सामग्री पर जाएँ

विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : सा से सौ

विक्षनरी से

हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें

  • साँई sā:ī: -- (nm) God, Lord; master; husband; a title used for Mohammedan faqirs.
  • साँकल sā:kal -- (nf) a chain.
  • सांकेतिक sa:ṅketik -- (a) token; nominal; symbolic; indicative.
सांकेतिक शब्द -- a password.
  • सांक्षेपिक sā:ṅkshepik -- (a) concise; abbreviated, abridged.
  • सांख्य sa:ṅkkhy -- (nm) one of the six major Indian Philosophical systems.
सांख्यवादी -- an adherent of सांख्य doctrine.
  • सांखियकी sa:ṅkhiki: -- (nf) (the science of) Statistics.
सांखियकीय -- statistic(al).
सांखियकीविद्/वेत्ता -- a statistician.
  • सांग sā:g -- (nf) a heavy iron implement for digging a well.
  • सांग sā:ṅg -- (a) having limbs or body, together with the body; complete, entire; organic.
सांग रूपक -- sustained metaphor.
  • सांगोपांग sā:ṅgopā:ṅg -- (a) complete (with limbs and parts), entire.
  • सांग्रामिक sā:ṅgra:mīk -- (a) strategic, pertaining to battle/warfare.
  • सांधातिक sā:ngha:tik -- (a) fatal, mortal.
  • साँच sā:ch -- (a) true, correct; (nm) truth.
साँच को आँच नहीं/कहाँ -- truth knows no fear.
  • साँ/चा sā:cha: -- (nm) a modelling tool; model; die, mould, moulding pattern.
साँचे में ढला -- cast in a pretty mould, well-shaped, shapely.
  • साँझ sā:jh -- (nf) evening, dusk.
साँझ का झुटपुटा/धुँधलका -- twilight.
  • साँझा sā:jha: -- (nm) see साँझा.
  • साँट sā:ṭ -- (nm) a cane.
  • साँठ-गाँठ sā:ṭḥ-gā:ṭḥ -- (nf) a plunder-bond, conspiratorial alliance; secret relationship; intrigue.
  • साँड sā:ṛ -- (nm) a bull.
साँड , कमेटी का -- a wandering bull; a sturdy manwith no moorings.
साँड की तरह घूमना -- to roam about in a carefree manner.
साँड की तरह डकारना -- to bellow.
  • साँडनी sā:ṛnī: -- (nf) a fast-moving she-camel.
साँडनी-सवार -- one who rides a साँडनी a messenger.
  • साँडा sā:ṛa: -- (nm) a species of sand-lizard.
  • सांत sā:nt -- (a) finite, having an end.
  • सांततिक sā:ntatik -- (a) continuous; contributing to the continuity of a lineage.
  • सांतत्यक sā:ntattyak -- (nm) continuum.
  • सांत्वना sā:ntvanā: -- (nf) consolation.
  • सांत्वना sā:ntvanā: -- (nf) consolation, solace.
सांत्वना देना -- to console, to soothe.
  • सांद्र sā:ndr -- (a) concentrated, thick; strong; solid; stereo.
सांद्रता -- concentration, thickness; strength; solidity.
  • सांध्य sā:ndhy -- (a) pertaining to the evening.
सांध्यकाल -- evening.
सांध्यकालीन -- (pertaining to or functioning in the) evening.
सांध्यवेला -- evening (time).
  • साँप sā:p -- (nm) a snake, serpent, viper; (fig) a venomous person.
साँप उतारना -- to counter the effect ofsnake-bite.
साँप कलेजे या छाती पर लोटना -- to burn within on account ofjealousy.
साँप का काटा रस्सी से डरे -- aburnt child dreads the fire.
साँप का पाँव देखना -- to try to see whatdoes not exist.
साँप का बच्चा -- a venomous being.
साँप की तरह फन मारकर रह जाना -- to make desperate bidsin vain.
साँप कीलना -- to render asnake ineffective through charm.
साँप की लहर -- snake-bite convulsions.
साँप की-सी केंचुली झाड़ना -- to undergo ametamorphosis.
साँप के बील में हाथडालना -- to risk an avoidablehazard, to invite danger.
साँप केमुँह में -- to be faced with risk oflife.
साँप के सँपोले ही होंगे -- as the crowis, so the egg shall be.
साँप को दूधपिलाना -- to nourish a potentialkiller.
साँप-छछूँदर की सी गति होना -- tobe on the horns of a dilemma.
साँप निकल जाने पर लकीर पीटना -- to kissthe hare's foot, to be a day afterthe fair.
साँप पालना -- to rear a snake, to put a viper in bosom.
साँप भी मर जाये लाठी भी न टूटे (साँप मरे न लाठी टूटे) -- to kill a snake without a stake.
साँप सूँघ जाना -- to cast a chill over, tobe rendered still.
साँप से खेलना -- to bein a dangerous company.
  • सांपत्तिक sā:mpattik -- (a) pertaining to or related with property, property.
  • साँपिन sā:pin -- (nf) a female snake/serpent.
  • सांप्रतिक sā:mpratik -- (a) modern, pertaining to present times.
  • सांप्रदायिक sā:mprada:ik -- (a) communal; sectarian.
सांप्रदायिक कट्टरता -- communal bigotry.
सांप्रदायिक दंगा -- a communal riot.
सांप्रदायिक भावना -- communal feeling.
सांप्रदायिक रहस्य -- sectarian secrets.
  • सांप्रदायिकता sā:mprada:ikta: -- (nf) communalism; sectarianism.
  • साँभर sā:bhar -- (nm) a kind of Indian antelope.
  • सांयोगिक sā:nyogik -- (a) chance, accidental, fortuitous.
सांयोगिकता -- accidentalism, fortuitism.
  • सांवत्सरिक sā:mvatsarik -- (a) annual, pertaining to a संवत्सर.
  • साँवला sā:vla: -- (a) slightly dark-complexioned.
साँवलापन -- slight darkness of complexion.
  • साँवलिया sā:valiya: -- (nm) a lover; husband.
  • साँवाँ sā:vā: -- (nm) little millet—a coarse foodgrain.
  • सांविधिक sā:mvidhik -- (a) statutory.
सांविधिकता -- conformation to statutoryprovisions, accordance with thestatute(s).
सांविधिक व्यवस्था -- statutory provision.
सांविधिक स्थिति -- statutory status/position.
  • सांश्लेषिक sā:nshleshik -- (a) synthetic.
सांश्लेषिकता -- synthetism.
  • साँस sā:s -- (nf) breath/breathing.
साँस-यंत्र -- respirator, respiratory apparatus.
साँस अंदर अंदर बाहर बाहर रह जाना -- .
  • साँसत sā:sat -- (nf) distress, affliction, trouble.
साँसत में होना, जान -- to be indeep distress, to be afflicted.
  • सांसद sa:nsad -- (a) parliamentary, pertaining or belonging to theparliament.
  • सांसदिक sa:nsadik -- (a) parliamentary; (nm) a parliamentarian.
  • सांसर्गिक sa:nsargik -- (a) born of contact, contagious.
  • सांसारिक sā:nsa:rik -- (a) worldly, mundane, mortal, earthly; secular.
सांसारिकता -- worldliness; secularity.
सांसारिक बुद्धि -- worldly wisdom.
  • सांस्कारिक sā:nska:rik -- (a) ritualistic; pertaining to or related with संस्कार, connected with one's mental impressions.
  • सांस्कृतिक sā:nskritik -- (a) cultural.
सांस्कृतिक कार्य -- cultural affairs.
सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम -- cultural programme.
सांस्कृतिक मामले -- cultural affairs.
सांस्कृतिक संबंध -- cultural relations.
  • सांस्थानिक sā:nstha:nīk -- (a) institutional.
  • साइंस sā:ins -- (nf) science.
साइंसदाँ -- a scientist.
  • सा sa: -- (ind) like, similar to, resembling, following; (nm) a basic note of the musical gamut.
  • साइज़ sa:iz -- (nm) size.
  • साइकिल sa:ikil -- (nf) a bicycle.
  • साइत sa:it -- (nf) moment, hour, time; auspicious moment.
  • साइनबोर्ड sa:inborḍ -- (nm) a sign-board.
  • साई sa:i: -- (nf) earnest money, security; advance (money to fix a deal).
  • साई/स sa:i:s -- (nm) a horse-keeper, groom.
साईसी -- horse-tending, grooming.
  • साक sa:k -- (nm) see साग.
  • साकल्य sa:kally -- (nm) entirety, completeness.
  • साकांक्ष sa:kā:ṅksh -- (a) desirous, tending a wish/desire.
  • साका sa:ka: -- (nm) an era; overwhelming influence, eminence.
साका चलना -- to have an era named after; tobe a historical figure; to be veryimportant and influential.
  • साकार sa:ka:r -- (a) formal, having a form; concrete.
साकारता -- the stateof having a form; concreteness.
  • साकारोपासना sa:ka:ropa:snā: -- (nf) worshipping a formal deity, idolworship.
  • साकिन sa:kin -- (nm) resident (of).
साकिन हाल -- presently residing (at).
  • साक़ी sa:qi: -- (nm) a cup-bearer, one who serves a drink (liquor).
  • साक्षर sa:kshar -- (a) literate.
साक्षरता -- literacy.
साक्षरता आंदोलन -- literacy campaign.
  • साक्षात् sa:ksha:t -- (adv) in the presence of, in person, visibly; (a) manifest, tangible, visible.
साक्षात्कार -- an interview.
साक्षात्कारी -- an interviewer.
साक्षात्कृत -- interviewed.
  • साक्षी sa:kshi: -- (nm) a witness, deponent; (nf) evidence, testimony.
साक्षी-परीक्षा -- cross examination of a witness.
साक्षीभूत -- who has witnessed.
  • साक्षेप sa:kshep -- (a) taunting, containing an objection/insinuation/irony/reproach/reflection.
  • साक्ष्यं/कन sa:kshyāṅkan -- (nm) attestation.
साक्ष्यंकित -- attested.
  • साक्ष्य sa:kshy -- (nm) evidence, testimony; vouchment.
साक्ष्य, अंतः -- internal evidence.
साक्ष्य, बहिः -- external evidence.
  • साख sa:kh -- (nf) credit; goodwill; reputation; trust.
साख पत्र -- letter ofcredit, credit note.
साख उठ जाना/डूबना/में बट्टा लगना -- one's credit/goodwill to be gone/liquidated, goodwill to be lost.
साख ऊँची उठना -- one's credit/goodwill to be enhanced/to go up.
साख जमना -- one'scredit/goodwill to be firmlyestablished.
  • साखी sa:khi: -- (nm) a witness.
  • साग sa:g -- (nm) vegetable; greens.
साग-पात -- vegetables and herbs.
साग-सब्ज़ी -- vegetables.
साग-पात समझना -- to treatwith contempt.
  • सागर sa:gar -- (nm) the ocean, sea.
सागरगामी -- sea-faring.
सागर-संगम -- estuary.
  • साग़र sa:g̣ar -- (nm) a peg, (wine) cup.
  • सागवान sa:gwā:n -- (nf) teak (wood).
  • सागौन sa:gaun -- (nf) see सागवान.
  • साज sa:j -- (nm) accoutrements, embellishment; appurtenance; see साज़.
साज-गृह -- green room.
साज-सँवार -- upkeep, maintenance.
साज सजाना -- toorganise a spectacle; to presentin a particular manner.
  • साज़ sa:z -- (nm) a musical instrument; implement, equipment; harness; used as a suffix to mean —a mendor or manufacturer of(as ज़ीनसाज़).
साज़गार -- favourable, suitable.
साज़-बाज़ -- intrigue, conspiracy; paraphernalia.
साज़-संगीत -- instrumental music.
साज़-सामान -- furnishings, appurtenance, equipment; necessaries.
साज़ छेड़ना -- to commenceplaying of a musical instrument; to prepare the ground for.
  • साजन sa:jan -- (nm) lover; husband.
  • साज़िंदा sa:zīnda: -- (nm) an instrumentalist, accompanyist.
  • साज़ि/श sa:zish -- (nf) a conspiracy, plot, intrigue; hence साज़िशी (a).
  • सा/झा sa:jha: -- (nm) partnership; share; (a) common.
साझेदार -- apartner, shareholder.
साझेदारी -- partnership.
साझे की खेती -- a workin partnership, a common concern.
साझे की हँडिया चौराहे पर फूटती है -- a common horse is worst shod.
  • साझी sa:jhi: -- (nm) a partner.
साझीदार -- see साझेदार (under साझा).
साझीदारी -- see साझेदारी (under साझा).
  • साटन sa:ṭān -- (nf) satin (cloth).
  • साठ sa:ṭḥ -- (a) sixty; (nm) the number sixty.
  • साठा sa:ṭḥa: -- (a) of sixty years of age.
साठा सो पाठा -- youth sets in as.
  • साड़ी sa:ṛi: -- (nf) a sari.
  • साढ़ू sa:ṛhu: -- (nm) the husband of wife's sister.
  • साढ़े sa:ṛḥe -- (a) plus half.
साढ़ेसाती -- (seven and a half year's) Saturnian position foreboding evil.
साढ़ेसाती लगना -- to be in for a prolongedominous period.
  • सात sa:t -- (a) seven; (nm) the number seven.
सात जनम में भी नहीं -- never, never—in this or even after-life.
सात घर भीख माँगना -- to go abegging.
सात-पाँच -- guiles, cunningness.
सात-पाँच न जानना -- to be guileless, to beextremely credulous.
सात-पाँच लगाना -- to higgle, to raise numerous objections.
सात परदों में रखना -- to keepaway from all eyes, to keep wellin-doors.
सात समुंदर पार -- across theseven seas, very very far.
  • सातत्य sa:tatty -- (nm) continuity, uninterruptedness.
  • सात/वाँ sa:twā: -- (a) seventh; occupying the seventh position.
सातवें आसमान पर होना, दिमाग़ -- to be tooswollen-headed.
  • सात्त्विक sa:ttvik -- (a) endowed with the quality of सत्त्व (purity andgoodness), virtuous, righteous; hence सात्त्विकता (nf).
सात्त्विक तेज -- glow ofvirtue/righteousness.
  • साथ sa:th -- (adv) with, together, along with, withal; by; (nm) company, association; support.
साथ-साथ -- together.
साथ-साथ रहना -- to associate with, to live in the company of.
साथ का खेला -- chum.
साथ खोना -- to be deprived of the companyof.
साथ घसीटना -- to oblige to accompany.
साथ छूटना -- to be cut off.
साथ देना -- to make common cause with; to keep company with; to standby.
साथ निबाहना -- to continue to be aloyal companion; to steadfastlystand by.
साथ रहना -- to live together.
साथ लग लेना -- to thrust oneself on; tojoin a reluctant person.
साथ लगा रहना -- to be ever on somebody's heels, to constantly hover around.
साथ लेकर डूबना -- to involve someone in asure tragedy.
साथ सोना -- to share bedwith.
साथ ही -- besides, apart fromthis; along with this.
साथ ही साथ -- together.
साथ होना -- to be one with; to stand by, to participate.
  • साथी sa:thi: -- (nm) a companion, comrade; mate, associate; fellow; hence साथिन (nf).
  • सादगी sa:dgi: -- (nf) simplicity, plainness.
  • सादर sa:dar -- (adv respectfully, with regards.
  • सादा sa:da: -- (a) simple; plain; flat; blank; unadorned; artless.
सादा कपड़ा -- plain cloth.
सादा काग़ज़ -- plain paper.
सादापन -- simplicity; plainness; artlessness.
सादामिज़ाज़ -- plain and frank; artless.
सादामिज़ाज़ी -- artlessness; hence सादी feminine form of सादा.
  • सादृश्य sa:ddrishshy -- (nm) resemblance, likeness, analogy; affinity.
सादृश्यमूलक -- based on likeness, analogical; hence सादृश्यमूलकता (nf).
सादृश्यवाचक, सादृश्यवाची -- analogical.
  • साद्यंत sa:ddyānt -- (a) whole, entire; from beginning to end.
  • साध sa:dh -- (nf) an ambition, a craving, longing.
साध न रहना -- to haveno wishes unfulfilled, to be gratified on all fronts.
  • साधक sa:dhak -- (nm) one engaged in or devoted to spiritual achievement/accomplishment; (a) effective, instrumental, conducive; engaged in or devoted to spiritual.
  • साधन sa:dhan -- (nm) medium, means; equipment; device, an implement; processing; solution; resources; realization.
साधन , जन-संचार -- mass media.
साधन-संपन्न -- resourceful; hence साधन-संपन्नता (nf).
  • साधना sa:dhnā: -- (nf) devotion; practice, mental training; spiritual endeavour or performance(esp. aspiring for an end); (v) totame; to aim; to train; to practise.
साधनापरक -- relating to mentaltraining; hence साधनापरकता (nf).
  • साधनीय sa:dhnī:y -- (a) fit to be achieved/accomplished/proved; worth achieving/accomplishing/proving.
  • साधर्म्य sa:dharmmy -- (nm) homogeneousness; parallelism; the state of having some duties/characteristics.
साधर्म्यमूलक -- based on homogeneousness/affinity of duties orcharacteristics; hence साधर्म्यमूलकता( nf).
  • साधार sa:dha:r -- (a) having a basis/ground.
  • साधारण sa:dha:rāṉ -- (a) ordinary; simple; common, commonplace; usual, moderate.
साधारण कारावास/क़द -- simple imprisonment.
