सामग्री पर जाएँ

विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : व

विक्षनरी से

हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें

  • व va -- (a) bent, curved; hence वता (nf).
वनाल -- a nerve of thebody.
वनाली -- the nerve Sushumna:.
  • वंकट vāṅkaṭ -- (a) curved; intricate, difficult.
  • वंकिम vaṅkim -- (a) slightly curved/bent; hence वंकिमता (nf).
  • वंग vāṅg -- (nm) the eastern Indian state of Bengal; tin or tin-ash.
वंगज -- vermilion; brass; born in Bengal; a Bengali.
वंगभंग -- the partition of Bengal in pre-Independence India which sparked off an unprecedented stir.
वंग देश -- the state of Bengal.
वंग-संस्कृति -- the Bengali culture.
वंगीय -- of, pertaining or belonging to, Bengal.
  • वंच/क vāṇchak -- (a and nm) fraudulent, deceitful; a humbug, an impostor; hence वंचकता (nf), वंचन (nm).
  • वंच/ना vāṇchana: -- (nf) deprivation; deception, imposture, humbug; hence वंचनीय (a).
  • वंचित vāṇchit -- (a) deprived; cheated, deceived, tricked.
  • वं/टन vantan -- (nm) (the act or process of) allotting, allotment; hence वंटित (a).
  • वंदन vāndan -- (nm) adoration, obeisance; vermilion.
  • वंदनवार vandanva:r -- (nf) bunting of green leaves (that are hung up on auspicious occasions).
  • वंदना vāndanā: -- (nf) deferential salutation; obeisance, worship.
  • वंदनीय vāndnī:y -- (a) adorable, worthy of worship.
  • वंदित vandit -- (a) worshipped; revered.
  • वंदीजन vandi:jan -- (nm) a bard; a Hindu sub-caste (professionally employed in the olden times for singing the eulogies of royal patrons).
  • वंध्य vandhy -- (a) unproductive, sterile.
वंध्यकरण -- sterilization.
  • वंध्या vandhya: -- (a) (fem, form) barren, unfertile, unproductive.
वंध्यात्व -- barrenness; unfertility, unproductivity.
वंध्या-सुत -- an imaginary/impossible phenomenon.
  • वंश vansh -- (nm) lineage; family; clan; stock; dynasty; a bamboo.
उन्नति-शास्त्र -- eugenics.
वंश-किर्ति -- fame/reputation of a family.
वंश-क्षय -- family decay.
वंशगत -- pertaining toa family/lineage.
वंशचरित -- genealogy; family history.
वंशज -- adescendant, progeny.
वंश-तालिका -- genealogy or genealogical table.
वंशधर -- a descendant, progeny.
वंश-नाश -- the end or extermination of afamily.
वंश-परंपरा -- lineage; familytradition.
वंश-लक्ष्मी -- family goddess; prosperity of a family.
वंशलोचन -- awhitish earthy formation in thehollow of a bamboo used formedicinal purposes.
वंशवृक्ष -- a genealogical tree; genealogy; bambootree.
वंशवृद्धि -- family prosperity, family development.
  • वंशाग/त vansha:gat -- (a) inherited, obtained by inheritance.
वंशागति -- inheritance.
  • वंशानुक्र/म, वंशानुक्रमण vansha:nukkram.
वंशानुक्रāṉ -- -- (nm) family succession, genealogy.
वंशानुक्रमिक -- hereditary, inherited.
  • वंशानुगत vansha:nugat -- (nm) hereditary, obtained through lineal inheritance.
  • वंशावली vansha:vali: -- (nf) genealogy, genealogical tree.
  • वंशी vanshi: -- (nf) a pipe, flute; fife; fishing hook; an adjectival suffixconveying the sense—belonging to.
  • वक़त vaqat -- (nf) value, worth.
  • वका/र vaka:r -- (nm) the letter व and its sound.
वकारांत -- (word) endingin व् (v).
  • वक़ार vaqa:r -- (nm) prestige, honour, dignity; gravity.
  • वकालत vaka:lat -- (nf) advocacy, pleadership/pleading; practisinglaw.
वकालतनामा -- power of attorney.
वकालतपेक्षा -- practising law, lawyer.
वकालत करना -- to plead for; to practiselaw; to hold brief for; to arguein favour of.
  • वकील vaki:l -- (nf) a lawyer, pleader, an advocate.
वकील , सरकारी -- prosecution counsel, public prosecutor; counsel for the state.
  • वक़्त vaqt -- (nm) time; opportunity.
वक़्त का पाबंद -- punctual.
वक़्त आ जाना -- the destined time to arrive; the hourof death to come.
वक़्त गुज़ारना -- to leada tight life, to mark time; to bein straits.
वक़्त पड़ना -- to be in a crisis; to be in trouble.
वक़्त-बेवक़्त -- at alltimes; in times of difficulty/crisis.
वक़्त-वक़्त पर -- at times; periodically.
वक़्ती -- temporary, momentary; timely.
  • वक़्तन-फ़-वक़्तन vaqtān-fa-vaqtān -- (ind) occasionally, now and then, fromtime to time.
  • वक्तव्य vaktavvy -- (nm) a statement; (a) worth stating.
  • वक्ता vakta: -- (nm) a talker; spokesman; speaker.
  • वक्तृ/ता, वक्तृत्व vaktrita: -- (nf), वक्तृ{ttv} (nm) eloquence, art of speaking, oratory; speech.
वक्तृत्व-कला -- art ofspeaking, rhetorics, oratory.
  • वक़्फ़ vaqf -- (nm) a wakf, charitable endowment.
वक़्फ़नामा -- the waqf-deed.
  • वक़्फ़ा vaqfa: -- (nm) (time) interval, intermission; recess.
  • वक्र vakkr -- (a) curved; oblique; cunning.
वक्र गति -- zigzag motion; crooked, unpredictable; cunning move.
वक्रबुद्धि -- dishonest; crooked.
वक्र दृष्टि -- oblique glance, an angry look, frown; scowl.
  • वक्रता vakkrta: -- (nf) curvature/curvedness; crookedness; obliquity.
  • वक्री vakkri: -- (a) crooked; moving in an adverse direction (planets etc).
  • वक्रोक्ति vakkrokti -- (nf) innuendo; an oblique utterance.
  • वक्ष vakksh -- (nm) chest, thorax.
वक्षस्थल -- chest, chest region.
  • वक्षश्छद vakkshashchhad -- (nm) an armour.
  • वक्षोज vakkshoj -- (nm) breast of a woman.
  • वग़ै/रह, वग़ैरा vagairah, ~ra: -- (ind) etcetera (etc.).
  • वचन vachan -- (nm) utterance, speech; talk; a quotation of a treatise orscripture; number (in Grammar); commitment, promise, pledge.
वचनग्राही -- obedient.
वचनबंध -- an engagement.
वचन मात्र -- empty words, merewords.
वचन तोड़ना -- to break a promise/one's word.
वचन देना -- to make a promise, to give word to; to commit, to vow.
वचन निभाना -- see वचन पालन करना.
वचनबद्ध होना -- to promise, to commit; to make a contract.
वचनबद्ध करना -- tobind by promise or commitment.
वचन पालन करना -- to adhere to one'sword, to implement one's promise.
वचन भंग करना -- to break a promise; to break one's word.
वचन हारना -- to bepledged; to be committed.
  • वज़न vazān -- (nm) weight; importance, value; the measure of an alphabet or metre in Urdu or Persian.
  • वज़नी vazanī: -- (a) heavy, weighty; important.
  • वजह vajeh -- (nf) cause, reason.
  • वज़ारत vaza:rat -- (nf) ministership; ministry.
  • वज़ीफ़ा vazi:fa: -- (nm) a scholarship, stipend.
वज़ीफ़ा मिलना -- to be awarded ascholarship.
  • वज़ी/र vazi:r -- (nm) a minister; the queen (in chess).
वज़ीरे-आज़म -- thePrime/Chief Minister.
  • वजू vaju: -- (nm) washing of hands and feet (by a Mohammedan) before prayers.
वजू करना -- to washone's hands and feet.
  • वजूद vaju:d -- (nm) existence; presence.
  • वजूहात vaju:ha:t -- (nm) plural of 'वजह'.
  • वज्र vajjr -- (nm) thunderbolt, lightning; a fatal weapon; (a) very hard, impenetrable.
वज्र-घोष -- a thunder, thunderpeal.
वज्रदेह -- very hardy andsturdy.
वज्रहृदय -- a cruel/unfeelingman; hard-hearted.
वज्र गिरना -- a calamity to befall.
  • वज्रपात vajjrpa:t -- (nm) the stroke of lightning/thunderbolt; a terriblecalamity.
  • वज्रया/न vajjrya:n -- (nm) a degenerate offshoot of later Buddhist belief.
वज्रयानी -- a follower of the वज्रयानsect; pertaining to वज्रयान.
  • वज्रा/घात vajjra:gh:t -- (nm) a thunder-stroke, stroke of lightning; terriblecalamity.
वज्राहत -- thunder-struck, struck by lightning; struck by acalamity/calamitous blow.
  • वट vaṭ -- (nm) a banyan tree; also वटवृक्ष.
  • वटिका vaṭika: -- (nf) a pill, tablet; ball, small lump or round mass.
  • वटी vaṭi: -- (nf) a pill, a tablet.
  • वटु vaṭu -- (nm) a bachelor.
  • वटुक vaṭuk -- (nm) see वटु.
  • वडा vaḍa: -- (nm) round balls of ground pulse fried in ghee or oil.
  • वणिक vāṉik -- (nm) a trader, businessman, merchant; a member of the Vaishya community.
वणिक-कर्म (क्रिया) -- work of a trader, trading.
  • वणिग्वृत्ति vāṉigvritti -- (nf) the outlook/mentality of a trader; a trader's profession.
  • वणिज vāṉij -- (nm) a merchant, trader, tradesman.
  • वतन vatān -- (nm) homeland, native country.
वतनपरस्त -- a patriot.
वतनपरस्ती -- patriotism, patriotic feelings.
वतनफ़रोश -- who sells his country, atraitor; hence वतनफ़रोशी (nf).
  • वतनी vatnī: -- (nm) a compatriot; (a) pertaining or belonging to a certain country, native.
  • वत् vat -- a suffix to nouns or adjectives meaning similar to, akin to, like, resembling, etc. (as विधिवत्, पुत्रवत्).
  • वत्स vats -- (nm) offspring, progeny; used as a vocative word for son, nephew and younger relatives ornear ones in general.
  • वत्सर vatsar -- (nm) an year.
  • वत्सल vatsal -- (a) affectionate, tender.
वत्सलता -- affection, fondness, tenderness.
वत्सल भाव -- affectionate feeling, tenderness.
  • वदन vadan -- (nm) the face, features.
  • वदान्य vada:nny -- (a) munificent, bounteous, generous; eloquent; hence वदान्यता (nf).
  • वदि vadi -- (nf) appended to the name of a lunar month to mean itsdark half (as सावन वदि/वदि) etc.
  • वध vadh -- (nm) killing, murder.
वधजीवी -- a slaughterer.
वधस्थल/स्थली -- .
  • वधिक vadhik -- (nm) a murderer, an executioner; a hunter, fowler.
  • वधू vadhu: -- (nf) a bride, wife.
वधू-पक्ष -- the bridal party.
  • वध्य vaddhy -- (a) fit to be killed or murdered; who is to be killed orslaughtered; hence वध्यता (nf).
  • वन van -- (nm) wood, forest, jungle; water.
वनखंड -- forest; land; forestry; woodland.
वनगमन -- going to theforest; taking to asceticism.
वन , गहन -- dense forest.
वनचर/चारी -- aforester, woodman, forest-farer.
वनज/जाती -- wild, born in the jungle; a lotus flower.
वनद -- a cloud.
वनदेवता -- a satyr, sylvanus.
वन देवी -- a dryad.
वनधान्य -- wild foodgrain.
वनप्रांत -- forest; forestry; woodland.
वनपाल -- a forester; forest ranger.
वन-महोत्सव -- an Indian movement foraugmentation of the forest wealth.
वनमाला -- a wreath of wild flowers.
वनराज -- a lion.
वन-रक्षण -- forest preservation.
वनरोपण -- afforestation.
वनलक्ष्मी -- a forest-beauty; forest-godness.
वनवास -- dwelling in aforest; exile, banishment.
वनवास देना -- to command to dwell in theforest, exiled, banished.
वनवासी -- inhabitant of a forest; an ascetic.
वनविद्या -- forestry.
वन-संवर्धन -- forestation.
वन-संस्कृति -- forest culture.
वनस्थली -- woodland, forest land.
  • वनस्पती vanaspati -- (nf) vegetation; vegetable; hydrogenated oil ofgroundnut etc.
वनस्पती-घी -- vegetable oil, hydrogenated oil of groundnutetc.
वनस्पतीज्ञ -- a Botanist.
वनस्पती-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- Botany.
वनस्पतीवैज्ञानिक -- botanical; aBotanist.
वनस्पती-शास्त्री -- a Botanist.
वनस्पतीशास्त्रीय -- botanical.
  • वनस्पतिज्ञ vanaspatiggy -- (nm) a Botanist, botanical expert.
  • वनिता vanita: -- (nf) a woman; beloved.
  • वनी vani: -- (nf) a small forest.
  • वनौषधि vanaushadhi -- (nf) a wild medicinal shrub.
  • वन्य vanny -- (a) wild, born in a forest; savage.
वन्य पक्षी -- a wild bird.
वन्य पशु -- a wild beast.
  • वपु vapu -- (nm) the body, physique.
वपुमान -- good-looking; tangible.
  • वफ़ा vafa: -- (nf) fidelity, loyalty.
वफ़ादार -- faithful, loyal.
वफ़ादारी -- loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness.
  • वफ़ात vafa:t -- (nf) death, demise.
वफ़ात पाना -- to die.
  • वफ़ारा vafa:ra: -- (nm) moist fumigation.
  • वबा vaba: -- (nf) an epidemic, pestilence.
  • वबाल vaba:l -- (nm) a curse, calamity, affliction.
वबाल ए-जान -- a calamitousproposition, calamity.
  • वमन vamān -- (nm) vomiting, puke.
वमन करना -- to vomit, to puke.
वमन करने की इच्छा -- nausea, qualm.
  • वयःक्रम vayahkram -- (nm) age; stage of development in time.
  • वयःसंधि vayahsāndhi -- (nf) age of adolescence, the age of confluenceof childhood and youth.
  • वय vay -- (nf) age.
  • वयस्क vayask -- (a) adult; major.
वयस्क-मताधिकार -- adult franchise.
  • वयस्कता vayaskata: -- (nf) adulthood; majority.
वयस्कता-की आयु -- age of majority.
  • वयोवृद्ध vayovriddh -- (a) aged, old; veteran.
  • वर var -- (nm) bridegroom; a boon; (a) good, excellent, beautiful; a Persiansuffix meaning having, possessing, endowed with (as नामवर, ताक़तवरetc.); hence वरवरी (as नामवरी).
वरद -- boon-giving, gratifying one's.
  • वरक़ varaq -- (nm) thin and fine leaves of silver or gold; page of a book; the petals of a flower.
वरक़साज़ -- amanufacturer of thin and finesilver or gold leaves; hence वरक़साज़ी (nf).
वरक़ उलटना -- to turn apage, to open up a new page.
  • वरज़ि/स varzis -- (nf) exercise, physical exercise; hence सी (a).
  • वरण varāṉ -- (nm) selection, choice; marriage by choice.
वरण करना -- toselect, to choose/select a husband.
  • वरणीय varaṉī:y -- (a) worth selection/choice.
  • वरदान varda:n -- (nm) a boon.
  • वरदी vardi: -- (nf) uniform.
वरदीधारी -- in uniform.
  • वरना varnā: -- (v) to select or choose; (ind) otherwise, or else.
  • वरन् varān -- (ind) but, on the other hand.
  • वरम varam -- (nm) swelling, inflammation.
  • वरांगना varā:ṅgnā: -- (nf) a beautiful woman.
  • वराकांक्षी vara:kā:ṅkshi: -- (a) who prays for the fulfilment of adesire; desirous of a husband/bridegroom.
  • वरासत vara:sat -- (nf) see विरासत.
  • वरासन vara:sān -- (nm) seat of the bridegroom.
  • वराह vara:h -- (nm) a boar, pig.
वराह अवतार -- one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishṉū.
  • वरिष्ठ varishṭḥ -- (a) senior; best, most preferable.
वरिष्ठता -- seniority.
वरिष्ठता-क्रम -- order of seniority.
वरिष्ठ विद्वान -- a seniorscholar.
वरिष्ठ सदस्य -- a senior member.
  • वरीय vari:y -- (a) senior, having precedence; preferable.
वरीयता -- seniority, precedence.
वरीयता-क्रम -- order of seniority/precedence/preference.
  • वरुण varūṉ -- (nm) the presiding deity of waters according to the Hindumythology; waters.
वरुण लोक -- the kingdom of Varūṉ, waters.
  • वरुणालय varūṉa:lay -- (nm) the ocean.
  • वरे vare -- (ind) near, this side.
  • वरेण्य varenny -- (a) choice; classical.
वरेण्य ग्रंथ -- a classical work, classic; hence वरेण्यता (nf).
  • वर्ग varg -- (nm) a class, category, group; group of letters pronounced from the same part of thevocal organ (as कवर्ग, चवर्ग etc.); a square; square number.
वर्ग , उच्च -- the upper class.
वर्ग और जाति/वर्ण -- class and caste.
वर्गगत -- pertainingto a class, characteristic of aclass.
वर्गगत विशेषताएँ -- class characteristics.
वर्ग-द्वंद्व -- class struggle, class conflict.
वर्ग , निम्न -- the lower class.
वर्ग , निम्नमध्य -- lower middle class.
वर्ग-पहेली -- crossword puzzle.
वर्गफल -- square.
वर्ग-भेद -- class distinction/discrimination.
वर्गमुक्त -- classless.
वर्गमूल -- squareroot.
वर्गवार -- classwise.
वर्ग-संघर्ष -- classstruggle, class conflict.
वर्ग-समाज -- class society.
वर्ग स्वार्थ -- class interest.
वर्ग हित -- class interest.
वर्गहीन -- classless.
वर्गहीन समाज -- classless society.
  • वर्गाकार varga:ka:r -- (a) square, square-shaped.
  • वर्गीकरण vargi:karāṉ -- (nm) classification, categorization; taxonomy.
  • वर्गीकृत vargi:krit -- (a) classified, categorized.
वर्गीकृत विज्ञापन -- classified advertisement.
  • वर्गीय vargi:y -- (a) class, pertaining to a particular brand/class/category or group.
  • वर्गोत्तम vargottam -- (nm) the last letter of each of the five pentads of the Indian alphabet.
  • वर्ग्य varggy -- (a) belonging to a certain class or group; (nm) a colleague.
  • वर्च/स्व varchassv -- (nm) vitality, energy; vigour; lustre, shine; hence वर्चस्विता (nf).
वर्चस्वी -- full of vitality, vigorous, energetic; lustrous, shining.
  • व/र्जन varjān -- (nm) inhibition, taboo, prohibition.
वर्जनीय -- worth beingor to be inhibited/tabooed/prohibited.
वर्जित -- inhibited, tabooed, prohibited.
वर्ज्य -- see वर्जनीय.
  • वर्जना varjanā: -- (nf) an inhibition, a taboo; prohibition; (v) to inhibit, to taboo, to prohibit.
वर्जनाग्रस्त -- inhibitive, characterised/marked by taboos.
  • वर्ण varṉ -- (nm) a caste; colour; dye (used for colouring or writing); a letter of the alphabet.
वर्ण-क्रम -- colour scheme, spectrum; classification; alphabetical order.
वर्णक्रम-मापी -- spectrometer.
वर्णक्रमलेखी -- spectrograph.
वर्णक्रम-विज्ञान -- spectroscopy.
वर्णक्रमानुसार -- in alphabetical order.
वर्णक्रमिकी -- spectroscopy.
दूषण -- tarnish.
वर्ण-धर्म -- the duty orprofession of a particularcaste.
भेद -- caste/colour discrimination/distinction.
वर्णमंडल -- chromosphere.
वर्णमाला -- the alphabet.
वर्णरेखा -- streak.
वर्ण-विकार -- the transformation of one alphabet orsound into another.
वर्ण-विचार -- orthography.
वर्ण-विन्यास -- spelling.
वर्ण-विपर्यय -- metathesis, transposition of letters.
वर्ण-विभाग/विभाजन -- division ofthe Hindu community into fourclasses.
वर्ण-व्यवस्था -- the caste system.
वर्णसंकर -- cross-breed, hybrid.
वर्णसंकरता -- panmixia; hybridism.
वर्ण-संसर्ग -- intercaste union.
वर्णहीन -- casteless; colourless; etiolated.
वर्णहीनता -- castelessness; colourlessness; etiolation.
  • वर्णक varṉāk -- (nm) pigment; a painter.
  • वर्णन varṉān -- (nm) description, narration; commentary; hence वर्णना (nf).
वर्णनकर्ता -- a narrator.
  • वर्णनातीत varṉanā:ti:t -- (a) indescribable, defying description.
  • वर्णनीय varṉanī:y -- (a) describable, fit to be described or narrated; hence वर्णनीयता (nf).
  • वर्णांध varṉā:ndh -- (a) colour-blind.
वर्णांधता -- colourblindness.
  • वर्णागम varṉa:gam -- (nm) augment, addition or insertion of a letter(to a word).
  • वर्णानुक्र/म varṉā:nukkram -- (nm) alphabetical order.
