विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : ह
हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें
- ह ha -- the last and the thirty-third letter of the Devanagari alphabet, aspirated in sound.
- हँकवा hākwa: -- (nm) in lion-hunt, the process of driving the lion towards the hunter's station by uproarious beating of drums, cans, etc.
- हँकार hāka:r -- (nf) a halloo, calling aloud; hence हँकारना (v).
- हंगामा haṅga:mā: -- (nm) uproar, tumult; upheaval, affray, riotous scene.
- हंगामापसंद -- one who likes tumultuousness/riotousness/upheaval; hence हंगामापसंदी (nf).
- हंगामी haṅga:mi: -- (a) tumultuous, uproarious, boisterous, noisy; emergent (as हंगामी इजलास).
- हंटर haṉṭar -- (nm) a whip, flog, lash.
- हंटर जमाना/लगाना -- to flog, to lash.
- हँडना hāḍnā: -- (v) to ramble, to wander, to roam about aimlessly.
- हंडा haṉḍa: -- (nm) a huge brass pot (for storing water etc.), cauldron; a big gas lantern.
- हँड़िडिया haṛiḍiya: -- (nf) a small earthen pot.
- हंत hant -- (int) an interjectional word for expressing sorrow, regret, grief, etc.
- हंतव्य hantavy -- (a) worth killing/slaying, fit to be killed.
- हंता hanta: -- (nm) a slayer, murderer.
- हंस hans -- (nm) a swan, goose; noble/liberated soul; the sun.
- हंसगति -- gifted with a swan-like gait, walking gracefully.
- हंसगमन -- graceful gait as that of a swan.
- हंसगामिनी -- (a woman) blessed with a graceful (swan-like) gait.
- हंसपंक्ति -- see हंसमाला.
- हंसपद -- a script-mark to denote interposition of a word, letter or a symbol in intervening space.
- हंसमाला -- arow of swans.
- हंसयान/वाहन -- the god Brahmā: (supposed to have.
- हँसना hāsnā: -- (v) to laugh; to deride, to ridicule; to joke.
- हँसता चेहरा -- happy face.
- हँसकर चुप कर देना -- to laugh down.
- हँसकर टाल देना/बातउड़ाना -- to laugh away.
- हँसते-बोलते -- while joking, in jokes.
- हँसते-हँसते -- while laughing; happily; laughingnon-stop; with perfect ease, without any difficulty.
- हँसते-हँसते झेलना -- to grin and bear it, to take(pain etc.) stoically.
- हँसते-हँसते दोहरा होजाना/पेट में बल पड़ जाना -- to laughinto cramps.
- हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट हो जाना -- to burst sides with laughing, to burst into an uncontrollablefit of laughter.
- हँस देना -- just tolaugh; to begin laughing.
- हँसना-बोलना -- to exchange pleasantries; to exchange jokes; to talk happily.
- हँसने लायक -- worth laughing at, fit to be derided/ridiculed; laughable, amusing.
- हँस पड़ना -- tolaugh, just to laugh, to beginlaughing.
- हँस-बोलकर बसर कर देना -- to pass time/live happily.
- हँसमुख hāsmukh -- (a) gay, cheerful, having a smiling face.
- हँसली hāsli: -- (nf) the collar-bone; an ornament worn around theneck.
- हँसाई hāsa:i: -- (nf) derision, ridicule.
- हँसाई कराना -- to cause derision/ridicule.
- हँसाना hāsa:nā: -- (v) to cause to laugh, to amuse.
- हंसिनी hansinī: -- (nf) a female swan/goose.
- हँसिया hāsiya: -- (nm) a sickle.
- हँसी hāsi: -- (nf) laughter; joke; derision, ridicule.
- हँसी-खुशी -- happily; happiness.
- हँसी-खेल -- an easy job; fun, fun and frolic.
- हँसी-खेल समझना -- totake lightly/as a fun; to think tobe easy.
- हँसी-ठट्ठा -- an easy job; joking and jesting.
- हँसी-ठिठोली -- jokingand jesting.
- हँसी उड़ना -- to be madefun of, to be ridiculed/derided.
- हँसी उड़ाना -- to make fun of, toridicule/deride.
- हँसी छूटना -- to burstinto laughter.
- हँसी जब्त कर लेना -- tosuppress/restrain laughter.
- हँसी-की बात -- a laughing matter.
- हँसी में उड़ाना/उड़ा देना -- to laugh away/off.
- हँसी मेंटालना -- to laugh away.
- हँसी में फूल झड़ना -- to laugh charmingly.
- हँसी में ले जाना -- to take as a joke/fun; to take aserious matter as a joke.
- हँसी समझना -- to treat as an easy job/as ajoke.
- हँसी सूझना -- to feel like joking.
- हँसुली hāsuli: -- (nf) see हँसली.
- हँसोड़ hāsoṛ -- (a) jolly, humorous; (nm) jester; hence हँसोड़पन (nm).
- हक hak -- (a) stunned, still; (nm) palpitation.
- हक होना -- to be stunned; to become still; to die.
- हक़ haq -- (nm) right; entitlement; due; return (as नमक का हक़ अदाकरना); truth, reality.
- हक़तलफ़ी -- usurpation, depriving somebody ofhis right.
- हक़दार -- rightful, entitled; one who has a right.
- हक़दारी -- right, entitlement.
- हक़-नाहक़ -- rightand wrong, rightful and wrongful; wrongfully.
- हक़परस्त -- righteous.
- हक़परस्ती -- righteousness.
- हक़-, मौरूसी -- ancestral right.
- हक़शफ़ा (शुफ़ा) () -- pre-emption.
- हक़ अदा करना -- to performone's duty.
- हक़ के लिए/हक़-पर लड़ना -- tofight for one's right.
- हक़ मारना -- todeprive of one's due; to usurpone's right.
- हक़ में -- in respect of; for.
- हक़ काँटे बोना -- to do an evil turn to; to create obstacles (for).
- हकबकाना hakbaka:nā: -- (v) to be.
- हकला hakla: -- (a and nm) stammering; one who stammers, a stammerer.
- हकलापन -- stammer/stammering.
- हकलाहट -- stammer/stammering.
- हकलाना hakla:nā: -- (v) to stammer.
- हका/र haka:r -- (nm) the letter 'ह' and its sound.
- हकारांत -- (a word) endingin ह्.
- हक़ारत haqa:rat -- (nf) contempt.
- हक़ारत की नज़र/निगाह से देखना -- to treat with contempt/disdain.
- हक़ीक़त haqi:qat -- (nf) reality, fact; truth.
- हक़ीक़तबयानी -- statement of truth.
- हक़ीक़त खुल जाना -- the truth to be revealed, to be exposed.
- हक़ीक़त में -- in reality, really speaking.
- हक़ीक़तन haqi:qatan: -- (ind) in fact, in reality.
- हक़ीक़ी haqi:qi: -- (a) real (as हक़ीक़ी-भाई); true; denotative (as हक़ीक़ी अर्थ).
- हकीम haki:m -- (nm) a physician (trained in the Unani system).
- हकीम ख़तर-एहकीम-जान, नीम -- a little knowledgeis a dangerous thing.
- हकीमी haki:mī: -- (nf) medical practice (through the Unani system); the Unani System of medicine.
- हक़ीर haqi:r -- (a) contemptuous; small.
- हक्का-बक्का hakka:bakka: -- (a) stunned, stupefied.
- हक्का-बक्का रह जाना -- to be taken aback, to be discomfited.
- हगना hagnā: -- (v) to discharge faeces.
- हगाना haga:nā: -- (v) to cause to discharge faeces; to weary out.
- हगास haga:s -- (nf) a feeling like discharging faeces, inclination toevacuate the bowels.
- हगास लगना -- tofeel like discharging faeces.
- हज haj -- (nm) a pilgrimage to Mecca.
- हज करना -- to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
- हज़म hazam -- (a) digested; usurped.
- हज़म करना -- to digest; to usurp, tomisappropriate.
- हज़म करके डकार तक नलेना -- to usurp without leaving atrace.
- हज़म होना -- to be assimilated; tobe usurped/misappropriated.
- हज़रत hazrat -- (int) a vocative term of honour, Sir; (nm) a title foreminent men; prophet Mohammed; (a) mischievous, cunning.
- हज़रते-दाग़ -- a capricious man.
- हजामत haja:mat -- (nf) shaving; hair-cutting.
- हजामत बनना -- to be shaven; to be fleeced.
- हजामत बनाना -- to shave; to fleece.
- हज़ार haza:r -- (a) one thousand; innumerable; (nm) the numberone thousand.
- हज़ारहा -- thousands; innumerable.
- हज़ार जान से -- whole-heartedly.
- हज़ारा haza:ra: -- (nm) a water-sprinkler, watering can.
- हज़ारी haza:ri: -- (a) of, pertaining to or related with a thousand; controlling a thousand (troops etc.).
- हज़ारों haza:rō -- (a) thousands.
- हज़ारों घड़े पानी पड़ जाना -- to be immenselyashamed.
- हज़ारों में -- publicly; in a multitude, amongst thousands.
- हज़ारों एक -- one in a thousand, of incomparable excellence.
- हजूम haju:m -- (nm) a crowd, multitude.
- हजूर haju:r -- (ind) see हुजूर.
- हज्जाम hajja:m -- (nm) a barber.
- हटकना haṭaknā: -- (v) to restrain, to forbid; to keep under control.
- हटना haṭnā: -- (v) to move/go away; to recede; to withdraw; hence हटाना.
- हटरी haṭari: -- (nf) an earthen temple-like structure for lighting lamps in (on the occasion ofDiwali).
- हटाव haṭa:v -- (nm) shift, extent of change of position.
- हट्टा-कट्टा haṭṭa:-kaṭṭa: -- (a) strong and sturdy, well-built; hale and hearty; hence हट्टा-कट्टापन (nm).
- हठ haṭḥ -- (nm) obstinacy, stubbornness.
- हठधर्मी -- intransigence.
- हठयोग -- a type of Yoga.
- हठयोगी -- one whopractices हठयोग.
- हठशील -- obstinate, stubborn; hence हठशीलता (nf).
- हठ करना/ठानना/पकड़ना -- to stubbornlystick to some resolve; to becomeobstinate.
- हठ रखना -- to yield or submit to one's obstinate demand.
- हठात् haṭḥa:t -- (ind) forcibly; suddenly, all of a sudden.
- हठी haṭḥi: -- (a) obstinate, stubborn.
- हठीला haṭḥi:la: -- (a) refractory; of obstinate disposition, temperamentally stubborn.
- हठीलापन -- refractoriness; hence हठीली feminineform of हठीला.
- हड़ haṛ -- (nf) myrobalan:—an allomorph of हाड़ used as the first member of certain compoundwords.
- हड़कंप -- turmoil, panic; terror.
- हड़कंप मचना -- a great turmoil tooccur, reign of terror to ensue.
- हड़फूटन -- see हड़कन.
- हड़क haṛak -- (nf) hydrophobia, rabies; longing, yearning.