साधारण धर्म -- common characteristic; universalduty; hence साधारणता (nf).
साधारण वाक्य -- asimple sentence.
  • साधारणतः sa:dha:rāṉtah -- (ind) ordinarily; usually.
  • साधारणतया sa:dha:rāṉtaya: -- (ind) see साधारणतः.
  • साधारणी/करण sa:dha:rāṉī:karāṉ -- (nm) generalisation; impersonalisation; objectivisation; hence साधारणीकृत (a).
  • साधित sa:dhit -- (a) trained, tamed; solved; achieved, accomplished.
  • साधु sa:dhu -- (nm) a saint, saintly person; hermit; a religious mendicant; (a) good, noble, virtuous.
साधुवृत्त -- moral, saintly.
साधुशील -- pious, virtuous.
साधुसम्मत -- backedby virtuous men.
साधु-साधु -- good !excellent ! well done !.
  • साधुता sa:dhuta: -- (nf) saintliness; nobility, goodness, virtuousness, rectitude.
  • साधुवाद sa:dhuva:d -- (nm) acclamation, applause.
  • साधू sa:dhu: -- (nm) a hermit, a religious mendicant.
  • साध्य sa:ddhy -- (nm) the end; that which is to be proved; (a) practicable/feasible; (fit) to be achieved/accomplished; curable.
साध्यता -- practicability/feasibility; fitnessor worthiness for achievement/accomplishment; curability.
साध्यवाद -- teleology.
  • साध्यवसान sa:ddhyavasā:n -- (nm) an allegory; (a) allegorical.
  • साध्वी sa:ddhvi: -- (a) chaste (woman), virtuous.
  • सानंद sa:nānd -- (a and adv) happy/happily; pleased/with pleasure.
  • सान sā:n -- (nf) whetting; sharpness; a whetstone.
सान-गुमान -- a clue, hint.
  • सानना sa:nnā: -- (v) to make into a paste; to besmear; to implicate/involve.
  • सानी sā:nī: -- (nf) cattle-food (consisting of chaff and oilcake mixed together); (nm) a match, anequal.
  • सानुकंप sa:nukāmp -- (a) kindly disposed, compassionate.
  • सानुकूल sa:nuku:l -- (a) favourably disposed (towards).
  • सानुनय sa:nunāy -- (a) humble, obedient; (adv) humbly, obediently.
  • सानुनासिक sa:nunā:sik -- (a) nasalised.
सानुनासिकता -- nasalisation.
  • सानुप्रास sa:nuppra:s -- (a) alliterative.
  • सानुबंघ sa:nubāndh -- (a) systematic; uninterrupted; having a contract.
  • सान्निध्य sa:nniddhy -- (nm) proximity, nearness.
  • सापेक्ष sa:peksh -- (a) qualified, conditional; relative.
सापेक्षता -- relativity.
सापेक्षवाद -- relativism; theory of relativity; hence सापेक्षवादी (a and nm).
  • साप्ताहिक sa:pta:hik -- (a) weekly; (nm) a weekly journal.
साप्ताहिक पत्र -- a weekly.
  • साफ़ sa:f -- (a) clean, clear; slick; plain, frank; categorical, forthright, straight-forward; processed; refined; undefiled; distinct; unscathed; (adv) openly, frankly, plainly; fully; clearly; cleverly.
साफ़ इनकार -- frank refusal; a straight'no'.
साफ़गो -- frank.
साफ़गोई -- frankness.
साफ़ जवाब -- a frank reply, forthrightreply.
साफ़दिल -- clean at heart.
साफ़दिली -- cleanness (of heart), straight-forwardness.
साफ़ बात -- a frankstatement/word.
साफ़-साफ़ -- openly, clearly, frankly, plainly.
साफ़-साफ़ कहना/बताना/मानना -- to come clean, toown up everything.
साफ़ करना -- toclean(se); to sweep clean; toprocess, to refine; to clear (as बाधाएँ); to clear off (as हिसाबसाफ़ ); to claim life after life; to practise.
साफ़ कहना -- to say plainly/frankly.
साफ़ छूटना -- to go unscathed; to goscot free.
साफ़ बचना/बच निकलना -- toget away with it, to escape retribution, to pass unhurt, to gounscathed.
साफ़ बोलना -- to have a distinct delivery; to speak frankly.
साफ़ मैदान पाना -- to be faced with noobstacles whatever, to have asmooth go.
साफ़ होना -- to be sweptclean; to be clear.
साफ़ जगह पर मंल और भी बुरा लगता है -- dirt looks dirtieston a snow-white surface.
  • साफल्य sa:phally -- (nm) success.
  • साफ़ा sa:fa: -- (nm) a turban.
  • साफ़ी sa:fi: -- (nf) a filtering cloth.
  • साबिक़ा sa:biqa: -- (nm) concern, contending.
साबिक़ा पड़ना -- to be concerned with.
  • साबित sa:bit -- (a) entire, complete, unbroken; unwavering, steady; proved.
साबितक़दम -- steady.
साबितक़दमी -- steadiness.
  • साबुत sa:but -- (a) entire, complete; unbroken.
  • साबु/न sa:bun -- (nm) a soap.
साबुन की टिकिया -- a soap cake.
साबुन नदानी -- a soap-case.
साबुनीकरण -- saponification.
साबुनसाज़ -- soap manufacturer; hence साबुनसाज़ी (nf).
  • साबूदाना sa:bu:da:nā: -- (nm) sago.
  • साभार sa:bha:r -- (adv) gratefully, with gratitude.
  • साभिप्राय sa:bhippra:y -- (a and adv) intentional(ly), deliberate(ly).
  • साभिमान sa:bhimā:n -- (a) proudly, arrogantly, with a sense of pride.
  • सामंजस्य sa:māṇjassy -- (nm) harmony; consistence/consistency.
सामंजस्यपूर्ण -- harmonious; consis'ent.
  • सामंत sa:mānt -- (nm) a feudal lord, feudatory, landlord.
सामंत राज्य -- principality.
सामंतवाद -- feudalism.
सामंतवादी -- a feudalist; feudalistic.
सामंतशाही -- feudal(ism).
  • सामंती sa:mānti: -- (a) feudal.
सामंती तंत्र -- feudal system.
सामंती युग -- feudal age.
सामंती वैभव -- feudal grandeur/splendour.
  • साम sa:m -- (nm) one of the four Vedas; tranquillizing, calming; gentle words intended to winover an adversary; conciliation.
  • सामवेद sa:mved -- (nm) the second of the four Vedas, after the ऋग्वेद.
  • सामग्री sa:maggri: -- (nf) matter; material, things, stuff; data.
  • सामना sa:mnā: -- (nm) confrontation, encounter, meeting; opposition; frontage.
  • सामने sa:mnē -- (ind) face to face; before, in front of; as comparedwith; against; in opposition to.
सामने आना -- to confront, to come faceto face.
सामने करना -- to present, tobring in the presence of.
सामने का -- inone's presence; witnessed; frontal.
सामने की चोट -- frontal attack.
सामने की बात -- as seen by one.
सामने पड़ना -- tohappen to come face to face; toblock the course (of).
सामने होना -- tocome face to face; to confront.
  • सामयिक sa:mayik -- (a) opportune, timely; current; topical, periodic(al); casual; (nm) a periodical.
सामयिकता -- timeliness; periodicity; topicality; the state or fact of being opportune.
सामयिक चर्चा -- current/topicalaffairs.
सामयिक पत्र -- a periodical.
सामयिक वार्ता -- topical talk.
सामयिक विषय -- current affairs.
  • सामरस्य sa:marassy -- (nm) harmony; equipoise.
  • सामरिक sa:marik -- (a) strategic(al); military.
सामरिकता -- militarism.
सामरिक महत्त्व -- strategic importance.
  • सामर्थ्य sa:marthy -- (nf) competence; capacity; power, strength.
सामर्थ्यवान -- competent, capable; powerful, strong.
सामर्थ्यहीन -- incompetent, incapable; powerless, weak.
  • सामवायिक sa:mva:ik -- (a) collective. concomitant.
  • सामाजिक sa:ma:jik -- (a) social; (nm) member of an assembly; viewer/reader (of a work of art).
सामाजिक चेतना -- social consciousness.
सामाजिक तत्त्व -- social element; social sense.
सामाजिकता -- sociality; conformation tosocial values.
सामाजिक विज्ञान -- socialscience(s).
सामाजिक व्यवस्था -- social order.
सामाजिक संगठन -- social organisation.
सामाजिक संघटन -- social integration.
  • सामान sa:mā:n -- (nm) goods; luggage, bag and baggage; material, stuff; stock.
सामानघर -- luggage office.
सामान करना -- to make preparations; to preparethe ground (for).
  • सामा/न्य sa:ma:nny -- (a) general; common; usual; normal; routine.
सामान्य ज्ञान -- general knowledge.
सामान्यता -- generality; commonness; usualness; normality; routine stateor condition.
सामान्य भविष्यत् -- futureindefinite.
सामान्य भूत -- past indefinite; generalised.
सामान्य लक्षण -- commoncharacteristic.
सामान्य वर्तमान -- presentindefinite.
सामान्यीकरण -- generalisation; normalisation.
सामान्यीकृत -- generalised; normalised.
  • सामान्यतः sa:ma:nnytah -- (ind) generally, usually; normally; as amatter of routine.
  • सामासिक sa:mā:sik -- (a) composite; collective; pertaining to a compound; terse.
सामासिक शैली -- terse style.
सामासिक संस्कृति -- composite culture.
  • सामिष sa:mīsh -- (a) non vegetarian.
सामिष भोजन -- non vegetarian food.
  • सामी sa:mī: -- (a) semitic.
सामी भाषा -- semitic language.
  • सामीप्य sa:mī:ppy -- (nm) proximity, nearness; vicinity.
  • सामुदायिक sa:muda:ik -- (a) collective; (pertaining to) community.
सामुदायिकता -- collectivity /collectivism.
सामुदायिक विकास -- community development.
  • सामुद्रिक sa:muddrik -- (nm) chiromancy; (a) oceanic.
  • सामूहिक sa:mu:hik -- (a) collective; community.
सामूहिक खेती -- collective farming.
सामूहिकता -- collectivity/collectivism; the state of being community-based.
  • सामोपचार sa:mopcha:r -- (nm) conciliatory method.
  • सामोपाय sa:mopa:y -- (nm) see सामोपचार.
  • साम्य sa:mmy -- (nm) community; equality; resemblance, similarity; equilibrium.
साम्य-तंत्र -- communism.
साम्यवाद -- communism.
साम्यवादी -- a communist; communistic.
  • साम्यावस्था sa:mmyā:vastha: -- (nf) (state of) equilibrium.
  • साम्यिक sa:myīk -- (a) equitable.
  • साम्राज्य sa:mra:jjy -- (nm) an empire.
साम्राज्यवाद -- imperialism.
साम्राज्यवादी -- an imperialist; imperialistic.
  • साम्राज्यिक sa:mra:jjyik -- (a) imperial.
  • सायं sa:yām -- (nf) see सायंकाल.
सायं-प्रातः -- morning and evening.
  • सायंका/ल sa:yāṅka:l -- (nm) the evening, dusk.
सायंकालिक/लीन -- of or pertaining to the evening, evening.
  • सायक sa:yak -- (nm) an arrow.
  • सायत sa:yat -- (nf) an auspicious moment (for marriage etc.).
  • सायबान sa:yba:n -- (nm) an awning; a shed.
  • सा/या sa:ya: -- (nm) shade; shadow; influence; shelter, protection; apetticoat.
सायेदार -- shady.
सायाउठना -- to be deprived of a protective hand, a benevolent personto be no more.
साया उतरना -- shadows to be cast.
साया पड़ना -- to beinfluenced by (a bad company), an association to have its illeffect.
साये की तरह साथ-साथ रहना -- to always hang around like ashadow; to shadow somebody.
साये में रहना -- to live under the protection/patronage of.
साये से बचना -- never to come near; to maintaina distance, to keep oneself at asafe distance (from).
ये से भागना -- to avoid an encounter with, tokeep at a safe distance (from).
  • सायुज्य sa:yujjy -- (nm) complete union, a kind of मुक्ति (beatitude) wherein the individual soul becomes one with the Supreme Soul.
  • सारंग sa:raṅg -- (nm) a kind of antelope, deer; the bow of Lord Vishṉū; (a) variegated.
सारंगपाणि -- an epithet of Lord Vishṉū.
  • सारंगी sa:raṅgi: -- (nf) a typical stringed Indian musical instrument.
  • सार sa:r -- (nm) substance, gist, purport, abstract; essence, extract; epitome; iron.
सारकथन -- recapitulation.
सारगर्भित -- substantial; meaningful; full of pith/marrow.
सारग्राहिता -- capability to understandthe essentials/substance, a connoisseur's faculty.
सारग्राही -- a connoisseur.
सारतत्त्व -- extract; substance.
सारभूत -- essential; substantial.
सारलेख -- abstract; condensed article.
सारवान -- substantial, significant, meaningful; precious; useful.
सारवृत्त -- resume.
सारसंग्रह -- compendium, digest.
  • सारणिक sa:rṉīk -- (a) tabular.
  • सारणी sa:rṉī: -- (nf) a table; schedule.
सारणीकरण -- tabulation.
सारणीकार -- atabulator.
सारणीकृत -- tabulised.
सारणी , समय -- time table.
सारणीबद्ध -- tabular.
सारणीयन -- .
  • सार/थि सारथी sa:rathi, ~thi: -- (nm) a charioteer.
सारथ्य -- chariot-driving, manning a warrior's chariot.
  • सारल्य sa:raly -- (nm) simplicity, easiness.
  • सारस sa:ras -- (nm) a species of heron, a crane.
  • सारस्य sa:rassy -- (nm) juiciness; melodiousness, sweetness, charm.
  • सारस्वत sa:rasswat -- (a) pertaining to Saraswati:—the goddess oflearning/the invisible river(so-named); (nm) ancient namefor the tract of land lying onthe bank of river Saraswati:.
  • सारांश sa:ra:nsh -- (nm) abstract, summary, gist, purport.
  • सारा sa:ra: -- (a) entire, whole; all.
सारा का सारा -- all.
सारा जाता देखिए आधा लीजे बाँट -- better give the woolthan the whole sheep.
  • सारालेख sa:ra:lekh -- (nm) precis.
सारालेखन -- precis-writing, preparing aprecis.
  • सारिका sa:rika: -- (nf) a kind of Indian bird —Turdus Salica(also called मैना) famous for itsmelodious notes.
  • सारिणी sar:iṉī: -- (nf) see सारणी.
  • सारी sa:ri: -- (a) feminine form of सारा; (nf) see साड़ी.
  • सारूप्य sa:nu:ppy -- (nm) similarity of form, identity of appearance; a kind of मुक्ति (beatitude) wherein the individual soul achievesformal identity with God.
  • सार्जेंट sa:rjeṉṭ -- (nm) a sergeant.
  • सार्थ sa:rth -- (a) with a meaning, meaningful, significant; (nm) aconvoy.
सार्थपति -- chief of a convoy.
सार्थवाह -- a convoy; chief of a convoy.
  • सार्थक sa:rthak -- (a) articulate, meaningful, significant; effectiveuseful.
सार्थकता -- articulation, significance, meaningfillness; usefulness; importance.
  • सार्वकालिक sa:rvaka:lik -- (a) universal, pertaining/belonging to all times; perennial, everlasting; hence सार्वकालिकता (nf).
  • सार्वज/निक, सार्वजनीन, सार्वजन्य sa:rvajanik, ~nī:n, ~nny -- (a) universal; common; public, relating to publicin general.
सार्वजनिकता/सार्वजनीनता/सार्वजन्यता -- universality; the state ofbelonging to the people/public; generality.
  • सार्वत्रिक sa:rvattrik -- (a) universal, pertaining to any and everyplace; hence सार्वत्रिकता (nf).
  • सार्ग़्वदेशिक sa:rvadeshic -- (a) universal, pertaining/belonging to all landsor territories; hence सार्ग़्वदेशिकता (nf).
  • सार्वनामिक sa:rvanā:mīk -- (a) pronominal.
  • सार्वभौम sa:rvabhaum -- (a) universal.
सार्वभौमता -- universality.
  • सार्वभौमिक sa:rvabhāumīk -- (a) universal, pertaining or belonging to all beings/all places.
सार्वभौमिकता -- universality.
  • सार्वराष्ट्रीय sa:rvara:shṭri:y -- (a) universal, international, pertaining or belonging to all nations or thewhole nation; hence सार्वराष्ट्रीयता (nf).
  • सार्वलौकिक sa:rvalaukik -- (a) universal, cosmopolitan, hence सार्वलौकिकता (nf).
  • सालंकार sa:lāṅka:r -- (a) ornamented, decorated.
  • सालंब sa:lāmb -- (a) having support/help/assistance.
  • साल sa:l -- (nm) an year; pain; the Sal tree.
साल-ब-साल -- every year, yearby year.
सालगिरह -- birthday.
साल-हा-साल -- for years.
साल पलटना -- the new yearto commence; the year to bechanged.
साल भारी होना -- an year to be.
  • सालन sa:lan -- (nm) meat or fish or vegetable curry.
  • सालना sa:lnā: -- (v) to torment, to torture; to fit a tenon in a mortise.
  • सालम मिस्त्री sa:lam -- missri: (nf) an esculent tuber used as tonic.
  • सालसा sa:lsa: -- (nm) a blood-purifying medicine.
