- (a) crippled; fleshy and flaccid.
लुं-पुंज -- flaccid, and feeble/fleshy, having nomuscles.
  • लुंठन lūṇṭḥān -- (nm) rolling.
  • लुंठित lūṉṭḥit -- (a) rolled.
लुंठित व्यंजन -- rolled consonant.
  • लुंड lūnḍ -- (nm) a torso; round rolled packet.
लुंड मुंड -- crippled; bundledup.
  • लुं/डा lūnḍa: -- (nm) a round ball of thread; (a) tailless (as लुं बैल); hence लुंडी feminine form.
  • लुआ/ठ lua:ṭḥ -- (nm) burning wood; also लुआठी (diminutive).
  • सुआव lua:b -- (nm) slime; pith; essence, gist.
सुआवदार -- slimy, sticky.
  • लुकना luknā: -- (v) to hide, to be concealed; to go underground.
लुक-छिपकर -- clandestinely, stealthily.
  • लुक़मा luqmā: -- (nm) a morsel.
  • लुक़मान luqmā:n -- (nm) a famous Arab physician known for hiscuring powers.
लुक़मान-के पास भी दवानहीं, वहम की तो -- none can evercure a hypochondriac.
लुक़मान को हिक़मत सिखाना -- to retail tips of the trade to an expert.
  • लुकाछिपी luka:chhipi: -- (nf) hide and seek; clandestine existence/goings.
  • लुकाट luka:ṭ -- (nm) a tree and its fruit.
  • लुकाठ luka:ṭḥ -- (nm) see लुआठ a tree and its fruit.
  • लुग़त lug̣at -- (nm) a dictionary.
  • लुगदी lugdi: -- (nf) pulp.
लुगदीदार -- pulpy.
  • लुगरी lugri: -- (nf) old and tattered लुगरी धोती tattered cloth.
  • लुग़वी lug̣wi: -- (a) of dictionary.
लुग़वी माने -- dictionary meaning.
  • लुगाई luga:i: -- (nf) a woman; wife.
लुगाईबाज़ -- a womanizer.
लुगाईबाज़ी -- womanizing.
  • लुग़ात laga:t -- (nm) plural of लुग़त a dictionary.
  • लुग्गा lugga: -- (nm) cloth.
  • लु/चई, लुचुई luchai:, ~chui: -- (nf) soft and very thin लुपुरी (prepared of मैदा).
  • लुच्चा luchcha: -- (a and nm) vile, wanton (person), subject, depraved; a scoundrel, black sheep; : a bad egg/hat.
लुच्चापन -- vileness, wantonness, scoundrelism, depravity.
  • लुटना luṭnā: -- (v) to be robbed/plundered/marauded.
  • लुटाऊ luṭa:u: -- (a) squandering.
  • लुटाना luṭa:nā: -- (v) to squander; to allow to be plundered, to blow the expense.
  • लुटिया luṭlya: -- (nf) a small लोटा लुटिया डुबोना to bring ruin, to cause undoing (of); to bring disgrace.
  • लुटेरा luṭera: -- (nm) robber, plunderer, marauder, bandit; hence लुटेरापन (nm).
  • लुढ़कना luṛḥaknā: -- (v) to roll down; to be toppled, to tumble down.
  • लुतरा lutra: -- (a) backbiter.
लुतरापन -- backbiting.
  • लुत्फ़ lutf -- (nm) fun; pleasure, enjoyment.
लुत्फ़-ए-ज़िंदगी -- pleasure of life.
लुत्फ़ उठाना/लेना -- to have fun; to enjoy.
  • लुनना lunnā: -- (v) to reap a harvest.
  • लुनाई luna:i: -- (nf) the process or act of reaping a harvest or the wages paid for it; prettiness; beauty.
  • लुप्त lupt -- (a) disappeared, vanished; hidden; extinct, obsolete; missing, omitted.
लुप्त अर्थ -- obsolete meaning; hence लुप्तता (nf).
लुप्त पद -- an omitted term; where a term has elided.
लुप्त/लुप्त-प्रयोग -- obsolete (usage).