- हड़कन haṛkan -- (nf) pain in the joints (of the body), lingeringache.
- हड़कना haṛaknā: -- (v) to yearn, to long.
- हड़का/ना haṛka:nā: -- (v) to turn rabid.
- हड़काया -- rabid.
- हड़काया कुत्ता -- a rabid dog.
- हड़ता/ल haṛta:l -- (nf) strike.
- हड़ताल करनी -- to strike.
- हड़ताली -- a striker.
- हड़ना haṛnā: -- (v) to cause aversion, to repel, to be repugnant; tobecome torturous; to be troublesome.
- हड़पना haṛapnā: -- (v) to swallow, to gulp; to purloin; to usurp.
- हड़बड़ haṛbaṛ -- (nf) see हड़बड़ी.
- हड़बड़ाना haṛbaṛa:nā: -- (v) to be impetuous; to act hastily/in ahurry; to be non-plussed/confused/perplexed.
- हड़बड़िया haṛbaṛia: -- (a) impetuous, hasty, rash.
- हड़बड़ी haṛbaṛi: -- (nf) impetuosity, hastiness, rashness.
- हड़बड़ी पड़ना -- to beimpetuous/hasty/rash.
- हड़बड़ी सवार होना -- to be obsessed by haste, to actrashly.
- हड्डी haḍḍi: -- (nf) a bone.
- हड्डीतोड़ परिश्रम -- rigorous/hard labour.
- हड्डी उतरना -- a bone to be dislocated.
- हड्डी खुजाना -- to feel like being thrashed, a beating to be imminent.
- हड्डियाँ लोहे की होना -- to have bonesof steel, to be very strong.
- हड्डियाँ तोड़ना -- to thrash thoroughly.
- हड्डियाँ दिखाई देना या निकल आना -- to be reduced to a network ofmere bones, to be too muchreduced.
- हड्डी-पसली एक करना/तोड़ना -- to thrash thoroughly.
- हत hat -- (a) killed; struck.
- हतचेत -- rendered unconscious, senseless.
- हतज्ञान -- see हतचेत.
- हतदैव -- ill-fated, unlucky.
- हतबुद्धि -- rendered senseless/witless, stupid.
- हतप्रभ -- out ofwits; non-plussed.
- हतप्राय -- almostkilled.
- हतबल -- that has lost itsvitality/vigour.
- हतभाग्य/भागा/भागी -- unfortunate, luckless.
- हतमान -- humiliated, insulted.
- हतवीर्य -- bereft of gallantry/bravery.
- हतसंज्ञ -- unconscious, rendered senseless.
- हतहृदय -- dejected, frustrated.
- हतक hatak -- (nf) insult; defamation.
- हतक इज़्ज़त -- defamation.
- हता/श hata:sh -- (a) despondent, hopeless.
- हताशा -- despondency, dejection.
- हताहत hata:hat -- (a) casualties, killed and wounded.
- हतोत्साह hatotsa:h -- (a) demoralised, disheartened.
- हत्था hattha: -- (nm) a handle; hand; butt, batten; arm (of a chair).
- हत्थमहत्या hatthamhattha: -- (nf) hand to hand fight(ing).
- हत्थी hatthi: -- (nf) a handle; palm (of the hand).
- हत्थी टेकना -- to yield, tosubmit; to lend support.
- ह/त्थे hatthe -- (ind) in hand.
- हत्थेदार -- fitted with/having a handle.
- हत्थे चढ़ना/पड़ना -- to fall into theclutches (of).
- हत्थे पर से कटना -- to beswept off completely, to lose everyinch of one's ground, to be leftwith no footing at all.
- हत्थे लगना -- to obtain; to acquire.
- हत्या hatya: -- (nf) murder, assassination.
- हत्याकांड -- a case of murder/assassination.
- हत्या टलना -- a botheration/affliction to be put off; a bully to be got rid of.
- हत्या पल्ले बाँधना -- to involve oneself in a broil/quarrel; to own up a botheration/an affliction.
- हत्या मोल लेना -- see हत्या पल्ले बाँधना.
- हत्या-पड़ना/हत्या-लगना -- to earn thesin of a murder.
- हत्या सवार होना -- tobe roused to the point of readiness to kill; to be violently enraged.
- हत्या सिर मढ़ना -- to level an accusation; to impose an affliction/botheration.
- हत्या सिर लेना -- see हत्या पल्ले बाँधना; to commit a sin.
- हत्या/रा hatya:ra: -- (nm) a murderer, an assassin; hence हत्यारिन, हत्यारी( nf).
- हथ hath -- an allomorph of हाथ (as in हथकड़ी) and हाथी (as in हथसार) as it appears in many compound words.
- हथउधार -- unrecoredshort-term cash loan.
- हथकंडा -- sleight; trick, tactics; intrigue.
- हथकंडे दिखाना -- to show one's tricks; to give evidence of tacticalcapabilities.
- हथकटा -- having ahand dismembered.
- हथकड़ी -- handcuffs.
- हथकड़ी डालना -- to handcuff; to arrest.
- हथकड़ी पड़ना -- to be handcuffed; to be arrested.
- हथकल -- aspanner.
- हथगोला -- a hand-grenade.
- हथचल -- an adept in pinching things, a swindler.
- हथछुट -- in the habit ofstriking forthwith out of provocation.
- हथफेर -- see हथउधार.
- हथबना -- hand made.
- हथबुना -- hand-spun.
- हथलपक -- one who pinches things, aswindler.
- हथलिखाई -- hand-writing; hand-lettered.
- हथनाल hathnā:l -- (nf) a light cannon.
- हथसार hathsa:r -- (nf) a stable for elephants.
- हथिनी hathinī: -- (nf) (fem. form of हाथी) a she-elephant.
- हथियाना hathiya:na: -- (v) to usurp, to grab, to seize, to acquire byforce.
- हथियार hathiya:r -- (nm) a weapon, arms.
- हथियारघर -- an arsenal, armoury.
- हथियारबंद -- armed, equipped witharms.
- हथियारबंदी -- armament.
- हथियार उठाना -- totake up arms.
- हथियार डालना -- to strikeone's colours/flags, to surrender.
- हथियार बाँधना -- to equip oneself witharms, to be armed.
- हथेली hatheli: -- (nf) palm of the hand.
- हथेली खुजाना/खुजलाना -- lit. palmto itch—a happy augury for anincome; an inkling for inflictinga beating.
- हथेली देना/लगाना -- to lendsupport.
- हथेली पर जान/सिर रखना यालिये फिरना -- to risk one's life.
- हथेली पर जान होना -- to be exposed to risk oflife.
- हथेली पर दही जमाना -- to strive forinstant accomplishment of a job.
- हथेली पर सिर रखना -- to undertake a riskof life, to expose one's life todanger.
- हथेली पर सरसों जमाना -- toaccomplish a task within an impossible.
- हथौटी hathauṭi: -- (nf) manual dexterity/skill; imprint of a skilful hand.
- हथौटी जमना/सधना -- to acquire skillin a manual work.
- हथौड़ा hathauṛa: -- (nm) a hammer, malleus.
- हथौड़ा चलाना -- to strike with ahammer; hence हथौड़ी—a hand/small hammer.
- हद had -- (nf) limit/limitation, boundary; extent.
- हदबंदी -- delimitation; demarcation.
- हद-कर देना/करना -- tocommit an excess; to reach thefarthest limit.
- हद-पार करना -- to crossthe limit.
- हद बाँधना -- to draw theline at, to set a definite limit.
- हद से गुज़रना -- to cross the limit.
- हद से ज़्यादा -- beyond the limit; too much; to a fault.
- हद खुल जाना -- to takeliberties/freedom with.
- हदीस hadi:s -- (nf) traditional sayings of prophet Mohammed.
- हनन hanān -- (nm) slaughter, killing, assassination, murder.
- हन/ना hananā: -- (v) to kill, to slay, to slaughter, to assassinate; hence हननीय (a).
- हनु hanu -- (nf) the chin, jaw-bone.
- हनुमान/मंत -- the monkey god whowas one of the mightiest generalsin the army of Ra:m that invaded Ra:vāṉ's Laṅka: (as narratedin the great epic Ra:ma:yāṉ).
- हप hap -- (nf) the sound produced in striking the two lips together.
- हप कर जाना/करना -- to gulp/swallowthe whole thing.
- ह/फ़्ता hafta: -- (nm) a week.
- हफ़्तेवार/हफ्तेवारी -- weekly.
- ह/ब्शी habshi: -- (nm) a negro; hence हब्शिन (nf).
- हबीब habi:b -- (a) dear, darling.
- हम ham -- (pro) we—plural form of the first person pronoun मैं; (a) similar; equal; together.
- हमउम्र -- contemporary; of equal age.
- हमख्याल -- having similar views/ideas.
- हमजिंस -- co-professional.
- हमजुल्फ़ -- married to sisters; husband of wife's sisters.
- हमजोली -- associate or companion, of thesame age group.
- हमदम -- a friend.
- हमदर्द -- sympathetic; a sympathizer.
- हमदर्दी -- sympathy.
- हमनाम -- name-sake.
- हमपेशा -- co-professional.
- हमबिस्तर -- sharing bed (with); sexually related.
- हमबिस्तरी -- going tobed together, having sexual intercourse.
- हममज़हब -- a co religionist.
- हमराज़ -- a confidant.
- हमराह -- travelling together.
- हमराही -- a co traveller.
- हमवतन -- a compatriot.
- हमवार -- even.
- हमशक्ल -- having similar looks/appearance, exactly resembling(each other).
- हमसफ़र -- a co-traveller, travelling together.
- हमसर -- equal.
- हमसरी -- equality.
- हमसाया -- aneighbour.
- हमसिन -- see हमउम्र.
- हमल hamal -- (nm) conception, pregnancy.
- हमल गिराना -- to cause an abortion.
- हमल रहना -- to conceive, to become pregnant.
- हमला hamla: -- (nm) attack, assault.
- हमलावर -- an invader, an assailant, aggressor.
- हमला बोलना -- to launch an attack.
- हमारा hama:ra: -- (pro) possessive form of हम—our, ours.
- हमाहमी hamā:hamī: -- (nf) manipulation for selfish ends, mad race for self-gratification.
- हमाहमी करना -- to manipulate for selfish ends, to indulge in a mad race for self-gratification.
- हमें hamē -- (pro) the objective and dative form of the first person plural pronoun हम—to us.
- हमेल hamel -- (nf) a typical necklace of gold and silver coins.
- हमेशा hamesha: -- (ind) always, ever.
- हम्माम hammā:m -- (nm) a warm bath, bagnio.
- हम्माल hamma:l -- (nm) a porter, coolie.
- हयंद hayand -- (nm) horse (of a good breed).
- हय hay -- (nm) a horse.
- हयशाला -- a stable.
- हया haya: -- (nf) shame, sense of shame; modesty.
- हयादार -- modest.
- हयादारी -- modesty.
- हयात haya:t -- (nf) life.
- हर har -- (a) each, every; (nm) a denominator; Lord Shiv; a suffix imparting the meaning of one who or that which takes away/deprives/seizes.