  • साला sa:la: -- (nm) a brother-in-law साला wife's brother; a term of abuse(directed to men).
  • सालाना sa:la:nā: -- (a) yearly, annual.
  • सालारजंग sa:la:rjāṅg -- (nm) commander-in-chief.
  • सालिम sa:lim -- (a) complete, whole, entire; unbroken.
  • सालियाना sa:liya:nā: -- (nm) yearly gratuity; (a) yearly, annual.
  • सालिस sa:lis -- (nm) a middle-man.
  • साली sa:li: -- (nf) a sister-in-law साली wife's sister; a term of abuse(addressed to women).
  • सालोक्य sa:lokky -- (nm) a grade of मुक्ति (beatitude) which enablesthe soul to dwell in the companyof God in the same लोक.
  • सावकाश sa:waka:sh -- (a) having leisure, free.
  • सावधा/न sa:vdhā:n -- (a) careful, alert, cautious; attentive; (in) attention !(in drill etc.).
सावधान करना -- to warn; to alert, to caution.
सावधान होना -- tobe on one's guard, to be alert/cautious.
सावधानता/नी -- precaution; carefulness, alertness, cautiousness/caution; attention.
सावधानी/बरतना -- to take precaution; to becautious/alert/attentive.
  • सावधि sa:vadhi -- (a) timed, with a time-limit.
  • साव/न sa:van -- (nm) the fifth month of the Hindu calendar.
सावनी -- pertaining to the month of सावन of सावन.
साव के अन्धे को हरा ही हरा दिखता/सूझता है -- see through colouredglasses and all you see will becoloured.
  • सावरण sa:varāṉ -- (a) covered, unexposed, closed; enveloped.
  • सावशेष sa:vshesh -- (a) incomplete.
  • सावाँ sa:wā: -- (nm) a kind of coarse grain, little millet.
  • साशय sa:shay -- (a and adv) intentional(ly), deliberate(ly); meaningful(ly).
  • साश्चर्य sa:shchary -- (adv) with astonishment/amazement.
  • साष्टांग sa:shṭā:ṅg -- (a) with the whole body or with all its members.
साष्टांग प्रणाम -- reverential prostration ofthe whole body.
  • सास sa:s -- (nf) mother-in-law, mother of wife or husband.
सास मेरी घर नहींमुझे किसी का डर नहीं -- when the catis away, the mice will play.
  • साह sa:h -- (nm) a good man or gentleman (as opposed to a thief साह चोर a trader, merchant.
साह जी -- a form of address esp. prevalentamongst the Paṅja:bi:-speakingpeople.
  • साहचर्य sa:hchary -- (nm) association, company; synergy/synergism.
साहचर्य दोष -- fault resulting from (bad) company/association.
साहचर्य-भाव -- feeling of association.
  • साहहि/ब sa:hahib -- (nm) the Master, Lord; a whiteman, European; boss; gentleman, white collaredperson; a title of courtesy; (vocative) word of respect.
साहहिबज़ादा -- son of a साहब son.
साहहिवज़ादी -- daughter of a साहब daughter.
साहहिब-बहादुर -- a (vocative) word ofrespect.
साहहिब-सलामत -- a noddingacquaintance.
साहहिबान -- plural of साहब.
साहहिबाना -- lordly.
साहहिबाना अंदाज़ -- lordly.
  • साह/स sa:has -- (nm) courage, nerve, guts; boldness, daring; enterprise.
साहसिक -- daring, bold, courageous.
साहसिक कार्य -- adventure, daring deed.
साहसी -- courageous; enterprising, adventurous.
साहस छूटना -- one'scourage to give way.
साह स दिखाना -- toput up a bold face, to act boldly.
साहस बटोरना -- to muster/pluckup courage, to take heart ofgrace.
  • साहाय्य sa:ha:yy -- (nm) see सहायता.
  • साहि/त्य sa:hitty -- (nm) literature.
साहित्यकार -- a litterateur, writer.
साहित्य-शास्त्र -- Poetics.
साहित्य-शास्त्री -- aPoetician.
साहित्यिक -- literary.
साहित्यिकचोरी -- plagiarism.
साहित्यिक भाषा -- literary language.
साहित्यिकता -- literariness.
  • साहि/ब sa:hib -- (nm) see साहब.
साहिबी -- see साहबी (under साहब).
  • साहिल sa:hil -- (nm) a shore, bank.
  • साही sa:hi: -- (nf) a porcupine.
साही का काँटा -- lit. porcupine's thorn-supposedly causing internecinequarrels in homes where it isplanted or thrown.
  • साहु sa:hu -- (nm) see साह a respectful vocative word used for a member of the Vaishyacommunity.
  • साहुल sa:hul -- (nm) a plumbline.
  • साहूका/र sa:hu:ka:r -- (nm) a money-lender, private banker, richman, man of means.
साहूकारा/री -- money-lending business, banking.
  • साहेब sa:heb -- (nm) see साहब.
  • सिँकना sīknā: -- (v) to be roasted; to be fomented/heated.
  • सिँगरफ़ sīgaraf -- (nm) see इँगुर.
  • सिंगार sīga:r -- singa:r (nm) make-up, prank; ornamentation, embellishment.
सिंगारदान -- a dressing case.
सिंगार-मेज़ -- a dressing table.
सिंगार-, सोलह -- see सोलह सिंगार.
  • सिंगारना sīga:rnā: -- (v) to make-up, to prank; to decorate, to embellish.
  • सिँगासन siṅga:sān -- (nm) see सिँहासन.
  • सिँगी sīngi: -- (nf) see सीँगी.
सिँगी लगाना -- see सीँगी लगाना under सीँगी.
  • सिँघाड़ा sīgha:ṛa: -- (nm) a waternut, water chestrut; a kind of fire-work.
  • सिंचाई sīcha:i: -- (nf) irrigation; wages paid for irrigation.
  • सिंचित sīṇchit -- (a) irrigated; drenched.
  • सिंचौनी sīchaunī: -- (nf) सिंचाई.
  • सिंडिकेट sīṉḍikeṭ -- (nm) a syndicate.
  • सिंदूर sīndu:r -- (nm) vermilion; symbol of an Indian woman'shappy state of enjoying coverture(husband's protection).
सिंदूरदान -- acase for storing vermilion; puttingvermilion mark on the head of abride for the first time (at thetime of wedding).
सिंदूर उजड़ना/लुटना -- (said in respect of a woman) tolose coverture, to be deprived ofhusband's protection; husband topass away.
  • सिंदू/रिया, सिंदूरी sīndūriya:, ~ri: -- (a) vermilion-coloured, of the colourof vermilion.
  • सिंदौंरा sīdaura: -- (nm) a vermilion case.
  • सिँधी sīndhi: -- (a) belonging or pertaining to Sindh; (nm) a person.
  • सिंधु sīndhu -- (nm) ocean, sea; the province of Sindh.
  • सिंधुर sīndhur -- (nm) an elephant सिंधुरवदन Gaṉesh—the elephant-faced Hindu god.
  • सिंवान sīw:an -- (nm) see सिवान.
  • सिंह sīngh -- (nm) a lion; leo—the fifth sign of the zodiac (also सिंहराशि a caste title amongst thekshatriyas.
सिंहद्वार/पौर -- main gate; portal, propylaea, propylon.
सिंहध्वनि/नाद/रव -- roar(ing) of a lion; war cry, challenging cry.
सिंहनी -- see सिंहिनी.
सिंहमुखी -- having the faceof a lion, lion-faced.
सिंहवाहिनी -- anepithet of goddess Durga:.
सिंहगति/गामी -- with a majestic lion-like gait.
सिंह-सटा -- mane.
सिंहस्कंध -- having shoulders like those of alion.
सिंह के मुँह मेँ उँगली देना -- to knowingly hazard a risk to life, to indulge in a misadventure.
  • सिँहल sīnghal -- (nm) an ancient name for Ceylon; also सिँहलद्वीप.
  • सिंहली sīnghali: -- (nf) the Sinha:li: language; (nm) an inhabitant ofCeylon; (a) belonging or pertaining to Ceylon.
  • सिंहावलोकन sīngha:vlokān -- (nm) a round-up; retrospection; a conspectus.
  • सिंहासन sīngha:sān -- (nm) a throne.
सिंहासन पर बैठना -- to ascend the throne.
सिंहासन से उतारना -- to dethrone.
  • सिंहिनी sīnghinī: -- (nf) a lioness.
  • सिंहोदरी sīnghodari: -- (a) having a lion-like waist, tenuous-waisted(woman).
  • सिकंजबीन sikāṇjabi:n -- (nm) a typical sweet beverage prepared with fresh lemon-juice, water andsugar as ingredients.
  • सिकंदर sikāndar -- (nm) Alexander.
सिकंदर-, तकदीर का -- exceptionally fortunate, a man of unusually goodluck.
सिकंदरी -- of, pertaining or belonging to, Alexander.
सिकंदरे-आज़म -- Alexander the Great.
  • सिकड़ी sikṛi: -- (nf) a chain.
  • सिकता sikta: -- (nf) sand, sandy soil.
सिकतामय -- sandy, full of sand.
  • सिकत्तर sikattar -- (nm) a secretary.
  • सिकली sikli: -- (nf) act of cleansing and polishing (rusty instruments—as lance, sword, etc).
सिकलीगर -- a burnisher.
  • सिकहर sikahar -- (nm) a hanging pot-rest.
  • सिकुड़न sikuṛān -- (nf) shrinkage; contraction; a wrinkle, pucker; winder welt.
  • सिकुड़ना sikuṛnā: -- (v) to contract; to shrink; to pucker, to wrinkle; tocower.
  • सिकोड़ना sikoṛnā: -- (v) to contract, to pucker; to cause to shrink.
  • सिक्कड़ sikkaṛ -- (nm) a (big and heavy) chain.
  • सिक्का sikka -- (nm) a coin, coinage; lead.
सिक्काबंद -- sealed; standard.
सिक्का जमना/बैठना -- to acquire sway, tocome to wield tremendous influence (over).
सिक्का मानता -- to concedethe superiority/supremacy/tremendous influence of.
  • सिक्ख sikkh -- (nm) a Sikh (follower of Guru Nā:nak).
सिक्ख धर्म/पंथ -- theSikh religion, Sikhism.
  • सिक्त sikt -- (a) drenched, soaked, wet; irrigated; hence सिक्तता (nf).
  • सिख sikh -- (nm) see सिक्ख.
  • सिखनौटा sikhnāūṭa: -- (nm) an apprentice; a novice.
  • सिखरन sikhran -- (nm) a sweet beverage prepared with milk, curd, sugar, etc. as ingredients.
  • सिखलाई sikhla:i: -- (nf) training; also.
  • सिखाना sikha:nā: -- (v) to train; to teach, to instruct, to school.
सिखाना पढ़ाना -- to tutor.
  • सिखावन sikha:van -- (nf) counsel, advice, instructioned.
  • सिगनल signal -- (nm) a signal.
सिगनल होना -- the signal to be down(ed).
  • सिगरेट sigreṭ -- (nf) a cigarette.
  • सिगार siga:r -- (nm) a cigar.
सिगारदान -- a cigar case.
  • सिजदा sijda: -- (nm) prostration, salutation, a process of Muslim prayers wherein the head, nose, knee, etc. of the worshippertouch the ground.
सिजदागाह -- a placeof worship (esp. of Muslims).
  • सिझना sijhnā: -- (v) to be cooked/boiled.
  • सिटकिनी siṭkinī: -- (nf) latch (of a door, window, etc.).
सिटकिनी लगाना -- tolatch.
  • सिटपिटाना siṭpiṭā:nā: -- (v) to be stupefied; to be embarrassed; to be in a fix.
  • सिट्टी siṭṭi: -- (nf) bragging.
सिट्टी गुम हो जाना, सिट्टी पिट्टी गुम हो जाना, सिट्टी पिट्टी भूल जाना, सिट्टी भूल जाना -- to be in bluefunk, to be struck all of a heap, to be nervous, to be in a panic, tobe stunned/stupefied.
  • सि/ड़ siṛ -- (nf) eccentricity, craziness. crankiness, whim.
सिड़ी -- eccentric, crazy, cranky, whimsical.
सिड़ी पन/पन -- see सिड़.
सिड़ सवार होना -- to be under the sway of a whim/eccentricity/craziness, to run crazy.
  • सितंबर sitāmbar -- (nm) the month of September.
  • सित sit -- (a) white; clear.
सितकंठ -- white-throated—an epithet ofLord Shiv.
सितता -- whiteness.
  • सितम sitām -- (nm) tyranny, oppression.
सितमगर -- tyrannical; an oppressor.
सितमगरी -- tyranny, oppressiveness.
सितमज़दा -- oppressed, tyrannized.
सितम ढाना/तोड़ना -- to oppress, to dograve injustice, to tyrannize.
  • सितार sita:r -- (nm) a typical stringed Indian musical instrument.
सितारवादक -- one who plays on a सितार.
सितारवादन -- playing on a सितार.
  • सितारा sita:ra: -- (nm) a star, planet; fate; a popular screen or stageartist; small shining tablets ofmetal or mica which are studdedon a sa:ri:, cap, shoe, etc.
सितारा चमकना/सितारा बुलंद होना -- one's star to be in theascendance, to have an advent/run of good fortune.
सितारा डूबना -- to bein the grip of adversity, adversetimes to commence.
  • सितारिया sita:riya: -- (nm) one who plays on a सितार.
  • सितासित sita:sit -- (nm) white and black: good and evil.
  • सितोत्पल sitotpal -- (nm) white lotus.
  • सिध्द siddh -- (a) proved; accomplished, perfected/perfect; endowed with supernatural powers; (nm) asaint; name of a special cult ofsaints; one who has acquiredsupernatural powers.
सिध्द करना -- toprove/achieve.
सिध्दकाम -- a personwhose desires are all fulfilled.
सिध्दकार्य -- successful.
सिध्द गुटिका -- a mysterious pill or tablet which, kept in the mouth, is supposedto make a man invisible to others.
सिध्दता/त्व -- perfection; the state ofhaving achieved supernaturalpowers; accomplishment.
सिध्दनाथ -- an epithet of Lord Shiv.
सिध्दपीठ/क्षेत्र/भूमि -- a holy place where devotion is said to bring about thedesired end in a quick fashion.
सिध्दप्राय -- almost accomplished/fulfilled/achieved/proved.
सिध्दरस -- mercury.
  • सिद्धांजन siddhā:ṇjān -- (nm) a (magical) collyrium (said to make a man see things buried under-ground).
  • सिद्धांत siddhānt -- (nm) a principle; theory; doctrine.
सिद्धांततः -- theoretically; as a matter of princ:ple.
सिद्धांत पक्ष -- theoretical aspect.
सिद्धांतवाद -- theoreticalism, wedding to theory/doctrine / principles.
सिद्धांतवादी -- doctrinaire; a theoretician; manof principles.
सिद्धांत-शैथिल्य -- latitudinarianism.
सिद्धांत-स्थापन -- theorization.
  • सिद्धांती siddhā:nti: -- (a and nm) (a) theoretician/theorist; dogmatic; a man of principles.
सिद्धांतीकरण -- theorization.
  • सिद्धांतीय siddhā:nti:y -- (a) doctrinal; theoretical; pertaining to a principle/principles.
  • सिद्धान्न siddhā:nn -- (nm) cooked cereals.
  • सिद्धार्थ siddha:rth -- (a) whose wishes have been fulfilled; (nm) pre-enlightenment name of Lord Buddha.
  • सिद्धासन siddha:san -- (nm) a typical sitting posture.
  • सिद्धि siddhi -- (nf) acquisition, accomplishment; proof; fulfilment, success; supernaturalpowers supposed to be acquiredthrough Yogic practices (see अष्टसिद्धि).
सिद्धिकर/कारक/प्रद -- causing toachieve or helping in the achievement of a सिद्धि.
सिद्धिगुटिका -- see सिद्धिसिद्धगुटिका (under सिद्ध.
  • सिद्धेश्वर siddheshshwar -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Shiv.
  • सिधाई sidha:i: -- (nf) see सीधापन (under सीधा); alignment.
  • सिधाना sidha:nā: -- (v) to tame; to domesticate; to help acquirepractice.
  • सिधारना sidha:rnā: -- (v) to go, to depart; to expire.
  • सिनकना sinaknā: -- (v) to snort, to force mucus out of the nostrilswith a jet of air from within.
  • सिनेट sinēṭ -- (nf) a senate.
सिनेट सदस्य -- a member of a senate.
  • सिनेमा sinemā: -- (nm) a cinema.
सिनेमाई -- cinematic.
सिनेमाघर -- a cinema hall.
  • सिपह sipah -- an allomorph of सिपाही used in some compound words.
सिपहगरी -- the work or profession ofa soldier.
सिपहसालार -- commander ofan army.
  • सिपाह sipa:h -- (nm) an army.
सिपाहगरी -- see सिपहगरी (under सिपह).
  • सिपाहियाना sipa:hiya:nā: -- (a) soldierly, of or befitting a soldier/policeman.
  • सिपाही sipa:hi: -- (nm) a soldier; sepoy, constable; policeman.
सिपाहीगीरी -- the work or profession ofa policeman/soldier.
  • सिपुर्द sipurd -- (a) see सुपुर्द.
  • सिप्पा sippa: -- (nm) influence; approach; device; chance.
सिप्पा जमना/बैठना/भिड़ना/लगना/लड़ना -- to get/procure/obtain by a chance, to be a chance attainment.