वर्णानुक्रमिक -- alphabetical.
वर्णानुक्रमणिका/मणी -- alphabetical index.
  • वर्णानुप्रास varṉa:nuppra:s -- (nm) a kind of alliteration.
  • वर्णाश्रम varṉa:shshram -- (nm) the caste and the stage of life i.e.आश्रम.
वर्णाश्रम-धर्म -- duties related to thecaste and the stage of life (आश्रम).
  • वर्णित varṉit -- (a) described, related, narrated.
  • वर्ण्य varṉy -- (a) fit to be described/narrated.
वर्ण्य-विषय -- the theme; topic of description/treatment.
  • वर्तन vartān -- (nm) refraction; turning; (a) revolution, grinding.
  • वर्तनांक vartanā:ṅk -- (nm) refractive index.
  • वर्तनी vartanī: -- (nf) spelling.
वर्तनी-व्यवस्था -- spelling system.
वर्तनी-सुधार -- reform ofspelling.
  • वर्तमान vartamā:n -- (a) present, existing; current; (nm) the present; hence वर्तमानता (nf).
वर्तमान काल -- the present.
  • वर्तिका vartika: -- (nf) a vick.
  • वर्तित vartit -- (a) set in rotation or motion; done; past.
  • वर्तु/ल vartul -- (a) rotund, round, spherical, circular.
वर्तुलता -- roundness, rotundity.
वर्तुलाकार -- rotundus, spherical, circular.
वर्तुलन -- rounding.
  • वर्दी vardi: -- (nf) see वरदी.
  • वर्ध/न vardhān -- (nm) thriving; developing, increasing, growing.
वर्धक -- which causes development/increase/growth; hence वर्धित (a).
  • वर्धामान vardhamā:n -- (a) developing, growing, increasing.
  • व/र्म varm -- (nm) an armour.
वर्मित -- armoured.
  • वर्ष varsh -- (nm) a year; vast tract of land (as भारतवर्ष).
वर्षगाँठ -- birthday, birth anniversary.
वर्ष-प्रवेश -- the beginning of a new year.
वर्षबोध -- an yearbook.
वर्षफल -- astrological predictions for a (particular) year.
  • वर्षा varsha: -- (nf) rain; rainfall.
वर्षा-काल -- rainy season.
वर्षा-जल -- rain water.
  • वर्षागम varsha:gam -- (nm) the coming of rains; advent of a new year.
  • वर्षानुवर्षी varsha:nuvarshi: -- (a) perennial, following year after year.
  • वर्षीय varshi:y -- (a) aged, of a certain number of years.
.. -- year old; annual.
  • वलन valan -- (nm) fold; revolution, rotation.
  • वलय valay -- (nm) a ring, circle; fold.
  • वलयाकार valaya:ka:r -- (a) ring-shaped.
  • वलयित valayit -- (a) encircled; revolved.
  • वलित valit -- (a) folded, bent, enveloped.
  • वली vali: -- (nm) guardian, master; successor, heir.
वलीअहद -- heir-apparent, heir-designate. वली-वारिस guardian or heir, near relative, kith.
  • वल्कल valkal -- (nm) the bark of a tree.
वल्कल-वस्त्र -- cloth made from वल्कल.
  • वल्गा valga: -- (nf) rein, bridle.
  • व/ल्द vald -- (ind) son of.
वल्दियत -- father's name; parentage.
  • वल्मीक valmī:k -- (nf) white ant; an anthill.
  • वल्लभ vallabh -- (a and nm) dear one; beloved; lover.
  • वल्लरी vallari: -- (nf) a creeper, creeping plant.
  • वल्लाह valla:h -- (ind) Good God !, oh !, oh God !.
  • वल्ली valli: -- (nf) a creeper, creeping plant.
  • वशंवद vashāmvad -- (a) obedient; subordinate(d).
  • वश vash -- (nm) power; control; subjugation; used as a suffix tomean obliged by, compelled by(as कार्यवश, स्नेहवश).
वशवर्ती -- undercontrol/ sway, subjugated.
वश-का -- under control, under the authority (of).
वश-चलना -- to exercise control/sway (over); to have a say.
वश में करना -- to tame, to bring undercontrol/subjugation.
वश में होना -- to beunder the control/authority (of).
  • वशानुग vasha:nug -- (a) obedient, under control, subordinate(d).
  • वशि/ता, वशित्व vashita: -- (nf), वशि{ttv}; (nm) subjection; subjugation; fascination.
  • वशी/करण vashi:karāṉ -- (nm) fascinating or enchanting into submission/control.
वशीकृत -- fascinated/enchanted into submission.
वशीकरण-मंत्र -- a conjuration to bring (someone) under complete sway.
  • वशीभूत vashi:bhu:t -- (a) overpowered; tamed, brought under control.
  • वश्य vashshy -- (a) worth controlling; to be tamed/overpowered.
वश्यता -- subjection, subjugation.
  • वसंत vasānt -- (nm) the spring (season); a kind of ra:g in Indian classical music sung during the spring.
वसंत-काल -- the time of spring.
वसंत-पंचमी -- an important Hindu festival celebrated on the fifth day of the moonlit fortnight of the month of माघ the fifth day of moonlit fortnight of the month of माघ.
  • वसंती vasānti: -- (a) pertaining to 'वसंत' (spring); light yellow; (nm) light yellow colour.
  • वसंतोत्सव vasāntotsav -- (nm) the festival and merry-making of होली.
  • वसन vasān -- (nm) clothing, clothes, raiment.
  • वसा vasa: -- (nf) fat, fats and oils.
  • वसी vasi: -- (nm) a testamentary, one in whose favour a will is executed.
  • वसीक़ा vasi:qa: -- (nm) a document, deed; a stipend.
  • वसीय/त vasi:yat -- (nf) a will, testament; legacy.
वसीयतकर्त्ता -- a testator.
वसीयतनामा -- a will, testament.
वसीयती -- testamentary, pertaining to a testament; testate.
  • वसीला vasi:la: -- (nm) source, means, support.
  • वसुंधरा vasūndhara: -- (nf) the earth.
  • वसूल vasu:l -- (a) realised; collected.
वसूल करना -- to realise, to collect.
वसूलना -- see वसूल करना.
  • वसूली vasu:li: -- (nf) realisation (of dues etc.), recovery.
  • वस्तु vastu -- (nf) an article, thing; object; substance, material; action/plot of a drama; content.
वस्तु-जगत -- substantial world, phenomenal world.
वस्तु-ज्ञान -- knowledge of the essentials.
वस्तु-निर्देश -- an inkling of theplot.
वस्तुनिष्ठ -- objective.
वस्तुनिष्ठता -- objectivity.
वस्तुनिष्ठतावाद, वस्तुनिष्ठावाद -- objectivism; positivism.
वस्तु-रचना -- plot structure.
वस्तुवाद -- objectivism; objectivity.
वस्तुवादी -- an objectivist; objectivistic.
वस्तु-विनिमय -- barter, exchange.
वस्तु-विनिमय व्यवस्था -- barter system.
वस्तुस्थिति -- reality, real position, actual state of things.
  • वस्तुतः vastutah -- (ind) de facto; actually, in reality.
  • वस्त्र vastr -- (nm) cloth(es), textile, fibre, raiment.
वस्त्र विन्यास -- drapery.
  • वस्त्रागार vastra:ga:r -- (nm) a cloth-house, textile shop.
  • वस्त्राभूषण vastra:bhu:shān -- (nm) dress and ornaments, overallprank.
  • वस्ल vasl -- (nm) union; lovers' union, cohabitation.
  • वह veah -- (pron) he; she; it; that; as a suffix 'वह' imparts the senseof one who or that which bearsor carries (e.g. गंधवह, भारवह).
  • वह/न vehān -- (nm) conveying, carrying, bearing; transportation; hence वहनीय (a).
  • वहम vehām -- (nm) doubt, suspicion, false notion; superstition.
वहम का पुतला -- a very suspicious man.
  • वहमी vehamī: -- (a) suspicious; superstitious.
  • वहशत vehshat -- (nf) embarrassment; savagery; madness.
  • वहशियाना vehashiya:nā: -- (a) wild, fierce, (like or resembling a) savage.
  • वहशी vehashi: -- (a) savage, barbarous; mad.
वहशीपन -- savagery, barbarousness; madness.
  • वहाँ vahā: -- (adv) there.
  • वहिर् vahir -- see बहिर् and compounds.
  • वहीं vahī: -- (ind) there itself, at that very place/point, on the spot; ibid.
वहीं के वहीं -- there itself, there andthen; on the spot.
  • वही vahi: -- (pron) the same, the very, the very same.
  • वन्हि vanhī -- (nf) fire.
  • वांछनीय vā:ṇchhanī:y -- (a) desirable, worth wishing for.
वांछनीयता -- desirability.
वांछनीय व्यक्ति -- persona grata.
  • वांछा vā:ṇchha: -- (nf) desire, wish.
  • वांछित vā:ṇchhit -- (a) desired, wished for.
  • वा va: -- (ind) or, or else; either—or, whether—or; (int) oh! ah! alas!.
  • वाइदा va:ida: -- (nm) see वायदा.
  • वाइसराय va:isara:y -- (nm) a viceroy.
  • वाउचर va:uchar -- (nm) a voucher.
  • वाक़ई va:qai: -- (ind) in fact, actually, really.
  • वाक़फ़ियत va:qfiyat -- (nf) acquaintance; conversance.
  • वाकिफ़ va:qif -- (a) acquainted; conversant; (nm) acquaintance.
वाकिफ़कार -- an acquaintance; acquainted; having the know-how (for a job).
वाकिफ़कारी -- conversance, acquaintance.
वाकिफ़ होना -- to be acquainted/conversant with.
  • वाक़िया va:qiya: -- (nm) incident, event happening.
वाक़ियात -- chain of events/incidents.
  • वाक़े va:qe -- (a) happening, taking place; actual.
वाक़े होना -- to happen, to take place.
  • वाक् va:k -- (nf) speech, voice; utterance; goddess of speech.
वाक्कलह -- altercation, quarrel.
वाक्केलि -- jesting, witty conversation.
वाक्छल -- quibble/quibbling, prevarication; equivocation.
वाक्तंतु -- vocal cord.
वाक्पटु -- eloquent, skilled in speech.
वाक्पटुता/पाटव -- eloquence, skill inspeech.
वाक्पीठ -- a forum.
  • वाक्य va:kky -- (nm) a sentence.
वाक्यखंड -- a clause.
वाक्य-पद्धति -- method of sentence formation.
वाक्य-भेद -- syntacticaldifference.
वाक्य-रचना -- syntax, construction of a sentence.
वाक्य-विज्ञान -- syntax.
वाक्य-विन्यास -- amphibology, the orderof a sentence.
वाक्य-विशेष -- a particularsentence.
वाक्य-विश्लेषण -- sentence-analysis.
वाक्य-संयोग -- grammatical construction.
  • वाक्यांश va:kyā:nsh -- (nm) a phrase.
  • वाक्याडंबर va:kya:ḍāmbar -- (nm) verbosity, bombastic language, turgidity.
  • वागाडंबर va:ga:dāmbar -- (nm) boastful language, grandiloquence.
वागाडंबरपूर्ण -- declamatory, grandiloquent.
  • वागिंद्रिय va:gīndriy -- (nf) vocal organ, organ of speech.
  • वागी/श, वागीश्वर va:gi:sh, ~shshvar -- (nm) master of speech, an eloquent person, a great orator; a poet, an author.
  • वाग्जाल va:gja:l -- (nm) confused mass or multitude of words, grandiloquence; prevarication.
  • वाग्द/त्त va:gdatt -- (a) betrothed, engaged; hence वाग्दत्ता feminine form.
  • वाग्दान va:gdā:n -- (nm) betrothal, engagement.
  • वाग्देवी va:gdevi: -- (nf) Saraswati:वाग्देवी the goddess of speech.
  • वाग्बद्ध va:gbaddh -- (a) tongue-tied, speechless, mute; hence वाग्बद्धता (nf).
  • वाग्मिता va:gmīta: -- (nf) eloquence, apt and forceful use of words.
  • वाग्मी va:gmī: -- (a and nm) eloquent; an orator.
  • वाग्/युध्द va:gyuddh -- (nm) an altercation, wordy quarrel; hence वाग्योध्दा (nm).
  • वाग्विकार va:gvika:r -- (nm) lilopathy.
  • वाग्विदग्ध va:gvidagdh -- (a) eloquent, skilled in speech; witty; hence वाग्विदग्धता (nf).
  • वाग्विला/स va:gvila:s -- (nm) play of words, grandiloquence; elegance of speech.
वाग्विलासी -- playing on words, grandiloquent.
  • वाग्विश्वास va:gvishshwa:s -- (nm) parole.
  • वाग्वीर va:gvi:r -- (nm and a) a tall-talker; talkative (person).
  • वाग्वैदग्ध्य va:gwaidagdhy -- (nm) eloquence, skill in speech, wittiness.
  • वाग्वैभव va:gvaibhav -- (nm) richness of language, glory of speech.
  • वाङ्मय vā:ṅmay -- (nm) literature (in a wider sense).
  • वाचक va:chak -- (nm) a narrator; reader; an announcer; (a) denoting; signifying.
वाचकता/त्व -- significance; expression.
वाचक पद -- significant/meaningful word.
  • वाचन va:chan -- (nm) reading; narration; citation.
वाचन-पत्र -- citation.
  • वाचनालय va:chanā:lay -- (nm) a reading room.
  • वाचनिक va:chnik -- (a) verbal, oral.
  • वाचस्पति va:chaspati -- (nm) master of speech-Brihaspati : mythologically, the preceptor of gods.
  • वाचा va:cha: -- (ind) through speech; (nf) speech, word.
वाचाबंध -- pledge, commitment.
वाचाबंधन -- taking of apledge, making of a commitment.
वाचाबद्ध -- pledged, committed.
वाचा-विरुद्ध -- not fit to be uttered; unworthy ofspeech.
  • वाचाल va:cha:l -- (a and nm) outspoken; talkative, chattering, gabby.
वाचालता -- outspokenness, talkativeness, gabbiness.
  • वाचिक va:chik -- (a) vocal, verbal, oral; (nm) acting through speech.
वाचिक पत्र -- a written agreement, contract.
  • वाच्य va:chchy -- (a) predicable, expressible through words; (nm) denoted/literal meaning; voice (as कर्तृवाच्य—active voice.
कर्मवाच्य— -- passive voice.
भाववाच्य— -- neutralvoice).
वाच्यता/त्व -- literality, denotement.
  • वाच्यार्थ va:chchya:rth -- (nm) literal/primary meaning (of a word).
  • वाज va:j -- (nm) a fin; wing.
वाजयुक्त -- winged; having fins.
  • वाज़ va:z -- (nm) a sermon, instruction.
  • वाजि/ब va:jib -- (a) reasonable, proper, incumbent.
वाजिबी -- reasonable, proper, incumbent.
वाजिबुल वाजि-अदा -- due.
  • वाज़िह, वाज़ेह va:zih, va:zeh -- (a) explicit, clear.
वाज़िह रहे/हो -- be it known/clear/explicitly understood.
  • वाजी va:ji: -- (nm) a horse; (a) winged; strong.
वाजीकर -- aphrodisiac.
वाजीकरण -- sex-stimulation, excitement of sexual passion or enhancement ofsexual potency through aphrodisiacs or stimulant drugs.
  • वाट va:t -- (nf) see वाट बाट (nm) watt.
  • वाटर va:tar -- (nm).
वाटर-कलर -- water-colour.
वाटर-पेंन्टींग -- water painting.
वाटरप्रूफ़ -- water-proof.
वाटर-मार्क -- water-mark.
वाटरमेन -- the watermain.
वाटरवर्क्स -- waterworks.
  • वाटिका va:ṭika: -- (nf) a small garden.
  • वाडव va:ḍav -- (nm) submarine fire; also वाडवाग्नि, वाडवानल.
  • वाणिज्य va:ṉījjy -- (nm) commerce; trade.
वाणिज्यक -- a trader.
वाणिज्य-दूत -- a trade-consul.
वाणिज्य-दूतावास -- consulate.
वाणिज्य-मंडल -- chamber of commerce.
वाणिज्यवाद -- mercantilism.
वाणिज्य विषयक/संबंधी -- mercantile, commercial.
  • वाणिज्यिक va:ṉījjik -- (a) commercial, mercantile.
वाणिज्यिक हित -- commercialinterest.
  • वाणी va:ṉī: -- (nf) speech, voice; Saraswati:—the goddess of speech.
वाणीरहित/शून्य/हीन -- speechless, mute.
  • वात va:t -- (nm) air; wind-one of the three humours of the body (theother two being पित्त and कफ़); gout, rheumatism.
वातकर/कारी -- producing wind.
वातचक्र -- a whirl-wind.
वातज -- caused or generatedby wind.
वातजीवी -- aerobic.
वात-प्रकृति -- dominated by the wind humour.
वात-प्रकोप -- disorder caused by theexcess of wind within the system.
वातयुक्त -- aerated.
वात-रंध्र -- lentical.
वात-रोग/दोष/विकार -- ailment caused bydisorder of the wind within thesystem, rheumatic ailment.
वातहत -- hysteric.
  • वातानुकू/लन va:ta:nūku:lān -- (nm) air-conditioning.
वातानुकूलित -- air-conditioned; also वातानुकूल (a).
  • वातापेक्षी va:ta:pekshi: -- (a) aerobic.
  • वातायन va:ta:yān -- (nm) a ventilator.
वातायन-व्यवस्था -- ventilation.
  • वातावरण va:ta:varāṉ -- (nm) atmosphere.
वातावरणगत -- atmospheric.
वातावरणगत अव्यवस्था -- atmospheric disturbance.
  • वातास va:ta:s -- (nf) air; breeze.
  • वातित va:tit -- (a) aerated, air-inflated.
  • वातीय va:ti:y -- (a) pertaining to air.
  • वातुल va:tul -- (a) rheumatic; delirious; crazy; hence वातुलता (nf).
  • वातोन्माद va:tonma:d -- (nm) delirium.
  • वात्या va:ttya: -- (nf) a whirlwind.
वात्याचक्र -- a whirlwind.
  • वात्सल्य va:tsally -- (nm) affection, affectionate love, fond/tender feeling (esp. towards the offspring).
वात्सल्य-भाजन -- an object of affection, whois loved; the loved one.
वात्सल्य-भाव -- affectionate feeling, sentiment ofaffection.
वात्सल्यमय -- affectionate, having fond attachment.
वात्सल्य रस -- manifestation or relish of the sentimentof affection.
  • वाद va:d -- (nm) a suit, law-suit; cause; discussion; dispute; controversy; theory.
- -- ism.
वाद-कला -- polemics.
वादकारी -- a litigant.
वादग्रस्त -- controversial.
वाद-पत्र -- a plaint.
वाद-प्रती-वाद -- discussion, disputation, controversy.
वादरत -- engaged in dispute/controversy/discussion.
वाद-विवाद -- dispute, discussion, controversy; debate.
वाद-विवाद प्रतियोगिता -- debatingcompetition.
  • वादक va:dak -- (nm) an instrumentalist, one who plays on a musical instrument.
वादक-वृंद -- orchestra.
  • वादन va:dān -- (nm) playing on an instrument; hence वादित (a).
  • वादा va:da: -- (nm) see वायदा.
  • वादी va:di: -- (nm) a suitor, plaintiff; complainant; the dominant or themost important note in a ra:g; (nf) a valley.
वादी-पक्ष -- the plaintiff'sside.
वादी प्रतिवादी -- the plaintiff and thedefendant.
वादी स्वर -- the dominant ormost important note in a melody.
  • वाद्य va:ddy -- (nm) a musical instrument; (a) (musical instrument) that can be played upon; (fit) to beplayed upon.
वाद्यवृंद -- the orchestra.
वाद्य-संगीत -- instrumental music.
  • वान va:n -- वान a Sanskrit suffix (वान् ) adopted in Hindi—meaning वाला.
  • वानप्रस्थ va:nprasth -- (nm) the third of the four stages (आश्रम ) of life prescribed by tradition for a casteHindu—the stage of abandoningworldly things; hence वानप्रस्थ आश्रम.
वानप्रस्थी -- (nm and a).
  • वानप्रस्थ्य va:nprasthy -- (a) pertaining to वानप्रस्थ.
  • वान/र va:nar -- (nm) a monkey, an ape; hence वानरी (nf); (a) monkeyish, like a monkey.
वान/र सेना -- anarmy of monkeys.
  • वानस्पत्य va:nāspatty -- (a) vegetal; (nm) vegetation; arboriculture.
  • वापस va:pas -- (a) returned, given.
  • वापसी va:psi: -- (nf) coming back, return; refund, reimbursement; giving back.
वापसी किराया -- return fare.
वापसी टिकट -- a return ticket.
वापसी मुलाक़ात -- return call.
वापसी सफ़र -- return journey.
  • वापी va:pi: -- (nf) a deep well-like reservoir of water.
  • वाब/स्तगी va:bastagi: -- (nf) attachment; relationship.
वाबस्ता -- attached; related.
  • वाम vā:m -- (a) left, sinistral; reverse, contrary; adverse, perverse; vile, base.
वामता -- perversity; leftism, sinistrality.
वाम पाश्र्व -- left flank; sinistral.
वाम पाश्र्वता -- sinistrality.
वामपार्श्विक -- sinistral.
वाममार्ग -- theTa:ntrik cult (which prescribeswine, woman, etc. as essentials).
वाममार्गी -- a follower of वाममार्ग pertaining to the वाममार्ग.