- हर एक -- everyone, each and every.
- हर कहीं -- everywhere.
- हर कोई -- every one all and sundry.
- हरचंद -- however much.
- हरजाई -- flirt, disloyal (woman).
- हर तरह -- in every way/manner.
- हर तरह से -- down to the ground, in all respects, thoroughly.
- हरदम -- always, ever.
- हरदिल अज़ीज़ -- liked/loved by all, popular.
- हरफ़नमौला -- a jack of all trades.
- हरफ़नमौला हर फ़न अधूरा -- jack of all trades master of none.
- हर मर्ज़ की दवा -- heal-all, a panacea.
- हर रोज़ -- every day, daily.
- हरकत harkat -- (nf) movement, activity; mischief.
- हरकत करना -- to (make a) move.
- हरकत-में लाना -- to make things hum, to activate things.
- हरकारा harka:ra: -- (nm) a courier; dak-runner.
- हरगिज़ hargiz -- (ind) ever, under any circumstances.
- हरगिज़-नहीं -- never, underno circumstances.
- हरचद harchand -- (ind) all possible, in every way; to the farthestextent.
- हरज haraj -- (nm) see हर्ज़ (हर्ज़).
- हरजा harja: -- (nm) see हर्ज़ा.
- हरजाना harja:nā: -- (nm) see हर्ज़ाना.
- हरड़ haraṛ -- (nf) myrobalan.
- हर/ण harāṉ -- (nm) kidnapping, abduction, forcible carrying away, seizing; as a suffix it imparts themeaning of one who or thatwhich carries away, seizes ortakes by force, rids, etc.
- हरणीय -- fit to be kidnapped/abducted/taken away by force.
- हरताल harta:l -- (nf) yellow orpiment.
- हरताल फेरना -- to undo, to efface.
- हरदा harda: -- (nm) yellow rust.
- हरना harnā: -- (v) to kidnap, to abduct, to carry away by force, to seize.
- हरबा harba: -- (nm) arms, tools.
- हरबा-हथियार -- arms and ammunition.
- हरबा-हथियार से लैस होना -- to be equipped with arms and ammunition.
- हरम haram -- (nm) a harem, female apartment.
- हरमसरा -- a harem.
- हरमज़दगी haramzadgi -- (nf) bastardy, rascality, scoundrelism.
- हरसाना harsa:nā: -- (v) to be happy/pleased/amused.
- हरसिंगार harsiṅga:r -- (nm) a particular sweet-smelling flower and its plant.
- हरहा harha: -- (nm) a plough-bull; (a) troublous (animal).
- हरा hara: -- (a) green, verdant; fresh; gay, delighted.
- हरापन -- greenness; verdancy; hence हरी (fem.form).
- हरापन खाद -- green manure.
- हरा-भरा -- verdant; prosperous, flourishing; gay.
- हरा करना, (मन) -- to delight.
- हरा होना, -- .
- हराना hara:nā: -- (v) to defeat, to vanquish.
- हराम hara:m -- (a) ill-begotten; unlawful, forbidden; improper.
- हरामकार -- lewd, debauch; hence हरामकारी (nf).
- हरामख़ोर -- subsisting on ill-begottenresources or on others' earnings; slothful, basely indolent.
- हरामख़ोरी -- subsistence on ill-begotten resources; slothfulness, base indolence.
- हरामज़ादा -- ill-begotten; bastard; rascal, scoundrel; hence हरामज़ादी.
- हरामज़ादापन -- see हरमज़दगी.
- हराम कर देना -- to make (things) difficult/impossible.
- हराम का -- ill begotten.
- हराम का खाना -- to subsist on ill-begotten resources or on others' earnings.
- हराम कापेट -- ill-begotten pregnancy.
- हराम कामाल -- illegitimate earnings.
- हराम की कमाई -- ill-begotten earnings/money.
- हराम होना -- to be difficult/impossible.
- हरामी hara:mī: -- (a) ill-begotten, illegitimate; unscrupulous; doingjust nothing, utterly indolent; (nm) a bastard, rascal, scoundrel.
- हरामीपन/पना -- illegitimacy; unscrupulousness; utter indolence.
- हरामी का पिल्ला/बच्चा -- son of a bastard/scoundrel.
- हरारत hara:rat -- (nf) temperature; feverishness.
- हरारत होना -- to be feverish, to have slight temperature.
- हरावल hara:wal -- (nm) vanguard.
- हरावल दस्ता -- vanguard.
- हरि hari -- (nm) Lord Vishṉū/Krishṉā.
- हरि इच्छा -- the will of God.
- हरि बलवान -- inevitable is the will of God.
- हरि-कथा -- the tales of God's incarnations and activities.
- हरि-कीर्तन -- individual or collective singing of theeulogies of हरि.
- हरितालिका -- thethird day of the bright fortnightof the month of भादों when womenobserve fast.
- हरिधाम -- theheaven—abode of हरि.
- हरिनाम -- name(s) of हरि.
- हरिनाम स्मरण -- remembering the names of हरि.
- हरि-भक्ति -- devotion to हरि.
- हरि-मंदिर -- a temple of हरि.
- हरिलीला -- the playful sportof हरि.
- हरि-स्मरण -- remembering हरि.
- हरि-हर -- Lords Vishṉū and Shiv.
- हरिजन harijan -- (nm) an untouchable.
- हरिजन उद्धार -- uplift of the harijans.
- हरि/ण hariṉ -- (nm) a deer; hence हरिणी (nf).
- हरित harit -- (a) green, verdant; delighted, gay.
- हरिद्रा haridra: -- (nf) turmeric, curcuma.
- हरियल hariyal -- (a) greenish; unripe (as a fruit).
- हरियाना hariya:nā: -- (v) to turn green, to be full of verdure; tobe delighted; (nm) one of thenorthern. Hindi-speaking statesof the Union of India.
- हरियाली hariya:li: -- (nf) greenery, verdure; vegetation.
- हरियाली तीज -- thethird day of the latter half inthe month of भादों.
- हरियाली छाना -- to beverdant all round.
- हरियाली ही हरियाली दीखना -- to sense happiness all round.
- हरीतिमा hari:timā: -- (nf) greenery, verdure, verdancy.
- हरीरा hari:ra: -- (nm) a kind of sweet potage prepared from milk and other ingredients.
- हरूफ़ haru:f -- (nm) a letter (of the alphabet).
- हरे hare -- (int) O God !.
- हरे कृष्ण -- O Krishṉā, ! O God !.
- हरे राम -- O Ra:m, O God !.
- हरेक harek -- (a) everyone, everybody.
- हर्ज़, हर्ज़र्ज़ा harz, ~za: -- (nm) harm; loss, damage.
- हर्ज़ करना -- to cause.
- हर्ज़ाना harza:nā: -- (nm) damages, compensation, indemnity.
- हर्ज़ाना देना/हर्ज़ाना-भरना -- to pay damages.
- हर्ता harta: -- (nm) a kidnapper, abductor, one who carries away forcibly, usurper.
- हर्फ़ harf -- (nm) a letter (of the alphabet).
- हर्फ़-ब-हर्फ़ -- literal; letter by letter.
- हर्फ़ आना -- to be accused/blamed.
- हर्फ़-लाना -- to cause an accusation to be levelled or a blame to devolve on.
- हर्म्य harmmy -- (nm) a palace, a palatial mansion.
- हर्र harr -- (nf) myrobalan.
- हर्र लगे न फिटकरी रंग चोखा आये -- to invest nothing, to gain everything.
- हर्ष harsh -- (nm) joy, jubilation, mirth, delight, happiness.
- हर्षकर/हर्षकारक -- exhilirating, causinghappiness/delight.
- हर्षगद्गद् -- overwhelmed by joy, (with) voicechoked with joy.
- हर्षध्वनि/नाद/स्वन -- cry of joy/jubilation.
- हर्षविव्हल -- overwhelmed by joy.
- हर्षातिरेक harsha:tirek -- (nm) ecstasy, rapture, excessive joy.
- हर्षातिशय harsha:tishay -- (nm) see हर्षातिरेक.
- हर्षाना harsha:nā: -- (v) to be full of joy, to be delighted.
- हर्षित harshit -- (a) joyous, delighted, cheerful.
- हर्षोत्फुल्ल harshotphull -- (a) full of joy, in a rapture.
- हर्षोन्माद harshonmā:d -- (nm) ecstasy, rapture.
- हलंत halant -- (a) (a word) ending in a consonant (and not a vowel).
- हल hal -- (nm) a plough; solution.
- हलजीवी -- a farmer/peasant.
- हल करना -- to solve.
- हलक़ halaq -- (nm) the throat; wind-pipe.
- हलक़ तक करना -- to be full to thethroat.
- हलक़ पर छुरी फेरना -- to cutsomebody's throat; to causeimmense loss.
- हलक़ से नीचे उतरना -- tobe comprehensible (as बात); toappear reasonable.
- हलका halka: -- (a) light; cheap (as हलका आदमी.
- हलकी बात); -- thin (as कपड़ा); faint; (nm) a circle, area.
- हलका अफ़सर -- a circle officer.
- हलकापन -- lightness; cheapness; thinness.
- हलका करना -- to insult, to cause humiliation.
- हलका पड़ना -- to prove lesser.
- हलका बनना/होना -- to be cheap; to bedisgraced.
- हलका बाँधना -- to envelope/encircle; to fix an area (for worketc.).
- हलकान halka:n -- (a) troubled, bothered; tired, fatigued.
- हलकोर halkor -- (nf) a massive billow.
- हलचल halchal -- (nf) commotion, hustle; agitation, movement.
- हलचल मचना -- a commotion to be created.
- हलचल होना -- movement to take place; commotion to be caused.
- हलदिया haldia: -- (a) yellow; (nm) jaundice; a variety of big yellowish frog.
- हलदी haldi: -- (nf) turmeric, curcuma.
- हलदी के हाथ होना -- marriage to take place.
- हलदी लगाकर बैठना -- to sit idle.
- हलफ़ halaf -- (nm) an oath.
- हलफ़दरोग़ी -- self-contradiction.
- हलफ़नामा -- an affidavit.
- हलफ़ उठाना -- to swear, to takean oath.
- हलफ़ देना -- to give an oath.
- हलफ़ लेना -- to take an oath.
- हलफ़न halfan -- (adv) on oath.
- हलफ़िया halfia: -- (a) see हलफ़ी.
- हलफ़ी halfi: -- (a) (statement etc.) given on oath.
- हलराना halra:nā: -- (v) to fondle, to.
- हलवा halwa: -- (nm) a typical Indian pudding.
- हलवासोहन -- a celebratedIndian sweetmeat; (अपने) हलवा-माँडे सेकाम होना to be worried onlyabout one's own bread andbutter.
- हलवाई halwa:i: -- (nm) a sweetmeat manufacturer/seller, confectioner.
- हलवाहा halwa:ha: -- (nm) a farmer, peasant.
- हलहलाना halhala:nā: -- (v) to shake violently.