सिप्पा जमाना/बैठाना/भिड़ाना/लगाना/लड़ाना -- to makean approach; to manoeuvre; tosee a scheme through.
  • सिफ़त sifat -- (nf) a characteristic (quality); attribute.
  • सिफ़र sifar -- (nm) a cipher, zero; blank.
सिफ़र होना -- to be just blank.
  • सिफ़ारत sifa:rat -- (nf) the post or profession of an ambassador.
सिफ़ारतखाना -- an embassy.
  • सिफ़ारि/श sifa:rish -- (nf) recommendation.
सिफ़ारिशी -- recommendatory.
सिफ़ारिशी टट्टू -- one whose achievements are.
  • सिब्बंदी sibbandi: -- (nf) an establishment.
  • सिमटना simāṭnā: -- (v) to contract; to shrink.
  • सिमा/न, सिमाना simā:n, ~nā: -- (nm) see सिवान.
  • सिम्त simt -- (nf) direction.
  • सियराना siyra:nā: -- (v) to cool, to get cool/cold; to subside.
  • सियापा siya:pa: -- (nm) mourning, weeping and wailing over a death.
सियापा करना -- to mourn, to weep and wail for the dead.
  • सियार siya:r -- (nm) a jackal; cunning fellow.
सियार बोलना -- to be deserted.
  • सियासत siya:sat -- (nf) politics.
सियासतदाँ -- a politician.
  • सियासी siya:si: -- (a) political.
सियासी मामले -- political affairs.
  • सियाह siya:h -- (a) see स्याह.
  • सियाही siya:hi: -- (nf) see स्याही.
  • सिर sir -- (nm) head; top, apex; highest part or point.
सिरकटा -- beheaded, headless, decapitated.
सिरखपाई -- (the process of) taxing one'sbrain over-much; too much ofmental exertion.
सिरचढ़ा -- cheeky, given too much of lift.
सिरताज -- (lit.and fig.) crown, the best(amongst); diadem; chief; master, husband.
सिरत्राण -- a headwear.
सिरनामा -- form of address (in aletter etc.).
सिरपेच -- a typical turban; an ornament fixed on theturban.
सिरमुँडा -- having a clean-shaven head.
सिरमौर -- see सिरताज.
सिरहाना -- head-rest; the upper endof a bedstead.
सिर अलग करना -- to behead, to chop off the head.
सिर आना, के -- to possess, to obsess; to becharged with.
सिर आँखों पर -- with one'sheart and soul; most willingly, most cordially.
सिर आँखों पर बिठाना/रखना -- to give a most cordial andaffectionate treatment.
सिर आँखों पर होना -- to be deferentially welcome.
. -- to be obeyed with reverence.
सिर उठाकर चलना -- to hold one's head high, to have nothing to be ashamed of, to walk proudly/conceitedly, tolook big; to strut.
सिर उठाते ही कुचल डालना/देना -- to nip in the bud, tocrush in the egg.
सिर उठाना -- to risein revolt, to rebel.
सिर उठाने की फ़ुरसत न होना -- not to have a moment'srespite.
सिर उड़ जाना -- to be beheaded, the head to be chopped off.
सिर उड़ा देना -- to behead, to chop off thehead.
सिर उतारना -- to behead.
सिर ऊँचा करना -- to hold one's head high, tobe proud (of), to feel a sense ofpride.
सिर क़दमों पर रखना -- to bow inobeisance; to make a completesurrender.
सिर क़लम करना -- to behead, to chop off the head.
सिर कहाँ फोड़ूँ -- where to seek ?, where to find ?, where to go ?.
सिर का न पाँव का -- having neither beginning nor end, absurd.
सिर का पसीना पाँव को आना -- towork assiduously; to perspireprofusely.
सिर का बोझ उतरना -- to befreed of a burden; to fulfil anobligation.
सिर का बोझ टालना -- to finish, with an assignment, to see athing through somehow or theother.
सिर का बवाल होना -- to be a headache, to be a source of botheration.
सिर की आफ़त टलना -- to be rid ofa headache/botheration.
सिर की क़सम -- lit. by the head—I swear by mylife !.
सिर की टली जान पर आई -- sparedby one calamity, attacked byanother.
सिर की सुध न पाँव की बुध -- tobe out of senses, to be consciousneither of self nor of surroundings.
  • सिरका sirka: -- (nm) vinegar.
  • सिरकी sirkī: -- (nf) a kind of reed or reed-mat used to keep off rain.
  • सिरजन sirjan -- (nm) creation.
सिरजनहार -- the Creator; maker.
  • सिरजना sirjanā: -- (v) to create, to give birth to to make.
  • सिरताज sirta:j -- (nm) see under सिर.
  • सिरत्राण sirtrā:ṉ -- (nm) see under सिर.
  • सिरना/म sirna:m -- (a) see सर (सिरनानाम).
मा -- (nf) see सिर (सिरनानामा).
  • सिरमौर sirmāūr -- (nm) see सिर (सिरमौरमौर).
  • सिरहाना sirha:nā: -- (nm) see सिर (सिरहानाहाना).
  • सि/रा sirā: -- (nm) an edge; end; head, top.
सिरे -- extremities, ends.
सिरे से, (नये) -- anew, afresh, de novo.
  • सिराना sira:nā: -- (v) to cool; to subside; to consign to river water.
  • सिरिस siris -- (nm) a typical Indian tree which grows very soft flowers.
  • सिरोपा, सिरोपाव siropa:, ~v -- (nm) a long robe (flowing from head to foot) that was given by kings as a token of honour in olden times.
  • सिर्फ़ sirf -- (a and adv) only, mere(ly).
  • सिल sil -- (nf) a stone-slab on which spices etc. are ground.
सिलखरी/खड़ी -- chalk.
सिल-बट्टा -- a stone-slab and mill-stone.
  • सिलना silnā: -- (v) to sew/stitch; to be sewn/stitched.
  • सिलवट silvaṭ -- (nf) a wrinkle/cockle; pucker.
सिलवटदार -- puckered; wrinkled/cockled.
  • सिलवाई silva:i: -- (nf) the act or process of sewing/stitching; stitching charges.
  • सिलसि/ला silsila: -- (nm) a chain: series; line; arrangement; system.
सिलसिलेवार -- serial(ly); consecutive(ly); systematic(ally).
सिलसिलानिकालना -- to find out an access ofapproach.
  • सिलह sileh -- (nm) a weapon.
सिलहखाना -- an armoury, arsenal.
  • सिला sila: -- (nm) return, reward, consideration.
  • सिलाई sila:i: -- (nf) (the act or process of) sewing/stitching; stitchingcharges.
  • सिलौ/टा silauṭa: -- (nm) see सिल बट्टा (under सिल.
टी -- a small stone-slab for grinding (भाँग etc.).
  • सिल्क silk -- (nf) silk.
सिल्क का -- silken.
  • सिल्ली silli: -- (nf) a slab (of stone, ice or wood etc.); whetstone, hone.
सिल्ली पर तेज़ करना -- to hone, towhet.
  • सिव/इयाँ, सिवई sivāīyā:.
सिवī: -- -- (uf) vermicelli.
  • सिवा, य siva:, ~y -- (ind) except, but.
  • सिवान siwa:n -- (nm) boundary, frontier (of a village, town, etc.).
  • सिवाला siva:la: -- (nm) a temple dedicated to Lord Shiv.
  • सिविल sivii -- (a) civil.
सिविल विभानन -- civil aviation.
सिविल सर्जन -- a civilsurgeon.
सिविल सेवा -- civil service.
  • सिवैयाँ sivāīyā: -- (nf) see सिवइयाँ.
  • सिसकना sisaknā: -- (v) to sob.
  • सिसका/रना siska:rnā: -- (v) to hiss, to produce a hissing sound; to sob.
सिसकारी -- hissing (sound); sobbing.
  • सिसकी siski: -- (nf) a sob; sobbing.
सिसकी भरना -- to sob.
  • सिरहन siharān -- (nf) a thrill, shiver.
  • सिरहना siharnā: -- (v) to be thrilled; to shiver.
  • सींक sī:k -- (nf) wicker of a broom; a spit; skewer.
सींक खड़ी होना -- to establishdominating position, to acquire aunique status/unusual sucess.
  • सींकचा sī:kcha: -- (nm) window-bars.
  • सींका sī:ka: -- (nm) a hanging pot-rest.
  • सींकिया sī:kiya: -- (a) lanky, thin as wicker.
सींकिया पहलवान -- (saidironically) a lanky.
  • सींग sī:g -- (nm) a horn.
सींग कटाकर बछड़ो में मिलना -- to be a bull and feign a calf, ripe age raw ways.
सींग जमना, निकलना -- lit to grow horns-to take to abnormally queerways.
सींग मारना -- to strike withthe horns.
सींग समाना -- to findaccommodation/refuge.
सींग होना, सिर पर/सिर में -- lit. to have hornsover the head-to have a rarecharacteristic.
  • सींगी sī:gi: -- (nf) a small trumpet made of stag horn; a hollow pipefor drawing out impure blood.
सींगी लगाना -- to draw out impure blood(in a crude fashion) through ahollowed horn-pipe.
  • सींचना sī:chnā: -- (v) to irrigate, to water.
  • सींव sī:v -- (nf) boundary.
  • सींवन sī:vān -- (nf) seam.
सींवन उधड़ना -- seam to give way.
  • सी si: -- (ind) feminine form of सा meaning-like, similar, resembling, identical with, etc; (nf) sibilance, muffled spirant sound expressiveof intense joy or excessive pain.
सी सी -- repeated sounds of सी-सी.
सी करना -- to express intense joy orpain through muffled spirantsounds.
  • सी. आई. डी. si:a:i:ḍi: -- (nf) a spy, an intelligence man; (member ofthe criminal investigation department, -now the CBI).
  • सीकर si:kar -- (nm) a tiny drop (of water etc.).
  • सीकाकाई si:ka:ka:i -- (nf) a particular tree the pods of which are usedfor preparing hair shampoo.
  • सीख si:kh -- (nf) teaching, advice; moral.
सीख देना -- to advise, to imparta teaching.
सीख लेना -- to draw a moral.
  • सीख si:ḳḥ -- (nf) a spit, skewer.
  • सीखना si:khnā: -- (v) to learn.
सीखासीखना- पढ़ा -- well-conversant; clever.
सीखा-सीखाया -- skilled, clever, well-up.
  • सीट si:ṭ -- (nf) a seat; braggadocio.
सीट मारना -- to brag, to boast.
  • सीटी si:ṭi: -- (nf) a whistle.
सीटीबाज़ -- habituated to whistling; hence सीटीबाज़ी (nf).
सीटी देना -- to whistle (as an engine etc.).
  • सीठा si:ṭḥa: -- (a) insipid.
सीठापन -- insipidity.
  • सीठी si:ṭḥi: -- (nf) dregs.
  • सीढ़ी si:ṛḥi: -- (nf) a ladder; stairs, staircase; escalator: stile; steppingstone.
सीढ़ीनुमा -- resembling or similarto a staircase.
सीढ़ी का डंडा -- a stair.
सीढ़ी चढ़ना -- to go up a staircase; to risestep by step.
  • सीतलपाटी si:talpa:ṭi: -- (nf) a typical mat.
  • सीता si:ta: -- (nf) the celebrated daughter of king Janak (of Mithila:) who was married to Ra:m, thehero of the renowned Indianepic of Ra:mā:yāṉ.
सीता-स्वयंवर -- theepisode of the स्वयंवर of सीता (inthe Ra:mā:yāṉ).
सीताहरण -- theepisode of the kidnapping of सीताby the demon-king रावण (in theRa:ma:yaṉ).
  • सीताफल si:ta:phal -- (nm) see कद्दू; a custard apple.
  • सीत्कार si:tka:r -- (nf) sibilance, a muffled spirant sound expressiveof intense joy or excessive pain.
  • सीध si:dh -- (nf) alignment; straightness.
सीध बाँधना -- to align; to take an aim; to dig marks symbolisingcommencement of a constructionwork.
सीध में -- in a straight line, aligned.
सीध लेना -- to make analignment to take an aim.
  • सीधा si:dha: -- (a and adv) straight; simple; right; erect, upright; direct; gentle; naive; good; forth-rightly; through; (nm) victuals earmarked for a Bra:hmāṉ as alms.
सीधापन -- simplicity; straightness; uprightness; gentleness; naivete.
सीधा सादा/साधा -- simple, innocent; gentle; naive; good; docile.
सीधा हाथ -- right hand.
सीधा आना -- to come straight, to come without a halt or detour.
सीधा करना -- toput straight; to knock out one'shaughtiness/conceit, to fix inone's proper place; to align.
सीधा तीर-सा -- direct; as fast and straightas an arrow.
सीधा होना -- to be putstraight; to have one's haugatiness/conceit knocked out; to befixed in one's proper place, tobe aligned.
  • सीधी sr:dhi: -- (a and adv) feminine form of सीधा.
सीधी-सादी -- see सीधा-सादा.
सीधी आँख -- favourable glance.
सीधी तरफ़ -- right side, right hand side.
सीधी तरह -- in a gentlemanly manner; without a quarrel; quietly.
सीधी नज़र/निगाह -- favourable glance.
सीधी बात -- straight/forthright talk; an easypoint; an expression withoutreservations.
सीधी राह -- a straightpath; moral course.
सीधी लकीर -- astraight line.
सीधी उँगली से घी नहॣंनिकलता -- softness does not evokecompliance.
सीधी सुनाना -- to rebukeright and left.
  • सीधे si:dhe -- (adv) straight; without a halt or detour, without protest; quietly; in a gentlemanlyfashion.
सीधे मुँह -- with due courtesy/in an appropriate manner.
सीधे बातन करना -- not to talk in an appropriate manner/with due courtesy.
सीधे-सीधे -- without further delay, with.
  • सीन si:n -- (nm) a scene.
  • सीनरी si:nari: -- (nf) scenery.
  • सीना si:nā: -- (v) to sew; to stitch; (nm) chest.
सीनाचाक -- shatteredheart; gloomy.
सीनाज़ोर -- exercisingcoercion, over-assertive, unashamedly aggressive.
सीनाज़ोरी -- obstinate show of strength, over-assertiveness, unashamed aggressiveness.
सीना पिरोना -- stitching andneedle-work; stitching etc.
सीनाज़ोरी से काम निकलना -- to brazen out, to carry off impudently.
सीना तानना -- to stand upright, to stand undaunted, to brave all that comes.
सीना ताने सहना -- to brave it out.
सीना धड़कना -- see दिल धड़कना.
सीने का उभार -- bulge of the breasts, contours ofthe breasts.
सीने पर पत्थर रखना -- to endure patiently, to suppressagony in a quiet manner.
  • सीप si:p -- (nf) oyster shell, mother pearl.
  • सीपी si:pi: -- (nf) see सीप.
  • सीमंत si:mānt -- (nm) the parting line of the locks of hair on thehead in combing.
सीमंत संस्कार -- aritual performed in the seventhor eighth month of a pregnantwoman.
  • सीमंतोन्नयन si:māntonnayan -- (nm) see सीमंत संस्कार.
  • सीम si:m -- (nf) silver; see सीमा.
सीमतन -- silver-coloured, fair-complexioned.
सीम चाँपना -- to usurp orcapture another's territory.
  • सीमां/कन si:mā:ṅkan -- (nm) demarcation.
सीमांकित -- demarcated.
  • सीमांत si:mā:nt -- (a and nm) frontier; limit; margin/marginal; extreme.
सीमांत-द्वार -- threshold.
सीमांत-प्रदेश -- frontier territory.
सीमांत लाभ -- marginal profit.
सीमांतवाद -- extremism.
सीमांत-समन्वय -- marginal adjustment.
  • सीमा si:mā: -- (nf) a border, boundary/bounds; frontier; range; limit, extent; verge.
सीमा-कर -- terminal tax.
सीमा-चिह्न -- a landmark.
सीमा-चौकी -- terminal post.
सीमा-निर्धारण -- demarcation; delimitation of the boundary.
सीमा-रेखा -- border-line; line of demarcation.
सीमा-विवाद -- a boundary dispute.
सीमा में रहना -- to be confined withinlimits.
सीमा से बाहर जाना -- to crossthe limit.
  • सीमातिक्रमण si:mā:tikkramāṉ -- (nm) violation of a territory or territorial integrity.
  • सीमावरोध si:mā:varodh -- (nm) territorial barriers.
  • सीमित si:mīt -- (a) restricted, limited, bounded; qualified.
सीमितता -- limitation.
  • सीमेंट si:mēṉṭ -- (nm) cement.
सीमेंट कंक्रीट -- cement concrete.
  • सीमाल्लंघन si:mollaṅghān -- (nm) violation of territory or territorial integrity.
  • सीयन si:yan -- (nf) seam; stitching, sewing.
  • सीर si:r -- (nf) self cultivated land; (nm) a plough.
सीर करना -- to self-cultivate.
सीर में होना -- to be undercultivation.
  • सीरत si:rat -- (nf) disposition; nature.
  • सीरा si:ra: -- (nm) molasses.
  • सीरी si:ri: -- (nm) a cropper.
  • सील si:l -- (nm) see शील (nf) damp/dampness, moisture; a seal; kinds of carnivorous amphibiousmarine mammal.
सीलबंद -- sealed.
सील मुहर होना -- to be sealed.
सील लगाना -- to put a seal.
  • सीलन si:lān -- (nf) dampness, moisture.
सीलन-भरा -- damp.