  • लुप्तावशेष lupta:vashesh -- (nm) vestige; traces.
  • लुप्ति lupti -- (nf) elision; emission.
  • लुब्ध lubdh -- (a) charmed, attracted, allured.
  • लुब्बे-लुलबाब lubbe-lulaba:b -- (nm) essence, gist.
  • लुभाना lubha:nā: -- (v) to lure; to to charm, to attract, to tantalise; to entice; to captivate; to belured/charmed/attracted/tantalised/lured/enticed.
  • लुहार luha:r -- (nm) a blacksmith.
लुहारख़ाना -- a blacksmith's workshop.
  • लुहारी luha:ri: -- (nf) the profession or work of a blacksmith.
  • लू lu: -- (nf) warm air; heat wave; sunstroke.
लू मारना -- to suffer a sunstroke.
लू लगना -- to have a sunstroke.
  • लूक lu:k -- (nm) a meteor, falling or shooting star.
  • लूका lu:ka: -- (nm) flash, flare, blaze; burning wood.
  • लूट lu:ṭ -- (nf) plunder; booty; spoil.
लूट का माल -- booty; spoils.
लूट खसोट -- plunder, pillage, maraudery.
लूट-पाट/मार -- plundering and killing; pillage, marauding.
लूट मचाना -- to plunder at will, to cause a havoc through plunder.
  • लूटना lu:ṭnā: -- (v) to plunder, to maraud, to pillage, to loot.
लूटना-खसोटना/लूटना-खाना -- to maraud, to live by plunder; to misappropriate others' money.
लूटना पाटना -- see लूटना.
  • लूण lū:n -- (nm) salt.
  • लूता lu:ta: -- (nf) a spider.
लूता-तंतु -- spider's web.
  • लूनना lūnanā: -- (v) to reap a harvest.
  • लूम lu:m -- (nm) tail; a (hand) loom.
लूम , पावर -- a power loom.
  • लूला lu:la: -- (a) handless, with a dismembered hand; maimed.
लूला-लँगड़ा -- crippled, disabled.
  • लूलू lu:lu: -- (a and nm) (an) idiot, nincompoop; a nitwit.
लूलू बनाना -- to befool, to make fun of.
  • लें/ड, लेंड़ lēḍ.
लेंṛ -- -- (nm) hard excrement.
लेंड़ा -- timid, coward.
  • लेंड़ी lēṛi: -- (nf) small round dung (of goat, sheep, etc.).
  • लेंस lēns -- (nm) a lens.
लेंसदार -- fitted with a lens.
  • लेंह/ड़ lēhāṛ -- (nm) herd, flock (of beasts); also लेंहड़ा (nm), लेंहड़ी (nf).
  • लेई lei: -- (nf) (adhesive) paste (prepared from flour or arrowroot etc.); due.
लेई-पूँजी -- all one's assets, total effects.
  • लेकिन lekin -- (ind) but; on the other hand; however.
  • लेक्चर lekchar -- (nm) a lecture.
लेक्चरर -- a lecturer.
लेक्चरबाजी -- too much oflecturing.
लेक्चर झाड़ना -- (said in a satirical vein) to deliver a discourse, to start lecturing.
लेक्चर देना -- to lecture.
लेक्चर पिलाना -- to administer a good doseof lecturing.
  • लेख lekh -- (nm) an article; paper; writing, handwriting; writ.
लेखबद्ध -- written; reduced to black and.
  • लेख/क lekhak -- (nm) a writer, an author.
लेखकी -- the job or work ofor as a writer.
लेखकीय -- of orpertaining to an author.
  • लेखन lekhān -- (nm) writing, scribing, writing work.
लेखन-कला -- art of writing, calligraphy; chirography.
लेखन पद्धति -- system/method of writing.
लेखनशास्त्र -- graphology.
लेखन शैली -- hand-writing; style of writing.
लेखन-सामग्री -- stationery, writing material.
लेखनसामग्री-विक्रेता -- a stationer.
  • लेखनी lekhnī: -- (nf) a pen.
लेखनी का धनी -- who wields the pen effectively.