- हलाक hala:k -- (a) slaughtered, slain.
- हलाक करना -- to slaughter, to slay.
- हलाक होना -- to be slaughtered, to be slain.
- हलाल hala:l -- (a) legitimate; hard-earned, well-begotten; (nm) an animal slaughtered in accordancewith conventional prescription.
- हलालख़ोर -- subsisting on scrupulousearnings/well-begotten earnings; a sweeper.
- हलालख़ोरी -- subsistence onscrupulous earnings/well-begottenearnings.
- हलाल करके खाना -- to subsiston hard-earned money.
- हलाल करना -- toslaughter in the conventionallyprescribed manner; to do slowlyto death.
- हलाल का -- legitimate; scrupulous, well-begotten.
- हलाल को कसाई -- hard-earned income.
- हलाहल hala:hal -- (nm) deadly poison.
- हलुआ, हलुवा halua:, haluwa: -- (nm) see हलवा.
- हलोर halor -- (nf) a heave; billow.
- हलोरना halornā: -- (v) to cause turmoil/agitation (within a liquid by hand etc.); to winnow.
- हल् hal -- (nm) a pure consonant; a symbol appended at the foot ofa letter to denote devowelizedconsonant (्).
- हल्का halka: -- (a and nm) see हलका.
- हल्दी haldi: -- (nf) see हलदी.
- हल्ला halla: -- (nm) noise, uproar, tumult, tumultuous activity.
- हल्ला-गुल्ला -- uproarious scene, tumultand uproar.
- हल्ला बोलना -- to raid.
- हल्ला मचाना -- to create a noise/uproar; to cause a tumultuous scene.
- हवन hawan -- (nm) a fire sacrifice.
- हवनकुंड -- a sacrificial pit.
- हवलदा/र hawalda:r -- (nm) a havildar.
- हवलदारी -- the job or office of a havildar.
- हवस hawas -- (nf) lust, passion, passionate longing.
- हवस निकालना -- tohave it out; a longing to be fulfilled.
- हवस बुझना -- a passion to subside, longing to die out.
- हवस होना -- tohave passion (for), to be lustful.
- हवा hawa: -- (nf) air, wind, breeze.
- हवाखोरी -- a stroll, walk.
- हवाचक्की -- awind-mill.
- हवादार -- airy; well-ventilated.
- हवादारी -- ventilation.
- हवा-पानी -- climate.
- हवाबाज़ -- an airman; a tall-talker, braggadocio.
- हवाबाज़ी -- airmanship; tall talk, bragging.
- हवामार -- anti-aircraft.
- हवामार तोप -- an anti-aircraft gun.
- हवासह -- wind-proof.
- हवा-सा -- very slight, flimsy.
- हवा उखड़ना -- to suffer a set-back toone's reputation.
- हवा उड़ना -- a rumour to be afloat; news to goround.
- हवा उड़ाना -- to give currency toa rumour; to make a false propaganda.
- हवा का गुज़र न होना -- to beinaccessible/impossible (for anyone or anybody) to pass through.
- हवा का रुख़ जानना -- to know which waythe wind is blowing.
- हवा का रुख दोखना -- to see which way the cat jumps, the cult of jumping cat; to have/keep an ear to the ground; to flya kite; to wait and watch; tomove according to the whirligigof time.
- हवा का रुख बताना -- to forecast.
- हवाई hawa:i: -- (a) aerial; false, imaginary.
- हवाई अड्डा -- an aerodrome, airport.
- हवाई करतब -- aerobatics.
- हवाई क़िला/महल -- imaginary things, castle thatexists in the air.
- हवाई क़िसे बनाना -- tobuild castles in the air.
- हवाई ख़बर/बात -- a rumour.
- हवाई छतरी -- a parachute, anair umbrella.
- हवाई जहाज़ -- an aeroplane, aircraft.
- हवाई डाक -- airmail.
- हवाई धावा -- anair attack.
- हवाई फ़ायर -- fire in the air.
- हवाई मार्ग/रास्ता -- airways, air-passage.
- हवाई मुठभेड़ -- aerial encounter.
- हवाई यात्रा -- air journey.
- हवाई युद्ध/लड़ाई -- air war-fare.
- हवाई संरक्षण -- air umbrella.
- हवाई हमला -- an air raid/attack.
- हवाइयाँ उड़ना, चेहरे/मुँह पर -- the face to lose alllustre, to appear non-plussed.
- हवाल hawa:l -- (nm) conditions; news.
- हवा/ला hawa:la: -- (nm) a reference; trust, custody.
- हवाला देना -- to citea reference.
- हवाले करना -- to entrust, to hand over (to).
- हवाला/त hawa:la:t -- (nf) lock-up, (police) custody.
- हवालाती -- under(police) custody, in (police) lock-up.
- हवालात की हवा खाना -- to be sent behind the bars.
- हवाली-मवाली hawa:li:mawa:li: -- (nm) (in a derogatory sense) comrades and companions, rag-tag.
- हवास hawa:s -- (nm) senses (used only as the second number in the compound होश-हवास).
- हवि havi -- (nm) see हविष्य.
- हविष्य havishy -- (a and nm) (oblations).
- हवेली haweli: -- (nf) a (palatial) mansion.
- हव्य havvy -- (a and nm) (fit to be offered as) oblation (to the sacrificial fire).
- हशमत hashmat -- (nf) glory and grandeur; huge paraphernalia.
- हशीश hashi:sh -- (nf) hashish (see भंग).
- हश्र hashshr -- (nm) consequence, result; ultimate end.
- हसद hasad -- (nm) jealousy, malice.
- हसरत hasrat -- (nf) wistfulness, longing, craving; desire.
- हसरतमंद -- having a longing/craving, desirous.
- हसरत-भरा -- wistful, full of longings.
- हसरत करना -- to long/crave for.
- हसरत टपकना -- longing/craving to be manifest/apparent.
- हसरत निकलना/पूरी होना -- alonging/craving to find its fulfilment.
- हसरत निकालना -- to have it out; tosee one's longing/craving materialised.
- हसरत बाक़ी रहना -- a longing/craving to remain unfulfilled.
- हसीन hasi:n -- (a) beautiful, pretty; charming.
- हस्त hast -- (nm) a hand; trunk of an elephant.
- हस्त-कला -- handicraft.
- हस्त-कार्य -- manual work.
- हस्त-कौशल -- manualskill.
- हस्तगत -- in hand, obtained, received.
- हस्तमैथुन -- masturbation.
- हस्त-रेखा -- the lines of one's palm(supposed to signify one's destiny).
- हस्त-लाघव -- manual skill.
- हस्तलिखित -- hand-written, in manuscript form.
- हस्तलिपि/लेख -- hand, handwriting; manuscript.
- हस्तक hastak -- (nm) a handle.
- हस्तक्षेप hastakshep -- (nm) interference.
- हस्तक्षेप करना -- to interfere.
- हस्तांत/रण hastā:ntarāṉ -- (nm) transfer/transference.
- हस्तांतरित -- transferred (to another hand).
- हस्तांतरंणीव -- transferable.
- हस्तांतरणीयता -- transferability.
- हस्ताक्ष/र hasta:kshar -- (nm) signature; hand-writing.
- हस्ताक्षरकर्त्ता -- signatory.
- हस्ताक्षरित -- signed.
- हस्तामलक hasta:malak -- (nm) lit. 'the fruit or seed of the emblic myrobalan in the hand'—absolutelyclear and readily comprehensible.
- हस्तामलकवत् -- like हस्तामलक , clear and readilycomprehensible/understood.
- हस्ती hasti: -- (nf) existence, being; worth; personage; (nm) an elephant.
- हस्ती खोना -- to lose existence.
- हस्ती मिटना -- to be ruined, to be forcedout of existence.
- हस्ती होना -- to be existent; to be worth reckoning.
- हस्ते haste -- (ind) through, through the agency of.
- ह/स्व hasb -- (ind) according to, in accordance with.
- हस्बे-जाबता -- according to law.
- हस्बै-ज़ैल -- asper details below.
- हस्बे-मामूल -- as usual.
- हहा haha: -- (nf) sound produced while laughing; humble entreaty.
- हहा करना -- to make humble entreaties.
- हाँ hā: -- (nf) yes, yea; (ind) a word-denoting agreement, fulfilment, affirmation, etc.
- हाँहाँ-हाँ -- yes, yes; aword expressing negation/affirmation that would depend on itsintonation).
- हाँजी-हाँजी करना -- tochime in; to keep on flattering.
- हाँ में हाँ मिलाना -- to keep on flattering, to say 'yes' to everything, tochime in.
- हाँ हाँ करना -- to affirm, tosay 'yes'.
- हाँक hā:k -- (nf) bawling; calling aloud.
- हाँक देना/मारना/लगाना -- to callaloud, to bawl.
- हाँकना hā:knā: -- (v) to drive (an animal or an animal-driven vehicle).
- हाँका hā:ka: -- (nm) in hunting, an uproar (through beating of drums, cans, etc) to drive the prey towards the spot where the hunteris seated.
- हाँड़ना hā:ṛnā: -- (v) to roam about, to loiter.
- हाँड़ी hā:ṛi: -- (nf) a small earthen pot.
- हाँड़ी पकना -- things in a pot to boil; a plot to be hatched.
- हाँफना hā:phnā: -- (v) to pant, to breathe heavily.
- हाँफनी hā:phnī: -- (nf) panting.
- हाँफनी-छूटना -- to start panting, to bebreathing heavily.
- हा ha: -- (int) oh !, Gosh !, a particle expressive of pleasure, pain, regret, contempt, amazement, etc.; a Persian suffix which imparts plurality (as बारहा, हज़ारहा, etc.).
- हाइफ़न ha:ifan -- (nm) a hyphen.
- हाई ha:i: -- (a) high.
- हाई कोर्ट -- a high court.
- हाई स्कूल -- a high school.
- हाकि/म ha:kim -- (nm) a ruler; boss.
- हाकिमाना -- befitting a ruler/officer/boss.
- हाकिमी -- rule, ruling; work asan officer.
- हाकिम से बैर कैसा, हाकिम सेबैर तो कहाँ की ख़ैर -- kings have longhands.
- हाहॉकी ha:oki: -- (nf) hockey.
- हाजत ha:jat -- (nf) need, requirement; pressure in the bowels.
- हाजतमंद -- needy; hence हाजतमंदी (nf).
- हाजत-रफ़ा करना -- to satisfy one's needs; to discharge faeces.
- हाजती ha:jti: -- (nf) a urine-pot; (a) desirous.
- हाज़मा ha:zma: -- (nm) digestion.
- हाज़मा-ख़राब होना -- digestive system to beupset, the stomach to be upset.
- हाज़िम ha:zim -- (a) digestive.
- हाज़िर ha:zir -- (a) present; ready.
- हाज़िरजवाब -- quick-witted, witty.
- हाज़िरजवाबी -- quick-wittedness, readywit.
- हाज़िर-नाज़िर -- present and watching.