  • सीलना si:lnā: -- (v) to dampen, to be/get damp(ed).
  • सीवँ sī:vā -- (nf) see सिवान.
  • सीवन si:vān -- (nf) see सीयन.
  • सीस si:s -- (nm) the head.
सीसफूल -- an ornament worn on the head.
  • सीसम si:sam -- (nm) a particular tree (that yields a rich variety oftimber for furniture etc.).
  • सीमा si:sa: -- (nm) lead.
  • सीसी si:si: -- (nf) see सी-सी see शीशी.
  • सुँघनी sūghnī: -- (nf) a snuff; sneezewort.
  • सुँघाना sūgha:nā: -- (v) to cause to smell.
  • सुंदर sundar -- (a) beautiful, handsome, pretty; fine; good.
सुंदरता -- beauty, prettiness; goodness; hence सुंदरी feminine form of सुंदर.
  • सुंबी sumbi: -- (nf) punch, punching instrument.
  • सु su -- a prefix imparting the meanings of good, beautiful, pretty, excellent, thorough, well, easy, etc.
  • सुअर suar -- (nm) a boar, pig.
  • सुअवसर suavasar -- (nm) an opportunity, a good chance.
  • सुआ sua: -- (nm) a big needle; marking pin.
  • सुई sui: -- (nf) a needle; hand of a watch; pointer.
  • सुकंठ sukaṉṭḥ -- (a) having a melodious voice, sweet-voiced.
  • सुकर sukar -- (a) easy.
सुकरता -- easiness.
  • सुक/र्म sukarm -- (nf) a good deed.
सुकर्मा -- performing good deeds, righteous, virtuous.
सुकर्मी -- see सुकर्मा.
  • सुकवि sukavi -- (nm) a good poet.
  • सुकाज suka:j -- (nm) a good/righteous deed.
  • सुकान suka:n -- (nm) a rudder.
सुकान-खंभा -- rudder post.
सुकान-दंड -- rudder stock.
  • सुकाल suka:l -- (nm) good time, time of prosperity and plenty.
  • सुकीर्ति suki:rti -- (nf) reputation, renown; (a) reputed, renowned, celebrated.
  • सुकुमा/र sukuma:r -- (a) delicate, tender.
सुकुमारता -- delicacy, tenderness; hence सुकुमारी feminine adjectival form of सुकुमार.
  • सुकून suku:n -- (nm) peace, comfort; consolation.
  • सुकून/त suku:nāt -- (nf) residence.
सुकूनती -- residential.
  • सुकृत sukkrit -- (nm) a good deed; (a) well-done; righteous.
  • सुकृती sukriti: -- (a) good, righteous, virtuous.
  • सुकृत्य sukrity -- (nm) good deed, virtuous act.
  • सुकेशी sukeshi: -- (a) (a woman) having beautiful hair.
  • सुकोमल sukomal -- (a) extremely soft, very delicate.
सुकोमलता -- extreme softness/delicacy.
  • सुख sukh -- (nm) happiness, pleasure; comfort; felicity; contentment.
सुखकर -- happy, pleasant, comfortable/comforting.
सुखकारी -- causinghappiness, pleasant, comfortable/comforting.
सुख-चंन -- happiness andcomfort.
सुखजनक -- causing happiness/pleasure; comforting.
सुखजीविता -- the state or qualtiy oftaking things easy.
सुखजीवी -- easy-going.
सुखद -- happy; pleasant, pleasurable, comfortable; hence सुखदता (nf).
सुखदाता -- pleasure-giving, one who imparts happiness/pleasure.
सुखदायिनी -- feminineform of सुखदायी.
सुखदायी -- see सुखद.
सुख-दु -- .
-- happiness and sorrow; pleasureand pain.
सुखपूर्वक -- happily; comfortably.
सुखप्रद -- see सुखद.
सुख-भोग -- luxurious.
  • सुखन suḳḥan -- (nm) verse, poetry.
सुखनतक़िया -- a prop word, an expletive.
सुखनफ़हम -- a connoisseur ofpoetry.
सुखनफ़हमी -- appreciation ofpoetry.
  • सुखांत sukhā:nt -- (a) with a happy ending, ending happily; also सुखांतक; hence सुखांतता (nf).
सुखांत नाटक -- a comedy.
सुखांत नाटककार -- a comedy-writer.
  • सुखांतिकी sukhā:ntiki: -- (nf) a comedy.
सुखांतिकीकार -- a comedy-writer.
  • सुखात्मक sukha:tmāk -- (a) happy, imparting happiness; hedonic; hence सुखात्मकता (nf).
  • सुखाना sukha:nā: -- (v) to dry, to desiccate; to torrefy; to cause towither away; to emaciate.
  • सुखी sukhi: -- (a) happy; contented.
  • सुखोदय sukhoday -- (nm) advent of a happy period.
  • सुख्या/त sukkhya:t -- (a) well-known, reputed, renowned; hence सुख्याति( nf).
  • सुगंध sugandh -- (nf) scent, fragrance, perfume, aroma.
सुगंधयुक्त -- scented, fragrant, perfumed, aromatic.
  • सुगंधि sugandhi -- (nf) see सुगंध.
सुगंधियुक्त -- see सुगंधयुक्त (under सुगंध).
  • सुगंधित sugandhit -- (a) scented, fragrant, perfumed, aromatic.
  • सुगठित sugaṭḥit -- (a) shapely, well-built; muscular; well-organised.
  • सुगति sugati -- (nf) happy state; salvation, beatitude.
  • सुगम sugam -- (a) easy; approachable, accessible; light; intelligible.
सुगमता -- easiness; approachability, accessibility; intelligibility.
सुगम संगीत -- light music.
  • सुगम्य sugammy -- (a) see सुगम.
  • सुग्गा sugga: -- (nm) a parrot.
  • सुग्राहिता suggra:hita: -- (nf) susceptibility; sensitivity.
  • सुग्राही suggra:hi: -- (a) susceptible; sensitive.
  • सुग्राह्य suggra:hy -- (a) acceptable, tenable; intelligible, easy; hence सुग्राह्यता (nf).
  • सुघट sughaṭ -- (a) shapely, well-built; well-organised; quite probable, easy to happen; hence सुघटता (nf).
  • सुघटित sughaṭit -- (a) see सुघट.
  • सुघट्य sughaṭṭy -- (a) plastic.
सुघट्यता -- plasticity.
  • सुघड़ sughaṛ -- (a) shapely, well-built; elegant; dexterous.
सुघड़ता -- see सुघड़ाई.
सुघड़पन -- see सुघड़ाई.
  • सुघड़ाई sughaṛa:i: -- (nf) concinnity; shapeliness, elegance; dexterousness.
  • सुघड़ी sughaṛi: -- (nf) auspicious moment/instant.
  • सुघ/र sughar -- (a) see सुघड़.
सुघराई -- see सुघड़ाई.
  • सुचारु sucha:ru -- (a) charming, pretty, comely; hence सुचारुता (nf).
सुचारु रूप से -- well; duly.
  • सुचिंतित suchintit -- (a) well-considered.
  • सुचित्त suchitt -- (a) equipoised, well-poised; hence सुचित्तता (nf).
  • सुजन sujan -- (nm) a gentleman.
सुजनता -- gentlemanliness.
  • सुजन/न sujanān -- (nm) eugenics.
सुजननसुजन- विज्ञान -- eugenics.
सुजननिक -- eugenic.
निकी -- eugenics.
  • सुजनी sujanī: -- (nf) a thick (multi-coloured or single-coloured) bed-sheet.
  • सुजला sujala: -- (a) having plenty of rivers/water.
  • सुजात suja:t -- (a) well-born, born in a noble/prosperous family; hence सुजातता (nf).
  • सुजान suja:n -- (a) wise, learned; hence सुजानता (nf).
  • सुझाना sujha:nā: -- (v) to suggest; to propose; to indicate.
  • सुझाव sujha:v -- (nm) a suggestion, proposal.
  • सुठि suṭḥi -- (a) good; pretty, beautiful.
  • सुड़कना suṛaknā: -- (v) to sniff up, to inhale with the breath; to drinknoisily.
  • सुड़ौल suḍaul -- (a) shapely, comely, well-built; hence सुड़ौलता (nf)/ सुड़ौलपन( nm).
  • सुढर suḍḥar -- (a) favourably inclined, kindly disposed.
  • सु/त sut -- (nm) a son; hence सुता (nf).
  • सुतनु sutanū -- (a) shapely, comely; tenuous, of delicate build.
  • सुतरां sutara:m -- (ind) moreover; thus, therefore; what more.
  • सुतली sutli: -- (nf) twine, thin rope.
  • सुतार suta:r -- (nm) smooth harmonious state of things.
सुतार-कुतार -- harmony and disharmony (of state of things), the state of being ingear and out of gear.
  • सुतीक्ष्ण suti:kshṉ -- (a) very sharp/pointed; hence सुतीक्ष्णता (nf).
  • सुथना suthnā: -- (nm) loose pyjamas.
  • सुथरा suthra: -- (a) clean, neat and tidy; refined.
सुथराई/पन -- cleanliness, neatness and tidiness; refinement.
  • सुदर्शन sudarshan -- (a) good-looking, winsome, elegant; (nm) the nameof the mythological discus wielded by Lord Vishṉū.
सुदर्शन चक्र -- see सुदर्शन (nm).
  • सुदामा suda:mā: -- (nm) a very poor friend and class-fellow of LordKrishṉā at the school of theirpreceptor संदीपन मुनि; veryhelpless and indigent fellow.
सुदामा केतंदुल -- present of rice by Suda:mā:to Krishṉā at their legendarymeeting; a poor man's present.
  • सुदि sudi -- (nf) the moonlit fortnight of a lunar month.
  • सुदिन sudin -- (nm) fine/happy day; happy times.
  • सुदी sudi: -- (nf) see सुदि.
  • सुदीर्घ sudi:rgh -- (a) very long, long-winding; detailed.
  • सुदूर sudu:r -- (a) very far, remote.
सुदूरपूर्व -- far east.
सुदूरवर्ती -- remote, far-flung.
  • सुदृढ़ suddriḍḥ -- (a) very strong; very firm; very rigid; hence सुदृढ़ता( nf).
  • सुदौसी sudausi: -- (ind) early.
  • सुद्दा sudda: -- (nm) dry faeces.
  • सुध sudh -- (nf) memory; consciousness, senses.
सुध-बुध -- memory; consciousness, senses.
सुध-बुध खोना/सुध-बुध न रहना -- see सुध न रहना.
सुध-दिलाना -- to remind.
सुध न रहना -- to forget; to lose or beout of senses.
सुध बिसरना -- to forget; to lose or be out of senses.
सुध लेना -- to remember; to enquire after.
  • सुधरना sudharnā: -- (v) to be reformed.
  • सुध/र्म sudharm -- (nm) virtuous duty, piety; hence सुधर्मा (a), सुधर्मी (a).
  • सुधवाना sudhva:nā: -- (v) to cause to be or to get calculated (as anauspicious moment); to get purified.
  • सुधांशु sudhā:nshu -- (nm) the moon.
  • सुधा sudha: -- (nf) nectar.
सुधाकर/धर/निधि -- the moon.
सुधारस -- nectar.
सुधावृप्टि -- rain of nectar—plentyand prosperity.
  • सुधाना sudha:nā: -- (v) to get (an auspicious moment) calculated; to get purified.
  • सुधार sudha:r -- (nm) reform/reformation; uplift, repair, amendment; modification; improvement; correction.
सुधारक -- a reformer; ameliorant.
सुधारवाद -- reformism; meliorism.
सुधारवादी -- a reformist; reformatory.
  • सुधारना sudha:rnā: -- (v) to reform; to repair, to mend/amend; toimprove; to uplift; to correct.
  • सुधारालय sudha:ra:lay -- (nm) a reformatory.
  • सुधि sudhi -- (nf) see सुध.
  • सुधी sudhi: -- (a and nm) (a) wise/learned (man); the wise.
सुधीजन -- learned people, the wise.
  • सुनना sunnā: -- (v) to hear, to listen; to pay heed; (nm) hearing, audition.
सुना-सुनाया -- hearsay, based onhearsay.
सुनी-अनसुनी करना -- to payno heed, to ignore.
  • सुनम्य sunammy -- (a) plastic; flexible.
सुनम्यता -- plasticity; flexibility.
  • सुनयना sunaynā: -- (a) (a woman) having beautiful eyes. pretty-eyed.
  • सुनवाई sunwa:i: -- (nf) hearing (of a cash etc.).
  • सुनवैया sunwaiya: -- (nm) a hearer; listener (of woes).
  • सुनसान sunsa:n -- (a) desolate, deserted; lonely; (nm) loneliness; stillness.
  • सुनह/रा, सुनहला sunehra:, ~la: -- (a) golden.
सुनहपन -- goldenness.
सुनहरामौक़ा -- golden chance.
  • सुनाना sunā:nā: -- (v) to cause to hear; to relate; to read out; to recite; to pronounce.
  • सुनाम sunā:m -- (nm) repute, celebrity, fame; goodwill.
  • सुना/र suna:r -- (nm) a goldsmith.
सुनारी -- the profession or work of agoldsmith; a goldsmith's wife; agood woman; hence सुनारिन (nf).
  • सुनावनी sunā:wani: -- (nf) news of a death (from a distant place).
  • सुनिश्चय sunishchay -- (nm) assurance; definiteness.
  • सुनिश्चित sunishchit -- (a) assured; definite; hence सुनिश्चितता (nf).
  • सुनीति suni:ti -- (nf) equity.
सुनीति-संगत -- equitable.
  • सुन्न sunn -- (a) still (ed); insensitive, benumbed, etherised; stupefied.
सुन्न पड़ना -- to be benumbed/renderedinsensitive; to be stupefied.
  • सुन्नत sunnat -- (nf) circumcision.
सुन्नत करना -- to circumcise; to convert into a Mohammedan.
  • सुन्ना sunnā: -- (nm) a zero cipher.
  • सुन्नी sunnī: -- (nm) one of the two major sub-divisions of Mohammedans (the other being शिया ).
  • सुपंथ supanth -- (nm) the course of morality/equity/justice.
  • सुपक्व supakkw -- (a) well-ripe, well-ripened; hence सुपक्वता (nf).
  • सुपच supach -- (a) easily digestible.
  • सुपथ supath -- (nm) see सुपंथ.
  • सुपथ्य supatthy -- (a) salubrious; (nm) salubrious diet.
  • सुपरवाइज़/र suparva:izar -- (nm) a supervisor.
सुपरवाइज़री -- supervisory; position or post of a supervisor.
  • सुपरींटडेंट supariṉṭeṉḍēṉṭ -- (nm) a superintendent.
  • सुपाच्य supa:chchy -- (a) easily digestible; hence सुपाच्यता (nf).
  • सुपाठ्य supa:ṭṭḥy -- (a) legible; readable; worth reading; hence सुपाठ्यता (nf).
  • सुपात्र supa:ttr -- (nm) a deserving (person), one who deserves; (a) deserving; hence सुपात्रता (nf).
  • सुपारी supa:ri: -- (nf) betel-nut; areca-nut.
  • सुपुर्द supurd -- (a) entrusted, committed; charged (with).
सुपुर्दगी -- trust; charge, care; delivery.
सुपुर्द करना -- toentrust, to hand over, to placeunder the charge/care (of); todeliver.
  • सुप्त supt -- (a) asleep, dormant; (rendered) senseless.
सुप्त चेतना -- dormant consciousness.
  • सुप्ति supti -- (nf) sleep, slumber.
  • सुप्रतिष्ठित suppratishṭḥit -- (a) well-established; reputed, celebrated.
  • सुप्रभात supprabha:t -- (nm) good/auspicious/happy morning.
  • सुप्रभाव supprabha:v -- (nm) good/welcome effect.
  • सुप्रयुक्त supprayukt -- (a) well-applied; properly utilised.
  • सुप्रयोग supprayog -- (nm) good usage/application; proper utilisation.
  • सुप्रसन्न supprasann -- (a) very happy.
  • सुप्रसिद्ध supprasiddh -- (a) reputed, renowned, famous, celebrated.
  • सुफ/ल suphal -- (nm) good/welcome result; hence सुफला (fem. form).
  • सुबह subeh -- (nf) morning; dawn.
सुबह-सुबह -- early (in the) morning.
सुबह-सवेरे -- early (in the) morning.
सुबह कातारा -- short-lived, certain to disappear soon.
सुबह कर देना -- to spendthe night without sleep.
सुबह का भूलाशाम को आए -- veering round to theproper course at long last.
सुबह की पूछोशाम की कहना -- the reply to be muchbeside the question.
सुबह-शाम करना -- todilly-dally, to go on evading.
सुबह से शाम तक -- from morning till evening. from dawn to dusk.
सुबह से ही मिज़ाज बिगड़ा होना -- to get out ofbed on wrong side.
  • सुबास suba:s -- (nf) see सुवास.
  • सुबुक subuk -- (a) light, delicate; quick, nimble-handed.
सुबुकदस्त -- quick at work.
सुबुकदोश -- rid of aburden.
सुबुक होना -- to feel small, tobe humiliated; to feel lighter.
  • सुबुद्धि subuddhi -- (nf) good/moral sense, wisdom; (a) wise, intelligent.
  • सुबोध subodh -- (a) intelligible, easy.
सुबोधता -- intelligibility, easiness.
  • सुभ/ग subhag -- (a) beautiful; lucky.
सुभगा -- feminine form of सुभग.