  • लेखनीय lekhnī:y -- (a) worth writing, fit to be written; hence लेखनीयता (nf).
  • लेखपाल lekhpa:l -- (nm) a lekhpal-person who maintains (village) land-records.
  • लेखांश lekhā:nsh -- (nm) a portion of a लेख.
  • लेखा lekha: -- (nm) account(s); record.
लेखाकार -- an accountant.
लेखा-जोखा -- calculation; estimate; account.
लेखा-परी क्षक -- an auditor.
लेखा-परीक्षण / लेखा-परीक्षा -- audit (ing).
लेखापाल -- an accountant.
लेखाबद्ध -- accounted for, enteredinto the accounts.
लेखाबद्ध करना -- toaccount for, to enter into theaccounts.
लेखा-बही -- an accountbook, a cash-book; ledger.
लेखा-विधि -- accounting (system).
लेखा-शास्त्र -- accountancy, accounting.
  • लेखिका lekhika: -- (nf) feminine form of लेखक an authoress.
  • लेखी lekhi: -- a suffix used in the sense of who or that which records (as तापलेखा).
  • लेखे lekhe -- (ind).
लेखे , के -- for, as far as ...is concerned, to (so and so); (nm) accounts.
  • लेख्य lekkhy -- (a) worth writing/recording; accountable.
लेख्य पत्र -- a document; an instrument.
  • लेज़ज़िम lezāzim -- (nf) a kind of bow fitted with iron chain (used for exercise).
  • लेट leṭ -- (a) late.
लेट फ़ीस -- late fee.
  • लेटना leṭnā: -- (v) to lie; to lie down; to repose, to recline.
  • लेटरबाबॉक्स leṭarba:boks -- (nm) a letter-box.
  • लेड leḍ -- (nm) lead (metal), also the metal strip for widening space between the lines in printing.
  • लेडी leḍi: -- (nf) a lady.
लेडी डाक्टर -- a lady doctor.
  • लेन len -- (nm) taking, receiving.
लेनदार -- a creditor.
लेन-देन -- transaction, exchange; dealings.
लेन-देन न होना -- to haveno dealings at all.
लेनहार -- a borrower.
  • लेना lenā: -- (v) to take; to accept; to borrow; to buy; to hold; to receive लेना आड़े हाथों to put to shame bysarcastic remarks; to rebuke andreprove.
ले उड़ना -- to cut off fromthe context and misrepresent; topinch something and make goodone's escape; to run away with.
ले डालना -- to ruin, to destroy.
ले डूबना -- to be drowned along with, toinvolve others in one's fall.
ले-देकर -- on the whole, somehow, withgreat difficulty.
ले-दे करना -- to wrangle, to clamour, to dispute.
ले-देमचना -- to have too much of clamouring/wrangling.
लेना-देना -- see लेन-देन( under लेन).
लेना एक न देना दो -- to haveno concern whatsoever; for nothing, for no purpose at all.
लेने केदेने पड़ना -- to have the tables turnedupon oneself; to sustain a blowwhile trying to hit; to lose whileexpecting to profit.
ले बैठना -- tocrash along with, to perish alongwith.
ले मरना -- to perish along.
  • लेप lep -- (nm) ointment; smearing.
लेप करना -- to anoint; to coat; to smear (with).
  • लेपन lepan -- (nm) anointing; coating; smearing.
  • लेपना lepnā: -- (v) to anoint; to coat; to smear.
  • लेपनीय lepnī:y -- (a) worth anointing/coating/smearing.
  • लेप्य leppy -- (a) लेपनीय.
  • लेफ़्टिनेंट lefṭinēṉṭ -- (nm) lieutenant.
लेफ़्टिनेंट-कर्नल -- lieutenant colonel.
लेफ़्टिनेंट-जनरल -- lieutenant general.
  • लेबबि/बुल lebabi/bul -- (nm) a label.
लेबबि लगाना -- to label.
  • लेबोरेटरी leboreṭari: -- (nm) a laboratory.
लेबोरेटरी-असिस्टेंट -- a laboratory assistant.