- हाज़िरीन -- pl. form of हाज़िर—those present (as हाज़िरीन-एहाज़िर-जलसाthose present in the meeting).
- हाज़िर-में हुज्जत नहीं -- to be in my hands, is to be at your disposal.
- हाज़िरी ha:ziri: -- (nf) presence; attendance, roll call; breakfast.
- हाज़िरी-देना -- to notify/intimate one's presence.
- हाज़िरी-बजाना -- to dance attendance upon.
- हाज़िरी-लेना -- to have the roll call, tomark attendance.
- हाजी ha:ji: -- (nm) a Mohammedan who has been to the haj pilgrimage.
- हाट ha:ṭ -- (nf) a temporary and periodic market; (improvised) market-place, bazar, mart.
- हाट उठना -- the market to be wound up; things to come to an end.
- हाट करना -- to go marketing.
- हाट-बाज़ार करना -- togo out making purchases, to goout marketing.
- हाट-लगना -- marketingactivity to commence; a bazar tocome up.
- हाटक ha:ṭak -- (nm) gold.
- हाड़ ha:ṛ -- (nm) a bone.
- हाड़ पेलना -- to work assiduously/very hard.
- हाता ha:ta: -- (nm) see अहाता.
- हाथ ha:th -- (nm) a hand; manual skill; the skill to strike; turn (ina game of cards); handle; arm (ofa chair).
- हाथ-आँखों से लगाना -- to giveimmense respect (in admiring anartistic masterpiece).
- हाथ आगे करना -- to stretch out the hand (to giveor take something).
- हाथ-आज़माना -- tohave a fling at; to try one's hand.
- हाथ-आना -- to have in hand, to comeunder control; to gain.
- हाथ-उठाकर कहना -- to take a vow, to pledge.
- हाथ-उठाना, किसी पर -- to lay hands on.
- हाथा ha:tha: -- (nm) see हत्था.
- हाथा/पाई, हाथाबाँही ha:tha:pa:i:, bā:hī: -- (nf) a scuffle, skirmish, tussle.
- हाथापाई पर उतर आना -- to come toblows, to sfart a scuffle.
- हाथी ha:thi: -- (nm) an elephant; a jumbo; castle/rook (in the gameof chess); (a) too fat; huge.
- हाथीख़ाना -- a stable for elephants.
- हाथीदाँत -- ivory; tusk हाथीदाँत का सामान ivorygoods.
- हाथीपाँव -- elephantiasis.
- हाथीवान -- see हाथी महावत.
- हाथी की टक्कर हाथी ही सँभाले -- only an elephant canbear the elephant's load.
- हाथी के दाँतखाने के और दिखाने के और -- what isobvious is not always the ultimate truth.
- हाथी-घूमे गाँव-गाँव जिसकाहाँथी उसका नाँव -- an elephant willbe known by the name of hisowner wherever he may be.
- हाथी निकल गया मगर दुम रह गई -- eaten ahorse and tail hangs out.
- हाथी पर चढ़ना -- to be very rich; to go high up; to earn tremendous reputation.
- हाथी बाँधना -- to maintain an elephant.
- हाथी हो जाना -- to become very corpulent/ plump.
- हादसा ha:dsa: -- (nm) an accident, a mishap.
- हादसा गुज़रना -- an accident/mishapto occur.
- हानि ha:nī -- (nf) loss; damage; detriment; harm.
- हानिकर/हानिकारक/हानिकारी -- damaging: harmful; detrimental.
- हानि उठाना -- to sustain a loss/damage.
- हानि पहुँचाना -- to harm, tocause damage to.
- हाफ़िज़ ha:fiz -- (nm) a protector; a Mohammedan who remembersthe whole of the Qoran by heart.
- हामिला ha:mila: -- (a) pregnant (woman).
- हामी ha:mī: -- (nf) assent, acceptance; (nm) a supporter; champion(of).
- हामीदार -- an underwriter.
- हामीदारी -- underwriting.
- हामी भरना -- tosay 'yes', to give assent (for).
- हाय hay -- (int) oh ! ah me !, alas!; also a particle expressive of mental or physical agony; (nf) curse(as किसी की हाय न लो).
- हाय-तोबा -- loudprotestation; havoc, uproar, bewailing.
- हाय दैया -- O, God ! Gos h!.
- हाय-हाय -- see हाय; affiction; rush (of worketc.—as हर वक्त हाय-हाय पड़ी रहती है); panic and confusion.
- हाय हाय करना -- to be rushed; to be afflicted.
- हाय-हाय पड़ना -- utter panic and confusion to prevail.
- हाय करके रह जाना -- to be obliged to suffer mentalor physical agony.
- हाय पड़ना -- a curseto come true.
- हाय होना -- to be jealous(of somebody's prosperity, progress, etc.).
- हार ha:r -- (nf) defeat; loss; a garland, necklace; a suffix meaning one who or that which carriesaway per force or usurps, charms, etc; or denotes a doer (as सिरजनहार).
- हार-जीत -- defeat and victory.
- हार खाना -- to suffer a defeat.
- हार-देना -- toinflict a defeat.
- हार न मानना -- neversay die, not to give in.
- हार मानना -- .
- हारक ha:rak -- (a) who carries away per force, usurps or charms.
- हारना ha:rnā: -- (v) to be defeated, to lose; to be wearied.
- हारा-थका -- worn and wearied.
- हारमोनियम ha:rmonīam -- (nm) a harmonium.
- हारा ha:ra: -- a suffix carrying the sense of a doer (as सिरजनहारा); (a and v) defeated.
- हारा हुआ जुआरी -- lit. a defeated gambler—a manin a completely reticent unresponsive state of mind, frustratedand lost (man).
- हारिल ha:ril -- (nm) a typical green-coloured bird.
- हारिल की लकड़ी -- a constant companion.
- हार्दिक ha:rdik -- (a) cordial, hearty.
- हार्दिकता -- cordiality; heartiness.
- हाल ha:l -- (nm) state; condition; account; news; a hoop, metallictyre over a wooden wheel; turmoil; violent vibration/agitation; a hall; (a) present, current.
- हाल-चाल -- general condition, state of affairs; news.
- हाल का -- recent; fresh.
- हाल में -- forthe time being; in the near past/future; recently.
- हाल पतला होना -- to bein a terrible affliction.
- हाल/त ha:lat -- (nf) state, condition.
- हालत पतली होना -- to be in a miserableplight.
- हालत संगीन होना -- to be ina critical state.
- हालात -- conditions, circumstances.
- हालाँकि ha:lā:ki -- (ind) though, although.
- हाला ha:la: -- (nf) wine, liquor.
- हाली ha:li: -- (a) current, contemporary.
- हाव ha:w -- (nm).
- हाव-भाव -- gestures, blandishments; amorous dalliance (of a woman).
- हावी ha:vi: -- (a) dominant.
- हावी होना -- to dominate.
- हाशि/या ha:shiya: -- (nm) margin; border; fringe.
- हाशिये पर -- on the margin/fringe.
- हास ha:s -- (nm) laughter/laughing, derisive laughter, fun, joke; the abiding emotion of हास्य रस.
- हासकर -- inspiring laughter.
- हास-परिहास -- fun and humour.
- हासिल ha:sil -- (a) acquired, obtained; what is carried forward.
- हासिल जमा -- total.
- हासिल करना -- to acquire, to obtain.
- हासिल होना -- to be acquired, to be obtained.
- हास्य ha:ssy -- (nm) humour; ridicule, fun.
- हास्य कथा -- a humorous tale.
- हास्यकर/कारक/जनक -- humorous; provokinglaughter.
- हास्य-कौतुक -- fun and humour.
- हास्य-चित्र -- a cartoon.
- हास्यचित्रकार -- a cartoonist.
- हास्य भाव -- sense of humour.
- हास्य रस -- the final and successfulculmination of the sense of humour (हास्य) into a rasa.
- हास्यरसात्मक -- full of or abounding in हास्यरस.
- हास्य रूपलेखा -- humorous feature.
- हास्य-व्यंग्य -- humour and satire/wit.
- हास्यास्पद ha:ssya:spad -- (a) ludicrous, ridiculous, funny.
- हास्यास्पदता -- ludicrousness, funniness.
- हास्योत्पादक ha:ssyotpa:dak -- (a) ludicrous, ridiculous, funny; hence हास्योत्पादकता (nf).
- हाहा ha:ha: -- (nf) (sound produced by) loud laughter; entreaties, humble supplication; (int) a particle expressive of amazement, grief, etc.
- हाहा ठीठी -- joke and jest, fun and humour.
- हाहा हीही -- see हाहा ठीठी.
- हाहा करना -- to have humourand hilarity.
- हाहा मचाना/हाहा होना -- tohave a bout of jokes and jests.
- हाहा हूहू -- loud laughter and hilarity.
- हाहा करना/खाना -- to make humble.
- हाहाकार ha:ha:ka:r -- (nm) loud lamentation, distressful commotion, tumult, uproar.
- हिंगु hiṅgu -- (nm) asafoetida—a tree or the poignant-smelling ooze from its root.
- हिंडो/रा, हिंडोला hīḍora:, ~la: -- (nm) a swing, sway.
- हिंद hīnd -- (nm) India.
- हिंदवी hīndvi: -- (nf) a name used for the Hindi language by mediaeval writers.
- हिंदसा hindsa: -- (nm) a digit, number.
- हिंदी hīndi: -- (nf) the Hindi language; (a) Indian.
- हिंदी न फ़ारसी मियाँ जी बनारसी -- the ass waggeth his ears.
- हिंदुत्व hīnduttv -- (nm) Hinduism; the state of being, or characteristics of, a Hindu.
- हिंदुत्व की भावना -- the spirit of Hinduism.
- हिंदुस्ता/न hīndusta:n -- (nm) India.
- हिंदुस्तानियत -- Indian-ness.
- हिंदुस्तानी hīndusta:nī: -- (a) Indian; belonging to central parts ofIndia—esp. Uttar Pradesh; (nm) an Indian, native of India; anative of Uttar Pradesh; (nf) atheoretically existent style of theHindi language which is supposed to consist of current andsimple words of any sourceswhatever and is neither too muchbiassed in favour of Perso-Arabicelements nor has any place fortoo much high-flown Sanskritizedvocabulary.
- हिंदुस्तानी संगीत -- Hindustaniclassical music (as distinct fromCarnatic).
- हिंदुस्था/न hīndustha:n -- (nm) India.
- हिंदुस्थानी -- (an) Indian.
- हिंदू hīndu: -- (nm and a) (a) Hindu.
- हिंदूपन/हिंदूपना -- Hinduism; the stateof being, or characteristics of, aHindu.
- हिंदो/ल, हिंदोला hindol, ~la: -- (nm) a sway.
- हिंदोस्तान hīndosta:n -- (nm) see हिंदुस्तान.
- हिंदोस्तानी hīndosta:nī: -- (nm and a) see हिंदोस्तानी.
- हिंसक hinsak -- (a) violent (person); ferocious, fierce; (nm) a murderer, killer.
- हिंसक-जंतु/पशु -- ferocious beast/animal; hence हिंसकता (nf).