सुभगे ! -- vocative word for a beautifulwoman; hence सुभता (nf).
  • सुभानअल्ला subha:n alla: -- (int) Thou art Great/Holy !; what wonder !; how wonderful !.
  • सुभाषित subha:shit -- (a) well-said; (nm) a maxim; pithy/quotablesaying.
सुभाषित संग्रह -- analects.
  • सुभी/ता subhi:ta: -- (nm) convenience; comfort.
सुभीते से -- conveniently; comfortably.
  • सुमति sumati -- (nf) unity/union; see सुबुद्धि (nf and a).
  • सुमधुर sumadhur -- (a) very sweet, melodious.
  • सुमन sumān -- (nm) a flower; (a) favourably disposed; happy.
सुमनस्क -- happy, pleased.
  • सुमा/र्ग suma:rg -- (nm) good/moral course, just course.
सुमार्गी/र्गगामी -- traversing the righteous course/path.
  • सुमिरनी sumirnī: -- (nf) a rosary (of beads).
  • सुमुखी sumukhi: -- (a and nm) (a) pretty-faced (woman), beautiful.
  • सुमेरु sumeru -- (nm) the mythological mountain of gold.
  • सुमेल sumel -- (nm) harmony.
  • सुम्मा summā: -- (nm) a drift bolt.
  • सुम्मी summī: -- (nf) a dowel.
  • सुयश suyash -- (nm) reputation, renown.
  • सुयोग suyog -- (nm) a happy chance/coincidence.
सुयोग से -- by a happy coincidence.
  • सुयोग्य suyoggy -- (a) very able, worthy.
  • सुरंग surāṅg -- (nf) a tunnel; mine; (a) having a good/pleasant/prettycolour.
सुरंग बिछाना -- to lay a mine.
  • सुर sur -- (nm) tone; a note in music; vowel; a god.
सुरगण -- gods, thewhole body of gods.
सुर-तान -- toneand tune.
सुर-तान में करना -- to attune.
सुरत्व -- godhood.
सुरदार -- melodious, harmonious.
सुरधाम -- the abode ofgods.
सुरधाम सिधारना -- to leave for one'sheavenly abode—to die.
सुर-भंग -- see स्वरभंग.
सुरराज -- king of gods—Indra.
सुरलहरी -- musical wave, melody.
सुरसरिता -- the riverGaṅga:.
सुर मिलाना -- to attune, toharmonise.
सुर में सुर मिलाना -- tochime in.
  • सुरक्षण surakshāṉ -- (nm) (the act or process of) protection, security; reservation.
  • सुर/क्षा suraksha: -- (nf) protection, security.
सुरक्षित -- safe, secure, protected; reserved.
  • सुरति surati -- (nf) memory, recollection; amorous dalliance, sexualenjoyment.
  • सुरभि surabhi -- (nf) fragrance, aroma; perfume, scent.
सुरभित -- fragrant, aromatic; perfumed, scented.
  • सुरभी surabhi: -- (nf) see सुरभि a cow.
  • सुरमई surmai: -- (a) dark grey, of the colour of सुरमा.
  • सुरमा surmā: -- (nm) collyrium, antimony ground into fine powder.
सुरमादानी -- collyrium phial or receptacle.
सुरमा करना/बनाना -- to grind intofine powder.
  • सुरम्य surammy -- (a) charming, attractive, beautiful; hence सुरम्यता( nf).
  • सुरलहर surlahar -- (nf) intonation.
  • सुरस suras -- (a) flavoury, juicy; sweet.
  • सुरसा surasa: -- (nf) mythologically, a monstrous figure said to bethe mother of snakes, who blocked Hanumā:n's expedition to लंका trying to devour him by opening her mouth wider than Hanumā:n's increasing size.
  • सुरसुरा/ना sursura:nā: -- (v) to rustle; to creep or crawl like an insect; to itch.
सुरसुराहट -- rustling; creepingor crawling; itching.
  • सुरसुरी sursuri: -- (nf) see सुरसुराहट (under सुरसुराना ); thrill.
  • सुरा sura: -- (nf) wine, liquor.
सुरा और सुंदरी -- wine and women.
सुराकर्म -- brewing.
सुराकर्मशाला -- a brewery.
सुरागृह -- a wine shop, bar.
सुरा-पात्र -- apeg, wine glass.
सुरापान -- drinking ofwine.
सुरासार -- spirit, alcohol.
  • सुराख sura:ḳḥ -- (nm) a hole, cavity, an aperture.
  • सुराग़ sura:g̣ -- (nm) a clue; trace.
सुराग़ पाना/मिलना/लगना -- to get a clue.
  • सुरागाय sura:ga:y -- (nf) a yak.
  • सुरा/ज sura:j -- (nm) good rule; independence.
  • सुराज्य sura:jjy -- (nm) good rule; worthy state.
  • सुरासुर sura:sur -- (nm) the gods and demons.
सुरासुर-युद्ध/संग्राम -- mythologicalbattle of the gods and demons.
  • सुराही surar:hi: -- (nf) a flagon, long-necked earthen water-pot.
सुराहीदार -- shaped like a sura:hi:.
सुराहीदार गर्दन -- longand slender neck.
सुराहीनुमा -- shapedlike a sura:hi:.
  • सुरीला suri:la: -- (a) sweet, melodious.
सुरीला कंठ/गला -- melodious voice.
सुरीलापन -- sweetness, melodiousness; symphony.
  • सुरुचि suruchi -- (nf) refined taste, good taste.
सुरुचिपूर्ण -- refined, tasteful.
सुरुचिवान -- (a man) of refined taste.
सुरुचि-संपन्न -- gifted with a good taste.
  • सुरूप suru:p -- (a) good looking, beautiful, shapely; hence सुरूपता (nf).
  • सुरूर suru:r -- (nm) mild/slight intoxication; pleasant after-effects of mild/slight intoxication.
सुरूर आना -- tobe under the influence of the firstmild wave of intoxication.
सुरूर जमना -- to be in the pleasant state ofmild/slight intoxication.
  • सुरेंद्र surendr -- (nm) Indra—the chief of gods.
  • सुरेख surekh -- (a) beautiful, shapely; with symmetrical lines.
  • सुर्ख़ surḳḥ -- (a) red, ruddy.
सुर्ख़पोश -- dressed in red; hence सुर्ख़पोशी( nf).
सुर्ख़रू -- reputed, having reputation; honourable.
सुर्ख़रू होना -- to bevindicated.
सुर्ख़ होना -- to be ruddy, tobe in the pink of health.
  • सुर्ख़ाब surḳḥa:b -- (nm) a ruddy goose सुर्ख़ाब Anas casarca.
सुर्ख़ाब का पर -- an unusualfeature.
सुर्ख़ाब के पर लगे होना -- to beblessed with an unusual feature, to have any remarkable characteristic; to be privileged.
  • सुर्ख़ी surḳḥi: -- (nf) redness, ruddiness; a headline; brickdust; lipstick; upward trend (in price).
सुर्ख़ीमायल -- with a red tinge, reddish.
सुर्ख़ी छाना -- to be ruddy; to be in the pink ofhealth.
  • सुलक्ष/ण sulakshāṉ -- (a) gifted with laudable ways; having auspiciousfeatures / characteristics / marks; fortunate, lucky; hence सुलक्षणा, सुलक्षणीfeminine forms of सुलक्षण.
  • सुलगना sulagnā: -- (v) to smoulder; to burn (esp. inwardly); to begin toburn, to be ignited.
  • सुलगाना sulga:nā: -- (v) to kindle; to ignite, to (cause) to burn.
  • सुलझन suljhan -- (nf) disentanglement; resolution; unravelling.
  • सुलझना sulajhnā: -- (v) to be disentangled; to be unravelled; to be solved.
  • सुलझाना suljha:nā: -- (v) to disent-angle; to unravel; to solve; to setright.
  • सुलझाव suljha:v -- (nm) disentanglement; solution.
  • सुलटा sulṭa: -- (a) straight, direct (generally used in the compound उलटा-सुलटा ).
  • सुलता/न sulta:n -- (nm) a sultan.
सुलतानी -- pertaining/belonging to or positionof a Sultan, regal, majestic.
  • सुलफ़ sulaf -- (nm) refreshment, break-fast; used in Hindi only as secondmember of the compound सौदा-सुलफ़ (see).
  • सुल/फ़ा sulfa: -- (nm) an intoxicating drug; crude tobacco smoked without using filter.
सुलफ़ेबाज़ -- addictedto सुलफ़ा; hence सुलफ़ेबाज़ी (nf).
  • सुलभ sulabh -- (a) easy; accessible, available, handy.
सुलभता -- easiness; accessibility, availability.
  • सुलभ्य sulabbhy -- (a) easily accessible/available; hence सुलभ्यता (nf).
  • सुललित sulalit -- (a) charming, graceful, elegant.
  • सुलह suleh -- (nf) an agreement; reconciliation, rapproachement.
सुलहकार -- a peace-maker.
सुलहकुल -- friendly with all.
सुलहनामा -- (awritten) agreement; compromisedeed; peace-treaty.
  • सुलाना sula:nā: -- (v) to cause to sleep; to lull to sleep.
  • सुलाभ sula:bh -- (nm) (good) advantage.
  • सुलूक sulu:k -- (nm) treatment, behaviour.
  • सुलेख sulekh -- (nm) calligraphy.
सुलेखक -- see सुलेखकार.
सुलेख-कला -- (the art of) calligraphy.
सुलेखकार -- a calligraphist.
सुलेखन -- calligraphy.
  • सुलोचना sulochnā: -- (a) beautiful-eyed (woman), having charming eyes.
  • सुवक्ता suvakta: -- (nm) an orator, a good speaker.
  • सुवचन suvachan -- (nm) good/pleasant words.
  • सुवर्ण suvarṉ -- (nm) gold; good colour; higher caste.
  • सुवश्य suvashshy -- (a) docile, submissive; hence सुवश्यता (nf).
  • सुवाच्य suva:chchy -- (a) readable.
सुवाच्यता -- readability.
  • सुवार्ता suva:rta: -- (nf) good news.
  • सुवा/स suva:s -- (nf) fragrance, aroma; perfume, scent.
सुवासित -- fragrant, aromatic; perfumed, scented.
  • सुविख्यात suvikkhya:t -- (a) renowned, reputed.
  • सुविचार suvicha:r -- (nm) good/subtle idea.
  • सुविचारित suvicha:rit -- (a) well-considered.
सुविचारित मत -- well-considered view.
  • सुविदित suvidit -- (a) well-known.
  • सुविधा suvidha: -- (nf) facility; convenience.
सुविधा का सौदा -- agreement/marriage of convenience.
सुविधाजीवी -- easy-going.
सुविधापूर्वक -- conveniently.
  • सुवृ/त्त suvritt -- (a) virtuous, righteous; hence सुवृत्ति (nf).
  • सुवेश suvesh -- (a) well-dressed; good looking.
  • सुव्यक्त suvvyakt -- (a) well-expressed, distinctly expressed; distinct; manifest; articulated; hence सुव्यक्तता( nf).
  • सुव्यवस्था suvvyavastha: -- (nf) order/orderliness; good organisation/administration.
  • सुव्यवस्थित suvvyavasthit -- (a) orderly; regular; well-organised; well-administered.
  • सुशा/सन susha:san -- (nm) good government/rule/administration.
सुशासित -- well-governed, well-ruled, well-administered.
  • सुशिक्षित sushikshit -- (a) well-educated, highly educated.
  • सुशीतल sushi:tal -- (a) very cool.
  • सुशी/ल sushi:l -- (a) courteous, suave; modest.
सुशीलता -- courteousness, suavity; modesty; hence सुशीलाfeminine form of सुशील.
  • सुशोभित sushobhit -- (a) (well) adorned; graceful.
सुशोभित करना -- to adorn; to grace.
सुशोभित होना -- to be adorned; to begraced; to look splendid.
  • सुश्राव्य sushshra:vvy -- (a) sonorous, melodious; well-audible.
  • सुश्री sushshri: -- (a) an honorofic prefixed to the name of awoman—married or unmarried.
  • सुश्रूषा sushshru:sha: -- (nf) see शुश्रूषा.
  • सुषमा sushmā: -- (nf) beauty, exceptional prettiness, charm.
सुषमायुक्त -- beautiful, pretty, charming.
  • सुषु/प्त sushupt -- (a) asleep, in deep slumber; dormant.
सुषुप्तावस्था -- thestate of deep sleep; dormancy.
  • सुषुम्ना sushumnā: -- (nf) one of the three principal or major nerves, according to the haṭhyogi:s, thatplays an important role in theachievement of Supreme Bliss.
  • सुष्ठु sushṭḥu -- (a) elegant; appropriate.
सुष्ठुता -- elegance; appropriateness.
  • सुसंगत susāṅgat -- (a) very appropriate/logical, valid/tenable/reasonable; concordant; relevant; hence सुसंगतता (nf).
  • सुसंगति susāṅgati -- (nf) good association, commendable company, validity; relevance; concord(ance); rationality.
  • सुसंपन्न susāmpann -- (a) prosperous, affluent; well-to-do; hence सुसंपन्नता( nf).
  • सुसंस्कृत susānskrit -- (a) well cultured; refined.
  • सुसंह/त susanghat -- (a) compact.
सुसंहति -- compactness.
  • सुसज्जित susajjit -- (a) well-adorned; well-equipped.
  • सुसाध्य susa:ddhy -- (a) easily achievable; curable without difficulty; hence सुसाध्यता (nf).
  • सुस्त sust -- (a) slow, languid; indolent; lazy, idle; in low spirit; spiritless, depressed.
  • सुस्ताना susta:nā: -- (v) to relax, to rest; to have a respite.
  • सुस्ती susti: -- (nf) languor, indolence; laziness, idleness; spiritlessness, depression.
  • सुस्थ susth -- (a) normal, in a normal state; composed, equipoised, well-composed; hence सुस्थता (nf).
  • सुस्थित susthit -- (a) well-situated, well-located; well-poised; hence सुस्थितता (nf).
  • सुस्थिर susthir -- (a) well-poised, steady, stable; firm; well-established; hence सुस्थिरता (nf).
  • सुस्वनिक susswanīk -- (a) sonorous.
  • सुस्वर susswar -- (a and nm) melodious voice/tune; hence सुस्वरता (nf).
  • सुस्वादु susswa:du -- (a) delicious, tasty.
सुस्वादुता -- deliciousness, tastiness.
  • सुहबत suhbat -- (nf) company, association; cohabitation, coition.
सुहबत करना, किसी से -- to have sexualintercourse.
सुहबत का असर -- imprint/influence of the company.
सुहबत बिगड़ना -- to fall into bad company.
  • सुहबती suhbati: -- (a) sociable, affable.
  • सुहाग suha:g -- (nm) coverture, the happy state of a woman whenher husband is alive; husband; good fortune.
सुहाग-पिटारी -- an auspicious chest carrying a woman'sornaments and make-up stuffsymbolising her सुहाग.
सुहाग-भरी -- happy and prosperous, blessedwith good fortune.
सुहागरात -- thefirst night of a couple's union.
सुहाग अचल होना -- to be ever blessedwith coverture.
सुहाग उजड़ना/लुटना -- (said of a woman) to bewidowed, to lose coverture/protection of the husband.
सुहाग मनाना -- to pray for the husband'slongevity, well-being.
  • सुहागन suha:gan -- (a and nf) (a woman) whose husband isalive, who is ever-blessed withcoverture/the protective presenceof the husband.
  • सुहागा suha:ga: -- (nm) borax, plank.
  • सुहागि/न, सुहागिनी, सुहागिल suha:gin, ~nī:, ~l -- (a and nm) see सुहागन.
  • सुहाता suha:ta: -- (a) pleasant; pleasantly warm (water etc.).
  • सुहाना suha:nā: -- (v) to be pleasing; to look charming; to be liked; (a) pleasing, charming; likeable.
  • सुहावना suha:vnā: -- (a) pleasing; charming; likeable.
  • सुहृद suhrid -- (a) friendly, loving; (nm) a friend.
  • सूँघना sūghnā: -- (v) to smell, to scent; to sniff; to eat verylittle.
  • सूँड़ sū:ṛ -- (nf) the trunk (of an elephant), proboscis.
  • सूँड़ी sū:ṛi: -- (nf) a grub.
  • सूँस sū:s -- (nf) a porpoise.
  • सूअर su:ar -- (nm) a boar, pig; a word of abuse—swine; verydirty/thick-skinned person.
सूअर का बच्चा -- a term of abuse meaninga pig.
सूअर-, वनैला -- a wild boar.
  • सूआ su:a -- (nm) a big needle.
  • सूई su:ī: -- (nf) a needle; the hands of a watch/clock.
सूई का काम -- needle-work.
सूई का नाका -- eye ofa needle.
सूई का भाला/फावड़ा बनादेना -- to make a mountain ofa molehill, to exaggerate noend.
सूई के नाके में से ऊँट/हाथी निकालना -- to perform a miracle/an impossible feat.
  • सूक/र su:kar -- (nm) see सूअर; hence सूकरी (nf).
  • सूक्त su:kt -- (nm) a mantra of the Vedas.
सूक्तद्रष्टा -- a composer/seer of a सूक्त.
  • सूक्ति su:kti -- (nf) a maxim, an epigram, a pithy pointed saying.
सूक्ति-संग्रह -- analects.
  • सूक्ष्म sukshm -- (a) subtle, minute; fine; thin.
सूक्ष्म अर्थ -- subtle meaning.