  • वामन va:mān -- (nm) a dwarf, dwarfish/short-statured person; apigmy; the name of the fifthincarnation of Vishṉū wherein heassumed the form of a dwarf; (a) dwarfish, short-statured.
  • वामा va:mā: -- (nf) a woman.
  • वामाचा/र va:mā:cha:r -- (nm) a Ta:ntrik cult.
वामाचारी -- an adherent of वामाचार.
  • वामाव/र्त va:mā:vart -- (a) anti-clockwise, counter-clockwise, laevorotatory.
वामावर्त्तन -- anti/counter-clockwise movement, laevorotation.
वामावर्त्ती -- anti-clockwise, counter-clockwise, laevorotatory; sinistral.
  • वायदा va:iyda: -- (nm) a promise; commitment.
वायदाख़िलाफ़ -- who breaksa promise or violates commitments.
वायदाख़िलाफ़ी -- breach of apromise, violation of a commitment.
वायदा-बाज़ार -- future-market.
वायदेके सौदे -- futures.
  • वायना va:ynā: -- (nm) presents of sweetmeats (to relatives on theoccasion of a marriage, etc.).
  • वायलिन va:ylin -- (nm) a violin.
वायलिनवादक -- a violinist; hence वायलिनवादन( nm).
  • वायव va:yav -- (a) aerial, relating or pertaining to air or wind.
  • वायवी va:yavi: -- (nf) north-western quarter; (a) north-western; see वायवीय.
  • वायवीय va:yavi:y -- (a) aerial; windy, airy, ethereal, impalpable.
वायवीयता -- impalpability.
  • वायव्य vayavvy -- (a) pertaining or belonging to the air, aerial; having वायु as its presiding deity.
  • वायस va:yas -- (nm) a crow.
  • वायु va:yu -- (nf) air, wind; windy humour; wind formation withinthe system; mythologically, theair-god.
वायु-आशय -- air bladder.
वायु-कोष्ठगति -- wind, fleet.
वायुगतिक -- aerodynamic.
वायुगतिकी -- aerodynamics.
वायुग्रस्त -- flatulent, affected by wind.
वायुदाब -- air-pressure.
वायुदाब मापी -- a barometer.
वायु-निवृत्ति -- cure of windy disorder.
वायु-पंप -- an air pump.
वायु-बंध -- an airlock.
वायुबल -- the air force.
वायु-भार -- airpressure.
वायुभारमापी (यंत्र) -- the barometer.
वायुमंडल -- atmosphere.
वायुमापी -- an aerometer.
वायु-मार्ग -- airways; air-route.
वायुरुद्ध -- airtight; air-proof.
वायुवाहित -- airborne.
वायुविज्ञान -- aerology वायुवेग having the velocity of wind.
वायुवैज्ञानिक -- an aerologist; aerological.
वायुश्वासी -- air-breather.
वायु-सेना -- air force.
वायु-सेवा -- air-service.
वायुसैनिक -- an airman.
वायुहीन -- destitute ofwind, windless.
  • वायुमान va:yuyā:n -- (nm) an aeroplane, aircraft.
वायुमानवाहक -- an aircraft-carrier.
वायुमान-सेवा -- air-service.
  • वारंट va:rāṉṭ -- (nm) a warrant.
वारंट-गिरफ़्तारी -- warrant of arrest.
वारंट-तलाशी -- a search warrant.
वारंट-रिहाई -- a release warrant.
  • वारंवार va:rāmva:r -- (ind) again and again; frequently.
वारंवारता -- frequency.
  • वार va:r -- (nm) an assault; a stroke, blow; a day of the week; thenearer side (as against पार—thefarther side); (nf) (not in commonuse) a harlot, courtesan (as वारवधू); as a suffix it means 'wise'on the basis of (as भाषाचारlanguagewise.
ब्यौरेवार -- detailed.
राज्यवार -- statewise), and also वाला( as सोग़वार).
वार-पार -- full expanse; this side and the other; across, from this side to the other.
वार-पार करना -- to pierce through.
वार-पार होना -- to berun through; to traverse the wholeexpanse.
वारवधू/वनिता/विलासिनी/सुन्दरी -- a prostitute.
वार करना -- to strike.
वार ख़ाली जाना/चूकना -- a stroke to goamiss, to miss the target, to fanthe air.
  • वार/ण va:rān -- (nm) warding off; restraining, resisting; opposing; prevention; hence वारक (nm).
वारणीय -- (a); and वारित (a).
  • वारदात va:rda:t -- (nf) a mishap, unfortunate/untoward event; anaffray.
  • वारना va:rnā: -- (v) to sacrifice (on someone); to dedicate; to makean offering of.
  • वारनिश va:rnish -- (nf) varnish.
  • वारांगना va:rā:ṅganā: -- (nf) a prostitute.
  • वाराण/सी va:rā:ṉasi: -- (nf) the holy city of Benares.
वाराणसेय -- belongingto or related, with वाराणसी.
  • वाराना va:ra:nā: -- a Persian compound suffix meaning 'wise', on the basis of (as माहवाराना monthly/monthwise.
फ़िरकेवाराना -- communalistic; communitywise).
  • वारा-न्यारा va:ra:nya:ra: -- (nm) settlement, decisive culmination; outcome.
वारे-न्यारे करना -- to decide once for all; to have immense returns/acquirements.
वारे-न्यारे होना -- to bedecided once for all; to haveimmense returns/acquirements.
  • वाराह va:ra:h -- (a) of or related with a boar.
  • वारि va:ri -- (nm) water.
वारिगर्भ -- a cloud.
वारिचर/चारी -- aquatic.
वारिज/जात -- a lotus.
वारिद/धर -- a cloud.
वारिधि/निधि -- an ocean, a sea.
वारिबंध -- a dam.
वारिवाहन -- a cloud.
वारिविहार -- aquatics, aquatic sport.
  • वारिस va:ris -- (nm) an heir, successor.
  • वारुणी va:rūṉī: -- (nf) wine, liquor.
  • वार्ड va:rḍ -- (nm) a ward.
वार्डर -- a warder.
  • वार्डन va:rḍān -- (nm) a warden.
  • वार्तमानिक va:rtamā:nīk -- (a) pertaining to or related with the present.
  • वार्ता va:rta: -- (nf) a talk; talks, negotiation.
वार्ताकार -- a talker; negotiator.
वार्तावह/हर -- a messenger, courier.
वार्तारंभ -- commencement oftalks/negotiation.
  • वार्तालाप va:rta:la:p -- (nm) conversation, talks; negotiation.
  • वार्तिक va:rtik -- (nm) a gloss, commentary.
वार्तिककार -- a commentator.
  • वार्द्धक्य va:rdhakky -- (nm) senility, old age.
  • वार्षि/क va:rshik -- (a) annual, yearly; per annum.
वार्षिकी -- annuity.
वार्षिकी ग्राही -- annuitant.
  • वालंटिय/र va:lāṉṭiyar -- (nm) a volunteer.
वालंटियरी -- the job or function of a volunteer, volunteerism.
  • वाला va:la: -- a suffix denoting an agent, doer, owner, possessor, keeper or inhabitant; hence वालीfeminine form.
  • वालिद va:lid -- (nm) father.
वालिद बुज़ुर्गवार -- respected father; hence वालिदाmother.
  • वालिदैन va:lidāīn -- (nm) parents.
  • वालुका va:luka: -- (nf) sand.
वालुकामय -- sandy.
  • वावैला va:vaila: -- (nm) uproar, tumult; turmoil, row; outcry; weepingand wailing.
वावैला करना/मचाना -- to kickup a row, to cause a tumult, toraise an outcry, to create ahavoc.
  • वाशर va:shar -- (nm) a washer.
  • वाष्प va:shp -- (nm) vapour.
वाष्पमय -- vaporous.
वाष्पमापी -- vaporimeter.
वाष्पशील -- vaporescent.
वाष्प-स्नान -- vapour/steam bath.
  • वाष्प/न va:shpan -- (nm) vaporization.
वाष्पनीय -- vaporable, vaporizable.
  • वाष्पाकुल va:shpa:kul -- (a) tearful.
  • वाष्पी/करण va:shpi:kaṛṉ -- (nm) vaporization.
वाष्पीकृत -- vaporized.
वाष्पीय -- vaporific, vapoury.
  • वासंती va:santi: -- (a) of or pertaining to वसंत (spring); (nf) a kind of sweet smelling creeper.
  • वास va:s -- (nm) habitation, dwelling, residence; fragrance, aroma.
वासभूमि -- homestead.
  • वासना va:snā: -- (nf) passion, intense sexual desire; the impression(s) in the unconscious; knowledgederived from memory; hence वासनात्मक (a), वासनापरक (a).
  • वासर va:sar -- (nm) a day.
  • वासा va:sa: -- (nm) lodging.
  • वासी va:si: -- (nm) a dweller, an inhabitant.
  • वासुदेव va:sudev -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Krishṉā—the son of king वसुदेव.
  • वास्कट va:skaṭ -- (nf) a waistcoat.
  • वास्तव va:stav -- (a) real, actual, factual; genuine; substantial.
वास्तव में -- really, actually, in reality, infact.
  • वास्तविक va:stavik -- (a) real, actual, factual; genuine, bonafide; substantial; true, ex-post.
वास्तविकता -- reality, truth.
  • वास्ता va:sta: -- (nm) concern; connection; relation.
वास्ता देना -- to invoke (in) the name of.
वास्ता पड़ना -- to be concerned with; to have to deal with.
वास्ता होना -- to be concerned with; to berelated with, to have dealingswith.
  • वास्तु va:stu -- (nm) building.
वास्तु-कर्म -- building work.
वास्तु-कला -- architecture.
वास्तु ज्ञान -- architecture, architecturalknow-how.
वास्तु-विद्या/शास्त्र -- the scienceof architecture.
वास्तु-शिल्प -- architecture.
  • वास्ते va:ste -- (ind) for, for the sake of; in the name of.
  • वाह va:h -- (int) an exclamatory word denoting admiration, appreciation, contempt, opposition, surprise, etc. well done ! bravo !excellent ! how can that be ! thatcan't be so, a suffix denotingone who or that which carries orbears.
वाह-वाह -- hurrah ! very good !excellent ! वाह-वाह करना to applaud.
वाहवाही -- tumultuous applause; applause; cheer.
वाहवाही की घूम मचजाना -- to bring down the house, to elicit tumultuous applause.
वाहवाही लूटना -- to appropriate applause/cheer.
  • वा/हक va:hak -- (nm) a carrier; vehicle; bearer; porter; hence वाहिका (nf).
  • वाहन va:hān -- (nm) a vehicle, conveyance.
  • वाहि/त va:hit -- (a) carried, borne.
वाहित्र -- a carrier.
  • वाहिनी va:hinī: -- (nf) an army.
वाहिनीपति -- an army commander.
  • वाहियात vahiya:t -- (a) nonsense; useless; ridiculous.
  • वाही va:hi: -- a suffix meaning he who or that which carries, bears, causes to flow.
वाही-तबाही -- irrelevant nonsense.
वाही-तबाही बकना -- to talk irrelevant nonsense.
  • वाह्य va:hy -- (a) worth being or to be carried/borne; see बाह्य; hence वाह्यता (nf).
  • वाह्येंद्रिय va:hyendriy -- (nf) external sense or organ.
  • विंदु vindu -- (nm) a dot; drop; point; speck.
  • विंध्य vīndhy -- (nm) the mountain range in Central India dividingnorth India from the South andextending to the northern end ofEastern and Western Ghats.
  • विंध्याचल vindhya:chal -- (nm) see विंध्य.
  • वि vi -- a prefix (generally to verb and nouns and other parts ofspeech derived from verbs) toexpress division, distinction, distribution, arrangement, opposition or deliberation as alsothrough, between; sometimes itgives a meaning opposite to theidea contained in the simple rootor also intensifies the idea.
  • विकंप, विकंपन vikāmp, ~an -- (nm) trembling, quivering, wavering.
  • विकं/पित vikāmpit -- (a) trembling/trembled, quivering/quivered; unsteady, wavering; hence विकंपी (a).
  • विक/च vikach -- (a) blooming; opened up; also विकचित (a).
  • विकट vikaṭ -- (a) horrible, dreadful, frightful; monstrous; formidable; hence विकटता (nf).
  • विकराल vikara:l -- (a) horrible, dreadful, frightful; hideous, monstrous; formidable; hence विकरालता (nf).
  • विकर्ण vikarṉ -- (nm) a diagonal.
विकर्णत; -- diagonally.
  • विक/र्षण vikarshāṉ -- (nm) repulsion; aversion, distate.
विकर्षिता -- repulsiveness; aversion, distastefulness.
विकर्षी -- repulsive; causing aversion, distasteful.
  • विक/ल vikal -- (a) restless, agitated; dismembered, mutilated, crippled.
विकलांग -- crippled, disabled.
विकलित -- restless; agitated.
  • विकल/क vikalak -- (nm) disintegrator.
विकलन -- disintegration.
  • विकलाना vikla:nā: -- (v) to be restless, to be agitated.
  • विकलेंद्रिय viklēndriy -- (a) crippled, having impaired or defective organs (of sense).
  • विकल्प vikalp -- (nm) an option, alternative; uncertainty.
विकल्प-जाल -- a web of uncertainties.
  • विकसना vikasnā: -- (v) to bloom; to open up; to grow.
  • विकसित vikasit -- (a) bloomed; opened; grown, developed.
विकसित देश -- a developed country.
  • विकार vika:r -- (nm) deformation, defilement; change or variation (for the worse); deviation from a natural state; perversion; disorder.
  • विकारी vika:ri: -- (a) variable, changeable (for the worse); perverse; oblique.
विकारी रूप -- oblique form.
  • विकार्य vika:ry -- (a) variable; deformable, changeable (for the worse); perversible; hence विकार्यता (nf).
  • विकाश vika:sh -- (nm) display, manifestation; splendour; expansion.
  • विकास vika:s -- (nm) evolution; development.
  • विकासमान vika:smā:n -- (a) developing, in the process of development; hence विकासमानता (nf).
  • विकिरण vikirān -- (nm) radiation/radiance; diffusion.
विकिरणमापी -- radiometer.
विकिरणमिति -- radiometry.
विकिरण-विज्ञान -- radiology.
विकिरणवैज्ञानिक -- radiologist.
  • विकीर्ण viki:rṉ -- (a) diffused, scattered; disseminated.
विकीर्णन -- diffusion, scattering; dissemination.
  • विकुंचित vikūṇchit -- (a) contracted; curled; knitted (as the eyebrows).
  • विकृत vikkrit -- (a) deformed, defiled; mutilated; changed (for the worse); deviated from the natural course, perverted; distorted; disordered; strained; oblique.
विकृतदर्शन -- deformed, (turned) ugly.
विकृत रूप -- obliqueform.
विकृतस्वर -- (having) a hoarse voice.
  • विकृति vikkriti -- (nf) deformation; defilement, mutilation; defect; change or variation (for theworse); morbidity; deviation fromthe natural course, perversion; disorderliness; strain; caricature.
विकृति-विज्ञान -- pathology.
विकृतिवैज्ञानिक -- pathologist; pathological.
  • विकृती/करण vikkriti:karāṉ -- (nm) denaturalization; mutilation; perversion; defilement.
  • विकृष्ट vikkrisht -- (a) repulsed, thrown back.
  • विकेंद्रण vikendrāṉ -- (nm) see विकेंद्रीकरण.
  • विकेंद्रित vikendrit -- (a) decentralised.
  • विकेंद्री/करण vikendri:karāṉ -- (nm) decentralisation.
विकेंद्रीकृत -- decentralised.
  • विकेट vikeṭ -- (nm) a wicket (in cricket).
विकेटकीपर -- a wicket-keeper.
विकेट गिरना -- a wicket to fall.
विकेट लेना -- to take/capture a wicket.
  • विक्रम vikkram -- (nm) heroism, valiance, valour; name of an ancient great king of Ujjain, founder ofan era which commenced earlierthan the Christian era (alsoknown as विक्रमादित्य).
  • विक्रमाब्द vikkrama:bd -- (nm) the Vikram-era.
  • विक्रमी vikkramī: -- (a) heroic, valiant, valorous; pertaining to विक्रम orhis era.
  • विक्र/य vikkray -- (nm) sale, selling.
विक्रय कर -- sales tax.
विक्रय-पत्र -- saledeed; cash memo.
विक्रयी -- a seller, vendor.
  • विक्रांत vikkrā:nt -- (a) radiant; mighty.
  • विक्री vikkri: -- (nf) see बिक्री.
  • विक्रीत vikkri:t -- (a) sold.
  • विक्रेता vikkreta: -- (nm) a seller, vendor; salesman.
  • विक्रेय vikkrey -- (a) marketable, saleable.
विक्रेयता -- marketability, saleability.
  • विक्षत vikkshat -- (a) wounded, injured.
  • विक्षिप्त vikkshipt -- (a) mad, crazy; bewildered; perplexed.
विक्षिप्तता -- madness, craziness; bewilderment; perplexity.
  • विक्षुब्ध vikkshubdh -- (a) agitated, perturbed/disturbed, turbulent; hence विक्षुब्धता (nf).
  • विक्षेप vikkshep -- (nm) deflection; madness; perplexity; bewilderment.
विक्षेपक -- deflector.
विक्षेप करना -- to deflect.
  • विक्षेपण vikkshepāṉ -- (nm) deflection.
  • विक्षोभ vikkshobh -- (nm) agitation, perturbation, disturbance; turbulence.
  • विखं/डन vikhāṉḍān -- (nm) विखंडनज fission, fragmentation; breaking/splittingup; ademption.
विखंडनज -- fissiparous.
विखंडनात्मक -- fissiparous.
विखंडनीय -- fissionable.
विखंडित -- broken/split up, divided into fragments.
  • विख्यात vikkhya:t -- (a) renowned well-known, famous, reputed, celebrated.
  • विख्याति vikkhya:ti -- (nf) fame, name, renown, repute.
  • विगठ/न vigaṭḥān -- (nm) disorganisation, disintegration.
विगठनात्मक -- disintegrating, fissiparous.
  • विगत vigat -- (a and nm) (the) past; used as a suffix it means deprived/divested of, minus, one who orthat which has lost (as विगतबल rendered or turned powerless).
विगतज्ञान -- rendered/turned senseless.
विगतराग -- lost to attachment, having noattachments any more.
  • विगति vigati -- (nf) past; sad plight.
  • विगर्ह/ण vigarhāṉ -- (nm).
विगर्हणा, विगर्हṉā: -- (nf) censure, condemnation.
विगर्हणीय -- censurable, to be condemned; hence विगर्हित (a).
  • विग/लन vigalān -- (nm) fusion, melting away; moving.
विगलित -- fused; melted away; moved.
  • विग्र/ह viggrah -- (nm) a strife, quarrel; form, idol (e.g. देवविग्रह); (inGrammar) resolution (of a compound word) into constituentpats, separation or analysis of acompound word.
विग्रही -- bellicose; pugnacious, quarrelsome.
  • विघट/न vighaṭan -- (nm) disintegration; disorganisation; disruption; decomposition; disbandment; dismemberment (e.g. of a state); dismantlement.
विघटनात्मक -- disintegrating, disruptive.
विघटनात्मक प्रवृत्ति -- disruptive trend/tendency.
  • विघटित vighaṭit -- (a) disintegrated, disorganised, disrupted; decomposed; disbanded; dismembered; dismantled.
  • विघ्न vighn -- (nm) an interruption; interference, meddling; obstacle; disturbance.
विघ्नकर/कर्त्ता/कारी -- onewho or that which interrupts/interferes/obstructs/disturbs; meddlesome.
विघ्न-विनाशक -- one who removes/counters all obstructions; anepic of the deity Gaṉesh(whose worship is supposed tocounter all obstacles).
  • विचकित vichakit -- (a) stunned, amazed, flabbergasted.
  • विचक्षण vichakshāṉ -- (a) extremely sagacious, far-sighted.
  • विचर vichar -- (a) strayed, wandered or swerved from; (nm) a variable.
विचरण -- wandering, strolling; movement; variation.
विचरण करना -- to wander/move about; to variate; hence विचरित (a).
  • विचल vichal -- (a) moving about; unsteady.
विचलन -- departure; deviation; moving about; yaw; unsteadiness.
विचलना -- to yaw; to aberrate/deviate.
  • विचलता vichalata: -- (nf) deviation; unsteadiness; nervousness.
  • विचलित vichalit -- (a) restless; demoralised, nervous; fickle, unsteady; deviated; gone astray; hence विचलितता( nf).
  • विचार vicha:r -- (nm) thought, thinking; idea; view, observation(s); pondering, deliberation, reflection; contemplation, reasoning; consideration; trial.
विचारक -- a thinker; onewho deliberates/contemplates.
विचारकर्त्ता -- one who sits in judgment; thinker, one who deliberates/contemplates.
विचार-गोष्ठी -- a seminar.
विचारमूढ़ -- .
  • विचारण vicha:rāṉ -- (nm) thinking, reflecting, contemplating, reasoning, considering; ideation.
  • विचारणा vicha:raṉā: -- (nf) thought/thinking, contemplation, reasoning.
  • विचारणीय vicha:rṉī:y -- (a) to be deliberated about, worth/needing consideration, fit to be giventhought to; dubious, questionable; hence विचारणीयता (nf).
  • विचारधारा vicha:rdha:ra: -- (nf) ideology.
विचारधारापरक -- ideological.
  • विचारना vicha:rnā: -- (a) to think, to deliberate on, to consider.
  • विचाराधीन vicha:ra:dhi:n -- (a) under consideration; under trial, sub-judice.
  • विचारित vicha:rit -- (a) thought of, considered, deliberated on.