- हिंसा hīnsa: -- (nf) violence.
- हिंसात्मक -- violent (act, etc.); hence हिंसात्मकता( nf).
- हिंसारत -- violent, committingviolence.
- हिंसालु/शील -- violent, fierce.
- हिंसालुता/शीलता -- violence, fierceness.
- हिंस्र hīnsr -- (a) violent, fierce, ferocious.
- हिंस्र जंतु/पशु -- ferocious beast/animal.
- हिंस्रता -- violence; fierceness.
- हिकम/त hikmat -- (nf) medical practice under the Unani system; a contrivance; manoeuvring.
- हिकमती -- manoeuvring, pastmaster at manipulation.
- हिक़ारत hiqa:rat -- (nf) contempt.
- हिक़ारत की नज़र -- contemptuous look.
- हिक़ारत से देखना -- to cast a contemptuouslook, to look down upon.
- हिचक hichak -- (nf) hitch, hesitation; shilly-shally.
- हिचकना hichaknā: -- (v) to hesitate, to hitch; to shrink; to shilly-shally.
- हिचकिचा/ना hichkicha:nā: -- (v) see हिचकना; to make two bites of acherry.
- हिचकिचाहट -- hesitation, hitch; shilly-shally.
- हिचकी hichki: -- (nf) hiccup.
- हिचकी-बँध जाना/हिचकियाँ बँध जाना/हिचकियाँ लेना -- to have a fit of hiccup; to havenon-stop hiccuping; to sob bitterly.
- हिचको/ला hichkola: -- (nm) a jerk; jolt.
- हिचकोले लगना -- to receive jolts.
- हिज/ड़ा hijṛa: -- (nm) eunuch; (a) impotent.
- हिजड़ा बनाना -- to emasculate, to castrate.
- हिजड़े के घर बेटा -- goat's wool.
- हिजरी hijri: -- (nf) the Mohammedan era (which commences from theday of Prophet Mohammed'sflight from Mecca to Medina onthe 15th July, 622 A. D.).
- हिज्जे hijje -- (nm) spelling.
- हिज्जे-करना -- to spell.
- हिज्र hijjr -- (nm) separation.
- हित hit -- (nm) welfare, well-being; interest; gain, benefit.
- हितकर -- beneficial, useful, advantageous.
- हितकारक -- see हितकर.
- हितकारी -- see हितकर; a benefactor.
- हितचिंतक -- awell-wisher, benefactor.
- हितचिंतन -- well wishing, being concernedabout somebody's welfare.
- हिताकां/क्षी hita:ka:ṅkshi: -- (a and nm) well-wishing; (a) well-wisher; hence हिताकांक्षिता (nf).
- हितार्थी hita:rthi: -- (a and nm) well-wishing; (a) well-wisher.
- हिताहित hita:hit -- (nm) good and bad.
- हितू hitu: -- (a) see हितैषी.
- हिते/च्छा hitechchha: -- (nf) well-wishing.
- हितेच्छु -- see हितैषी.
- हितै/षी hitaishi: -- (a and nm) well-wishing; a well-wisher.
- हितैषणा -- see हितेच्छा.
- हितैषिता -- well-wishing.
- हिदायत hida:yat -- (nf) instruction.
- हिदायतनामा -- a manual of instructions, series of instructions.
- हिनहिना/ना hinhinā:nā: -- (v) to neigh, to whinny.
- हिनहिनाहट -- neighing, whinnying.
- हिना hina: -- (nf) myrtle.
- हिफ़ाज़त hifa:zat -- (nf) protection, security, safety.
- हिफ़ाज़त करना -- to guard, to safeguard, to defend/protect/secure.
- हिफ़ाज़ती hifa:zati: -- (a) protective.
- हिफ़ाज़ती कार्यवाही -- protective measures.
- हिफ़्ज hifz -- (a) memorised, committed to memory.
- हिफ़्ज करना -- to memorize, to commit to memory.
- हिब्बा hibba: -- (nm) a gift, present.
- हिब्बानामा -- a gift deed.
- हिम him -- (nm) snow, ice; frost.
- हिमकंदुक -- a snow-ball.
- हिमकण -- asnow-particle.
- हिमकर -- the moon.
- हिमकाल -- ice age.
- हिमक्षेत्र -- snowfield.
- हिमगिरि -- the Himalayas.
- हिम चादर -- anice-sheet.
- हिमच्छद -- an ice-cap.
- हिम-झंझावात -- a snow-storm.
- हिमनद -- anesker.
- हिमनदी -- a glacier, an ice-river.
- हिमपुंज -- an ice-pack.
- हिमपात/प्रपात -- ice/snow-fall.
- हिमबद्ध -- ice-bound, snow bound.
- हिमबाधित -- ice/snow-bound.
- हिम-मानव -- snow-man.
- हिमयुग -- the ice-age.
- हिमलव -- snowflakes.
- हिम रेखा -- snow-line.
- हिमलंब -- icicle.
- हिमवर्तिका -- icicle.
- हिमवर्षा -- freezing rain; snow fall.
- हिमवृष्टि -- snow-fall.
- हिमशिखर -- ice-cap.
- हिमशैल -- an iceberg.
- हिमश्वेत -- snowhite.
- हिम-संचय/संघात -- a snow-heap.
- हिमसागर -- an ice-sea.
- हिम-स्फटिक -- ice-crystal.
- हिमवान himwa:n -- (nm) the Himalayas.
- हिमांध himā:ndh -- (a) snow blind.
- हिमांधता -- snow-blindness.
- हिमांशु himā:nshu -- (nm) (an epithet of) the moon.
- हिमाक़त hima:qat -- (nf) stupidity, foolishness, idiocy.
- हिमाचल hima:chal -- (nm) the Himalayas.
- हिमाचल प्रदेश -- a centrally-administered northern state of the Union of India.
- हिमाच्छन्न hima:chhann -- (a) snow-clad, snow covered.
- हिमाद्रि hima:ddri -- (nm) see हिमाचल.
- हिमानी himā:nī: -- (nf) a glacier; an avalanche.
- हिमाभ himā:bh -- (a) snowy, appearing like snow.
- हिमाय/त hima:yat -- (nf) support, backing; defence, protection.
- हिमायती -- a supporter; defender, protector, patron.
- हिमालय hima:lay -- (nm) the Himalayas.
- हिमावृत hima:vrit -- (a) snow-capped, snow-clad.
- हिम्मत himmat -- (nf) courage, boldness.
- हिम्मत-अफ़जाई -- encouraging/encouragement.
- हिम्मतवर -- courageous; hence हिम्मतवरी (nf).
- हिम्मत छूटना/जवाब देना/टूटना/पस्त होना -- (one's) courage tobe exhausted; to yield.
- हिम्मत न हारना -- tohold up one's head.
- हिम्मत पड़ना -- tohave the cheek; to feel upto; tomuster courage (to).
- हिम्मत बढ़ाना -- toencourage; to allow liberty, tocause to be cheeky.
- हिम्मत बाँधना -- toscrew/pluck up courage; to gatherresolution.
- हिम्मत से काम लेना -- to put agood/bold face on.
- हिम्मत हारना -- tolose courage, to be demoralised.
- हिम्मते मर्दां मददे खुदा -- God helpsthose who help themselves.
- हिम्मती himmati: -- (a) courageous, bold.
- हिय, हियरा hiy , ~ra: -- (nm) the heart, bosom.
- हिया hiya: -- (nm) the heart, bosom; courage.
- हिया काँपना -- to be terriblyfear-stricken, to be struck withextreme terror.
- हिया जलना -- to beangry; to be full of jealousy; tosuffer extreme agony.
- हिया ठंडा होना -- to be gratified, to feel assuaged(on account of an adversary'sdistress).
- हिया फटना -- to have the heartrent by deep sorrow.
- हिया भर आना -- tobe moved by emotion.
- हिये काअंधा -- having no mental vision; block-headed, foolish.
- हिये की फूटना -- to lose one's senses/wits, to become absolutely witless.
- हिये लगाना -- to embrace.
- हिरण hirāṉ -- (nm) a deer, an antelope.
- हिरण्मय hirāṉmay -- (a) golden; (made) of gold.
- हिरण्य hiraṉṉy -- (nm) gold.
- हिरण्यगर्भ -- an epithet of Brahmā:, mythologically born of a gold egg.
- हिरन hiran -- (nm) a deer, an antelope.
- हिरन हो जाना -- to take to heels, to flee; to disappear.
- हिरनौटा hirnāūṭa: -- (nm) a young deer.
- हिर-फिर hir-phir -- हिर-फिर कर to turn up again like a bad half-penny.
- हिरमजी hirmaji: -- (nf) a kind of red clay.
- हिराना hira:nā: -- (v) to be lost; to vanish.
- हिरासत hira:sat -- (nf) custody.
- हिरासत में करना/लेना -- to take into custody.
- हिरासती -- under custody.
- हि/सं hirs -- (nf) (spirit of) competition, envy; greed.
- हिर्सी -- having a spirit of competition, envious; greedy.
- हिलको/र, हिलकोरा hilkor -- (nf) {~ra:} (nm) a surge, billow.
- हिलना hilnā: -- (v) to move; to shake; to swing; to get very familiar.
- हिलना-डोलना -- to move; to be physicallyactive.
- मिलना -- to have intimacywith, to associate with.
- हिल-मिल-कर -- with a friendly/cooperativespirit.
- हिलाना hila:nā: -- (v) to move; to shake; to jolt; to swing; to causeto get very intimate.
- हिला-मिला hila:mila: -- (a) on intimate terms.
- हिलोर, हिलोररा hilor -- (nf), {~ra:} (nm) a surge, billow.
- हिलोर उठना -- to surge.
- हिल्लोल hillol -- (nf) a surge, billow.
- हिसाब hisa:b -- (nm) arithmetic; account; calculation; rate; manner, custom.
- हिसाब-किताब -- account(s).
- हिसाब-किताब करना -- to account for, to settle or workout the accounts.
- हिसाब-किताब बैठना -- thingsto be adjusted, things to veerround.
- हिसाब-, टेढ़ा -- difficult affair.
- हिसाब-बही -- an account-book, a ledger.
- हिसाब करना, पाक/बेबाक -- to pay off, toclear the account.
- हिसाब चुकता करना/चुकाना -- to square accounts with; to clear off all the accounts ordues.
- हिसाब तलब करना -- to call for accounts; to ask for an explanation.
- हिसाब देना -- to render accounts; to explain.
- हिसाब में चढ़ना -- to be enteredinto the account book/ledger.
- हिसाब बैठना -- the account to tally; things to veer round.
- हिसाब बैठाना -- totally the accounts; to makenecessary coordination.
- हिसाब लेना -- toask to render the account; to askfor an explanation.
- हिसाब-साफ़ करना -- toclear off the account (of).
- हिसाब से -- properly, proportionately; considering all the pros and cons.
- हिसाबी hisa:bi: -- (a) calculative; well-versed in arithmetic/calculations.
- हिस्टीरिया hisṭi:riya: -- (nm) hysteria.