  • लेमन/चूस, लेमनजूस lemānchu:s, ~ju:s -- (nm) lemon-juice.
  • लेमनेड lemāneḍ -- (nm) a lemonade.
  • लेव lew -- (nm) see लेप; accumulation of adequate quantity of waterin the field for planting paddy.
  • लेवा lewa: -- (nm) a thin mattress of (shattered) cloth; one who takes(e.g. नामलेवा).
  • लेश lesh -- (a) very little; (nm) modicum, iota, trace; whit.
लेश मात्र -- a trace of, an iota of, modicum of.
  • लेस les -- (nm) stickiness; adhesiveness.
लेसदार -- sticky, gummy.
  • लेहना lehnā: -- (nm) fodder, provender (for cattle).
  • लेहाज़ा leha:za: -- (ind) see लिहाज़ा.
  • लेहाफ़ leha:f -- (nm) लिहाफ़.
  • लैंगिक lāīṅgik -- (a) sexual; phallic.
  • लैंप lāīmp -- (nm) lamp.
  • लैटिन laiṭin -- (nf) Latin.
  • लैला laila: -- (nf) the heroine of the celebrated love-tale of लैला-मजनूँ लैला-मजनूँcrazy lovers.
  • लैवेंड़र laivēṉḍar -- (nm) levendar.
  • लैसंस laisāns -- (nm) licence.
लैसंसदार -- a licensee; licensed.
  • लैस lais -- (a) equipped/fitted (with); ready.
  • लोंदा lōda: -- (nm) a ball of any wet powder (as मिट्टी कालोंदा-).
लोंदा , मिट्टी का -- absolutely inert (person), inactive and slothful.
  • लो lo -- (ind) a term for expressing surprise or attracting somebody'sattention; now see this one !.
  • लोइया loiya: -- (nf) a small ball of kneaded flour to be spread into abread.
  • लोई loi: -- (nf) a kind of thin woollen wrapper or blanket; see लोइया.
  • लोक lok -- (nm) the world; one of the three worlds लोक स्वर्ग, पृथ्वी, पाताल; one of the fourteen worlds (ofwhich seven are above and sevenbelow); people, folk; public; (a) popular, public.
लोक-आख्यान -- a folkmyth.
लोक-कथा -- a folk tale, folk lore.
लोक-कल्याण -- public welfare.
लोक-कहानी -- folk tale.
लोक-गाथा -- a ballad.
लोक-गीत -- a folk song.
लोक-चित्र -- folk mind, popular mind.
लोक-जीवन -- public life.
लोकतंत्र -- democracy.
लोकतंत्रीय -- democratic.
लोकतांत्रिक -- democratic; ademocrat.
लोकत्रय/त्रयी -- the threeworlds लोक आकाश, पाताल and मृत्युलोक.
लोकव्दय -- the two worlds—earth andheaven.
लोक-निंदा -- public slander.
लोक-नीति -- folk ethics, folk morals.
लोक-नृत्य -- folk dance.
लोक-पद्धति -- popularmethod/way.
लोक-पाल -- the protectorof the world.
लोकपरक -- secular.
लोकपरक ता -- secularism.
लोक-प्रवाद -- hearsay; rumour.
लोकप्रसिद्ध -- renowned, world-famous.
लोकप्रिय -- popular.
लोकप्रिय ता -- popularity.
लोकबाह्य -- ousted from thesociety.
लोक-बुद्धि -- popular wisdom.
  • लोकना loknā: -- (v) to catch (a thing falling down).
  • लोकल lokal -- (a) local.
लोकलट्रेन -- a local train.
  • लोकान्तर lokā:ntar -- (nm) the other world.
लोकान्तरगमन -- to die; death.
  • लोकाचा/र loka:cha:r -- (nm) ethos, mores; convention, popular custom/tradition.
लोकाचारी -- worldly-wise, practical.
  • लोकाट loka:ṭ -- (nm) see लुकाट.
  • लोकापवाद loka:pwa:d -- (nm) public slander.
  • लोकायतन loka:yatān -- (nm) an atheist, a materialist.