  • विचार्य vicha:ry -- (a) see विचारणीय.
  • विचिकित्सा vichikitsa: -- (nf) scepticism, doubt.
  • विचित्र vichittr -- (a) strange; surprising, amazing, wonderful; queer, curious; peculiar.
विचित्रता -- strangeness; singularity; peculiarity.
  • विच्छित्ति vichchhitti -- (nf) cutting asunder or off, dissection; caesura, pause in a verse.
  • विच्छिन्न vichchhinn -- (a) isolated, cut off; discontinued; disjointed, disconnected.
विच्छिन्नता -- isolatedness; discontinuance; disjointedness; disconnectedness.
  • विच्छेद vichchhed -- (nm) dissection; division; difference; disintegration, separation; discontinuance; breach; breaking up; hence विच्छेदक (nm).
विच्छेदन -- (nm), विच्छेदनीय (a).
विच्छेद्य -- (a).
  • विच्छेदी vichchhedi: -- (nm and a) a disintegrator; secessionist(ic).
  • विछो/ह vichhoh -- (nm) separation (from the beloved).
विछोही -- one whois separated, suffering the pangsof separation.
  • विजड़ित vijaṛit -- (a) stunned, stilled, rendered motionless; inlaid, inset; hence विजड़ितता (nf).
  • विजन vijan -- (a) solitary, lovely; (nm) a lonely place, solitude.
विजनता -- loneliness, solitude.
  • विजय vijay -- (nf) victory, conquest, triumph.
विजयकर -- victorious, triumphant, conquering.
विजय-दुंदुभि -- triumphal drum-beating.
विजय देवी -- thegoddess of victory.
विजय-ध्वज/पताका -- the banner of victory, triumphal flag.
विजय-यात्रा -- victorious/triumphal tour, conquering expedition.
विजय-लक्ष्मी/श्री -- the goddess of victory.
विजयशील -- ever victorious/triumphant, conquering.
विजय-सिद्धि -- accomplishment of victory, conquest.
  • विजया vijaya: -- (nf) see भाँग.
विजयादशमी -- see दशहरा.
  • विजयोत्सव vijayotsav -- (nm) a festival to celebrate victory.
  • विजाति vija:ti -- (nf) another/different caste, class or genre.
  • विजातीय vija:ti:y -- (a) of different caste, class or genre; heterogeneous; hence विजातीयता (nf).
  • विज़िटिंग कार्ड viziṭīṅg ka:rḍ -- (nm) a visiting card.
  • विजित vijit -- (a) conquered, won (over).
  • विजेता vijeta: -- (nm) a conqueror.
  • विज्जु vijju -- (nf) lightning.
विज्जुलता -- forked lightning.
  • विज्ञ viggy -- (a and nm) knowledgeable; learned, wise (person).
विज्ञजन -- the learned.
विज्ञता -- knowledgeability; learning, wisdom.
विज्ञ-मंडल -- BrainsTrust.
  • विज्ञप्ति viggyapti -- (nf) a communique.
विज्ञप्ति-, प्रेस -- a press communique.
  • विज्ञात viggya:t -- (a) well-known, famous, reputed.
  • विज्ञान viggyā:n -- (nm) science.
विज्ञानमय -- scientific; consisting of knowledgeor intelligence.
विज्ञानमय कोश -- the intelligence sheath (of the soul, according to the वेदांत).
विज्ञानवाद -- Idealism—the doctrine that only intelligencehas reality (and not the objectsexterior to us).
विज्ञानवादी -- an Idealist, a believer in the doctrine of विज्ञानवाद; idealistic.
विज्ञानवेत्ता -- a Scientist, man of Science.
  • विज्ञानी viggya:nī: -- (nm) a Scientist.
  • विज्ञा/पन viggya:pan -- (nm) an advertisement; announcement; a poster.
विज्ञा-दर -- advertising rate.
विज्ञादाता -- advertiser.
विज्ञापन-निर्देशिका -- advertising directory.
विज्ञापन-माध्यम -- advertising medium.
विज्ञापन-विभाग -- advertisement department.
विज्ञापन-विशेषज्ञ -- advertising expert.
विज्ञापन-सलाहकार -- advertising consultant.
विज्ञापनीय -- worth being advertised/notified.
विज्ञापित -- advertised; notified.
  • विज्ञापक viggya:pak -- (nm) an advertiser.
  • विज्ञेय viggyey -- (a) worth knowing/comprehending; comprehensible; hence विज्ञेयता (nf).
  • विटप viṭap -- (nm) a tree.
  • विटामिन viṭa:min -- (nf) vitamin.
  • विडंबन viḍāmban -- (nm) mimicry.
विडंबन-काव्य -- a parody.
  • विडंबना viḍāmbanā: -- (nf) anomaly; mockery; hence विडंबनीय (a), विडंबित (a).
  • विडा/ल viḍa:l -- (nm) a he-cat; hence विडाली (nf).
विडालाक्ष/लाक्षी -- cat-eyed.
  • वितंडा vitāṉḍa: -- (nm) perverse argumentation, ungainly controversy.
वितंडावाद -- arguing for the sake ofargument, perverse argumentation, ungainly controversy; hence वितंडावादी (a, nm).
वितंडा खड़ा करना -- to raisean ungainly controversy.
  • वितत vitat -- (a) spread out, extended; drawn (as a bow-string); hence वितति (nf).
  • वितथ vitath -- (a) false, untrue.
  • वित/रण vitarāṉ -- (nm) distribution; disbursement; delivery, service.
वितरण-व्यवस्था -- distribution system.
वितरक -- a distributor.
वितरिका -- distributory.
वितरित -- distributed; disbursed; delivered.
  • वित/र्क vitark -- (nm) discussion, reasoning.
वितर्कित -- discussed; thought over, reasoned.
वितर्क्य -- tobe or worth being discussed/reasoned.
  • वितल vital -- (nm) an abyss; traditionally, one of the seven nether worlds.
  • वितस्ति vitasti -- (nf) a hand-span.
  • विताड़/न, विताड़ना vita:ṛān -- (nm) विताड़{nā:}(nf) rebuke, reproach, scolding.
  • वितान vita:n -- (nf) a canopy; extension.
  • वित्तीर्ण viti:rṉ -- (a) remote, distant.
  • वितुंड vitūṉḍ -- (nm) an elephant.
  • वितृप्त vitript -- (a) well-satisfied, gratified, fulfilled.
  • वितृष्णा vitrishṉā: -- (nf) repulsion, repugnance.
वितृष्णाजनक -- repulsive, repugnant.
  • वित्त vitt -- (nm) finance; wealth.
वित्त-कार्य -- .
  • वित्तीय vitti:y -- (a) financial.
वित्तीय मामले -- financial matters.
  • वित्तीयन vitti:yan -- (nm) financing.
  • वितैषणा vittaishṉā: -- (nf) craving for money, greed for wealth.
  • विथकित vithakit -- (a) fatigued, exhausted, tired.
  • विथराना vithra:nā: -- (v) to scatter, to diffuse; to dishevel.
  • विदग्ध vidagdh -- (a) witty; ingenious; skilful.
विदग्धता -- wittiness; ingenuity; skilfulness; hence विदग्धा (feminineform).
  • विद/रण vidarāṉ -- (nm) splitting, bursting, cleavage, cracking; hence विदरित (a).
  • विदर्भ vidarbh -- (nm) ancient name for modern Berar (now revived).
  • विदलन vidalān -- (nm) tearing; shattering; crushing.
  • विद/लना vidalnā: -- (v) to tear; to shatter; to crush.
विदलित -- torn; shattered; crushed.
  • विदा vida: -- (nf) taking leave, fare-well, adieu; a woman's departurefrom her mother's or from herin-law's house.
विदा करना -- to sendoff, to bid farewell.
विदा लेना -- to takeleave, to make one's adieu.
विदा होना -- to bid farewell; to depart.
  • विदाई vida:i: -- (nf) farewell, sending off; departure; present made atthe time of departure.
  • विदा/रण vida:rāṉ -- (nm) laceration, rending, tearing, ripping open, splitting; hence विदारक (nm), विदारित (a).
  • विदारना vida:rnā: -- (v) to rend, to tear, to split.
  • विदित vidit -- (a) known.
  • विदीर्ण vidi:rṉ -- (a) lacerate, rent asunder, torn, ripped open, splitup; hence विदीर्णता (nf).
हृदय -- heart-rent, broken-hearted.
  • विदुषी vidushi: -- (nf) a learned/wise woman.
  • विदुषक vidu:shak -- (nm) a jester, buffoon; the jocose companionand confidential friend of the heroin traditional Sanskrit drama.
  • विदूषित vidu:shit -- (a) vitiated, polluted, contaminated; corrupted.
  • विदेश videsh -- (nm) a foreign land/country.
विदेशगमन -- migration.
विदेशज -- exotic; alien; foreign.
विदेश-नीति -- foreignpolicy.
विदेश-मंत्रालय -- Ministry of External Affairs.
विदेश-मंत्री -- Foreign Minister.
विदेश-वास -- foreign sojourn.
विदेश-विभाग -- department of Foreign/ExternalAffairs.
विदेश-व्यापार -- foreign trade.
विदेश-संबंध -- foreign relations.
विदेश-सचिव -- foreign secretary.
विदेश-सेवा -- foreignservice.
  • विदेशी videshi: -- (a) foreign; alien; exotic; (nm) a foreigner; foreignnational.
विदेशी मुद्रा -- foreign exchange.
विदेशी विनिमय -- foreign exchange.
  • विदेशीय videshi:y -- (a) foreign; alien; exotic; hence विदेशीयता (nf)/त्व (nm) foreignism.
  • विदेह videh -- (a) incorporeal; beyond physical bonds.
विदेहत्व -- bodilessness; the state of being beyondphysical bonds.
  • विद्ध viddh -- (a) pierced, penetrated.
  • विद्यमान vidyamā:n -- (a) present, existent; extant.
विद्यमानता -- presence, existence.
  • विद्या viddya: -- (nf) learning, knowledge; education; science; discipline; skill.
विद्या-कर्म -- the study of science.
विद्या-दान -- teaching, impartingknowledge.
विद्या-देवी -- Saraswati:—thegoddess of learning.
विद्या-परिषद् -- academic council.
विद्यापीठ -- a school, seat/centre of learning.
विद्या-मंदिर -- temple of learning.
विद्या-युग -- educational age.
विद्या-लाभ -- acquisition oflearning/education.
विद्याविहीन -- illiterate; stupid; hence विद्याविहीनता( nf).
विद्या-व्यवसाय -- pursuit of knowledge; scholarly profession.
विद्या-व्यसनी -- addicted to learning/education.
विद्याहीन -- illiterate, stupid; hence विद्याहीनता (nf).
विद्या झूठी पड़ना -- learning/skill to prove of no avail.
विद्या फलना -- learning/skill to bear fruit.
  • विद्याभिमा/न viddya:bhimā:n -- (nm) pride of learning/scholarship.
विद्याभिमानी -- learning-proud.
  • विद्याभ्या/स viddya:bbhya:s -- (nm) pursuit of learning, study.
विद्याभ्यासी -- studious.
  • विद्यारंभ viddya:rāmbh -- (nm) commencement of education.
  • विद्यार्जन viddya:rjan -- (nm) acquisition of education, study.
  • विद्यार्थी viddya:rthi: -- (nm) a student; scholar.
  • विद्यालय viddya:lay -- (nm) a school, educational institution.
  • विद्यु/त् viddyut -- (nm) electricity, electro विद्यु-, power; lightning.
विद्युत्-अपघटन -- electrolysis.
विद्युत्-अपघटनी -- electrolytic.
विद्युत्-अपघट्य -- electrolyte.
विद्युत्-चुंबक -- electro-magnet.
विद्युतन, विद्युतीकरण -- electrification.
विद्युत्-विशेषज्ञ -- an electrician.
विद्युत्-विश्लेषण -- electrolysis.
विद्युत्-शक्ति -- power.
विद्युत्-सक्रिय -- electro-active.
विद्युदग्र -- electrode.
विद्युदणु -- an electron.
विद्युद्घात -- electocution.
विद्युद्वाहक -- electromotive.
विद्युन्मय -- electrified.
विद्युन्मापी -- electrometer.
विद्युन्मिति -- electrometry.
  • विद्योचित viddyochit -- (a) academic.
  • विद्योपार्जन viddyopa:rjan -- (nm) acquisition of education, study.
  • विद्रुम viddrum -- (nm) coral; the coral tree.
  • विद्रूप viddru:p -- (a) distorted, ugly, hideous; monstrous; (nm) ludicrousness; monstrosity; irony; a parody.
विद्रूप-काव्य -- a parody.
  • विद्रो/ह viddroh -- (nm) uprising, revolt, rebellion, mutiny, insurrection.
विद्रोही -- revolting, a rebel/rebellious; mutineer/mutineering.
विद्रोह करना -- to revolt, to rebel (against), tomutiny.
विद्रोह का झंडा उठाना -- to rise in revolt.
  • विद्वज्जन viddwajjan -- (nm) learned/scholarly people, the wise.
  • विद्वत्ता viddwatta: -- (nf) learning, scholarship.
  • विद्वान् viddwa:n -- (a and nm) learned (man), a scholar.
  • विद्वे/ष viddwesh -- (nm) rancour, malice, spitefulness; antipathy.
विद्वेषी -- rancorous, malicious, spiteful, antipathetic.
  • विधना vidhnā: -- (nm) Providence, Brahmā:—the Creator.
विधना का लेख -- destiny, writ of destiny.
  • विध vidh -- (nf) see विधि as a suffix it means—of a type/form ortypes/forms (as बहुविध, एकविध).
  • विध/र्म vidharm -- (nm) heresy; a religion other than one's own, non-conformist religion; (a) unjust, inequitable.
विधर्मी -- a heretic/heretical; follower of another religion.
  • विधवा vidhwa: -- (nf) a widow.
विधवापन -- widowhood.
विधवा-विवाह -- widow-remarriage.
विधवाश्रम -- a house for themaintenance of windows.
  • विधा vidha: -- (nf) genre; form, type; device.
  • विधाता vidha:ta: -- (nm) the Creator विधाता Brahmā:, Destiny personified; alegislator, law-maker.
विधाता का वरदान -- a divine gift.
  • विधान vidhā:n -- (nm) legislation, rule, regulation; disposition; manner/method.
विधानज्ञ -- legislative expert.
विधान-परिषद् -- legislative council.
विधानपालिका -- legislature.
विधानमंडल -- legislature.
विधान-शक्ति -- legislative power.
विधान-सभा -- legislative assembly.
विधान बनाना -- to legislate.
  • विधानांग vidha:nā:ṅg -- (nm) legislature.
  • विधायक vidha:yak -- (a and nm) legislative; creative; a legislator; creator.
  • विधायन vidha:yan -- (a) law-making, legislative.
  • विधायिका vidha:ika -- (nf) legislature; (a) legislative.
  • विधायी vidha:i: -- (a) legislative; creative.
विधायी कार्य -- legislative function.
विधायी शक्ति -- legislative/creative power.
  • विधि vidhi -- (nf) law; method, manner; system; direction; rule; a prescribed act or rite or ceremony, prescription; imperative; destiny; providence; (nm) the Creator-LordBrahmā.
विधि और व्यवस्था -- law andorder.
विधिक -- legal, in accordancewith law.
विधिकर्त्ता -- a legislator; lawgiver.
विधिज्ञ -- a legist; lawyer, legalexpert; an adept in any technicalfield.
विधितः -- de jure.
विधि-निषेध -- dosand don'ts; prescription and negation.
विधिपूर्वक -- duly, methodically, systematically.
विधिमान्य -- valid.
विधिमान्यता -- validity.
विधिलिंग -- thepotential mood (in Grammar).
विधिवक्ता -- a barrister-at-law.
विधिवत् -- duly, methodically, systematically; in conformity with rules, asprescribed by law.
विधि-वर्ग -- the bar.
विधिवश/वशात् -- by providence.
विधि-विधान -- method and manner; writ of providence.
विधि-विधान पूर्वक/से -- methodically, following elaborate prescription.
विधि विपर्यय -- providential adversity.
विधि-विरूद्ध -- unlawful, lawless.
विधिविहित -- valid; prescribed by law, ordainedby law.
विधिवेत्ता -- legist; a jurist, juris consultant.
विधि-शास्त्र -- jurisprudence.
विधिशास्त्री -- a jurisprudent, jurist.
विधिसंगत/सम्मत -- legitimate.
विधिहीन -- lawless; violating the law; without a system/method, irregular; hence विधिहिनता (nf).
विधि का लेख/विधि-का विधान -- the writ of destiny.
विधि की विडंबना -- irony of fate.
विधि बैठना -- to be harmonised, to conform; to have things move as one wishes.
विधि मिलना -- the horoscopes (of a boyand a girl) to conform.
विधि वाम/विपरीत होना -- one's destiny to beadversely disposed, to be ill-fated.
  • विधु vidhu -- (nm) the moon.
विधुमुखी/वदनी -- blessed with a moon-like face, pretty-faced.
  • विधुर vidhur -- (nm) a widower; (a) widowed.
  • विधूम vidhu:m -- (a) smokeless.
  • विधेय vidhey -- (a) that can be legislated; to be performed or practised; to be enjoined (as a rule etc.); (nm) the predicate; hence विधेयतः(adv).
विधेयता -- (nf), विधेयत्व (nm).
विधेय विशेषण -- predicative adjective.
  • विधेयक vidheyak -- (nm) a bill (in a legislature).
  • विध्यात्मक viddhya:tmak -- (a) positive.
  • विध्वंस viddhwans -- (nm) destruction, devastation; subversion; demolition.
विध्वंसक -- a destroyer; destructive, one who or that which spells devastation.
विध्वंसकर्ता -- destroyer.
विध्वंस केबीज बोना -- to sow the seeds ofdevastation/destruction.
  • विध्वंसी viddhwānsi: -- (nm) a destroyer; one who or that which destroys.
  • विध्वंस्त viddhwast -- (a) destroyed, devastated.
  • विनत vināt -- (a) bowing/bowed; modest, humble.
  • विनती vinti: -- (nf) prayer; request, entreaty.
  • विनभ्र vinammr -- (a) humble, meek, submissive; respectful; courteous.
विनभ्रता -- humbleness, meekness, submissiveness; courtesy, humility.
  • विनय vinay -- (nf) modesty, politeness, humbleness, humility.
विनयशील -- humble, modest, polite.
विनयशीलता -- humbleness, modesty, politeness, humility.
  • विनयावनत vinaya:vanāt -- (a) see विनभ्र.
  • विनयी vinayi: -- (a) modest, polite, humble.
  • विनश्वर vinasshvar -- (a) perishable, transient, transitory.
विनश्वरता -- perishability, transience, transitoriness.
  • विनष्ट vinashṭ -- (a) perished, destroyed, devastated; wrecked; ruined.
विनष्टदृष्टि -- who has lost his sight, turned blind.
विनष्टधर्म -- fallen fromreligion/duty.
  • विना vinā: -- (ind) without, in the absence of.
विना शर्त -- unconditional(ly), without any condition.
  • विनायक vinā:yak -- (nm) the god Gaṉesh.
  • विनाश vinā:sh -- (nm) destruction, devastation; disaster, ruin, wreck.
विनाशक -- destroyer/destructive, devastating/one who devastates orruins.
विनाशधर्मी -- perishable, transient, transitory.
विनाश-हेतु -- the cause fordestruction/devastation.
विनाशकालेविपरीत बुद्धि -- whom God woulddestory, He first makes mad.
  • विना/शी vinā:shi: -- (a) destructive, spelling disaster/destruction, disastrous; hence विनाशिता (nf).
  • विनाशोन्मुख vinā:shonmukh -- (a) heading towards disaster/destruction, decaying; hence विनाशोन्मुखता (nf).
  • विनिधान vinidha:n -- (nm) allocation.
विनिधान करना -- to allocate.
  • विनिबंध vinībāndh -- (nm) a monograph.
  • विनि/मय vinimay -- (nm) exchange.
विनिमय-दर -- rate of exchange.
विनिमय-पत्र -- a letter of exchange.
विनिमेय -- exchangeable.
विनिमेयता -- exchangeability.
  • विनियं/त्रण viniyantraṉ -- (nm) decontrol.
विनियंत्रित -- decontrolled.
  • विनियम viniyam -- (nm) a regulation.
विनियमन -- (the act or process of) regulation.
  • विनियुक्त viniyukt -- (a) appropriated.
  • विनियो/ग viniyog -- (nm) appropriation.
विनियोजन -- (the act or process of) appropriation.
विनियोजित -- appropriated.
विनियोग/जन करना -- to appropriate.
  • विनिर्णय viṉirṉay -- (nm) adjudgement.
विनिर्णय करना -- to adjudge.
  • विनिर्णायक vinirṉā:yak -- (nm) an adjudicator.
  • विनिर्णीत vinirṉi:t -- (a) adjudged.
  • विनि/र्देश vinirdesh -- (nm) specification.
विनिर्दिष्ट -- specified.
  • विनिर्मा/ण vinirmā:ṉ -- (nm) manufacture/manufacturing.
विनिर्माण-संस्था -- manufacturing concern.
विनिर्माता -- amanufacturer, manufacturing.
  • विनिर्मि/त vinirmit -- (a) manufactured.
विनिर्मिति -- a manufacture, product.
  • विनिहित vinihit -- (a) allocated.
  • विनीत vinī:t -- (a) humble, modest; submissive, meek.
विनीतता -- humbleness, modesty; submissiveness, meekness.
  • विनोद vinod -- (nm) wit; humour, amusement, recreation; skit.