- हिस्टीरियाग्रस्त -- hysteric.
- हिस्सा hissa: -- (nm) part, portion; share; division.
- हिस्सा-बखरा -- portion; share.
- हिस्सेदा/र hisseda:r -- (nm) a co-sharer, partner; shareholder.
- हिस्सेदारी -- partnership, co-sharing.
- हींग hī:g -- (nf) asafoetida.
- हीं-हीं hī:-hī: -- (nf) grinning, sound of subdued laughter.
- ही hi: -- (ind) only, solely, alone; none but.
- हीक hi:k -- (nf) stench.
- हीक मारना -- to stench.
- हीजड़ा hi:jṛa: -- (nm) see हिजड़ा.
- हीन hi:n -- (a) inferior, worthless, deficient; used as the second member in compound words to mean devoid or divested of.
- हीनकर्म/हीनकर्मा -- one involved in low deeds, vicious.
- हीनकुल -- low-born.
- हीन ग्रन्थि -- inferiority complex.
- हीनचरित -- vicious, wicked, immoral.
- हीनता/हीनत्व -- inferiority; deficiency.
- हीनता ग्रन्थि -- see हीन ग्रंथि.
- हीन पक्ष -- weak side; weak aspect.
- हीनबल/वीर्य -- emasculated, impotent; feeble.
- हीनबुद्धि/मति -- a stupid, nitwit.
- हीन भावना -- inferiority complex, feeling of inferiority.
- हीनहया/त hi:nhaya:t -- (nf and adv) (during the) life-time.
- हीनहयाती -- for the whole life.
- हीनांग hi:nā:ṅg -- (a) cripple/crippled.
- हीर hi:r -- (nm) pith, essence, quintessence; see हीरा.
- हीरक hi:rak -- (nm) a diamond.
- हीरक जयंती -- diamond jubilee.
- हीरा hi:ra: -- (nm) a diamond.
- हीरा आदमी -- a good egg, a gem amongst men.
- हीरा चाटना, हीरे की कमी चाटना -- to commit suicide (by licking a diamond or diamond particle).
- हीरो hi:ro -- (nm) a hero.
- हीरोइन hi:roin -- (nf) a heroine.
- हीला hi:la: -- (nm) evasion; pretext; pretence/pretension.
- हीला-हवाला -- dilly-dally, shilly-shally, evasion; pretence.
- हीला-हवाला करना -- to dilly-dally/shilly-shally; to feign, to pretend.
- हीला गरान बहाना बिसियार -- he who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick, if you want to throw a stone every lane will furnish one.
- हीलेबाज़ hi:leba:z -- (a and nm) pretending; a pretender.
- ही-ही hi:-hi: -- (nf) grinning, sound of subdued laughter.
- हुँ hū -- (int) a particle denoting assent, yes.
- हुंकार hūṅka:r -- (nm) roaring, bellowing; loud sound produced by a man to express menacing disposition or readiness to fight/strike.
- हुंकार भरना -- to roar, to bellow; to express resolution to fight; to give a call for a fight.
- हुंकारी hūṅka:ri: -- (nf) to show assent by uttering 'हुं'.
- हुंकारी भरना -- to utter 'हुं' for expressing assent.
- हुंकृति hunkkriti -- (nf) see हुंकार.
- हुँड़ार hūṛa:r -- (nm) a wolf.
- हुँडी hūṉḍi: -- (nf) a bill of exchange, draft.
- हुँडी सकारना -- to honour/accept(a bill of exchange).
- हूक huk -- (nm) a hook.
- हुकुम hukum -- (nm) see हुक्म.
- हुक़ूक huqu:k -- (nm) plural of हक़ —rights.
- हुकुमत huku:mat -- (nf) government; rule; jurisdiction.
- हुकुमत करना -- to govern, to rule.
- हुकुमत चलाना -- to run a government; to order about.
- हुकुमत जताना -- toshow one's authority/eminence; to try to order about.
- हुक्क़ा huqqa: -- (nm) a hubble-bubble.
- हुक्क़ा-पानी -- social intercourse.
- हुक्क़ा-पानी बन्दकरना -- to freeze out, to completelyboycott, to excommunicate, tocease to have social intercourse.
- हुक्क़ाबरदार -- an attendant who carriesa (refill for the) hubble-bubble.
- हुक्क़ाबरदारी -- to fill a hubble-bubble; to render menial service.
- हुक्क़ा भरना -- to render (menial) service to; toflatter.
- हुक्काम hukka:m -- (nm) plural form of हाकिम—officers; rulers.
- हुक्म hukm -- (nm) order, command; one of the suits in playing cards—thespade.
- हुक्मउदूली -- disobedience, defying orders.
- हुक्म-, जो -- as youcommand !.
- हुक्मनामा -- an edict, awritten order.
- हुक्मबरदार -- an obedient servant; loyal.
- हुक्मबरदारी -- carrying out of orders; loyalty.
- हुक्मरान -- rulers; commanding authority.
- हुक्मरानी -- rule, government.
- हुक्म-तामील करना -- to obey or carryout one's order.
- हुक्म चलाना -- to issuean order; to order about; to rule/govern.
- हुक्म तोड़ना -- to disobey anorder, to violate one's authority.
- हुक्म-बजाना -- to carry out one's order.
- हुक्म-मानना -- to obey one's order.
- हुक्म-मेंहोना -- to be obedient/subservient to.
- हुक्मी hukmī: -- (a) imperative, mandatory; pertaining to an order.
- हुक्मी बंदा -- obedient servant.
- हुजूम huju:m -- (nm) a crowd, multitude.
- हुजूम-खड़ा करना -- to raise a crowd.
- हुजूर huzu:r -- (int) your honour, your majesty, your lordship !; Sir !; (nm) gracious presence.
- हुजूर-ए-वाला -- your lordship, your honour !.
- हुजूर-में -- in the court (of); in thegracious presence of.
- हुजूरी huzu:ri: -- (nf).
- हुजूरी, जी -- sycophancy, servile attitude.
- हुज्ज/त hujjat -- (nf) altercation, wrangling; pugnacity; fuss.
- हुज्जती -- altercating, wrangling; pugnacious; a fuss-pot.
- हुड़क huṛak -- (nf) pining, longing.
- हुड़कना huṛaknā: -- (v) to pine, to fret.
- हुड़का huṛka: -- (nm) pining, fretting.
- हुड़दं/ग huṛdaṅg -- (nm) commotion, uproar, tumult.
- हुड़दंगी -- uproarious, riotous, commotive.
- हुड़दंग मचाना -- to cause an uproar/tumult.
- हुत hut -- (a) thrown into fire (as an oblation); sacrified.
- हुताग्नि huta:gnī -- (nf) oblation fire.
- हुतात्मता huta:tmata: -- (nf) martyrdom.
- हुतात्मा huta:tmā: -- (nm) a martyr.
- हुनर hunar -- (nf) art, craft; skill.
- हुनरमंद -- an artist; skilful, skilled.
- हुनरमंदी -- artistry; skilfulness.
- हुब्बुलवतनी hubbulwatanī: -- (nf) patriotism, love of the motherland.
- हुमकना humaknā: -- (v) to thrust; to dance about with joy, to behilarious.
- हुमा humā: -- (nf) an imaginary bird of paradise.
- हुमेल humel -- (nf) a kind of neck-lace.
- हुरमत hurmat -- (nf) honour, dignity.
- हुरहुर hurhur -- (nm) a kind of medicinal plant.
- हुर्रा hurra: -- (int) hurrah !.
- हुलसना hulasnā: -- (v) to be hilarious; to be full of joy/aspirations; tolook pretty.
- हुलास hula:s -- (nm) hilarity; joy; aspiration.
- हुलिया huliya: -- (nf) physical features; description.
- हुलिया बताना -- to describe the physical features(of a missing, absconding personetc.).
- हुलिया टाइट/तंग होना -- to be in veryhot waters; to be terribly afflicted.
- हुलिया बिगाड़ना -- to knock into acocked hat, to harass no end; toput into very hot waters.
- हुल्लड़ hullaṛ -- (nm) shemozzle, tumult, uproar.
- हुल्लड़बाज़ -- one whocauses uproar/tumult.
- हुल्लड़बाज़ी -- causing tumultuous scenes/she-mozzle.
- हुल्लड़ करना/मचाना -- to raise atumult, to kick up a row.
- हुश hush -- (int) hush !; keep silent !; don't do !.
- हुस्न husn -- (nm) beauty, prettiness.
- हुस्नपरस्त -- a lover of beauty.
- हुस्नपरस्ती -- love of beauty.
- हुस्न का आलम -- age of superb beauty; times or world of superb beauty.
- हूँ hū: -- (ind) yes; (v) am.
- हूँठा hū:ṭḥa: -- (nm) three and a half.
- हूँसना hū:snā: -- (v) to curse.
- हूक hu:k -- (nf) haunting agony, smarting pain/affliction.
- हूकना hu:knā: -- (v) to have smarting pain; to suffer from a haunting agony.
- हूबहू hu:bahu: -- (a) exactly alike, similar in all respects, on all fours on.
- हूर hu:r -- (nf) a fairy; beauty, very beautiful woman.
- हूर की परी -- a superb beauty.
- हूश hu:sh -- (a) rustic, rude, uncivil.
- हूशपन/हूशपना -- rusticity, rudeness, incivility.
- हृत hrit -- (a) taken away, stolen, pilfered.
- हृतज्ञान -- out of wits, stupefied.
- हृतसर्वस्व -- rendered penniless, who has lost his all.
- हृत्कंप hritkamp -- (nm) palpitation.
- हृदयंगम hridayaṅgam -- (a) taken to heart; mentally assimilated.
- हृदय hriday -- (nm) the heart; core, best part; darling (person).
- हृदयकंप -- palpitation, heart-throb.
- हृदयगत/स्थ -- taken to heart, mentally assimilated.
- हृदयग्राही -- captivating, charming.
- हृदयज्ञ -- who knows the heart, penetrating into the mind.
- हृदय-दौर्बल्य -- weakness of heart, faint-heartedness.
- हृदयविदारक -- heart-rending.
- हृदयवेधी -- heart-piercing, causing extreme anguish or mental agony.
- हृदयशून्य/हीन -- dry, hard-hearted, unfeeling.
- हृदयस्पर्शी -- pathetic, touching, moving.
- हृदयहारी -- charming, attractive, gripping.
- हृदय को छूना -- totouch one's heart, to move.
- हृदय फटना/विदीर्ण होना -- the heart to.
- हृदयाकाश hridaya:ka:sh -- (nm) lit. the sky of the heart—the mental canvas.
- हृदये/श, हृदयेश्वर hridayesh, ~shwar -- (nm) lit. the lord of one's heart—dear one; dear husband/lover; hence हृदयेश्वरी (nf).
- हृदयोन्मादिनी hridayonma:dinī: -- (a) causing erotomania; captivating the heart.
- हृद्गत hridgat -- (a) gone into the heart, well-comprehended, assimilated.