  • लोकैषणा lokaishṉā: -- (nf) desire for worldly prosperity.
  • लोकोक्ति lokokti -- (nf) a proverb; popular saying.
  • लोकोत्तर lokottar -- (a) supernatural, transcendental; extra-worldly; extraordinary; hence लोकोत्तरता (nf).
  • लोकोपका/र lokopka:r -- (nm) philanthropy.
लोकोपकारक -- a philanthropist/philanthrope.
लोकोपकारी -- philanthropic.
  • लोग log -- (nm) a man; people, public.
लोग-बाग -- people; men in general.
लोग-लुगाई -- man and woman.
  • लोच loch -- (nf) flexibility, elasticity; tenderness.
लोचदार -- flexible, elastic; tender.
  • लोचन lochan -- (nm) eye (s).
  • लोट loṭ -- (nf) rolling; lying; (nm) a (currency) note.
लोट-पोट -- rolling; resting; bursting with laugh, rolling around in laughter.
लोट-पोट होना -- toroll around in laughter; to burst with laugh.
  • लोटन lotan -- (a) weltering, rolling; tumbling.
लोटन कबूतर -- a kind of pigeon.
  • लोटना loṭnā: -- (v) to roll, to wallow, to welter; to toss.
लोट जाना -- to falldown; to fall senseless on the.
  • लोटा loṭa: -- (nm) a small round metal utensil for the household.
  • लोढ़ना lorhnā: -- (v) to pluck (flowers).
  • लोढ़ा loṛḥa: -- (nm) a stone pestle, muller.
  • लोथ loth -- (nf) corpse, carcass.
लोथ गिरना -- to fall dead, to be killed.
  • लोथड़ा lothṛa: -- (nm) a lump of flesh.
  • लोदी lodi: -- (nf) a sub-division of the Paṭḥā:ns.
  • लो/ध lodh -- (nm) the tree Symploco racemoze (its bark and twigs areused for medicinal purposes); also लोध्र.
  • लोना lonā: -- (a) salty; pretty, pretty-looking; hence लोनापन (nm).
  • लोनी lonī: -- (nf) a kind of green vegetable; unprocessed butter.
  • लोप lop -- (nm) disappearance; elimination; elision; obsolescence; hence लोपन (nm).
  • लोबान loba:n -- (nm) (gum) benzoin, oil creosote.
  • लोबिया lobiya: -- (nm) a kind of bean used for vegetable, cow pea.
  • लोभ lobh -- (nm) greed, avarice; covetousness; temptation, lure.
लोभ-से कुछ नहीं मिलता -- all covet, all lost.
  • लोभी lobhi: -- (a) greedy, avaricious, covetous.
लोभीपन/पना -- greediness, avariciousness.
लोभी का पेट सदा ख़ाली -- a covetous man is ever in want, the more you covet the more youneed.
  • लोम lom -- (nm) hair; soft hair on the body; wool.
लोमनाशक -- depilatory.
लोमहर्ष -- see लोमरोमांच.
लोमहर्षक, लोमहर्षण -- see रोमांचकारी.
  • लोमक lomāk -- (nm) cilium (cilia—pl.).
  • लोमड़ी lomṛi: -- (nf) a fox.
  • लोरी lori: -- (nf) a lullaby.
  • लोलक lolak -- (nm) a pendant; pendulum.
  • लोलित lolit -- (a) oscillated; flickered.
  • लोलुप lolup -- (a) see लोलुपलोभी.
लोलुपता -- see लोभीपन.
  • लोशन loshāṉ -- (nm) a lotion.
  • लोष्ट loshṭ -- (nm) a lump of clay/earth.
  • लोह loh -- (a) see लौह.
  • लोहबान lohbān -- (nm) see लोबान.
  • लोहस lohas -- (a) ferrous.
  • लोहा loha: -- (nm) iron; (a) very hard; very strong.
लोहा , कच्चा -- pig-iron.
लोहा , पक्का -- steel.
लोहा करना/फेरना -- to iron (acloth).
लोहा बजना -- a battle/war to bewaged, fighting with swords toensue.