विनोदप्रिय -- humorous, witty, jovial, jocose; jocular; hence विनोदप्रियता (nf).
विनोद-वृत्ति -- sense of humour.
विनोदशील -- witty, humorous, jolly, jovial.
विनोदशीलता -- wittiness, humorousness, jollity, joviality.
  • विनोदी vinodi: -- (a) witty, humorous, jocular, jolly, jovial.
विनोदी स्वभाव -- witty/jolly/jovial/humorous nature.
  • विन्यस्त vinnyast -- (a) arranged, set in order, planned, laid out; marshalled; hence विन्यस्तता (nm).
  • विन्यास vinnya:s -- (nm) structure, disposition, arrangement; setting, plan, lay-out; marshalling.
विन्यासदर्शी -- a stereoscope.
  • विपंची vipāṇchi: -- (nf) a typical lyre.
  • विपक्ष vipaksh -- (nm) the opposition (party/side); adversary.
विपक्ष-भाव/वृत्ति -- opposition, hostility.
  • विपक्षी vipakshi: -- (a) opposition rival, hostile; (nm) an opponent, a rival; an enemy.
विपक्षी-दल -- opposition party.
विपक्षी-दल का नेता -- leader ofthe opposition.
विपक्षी नेता -- rival leader, opposition leader.
  • विपण vipaṉ -- (nm) a market, small market.
  • विपणन vipaṉān -- (nm) marketing.
  • विपणि vipaṉī -- (nf) a shop; market; commodity.
  • विपण्य vipaṉṉy -- (a) marketable; (nm) commodity.
विपण्यता -- marketability.
  • विपत् vipat -- an allomorph of विपद् used as the first member in certaincompound words.
विपत्कर -- troublesome, causing affliction/distress/hardship.
विपत्काल -- times/days ofdistress, rainy days/season, harddays.
  • विपत्ति vipatti -- (nf) distress; affliction; calamity; hardship.
विपत्तिकर -- causingaffliction/hardship/distress, calamitous.
विपत्ति-काल -- rainy season, timesof distress/affliction; bad/harddays.
विपत्तिग्रस्त -- afflicted, distressed, fallen into calamity.
विपत्तिवाद -- catastrophism.
विपत्ति उठाना/झेलना -- to bear/face/endure hardship or calamity.
विपत्ति काटना -- to mark/endure calamitous times, to go through timesof distress.
विपत्ति भोगना -- to suffer hardships, to endure a calamity.
विपत्ति मेंपड़ना -- to be afflicted, to be indistress.
विपत्ति मोल लेना, विपत्ति सिर पर लेना -- to own up avoidable distress/calamity, to get oneself (foolishly) embroiled in a calamitous/troublous affair.
  • विपत्र vipattr -- (nm) a bill; (a) leafless, without leaves.
  • विपथ vipath -- (nm) a wrong course/path.
विपथगामी -- aberrant, (one) going astray.
विपथन -- aberration, going astray.
  • विपद् vipad -- (nf) distress, affliction; hardship; calamity; crisis.
विपद्ग्रस्त -- in a crisis, in distress, afflicted; struck by a calamity.
  • विपन्न vipann -- (a) distressed, afflicted; fallen into a calamity, in a critical state; hence विपन्नता (nf).
  • विपरीत vipari:t -- (a) opposite/opposed; contrary, reverse.
विपरीतगति -- (going in) the opposite direction.
विपरीतता/त्व -- contrariety; antithesis.
विपरीतबुद्धि/मति -- mentally aberrant, wayward.
विपरीत रति -- a typical copulative.
  • विपरीतार्थ vipari:ta:rth -- (a) antonym, antonymous word; also विपरीतार्थक.
  • विपर्यय viparyay -- (nm) metathesis, transposition; reversal.
विपर्यय-, स्थिति -- reversal of the situation, peripeteia.
  • विपयस्त viparyast -- (a) disturbed, disarranged, topsyturvied, inter-reversed; hence विपयस्तता (nf).
  • विपर्याय viparya:y -- (nm) an antonym, antonymous word.
विपर्यायविचक/वाची -- antonymous.
  • विपर्यास viparya:s -- (nm) upsetting, disarray; contrariety; interchange; peripeteia/reversal (of the situation).
  • विपल vipal -- (nm) one-sixtieth part of a पल.
  • विपाक vipa:k -- (nm) result, consequence (of actions etc.); ripening; maturing.
  • विपा/टन vipa:ṭan -- (nm) the act or process of tearing/uprooting/breaking.
विपाटित -- torn, uprooted; broken.
  • विपिन vipin -- (nm) a forest, jungle.
विपिनचर -- forest-faring, living in/treading the forest.
विपिनविहारी -- anepithet of Lord Krishna.
  • विपुत्र viputtr -- (a) having no male child, without a son.
  • विपुल vipul -- (a) large, big; abundant, copious; extensive; mammoth, colossal.
विपुलता -- largeness; bulk; abundance; copiousness, extensiveness; hence विपुला—feminineform.
  • विप्र vippr -- (nm) a Bra:hmāṉ.
  • विप्रतिक्षेप vippratikshep -- (nm) cross-reflex.
विप्रतिक्षेपण -- cross-reflection.
  • विप्रति/पत्ति vippratipatti -- (nf) divergence; contradiction; incompatibility (of two views or rules etc.); hence विप्रतिपन्न (a).
  • विप्रतीप vipprati:p -- (a) perverse; opposite.
विप्रतीपता -- perversity.
  • विप्र/योग vipprayog -- (nm) separation (esp. from the beloved); disagreement; hence विप्रयुक्त (a).
  • विप्रलंभ vippralambh -- (nm) separation (of lovers).
विप्रलंभ श्रृंगार -- according toIndian poetics, one of the twotypes of श्रृंगार wherein the loverssuffer separation from each other.
  • विप्रल/ब्ध vippralabdh -- (a) separated (from the beloved), suffering thepangs of separation; frustrated; hence विप्रलब्धा (feminine form).
  • विप्ल/व viplav -- (nm) insurrection, insurgency, revolt.
विप्लवकारी/वी -- revolting; an insurgent; insurrectional/insurrectionary.
  • विफल viphal -- (a) failed, unsuccessful; vain, inefficacious; fruitless, futile.
विफलता -- failure; inefficacy, fruitlessness, futility.
  • विबुध vibudh -- (nm) a god, deity.
  • विबो/ध vibodh -- (nm) awakening, consciousness.
विबोधन -- awakening; arousing consciousness.
विबोधित -- awakened, (made) conscious.
  • विभंग vibhāṅg -- (a) fractured; ruptured; broken, split.
  • विभंजन vibhāṇjān -- (nm) fracture; rupture; breaking, splitting.
  • विभक्त vibhakt -- (a) divided; partitioned; separated; hence विभक्तता (nf).
  • विभक्ति vibhakti -- (nf) a case ending/termination, inflection, case; division.
विभक्तिग्राही -- (Grammar) flexible.
विभक्तिपरक कोटि/संवर्ग -- inflectional category.
विभक्तिप्रधान -- inflectional.
विभक्ति-रूप -- declension(s).
विभक्ति-ह्रास -- deflexion.
विभक्त्यात्मक -- flectional.
  • विभग्न vibhagn -- (a) shattered; split.
  • विभव vibhav -- (a) potential; (nm) omnipresence; wealth, riches, affluence, prosperity; luxury.
विभव-क्षय -- fall from prosperity, loss of affluence.
विभवयुक्त -- affluent, prosperous; luxurious, glorious.
विभववान/शाली -- prosperous, affluent, glorious.
  • विभा vibha: -- (nf) shine, glow, brilliance, lustre.
विभाकर -- the Sun.
  • विभाग vibha:g -- (nm) a department; division; portion, part.
विभागतः/शः -- departmentwise; divisionwise.
  • विभागीय vibha:gi:y -- (a) departmental.
विभागीय तारघर -- departmental telegraph office.
विभागीय पदोन्नति -- departmentalpromotion.
विभागीय परीक्षा -- departmentalexamination.
  • विभाजक vibha:jak -- (a) dividing, parting; (nm); a divisor; hence विभाजकता (nf).
  • विभाजन vibha:jan -- (nm) division, partition.
  • विभाजित vibha:jit -- (a) divided, partitioned.
  • विभाज्य vibha:jjy -- (a) divisible.
विभाज्यता -- divisibility.
  • विभाव vibha:w -- (nm) any condition which excites or develops a particular state or mind or body, anycause (persons विभाव आलंबन विभाव; orcircumstances and surroundings विभाव उद्दीपन विभाव) that rouses anemotion.
  • विभावरी vibha:vari: -- (nf) the night.
  • विभाषा vibha:sha: -- (nf) a sub-language; dialect.
  • विभान्न vibhinn -- (a) different, various, diverse.
विभान्नता -- variety, diversity.
  • विभीषण vibhi:shāṉ -- (nm) the youngest brother of रावण and adevotee of राम in the epic storyof Ra:ma:yāṉ; a traitor, renegade.
  • विभीषिका vibhi:shika: -- (nf) horror, terror; the act or means of terrifying.
  • विभु vibhu -- (nm) God-the all-pervading, omnipresent; mighty; powerful, omnipotent.
  • विभुता vibhuta: -- (nf) omnipresence; omnipotence; power, supremacy.
  • विभूति vibhu:ti -- (nf) ash; majesty/magnificence; an outstanding personality, personage.
  • विभूषित vibhu:shit -- (a) adorned, ornamented, decorated, embellished.
  • विभेद vibhed -- (nm) variety, kind; subdivision, distinction, difference, discrimination.
विभेदक/कारी -- differentiating, discriminating.
विभेदन -- differentiation / differentiating; penetration, piercing, splitting; hence विभेदी.
  • विभद्य vibheddy -- (a) differentiable, distinguishable; separable; pierceable, fit to be penetrated; hence विभद्यता (nf).
  • विभो vibho -- (inf) vocative form of विभु—O, God Almighty!.
  • विभोर vibhor -- (a) fully overwhelmed/engrossed/absorbed.
  • विभ्रम vibbhram -- (nm) delusion, confusion, flurry; restlessness, unsteadiness; amorous gestures oraction of any kind.
  • विभ्रां/त vibbhra:nt -- (a) confused, mistaken; perturbed, restless, in aflurry.
विभ्रांति -- confusion, perturbation; mistake, error.
  • विभ्राट vibbhra:ṭ -- (nm) confusion, turmoil; disaster.
  • विमंडित vimāṉḍit -- (a) adorned, decorated; embellished.
  • विम/त vimat -- (nm) contrary/dissenting opinion; counter principle; (a) having contrary opinion/principle; dissenting.
विमति -- dissent.
  • विमन vimān -- (a) downcast, dejected, out of sorts.
  • विमनस्क vimānask -- (a) absent-minded; downcast, dejected.
विमनस्कता -- absent-mindedness; sadness, dejection.
  • विम/र्दन vimardan -- (nm) trampling, crushing, pounding.
विमर्दित -- trampled, crushed, pounded.
  • विमर्श vimarsh -- (nm) consultation; consideration, examination; reflection, deliberation.
  • विमल vimal -- (a) clear, clean; dirtless, spotless, flawless; pure; hence विमलता (nf).
  • वि/मा vimā: -- (nf) a dimension.
विमीय -- dimensional.
  • विमा/ता vimā:ta: -- (nf) a step-mother.
विमातृज -- a step-brother.
विमात्रीय -- novercal.
  • विमान vimā:n -- (nm) an aeroplane, aircraft, airliner.
विमान-क्षेत्र -- airfield; aerodrome.
विमान-चालन -- aviation.
विमान-चालक -- a pilot.
विमानन -- aviation.
विमान-पत्तन -- airport.
विमान-परिचारिका -- air-hostess.
विमानवाहक -- aircraft-carrier.
विमानवाहित -- airborne.
विमान-विज्ञान -- aeronautics.
विमानवैज्ञानिक -- aeronautical.
  • विमार्ग vima:rg -- (nm) a wrong path/course.
  • विमिति vimiti -- (nf) dimension.
  • विमिश्रित vimishshrit -- (a) mixed/mingled, intermixed/intermingled.
  • विमु/क्त vimukt -- (a) acquitted, released; exempted; emancipated, delivered, liberated.
विमुक्ति -- acquittal, release; exemption; emancipation, deliverance, liberation.
विमुक्ति वादी -- a liberationist.
  • विमुख vimukh -- (a) indifferent, indifferently disposed, disinclined, having a sense of aversion.
विमुखता -- indifference, disinclination, aversion.
  • विमुग्ध vimugdh -- (a) infatuated; fascinated, attracted, charmed.
विमुग्धकारी -- infatuating, fascinating; attractive, charming; hence विमुग्धता( nf).
  • विमूढ़ vimu:ṛḥ -- (a) see मूढ़.
विमूढ़चेता/धी -- a stupid fellow, nitwit; silly.
. विमूढ़ता -- stupidity, silliness.
  • विमूच्छित vimu:rchhit -- (a) see मूच्छित.
  • विमू/लन vimu:lan -- (nm) abolition, uprooting; extermination; devastation; hence विमूलित (a).
  • विमो/चन vimochan -- (nm) acquittal, liberation, release.
विमोचित -- acquitted, liberated, released.
विमोच्य/चनीय -- acquittable; to be released/liberated.
  • विमो/हक vimohak -- (a) fascinating, attractive, charming; alluring, enticing.
विमोहन -- (nm) fascination, allurement, attraction.
विमोहित -- fascinated, attracted, charmed; enticed, allured.
  • वियत viyat -- (nm) the sky.
  • वियु/क्त viyukt -- (a) separated; deserted, abandoned; isolated.
वियुक्तता/ वियुक्ति -- separation; isolation.
  • वियोग viyog -- (nm) separation, disunion; bereavement.
वियोग श्रृंगार -- see विप्रलंभ श्रृंगार.
  • वियोगांत viyogā:nt -- (a) (a story or plot) ending in separation; tragic.
  • वियोगिनी viyoginī: -- (a and nf) (a beloved/wife) separated from herlover/husband.
  • वियोगी viyogi: -- (a and nm) a lover/husband separated from his beloved/wife.
  • वियोजक viyojak -- (a and nm) a separator, (one) who or (that) which separates.
  • वियो/जन viyojān -- (nm) separation.
  • विरंग viraṅg -- (a) discoloured; faded.
  • विरं/च विरंचि viraṇch, ~cḥi -- (nm) Brahmā:—the Creator of theuniverse.
  • विरंज/क virāṇjak -- (nm) a bleaching agent; (a) bleaching.
विरंजकता -- bleaching capacity.
विरंजन -- (act or processof) bleaching.
विरंजनीय -- bleachable.
  • विर/क्त virakt -- (a) detached (from the world); disaffected, averse; indifferent; (nm) a recluse.
विरक्तता/क्ति -- detachment, indifference; disaffection; aversion, disgust.
  • विरच/न virachān -- (nm) composition, writing.
विरचयिता -- an author, onewho composes/writes.
  • विरचित virachit -- (a) composed, written.
  • विर/त virat -- (a) detached, disaffected; desisted, disengaged; indifferent.
विरति -- detachment; disaffection, indifference, disengagement.
  • विर/द virad -- (nm) see विरुद विरदावली see विरूदावली.
  • विरल viral -- (a) thin; sparse; rare, scarce.
विरलता -- rarefaction, sparseness, thinness, scarcity.
विरलन -- rarefaction; thinning, becoming sparse.
  • विरलित viralit -- (a) rarefied; rendered thin/sparse.
  • विरस viras -- (a) tasteless; insipid; juiceless; boring.
विरसता -- insipidity, tastelessness; rancidity.
  • विरह vireh -- (nm) separation (from loved one).
विरहजनित/जन्य -- caused byseparation.
विरह ज्वर -- the anguish ofseparation.
विरह वेदना/व्यथा -- pangs ofseparation, agony of separation.
विरह की आँच -- agony of separation.
विरह मेंजलना -- to suffer the agony ofseparation (from the loved one).
  • विरहाग्नि viraha:gnī -- (nf) the anguish/agony of separation.
  • विरहानल virha:nal -- (nm) see विरहाग्नि.
  • विरहिणी virahiṉī: -- (a and nf) (one) separated from her lover/husband, grass widow.
  • विरही virahi: -- (a and nm) (one) separated from his beloved/wife.
  • विरा/ग vira:g -- (nm) renunciation; detachment; aversion, dislike, indifference.
विरागी -- detached, onewho has renounced or is averseto mundane affairs, an ascetic.
  • विराजना vira:jnā: -- (v) to grace (an occasion, place, etc.); to takeseat, to be seated (used in adeferential context), to looksplendid/glorious; hence विराजित( a).
  • विराजमान vira:jmā:n -- (a) (graciously) seated; sitting (used deferentially), gracing (an occasion.
) -- by one'spresence; looking splendid/glorious.
  • विराट vira:ṭ -- (a) colossal, gigantic, enormous, huge; hence विराटता (nf).
  • विराम vira:m -- (nm) pause; pause in or at the end of a sentence; (full) stop; stoppage; repose, rest; halt; respite; interval/intermission.
विराम-चिन्ह -- full-stop—a punctuationmark.
विराम-चिन्ह लगाना -- to punctuate; toput a full-stop.
विराम-संधि -- an armistice.
  • विरामावस्था vira:mā:wastha: -- (nf) interkinesis, position of rest.
  • विरामी vira:mī: -- (a) intermittent.
  • विरासत vira:sat -- (nf) legacy, inheritance.
  • विरुज viruj -- (a) healthy, free from disease, hale and hearty.
  • विरुद virud -- (nm) laudatory attributes (of an eminent personage); a.
  • विरुदावली viruda:wali: -- (nf) (totality of) laudatory attributes; a panegyric.
  • विरुद्ध viruddh -- (a) against, opposed; opposite; contrary, adverse, hostile.
विरुद्धता -- hostility; opposition; contrariety.
  • विरुप viru:p -- (a) misshapen, defaced, deformed; monstrous, grotesque.
विरुपक -- obliterator; that whichdefaces/deforms.
विरुपता -- deformity; grotesqueness, ugliness; monstrosity.
विरुपन -- disfigurement, defacing.
विरुप करना -- to deface, to deform; to disfigure.
  • विरूपाक्ष viru:pa:ksh -- (a) lit. having deformed eyes—an epithet of LordShiv.
  • विरेचक virechak -- (a) cathartic, purgative: (nm) a purgative.
  • विरेचन virechān -- (nm) catharsis, purgation.
विरेचन सिद्धांत -- the theory ofcatharsis (in Poetics).
  • विरेचित virechit -- (a) purged; cleaned up.
  • विरेच्य virechchy -- (a) to be purged/cleaned; fit to undergo a catharsis.
  • विरोध virodh -- (nm) opposition, antagonism; hostility; resistance, objection; antimony, contrariety; protest; contradiction.
विरोध करना -- tooppose; to resist; to object; toprotest; to contradict; to contest; to strike a blow against; to setone's face against.
  • विरोधाभा/स virodha:bha:s -- (nm) a paradox.
विरोधाभासी -- paradoxical.
  • विरोधित virodhit -- (a) opposed, objected to; protested; contradicted, resisted.
  • विरोधिनी virodhinī: -- (nf and a) feminine form of विरोधी.
  • विरोधी virodhi: -- (nm and a) an adversary, rival, opponent; objector; hostile, opposing, antagonistic; contradictory, contrary.
विरोधी दल -- opposition party.
विरोधी का नेता -- leader ofthe opposition विरोधी पक्ष opposition(party/side).
  • विलं/ब vilamb -- (nm) delay, procrastination; lag; tardiness.
विलंबकारी -- procrastinating/procrastinator, delaying.
विलंबन -- delay/delaying, procrastination.
विलंब-शुल्क -- late fee, demurrage.
विलंबित -- delayed, late, tardy, procrastinated; slow tempo(in music).
विलंबी -- delaying; aprocrastinator.
  • विलक्षण vilakshāṉ -- (a) queer, strange, peculiar, wonderful; remarkable, exceptional, extra-ordinary; fantastic; prodigious; precocious.
विलक्षणता -- strangeness, queerness, peculiarity; remarkability; precocity, uncommonness.
  • विलग vilag -- (a) separate, detached, disunited/disjointed.
विलगन -- separation; insulation.
  • विल/य vilay -- (nm) annihilation/destruction (of the world); dissolution/dissolving; merger/merging.
विलयन -- a solution; dissolution, merger; absorption.
विलयशील -- soluble, solute.
विलयशीलता -- solubility.
विलयी -- soluble, that which dissolves.
  • विलसना vilasnā: -- (v) to look pretty/splendid; to enjoy; to make merry.
  • विलसित vilasit -- (a) looking pretty/splendid; making merry, enjoying.
  • विलाप vila:p -- (nm) lamentation, crying, weeping, wailing.
विलापना -- to lament, to cry, to weep, to wail.
  • विलाय/त vila:yat -- (nf) a foreign land/country; Europe; England.
विलायती -- foreign; English; European.
विलायतीपन -- foreignism, Englishism, Europeanism.
  • विलास vila:s -- (nm) enjoyment; luxury; amorous playfulness; wantonness; lust.
विलास-गृह/भवन/मंदिर -- a pleasurehouse.
विलासपूर्वक -- in a lustful/luxuriousfashion, enjoyingly; wantonly; amorously.
विलास करना -- to enjoy, tomake merry; to have fun/goodtime (esp. with women).
  • विलासिनी vila:sinī: -- (nf) a lustful/luxury loving woman; (a) lustful, wanton; luxury-loving, pleasure-seeking.
  • विला/सी vila:si: -- (a) lustful, debauch, pleasure-seeking, wanton; luxury-loving.