- हृद्रोग hridrog -- (nm) heart-disease.
- हृद्व्यथा hridvyatha: -- (nf) mental anguish, agony.
- हृषीकेश hrishi:kesh -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Vishṉū or Krishṉā.
- हृष्ट hrisṭ -- (a) glad, delighted, pleased.
- हृष्ट-पुष्ट -- stout, robust.
- हेंगा hēga: -- (nf) a (field) leveller.
- हें-हें hēhē -- (nf) grinning sound (of laughter); making humble entreaties, imploring.
- हें-हें करना -- to laughin subdued tones; to beseech/implore in an humble manner.
- हे he -- (ind) a vocative particle.
- हेकड़ hekaṛ -- (a) hubristic; unyielding, stubborn; exercising force.
- हेकड़ी hekṛi: -- (nf) hubris, arrogance; stubbornness; exercise of coercion, show of force/strength.
- हेकड़ी जताना/दिखाना -- to show arrogance, to be hubristic; to apply coercion.
- हेकड़ी भूल जाना -- hubristic attitudeto be shed away; to lose all one'swits.
- हेच hech -- (a) worthless, trifling.
- हेठा heṭḥa: -- (a) inferior, low, mean.
- हेठापन -- inferiority, meanness, lowness.
- हेठी heṭḥi: -- (nf) humiliation, insult, indignity.
- हेठी करना -- to humiliate/insult, to heap indignity on.
- हेठी-होना -- to suffer humiliation/insult/indignity.
- हेड heḍ -- (a) head.
- हेड-ऑफ़िस -- head office.
- हेडक्वार्टर -- headquarter.
- हेडमास्टर -- headmaster.
- हेडमास्टरी -- headmastership.
- हेतु hetu -- (nm) reason, cause; motive.
- हेतु-कथा -- etiological tale.
- हेतुता/त्व -- causation, causativeness, existenceof cause or motive.
- हेतुवाद -- astatement of reasons or arguments, assigning of cause.
- हेतुविज्ञान/विद्या/शास्त्र -- teleology, science of logic.
- हेतुवैज्ञानिक -- teleologist; teleologistic.
- हेतुशास्त्री -- ateleologist.
- हेतुसिद्ध -- telesis.
- हेत्वाभास hettva:bha:s -- (nm) a fallacy; sophism.
- हेमंत hemānt -- (nm) the winter season.
- हेम hem -- (nm) gold.
- हेमकांति -- glittering like gold.
- हेमाभ hemā:bh -- (a) having the lustre of gold.
- हेरना hernā: -- (v) to search; to see हेरना-फेरना to change the order.
- हेर-फेर her-pher -- (nm) interchange; change; rotation; manipulation, unscrupulousness.
- हेर-फेर-करना -- to vary, to make alterations/amendments; to make unscrupulous changes.
- हेराफेरी hera:pheri: -- (nf) manipulation, unscrupulous activity.
- हेलमेल helmel -- (nm) intimacy, close relationship.
- हेलीमेली heli:meli: -- (nm) a friend, an intimate person.
- हैं hāī -- (v) are; (ind) no, what is this; a particle showing astonishment, negation or non-acceptance.
- हैंडबैग hāīṉḍbaig -- (nm) a handbag.
- हैंडिल hāīṉḍil -- (nm) a handle.
- है hai -- (v) is.
- हैगा haiga: -- (v) see है.
- हैज़ा haiza: -- (nm) cholera.
- हैज़ा होना -- to have an attack of cholera.
- हैट haiṭ -- (nm) a hat.
- हैतुक haituk -- (a) having a cause or reason, founded on some motive; also हैतुकी; (nm) a rationalist.
- हैरत hairat -- (nf) amazement, astonishment.
- हैरतअंगेज़ -- amazing, astonishing.
- हैरतज़दा -- amazed, astonished.
- हैरान haira:n -- (a) tired, wearied; perplexed, confounded; amazed, astonished.
- हैरान करना -- to harass.
- हैरानी haira:nī: -- (nf) surprise, amazement; botheration, trouble; weariness; harassment.
- हैवा/न haiva:n -- (nm) an animal; savage, brute, beast.
- हैवानात -- pluralof हैवान.
- हैवानियत -- beastliness, brutality, savagery.
- हैवानी -- beastly, savage, brutal.
- हैसियत haisiyat -- (nf) status; capacity.
- हैसियत के अनुसार -- according to status.
- हैसियत से, की/हैसियत, ब -- in the capacity of.
- हैसियतदार/मंद -- having a status.
- होंठ hōṭḥ -- (nm) see ओठ.
- होंठ काटना/चबाना -- to be full of wrath.
- होंठ सी जाना -- to be dumbfounded, to be speechless.
- होंठ फड़कना -- lips to tremble(through intense emotionalstrain).
- होंठ बिचकाना -- to show contempt/dislike (by movement oflips).
- होंठ-हिलाना -- to move the lips; to commence speech.
- हो/टल, होटेल hoṭal, ~el -- (nm) a hotel.
- होठ hoṭḥ -- (nm) see ओठ.
- होड़ hoṛ -- (nf) competition, race: bet.
- होड़ लगाना -- to enter into acompetition, to have a race/rivalry.
- होड़ा-होड़ी hoṛa:hoṛi: -- (nf) competition; (adv) by way of or throughcompetition/rivalry.
- होतव्य hotavvy -- (a and nm) destined to happen, the inevitable, pre-destined.
- होतव्यता -- inevitability, destiny.
- होता hota: -- (nm) one who offers oblation (to the sacrificial fire).
- होतृ hottri -- (nm) see होता.
- होनहार honha:r -- (a) promising; (nm) the inevitable, destiny.
- होनहार बिरवानके होत चीकने पात? -- coming eventscast their shadows before.
- होना honā: -- (v) to be; to occur, to happen; to exist; to be born.
- होना-, एक समय में -- to synchronize, to besynchronous.
- हो न हो -- probably, perhaps, in all likelihood, maybe.
- हो चलना -- to be well on theway.
- हो चुकना -- to be finished.
- होना-हवाना -- to be done, to happen.
- हो रहना, किसी का -- to belong, tosomebody.
- हो लेना, किसी के साथ -- to accompany somebody.
- होनी honī: -- (nf) destiny, predestination; the inevitable.
- होनी के बस में, तीन लोक -- the entire universe isbound by destiny.
- होम hom -- (nm) a sacrifice; an oblation fire.
- होमकुंड -- a pit for oblation fire.
- होम-सामग्री -- the articles for putting into the oblation fire.
- होम करतेहाथ जलना -- to do a good turn andearn a bad name.
- होम करना -- to perform a sacrifice, to offer oblationto fire.
- होमियोपै/थ homīyopaith -- (nm) a homoeopath.
- होमियोपैथिक -- homoeopathic.
- होमियोपैथी -- (the science of) homoeopathy; practising medicine through thehomoeopathic system.
- होरसा horsa: -- (nm) a flat and round piece of stone used for rubbingsandalwood or for rolling breads.
- होला hola: -- (nm) green gram.
- होलिका holika: -- (nf) the होली festival.
- होलिकादहन -- burning of the pile of fuel on the occasion of होली.
- होली holi: -- (nf) a Hindu festival celebrated on the last day of themonth of फागुन when colouredwater is thrown on one another.
- होली खेलना -- to throw coloured water(on).
- होली जलना -- to make a bonfire(of).
- होल्ड-ऑल/होल्डाल holḍol, holḍa:l -- (nm) a hold-all.
- होल्डर holḍar -- (nm) a holder.
- होश hosh -- (nm) sense, consciousness.
- होश-हवास -- see होश.
- होश आना -- to come tosenses; to regain consciousness.
- होश उड़ना/उड़ जाना/काफ़ूर या गुम होना/जाते रहना/फ़ाख़्ता होना/हवा होना/हिरनहोना -- to be frightened out of one'ssenses, to be at one's wit's end, to lose wits, to be thoroughlyconfounded.
- होश करना -- to recollect; to be alert.
- होश की दवा करो -- sell yourass; get your head shaved !; cometo senses !; talk sense !.
- होश खोना -- to lose one's wits/senses, to become senseless.
- होश ठिकानो आना/होना -- to come to senses; to be fixed inone's proper place, to learn alesson.
- होश न रहना -- to be unconscious, to lose senses.
- होश में आना -- to cometo senses; to gain consciousness.
- होश में लाना -- to bring round; to restoreto consciousness.
- होश रखना -- to becareful, to retain wits.
- होश रहना -- tocontinue to be in senses; to beconscious.
- होश सँभालना -- to gain consciousness; to come of age.
- होश सेबाहर होना -- to lose senses; to beunconscious; to lose one's witsthrough anger.
- होश होना -- to be insenses.
- होशियार hoshiya:r -- (a) clever, wise, intelligent; careful.
- होशियार रहना -- to becareful/alert.
- होशियारी hoshiya:ri: -- (nf) cleverness, wisdom, intelligence; carefulness.
- होस्टल hosṭal -- (nm) a hostel.
- हौंस hāūs -- (nf) craving, longing; deep aspiration.
- हौआ haua: -- (nm) see हौवा.
- हौज़ hauz -- (nm) a tank, reservoir (of water etc.); sink.
- हौद haud -- (nm) see हौज़.
- हौदा hauda: -- (nm) an open or covered seat placed over an elephant; a pond; see हौज़.
- हौदी haudi: -- (nf) a small tank, reservoir; sink.
- हौल haul -- (nm) fear, dread; a hall.
- हौलदिल -- stunned, terrified.
- हौलदिली -- a stunned state, state of utternervousness.
- हौलनाक -- stunning, fearful, dreadful.
- हौली hauli: -- (nf) a liquor shop, tavern.
- हौले-हौले haule-haule -- (adv) slowly; gently; quietly.
- हौवा hauwa: -- (nm) a bogey, bug-bear; scare-crow; a scare—wordused for frightening children.
- हौसला hausla: -- (nm) courage; morale.
- हौसलेमंद -- courageous.
- हौसलाअफ़जाई -- encouragement.
- हौसला करना -- to takecourage, to pluck courage.
- हौसला तोड़ना -- to throw cold water on, to demoralise, to discourage.
- हौसले निकालना -- to have it out; togratify all one's longings.
- हौसला पस्त होना -- to be demoralised.
- ह्रस्व hrassv -- (a) short, small.
- ह्रस्व स्वर -- a short vowel.
- ह्रस hra:s -- (nm) decay; fall, down-fall; diminution.
- ह्रसमान -- decaying, falling, suffering a downfall.
- ह्रासोन्मुख hra:sonmukh -- (a) decaying, diminishing, decadent.
- ह्रासोन्मुख अवस्था -- decadent state.
- ह्रासोन्मुख-सँस्कृति -- decadentculture.
- ह्रासोन्मुखता -- decadence.
- ह्रासोन्मुख राष्ट्र -- adecadent nation.
- ह्रासोन्मुख सभ्यता -- a decadent civilization.
- ह्विस्की wiski: -- (nf) whisky.
- ह्वेल wel -- (nf) a whale.