सूक्ष्मता -- subtlety, minuteness, fineness, thinness; precision.
सूक्ष्मदर्शक यंत्र -- a microscope.
सूक्ष्मदर्शिकी -- microscopy.
सूक्ष्मदर्शी -- a microscope; keen observer, keen-eyed.
सूक्ष्मदृष्टि -- keen-sighted; keen sight.
सूक्ष्मदृष्टि ता -- keen-sightedness.
सूक्ष्म देह/शरीर -- the subtle body.
  • सूक्ष्माणु sukshmā:ṉū -- (nm) a microbe.
  • सूख/ना su:khnā: -- (v) to dry up, to wither; to dwindle; to be attenuated; to evaporate.
सूख कर काँटा हो जाना -- to become tootenuous, to be reduced to askeletion.
सूख जाना, मारे डर के -- to beterrorized out of wits, to behorror-stricken.
  • सूखा su:kha: -- (a) dry, sapless; blunt; flat (as जवाब ); all-told, with nothing extra; (nm) drought; (in children) cramp (also called सूखा रोग ).
सूखा जवाब देना -- to refuseflatly.
सूखा टालना -- to say a flat'no'.
सूखा सूखी खुजली -- a kind of dryitch (disease).
सूखा सूखी तनख्वाह -- only cash pay (with nothingextra in kind).
सूखे धानों पर पानी पड़ना -- to achieve one'sfulfilment when in utter despair.
  • सूचक su:chak -- (nm) an informant/informer; a pointer; (a) suggestive, symptomatic; indicative.
  • सूचकांक su:chakā:ṅk -- (nm) an index.
  • सूचना su:chnā: -- (nf) information, intimation; notice, notification; announcement.
सूचना-पट्ट -- anotice-board.
सूचना-अधिकारी -- information officer.
सूचना-केंद्र -- informationcentre.
सूचना-ब्यूरो -- information bureau.
सूचना-पत्र -- a notification, circular.
सूचना-माध्यम -- medium of information.
सूचनार्थ -- for information.
सूचना देना -- toinform, to intimate; to report; to notify.
सूचना देने वाला -- an.
  • सूचनीय su:chnī:y -- (a) reportable or to be reported; informable or to be informed.
  • सूचिका su:chika: -- (nf) a needle; feminine form of सूचक.
  • सूचित su:chit -- (a) informed, intimated.
सूचित करना -- to inform/intimate.
सूचित होना -- to be informed/intimated.
  • सूची su:chi: -- (nf) a list, catalogue.
सूची-पत्र -- a catalogue.
सूची-पत्र बनाना -- to(prepare a) catalogue.
सूचीभेद्य -- tobe pierced only by a needle, verydense; palpable.
सूचीभेद्य अंधकार -- palpable darkness, thick envelopeof darkness.
सूची बनाना -- to (prepare a) list.
  • सूजन su:jan -- (nf) swelling, inflammation.
  • सूजना su:jnā: -- (v) to swell.
सूजा हुआ -- swollen.
  • सूजा su:ja: -- (nm) a big needle, an awl; distaff; (a) swollen.
  • सूज़ाक su:za:k -- (nm) gonorrhoea.
  • सूजी su:ji: -- (nf) semola, semolina.
  • सूझ su:jh -- (nf) insight, vision, imagination; perception.
सूझ-बूझ -- imagination; understanding, intelligence.
सूझ-बूझ से काम लेना -- to use one's imagination/intelligence.
  • सूझना su:jhnā: -- (v) to be visible, to be seen; to occur to one's mind.
  • सूट su:ṭ -- (nm) a suit (of clothes).
सूटकेस -- a suit-case.
  • सूत su:t -- (nm) yarn, thread; length equal to one-eighth of an inch; a charioteer; one who relatesancient legends.
सूत कातना -- tospin.
सूत न कपास जुलाहे से लट्ठम-लट्ठा -- to count one's chickens beforethey are hatched, first catchyour hare then cook him; tocontend without a bone ofcontention.
  • सूतक su:tak -- (nm) impurity or defilement which, according to the Hindu tradition, is caused by adeath/birth in the family.
सूतक लगना -- an impurity or defilement causeddue to a death/birth.
  • सूता su:ta: -- (nm) thread.
  • सूतिकागृह su:tika:grih -- (nm) a confinement chamber.
  • सूती su:ti: -- (a) cotton सूती-, made of cotton.
सूती कपड़ा -- cotton cloth.
  • सूत्र su:ttr -- (nm) a thread, yarn, fibre; source; aphorism; formula; sacred thread (जनेऊ.
सूत्रकर्ता) -- acomposer of aphorism (of philosophy, grammar, etc.).
सूत्रधार -- the stage manager (in a dramaticperformance).
सूत्रपात -- beginning, commencement.
सूत्रबद्ध -- formulated; integrated.
सूत्र-शैली -- terse style, condensed style.
  • सूत्राकार su:ttra:ka:r -- (a) filiform.
  • सूत्रात्मक su:ttra:tmak -- (a) in the nature of a formula, terse, pithy; hence सूत्रात्मकता (nf).
  • सूत्रालेख su:ttra:lekh -- (nm) a mono-graph.
  • सूत्रित su:ttrit -- (a) formulated.
  • सूत्रीकरण su:ttri:karāṉ -- (nm) formulation.
  • सूथ/न, सूथनी suthān -- (nm), ~nī: (nf) trousers.
  • सूद su:d -- (nm) interest.
सूदख़ोर -- usurer; usurious.
सूदख़ोरी -- usury.
सूद-दर सूद -- compound interest.
  • सूदन su:dan -- a Sanskrit suffix used to denote a killer/destroyer/conqueror of (as रिपुसूदन, मधुसूदन, etc.).
  • सूना sū:nā: -- (a) lonely, desolate; empty.
सूनापन -- loneliness, desolation; emptiness.
सूना-सूना लगना -- to.
  • सूप su:p -- (nm) a winnowing basket; soup, broth.
सूपकार -- a cook.
सूपशास्त्र -- the science of cookery.
सूप-बोले सो बोले छलनी क्या बोले (जिसमें बहत्तर छेद) -- the pot calling thekettle black.
  • सूफ़ियाना su:fiya:nā: -- (a) befitting a Su:fi:; plain and simple.
सूफ़ियाना अंदाज़ -- in the manner of a Su:fi:.
  • सूफ़ी su:fi: -- (nm) a sect of Muslim saints (whose characteristic quality is their plain and simpleways.).
  • सू/बा su:ba: -- (nm) a province.
सूबेवार -- provincewise.
  • सूबेदा/र su:beda:r -- (nm) a governor, head of a province; a non commissioned army rank.
सूबेदार.मेजर -- aSubedar-Major—non-commissioned army rank.
सूबेदारी -- post/officeor work of a सूबेदार.
  • सूम sū:m -- (a) penurious, miser, niggardly; (nm) a miser.
सूमपन/पना -- penury, miserliness, niggardliness.
  • सूर su:r -- (a) brave; blind; (nm) the sun.
सूरदास -- (euphemistically) ablind person.
सूरदास कारी कामरि पै चढ़ैन दूजो रंग -- can the Ethiopianchange his colour!, black willtake no other hue.
  • सूरज su:raj -- (nm) the sun; see सूर्य.
सूरजमुखी -- see सूर्यमुखी.
सूरजसुता -- anepithet of the river Yamunā:.
सूरज को चिराग़/दीपक दिखाना -- (to bestupid enough) to light the courseof the sun, to try to instruct theOmniscient Himself, to introducethe well-known.
सूरज छिपना/डूबना/ढलना -- the sun to set.
सूरज-, उगता -- therising sun.
सूरज-, डूबता -- the settingsun.
सूरज पर थूकना-पर धूल फेंकना -- toaccuse the infallible and be self-debased.
  • सूरत su:rat -- (nf) countenance, face; appearance, looks; form; case; condition, state.
सूरतपरस्त -- abeauty-worshipper, a hanker afterlooks.
सूरतवाला -- beautiful, good-looking.
सूरत-शक्ल -- appearance; looks.
सूरत-सीरत -- beauty and quality; looksand merits.
सूरतहराम -- of deceptivelooks.
सूरत(ए)हाल -- present state/condition.
सूरत दिखाना -- to show up, to turn up.
सूरत नज़र आना -- to find away out, to think of a solution(to a problem).
सूरत निकल आना -- togrow prettier; a solution (to aproblem) to emerge.
सूरत बदलना -- todisguise; things to change.
सूरत बिगाड़ना -- to deface; to make wryfaces; to express displeasure.
सूरत मेंइस -- in this case.
सूरत से बेज़ार होना -- notto be able to stand the sight of; to be absolutely fed up of.
सूरत सेसीरत का अंदाज़ नहीं होता -- beauty isbut skin deep, all that glitters isnot gold.
  • सूरन su:ran -- (nm) elephant's foot; an edible root/tuber.
  • सूरमा su:rmā: -- (a and nm) brave; a hero; warrior.
सूरमाई/पन -- bravery, heroism.
  • सूराख़ su:ra:ḳḥ -- (nm) a hole, an aperture, orifice; a puncture; eyelet.
सूराख़दार -- having a hole orholes.
सूराख़ करना -- to drill, to bore ahole.
  • सूर्य su:ry -- (nm) the sun.
सूर्यकर/रश्मि -- rays (of the sun).
सूर्यकांत -- the jasper.
सूर्यकेंद्रीय -- heliocentric.
सूर्यग्रहण -- solar eclipse.
सूर्य घड़ी -- a sun-dial.
सूर्यचित्रिक -- heliograph.
सूर्यचित्रीय -- heliographic.
सूर्यतनया/नंदिनी/पुत्री -- an epithet of the river Yamunā:.
सूर्य-परिमंडल -- corona of the sun.
सूर्यपूजा -- heliolatry.
सूर्य-प्रभा -- sunlight.
  • सूर्यानुव/र्त्तन su:rya:nuvartan -- (nm) heliotropism.
सूर्यानुवर्ती -- heliotropic.
  • सूर्यास्त su:rya:st -- (nm) sunset.
  • सूर्योदय su:ryoday -- (nm) sunrise.
सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त तक -- from sunrise to sunset, whole day, throughout the day.
  • सूर्योपास/क su:ryopa:sak -- (nm) a sun-worshipper, heliolater.
सूर्योपासना -- sun-worship, heliolatry.
  • सूली su:li: -- (nm) gallows, gibbet.
सूली देना, पर चढ़ाना -- to hang to death, to execute by hanging.
  • सृजन srijan -- (nm) creation.
सृजन शक्ति/सृजनशीलता -- creativity, creative power.
सृजनशील -- creative.
सृजनहार -- creator (of the world).
  • सृष्ट srishṭ -- (a) created.
  • सृष्टि srishṭi -- (nf) creation; the world.
सृष्टिकर्ता -- Creator (of theworld).
सृष्टि-विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- cosmology.
सृष्टिवैज्ञानिक -- a cosmologist; cosmological.
सृष्टिशास्त्रीय -- cosmological.
  • सेंकना sēknā: -- (v) to foment; to bake; to roast; to warm.
सेंकना-, आँख -- seeunder आँख.
सेंकना-, धूप -- to bask.
  • सेंगरा sēgra: -- (nm) a stick for carrying heavy things (like a log or stone etc.).
  • सें/ड़ा sēṛa: -- (a and nm) a nitwit; stupid (fellow).
सेंड़पन -- stupidity.
  • सेंट sēṉṭ -- (nm) scent; a cent.
  • सेंटर sēṉṭar -- (nm) a centre.
  • सेंट्रल sēṉṭral -- (a) central.
  • सेंठा sēṭḥa: -- (nm) the lower end of a reed.
  • सेंत sēt -- (a) gratis, free of charge/cost.
सेंत कर रखना -- to keep in safe custody.
सेंत में -- gratis.
सेंत मेंत -- see सेंत सेंत.
सेंत में -- gratis; without any charge.
  • सेंध sēdh -- (nf) a hole (made) in a wall (by a burglar); burglary, house-breaking.
सेंध मारना/लगाना -- toburgle, to break through a wall, to break into a house.
  • सेंधा sēdha: -- (nm) rock salt.
सेंधा नमक -- rock salt.
  • सेंधिया sēdhiya: -- (nm) a burglar.
  • सेंवईं sēvaī: -- (nf) vermicelli.
सेंवईं पूरना -- to prepare vermicelli (with hands).
  • सेंसर sēnsar -- (nm) censor.
सेंसर-बोर्ड -- censor board.
सेंसर-व्यवस्था -- censor system; censorship.
  • सेंसरी sēnsari: -- (nf) censorship.
  • सेंहुआ sēhuā: -- (nm) a kind of skin disease (causing white blots).
  • सेंहुड़ sēhūṛ -- (nm) a kind of cactus.
  • से se -- (ind) from; with; by; than; since; (a) similar, equal.
  • सेइया seiya: -- (nf) porcupine.
सेइया का काँटा -- porcupine quill; dragon's teeth.
सेइया डाल देना, किसी के घर में -- to sowdragon's teeth.
  • सेकना seknā: -- (v) see सेंकना.
  • सेकेंकंड sekēkāṉḍ -- (nm) a second (one-sixtieth of a minute).
  • सेक्रेटरियट sekreṭariaṭ -- (nm) secretariat.
  • सेक्रेटरी sekreṭari: -- (nm) secretary.
  • सेक्शन sekshan -- (nm) section.
सेक्शन-अफ़सर -- a section officer.
  • से/चन sechan -- (nm) irrigation, watering.
सेचक -- an irrigator.
सेचनीय -- to be irrigated; worth irrigating.
सेचित -- irrigated.
  • सेज sej -- (nf) a bed, richly decorated bed.
सेज-, फूलों की -- easy and luxurious living.
  • सेट seṭ -- (nm) a set (of things).
  • सेटना seṭnā: -- (v) to regard; to.
  • सेठ seṭḥ -- (nm) a wealthy merchant, moneyed man; hence सेठानी (nf).
  • सेठा seṭḥa: -- (nm) see सेंठा.
  • सेतु setu -- (nm) a bridge; causeway.
सेतुपथ -- the span or extent of abridge.
सेतुबंध -- (constructing) abridge.
  • सेनांग senā:ṅg -- (nm) the arms (of a defence force viz. the army, navy and air force).
  • सेना senā: -- (nf) army, military; horde; (v) to hatch; (arch.) to serve.
सेना की शाखाएँ -- arms.
सेनाग्र/मुख -- vanguard.
सेनाजीवी -- a soldier.
सेनादार/सेनाधिप /सेनाधिपति /सेनाधीश /सेनाध्यक्ष/सेनानायक/सेनानी /सेनापति /सेनापाल -- commander, general (of an army).
सेनापत्य -- commandership.
सेना-व्यूह -- abattle-array, strategic deployment of the forces.
सेना-, खटिया/चारपाई -- to lie idly; to keep confined to bed for long.
  • सेफ़ sef -- (nf) an iron safe.
  • सेब seb -- (nm) see सेव.
  • सेम sem -- (nf) bean, kidney-bean (name of a particular vegetable).
  • सेम/र, सेमल semar, ~l -- (nm) silk cotton (tree or its flower).
  • सेमा semā: -- (nm) a large variety of सेम.
  • सेमिकोलन semikolān -- (nm) a semi-colon.
  • सेमिटिक semiṭik -- (a) semitic.
  • सेर ser -- (nm) a seer—weight equivalent to 16 chhaṭa:ks or a little over 2 lbs.
सेर को सवा सेर मिलना -- tocatch a tartar, to come across onewho is more than a match.
  • सेलखड़ी selkhaṛi: -- (nf) soap-stone, silica, chalk, talc.
  • सेला sela: -- (nm) a kind of rice.
  • सेली seli: -- (nf) a garment of hermits.
  • सेल्हा selha: -- (nm) see सेला.
  • सेवँई sevāi: -- (nf) vermicelli.
  • सेव sev -- (nm) an apple; a saltish/sweet vermicelli-like preparation of gram flour.
  • सेवक sevak -- (nm) a servant, an attendant.
सेवकगण -- totality of servants, suite (of servants); hence सेविका (nf).
  • सेवकाई sevka:i: -- (nf) service; attendance.
  • सेवड़ा sevṛa: -- (nm) a saltish good preparation.
  • सेवती sevti: -- (nf) a kind of plant and its white flower.
  • सेवन sevan -- (nm) taking (as medicine, etc.), consuming; using, use; serving.
  • सेवनीय sevnī:y -- (a) usable; worth taking/consuming; worth serving.
  • सेवर sevar -- (a) not fully baked (said of pottery).
  • सेवा seva: -- (nf) service; attendance.
सेवा-काल -- tenure of service.
सेवा-टहल -- servitude, service.
सेवादार -- attendant.
सेवादारी -- attendance.
सेवानिवृत्त -- retired.
सेवानिवृत्ति -- retirement.
सेवा-वृत्ति -- service.
सेवा करना -- to serve; to attendon.
  • सेविंग बैंक sevīṅg bāīṅk -- (nm) savings bank.
  • सेविका sevika: -- (nf) see under सेवक.
  • सेवित sevit -- (a) served; used; taken, consumed.
  • सेवितव्य sevitavvy -- (a) fit to be or worthy of being served.सेवी sevi:—a suffix used to impartthe sense of using or doing service for, etc. (as स्वयंसेवी ).
  • सेव्य sevvv -- (a) fit or deserving to be served: (nm) one to whomservice is rendered; master.
सेव्य-सेवक -- the served and server.