विलासिता -- debauchery, wantonness, amorous playfulness; luxuriousness.
  • विलीन vili:n -- (a) vanished, disappeared; merged; absorbed, engrossed.
  • विलीयन vili:yan -- (nm) absorption, disappearance.
  • विलु/प्त vilupt -- (a) extinct; obsolete; vanished, disappeared.
विलुप्ति -- extinction; obsoleteness; disappearance.
  • विलेख vilekh -- (nm) a deed, a legal instrument.
  • विलेप vilep -- (nm) anointing; ointment; anything that is anointed.
विलेपन -- applying ointment, anointing; smearing.
  • विलेय viley -- (a) soluble.
विलेयता -- solubility.
विलेयशील -- solute; hence विलेयशीलता (nf).
  • विलोकनीय viloknī:y -- (a) worth seeing/beholding.
  • विलोकित vilokit -- (a) seen, beholden, viewed.
  • विलो/ड़न viloṛan -- (nm) thorough investigation/study; stirring up, churning; whirling.
विलोड़ित -- thoroughly investigated/studied: stirred; whirled.
  • विलो/प vilop -- (nm) extinction; disappearance; obsolescence; also विलोपन विलोपित extinct; disappeared; obsolete.
  • विलोम vilom -- (a and nm) reverse; converse; contrary; antonym.
विलोम क्रिया -- inverse operation.
विलोमजात -- born inthe reverse order (i.e. born feet-long).
विलोमतः -- conversely.
विलोमता -- reversion; contrariety; converseness; antonymousness.
विलोम शब्द -- an antonym; a word having oppositemeaning.
विलोमित -- reversed; conversed.
  • विलो/ल vilol -- (a) fickle; quivering, unsteady; hence विलोलन (nm), विलोलित (a).
  • विल्व vilv -- (nm) wood-apple tree and its fruit —Aegle marmelos.
विल्वपत्र -- leaves of the wood apple tree.
  • विव/क्षा vivaksha: -- (nf) implication; meaning, purport; desire.
विवक्षित -- implied; intended; desired.
विवक्षित अर्थ -- implied/intended meaning.
  • विवर vivar -- (nm) a cavity, cavitation, cave; hole, sinus.
विवर-, नासिका -- nasalcavity.
विवर-, मुख -- oral cavity.
  • विवर/ण vivarāṉ -- (nm) an account, description; commentary; particulars, details; minutes; briefing; report, statement; account.
विवरणकार -- commentator.
विवरणिका -- a brochure; prospectus.
विवरणी -- report, return.
  • विव/र्जन vivarjan -- (nm) see वर्जन.
विवर्जित -- see वर्जित.
  • विवर्ण vivarṉ -- (a) faded, dimmed; (rendered) colourless; pallid; ofa low caste (as opposed to सवर्ण).
विवर्णन -- discolouration.
  • विवर्त vivart -- (nm) a whirlpool; illusion, falsity.
विवर्तन -- going round; shifting; crisis.
विवर्तवाद/विवर्तवादिता -- theVedantic theory which propoundsthe unreality of the world and.
  • विव/र्धन vivardhan -- (nm) magnification/magnifying; growing.
विवर्धित -- magnified; grown.
  • विवश vivash -- (a) helpless; compelled, under compulsion; forced, obliged; disabled.
विवशता -- helplessness, disability; compulsion.
विवश करना -- tocompel, to force, to oblige.
  • विवसन vivasan -- (a) nude, naked, unclothed.
  • विवस्त्र vivastr -- (a) see विवसन.
  • विवाच/क viva:chak -- (nm) an arbiter/arbitrator.
विवाचन -- arbitration.
विवाचन करना -- to arbitrate.
  • विवा/द viva:d -- (nm) a dispute; altercation, quarrel; discussion; contention, controversy.
विवादास्पद -- controversial.
विवादास्पद दावा -- controversialclaim.
विवादी -- a disputant, disputing/contending; a discordantnote of a राग (sometimes used foreffect).
विवाद उठाना -- to raise a controversy/dispute/discussion.
विवाद करना -- to dispute, to altercate, todebate, to wrangle.
  • विवाह viva:h -- (nm) marriage, wedding, matrimony.
विवाह-उत्सव -- nuptials, marriage celebrations.
विवाह करना -- to marry, to wed.
विवाह के गीत -- epithalamium, wedding songs.
विवाह-द्वेष -- misogamy.
विवाह-बंधन -- wedlock.
विवाह-योग्य -- marriageable; a match.
विवाह-योग्य आयु -- marriageable age.
विवाह-विच्छेद -- breaking ofmarriage.
विवाह-संबंध -- matrimonialrelation.
विवाह-संबंध तोड़ना -- to divorce; tobreak the wedlock.
विवाह-संबंधी/विषयक -- matrimonial, nuptial.
विवाहोत्सव -- nuptials, marriage celebrations.
  • विवाहि/त viva:hit -- (a) married.
विवाहिता -- (fem. form) married (woman).
  • विवि/क्त vivikt -- (a) isolated; separated; aloof.
विविक्तता/विविक्ति -- isolation; separation; aloofness.
विविक्तिवाद -- isolationism.
विविक्तिवादी -- an isolationist; isolationistic.
  • विविध vividh -- (a) different; diverse, various, miscellaneous.
विविधता -- diversity, variety variation.
विविध प्रकार का -- diverse, miscellaneous, manifold.
  • विविधा vividha: -- (nf) a miscellany.
  • विवृत vivrit -- (a) open, exposed, uncovered; unravelled; expanded; hence विवृतता (nf).
विवृत स्वर -- open vowel.
  • विवृति vivriti -- (nf) openness; commentary, explanation, exposition, interpretation; unravelling.
  • विवृ/त्त vivritt -- (a) going/whirling round; opened, uncovered.
विवृत्ति -- whirling, revolution; expansion; opening.
  • विवे/क vivek -- (nm) reason, discretion; judgment; wisdom.
विवेक-बुद्धि -- reason; discretion; wisdom.
विवेक-भ्रष्ट/शून्य/हीन -- irrational, illogical.
विवेकवान विवेकशील -- see विवेकी.
विवेकाधीन -- discretionary; at the discretion of.
विवेकाधीन शक्तियाँ -- discretionary powers.
विवेकी -- prudent, wise, discreet.
  • विवेचक vivechak -- (nm) a critic, one who judiciously assesses good andbad aspects.
  • विवेच/न vivechan -- (nm).
विवेचना -- na: (nf) critical appreciation; evaluation, investigation; argument, discussion, discrimination.
विवेचनीय -- worth critical appreciation/investigation/evaluating/interpretation/discussion.
  • विवेचित vivechit -- (a) critically appreciated; discussed; evaluated, investigated.
  • विवेच्य vivechy -- (a) under.
  • विशद vishad -- (a) elaborate, detailed; clear-cut; hence विशदता (nf).
  • विशारद visha:rad -- (a) expert, learned.
  • विशाल visha:l -- (a) huge, large, big, spacious; grand, extensive, vast; great, gigantic, colossal.
विशालता -- hugeness, largeness, vastness.
विशालह्रदय -- magnanimous, liberal, bounteous; hence विशालह्रदयता (nf).
  • विशालाक्षी visha:la:kshi: -- (a and nf) large-eyed; a woman having largeeyes.
  • विशिख vishikh -- (nm) an arrow, a pointless arrow.
  • विशि/ष्ट vishishṭ -- (a) special, specialized, specific; particular; prominent; characteristic. typical.
विशिष्टता -- speciality, specificity; singularity; characteristic.
विशिष्टि -- specification.
विशिष्टीकरण -- specialization.
विशिष्टीकृत -- specialized.
  • विशिष्टाद्वैत vishishṭa:dwait -- (nm) 'qualified non-duality'—a philosophical doctrine that humanspirit has a qualified identity withthe Supreme Spirit; also विशिष्टाद्वैतवादविशिष्टाद्वैतवादी one who asserts or believesin the doctrine of विशिष्टाद्वैत.
  • विशुद्ध vishuddh -- (a) pure/purified; chaste, virtuous; genuine; unmixed/unadulterated.
विशुद्धचरित्र -- chaste, virtuous.
विशुद्धता -- genuineness; purity; chastity.
विशुद्ध भाव -- pure sentiment; genuineness.
विशुद्ध विज्ञान -- pure science.
  • विशुद्धात्मा vishuddha:tmā: -- (a) virtuous, pure at heart.
  • विशुद्धि vishuddhi -- (nf) purity; chastity; virtuosity.
विशुद्धिवाद -- puritanism.
विशुद्धिवादी -- a purist/puristic; puritan/puritanic.
  • विश्रृंखल vishshriṅkhal -- (a) disintegrated, disorderly, disarrayed; hence विश्रृंखलता (nf).
  • विशेष vishesh -- (a) special, specific; particular; distinctive, characteristic; typical; much.
विशेषक -- qualifying, characteristic.
विशेषज्ञ -- an expert, aspecialist.
विशेषज्ञता -- specialization.
विशेषताएं -- characteristics.
विशेष-नाम -- anepithet.
विशेष संस्करण -- special edition.
  • विशेषता visheshta: -- (nf) speciality, peculiarity, singularity; quality, attribute, characteristic.
  • विशेषण visheshāṉ -- (nm) an adjective; attribute, epithet.
विशेषण पद -- attributive.
विशेषण-विपर्यय -- transferred epithet.
  • विशेषांक visheshā:ṅk -- (nm) a special issue/number (of a newspaper, journal or magazine etc.).
  • विशेषाधि/कार vishesha:dhika:r -- (nm) privilege.
विशेषाधिकारी -- a special officer; privileged person.
विशेषाधिकार-प्राप्त -- privileged.
  • विशेषित visheshit -- (a) specialised; qualified.
  • विशेषी/करण visheshi:karāṉ -- (nm) specialization.
विशेषीकृत -- specialised.
  • विशेष्य visheshy -- (nm) that which is qualified; a noun with an adjective qualifying it, substantive.
  • विशोक vishok -- (a) free of sorrow/care.
  • विश्रांत vishshrā:nt -- (a) reposed, one who has taken rest, calm, at ease; hence विश्रांतता (nf).
  • विश्रांति vishshrā:nti -- (nf) rest, repose; ease; interval/intermission.
विश्रांति-काल -- recess, interval.
  • विश्राम vishshra:m -- (nm) rest, repose, relaxation.
विश्राम-कक्ष -- a lounge.
विश्राम-काल -- period of rest; interval, recess; vacation.
विश्राम-गृह -- rest house.
विश्राम-स्थान -- place of rest or relaxation.
  • विश्रामालय vishshra:mā:lay -- (nm) a.
  • विश्रु/त vishshrut -- (a) renowned, reputed, famous, well-known; hence विश्रुति (nf).
  • विश्लिष्ट vishshlishṭ -- (a) analysed.
  • विश्ले/ष vishshlesh -- (nm) analysis; separation; disintegration.
विश्लेषात्मक -- analytical; hence विश्लेषात्मकता (nf).
  • विश्लेषण vishleshāṉ -- (nm) analysis.
विश्लेषण और संश्लेषण -- analysis and synthesis.
विश्लेषणपरक -- analytical.
विश्लेषण-बुद्धि -- analytical sense/faculty.
विश्लेषण-, वाक्य -- sentence analysis.
  • विश्लेषणात्मक vishleshṉā:tmak -- (a) analytical; hence विश्लेषणात्मकता (nf).
  • विश्लेषणीय vishleshaṉi:y -- (a) analysable, worth being or to be analysed.
  • विश्लेषित vishshleshit -- (a) analysed.
  • विश्वंभर vishshvāmbhar -- (nm) God विश्वंभर the all-supporting, all-nourishing.
  • विश्वंभरा vishshvāmbhara: -- (nf) the earth.
  • विश्व vishshv -- (nm) the world, universe.
विश्वकोश -- an encyclopaedia.
विश्वकोशीय -- encyclopaedic.
विश्व-गणराज्य -- world republic.
विश्वजनीन/जनीय -- universal.
विश्वजयी/जित् -- conquerorof the universe/world.
विश्वनाथ -- anepithet of Lord Shiv.
विश्वनाथ नगरी/पुरी -- aname of the city of Va:ra:nāsi:.
विश्वपूजित -- universally adorned, worshipped/respected by the wholeworld or by all.
विश्वपूज्य -- all-venerable, worshippable/venerable forall or the world.
विश्वप्रसिद्ध -- world-renowned, known all over theworld.
विश्व-भ्रातृत्व -- world fraternity.
विश्व-राज्य -- world-state.
विश्ववाद -- universalism.
विश्ववादी -- universalist; universalistic.
विश्वविख्यात -- world-known, renowned throughout thewhole world.
विश्वविजयी -- a world-conqueror, conqueror of the world.
विश्वविद -- all-knowing, omniscient.
विश्वविश्रुत -- see विश्वविख्यात.
विश्वव्यापक/व्यापी -- all pervading, omnipresent, pervading the whole universe/world.
विश्व-शांति -- world peace.
विश्व-संगठन/संस्था -- world organisation.
विश्व-संहार -- annihilation of the world.
विश्व-साम्राज्य -- world-kingdom.
विश्व-सृष्टि -- creationof the universe.
विश्वस्त्रष्टा -- creatorof the universe.
विश्वहर्ता -- an epithetof Lord Shiv.
विश्व हेतु -- the cause ofthe universe.
  • विश्वविद्यालय vishshwavidya:lay -- (nm) a university.
विश्वविद्यालय-परिसर -- universitycampus.
विश्वविद्यालय-अनुदान-आयोग -- UniversityGrants Commission.
विश्वविद्यालय-शिक्षा -- university education.
विश्वविद्यालयीय -- pertaining or belonging to or of a/the university.
  • विश्वसन vishshvasan -- (nm) believing, trusting, relying.
  • विश्वसनीय vishshvasnī:y -- (a) reliable, dependable, trustworthy; believable, credible.
विश्वसनीयता -- reliability, dependability, trustworthiness; credibility.
  • विश्वस्त vishshvast -- (a) see विश्वसनीय; confidential; confidant.
विश्वस्त अनुचर -- areliable follower/attendant.
विश्वस्तता -- see विश्वसनीयता (under विश्वसनीय).
विश्वस्त सूत्र -- a reliable source.
  • विश्वात्मा vishshva:tmā: -- (nm) God विश्वात्मा the Universal Spirit.
  • विश्वाधार vishshva:dha:r -- (nm) God विश्वाधार the support and basis of the universe.
  • विश्वास vishshva:s -- (nm) belief, trust, faith; reliance, confidence; assurance.
विश्वासघात -- betrayal, treachery, violation of trust; infidelity.
विश्वासघात करना -- to blow the gaff; to betray, tobetray one's trust.
विश्वासघाती -- treacherous, one who betrays, a traitor.
विश्वासपात्र/भाजन -- a reliable/trustworthy/dependable (person), confidant.
  • विश्वासी vishshva:si: -- (a and nm) one who believes/trusts, trustful; a believer.
  • विश्वेश, विश्वेशश्वर vishshvesh, ~shwar -- (nm) God—the Master of the Universe.
  • विष vish -- (nm) poison, venom.
विषकंठ -- an epithet of Lord Shiv.
विषकन्या -- a girl/woman so impregnated withpoison that a man copulatingwith, or even kissing, her dies.
विषकृत -- treated with poison, poisoned.
विषघातक/घाती/घ्न -- anti-venom, antidote to poison.
विषदंत -- afang.
विषदाता/दायक -- one who administers poison.
विषधर -- a snake, poisonous snake.
विषनाशी -- poison-destroying, anti-poison.
विष-बेल -- see विष-वृक्ष.
विष-भक्षण -- taking poison.
विष-मंत्र -- a मंत्र for curingsnake-bite.
विष-मंत्र विद -- a snake-bitecurer through मंत्र.
विष-मात्रा -- toxicity.
विषवत् -- poisonous, venomous.
विषवमन -- vituperative/virulent utterance.
विषवमन करना -- to make virulent utterances, to say vituperative words.
विषविद्या -- science of curing snake-bite etc; cure of poisons by drugsor charms.
विष वृक्ष -- a poison-tree—a beginning that causes evergreater harm.
विष विज्ञान -- toxicology; hence विषवैज्ञानिक (nm) विषवैद्य a physicianwho cures snake-bite orother poisonous stings (either bycharms or by drugs).
विषहर -- see विषघाती.
विषहीन -- poisonless, non-venomous; hence विषहीनता (nf).
विषह्रदय -- vituperative, full of venom.
विष उगलना -- to disgorge venom; tomake vituperative utterances/remarks.
विष की गाँठ -- the root of allevils, the villain of piece.
विष के दाँततोड़ना -- to render poisonless/incapable of causing harm.
विष के बीजबोना -- to sow the seeds of evil/disharmony.
विष घोलना -- to put venomin (words); to cause disharmony/quarrel.
विष चढ़ना -- poison (to begin) to have effect (said only in thecontext of snake-bite, scorpion-bite, etc.).
विष पीना -- to assimilatevirulence/bitter experiences.
  • विषण्ण vishaṉṉ -- (a) melancholic, gloomy, sombre; downcast.
विषण्णता -- melancholy, gloominess, sombreness; downcast state.
विषण्णमानस/मना -- melancholic, gloomy, sombre, inlow spirits.
विषण्णमुख/वदन -- melancholic, dejected, downcast.
  • विषपायी vīshpa:yi: -- (a) lit. a drinker of poison-one who assimilates allsorts of virulence.
  • विषम visham -- (a) odd; heterogeneous, incongruous; uneven, rough; adverse, dissimilar; difficult (totraverse); disagreeable.
विषमकोण -- anoblique angle.
विषमता -- contrast; dissimilarity; inequity, oddity; difficulty; disproportion, incongruity, heterogeneousness; ruggedness.
विषम रूप -- heterogeneous; incongruous; dissimilar.
  • विषमांग vishamā:ṅg -- (a) heterogeneous; incongruous; dissimilar.
  • विषय vishay -- (nm) a subject; topic; matter; content; sexual sensual.
  • विषयक vishayak -- (ind) concerning/pertaining to or related with (used as a suffix as शिक्षा-विषयक, स्वास्थ्य-विषयक).
  • विषयांतर vishaya:ntar: -- (nm) digression, another topic.
  • विषयात्मक vishaya:tmak -- (a) sensual, sexual; pertaining to/or relatedwith the subject/topic.
  • विषयानुक्रम/णिका, विषयानुक्रमणी vishaya:nukkramaṉīka:, ~nī: -- (nf) subject-index; list of contents.
  • विषयास/क्त vishaya:sakt -- (a) sensual, lustful, given to sexual indulgence, debauch, lewd; (nm) debauchee.
विषयासक्ति -- sensuality, sensualism, lustfulness, sexual indulgence.
  • विषयी vishayi: -- (a) voluptuous, lustful; sensual; a subject (as opposed toodject i.e. विषय); (nm) a sensualist.
  • विषाक्त visha:kt -- (a) toxic, poisonous, venomous; vituperative.
विषाक्तता -- toxicity, poisonousness, venomousness, vituperation.
  • विषाण visha:ṉ -- (nm) a horn (of a beast); tusk (of a boar etc.).
  • विषाणु visha:ṉū -- (nf) virus.
विषाणु रोग -- disease caused by virus infection.
विषाणु-सक्रमण -- virus infection.
  • विषाद visha:d -- (nm) gloom, sombreness, melancholy, despondency.
विषादजनक -- resulting in or causinggloom/melancholy/ despondency.
विषादपूर्ण/मय -- melancholic, sombre, gloomy.
विषाद रोग -- melancholia.
  • विषादित visha:dit -- (a) dejected, gloomy, melancholy.
  • विषान्न visha:nn -- (nm) poisoned or poisonous food/meal.
  • विषुव/त् vishuwat -- (a) equatorial.
विषुवतीय -- equatorial.
विषुवद्रेखा -- theequator.
विषुवद्वृत्त -- the equator.
  • विषूचिका vishu:chika: -- (nf) cholera.
विषूचिकाग्रस्त -- suffering from cholera.
  • विषैला vishaila: -- (a) poisonous; venomous, toxic, vituperative, virose.
विषैलापन -- poisonousness, venomousness, v.tuperativeness, toxicity.
विषैला पौधा -- the upas (plant).
  • विष्कंभक vishkāmbhak -- (nm) in interlude (in a drama).
  • विष्ठा vishṭḥa: -- (nf) faeces, excrement, night soil.
  • विष्णु vishṉū -- (nm) one of the Hindu mythological divine trinity विष्णु ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश the preserver ofthe world, God Almighty.
विष्णुपत्नी -- goddess लक्ष्मी—the spouse of विष्णु.
  • विसंग/त visaṅgat -- (a) irrelevant, illogical; incoherent.
विसंगति -- irrelevance/irrelevancy; illogicality; incoherence.
  • विसंज्ञ/क visaṅgyak -- (nm and a) an anaesthetist; anaesthetic.
विसंज्ञन -- anaesthetization.
  • विसं/पर्क visāmpark -- (nm) isolation; segregation.
विसंपृक्त -- isolated; segregated; aloof.
  • विसम्मत visammāt -- (a) dissenting, disagreeing.
  • विसम्मति visammāti -- (nf) disagreement; dissent.
विसम्मति-टिप्पणी -- note of.
  • विसरण visarāṉ -- (nm) diffusion; dissemination.
विसरणता -- diffusity.
विसरणशील -- diffusive.
विसरणशील ता -- diffusiveness.
  • विसर्ग visarg -- (nm) a colon-like sign (:) used in the Devna:gri: script, characteristic of Sanskrit word-formations and resembling 'h' inpronunciation (as in दुःख).