लोहा मानना, किसी का -- to acknowledge/confess supremacy; to concede somebody's superiority/superior skill.
लोहा लेना, किसी से -- tocross swords (with), to wage war.
लोहा होना -- to turn into steel, tobecome as hard as steel.
लोहे का दिल -- strong heart; unfeeling/ruthless heart.
लोहे की छाती -- strong heart; unfeeling heart.
लोहे के चने -- an assiduous job; ahard nut to crack.
लोहे चबाना -- toundertake an assiduous task.
लोहेको लोहा काटता है -- diamond cuts diamond, cunning outwits cunning.
  • लोहाना loha:nā: -- (v) (food or drink) to have a touch of iron in taste(by prolonged storing or boilingin an iron utensil).
  • लोहार loha:r -- (nm) a blacksmith; forgeman.
लोहारख़ाना -- blacksmith'sworkshop.
लोहारी -- blacksmith'sprofession or work.
  • लोहासव loha:sav -- (nm) see लौहासव.
  • लोहित lohit -- (a) red, reddened.
लोहितनयन -- red-eyed, one whose eyes are red(with anger etc).
  • लोहिया lohiya: -- (nm) an iron-dealer; a Hindu sub-caste (amongstvaishyas) whose original profession.
  • लोहू lohu: -- (nf) blood.
  • लौंग lāūg -- (nf) a clove; nose-stud.
  • लौंड lāūḍ -- an allomorph of लौंडा used as the first member of certaincompound words.
लौंडपन -- boyishness, brattishness.
  • लौंडा lāūḍa: -- (nm) a boy, lad, brat; a passive participant in sodomy, one with whom sodomy is committed.
लौंडापन -- brattishness, boyishness.
लौंडेबाज़ -- a sodomite, bugger.
लौंडेबाज़ी -- sodomy, buggery.
  • लौंडिया lāūḍiya: -- (nf) (derogatory usage) a lass, girl.
  • लौंडी lāūdi: -- (nf) a servant girl, slave girl, bond-maid.
  • लौ lau -- (nf) flame, glow; unwavering deep concentration; attachment.
लौ लगाना -- to concentrate on; to bedeeply attached to.
लौ लगाये -- engrossed in, identified with, deeply concentrated on.
  • लौका lauka: -- (nm) huge bottle gourd.
  • लौकिक laukik -- (a) secular; earthly; worldly, mundane.
लौकिकता -- secularity; earthliness; worldliness; mundaneness.
लौकिक व्युत्पत्ति -- folk/popular etymology.
लौकिक संस्कृत -- Classical Sanskrit (as opposed to Vedic).
लौकिक साहित्य -- secular literature.
  • लौकी lauki: -- (nf) bottle gourd.
  • लौज़ lauz -- (nf) almond; a special type of बर्फ़ी prepared by the admixture of almond, khoya: and sugar.
  • लौट laut -- (nf) returning.
लौट-पौट -- topsyturvy/topsyturvied.
लौट-फेर -- substantial change (of order etc.); modification.
  • लौटना lauṭnā: -- (v) to return, to come back: to retreat, to withdraw; to topsyturvy/to be topsyturvied; to be upturned.
  • लौटाना lauṭa:nā: -- (v) to return, to give back; to send back; to refund; to topsyturvy; to upturn.
  • लौटानी lauṭa:nī: -- (ind) while returning or coming back, in return trip.
  • लौना launā: -- (nm) fuel.
  • लौनी launī: -- (nf) unprocessed butter.
  • लौह lauh -- (nm) iron; (a) made of iron; ferrous.
लौहकार -- a blacksmith.
लौहकिट्ट -- rust of iron.
लौहचूर्ण -- iron filings.
लौह पट -- iron curtain.
लौह पात्र -- ironware.
लौह पुरुष -- an iron man.
लौहमय -- ferric, ferrate; abounding in iron.
लौह युग -- iron age.
लौहसार -- steel.
  • लौहासव lauha:sav -- (nm) a medicinal tonic, a beverage prepared from processed iron and other ingredients.