सेव्य-सेवक भाव -- therelationship of the server and the.
  • सेशन seshan -- (nm) sessions.
सेशन कोर्ट -- sessions court.
सेशन जज -- a sessionsjudge.
सेशन सुपुर्द करना -- to commit tosessions.
सेशन सुपुर्द होना -- to be committed to sessions.
  • सेहत sehat -- (nf) health.
सेहतगाह -- a sanitorium, health resort.
सेहतमंद -- healthy.
  • सेहरा sehra: -- (nm) a nuptial head-wear, a head-dress worn by thebridegroom at the time of marriage; eulogical verses read at awedding; auspicious song sungat the time of wedding.
सेहराबंदी -- the ceremony/process of tying thenuptial headwear.
सेहरा बँधना -- to bemarried; to get the credit for.
सेहरा बाँधना -- to tie/don a nuptial head-wear, to get married.
सेहरा होना, सिर -- toget the credit for, to be responsible for.
  • सेंहुड़ sēhuṛ -- (nm) a kind of cactus.
  • सैंतालीस sāīta:li:s -- (a) forty-seven; (nm) the number forty-seven.
  • सैंतीस sāīti:s -- (a) thirty-seven; (nm) the number thirty-seven.
  • सैंपल sāīmpal -- (nm) a sample.
  • सैंयाँ sāīyā: -- (nm) husband; lover.
  • सैक/ड़ा saikṛa: -- (nm) one hundred; a group of one hundred.
सैकड़े -- percent, per hundred.
  • सैकत saikat -- (nm) sand; (a) sandy.
  • सैद्धांतिक saiddha:ntik -- (a) theoretical, pertaining to some theory or doctrine.
सैद्धांतिक चर्चा/विवाद -- theoreticaldiscussion.
सैद्धांतिकता -- theoreticality.
  • सैनापत्य sainā:patty -- (a) pertaining to the commander of an army; (nm) commandership.
  • सैनिक sainik -- (nm) a soldier; (a) military, pertaining to the army; soldier-like.
सैनिक क्रांति -- military revolution.
सैनिक तानाशाह -- military dictator.
सैनिक तानाशाही -- military dictatorship.
सैनिक निरंकुशता -- military autocracy.
सैनिक न्यायालय -- military court.
सैनिक बल/शक्ति -- armed might; armament.
सैनिक राज -- military rule.
सैनिकवाद -- militarism.
सैनिकवादी -- a militarist; militaristic.
सैनिक विद्रोह -- militaryrevolt.
सैनिक व्यवस्था -- military set-up/system.
सैनिक शासन -- military rule.
सैनिक सत्ता -- military authority.
  • सैन्य sainny -- (a) military, pertaining to army.
सैन्यनायक/पति/पाल -- a commander.
सैन्य बल/शक्ति -- armament, military might.
सैन्यमुख -- a vanguard.
सैन्यवाद -- militarism.
सैन्यवादी -- a militarist; militaristic.
सैन्य सज्जा -- armedequipment; war-preparation.
  • सैन्या/धिपति, सैन्याध्यक्ष sainnya:dhipati, ~dhyaksh -- (nm) the commander-in-chief (of an army).
  • सैन्यी/करण sainyi:karaṉ -- (nm) militarization.
सैन्यीकृत -- militarized.
  • सैयद saiyad -- (nm) a particular sub-division of the Muslim community; any man/woman born in this sub-division.
  • सैयाँ saiyā: -- (nm) husband; lover.
  • सैयाद saiya:d -- (nm) a fowler, hunter.
  • सैर sair -- (nf) walking/walk; ramble; excursion; outing; stroll.
सैरगाह -- a place of excursion/walking/strolling.
सैर-सप टा -- see सैर.
  • सैलानी saila:nī: -- (nm) a tourist; wanderer; holiday-maker.
सैलानीपन -- tourism; mentality of a tourist; holiday-making.
  • सैला/ब saila:b -- (nm) flood.
सैलाबी -- pertaining to or in the nature of a flood.
  • सैलून sailu:n -- (nm) a saloon (barber's shop or a railway carriage meant for high officials etc.).
  • सोंटा sōṭa: -- (nm) a cudgel; wand-stick.
सोंटाबरदार -- a cudgel-bearer.
  • सोंठ sōṭḥ -- (nf) dry ginger.
  • सोंधा sōdha: -- (a) aromatic, sweet-smelling; having the pleasant smell of just-wetted soil.
सोंधापन -- fragrance, sweet smell; pleasantsmell of just-wetted soil.
  • सो so -- (ind) therefore; thus; (pro.) that, he.
  • सोहम् soham -- I am the Supreme Soul (the basic maxim of theVedanta Philosophy identifyingthe individual with the SupremeSoul).
  • सोखना sokhnā: -- (v) to dry up; to absorb.
  • सोख़्ता soḳḥta: -- (nm) a blotting paper; blotter.
  • सोग sog -- (nm) mourning, bereavement.
सोगवार -- mourner, bereaved.
सोग मनाना -- to mourn.
  • सोगी sogi: -- (nm) a mourner, bereaved.
  • सोच soch -- (nf) anxiety; brooding, musing; consideration, reflection.
सोच-विचार -- reflection, thinking, pondering, consideration, hesitation.
सोच समझ कर -- deliberately, after considering all aspects/pros and cons.
सोच क़दम उठाना -- to count the cost.
  • सोचना sochnā: -- (v) to think/to reflect, to ponder, over, to consider.
सोचना-विचारना -- to think; to hesitate.
सोचना-समझना -- to deliberate upon, tothink from all angles.
  • सोच्छ्वास sochchhwa:s -- (a and adv) with or accompanied by a sigh, heaving a sigh.
  • सोज़िश sozish -- (nf) swelling, inflammation.
  • सीझा sojha: -- (a) simple; straight, direct.
  • सोटा soṭa: -- (nm) see सोंटा.
  • सोडा soḍa: -- (nm) soda.
सोडा-वाटर -- soda-water.
  • सोता sota: -- (a) sleeping; (nm) a stream, spring, brook; source.
सोते-जागते -- always, every moment.
सोता फूटना/बहना -- a stream (of wateretc.) to originate/emerge.
  • सोत्कंठ sotkāṉṭḥ -- (a and adv) anxious(ly), worked-up by anxiety.
  • सोत्कर्ष sotkarsh -- (a and adv) with excellence/distinction; causing orachieving an elevation/excellence.
  • सोथ soth -- (nm) swelling, inflammation.
  • सोदाहरण soda:harān -- (a) illustrated, exemplified, with example.
सोदाहरण वार्ता -- an illustrated talk.
  • सोद्यम soddyam -- (a and adv) with उद्यम (see).
  • सोद्योग soddyog -- (a and adv) with उद्योग (see).
  • सोद्वेग soddveg -- (a and adv) restless(ly), with uneasiness.
  • सोन son -- (nm) soanes; an allomorph of सोना (gold) used as the firstmember in several compoundwords (as सोनचिरैया, सोनजुही ).
  • सोनजुही sonjuhi: -- (nf) a kind of yellow jasmine.
  • सोनहा sonha: -- (nm) a dog-like small carnivorous beast.
  • सो/ना sonā: -- (nm) gold; an excellent thing; (v) to sleep.
सोना-चाँदी -- goldand silver; wealth.
सोनापाठा -- atypical lofty tree the bark andfruits of which are used in medicine.
सोनामक्खी/नामाखी -- pyrites.
सोना उगलना -- to yield large quantities of gold, to yield riches.
सोनाकसना -- to test gold (on a touch-stone) for purity.
सोना चढ़ाना -- togild.
सोना बरसना -- to rain gold—tobe minting money.
सोने का घर मिट्टी कर देना -- to turn riches into ruins.
  • सोपाधि, सोपाधिक sopa:dhi, ~k -- (a) qualified, conditional.
  • सोपा/न sopa:n -- (nm) a stair, staircase.
सोपानक्रम -- hierarchy.
सोपानक्रमिक -- hierarchical.
सोपानवत् -- scalariform.
सोपानिक -- hierarchical.
सोपानित -- fittedwith stairs.
  • सोफ़ा sofa: -- (nm) a sofa.
सोफ़ासेट -- a sofa-set.
  • सोफ़ियाना sofiya:nā: -- (a) elegant; simple but attractive; sophisticated; hence सोफ़ियानापन (nm).
  • सोभना sobhnā: -- (v) to appear impressive, to befit; to suit.
  • सोम som -- (nm) the moon; Monday; the moon-creeper yielding anintoxicating juice which wasdrunk at sacrifices (यज्ञ) in ancienttimes.
सोमकर -- moon-rays.
सोम-पात्र -- apeg, wine glass.
सोमपान -- drinkingof सोमरस.
सोमपायी -- one who drinks सोमरस.
सोमयज्ञ -- the यज्ञ which wasperformed with सोम juice.
सोमरस -- the intoxicating juice of the सोमcreeper.
सोमलता / लतिका / वल्लरी /वल्लिका / वल्ली -- a creeper from whichan intoxicating juice was extracted for यज्ञ and drinking.
सोमवंश -- the lunar dynasty of kshatriyasin ancient India.
सोमवंशीय -- of thelunar race.
सोमवती/वारी अमावस्या -- the अमावस्या i e. last day of the darkhalf of a month falling on a Monday.
  • सोमवार somva:r -- (nm) Monday.
  • सोयम soyam -- (a) third.
  • सोया soya: -- (nm) a sweet smelling plant used for preparing a vegetable; (a) slept.
सोये शेर को शिकार नहीं मिलता -- a closed mouth catches no flies.
  • सोयाबीन soya:bi:n -- (nm) soyabean.
  • सोरठा sorṭḥa: -- (nm) a popular metre (couplet) in mediaeval Hindi poetry.
  • सोरही sorahi: -- (nf) a game in which sixteen kauṛi:s (or pebbles etc.) are used.
  • सोलह soleh -- (a) sixteen; (nm) the number sixteen.
सोलह सिंगार -- made upin all the possible sixteen (traditional) ways.
सोलहों आने -- completely, totally, fully.
  • सोल्लास solla:s -- (a and adv) with great pleasure/happiness.
  • सोविय/त, सोवियट soviyat, ~सोविय संघ -- the Soviet Union.
  • सोशलि/ज़्म soshalizm -- (nm) socialism.
सोशलिस्ट -- a socialist.
  • सोसाइयटी sosa:iyaṭi: -- (nf) society.
  • सोहं sohām -- see सोहम्.
  • सोहनपपापड़ी sohānpaa:pṛi: -- (nf) a kind of crisp sweetmeat preparation.
  • सोहनहलवा sohanhalwa: -- (nm) a typical Indian sweetmeat.
  • सोहना sohnā: -- (v) to look.
  • सोहबत sohbat -- (nf) company, association; copulation, sexual intercourse; see सुहबत.
  • सोहर sohar -- (nm) a typical song sung by women to celebrate the birthof a male child.
  • सोहाग soha:g -- (nm) see सुहाग.
  • सोहागा soha:ga: -- (nm) see सुहागा.
  • सोहागिन soha:gin -- (nf) see सुहागिन.
  • सोहारी soha:ri: -- (nf) a bread fried in ghee or oil.
  • सौंदर्य sāūndary -- (nm) beauty, charm, prettiness.
सौंदर्यबोध -- aesthetic sense.
सौंदर्यबोध शक्ति -- aesthetic faculty.
सौंदर्यबोधी -- aesthetic.
सौंदर्यवाद -- aestheticism.
सौंदर्यवादी -- aestheticist.
सौंदर्यशास्त्र -- aesthetics.
सौंदर्यशास्त्री -- an aesthetician.
सौंदर्यशास्त्रीय -- aesthetic.
सौंदर्यसंवेदी -- aesthete, gifted with an aestheticsense.
सौंदर्यानुभव -- aesthetic experience.
सौंदर्यानुभूति -- aesthetic experience/sensibility.
  • सौंध sāūdh -- (nf) fragrance, sweet smell; also सौंधाइँध (nf).
  • सौंपना sāūpnā: -- (v) to hand over, to give, to entrust; to surrender; todelegate (as powers); to assign.
  • सौंफ़ sāūf -- (nf) anise, aniseed; fennel.
  • सौ sau -- (a) hundred; many, numerous (as तुम्हारे झूठ की सौ मिसालें है ); (nm) the number hundred.
सौगुना -- hundred times.
सौवाँ -- hundredth.
सौ काम छोड़कर -- leaving all else, atthe cost of all other things.
सौ की एक बात -- see सौ बात की एक बात.
सौ कोस(दूर) भागना -- to keep miles awayfrom, to run away from.
सौ घड़े पानी पड़ना -- to be thoroughly ashamed, todie of shame.
सौ जतन करना -- to tryin a hundred ways; to try throughall possible ways.
सौ जान से -- whole-heartedly; (with) heart and soul.
सौ आशिक़ / क़ुर्बान / फ़िदा होना -- to beterribly infatuated, to love with(one's) heart and soul.
सौ-तरह का -- ofdifferent ways/types/varieties.
सौ-दोसौ में -- one in hundreds.
सौ-बात की एक बात -- the long and short of amatter, the essence.
सौ-बात सुनाना -- to scold roundly, to utter forth awhole series of invectives.
सौ सुनार की एक लुहार की -- hundred times morefurious counter-blast.
सौ हाथ की ज़बान होना -- to be cheekily talkative.
  • सौकर्य saukary -- (nm) easiness; convenience.
  • सौकुमार्य saukuma:ry -- (nm) tenderness, delicacy.
  • सौगं/द, सौगंध saugānd, ~dh -- (nf) an oath, vow, swearing.
सौगंध खाना -- to take an oath/vow, to swear.
सौगंध टूटना -- a vow to be broken.
  • सौगंधिक saugāndhik -- (nm) a perfumer.
  • सौगम्य saugammy -- (nf) easiness; accessibility.
  • सौग़ा/त saug̣a:t -- (nf) a present, gift.
सौग़ाती -- by way of a present, given to somebody as a सौग़ात; worth giving as a present.
  • सौजन्य saujanny -- (nm) goodness; courtesy.
सौजन्य से -- by courtesy (of).
  • सौड़ sauṛ -- (nm) a quilt, sheet for covering oneself up while sleeping.
  • सौत saut -- (nf) a co-wife.
  • सौतिया डाह sautia: ḍa:h -- (nm) extreme jealousy, malice/jealousy as between co wives.
  • सौतेला sautela: -- (a) pertaining to cr related with or born of सौत; half-blood.
सौतेला पुत्र/बेटा -- step-son.
सौतेला भाई -- step brother.
सौतेला व्यवहार -- step motherly treatment.
सौतेली बहन -- half-sister.
सौतेली माँ -- step-mother.
  • सौदा sauda: -- (nm) a bargain, transaction; negotiation; goods, commodity.
सौदा करने वाला -- a bargainer.
सौदाकारी -- bargain(ing).
सौदागर -- a trader, merchant.
सौदागरी -- business, trade, commerce.
सौदागरी माल -- business goods.
सौदा-सुलक़/सुलुफ़ -- commodity, goods.
सौदेबाज़ -- haggler.
सौदेबाज़ी -- haggling.
सौदा करना -- to bargain; to negotiate.
सौदा पटना -- a bargain to be settled/struck/सौदा होना a bargain to be struck/to be entered into.
  • सौदाई sauda:i: -- (a and nm) mad, insane (person).
  • सौदामिनी sauda:mīnī: -- (nf) lightning.
  • सौपानिक saupa:nīk -- (a) hierarchical; pertaining to or resembling astaircase.
  • सौप्तिक sauptik -- (a) pertaining to sleep/slumber.
  • सौफ़ियाना saufia:nā -- (a) see सोफ़ियाना.
  • सौभागिनी saubha:ginī: -- (nf) a woman whose husband is alive, a woman of good luck.
  • सौभाग्य saubha:ggy -- (nm) good luck, fortune.
सौभाग्य-चिह्न -- sign ofa woman whose husbandis alive (as सिंदूर, महावर, etc.).
सौभाग्यवती -- see सौभागिनी.
सौभाग्यवान् -- fortunate.
सौभाग्यशालिनी -- see सौभागिनी, fortunate (fem.).
सौभाग्यशाली -- fortunate.
  • सौमनस्य saumānassy -- (nm) good-will; happiness, pleasure.
  • सौमित्र saumittr -- (nm) an epithet of लक्ष्मण सौमित्र (son of Sumitra:) brother of Ra:m.
  • सौम्य saummy -- (a) amiable, gentle.
सौम्यता/त्व -- amiability, gentility.
  • सौर saur -- (a) solar; (nm) a (cotton) wrapper.
सौर दिन/दिवस -- day; fromsun-rise to sun-set, a solar day.
सौर परिवार -- solar system.
सौर मास -- asolar month.
सौर वर्णक्रम -- solar spectrum.
सौर वर्ष/संवत्सर -- a solar year.
सौर विकिरण -- solar radiation.
  • सौर/भ saurabh -- (nm) fragrance, aroma.
सौरभयुक्त -- fragrant, aromatic सौरभित, सौरभीला fragrant, aromatic.
  • सौरी sauri: -- (nf) a lying-in/confinement chamber.
  • सौर्य saury -- (a) solar.
  • सौलभ्य saulabbhy -- (nm) availability; abundance.
  • सौष्ठव saushṭḥav -- (nm) grace, elegance, charm.
  • सौहार्द sauha:rd -- (nm) amity, friendship, love; good relations.
  • सौहृद sauhrid -- (nm) a friend; (a) friendly.