  • विस/र्जन visarjān -- (nm) dispersal; abandonment.
विसर्जन करना -- todisperse; to abandon.
विसर्जित -- dispersed; abandoned.
  • विसार visa:r -- (nm) diffusion.
  • विसाल visa:l -- (nm) union (of lover and beloved).
  • विसूचिका visu:chika: -- (nf) see विषूचिका.
  • विसृति vissriti -- (nf) diffusion; diffusedness.
  • विसैन्यी/करण visainyi:karāṉ -- (nm) demilitarization.
विसैन्यीकृत -- demilitarized.
  • विस्तरण vistarāṉ -- (nm) span; extension, enlargement; spreading.
  • विस्तार vista:r -- (nm) expanse, span, spread; extent; extension, elaboration; enlargement; details; volume.
विस्तारण -- amplification, extension, elaboration.
विस्तारपूर्वक/विस्तार-से -- extensively; in details, elaborately.
  • विस्तारित vista:rit -- (a) expanded; enlarged; elaborately explained; spread; detailed.
  • विस्तीर्ण visti:rṉ -- (a) expanded, spread out; spacious; elaborate, copious; hence विस्तीर्णता (nf).
  • विस्तृ/त vistrit -- (a) expanded; commodious; voluminous; elaborate, detailed; lengthy.
विस्तृति -- voluminousness; elaboration; expandedness, expansion; extent.
  • विस्था/पन vistha:pan -- (nm) displacement.
विस्थापित -- displaced.
विस्थापित व्यक्ति -- a displaced person.
  • विस्फारित vispha:rit -- (a) opened wide; spread.
  • विस्फोट visphoṭ -- (nm) explosion, blast; burst; crack (ing).
विस्फोटक/विस्फोटकारी -- explosive; a cracker.
विस्फोटक पदार्थ -- explosive substance.
विस्फोटन -- explosion.
विस्फोट होना -- to explode, to crack; toblast, to burst.
  • विस्मय vismay -- (nm) wonder, surprise, astonishment, amazement.
विस्मयकर/कारी/जनक -- wonderful, surprising, amazing; sensational.
  • विस्मयाकुल vismaya:kul -- (a) stunned aghast, non-plussed, wonder-struck.
  • विस्मयी vismayi: -- (a) see विस्मयकारी (under विस्मय).
  • विस्मरण vismarāṉ -- (nm) forgetting, oblivion.
विस्मरणशील -- forgetful, oblivious.
विस्मरणशीलता -- forgetfulness, obliviousness.
  • विस्मित vismit -- (a) wonder-struck, amazed, surprised, astonished.
विस्मित करना -- to amaze, to astonish, to surprise.
  • विस्मृ/त vismrit -- (a) forgotten, gone into oblivion.
विस्मृति -- forgetfulness, oblivion.
  • विस्वर vissvar -- (a) discordant, disharmonious; (nm) a discordant note.
विस्वरता -- disharmony, discord.
  • विस्वाद vissva:d -- (a) tasteless; insipid.
  • विहंग vihāṅg -- (nm) a bird.
विहंगराज -- Garuṛ—the mythological king of birds.
  • विहंगम vihāṅgam -- (nm) a bird.
विहंगम दृष्टि -- a bird's eye-view.
  • विहंगावलोकन vihaṅga:vlokān -- (nm) a bird's eye-view.
  • विहग vihag -- (nm) a bird.
विहगपति/राज -- see विहंगराज (under विहंग).
  • विह/सन vihasān -- (nm) laughter, laughing.
  • विहाग viha:g -- (nm) a typical Indian musical mood (राग).
  • विहान viha:n -- (nm) day-break.
  • विहार viha:r -- (nm) merry-making, having good time, pastime; wandering, roaming; sexual enjoyment; a (Buddhistic) monastery.
विहार-गृह -- a pleasure-house.
विहार-स्थल/स्थली -- a pleasure-resort; hence विहारी( a and (nm), विहारिणी (a and nf).
  • विहित vihit -- (a) prescribed, ordained, enjoined (by); in order, valid.
  • विहिन vihi:n -- a suffix used to impart a negative sense—without/deprived of/divested of/bereft of; hence विहिनता (nf).
  • विव्हल vihval -- (a) overwhelmed; perturbed, agitated.
विव्हलता -- state ofbeing overwhelmed; perturbation, agitation.
विव्हलहृदय -- overwhelmed; perturbed, mentally agitated; hence विव्हलहृदयता (nf).
  • वीक्ष/ण vi:kshāṉ -- (nm) observance/observing, seeing.
वीक्षणीय -- worth observance/seeing.
  • वी/चि, वीची vi:chi, ~chi: -- (nf) a ripple, wave.
वीचिमाली -- the sea.
  • वीटो vi:ṭo -- (nm) veto.
वीटो-अधिकार -- veto-power.
वीटो का प्रयोग -- use of the veto.
वीटो करना -- to veto, to use vetoagainst.
  • वीणा vī:ṉā: -- (nf) a typical Indian lute (with a large gourd at eitherend).
वीणादंड -- body of the वीणाbetween the two end-gourds.
वीणापाणि -- an epithet of सरस्वती—thegoddess of learning.
वीणारव -- melodious notes of a वीणा.
वीणावादक -- alute-player, one who plays on a वीणा.
वीणावादन -- playing on a वीणा.
वीणावादिनी -- see वीणापाणि.
  • वीत vi:t -- an adjectival prefix used to impart the sense of past/finished/leftoff /beyond/ended/freedfrom/without etc.
वीतकल्मष -- freedfrom sin.
वीतकाम -- who has no longing/desire, calm, tranquil.
वीतचिंत -- having no worries, freed fromanxieties.
वीतजन्म -- not subject tobirth.
वीतजरा -- not subject to senility, ever-young.
वीतदंभ -- beyond conceit, who has no vanity left.
वीतभय/भिति -- fearless; dauntless; intrepid.
वीतमोह -- freed from illusion/worldly attachments.
वीतराग -- freedfrom passions or affections; dispassionate; hence वीतरागता (nf).
वीतशोक -- freed from sorrow/gloom.
वीतस्पृह -- freed from wish or desire, having no longing.
  • वी/थि, वीथी vi:thi, ~thi: -- (nf) an alley, avenue; gallery.
  • वीथिका vi:thika: -- (nf) an alley, avenue; gallery.
  • वीभत्स vi:bhats -- (a) see वीभत्स.
  • वीर vi:r -- (a) heroic; brave, valiant, valorous, gallant; (nm) a hero; brother.
वीरकर्म -- a heroic deed, deed of bravery; gallant act.
वीरकर्मा -- brave, valorous, valiant; one who performs courageousdeeds.
वीरकाव्य -- heroic poetry, poetry eulogizing heroic deeds.
वीरकेशरी -- the bravest of the braves, a hero of heroes.
वीरगति -- heroicend, the attainment of heavenwhich is supposed to be the happylot of a warrior killed in action.
वीरगति को प्राप्त होना, वीरगति मिलना -- to go toglory, to achieve a heroic end, to bekilled in action, to attain accessto heaven through martyrdom.
वीरगाथा -- saga of heroic deeds/heroism.
वीरजननी/प्रसवा/प्रसू/माता -- mother of a hero/warrior, amother who begets a brave/warrior child.
वीर-पूजा -- hero-worship.
  • वीरता vi:rta: -- (nf) heroism; bravery, valour, daring, gallantry.
वीरतापूर्ण -- heroic, brave, valorous, gallant.
वीरतापूर्वक -- bravely, heroically, valiantly, gallantly.
  • वीरत्व vi:rattv -- (nm) heroism, bravery, valour, daring, gallantry.
  • वीरांगना vi:rā:ṅgnā: -- (nf) a heroine; brave woman.
  • वीरा/न vi:rā:n -- (a and nm) deserted, devastated, desolate; uninhabited(place).
वीरानी -- desolateness, desertedness.
  • वीराना vi:ra:nā: -- (nm) a deserted/desolated place.
  • वीरासन vi:ra:san -- (nm) a heroic posture, particular sitting posture.
  • वीरोचित vi:rochit -- (a) heroic, befitting a hero, gallant, valorous, valiant.
  • वीरोत्तम vi:rottām -- (nm) the bravest of braves.
  • वीर्य vi:ry -- (nm) semen; potency, manly vigour, virility; heroism, valour.
वीर्यकर -- strength-giving, raising virility, marrow.
वीर्य-कीटाणु -- spermatozoon.
वीर्यपात -- discharge ofsemen.
वीर्य-पारमिता -- (with Buddhists) the highest degree of fortitude orenergy (one of the six perfections).
वीर्यवान/शाली -- virile, potent, manly; powerful.
वीर्य-संबंधी -- seminal, spermatic.
वीर्य-हानि -- loss of virility, impotency.
वीर्यहीन -- impotent; weak, feeble; hence वीर्यहीनता (nf).
  • वीर्याधान vi:rya:dha:n -- (nm) impregnation.
  • वीही vi:hi: -- (nf) quince.
  • वुजू vuzu: -- (nm) the act of washing the face, hands and feet by a(Mohammedan) devotee beforeoffering his prayers.
  • वुजूद vuju:d -- (nm) existence, being.
  • वृंत vrīnt -- (nm) a stalk, stem or main axis (of a plant etc.).
  • वृंद vrīnd -- (nm) multitude, assembly.
वृंदगान -- chorus.
वृंदगायक -- the chorus, collective singers.
वृंदगायन -- collective/choral singing.
वृंदवादन -- orchestration.
वृंदवादनकार -- orchestrator.
  • वृक vrik -- (nm) a wolf.
  • वृक्काकार vrikka:ka:r -- (a) reniform.
  • वृक्ष vriksh -- (nm) a tree.
वृक्षकोटर -- cavity of a tree.
वृक्षच्छाया -- shadowof a trees.
वृक्ष-देवी -- a hamadryad.
वृक्षमूल -- the root of a tree.
वृक्ष-रोपण -- tree-plantation.
वृक्षवत् -- arborescent.
वृक्ष-वाटिका -- a garden.
वृक्षवासी -- arboreal.
वृक्षविज्ञान/शास्त्र -- dendrology.
वृक्ष-संकुल -- arboreous.
वृक्ष-संवर्धन -- arboriculture.
वृक्ष-सेचन -- watering thetrees.
वृक्षहीन -- treeless.
  • वृक्षाकार vriksha:kar -- (a) dendriform.
  • वृक्षाभ vriksha:bh -- (nm) dendroid.
  • वृक्षायुर्वेद vriksha:yurved -- (nm) dendrology, the science of arboreal diseases and their cure.
  • वृत्त vritt -- (nm) circle; ring; account, record; news; verse, meter.
वृत्तखंड -- an arc; a sector; segment of acircle.
वृत्त , छोटा -- circlet.
वृत्त-चित्र -- adocumentary (film).
वृत्तमुखी -- rounded, circular.
वृत्तमुखी स्वर -- roundedvowel.
वृत्तरूपक -- documentaryfeature.
वृत्तसार -- final act.
  • वृत्तांत vrittā:nt -- (nm) news; a report, narrative, account.
  • वृत्ताकार vritta:ka:r -- (a) circular.
  • वृत्ति vritti -- (nf) instinct; mentality; profession, vocation; (conventional) function; stipend (as वृत्ति-छात्र वृत्ति); commentary (esp. on a su:tra).
वृत्तिका -- stipend.
वृत्ति-कर -- professiontax.
वृत्तिकार -- a commentator.
वृत्तिदाता -- one who provides livelihood; supporter, affordingmaintenance.
वृत्तिभोगी -- stipendiary.
  • वृत्तीय vritti:y -- (a) circular; professional/vocational; stipendiary.
  • वृथा vritha: -- (a) useless, fruitless; ineffective; (adv) in vain, vainly, to no effect.
वृथात्व -- uselessness, futility, fruitlessness.
वृथामति -- foolish, blockheaded.
वृथावृद्ध -- aged withoutexperience, grown old but notwise.
वृथा करना -- to render fruitless/ineffective; to cause to be in vain; to nullify, to stultify.
  • वृथोक्त vrithokt -- (a) said/uttered in vain.
  • वृथोत्पन्न vrithotpann -- (a) born in vain.
  • वृ/द्ध vriddh -- (a) old, elderly, aged; (nm) an aged man, old man.
वृद्धत्व -- old age, senility; hence वृद्धा (a andnf).
  • वृद्धावस्था vriddha:vastha: -- (nf) old age, senility.
  • वृद्धि vriddhi -- (nf) increase/increment, rise, growth; progress; enlargement, augmentation; enhancement; magnification.
वृद्धिकारी -- promoting growth, augmentative, magnifying.
वृद्धि-दर -- growth rate, rateof increase.
  • वृश्चिक vrishchik -- (nm) a scorpion.
वृश्चिक राशी -- Scorpio —the eighth sign of zodiac.
  • वृष vrish -- (nm) a bull, bullock.
वृष राशि -- the zodiacal sign—Taurus.
  • वृषभ vrishabh -- (nm) a bull, bullock.
वृषभ राशि -- the zodiacal sign —Taurus.
  • वृष्टि vrishṭi -- (nf) rain.
वृष्टिकारी -- causing rains.
वृष्टि-काल -- rainy season.
  • वृह/त् vrihat -- (a) large, big; great.
वृहद् -- an allomorph of वृहत् appearingas the first member in compoundwords.
  • वृहस्पति vrihaspati -- (nm) see बृहस्पति.
वृहस्पतिवार -- see बृहस्पतिवार.
  • वेंकटेश्वर venkaṭeshshwar -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Vishṉū.
  • वे ve -- (pro) they, those.
वे लोग -- those (people).
वे ख़ुद/स्वयं -- they themselves.
  • वेग veg -- (nm) speed, velocity; momentum.
वेगमापी -- velocimeter.
वेगवती -- feminine form of वेगवान.
वेगवान -- speedy, swift.
वेग धारण करना -- toacquire speed.
  • वेणिका veṉīka: -- (nf) see वेणी.
  • वेणिबंध veṉībandh -- (nf) (a woman's) braided hair-locks.
  • वेणी veṉī -- (nf) a braid of hair or braided hair.
  • वेणु veṉū -- (nf) a flute; bamboo.
वेणुकार -- a flute-maker.
वेणुवादक -- a flute-player.
वेणुवादन -- flute-playing.
  • वेतन vetan -- (nm) pay, salary; wages.
वेतनजीवी -- salaried (person), subsistingby wages.
वेतनदाता -- paymaster, employer.
वेतनभोगी -- salaried, receiving wages; stipendiary.
वेतन-वृद्धि -- increment.
वेतन-वृद्धि, वार्षिक -- annualincrement.
  • वेतस् vetas -- (nm) a cane.
  • वेताल veta:l -- (nm) a goblin, evil spirit, ghost.
  • वेत्ता vetta: -- (nm) one who knows, a Sanskrit word used as a suffix toimpart the sense of one who knowsor who is an expert in, as तत्त्ववेत्ता, विधिवेत्ता, etc.
  • वेत्र vettr -- (nm) a cane, stick.
  • वेद ved -- (nm) the most ancient and.
  • वेदना vednā: -- (nf) ache, pain; agony.
वेदनाग्रस्त -- in agony, sufferingfrom pain, afflicted.
  • वेदांग vedā:ṅg -- (nm) the six subordinate branches of the Vedas; viz. शिक्षा (the rules of correct pronunciation of Vedic mantras).
कल्प -- (details of religious ceremonies).
निरूक्त -- (etymology and explanationof Vedic words).
छंद -- (prosody).
ज्योतिष -- (astronomy); and व्याकरण( grammar).
  • वेदांत veda:nt -- (nm) one of the six systems of Hindu philosophy (socalled either as teaching the ultimate scope of the Veda or simplyas explained in the Upanishads, which come at the end of theVedas).
वेदांतज्ञ/विद् -- conversant withthe Vedanta system of philosophy.
वेदांतवादी -- one who believes in the वेदांत philosophy.
वेदांत-सूत्र -- the aphorism of Vedanta, compiled by the sage-philosopher Vya:s or Ba:dra:yāṉ.
  • वेदांती veda:nti: -- (a and nm) (one) conversant with or adhering to the Vedanta system of philosophy.
  • वेदाध्ययन veda:ddhyayan -- (nm) study of the Vedas.
  • वेदाध्यायी veda:ddhya:i: -- (nm and a) a student of the Vedas; studying the Vedas.
  • वेदाभ्या/स veda:bbhya:s -- (nm) study of the Vedas.
वेदाभ्यासी -- student of the Vedas.
  • वेदिका vedika: -- (nf) an altar; a platform, terrace.
  • वेदी vedi: -- (nf) an altar, a platform; terrace; a suffix used in the sense of a knower or scholar of the Vedas (as चतुर्वेदी, त्रिवेदी).
  • वेदोक्त vedokt -- (a) ordained by or enjoined in the Vedas.
  • वेध vedh -- (nm) perforation; penetrating/piercing; (planetary) observation.
वेधक -- perforator; he who or that which penetrates/pierces/observes.
वेधन -- perforation; penetration/piercing; observation; hence वेधनीय, वेध्य (a).
  • वेधशाला vedhsha:la: -- (nf) an observatory (of stars and planets etc.).
  • वेधी vedhi: -- (a) one who or that which perforates/pierces/hits atarget.
  • वेला vela: -- (nf) time; an hour; coast, shore.
  • वेल्लन vellan -- (nm) rolling.
  • वेश vesh -- (nm) guise; external appearance; dress, costume.
वेशधारी -- assuming the guise or appearance of.
वेश-भूषा -- apparel; get -up, appearance.
  • वेश्या veshshya: -- (nf) a prostitute.
वेश्यागमन -- (act of) prostitution.
वेश्यागामी -- one who indulges in prostitution.
वेश्या-गृह -- a brothel.
वेश्या-पुत्र -- son of aprostitute.
वेश्या-वृत्ति -- (profession orinstitution of) prostitution.
  • वेश्यालय veshshya:lay -- (nm) a brothel.
  • वेष vesh -- (nm) see वेश.
  • वेष्टन veshṭan -- (nm) a package; wrapping/wrapper; enclosure.
  • वेष्टित veshṭit -- (a) enclosed, surrounded; wrapped.
  • वैकल्पिक vaikalpik -- (a) optional, alternative.
वैकल्पिकता/त्व -- optionality.
  • वैकुंठ vaikūṉṭḥ -- (nm) the heaven, paradise.
वैकुंठपुरी/लोक -- the city ofLord Vishṉū—heaven.
वैकुंठीय -- pertaining to वैकुंठ.
  • वैखरी vaikhari: -- (nf) articulate speech.
  • वैखानस vaikha:nās -- (nm) a Bra:hmāṉ in the third stage of his life—an anchorite.
  • वैचारिक vaicha:rik -- (a) ideological; pertaining to thought/thinking/deliberation/reflection; hence वैचारिकता (nf).
  • वैचारिकी vaicha:riki: -- (nf) ideology.
वैचारिकीय -- ideological.
  • वैचित्र्य vaichittry -- (nm) peculiarity, typicalness; characteristic quality; strangeness.
  • वैजयंती vaijayanti: -- (nf) a shield; banner; mythological garland of Lord Vishṉū.
  • वैज्ञानिक vaigya:nīk -- (nm) a scientist; (a) scientific.
वैज्ञानिकता -- scientism; scientific outlook.
वैज्ञानिक वृत्ति -- scientific attitude/profession.
  • वैतनिक vaitnīk -- (a) salaried, on payment or salary basis.
  • वैतरणी vaitarṉī: -- (nf) styx, a mythological river in the hell.
  • वैतालिक vaiṭa:lik -- (nm) a minstrel, bard.
  • वैदग्ध्य vaidagdhy -- (nm) wits, intelligence; sharpness, acuteness.
  • वैदिक vaidik -- (a) pertaining or belonging to or related with the Vedas; of the Vedas, Vedic.
वैदिक युग -- the Vedic age.
वैदिक संस्कृत -- the Sanskritused in Vedic literature asdistinct from that used in latertimes (and known as लौकिक संस्कृतor just संस्कृत); also called वैदिकी.
  • वैदुष्य vaidushy -- (nm) scholarship, learning.
  • वैदुर्य vaidu:ry -- (nm) baryl, a cat's eye (gem); also वैदुर्य मणि.
  • वैदेशिक vaideshik -- (a) foreign, external; pertaining to a foreign country.
वैदेशिक कार्य -- foreign/externalaffairs.
वैदेशिक मंत्रालय -- Ministry of External Affairs.
वैदेशिक मंत्री -- Minister forExternal Affairs.
वैदेशिक नीति -- foreignpolicy.
वैदेशिक व्यापार -- foreign trade.
  • वैदेही vaidehi: -- (nf) daughter of विदेह —an epithet of सीता.
  • वैद्य vaiddy -- (nm) an Ayurvedic physician.
वैद्यराज -- most outstanding of vaidyas, a pre-eminentvaidya.
वैद्य-विद्या/शास्त्र -- the Indianmedicinal system.
  • वैद्यक vaiddyak -- (nm) the Indian medicinal system; the scienceor practice of medicine.
  • वैध vaidh -- (a) valid; legal, legitimate; tenable.
वैधता -- validity; legitimacy, legality; tenability.
वैधता वादी -- a legitimist.
  • वैधर्म्य vaidharmmy -- (nm) heresy; heterogeneity; (as साधर्म्य-वैधर्म्य).
  • वैधव्य vaidhavvy -- (nm) widowhood.
वैधव्य-अभिशाप -- the curse of widowhood.
  • वैधिक vaidhik -- (a) see वैध.
  • वैधीकरण vaidhi:karāṉ -- (nm) legalisation.
  • वेपरीत्य vaippari:tty -- (nm) nominal formation from विपरीत (see).
  • वैपुल्य vaipully -- (nm) nominal formation from विपुल (see).
  • वैभव vaibhav -- (nm) grandeur, glory, magnificence; wealth, prosperity, riches.
वैभवशालिता -- the state ofbeing वैभवशाली.
वैभवशाली -- grand, glorious; magnificent, full ofgrandeur / glory / magnificence; wealthy, prosperous, rich.
  • वैभिन्न्य vaibhinny -- (nm) see विभिन्नता.
  • वैमनस्य vaimanassy -- (nm) rancour, malice; hostility, enmity.
  • वैमा/त्र, वैमात्रेय vaimā:ttr, ~ttrey -- (a) born of step-mother, step-motherly, novercal.
  • वैमानि/क vaimā:nīk -- (a) aeronautical, pertaining or related with aviation/aircraft.
वैमानिकी -- aeronautics.
वैमानिकीय -- aeronautical, aviational.
  • वैयक्तिक vaiyaktik -- (a) individual, personal; private; subjective.
वैयक्तिकता -- individuality; subjectivity.
वैयक्तिक बंध -- personal bond.
वैयक्तिक विधि -- personallaw.
  • वैयाकरण vaiya:karāṉ -- (nm) a grammarian; (a) grammatical.
वैयाकरण कोटि -- grammatical category.
  • वैर vair -- (nm) enmity, animosity, hostility.
वैरकर/कारक/कारी -- arousing or instigating hostility/animosity.
वैर-प्रतिकार/प्रतिशोत -- revenge.
वैर-भाव -- animosity, hostility, badblood.
  • वैरस्य vairassy -- (nm) see विरसता.
  • वैरागी vaira:gi: -- (a and nm) detached; a recluse, one who is not attachedto worldly affairs.
  • वैराग्य vaira:ggy -- (nm) (attitude of) renunciation, detachment (fromworldly affairs).
वैराग्य-भाव(ना); -- spiritof renunciation/detachment.
  • वैरी vairi: -- (nm) an enemy, a foe, hostile person.
  • वैरूप्य vairu:ppy -- (nm) see विरूपता.
  • वैवाहिक vaiva:hik -- (a) matrimonial, nuptial, married.
वैवाहिक-जीवन -- married/matrimonial life.
वैवाहिक संबंध -- matrimonial/married relations.
  • वैशा/ख vaisha:kh -- (nm) the second month of the Hindu calendar.
वैशाखी -- a major Indian festivalobserved on the full moon-dayin the month of वैशाख, वैशाखनंदन; an ass, a donkey.
  • वैशिष्ट्य vaishishṭy -- (nm) speciality; characteristic (quality); peculiarity.
  • वैशेषिक vaisheshik -- (nm) one of the six major systems of Indianphilosophy.
  • वैश्य vaishshy -- (nm) the third वर्ण (caste) in the traditional Hinduhierarchical caste set-up withtrade as its main profession; atrader.
वैश्य-कर्म -- trade, business.
  • वैश्वानर vaish:shva:nar -- (nm) an epithet of the god of fire; fire.
  • वैषम्य vaishammy -- (nm) see विषमता.
  • वैषयिक vaishaik -- (a) subjective, pertaining to a / the subject; disciplinary; pertaining to sex orsexual enjoyment, sensual.
  • वैष्णव vaishṉāv -- (nm) a devotee of विष्णु; (a) pertaining to or belonging to विष्णु; hence वैष्णवी (nf).
  • वैसा vaisa: -- (a) of that kind/nature, like that, such as that.
वैसा ही -- exactly like that, of that very type/manner.
  • वैसे vaise -- (ind) that way, in that manner; in the same manner.
वैसे ही -- just like that; casually, withoutany specific purpose.
  • वो vo -- (pro) a variant of वह (in.
  • वोट voṭ -- (nm) vote.
वोट देना -- to vote, to cast one's vote.
वोट माँगना -- to askfor/seek votes.
  • वोटर voṭar -- (nm) a voter.
वोटर-सूची -- voter-list.
  • व्यंग्य vyāṅgy -- (nm) suggestion; irony, sarcasm, innuendo; caricature.
व्यंग्य-कवि -- satyric poet.
व्यंग्यकार -- satirist.
व्यंग्य-काव्य -- satyrical verse/poetry.
व्यंग्य-चित्र -- a cartoon.
व्यंग्य-चित्र कार -- a cartoonist.
व्यंग्यपुष्ट -- sarcastic, ironical.
व्यंग्य-बाण -- sarcastic utterance/remark.
व्यंग्य-मिश्रित -- with a touch of sarcasm/irony.
व्यंग्य-रूपक -- a skit.
व्यंग्य लेख -- satiricalarticle.
व्यंग्यलेखक -- satirist.
व्यंग्य लेखन -- satirical writing.
व्यंग्य-वचन -- sarcastic/ironical; remarks.
व्यंग्य कसना -- to passsarcastic remarks.
  • व्यंग्यार्थ vyāṅgya:rth -- (nm) suggested meaning, suggestion.
  • व्यंग्योक्ति vyāṅgyokti -- (nf) a sarcastic/ironical utterance or remark, sarcasm.
  • व्यंजक vyāṇjak -- (a) expressive; suggestive.
व्यंजकता -- expressiveness; suggestivity.
  • व्यंजन vyāṇjān -- (nm) a consonant; rich (cooked) food, dainties.
  • व्यंजना vyāṇjanā: -- (nf) suggestion, suggested meaning.
व्यंजना-शक्ति -- suggestive power (of a word).
  • व्यंजित vyāṇjit -- (a) suggested, conveyed through suggestion.
  • व्यक्त vyakt -- (a) expressed; manifest(ed); articulate; hence व्यक्तता (nf).
  • व्यक्ति vyakti -- (nm) an individual, a person; subject.
व्यक्तिक -- individual, personal.
व्यक्तिगत -- subjective; individual, personal.
व्यक्तिनिष्ट -- subjective.
व्यक्ति-पद -- singular term.
व्यक्तिवाचक -- proper.
व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा -- proper noun.
व्यक्तिवाद -- individualism.
व्यक्तिवादिता -- individualism; individualistic outlook.
व्यक्तिवादी -- an individualist; individualistic.
व्यक्तिवैचित्र्यवाद -- (in literature) the theory of subjective/personaltypicality/identity; hence व्यक्तिवैचित्र्यवादी (a, nf).
  • व्यक्तित्व vyaktittv -- (nm) personality; individuality.
व्यक्तित्वहीन -- devoid of apersonality, having no personality; hence व्यक्तित्वहिनता (nf).
  • व्यक्ती/करण vyakti:karāṉ -- (nm) individualisation; personalisation; imparting a personal/individualcharacter.
व्यक्तीकृत -- individualised; personalised; given a personal/individual character.
  • व्यक्तोच्चार vyaktochcha:r -- (nm) articulation, articulate pronunciation.
  • व्यग्र vyaggr -- (a) restless, perturbed, concerned; impatient.
व्यग्रता -- restlessness, perturbation; concern, anxiousness; impatience.
व्यग्रमना -- restless, perturbed; concerned; impatient.
  • व्यजन vyajān -- (nm) a fan.
  • व्यतिकर vyatikar -- (nm) interference, interruption.
  • व्यतिक्रम vyatikkrām -- (nm) metathesis; violation of established order; default, infraction; hence व्यतिक्रमण( nm).
  • व्यतिक्रांत vyatikkrā:nt -- (a) transgressed; rendered disorderly; defaulted.
  • व्यतिरे/क vyatirek -- (nm) difference; contrast; discontinuance.
व्यतिरेकी -- contrastive.
व्यतिरेकी भाषाविज्ञान -- contrastive linguistics.
व्यतिरेकी विश्लेषण -- contrastive analysis.
व्यतिरेकी व्याकरण -- contrastive grammar.
  • व्यतिहा/र vyatiha:r -- (nm) interchange, reciprocity.
व्यतिहारी -- reciprocal.
  • व्यतीत vyati:t -- (a) passed, past.
व्यतीत काल -- bygone days, past.
  • व्यत्यय vyattyay -- (nm) reversal; transposition, metathesis.
व्यत्यय-, वर्ण -- meta-thesis.
  • व्यथा vyatha: -- (nf) pain, agony, anguish.
व्यथाकर -- agonising.
व्यथाकुल -- see व्यथित.
व्यथाक्रात -- see व्यथित.
व्यथातुर -- see व्यथित.
व्यथारहित/शुन्य -- freefrom pain/agony/anguish.
  • व्यथित vyathit -- (a) in agony/anguish, pained, afflicted.
  • व्यभिचा/र vyabhicha:r -- (nm) fornication, wenching; lewdness, debauchery; adultery.
व्यभिचारिणी -- fast/lewd (woman), wanton woman.
व्यभिचारिता -- debauchery, lewdness; adultery.
व्यभिचारी -- a debauchee; an adulterer; lewd, libertine.
व्यभिचारी भाव -- a transitorymental (also, in some cases physical) state (such states numberthirty-four according to Indianpoeticians).
  • व्यय vyay -- (nm) expense, expenditure; cost, outlay; consumption.
व्ययसाध्य -- expensive, costly.
  • व्यर्थ vyarth -- (a) useless, fruitless; futile; ineffective; unprofitable.
व्यर्थता -- uselessness, fruitlessness, futility; ineffectiveness.
व्यर्थ का कामकरता -- to beat the air; to bite/goawfile.
व्यर्थ समय गँवाना -- to shoe the goose.
  • व्यवक/लन vyavkalan -- (nm) subtraction.
व्यवकलित -- subtracted.
  • व्यवच्छिन्न vyavachchhinn -- (a) separated; divided; interrupted.
  • व्यवच्छेद vyavachchhed -- (nm) separation; division; interrupted; also व्यवच्छेदन (nm).
  • व्यव/धान vyavdhā:n -- (nm) hindrance; intervention, interruption.
व्यवहित -- hindred; intervened, interrupted.
  • व्यवसा/य vyavsa:y -- (nm) profession, vocation, calling, occupation; practice.
व्यवसाय-संबंधी -- professional; vocational, occupational.
व्यवसायिक -- see व्यावसायिक.
व्यवसायिकी -- occupationology.
व्यवसायी -- professional; a practitioner.
  • व्यवस्था vyavastha: -- (nf) order, system; management, arrangement; organisation; provision; ruling; scouting.
व्यवस्थाबद्ध -- systematized, organised, orderly; hence व्यवस्थाबद्धता (nf).
व्यवस्था करना -- to organise, tosystematize; to provide; to put inorder; to arrange, to manage.
व्यवस्था देना -- to impart a system; to give aruling.
  • व्यवस्था/पक vyavastha:pak -- (nm) an organiser, a manager, one whodirects/systematizes.
व्यवस्थापन -- organising, systematizing, imparting anorder.
व्यवस्थापिका सभा -- a legislature, legislative assembly.
  • व्यवस्थि/त vyavasthit -- (a) systematic, in order, methodical; settled, provided (for).
व्यवस्थिति -- systematisation; system, method.
  • व्यवहर्त्ता vyavharta: -- (nm) a practitioner.
  • व्यवहार vyavha:r -- (nm) behaviour; dealings, treatment; transaction; practice; usage, use; application.
व्यवहार और सिद्धांत -- practice and theory.
व्यवहार-कला -- art of behaviour.
व्यवहारकुशल -- tactful in one's dealings, worldlywise, knowing the ways of theworld.
व्यवहार-कुशलता -- tactfulness, worldlywisdom; knowledge of the ways ofthe world.
व्यवहारतः -- in practice, as amatter of practice.
व्यवहार में -- in practice.
व्यवहारवाद -- positivism.
व्यवहारवादी -- a positivist; positivistic.
व्यवहार करना -- to behave; to treat; to use; to act; todeal; to apply.
  • व्यवहारिक vyavha:rik -- (a) see व्यवहारिक.
  • व्यवहार्य vyavha:ry -- (a) practicable, feasible.
व्यवहार्यता -- practicability, feasibility.
  • व्यवहित vyavhit -- (a) see under व्यवधान.
  • व्यवहृत vyavhrit -- (a) used; applied; practised.
व्यवहृत कला -- applied art.
  • व्यष्टि vyashṭi -- (nm) an individual.
व्यष्टि और समष्टि -- the individual and the community/society.
व्यष्टितः -- indi तvidually; one by one.
व्यष्टिप्रेयवाद -- individualistic hedonism.
व्यष्टि-मानव -- individual man.
व्यष्टिवादिता, व्यष्टिवाद -- individualism.
व्यष्टिवादी -- individualistic; an individualist.
व्यष्टिसुखवाद -- individualistic hedonism.
  • व्यसन vyasan -- (nm) addiction (esp. to a vice); besetting sin.
व्यसन पड़ना -- tobe/get addicted.
  • व्यसनी vyasnī: -- (a and nm) addicted (esp. to a vice); an addict.
  • व्यस्त vyast -- (a) busy, occupied, engaged.
व्यस्तता -- busyness, the stateor quality of being busy/occupied.
  • व्याकरण vya:karāṉ -- (nm). Grammar.
व्याकरण , ऐतिहासिक -- historical Grammar.
व्याकरण , तुलनात्मक -- comparative Grammar.
व्याकरण , रूपांतरण -- transformational Grammar.
व्याकरण , वर्णनात्मक -- descriptiveGrammar.
व्याकरण विषयक/संबंधी -- grammatical.
व्याकरण , व्यवस्थापक -- systematicGrammar.
व्याकरण-सम्मत/व्याकरणसिद्ध -- grammatically correct.
  • व्याकरणिक vya:karṉīk -- (a) grammatical.
व्याकरणिक कोटि -- grammatical category.
  • व्याकुल vya:kul -- (a) perturbed, (mentally) upset, restless; impatient.
व्याकुलचित्त/मना/हृदय -- perturbed, restless, mentally upset.
व्याकुलता -- perturbation, restlessness, impatience.
  • व्याकृ/त vya:kkrit -- (a) composed.
व्याकृति -- composition.
  • व्या/कोच vya:koch -- (nm) lengthening; expansion.
व्याकुचित -- lengthened; expanded.
  • व्याख्या vya:kkhya: -- (nf) interpretation; explanation, elaboration, commentary, annotation; exposition.
व्याख्याकार -- a commentator; anannotator.
व्याख्यात -- interpreted, elaborated, explained, commented on.
व्याख्याता -- a commentator; an interpreter; lecturer.
व्याख्यात्मक -- explanatory; interpretative.
व्याख्यात्मक टिप्पणी -- explanatory/ interpretative note.
व्याख्या करना -- to explain; to interpret; to elaborate.
  • व्याख्यान vya:kkhya:n -- (nm) speech, lecture, oration; exposition, interpretation, elaboration.
व्याख्यानदाता -- anorator; a lecturer.
व्याख्यान विषयक/संबंधी -- oratorical.
व्याख्यान झाड़ना -- (said in asatirical vein) to deliver a discourse(to an unwilling listener), to dumpa discourse on.
  • व्याख्येय vya:kkhyey -- (a) worth being or to be explained/interpreted/annotated/elaborated.
  • व्याघा/त vya:gha:t -- (nm) interruption; hindrance, obstruction; contradiction.
व्याघातक/ती -- contradictory; causing interruption/obstruction.
  • व्याघ्र vya:gghr -- (nm) a tiger.
व्याघ्र-चर्म -- tiger skin.
व्याघ्रनख -- claw of a tiger.
व्याघ्रमुख/मुखी -- having a tiger-like face; terrible.
  • व्याज vya:j -- (nm) pretext, pretence; see ब्याज (and entries thereunder).
व्याजनिंदा -- artful or ironical censure.
व्याजस्तुति -- indirect eulogy, ironicalcommendation.
  • व्याजोक्ति vya:jokti -- (nf) a dissimulating statement.
  • व्या/ध vya:dh -- (nm) a hunter, fowler; also व्याधा.
  • व्याधि vya:dhi -- (nf) a malady, disease, an ailment.
व्याधिकर/जनक -- causingan ailment/a malady.
व्याधिग्रस्त/पीड़ित -- ill, afflicted by a malady, ailing, diseased.
व्याधिनाशक/हर -- counteringor removing an ailment/malady.
  • व्यापक vya:pak -- (a) comprehensive; extensive, wide(spread); pervasive.
व्यापकता/त्व -- comprehensiveness; extensiveness, pervasiveness.
  • व्यापना vya:pnā: -- (v) to be afflicted (by); to spread, permeate or pervade through.
  • व्यापार vya:pa:r -- (nm) trade, business; traffic; function; action; phenomenon.
व्यापार-चिन्ह -- trade-mark.
व्यापार-विषयक/संबंधी -- mercantile; pertaining totrade/business.
व्यापार-संघ -- mercantileassociation.
व्यापार-गुट -- trade block.
व्यापार-निदेशिका -- trade directory.
व्यापार-वर्गीकरण -- trade classification.
व्यापार शेष -- balanceof trade.
व्यापार संघ -- trade association.
व्यापारे वसति लक्ष्मा -- trade is themother of money.
  • व्यापारिक vya:pa:rik -- (a) pertaining to or related with a trade/business, mercantile.
व्यापारिकता -- mercantilism; commercialism.
व्यापारिक हित -- business interest(s).
  • व्यापारी vya:pa:ri: -- (nm) a businessman, trader, merchant; (a) engaged in trade/business.
व्यापारी-संघ -- mercantile/trade association.
व्यापारी-समाज/समुदाय -- business community.
  • व्यापी vya:pi: -- a suffix used to give the sense of pervasive/permeating/comprehensive/spread orspreading (as सर्वव्यापी, विश्वव्यापी, दूरव्यापी).
  • व्याप्त vya:pt -- (a) pervaded, permeated; spread, extended.
  • व्याप्ति vya:pti -- (nf) permeability/permeation, pervasiveness; extensity/extensiveness.
  • व्याप्य vya:ppy -- (a) pervasive, permeable.
  • व्यामो/ह vya:moh -- (nm) illusion, mental confusion; bewilderment.
व्यामोहित -- under an illusion; mentallyconfused, bewildered.
  • व्यायाम vya:ya:m -- (nm) physical exercise, exercise; gymnastics.
व्यायामशाला -- a gymnasium.
  • व्यायामी vya:ya:mī: -- (a and nm) (an) athlete, (a) gymnast; pertainingto athletics/gymnastics.
  • व्या/ल vya:l -- (nm) a snake, serpent; hence व्याली (nf).
  • व्यावर्तक vya:varttak -- (a) differentiating, distinctive, distinguishing.
व्यावर्तक धर्म -- differentiating/distinctive feature, characteristic.
  • व्यावर्तन vya:varttan -- (nm) differentiation, distinction.
  • व्यावसायिक vya:vsa:ik -- (a) professional, vocational; occupational.
व्यावसायिक खिलाड़ी -- professional player.
व्यावसायिक पाठ्यक्रम -- professional courses.
व्यावसायिक रंगमंच -- professional stage.
व्यावसायिक शिक्षा -- professional education.
  • व्यवहारिक vya:vha:rik -- (a) practical; customary.
व्यवहारिकता -- practicalness/practicality; customariness.
  • व्यास vya:s -- (nm) diameter, calibre; diffusion; a celebrated ancientIndian sage and savant.
व्यासपीठ -- dais.
व्यास-शैली -- diffused style.
  • व्याहत vya:hat -- (a) injured, afflicted.
  • व्युत्क्रम vyutkram -- (nm) anastrophe; reversal, cross order; reciprocal.
व्युत्क्रमण -- reversal; reciprocation.
  • व्युत्पत्ति vyutpatti -- (nf) etymology (of a word), derivation; origin.
व्युत्पत्तिक -- etymological; derivative.
व्युत्पत्ति , भ्रामक -- false etymology.
व्युत्पत्ति , लौकिक -- popular etymology.
व्युत्पत्ति-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- (science of) etymology.
व्युत्पत्तिवैज्ञानिक -- an etymologist; etymological.
  • व्युत्पन्न vyutpann -- (a) derived, originated; learned; accomplished.
व्युत्पन्नमति -- witty; accomplished.
व्युत्पन्न शब्द -- derived word, derivative.
  • व्युत्पा/दन vyutpa:dan -- (nm) etymological explanation, derivation (from); hence व्युत्पादक (nm).
  • व्युत्पाद्य vyutpa:ddy -- (a) derivable, capable of being traced back to the root; to be explained or discussed.
  • व्यूह vyu:h -- (nm) a military array; strategic disposition/placement.
व्यूहन -- forming an array; strategicplacement.
व्यूह-निपुण -- a strategist.
व्यूहबद्ध -- strategically arranged/arrayed.
व्यूह-रचना -- array, tactical placement or strategic disposition of forces.
  • व्योम vyom -- (nm) the sky.
व्योम-गंगा/सरिता -- the milky way (in the sky).
व्योमगामी/चर/चारी/विहारी -- sky-faring.
  • व्रजन vrajan -- (nm) going; roaming; wandering.
  • व्रण vraṉ -- (nm) a boil; ulcer, wound.
  • व्रत vrat -- (nm) a fast; vow, pledge.
व्रत-भंग -- violation of a fast/vow/pledge.
व्रत-समापन -- conclusion of a fast/vow/pledge.
  • व्रती vrati: -- (a and nm) (one who is) observing a fast/vow, one who takes a pledge; engaged in religious observance.
  • व्रात्य vra:tty -- (nm) a pagan, a non-Aryan.
व्रात्यवाद -- paganism.
  • व्री/डा, व्रीड़ा vri:ḍa:, ~ra: -- (nf) bashfulness; modesty.